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to make you feel my love


make you feel my love(Bob Dylan 演唱歌曲)详细资料大全

《make you feel my love》是Bob Dylan原唱的一首歌曲,收录在他1997年的专辑《Time Out of Mind(被遗忘的时光) 》中。是电影《许愿池艳遇》中的插曲。这首歌讲述了不管到那里都要让另一半感受到爱。 基本介绍 外文名称 :Make You Feel My Love 所属专辑 :dylan 歌曲原唱 :Bob Dylan 填词 :Bob Dylan 谱曲 :Bob Dylan 音乐风格 :民谣 歌曲语言 :英语 地区 :美国 歌曲鉴赏,歌曲歌词,歌手介绍, 歌曲鉴赏 原唱为鲍勃迪伦,后经多位流行乐手翻唱,比较经典的翻唱版本非Ronan Keating和Adele莫属。 在美剧《欢乐合唱团》中,由扮演Rachel Berry的Lea Michele演唱,献给扮演剧中Rachel男友Finn Hudson,也是Lea已故男友的Cory Monteith。 电影《许愿池艳遇》的插曲(59分钟处)。 歌曲歌词 英文歌词 When the rain is blowing in your face and the whole world is on your case I could offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love When the evening shadows and the stars appear, and there is no one there to dry your tears, I could hold you for a million years to make you feel my love I know you haven"t made your mind up yet, but I would never do you wrong I"ve known it from the moment that we met, no doubt in my mind where you belong. I"d go hungry; I"d go black and blue, I"d go crawling down the avenue. No, there"s nothing that I wouldn"t do to make you feel my love The storms are raging on the rolling sea and on the highway of regret. Though winds of change are blowning wild and free, you ain"t seen nothing like me yet I could make you happy, make your dreams come true. Nothing that I wouldn"t do. Go to the ends of the Earth for you, to make you feel my love to make you feel my love 中文版本一 当风吹拂起雨滴打在脸庞 巨大的压力让你无法喘息 我能让你在我的臂膀中栖息 让你感受到我的爱意 当夜色朦胧 群星闪烁 没有人能为你拭去泪水 抱着你 直到万年 让你能感受到我的爱意 我知道你还没有作出抉择 无论怎样 我都不会使你难过 就在我们见面的那一刻 我深深的知道 你对我到底有多重要 我经受饥饿与消沉 我感到生活的不易 不 我不会停下来 去让你感受到我的爱意 人生有时就像波涛汹涌的大海 人生也会难免充满遗憾与后悔 世事无常就像风一样肆意吹起 只有我 会永远爱你 我可以使你快乐 让你圆梦 所有的一切 我都能做到 为了你 我去到世界的尽头 只是为了让你感到 我深深的爱意 中文版本二 当雨落在你脸颊 当世界将你抛下 我可以给你一个温暖的拥抱 让你感受到我的爱 当夜幕低垂星光点点 当没人替你拂去泪眼 我可以搂着你 百万年 让你感受到我的爱 我知道你还没有下定决心 但我永远不会让你伤心 我确信 从我们相遇的那刻起 我就从未怀疑 你该属于谁 我食不下咽 我低落消沉 我步履蹒跚 徘徊在林阴小路 我愿为你做任何事 让你感受到 我的爱 狂风在怒吼 在翻滚的浪潮上 在悔恨的航线上 虽然多变的风正在肆虐 但这一切你都不会看到 因我已替你挡去 我可以让你开心 美梦成真 我可以为你去做任何事 为你走到天涯海角 让你感受到 我的爱 让你感受到 我的爱 中文版本三 当雨肆虐你脸颊 当世界将你抛下 我愿拥你入怀 感受我胸膛的温度 当夜幕低垂繁星点点 当无人抚去你的泪眼 我愿将你永世温存 让你感受到我胸口的悸动 我知道你心意未决 但我永远不会背叛 我确幸 自我们初遇之时 我就从未怀疑 你心所属 我宁愿风餐露宿 宁愿遍体鳞伤 宁愿步履蹒跚徘徊在林阴小路 为你我愿倾尽所有 让你感受到我如泣的血液 风暴席卷怒海 越过漫漫长路 往事如风恣意飘散 正如你从未见过 如此完整的我 愿我是你幸福的源泉 是你梦想的彼岸 为此我将倾尽所有 追随你到天涯海角 愿你听到我的心跳 感受到我的爱 D&C 中英文歌词版本一 When the rain is blowing in your face 当雨水打湿了你的脸颊 and the whole world is on your case 当整个世界都在指责你 I could offer you a warm embrace 此刻多想好好抱着你 to make you feel my love 能让你感到我的爱 When the evening shadows and the stars appear, 夜幕降临,群星初现 and there is no one there to dry your tears, 没有人为你拭去眼角的泪水 I could hold you for a million years 我愿永世将你捧在手心 to make you feel my love. 能让你感受我的爱 I know you haven"t made your mind up yet, 我知道你仍未作出决断 but I would never do you wrong. 我绝对不会枉负你 I"ve known it from the moment that we met 我知道与你相遇的那一刻起 no doubt in my mind where you belong. 你在我心中的地位就已确定 I"d go hungry; I"d go black and blue, 我愿意为你受饥挨饿,灰暗忧伤 I"d go crawling down the avenue. 我愿意为你蹒跚前行在大道上 No, there"s nothing that I wouldn"t do 没有什么能阻拦我 to make you feel my love. 让你感受我的爱 The storms are raging on the rolling sea 人生如波涛汹涌的大海 and on the highway of regret. 生活中难免会存在种种遗憾 Though winds of change are throwing wild and free, 无常的狂风无法避免 you ain"t seen nothing like me yet. 但爱你的心却永不腐朽 I could make you happy, make your dreams come true. 我能使你开心,我能使你梦想成真 Nothing that I wouldn"t do. 我愿为你做任何事情 Go to the ends of the Earth for you, 哪怕是与你一起走向世界的尽头 to make you feel my love 只是为了让你能感受我的爱 to make you feel my love 只是为了让你能感受我的爱 中英文对照歌词版本二 When the rain is blowing in your face 当雨水吹在你的脸颊 and the whole world is on your case 当整个世界都处在你的情况 I could offer you a warm embrace 我能给你一个拥抱 to make you feel my love 让你感受我的爱 When the evening shadows and the stars appear 当夜晚的阴影和群星出现 and there is no one there to dry your tears 没有人为你擦干脸上的泪水 I could hold you for a million years 我可以握住你一百万年 to make you feel my love 让你感受我的爱 I know you haven"t made your mind up yet 我知道你还没决定你的想法 but I would never do you wrong 但我永远不会做你的错误 I"ve known it from the moment that we met 从我们相遇的那一刻起,我就知道了 no doubt in my mind where you belong. 在我的心里,你是属于我的 I"d go hungry; I"d go black and blue, 我会挨饿,我会进入黑暗和忧伤 I"d go crawling down the avenue. 我会在大街上爬 No, there"s nothing that I wouldn"t do 没有,没有什么,我不会做 to make you feel my love. 让你感受我的爱 The storms are raging on the rolling sea 风暴在翻滚的海上是猛烈的 and on the highway of regret 在后悔之路上 Though winds of change are blowing wild and free 尽管变幻无常的风吹的是狂热的和自由的 you ain"t seen nothing like me yet. 你还没有像我一样看见 I could make you happy, make your dreams come true. 我可以让你快乐,让你的梦想成真 Nothing that I wouldn"t do. 没有什么,我不会做 Go to the ends of the Earth for you 为你走到世界尽头 to make you feel my love 去让你感受我的爱 古风版歌词 此情感君怜 细雨落君颜,凝噎冷暖间。 相看两相牵,此情感君怜。 夜落星斗繁,谁解泪阑干。 执手越千年,此情感君怜。 君意似风闲,妾心若松坚。 如故虽初见,前生未了缘。 疾苦未曾嫌,贫贱亦如甘。 万事无不堪,此情感君怜。 疾风弄狂澜,寒雨湿荒阡。 风雨变无端,红丝今始连。 望君偿所愿,万事无不堪。 相随意绵绵,此情感君怜。 歌手介绍 Adele 出生地 :英国伦敦托特纳姆 Adele-Make You Feel My Love 身高 :5 ft 9 in (175 cm) 音乐曲风 :Soul、R&B、Gospel、Folk、Jazz、Blues、ElectricPop、Rap. 活跃时期 :2006年至今 唱片公司 :XL Recordings,Universal Music 奖项 :于2007年12月10日,ADELE(阿黛尔)被授予与第一次全英音乐奖评论家选择奖。 于2009年 2月9日(美国时间),ADELE(阿黛尔)获得51届格莱美年度最佳新人,最佳流行女歌手奖。 于2012年2月13日,ADELE(阿黛尔)在第54届葛莱美奖中凭借专辑《21》和单曲《Rolling In The Deep》六项提名全部命中。分别拿下最佳专辑、最佳制作、最佳单曲、最佳流行专辑、最佳流行歌手、最佳短片MV六座奖杯。 评价 :1988年5月出生的Adele,有着与年龄不相符的沙哑醇厚的好嗓音,散发著初春时节的乍暖还寒,典型的爵士和蓝调韵味。这首Make You Feel My love是翻唱Bob Dylan的歌,选用钢琴伴奏,气韵缠绵,让人百听不厌。 Ronan keating 出生地 :爱尔兰 都柏林 出生日期 :1977年3月3日 星座 :双鱼座 代表作 :《When you say nothing at all》

make you feel my love的歌曲歌词

When the rain is blowing in your faceand the whole world is on your caseI could offer you a warm embraceto make you feel my loveWhen the evening shadows and the stars appear,and there is no one there to dry your tears,I could hold you for a million yearsto make you feel my loveI know you haven"t made your mind up yet,but I would never do you wrongI"ve known it from the moment that we met,no doubt in my mind where you belong.I"d go hungry; I"d go black and blue,I"d go crawling down the avenue.No, there"s nothing that I wouldn"t doto make you feel my loveThe storms are raging on the rolling seaand on the highway of regret.Though winds of change are blowning wild and free,you ain"t seen nothing like me yetI could make you happy, make your dreams come true.Nothing that I wouldn"t do.Go to the ends of the Earth for you,to make you feel my loveto make you feel my love 当风吹拂起雨滴打在脸庞巨大的压力让你无法喘息我能让你在我的臂膀中栖息让你感受到我的爱意当夜色朦胧 群星闪烁没有人能为你拭去泪水抱着你 直到万年让你能感受到我的爱意我知道你还没有作出抉择无论怎样 我都不会使你难过就在我们见面的那一刻我深深的知道你对我到底有多重要我经受饥饿与消沉我感到生活的不易不 我不会停下来去让你感受到我的爱意人生有时就像波涛汹涌的大海人生也会难免充满遗憾与后悔世事无常就像风一样肆意吹起只有我 会永远爱你我可以使你快乐 让你圆梦所有的一切 我都能做到为了你 我去到世界的尽头只是为了让你感到我深深的爱意 当雨肆虐你脸颊  当世界将你抛下  我愿拥你入怀  感受我胸膛的温度  当夜幕低垂繁星点点  当无人抚去你的泪眼  我愿将你永世温存  让你感受到我胸口的悸动  我知道你心意未决  但我永远不会背叛  我确幸  自我们初遇之时  我就从未怀疑  你心所属  我宁愿风餐露宿  宁愿遍体鳞伤  宁愿步履蹒跚徘徊在林阴小路  为你我愿倾尽所有  让你感受到我如泣的血液  风暴席卷怒海  越过漫漫长路  往事如风恣意飘散  正如你从未见过  如此完整的我  愿我是你幸福的源泉  是你梦想的彼岸  为此我将倾尽所有  追随你到天涯海角  愿你听到我的心跳  感受到我的爱D&C When the rain is blowing in your face当雨水打湿了你的脸颊and the whole world is on your case当整个世界都在指责你I could offer you a warm embrace此刻多想好好抱着你to make you feel my love能让你感到我的爱When the evening shadows and the stars appear,夜幕降临,群星初现and there is no one there to dry your tears,没有人为你拭去眼角的泪水I could hold you for a million years我愿永世将你捧在手心to make you feel my love.能让你感受我的爱I know you haven"t made your mind up yet,我知道你仍未作出决断but I would never do you wrong.我绝对不会枉负你I"ve known it from the moment that we met我知道与你相遇的那一刻起no doubt in my mind where you belong.你在我心中的地位就已确定I"d go hungry; I"d go black and blue,我愿意为你受饥挨饿,灰暗忧伤I"d go crawling down the avenue.我愿意为你蹒跚前行在大道上No, there"s nothing that I wouldn"t do没有什么能阻拦我to make you feel my love.让你感受我的爱The storms are raging on the rolling sea人生如波涛汹涌的大海and on the highway of regret.生活中难免会存在种种遗憾Though winds of change are throwing wild and free,无常的狂风无法避免you ain"t seen nothing like me yet.但爱你的心却永不腐朽I could make you happy, make your dreams come true.我能使你开心,我能使你梦想成真Nothing that I wouldn"t do.我愿为你做任何事情Go to the ends of the Earth for you,哪怕是与你一起走向世界的尽头to make you feel my love只是为了让你能感受我的爱to make you feel my love只是为了让你能感受我的爱 When the rain is blowing in your face当雨水吹在你的脸颊and the whole world is on your case当整个世界都处在你的情况I could offer you a warm embrace我能给你一个拥抱to make you feel my love让你感受我的爱When the evening shadows and the stars appear当夜晚的阴影和群星出现and there is no one there to dry your tears没有人为你擦干脸上的泪水I could hold you for a million years我可以握住你一百万年to make you feel my love让你感受我的爱I know you haven"t made your mind up yet我知道你还没决定你的想法but I would never do you wrong但我永远不会做你的错误I"ve known it from the moment that we met从我们相遇的那一刻起,我就知道了no doubt in my mind where you belong.在我的心里,你是属于我的I"d go hungry; I"d go black and blue,我会挨饿,我会进入黑暗和忧伤I"d go crawling down the avenue.我会在大街上爬No, there"s nothing that I wouldn"t do没有,没有什么,我不会做to make you feel my love.让你感受我的爱The storms are raging on the rolling sea风暴在翻滚的海上是猛烈的and on the highway of regret在后悔之路上Though winds of change are blowing wild and free尽管变幻无常的风吹的是狂热的和自由的you ain"t seen nothing like me yet.你还没有像我一样看见I could make you happy, make your dreams come true.我可以让你快乐,让你的梦想成真Nothing that I wouldn"t do.没有什么,我不会做Go to the ends of the Earth for you为你走到世界尽头to make you feel my love去让你感受我的爱 出生地:英国伦敦托特纳姆身高:5 ft 9 in (175 cm)音乐曲风:Soul、R&B、Gospel、Folk、Jazz、Blues、ElectricPop.活跃时期:2006年至今唱片公司:XL Recordings,Universal Music奖项:于2007年12月10日,ADELE(阿黛尔)被授予与第一次全英音乐奖评论家选择奖。于2009年 2月9日(美国时间),ADELE(阿黛尔)获得51届格莱美年度最佳新人,最佳流行女歌手奖。于2012年2月13日,ADELE(阿黛尔)在第54届格莱美奖中凭借专辑《21》和单曲《Rolling In The Deep》六项提名全部命中。分别拿下最佳专辑、最佳制作、最佳单曲、最佳流行专辑、最佳流行歌手、最佳短片MV六座奖杯。 评价:1988年5月出生的Adele,有着与年龄不相符的沙哑醇厚的好嗓音,散发着初春时节的乍暖还寒,典型的爵士和蓝调韵味。这首Make You Feel My love是翻唱Bob Dylan的歌,选用钢琴伴奏,气韵缠绵,让人百听不厌。 出生地:爱尔兰 都柏林出生日期:1977年3月3日星座:双鱼座代表作:《When you say nothing at all》

To Make You Feel My Love中文翻译


《make you feel my love》(感受我的情深意长)

When the rain is blowing in your face 雨滴轻抚你的面庞 and the whole world is on your case 世界因你惆怅 I could offer you a warm embrace 用拥抱将你温暖 to make you feel my love 感受我的情深意长 When the evening shadows and the stars appear 当繁星伴随着夜晚出现 and there is no one there to dry your tears 无人替你拭去泪伤 I would hold you for a million years 我会守候千载 to make you feel my love 感受我的情深意长 I know you haven"t made your mind up yet 我知你心意未决 but I would never do you wrong 但我不会焦急慌张 I"ve known it from the moment that we met 当你我偶然相遇 no doubt in my mind where you belong 别怀疑 你已占据我的心房 I"d go hungry; I"d go black and blue 我心力交瘁 I"d go crawling down the avenue 我步履蹒跚 No, there"s nothing that I wouldn"t do 可是我无有他想 to make you feel my love. 只让你感觉真爱一如往常 The storms are raging on the rolling sea 狂风怒吼卷起千层浪 and on the highway of regret. 也会追悔莫及 Though winds of change are throwing wild and free 也会历经沧桑 you ain"t seen nothing like me yet 我依旧如此爱你 像从前一样 I could make you happy, make your dreams come true 让你欣喜 让你如愿以偿 Nothing that I wouldn"t do 我能做的只有这些 Go to the ends of the Earth for you 为你过海飘洋 to make you feel my love 感受我的情深意长 to make you feel my love 感受我的情深意长

To Make You Feel My Love 歌词

歌曲:To Make You Feel My Love歌手:Garth BrooksWhen the rain is blowing in your faceAnd the whole world is on your caseI would offer you a warm embraceTo make you feel my loveWhen the evening shadows and the stars appearAnd there is no one there to dry your tearsI could hold you for a million yearsTo make you feel my loveI know you haven"t made your mind up yetBut I would never do you wrongI"ve known it from the moment that we metIt"s no doubt in my mind where you belongI"d go hungry, I"d go black and blueI"d go crawling down the avenueThere"s nothing that I wouldn"t doTo make you feel my loveEn...The storms are raging on the rollin" seaAnd on the highway of regretThe winds of change are blowing wild and freeYou ain"t seen nothing like me yetThere"s nothing that I wouldn"t doGo to the end of the earth for youMake you happy, make your dreams come trueTo make you feel my loveEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/20449783

求Adele的Make You Feel My Love的歌词

Make You Feel My Love Adelewhen the rain is blowing in your faceand the whole world is on your caseI could offer you a warm embraceto make you feel my lovewhen the evening shadows and the stars appearand there is no one there to dry your tearsI could hold you for a million yearsto make you feel my loveI know you haven"t made your mind up yetbut I would never do you wrongI"ve known it from the moment that we metno doubt in my mind where you belongI"d go hungry I"d go black and blueI"d go crawling down the avenueno there"s nothing that I wou;dn"t doto make you feel my lovethe storms are raging on the rolling seaand on the highway of regretthe winds of change are blowing wild and freeyou ain"t seen nothing like me yetI could make you happy make your dreams come truenothing that I wouldn"t dogo to the ends of the earths for youto make you feel my loveto make you feel my love

To Make You Feel My Love 歌词

歌曲名:To Make You Feel My Love歌手:Monica Green专辑:ColorsWhen the rain is blowing in your faceAnd the whole world is on your caseI could offer you a warm embraceTo make you feel my loveWhen the evening shadows and the stars appearAnd there is no one there to dry your tearsI could hold you for a million yearsTo make you feel my loveI know you haven"t made your mind up yetBut I would never do you wrongI"ve known it from the moment that we metNo doubt in my mind where you belongI"d go hungry, I"d go black and blueI"d go crawling down the avenueThere"s nothing that I wouldn"t doTo make you feel my loveThe storms are raging on the rollin" seaAnd on the highway of regretThe winds of change are blowing wild and freeYou ain"t seen nothing like me yetI could make you happy, make your dreams come trueNothing that I wouldn"t doGo to the ends of the earth for youTo make you feel my loveWhen the rain is blowing in your faceAnd the whole world is on your caseI could offer you a warm embraceTo make you feel my lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14963182

请问歌曲《make you feel my love》的整体中文翻译是什么

中文歌词 当雨落在你脸颊  当世界将你抛下  我可以给你一个温暖的拥抱  让你感受到我的爱  当夜幕低垂星光点点  当没人替你拂去泪眼  我可以搂着你 百万年  让你感受到我的爱  我知道你还没有下定决心  但我永远不会让你伤心  我确信  从我们相遇的那刻起  我就从未怀疑  你该属于谁  我食不下咽  我低落消沉  我步履蹒跚 徘徊在林阴小路  我愿为你做任何事  让你感受到 我的爱  狂风在怒吼  在翻滚的浪潮上  在悔恨的航线上  虽然多变的风正在肆虐  但这一切你都不会看到  因我已替你挡去  我可以让你开心  美梦成真  我可以为你去做任何事  为你走到天涯海角  让你感受到 我的爱  让你感受到 我的爱中英文歌词When the rain is blowing in your face当雨水打湿了你的脸颊and the whole world is on your case当整个世界都在指责你I could offer you a warm embrace此刻多想好好抱着你to make you feel my love能让你感到我的爱When the evening shadows and the stars appear,夜幕降临,群星初现and there is no one there to dry your tears,没有人为你拭去眼角的泪水I could hold you for a million years我愿永世将你捧在手心to make you feel my love.能让你感受我的爱I know you haven"t made your mind up yet,我知道你仍未作出决断but I would never do you wrong.我绝对没有看走眼I"ve known it from the moment that we met我知道与你相遇的那一刻起no doubt in my mind where you belong.我就心有所属I"d go hungry; I"d go black and blue,我愿意为你受尽苦难I"d go crawling down the avenue.我愿意为你吃尽苦头No, there"s nothing that I wouldn"t do没有什么能阻拦我to make you feel my love.让你感受我的爱The storms are raging on the rolling sea人生如波涛汹涌的大海and on the highway of regret.生活中难免会存在种种遗憾Though winds of change are throwing wild and free,无常的狂风无法避免you ain"t seen nothing like me yet.但爱你的心却永不腐朽I could make you happy, make your dreams come true.我能使你开心,我能使你梦想成真Nothing that I wouldn"t do.我愿为你做任何事情Go to the ends of the Earth for you,哪怕是与你一起走向世界的尽头to make you feel my love只是为了让你能感受我的爱to make you feel my love只是为了让你能感受我的爱

make you feel my love-adele歌词及其翻译拜托各位大神

When the rain"s blowing in your face 当雨水在你的脸上恣睢 and the whole world is on your case 你将整个世界背负在自己的行囊里 i would offer you a warm embrace 我会给你一个温暖的拥抱 to make you feel my love 让你感受我的爱 when the evening shadows 当夜幕降临 and the stars appear 天上的繁星闪现 and there is no one to dry your tears 没有人拭去你眼角的泪水 i would hold you for a million years 我会紧紧的抱着你 直到海枯石烂 to make you feel my love 让你感受我的爱 i know you haven"t made your mind up yet 我知道你还没有下定决心 but i would never do you wrong 但我决不会做错事 i"ve known it from the moment that we met 我知道 从我们相遇的那一刻起 there"s no doubt in my mind where you belong 毫无疑问 你在我心中的位置是多么的重要 i"d go hungry, i"d go black and blue 我会为你风餐露宿 我会为你忧郁感伤 i"d go crawling down the avenue 我会为你在无人的小路蹒跚徜徉 there ain"t nothing i wouldn"t do 没有什么我不可以做 to make you feel my love 只是让你感受我的爱 the storms are raging on a rollin" sea 肆虐的暴风卷动着翻滚的海浪 down the highway of regret 孤独的公路上 the winds of change are blowing wild and free 风儿在自由而狂野的流放 you ain"t seen nothing like me yet 你会看到我的每个影象 I could make you happy make your dreams come true 我会让你开心 让美梦成真 nothing that i wouldn"t do 没有什么我不可以做 got to the ends of this earth for you 我会为你走遍天涯海角 to make you feel my love 让你感受我的爱 to make you feel my love 让你感受我的爱

too make you feel my love 中文歌词

When the rainIs blowing in your face当雨落在你脸颊And the whole worldIs on your case当世界将你抛下I could offer youA warm embrace我可以给你一个温暖的拥抱To make you feel my love让你感受到 我的爱When the evening shadowsAnd the stars appear当夜幕低垂星光点点And there is no one thereTo dry your tears当没人替你拂去泪眼I could hold youFor a million years我可以搂着你 百万年To make you feel my love让你感受到 我的爱I know youhaven"t made我知道你还没有Your mind up yet下定决心But I would never但我永远不会Do you wrong让你伤心I"ve known it我确信From the momentThat we met从我们相遇的那刻起No doubt in my mind我就从未怀疑Where you belong你该属于谁I"d go hungry我食不下咽I"d go black and blue我低落消沉I"d go crawlingDown the avenue我步履蹒跚 徘徊在林阴小路No, there"s nothingThat I wouldn"t do我愿为你做任何事To make you feel my love让你感受到 我的爱The storms are raging狂风在怒吼On the rolling sea在翻滚的浪潮上And on thehighway of regret在悔恨的航线上Though winds of changeAre throwing wild and free虽然多变的风正在肆虐You ain"t seen nothing但这一切你都不会看到Like me yet因我已替你挡去I could make you happy我可以让你开心Make your dreams come true美梦成真Nothing that I wouldn"t do我可以为你去做任何事Go to the endsOf the Earth for you为你走到天涯海角To make you feel my love让你感受到 我的爱To make you feel my love让你感受到 我的爱

make you feel my love-adele歌词及其翻译


Action movies make people feel excited. 的句子成分?

Action movied(主语) make(谓语) people(宾语) feel(宾语补足语) excited(表语).

求 Can You Feel It 纤夫的爱 千年等一回 nobody 聪明的一休 我爱洗澡 化蝶飞

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求非诚勿扰插曲can you feel it 的MP3有效链接 空间要用 谢谢


Can You Feel It 高潮部分


求 :i can feel it 中文歌词


有没有像Can you feel it一样有气势、有节奏的歌曲啊?

That"s Not My Name - The Ting Tings3 - Britney SpearsG-Slide (Tour Bus) - Lil" MamaButtons - The Pussycat DollsShe Is My Sin - NightwishLove Me - Justin Bieberbaby - Justin BieberGhost - Little BootsN-N-N-Neva Baby - Ke$ha22 - Lily AllenLDN - Lily Allen希望你会喜欢。。



韩国歌曲bigbang中有类似can you feel it高潮的音乐吗?


很轻柔英文歌 哼唱部分 i feel it

This Is Love - will.i.am & Eva SimonsIf you love it like I love it如果你像我一样的爱它And you feel what I feel inside你会知道我内心的感受 If you want it like I want it如果你和我有一样的追求Then baby let"s get it tonight宝贝让我们今晚去感受吧If you feel it say hell yeah (hell yeah)如果你觉得说的没错(没错)Say hell yeah (hell yeah)说是地狱(没错)Say hell yeah (hell yeah)说是地狱(没错)This is love this is love this is love这是爱,这是爱,这就是爱Can you feel the love你能感受到我的爱Can you feel the love你能感受到我的爱Can you feel the love你能感受到我的爱This is love this is love this is love这是爱,这是爱,这就是爱This is love for the beats这是爱的节拍Steal it in the streets在街上偷吻Love for the melody notes on the sheets在床上美妙的爱情The dope crusader funky terminator涂料的十字军的终结者I created me a rocket just so we could rock it later我创造了我的火箭就是这样我们可以岩石后And the way the beat is knocking got me feeling (alright)的方式和节奏敲击我的感觉(好吧)Cause the DJ got me walking on the ceiling (all night)引起DJ让我走在天花板(整夜)I got a rocket full for the globe bomb a disco我有一个全球的迪斯科全火箭炸弹Fill it up with love and then I watch it explode它填补了爱,然后看它爆炸If you love it like I love it如果你像我一样的爱它And you feel what I feel inside你会知道我内心的感受 If you want it like I want it如果你和我有一样的追求Then baby let"s get it tonight宝贝让我们今晚去感受吧If you feel it say hell yeah (hell yeah)如果你觉得说的没错(没错)Say hell yeah (hell yeah)说是地狱(没错)Say hell yeah (hell yeah)说是地狱(没错)This is love this is love this is love这是爱,这是爱,这就是爱Can you feel the love你能感受到我的爱Can you feel the love你能感受到我的爱Can you feel the love你能感受到我的爱This is love this is love this is love这是爱,这是爱,这就是爱This is love for the bass and love for the treble这是低音和高音的爱Love for the orchestra violoncello为管弦乐团大提琴的爱Love for computer beat harder than metal爱电脑打比金属House beats housing bouncing in the ghetto房子比住房在贫民窟的弹跳We sip till we smashed up feeling alright我们的SIP直到我们捣毁感觉好吗And we rock the ghetto blaster rocking all night我们的摇滚的贫民区的冲击波摇摆整夜I sent a rocket to the globe bomb a disco我送了一个火箭全球炸弹迪斯科I filled it up with love and then I watched it explode我充满了爱和我看着它爆炸Eh baby yeah alright嗯孩子好吧Can you feel it你信吗Good God yeah alright上帝是好的Can you feel the love你能感受到我的爱Can you feel the love你能感受到我的爱Can you feel the love你能感受到我的爱This is love this is love this is love这是爱,这是爱,这就是爱This is love this is love this is love这是爱,这是爱,这就是爱This is love this is love this is love这是爱,这是爱,这就是爱This is love this is love this is love这是爱,这是爱,这就是爱This is love this is love this is love这是爱,这是爱,这就是爱Can you feel the love你能感受到我的爱Can you feel the love你能感受到我的爱Can you feel the love你能感受到我的爱Can you feel the love你能感受到我的爱Can you feel the love你能感受到我的爱Can you feel the love你能感受到我的爱Can you feel the love你能感受到我的爱Can you feel the love你能感受到我的爱

I Can Feel It 歌词

歌曲名:I Can Feel It歌手:Dmx专辑:It"S Dark And Hell Is HotSean Kingston - I can feel itYeaaahNa na na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na(I can feel it)When me look in your eyesFo sho(Can you feel it)Me have fi make you mineLets go(I can feel it)If you give me a change I"ll show ya(Girl can you feel it)I can have you when the nights ovaCuz i want you n need you right here loveAint no problem we can share coz...you di oneIv never saw a gurl that look soShe dance to reggae and calipsoShes my type pon di descriptionHere i comeBaby (baby)You fine as hell and know how much im crazy (crazy)But i just don"t mind if you cheat coz you not ma lady (lady)And the situation gotta second shady (shady)Coz i want you here(Hold on...I can feel it)When me look in your eyesFo sho(Can you feel it)Me have fi make you mineLets go(I can feel it)If you give me a change I"ll show ya(Girl let me feel it)I can have you when the nights ovaMe love the way you look wit ya eye-saTell yuh boyfriend move he a jokerThe way you dance and moveYou turn me onMove ma, baby come closerLet me get a good look at that figgaHow dem jeans just hold it togethaTell me how (tell me how)Baby (baby)You fine as hell and know how much im crazy (crazy)But i just don"t mind if you cheat coz you not ma lady (lady)And the situation gotta second shady (shady)Coz i want you here(Hold on..I can feel it)When me look in your eyesFo sho(I can feel it)Me have fi make you mineLets go(I can feel it)If you give me a change I"ll show ya(Girl let me feel it)I can have you when the nights ovaYes you gotta man shawty, but i just dont care shawtyEyyyy i wanna be witchu tonightLets leave the club shawtyIts a quarter to three shawtyEyyyy i wanna be witchu tonightBaby (baby)You fine as hell and know how much im crazy (crazy)But i just don"t mind if you cheat coz you not ma lady (lady)And the situation gotta second shady (shady)Coz i want you here(Hold on...i can feel it)When me look in your eyesFo sho(Can you feel it)Me have fi make you mineLets go(I can feel it)If you give me a change I"ll show ya(Girl can you feel it)I can have you when the nights ovahttp://music.baidu.com/song/7554037

we can feel it歌词

歌曲名:I Can Feel It歌手:Dmx专辑:It"S Dark And Hell Is HotSean Kingston - I can feel itYeaaahNa na na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na(I can feel it)When me look in your eyesFo sho(Can you feel it)Me have fi make you mineLets go(I can feel it)If you give me a change I"ll show ya(Girl can you feel it)I can have you when the nights ovaCuz i want you n need you right here loveAint no problem we can share coz...you di oneIv never saw a gurl that look soShe dance to reggae and calipsoShes my type pon di descriptionHere i comeBaby (baby)You fine as hell and know how much im crazy (crazy)But i just don"t mind if you cheat coz you not ma lady (lady)And the situation gotta second shady (shady)Coz i want you here(Hold on...I can feel it)When me look in your eyesFo sho(Can you feel it)Me have fi make you mineLets go(I can feel it)If you give me a change I"ll show ya(Girl let me feel it)I can have you when the nights ovaMe love the way you look wit ya eye-saTell yuh boyfriend move he a jokerThe way you dance and moveYou turn me onMove ma,baby come closerLet me get a good look at that figgaHow dem jeans just hold it togethaTell me how (tell me how)Baby (baby)You fine as hell and know how much im crazy (crazy)But i just don"t mind if you cheat coz you not ma lady (lady)And the situation gotta second shady (shady)Coz i want you here(Hold on..I can feel it)When me look in your eyesFo sho(I can feel it)Me have fi make you mineLets go(I can feel it)If you give me a change I"ll show ya(Girl let me feel it)I can have you when the nights ovaYes you gotta man shawty,but i just dont care shawtyEyyyy i wanna be witchu tonightLets leave the club shawtyIts a quarter to three shawtyEyyyy i wanna be witchu tonightBaby (baby)You fine as hell and know how much im crazy (crazy)But i just don"t mind if you cheat coz you not ma lady (lady)And the situation gotta second shady (shady)Coz i want you here(Hold on...i can feel it)When me look in your eyesFo sho(Can you feel it)Me have fi make you mineLets go(I can feel it)If you give me a change I"ll show ya(Girl can you feel it)I can have you when the nights ova

有首韩语歌曲 不知道什么名字 有句歌词是can you see can you feel


求非诚勿扰can you feel it的MP3下载地址


艾薇儿的一首和 Can You Feel It 女生段落很像的一首歌叫什么?很有气氛,有很多

我觉得once for real 比较像,但是没有很多歌迷一起唱

求首英文歌:歌词重复 can you feel it ,女歌手

jean roch-《Can you feel it》wait....Ladies and gentlemanThe time is hereThe time is nowAll over the worldParisSaint TropezEveryone on holidayPut your drinks in the airThis timeJean RochCan you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Jean Roch saysCan you Feel it?Jean Roch saysCan you Feel it?Jean Roch saysCan you feel it,feel it ,feel itCan you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?I can feel my heart, my energyAnd I doubt my fire bombsAnd men you"re just like beachAnd everyone aboutUnderstand with his cry, happy endFeaturing a man who comes back flames !Hand of God, all the power of loveCan you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Everyday I know I feel the painEverynight you know I don"t lose the gameCause you don"t look all I have in my mindI can feel the glory in my dreamsIn my life, I just see you and meTogether, we can be so strongGet your hands up, (come on), everybody, (let"s go)Get your hands up, (come on), everybody, (let"s go)Can you feel it, (say Y)Can you feel it, (say Y)Can you feel it, (say Y)Can you feel it, (say Y)Let"s Go!Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?(she can feel it)Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?(feel it)(feel it)

这是什么歌?嘿嘿耶耶,我是你的狗饭,no way no way can you feel it

笑死我了。应该是艾薇儿的“girlfriend”。歌词如下Hey hey, you you, I don"t like your girlfriendNo way, no way, I think you need a new oneHey hey, you you, I could be your girlfriendHey hey, you you, I know that you like meNo way, no way, you know it"s not a secretHey hey, you you, I want to be your girlfriendYou"re so fine, I want you mine, you"re so deliciousI think about you all the time, you"re so addictiveDon"t you know what I can do to make you feel alright?Don"t pretend, I think you know I"m damn preciousAnd hell yeah I"m the mother fucking princessI can tell you like me too and you know I"m rightShe"s like so whateverYou can do so much betterI think we should get together nowAnd that"s what everyone"s talking aboutHey hey, you you, I don"t like your girlfriendNo way no way, I think you need a new oneHey hey, you you, I could be your girlfriendHey hey, you you, I know that you like meNo way, no way, you know its not a secretHey hey, you you, I want to be your girlfriendI can see the way, I see the way you look at meAnd even when you look away I know you think of meI know you talk about me all the time again and againSo come over here and tell me what I wanna hearBetter yet, make your girlfriend disappearI don"t wanna hear you say her name ever againCause she"s like so whateverAnd you can do so much betterI think we should get together nowAnd that"s what everyone"s talking aboutHey hey, you you, I don"t like your girlfriendNo way, no way, I think you need a new oneHey hey, you you, I could be your girlfriendHey hey, you you, I know that you like meNo way, no way, you know it"s not a secretHey hey, you you, I want to be your girlfriendIn a second you"ll be wrapped around my finger"Cause I can, cause I can do it betterThere"s no other, so when"s it gonna sink in?She"s so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?In a second you"ll be wrapped around my finger"Cause I can, cause I can do it betterThere"s no other, so when"s it gonna sink in?She"s so stupid, what the hell were you thinking?Hey hey, you you, I don"t like your girlfriendNo way, no way, I think you need a new oneHey hey, you you, I could be your girlfriend(No way, no way)Hey hey, you you, I know that you like meNo way, no way, you know it"s not a secretHey hey, you you, I want to be your girlfriend(No way, no way)Hey hey, you you, I don"t like your girlfriendNo way, no way, I think you need a new oneHey hey, you you, I could be your girlfriendNo way, no wayHey hey, you you, I know that you like meNo way, no way, you know it"s not a secretHey hey, you you, I want to be your girlfriendNo way, no way, hey hey!

赫海的can you feel it,也就是触触舞的歌词中文翻译是什么?


请帮忙翻译歌词大意 Can you Feel it? jean roch


Can you feel it的中文歌词

女士们和绅士!就在此地!就在此时!全世界!巴黎!圣特罗佩!在度假的人们!举起你们手上的饮料!因为我要说!Jean Roch问你感觉到了没?你感觉到了没?Jean Roch问你感觉到了没?Jean Roch问你感觉到了没?Jean Roch问你能感觉到,感觉到!感觉到!你感觉到了没?你感觉到了没?你感觉到了没?Yeah!Come on!我能感觉到心跳,感觉到力量!仿佛在爆裂的燃烧!老兄!你就像火焰的海滩。每个人都是!痛苦和快乐与你们彼此同在!看清自己这个热情如火的人吧!心里的上帝之手,那爱的力量!你感觉到了没?你感觉到了没?你感觉到了没?你感觉到了没?你感觉到了没?每一天,我都知道自己的辛苦。每个你记得的夜晚,我从未输过因为你看不到我的执念我渴望梦想中的荣耀在我的人生里你我并肩前行我们可以更强!伸出你的手,(来吧),每个人!(我们出发!)伸出你的手,(来吧),每个人!(我们出发!)感觉到了没?(怎么样!)感觉到了没?(怎么样!)感觉到了没?(怎么样!)感觉到了没?(怎么样!)出发!你感觉到了没?你感觉到了没?你感觉到了没?你感觉到了没?你感觉到了没?

求can you feel it(非诚勿扰上的)lrc歌词

[00:03.35]Ladies and gentleman[00:06.66]The time is here[00:08.11]The time is now[00:11.20]All over the world[00:13.69]Paris[00:15.42]Sant Francisco[00:20.13]Everyone on holiyday[00:23.50]Put your drinks in the air[00:26.50]This time[00:27.70]Jean Roch[00:31.13]Can you Feel it?[00:34.19]Can you Feel it?[00:36.35]Jean Roch says[00:38.14]Can you Feel it?[00:40.02]Jean Roch says[00:42.03]Can you Feel it?[00:43.75]Jean Roch says[00:46.00]Can you feel it, feel it , feel it[00:51.38]Can you Feel it?[00:55.05]Can you Feel it?[01:00.70]Can you Feel it?[01:03.98]Yeah!Come on[01:05.45]I can feel my heart, my energy[01:09.41]And I doubt my fire bombs[01:11.30]And men you"re just like beach[01:15.30]And everyone about[01:20.61]Understand with his cry, happy end[01:24.36]Featuring a man who comes back flames ![01:27.73]Hand of God, all the power of love[01:33.80][01:36.79]Can you Feel it?[01:40.47]Can you Feel it?[01:46.30]Can you Feel it?[01:49.50][01:52.40]Can you Feel it?[01:55.75]Can you Feel it?[01:58.00][02:06.21]Everyday I know I feel the pain[02:10.07]Everynight you know I don"t lose the game[02:13.50]Cause you don"t look all I have in my mind[02:21.48]I can feel the glory in my dreams[02:25.30]In my life, I just see you and me[02:28.71]Together, we can be so strong[02:34.00][02:36.03]Get your hands up, (come on), everybody(let"s go)[02:39.80]Get your hands up, (come on), everybody, (let"s go)[02:43.50]Can you feel it, (say Y)[02:46.00]Can you feel it, (say Y)[02:47.82]Can you feel it, (say Y)[02:49.50]Can you feel it, (say Y)[02:51.80]Let"s Go![02:54.20][02:57.02]Can you Feel it?[03:00.47]Can you Feel it?[03:06.50]Can you Feel it?[03:12.34]Can you Feel it?[03:16.30]Can you Feel it?[03:20.92]

Can You Feel It 歌词

歌曲名:Can You Feel It歌手:R. Kelly专辑:The World"S GreatestCan You Feel ItTimbaland Ft. Esthero and SebastianAlbum: Shock Value III would love to see you goI wonder if you knowThat you and Icould lose controlWe on the other side of the clubYou didn"t come this far to say noLet"s walkLet"s raceLet"s ridethe flowWe got them blazing lights flashing everywhereGirl let down your hairThe D.J. is killing it in hereHands up in the airBlazing lights flashing everywhereGirl let down your hairHands up in the airas I sayCan you feel it(Let"s go, lets go)Can you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girl130 is the tempoYou heard the bass and you goSo farSo goneThat you lose composeThe night is almost goneLet"s put our cool shades onLet"s smokeLet"s DanceLet"s popWe in vogueWe got them blazing lights flashing everywhereGirl let down your hairThe D.J. is killing it in hereHands up in the airlaser lights flashing everywhereGirl let down your hairHands up in the airas I sayCan you feel it(Let"s go, let"s go)Can you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girlcome oncan you feel it,feel it,feel itFeel that basscome oncan you feel it,feel it,feel itFeel that bassSo what are you waiting forThe world"s our personal dance floorTonightDon"t fightFeel it and feel it insideIt"s getting so hard to hearBut in a way kick and snareTurn it upBecauseI can"t get enoughget enoughget enoughWe got them blazing lights flashing everywhereGirl let down your hairThe D.J. is killing it in hereHands up in the airBlazing lights flashing everywhereGirl let down your hairHands up in the airas I sayCan you feel it(Let"s go, lets go)Can you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girlLet"s goThese strobelights girl girlThe flashing lights girlSo welcome, to my, nightlife world world worldWorld world worldWorld world world# Edit by Matthew Lee #http://music.baidu.com/song/12512389


can you feel itcan you feel it"the jacksons"——if you look aroundthe whole world is coming together nowcan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itfeel it in the airthe wind is taking it everywherecan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itall the colors of the world should belovin" each other wholeheartedlyyes, it"s all righttake my message to your brother and tell him twicespread the word and try to teach the manwho"s hating his brotherwhen hate won"t do"cause we"re all the sameyes,the blood inside me is inside younow tell mecan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itnow tell mecan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel ityeah yeah,ahsing out loudbecause we want to make a crowdtouch a hand and sing a sound so puresalvation ringstell mecan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itall the children of the worldshould beloving each other wholeheartedlyyes, it"s all righttake my message to your brother and tell him twicetake the news to the marching menwho are killing their brotherswhen death won"t do"cause we"re all the samethe blood inside me is inside of youcan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itevery breath you takeis someone"s death in another placeevery healthy smileis hunger and strife to another childbut the stars do shinein promising salvation, is near this timecan you feel it nowso brothers and sistersshow we know hownow tell mecan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itall the children of the worldshould beloving each other wholeheartedlyyes, it"s all righttake my message to your brother and tell him twicetake the news to the marching menwho are killing their brothers, when death won"t do"cause we"re all the sameyes, the blood inside me is inside of youcan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel itcan you feel it

一首英文歌,最后一句话是can you feel it,男的唱的,很High的歌

Jean Roch 的 Can You Feel It

求一首哥名,歌词有can you see it,can you feel it在专卖店听到的

god is a girl

求can you feel it的歌词?

ladies and gentleman 女士们先生们the time is here 时间到了the time is now 就是现在all over the world 全世界paris 巴黎sant francisco </B>旧金山everyone on holiyday 每个人都在过节put your drinks in the air 举起你的酒杯this time 就在现在jean rochcan you feel it?你能感觉到它么?can you feel it?你能感觉到它么?jean roch sayscan you feel it?你能感觉到它么?jean roch sayscan you feel it?你能感觉到它么?jean roch sayscan you feel it, feel it , feel it 你能感觉到它么,感觉得到,感觉得到么can you feel it?你能感觉到它么?can you feel it?你能感觉到它么?can you feel it?你能感觉到它么?yeah!come on 对!一起来吧i can feel my heart, my energy 我能感觉到我的心,我的能量and i doubt my fire bombs 我怀疑我的热情如炸弹一般and men you"re just like beach 哥们你看起来就像是婊子and everyone about 每个人understand with his cry, happy end 用你们的呐喊,快乐去理解featuring a man who comes back flames !想像一个从火焰中归来的人!hand of god, all the power of love 仁慈上帝的手,所有爱的力量can you feel it?你能感觉到它么can you feel it?你能感觉到它么can you feel it?你能感觉到它么can you feel it?你能感觉到它么can you feel it?你能感觉到它么everyday i know i feel the pain 每一天我知道我都有痛的感觉everynight you know i don"t lose the game 每一晚你知道我都不会输掉比赛cause you don"t look all i have in my mind 因为你看不到我的脑子里想的所有东西i can feel the glory in my dreams 再睡梦里我感受到了荣耀in my life, i just see you and me 在我的生命里,我只看到了我和你together, we can be so strong 联起手来,我们能变得强大☆(交流邮箱:wanshi.zhf@163.com)☆get your hands up,(come on), everybody(let"s go)举起你的手(来吧),每一个人(出发吧)get your hands up,(come on), everybody(let"s go)举起你的手(来吧),每一个人(出发吧)can you feel it,(say y)你能感觉到它么(说能)can you feel it,(say y)你能感觉到它么(说能)can you feel it,(say y)你能感觉到它么(说能)can you feel it,(say y)你能感觉到它么(说能)let"s go!出发吧can you feel it?你能感觉到它么can you feel it?你能感觉到它么can you feel it?你能感觉到它么can you feel it?你能感觉到它么can you feel it?你能感觉到它么

非诚勿扰上面的那个“Can You Feel it”是谁唱的?

百度音乐就有的下载;Jean Roch,搜索Can You Feel it

非诚勿扰插曲can you feel it是谁唱的


求can you feel it中文翻译!!!


《 can you feel it 》的原唱歌手叫什么名字?

Jean RochJean Roch出生在法国城市土伦的一个意大利家庭。 16岁时,他结束了他早期的职业足球生涯,投身到家庭餐馆,后来成功地将餐馆转变成一个迪斯科舞厅。他被认为在不到一年的时间内通过混音的soul,rock和hip-pop成功,他恢复在圣特罗佩的“Bar de l"Escale”酒吧,改名为“l"Hystéria”。1997年,他和弟弟在巴黎创建了夜总会的“Bash”,然后是圣特罗佩的大道香榭丽舍大街的“贵宾室”。2003年,他发表了他的首支单曲“Can you feel it”并获成功。[1] 2007专辑God Bless2010年,江苏卫视婚恋交友类节目《非诚勿扰》就采用他的这首“Can you feel it”作为男嘉宾出场时的背景音乐,并深受观众喜爱。

can you feel it高潮版 mp3


Can you feel it的歌曲原唱

Jean Roch,Jean Roch出生在法国城市土伦的一个意大利家庭。 16岁时,他结束了他早期的职业足球生涯,投身到家庭餐馆,后来成功地将餐馆转变成一个迪斯科舞厅。他被认为在不到一年的时间内通过混音的soul,rock和hip-pop成功,他恢复在圣特罗佩的“Bar de l"Escale”酒吧,改名为“l"Hystéria”。1997年,他和弟弟在巴黎创建了夜总会的“Bash”,然后是圣特罗佩的大道香榭丽舍大街的“贵宾室”。2003年,他发表了他的首支单曲“Can you feel it”并获成功。收录于Jean Roch2007年发行的专辑《Summer Electrohits》。其实这首歌的曲子改编自史泰龙的成名作《洛奇》系列的片尾曲《The Final Bell》。该背景音乐从《洛奇》第一部一直用到第六部(即最后一部)。2010年,江苏卫视婚恋交友类节目《非诚勿扰》就采用他的这首“Can you feel it”作为男嘉宾出场时的背景音乐,并深受观众喜爱。

Can You Feel It 歌词

歌曲名:Can You Feel It歌手:R. Kelly专辑:EpicCan You Feel ItTimbaland Ft. Esthero and SebastianAlbum: Shock Value III would love to see you goI wonder if you knowThat you and Icould lose controlWe on the other side of the clubYou didn"t come this far to say noLet"s walkLet"s raceLet"s ridethe flowWe got them blazing lights flashing everywhereGirl let down your hairThe D.J. is killing it in hereHands up in the airBlazing lights flashing everywhereGirl let down your hairHands up in the airas I sayCan you feel it(Let"s go, lets go)Can you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girl130 is the tempoYou heard the bass and you goSo farSo goneThat you lose composeThe night is almost goneLet"s put our cool shades onLet"s smokeLet"s DanceLet"s popWe in vogueWe got them blazing lights flashing everywhereGirl let down your hairThe D.J. is killing it in hereHands up in the airlaser lights flashing everywhereGirl let down your hairHands up in the airas I sayCan you feel it(Let"s go, let"s go)Can you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girlcome oncan you feel it,feel it,feel itFeel that basscome oncan you feel it,feel it,feel itFeel that bassSo what are you waiting forThe world"s our personal dance floorTonightDon"t fightFeel it and feel it insideIt"s getting so hard to hearBut in a way kick and snareTurn it upBecauseI can"t get enoughget enoughget enoughWe got them blazing lights flashing everywhereGirl let down your hairThe D.J. is killing it in hereHands up in the airBlazing lights flashing everywhereGirl let down your hairHands up in the airas I sayCan you feel it(Let"s go, lets go)Can you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girlCan you feel itCan you feel it, girlLet"s goThese strobelights girl girlThe flashing lights girlSo welcome, to my, nightlife world world worldWorld world worldWorld world world# Edit by Matthew Lee #http://music.baidu.com/song/744152

Can You Feel It 歌词

歌曲名:Can You Feel It歌手:Jean Roch专辑:Summer Electrohitscan you feel itjean rochLadies and gentlemanThe time is hereThe time is nowAll over the worldParisSant FranciscoEveryone on holiydayPut your drinks in the airThis timeJean RochCan you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Jean Roch saysCan you Feel it?Jean Roch saysCan you Feel it?Jean Roch saysCan you feel it, feel it , feel itCan you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Yeah!Come onI can feel my heart, my energyAnd I doubt my fire bombsAnd men you"re just like beachAnd everyone aboutUnderstand with his cry, happy endFeaturing a man who comes back flames !Hand of God, all the power of loveCan you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Everyday I know I feel the painEverynight you know I don"t lose the gameCause you don"t look all I have in my mindI can feel the glory in my dreamsIn my life, I just see you and meTogether, we can be so strongGet your hands up, (come on), everybody(let"s go)Get your hands up, (come on), everybody, (let"s go)Can you feel it, (say Y)Can you feel it, (say Y)Can you feel it, (say Y)Can you feel it, (say Y)Let"s Go!Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?http://music.baidu.com/song/2137144

can you feel it的歌词,张楚格唱的

can u feel itcome on come on come oncan u feel it ~uh 我把方向盘靠右 后视镜看见 你牵她的手 引擎已熄火 车停在角落oh~ 讨厌霓虹的颜色 讨厌这城市 廉价的亲热 谁都没资格 让谁不快乐 你的藉口在冰箱 麻烦你带走 不要缠著我 寂寞刚刚被我一脚踢下楼 而你给我的折磨 被挡在门口 别想接近我 电台里却传来Terry你 为我点的歌 Can U Feel It(我下楼跳下车) Can U Feel It(往你家方向走) 经过第三个路口 红绿灯向左 在想原谅的话 怎么说 Can U Feel It(街景全部向后) Can U Feel It(路标指著难过) 速度跟心跳在走 到你家门口 发现你 喝了酒 对我说爱我~UH

can you feel it赫海 求歌词!!

Can You Feel It Big Ali Edit歌手:Jean RochLadies and gentlemanThe time is hereThe time is nowAll over the worldParisSant FranciscoEveryone on holiydayPut your drinks in the airThis timeJean RochCan you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Jean Roch saysCan you Feel it?Jean Roch saysCan you Feel it?Jean Roch saysCan you feel it, feel it , feel itCan you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Yeah!Come onI can feel my heart, my energyAnd I doubt my fire bombsAnd men you"re just like beachAnd everyone aboutUnderstand with his cry, happy endFeaturing a man who comes back flames !Hand of God, all the power of loveCan you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Everyday I know I feel the painEverynight you know I don"t lose the gameCause you don"t look all I have in my mindI can feel the glory in my dreamsIn my life, I just see you and meTogether, we can be so strongGet your hands up, (come on), everybody(let"s go)Get your hands up, (come on), everybody, (let"s go)Can you feel it, (say Y)Can you feel it, (say Y)Can you feel it, (say Y)Can you feel it, (say Y)Let"s Go!Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?

Can You Feel It 歌词

歌曲名:Can You Feel It歌手:The Jacksons专辑:Can You Feel It: The Jacksons CollectionCan You Feel Itmichael jacksonCan you feel it,Can you feel it,Can you feel it?If you look aroundThe whole world is coming now togetherCan you feel it,Can you feel it,Can you feel it?Feel it in the air, the wind is taking it everywhereCan you feel it,Can you feel it,Can you feel it?All the colors of the world should beLovin" each other wholeheartedlyYes, it"s all right.Take my message to your brotherAnd tell him twice.Spread the word and try to teach the manWho"s hating his brother, when hate won"t doCause we"re all the sameYes the blood inside of me is inside of youNow tell meCan you feel it,Can you feel it,Can you feel it?Can you feel it,Can you feel it,Can you feel it?Every breath you takeIs someone"s death in another placeEvery healthy smileIs hunger and strife to another childBut the stars do shineIn promising salvation, is near this timeCan you feel it nowSo brothers and sistersShow we know howNow tell meCan you feel it,Can you feel it,Can you feel it?Can you feel it,Can you feel it,Can you feel it?All the children of the world should beLovin" each other wholeheartedlyYes, it"s all right.Take my message to your brotherAnd tell him twice.Tell the news to the marching men.Who are killing their brothers, when death won"t doYes we"re all the same.Yes, the blood inside my veins is inside of youCan you feel it, (tell me can you feel it?)Can you feel it,Can you feel it?Can you feel it?(can you see what"s going down?)Can you feel it?(can you feel it in your bones?)Can you feel it?http://music.baidu.com/song/8866073

求非诚勿扰插曲Can You Feel It歌词翻译

  女士们和绅士!  就在此地!  就在此时!  全世界!  巴黎!圣特罗佩!  在度假的人们!  举起你们手上的饮料!  因为我要说!  Jean Roch问  你感觉到了没?  你感觉到了没?  Jean Roch问  你感觉到了没?  Jean Roch问  你感觉到了没?  Jean Roch问  你能感觉到,感觉到!感觉到!  你感觉到了没?  你感觉到了没?  你感觉到了没?  Yeah!Come on!  我能感觉到心跳,感觉到力量!  放佛在爆裂的燃烧!  老兄!你就像火焰的海滩。  每个人都是!  痛苦和快乐与你们彼此同在!  看清自己这个热情如火的人吧!  心里的上帝之手,那爱的力量!  你感觉到了没?  你感觉到了没?  你感觉到了没?  你感觉到了没?  你感觉到了没?  每一天,我都知道自己的辛苦。  每个你记得的夜晚,我从未输过  因为你看不到我的执念  我渴望梦想中的荣耀  在我的人生里  你我并肩前行  我们可以更强!  伸出你的手,(来吧),每个人!(我们出发!)  伸出你的手,(来吧),每个人!(我们出发!)  感觉到了没?(怎么样!)  感觉到了没?(怎么样!)  感觉到了没?(怎么样!)  感觉到了没?(怎么样!)  出发!  你感觉到了没?  你感觉到了没?  你感觉到了没?  你感觉到了没?  你感觉到了没?

can you feel it-jean roch 中英文歌词

Ladies and gentleman 女士们先生们The time is here时间到了 The time is now 就是现在All over the world全世界 Paris 巴黎Sant Francisco旧金山 Everyone on holiyday 每个人都在过节Put your drinks in the air 举起你的酒杯This time 就在现在Jean Roch Jean Roch:Can you Feel it?你能感觉到它么? Can you Feel it? 你能感觉到它么?Jean Roch says Jean Roch说:Can you Feel it?你能感觉到它么? Jean Roch says Jean Roch说:Can you Feel it? 你能感觉到它么?Jean Roch says Jean Roch说:Can you feel it, feel it , feel it 你能感觉到它么,感觉得到,感觉得到么Can you Feel it? 你能感觉到它么Can you Feel it?你能感觉到它么 Can you Feel it?你能感觉到它么 Yeah!Come on 对!一起来吧I can feel my heart, my energy 我能感觉到我的心,我的能量And I doubt my fire bombs 我怀疑我的热情如炸弹一般And men you"re just like beach哥们你看起来就像是婊子 And everyone about 每个人Understand with his cry, happy end 用你们的呐喊,快乐去理解Featuring a man who comes back flames ! 想像一个从火焰中归来的人!Hand of God, all the power of love 仁慈上帝的手,所有爱的力量Can you Feel it? 你能感觉到它么 Can you Feel it?你能感觉到它么 Can you Feel it?你能感觉到它么 Can you Feel it?你能感觉到它么 Can you Feel it?你能感觉到它么 Everyday I know I feel the pain 每一天我知道我都有痛的感觉Everynight you know I don"t lose the game 每一晚你知道我都不会输掉比赛Cause you don"t look all I have in my mind 因为你看不到我的脑子里想的所有东西I can feel the glory in my dreams 再睡梦里我感受到了荣耀In my life, I just see you and me 在我的生命里,我只看到了我和你Together, we can be so strong 联起手来,我们能变得强大Get your hands up, (come on), everybody(let"s go) 举起你的手(来吧),每一个人(出发吧)Get your hands up, (come on), everybody, (let"s go) 举起你的手(来吧),每一个人(出发吧)Can you feel it, (say Y) 你能感觉到它么 (说能)Can you feel it, (say Y) 你能感觉到它么 (说能)Can you feel it, (say Y)你能感觉到它么 (说能) Can you feel it, (say Y)你能感觉到它么 (说能) Let"s Go! 出发吧Can you Feel it?你能感觉到它么 Can you Feel it? 你能感觉到它么Can you Feel it?你能感觉到它么 Can you Feel it?你能感觉到它么 Can you Feel it? 你能感觉到它么

推荐几首像Can you feel it 的 这种歌。

这个不知道可以不西城男孩 - seasons in the sun

背景音乐第一节背景音乐是开场 can you feel it

歌曲:《Can You Feel It》 歌手:Jean Roch

有一首dj 前面是男的说唱,然后中间大喊can you feel it 然后开始电音高潮


求一首英文歌名,歌名两个词,第二个词是line,歌词里有can you feel it,风格较欢快的

jusr one last dance 酷狗里面搜索 绝对有这句的

电影《洛奇》的插曲和can you feel it 是一样的吗?如果不是请发给我正确的???急求。

我也有同样的疑问,不过刚查到了答案。它们是两首歌,不过旋律大概一致, The final bell是洛奇的,can you feel it 是抄的

can you feel it这歌表达的是什么意思啊?

这个应该是音效师单单从字面上表达意思, (女嘉宾)你能感觉到(男嘉宾)吗还有就是这么有节奏的音乐 烘抬一下现场观众和电视前观众气氛

can you feel it?翻译成 你能感觉到它吗? 对吗?百度翻译成 你能感觉到吗?


can you feel it 是那首歌的歌词?


求首英文歌:歌词重复 can you feel it ,女歌手

【歌曲】《Can You Feel It》ladies and gentlemanthe time is herethe time is nowall over the worldparis, sant franciscoeveryone on holiydayput your drinks in the airthis timejean rochcan you feel it?can you feel it?jean roch sayscan you feel it?jean roch sayscan you feel it?jean roch sayscan you feel it, feel it , feel itcan you feel it?can you feel it?can you feel it?yeah!come oni can feel my heart, my energyand i doubt my fire bombsand men you"re just like beachand everyone aboutunderstand with his cry, happy endfeaturing a man who comes back flames !hand of god, all the power of lovecan you feel it?can you feel it?can you feel it?can you feel it?can you feel it?everyday i know i feel the paineverynight you know i don"t lose the gamecause you don"t look all i have in my mindi can feel the glory in my dreamsin my life, i just see you and metogether, we can be so strongget your hands up,(come on), everybody(let"s go)get your hands up,(come on), everybody,(let"s go)can you feel it,(say y)can you feel it,(say y)can you feel it,(say y)can you feel it,(say y)let"s go!can you feel it?

我想知道Tik Tok、Can you feel it 的歌词翻译

Kesha - TiK ToK 英文 Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy (Hey, what up girl?) Grab my glasses, Im out the door - Im gonna hit this city (Lets go) Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack Cause when I leave for the night, I aint coming back Im talkin" bout - pedicures on our toes, toes Trying on all our clothes, clothes Boys blowing up our phones, phones Drop-topping, playing our favorite cd"s Pulling up to the parties Trying to get a little bit tipsy Dont stop, make it pop DJ, blow my speakers up Tonight, Imma fight Til we see the sunlight Tick tock, on the clock But the party dont stop no Woah-oh oh oh Woah-oh oh oh Dont stop, make it pop DJ, blow my speakers up Tonight, Imma fight Til we see the sunlight Tick tock, on the clock But the party dont stop no Woah-oh oh oh Woah-oh oh oh Aint got a care in world, but got plenty of beer Aint got no money in my pocket, but Im already here Now, the dudes are lining up cause they hear we got swagger But we kick em to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger Im talkin" bout - everybody getting crunk, crunk Boys tryna touch my junk, junk Gonna smack him if he getting too drunk, drunk Now, now - we goin til they kick us out, out Or the police shut us down, down Police shut us down, down Po-po shut us - Dont stop, make it pop DJ, blow my speakers up Tonight, Ima fight Til we see the sunlight Tick tock, on the clock But the party dont stop no Woah-oh oh oh Woah-oh oh oh Dont stop, make it pop DJ, blow my speakers up Tonight, Imma fight Til we see the sunlight Tick tock, on the clock But the party dont stop no Woah-oh oh oh Woah-oh oh oh You build me up You break me down My heart, it pounds Yeah, you got me With my hands up You got me now You got that sound Yeah, you got me You build me up You break me down My heart, it pounds Yeah, you got me With my hands up Put your hands up Put your hands up No, the party dont start till I walk in Dont stop, make it pop DJ, blow my speakers up Tonight, Imma fight Til we see the sunlight Tick tock, on the clock But the party dont stop no Woah-oh oh oh Woah-oh oh oh Dont stop, make it pop DJ, blow my speakers up Tonight, Imma fight Til we see the sunlight Tick tock, on the clock But the party dont stop no Woah-oh oh oh Woah-oh oh oh 中文翻译: 凯夏。滴答 早晨醒来感觉就像吹牛老爹 带上眼睛,走出房门,我要到城中狂欢 出发之前,再用杰克丹尼刷一下牙 因为一旦我离家就会彻夜不归 我说我要去做美足,美足 试穿了所有的衣服衣服 男孩们打爆了电话,电话 坐上敞篷车,播放最喜欢的CD 一路开到派对 然后喝得有点醉醺醺 别停下,尽情摇滚,Dj让我嗨翻天 今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现 时钟在滴答走,但派对绝不会停下 别停下,尽情摇滚,Dj让我嗨翻天 今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现 时钟在滴答走,但派对绝不会停下 才不管世界会变成怎样,只要有大量啤酒 口袋里一分钱也没有,但我已经在这儿了 现在小伙们排起了长队,因为他们听过我们超有型 但我们把他们踹到了路旁,除非他们打扮成mick,jagger 我说每个人都想要疯狂,疯狂 男孩们想要摸我的美臀,美臀 如果他们喝的太醉我会抽他们耳光,耳光 现在他们在追,我们在逃,逃 否则条子会把我们抓到,抓到 条子会把我们抓到,抓到 别停下,尽情摇滚,Dj让我嗨翻天 今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现 时钟在滴答走,但派对绝不会停下 别停下,尽情摇滚,Dj让我嗨翻天 今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现 时钟在滴答走,但派对绝不会停下 DJ。你让我兴奋 你让我崩溃 我的心在狂跳 对,你已把我迷倒 我举起双手 你把我抓住 你用那种声音 对,你已把我迷倒 DJ。你让我兴奋 你让我崩溃 我的心在狂跳 对,你已把我迷倒 我举起双手 也举起你的双手 也举起你的双手 等我来到后派对才能开始 别停下,尽情摇滚,Dj让我嗨翻天 今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现 时钟在滴答走,但派对绝不会停下 别停下,尽情摇滚,Dj让我嗨翻天 今晚我要斗争到曙光乍现 时钟在滴答走,但派对绝不会停下 Can you feel it 你感觉到了吗? (译:Parisongs) 注:这里收录的是发表在The Jacksons‘ Album : Triumph里面6:01完整版的歌词。 而去掉【】中的部分就成了The Essential中删减版的歌词。 Can you feel it 你感觉到了吗? Can you feel it Can you feel it If you look around 如果你放开眼界去观察 The whole world"s coming together now, babe 整个世界现正变得更加紧密团结 Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it 你感觉到了吗? Feel it in the air 在空气中感受吧 The wind is taking it everywhere, yeah 风正将它吹遍各个角落 Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it 你感觉到了吗? All the colors of the world should be 世界的每一份子都该 Lovin" each other wholeheartedly 互相全心全意地关怀 Yes, it"s all right 没错 Take my message to your brother 带我的信息给你的兄弟吧 And tell him twice 不嫌麻烦地重复 Spread the word and try to teach the man 传递并试着去教导 Who"s hating his brother 那些痛恨自己兄弟的人 When hate won"t do 憎恨不该有 "Cause we"re all the same 因为我们都是等同的 Yes the blood inside me is inside of you 是的我身体的血液也一样流淌在你的体内 Now, tell me 现在告诉我 Can you feel it 你感觉到了吗 Can you feel it Can you feel it Now, tell me Can you feel it Can you feel it Can you feel it Yeah, yeah 【 Sing out loud 大声唱出来 Because we want to make a crowd, yeah 因为我们要发展壮大 Touch a hand and sing a sound so pure 伸出你的手并唱出自己的声音 Salvation rings 拯救就会开始 Tell me Can you feel it Can you feel it Can you feel it Yeah, yeah Can you feel it Can you feel it Can you feel it All the children of the world should be 全世界的孩子们都该 Lovin" each other wholeheartedly 互相全心全意地关怀 Yes, it"s all right 没错 Take my message to your brother 带我的信息给你的兄弟吧 And tell him twice 不嫌麻烦地重复 Take the news to the marching men 将这些告诉 2009-10-20 10:32 回复 MJHYH 72位粉丝 771楼 Who are killing their brothers那些自相残杀的军人 When death won"t do 谁也不该决定别人的生死 "Cause we"re all the same 因为我们都是等同的 Yes, the blood inside me is inside of you是的我身体的血液也一样流淌在你的体内 Now tell me 现在告诉我 Can you feel it 你感觉到了吗 Tell me 告诉我 Can you feel it 你感觉到了吗 Can you feel it And you see what"s going down 你会目睹即将发生的一切 Can you feel it 你感觉到了吗 And you feel it in your bones你会从骨子里感觉到它 Can you feel it 你感觉到了吗 】 Every breath you take 你每呼吸一次 Is someone"s death in another place 在世界的某个地方都会有人死去 Every healthy smile 每当你健康微笑时 Is hunger and strife to another child 也许其他孩子正忍受着饥渴和争斗 But the stars do shine in promising Salvation is near this time 若承诺拯救就在此刻,星星就必会闪耀 Can you feel it now 现在你感觉到了吗 So brothers and sisters show we know how 所以兄弟姐妹们告诉大家你们知道该怎样做了 Now tell me Can you feel it Tell me Can you feel it Can you feel it And you see what"s going down 你会目睹即将发生的一切 Open up your mind 敞开你的心扉吧 All the children of the world should be 全世界的孩子们都该 Lovin" each other wholeheartedly 互相全心全意地关怀 Yes, it"s all right 没错 Take my message to your brother 带我的信息给你的兄弟吧 And tell him twice 不嫌麻烦地重复 Take the news to the marching men 将这些告诉 Who are killing their brothers那些自相残杀的军人 When death won"t do 谁也不该决定别人的生死 "Cause we"re all the same 因为我们都是等同的 Yes, the blood inside me is inside of you是的我身体的血液也一样流淌在你的体内 Now, tell me Can you feel it, Can you feel it, Can you feel it Can you Can you (Can you feel it) (Can you feel it) (Can you feel it) MJ也是我的信仰!!!!永远爱MJ!!!

高分求bboy曲子 can you feel it 歌词

I can feel my heart, my energy And I doubt my fire bombs And men you"re just like beach And everyone about Understand with his cry, happy end Featuring a man who comes back flames ! Hand of God, all the power of love Can you feel it, can you feel it, Can you feel it (feel it...) Can you feel it, can you feel it (oh oh...) Everyday I know I feel the pain Everynight you know I don"t lose the game Cause you don"t look all I have in my mind I can feel the glory in my dreams In my life, I just see you and me Together, we can be so strong Can you feel it You can do it Can you feel it... You can do it... Can you feel it... You can do it... Can you feel it... You can do it... Do it, do it, do it...

can you feel it是谁唱的

michael jackson

求要 赫海的新歌: 触(can you feel It?) 的歌词翻译中文 拜托啦≥﹏≤


can you feel it 中文意思是??

你能感觉到它吗? 类似的名字啊在奥斯卡金曲中有一首狮子王的主题曲叫"CAN U FEEL THE LOVE TONIGHT",翻译成中文便是"今夜你能否感受到爱",挺不错的,可以听听

can you feel it 非诚勿扰 歌词及翻译

已发·俊杰 619748178

《can you feel it》怎么读


求R.kelly的一首歌Can you feel it 的歌词~

would love to see you go 我很乐意看到你走I wonder if you know 我在想你是否知道That you, and I, could lose control 你,和我,将会失去控制We on the other side of the club 我们在地球另一边的俱乐部You didnt come this far to say no 你没有来到这个遥远的地方说不Lets walk, Lets race, Lets ride, the flow 让我们走,去比赛,去骑,去流动We got them blazing lights flashing everywhere 我们得到了熊熊燃烧的灯闪烁的到处都是Girl let down your hair 女孩放下你的头发The D.J. is killing it in here D.J.在这杀死了它Hands up in the air 举起手来在空中Blazing lights flashing everywhere 熊熊燃烧的灯闪烁着到处Girl let down your hair 女孩放下你的头发Hands up in the air, as I say 举起手来在空气中,就像我说的Can you feel it?(Lets go, lets go) 你能感受到它吗?(放手,让我们去)Can you feel it, girl? 你能感觉到它,女孩吗?Can you feel it? 你能感觉到它吗?Can you feel it, girl? 你能感觉到它,女孩吗?Can you feel it? 你能感觉到它吗?Can you feel it, girl? 你能感觉到它,女孩吗?Can you feel it? 你能感觉到它吗?Can you feel it, girl? 你能感觉到它,女孩吗?130 is the tempo 130是节奏You heard the bass and you go 你听到低音然后你走了So far, So gone, That you lose ??? 到目前为止,离去的,你输了吗? ? ?The night is almost gone 黑夜已几乎消失了Lets put our cool shades on 让我们把我们的很酷的阴影Lets smoke, Lets Dance, Lets pop, ??? 去弥漫,去跳舞,去流行,? ? ?We got them blazing lights flashing everywhere 我们得到了熊熊燃烧的灯闪烁的到处都是Girl let down your hair 女孩放下你的头发The D.J. is killing it in here D.J.在这杀死了它Hands up in the air 举起手来在空中Blazing lights flashing everywhere 熊熊燃烧的灯闪烁着到处Girl let down your hair 女孩放下你的头发Hands up in the air, as I say 举起手来在空气中,就像我说的Can you feel it?(Lets go, lets go) 你能感受到它吗?(放手,让我们去)Can you feel it, girl? 你能感觉到它,女孩吗?Can you feel it? 你能感觉到它吗?Can you feel it, girl? 你能感觉到它,女孩吗?Can you feel it? 你能感觉到它吗?Can you feel it, girl? 你能感觉到它,女孩吗?Can you feel it? 你能感觉到它吗?Can you feel it, girl? 你能感觉到它,女孩吗?(add libs) (加唇边)Feel that bass 觉得低音So what are you waiting for? 所以你在等什么呢?The worlds our personal dance floor 世界上我们个人的舞池Tonight, Dont fight, Feel it and feel it inside 今晚,别吵架的时候,感觉它,感觉它在里面Its getting so hard to hear 它变得越来越难去听到But in a way kick and snare 但在某种程度上踢腿和陷阱Turn it up, Because, I cant get enough, get enough, get enough 把它开大一点,因为,我不能得到足够的、有足够的,获得足够的水We got them blazing lights flashing everywhere 我们得到了熊熊燃烧的灯闪烁的到处都是Girl let down your hair 女孩放下你的头发The D.J. is killing it in here D.J.在这杀死了它Hands up in the air 举起手来在空中Blazing lights flashing everywhere 熊熊燃烧的灯闪烁着到处Girl let down your hair 女孩放下你的头发Hands up in the air, as I say 举起手来在空气中,就像我说的Can you feel it?(Lets go, lets go) 你能感受到它吗?(放手,让我们去)Can you feel it, girl? 你能感觉到它,女孩吗?Can you feel it? 你能感觉到它吗?Can you feel it, girl? 你能感觉到它,女孩吗?Can you feel it? 你能感觉到它吗?Can you feel it, girl? 你能感觉到它,女孩吗?Can you feel it? 你能感觉到它吗?Can you feel it, girl? 你能感觉到它,女孩吗?

can you feel it翻译成中文?


Can You Feel It 歌词

歌曲名:Can You Feel It歌手:Jean Roch专辑:Summer Electrohitscan you feel itjean rochLadies and gentlemanThe time is hereThe time is nowAll over the worldParisSant FranciscoEveryone on holiydayPut your drinks in the airThis timeJean RochCan you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Jean Roch saysCan you Feel it?Jean Roch saysCan you Feel it?Jean Roch saysCan you feel it, feel it , feel itCan you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Yeah!Come onI can feel my heart, my energyAnd I doubt my fire bombsAnd men you"re just like beachAnd everyone aboutUnderstand with his cry, happy endFeaturing a man who comes back flames !Hand of God, all the power of loveCan you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Everyday I know I feel the painEverynight you know I don"t lose the gameCause you don"t look all I have in my mindI can feel the glory in my dreamsIn my life, I just see you and meTogether, we can be so strongGet your hands up, (come on), everybody(let"s go)Get your hands up, (come on), everybody, (let"s go)Can you feel it, (say Y)Can you feel it, (say Y)Can you feel it, (say Y)Can you feel it, (say Y)Let"s Go!Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?Can you Feel it?http://music.baidu.com/song/2137144

Can You Feel It 歌词

歌曲名:Can You Feel It歌手:The Jacksons专辑:The Essential JacksonsCan You Feel Itmichael jacksonCan you feel it,Can you feel it,Can you feel it?If you look aroundThe whole world is coming now togetherCan you feel it,Can you feel it,Can you feel it?Feel it in the air, the wind is taking it everywhereCan you feel it,Can you feel it,Can you feel it?All the colors of the world should beLovin" each other wholeheartedlyYes, it"s all right.Take my message to your brotherAnd tell him twice.Spread the word and try to teach the manWho"s hating his brother, when hate won"t doCause we"re all the sameYes the blood inside of me is inside of youNow tell meCan you feel it,Can you feel it,Can you feel it?Can you feel it,Can you feel it,Can you feel it?Every breath you takeIs someone"s death in another placeEvery healthy smileIs hunger and strife to another childBut the stars do shineIn promising salvation, is near this timeCan you feel it nowSo brothers and sistersShow we know howNow tell meCan you feel it,Can you feel it,Can you feel it?Can you feel it,Can you feel it,Can you feel it?All the children of the world should beLovin" each other wholeheartedlyYes, it"s all right.Take my message to your brotherAnd tell him twice.Tell the news to the marching men.Who are killing their brothers, when death won"t doYes we"re all the same.Yes, the blood inside my veins is inside of youCan you feel it, (tell me can you feel it?)Can you feel it,Can you feel it?Can you feel it?(can you see what"s going down?)Can you feel it?(can you feel it in your bones?)Can you feel it?http://music.baidu.com/song/8859957

canyoufeelit 什么意思


can you feel it什么意思

can you feel it你能感觉到它  歌曲信息单曲《Can you feel it》于2003年发行。 由于被电视节目《非诚勿扰》引用为背景音乐,受到更多人的关注,但是伴奏和1976年电影洛基的final bell一曲惊人相似。 歌曲中1分30秒-1分50秒的部分为高潮部分,而《非诚勿扰》采用的是1分27秒-1分45秒为男嘉宾背景音乐。 歌手:Jean Roch Jean Roch出生在法国城市土伦的一个意大利家庭。 16岁时,他结束了他早期的职业足球生涯,投身到家庭餐馆,后来成功地将餐馆转变成一个迪斯科舞厅。他被认为在不到一年的时间内通过混音的soul,rock和hip-pop成功,他恢复在圣特罗佩的“Bar de l"…例句:1.Can you feel it? Feel what? 你能感觉到吗感觉到什么?2.Can you feel it, the heat of it? 你感觉到子弹的热力吗

can you feel it是是出自哪部电影的主题曲

这首歌的曲子改编自史泰龙的成名作《洛奇》系列的片尾曲《The Final Bell》。该背景音乐从《洛奇》第一部一直用到第六部(即最后一部)。



can you feel it什么意思


can you feel it 是什么意思


can you feel it 是什么意思


请问这款bjd是正版么?fairyland minifee是正规牌子么?


请问这款bjd是正版么?fairyland minifee是正规牌子么?

这张是FL woosoo的官图哦 FL是韩国正规娃社~ 不过这款已经完售 结转的价格大概在2K出头 平时没有太关注 亲可以去吧里搜搜~ 不过价格过低的就不要接了

i know how you feel什么意思

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