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手机越狱后加载91源时出现各种错误显示,而且在Cydia中搜索不到AppSync for iOS 5.0+ ! 这到底是怎么回事


ios更新了7.1.2,可是没有AppSync for iOS跟ifile~!版本不支持7.1.2怎么办啊~?求大神~~!

appsync:添加cydia.angelxwind.net源,安装appsync unified,千万别安pp助手的那个ifile:正常安装即可,无不兼容现象

我的IPAD是3.2.1版本的,已经越狱,准备下载ipa补丁,下载AppSync for os3.2补丁出现下面情况,怎么解决?

太老了 源里面 貌似没有包了 最好你去升级下 然后在越狱

iphone5在CYDIA里面装了个appsync for ios5,重启过后什么都没了,就还有个报刊杂志。求大神啊

只能恢复固件了,如果查找我的iphone开着的话就进入DFU模式刷机,不想麻烦的都要用爱思助手iOS7应该装Appsync for iOS7,否则会异常的

iphone4 6.1.2越狱后装不了appsync for 6.0,从网上搜了好多办法,重新越狱也试了,就是不行


appsync for ios9什么时候可以用


英语for provisioning怎么翻译?

英语for provisioning翻译为中文意思是:用于供应其中provisioning意思有配置,供应,供给

APPSync for iOS6 到底有什么用?


以THE BOOK FOR ME为题写120~150字的英语作文,

第一篇: I don‘t think I have read many books; nevertheless,I attach much importance to reading.A Chinese proverb says,"It‘s always a good thing to open a book; " in other words,reading is always beneficial.Despite the fact I am not widely read,I can rest contented that the few books I have ever read really greatly added to my knowledge.Still,if you want me to name the book that I like best and has largely shaped my life,I will definitely say it is the Bible.We know human life consists of three parts:first,physical life; second,mental and intellectual life; third,spiritual life.The second and third parts I fine in the Bible.The Bible has two portions,the Old Testament and the New Testament.You will marvel at the rich contents of the Bible when you read it.It covers a wide range of subject matters:law,history,prophecy,gospels,history of churches and visions of the future,and all are couched in a simple yet beautiful language.I have been a reader of the Bible for a number of years since a good friend of mine introduced it to me by chance.I like it and take it with me everywhere I go.Maybe just one or two pages I can read each bay,yet even form so little can I learn so much.It gives me moral strength and teaches me how to order my daily life.In a word,this book plays an important role in my life.The Bible is not simply great literature to be admired and revered; it is food for thought for everyone. 第二篇: The most influential book in my life is,so far,"The Life of Fire and Iron" by a Japanese author.Among other things,it introduces the mind of Voto von Bismarck,a prominent European in the 19th century who laid the foundation of modern German.Small wonder that I as a teenager was carried away when I first read the biography,not so much by the intriguing process in which the nation was founded as by the personality of Bismarck as described in the book.Though this formidable figure was long since dead,he remains a statesman par excellence.It was a pity that such a man of strength and character like Bismarck who,swimming against the stream of constitutionalism,could not give full vent to his talent simply because the German emperor Wilhelm II was jealous of his fame.Nevertheless,what whit his loyalty to the country and what with his indefatigable personality,he did win himself the reputation as a patriotic fighter reminiscent of Winston Churchill in contemporary time.Again and again I attempted to grasp every trait of the fighter‘s Brought to life by the biographer,wishing that someday I could be like him.Thus when I was still a starry-eyed lad I took to heart whatever Bismarck thought,did and valued saw him as the pole-star of many years I used to meditate on what the book said whenever I was faced with troubles and could not make decisions off hand.To speak the truth,what the book inspired,whether it was in connection with Bismarck himself or not,did help me in solving problems without fall.In short,I can never praise the book too much for it has influenced me so greatly in the past and will,I am afraid,continue to do so in days to come. 第三篇: As a senior high school student I am all the time weighed down with an seemingly endless series of exams and can hardly take a rest,let alone read extracurricular books,seeing that I am really pressed for time in preparing for the upcoming "Big Exam." Therefore,I can‘t say I had any deep impression of a certain book until a few days ago.It was during the Spring Recess that I went alone to school to get some study done.There,I met by chance an alumna studying in college.Being always nervous and worried about the coming College Entrance Exam,I was rather eager to get some information on how to use the limited time wisely and stop worrying.So I asked for advice based on experience.After realizing my trouble,she fetched me a book by the name of "studying and Exams" by way of an answer.Before I ever read the book I was quite poor at arranging my study scheme and could not make the of the time available.So the time I spent and the result I got were not always proportional.Under such circumstances I never did a good job the academic side in the pursuit of knowledge during the past years.It was really regretful that after so many years of studying I didn‘t even know a bit about the right way to study.And all this had kept bothering me.But my misgivings were all dispelled the time I finished reading this book.Under the proper guidance of the book I now find myself studying with ease and more efficiently.All I can say is that the power of the book is truly amazing.In other words,"studying and exams" is indeed the most influential book in my life.

appsync_fix7.0和appsync for ios7.0+有什么区别

其实两款插件的功能本质上都是一样的,为了都是让你在越狱后安装其他插件和破解软件,但是由PP助手开发的appsync_fix7.0是为了解决最近IOS7越狱后频出的软件闪退,建议还是等到appsync for ios7.0+更新之后安装,已经有很多网友反映appsync_fix7.0不太稳定呀。

Appsync for iOS9是什么意思

iOS 9的苹果应用补丁。appsync是越狱的iOS设备安装非正版app的补丁。越狱后必装。



Nothing but stamps and envelopes___for sale.A)are B)is C)are left D)remain


horse、for、homework、world map这些分别怎么读?




tit for tat是什么意思啊?


remover before use 什么意思

remover before use全部释义和例句>> 使用前卸妆在使用前移开或去除(盖子或其它的什么东西)

sing for the momen歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: sing for the momen歌词 解析: These ideas are, nigares to white parents 这个主意是..从恶魔到白人父母 whose worst fear is a child with dyed hair and who likes earrings 谁最害怕就是个染了头发戴着耳环的小孩子.. Like whatever they say has no bearing 无论他们说什么都没有关系 It"s so scary in a house that allows, no swearing 这太会引起惊慌了如果房子允许的话,我发誓 to see him walkin around with his headphones blaring 看到他对着耳机吼叫一边走了一圈 Alone in his own zone, cold and he don"t care 在他自己的地区里,这里很冷,但是他不介意 He"s a problem child, and what bothers him all es out 他是一个有问题的孩子.他的兄弟们都出去了 when he talks about, his ****in dad walkin out 当他说到这些时.他*的他的爸爸走了 Cause he just hates him so bad that he, blocks him out 因为他很讨厌这个很坏的他,他让他出去了 If he ever saw him again he"d probably knock him out 如果他再也不见到他.他也许会击倒他 His thoughts are whacked, he"s mad so he"s talkin back 他感到疲惫,他感到疯狂,所以他要回去 Talkin black, brainwashed from rock and rap 说一些难听的话,用ROCK和RAP洗脑 He sags his pants; doo rags and a stockin cap 他穿着松弛的裤子.抹布一样的帽子 His step-father hit him so he, socked him back 他的岳父打了他.所以他.狠狠的还击了他 and broke his nose, his house is a broken home 他的鼻子破了.他的家是一个被摧毁的家 There"s no control, he just let"s his emotions go 没有控制了.他只想让他的这些情绪走开 Chorus C"mon! Sing with me (Sing!) 快.和我一起唱 Sing for the year (Sing it) 为了这一年而唱 Sing for the laughter, sing for the tear (C"mon!) 为笑声而唱.为泪水而唱. Sing it with me, Just for today 和我一起唱.只为了今天 Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away... 也许明天.好的上帝会带你走 Entertainment is changin, interinin with gangsters 娱乐表演在变.和歹徒做访谈 In the land of the killers a sinner"s mind is a sanctum 在罪人的心里这是一个杀手的圣地 Holy or unnholy, only have one homie 圣洁或者不圣洁.都是在一起的 Only this gun - lonely cause don"t anyone know me 只有这把孤单的枪.因为没有人懂我. Yet everybody just feels like they can relate 每个人都觉得他们能够讲述 I guess words are a mother****er, they can be great 我猜词语都是Mother****er,他们可以变的伟大 or they can degrate; or even worse, they can teach hate 或者他们可以倒塌.甚至更坏.他们可以让你痛恨 It"s like these kids hang on every single statement we make 就象孩子们拿起他们自己的陈述 like they worship us, plus all the stores ship us platinum 我们让他们崇拜我们.加上所有的店都在为我们运载白金 Now how the **** did this metamorphosis happen? 这个世界是怎么开始变形的? From standin on corners and porches just rappin 站在角落和门廊只是在RAPPING to havin a fortune, no more kissin ass 有一个运气.不在象KISS *** 那样烂 But then these critics crucify you, journalists try to burn you 但这些城市仿佛如你的绞刑架.新闻记者想让你受伤 Fans turn on you, attorneys all want a turn at you 歌迷们转向你.律师也转向你 to get they hands on every dime you have 在一角硬币处举起他们的手.你已经这么做了 They want you to lose your mind every time you mad 他们想让你失去理智.当你疯狂的时候 So they can try to make you out to look like a loose cannon 所以他们可以让你看起来象个失去方向的炸弹 Any dispute won"t hesitate to produce handguns 但任何言论都不会让你犹豫去保护自己的手枪 That"s why these prosecutors wanna convict me 这就是为什么检举人想要证明我有罪 Strictly just to get me off of these streets quickly 严格的说只是想让我在这条街里迅速的失败吧 But all they kids be listenin to me religiously 但是他们的孩子虔诚的听着我的歌 So I"m signin CD"s while police fingerprint me 所以当警察在采集我的指纹时我仍然在签CD They"re for the judge"s daughter but his grudge is against me 这是为了法官的女儿.但他仍然要审判我.跟我做对. If I"m such a ****in menace this shit doesn"t make sense B! 如果我有这么危险的话这个SHIT就不会有这种B的感觉!(不理解这句话...) It"s all political, if my music is literal 这些都是政治上的.我的音乐是文字上的 and I"m a criminal how the FUCK can I raise a little girl? 我是一个罪犯.否则我怎么会那样对一个小女孩呢 I couldn"t; I wouldn"t be fit to 我不会.我不适合这样 You"re full of shit too Guerrera - that was a FIST that hit you! 你也充满着SHIT...Guerrera ...这是给你的一拳. [Chorus] CHORUS部分看前面吧... They say music can alter moods and talk to you 他们说音乐可以改变你的情绪.甚至和你说话 Well can it load a gun up for you and cock it too? 好!它也能变成一把枪给你并且拿起来吗? Well if it can, and the next time you assault a dude 好!如果它可以,下一次你就会被袭击了 Just tell the judge it was my fault, and I"ll get sued 告诉法官这是我的错.我还会提出诉讼 See what these kids do is hear about us totin pistols 看这些小孩子在听我们谈论手枪 and they want to get one cause, they think the shit"s cool 他们也想要一把,因为他们觉得这个SHIT和COOL Not knowin we really just protectin ourselves 他们不知道我们只是要保护自己 We entertainers, of course the shit"s affectin our sales 我们这些表演者.当然只是在做推销 You ignoramus, but music is reflection of self 你这个无知的人.音乐只是一种个人的反映 We just explain it, and then we get our checks in the mail 我们仅仅解释它.然后在油箱内核对 It"s ****ed up ain"t it? How we can e from practically nothin to bein able to have any ****in thing that we wanted 他们都倒下了是吗?事实上他们怎样从什么都没有变成这些我们想要的呢? That"s why we, sing for these kids who don"t have a thing except for a dream and a ****in rap magazine 这就是为什么我,为这些一无所有除了有一个梦或者RAP杂志的孩子唱 Who post pin-up pictures on they walls all day long 是谁整天张贴了PIN UP的图片在他们的墙上 Idolize they favorite rappers and know all they songs 他们最偶像的RAPPER.他们知道他所有的歌 Or for anyone who"s ever been through shit in they lives 或者为了一些在他们生命中的SHIT? "Til they sit and they cry at night wishin they"d die 直到他们坐下在夜晚哭泣,希望他们死去 "Til they throw on a rap record and they sit and they vibe 直到他们录制了RAP.当他们坐下冷静下来. We"re nothin to you - but we"re the ****in shit in they eyes 我们对你来说什么都不是.但我们是他们眼里的FUCKING SHIT That"s why we, seize the moment try to freeze it and own it 这就是为什么我.抓住这一刻去冻结它.去拥有它. Squeeze it and hold it, cause we consider these minutes golden 积压它并抓住它.因为我们认为这些时间很宝贵. And maybe they"ll admit it when we"re gone, just let our spiritslive on 也许他们会承认这些当我们已经离开, through our lyrics that you hear in our songs and we can... 穿过我的歌词你听到了我们的歌.你也可以... [Chorus] [Chorus: Eminem]

remover for lace wig bond是什么意思


有首日语歌里面好像有something to you,然后接着是something for me,求歌名


in preparation for什么意思及同义词


Forget 近义词

slip one"s mindfailsponge out


forget to do sth忘记要去做某事forget doing sth忘记做过某事



句子“there`s a charge for all of them except the Botanical Gardens.”中为什么用 there is?

1本句主语 应该 用单数 a charge for,所以谓语用 there is。2该句型是存在句句型。即there 加be (或其他不及物动词)加主语。不是主系表句型,可简称为""谓主句型""属于""主谓句型""的特殊形式。谓语动词必须是不及物动词。这里be是不及物动词 意思是""存在"",不是系动词。本句there`s 是谓语a charge 是主语for all of them 是状语except the Botanical Gardens.是状语。本句意思:除植物园外 所有地方都收费。

求《Starlight Memory》还有FORCE LIVE歌词的罗马音

Starlight Memory (QUARTET NIGHT)(All) Ah sora ni matataku kimi no Star lightmayonaka no sabishisa saeUh kirameki ooi dakishimetai Love(All) Just say! QUARTET NIGHTJust say! QUARTET NIGHT(C) sukitootta Night hitomi he to utsuru Dream(Ra) hikaru suteeji de kokyuu wo kasane(A/Re) kimi ga itsumo mitsumete kureru you nihoshi mo kimi wo(All) omotteru kara(A/C) haato ga samayotta Galaxy(Re/Ra) shinnaru kimochi wo Can you see?(A/C) tatoe(Re/Ra) hanaretete mo(A/C) motto(Re/Ra) tsunagaritai(A) nobasu(C) kono te(Ra) todoke(Re) kimi ni(All) Love me, Love me, Love me!(All) Ah nan kounen hagere tattekimi wo mitsukedashi mamoruUh isshou bun kieyashinaieien no yume de terashitai(A) kotoba dake ja(Ra) tsutawaranai(Re) dakara sa(C) honki no(Re/C) "ai" de(All) tsutsumasete(A) donna uta nara kisu chikazuku no ka?(Re) isso tobidashi gouin ni shiyouka?(C/Ra) semete kimochi wo tsumugitai ima suguseiza no you ni(All) koi wo musun de(A/C) nemurenai hi demo soba ni iru(Re/Ra) yami wo kowagaranai de(A/C) zutto(Re/Ra) machitsuzukeru(A/C) tsugini(Re/Ra) deaeru hi wo(A) kimi no(C) netsu wa(Ra) kanji(Re) tsutau(All) Love me, Love me, Love me!(All) Ah donna hoshi yori kagayaiteshisen no zenbu wo ubaitaiUh hakanai hodo kirei na hodoromansu wa ten ni sakihokoru(A) daisuki da yo(Ra) daisuki da(Re) suki da yo(C) suki da(C/Re) "ai" wo(All) sakebasete(All) Just say! QUARTET NIGHTJust say! QUARTET NIGHT(All) Ah sora ni matataku kimi no Star lightakatsuki made kuchiduke woUh isshou bun kieyashinaieien no yume de terashitai(A) kotoba dake ja(Ra) tsutawaranai(Re) dakara sa(C) honki no(C/Re) "ai" de(All) tsutsumasete***********************************************************uartet Night - Force Live I do not seek (I find) I do not seek (forever)I do not seek (I find) I don"t seekLet"s dance the force liveAh~*Crying kagayaki sura shikkoku noYami ni (yuku te wo ooi tsukusu)Crying moetsuku shite nokoru yakeAto ni what is my road?Crying uh kuukyo na haato e toFukikomu (shizuka na zawameki ga)Crying kouri no you na kodoku dystopiaTomatta world clock!Kamisama ga taiyou ni kuchizuke wo shiteSekai ni uta ga umareta you niTsuranuku shougeki aji awasetaiTsudoe tsutae ibuke tsuyoku hikare aiHitotsu ni tabaneyou (hitotsu ni narou)Tarinai element (kasane atte)Yotsu no hoshi yotsu no yumeHistory no kyanbasu ni egakeForce live kanade mae (karutetto night)Zettai no kizuna (quartet night)Ten wo (force live force live)Misete yarou~*Beating gyakkou ga sasu hikari woMatotte (hanten seyo frontier)Beating honoo yo tobe kokoro niHigatsuku burning hotnessBeating uh jidai wo habatakeruKaze e to (tsubasa wo hirogeyou)Beating habakaru mono subete kouraseteJibun wo koero!Marude terepasu no you na shin kankakuFukanou hitotsu nai ittaikanDekinai koto nado sonzai shinaiTomo ni ima wo hashiru hibike tamashii yoHitotsu ni tsunagarou (hitotsu ni narou)Omoi wo subete (kasane atte)Kiseki to yuu kiseki janakuIppo zutsu tsumi ageta ai deForce live unari mae (karutetto night)Saa kyoumei seyo (quartet night)Todoke (force live force live)Kimi no mune ni~*Hitori ja tarinai kawaku desireKirameki no suteeji deKotae wa kitto koko ni aruIssho ni tsumuida kono saki kanarazuI do not seek (I find) I don"t seekLet"s dance the force liveAh~*Hitotsu ni tabaneyou (hitotsu ni narou)Tarinai element (kasane atte)Yotsu no hoshi yotsu no yumeHistory no kyanbasu ni egakeForce live kanade mae (karutetto night)Zettai no kizuna (quartet night)Chikau (force live force live)Towa no yume wo~*

it is a good news for us 还是to us。为什么?

to us更好对我们来说,它是一个好消息,所以用 to第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!to

information,news及 message的区别?

information作“信息”解,通常指在阅读、观察、谈话或书信往来中特别关注的消息、情报、资料等。它侧重内容,是不可数名词。例如: They must find out some information about planes to Yunnan as quickly as possible. 他们必须尽快找到有关去往云南班机的资料。The students went to the National Library to look up the information they needed. 学生们去国家图书馆找他们所需要的资料。news作“新闻”解,一般指通过广播、电视、报纸等新闻媒体向大众发布的社会各方面的最新消息,它侧重一个“新”字,是不可数名词。 例如:There"s a piece of interesting news in today"s newspaper. 在今天的报纸上有一条有趣的消息。 No news is good news. 没消息就是好消息。message作“音信”解,一般指口头传递的或书写的“消息”,是可数名词。

That is news to me!为什么么用to不用for


it is time to the news 还是it is time for the news

你好,很高兴为你解答,英文语法 it"s time to do sth.例It"s time to enjoy the rice noodles. 或it"s time for n.例It"s time for lunch.楼主的情况应该选后者.明白了吗?


正式英语中没有用discomfortable的,电子和网络字典不一定都是对的。正确的用法仅有2种,具体如下:discomfort 名词 1、 [uncountable] a feeling of slight pain or of being physically uncomfortable:If the exercise causes discomfort, stop immediately.2、 [uncountable] a feeling of embarrassment, shame, or worry:To her discomfort, he laughed.3、 [countable] something that makes you feel uncomfortable or gives you a slight pain:the discomforts of air traveluncomfortable 形容词1 、not feeling physically comfortable, or not making you feel comfortable [= awkward]:This sofa is so uncomfortable.2 、unable to relax because you are embarrassed:She always felt slightly uncomfortable in a uncomfortable silence

it is time to the news 还是it is time for the news

你好,很高兴为你解答,英文语法 it"s time to do sth.例It"s time to enjoy the rice noodles. 或it"s time for n.例It"s time for lunch.楼主的情况应该选后者.明白了吗?

People call ( )Tony for short

B call sb sth 双宾语,把……叫做……

police undercover informant是什么意思?

police undercover informant全部释义和例句>> 警方秘密报案

Need for Speed Undercover停止工作

是不是没导入注册表? 有可能是以下问题: 1.你的JP下载就有问题,建议你再下一个 2.你的JP与你的硬件不兼容,JP飞车12的配置要求蛮高的,很有可能是你的显卡更不上,建议升级硬件

turn down for what



歌曲:FOR AWAY FROM HOME歌手: Groove Coverage所属专辑:《God Is A Girl》歌词:I am loving living every single day but sometimes I feel so.I hope to find a little peace of mind and I just want to know.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts, and what are we to be.Where is home on the Milky way of stars, I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I am not so far away from home.What am I in a world so far away from home.All my life all the time so far away from home.Without you I will be so far away from home.If we could make it through the darkest night we have a brighter day.The world I see beyond your pretty eyes,makes me want to stay.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,and what are we to be.Where is home on the Milky way of stars,I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I am not so far away from home.What am I in a world so far away from home.All my life all the time so far away from home.Without you I will be so far away from home.I count on you, no matter what they say,cause love can find it time.I hope to be a part of you again,baby let us shine.And who can heal those tiny broken hearts,and what are we to be.Where is home on the Milky way of stars,I dry my eyes again.In my dreams I am not so far away from home.What am I in a world so far away from home.All my life all the time so far away from home.Without you I will be so far away from home.In my dreams I am not so far away from home.What am I in a world so far away from home.All my life all the time so far away from home.Without you I will be so far away from home.


I can go for a walk and fly a kite. 中文释义:我能出去散个步和放个风筝。音标:walk [wɔːk] n.散步fly [ˈflaɪ] v.飞,放(风筝)kite [kaɪt] n.风筝望采纳,谢谢


knife 英[nau026af] 美[nau026af] n. 刀; 匕首; 刃部; 手术刀; vt. 切割,刺; 伤害; vi. 劈开; 划过; fork 英[fu0254:k] 美[fu0254:rk] n. 餐叉; 叉(挖掘用的园艺工具); 叉状物; (自行车或摩托车的) 车叉子; vi. 分叉; 分歧; vt. 走岔路; 叉,耙;

Android SDK Platform-tools 是什么


at to for on in 的全部用法

(1)at, on at 表示某一时刻,on 表示某一天或日期, 如: at 7:14, on Saturday morning on the night of May2 一天内各段时间表达, 选用正确的介词,请比较: in the morning on a winter / snow / cold / morning at night on the night ofMarch 7 th in the evening on Fridayevening 4)for 表示延续一段时间。 I"ll study in the U.S for two years I"ve waited for Bingo for half an hour. 5) in+时间段,表示从现在起往后推算一段时间 after +时间段,表示过去某时间往后推算一段时间,如: He"ll come back in two days. 但点钟用after( after three o"clock) He left on July 2 and returned after three days. 二、表示事物之间位置的介词 (1)at, in 当事物被视作一点,不强调其空间常用介词at, 而表示空间内部用介词in, 如: We"ll meet at the supermarket 我们在超市见面 I had to stay in the supermarket as it was raining hard 因为下大雨,我只好呆在超市里 *动词arrive 后接at ,表示较小的地方, 如: 车站、村庄等.后接in 表示较大地方,如: 城市,地区等 (2)in, to in 表示事物在区域范围内的位置,to 表示事物对区域范围之外另一事物的位置,如: Shanghai is in the east of China. 上海在中国东部 Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国东面。 in front of 表示在前面,一般不在范围内,in thefront of 表示在前面.在同一范围内。 (3)after, behind after 指顺序先后 ,behind 指位置在某事物之后,相对于in front of 而言, 如: He entered the classroom after the teacher He hid himself behind the door 他在门后。 (4)on , in on 表示“在某事物表面上”。如将事物看作空间,表示在其内部,用介词in。 There is a modern paintingon the wall . There is a modern painting on the wall . (3)for , to for表示“为了.” To 表示动作对象, “对, 向.”如: He would do anything for hismotherland. Did you mentionthis to my father? 你对我父亲提起过这件事吗? for 表示“就某情况而说 ”, to 表示一“对某对象而言”如: It"s quite warm today for February.就二月的天气,今天够暖和的。 What he told you just now was not new to me 他刚才对你所说的话对我并不新鲜 for 表示“目的,用途”。与go, come 动词连用, 6)介词和名词动词等有不少固定搭配和习惯用法: toone"s surprise / joy, in charge of ,instead of, in bed (hospital), introuble, in a hurry, in surprise, with a smile, with one voice, according to,at once, on time, in time, in all, at home, (school, work), at last, at least, in the end, by the way, for example, at thesame time, at the same speed, on one"s way (to), in the sun, on the football team, in line, with the help of, in red / green… put on, look for, look after, run after, send for, enter for, pay for, show…around, listen to, arrive in / at, get to, agree with, succeed in, think of (about), wait for,….

as for winter, it is inconvenient

dawn 可以理解为黎明,也可以理解为开端. 句意:到了冬天的时候,熔炉的燃料因为冷气所以开始的时候不容易节省下来,这样就显得不便了. 理解为:it is convenient to be cold with most of furnace fuel. most of what 可以在从句中用,其它选项不可以.OF 也不可以接that所以只能选A. 冷气影响引擎的温热,这样就不容易启动,所以更加容易浪费燃料,也会便机器更使用不便.句子就是这样理解.

test and sorry for inconvenient什么意思

test and sorry for inconvenient对不方便的测试和抱歉inconvenient英[u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vi:niu0259nt]美[u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8vinju0259nt]adj. 不便; 不方便的; 打扰人的,麻烦的;[网络] 不方便; 不便的; 不便利的;[例句]Can you come at 10.30? I know it"s inconvenient for you, but I must see you.你能10点半来吗?我知道你不方便,但是我必须见你。

I roll down the window, I'm a sucker for his charm 怎么读


英语翻译:请问inconvenient forum是什么意思呢? plead an inconvenient forum,应该怎么理解呢? 谢谢


topics for oral English!


sorry for和sorry about的区别

难过的、惋惜的”sorry for+人,sorry about+物.



Paris for President的中文歌词

Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统At the Palms chillin" with the martini. 在Palms chillin" (应该是夜店一类的名字)喝着马丁尼Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统Your commander in bikini. 你们的指挥官穿着比基尼(她自称‘比基尼总统")When they tell you "bout my policies 当他们告诉你我的政策To stop the player-hating on the USA, 要停止其他人对美国的鄙视Incentivize nuclear non-proliferation and ratify Kyoto today. 今天就促成核不扩散条约和京都协定(‘Kyoto Protocl"目标是控制温室效应气体排放)You can ride in the motorcade… 你可以在车流中in the hybrid, pink Escalade! 在粉红色混合动力凯迪拉克中穿行Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统Not another oldie cliche. 而不是另一个陈词滥调(讽刺麦克凯恩)Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统you can get married if you"re straight or if you"re gay. 不管你是异性恋同性恋都可以结婚If you"re gonna put lipstick on a pig, make sure that shit it matches her skin tone. 如果你要给猪画口红,只要保证搭配好它的肤色you can trust me with my finger on the button, 你们可以信任由我掌权“Nucular” is a vocabulary don"t. ‘核"的词义就是‘不要"Trading in the cabinet for a walk….in….closet…hey! 内阁交易一边歇着去,上衣柜里去吧(cabinet既指内阁也指柜橱,这里就是说完全铲除非法权钱交易)Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统America should put me in charge. 美国应该由我领导Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统look at Bush it cant be that hard 看看布什其实也没那么难(意思是bush那样的都能当总统)Simon Cowell, he might be a little mean, Simon Cowell,他也许有点坏but when his oldest kicks the bucket 但是当他老死I"ll put him on the court supreme 我会把他送上最高法院 (不好意思,我没查到他干了什么坏事)Then I"ll paint the white house pink 然后我会把白宫刷成粉红色and move Camp David to Maui… 并且把Camp David(海军后勤设施之一,一个风景区,总统在此疗养度假)移到Maui(夏威夷群岛第二大岛)Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统A proponent of clean energy.一个清洁能源的支持者 Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统The real maverick in D.C. 在华盛顿唯一真正会独立思考的人Water boarding is torture and, 海平面上升是一种折磨global warming is totally not hot. 全球变暖一点都不好玩I"ll make a department called the Fashion Police 我会设立一个叫做时尚警察的部门and boost the economy with all of the new jobs. 然后用全新的职业来重振经济Make over Lady Liberty…in Donna, Tommy, and Calvin Klein. 把解放女性运动发展到Donna,Tommy和CK(这三个全是纯男装品牌||)Paris for president, 支持Paris当选总统Get your cute little butt out there and vote. 带上你们可爱小小支持,去投票Paris for president,支持Paris当选总统Dispensing beauty tips and hope. 省掉寻找美女的秘诀和期望(意思是因为Paris我就是美女。。自恋)Paris for president, hey! Paris for president, hey! Paris for president, hey! 支持Paris当选总统!I"m Paris Hilton and I approve this message.我是Paris Hilton 我赞这个讯息(I approve this message是美国政客在做选举广告时必说的一句话,为了证明以上信息的确是参选人的意愿)

超好玩的植物大战僵尸中文版 for Mac(兼容m1)-

植物大战僵尸中文版 for Mac推荐给大家!此版本完美兼容macos big sur 11系统!植物大战僵尸mac版将经典策略塔防玩法发挥到了极致,无论是防御方的植物种类,还是进攻的僵尸类型都非常丰富, 游戏 关卡多样,结合冒险、生存、花园等五种不同的模式,能够带来更加充满趣味和挑战性的内容,玩家们只需要思考如何在你的家门口合理栽种植物来抵御入侵的僵尸~喜欢就来畅玩吧! 植物大战僵尸汉化版 游戏 介绍 《植物大战僵尸》是一款非常经典塔防 游戏 ,玩家需要通过种植各种各样的植物,来抵御相应的危险。别看敌人是僵尸就以为它们没有脑子(它们确实喜欢吃人的脑子),然而这些僵尸都是极其狡猾的,它们会穿护具、会用道具、会跳舞,甚至还会上天入地,简直无所不能。这就很考验玩家的局势观察和阵容布置了。 《植物大战僵尸》可怕的僵尸即将入侵,每种僵尸都有不同的特点,例如铁桶僵尸拥有极强的抗击打能力,矿工僵尸可以挖地道绕过种植在土壤表面的植物等。玩家防御僵尸的方式就是栽种植物。49种植物每种都有不同的功能,例如樱桃炸弹可以和周围一定范围内的所有僵尸同归于尽,而食人花可以吃掉最靠近自己的一只僵尸。玩家可以针对不同僵尸的弱点来合理地种植植物,这也是胜利的诀窍。 游戏 根据玩法不同分为五种 游戏 模式:冒险、生存、花瓶破碎者、小 游戏 、花园。加之黑夜、屋顶、浓雾以及泳池之类的障碍增加了其挑战性该 游戏 近乎永无止境。 植物大战僵尸 Mac版 游戏 背景 植物大战僵尸中文版是一款PopCap开发的SLG塔防防御 游戏 ,本作在Mac平台上很受欢迎,此作中文版唯一的防御方式还是要玩家栽种植物。 游戏 集成了即时战略、塔防御战和卡片收集等要素、 游戏 的内容就是玩家控制植物,抵御僵尸的进攻,保护这片草坪。 游戏 里玩家通过武装多种植物切换不同的功能,快速有效地把僵尸阻挡在入侵的道路上。不同的敌人有不同的玩法构成五种不同的 游戏 模式,再加上夕阳、浓雾以及泳池之类的障碍增加了 游戏 挑战性。 植物大战僵尸mac版 游戏 技巧 游戏 玩法:简单的说就是玩家通过武装多种植物切换不同的功能,快速有效地把僵尸阻挡在入侵的道路上。 第一排栽植攻略 PEASHOOTER (豌豆射手):最初拥有的攻击类植物,直线远距离攻击,伤害中等,攻击速度快,***100 SUNFLOWER (向日葵):最初拥有的经济类植物,每过数秒掉落一颗大太阳币,白天战斗主要的经济来源.***50 CHERRY BOMB (樱桃炸弹):消耗类植物,安放后马上爆炸,对周围9格内所有单位造成***伤害,***150 第二排 PUFF-SHROOM (小块蘑菇):攻击类植物,直线中距离攻击,伤害中等,攻击速度快,***0 SUN-SHROOM (阳光蘑菇):经济类植物,安放后每过数秒掉落一颗小太阳币,等到足够的在场时间后,SUN-SHROOM会变大,而每次掉落的也会变成大太阳币,夜间战斗主要经济来源,***25 FUME-SHROOM (喷汽蘑菇):攻击类植物,直线中距离攻击,会对攻击范围内所有目标造成等量伤害,伤害中等,攻击速度快,***75 第三排 LILY PAD (睡莲):平台类植物,安放在有水的地方,可以在上面安放陆地植物,***25 SQUASH (窝瓜):消耗类植物,安放后会对靠近的僵尸造成***伤害,***50 THREEPEATER (三线射手):攻击类植物,REPEATER变种版,可同时攻击正前方三路的敌人,伤害中等,攻击速度快,***325 TANGLE KELP (缠绕水草):消耗类植物,安放在水中,安放后,会立即杀死靠近的僵尸,***25 JALAPENO (火爆辣椒):消耗类植物,安放后立即爆炸,对自己所在行的僵尸造成***伤害,***125 冰与火 冰与火是相互抵消的,比如说一个被WINTER MELON(“冰”瓜)减速的僵尸可以被豌豆+火炬树桩发射的火球融化,失去减速效果;SNOW PEA (寒冰射手)的冰豆经过一个TORCH WOOD(火炬树桩)会被融化成普通豌豆,失去减速效果。经过第二个TORCH WOOD (火炬树桩)可以和普通豌豆一样被点燃成火球。 冰 ①:SNOW PEA 寒冰射手 ②:ICE-SHROOM 寒冰菇(面瘫)的持续效果 ③:WINTER MELON “冰”瓜 ④:ZOMBONI 冰车所留下的冰面 ⑤:僵王博士从口里吐出的冰球,用辣椒抵消 火 ①:TORCH WOOD (火炬树桩)点燃普通豌豆 ②:JALAPENO (火爆辣椒) ③:GARGANTUAR和DR.ZOMBOSS能吃一个而不死,同时他们之前的冰冻效果会被解除 ④:僵王博士留下的火球,要用冰蘑菇抵消 ⑤:火爆辣椒僵尸 彩蛋秘籍 注意:有些秘籍必须在智慧树足够高时才能使用。 没有智慧树也能使用 ①:future - Futuristic sunglasses for zombies 僵尸戴上 时尚 太阳眼镜 ②:mustache - Zombies with womb brooms 僵尸戴上两撇胡子 ③:trickedout - Alternate Lawn Mower appearance 剪草机统一变成机车剪草机 ④:sukhbir - toggles the zombie"s call for brains-sound 切换僵尸呼唤大脑时的叫声 要智慧树有一定高度 ①:(100inch)daisies - Zombies leave small daisies behind when killed 让僵尸死后掉落一地的菊花 ②:(500inch)dance - dance - get the zombies to boogie on down让僵尸跳舞 ③:(1000inch)pinata - a shower of candy when a zombie dies 僵尸死后散落一地的糖果 系统要求 操作系统:Mac OS X 10.5.8-11.x 处理器:英特尔酷睿双核 1.66GHz+ 内存:1GB RAM 显卡:64MB 显存,16 位或 32 位色质 硬盘所需空间:50+MB 硬盘剩余空间 声卡:标准音频声卡

EMS国际快递中的Item bagged for 1CBPO是什么意思



count to ten 不只是数到10count[kant]v.(按顺序)数数;计算总数;把……算入count down 倒计时count 表示按顺序计数,down 是向下,所以 count down 就是倒计时。count from one to ten 从一数到十count me in 算我一个大家报名参加集体活动的时候,可以说 count me in,意思就是算上我。例句:We will go for a picnic this weekend.我们这周末去野餐。It sounds like a good idea, count me in.听上去很不错,算我一个吧。count to ten数到十花时间冷静下释义:To take a moment to calm down, especially when angry, before doing anything rash or hasty.count to ten 的意思确实是数到十,但在俚语中,count to ten 指的是花时间冷静一下,千万不要冲动行事,和中国人常说的“给你五分钟冷静一下”是一个意思。例句:Do not lose your temper with customers, you need to count to ten.别和客人发脾气,你应该花时间冷静下。冷静还有哪些英文表达?calm down冷静作动词时,calm 的意思是使冷静,calm down 的意思就是冷静下来。当别人生气、兴奋或沮丧时,我们都可以说 calm down.chill out冷静;放松chill out 的意思是放松,这个短语常被用来劝别人别紧张。keep your temper保持冷静lose your temper发脾气temper 是脾气,老外说 keep your temper 是劝你控制情绪,冷静下来。take a chill pill冷静下chill pill 可理解为镇静药,镇静药可以让人迅速安静下来,所以冷静下也可以用 take a chill pill.例句:Chill out!It is not your fault and nobody will put the blame on you.冷静点。这不是你的错,也不会有人把过错推到你身上。Do not count your chickens ≠ 别数鸡do not count your chickens before they are hatched别太早做打算;别那么早打好算盘这句话的完整表达是 do not count your chickens before they are hatched,口语中有时会省略 before they are hatched.这个句子里的 chicken 不是已经出生的小鸡,而是尚在蛋壳里等母鸡孵化的小鸡。因为计划难免会生变,这句话也常被用于劝别人不要那么早做打算,最好等事情发生后再制定计划。在例句:Nothing is impossible, do not count your chickens before they are hatched.一切皆有可能,你不要这么快做决定。Who is counting 谁在乎呢who is counting谁在乎呢这句话的意思是,不管某件事重复发生多少次了,也没人会去统计,所以 who is counting 和 who cares 是同义词,都表示谁在乎呢,弦外之音就是我根本就不在意。类似的表达还有I do not care 我根本不在乎I could care less 我完全不在乎例句:I have read this novel three times, but who is counting?这本小说我已经看过3次了,但我不在乎再看几遍。常见数字短语number one 头号人物;最重要的人;撒尿two cents 个人意见have two left feet 笨手笨脚third wheel 电灯泡four hundred 名流;绅士five-and-ten 廉价商品deep six 置之不理at sixes and sevens乱七八糟in seventh heaven 非常开心behind the eight ball 陷入困境on cloud nine 兴高采烈ten to one很有可能at the eleventh hour 最后时刻

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是那个名字显示的绑定 换成相应的数据库字段可以实现的

麻烦解释一下下列单词在音乐术语中什么意思 pitch rhythm tempo dynamic articulation timbre form

pitch:为...定音高;为...定调[O]The song is pitched too high for my voice. 这首歌的起音太高了,我唱不上去。 rhythm:节奏;韵律[U]The rowers lost their rhythm and the boat lost speed. 桨手们划桨的节奏乱了,赛艇因此慢了下来。 2.节拍[C]A rhythm of One Two Three One Two Three is characteristic tempo:名词 n. 【音】速度,拍子;dynamic:)(音)力度的;力度记号的an astounding dynamic range.惊人的音域力度范围。form:(艺术作品的)表现形式,体裁[U]He adopted the prose form. 他采用散文形式。 timbre: nounthe character or quality of a musical sound or voice as distinct from its pitch and intensity音品,音色,音质trumpet mutes with different timbres.各种音质的小号弱音器。[mass noun]a voice high in pitch but rich in timbre.声调高但音色圆润的嗓音。■[mass noun]the distinctive quality or character of someone or something

trade sth for sth是什么意思


十字绣中strands for stitching是什么意思


We want students for the school show.

We want students for the school show.我们希望学生参加学校的演出。

give for wanting to

give是给的意思 应该是 karen marsh give wanting to retire 是想要退休 整句话大概的意思 是 karen marsh用什么理由申请退休 or 为退休给出了什么理由

wanting for me什么意思?


houdini for linux版本打开软件-节点属性报错!

插盘进入linuxsetup选所有选项(用123选择,f结束确定)开始安装记录SERVER 后的序号。用找到的 License(不知道为什么我找到的都是windows下的)输入SERVER名和序号把得到的 License拷贝到一个文本文件在安装好的目录下运行hkey(也许需要启动hserver)一次输入5个 License。再次输入(我记得一共13行)转入csh(或者tcsh,看你有那一个)运行source houdini_setup可以运行了。



.Every man is the master of his own fortune.怎么读

中文的讲法是:“每个人都是他自己命运的主宰。”Every man 是指(每个人);is the master意思是(都是 。。。的主宰);of his own fortune 意思是(他自己命运)。





rentofortune 一直闪



游戏作为一款刚推出的新作,其中不免还存在各种BUG问题,为了让大家可以更顺利的进行游戏,深空高玩就为大家提供了各种问题的解决方法,这次为大家带来的是大富翁Rento Fortune无法多人联机怎么解决的介绍。联网游戏出错解决方法最传统的大富翁类型游戏,玩家可以按Alt + Enter增加地图大小。 这将全屏和地图将会更大。 房屋的每一面都有不同的价格。 土地越贵,房子越贵,租金就越多。该游戏是跨平台匹配,就是说电脑玩家能排到手机玩家,不用怕搜不到人。掉线还能重回。平常玩大富翁最怕一局拖太久这个节奏差不多,一局在30分钟-1个小时左右,刚刚好。多人联机无法连接解决办法:无法连接与官方服务器无关,使用加速器即可顺利连接,推荐试用加速器


游戏是一部融合了棋牌玩法与卡通元素的动作类大作,许多玩家在接触这款游戏时似乎遇到了很多的困扰,诸如Rento Fortune需要什么配置便是其中困惑玩家们最多的一个方面,为了让大家可以更轻松的游戏,于是深空高玩这里就为大家提供了游戏配置要求一览,如你也对此有疑问的话就一起了解的下吧。游戏配置介绍最低配置操作系统: Windows XP, Windows 7, 8, 10处理器: Intel / AMD x86 / x64 Any 1+ Ghx内存: 512 MB RAM图形: Integrated on-board or betterDirectX 版本: 9.0网络: 宽带互联网连接存储空间: 需要 200 MB 可用空间声卡: Any附注事项: The game is lightweight


游戏刚推出不久,其中不免还存在各种BUG问题,为了让大家可以更顺利的进行游戏,深空高玩就为大家提供了各种问题的解决方法,这次为大家带来的是大富翁Rento Fortune连接出现问题怎么解决的介绍。连接出现问题解决方法遇到连接问题时,请按以下顺序检查设置:1、打开CMD,ping PlayRento.cn2、检查服务器地址是否为118.193.17.303、如果不是,请更换DNS,建议使用谷歌DNS(或者114.114.114.1144、清理DNS缓存 ipconfig/flushdns5、重启您的计算机6、如果服务器地址已经是118.193.17.30,请耐心等待。正常情况下很快将会恢复。


跨平台匹配。跨平台匹配,就是说电脑玩家能排到手机玩家,不用怕搜不到人。和其他陌生人匹配对战。 Rento提供三种不同的游戏模式: 线上(对阵真人玩家)和直接对战你的。

My Days for You歌词 真野惠里菜

您好!给您吧--『MANO☆ERINA』My days for you 的歌词(附罗马音)野菜钢琴 她·大爱小湃 1楼 止まらないこの気持ち受け止めて toma ranaikono kimochi uke tome te ねえ少し远回りをして歩いてきたのかな nee sukoshi 远 mawari woshite arui tekitanokana だからこそあなたに会えたんだ dakarakosoanatani ae tanda 时にはつまづいて転んだりしたよでもあなたがみてる 时 nihatsumaduite koron darishitayodemoanatagamiteru それだけで涙も勇気に変わるの soredakede namida mo yuuki ni kawa runo 泣き虫で弱虫な私に温もりくれたから naki mushi de yowamushi na watashi ni atatamo rikuretakara あなたにもこの胸のあふれる想い届けたい anatanimokono mune noafureru omoi todoke tai 信じる心に咲く花と思い出の花を集めたら shinji ru kokoro ni saku hana to omoide no hana wo atsume tara あなたのために花束にして赠りたい My Days for You anatanotameni hanataba nishite 赠 ritai My Days for You いつも见ててくれててありがとう支えてくれていてありがとう itsumo 见 tetekuretetearigatou sasae tekureteitearigatou 止まらないこの気持ち受け止めて toma ranaikono kimochi uke tome te 雨の中待っていてくれたあの时ぜんぜんあなた ame no naka matte itekuretaano 时 zenzen"anata 怒らずに私にこの言叶くれたね ikara zuni watashi nikono gen kanou kuretane この雨もすぐに上がってほら太阳の阶段が kono ame mosuguni aga ttehora ta 阳 no 阶 dan ga ぼくたちの明日を照らしてくれる bokutachino ashita wo tera shitekureru そよ风に运ばれて虹色アーチを渡れたらsoyo 风 ni 运 barete nijiiro a^chi wo watare taraあなたにも私から声の限り届けたい anatanimo watashi kara koe no kagiri todoke tai 信じる心に咲く花と音符のかけらを集めたら shinji ru kokoro ni saku hana to onpu nokakerawo atsume tara あなたのために爱を歌を奏でたいの My Song for You anatanotameni 爱 wo utawo kanade taino My Song for You いつも笑颜くれてありがとう背中押してくれてありがとう itsumo warai 颜 kuretearigatou senaka oshi tekuretearigatou あなたがいることにありがとう anatagairukotoniarigatou いつでもそのあなたのその瞳にうつっていたいの itsudemosonoanatanosono hitomi niutsutteitaino このままあなたのそばにいていいですか konomamaanatanosobaniiteiidesuka 信じる心に咲く花と思い出の花を集めたら shinji ru kokoro ni saku hana to omoide no hana wo atsume tara あなたのために花束にして赠りたい anatanotameni hanataba nishite 赠 ritai いつもみてくれててありがとう支えてくれてありがとう itsumomitekuretetearigatou sasae tekuretearigatou 止まらないこの気持ち受け止めて toma ranaikono kimochi uke tome te これからもどうぞよろしくねkorekaramodouzoyoroshikune。。。希望您满意。。。



高手谁知道这自行车的拼音架车叫什么来着 TALON ALUXX SL FLUIDFORM



TALON 29ER0是台湾产的,在国内的中文名 叫 塔罗ALUXXSLFLUIDFORM 的意思是 铝合金 液压成形车架有问题再追问吧



C# Winform打印超市小票的代码,在点击收银按钮时,立马自动打印...跪求帮助,高分!


What is the plant size for each location(square feet)?用中文怎么说



【转】Codeforces简称: cf(所以谈论cf的时候经常被误会成TX的那款游戏).网址: 在后面加个com就可以了.  这是一个俄国的算法竞赛网站,由来自萨拉托夫州立大学、由Mike Mirzayanov领导的一个团队创立和维护,是一个举办比赛、做题和交流的平台.举办比赛和做题就不说了,“交流”指的是自带blog功能,可以求助/发布题解之类.官方语言是俄语和英语,因此可能有些偏僻的题目的题解是用俄语写的,别慌,扔给Google Translate翻成英文,可读性还是很不错的.至于英语,cf上Russian English确实有,但并不严重,题目里偶尔会出现很奇怪的表达方式或者不常用的词汇,这时候就借助样例吧,找个人问问也是可以的.cf最大的特点是比赛,所以接下来主要的篇幅用于介绍cf传统比赛的规则.在cf,所有的用户根据在以往比赛中的表现被赋予一个Rating并冠以不同的头衔,名字也会以不同的颜色显示,比如Expert是蓝色,Master是黄色,因此我们通常以颜色代指头衔.选手们按Rating以1700为界划分为Div.1和Div.2两类,相应地,cf上的比赛也会指明是Div.1还是Div.2,抑或同时进行.Div.1的比赛较难;如果同时进行,Div.1的CDE三题会和Div.2的ABC三题相同.每次比赛结束后Rating都会有相应的变动.对于没有参加过比赛的新用户,在比赛后重新计算Rating的时候,他的Rating会被视为1500.  在比赛中,选手有2个小时的时间去解决5道题,而解决某题得到的分数由该题当前的分数减去(不成功的提交次数)*50,这里,某道题的分数是由比赛开始时的分数随时间线性减少得到的.同时,这里的“解决某道题”是指Pretest Passed,即,通过了一次仅含部分测试点的测评,而最终决定是否得到这道题的分数,要看比赛结束后的统一测评(System Test),如果在这时没有通过,就称FST(Failed System Test).在比赛中的提交可以看到在哪个测试点出了什么问题(例如,仅一行WA on pretest 3).  同一个Div的选手将被划分到若干个Room里,每个Room约20位选手;当某道题Pretest Passed之后,可以选择锁定(Lock)该题代码,之后就可以查看同一个Room内其他选手该题的代码(当然了,这也是已经通过pretest的),并试图找出其中的漏洞,自己出一个数据(可以手打,也可以提交数据生成器)让这个代码不能通过,这就是Hack,有时也称Challenge.一次成功的Hack可以得到100分,而如果没有成功,将会被扣50分,分别被称为(un)successful hacking attempt.  在比赛中,选手可以看到实时的排名(Standing),也可以选择只看加了好友的选手的排名.此外,还可以看到某题有多少人通过的信息,这在某些情况下很有用.关于比赛的事情大概就是这么多.cf题库的所有题目都是在该平台上举办过的比赛的赛题,尽管WJMZBMR曾经表示由于出题人很杂cf的题目质量参差不齐,但我个人认为还是够可以的,两个小时五道题也确实很能让人得到锻炼.和Spoj形成鲜明对比的,cf的机子很快,所以很容易培养出STL依赖症等等不良代码习惯,应当引起足够的注意.  在cf上做题的过程当中如果遇到困难,首先可以看数据.数据从某种程度上来说是公开的,在提交记录页面可以看到所有你的程序运行过的数据,但是太大的数据也只会显示前几行,因此也不算完全公开.cf的测试数据笔数通常会让习惯了10个点的人大吃一惊,一道题动辄80个测试点,甚至有的有200多笔.通常来说,前面大概5组是比赛时的Pretest,尽可能的涵盖各种情况,也有放个大数据卡TLE的;其后的数据规模递增,但是最后几组又会很小——这是比赛时Hack的成果.Hack成功的数据会被追加到该题的测试数据当中.  如果数据不能解决问题,可以试图去找题解.题目页面的右下角会标出它所属的比赛的相关文档,通常会有Announcement(赛前和赛中的公告,其中赛中的公告通常是明确题意之类),有些则会有Tutorial,这就是题解,顺带一提cf上另外一个表示题解的词是Editorial.一次比赛的题解可能不是官方的,也可能不包含该词比赛全部的题目的,也有可能是用俄语写的(前面提到过了,翻译成英语就好),也有可能有好几篇(这会以Tutorial #1,#2的形式标识).近期的比赛多半都有官方题解,以前的就不好说了.这时候需要借助另外一个神器:神犇们的代码.cf上所有的代码都是公开的,并且支持按照提交先后(Judging Time),运行时间(Execution Time)和代码长度(Code Length)进行排序.不仅仅是帮助做题,这个功能对于了解一道题的各种做法也是有好处的.

Forever Unstoppable 歌词

歌曲名:Forever Unstoppable歌手:Hot Chelle Rae专辑:WhateverForever UnstopableHot Chelle RaeFalling stars don"t crash through your windowIf you want it, go get it, it"s meant to be chasedAll your scars won"t heal till you let goYou"re perfectly worth it, forget your mistakesIf you wanna fly, leave this world with meWe"ll touch the sky, let"s defy this gravityHold on to me tight, when it all falls downYou can take my heart, if yours won"t beatWe"re forever unstoppableIf you"re torn apart, I"ll make you seeThat nothing"s impossibleWhen you"re broken, and you"re shatteredLove will save you from disasterYou can take my heart, if yours won"t beatWe"re forever, forever, forever unstoppableYeah we"ve both been touched by the same flameDon"t worry, I"ve got you, I won"t let you burnYou and I got played by the same gameWe"re in it together, for better or worseIf you wanna fly, leave this world with meWe"ll touch the sky, let"s defy this gravityHold on to me tight, when it all falls downThere"s a feeling inside you,Just dying to break through,Open up and set it freeWe"re on a horizonJust look in my eyes and you will seeWe"re forever, forever, forever unstoppableForever unstoppable

try out for


Try out和tuy out for在意思上有什么区别

try out to do是尝试做某事,其中try out有实验的意思try out for。。。 是 参加。。。选拔的意思try out for 比try out多了一个目的望采纳!
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