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以The Importance of Teamwork和The kind of Friends I like为题,写两篇150字的作文,考试要,急求啊!满

1.In my opinion the teamwork is much important. Whatever duty you are doing, it should not be neglected. Just like only an ant, it is impossible for him to move a piece of pork he has found. So it needs many ants to take the food and move it home. It turns that the coordiation is the strength to complete things. For example, company, if works opinions Teamwork contains many peoples strength, so it is easily to complete everything. Because in a team, members opinions are the same; what"s more wouldn"t just considerate themselves, most of their minds are the public goal. So they will try their best to achieve the goal and help each other. Opposite, it hard for a person to complete a thing without others help. Without teamwork help, single peoples strength is limited .So it is hard for he to do things quickly and efficiently. Generally speaking, everyone need others encourage and help. A person just single one, he just has two hands; it is difficult for him to do well things, though how much effort he has done. Sometimes, just a person"s encourage is also very important, this society is filled with competition, people connection is becoming closer and closer .Evidently, the teamwork is playing an important tutus. It is also prove the team work is important.2.



求一首动感的英文歌名 上来是好像是 i remember in the past we were friends and 。。。。。。女声这是“姐姐妹妹站起来”的英文版,在酷狗上搜 姐姐妹妹站起来英文版 就有了,网上说这首歌叫sister sister,可是看他们给的歌词又对不上,我也不知道这首歌的名字,只能说是某首歌英文版这样找了

Are your friends tourists?

第一句friend是单数,所以谓语动词用is第二句friends是复数,所以谓语动词要用are这个和your 没有联系的

are your friends tourists too? friends 和 tourist



我晕 这个都不知道吗? 这个就是我们说的美国大嘴猴啊。Julius﹠friends其实就是大嘴猴的品牌,只不过国内首先引进的Paul Homme这个牌子,所以大家对Paul Homme熟悉,而对Julius﹠friends不熟悉。Julius﹠friends与Paul Homme都是大嘴猴的品牌

mutual friends什么意思

mutual friends共同的朋友例If any of these points are connected to each other, then we have found atriangle of three mutual friends.如果这些点相互连接,我们得到一个三角形,有三对人互为朋友。

Me and my friends doing shots. 请问这里的主语为什么用Me不用I?

因为这里me并不是做主语,前面应该是有句子成分的。另外这应该是某首歌的歌词吧,有的歌词就是省略了一些主语直接用的是不完整的句子。但是我能力稍不足,这省略的形式无法还原。部分歌词如下:The club isn"t the best place to find a lover这俱乐部不是个能找到安慰的地方So the bar is where I go所以我们去往酒吧Me and my friends at the table doing shots我和我朋友们在桌前干着杯Drinking faster and then we talk slow一饮而尽 再缓缓诉起衷肠You come over and start up a conversation with just me这时你走过来开始和我搭讪

英语顺序选修6 childhood friends 翻译

我们总是在一起.... 人们都说,最好的朋友之间总是享有一种特殊的关系。他们知道彼此间别人都不知道的小秘密。他们像一对双胞胎一样可以感觉到对方的痛苦和情感。有时候,两个最好的朋友甚至不必严明就可以知道对方的想法。这就是所谓的超能力吗?我不知道,但是也许吧。只有一件事,我可以肯定,那就是他们有着截然不同,但是在某种程度上却十分相似的人生。 对我来说,我最好的朋友是Cagalli,而且我喜欢着她,非常喜欢。我无法用这个世界的任何语言来形容我对她的感觉。她就像我身体的一部分融入于我的生活中,使我无法驱赶远离。她,是我最重要的人。 我坐在被修补过的绿色草地上,惬意的用手梳理着自己暗蓝色的发丝,鼻间是清甜的花草所散发出的芳香。我看向清澈无边的广阔蓝天。这的确是一个适合休息放松的好日子,而且我认为这个公园的草地是最佳的地点。 我转过头,看见孩子们在一边的空地上荡着秋千。他们玩的很开心。这让我想起自己以前也和Cagalli一起去荡秋千,那时候她站在秋千上,我帮他推秋千。她一直和我说要推的再用力一点,再用力一点。然后,运动神经发达的她常常可以从还在剧烈摆动的秋千上跳下,并且以及其漂亮的姿势安全着陆。她一直是一个鲁莽的女孩,也正是这样的她,常常把一旁一直注视着她的我,吓得一身冷汗。 想到这里,我笑出了声。 “在笑什么?”一个熟悉的声音将我从回忆拉到了现实。 我循着声音传来的方向望去,发现Cagalli竟然早已坐在我的身边。看来是我过分的沉溺于过去,以至于没有发现她早就到了这里。 “Cagalli....”我向她微笑着打招呼,并且尝试从刚刚的慌乱中恢复到平时的泰然自若。 Cagalli挑起一边的眉看着我“你还没有回答我的问题呢” “恩...嘛....就是.....我刚刚想起了一些有趣的事情,”我对她说,希望她放弃继续追问这个问题。我可不想告诉她刚刚我所缅怀的那些可笑回忆。这样她肯定又会对此事大大评论一番。 “我知道了,她回答。“所以是什么驱使你来这个公园的呢?” “我只是来这里放松一下的....” “哼?”她低声咕哝着抱怨到。“那你真是太~~~无聊了。”她的声音听上去有点挖苦人。 我就知道她会说这些。Cagalli不是那种会把一个好日子浪费在休养生息这种事情上的女孩。她通常会拽着朋友的胳膊,到游戏房去打电动,或者去做一些体能训练。她和一般的女孩完全不一样....... 想到这里,我对着她温柔的笑了...... “对我来说一点也不无聊哦......”我说。 “好,好,我知道你不无聊,所以我也不准备继续在这里耗时间了,我要去打电动了!” 她站了起来,于此同时,我搂住了她的腰。 “等等...”我低声告诉她。 “呃?什么?不要告诉我你也要和我一起来?”她弯下身子质问到,但是从声音里明显听出了一丝兴奋。 “恩,听上去很有意思,打电动....”我回答她 当我们到达了游戏房,我们开始玩一些射击游戏。恩,我对射击得心应手,所以很轻松的,我赢了她。所以她一直不肯离开,直到我故意输给了她。她向我挑战格斗游戏,因为她说这样就可以摆脱身体和力量上的限制公平的和我打一场......我们尝试了很多不同的游戏,直到我们都觉得累了。 离开了游戏房,我们来到了海滩....凝视着无垠的平静大海。拂过脸颊的是清新凉爽的海风。我喜欢这种感觉。Cagalli和我每周日早晨都会来这里,我们有时会用沙子筑起城堡,但是一旦建成就马上把它摧毁。有时我们会打沙滩排球,我一直输给她,但是看到她胜利时阳光般大大的微笑,一切都无关紧要了。 Cagalli一直是个天使,为我带来欢乐。当我悲伤的时候,她一直陪伴在我身边,她是一个我每时每刻都会让我依赖的朋友。她是我真诚并且亲爱的朋友.....这样的她,能遇到这样的她......是我这辈子最幸运和幸福的事情..... 但是我很自私.......我不想和她再做朋友了...... 我想了解她更多更多.......我不想让她对我之外的人露出如此灿烂的微笑......... 我看向她,此时她正脱去自己的鞋子和袜子。 “Cagalli,你在做什么?”我好奇的问。 她没有回答我,只是靠近海边,把脚浸入海水中。她露出了惬意的小小微笑,然后朝向我。 “介意也这样尝试一下吗?Athrun?” “我就算了,”我回答到。我想加入她,和她一起,但是我已经筋疲力尽了。我希望和Cagalli有一样的用不完的精力。她看上去无论何时都那么神采奕奕。 她叹了口气,然后把双手环在胸前,“你确定吗?”她问 我点了点头。 “我从来不接受‘不"这个答案!”她说得很大声,走向我,然后拉起我的胳膊。她尝试把我推向海边,但我抵抗了起来。 “Cagalli,放开!” “快点,Athrun.我知道你想---啊!”她尖叫了起来。 这是因为她在推搡着我的过程中自己反倒失去了平衡,最后向我这里摔倒了过来. 嘣~~~~~~~~ 我发现我倒在了大海与沙滩交接的浅水区域,而Cagalli就这样倒在了我的身上。这是一个十分糟糕的位置。基于这个暧昧的位置,我能感到一股热血直冲上我的脖子,我的脸。我不想让Cagalli看到如此失态窘迫的自己,但是当她抬起困惑的眼睛看向我时,我知道一切都晚了。 “Athrun...”她轻声低语,用着我从没听到过的柔软声音。从她琥珀色眸底,我看见了的同样温柔的目光。她的手用着舒服的力道婆娑着我的发丝,然后,我看见她将我们两人之间本来就已经很近的距离缩得更近。“你的眼睛.....我一直很喜欢你的眼睛......” “Cagalli,我也很喜欢你的眼睛。你的眼睛里有着没人能企及的真实....” 我捧起了她的脸。 她羞涩的红着脸笑了。 这是我从来没有见到过的笑容。如此温暖甜蜜,让我的心鼓噪着,加速着。她的笑容就像她的眼睛一样让我为之疯狂。 在这个瞬间,我觉得世界是如此美妙,我敦促自己把对她的感情在这个瞬间完全的诠释给她。这是一个不可多得的好机会。我必须告诉她。但是我身体里的一部分却犹豫了... 我们是儿时的伙伴,我们克服了种种只有真正的朋友才会面对的各种挫折。我们的友谊是如此的坚固,所以这让我意识到了一件非常严重的事情。如果把我对她的感情在这一刻都倾泻出来的话......这样好吗?我思考着即将发生的种种后果。我不想拿我们的友谊来冒险..... 以上的种种如同枷锁一样困扰着我。 我想告诉她,但是如果她拒绝我那该怎么办?在这之后我们的友谊会变成什么样子呢?当我告诉她我对她的感情之后,她对我的态度会改变吗? 然后,我意识到自己的心脏早已脱离了原有的状态。就像被重重的东西所负荷,压制着自己本身的意识。为了摆脱这种沉重的负压感,我决定告诉她。 “Cagalli,我想告诉你一些事情” “什么事?” “作为一个朋友,我想对你说‘谢谢,谢谢你一直陪伴我到现在"。” Cagalli轻笑出声。“发烧了吗?为什么说这么奇怪的话?” 无视她的问题,我继续道。 “Cagalli,我很高兴你能做我的朋友,我真的很开心能遇到你。” 我收紧了围绕在她腰上的臂膀,让我们的身体几乎没有如何间隙。我甚至可以感觉到她柔软的胸部紧紧的贴着我的,但是我不介意。 “而且...我也很庆幸自己能爱上你....”于是,我终于还是说了出来。 我的话语让她吃了一惊。然而我不能责怪她,因为这一切太突如其来了。她沉默了好一阵子,大概是在思考着我的那些话吧。我知道她正在尝试寻找一些可以回答我的言语。不管结局怎样,我都做好了欣然接受的准备、 “Athrun,我...”她结结巴巴的开了口。 她仍然在思考着什么。 同时,我也凝视着她的眼睛,鼓励着她说出自己的想法,同时担心着她。她长时间的静默让我紧张起来,我开始变得不耐烦。这是一件很不可思议的事情,我清楚自己是个不易受情绪起伏的人。但是这个悬而未决的答案几乎将我杀死。 答案是什么?当现在我告诉她着一切时,她会对我有什么想法?她会像以前对待朋友一样对待我吗?所有的问题在我的脑海徘徊不止。 “Athrun,你这个笨蛋...”她用自己轻浮的拳头捶打着我的胸口。 “Cagalli...” “要让笨蛋Athrun说出这些话....一定花了很长的时间吧!”她用一双欲哭的眼睛注视着我的脸。 “你知道自始自终我都-” 她笑着点了点头。“最后你用了所有的决心才说出来了吧。我,我也等了好长时间!” 她等我?我不敢相信。我从来没有意识到Cagalli自始自终都知道我对她的感情。她也从来没有和我说过。我应该是知道的。Cagalli不仅仅可以知晓我的想法。在她面前,我就像一本敞开的书,任她了解。事实上,她了解我就像我了解她的身体,和她的灵魂一样。 我叹了口气。 “我猜现在我只有一件事情忘记去做了,”我得意的笑了。 “什么事--”在她的疑问还未脱口之际,我立刻吻上了她的唇。她再一次的吃了一惊。我打断了这个吻,好整以暇的欣赏着她的反映。看着她红透的脸,却洋溢着无比的幸福。 “我真想狠狠打你一拳,但是现在.....”她再一次吻上我的唇。 我们沉溺于这个吻里,这是一个热烈的吻,我可以清楚的感觉到我们之间迸发而出的激情,我们感受到了对方炙热的唇瓣和体温。迷人的,使我不想使它终结。但是不幸的是,我们不得不放开彼此的唇来获得一些新鲜的空气。当我们再一次看向对方的眼睛时,我们满足的笑了。 我们站起来一起欣赏还流连于地平线之上的夕阳。对我们来说这是多么浪漫的瞬间。我看准了另一个机会抱紧了她,吻着她的脸颊在她耳边低声诉说那三个甜蜜的单词。引来她一阵咯咯的轻笑。 “你知道一直是那种温柔亲切的王子型的呢,”Cagalli取笑道。 “你真的这么想的吗?” “恩,我也喜欢这样子的你。” “我知道,”我再次把视线投往那即将沉落的夕阳。“我们不再呆在这里多看一会?”我问她,但是她驳回了我的提议。 “你知道这么看下去很无聊,”她抱怨着,忽然推开紧抱住她的我朝水里蹦去。她用手盛起海水,然后在我还没反映过来的时候泼向我这里。 “诶?” “来抓我啊,如果你抓的到的话!”她又精神的跑了起来,我所喜欢的她一直是这样。在我面前跑开让我试着抓住她。但是我从来没有厌烦过这些,甚至十分享受这种快乐。 “我会的!等等!”我边说边加快了脚步追赶着她。 不管往后的日子如何改变,我们始终是最好的朋友。虽然因为某些因素而稍稍改变了我们之间的关系,但是不变的是我们将永远在一起。只是我们变成了比朋友更进一部的关系,因为爱。 “Athrun!”在海滩上她停下脚步对我挥着手,“我爱你!” 这份我对她的爱也许是我们友谊间的一道阻碍。不,这更是一道考验。这份考验在接下来的日子里会继续试炼着我们,或许,某一天,我们的感情会遇到非常大的挫折。但是我相信这份爱会克服一切的。 “我也爱你,Cagalli.”

英语谚语:Familiar paths and old friends are the best 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Familiar paths and old friends are the best 中文意思: 熟路好遵循,老友最可珍。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Use a book as a bee does flowers 读书如蜜蜂采花,吸取其中之精华。 Use is a second nature 习惯成自然。 Vain glory blossoms but never bears 虚荣能开花,但从不结果。 Velvet paws hide sharp claws 笑里藏刀。 Venture a *** all fish to catch a great one 吃小亏占大便宜。 Victory belongs to the m ost persevering 胜利属于最坚强不屈的人。 Virtue is a jewel of great price 美德是无价之宝。 Virtue is her (or its) own reward 为善最乐。 Virtue is the only true nobility 唯有美德是真正高贵的。 Virtue never grows old 美德永远不衰老。 英语谚语: Familiar paths and old friends are the best 中文意思: 熟路好遵循,老友最可珍。


这个句子可以这样问Where are her friends from?

谁有 孙楠和李玟的《frever friends》的中文歌词


《托马斯和朋友》-THOMAS& FRIENDS主题曲

They"re two, they"re four They"re six, they"re eight Shunting trucks and hauling freight Red and green and brown and blue They"re the Really Useful crew All with different roles to play Round Tidmouth sheds or far away Down the hills and round the bends Thomas and his friends Thomas,he"s the cheeky one James is vain but lots of fun Percy pulls the mail on time Gordon thunders down the line Emily really knows her stuff Herry toots and huffs and puffs Edward wants to help and share Toby,well let"s say-he"s square They"re two, they"re four Thry"re six, they"re eight Shunting trucks and hauling freight Red and green and brown and blue They"re the Really Useful crew All with different roles to play Round Tidmouth sheds or far away Down the hills and round the bends Thomas and his friends Thry"re six, they"re eight Shunting trucks and hauling freight Red and green and brown and blue They"re the Really Useful crew All with different roles to play Round Tidmouth sheds or far away Down the hills and round the bends Thomas and his friends~~~

Thomas & Friends 歌词

Engine Roll Call (posed by Ed Welch and Robert Hartshorne) They"re o they"re four they"re six they"re eight Shunting trucks and hauling freight Red and green and brown and blue They"re the Really Useful Crew All with different roles to play Round Tidmouth Sheds or far away Down the hills and round the bends Thomas and his friends Thomas he"s the cheeky one James is vain but lots of fun Percy pulls the mail on time Gordon thunders down the line Emily really knows her stuff Henry toots and huffs and puffs Edward wants to help and share Toby well let"s say he"s square They"re o they"re four they"r six they"re eight Shunting trucks and hauling freight Red and green and brown and blue They"re the Really Useful Crew All with different roles to play Round Tidmouth Sheds or far away Down the hills and round the bends Thomas and his friends They"re o they"re four they"re six they"re eight Shunting trucks and hauling freight Red and green and brown and blue They"re the Really Useful Crew All with different roles to play Round Tidmouth Sheds or far away Down the hills and round the bends Thomas and his friends


Rachel以逃跑的新娘(runaway bride)形象出现在众人面前。就在自己的婚礼开始之前, Rachel逃离了婚礼现场,前来投奔她惟一认识的高中校友Monica。此时的Rachel没有工作,手头拮据。然而,找工作连遭失政的命运似乎并没有影响她购物的欲望。仰仗由父亲买单的信用卡, Rachel花钱依然大手大脚。大家都劝Rachel马上毁掉信用卡以便早日独立……[Scene: Monica and Rachel"s, everyone is sitting around the kitchen table. Rachel"s credit cards are spread out on the table along with a pair of scissors.] Rachel: Oh God, come on you guys, is this really necessary? I mean, I can stop charging anytime I want. Monica: C"mon, you can"t live off your parents your whole life. Rachel: I know that. That"s why I was getting married. Phoebe: Give her a break, it"s hard being on your own for the first time. Rachel: Thank you.一直依赖父母生活的Rachel并不想马上自立,为此Monica鼓励她把信用卡都毁掉以便独立:c"mon,you can"t live off your parents your whole life.(动手吧,你总不能靠父母一辈子呀。)美国人有强烈的独立精神。他们通常不仰仗个人的社会背景或家庭出身去获得成功。如果你靠pull some strings,也就是我们中国人所说的靠“走后门”来出人头地定会遭到多数美国人的鄙夷,因为他们坚信个人的学识(knowledge)、智慧(wisdom)、创造精神(creativity)以及良好的品性(moral character)才是成功必不可少的条件。 因此Monica他们一再鼓励Rachel跟信用卡说bye-bye。 C"mon是come on的缩略形式。曾经听一位在美国留学的同学抱怨说在那里说英语似乎总是比听懂英语容易。造成这个问题的主要原因是缩略形式在英语中的广泛运用。毫无准备的听者往往听不懂这些词,加上缩略语使得语速加快,理解英语便成了大难题。相信不懂缩略语的读者很难猜出这句话的意思:dy"ask"hr yet?其实这句话用标准英语表达很简单:Did you ask her yet?再比如:Dushi speak English?相当于:Does she speak English?。C"mon,不管是缩略语还是英语中的其他困难,只要你能keep your chin up (不灰心丧气),Everything"s gonna be fine.(一切都会好起来的。) 尽管大家再三给Rachel加油鼓劲,她仍然犹豫不决。这时Phoebe说道:Give her a break,it"s hard being on your own for the first time.(别逼她了。你们第一次独立的时候不也费了好大的劲。) break用作名词时会使很多人联想英语课堂上老师常说的一句话:Time is up.Let"s have a break.意思是说:本堂课结束了,课间休息一下吧。break在此的意思为“课间休息”,“间歇,停顿”。比如说现在很多公司都给员工提供tea break(用茶休息时间);电视台靠break for the commercial(插播商业广告的间歇)盈利;如果你work for 10 hours without a break before computers(不间断地在电脑前工作10小时)则对你的健康极为不利。然而如果照此意思来理 解give sb.a break就会大错特错。give sb.a break用于口语,其意思是“给某人一个机会;放某人一马;不难为某人”。作为老师每每考试之后都会听到学生说类似的话:老师帮帮忙让我过了吧,否则我就得重读二年级了。这句话用英文表达就是:Give me d break and pass me,or else I"ll have to be a sophomore again.但万事都不是绝对的,有时一句Give me a break!或Give me a break!则表示不相信别人胡诌乱编,相当于:得了吧!别拿我当傻子!收起你那套噱头!因此对英语语言的理解不能take everything for granted(把一切都想当然),否则会让人笑掉大牙。


县用英语听一遍 不要看英文字幕 自己看看能听懂多少 再看一遍中文字幕的 对照一下

风靡韩国的line friends,它到底是什么东东


“line friends”是什么意思?


as one的韩语歌曲only friends的歌词

韩文:ubb50uac00 uadf8ub807uac8c uace0ubbfcuc774 ub9ceuc740uc9c0 uadf8ub140uac00 uc88buc73cuba74 uc88bub2e4uace0 ub9d0ud574ubd10uc774ubbf8 uc0acub791ud558uace0 uc788ub2e4ub294 uac83ucbe4 ub108uc758 uc5bcuad74uc5d0 ub2e4 uc368 uc788uc796uc544uadf8ub140ub97c ub9d0ud560 ub550 ub208ube5buc774 ub2ecub77cuc838 ud3c9uc18cuc5d0 ub0a0 ubcf4ub358 uc5bcuad74uc774 uc544ub2c8uc57cuc560uc368 uac10ucdb0ub3c4 uc27duac8c uc54cub9ccud07c uc6b0ub9b0 ub108ubb34 uc624ub798 ubd10uc654uc796uc544ub09c ub124uac8c ub9d0uc744 ud558uc9c0 ub108uc640 uc5b4uc6b8ub9acub294 uc0acub78c uadf8ub140ub77cuace0ub0b4uac00 uacc1uc5d0uc11c ub3c4uc640uc904 uac70ub77cuace0uadf8ub140ub97c uc0acub791ud574ubd10 uc870uae08uc529 ub2e4uac00uc11cubd10uadf8ub140uc758 uacc1uc5d0uc11c ud589ubcf5ud558uac8c ubbf8uc18cub97c uc9d3ub294 uadf8ub7f0 ub2c8 ubaa8uc2b5uc744 ubcfc uc218 uc788uac8cuc0acub791uc744 uc2dcuc791ud574ubd10 uc194uc9c1ud788 ub9d0uc744 ud574ubd10 uc5b4uca4cuba74 uadf8ub140ub3c4 ub108ub97c uae30ub2e4ub9b4uc9c0ub3c4 ubab0ub77cub2c8uac00 uc798ub418uae30ub97c ubc14ub798uc904uac8c uc0acub791ud574ubd10ub9d0uc740 uadf8ub807uac8c ub108uc5d0uac8c ud588uc9c0ub9cc uc5b4ub290uc0c8 ub0b4 ub208uc5d4 ub208ubb3cuc774 uace0uc5ecuc640uc0acuc2e4 ub098ub3c4 ub108ub97c uc0acub791ud558ub294ub370 ub108ub294 uc774ub7f0 ub098ub294 uc65c ubaa8ub974ub2c8ub0a0ub9c8ub2e4 ub098uc5d0uac8c uadf8ub140ub97c ub9d0ud558ub294 ub110 ubcf4uba74 ub108ubb34ub098 ub9c8uc74cuc774 uc544ud320uc5b4ub2c8uac00 uadf8ub148 uc0acub791ud558uc9c0 uc54auae38 ubab0ub798 uae30ub3c4ud588ub358 ub098ub97c uc544ub2c8 ub10c ub0b4uac8c ub9d0uc744 ud558uc9c0 uc138uc0c1 ub204uad6cubcf4ub2e4 uc88buc740 uce5cuad6cub77cuace0ub0b4uac90 uadf8 ub9d0uc774 uc824 uc2acud508 ub9d0uc778ub370uadf8ub140ub97c ub9ccub098uc9c0ub9c8 ub0b4uac00 ub110 uc6d0ud558uc796uc544ud56duc0c1 ub2c8 ub4f1ub4a4uc5d0 uc218 ucc9c ubc88 ub354 uc0acub791uc744 uc4f0uace0 ud63cuc790 uc9c0uc6ccuc654ub358 ub098ub97c uc544ub2c8ub0b4 ub9d8ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uc796uc544 uc774ub7f0 ub0a0 ubabb ubcf4uc796uc544ud558uc9c0ub9cc uc624ub298ub3c4 uc774ub7f0 ub098uc758 uc0acub791uc774 uc0d0uae4c uc560uc368 uc6c3uc74c uc9c0uba70 uc785uc220uc744 uaf2d uae68ubb34ub294 ub098ub108ub97c uafc8uafb8ub294 uc0acub78cuc774 ub2c8 uacc1uc5d0 uc788uc5b4 uadf8ub140ubcf4ub2e4 uc880 ub354 uac00uae4cuc6b4 uacf3uc5d0uc0acub791uc774ub780 ub9d0ub9cc ubabbud558uace0 ub124uac8c uc804ubd88 uc8fcub294 uadf8 uc0acub78cuc744 ub10c ubab0ub77cub0b4uac00 ub110 uc6d0ud558uc796uc544ud56duc0c1 ub2c8 ub4f1ub4a4uc5d0 uc218 ucc9c ubc88 ub354 uc0acub791uc744 uc4f0uace0 ud63cuc790 uc9c0uc6ccuc654ub358 ub098ub97c uc544ub2c8ub0b4 ub9d8ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uc796uc544 uc774ub7f0 ub0a0 ubabb ubcf4uc796uc544ud558uc9c0ub9cc uc624ub298ub3c4 uc774ub7f0 ub098uc758 uc0acub791uc774 uc0d0uae4c uc560uc368 uc6c3uc74c uc9c0uba70 uc785uc220uc744 uaf2d uae68ubb34ub294 ub098....罗马音:Mwoga geu reo kego min I manh eun jiGeu nyeoga jo eun myeon joh daga marhaebwaI mi sarang hago iss da neun ko jjeumNaui eor geurae dasseo iss janh aGeu nyeo reul ma ha ddaen nun bichi dar rajyeoPyeong su e nar bo dan eor gur I a niyaAe sseom gam chwo do soeb gae ar man kkeumUrin na mu o rae bwa wass janh a OH~Nan ne ge mareul hajiNaui oe ur rinun saram geu nyeo ragoNaega gyeott e seo do wa jur geo ragoGeu nyeoreur sarang haebwa jo neum shik daga seobwaGeu nyeo e gyeotte soe haengbok hage mi sorur jineunGeu reon neo moseub eur bor su iss keSarang eur shi jwa haebwa sor jin hi mareur haebwaEo jjeo myeon geu nyeo do neoreur gi da rir ji do mollaNiga jar dwe gireur ba rae jurge sarang haebwa.Mareun geu roh ge neo haejimanEo neu sae nae nun en nun muri go yeo waSa shir na do norur sarang haneundeNeo neun I reon na neun o ae mo reuniNar ma da nae ge geu nyeo reur marhaneunNeor bo myeon neo mana maeum I a passeoNiga geu nyeor sarang haji anh gilMollae gido haedeon na reur ani OH~Neun naege mareur ha jiSesang nuguboda juheun chin guragoNaegen geu mori jer seur peun marindeGeu nyeoreur man na jima naega nor won ha janh aHang sang ni deudwe e su cheon beon da sarang eul sseudoHeum ja jiwo wadeon nareur aniNaemam do moreu janh a I reon nar mobo janh aHajiman o neurdo I reon naui sarangi saerkkaAe sseo useum jimyeo ib sur eur ggak kkae mu nuen naNareur kkum kkuneun saram I ni gyeotte isseoGeu nyeo bu da jomdeo gakka un goseSarangi rad marman mashago negeJeon bul juneun geu sarameul neon molla~Naega nor won ha janh aHang sang ni deudwe e su cheon beon da sarang eul sseudoHeum ja jiwo wadeon nareur aniNaemam do moreu janh a I reon nar mobo janh aHajiman o neurdo I reon naui sarangi saerkkaAe sseo useum jimyeo ib sur eur ggak kkae mu nuen na

Travis的《Friends》 歌词

歌曲名:Friends歌手:Travis专辑:Ode To J.SmithTravis - FriendsWho cheers you upWhen you are downWho brings you cups of coffeeWho picks you upWhen you"re in townWhatever makes you happyAnd I"m glad you"re better nowBut I"m sad you"re not aroundFriendsWon"t ever desert youOr turn againstFriendsWon"t love you and leave youTo mend the fenceWho wakes you upWhen you"re late for workWho makes the bed so lovelyWho found your sockWho picked your shirtWhatever makes you love meAnd I"m glad I"m better nowBut I"m just sad you"re not aroundFriendsWill never desert youOr turn againstFriendsWon"t love you and leave youTo mend the fence

There I was, ___stranded___ in New York with no passport, money or friends. 请问这句话 中 There

there I was 是个倒装句,这句话中的there 不可省略。我觉得stand(是要填这个词吧)的形式不对,应该是standing.

she had a race ()her friends


求君がいるから -My Best friends- 的歌词(罗马拼音)

JUJU - Kimi Ga Iru Kara -my Best Friends-Kimi yo atta kisetsu no kaze gaHoho wo sotto sotto fuki nukeru kotoKimi atta gusen wo itsumo futto futto omoi dasuShinya ni okuru mailOkiteru no hito koto deSugu ni denwa wo kakete kuretayoneHai iro no kotoba tachi ni yasashisa no iwo wo tsukete kuretaI thank you for your smileKimi ga warautoDoushitekana ? Namida ga afureruTada kimi ga iru koto sode dakega oh hontou ni ureshikuteBoku no utau sono doko kani kimi no ashita wo utsuserunaraHanareta to shite mo todokete ikitaiKorekaramo itsumademo itsumademo zuttoTsutaetai kimochi wa ima mo kitto kitto kazoe ki re naiTsutae takute damari komu tabini motto motto kurushikunaruAno toki iiezuni ita gomenne no hitokotoKimi wo omou toDonna toki mom yasashiku mareruyooKimi wo sugoshi te kite ano hibi wa ah hontou ni mabushikuteBouku no utau koto ga kimi no namida wo kagayakuseru naraDokokani itato shitemo todoke tsuzukeru yoNani ga attemo kimi dake gaMy best friendsTomarani nichijyou ni tomadotteWarai kata wo wasure souna toki waDaijyou bu tte senaka wo tataii te kureru kimi ni aini ikuyoI thank you for your smileKimi ga warau toDoushitekana ? Namida ga afureruKimi ga irukaraBoku no utau sono doko kani kimi no ashita wo utsuserunaraHanareta to shite mo todokete ikitaiKorekaramo itsumademo itsumademo zuttoItsumademo my best friends

英语谚语:Poverty tries friends 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Poverty tries friends 中文意思: 贫穷考验朋友。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: A good example is the best sermon 身教胜似言教。 A good face is a letter of remendation 好的相貌就是一封推荐的介绍信。 A good face needs no paint 美貌无需擦脂抹粉。 A good fame is better than a good face 好的名望胜于好的相貌。 A good friend is my nearest relation 良友如近亲。 A good head and an industrious hand are worth gold in any land 聪明脑袋勤劳手,走遍天下贵如金。 A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold 健康的身体贵于黄金铸成的皇冠。 A good heart cant"s lie 有仁心者不说谎话。 A good heart conquers ill fortune 善心克厄运。 A good horse cannot be of a bad colour 良马的毛色不会差。 英语谚语: Poverty tries friends 中文意思: 贫穷考验朋友。


你可以使用百度在线翻译啊 有读音有翻译的

how to make friends 怎样交朋友-英语作文带翻译

以下是 无 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《how to make friends 怎样交朋友-英语作文带翻译》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。 Everyone is not alone in the society, and everyone needs friends. But how to make friends is a question for us. In my opinion, we can make friends in the following principles. On one hand, be a good listener .Let people talking about what they really want to talk. That you are a good listener means you understand him. On the other hand, be friendly to people. Everyone will be in trouble, so at any time, we should be friendly to people. In this way, you will have a lot of friends. Actually, making friends is a easier job if you put you true heart in it. 翻译: 每个人在社会上都不是孤单的,每个人都需要朋友。但是,如何交友对我们来说却是一个问题。在我看来,我们可以遵循以下交友原则。 一方面,做一个良好的倾听者。让别人说他们真正想说的。你是一个好的聆听者就意味着你理解他。 另一方面,对人友善。每个人都会遇到困难,所以无论什么时候,我们都应该对人友善。这样,你就会拥有很多朋友。 事实上,如果你用真心对待,交友是一项很简单的工作。

英语作文范文翻译:如何交朋友How to make friends

以下是 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《英语作文范文翻译:如何交朋友How to make friends》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。 It"s hard to make friends if you stay alone all the time. It"s easier to make friends when you have similar interests. Don"t be afraid to show people what you are really good at. Talk about the things you like and do best. Look at people in the eyes when you talk to them. Be a good listner. Let people talk about themselves before talking about yourself. Be friendly to a lot of people. Try to help your friends when they are in trouble because a friend in need is a friend indeed. That way you"ll have a bigger group to choose from and have more chances to make friends. 如果你总是独来独往就很难交到朋友。只有当你跟他们有共同的兴趣才会更好的交到朋友。 不要害怕向人们展示你擅长什么。应该聊一些你最喜欢做的事情。 说话的时候,看着对方的眼睛。 当别人在聊到他们的时候,应该做个好的听者。 对人要友好。当你的朋友遇到了麻烦试图帮助他们,因为一个帮助需要帮助的朋友才是一个值得深交的朋友。这样你会有一个更大的交际圈去选择和有更多的机会去结交更多的朋友。


玛吉·惠勒  (MaggieWheeler) “Oh——My——God”只要看过《六人行》的人,就会对钱德勒的噩梦前女友珍妮丝印象深刻。扮演她的玛吉·惠勒不是什么大牌明星,她在好莱坞多部电视剧客串过小角色,包括《人人都爱雷蒙德》、《X档案》、《CSI》以及《六人行》。

a hedge between keeps friendship green.请问句中between的词性、用法、修饰谁?

君子之交淡如水 between [bi"twi:n] prep. 在…之间 adv. 在中间 这里应该是副词 keep 动词 副词修饰动词

一首歌 男生唱的 很欢快 all your girlfriends什么什么want to see me 歌词里面还

歌曲名叫《I Wanted You》基本资料:外文名称:I Wanted You发行时间:2009年 歌曲原唱:Ina Wroldsen 填 词:Ina Wroldsen 谱 曲:Ina Wroldsen歌词:Lately I"ve been thinking about what I can do最近我总在想我该怎么做I"ve been stressing to fall back in love with you压力让我难以继续去爱你I"m so sorry that I couldn"t follow through抱歉我没有办法坚持到底But I can"t go on this way. I"ve got to stop it baby但我不想继续这样下去 我必须让这一切停止 宝贝You"ve been wonderful in all that you can be你做什么都那么出色But it hurts when you say that you understand me但当你说懂我时却让我伤心So believe me. I, I am sorry, I, I am sorry, I, I所以 相信我 对不起 对不起I wanted you to be there when I fall我跌倒时要你陪在身边I wanted you to see me through it all我要你陪着我看尽万物I wanted you to be the one I loved我要你成为我唯一的爱I wanted you, I wanted you我需要你 我需要你I wanted you to hold me in my sleep我熟睡时要你将我搂紧I wanted you to show me what I need我要你了解我的所需I wanted you to know just how down deep我要你知道我的爱多深I wanted you, I wanted you我需要你 我需要你I"ve been pushing hard to open up the door我曾经艰难地打开门Trying to take us back to where we were before想和你一起回到过去But I"m done. I just can"t do this anymore但是我选择了放弃,没有办法再这样下去"Cause we can"t be mended, so let"s stop pretending now因为我俩难以复合. 所以 就让彼此别再假装We"ve been walking around in circles for some time我们曾交集成一个圆And I think we should head for the finish line我想也应该到终点了So believe me. I, I am sorry, I, I am sorry, I, I所以 相信我 对不起 对不起I wanted you to be there when I fall我跌倒时要你陪在身边I wanted you to see me through it all我要你陪着我看尽万物I wanted you to be the one I loved我要你成为我唯一的爱I wanted you, I wanted you我需要你 我需要你I wanted you to hold me in my sleep我熟睡时要你将我搂紧I wanted you to show me what I need我要你了解我的所需I wanted you to know just how down deep我要你知道我的爱多深I wanted you, I wanted you我需要你 我需要你I, I... I"m so sorry baby亲爱的 对不起But I, I... I gotta pack up and leave但是 我..我将整装出发But I, I"ll always remember how we came close但是 我..我将永远记得我俩如此接近... to being how I wanted to be以此来说明我I wanted you baby我曾那么需要你 宝贝I wanted you曾需要你..I wanted you to be there when I fall我跌倒时要你陪在身边I wanted you to see me through it all我要你陪着我看尽万物I wanted you to be the one I loved我要你成为我唯一的爱I wanted you, I wanted you我需要你 我需要你I wanted you to hold me in my sleep我熟睡时要你将我搂紧I wanted you to show me what I need我要你了解我的所需I wanted you to know just how down deep我要你知道我的爱多深I wanted you, I wanted you我需要你 我需要你

girl friends 漫画下载 作者是森永みるく 谢谢哒


Girlfriends 4ever 的dlc要怎么用

亲,很高兴回答你的问题,这个是资源    满意请采纳哦

安德鲁·布雷克 Andrew Blake Girlfriends 这部片子的女主角是谁?

Monica Mendez 莫妮卡·门德滋

they are my girl friends

答案:C.考查疑问代词.句意"--那些是谁?--她们是我的女朋友."what什么;when什么时候;who谁;here这.根据回答They are my girl friends.她们是我的女朋友.可知应问那些人是谁?故选C.

Maybe I love you】-Girl Friends

歌手:laura branigan 专辑:branigan (Trevor Veitch/Greg Mathieson/Alan Sorrenti)Maybe I love you, maybe I don"tMaybe I"ll need you and maybe, baby, I won"tI guess I don"t take the timeTo let you know what"s on my mindMaybe I"ve been blindMaybe I"m crazy, maybe I"m saneMaybe I need to go away, start over againBut if I went awayI"d be afraid I should have stayedMaybe I"m afraid that maybe I love youAnd believe me when I tell youIt"s because of all the things you say and doThat help me make it throughI need youBut when I try to say goodbyeI realize I won"t know what to doIf I don"t have youMaybe I love you, baby I doI guess I loved youThe first time I saw youAnd when I don"t take the timeTo let you know what"s on my mindI know that I"m too damn blindBut baby I love youMaybe I love you, maybe I don"tMaybe I"ll need you and maybe, baby, I won"tI guess I don"t take the timeTo let you know what"s on my mindMaybe I"ve been blind, but maybe I love youI love you

谁有水果姐的 My Boyfriends Ex Girlfriends 的歌词啊

One day I was sitting in classGot a note saying watch your backSomeone told me who it was fromShe wasn"t happy because she just got dumpedIt was over but not in her mindIt"s not my fault he left her behindI always knew they had a historyI didn"t know it included meShe wasn"t ready to let him goNow I"m dealing with a psychoMy boyfriend"s ex girlfriendI think she"s going off the deep endShe loves him, she hates meThey broke up now she wants to blame meNa na na na naNa na na na na na naWent to a party on a Saturday nightI wasn"t planning to get in a fightAll I wanted was to have some funYou know I"d never wanna hurt no oneShe walked over thinking she was so toughShe stared me down but she had to look upThen she started to lose controlWhat can I say that"s rock and rollI wasn"t sure but now I knowThat I"m dealing with a psychoMy boyfriend"s ex girlfriendI think she"s going off the deep endShe loves him she hates meThey broke up now she wants to blame meWake up girl"Cause it"s overIt"s time to get a lifeGo cry on your own shoulderCan"t you see that he"s mineMy boyfriend"s ex girlfriendI think she"s going off the deep endShe loves him she hates meThey broke up now she wants to blame meMy boyfriend"s ex girlfriendMy boyfriend"s ex girlfriendNa na na na naNa na na na na na naNa na na na naNa na na na na na naNa an na na naMy boyfriend"s ex girlfriendNa na na na na na naNa na na na naMy boyfriend"s ex girlfriendNa na na na na na na

girl friends 4 ever


帮我找找有没有girl friends专辑的歌,又几首没有找到

All in(Feat. Big Tone, Esther) All for you(Feat. SG Wannabe) 可乐和汽水(Feat. 侯尼勋) Seduce(Feat. Big Tone)

求歌词:在胸口girl friends

I"ll Be FineStevie HoangAll Night Longalways by Antony Shi & 屎清新 & 歌词翻译: 流逝丨(baidu)its better if we dont speak at all, 我们最好一直保持沉默,at all, at all 一直这样,一直这样,一直这样its better if we dont speak at all, 我们最好一直保持沉默,at all, at all, at all 一直这样,一直这样,一直这样,一直这样now deep down inside you 在你内心深处know it cuts like a knife 它就如一把尖刀but im too proud to show it 但是我骄傲的要去显示它pain in my chest (it feels) 我的胸口在疼like i lost my breath 就像我失去了所有的呼吸she just doesnt know it 只是她却不知道so many things that im dying to say 我有太多的事情最后想要说but i cant seem to tell her 但是,我不能告诉她its killing me, to know that she wants to leave 当知道她要离开的时候,对我来说那几乎是致命的but im not gonna beg her to stay (no) 但我不会乞求她留下cause i got my pride, im not gonna cry 我有我的骄傲,我不会哭there wont be no tears falling from these eyes 不会再有眼泪溢出眼眶dont need her to see 不需要她看到that its killing me 对我来说那是致命的so this is what im saying 这就是我所说的you dont have to worry about me 你没必要为我担心girl, i"ll be fine 女孩,我会很好you dont have to call me again 你没必要再给我电话girl, its alright 女孩,这些都没关系的you dont have to ask me if i"ll be okay 你没必要询问我是否还好girl, i"ll be fine 女孩,我会很好girl, i"ll be fine 女孩,我会很好you aint got to tell me that we can still be friends 你不要告诉我,我们始终还是朋友you aint gotta make no excuses and pretend 你不要找借口和伪装cause i"ll be fine, said i"ll be fine 因为我会很好,我会很好there no need to call 不需要再打电话了its better if we dont speak at all, 我们最好一直保持沉默,at all, at all 一直这样,一直这样,一直这样its better if we dont speak at all, 我们最好一直保持沉默,at all, at all, at all 一直这样,一直这样,一直这样,一直这样i cant believe, that i fell so deep 我不能相信,我陷的这么深and i let my heart so open 我把心畅开的过多now i gotta try, to keep it inside 现在我在尝试,尝试着内敛these words, are better left unspoken 这些话最好取消cause i still got my pride, im not gonna cry 因为我还有我的骄傲,我不会哭there wont be no tears fallling from these eyes 不会再有眼泪溢出眼眶dont need her to see 不需要她看到that its killing me 那对我来说是致命的so this is what im saying 这就是我所说的you dont have to worry about me 你没必要为我担心girl, i"ll be fine 女孩,我会很好you dont have to call me again 你没必要再给我打电话girl, its alright 女孩,这些都没关系you dont have to ask me if i"ll be okay 你没必要询问我是否还好girl, i"ll be fine 女孩,我会很好girl, i"ll be fine 女孩,我会很好you aint got to tell me the we can still be friends 你不要告诉我,我们始终还是朋友you aint gotta make no excuses and pretend 你不要找借口和伪装cause i"ll be fine, said i"ll be fine 因为我会很好,我会很好theres no need to call 不需要再打电话了its better if we dont speak at all, 我们最好一直保持沉默,at all, at all 一直这样,一直这样,一直这样its better if we dont speak at all, 我们最好一直保持沉默,at all, at all, at all 一直这样,一直这样,一直这样,一直这样girl i"ll be fine (said i"ll be fine) 女孩,我会很好theres no need to call 不需要再打电话了its better if we dont speak at all 我们最好一直保持沉默


姓名: YULI 原名: 车玄玉出生年月日: 1976年 12月 24日(X-MAS EVE)血型: O型兴趣: 跟朋友尽情的玩专长: 开车宗教: 基督教家庭关系: 独生女出生地: 汉城喜欢的运动: 篮球, 游泳喜欢的料理: 摩卡蛋糕喜欢去的地方: 奶奶家最不喜欢的是: 老鼠, 蛇, 狗肉汤最喜欢的是: 跳舞, 唱歌最珍惜的是: 我的礼物座右铭: 不要生气, 经常笑梦中情人: 个子高, 心胸开阔, 跳舞要棒, 皮肤黑的男人不喜欢的男人: 常骂人的男人姓名: 蔡丽娜本名:白贤珠出生: 1977年 2月3日身高: 165cm,体重: 48kg学历: 汉城女子高中毕业兴趣: 音乐, 跳舞,特长: 料理经历: 1995年,以组合ROORA出道1997年8月,加入DIVA组合代表作 : 2002年SOLO第一辑发表


1辑-Another Myself (发行日期:2006.07.26) 01 Intro02 Listen_All Black/Brown Eyed Girls03 Maybe I Love You_Big Tone04 咬住嘴唇_Big Tone05 从朋友到恋人_白智英/Mondaykiz06 Blah Blah_李正07 一男两女_李在勋/金健武08 All In_Esther/Big Tone09 Oh Oh Oh_Brown Eyed Girls10 All For You_SG Wanabe11 歌_哈哈&一文12 同床异梦_Uptown13 可乐和汽水_侯尼勋14 Seduce_Big Tone2辑-Addict 2 Times(发行日期:2007-8-20 ) 01 My Love Story_Girl Friends02 长腿叔叔_Girl Friends03 一半的你,一半的泪_Girl Friends04 Beautiful Day_Girl Friends05 Girl Friends_Girl Friends06 您VS她_Girl Friends07 With U_Girl Friends08 愚蠢的人_Girl Friends09 uc5d0uc2a4ud504ub808uc18c_Girl Friends10 在胸口_Girl Friends11 长腿叔叔 (Inst.)_Girl Friends12 My love story (Inst.)_Girl Friends

girl friends - 从朋友到恋人中文歌词



Because friendships enhance our lives, it is important to cultivate them.培植友谊十分重要,因为友谊能提高生活的价值。FRIENDSHIPA friend is, as it were, a second self.可以说,朋友是另一个自我。--Cicero, Ancient Roman statesman古罗马政治家 西塞罗A man should keep his friendship in constant repair.只有经常“浇灌”, 方能保持友谊天长地久。--Samuel Johnson, British writer英国作家 约翰逊.S.Animals are such agreeable friends ---they ask no questions, they pass no criticism.动物是极易相处的朋友,它们从来不提问,也从不会批评。--George Eliot, British novelist英国小说家 艾略特.G.Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.选择朋友要谨慎,换朋友更要谨慎。--Benjamin Franklin, American Pre-president美国总统 富兰克林.B.Because friendships enhance our lives, it is important to cultivate them.培植友谊十分重要,因为友谊能提高生活的价值。--Robert Louis Stevenson, British novelist and poet英国小说家、诗人 史蒂文森. R. L.Betraying a trust is a very quick and painful way to terminate a friendship.背信弃义会迅速而痛苦地断送友谊

英语作文 the importance of friends

Friends play an important role in our lives. They are the people we can turn to for support, advice, and companionship. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of friends.Firstly, friends provide emotional support. Life can be tough sometimes, and it is during these times that we need our friends the most. They are the ones who can offer a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on when we are going through a difficult experience. Friends can also help us feel better about ourselves by providing encouragement and positive feedback.Secondly, friends provide companionship and a sense of belonging. Having friends means that we are not alone; we have people to share our experiences with, to laugh with, and to make memories with. Friends can also introduce us to new people and new experiences, which can broaden our horizons and enrich our lives.Thirdly, friends can be a source of advice and guidance. When we face a difficult decision or situation, our friends can offer a different perspective and help us figure out the best course of action. They can also provide us with feedback and constructive criticism, helping us improve ourselves and grow as individuals.Finally, friends can be a lot of fun! They can make us laugh, take us on adventures, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Spending time with friends can help us relax and enjoy life, which is important for our overall well-being.In conclusion, friends are an essential part of our lives. They provide us with emotional support, companionship, advice, and fun. We should value and appreciate our friends and work to maintain strong, healthy relationships with them.

用what is friendship些一篇英语作文

Friendship is produced in communication activities of a kind of special feelings, it and communication activities of a general good is the essential difference is. Friendship is one from the two-way (or interactive) relations of the emotion, namely the common feelings of frozen. Friendships to close as the core component, intimate sex also known as the measure of the degree of friendship is an important index. This kind of close sex of the summary: (1) to reveal his friend the thoughts and feelings of the inner secrets; and (2) to the friend, and make sure that the full trust "self expression" for friends and will not be easily respect to leaked or against himself; (3) limited to be special evaluation of relationship, that is limited to friendship between friends, a close friend of the minority or. Friendship is the source of true happiness. Friendship can not stand the test is not equal to friends really don"t reliable, is perhaps the friendship between you deep enough. Want to know, a to you not reliable friend maybe and others friendship is sometimes through the test of any adversity live. A true friend, in your success, happy for you, and don"t support. Unfortunately in you meet or sad, will give you the timely support and encouragement. You have shortcomings in May make a mistake, will give you the correct criticism and help. Between friends heart trouble, each other on to help. Proud that don"t get carried away, way down the inspirational up comfort. Goodwill produce happiness, civilization brought harmony. To all alike, for a few talk to anyone, not wrong. The friend is often the unintentionally hurt each other, help is sincerely, forget the unintentional injury; Remember those who sincerely help to you, you will find that there you have a lot of friend......




Friendships are relaxed, loyal relationships that involve intimacy, communication, and empathy. Friendship is a relief. Friends relate. Friendship is an in-depth, relaxed relationship! Friends relate. It is an in-depth relationship combining trust, support, communication, loyalty, understanding, empathy, and intimacy. These are certainly aspects of life that all of us crave. Being able to trust and relax with your friend is a big part of friendship. Remember when you were young and went with a friend to her grandma"s for the week-end. It was fun but when you got home, home was wonderful. Your feeling was "I"m home. I can relax now." That"s what a friendship should be. You go out into the world and do your best. You have your ups and downs, your problems and triumphs, your fun and tribulations. You charm and you perform. Then you come "home" to a friend. You can relax, put up your feet; you are relieved. If you still have to be charming and/or performing, it"s not a relief. Friendship is a comfy situation like home. You get home, kick off your shoes, relax and sigh, "Ahh, home." Being able to trust and relax with your best friend is a big part of friendship. Friendships are relationships



求pascal letoublon 的friendships的百度云



可数名词时。friendship用来表示友谊的表现,友好的感情(或行为等),是可数名词时可以用复数。例句:It is important to build friendships among colleagues in theworkplace。(建立职场上同事间的友谊是十分重要的)。


我帮你查了一下最新版牛津高阶英汉双解词典 P702 1.可以是可数名词 翻译为:友谊,朋友的关系 如friendsh with sb 或者 friendship between A and B 举例是a close/lasting/lifelong/ friendship 亲密的/持久的/终身的友谊2.不可数名词的时候 翻译为 :友情,友谊,友好(类似于国与国之间的友好关系啊 ) 我教你这么记 一般都用不可数的 如果 friendship 前面有修饰词 就是形容词啦 前面一般都要加a啊之类的

make friendships among children中friendship是否加s?

Make.friendship among children.其中的friendship不需要加s。Friendship是一个teacher一样的。和government一样。是一种概念性的东西,他是没有复数的,没有复数形式。If you accept my answer, please give me a thumbs up.Thank you very much.满意请采纳关注



friendship 英文作文




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跪求Pascal Letoublon的Friendships mp3,谢谢!


friendship 用英语怎么解释



E-friend即为“网友”~ 这一单词中的“E”为electronic(电子的;用电子设备完成的)的缩写~故而引申为“网络的”~ 可参考的单词有:E-business(亦为E-commerce,电子商务),E-mail(电子邮件)等~

巫毒娃娃Voodoo Friends安卓版有没有

  巫毒娃娃Voodoo Friends是当前非常火爆的游戏,该作目前已经登陆iOS平台一段时间了,但安卓版的游戏却迟迟没有消息,安卓的用户们却只能眼巴巴了,所以很多安卓玩家非常关心到底巫毒娃娃Voodoo Friends有没有安卓版,制作公司打不打算将这款神作搬到安卓平台,还有,安卓的巫毒娃娃Voodoo Friends什么时候出来。  现在只有IOS版的巫毒娃娃Voodoo Friends,安卓版的巫毒娃娃Voodoo Friends暂时还没有出。不过既然ios版的已经发布了,那么口袋小编认为安卓版也不远了,应该快出了,毕竟安卓用户多于IOS用户。只需要耐心等待就会有了,请各位安卓和IOS玩家都稍安勿燥,其实游戏开发商往往看游戏是否热门而决定是否开发游戏的安卓版,如果一旦有安卓版,游戏的官方网站还是会马上将安卓版上线的,我会第一时间为各位玩家带来刀塔英雄的各种消息。  

The friends of Ringo lshikawa怎么加血


请问有人知道《K》里面,十束多多良(梶裕贵)Circle of friends(圆整版)歌词(中文+罗马拼音)吗?


动画『K』第六集的片尾曲 十束多多良所唱的『Circle of friends』的日文歌词 拜托了~~急需

『Circle of Friends』作词:TOMBOW作曲:宫埼诚编曲:宫埼诚歌:十束多々良(CV:梶裕贵)几千もの交差する道で仆らは出会えた真っ直ぐな眼差しで未来を见据えてた何か起こっても共に歩けば何倍もの勇気が満ち溢れ乗り越えられる守られている赤に染まった夕日に誓った言叶はセピアの月に吸い込まれてゆく遥か结んだ厚い绊どうか永久に続きますように


第六季第10集跳Routine 超神奇 呵呵呵是新年摇滚舞会的预演派对,Janine邀请乔伊、莫妮卡和罗斯同去。

They are all old friends.怎么连读,求发音




韩国组合Girl friends的歌曲《长腿叔叔》的罗马歌词

ud0a4ub2e4ub9ac uc544uc800uc528Girl Friends (uac78ud504ub80cuc988)ub108uc640 uac19uc740 uacf3uc744 ubcf4uc558uace0ub108uc640 uac19uc740 uafc8uc744 uafb8uc5c8uace0ub108uc640 uac19uc740 uae38uc744 uac78uc73cuba70ub108ub9cc uc0acub791ud558uac8c ub418uc5c8uc5b4ub0b4ub9d8 ub2e4 uc904uc218 uc788ub294 ub108uc600uace0ub0b4ub9d8 ub108 uc544ub2ccuac83uc774 uc5c6uc9c0ub9ccub0b4uac00 ub05dub0b4 ub108uc5d0uac8c ubabbud55c ub9d0ub110 uc0acub791ud588ub358 ub0a0ub4e4uacfcThank youHello baby ub110 uc548uac74ub098uc5d0uac8cub3c4 ud070 ucd95ubcf5uc774uc8e0uba39uad6cub984uc774 ubc00ub824uc640ub3c4ub108 uc790ub9acuc5d4 ube5buc774 ube5bub098uc8e0ud658ud558uc8e0 uadf8ub9ccud07c ub10c ud2b9ubcc4ud55c uc874uc7acuc694ub09c uadf8uac78 uc54cuc544uc694ub108ub294 uc5b4ub290uc0c8 uc18cub140uc5d0uc11cuc219ub140uac00 ub418uc5b4ub0a0 uc624ube60ub77c ubd80ub974ub124uadf8ub7f0 ub2c8 ubaa8uc2b5uc744uc624ub798uc624ub798 ub2f4uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 uc0acuc9c4uc18duc5d0uc5b8uc81cub098 ub0b4 ub9d8 uc124ub808uac8cuc2dcuac04uc740 ud758ub7ecub3c4 ub0b4 ub9d8 ubcc0uce58uc54auace0ub10c uc5b8uc81cub098 ub192uc740 ub0b4 uc5b4uae68uc704ub85cub108ub9cc uc54cub358 uc6b0ub9ac ubcf4uae08uc790ub9acub3c4ub298 ub2c8uacc1uc5d0 uc788uc744uaebcuc57cubc31ub144uc774uace0ub2c8uac00 ubd80ub974uba74 uc5b8uc81cub4e0 ub2ecub824uc624ub294ub098ub294 ud0a4ub2e4ub9ac uc544uc800uc528ub2c8uac00 ubd80ub974uba74 uc5b8uc81cub4e0 ub2ecub824uc624ub294ub098ub294 ud0a4ub2e4ub9ac uc544uc800uc528uac10uc0acud574 ub108ub77cub294 uc0acub78cuc744 ub9ccub098uc11cuadf8uac78ub85c ucda9ubd84ud588uc5b4uace0ub9c8uc6e0uc5b4ub0b4ub9d8 uc5b4ub51c uac00ub3c4ub108ub97c uc78auc9c0 uc54auc744uaed8uc0acub791ud574 uc5b8uc81cub098 ub108uc5d0uac90 ubabbud55c ub9d0ub108uc5d0uac90 uc791uc740 ub098uc9c0ub9ccuc774ub7f0 ub098ub77cub3c4 ub108uc758 uafc8uc744 uafb8uba74uc11cuc6c3uc744 uc218 uc788uc5c8uc5b4uc544ud30cub3c4 uc6c3uace0 uc788uc796uc544ub2c8uacc1uc5d0 ub098 uc544ub2cc ub2e4ub978 uc0acub78cuacfcud589ubcf5ud55c ub108uc758 ubaa8uc2b5uacfcuc6b8uc5b4ub3c4 uc18cuc6a9uc5c6uc796uc544uc9c0ub09c uc0acub791uc740 ucd94uc5b5uc73cub85c uac04uc9c1ud560uaed8uc5b4ub54c uc2dcuac04uc774 uba48ucdb0 uc124ub54c uadf8ub550ub108ub3c4 ub290ub07cuaca0uc9c0ud798ub4e0 uc0acub791uc758 ub0b4 ubbf8uc18cub97cuadf8ub798 uadf8ub550uc2dcuac04uc774 ud758ub7ec ud758ub7ecuc774ubcc4uc744 ud558uba74 uc0acub791uc740ub610 ub2e4ub978 uc0acub78cuc744 ucc3euc544uac00uadf8uac78 uc54cuace0ub3c4ud798ub4e0 uc0acub791uc744ud574 ub09c uc54cuc544uc5b4ub5bbuac8cub4e0 uc798ud574ubcf4ub824uc7a1uc544 ubcf4uae30ub3c4ud574 uc0acub791uc5b4uca4cub2e4 ub098ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c uc624ub294uac8cuc0acub791uc774ub77c ud558uc9c0ub9ccub0b4uac90 ucef7uc9c0ub9cc ub108uc5d0uac90 uc791uc558ub358uc0acub791 uc774uc57cuae30ub0b4uac90 uc804ubd80uc600uc9c0ub9ccub108ub294 ubab0ub790ub358 uc0acub791 uc774uc57cuae30uac10uc0acud574 ub108ub77cub294 uc0acub78cuc744 ub9ccub098uc11cuadf8uac78ub85c ucda9ubd84ud588uc5b4uace0ub9c8uc6e0uc5b4ub0b4ub9d8 uc5b4ub51c uac00ub3c4ub108ub97c uc78auc9c0 uc54auc744uaed8uc0acub791ud574 uc5b8uc81cub098 ub108uc5d0uac90 ubabbud55c ub9d0ub108uc5d0uac90 uc791uc740 ub098uc9c0ub9ccuc774ub7f0 ub098ub77cub3c4 ub108uc758 uafc8uc744 uafb8uba74uc11cuc6c3uc744 uc218 uc788uc5c8uc5b4ub298 ubc14ub77cub9cc ubd10ub3c4ub0a0 ubaa8ub978ub2e4 ud574ub3c4ub09c uc678ub86duc9c0 uc54auc558ub294uac78ud56duc0c1 uc0acub791ud560 uc218 uc788uc5c8uae30uc5d0ub0b4 uc2dcuac04uc740 ud589ubcf5ud588uc5c8uc5b4uac10uc0acud574 ub108ub77cub294 uc0acub78cuc744 ub9ccub098uc11cuac10uc0acud574 ub0b4 uc0acub791 ub2e4 uc900uac8c ub108ub77cuc11cuadf8ub798uc11c uad1cucc2euc558uc5b4ud589ubcf5ud588uc5b4ub2e4uc2dc ud0dcuc5b4ub098ub3c4ub108ub97c uc54cuac8c ud574uc904ub798uc0acub791ud574 uc5b8uc81cub098 ub0b4 uc785uc18d uac10ucd98 ub9d0uc601uc6d0ud788 ubaa8ub974uaca0uc9c0ub9ccuc774ub7f0 ub098ub77cub3c4ub108ub97c uc0acub791 ud558uba74uc11cub208ubd80uc2e0 ub098uc600uc5b4长腿叔叔naowa katen gouse boagounaowa katen gume guaogounaowa katen gile gaolemiaonaoman salamagai duiaosaonaimam ta chuersu yinen naoyaogounaimam nao alingaoxi aobjimannaiga genai naoaigai nouhan marnaor salanghaidaon narderguaThank youHello baby naor angaonnaaigaidou ken chugbokijiumaogkulemi mirliaowadounao caliain piqi pilajiuhuanajiu kemanmem naon kegbiaorhan zounzaiyounan kegaore alayounaonen aonesai souniaoaisaosugniaoga duiaonar obala bulenaikelaon ni mosibeolaiolai damgou xipao sajinsougaiaonzaina nai mam saorlaigaixiganen herlaodo nai mam piaonjiangounaon aonzaina noupen nai aogaivlounaoman ardaon wuli bogemzalidouner nikiaocai yisrgaoyapaigniaonigouniga bulemian aonzaiden darliaoonennanen kitali azaoxiniga bulemian aonzaiden darliaoonennanen kitali azaoxikamsahai naolanen salame mannasaokegaorlou cumbunhaisaokoumawosaonaimam aodir kadounaole yiji anegaisalanghai aonzaina naoaigain moutanmarnaoaigain cagen najimanyilaon naladou naoai gume gumiaonsaowuse su yisaosaoapadou mudou yizananikiaozai na anin talen salamguahuangboghan naoai mousebguawulaodou souyongaobzanajinan salangme cuaogelou kanjikargaiaodai siganyi maomqiu saordai kedainnaodou negigaijihimden salami nai misoulekelai kedainxiganni herlaoherlaoyipiaolr hamian salangendou talen salangmen cazagakegaon argoudouhimden salamehai nan alaaodaokaiden calaiboliaocaba boujidouhai salangaozaoda nadou molagai onengaisalangyilan hajimannaigaon kaojiman naiaigai cagadaonsalang yiyaginaigaon caobuyaojimannaonen mourladaon salang yiyagikamsahai naolanen salame mannasaokegaorlou cumbunhaisaokoumawosaonaimam aodir kadounaole yiji anegaisalanghai aonzaina naoaigain moutanmarnaoaigain cagen najimanyilaon naladou naoai gume gumiaonsaowuse su yisaosaoner palaman padounar moulenta haidounan viloubji ananengaorhangsang salanghar su yisaogiainai xiganen hiangboghaisaosaogamsahai naolanen salamen mannasaokamsahai nai salang ta cungai naolasaokelaisao kuancannasaohiangboghaisaodaxi taiaonadounaole argai haicurlaisalanghai aonzaina nai yibsoug kamcun maryangwaonni moledaijimanyilaon naladonaole salam hamiaonsaonunbuxin nayaosao这首歌只找到韩文了的,没找到罗马因的~1以上是我本人自己标滴,希望你能满意(*^__^*)PS:本人学习韩国语三年,所以不用担心发音标错~!

英语问题He deems it his duty to help his needy friends.



Sometimes you feel he dont love youStrummin your pain with his finger nails to make it hurtSomtimes you feel he dont want youNo matter how you try he just dont seem to know your worthLike living in two seperate worlds at the same timeWith all communications offlineSo let me turn off your sattelite hes not thereIf your looking for superman im right hereAnd you wont have to cry yourself to sleepYou can have my heart its yours to keepYou dont have to hide your pain no moreCuz he doesnt love you like beforeNo he dont ever hold you like thatTouch you like thatKiss you like I doNo he dont ever listen like thatMiss you like thatLove you like I doNo he doesnt love youSometimes you feel like you wanna run awayFrom the rain and the blue skies that turn to greyAnd theres no turning backSo how will he react when your goneLike living in two seperate worlds at the same timeWith all communications offlineSo let me turn off your sattelite hes not thereIf your looking for superman im a supermanAnd you wont have to cry yourself to sleepYou can have my heart its yours to keepYou dont have to hide your pain no moreCuz he doesnt love you like beforeNo he dont ever hold you like thatTouch you like thatKiss you like I doNo he dont ever listen like thatMiss you like thatLove you like I doNo he doesnt love youLove you" love youNo he doesnt love youLove you" love youNo"no he doesnt love youLove you" love youNo he doesnt love youLove you" love youAnd you wont have to cry yourself to sleepYou can have my heart its yours to keepYou dont have to hide your pain no moreCuz he doesnt love you like beforeNo he dont ever hold you like thatTouch you like thatKiss you like I doNo he dont ever listen like thatMiss you like thatLove you like I doNo he doesnt love youNo" no" no hes doesnt love youNo he doesnt love you anynore


They visit their friends中文翻译,他们拜访他们的朋友们。

求首歌,老友记(Friends)里面的。拜托了各位 谢谢

原英文是那段话是这样的:Just try to think of nice calm things… Phoebe: (sings) Raindrops on roses and rabbits and kittens, (Rachel and Monica turn to look at her.) bluebells and sleighbells and- something with mittens… La la la la…something and noodles with string. These are a few… 试着想着美好的事物... 玫瑰上的雨滴, 猫嘴上的胡须, 门铃和雪橇铃 La la la la... 还有手套... 我现在好多了 我的功劳 或许这样最好 要自立,决定自己的事情. 这首匹配相似度最高,至于是不是……我不知道这个是第一集中的插曲“My Favorite Things” 可以到这个网址上去下载这首歌“My Favorite Things”,这是原版的下载不知道是不是,提供一个最完整的《老友记/Friends》插曲集锦

求老友记 FRIENDS全十季 资源 或者百度云 谢谢

您好,《老友记1-10全季》中英双字幕 在下方,提取时输入正确密码即可!链接: 密码:f72w此链接为有效,如果不方便点开链接,请加我百度云!加我之后在这个问题上追问你的百度云名字,我好发给你,百度云名字:杨小妹心情好另外,在百度云发消息统一发:百度知道+你要的资源,切勿说什么求某某资源,也不要问我在不在的内容,谢谢合作!满意望采纳,谢谢!

求friends老友记1-10 英文字幕 百度云盘


friends老友记 全十季百度云资源


歌词baby i got me only friends i3 need

这首歌是team副歌如下:Baby I got meBaby I got meAnd that"s all I needYeah that"s all I needBaby I got meOnly friend I seePlaying on my teamIs someone likeMe baby no wayWatch me while I do my thingMe baby no wa

1. she is willing to share things with her friends. 请问willing能换成happy ?


What do you think of friendship and how do you get it ?

你觉得友谊如何而且你拿起来如何它 ?


FriendshipisaDiamondFriendshipisadiamondburiedintheearth;atreasureofgreatworth.Butfirstitmustbeminedthenfacetedandshined.Ittakespickandshovelandstrain,encompassingtimeandenduringpain,untilitsgraceisseen;aglitteringgiftoflovethat"ssharedbetweenwethree:FirstGod,andyou,thenme.    中文翻译:友情是钻石友情是一枚埋在泥土里的钻石;是一笔巨额的财富。不过起初它一定被埋在泥土里,后经雕琢继而发出耀眼的光芒。它经历千锤百炼,经受着时间的考验,直到有一天它的美丽被发现;爱是件闪光的礼物我们三人共同分享:上帝,你和我。


girlfriendsn.女朋友( girlfriend的名词复数 ); 女情人; 女伴; 例句I"ve had girlfriends for 20 years. 我已经交了20年女朋友。


girlfriends女朋友拼音双语对照girlfriendsn.女伴; 女朋友( girlfriend的名词复数 ); 女情人; 双语例句 1She went to the movies with some girlfriends.她同几个女伴看电影去了。2After getting needlepoint belts as gifts from their respective girlfriends, Austin Branson and Peter Smathers saw an opportunity to capitalize on a new market.奥斯汀u2022布兰森和皮特u2022司马萨斯分别从各自的女友那里收到了针绣腰带作为礼物,随后,两人便意识到一个新的市场投资机遇正摆在自己的眼前。
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