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Acknowledgement of Application Thank you for taking the time to review our current opportunities an

承认应用感谢你抽出时间来回顾一下我们的当前的机会承认应用 感谢你抽出时间来回顾一下我们的当前的机会和为完成及代理本申请表,香格里拉中国国际大饭店。我们来复习你的细节和接触你时,我们又能领略到你的应用程序适合。 再一次感谢您什么有趣的发现,加入香格里拉中国国际大饭店

翻译thanks for your acknowledgement


翻译1.After a heated bargaining they agreed onthe price for the car.


bargaining for good什么意思

有没有背景呢?单看for good 有永久地,意思如果是bargaining for good price 那就是讨价还价bargaining for goods 也是讲价希望对你有帮助哦~

翻译以下短语并完成句子。1. bargain with sb. about overfor sth. ____2. make a bargain with sb.____3

1. (和某人就某事)讨价还价2. 和某人达成协议3. 真便宜4. bargained with  5. made a bargain  6. a bargain


你好!law is not preserve for lawyers法律不保护律师

bargain for的意思及其例句是什么啊?

bargain for 有指望、希望的意思 有点出人意料的感觉, bargain for sth还有 想以廉价买 的意思 We did not bargain for all this trouble. 我们没料到会有这些麻烦事.

he tellls funny jokes to me H还是 he tellls funny jokes for me


[Xhtmlcss]div内放form,h3 ,之间的距离在IE6中怎么去掉


look for,frnd,frnd out,discover,invent的区别

lookfor寻找,侧重动作。后面加找的东西。i`mlookingformywatch.我正在找我的手表。find强调在经过“寻找”(lookfor)后“找的结果”(找到或找不到),又可以表示“(偶然地)发现……”;如:Ifoundawatchontheroad.我在路上发现了一块手表。Ifoundmycatasleepinmybed. 我发现猫睡在我的床上。findout通常表示“弄明白,搞清楚,查明……”。如 Theteacherwantedtofindoutwhohadbrokenthedoor.老师想查明是谁弄坏了门。 discover指“发现”某种本来存在,而以前未被发现的事物或未为人所知的东西。如:Idiscovered(that)shewasagoodcook.我发现她是个烹饪好手/她很会烧菜。invent指“发明”,即原来没有而后来发明创造的东西。如: Edisondidn""tdiscoverelectricity,butinventedthelightbulb.爱迪生不是发现了电,而是发明了灯泡。

look for,frnd,frnd out,discover,invent的区别


The visitors are mainly foreigners. 这些游客主要是外国人。

修饰的应该是 visitors 这个主语 应该是程度副词

Shanghai is the very place _____ foreigners are eager to visit.

这是定语从句,先行词是 place 疑问词应该用 in which

foreigners are charged 16 times more than the ver


How do you greet foreigners作文?

We all face those moments when you feel so bored and uninterested about your life but have no ideal about how to save yourself from that situation,instead of sitting there,feeling dull and hateful.Well it generally happens when you don"t wanna do what"s left for you to do,meanwhile cannot think up anything that you actually wants to do.Because,things,are magical materials of life that once you really put your nose in one,can fully occupy you and help you forget the rest of the world about your,in fact,short miserable life


外国人这个单词一般要初中水平吧 至少在初中才会接触到~望采纳谢谢!

most foreigners()their holidays


it"s difficult to understand foreigners

I found it very difficult to understand what the foreigner said. 或 I found that it was very difficult to understand what the foreigner said.

a number of foreigners

A a number of表示许多的意思,故第一个空主语为复数,be用are,the number of表示什么的数量,故第二个空主语为单数第三人称,be用is,故选A。

---A number of foreigners come to see the Great Wall every year. ----Yes. It"s not only famous ..

C 试题分析:句意:每年有许多外国人来参观长城。是的。它不仅是著名、美丽,也是中国的象征。notice        通知;mark记号;symbol象征;sign标志。所以选C。

several foreigners怎么读


___foreigners visit the Great Wall every day . A Thousand of B Thousand C. Thousands D.Thousands of


英语作文题目:on Foreigners" Learninng Chinese

There is no denying that the cultural exchanges are playing a more and more important role in the modern world. People from foreign countries are interested in our traditional Chinese culture. They hope to gain a better understanding of Chinese culture. Chinese is the crystallization of the splendid culture developed continuously for over 5,000 years. Many treasures remain to be explored. As China grows stronger, more and more foreigners will start to learn Chinese and share the invaluable treasure. How to learn Chinese as foreigners ?Here are a few suggestions. Firstly, take part in a Chinese course. There foreigners can learn from the teachers and practise with their classmates as possible as they can. Secondly, it is important to read some newspapers about Chinese and watch TV in Chinese station whenever possible. Besides, it is also a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs, it can improve therir oral Chinese and by doing so , they"ll learn and remember Chinese words more easily. I think the best way to improving Chinese is making more friends with Chinese people. In this way, foreigners can chat and do something with them together. Whenever they want to learn Chinese, they will tell you a lot about China and help you.Considering the above-mentioned, I believe learning Chinese well is not difficult.

外国人 口语 foreigners speaking

去paltalk 24小时几乎都有专门的老师教 美国人 加拿大人都有

The foreigner has cought the frisby的复数形式

The foreigners have cought the frisby

every year many foreigners____to china to learn chinese. A come B comes C came D is coming



expat,侨民,移居国外的人。即他们所生活的国家不是他们的祖国。foreigner,外国人,陌生人。即,他们不是我们本地人,或者不是我们本国人。这两个词的区别在于,说话者的立场或者环境不同。They are discouraged from becoming close friends with foreigners. 他们被劝说不要和外国人密切交往I think any expat does to a certain degree. 我相信,任何移居国外的人在一定程度上都会如此

foreign和foreigner意思,用法,有什么不同?许多外国人为什么是many foreigners,而不是many foreigns呢

foreign:外国的,外交的;外来的;不相干的.foreigner:外国人;外人,陌生人;外来物,进口货物;foreign people = foreigners记得采纳和赞哦!谢谢!

several foreigners怎么读

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:several[英][ˈsevrəl][美][ˈsɛvərəl,ˈsɛvrəl]adj.几个的; 专有的; 各自的; 分别的; pron.一些; 几个,数个; foreigners[英]["fɒrənəz][美]["fɔ:rənəz]n.老外; 外国人( foreigner的名词复数 ); 外来人,外地人; 蕃; 希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳

Foreigners are called Lao Wai的句子成分分析是什么?



是,复数:foreigners 外国人


是,复数:foreigners 外国人

Foreigners are called Lao Wai的句子成分分析是什么?

Insistence on better working conditions by the union has resulted in fewer employee absences.不是定语,是状语;工会坚持改善工作条件导致出勤率增加;其中fewer employee absences.是双重否定,需要翻译成肯定。

foreigner怎么读 foreigner的意思

1、foreigner的读音:英[ˈfɒrənə(r)],美[ˈfɔːrənər] 2、n.外国人; 外来人; 外地人; 3、[例句]The fact that I was a foreigner was a big disadvantage.我是外国人这事实对我十分不利。 4、复数:foreigners


foreigner 英[ˈfɒrənə(r)] 美[ˈfɔ:rənə] n. 外国人;外人,陌生人;外来物,进口货物;(非本土的)外来动植物 名词复数:foreigners [例句]One kind of foreigner loves english libel law.有一类外国人热爱英格兰的诽谤法。




单数 加er意思是外国人 希望能帮到你的英语




foreigner外国人,可数名词。复数形式为foreigners 。


foreigner是可数名词,复数形式foreigners词汇解析:foreigner英文发音:[ˈfɒrənə(r)]中文释义:n.外国人;外来人;外地人例句:They are discouraged from becoming close friends with foreigners.他们被劝说不要和外国人密切交往。短语:1、invading foreigner 入侵的外国人2、Foreigner National 外籍人士3、Foreigner Town 一指城4、Foreigner Incident 涉外事件5、foreigner secretary 秘书6、Poor Foreigner 穷老外7、Foreigner Receptionist 外籍前台接待8、male foreigner 鬼佬扩展资料foreigner的同根词:1、foreign英文发音:["fɒrɪn]中文释义:adj. 外国的;外交的;异质的;不相关的例句:She was on her first foreign holiday without her parents.她首次不在父母的陪同下到国外度假。2、foreignness英文发音:["fɔrinis]中文释义:n. 外国(人)的特性例句:Regardless of the content, a host"s foreignness can be enough of a draw in itself.无论内容如何,身位主持人的外国人,其本身就足够具有吸引力。


foreigner是可数名词,复数形式foreigners词汇解析:foreigner英文发音:[ˈfɒrənə(r)]中文释义:n.外国人;外来人;外地人例句:They are discouraged from becoming close friends with foreigners.他们被劝说不要和外国人密切交往。短语:1、invading foreigner 入侵的外国人2、Foreigner National 外籍人士3、Foreigner Town 一指城4、Foreigner Incident 涉外事件5、foreigner secretary 秘书6、Poor Foreigner 穷老外7、Foreigner Receptionist 外籍前台接待8、male foreigner 鬼佬扩展资料foreigner的同根词:1、foreign英文发音:["fɒrɪn]中文释义:adj. 外国的;外交的;异质的;不相关的例句:She was on her first foreign holiday without her parents.她首次不在父母的陪同下到国外度假。2、foreignness英文发音:["fɔrinis]中文释义:n. 外国(人)的特性例句:Regardless of the content, a host"s foreignness can be enough of a draw in itself.无论内容如何,身位主持人的外国人,其本身就足够具有吸引力。

foreigners怎么读 foreigners英文解释

1、foreigners,读音:美/fɔrɪnər/;英/fɒrənəz/。 2、释义:n.外国人;外地人(foreigner的复数)。 3、例句:Many foreigners think that using chopsticks is tricky.很多外国人觉得用筷子很难。


foreigner的意思是外国人。读音:英[ˈfɒrənər]美[ˈfɔːrənər]释义:n.外地人,外国人变形:复数foreigners双语例句Many foreigners in our country are learning Chinese.我国的很多外国人都在学习中文。These foreigners know how to respect the opinions and suggestions of others.这些外地人懂得尊重他人的意见和建议。This foreigner brought him huge profits.这个私活给他带来了巨额利润。


foreigners:外国人foreigner 英[ˈfɒrənə(r)] 美[ˈfɔ:rənə] n. 外国人;外人,陌生人;外来物,进口货物;(非本土的)外来动植物 名词复数:foreigners [例句]One kind of foreigner loves english libel law.有一类外国人热爱英格兰的诽谤法。


foreigner是可数名词,复数形式foreigners词汇解析:foreigner英文发音:[ˈfɒrənə(r)]中文释义:n.外国人;外来人;外地人例句:They are discouraged from becoming close friends with foreigners.他们被劝说不要和外国人密切交往。短语:1、invading foreigner 入侵的外国人2、Foreigner National 外籍人士3、Foreigner Town 一指城4、Foreigner Incident 涉外事件5、foreigner secretary 秘书6、Poor Foreigner 穷老外7、Foreigner Receptionist 外籍前台接待8、male foreigner 鬼佬扩展资料foreigner的同根词:1、foreign英文发音:["fɒrɪn]中文释义:adj. 外国的;外交的;异质的;不相关的例句:She was on her first foreign holiday without her parents.她首次不在父母的陪同下到国外度假。2、foreignness英文发音:["fɔrinis]中文释义:n. 外国(人)的特性例句:Regardless of the content, a host"s foreignness can be enough of a draw in itself.无论内容如何,身位主持人的外国人,其本身就足够具有吸引力。

A lot of foreigners__________ familiar with the famous places of interest in China.

应该填 are。

Passport of foreigners中文意思是什么意思啊?

你好!Passport of foreigners外国人护照

Foreigners in Shanghai 英语作文


外国人都很好是foreigners are nice还是the foreigners are nice

the foreigners are nice

The foreigners __there,but they __the food there at first.

used to do sth 过去常常做某事 I used to walk home.我过去常常走路回家be used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 I am used to walking home.我习惯走路回家你说的被动语态be used to do,是被用来做某事,比如,the book is used to read.整句话意思是:那些外国人以前住在那儿,但一开始他们不习惯那里的食物


歌名:《Perfect》演唱:Ed Sheeran作词:Ed Sheeran作曲:Ed Sheeran歌词:I found a love for me我找到了属于我的爱Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead亲爱的 就跟着我坠入爱河Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet我寻得这么一个女孩 漂亮甜美Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me我从没想过你就是那个为我等候着的人"Cause we were just kids when we fell in love当我们最初爱上彼此时 都还是个孩子Not knowing what it was当时不懂得爱I will not give you up this time但这一次我不会再让爱逝去But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own亲爱的 就慢慢吻着我 你的心是我拥有的全部And in your eyes you"re holding mine在你眼里我看到你知道你也将我心占据着Baby, I"m dancing in the dark with you between my arms亲爱的 在黑暗中我抱着你轻舞着Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song赤脚踩在草地上 听着我们最爱的歌When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath当你说你看起来糟透了 我耳语声轻过呼吸But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight但你一定也听到了 我说"你今晚看起来美极了"Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know我寻得了这样一个女人 她坚强过所有的人She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I"ll share her home我向她分享我的梦想 我希望有天我能给她个家I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets我寻得这样一份爱 对它慎重过我所有秘密To carry love, to carry children of our own携着这份爱 携着我们的小孩We are still kids, but we"re so in love我们虽仍年少 但却如此深爱Fighting against all odds共同对抗所有逆境的未来I know we"ll be alright this time我知道我们会一直深爱Darling, just hold my hand亲爱的 就握着我手Be my girl, I"ll be your man做我的女孩 让我许你未来I see my future in your eyes在你眼中我看到美好的将来Baby, I"m dancing in the dark, with you between my arms亲爱的 在黑暗中我抱着你轻舞着Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song赤脚踩在草地上 听着我们最爱的歌When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful当我看到那一袭裙装的你 如此美丽I don"t deserve this, darling you look perfect tonight我忽觉形秽 亲爱的 今晚的你是那般完美无比Baby, I"m dancing in the dark, with you between my arms亲爱的 在黑暗中我抱着你轻舞着Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song赤脚踩在草地上 听着我们最爱的歌I have faith in what I see我一直都相信我所感受到的Now I know I have met an angel in person我知道我遇见了一位降落人间的天使And she looks perfect, I don"t deserve this她看起来美极了 美到让我觉得自己不值得You look perfect tonight亲爱的 今夜的你是最完美的


foreigner词性是名词扩展:foreigner 英[ˈfɒrənə(r)] 美[ˈfɔːrənər] n. 外国人; 外来人; 外地人; [例句]They are discouraged from becoming close friends with foreigners.他们被劝说不要和外国人密切交往。[其他] 复数:foreigners

要不要加are?half of them (are?) foreigners(英语语法

half of them foreigners是名词 加名词构成的独立结构,相当于 and half of them are foreigners。要加are 就得变成并列句,如上,加上and构成另一个句子。


expat,侨民,移居国外的人。即他们所生活的国家不是他们的祖国。foreigner,外国人,陌生人。即,他们不是我们本地人,或者不是我们本国人。这两个词的区别在于,说话者的立场或者环境不同。They are discouraged from becoming close friends with foreigners. 他们被劝说不要和外国人密切交往I think any expat does to a certain degree. 我相信,任何移居国外的人在一定程度上都会如此




foreigner 英[ˈfɔrinə] 美[ˈfɔrənɚ, ˈfɑr-] 复数:foreignersn. 1.外国人 2.外来人;外地人 名词 n.1.外国人 I have never met a foreigner who speaks such perfect Chinese.我从来没有遇到一个外国人汉语说得这么好。2.外来人;外地人 foreign 英[ˈfɔrin] 美[ˈfɔrɪn, ˈfɑr-] adj. 1.外国的, 在本国以外的; 从外国来的 2.不属于本身的; 无关的, 不相干的 3.外来的; 异质的 4.涉外的;外交的 5.非典型的;陌生的 6.异物;异体 形容词 adj.1.外国的, 在本国以外的; 从外国来的 At the banquet all the foreign guests wore evening dress.宴会上所有的外宾都穿着晚礼服。2.不属于本身的; 无关的, 不相干的 Sitting still is foreign to a boy"s nature.老老实实地坐着不是男孩的本性。Your argument is foreign to the question.你的争辩与本问题无关。3.外来的; 异质的 Metal, oil and soap contains foreign matter, respectively.金属、油和肥皂中分别含有杂质。4.涉外的;外交的5.非典型的;陌生的6.异物;异体


是,复数:foreigners 外国人

英语单词 foreigner 怎么读,求谐音

你好!foreigner 英[ˈfɒrənə(r)] 美[ˈfɔ:rənə(r)] n. 外国人; 外人,陌生人; 外来物,进口货物; (非本土的) 外来动植物; [例句]They are discouraged from becoming close friends with foreigners.他们被劝说不要和外国人密切交往。谐音 佛瑞呢尔





foreigners 是单数还是复数


外国人可不可数英语中 foreigner 外国人


“i found a love for me”是什么歌里的歌词?

《Perfect》,原唱是Ed Sheeran。

i found a love for me是什么歌

perfectMV歌手:ed sheeran原唱发行日期:2017-03-03立即播放查看歌词I found a love for meDarling, just dive right in and follow my leadWell, I found a girl, beautiful and sweetOh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me"Cause we were just kids when we fell in loveNot knowing what it wasI will not give you up this timeBut darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I ownAnd in your eyes you"re holding mineBaby, I"m dancing in the dark with you between my armsBarefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite songWhen you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breathBut you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonightWell I found a woman, stronger than anyone I knowShe shares my dreams, I hope that someday I"ll share her homeI found a love, to carry more than just my secretsTo carry love, to carry children of our ownWe are still kids, but we"re so in loveFighting against all oddsI know we"ll be alright this timeDarling, just hold my handBe my girl, I"ll be your manI see my future in your eyesBaby, I"m dancing in the dark, with you between my armsBarefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite songWhen I saw you in that dress, looking so beautifulI don"t deserve this, darling you look perfect tonightBaby, I"m dancing in the dark, with you between my armsBarefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite songI have faith in what I seeNow I know I have met an angel in personAnd she looks perfect, I don"t deserve thisYou look perfect tonight

请问下句的bare feet前面为什么不加冠词?——He did not mind the water, for he had bare feet.


be used for either bare or coated floor



forming是form的现在分词意思v.形成;产生;构成;【语】构(词)n.形态;形状;样子;【哲】形式读音请点击输入图片描述例句A black plume of smoke hung in the sky, and below it a cloud of plaster dust in which a crowd was already forming around the ruins .一团黑烟直冲云霄,靠地面的地方腾起大片的尘土,人群早把那片瓦砾团团围。其他表达方式请点击输入图片描述

lay bare the truth for sb这里的lay bare到底是什么结构,尤其是bare是形容词用法吗,还是动词用法?

lay sth bare 和Lay bare sth都可以表示显示,表露,揭露如Lay bare the truth,a plot等,揭露真相,阴谋(牛津高阶辞典)lay sth bare的用法楼上说了。The director was careful not to lay the firm"s plans bare. 经理小心翼翼,不说出公司的计划。这是习惯用法。不能认为是短语动词,因为bare是adj

majored at 和 majored for 和 majored in的用法

majored的动词原形是major,这样才能与介词搭配。major作动词用时只有major in的用法,意为「(在大学)主修...」。[e.g.]He"s majoring in Political Science.他主修政治学。希望对你有帮助^-^


原句应该是Yes, may I book a room for three nights?而其翻译的意思是:是的,我可以预订三个晚上的房间吗?


may i help you 常见于一方看见另一方困境时,提出的问题 更有礼貌.what can i do for you 常见于商店中售货员招待客人时的问题.

求forever lfriends歌词,请大家帮帮忙

Forever Friends Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend Say we"ll never end Searching for the colors of the rainbow Melody never say good-bye I"ll be near you Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend Say we"ll never end Searching for the colors of the rainbow Melody never say good-bye I"ll be near you Some people handle love in and never try I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher Some day we"ll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend Say we"ll never end Searching for the colors of the rainbow Melody never say good-bye we"ll always be forever friends Hold me like a friend Kiss me like a friend Say we"ll never end Searching for the colors of the rainbow Melody never say good-bye I will believe you When the river flows Off to part us both Only HEAVEN knows I will be a boat to sail arround you Melody never say good-bye I will be near you Some people handle love in and never try I can almost fly with your wings to set me higher One day we"ll see the world and through the grey have faith in our hands till the river ends……

如何用Barcode Professional SDK for NET打印条形码图像

如何使用PrintDocument类打印条形码图像这是最简单的条形码打印方案。例如,假设您已经为PrintDocument"s PrintPage事件设置了一个事件处理程序,在下列的代码中,文档/页面中处理器程序将会创建一个Barcode Professional对象并打印在指定位置生成的条形码图像。

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I am aching for you中文翻译


翻译:He has been aching for someone his own age to play with.



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Noteboos,made with future technology for tomorrow`s most outstanding achieves.怎么理解?


there people order their food and wait for a few minytes 是什么意思

there people order their food and wait for a few minytes有人为了他们的食物,等待几分钟重点词汇people人民; 人,人类; 居民; 种族; 居住于,布满; 使住满人,在…殖民; 把动物放养在order秩序; 命令; 次序; 规则,制度; 订购; 整理; 下订单food粮食; 食物,食品; 养料; 资料wait for等待; <非正> 注意; <非正>推迟直到到达; 观望形势后再作决定a few少许, 少数; 一点点; 些许

Mod_NumForName:sprites/camper.spr not found怎么解决

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