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confirmation bias 和 subjective validation 有什么区别?

confirmation bias:确认偏差subjective validation:主观验证confirmation bias是指,遇到一个命题时人会倾向于寻找支持这个命题的证据,而忽视否定这个命题的证据。而subjective validation是指,遇到一个命题会因为自己的某个Belief或者Identification而赞同它。

confirmation bias 和 subjective validation 有什么区别?

Refers to the tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs or hypotheses.From Coursera

confirmation bias 和 subjective validation 有什么区别

confirmation bias是指,遇到一个命题时人会倾向于寻找支持这个命题的证据,而忽视否定这个命题的证据。比如看见“费德勒比纳达尔强”,会去自动寻找费德勒比纳达尔强的证据,而忽视费德勒输给纳达尔这种与命题相反的证据。判断命题的人未必是费德勒的粉丝,只是人通常有确定一个命题的倾向。中国人如此,美国人也如此。而subjective validation是指,遇到一个命题会因为自己的某个Belief或者Identification而赞同它。比如一个费德勒粉丝会坚定支持“费德勒比纳达尔强”,甚至费德勒输给纳达尔时他也会持有“费德勒在巅峰时期肯定比巅峰时期的纳达尔强”这种观点。还有相反的,比如美国人说叶诗文符禁药,我们作为中国人当然觉得中国名誉受损,所以会特别希望反驳这一条;但公知们为了批评体制,为了显得自己反政府反体制,会觉得叶诗文肯定是服禁药了肯定是体制的牺牲品生活一定不幸福blablabla。还有个更离谱的是,比如“美女都很温柔”这个命题,一个温柔又美丽的女孩子可能会比较赞同这个命题,因为这符合自己的性格,尽管“美女”和“温柔”没有必然联系


当开证行资信不好的时候,用CONFIRM,当开证行资信很好的时候,用WITHOUT,当开证行资信一般的时候,用MAY ADD。信用证中重要的英文释义:revocable L/C/irrevocable L/C 可撤销 信用证 /不可撤销信用证。confirmed L/C/unconfirmed L/C 保兑信用证/不保兑信用证。sight L/C/usance L/C 即期信用证 / 远期信用证。transferableL/C(or)assignableL/C(or)transmissible L/C /untransferable L/C 可转让信用证/不可转让信用证。divisible L/C/undivisible L/C 可分割信用证/不可分割信用证。revolving L/C 循环信用证。L/C with T/T reimbursement clause 带电汇条款信用证 。without recourse L/C/with recourse L/C 无追索权信用证/有追索权信用证。documentary L/C/clean L/C 跟单信用证/光票信用证。deferred payment L/C/anticipatory L/C 延付信用证/预支信用证。back to back L/Creciprocal L/C 对背信用证/对开信用证。扩展资料:信用证的运作:(1)开证申请人根据合同填写开证申请书并交纳押金或提供其他保证,请开证行开证。(2)开证行根据申请书内容,向受益人开出信用证并寄交出口人所在地通知行。(3)通知行核对印鉴无误后,将信用证交受益人。(4)受益人审核信用证内容与合同规定相符后,按信用证规定装运货物、备妥单据并开出汇票,在信用证有效期内,送议付行议付。(5)议付行按信用证条款审核单据无误后,把货款垫付给受益人。(6)议付行将汇票和货运单据寄开证行或其特定的付款行索偿。(7)开证行核对单据无误后,付款给议付行。(8)开证行通知开证人付款赎单。参考资料来源:百度百科-信用证


comfirmation bias(证实偏向)简而言之,就是当一个人持有自己的想法或者观点时,他/她会倾向于去发现新的证据去支撑自己的观点/想法。motivated reasoning(动力推理)一种基于情绪的决策现象,主要是在认知科学和社会心理学用到这个概念。描述的是“动机”或者“动力”(motivation)在认知过程如决策中的作用。

negative confirmation是什么意思


请问什么是fax confirmation ?


开信用证时国外让在附加条款中加whitout confirmation,是什么意思


confirmation process是什么意思


英国签证的appointment confirmation是直接打印那个邮件吗


email confirmation是什么意思

Email Confirmation 网络 电子邮件确认; [例句]If you are the owner of this website, you will get an email confirmation once it"s done.如果您是本网站的主人,你会收到一封电子邮件确认自己的清白。

三星的打印机传真以后出来一张纸上写着这个fax confirmation是什么意思啊?是传了还是没传

已经传好了!Fax Confirmation(传真确认报告)请采纳,感谢。以下是一些传真机早出现的单词:1、Print Report(打印报告)2、Error Messages(错误信息)3、Print Cartridges(打印墨盒问题)4、Load Originals and Load Paper(进纸的问题)5、General Troubleshooting(通常问题)6、Fax Troubleshooting(传真疑难)7、Use Fax Features(使用传真功能)8、Use Scan Features(使用扫描选项)9、Get Support(得到支持)10、Product Overview(产品概述) 11、Fax Confirmation(传真确认报告)12、Fax error report(传真错误报告)13、Last transaction(上一次传输)14、Fax log(传真日志)15、Speed dial list(快速拨号)16、Self-test report(自检报告)17、Call ID report(来电显示报告)- 必须开通来电显示的电信服务18、Junk fax report(垃圾传真过滤报告) - 必须开通来电显示的电信服务19、Speed dial setup(快速拨号设置) 20、Individual speed dial(独立快速拨号) - 最多可以设置 100 个21、Group speed dial(群组拨号) - 只能设置“个人快速拨号”中已经设置的电话号码22、Delete speed dial(删除快速拨号)23、Print speed dial list(打印快速拨号列表) - 打印快速拨号的列表24、Basic fax setup(基本传真设置) 25、Fax header(传真标题) - 设置传真抬头的内容,包括公司名称和传真电话。只能输入英文字母和数字。在您发到对方传真机后,此信息将出现在传真件的抬头部分。26、Auto Answer(是否自动接收传真) - 默认 On27、Rings to answer(设置自动接受传真的铃声次数) - 默认 5 声28、Fax paper size(传真纸张大小) - 默认 A429、Ring and beep volume(响铃和蜂鸣音量)

written confirmation是什么意思及音标

written confirmation英 [u02c8ru026atn u02ccku0254nfu0259u02c8meu026au0283u0259n] 美 [u02c8ru026atn u02cckɑnfu025au02c8meu0283u0259n] 书面凭证


待确认的意思confirmation n.证实,确认,批准pending adj.未决的-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。




电脑重置过程中出现confirmations使用 IRST(或混合硬盘)、BCD 损坏重置电脑 大家在 Win10 的 [ 此电脑 ]- [计算机]-「设置」-「 更新 和安全」-「恢复」中,就可以看到“ 重置此电脑 ” 功能 [开始]。 如果 电脑 未正常运行, 重置电脑 可能会解决问题。 重置 时,可以选保留个人文件或删除个人文件,然后重新安装 Win dows。

不明白Confirmation of offer


Setup Confirmation是什么意思



I can"t understand what you meant, could you speak out clearly

电脑一开机就出现confirmation 的提示,请大侠们帮我解决啊。 然后我用光盘启动也启动



When can we receive your confirmation?





awaiting confirmation是什么意思

awaiting confirmation等待确认1.Gentlemen, we"re awaiting confirmation of our orders. 各位,我们等待命令的确认。2.Hundreds of possible brown dwarfs are out there awaiting confirmation. 成百上千个褐矮星仍等待着确认身份。3.David and christine are awaiting confirmation from guinness world records to see if george is the world"s new tallest dog. 大卫和陆正等待吉尼斯世界纪录确认,看看布什是世界上最高的狗。


confirmationn.证实; 证明; 确认,认可; [宗]坚信礼; [英][ˌkɒnfəˈmeɪʃn][美][ˌkɑ:nfərˈmeɪʃn]Now a video posted to the sina web portal appears to offer visual confirmation. 现在,上传至新浪门户网站的一个视频似乎给予了直观证实。

钱钟书翻译中的求证 是confirmation还是proof,如何翻译?

confirmation 指经检验得出的结果,即证实、核准、确认等,动词是 confirm。proof 指来自事实的结果,如证据、证明、凭证等,动词是 prove。


联想恢复出厂笔记本设置到confirmation,U盘启动并重装系统:插入U盘启动电脑,进入U盘启动界面按提示利用下载来的GHO文件进行克隆安装。将系统光盘插入光驱,开机后按DEL键(笔记本一般为F2或根据屏幕底行提示字符)进入CMOS,并在BOOT选项卡中设置光驱(CD-ROM或DVD-ROM)为第一启动项。重启进入光盘启动菜单,选择将系统安装到C区,再按提示操作即可。 confirmation:确证物;证实物;证明物;确证;证实;证明;确定;确认;(基督教)坚振礼(通过按手礼和向前额敷油坚定已受洗者信仰的仪式);(对某事的)批准,认可;认证。


----- for----- confirmation for 对......进行确认


confirmation不可数。 confirmation:n.证实;确认书;证明书;坚振;坚振礼;坚信礼;坚振礼(通常为16岁以上犹太年轻人举行的仪式)。 扩展资料   Method for Growing Target Confirmation of Reliability Growth Test Through Dynamic Programming   基于动态规划的可靠性增长试验增长目标确立方法   That would be the confirmation that it was in general use.   这将证明它的.使用是十分普遍的。   So, why does it still issue the confirmation message?   既然这样,它为什么还要发起确认信息?   Please provide delivery confirmation within two working days.   请提供在两个工作日内发货确认。   An Approach to Buffer Overflow Detection Based on Memory Address Confirmation   基于内存地址确认的缓冲区溢出检测方法


Confirmation,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“确认;证实;证明;批准”。confirmation letter确认书 ; 确认信 ; 询证信函 ; 确认信函metrological confirmation计量确认CONFIRMATION NUMBER确认号码例句:They say this should help her in the confirmation process.他们认为这将对她在确认提名过程中更为有利。As of this morning, we do have that confirmation.今天早上,我们确实得到了伊朗方面的证实。


confirmationsn.确认; 证据; 证实( confirmation的名词复数 ); (基督教中的)坚信礼; 双语例句 1The subsidiary"s manager had used the defendant"s stationery for the written confirmations of orders placed by phone.附属公司经理使用被告的信笺对电话订单进行了书面确认。2It essentially scans email to find receipts and order confirmations, picking up any tracking numbers along the way.它主要是对电子邮件进行扫描,从中拣出收据、定单确认信、以及追踪号码。


confirmation[英][u02ccku0252nfu0259u02c8meu026au0283n][美][u02cckɑ:nfu0259ru02c8meu026au0283n]n.证实; 证明; 确认,认可; [宗]坚信礼; 复数:confirmations例句:1.Now a video posted to the sina web portal appears to offer visual confirmation. 现在,上传至新浪门户网站的一个视频似乎给予了直观证实。


clear confirmation 清除证实。双语对照:1、The price is subject to our confirmation.所有价格经我们确认后有效。


confirmation英[u02ccku0252nfu0259u02c8meu026au0283n]美[u02cckɑ:nfu0259ru02c8meu026au0283n]n. 证实; 证明; 确认,认可; [宗] 坚信礼;[例句]We would appreciate confirmation of your refusal of our invitation to take part.若您确认拒绝我们的邀请不能参加,我们将感激不尽。[其他] 复数:confirmations

firmanent 是什么意思?

i agree


confirm v.(尤指提供证据来)证实,证明;使感觉更强烈;使确信;批准(职位、协议等);确认;认可第三人称单数: confirms现在分词: confirming过去式: confirmed过去分词: confirmed

reservation confirmation是什么意思



Arrangement between the beneficiary of a letter of credit (L/C) and the negotiating bank whereby the latter commits to negotiate the L/C on its due date. The L/C must be negotiable or payable by itself so that the negotiating bank (like a confirming bank) may acquire the holder-in-due-course rights. It is not a true confirmation and does not use the word "confirmation."不是按你给的翻译的。。。

公司收到员工resignation letter既confirmation letter ?

1) 公司收到员工既resignation letter 通常都唔好出confirmation 架u359e ? 只要个员工俾咗信, 当然要系上面写清楚递信日期啦. 咁收咗就叫做confirm 架啦. 不过如果你真系要写confirmation 都得既, 大致上内容如下: (Date) (Re: Resignation ) Mr.Chan, (e.g.) Being confirmed that your resignation letter was well received on 17th July, 2007. Your last working day will be on 16th August, 2007. Due to your leaving, the final payment would be calculated after 7days of the last day 22nd August, 2007. ........... 2) 如 17/7 系effective date, 咁佢既 last day 即最后上班日应该系 16/8/07 先啱. 2007-07-18 10:58:19 补充: 唔好意思, misunderstand 咗你个问题. 如果佢u358a日俾信, effective date 应该系u358a日, 但系要confirm 佢封信上面个date 系咪同佢俾信系同一日, 如果唔系最好当面叫佢改番, 签番名咁就冇数"坳", 因为effective date 唔同咗 last day 都会唔同.,你可以看一看员工的信件上是什么日期. 如正常来说是计昨天, 如果员工的信日期是今天, 则计今天.,

Affirmation 歌词

歌曲名:Affirmation歌手:Savage Garden(野人花园)专辑:Truly, Madly Completely - The Best Of Savage GardenI believe the sun should never set upon an argumentI believe we place our happiness in other people"s handsI believe that junk food tastes so good because it"s bad for youI believe your parents did the best job they knew how to doI believe that beauty magazines promote low self esteemI believe I"m loved when I"m completely by myself aloneI believe in Karma what you give is what you get returnedI believe you can"t appreciate real love until you"ve been burnedI believe the grass is no more greener on the other sideI believe you don"t know what you"ve got until you say goodbyeI believe you can"t control or choose your sexualityI believe that trust is more important than monogamyI believe your most attractive features are your heart and soulI believe that family is worth more than money or goldI believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfairI believe the only ones who disagree are millionairesI believe in Karma what you give is what you get returnedI believe you can"t appreciate real love until you"ve been burnedI believe the grass is no more greener on the other sideI believe you don"t know what you"ve got until you say goodbyeI believe forgiveness is the key to your unhappinessI believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressedI believe that God does not endorse TV evangelistsI believe in love surviving death into eternityI believe in Karma what you give is what you get returnedI believe you can"t appreciate real love until you"ve been burnedI believe the grass is no more greener on the other sideI believe you don"t know what you"ve got until you say goodbye


I believe the sun should never set upon an argument 我相信太阳永远不会引起争议 I believe we place our happiness in other people"s hands 我相信我们把幸福交予他人支配了 I believe that junk food tastes so good because it"s bad for you 我相信零食味道鲜美但对你身体无益 I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do 我相信始终是父母亲对你最好 I believe that beauty magazines promote low esteem 我相信美女杂志能振奋你低落的自尊心 I believe I"m loved when I"m completely by myself alone 我相信当我单身时才会体会到被爱的滋味 I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned 我相信轮回中的因果报应 I believe you can"t appreciate real love until you"ve been burned 我相信你对真爱不屑一顾直到你为之动容 I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side 我相信彼处的生机并不比此处昂然 I believe you don"t know what you"ve got until you say goodbye 我相信只有失去了才懂得珍惜 I believe you can"t control or choose your sexuality 我相信你无法控制或选择你的性别 I believe that trust is more important than monogamy 我相信夫妻间的信任比一夫一妻制更重要 I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul 我相信你最吸引人之处是你的内心和灵魂 I believe that family is worth more than money or gold 我相信金钱无法买到亲情 I believe the struggle for finacial freedom is unfair 我相信为敛财而苦恼毫无必要 I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires 我相信只有百万富翁才不表同意 I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned 我相信轮回中的因果报应 I believe you can"t appreciate real love until you"ve been burned 我相信你对真爱不屑一顾直到你为之动容 I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side 我相信彼处的生机并不比此处昂然 I believe you don"t know what you"ve got until you say goodbye 我相信只有失去了才懂得珍惜 I believe forgiveness is the key to your un happiness 我相信学会宽容能让你活得快乐 I believe that wedded bliss negate the need to be undressed 我相信新婚的喜悦比一丝不挂更有价值 I believe that God does not endorse TV evangelists 我相信上帝并不喜欢电视上的福音传遭 I believe in love surviving death in eternity 我相信经历死亡的爱情才是永恒 I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned 我相信轮回中的因果报应 I believe you can"t appreciate real love until you"ve been burned 我相信你对真爱不屑一顾直到你为之动容 I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side 我相信彼处的生机并不比此处昂然 I believe you don"t know what you"ve got until you say goodbye 我相信只有失去了才懂得珍惜


当开证行资信不好的时候,用CONFIRM当开证行资信很好的时候,用WITHOUT当开证行资信一般的时候,用MAY ADD

etter of confirmation from university providing documentary evidence of matriculation

来自提供文件对于大学入学许可的证据的大学的证实的 etter

Nummer der Firma:的翻译是:什么意思

Nummer der Firma翻译成中文是:在公司的电话相关单词学习:der abbr. derivation 引出; derivative 引出的; dernier (Fench=last) (法语)最后的; derive 引伸出; [例句]But for the van der Waal"s gas, now it"s going to be different.但是对于范德瓦尔斯气体,情况就不一样了。

德语:Ich bin jetzt seit 10 Jahren in der Firma!怎么理解?谢谢




德语里,在某处上班,有时用介词in,in einer Firma,有时用介词bei,bei Siemens,何时用in,何时用bei?

这里的原则是,使用普通名词时,用in,auf ...等通常使用的介词。例如,in einer Fabrik/Firma arbeiten. in einem Institut arbeiten 在工厂/公司,在研究所工作。auf dem Land arbeiten.在农村工作。zu Hause arbeiten. 在家中工作。等等。 而使用专有名词,则用bei。例如,bei Siemens, bei ALDI, bei Plus arbeiten。在Siemens, ALDI, Plus公司工作。等等。

谁知道西班牙文里Firma del Interesado,这个是什么意思啊?还有Fdo.是什么意思啊?

Firma del interesado相关人员签名 (interesado直译是有兴趣的,关注的)Fdo.是某个词的缩写,抱歉我不记得了|||这个词是在什么语境中出现的???地点,a 日期 de 月份 de 年份




意大利语· 签名

bueno pss.. pasaba deboladota a firmartex... sale me firmas e no seas mamila...
