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financial sponsor是什么意思

financial sponsor金融赞助商sponsor[英][u02c8spu0252nsu0259(r)][美][u02c8spɑ:nsu0259(r)]n.发起者,主办者; 担保者; 倡议者,提案人; 后援组织; vt.赞助; 第三人称单数:sponsors复数:sponsors现在进行时:sponsoring过去式:sponsored过去分词:sponsored

financial sponsor是什么意思


financial gearing 和financial leverage有什么区别

其实两者是一个意思 美国人倾向于用FL,The British refers to FG。稍微细分一下,可以有operating leverage 和 financial leverage。

财务杠杆(Financial leverage)含义

财务杠杆的概念:财务杠杆又叫筹资杠杆或融资杠杆,它是指由于固定债务利息和优先股股利的存在而导致普通股每股利润变动幅度大于息税前利润变动幅度的现象。 财务杠杆系数(DFL)=普通股每股收益变动率/息税前利润变动率。无论企业营业利润多少,债务利息和优先股的股利都是固定不变的。当息税前利润增大时,每一元盈余所负担的固定财务费用就会相对减少,这能给普通股股东带来更多的盈余。这种债务对投资者收益的影响,称为财务杠杆,财务杠杆影响的是企业的息税后利润而不是息税前利润。 论财务杠杆编辑财务杠杆是一个应用很广的概念。在物理学中,利用一根杠杆和一个支点,就能用很小的力量抬起很重的物体,而什么是财务杠杆呢?从西方的理财学到中国的财会界对财务杠杆的理解,大体有以下几种观点: 其一 将财务杠杆定义为“企业在制定资本结构决策时对债务筹资的利用“。因而财务杠杆又可称为融资杠杆、资本杠杆或者负债经营。这种定义强调财务杠杆是对负债的一种利用。 其二 认为财务杠杆是指在筹资中适当举债,调整资本结构给企业带来额外收益。如果负债经营使得企业每股利润上升,便称为正财务杠杆;如果使得企业每股利润下降,通常称为负财务杠杆。显而易见,在这种定义中,财务杠杆强调的是通过负债经营而引起的结果。 其三 另外,有些财务学者认为财务杠杆是指在企业的资金总额中,由于使用利率固定的债务资金而对企业主权资金收益产生的重大影响。与第二种观点对比,这种定义也侧重于负债经营的结果,但其将负债经营的客体局限于利率固定的债务资金,笔者认为其定义的客体范围是狭隘的。笔者将在后文中论述到,企业在事实上是可以选择一部分利率可浮动的债务资金,从而达到转移财务风险的目的的。而在前两种定义中,笔者更倾向于将财务杠杆定义为对负债的利用,而将其结果称为财务杠杆利益(损失)或正(负)财务杠杆利益。这两种定义并无本质上的不同,但笔者认为采用前一种定义对于财务风险、经营杠杆、经营风险乃至整个杠杆理论体系概念的定义,起了系统化的作用,便于财务学者的进一步研究和交流。 总结 我们在明确了财务杠杆的概念的基础上,进一步讨论伴随着负债经营的财务杠杆利益(损失)和财务风险、影响财务杠杆利益(损失)和财务风险的因素以及如何更好地利用财务杠杆和减少财务风险。

financial leverage 啥意思

财务杠杆作用 财务杠杆(financial leverage)指企业使用固定成本融资的程度,反映财务风险大小 财务风险指使用财务杠杆导致的EPS变动性的增加,以及可能丧失偿债能力的风险。

financial stake是什么意思

financial stake : 金融股权



Financial Freedom

The trap of just for live Money. It rips families apart, ruins marriages, and keeps people from pursuing their dreams. Money troubles inject unnecessary stress, anxiety, and arguments into our daily lives, which keeps us in perpetual discontent. We never seem to have enough, and, living paycheck to paycheck, we can"t ever get ahead. We—Joshua & Ryan—know first hand. The road to financial freedom was a long trek for both of us. Even though we had prestigious six-figure careers, we struggled with money back then; and we weren"t financially free for a long time. In fact, it wasn"t until we walked away from those careers (after devising a plan, of course) that we discovered how to get out of debt, how to eliminate unnecessary expenses, how to plan for our future, how to master our finances. While we all need to make money to live—and there"s certainly nothing wrong with earning a great salary— taking control of your financial life involves much more than adjusting your income upward. It involves making repeated good decisions with the resources you have, changing your financial habits, and living deliberately. None of which is inherently easy, especially under the tyranny of today"s instant-gratification culture, but fortunately, regaining control of your finances is simple. A few years ago, overwhelmed by money"s rapacious tug on our lives, the two of us decided to change; we decided to take back control of our finances and our lives. These are the five steps we took, and they are the same principles we use today to ensure that we"ll never again struggle with money. Most of us have no idea where our money is going. We think we know, but we don"t really know. This is doubly true for those of us who are married or live with a significant other. Ergo, the first step toward financial freedom is establishing a written monthly budget. Note the three key words here: written, monthly, and budget. Most of us hear the word invest and we panic. Investing seems so complicated, so abstruse, so not-something-I-can-wrap-my-head- around. Well, instead of thinking of it as investing money , think of it as paying your future self . And with today"s online tools, you needn"t be overwhelmed—investing is easier than ever. Anyone can (and must) do it? Investment is so easy and is also so difficult, if you want to learn to invest I can teach you As for Joshua & Ryan, we use online services like Vanguard, Betterment, and Wealthfront for our personal savings, planning, and investing accounts. Using these services, which usually cost nothing to set up and have no minimum balance requirements, we"ve learned how to invest in our future selves by setting aside a percentage of our income without even noticing it"s gone. We also keep our Safety Nets in these online accounts. We do this for two reasons: 1) the money is liquid, which means we have instant access to our Safety Net if we _need_it, and 2) when the money is sitting in a separate account, it is less tempting to access than if it"s in our bank accounts (plus it earns a better interest rate in a safe, conservative way). We invest our money into four separate buckets using the aforementioned online software: Safety Net, Retirement Fund, House Fund, and Wealth-Building Fund. (For complete details, see our Retirement Planning article, in which we break down how we, as minimalists, plan for retirement and other financial objectives, using screenshots and real-world examples, including statistics and personal figures.) I invest money into different investment accounts: Like Stocks and funds, it does these because I am a professional investor. Right now is the best time to start planning for your future. Whether you"re planning for retirement, wanting to start a business, saving for a home, building a larger Safety Net, or focusing on long-term wealth- building, _now_is the best time to begin. Not next week, not even tomorrow, today . Even if you have no money to invest, you _must_devise a plan to begin investing in your future self. The best way to do this is to automate your investments using an online service like the ones we mentioned above, which takes the guesswork out of investing. The future won"t wait. Do it today. Even if that means 1% of your income, or even $20 a month, to start. Your future self will thank you. Contrary to what some academics might tell you, there is no such thing as “good debt.” Let"s say that again (read it out loud): THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS GOOD DEBT. True, some debt is worse than other debt, but it"s never “good.” The truth is: you will not feel free until you are debt-free. The debtor is always a slave to the lender. Besides, it feels pretty amazing to have no car payments, no credit-card payments, and no student-loan payments looming in the shadows of your lifestyle. Throughout our twenties, we both had excessive piles of debt—more than six-figures each. It was a debilitating feeling—a complete loss of freedom. Although there are no magic bullets, the strategy we"ve seen work best is Dave Ramsey"s Total Money Makeover , a detailed, step-by-step formula that both of us used to create a detailed plan, cut-up our credit cards, and face our debts head-on. Of course, minimalism was a key component in our own journeys toward financial freedom. By clearing the clutter from our lives, we were able to focus on eliminating debt, changing our habits, and making better decisions with fewer resources. We also learned that by simplifying—by identifying which material possessions weren"t adding value to our lives—we were able to more quickly become debt-free by selling more than _half_our stuff locally (yard sales, consignment shops, flea markets) and online No, minimalism is not about deprivation, we don"t want anyone to “live without” in the name of minimalism, but sometimes it makes sense to temporarily deprive ourselves of ephemeral satisfaction when we are attempting to move our lives in a better direction. For example, We both jettisoned our cable subscriptions, satellite radio, and other superfluous bills that saved us hundreds of dollars each month. We also did “strange” things like deliver pizzas, work overtime, and find other ways to supplement our income in the short-term so we could pay off our debts faster. Plus, we sold hundreds of items—electronics, furniture, clothes, DVDs, books, collectables, tools, yard equipment— that weren"t essential, and we used that money to further pay down our debts. Basically, anything that wasn"t nailed to the floor found its way to eBay. Now everything we own serves a purpose or brings us joy, and we don"t miss any of the trinkets of yesteryear. The shortest path toward freedom is: appreciating what you already have. One of the best ways to find gratitude for the gifts you"ve already been given is to change your perspective. To do so, donate your most precious asset: your time. Bring your family to a local soup kitchen, food bank, or homeless shelter. Tutor less-privileged children in your city. Help the elderly with groceries or in-home care. There are more resources than ever to help you contribute beyond yourself in a meaningful way; just do an Internet search for volunteer opportunities in your area. Whatever you do to build your contribution muscle, it needn"t be grandiose; it need only contribute to someone else"s life. If you do this for a few weeks, you"ll realize that your financial problems are tiny compared to many of the problems in the world around you. By discovering the smallness of your financial woes, you"ll feel empowered to take massive action and beat the crap out of your relatively miniature problems. In a short period of time—two or three years—your entire life can radically transform from what it is today. All it takes is a plan (which you now have), determination (i.e., turning your shoulds into musts), and consistent action in the right direction. You are now equipped with a recipe to make outstanding financial changes. You are obviously welcome to add your own ingredients to taste, but when it comes to true financial freedom, these five ingredients—budget, invest, eliminate debt, minimize, contribute—are nonnegotiable. All five are necessary. Yes, you still have a considerable amount of research and planning and hard work ahead of you; but most important, you have to take action today. Diligence is paramount.

管理会计和财务会计的区别The Difference between Managerial and Financial Accounting

财务管理与会计从职能到范围的区别财务管理和会计是企业管理的重要组成部分,它们在企业管理中发挥着重要作用。财务管理和会计从职能到范围都有很大的不同,下面就来详细介绍一下它们之间的区别。 1.财务管理的职能财务管理的主要职能是确保企业的财务活动能够有效地实现企业的经营目标,并且能够有效地控制企业的财务风险。财务管理的主要内容包括财务规划、财务决策、财务报表分析、财务报告编制、财务控制等。 2.会计的职能会计的主要职能是记录、汇总、分析和报告企业的财务活动,以及根据企业的财务活动编制企业的财务报表。会计的主要内容包括会计核算、会计报表分析、会计报告编制、会计控制等。 3.财务管理的范围财务管理的范围涵盖了企业的财务活动,包括财务规划、财务决策、财务报表分析、财务报告编制、财务控制等。财务管理的范围比会计的范围要广,它不仅涵盖了会计的范围,还涵盖了财务规划、财务决策等方面。 4.会计的范围会计的范围主要涵盖了企业的财务活动,包括会计核算、会计报表分析、会计报告编制、会计控制等。会计的范围比财务管理的范围要小,它只涵盖了会计的范围,而不涵盖财务规划、财务决策等方面。 5.财务管理与会计的区别财务管理和会计从职能到范围都有很大的不同,财务管理的职能是确保企业的财务活动能够有效地实现企业的经营目标,而会计的职能是记录、汇总、分析和报告企业的财务活动,以及根据企业的财务活动编制企业的财务报表。财务管理的范围比会计的范围要广,它不仅涵盖了会计的范围,还涵盖了财务规划、财务决策等方面,而会计的范围只涵盖了会计的范围,而不涵盖财务规划、财务决策等方面。从上面可以看出,财务管理和会计从职能到范围都有很大的不同,它们在企业管理中发挥着重要作用,企业要想取得成功,就必须正确理解和运用财务管理和会计的原理,以便更好地控制企业的财务风险,实现企业的经营目标。

managerial accounting和financial accounting分别是什么

Management Accounting是管理会计。比较注重企划,分析。 对于一个工程的预算,还有一些财政的费用计算。MA是管理级,一般是经理之类。Financial Accounting 是财务会计。一般都是报表方面的。(小员工)遵循会计法,税法,主要是做Financial Statements一类的报表。理论知识很多,不过都按规章办事。

怎么填写college board css/financial aid profile


How do you feel if you are still financially supported by your parents ?用英语回答,不少于8句话,求


financial due diligence 是什么意思啊?


美国留学奖学金问题~!!!Financial Aid~!!!


financial result是什么意思

financial result[会计] 财务计算结果双语例句1.He first to brief us the latest financial progress of the company base on the recentquarterly financial result. 他首先向我们通报最新的进展情况,财务公司的基础上最近的季度财务结果。2.With these features, realistic forecasts of the financial result at the end of theaccounting period can be made at any time. 这些功能的,现实的财务预测的结果结束时的会计期间,可在任何时间。

First __of the global financial crisis ,China is witnessing a stable and quick economic growth.

rid vt & n. 消除 first rid of ... 是一个名词短语,此句译为“中国是首个摆脱金融危机的国家,经济成稳定迅速增长。再如:aid vt. & n. His aid is necessary and helpful. ”他的帮助既必要且有益。”

Financial Intermediary代表什么?


帮忙讲解一下这句话吧。 better off financially这里边为什么用off呢。

Better off是一个词组,是情况好转的意思。

Financial Planner是什么意思?

  Financial Planner一般指理财规划师  理财规划师是指运用理财规划的原理、技术和方法,针对个人、家庭以及中小企业、机构的理财目标,提供综合性理财咨询服务的人员。理财规划要求提供全方位的服务,因此要求理财规划师要全面掌握各种金融工具及相关法律法规,为客户提供量身订制的、切实可行的理财方案,同时在对方案的不断修正中,满足客户长期的、不断变化的财务需求。  financial planner意思:财务策划师;

financial leverage 啥意思?


ACCA(F9)核心考点解析:Financial Market

在ACCA考试中,F9阶段有一个核心高频考点一直让考生们比较难理解的,这个考点就是“Financial Market”,对此,深空网今天就跟大家详解这个考点内容。在学习financial market时,我们主要需要掌握三种不同类型的划分。第三章之初我们知道了financial market是direct finance的市场,现在来细看一下。按融资时间长度来分,分为money market--货币市场,和capital market--资本市场。股权融资/债务融资。货币市场主要是银行的天下,但大型的企业和政府也会参与。金融工具的期限小于一年,基本上是debt finance,通过债券进行融资。其中最安全的就是Treasury bill国债。其次为定期存单,是由银行发行的。最早美国的利率是固定的,后来花旗银行发明了CD,特征是大额的,短期的;接下来是信用等级比较高的公司发行的汇票和一般商业汇票。另一面是资本市场,金融工具的到期时间大于一年,长期性质的融资,包含debt finance和equity finance,股权融资通常都是在资本市场进行的。在资本市场中的金融产品,安全系数最高的就是debenture公司信用债券,其次是无担保的垃圾债,即评级低的债券,之后是在主板市场交易的股票,最后是AIM (Alternative investment market)发行的股票,在我国主要是指新三板。一二级市场主要是根据市场活跃主体的不同而进行区别的一种方法。不同行业的一二级市场概念与分类都不一样。在金融行业,一级市场(Primary Market/ New Issue Market)是筹集资金的公司或政府机构将其新发行的股票和债券等证券销售给最初购买者的金融市场。二级市场(security/secondary market)即证券交易市场也称证券流通市场、次级市场,是指对已经发行的证券进行买卖,转让和流通的市场。在二级市场上销售证券的收入属于出售证券的投资者,而不属于发行该证券的公司。所以一级市场主要是发行者和承销商的交易;二级市场主要是投资者之间的交易。场内交易和场外交易指的是进行证券交易的场所之差别,其主要区别在于:① 场内交易有固定的场所(证券交易所),在固定的时间、按一定规则进行;场外交易没有固定的场所和固定的时间,通过电话也可以成交。② 场内交易是一种竞价交易方式,是按最高还价或最低还价成交的,证券价格的确定是公开拍卖的结果;场外交易是随行就市,通过买卖双方讨价还价,直接协商决定成交价格,采用议价交易方式。③ 场内交易一般多是以100股为单位数量的整股交易,场外交易则比较分散、灵活、零星。④ 场内交易市场仅买卖已上市的股票(即符合交易所规定并在交易所注册的股票);场外交易既可买卖上市股票,也可买卖未上市的股票。

financial derivatives是什么意思


Financial Asset 是什么意思嘛?

Financial 与金融相关的Asset 资产,财产金融资产。 细分有流动资产(比如每天的利润)和固定资产(比如生产的工厂或办公楼)

Financial Accounting代表什么?

财务会计、金融会计,或财政计算Financial Accounting 是财务会计。一般都是报表方面的。(小员工)遵循会计法,税法,主要是做Financial Statements一类的报表。理论知识很多,不过都按规章办事。Management Accounting是管理会计。比较注重企划,分析。 对于一个工程的预算,还有一些财政的费用计算。MA是管理级,一般是经理之类。

financial / finance department 用那个?

finance department 财务部

Financial Intermediary是什么意思呢?

financial intermediary金融中介机构;金融中介人;金融媒介物1. Unless saving and investment are done in kind, a financial intermediary must link saver and investor . 除非储蓄和投资以实物进行,否则必须有金融媒介把储蓄者和投资者联系起来。 2. The fiduciary duty of financial intermediaries 金融中介机构的基本责任 3. Financial intermediary and its functions in social economy 金融中介及其在社会经济中的作用 4. Comments on the new financial intermediary theory 新金融中介理论述评

Financial Accounting代表什么?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Financial Accounting财务会计公司通过定期对外发表财务报表,向公众通报公司的财务状况及表现。  对于各个投资领域内的专业人员,包括基金经理、证券分析师、财务总监、投资顾问、投资银行家、交易员等等,CFA非常重要;它直接证明了你的职业素养和能力,被投资业看成一个“黄金标准”,这一资格被认为是投资业界中具有专业技能和职业操守的承诺。考生考过CFA对自己将会有很大帮助。  希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟。  再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

financial hold 是什么意思

financial hold的中文翻译financial hold 财务控制

financial performance是什么意思

Finace、Financial Management、Corporate Finance三者的联系与区别。

finance 指的是金融这个学科,是经济学大类下面的偏重于应用的学科,主要课程包括会计、公司金融(corporate finance),金融衍生品、固定收益、风险管理等。financial management 是一个细分的内容,应该涉及到一些公司治理、金融工程、管理现金流,风险控制等corporate finance 是一个科目,公司金融主要内容就是包括基本的财务分析、投资分析、衡量公司价值、融资成本结构等。financial management可以包含在corporate finance里面,也可以单独做一个学习科目。主要关系就是finance这个学科包括coporate finance,和financial management,而一些教材里面CF也包括FM的内容。

Finance Center 与 Financial Center 区别,“理财中心”翻译成哪个更好?


financial performance 和 financial position中文怎么翻译?有何区别?



F&AAccounting 还可以缩写为 A/C

economic跟financial 经济困难用哪个

经济困难应该要用financial。financial :财政(上)的,财务(上)的,金融(上)的economic:经济学的;经济(上)的;实用的financial偏向于政府政策方向,而economic偏向于金融货币方向在使用的时候,financial基本作财政之意解释,通常政府财政均用financial这个词比如 financial situation 财政情况而economic基本作经济解释,在经济学以及金融方面用的比较多希望采纳哦!


finance [fai"n?ns,fi"n?ns] n. U财政,金融;财源,资金 vt. 供资金给,为…筹措资金


财务弹性是指企业适应经济环境变化和利用投资机会的能力,具体是指公司动用闲置资金和剩余负债能力,应对可能发生的或无法预见的紧急情况,以及把握未来投资机会的能力,是公司筹资对内外环境的反应能力、适应程度及调整的余地。例如,当企业突然需要一笔现金时,企业如何有效采取行动以筹得款项。 财务弹性的这种能力来源于现金流量和支付现金需要的比较。当企业的现金流量超过支付现金的需要,有剩余的现金时,企业适应性就强。因此,通常用经营现金流量与支付要求(指投资需求或承诺支付等)进行比较来衡量企业的财务弹性。财务弹性的重要性 一般来说,一个企业如果完全通过权益资本筹集资金显然是不明智的,因为其筹集方式使之不能得到负债经营的好处,但是风险随着过度举债比例的增大而增加,相应的企业的危机成本及代理成本的增加,使债权人风险加大,从而使其在债务契约中加入诸多限制性条款,使得公司在投资、融资及股利分配等财务决策方面丧失部分弹性。而保持适度的财务弹性,是灵活适应资本市场变动的必要条件;是合理运用财务杠杆收益的前提;是调整融资规模、融资结构的基础。


  财务弹性是指企业适应经济环境变化和利用投资机会的能力,具体是指公司动用闲置资金和剩余负债的能力。应对可能发生的或无法预见的紧急情况,以及把握未来投资机会的能力,是公司筹资对内外环境的反应能力、适应程度及调整的余地。例如,当企业突然需要一笔现金时,企业如何有效采取行动以筹得款项。  一般来说,一个企业如果完全通过权益资本筹集资金显然是不明智的,因为其筹集方式使之不能得到负债经营的好处,但是风险随着过度举债比例的增大而增加,相应的企业的危机成本及代理成本的增加,使债权人风险加大,从而使其在债务契约中加入诸多限制性条款,使得公司在投资、融资及股利分配等财务决策方面丧失部分弹性。而保持适度的财务弹性,是灵活适应资本市场变动的必要条件;是合理运用财务杠杆收益的前提;是调整融资规模、融资结构的基础。


都可以!如果其它可是的门派是名词+名词的格式,你就用Finance Room(或者用Office);如果其它的用形容词+名词的格式,就用Financial Room(Office)


翻译如下:金融的; 财务的; 财政的; 有钱的


1、financial的详细翻译:adj.(形容词)金融的,经济的,金融界的财政的,财务的缴费的,提供经费的金钱上的,财源的,资金的善于理财的n.(名词)金融统计数据金融公司的股票2、词组:financial affairs 财务financial allocation 财政拨款financial center 金融中心financial responsibility 经济责任financial year财政年度,会计年度,在美国英语中是fiscal year。3、financial+n在句子中用作定语,例句:London is one of the important financial centers of the world.伦敦是世界上最主要的金融中心之一。

financial 有复数形式吗


Financial Engineering代表什么?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Financial Engineering金融资产重整通过创新的设计或重整现有的金融工具创造新的、更好的金融产品。  对于各个投资领域内的专业人员,包括基金经理、证券分析师、财务总监、投资顾问、投资银行家、交易员等等,CFA非常重要;它直接证明了你的职业素养和能力,被投资业看成一个“黄金标准”,这一资格被认为是投资业界中具有专业技能和职业操守的承诺。考生考过CFA对自己将会有很大帮助。  希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟。  再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

请问financial 和 economical区别



都含“财政的”、“金融的”意思。financial 指“金融事务的”, 如:London is a financial centre.伦敦是个金融中心。fiscal指“国库岁入以及一个组织或公司的财政的“, 如:a fiscal year财政年度。

commercial 及financial的区别



fiscal[5fiskEl]adj.财政的, 国库的, 会计的, 国库岁入的n.(苏格兰和欧洲某些国家的)检查官, 印花税票Of or relating to government expenditures, revenues, and debt:国库的:政府开支、收入和债务的或与之有关的:a fiscal policy of incurring budget deficits to stimulate a weak economy.为刺激贫弱经济而引起预算赤字的财政政策Of or relating to finance or finances.See Synonyms at financial 财政的或与财政有关的参见 financialfinancial[fai5nAnFEl, 7fi-]adj.财政的, 金融的a financial adviser; 财政顾问;pecuniary motives; 金钱的动力;a fiscal year; 财政年度;monetary considerations), but they often differ in application. 货币酬金), 但它们在应用时经常是不同的。Financial frequently refers to transactions involving money on a large scale: Financial 常指涉及大规模金钱的交易:Many computer software corporations are experiencing financial reverses. 许多计算机软件公司在经济上遇到了挫折。Pecuniary is more appropriate to the private, small-scale dealings of individuals: Pecuniary 则更适用于个体们的私人的小规模交易:He received thanks but no pecuniary compensation for his services. 他的服务只得到了一句谢谢却并没有物质上的补偿。Fiscal applies especially to a nation"s financial practices and policies: Fiscal 特指国家财政事务及政策:The Secretary of the Treasury is the chief fiscal officer of our government. 财政部长是我们政府里面的主要财政官员。Monetary has special reference to the coinage, printing, or circulation of currency: Monetary 特指 货币的造币、印制与发行:The basic monetary unit of the United States is the dollar. 美国货币的基本单位是美元






financialKK: []DJ: []a.1. 财政的;金融的;金融界的in financial difficulties处于财政困难之中The store was a financial failure and soon closed.该店赔本,很快就关闭了。New York is a great financial center.纽约是一个重要的金融中心。




financial adj. 金融的;财政的,财务的网络释义 专业释义 英英释义 金融 财政 财务的 环球金融短语Financial Accounting 财务会计 ; 金融会计 ; 财务会计学 ; 会计核算Financial Management 财务管理 ; 金融管理 ; 理财规划 ; 账务管理financial crisis 金融危机 ; 财政危机 ; 财务危机 ; 经济危机


financial的名词是finance。finance:1、意思:finance这个词既可以是名词,也可以是动词。①当其为名词时,其含义为“资金;财政;金融;财务”,其通常为不可数名词,当在文章中见到单词finances时,其含义为“(个人、组织、国家的)财力,财源,财务管理”。②当这个单词是动词时,它的意思是“提供资金;资助”,其第三人称单数是finances,现在分词是financing,过去式是financed,过去分词是financed。2、例句:Several computer engineers have been contracted to the finance department.有几位计算机工程师与财务部门签订了合同。


  定义:  财务弹性是指企业适应经济环境变化和利用投资机会的能力,具体是指公司动用闲置资金和剩余负债能力,应对可能发生的或无法预见的紧急情况,以及把握未来投资机会的能力,是公司筹资对内外环境的反应能力、适应程度及调整的余地。例如,当企业突然需要一笔现金时,企业如何有效采取行动以筹得款项。  财务弹性的这种能力来源于现金流量和支付现金需要的比较。当企业的现金流量超过支付现金的需要,有剩余的现金时,企业适应性就强。因此,通常用经营现金流量与支付要求(指投资需求或承诺支付等)进行比较来衡量企业的财务弹性。  财务弹性的重要性  一般来说,一个企业如果完全通过权益资本筹集资金显然是不明智的,因为其筹集方式使之不能得到负债经营的好处,但是风险随着过度举债比例的增大而增加,相应的企业的危机成本及代理成本的增加,使债权人风险加大,从而使其在债务契约中加入诸多限制性条款,使得公司在投资、融资及股利分配等财务决策方面丧失部分弹性。而保持适度的财务弹性,是灵活适应资本市场变动的必要条件;是合理运用财务杠杆收益的前提;是调整融资规模、融资结构的基础。




financial的意思是,财政的,金融的,有钱的,有资金可用的,全缴纳的,已缴清的。短语搭配Financial Times金融时报,英国金融时报,财经时报。financial secretary财政司,财政秘书,香港持别行政区财政司司长。Financial Analysis财务分析,金融分析。financial risk金融风险,财务风险,财政风险,财政危害。Financial Report财务报告,财经新闻,财经消息,财经汇报。Financial Planning财务规划,理财规划,财务计划,财政计划。Financial Analyst财务分析员,金融分析师,财务分析师,财务分析者。Financial Planner财务计划员,理财规划师,财务策划顾问,寿险精英主管。


财务弹性(Financial Flexibility),也叫财务适应能力 ,财务弹性是指企业适应经济环境变化和利用投资机会的能力,具体是指公司动用闲置资金和剩余负债能力,应对可能发生的或无法预见的紧急情况,以及把握未来投资机会的能力,是公司筹资对内外环境的反应能力、适应程度及调整的余地。当企业突然需要一笔现金时,企业如何有效采取行动以筹得款项。财务弹性 - 来源财务弹性的这种能力来源于现金流量和支付现金需要的比较。当企业的现金流量超过支付现金的需要,有剩余的现金时,企业适应性就强。因此,通常用经营现金流量与支付要求(指投资需求或承诺支付等)进行比较来衡量企业的财务弹性。财务弹性 - 重要性一般来说,一个企业如果完全通过权益资本筹集资金显然是不明智的,因为其筹集方式使之不能得到负债经营的好处,但是风险随着过度举债比例的增大而增加,相应的企业的危机成本及代理成本的增加,使债权人风险加大,从而使其在债务契约中加入诸多限制性条款,使得公司在投资、融资及股利分配等财务决策方面丧失部分弹性。而保持适度的财务弹性,是灵活适应资本市场变动的必要条件;是合理运用财务杠杆收益的前提;是调整融资规模、融资结构的基础。


金融服务(financial service) 金融服务指 金融机构 运用货币交易手段融通价物品 向金融参与者顾客提供共同受益、获满足按照 世 界贸易组织附件内容金融服务提供者包括列类型机构: 保险 及其相关服务包括所银行其金融服务(保险除外)










adj. 金融的;财政的,财务的



management account & financial account?

Management accounting is concerned with the provisions and use of accounting information to managers within anizations, to provide them with the basis to make informed business decisions that will allow them to be better equipped in their management and control functions. In contrast to financial accountancy information, management accounting information is: * usually confidential and used by management, instead of publicly reported; * forward-looking, instead of historical; * pragmatically puted, instead of plying with accounting standards. This is because of the different emphasis: management accounting information is used within an anization, typically for decision-making. Financial statements provide an overview of a business" financial condition in both short and long term. There are four basic financial statements:[1] 1. Balance sheet: also referred to as statement of financial position or condition, reports on a pany"s assets, liabilities and equity as of a given point in time. 2. Ine statement: also referred to as Profit and Loss statement (or a "P&L"), reports on a pany"s results of operations over a period of time. 3. Statement of retained earnings: explains the changes in a pany"s retained earnings over the reporting period. 4. Statement of cash flows: reports on a pany"s cash flow activities, particularly its operating, investing and financing activities. For large corporations, these statements are often plex and may include an extensive set of notes to the financial statements and management discussion and *** ysis. The notes typically describe each item on the balance sheet, ine statement and cash flow statement in further detail. Notes to financial statements are considered an integral part of the financial statements.,参考: wikip,In a straight word, Management Account is for Internal Use with data focusing on the needs of the divisions / departments of the pany, Finance, Marketing, Production e highlighting the performance of these divisions/departments. A typical example is for budgetary control. Financial Statements is for external use, shareholders, bankers and other interested external parties. The financial statements maybe audited with an auditor"s report attached on it. ,

金融经济学Financial Economics和金融学Finance的区别在哪


Common-Size Financial Statements是什么意思?

common-size financial statements [经] 同型财务报表;The unit of financial statements shall be RMB Yuan.财务报表的金额单位应为人民币元。Have you brought any financial statement for me?你给我带财务报告了吗?

financial closure 什么意思?


It was not until the subprime loan crisis(次贷危机) ____ great damage to the American financial

B 考查时态。not until引导的状语从句,从句用过去完成时,主句用一般过去时,故选B。

It was not until the subprime loan crisis (次贷危机) ____ great damage to the American financial s


[w58] Because of the financial crisis, days are gone ______ local 5-star hotels charged 6,000

因为经济危机,那当地5星及宾馆住一晚收费6000的日子已经一去不返了。首先确定是定语从句修饰days ,时间定语从句用when

what is financial crisis

financial crisis 是金融危机,财政危机。定义:The term financial crisis is applied broadly to a variety of situations in which some financial institutions or assets suddenly lose a large part of their value.

financial highlights是什么意思

financial highlights财务亮点双语例句1Reporting formats for presentation of financial highlights;提出财务重点的报告格式;2The international financial crisis highlights the change the mode ofdevelopment and persistence to the scientific development.国际金融危机的冲击,凸显了转变发展方式、坚持科学发展的必要性与紧迫性。3The international financial crisis highlights the importance of riskmanagement, investment banking, and lead to the academic communitywith substantive departments on risk management techniques moreattention.国际金融危机凸显了投资银行风险管理的重要性,并引起学术界与实务部门对风险管理技术更多的关注。4The content innovation of financial management highlights adjustingthe point of financing management and investment managementtransforming the objective of inventory management reforming themodel of profit allocating improving the level of risk managementpromoting the financial analysis and appraisal system.财务管理内容创新强调调整筹资管理与投资管理的重点、转移存货管理目标、变革利润分配模式、提高风险管理水平、改进财务分析和财务评价体系。

financial highlights是什么意思

financial highlights的中文翻译financial highlights财务重点双语例句1,Reporting formats for presentation of financial highlights;提出财务重点的报告格式;2,UNHCR does not include such data in its “ financial highlights ” or related documents.难民专员办事处在“财务概要”或相关文件中未列入此类数据。3,These financial highlights are complementary to the accounts of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ( UNHCR) for 2007.这些财务概要对联合国难民事务高级专员办事处2007年的决算具有补充作用。

financial accounting ifrs edition weygandt kimmel kieso solution 翻译

financial accounting ifrs edition 这是一本书的名字 翻译为 财务会计:财务报告准则weygandt kimmel kieso 是作者

如何填报牛津financial declaration

你好,有学校规定一定要有5000美刀的经济支柱,当然你是在校学生填零也是可以的。financial declaration:财务申报。牛津大学(University of Oxford),简称"牛津"(Oxford),位于英国牛津,世界顶尖的公立研究型大学,采用书院联邦制。 其与剑桥大学并称为牛剑,是罗素大学集团成员,被誉为"金三角名校"和"G5超级精英大学"。牛津大学的具体建校时间已不可考,但有档案明确记载的最早的授课时间为1096年,之后在1167年因得到了英国王室的大力支持而快速发展。牛津大学是英语世界中最古老的大学,也是世界上现存第二古老的高等教育机构。 该校涌现了一批引领时代的科学巨匠,培养了大量开创纪元的艺术大师、国家元首,其中包括28位英国首相及数十位世界各国元首、政商界领袖。 牛津大学在数学、物理、医学、法学、商学等多个领域拥有崇高的学术地位及广泛的影响力,被公认为是当今世界最顶尖的高等教育机构之一。 从1902年起,牛津大学还设立了面向全世界本科生的"罗德奖学金"。 截止至2019年3月,牛津大学的校友、教授及研究人员中,共有72位诺贝尔奖得主(世界第九)、3位菲尔兹奖得主(世界第二十)、6位图灵奖得主(世界第九)。2020-2021年度,牛津大学位列2021泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名第1 ,2022QS世界大学排名第2 ,2021U.S. News世界大学排名第5 ,2020软科世界大学学术排名第9 。特别的是,牛津大学于2017-2021年连续五年在泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名荣膺世界第1。

financial metrics是什么意思

financial metrics 资产指标;财务纬度 财务指标例句筛选1.There are three main financial metrics that we track closely.我们密切追踪三个主要财务指标。2.Calculating and storing financial and non-financial metrics in a fast way.迅速计算和存储财务和非财务指标。

derivative financial instruments是什么意思

derivative financial instruments衍生金融工具;衍生的金融工具;金融衍生工具例句1.Then the author chooses the accounting supervision of risks of derivative financial instruments as the research field.由此,笔者选择了衍生金融工具风险的会计监控这一问题进行研究。2.The business of the derivative financial instruments shows uncertainty.衍生金融工具交易具有不确定性。3.and developing and perfecting foreign exchange market to hedge the exchange rate risk by using the derivative financial instruments.发展和健全外汇市场,利用衍生金融工具规避汇率风险。4.Effective risk management transactions is to derivative financial instruments used effectively.交易风险管理行之有效的办法是衍生金融工具的有效使用。5.The Influence on Business Accounting from Derivative Financial Instruments浅析衍生金融工具对企业会计核算的影响

financial derivatives是什么意思


英国Financial Times如何免费

.....这是份报纸啊= =楼主,.你是不是误会了什么啊??

financial times 官网怎么进去?
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