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would you like to join to me for coffee


高中英语中,有些单词只能用复数,比如manners(礼仪) congratulations fee

1) 一些成双成对的名词通常只有复数形式,常见的有jeans (牛仔裤)、headphones (耳机)、trousers (裤子)、clothes (衣服)、pants (短裤)、glasses (眼镜)、shoes (鞋子)、sunglasses (太阳镜)、scissors (剪刀)、compasses (圆规).这些名词可单独作主语,其后动词用复数形式,也可用...pair/pairs of修饰,作主语时动词取决于pair的形式.2)一些食物名词只有复数形式,常见的有noodles, vegetables, snacks.3) 一些固定短语中的名词只有复数形式,常见有的express one"s thanks to sb. (向某人表达感激之情), a letter of thanks (一封感谢信), in high/low spirits (情绪高涨/低落), have sports (进行体育活动).4) 一些不可数名词只有复数形式,但却表示单数概念,常见的有news (消息), means (手段).As we all know, no news is good news. 众所周知,没有消息就是好消息.5) 一些专有名词只有复数形式,但却表示单数概念,常见的有:the United States (美国)、the United Nations (联合国)、the United Kingdoms (英国)、the Arabian Nights (《一千零一夜》).

有哪首歌有……feel like this这句歌词,学校上操的时候会放

《somebody to love》Justin BieberEach morning I get up I die a little每天清晨醒来,我都感觉生命又消失了一点Can barely stand on my feet Take a look in the mirror and cry勉强站起来站在镜子前,悲伤的哭泣Lord, what you"re doing to me 主,你对我做了什么I have spent all my years in believing you这么多年我一直充满对你的信仰But I just can"t get no relief, Lord! 可是我没有得到一点援助,主Somebody, ooh somebody某人,某人Can anybody somebody to love? 会有人爱上我这样的人吗I work hard every day of my life生命中的每一天我都努力工作I work till I ache my bones 知道浑身酸痛At the end (of the day)每天结束的时候I take home my hard earned pay all on支撑家耗净了我的所有My own-I get down on my knees 我屈膝下跪And I start to pray开始祈祷Till the tears run down from my eyes,Lord直到眼泪奔涌而出somebody, ooh somebody 某人,某人Can anybody -somebody to love? 会有人爱上我这样的人吗(He works hard) Everyday-I try and I try and I try每一天,我努力,努力,努力But everybody wants to put me down但是每一个人都与我作对They say I`m goin` crazy他们说我即将崩溃They say I got a lot of water in my brain 他们说我的脑子进了水Aw they ain"t got no common sense他们得不出正常的结论He"s got nobody left to believe in他身边已经没有可信任的人ooh ooh ooh ooh somebody某人Can anybody somebody to love? 会有人爱上我这样的人吗Can anybody find me to love? 会有人爱上我这样的人吗Got no feel, I got no rhythm 没有了感觉,我失去了节奏I just keep losing my beatI`m alright, I`m alright我很好,我很好I ain`t gonna face no defeat 我无法面对失败I just gotta get out of this prison cell我将逃出监狱的束缚Someday I`m gonna be free, Lord! 某一天我将获得自由,主Find me somebody to love某人爱上我这样的人Find me somebody to love某人爱上我这样的人Find me somebody to love某人爱上我这样的人Find me somebody to love某人爱上我这样的人Find me somebody to love某人爱上我这样的人Find me somebody to love某人爱上我这样的人Find me somebody to love某人爱上我这样的人Find me somebody to love某人爱上我这样的人Somebody, somebody某人,某人Somebody find me某人爱上我Somebody find me someone to love某人爱上我这样的人Can anybody find me somebody to love? 会有人爱上我这样的人吗Find me somebody, somebody, somebody to love爱上我,某人,某人爱上我Find me find me find me find me find me爱上我,爱上我,爱上我,爱上我,Ooh somebody to loveAnybody, anyway任何人Anybody find me somebody to love? 会有人爱上我这样的人吗Yeah, yeahLove 爱

Got no feel,I got no rhythm. 这句是哪首歌中的歌词?

《魔法灰姑娘》的插曲somebody to love应该是这个吧。

Every person uses his or her own special word to show his or her ideans and feelings..... 这篇翻译


apparently,people feel relieved when the possibility of eliminating a depressing thing(such as addit

第一个when 是连词 当……的时候第二个是even when 即使当the possibility of doing sth 不是一个固定搭配,只是 of 介词后面用动词-ing形式possibility of 是可能性 这句话是 很显然地,人们会觉得放心的当消除了一件压抑的事情的可能性出现了,即使这个需要一些努力和担保希望对你有帮助哦~~


1. coffee coffee n. 咖啡,咖啡色2. brown brown [braun] 棕色,褐色,咖啡色...3. tapestry red Tan 浅棕色...tapestry red 咖啡色...Tawny 黄褐色4. global brown 深咖啡 Autumn Mink...咖啡色 global brown...冰咖色 Iced Coffee个人推荐brown,下面有例句,你看看是否符合你要使用的语境:1A dark olive brown. 咖啡色一种深橄榄褐色 2She likes to wear brown. 她喜欢穿咖啡色衣服。 3What about this one in dark brown? 你认为深咖啡色怎么样? 4Have not you get any brown colour in stock? 你们没有咖啡色备货吗? 5A moderate brown to dark brown or dark grayish brown. 咖啡色从浅褐色到深褐色或深灰褐色

We feel regrettable that we can not make you an offer at present 改错


有一首英文歌,第一句类似 i feeling sex and free 女的唱的。快歌,百事通NBA有出现的插曲叫什么


My head feels tangled up的句子结构是怎样的?

这里的tangled up是过去分词变来的形容词短语,可以充当系动词feel的表语。





she feels happy为什么不用feel?

主语是第三人称单数,一般现在时态谓语动词要加S。 She feels happy.她感到很开心。


可以作为系动词 1.感觉;感到;觉得I remember feeling sick...我记得有恶心的感觉.2.摸上去;有…手感The metal felt smooth and cold...这种金属摸起来冰冷而光滑3.(经历或事件)给人…感觉,令人有…感觉It feels good...

Calvin Harries《Feels》 百度云

链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1cfb5Dk 密码: 6gy7

求徐梦圆 / Tobu《Feels》mp3下载





一个窍门,看feel能否被be动词替代. 例如,I feel happy可说成I am happy,这时的feel就是系动词. 而Grace feels differently,不能说成Grace is differently,则feel是实义动词. 系动词feel作谓语,后面接的形容词是表语,又叫主语补语,是补充说明主语的情况;而实义动词feel作谓语,后面接的副词是状语,是修饰说明谓语的情况.

Your hand feels cold,feels为什么要加S?

1/The camels can smell the water a mile off. camel骆驼,这是没有写2只3只,为什么要加S写成复数?表示不是一头骆驼2/Your hand feels cold, feel是什么情况加的S?第三人称单数3/The soup tastes good, tastse是什么情况加的S?第三人称单数


feel是动词啊,只有三单形式feelsfeeling 才是名词。




三个都是动词第三人称单数形式如果说不同,就是 feels 不同,是系动词其它是行为动词

She feels bad为什么feels后面加s?




feels tired是什么意思在这里,feels也是动词吗?

feels tired:感觉累了;feel在这里是系动词。


feelv.觉得;感到;体会到;(通过触觉)注意到,意识到,感觉到;感觉到(抽象事物)n.触觉;手感;触摸;摸;(场所、情况等给人的)印象,感受;气氛feel的第三人称单数形式是feels,意思是觉得;感到;体会到;(通过触觉)注意到,意识到,感觉到;感觉到(抽象事物)He feels deep regret about his friend"s death. 他对朋友的去世深感惋惜。No man is angry that feels not himself hurt! 每个愤怒的人都以为自己受到了伤害。Feels its research methods; 摸索了环境生物学的研究方法



She feels bad为什么feels后面加s?



feel中文的意思是:感觉到,体会到;觉得,相信;使人感觉。feel的英音是/fiu02d0l/,美音是/fiu02d0l/。第三人称单数: feels,现在分词: feeling,过去式: felt,过去分词: felt。含有feel的双语例句1、He could feel the heat of the sun on his back.他能感觉到太阳照射在背上的热度。2、He had a genius for making people feel at home.他有一种能够使人感觉轻松自在的本领。3、Many people feel that the law should be changed.许多人都觉得这项法律应该修改。4、The industry is feeling the effects of recent price rises.这一行业已经感觉到了最近提价的影响。5、From that moment on, she never felt really well again.从那时候开始,她就再也没真正好受过。

The silk feels soft为什么不用touches而用feels



feel的意思是:感觉。feel翻译成中文有“感觉;认为;觉得;摸索;触摸”等意思,过去式“felt”,过去分词“felt”,现在分词“feeling”,第三人称单数“feels”具体内容:feel在文中作动词使用时,可译为“感觉;认为;触摸;试探,觉得;摸索”等意思。feel在文中作名词使用时,可译为“知觉;触觉;手感”等意思。词组短语:feeloneself 意为“镇定;感觉很好;觉得身体正常feellike 意为“想要;感到好似"feel free 意为“随便,轻松”feel better 意为“感觉好点了feelabout 意为“摸索。近义词:expect,count,guess,find,make fish for,poke aboutconsciousness,sense perception。例句:1.I am feeling very depressed.我感到很沮丧。2.lt feels good to have finished a piece of work.完成一项工作让人感觉很好。3.The doctor felt his head.医生摸了摸他的头。4.Through severallayers of clothes I could feel his muscles.透过好几层衣服,我可以感觉到他的肌肉。5.He remembered the feel of her skin.他记得她的皮肤摸上去的那种感觉。6.Never make your students feel ignorant.千万别让你的学生感到自己一无所知。7.Many of the youngsters feel excluded.很多年轻人感觉受排挤。8.I feel dizzy and disorientated.我感到头晕目眩,找不到方向。9.They feel under permanent threat.他们感觉处在持续不断的威胁之下。10.His remoteness made her feel unloved.他的冷漠使她觉得他不爱她。




feel 可以作系动词,后面跟形容词作表语,feel tired,feel可以作及物动词,后面跟that引导的宾语从句:I feel that he will win.feel作不及物动词,如: How are you feeling today?feel后可以加名词.如:I feel the strength of the collective我可以感觉到集体的力量.feel 后可以加like,表示想要,如;He felt like having a walk after school.


feel.觉得、感到;n.触觉、手感、触摸;feels是feel的第三人称单数。 扩展资料   Part of me feels sorry for him.  我有点同情他。  He feels the cold a lot.  他很怕冷。  Its skin feels really smooth.  它的皮摸起来真光滑。


feels v.觉得;感到;体会到;(通过触觉)注意到,意识到,感觉到;感觉到(抽象事物) feel的第三人称单数 短语搭配: feel like 想要 ; 感到想要做 ; 欲 ; 很想要 feel chilly 觉得发冷 ; 发觉冷 feel terrible 感觉不舒服 ; 感到难受 ; 感到不舒服 ; 感觉很糟糕 扩展资料   It feels good to have finished a piece of work   完成一项工作后感觉很好。   If he feels hotter than normal, take his temperature.   如果他感觉比平时热,量量他的体温。   She feels a strong sense of responsibility towards her employees.   她对雇员有很强的责任感。

feels是什么意思 英语feels是什么意思

1、feels英[fiu02d0lz]美[fiu02d0lz],v.觉得; 感到; 体会到; (通过触觉)注意到,意识到,感觉到; 感觉到(抽象事物);feel的第三人称单数。 2、[例句]He constantly feels he has to prove himself to others.他时常觉得自己必须向人一展身手。



feel 的用法

feel sb. do

feels cool后面为什么加个S

feels前面的主语如果是it,he,she,人名, 就是因为第三人称单数…… 一般现在时里主语是第三人称单数,后面的动词要加s[某些加es] 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称复数就不加 如果不是第三人称单数……那我也不知道






用法一、感觉:表示对某种感觉或状态的认知和体验。例如:I feel happy today.(我今天感觉很开心。)用法二、觉得:表示主观上认为某种事情是怎样的。例如:I feel that it"s going to rain soon.(我觉得很快就要下雨了。)用法三、触摸:表示用手或身体接触某物。例如:I feel the softness of the blanket.(我感受到毯子的柔软。)

Tom and Amy feels very happy.feels为什么改为feel?


My head feels very hot。句中feels 为什么加s



当然可以啦。feel是系动词,后面可以跟形容词作表语。例如:He feels so excited because he passes the exam. 他通过了考试,所以感到喜出望外。

she( )cold。填feel还是feels





He feels differently.这里的feel 为实义动词,实义动词后接副词 区分feel 何时是实义动词,何时是系动词一个窍门,看feel能否被be动词替代. 例如,I feel happy可说成I am happy,这时的feel就是系动词. 而Grace feels differently,不能说成Grace is differently,则feel是实义动词. 系动词feel作谓语,后面接的形容词是表语,又叫主语补语,是补充说明主语的情况;而实义动词feel作谓语,后面接的副词是状语,是修饰说明谓语的情况.


feels和looks这些词在英文表达中叫感官动词。感官动词即人的器官能够感受到的。如眼睛能够look(看),鼻子能够smell(闻),耳朵能够sound(听),舌头能够taste(尝),手部能够feel(感受)和touch(触碰)通常这些感官动词能够充当系动词,后边可接形容词,此时的形容词最表语。即句式 :主语+感官动词+形容词=主语+系动词+定语,上两个例句:She looks very pretty and kindle ;This icecream smells very delicious 。这就是主(人/物)系(感官词)表(形容词)结构了概念定性了,简单结构介绍完了,现在来说说感官动词作 完全及物 和 不完全及物动词。 (1)感官动词完全及物(即感官动词后边直接加宾语),如You look me . (2) 感官动词不完全及物(即感官动词后边直接加宾语,同时还要加原形不定式或者分词作宾语补足语),如You look me smile .你可能会有点懵看完了之后,但是这里我给你展现感官动词的用法,你就一通百通了。 look/smell/feel/... sb doing sth看见/闻到/感觉到/...某人正在做某事 ;look/smell/feel/... sb do sth看见/闻到/感觉到/...某人做了或经常做某事 (注意:没有接不定式的用法)


您问题简单呵呵百度知道高兴帮助您解决您提问题原句: The stone feels cold翻译: 石(摸起)觉凉(冰或者冷)The stone feels hard and cold.石摸起硬凉The stone feels very cold.(古旧用)非寒冷feel: The stone feels hard and cold.块石摸起硬冷百度知道永远给您专业英语翻译


汗、楼上的回答…用中文应读:佛油死Fiu Si

Six Feet Under 歌词

歌曲名:Six Feet Under歌手:No Doubt专辑:Return Of SaturnMarion Raven - Six Feet UnderAlbum: Here I AmSix feet under, under my skinThere"s a battle I know I can"t winYou invade me and I surrenderYeahThat"s what I hate about youThere is where your story beginsYou were wanting, I was forsakenYeah~You came to me with words unspokenI can"t deny itThat I knew my glass would end up broken(And that"s how you got me)I blame myself for being stupidBut I can"t help itYet I"m eating right out of your handAnd that"s what I hate about youSix feet under, touching my soulFrom the moment we met, you I stoleYou embraced me, and I believed youHey, hey~It"s not that hardJust walk awayThere"s gotta be a different meaningNow"s the time for my confessionCause I can"t take itThat you always be and always will beUnder my skinhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1713412

if you feel happy clap your hands

if you feel happy clap your hands如果你开心拍拍手。

求JACKSON5的can you feel it 歌词

can you feel it,can you feel it,can you feel it!if you look aroundthe whole world"s coming together now.can you feel it,can you feel it,can you feel it!feel it in the airthe wind is taking it everywhere.can you feel it,can you feel it,can you feel it!all the colors of the world should belovin" each other wholeheartedly.yes it"s alright,take my message to your brother and tell him twice.spread the word who tried to teach the man who is hatin" his brother,when hate won"t do"cause we"re all the same yes the blood inside of me is inside of you.now tell me!can you feel it,can you feel it,can you feel it!can you see what"s going down, you can feel it in your bonesevery breath you take,is someone"s death in another place.every healthy smile,is hunger and strife to another child.but the stars do shineand promising salvation is near this time.can you feel it now,so brothers and sistersshall we know how.now tell me!can you feel it,tell me can you feel it,can you feel it!talk now can you see what"s going down open up your mind. all the children of the world should be lovin" each other wholeheartedlyyes it"s alrighttake my message to your brother and tell him twice.take the news to the marchin" menwho are killin" their brothers,when death won"t do.yes we"re all the sameyes the blood inside my veins is inside of you.now tell me!can you feel it,can you feel it,can you feel it!can you feel it,can you feel it,can you feel it!

高潮歌词baby you know i m feeling you是什么歌

是M80的Feeling UFeeling UM80Baby You Know I"m Feeling YouAnd You Say You Feel Me Too(& you say that you feel me too)But I Don"t Know What We Should Do"cus I"m So Crazy Over You( Im so crazy over you)We Try To Find Ourselves Through AllThe Drama In Our LivesWe Ain"t Worth It ButIt"s Okay BecauseWe"ll Work It OutVerse 1:From The Moment That I Saw You BabeThought That We Could Be So GoodThe Situations Got My Time Of DayFind It Hard To Make It ThroughI Know We Have our moments"cus When Things Go WrongBut No Matter What We GoThough we seem to Carry OnSometimes I Wanna Let GoBut Then I Keep Holding OnSo What We Gonna Do BabyWith This Unperfect Love:CHORUS:im so addicted to this (unperfect love )to this (unperfect love)to this (unperfect love)and girlits all becauseyour so perfect (love)your so perfect (love)and we"ll be ones to make it through this (unperfect love)this (unperfect love)this (unperfect love)yeah we aint perfect butits okay because we"ll work it out(baby we"ll work it out)no matter all the things we go throughstarry days & nights we go throughwhat we have is inseparableinevitablewe cant take that for granted babysometimes we may say and do things we dont really meanbut thats okaybecause if this love is realwe"ll work it outbaby you know :CHORUS:so addicted to your loveunperfect loveim so unperfect loveim so unperfect loveim never gonna let you gothrough the suneither rainill be the one thatd be right thereoh babythrough the pleasure or the pain (woot)we aint perfect but its okay because we"ll work it out (we"ll work it out ) oh baby baby U should wait a secondoh baby look and listenI know you feel so bad.or not babyyou met me and you call meI"m talking with the showtyI know you Confused about mechous1(the first), baby don"t be cry(and) second I wanna hold you tightlychous1oh baby you make me sadsome time I gotta ha

feel loop 什么意思?这里LOOP做什么讲?

环 圈应该是不断的意思



how do you solve bad feeling为题的作文

We all experience bad moods occasionally,for it is impossible to be happy all the time.We may feel sad or pessimistic,even angry with the whole world,when we are in a bad mood.This is normal,but it is important to know how to change our mood.The first step is self-awareness.We must recognize our bad feelings before we can do something about them.It is no use trying to ignore them.Instead,we must make the decision not to be a sourpuss. Once we have made up our minds to cheer up,it is time to take action.One thing we can do is exercise.Physical activity is stimulating and can lift our spirits.It is the best therapy there is.Another way to improve our mood is to find something fun to do.We can indulge in something we enjoy,such as movie or a trip to the park,or buy ourselves a special treat.Finally,we can seek out a loyal friend.A good friend will listen to our complaints,and his companionship will make us feel better. In conclusion,bad moods are inevitable.We are bound to experience them,but that doesn"t mean we have to let them continue.We are in charge of our thoughts and feelings.If we can take the steps above,we will be able to beat the blues and change our attitude.来自网络

求韩语歌~~女团的,里面有doctor doctor feel good~~谢谢亲了


求I‘m feeling so fine的歌词

hmm.funny...?two profile songs remixed, that"s what I"m feeling now.Ro is fine..so am IThe moment I opened my space and ro"s space, the two profile songs began to play, in the same time. and this is the first time I didn"t close one page to make one song sound clearer."...and I slowly go insane (I don"t know why she left me...)...I hear your voice on the line (but I can say I did no wrong...) but it doesn"t stop the pain(did no wrong...)...be right here waiting for you..."that"s really funny and ....a bit sad...OK. it"s time to end it.you know you have to carry on all by yourself.Give the love and...forget what you have done for him.I can survive the romance alone.How happy I were when I saw "r.b. accepted your friend request. 2:09am" (god..that"s my birthday number...)Betty is fine and cool.Betty is her own prince charming.hmm.funny...?two profile songs remixed, that"s what I"m feeling now.Ro is fine..so am IThe moment I opened my space and ro"s space, the two profile songs began to play, in the same time. and this is the first time I didn"t close one page to make one song sound clearer."...and I slowly go insane (I don"t know why she left me...)...I hear your voice on the line (but I can say I did no wrong...) but it doesn"t stop the pain(did no wrong...)...be right here waiting for you..."that"s really funny and ....a bit sad...OK. it"s time to end it.you know you have to carry on all by yourself.Give the love and...forget what you have done for him.I can survive the romance alone.How happy I were when I saw "r.b. accepted your friend request. 2:09am" (god..that"s my birthday number...)Betty is fine and cool.Betty is her own prince charming.ne, Kochan...I"m strong.ne, Kochan...I"m strong.

找歌 歌词里有“i feel so lonely"

歌曲:无心伤害歌手:杜德伟 专辑:钟爱1998

manner coffee怎么读


"A kind of drink made by beans of coffee tree."中"的made"是被动语态,为什么它前面缺少“be”动词?


whole beans coffee是什么意思

whole beans coffee全豆咖啡coffee英[u02c8ku0252fi]美[u02c8ku0254:fi]n.咖啡豆; 咖啡粉; (一杯)咖啡; 非正式的社交集会网络咖啡色; 咖啡店; 咖啡茶复数:coffees形近词:CoffeeCOFFEEcofflecoffeacaffee

I think the coffee beans are from Brazil, ________ I’m not completely sure.

【答案】:C句意:我想咖啡豆是巴西产的,不过我不太确定。考查连词。A. because因为;B. since因为、由于;C. though即使、不过;D. whether是否。根据句意可知,我想咖啡豆是巴西产的,不过我不太确定。C选项符合句意,故选C。

Coffee Bene在中国有么?



ground coffee beans咖啡豆

歌词“我的baby当我第一次看到你的时候就知道你是我的FEEL LOVE你的眼神你的笑你的开心你的胡闹对于我来说


英语作文,How to deal with bad feelings in my study

Itu2019s common for teenagers like us to be having these kinds ofproblems. The biggest piece of advice I could give you is, either findsomething you love to do which can help calm you down or try to have a serioustalk with your parents about your concerns because many pressures come fromthem. When it comes to parents, the biggest thing they probably misunderstandis that their child is in fact a little clone of themselves when they werelittle. To get the message to them, talk to them. Give them straight facts.Tell them why youu2019re so angry, and more importantly tell them what you want todo so that you WILL have time to relaxIf you feel that talking to your parents is useless and have already tried itbefore, try something recreational. Music is great, hanging out with yourfriends, even joining a club at school which you"ve ever gone to before mighthelp. Music is in my opinion the best way because itu2019s always there for you.You can find songs which fully represent your feelings or lyrics which speakyour mind for you. Hanging out with your friends will give you someone to talkto, to let all that emotion just trickle out of you. In these times of yourlife friends are one of the biggest things you need to take into consideration.Finally, join an activity that you"ve never done before. Back when I hadproblems with my parents and friends, I joined debate, a place where I couldput all that powerful energy I kept inside to use. You could try sports likefootball/rugby to help get you something to knock against or ball sports tohelp you build up your own perspective outside of home. All these are grateways to help deal with your bad feelings from studying.

英语作文,How to deal with bad feelings in my study

It"s common for teenagers like us to be having these kinds of problems. The biggest piece of advice I could give you is, either find something you love to do which can help calm you down or try to have a serious talk with your parents about your concerns because many pressures come from them. When it comes to parents, the biggest thing they probably misunderstand is that their child is in fact a little clone of themselves when they were little. To get the message to them, talk to them. Give them straight facts. Tell them why you"re so angry, and more importantly tell them what you want to do so that you WILL have time to relax If you feel that talking to your parents is useless and have already tried it before, try something recreational. Music is great, hanging out with your friends, even joining a club at school which you"ve ever gone to before might help. Music is in my opinion the best way because it"s always there for you. You can find songs which fully represent your feelings or lyrics which speak your mind for you. Hanging out with your friends will give you someone to talk to, to let all that emotion just trickle out of you. In these times of your life friends are one of the biggest things you need to take into consideration. Finally, join an activity that you"ve never done before. Back when I had problems with my parents and friends, I joined debate, a place where I could put all that powerful energy I kept inside to use. You could try sports like football/rugby to help get you something to knock against or ball sports to help you build up your own perspective outside of home. All these are grate ways to help deal with your bad feelings from studying.

how to deal with unhappy feelings?作文

wow u should really learn how to write things on your own. telling other people to write for you isn"t going to help u=you learn anything. i will give you some ideas but not the full journal.1.sleep2.talk with other people3.take a walk at your favorite places4.not to think about it5.look on the positive side and that"s all i can think about! good luck! X")

英语作文:how to deal with your feelings

We all face those moments when you feel so bored and uninterested about your life but have no ideal about how to save yourself from that situation, instead of sitting there, feeling dull and hateful.Well it generally happens when you don"t wanna do what"s left for you to do, meanwhile cannot think up anything that you actually wants to do. Because, things, are magical materials of life that once you really put your nose in one, can fully occupy you and help you forget the rest of the world about your, in fact, short miserable life. Without that key ingredient, you are left to feel the only feeling that your poor little nerve is allowed to feel, worried. A blank worrier is the worst state of any human being, making you doubting your existence, actually. To save you out of that dilemma, there is only one thing you can do—— finding something to do! Anything that can attract your attention for sometime and will result in certain sorts of output. You can pick up a pen and doodle, then put it on the internet for nobody to see and comment, or writing an essay that is completely meaningless (just as this one). But careful don"t be too passive or negative, that will leave problem for the future, trust me. Reading is probably another good thing to do as long as you avoid materials that are too complicated for you to understand without thinking. That will exhaust you, and again trust me.Yes, just do something that require least IQ and maximum of your limited attention. Keep doing it for a while and after that you are about forget why you feel lowest just a few minutes ago. And to be frank, why would you even care.

40岁蔡依林,feel damn good!| 郑尔摩斯周报

话说,一周一次的 郑尔摩斯 周报 ,小郑在纽约准时播报!带大家看本周天下大事,全世界美人帅哥穿了啥,哪些货可以跟着买,哪些穿搭思路可以学! 王室组 1. 西班牙莱后 莱后本周依然辛勤工作ing。先穿着Emporio Armani 小黑裙参加颁奖活动, 普通的黑裙子因为这道开衩有了灵气 ,手上是 BV 编织手包。 第二套是黑白配,都是旧衣重穿。手上的白色包包来自 FURLA,好接地气呀。 2. 摩纳哥夏琳 夏琳王妃和家人一起参加摩纳哥国庆活动,穿黑色大衣,非常有气场。 仔细一看,贝雷帽外加了一层黑纱,戒指戴在黑丝手套外,高级! 3. 丹麦玛丽 玛丽也在辛勤工作中,穿长大衣配花围巾参加会议,手上是 Prada 杀手包。 内搭就是白衬衣配黑色阔腿裤,标准白领女性装束,喜欢。 4. 英国凯特 凯特继续在家办公,在视频 会议时 穿了全套 Massimo Dutti ,气色看上去超好。 第二套是 粉丝 西装配白色内搭,来自平价品牌 Mark& Spencer 。 第三套是白色西装,来自 ZARA ,好接地气啊。 有没有发现,凯特最近好像气色越来越好了,尤其和之前 (左) 一对比,更显得最近的她神采飞扬!本期 无奖 问答来了:她到底哪里不一样? 5. 瑞典王室 最近,欧洲的疫情不断反弹。本周,瑞典王室传来重磅消息,卡尔·菲利普亲王和索非亚公主被 确诊新冠 ,目前已经处在自我隔离中。 政经组 1. 美国第一夫人 本周圣诞树运到白宫啦,梅总穿着千鸟格斗篷式大衣喜提圣诞树。配上一副长手套,显瘦又精神! 根据传统,每年白宫都会在感恩节进行 火鸡特赦 。这周被特赦的其中一只火鸡叫做「玉米」。 梅总穿粗花呢大衣,一脸笑意;川总好像真的 头发变白 了。 2. 美国第一女儿 大小姐全家和这只被特赦的火鸡「玉米」一起拍照,大小姐一身白,挺高级的。 3. 拜登夫妇 本周为了庆祝感恩节,拜登夫妇公布了小视频。拜登太太 Jill 穿了酒红色西装,配了长串珍珠项链。 4. 贺锦丽 美国可能的未来副总统 Kamala Harris 贺锦丽本周出镜率很高。酒红色西装配黑珍珠; 格纹西装,内搭蓝色和西装顺色; 明星组 1. Kim Kardashian 每次写周报,小郑都很想绕开金大姐。这周发现绕不过去了,因为被震惊到了: 头发上还能戴项链和戒指 ,重点是, 居然怪好看的 !首饰来自美国珠宝品牌 Jacquie Aiche,都是真金白银真石头,一根项链一万美金的样子。这一头珠宝, 起码十万刀! 2. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley 一身黑的女老大来了。大衣来自 Toteme,穿 BV 的厚底靴。别问为何我们穿一身黑总不好看,因为 人家是一头金发! 3. Bella Hadid Bella 本周也是一身黑,内搭格子衬衣,包包来自 Alexander Wang ,棕色头发和内搭格纹衬衣减轻了一身黑的沉闷。 4. Hailey Bieber 海狸也是一身黑,身材好到爆炸了。全身都是Saint Laurent,包包的金色链条、内搭的波点衬衣和 手腕、脚踝露肤 ,以及上下材质的对比,都让一身黑不沉闷;大家小本本记下来。 第二套则是 Saks Potts的皮风衣,包包是来自 by far的半月包。姜黄色和咖啡色很搭,特别提气。 5. Kendal Jenner 肯豆也是一身黑。怎么 大家都是一身黑?? 肯豆的黑色西装质地很特别,内搭是半透明的,隐隐约约的露肤。 第二套则是咖啡色大衣,包包也来自 By far。七折限时特价中,别错过哦。 6. Olivia Palermo 名媛这套衣服来自英国品牌 Chinti & Parker ,真好看,就是有点贵,5000元一套。Tod"s 包包的拼色和她的 La Scarf 颜色顺色。 7. Tom Cruise 阿汤哥继续拍摄《碟中谍7》,好像眼袋有点深。毕竟也是50岁的人了,有眼袋很正常 (求大家放过,我没有容貌羞辱的意思) ,就是和之前的一根褶子都没有的塑料脸反差有点大, 8. Jude Law 裘花在伦敦跑步,这个胡子厉害了 9. Orlando Bloom 好久没见到开花啦。在洛杉矶买咖啡,小伙子还是很精神。 10. Hugh Jackman 休叔和休嫂默契地穿上了情侣羽绒服,带着一双爱狗外出散步。期待有一天小郑能在纽约街头碰到他们。 11. Cara Delevingne 粗眉卡拉参加颁奖活动。太难得看到没有戴口罩的红毯照了,激动! 12. 咏梅 50+的咏梅在金鸡论坛首秀上,咏梅分享了说自己经常和工作人员商量「我的图能不能尽量不修,如果非修的话, 能不能别把我的皱纹都给修平了 ,那可是我好不容易长出来的。」 翻了一下她的微博,发现咏梅私底下都是不带妆,素颜大方自拍,精修图也不是修成纸片人,反而大大方方表现自己的不完美,这样的姐姐怎能不爱? 13. 蔡依林 最后再来一位姐姐,蔡依林上周在演唱会上大声说: 姐40岁了,feel damn good! 她说自己这一年开始尝试休息,不再那么紧绷,也不再担心歌迷不喜欢,专心享受音乐特别开心。 作为同样40岁的姐姐,我懂,这就是 自我和解 的过程。鼓掌 40岁,真的 TMD 太好了! 商务合作:Xzjessica@126.com 【关于小郑】 复旦毕业,在欧莱雅、Dior、娇韵诗等工作15年 +。中年叛逆,做DJ,开舞蹈学校,独身勇闯美国和澳洲,目前坐标纽约。我没啥优点,就是有点努力。

求猫王的《I feel so bad》的中英文歌词

Feel so bad 感觉很不好Like a ball game on a rainy day 就像一场雨中的球赛Feel so bad 感觉很不好Like a ball game on a rainy day 就像一场雨中的球赛Yes" I got my rain check 是的,我得到了我的球赛延期Shake my head and walk away 摇摇头我走了Oooo-people that"s the way I feel 大家这是我的想法Oooo-people that"s the way I feel 大家这是我的想法Sometimes I think I want 有些时候我认为我想要Then again I think I don"t 之后我又不想要了Sometimes I want to stay here 有些时候我想继续留下Then again I want to leave here 之后我又想要离开Then again I want to stay 在然后我又想留下Yes, I got my train fare 是的,我拿到了我的火车票Pack my grip and ride away 收拾好行李然后离开Oooo-people that"s the way I feel 大家这是我的想法Oooo-people that"s the way I feel 大家这是我的想法Sometimes I think I want 有些时候我认为我想要Then again I think I don"t 之后我又不想要了你要的太多了 网上有没有翻译,歌词都不好找,只能先翻译一个了,总比没有的好,是吧~!

There is clear evidence __ the most diffcult feeling of all to interpret is bobily pain.


Coffee Bronze是什么颜色?




询问一首歌。歌词如下: put me up put me down ,put my feet back on the ground,原名叫什么

应该是Mr. President 的 Coco Jamboo吧

Feeling so faithless lost under the surface语法有错么?


请问,一首歌英文女生唱的歌,高潮是类似~ everybody feel right? oh oh oh,all night long ,

你说的是不是Lady Gaga - Poker Face
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