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amount to和account for的区别


account for是什么意思

account for的意思是对…负有责任;对…做出解释;说明……的原因;导致;(比例)占。词汇分析音标:[ə"kaʊnt  fə(r);]短语Account Executive for Geely 客户执行Account book for land 土地台帐Account Manager for Geely 客户经理Account Manager for Industrial 大客户经理Account To For 向交代拓展双语例句1、How do I account for it? 我怎么向他解释?2、The store debited his account for the purchase. 商店将这笔购货金额记入他的账户的借方。3、She knew not what to think, nor how to account for it. 她不知道如何想法才好,也不知道怎样去解释这种情景。4、It will take her fifteen years in prison to account for such horrible crime.她犯下如此可怕的罪行,得坐15年牢。5、The flood accounted for the bad crop.水灾导致歉收。

account for 什么意思

“account for”的意思是:说明(原因、理由等);导致,引起;(在数量、比例上)占;对…负责。1、PHRASAL VERB (数量或比例上)占If a particular thing accounts for a part or proportion of something, that part or proportion consists of that thing, or is used or produced by it.例句:Computers account for 5% of the country"s commercial electricity consumption.计算机占去该国商业用电的5%。 2、PHRASAL VERB 导致;解释If something accounts for a particular fact or situation, it causes or explains it.例句:Now, the gene they discovered today doesn"t account for all those cases.不过,他们现在发现的基因无法解释所有的病例。3 、PHRASAL VERB 为…提出理由;对…作出说明If you can account for something, you can explain it or give the necessary information about it.例句:How do you account for the company"s alarmingly high staff turnover?...你怎么解释这家公司高得令人忧虑的人员流动率? 4、PHRASAL VERB 对(行动、政策等)负有责任If someone has to account for an action or policy, they are responsible for it, and may be required to explain it to other people or be punished if it fails.例句:The President and the President alone must account for his government"s reforms.总统必须为他的政府改革负责,而且是负全责。扩展资料account的常见词组搭配:by all accounts 根据各方面的说法by sb"s account 据某人讲for account of 为…代销for this account 因为这个缘故from all accounts 根据各方面所说in account with 与…有账务往来in an account 在账目里in the last accounts 归根到底,终于

account for的解释及用法


【求助】account for 的用法?

take it into account 这种用法中,不仅可以接that引导的句子,根据句意连接where when how which whether 等等引导的句子都可以例:The problem with a to

用account for造句怎么造?

account for1.explain;give a reason for解释;说明…的原因*How do you account for the accident?你如何解释这次事故的原因?*We asked him to account for his conduct.我们要他对自己的行为加以解释。2.give a statement to show how money or goods have been dealt with说明(钱等的)用途*You have to account for losing such a large sum of money.丢了这么一大笔钱,你务必解释清楚。*We must account for every cent we spent.我们花掉的每一分钱,都要有个交代。 responsible for负责The librarian has to account for each book in his charge.图书管理员应对所管的每一本书负责。*You will have to account for the misprints in the article.你必须对文章中的印刷错误负责。*It will take him 20 years in prison to account for such a terrible crime.他犯有严重罪行,将在监狱中监禁20年。4.occupy;amount to(数量)占;共计达*In that country,the production of raw materials accounts for a considerable proportion of the national economy.在那个国家,原材料生产在国民经济中占相当大的比重。*League members account for the majority of the students in the class.团员占这个班学生的大多数

account for是什么意思

account for对…负有责任;对…做出解释;说明……的原因;导致;(比例)占说明 解释 占

词组解析account for 的用法是什么?


on account of和account for的区别

1、用法不同on account of 语气较为正式。可作状语、表语,不作定语例句:He could not come on account of his illness.他因病不能前来。account for 对…负有责任;对…做出解释;说明……的原因例句:He could not account for his absence from school.他无法说明他旷课的原因。2、含义不同on account of 因为...由于...为了...的缘故例句:That was on account of lack of exercise.那是由于缺乏锻炼。account for 对...说明...的原因例句:Computers account for 5% of the country"s commercial electricity consumption.计算机占去该国商业用电的5%。3、读音不同on account of 英 [ɔn əˈkaunt ɔv] 美 [ɑn əˈkaʊnt ʌv] adv.由于;基于例句:The flight was postponed on account of bad weather. 因为天气恶劣,飞行延期了。account for 英 [əˈkaunt fɔ:] 美 [əˈkaʊnt fɔr] 说明(原因、理由等);导致,引起;(在数量、比例上)占;对…负责

is accounting for是什么意思

  accounting意思是:会计; 会计学; 记账; v.记述,报告(account的现在分词); 合计; 账号; 会计,会计学;  【例句】  1、The debate revolves around specific accounting techniques.  这场争论的焦点是具体的会计技术。  2、Here he is accounting for his need for the car.  这里,他在说明自己需要车的原因。  3、The challenge for biologists is accounting for what causes the substantial difference between the person and the chimp.  “生物学家的任务是解释导致人类和大猩猩本质上不同的原因”。

account for有没有被动

account for这个动词词组, 语法作用相当于一个及物动词( 可以有被动形式 to be accounted for),其释义是:(1) ( 主语是人或事) 解释、 说明( 其经过或理由)( 是个延续状态动词)。(2) ( 主语是人) 交代清楚( 是个瞬时动态动词)。(3) 查明下落( 是个瞬时动态动词)。(4) ( 被动语气, 延续状态) 已经知道下落。(5) ( 被动语气, 延续状态) 已经计算在内。(6) ( 主动语气, 延续状态) 占总量当中多大的份额。

account for的同义词

account for的同义词 释义1:对...解释 right explain,explain away 同义词辨析 right explain 对...解释 指把某事向原来不了解、不清楚的人解释明白、说清楚等。 explain away 解释清楚 用解释或类似的办法消除或摆脱,用解释减少。 account for 对...解释 对已存在的事物作出解释或说明(原因),后面接sth。

用account for造句怎么造?

account for 1.explain;give a reason for解释;说明…的原因 *How do you account for the accident?你如何解释这次事故的原因? *We asked him to account for his conduct.我们要他对自己的行为加以解释。 2...

请问account for的英文释义是什么(用英文解释短语的意思)


Account for 有把什么考虑在内的意思吗,

没有account for = 说明(原因、理由等); 导致,引起; (在数量、比例上)占; 对…负责把什么考虑在内的词组 = take....into consideration

account for 和make up百分数的用法


give sb an account of与account for用法是否相同?谢谢O(∩_∩)O~

基本相同give sb an account of给某人汇报情况,作说明,例如Please give me an account of your trip.请你告诉我你旅行的情况。 He will give you an account of what happened.他会对所发生的事给你一个说明。account for对…负有责任;对…做出解释;说明……的原因How do you account for the accident?你怎么解释那场事故?Jack could not account for his foolish mistake.杰克无法解释自己的愚蠢错误。She knew not what to think, nor how to account for it.她不知道如何想法才好,也不知道怎样去解释这种情景。

lead to和 account for有什么区别

lead to从字面上理解 比较着重 引导 导向 通常一个事物直接lead to另一个事物 在这里作比较的时候 可以理解为a引起b 可以说是唯一原因 account for比较侧重 其中一个因素 a account for b通常是a是引起b的众多原因中的其中之一 大致是这样一个情况 两者分别还有其他用法 但是你要问的 应该就是这个意思吧

account to和account for分别是什么意思

account to 向(某人)报账He has to account to the chairman for how he spends the company"s money.他一定要向主席说明他是如何花公司的钱的。account for 说明〔解释〕…原因His illness accounts for his absence.他因为生病, 所以才缺席。Two things account for its occurrence.发生这件事的原因有两个。【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

amount to和account for的区别

1、amount to表示“总计,共达,等于”,如:The total costs amount to 60 dollars.(总花费为60美元。)2、account for表示“说明,解释”,如:I want you to account for every cent you spent.(我要你说明你所花的每一分钱。)

be accounted for是什么意思

be accounted for被什么占据Bonds shall be accounted for at par value.发行债券时,应当按债券的面值记帐。If he came Vesta would have to be accounted for.即使他来了,味丝搭的问题也仍不能解决。Intangible assets purchased shall be accounted for at actual cost.购入的无形资产,应当按实际成本记帐;Bonds investment shall be accounted for according to actual amount paid.债券投资应当按实际支付的款项记帐。His conduct was accounted for to the police.他的行为向警察解释了。Surplus reserve shall be accounted for at the amount actually set up.盈余公积金应当按实际提取数记帐。Papers for deliberation allow all different points of view to be accounted for.讨论文件反映各种不同的观点。Invested capital shall be accounted for at the amount actually invested.投入资本应当按实际投资数额入帐。All passengers have now been accounted for.现在所有乘客的情况均已查明。Two masked intruders were accounted for by Tom.汤姆击毙了两个蒙面的入侵者。Receivables and prepayments shall be accounted for according to actual amount.应收及预付款项应当按实际发生额记帐。Fixed assets shall be accounted for at historical cost as ob-tained.固定资产应按取得是的固定成本记帐。All current liabilities shall be accounted for at actual amount incurred.各项流动负债应当按实际发生数额记帐。Deferred expenses shall be accounted for based on actual expenses incurred.其他递延支出,按照实际发生的有关支出入帐。There are a few factors that need to be accounted for.有一些变量需要加以说明。When all files are accounted for, message transfer begins.在解决所有文件后,才开始邮件传输。The disappearance of the papers has never been accounted for.那些文件丢得莫名其妙。You must understand how the budget works and be accountable for it.你必须理解预算如何发挥作用,并且对预算负责。E: who should be accountable for the security of code.谁应该是对代码负有责任安全。We warned him that he would be accountable for his actions.我们警告他,要他对自己行为负责。

account for是动词短语嘛?作主句谓语?

account for说明(原因等);...的原因That accounts for the delay of his father.

account for是什么意思?

account for对…负有责任;对…做出解释;说明……的原因有不会的可以再问我

account for 有多少种解释?

account for说明-----的原因on account of因为,由于take-----into account考虑

account for是什么意思

account for对…负有责任

account for的解释及用法?

account for意思:说明(原因、理由等);导致,引起;(在数量、比例上)占;对…负责account作“解释”“说明”解时,接介词for指根据逻辑、标准、模式等对已存在的事物作出解释或说明(原因),后面接sth。例句:I want you to account for every cent you spent.我想让你说明你花掉的每一分钱的用途。词汇解析:account英 [ə"kaʊnt] 美 [ə"kaʊnt]1、n. 账户;解释;账目,账单;理由;描述2、vi. 解释;导致;报账3、vt. 认为;把…视为扩展资料词语用法:1、account 作“账目”解时指的是财政上的收支记录,可用于法人,也可用于自然人; 作“账户”解时可指在银行等(金融)单位开立的用于存取款项的账户,也可指使用互联网收发电子邮件的账户。2、account作“赊欠账”解时美式英语中常用charge account,英式英语中常用credit account。3、account还可作“账单,交易清单”解。用于比喻account还可作“客户,老主顾”解,通常指有固定购销关系,尤其是赊销协议的单位或个人。4、account用作动词的基本意思有二:一是“解释”“说明”,可指口头或书面地对某事的原因、用途等给予全面详尽地说明。二是“认为”,指对某人〔事,事物〕从总体上或概括地作出判断,多表示肯定。

accountfor的用法,account for的意思

1.account作解释、说明的意思时,接介词for指根据逻辑、标准、模式等对已存在的事物作出解释或说明(原因),后面接sth。 2.accountfor意思:说明(原因、理由等)。 3.导致,引起。 4.(在数量、比例上)占。 5.对…负责。 6.例句:I?want?you?to?account?for?every?cent?you?spent。 7.?我想让你说明你花掉的每一分钱的用途。

account for 用法

account for 意思说明(原因、理由等);导致,引起;(在数量、比例上)占;对…负责;account作“解释”“说明”解时,接介词for指根据逻辑、标准、模式等对已存在的事物作出解释或说明(原因),后面接sth。 扩展资料   Together they account for less than five per cent of the population   他们总共占不到总人口的5%。   Computers account for 5% of the country"s commercial electricity consumption.   计算机占去该国商业用电的5%。   Now, the gene they discovered today doesn"t account for all those cases.   不过,他们现在发现的基因无法解释所有的病例。

account for怎么用?

account for 用法很灵活。最好完整造个句容易明白。例如:The student has been punished that account for his late today.例如:I use her pen without her agree that I should account for the loss of our friendship.没有任何语言赞同“死板”规定 就看使用者的思维如何突破。----直白思维助益英语,simple thoughts ease English - - - -

account for是什么意思

account for 英[əˈkaunt fɔ:] 美[əˈkaʊnt fɔr] [词典] 说明(原因、理由等); 导致,引起; (在数量、比例上) 占; 对…负责; [例句]Now, the gene they discovered today doesn"t account for all those cases.不过,他们现在发现的基因无法解释所有的病例。

account for用法及例句有哪些?

account for用法及例句有:account作“解释”“说明”解时,接介词for指根据逻辑、标准、模式等对已存在的事物作出解释或说明(原因),后面接sth。Students account for 50% of our customers.在我们的顾客中,学生占了一半。He has been asked to account for his conduct.他被要求解释他的行为。account作“解释”“说明”解时,是不及物动词,接介词for指根据逻辑、标准、模式等对已存在的事物作出解释或说明(原因); 接介词to表示“向某人解释”。account作“认为”解时,是及物动词,常接以“as+ n. ”或“to be+ adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语, as和to be常省略。

account for 和 count for的 区别

答案为D。 意思是“ 没有价值,无意义”

account for 什么意思


She looks sad. Could you please tell me ____ that prevents her from being as happy as before? ...

A 本题含有强调句型,若把It is···that去掉,则很容易地看出what引导的宾语从句,what在从句中充当主语。故选A。

The strong wind prevents the students ( )outdoor activities. 1fordoing 2with going3 into doing4from

4 from doingprevent sb( from )doing sth 阻止....干....

prevents new habits form being formed翻译

Be放在动词前面 表示被动前面的词或词组如果要接动词的Doing形势,就把Be变成Being 既表被动 形式又对

"suggestion for sth"和"suggestion on sth"哪个是正确的?

两者有其不同的用法,在各自的用法里都正确。suggestion on sth表示对某事的建议而suggestion for +sb 对某人的建议一、advice和suggestion的区别1,具体的用法就是:advice是一个不可数名词,要与a piece of/some等连用。如:give sb. a piece of/some advice on how to do/doing sth;suggest n是可数名词。可以根据具体情况确定其单复数;另外,这两个词后跟名词性从句时,都要用情态动词should,以表示一种语气。2,advice更具有指导意义,一般来说advice指opinion given by one person  to another on how that other should behave or act,有告诉别人该怎么做的意思;而suggestion就是一个提议而已。二、give suggestion on 给的建议1,According to the economic rents theory, it also can give suggestion on how to maintain the firms"superior performance. 依据经济租金理论,还可对如何保持企业超常业绩的可持续性提出改进建议。2,Give suggestion on the position arrangement job transfer of the internal field employeesaccording to their ability strong points. 根据厨师的业务能力和技术特长,向营运部建议内场岗位的人员安排和工作调动。3,Be aimed at the improve position of neuter female, for helping them to set up oneself image more well, this article would give some suggestion on clothing and costume collocation. 针对中性化女性地位的提高,为了帮助她们能更好的树立自我形象,笔者在服饰搭配方面给出建议。


Advice suggestion 可数,information 不可数

go idea,suggestion可数么 它们搭配的介词是什么 是for还是to

go off词典解释 1. 响起 The alarm went off. 警铃骤然响起. 2. 变质 This milk has gone off. 牛奶变坏了. 3. 入睡 Hasn"t the baby gone off yet? 婴孩还没入睡吗? 4. 进行 The plan went off well. 计划进行得很顺利. idea(一般来说可数,当译为概念,观念的时候不可数.通常与to ,of或者是that引导从句) 名词 n. 1. 主意;打算;计划[C][(+of)][+to-v][+that] He hit upon the good idea of spending the weekend in the nearby holiday camp. 他想到去附近度假营过周末这个好主意. He is full of ideas. 他主意很多. 2. 构想;概念[C][U][(+of)] Have you any idea of what he is up to? 你知道他想干什么吗? 3. 了解,明白[C][(+of)][+wh-] I have no idea what to do. 我不知道该怎么办. Jimmie had but a vague idea of world conditions now. 吉米对当今世界情况只有一点模糊的了解. 4. 臆测;推量[C][+(that)] I"ve an idea that he"ll soon quit the job. 我猜想他不久就要辞掉这工作. 5. 意见,见解;信念[(+about/on)][+that] That at least is my idea about friendship. 至少那是我对友谊的理解. 6. 思想;观念[C][U] He destroyed feudal ideas in literature. 他摧毁了文学中的封建思想 suggestion(当译为几条建议时可数,其他不可数.通常与of,that连接使用)词典解释名词 n. 1. 建议,提议[C][U][+that] I ordered a steak at his suggestion. 我根据他的建议点了一份牛排. 2. 暗示,示意,启发;联想[U] Poetry achieves its finest effects by suggestion. 诗歌借助暗示联想达到最佳意境. 3. 微量,细微的迹象[S][(+of)] I detected a suggestion of malice in his remarks. 我察觉他的话中带有一点恶意. 4. 【心】暗示[U] Such is the power of suggestion that within two minutes the patient is asleep. 催眠暗示的力量很大,病人不到两分钟便入睡了.

the __of finding gold in california were good in the 1840`s

Prospects 前景,展望。选这个

go off是什么意思 idea,suggestion可数么 它们搭配的介词是什么 是for还是to

go off词典解释 1. 响起The alarm went off. 警铃骤然响起。 2. 变质This milk has gone off. 牛奶变坏了。 3. 入睡Hasn"t the baby gone off yet? 婴孩还没入睡吗? 4. 进行The plan went off well. 计划进行得很顺利。 idea(一般来说可数,当译为概念,观念的时候不可数。通常与to ,of或者是that引导从句)名词 n. 1. 主意;打算;计划[C][(+of)][+to-v][+that]He hit upon the good idea of spending the weekend in the nearby holiday camp. 他想到去附近度假营过周末这个好主意。 He is full of ideas. 他主意很多。 2. 构想;概念[C][U][(+of)]Have you any idea of what he is up to? 你知道他想干什么吗? 3. 了解,明白[C][(+of)][+wh-]I have no idea what to do. 我不知道该怎么办。 Jimmie had but a vague idea of world conditions now. 吉米对当今世界情况只有一点模糊的了解。 4. 臆测;推量[C][+(that)]I"ve an idea that he"ll soon quit the job. 我猜想他不久就要辞掉这工作。 5. 意见,见解;信念[(+about/on)][+that]That at least is my idea about friendship. 至少那是我对友谊的理解。 6. 思想;观念[C][U]He destroyed feudal ideas in literature. 他摧毁了文学中的封建思想 suggestion(当译为几条建议时可数,其他不可数。通常与of,that连接使用)词典解释名词 n. 1. 建议,提议[C][U][+that]I ordered a steak at his suggestion. 我根据他的建议点了一份牛排。 2. 暗示,示意,启发;联想[U]Poetry achieves its finest effects by suggestion. 诗歌借助暗示联想达到最佳意境。 3. 微量,细微的迹象[S][(+of)]I detected a suggestion of malice in his remarks. 我察觉他的话中带有一点恶意。 4. 【心】暗示[U]Such is the power of suggestion that within two minutes the patient is asleep. 催眠暗示的力量很大,病人不到两分钟便入睡了。

for education对吗

这个句子是正确的 意思是 你认为网络教育有什么样的前景? are作宾语prospects的be动词 你说的句式无法涉及对于前景(prospects)的提问

英语he banished me here for eternity怎么翻译?


英语。 prospects for promotion 和handsome pay 是什么意思?





不能换成for,可以换成to be terrified to do / of sth 害怕….,恐惧….; be terrified to + v./ of + v.-ing 对……害怕; be terrified to的例句 I would be terrified to see a robot moving about my house. 在家里看到机器人到处走动,我会给吓坏的 be terrified of的例句 1.Don"t be terrified of the difficulties. 别害怕困难 2.Children with school phobia will be terrified of going to school and will be facing prolonged periods at home. 有上学恐惧症的小孩子会对上学感到害怕而不愿意离家.


4.B 4.B


区别是:user指的是是用户,使用者。account指的是账户或账号。例句辨析:user1、Beach users have complained about people walking their dogs on the sand. 海滩上的游客投诉有人在沙滩上遛狗。2、This is an entirely computer operated system which is very user friendly. 这个系统完全由电脑操控,非常好用。3、If a computer user fails to log off, the system is accessible to all. 如果计算机用户没有成功退出,那么谁都可以进入该系统。4、You have to be able to describe things in a form that the end user can understand.你必须以终端用户可以理解的方式描述产品。account1、Some banks make it difficult to open an account.一些银行把开户弄得很麻烦。2、Biggart Donald, the Glasgow-based marketing agency, has won two Edinburghaccounts. 比加特·唐纳德,这家驻格拉斯哥的营销代理公司已赢得了两个爱丁堡的客户。3、He kept detailed accounts. 他记明细账。4、He gave a detailed account of what happened on the fateful night.他详细描述了那个灾难性夜晚所发生的事。

account for的解释及用法

account for是什么意思

account for的意思是对…负有责任;对…做出解释;说明……的原因;导致;(比例)占。词汇分析音标:[ə"kaʊnt  fə(r);]短语Account Executive for Geely 客户执行Account book for land 土地台帐Account Manager for Geely 客户经理Account Manager for Industrial 大客户经理Account To For 向交代拓展双语例句1、How do I account for it? 我怎么向他解释?2、The store debited his account for the purchase. 商店将这笔购货金额记入他的账户的借方。3、She knew not what to think, nor how to account for it. 她不知道如何想法才好,也不知道怎样去解释这种情景。4、It will take her fifteen years in prison to account for such horrible crime.她犯下如此可怕的罪行,得坐15年牢。5、The flood accounted for the bad crop.水灾导致歉收。

写出下列单词的同音词 sea,for,meat,know,wear,sun,I

sea--see for-- four meat--meet know--no wear--where sun--son I ---eye

帮我解释一下这句format X: /q /u /autoset命令中,/q /u 的意思,谢谢了,

/u 对硬盘进行破坏性格式化,/q 快速格式化

how to use: As an omega-3 supplement: For joint inflammation: 怎么翻译

用法:作为omega-3补充剂治疗关节炎。具体翻译如下:1、how to use:如何使用。2、As an omega-3 supplement:作为omega-3补充剂。3、For joint inflammation:关节炎。4、Omega-3具有消炎作用,能减轻肿痛,舒解关节炎的不适感觉。临床研究证实能减轻晨间的僵硬不适,关节比较不会一碰就痛或肿痛,还能减轻疲劳。扩展资料:How to、 As、For介词短语的用法:1、How to 后面接动词原形,作谓语,怎么用--的意思,例句:Do you know how to use chopsticks? 你会用筷子吗?2、as后面接名词,做状语,作为--的意思,例句:I respect him as a doctor.我尊敬他这个医生。3、for 后面接名词,做状语,为了--的意思,例句:It"s a book for children.这是本儿童读物。参考资料来源:百度翻译-how to use参考资料来源:百度翻译-As an omega-3 supplement参考资料来源:百度翻译-For joint inflammation


callingto,calling for的意思是要求 calling card 名片 calling up 电台呼 cold calling 电话;冷不妨电话; 准备访问; 准备调查。

求翻译OT pay ,Performance pay,Meal allpwance,Supplement,Deduction,Other


literary works calling for ....。为什么用calling


thank you for calling me in time为什么用calling?

介词后的动词用ing形式 Thank you for calling me in time.谢谢你及时给我打电话。

xuan paper — high-quality rice paper good for traditional painting and calligraphy是什么意思

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  xuan paper — high-quality rice paper good for traditional painting and calligraphy,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:宣纸。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

xuan paper — high-quality rice paper for traditional painting and calligraphy是什么意思啊??



1、therefore adv.因此, 所以=for that reason=consequently常用于连接两个并列分句,其前加“and”或分号“;”。He was ill, and therefore could not come. 他病了, 所以未能来。He has broken his leg and therefore he can"t walk.他摔坏了腿,因此不能走路了。We do not have enough money. Therefore we cannot afford to buy the new car.我们的钱不够,因此买不成这辆新车。2.accordingly adv.因此, 从而;所以,因此结果;因此(偶作连词使用conj.)He was asked to leave the city and accordingly he went.有人叫他离开该城市,所以他就走了。You may arrange accordingly.你可以权宜处理。 conj. adv因而, 所以, 结果是It was late, so we went home. 天晚了, 所以我们就回家去了。He was sick, so they were quiet.他病了,所以他们很安静。4.Thus adv.如此,像这样;因此;于是He sold his farm and thus he had enough money for his journey.他卖掉了农场,这样他就有足够的钱旅行了。There has been no rain — thus, the crops are drying.天没下雨,因此庄稼要枯死了。解释完毕,你看可以不,可以的话,请选为满意答案。如有疑问,请指出!

therefore, so, thus, hence, accordingly, consequently的用法和区别= = 好乱啊求高手解答万分感激了!


therefore, so, thus, hence, accordingly, consequently的用法和区别= = 好乱啊求高手解答万分感激了!

这些连接副词均有“因此,所以”之意。 accordingly: 书面用词,强调根据某种原因而得出的结果,其前可用冒号或分号,但不用逗号。 consequently: 正式用词,侧重符合逻辑的结果。 hence: 较正式用词,指接下来的东西是理所当然的必需的东西,但强调其重要性。 so: 用于比较随便的场合,口语中多用。 therefore: 通常指引出一个推断出的必然结论。 thus: 多用于书面语中,可与therefore换用。


1、therefore adv.因此,所以=for that reason=consequently常用于连接两个并列分句,其前加“and”或分号“;”. He was ill,and therefore could not come.他病了,所以未能来. He has broken his leg and therefore he can"t walk.他摔坏了腿,因此不能走路了. We do not have enough money.Therefore we cannot afford to buy the new car.我们的钱不够,因此买不成这辆新车. 2.accordingly adv.因此,从而;所以,因此结果;因此(偶作连词使用conj.) He was asked to leave the city and accordingly he went.有人叫他离开该城市,所以他就走了. You may arrange accordingly.你可以权宜处理. 3. so conj.adv因而,所以,结果是 It was late,so we went home.天晚了,所以我们就回家去了. He was sick,so they were quiet.他病了,所以他们很安静. 4. Thus adv.如此,像这样;因此;于是 He sold his farm and thus he had enough money for his journey.他卖掉了农场,这样他就有足够的钱旅行了. There has been no rain — thus,the crops are drying.天没下雨,因此庄稼要枯死了. 你看可以不,可以的话,请选为满意答案.请指出!

therefore, so, thus, hence, accordingly区别用法


请准确翻译这段He became aware of on unrolling and formed an lmage in his mind purified of the shell

  He became aware of on unrolling and formed an lmage in his mind purified of the shell  他意识到对开卷和在他头脑中形成的壳纯化1 lmage  [He他]》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》  He took the ninth position in his class of forty.  他在40 个人的班级里排第九名。  It was not until he came that I left.  直到他来我才离开。  He beat the other runners by a margin of ten seconds.  他比其他运动员早10秒钟到达终点。  Where"s your brother?" He"s in Paris."  ‘你哥哥在哪里?"‘他在巴黎."  Everybody knows what he wants.  人人都知道自己想要的是什麽。  He is a teacher.  他是教师。  英英解释:  名词 he:  a very light colorless element that is one of the six inert gasses; the most difficult gas to liquefy; occurs in economically extractable amounts in certain natural gases (as those found in Texas and Kansas)  同义词:helium, atomic number 2  the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet  [became成为]》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》  He renounced his religion and became a Muslim.  他宣布脱离他原来的宗教而成为了一名穆斯林教徒。  She never laughed and became very sullen.  她再也没有笑过, 变得郁郁寡欢。  His hair became gray when he was only forty.  他刚刚四十岁时, 头发就变得灰白了。  He is a Dane inasmuch as he was born in Denmark, but he became a British citizen at the age of 30.  他按其出生在丹麦来说是丹麦人, 但他在30岁时成了英国公民.  The old man"s life became dull and colorless.  老人的生活变得呆板无趣。  Her hearing went (ie She became deaf) in her seventies.  她70多岁时耳聋了.  After she"d overcome her initial shyness, she became very friendly.  她克服了开始时的羞涩之后, 就变得非常友善。  He became quite agitated when he was asked about his criminal past.  当问到他过去的犯罪历史时, 他变得十分焦虑不安。  英英解释:  动词 become:  enter or assume a certain state or condition  同义词:become, go, get  undergo a change or development  同义词:become, turn  come into existence  同义词:become  enhance the appearance of  同义词:become, suit  [aware 意识到的]》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》  Their sudden attack made us more aware of the danger around us.  他们突然的攻击使我们更加注意我们周围的危险。  He made believe not to be aware of my presence.  他假装不知道我在那里。  I am quite aware of that.  我完全知道这事。  I wasn"t aware of that.  我没有意识到。  As you are well aware, there is a great competition on the part of both Germany and the United States.  正如贵公司所知道的, 在这儿, 德国货和美国货具有很强的竞争力。  Are you aware that you are sitting on my hat?  你知道你坐在我的帽子上了吗?  We are fully aware of the gravity of the situation.  我们十分清楚形势的严峻性。  词形变化:  名词:awareness  英英解释:  形容词 aware:  (sometimes followed by `of") having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or perception  同义词:cognizant, cognisant  bearing in mind; attentive to  同义词:mindful  aware or knowing  同义词:witting  [of关]》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》  I"m under a lot of pressure.  我的压力很大。  Joan of Arc was made a saint in 1920.  1920年, 贞德被追封为圣女。  My phone was out of order.  我的电话坏了。  I"ve never heard of such places.  我从未听说过这些地方。  He is the best of teachers.  他是最好的老师。  I have heard of him.  我听说过他。  Many of the students came from other countries.  学生中许多人来自其他国家。  [on于]》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》  prep. 在...之上, 由…支撑着, 在(某一天), 使用, 根据  [计算机] 开  adv.穿着, 向前(移动), (表示持续性)  adj. 表示已连接、处于工作状态或使用中, 表示发生, 值班  abbr.=Ontario  例句与用法:  I"m on in five minutes.  我五分钟后上场。  The doctor put me on these tablets.  医生让我服用这些药片。  The strike has been on now for six weeks.  罢工至今已进行六个星期了。  The book is on the table.  书在桌子上。  They are here on a three-day visit.  他们在这作为期三天的访问。  The lights were all full on.  灯火通明。  The war was on then.  那时正在打仗。  He went on with his work.  他继续他的工作。  英英解释:  形容词 on:  in operation or operational  (of events) planned or scheduled  副词 on:  with a forward motion  同义词:along  indicates continuity or persistence or concentration  in a state required for something to function or be effective  [ unrolling开卷]》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》  The novel unrolls the history of a certain woman.  那本小说揭露了某个女子的过去。  The landscape unrolled under the speeding plane.  大自然的景色展现在快速飞行的飞机之下。  词形变化:  动词过去式:unrolled 过去分词:unrolled  过去分词:unrolled 现在分词:unrolling  英英解释:  动词 unroll:  reverse the winding or twisting of  同义词:unwind, wind off, unroll  unroll, unfold, or spread out or be unrolled, unfolded, or spread out from a furled state  同义词:unfurl, unroll  [ and和]  Work hard and you will be successful.  努力工作, 你就会成功。  My father and mother went for a walk.  爸爸妈妈去散步了。  [ formed形成] 》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》  Although iron and steel products are all around us, I do not know how they are formed into various form.  虽然我们的周围都有钢铁制品, 我却不知道它们是怎么样加工成形的。  The little dune is formed with loose dry sand by wind.  这个小沙丘是由风吹来的干沙子形成的。  This university is a corporate body formed from several colleges.  这所大学是由几个不同学院组成的。  The top of the table was formed by a stone slab.  桌面是一块石板。  The man formed a habit of taking harmful drugs.  这人养成了服用有害麻醉品的习惯。  He has formed a new band with his brother on bass.  他组织了一个新乐队, 由他弟弟弹低音吉他。  A region of southwest Yugoslavia bordering on the Adriatic Sea. An ancient Balkan state, it long resisted the Turks and from1910 to1918 was an independent kingdom. Montenegro then joined the newly formed Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, which became Yugoslavia after1929.  黑山南斯拉夫西南部一地区, 位于亚得里亚海沿岸。古代巴尔干国, 它长期抵抗土耳其, 并于1910至1918年间成为独立王国。后来加入了由塞尔维亚、克罗地亚和斯洛文尼亚新组成的王国, 这一王国在1929年后成为南斯拉夫  Fully formed or developed, as an organ or structure.  定形的, 成形的器官或结构发育完全的或  英英解释:  动词 form:  to compose or represent:"This wall forms the background of the stage setting"  同义词:form, constitute, make  create (as an entity)  同义词:form, organize, organise  develop into a distinctive entity  同义词:form, take form, take shape, spring  give shape or form to  同义词:shape, form  make something, usually for a specific function  同义词:shape, form, work, mold, mould, forge  establish or impress firmly in the mind  同义词:imprint, form  assume a form or shape  同义词:form  形容词 formed:  clearly defined  同义词:defined, settled  having or given a form or shape  formed in the mind  同义词:conceived  having taken on a definite arrangement  fully developed as by discipline or training  [an 1 ]》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》  I took an instant dislike to him.  我一见他就不喜欢。  The firm has an annual turnover of 75 million.  这家公司的年营业额为7500万英镑.  The sad news of her father"s death was the only cloud on an otherwise happy year.  她父亲的死讯是她愉快的一年中唯一伤心的事。  If you want to join, there"s an entrance fee of 20 and an annual membership fee of 10.  入会须缴入会费20英镑, 年费10英镑.  He gave her an admiring glance.  他向她投以敬慕的一瞥。  The city is at an elevation of 2000 metres.  这座城市海拔2000米.  I always rest for an hour after dinner.  晚饭后, 我总要休息一小时。  Australia is an English speaking nation.  澳大利亚是一个讲英语的国家。  英英解释:  名词 an:  an associate degree in nursing  同义词:Associate in Nursing  [lmage ]》》》》》》》》》》》》》  [in在]》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》  I haven"t seen him in years.  我已多年没有见到他了。  Are you in for this game of whist?  这场惠斯特桥牌你参加吗?  They are in research.  他们正在进行研究。  Is he in?  他在家吗?  Those hats are in.  那些帽子很流行。  The telephone was in the little study on the ground floor.  电话在底楼的小书房里。  He dipped his pen in the ink.  他拿钢笔蘸墨水。  I"m afraid we"re in for a storm.  恐怕我们要遇上暴风雨了。  英英解释:  名词 in:  a unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot  同义词:inch  a rare soft silvery metallic element; occurs in small quantities in sphalerite  同义词:indium, atomic number 49  a state in midwestern United States  同义词:Indiana, Hoosier State  形容词 in:  holding office  directed or bound inward  currently fashionable  副词 in:  to or toward the inside of  同义词:inwards, inward  [his他的]》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》  Next Tuesday is his birthday.  下周二是他的生日。  The writer gets a 10% royalty on each copy sold of his book.  作者从每本卖出的书中可得10%的版税。  His name leapt out at me from the newspaper.  报纸上他的名字一下字跳入我的眼帘。  He claims it was his idea.  他声称这是他的主意.  This book is his, not yours.  这本书是他的, 不是你的。  His brother is my classmate.  他哥哥是我的同学。  [mind思想]》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》  I"d a good mind to smack him for being so rude!  他这样粗野, 我真想揍他。  She minded very much that he had not come.  他没有来, 她为此十分不悦。  I know her face but I can"t call her name to mind.  我认得她, 但想不起她的名字了。  Mind where you put those glasses!  把那些杯子放在哪儿, 要看著点。  Do you mind if I smoke?  你介意我吸烟吗?  My mother is minding the shop.  我母亲在照应店铺。  Mind your head!  小心别碰了头!  Would you mind if I smoke here?  我在这吸烟, 你介意吗?  词形变化:  名词:minder 动词过去式:minded  动词过去式:minded 过去分词:minded  过去分词:minded 现在分词:minding  英英解释:  名词 mind:  that which is responsible for one"s thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason  同义词:head, brain, psyche, nous  recall or remembrance  an opinion formed by judging something  同义词:judgment, judgement  an important intellectual  同义词:thinker, creative thinker  attention  your intention; what you intend to do  同义词:idea  knowledge and intellectual ability  同义词:intellect  动词 mind:  be offended or bothered by; take offense with, be bothered by  be concerned with or about something or somebody  be in charge of or deal with  同义词:take care  pay close attention to; give heed to  同义词:heed, listen  be on one"s guard; be cautious or wary about; be alert to  同义词:beware  keep in mind  同义词:bear in mind  [ purified纯化[》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》  The endless lea will purify your thought.  一望无际的草原会净化你的思想。  Water is purified by passing through rock.  水在穿透岩石的过程中获得了净化.  英英解释:  动词 purify:  remove impurities from, increase the concentration of, and separate through the process of distillation  同义词:purify, sublimate, make pure, distill  make pure or free from sin or guilt  同义词:purify, purge, sanctify  become clean or pure or free of guilt and sin  同义词:purify  形容词 purified:  made pure  同义词:refined, sublimate  ©2003-20  [ of的]》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》  I"m under a lot of pressure.  我的压力很大。  Joan of Arc was made a saint in 1920.  1920年, 贞德被追封为圣女。  My phone was out of order.  我的电话坏了。  I"ve never heard of such places.  我从未听说过这些地方。  He is the best of teachers.  他是最好的老师。  I have heard of him.  我听说过他。  Many of the students came from other countries.  学生中许多人来自其他国家。  ©2003-2009  [the那个]》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》》  I haven"t the slightest idea what you are talking about.  我一点也不明白你在说些什么。  Is it necessary for me to attend the meeting?  我真的必须参加这个会议吗?  Of all her children, Mary is the cleverest.  她的孩子中, 玛丽最聪明。  We must protect the earth.  我们必须保护地球。  I reached the gate that opened onto the lake.  我走到临湖而开的那扇门前。  Turn to the left and you will find the post.  向左转, 你会找到邮局的。  Please close the window.  请把窗户关上。  The more he has, the more he wants.  他得到越多, 想要的也越多。  ©2003-2009  [ shell外壳》》》》》》》》》》》》》》  Shells were bursting all around.  炮弹在四处爆炸。  There is an ornament made of shells on the wall.  墙上有一个贝壳做成的装饰品。  All that remained of the building after the fire was an empty shell.  一场大火过后, 这座建筑剩下的只是一个空壳。  She was shelling peas.  她在剥豌豆荚。  词形变化:  名词:sheller 动词过去式:shelled  动词过去式:shelled 过去分词:shelled  过去分词:shelled 现在分词:shelling  英英解释:  名词 shell:  ammunition consisting of a cylindrical metal casing containing an explosive charge and a projectile; fired from a large gun  the material that forms the hard outer covering of many animals  hard outer covering or case of certain organisms such as arthropods and turtles  同义词:carapace, cuticle, shield  the hard usually fibrous outer layer of some fruits especially nuts  the exterior covering of a bird"s egg  同义词:eggshell  a rigid covering that envelops an object  a very light narrow racing boat  同义词:racing shell  the housing or outer covering of something  同义词:case, casing  a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)  同义词:plate, scale  the hard largely calcareous covering of a mollusc  动词 shell:  use explosives on  同义词:blast  fall out of the pod or husk  hit the pitches of hard and regularly

“A(and therefore B)”怎么翻译?

A(and therefore B)A(因此 B)


如果是私人港币支票,抬头是本人的话(意思是开给你的话),即期有效的(指的是日期不是将来到期付款的)那么本人凭身份证可以到银行柜台直接要求现金付款或者转账付款到本人账户。当然也可以拿着支票到其他银行当作存款入账,存进自己在别家银行的账户。私人支票一般都会有明确的抬头人,比如支付给 “XX” 或者“XX公司”,除非是一张不记名的持票人支票 (bearer cheque),那么就是谁拿着支票都有权到柜台要求银行支付。希望帮到你。



therefore, so, thus, hence, accordingly区别用法


accordingly表示因此时 可以放在句首代替therefore吗?

可以,没问题!海词上的例句:Accordingly, the crowd was sombre and grave.因之,人群也显出相应的阴郁和庄重。推荐你用www.dict.cn查单词

call for sb,去接某人,求造句

My mum call for my brother every day


Call for action呼吁采取行动双语例句1And there has never been a stronger call for action from the international community.国际社会对采取行动的呼吁比以往任何时候都更为强烈。2Therefore, Latvia strongly supports the EU Call for Action initiative on the MDGs.因此,拉脱维亚坚决支持欧盟的“千年发展目标行动呼吁”。

有没有call for doing sth?是不是英语中所有的sth 都可以换成doing sth?为什么

有call for doing sth,但不是所有sth都可以换成doing sth

call for a doctor 跟 call in a doctor 怎么区别?

call for a doctor是表示请一位医生call in a doctor 是表示拜访一位医生(不一定是看病)

打电话用英语是 call with还是 call for

call with

call for 和call on在意思为“要求”时有什么差别啊?

call on s.b to do for sth./doing sth.

call sb to do和call sb for分别是什么意思?

这是 四级语法问题吗?第一个是要求别人做事 第二个 应该是 为某事打电话给某人吧call for 应该是 要求,去取;来取;去接;来接

call for abstract 什么意思

call for abstract要求摘要

call sb和call for sb的区别

你这个例句里a telephone call 是个整体,一个名词短语。

call for availability 是缺货的意思吗

是的。call for availability,表示:缺货,断货。availability[əˌveɪlə"bɪlətɪ]n.有效; 有益; 可利用性; 可得到的东西(或人);call for [kɔ:l fɔ:]要求; 需要; 去接(某人); 去取(某物);
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