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英[fʊt] 美[fʊt]


foot的意思是脚。释义:n.脚;英尺;步调;末尾vi.步行;跳舞;总计vt.支付;给……换底n. (Foot)人名;(英)富特变形:过去式footed、过去分词footed、现在分词footing、第三人称单数foots、复数feet双语例句1、My right foot is numb.我的右脚麻木了。2、My main task today is to foot your bills.我今天的主要任务是支付您的账单。3、The two foot pedals of this bicycle were broken.这辆单车的两个脚踏板坏了。


foot翻译:脚英:[fʊt]美:[fʊt]过去式:footed;过去 分词:footed; 现在分词:footing; 复数形式:feet;双语例句1、My right foot is numb.我的右脚麻木了。2、My main task today is to foot your bills.我今天的主要任务是支付您的账单。3、The two foot pedals of this bicycle were broken.这辆单车的两个脚踏板坏了。4、I put my left foot into the water.我把左脚伸进水里5、He injured his foot so his sister gave him a piggyback ride.他的脚受伤了,所以是他姐姐背着他走的。6、She stamped her foot in annoyance.她气得直跺脚。

foodfootprint feeding system什么意思?


名词的复数的形式 diary day foot book dress tooth sheep box strawberry thief peach sandwich

diaries days feet books dresses teeth sheep boxes strawberries thiefs peaches sandwiches

carbon footprints 什么意思


Footjob Addiction 歌词

歌曲名:Footjob Addiction歌手:Alien Vampires专辑:Fuck Off And DieNatalie ImbrugliaOne More Addictiona teos productionFirst the good newsIts gonna feel very niceThen the bad newsYou gotta pay a heavy priceRip tide,we slide we ride on a deep forbidden seaUnder we go-so slowAnd youre hanging onto meAnd I sayOh oh one more addiction in my worldOh one more connection to let goOh floating down the riverout of sight forever (from my world)Its the only thing I know how to doI reject youBut I cant follow throughId forget youBud youd end up tappin on my back doorSomehow I lost myselfIn a tunnel long and blackSomewhere,at the end,I pretendTheres a way of turning backAnd I sayOh oh one more addiction in my worldOh one more connection to let goOh floating down the riverout of sight forever (from my world)Its the only thing I know how to doTake a breathLet it outAll the things you frown about are meaninglessof course,unless youre doing this for real I guessI meant to to butI dont know whatIs in the way and could I sayIts you in betI wont forgetMaybe Im not ready yetOh oh one more addiction in my worldOh one more connection to let goOh floating down the riverout of sight forever (from my world)Oh oh one more addiction in my worldOh one more connection to let goOh floating down the riverout of sight forever (from my world)




我喜欢足球和篮球l like football and basketbal请采纳 谢谢

英语小问题 foot feet谁是复数?谁是单数? teeth tooth 呢?

这个太简单了,foot是单数 feet是复数 同样 tooth 是单数,teeth是复数.一般就是把oo改为ee .



步行是 on foot 还是on feet 因为是两只脚,是不是用复数啊

步行要用on foot,on foot意思是步行,在进行中,还有活着的的意思,一般指的是供屠宰的牲畜鸡鸭鹅之类,如果要表达交通方式“步行”就要用on foot(其他短语在表达交通方式时一般也不用复数),要注意的是foot有两种词性,分别是名词和动词,在变复数中含有oo的可数名词,把oo变成ee,例如:foot-feet、tooth-teeth。foot除了on foot短语,还有a foot in both camps意思是两边都支持,脚踏两只船;at foot意思是在附近;at the foot of在...的脚下,在...的下部。扩展资料:元音字母变复数方法:元音字母和大多数除s、z、x、sh、ch之外的辅音字母(或字母组合)直接加-s,清辅音后的s读作/s/ ,元音和浊辅音后的s读作/z/。如:bag-bags、biscuit-biscuits、egg-eggs。当单数名词结尾为se,ze,ge,ce时(其词尾辅音为/s,z,ʃ,ʒ/等),加s后读作/iz/。如vase-vases,fridge-fridges。参考资料来源:百度百科——foot


foot(脚的单数)【feet(脚的复数,如图中两只脚则为“feet”)】,英文单词,常用“脚”的意思,有名词和动词两种词性。英文单词读音:[英]fʊt;[美]fʊt中文名足;脚外文名foot词性有名词和动词两种读音[美]fʊt     名词解释1、脚, 足;(人或动物的)脚,足2、 (袜子的)足部3、 脚步,步伐4、 底部, 底座;最下部;基础5、 有…脚(或足的);有…只脚(的);用…脚(或足的)6、英尺(英美制长度单位,1英尺=12 英寸或 30.48 厘米)7、音步(诗行中的节奏单位,每个音步中有一个重读音节)动词解释 听语音1、走,踏2、结算;总计;共计例句用法 Only our party"s policies will put the country on its feet again.只有我们党的政策才会使国家恢复元气。It"s easier to get there on foot than by car.到那儿去,步行比坐车容易。Three feet make one yard.三英尺为一码。He sat on the foot of the bed.他坐在床脚处。He got to his feet when he saw her father came in.他看到她父亲走进来就站了起来。


foot是脚、底部或者脚步的意思。foot的相关短语有:ballet foot一位至五位芭蕾手脚,foot soldier步兵,buttress foot锤突部骨炎,foot soldiers 步兵(foot soldier的名词复数),Athlete"s foot脚癣,ambulacral foot管足,blistering foot水疱足。可造句如下:1、I tried to reach the foot brakes but I couldn"t.我试图去够脚刹,但是没能踩到。2、He lost a foot when he was struck by a train.他给火车撞伤,失去了一只脚。3、My hobbies are letter writing, foot-ball, music, photography, and tennis.我的业余爱好是写信、踢足球、听音乐、玩摄影和打网球。4、Stand straight and stretch the left hand to the right foot.站直身体,伸左手够右脚。

英语小问题 foot feet谁是复数?谁是单数? teeth tooth 呢?

这个太简单了,foot是单数 feet是复数 同样 tooth 是单数,teeth是复数.一般就是把oo改为ee .

hurt. my. foot中的foot是复数还是单数?为什么?

原型是:hurtmyfoot(hurt的过去式和原型相同)☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜




feet拉tooth teeth 跟牙齿一样的

foot的 复数形式是什么

foot的 复数形式是feet


单数是foot,复数是feet。 另外kangta1775错了,表示人身高时口语常用feet

foot 复数形式

foot------feet 不规则变化   男人女人 a 变 e,鹅足牙 oo 变 ee;   老鼠虱婆也好记,ous 变 ic;   孩子加 ren(汉拼“人”),鱼鹿绵羊不用变.














a half feet long为什么用foot的复数

前移变为了_,写作f_ti。由于日耳曼语族的语音趋势是把重音放在第一个音节内,后面用来表容示复数的i逐渐淡化成了一个轻音e。在中古英语初期很长一段时间,f_te和f_t都同时存在,后来统一写成了fet,直到英语里的元音大迁移后又变为了feet。参照德语 fuss(foot)füsse(feet)。


foot是单数 它的复数是【feet】 是不规则变化的 有不会的可以再问我


feet的意思是脚,是名词。feet是foot的复数。Mike,touch your feet.翻译是:迈克,摸一下你双脚。foot名词意思有脚、足,脚步,步伐,英尺,音步。动词意思是走,蹋。 feet英[fi:t],美[fit] n.脚步;脚( foot的名词复数 );底部;英尺(=12英寸或30.48厘米); 例句:They wash their hands,arms and faces, and lastly,they wash their feet. 他们洗了手、胳膊和脸,最后脚也洗了。 原型:foot foot的用法 1:foot的基本意思是脚,足,引申可表示足部底部,底座脚步,步伐等。 2:foot作足部解时一般用单数形式;作底部,底座解时是单数名词,并常与定冠词the连用;作脚步,步伐解时为不可数名词,其后常接介〔副〕词短语。 3:foot还可以用作长度单位,意思是英尺,有时可采用零复数形式,即单数形式表示复数意义,表示每英尺时,foot前加a而不加one。 4:foot为不规则名词,复数为feet。 5:foot作英尺解时,有的语言学家认为是单复数同形。其来源据说是由于古代欧洲人用足作为衡量长度的标准。英国人一般用foot表示复数:Henry was six foot four inches in height.亨利身高六英尺四英寸。The new ambulance has a length of 12 foot 9 inches.新救护车长十二英尺九英寸。美国人说若干英尺时,仍用feet为复数。例如:She stands five feet four inches high.她身高五英尺四英寸。 6:foot的规则复数形式foots意思与foot截然不同,是沉淀物的意思。




  foot的复数是feet  满意请采纳,谢谢


foot名词复数:feet。 foot一、含义n. 脚;英尺;最底部;音步v. 表演舞步;步行;付账;踏;共计二、用法foot的基本意思是“脚,足”,引申可表示“足部”“底部,底座”“脚步,步伐”等。foot作“足部”解时一般用单数形式;作“底部,底座”解时是单数名词,并常与定冠词the连用; 作“脚步,步伐”解时为不可数名词,其后常接介〔副〕词短语。foot还可以用作长度单位,意思是“英尺”,有时可采用零复数形式,即单数形式表示复数意义,表示“每英尺”时, foot前加a而不加one。The waves wash the foot of the cliffs.波浪拍打断崖底部。扩展资料:近义词:base、foundation、walk。一、base1、含义:n. 底部;基地;基础;基数;基线;(棒球)垒;[化]碱。vt. 以 ... 作基础。adj. 卑鄙的;不道德的。2、举例I found a small leaf at the base of the flower.我在那朵花的底部发现一片小叶。二、foundation1、含义:n. 根基;基础;根据;创建;基金(会)。2、举例How long will it take to finish digging the foundations?挖地基大概需要多长时间完成呢?三、walk1、含义:v. 步行;陪...走;散步;偷走;走过。n. 步行;散步;人行道。2、举例After running for two miles he got to a walk.他跑了2公里后开始步行。






foot的复数形式是feet。foot英 [fʊt] 美 [fʊt]n.脚;底部;英尺(=12 英寸或 30。48 厘米);脚步;vt.走,踏;vt.& vi.结算,总计,共计。 foot的用法 1、foot的基本意思是“脚,足”,引申可表示“足部”“底部,底座”“脚步,步伐”等。 2、foot作“足部”解时一般用单数形式; 作“底部,底座”解时是单数名词,并常与定冠词the连用; 作“脚步,步伐”解时为不可数名词,其后常接介〔副〕词短语。 3、foot还可以用作长度单位,意思是“英尺”,有时可采用零复数形式,即单数形式表示复数意义,表示“每英尺”时,foot前加a而不加one。 4、foot为不规则名词,复数为feet。


foot的复数是feet。foot 英 [fʊt]   美 [fʊt]    n. 脚,英尺,最底部,音步v. 表演舞步,步行,付账,踏,共计I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.我因踩了她一脚向她道歉。foot的用法1、foot的基本意思是“脚,足”,引申可表示“足部”“底部,底座”“脚步,步伐”等。2、foot作“足部”解时一般用单数形式;作“底部,底座”解时是单数名词,并常与定冠词the连用;作“脚步,步伐”解时为不可数名词,其后常接介〔副〕词短语。3、foot还可以用作长度单位,意思是“英尺”,有时可采用零复数形式,即单数形式表示复数意义,表示“每英尺”时,foot前加a而不加one。




foot的复数形式是feet。含义为:脚;底部;英尺(=12英寸或30。48厘米);脚步;走,踏。 基本字义 foot 英[fʊt] 美[fʊt] n.脚;底部;英尺(=12英寸或30。48厘米);脚步 vt.走,踏 vt.&vi.结算,总计,共计 双语例句 1.She stamped her foot again. 她又跺了跺脚。 2.David called to the children from the foot of the stairs。 戴维在楼梯下面喊孩子们。 3.Friends stood at the foot of the bed, looking at her with serious faces. 朋友们站在床脚处,神情严肃地看着她。 4.I tried to reach the foot brakes but I couldn"t. 我试图去够脚刹,但是没能踩到。 5.The Government is getting cold feet about the reforms. 政府对改革缩手缩脚。




前移变为了ö,写作föti。由于日耳曼语族的语音趋势是把重音放在第一个音节,后面用来表示复数的i逐渐淡化成了一个轻音e。在中古英语初期很长一段时间,föte和föt都同时存在,后来统一写成了fet,直到英语里的元音大迁移后又变为了feet.参照德语 fuss(foot)füsse(feet)



步行是 on foot 还是on feet 因为是两只脚,是不是用复数啊




feet 和foot有什么区别









最佳答案:feetfoot的复数形式是feet。具体释义如下:foot英 [fʊt] 美 [fʊt] n.脚;底部;英尺(=12 英寸或 30。48 厘米);脚步vt.走,踏vt.& vi.结算,总计,共计 1、foot的基本意思是“脚,足”,引申可表示“足部”“底部,底座”“脚步,步伐”等。2、foot作“足部”解时一般用单数形式; 作“底


feet。foot的基本意思是“脚,足”,引申可表示“足部”“底部,底座”“脚步,步伐”等。foot还可以用作长度单位,意思是“英尺”,表示“每英尺”时, foot前加a而不加one。 foot的例句 Your feet must be behind the line when you serve. 发球时你的脚必须站在底线的外面。 She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. 她把身体的重量从一只脚换到另一只脚上。 It was the first time I had set foot on American soil. 那是我第一次踏足美洲大地。 You can back up another two feet or so. 你可以再退两英尺左右。 It was the first time I had set foot on African soil. 那是我第一次踏上非洲大地。






foot复数是feet,没有的英文是without。一、foot:1、读音:英[fʊt],美[fʊt]    2、意思:n.    (人或动物的) 脚,足;有…脚;足部v.    走,踏; 合计,结算,加,支付3、例句:She stamped her foot again.她又跺了跺脚。4、变形:(1)第三人称单数:foots (2)复数:feet (3)现在分词:footing (4)过去式:footed (5)过去分词:footed二、without:1、读音:英 [wɪ"ðaʊt],美 [wɪ"ðaʊt]    2、意思:prep. 没有;无;在外面adv. 在缺乏的情况下;在外面conj. 除非3、例句:Without the sun,nothing would grow.没有太阳,就不会有生物。4、词汇用法:(1)without作“无,没有”解时其后可接动名词,表示“没有做某事”,动名词短语中动名词常可省略。(2)在口语中, without后的宾语如可在上下文中找到或笼统地指一种状况而不是指任何具体事物,则该宾语可省略。(3)not without是双重否定,实际仍是肯定,语气较委婉。扩展资料:without近义词:less1、读音:英 [les],美 [les]    2、意思:adj. 更少的;较少的adv. 更少地;较少地n. 少量;次要prep. 减3、例句:It would be good to have less pollution.如果污染更少的话就好了。4、词汇用法:(1)less多用来修饰不可数名词,但当名词前有数词或a few等修饰时,其后可接可数名词;在把时间、距离、金钱等短语看作是一个整体时,less可用来修饰可数名词。(2)在有些短语中,说话人着眼于有关事物的大约的量,而不去细算精确的数额时,less可用来修饰可数名词。(3)用在感叹句中,less后可接可数名词。


foot复数是feet,读音是[fiːt]。feet释义:n.脚(foot的复数形式);尺;韵脚短语:on your feet 在你的脚上on one"s feet 站立着;恢复健康bare feet 赤脚;光脚;光着脚feet up 脚悬空例句:The snow crunched under our feet.积雪在我们脚下嘎吱作响。foot和feet用法区别:1、当用作名词时,我们用复数形式feet。如:The ladder is 10 feet tall.这个梯子有10英尺高。这里的“10 feet”是名词,形容词是“tall”。2、当用作形容词时,使用foot,这是单数形式。如:The children climbed a 15-foot tree.孩子们爬上了一棵15英尺高的树。这里的“15-foot”是形容词,它形容的是名词“tree”。






... 初中的吧。 teeth third mine their feet


walk leg base role 嗯嗯额

哪位有《The Barefoot Running Book - Jason Robillard》电子书百度云网盘下载

The Barefoot Running Book - Jason    链接: 提取码: cm4e

Dancing Barefoot 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing Barefoot歌手:U2专辑:The Best Of 1980 - 1990 / B SidesDancingbarefootU2She is benedictionShe is addicted to heShe is the root connection andShe is connecting with meHere I go and I don"t know whyI spin so ceaselesslyCould it be he"s taking over meI"m dancing barefootHeaded for a spinSome strange music drags me inIt makes me come up like some heroineShe is sublimationShe is the essence of theeShe is concentrating onHe who is chosen by sheHere I go when I don"t know whyI spin so ceaselesslyCould it be he"s taking over meI"m dancing barefootHeaded for a spinSome strange strange music drags me inIt makes me come up like some heroineShe is recreationShe intoxicated by theeShe has the slow sensation thatHe is levitating with sheHere I go when I don"t know whyI spin so ceaselessly"Til I lose my sense of gravityI"m dancing barefootHeading for a spinSome strange music drives me onMakes me come up like some heroineOh God I feel for youOh God I feel for youOh God I feel for youOh God I feel for you

barefoot boogie是个乐队吗,还是?该怎么翻译?


barefoot children 歌词

歌曲名:barefoot children歌手:Jimmy Buffett专辑:barometer soupScratch my back with a lightning boltThunder rolls like a bass drum noteThe sound of the weather is heaven"s rag time bandWe all fell down from the milky wayHanging round here "till judgment dayHeaven only knows who"s in commandChorusBarefoot children in the rainGot no need to explainWe"d be swinging on a ball and chainIt"s always understood by those who play the gameBarefoot children in the rainShow me yours and I"ll show you mineTake me back to days full with monkey shine"sBouncing on a bubble full of trouble in the summer sunKeep your raft from the riverboatFiction over fact always has my voteAnd wrinkles only go where the smiles have beenChorusBarefoot children in the rainGot no need to explainWe"d be swinging on a ball and chainIt"s always understood by those who play the gameBarefoot children in the rainla la la la la la la la la la la la la la la laBarefoot children in the rainScratch my back with a lightning boltThunder rolls like a bass drum noteThe sound of the weather is heaven"s rag time bandThe sky turns blue and the sun appearsBut the question"s still "what are we doing here?"I don"t think the answer"s close at handChorusBarefoot children in the rainGot no need to explainWe"d be swinging on a ball and chainIt"s always understood by those who play the gameBarefoot children in the rainin the rainin the rain

Barefootin" 歌词

歌曲名:Barefootin"歌手:Alabama专辑:Southern StarI dont know what you do here but I ...Bare FootEllegardenI don"t know who you areBut I caught a sight of youHands frozen before a warm dining placeA snow wind freezing nightI see you wear no shoesBut you"re standing on the streetHoping to get highYou with the caped handsYou look in pain to meAnd your bare feet are now full of cutsWhy dont you buy some shoesIf you can pay for thatAll the mess you"ve been through won"t fade awayWhy dont you buy some shoesYou don"t need to pay for thatIn this town no one cares about you ... but meYou like to talk on the phoneIn the phone box you feel safeSomone is on the lineBut no one touches youYou don"t wanna talk about itSo I won"t force the issureI sense an edge when you talk of your childhoodYou with the capped handsYou look in pain to meAnd your bare feet are now full of cutsWhy dont you buy some shoesIf you can pay for thatAll the mess you"ve been through won"t fade awayWhy not buy some shoesYou don"t need to pay for thatNo one cares about you ... but meCan you get over what they did to you ?Your scars won"t diappaer, but your still aliveYou are still aliveOpen your eyes look at the worldBreak from the nightmareA whole life awaits youNo one can help you, but you ...Why dont you buy some shoesIf you can pay for thatAll the mess you"ve been through won"t fade awayWhy not buy some shoesYou don"t need to pay for thatIt"s cold out no one can help you but you.But you, but you, but youBut you, but you, but you,But you, but you ...

Respect的《Barefoot》 歌词

歌曲名:Barefoot歌手:Respect专辑:The Kissing GameBarefootK.D. LangWhen the sun goes down hereAnd darkness fallsThe blanket of winterLeaves no light at allYou search for shelterTo calm the stormShaking with an instinctJust to stay warmChorus:But I`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefootYou hear the howlingOf dogs and windStirring up the secretsThat are frozen withinThe ice will haunt youIt lays so deepLocking up inside youThe dreams that you keepChorus:But I`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefootChorus:But I`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefoot~ ~ ~This wind ... through my soul ... blows coldChorus:But I`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefootI`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefootI`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefoot--end--

barefoot mm27和mm26哪个好


请问现在流行的Barefoot Dreams软绵绵卫衣使用的面料叫什么名字?成分78% POLYESTER 22% RAYON FROM BAMBO


Barefoot and dirty,the girl just sat and watched the people go by in the park…in you




barefoot boogie是个乐队吗,还是?该怎么翻译?




跪求好心人分享赤足 Barefoot2014年上映的由 埃文·蕾切尔·伍德主演的免费高清百度云资源

链接:提取码: dnm8 《赤足》导演: 安德鲁·弗莱明编剧: Stephen Zotnowski主演: 埃文·蕾切尔·伍德、斯科特·斯比德曼、J·K·西蒙斯、特里特·威廉斯、凯特·伯顿、J·奥马尔·卡斯特罗、大卫·詹森、贾克琳·弗莱明、Ashleigh Borman、瑞奇·韦恩、托马斯·弗兰西斯·墨菲、Julie Ann Jones、Tony Fennelly、伊恩·尼尔森、Andrea Moore、Ann McKenzie、David Dahlgren、布莱恩·欧尔利类型: 剧情、喜剧、爱情制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2014-02-21(美国点映)片长: 90分钟又名: 阔少爱贫女由埃文•蕾切尔•伍德主演的电影 《赤足》,讲述了一个整日游手好闲的公子哥,四处欠债,直至仇家找上门,突然一个精灵般习惯光着脚的女孩的出现,使他的生活发生巨变,开始正视自己对的人生.....

k.d. lang的《Barefoot 》 歌词

歌曲名:Barefoot 歌手:k.d. lang专辑:recollectionBarefootK.D. LangWhen the sun goes down hereAnd darkness fallsThe blanket of winterLeaves no light at allYou search for shelterTo calm the stormShaking with an instinctJust to stay warmChorus:But I`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefootYou hear the howlingOf dogs and windStirring up the secretsThat are frozen withinThe ice will haunt youIt lays so deepLocking up inside youThe dreams that you keepChorus:But I`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefootChorus:But I`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefoot~ ~ ~This wind ... through my soul ... blows coldChorus:But I`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefootI`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefootI`d walk through the snow barefootIf you`d open up your doorIf you`d open up your doorI`d walk through the snow barefoot--end--

英语go barefoot more often怎么翻译?

英语go barefoot more often怎么翻译?How many zeros do You read when you read 8000409?


barefoot[英][ˈbeəfʊt][美][ˈberfʊt]adj.赤脚的; 光着脚的; adv.赤着脚地; 易混淆单词:Barefoot例句:1.Incidentally, if you don"t have room to pack a pair of running shoes and live near open fields, barefoot running is better for your bones and form. 顺便说一句,如果你没有足够的空间塞进跑鞋,而你又住在空旷的地方的话,赤脚跑会对你的骨骼和形体更加有好处。

barefoot 和barefooted 的区别 ,求详细解释及例句

barefoot ["bεəfut] adj. 1. 赤脚的;不穿鞋袜的[亦作barefooted]2.【木工】(柱等)不用榫眼固定的3. [美国英语](咖啡、茶)不加奶油(或牛奶、糖)的4. [美国俚语]【铁路】(引擎、火车)没有刹车(或制动器)的adv. 1. 赤着脚2. [美国俚语]在民用电台发射功率法定范围之内[参较boots和apple]e.g. Thisfamilywasthatof themerrybarefootboy. 这一家便是那快乐的赤脚小孩的家。Of coursethe first thingwelook forishissandalsbut, disappointingly, he"sbarefoot.当然,我们首先寻找的是他的凉鞋,但令人失望的是,他是赤着脚。我们知道,barefoot 的词根是foot,而 bare 只起修饰作用,所以其作为名词时,变为复数依旧依照foot 变复数的方法,把foot变为feet就可以了,所以barefeet 是barefoot 的复数形式,一般在形容或强调某种蹑手蹑脚的状态时着重于用barefeet,因为一般人都是两只脚。如: She padded up in herbarefeetto thenextroom.她赤着脚,蹑手蹑脚地走到隔壁房间里去。希望能帮到你,望采纳 谢谢!


  barefoot 英[ˈbeəfʊt] 美[ˈberfʊt]  adj. 赤脚的; 光着脚的;  adv. 赤着脚地;  [例句]I wore a white dress and was barefoot  我穿着一件白色连衣裙,赤着脚。

bare-footed interest是什么意思

字面意思是 “裸足的习惯,赤脚的爱好”

ELLEGARDEN的《Bare Foot》 歌词

歌曲名:Bare Foot歌手:ELLEGARDEN专辑:Bare FootI dont know what you do here but I ...Bare FootEllegardenI don"t know who you areBut I caught a sight of youHands frozen before a warm dining placeA snow wind freezing nightI see you wear no shoesBut you"re standing on the streetHoping to get highYou with the caped handsYou look in pain to meAnd your bare feet are now full of cutsWhy dont you buy some shoesIf you can pay for thatAll the mess you"ve been through won"t fade awayWhy dont you buy some shoesYou don"t need to pay for thatIn this town no one cares about you ... but meYou like to talk on the phoneIn the phone box you feel safeSomone is on the lineBut no one touches youYou don"t wanna talk about itSo I won"t force the issureI sense an edge when you talk of your childhoodYou with the capped handsYou look in pain to meAnd your bare feet are now full of cutsWhy dont you buy some shoesIf you can pay for thatAll the mess you"ve been through won"t fade awayWhy not buy some shoesYou don"t need to pay for thatNo one cares about you ... but meCan you get over what they did to you ?Your scars won"t diappaer, but your still aliveYou are still aliveOpen your eyes look at the worldBreak from the nightmareA whole life awaits youNo one can help you, but you ...Why dont you buy some shoesIf you can pay for thatAll the mess you"ve been through won"t fade awayWhy not buy some shoesYou don"t need to pay for thatIt"s cold out no one can help you but you.But you, but you, but youBut you, but you, but you,But you, but you ...

ELLEGARDEN的《Bare Foot》 歌词

歌曲名:Bare Foot歌手:ELLEGARDEN专辑:Don"t Trust Anyone But UsI dont know what you do here but I ...Bare FootEllegardenI don"t know who you areBut I caught a sight of youHands frozen before a warm dining placeA snow wind freezing nightI see you wear no shoesBut you"re standing on the streetHoping to get highYou with the caped handsYou look in pain to meAnd your bare feet are now full of cutsWhy dont you buy some shoesIf you can pay for thatAll the mess you"ve been through won"t fade awayWhy dont you buy some shoesYou don"t need to pay for thatIn this town no one cares about you ... but meYou like to talk on the phoneIn the phone box you feel safeSomone is on the lineBut no one touches youYou don"t wanna talk about itSo I won"t force the issureI sense an edge when you talk of your childhoodYou with the capped handsYou look in pain to meAnd your bare feet are now full of cutsWhy dont you buy some shoesIf you can pay for thatAll the mess you"ve been through won"t fade awayWhy not buy some shoesYou don"t need to pay for thatNo one cares about you ... but meCan you get over what they did to you ?Your scars won"t diappaer, but your still aliveYou are still aliveOpen your eyes look at the worldBreak from the nightmareA whole life awaits youNo one can help you, but you ...Why dont you buy some shoesIf you can pay for thatAll the mess you"ve been through won"t fade awayWhy not buy some shoesYou don"t need to pay for thatIt"s cold out no one can help you but you.But you, but you, but youBut you, but you, but you,But you, but you ...
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