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中文名称:简单如此/想要的仅仅如此外文名称:Something Just Like ThisI"ve been reading books of old我遍读旧籍The legends and the myths那些古老传奇和无边神秘Achilles and his gold如阿喀琉斯和他的战利品Hercules and his gifts如赫拉克勒斯和他的天赋神力Spiderman"s control还有蜘蛛侠的掌控全局And Batman with his fists和蝙蝠侠的铁拳无敌And clearly I don"t see myself upon that list而我显然不能与他们同日而语But she said, where" d you wanna go?她对我说 你想要去往何地How much you wanna risk?你还想历经多少风雨I"m not looking for somebody我并不要你With some superhuman gifts成为超人般天赋异禀Some superhero也不用如超级英雄般无敌Some fairytale bliss更不要童话中的幸福美丽Just something I can turn to只要一个能让我有所依附Somebody I can kiss能让我拥吻的你I want something just like this我想要的 仅此而已Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo嘟嘟嘟,嘟嘟嘟Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Oh, I want something just like this这就是我想要的全部Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Oh, I want something just like this这就是我想要的唯一I want something just like this我想要的 仅此而已I"ve been reading books of old我遍读旧籍The legends and the myths那些古老传奇和无边神秘The testaments they told如他们口述的旧约The moon and its eclipse如月圆月蚀的奇景And Superman unrolls和超人在飞行之前A suit before he lifts的整装待定But I"m not the kind of person that it fits但我并没有那样的命She said, where d"you wanna go?她对我说 你想要去往何地How much you wanna risk?你还想历经多少风雨I"m not looking for somebody我并不要你With some superhuman gifts成为超人般天赋异禀Some superhero也不用如超级英雄般无敌Some fairytale bliss更不要童话中的幸福美丽Just something I can turn to只要一个能让我有所依附Somebody I can miss能让我想念的你I want something just like this我想要的 仅此而已I want something just like this这就是我想要的全部Oh, I want something just like this这就是我想要的唯一Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Oh, I want something just like this这就是我想要的全部Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟嘟Where" d you wanna go?你还想要去往何地How much you wanna risk?你还想历经多少风雨I"m not looking for somebody我并不要你With some superhuman gifts成为超人般天赋异禀Some superhero也不用如超级英雄般无敌Some fairytale bliss更不要童话中的幸福美丽Just something I can turn to只要一个能让我有所依附Somebody I can kiss能让我拥吻的你I want something just like this这就是我想要的全部Oh, I want something just like this这就是我想要的唯一Oh, I want something just like this我想要的 仅此而已扩展资料:《Something Just Like This》是由美国纽约DJ组合The Chainsmokers和英国乐队Coldplay合作演唱的歌曲,被作为The Chainsmokers首张录音室专辑的第二支推广单曲被发行于2017年2月22日。该歌曲由于与The Chainsmokers前作《Roses》编曲相似而饱受争议,但由于歌曲入耳的旋律以及歌词内容与歌迷产生共鸣而风靡世界。


天使的翅膀 - 安琥词:徐海曲:徐海落叶随风将要去何方只留给天空美丽一场曾飞舞的声音像天使的翅膀划过我幸福的过往爱曾经来到过的地方依昔留着昨天的芬芳那熟悉的温暖像天使的翅膀划过我无边的心上相信你还在这里从不曾离去我的爱像天使守护你若生命直到这里从此没有我我会找个天使替我去爱你爱曾经来到过的地方依昔留着昨天的芬芳那熟悉的温暖像天使的翅膀划过我无边的心上相信你还在这里从不曾离去我的爱像天使守护你若生命直到这里从此没有我我会找个天使替我去爱你相信你还在这里从不曾离去我的爱像天使守护你若生命直到这里从此没有我我会找个天使替我去爱你我会找个天使替我去爱你


[东方神起-Something][U-know] She got something[Max] She got something[U-know] She "s just beautiful? (Hey Hey Hey)[Max] No just beautiful (Hey Hey Hey)[U-know] She~[Max] Watch Out[U -know] Aha Yeah~[U-know] 不要叫醒我,昨夜一夜未眠。无数的女人都喜欢我,说是像明星还是什么的[Max] 说实话我无动于衷,无论何时都固定在我身上的视线。即使感到不便又如何,每天都是如此。今天我也 burn like fire[合] She got something ! (Hey) but,你还有所欠缺。stop! Baby[Max] 虽然看起来高傲但看向我的眼神动摇了吧。要更奋发才可以啊。[合] She got something ! (Hey ) 如果犹豫我会 fly baby[U-know] 不要被发现悄悄、 悄悄地接近我,我会装作什么都不知道的。[Max] 如果觉得我是坏男人,觉得我会让女人哭泣?还是在受伤之前离开比较好。虽然我知道你无法抗拒。如果对太过普通地男人感到厌倦。就这样 all in 危险地come in! 两人一起 burn like fire![合] She got something !(Hey) but,你还又所欠缺 stop ! baby[U-know] 虽然看起来高傲但看向我的眼神动摇了吧。要更奋发才可以啊。[合] She got something ! (Hey ) 如果犹豫我会 fly baby[Max] 不要被发现悄悄、 悄悄地接近我,我会装作什么都不知道的。[U-know] 可以期待一下今晚 Friday night. 或许会窒息的美好的夜晚。[Max] 所有人都尽情享受时只有你一个人看起来深沉,难道是害羞,(你)就只是围绕着我。 Round and round and round round round round[U-know] One two three .[Max] She got something ! (Hey) but,你还是稍稍差那么一点。[U-know] 就这样等待机会的话,就为时已晚了。 no no no no~[合] She got something ! (Hey) but,你还有所欠缺。stop! baby[Max] 虽然看起来高傲但看向我的眼神动摇了吧。要更奋发才可以啊。[合] She got something ! (Hey ) 如果犹豫我会 fly baby[U-know] 不要被发现悄悄、 悄悄地接近我,我会装作什么都不知道的。([Max] Yeah u301c)Hey Hey! (Hey! Hey! )[U-know] She got something[Max] She got something[U-know] She got something


歌手tei 专辑The First Journey 曲名 爱...只留下香气 心痛得喉头哽咽 使尽全身力气 或许这场分离 仍然无法避免 无法置信的恐惧 就算用微笑掩饰 也敌不过眼泪 早已滑落脸颊 或许是爱得太嚣张 给了你的又想拥有 过分幸福令人嫉妒 所以只好选择分离 I miss the love that I shared with you 这个世界喝醉了吧 刻骨铭心的回忆 像着火分了岔 躺在你怀中度过的时间 我梦寐以求的爱恋啊 全部破碎 毁灭 只留下香气 I can"t live without your love 是我留不住你 悔恨捶痛胸口 无法挥别抹去 对你的爱丝毫不减 恨你,所以逼自己爱别的女人 竟换来无尽想念 让我痛彻心扉 或许你比我坚强 能装做不曾爱过 你过的真好 早已忘了我 为何我无法作到 I miss the love that I shared with you 这个世界喝醉了吧 刻骨铭心的回忆 像着火分了岔 躺在你怀中度过的时间 我梦寐以求的爱恋啊 全部破碎 毁灭 只留下香气 就这样一天一天过下去 你已不再出现眼前 总有一天我的心 终将麻痹 要能说出这句话 不知道还要挣扎多久 到时我已消失 将永远无法再见你 I miss the love that I shared with you 要到何时心才自由 有件事就算你离开也没有用 那就是将心中的你带走 一切都无所谓 若今天又为你心碎 狠毒火辣的伤口 就当作是我们爱的伤痕


Yeay hey Ha~ a a a啊 那多么 诺给 罗求购 一色一咯就求 win个 多模丝米 求啊潘得斯 高老呢 男家度里 票价捏 拿渡 上上捏偶的 度了 普几码 几个 米 就挖哈马西 steppin" steppin" 罢了木里 帮大噶桑桑拿了顾 就嗯个 滴滴滴 达达 达拉达拉(达拉噶 达拉噶)马哈吗 gi 莫 那罗 盖 吉马 哭了 依的喏 就嗯的 那马们 马达达 达拉达拉Step teppin" Step teppin" 啊Step teppin" Step teppin" 啊Step teppin" Step teppin" 啊Step teppin" Step teppin" Yeay hey 那么道路 么妈就 屋里就 九个位所你隔离 价格 in米 哦内个 昂顶个 哦~一若能个 嘠立个 哦配色 嘠立 各级马他西 摸 牌了 就挖 洗个 米 就挖 啊~哦哦 哦哦 哦哦哦哦 斯托 嘎涩普噶 安对哦哦 哦哦 哦哦哦哦 yeay~ 黄山内 噶技能吗~哈马西 steppin" steppin" 罢了木里 帮大噶桑桑拿了顾 就嗯个 滴滴滴 达达 达拉达拉(达拉噶 达拉噶)马哈吗 gi 莫 那罗 盖 吉马 哭了 依的喏 就嗯的 那马们 马达达 达拉达拉Yeay 桑桑嘿 赌马个 喏历个 哭得哇 图吗个 米索嘎 或细腻 个安妮个阿酷路 有所 顾 漫嘎嘎 哦的噶 偶的基本都摩多噶 你所里都那一都 哦利息 嘎呢 约个哦嘎 哭三 诺么帝都 如爱I don"t know want to do弄满能 跑个所~哈马西 steppin" steppin" (哦哦) 罢了木里 帮大噶(拿渡搭噶)桑桑拿了顾 就嗯个(能噶) 滴滴滴 达达 达拉达拉(达拉嘎 达拉嘎)马哈吗 gi 莫 那罗 盖 吉马(gi 莫 那罗 盖 吉马) 哭了 依的喏 就嗯的 那马们 马达达 达拉达拉(hey~)哈马西 steppin" steppin" (yaey yaey yeay ~yeay oh 吼)哈马西 steppin" steppin" (yaey~yaey yeay yeay oh 吼)马哈吗 gi 莫 那罗 盖 吉马(哦哦)哭了 依的喏 就嗯的 (哦的)那马们 马达达 达拉达拉(达拉嘎 达拉嘎)哭了 依的喏 就嗯的 (hey)那马们 马达达 达拉达拉(Every body one more time )那地 莫四米 (yeay) 就嗯的 那马们 马达达 达拉达拉

Flyleaf的《Swept Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Swept Away歌手:Flyleaf专辑:Memento MoriFlyleaf - Swept AwayThe evil fell from your pretty mouthWrapped in your classic voiceAngelic in your syntax, demonic in your motiveYour pretty eyes don"t knowThat the water flowing from this well isn"t freshDemolish all that sets you up against your rising upConfessing all that"s broken and watch the healing comeSpread out your open handsAdmit you"ve held them shutTurn all the way aroundBe swept away by thisTime for surrenderSpread out your open handsAnd He will raise you upConfessing all that"s brokenAnd watch the healing comeSpread out your open handsAdmit you"ve held them shutBe swept away by thisYour clothes are smooth and spotlessThe air is putrid sewageDownwind of your pressed church clothesYour eyes are black and emptyYour deeds are just for showingHow big and bright your fake smile glowsI see you moving and their getting scaredTheir eyes are focusing on something elseYou"re staring at me and I stare at youI rage against everything that you doSee them surrenderSpread out your open handsAnd he will raise you upConfessing all that"s brokenLook at the healing comeSpread out your open handsAdmit you"ve held them shutBe swept away by thisI see you moving and their getting scaredTheir eyes are focusing on something elseYou"re staring at me and I stare at youI rage against everything that you doSo get this hell out out of my wayThere"s nothing more that you can say soGet this hell out, get this hell out, out out of my wayWe spread our open handsAnd He is rising upRepairing all that"s brokenLook at the healing comeWe spread our open handsForgiveness holds them upWe"re swept away by thishttp://music.baidu.com/song/1699725

哪位知道David Guetta的 Titanium的中文歌词

David Guetta TitaniumYou shout it loud 你大声呐喊But I can"t hear a word you say 但我什麼都听不见I"m talking loud not saying much 我大声但寡言I"m criticized but all your bull is brick of shame我虽遭受批评但你的狗屁是层层的羞愧You shoot me down, but I get up 你击落我 但我又重新站起I"m bulletproof nothing to lose 我防弹武装 什麼都不怕Fire away, fire away 开火吧 开火吧Brick of shame, take your rain 层层的羞愧 接受洗礼Fire away, fire away开火吧 开火吧You shoot me down but I won"t fall 你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium 我是钛合金You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium 我是钛合金I am titanium... 我是钛合金Cut me down 削减我But is you who had offered there to fall 但是是你提出那堕落之地Ghost town, haunted love 鬼之城镇 诅咒之爱Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones 提高声量 就算树枝和石头打断我的骨头I"m talking loud not saying much 我也要大声但寡言I"m bulletproof nothing to lose我防弹武装 什麼都不怕Fire away, fire away开火吧 开火吧Brick of shame, take your rain层层的羞愧 接受洗礼Fire away, fire away开火吧 开火吧You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium我是钛合金You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium我是钛合金I am titanium... 我是钛合金Stone-hard, machine gun 石头般的强硬 机关枪Firing at the ones who rise 向那些站起的射击Stone-hard, thus bulletproof石头般的强硬 所以是防弹You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium是钛合金You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium是钛合金You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium是钛合金You shoot me down but I won"t fall你击落我 但我不会倒I am titanium是钛合金

求 titanium (David Guetta & Sia)的西班牙语歌词

you shout it loudbut i canu2019t hear a word you sayiu2019m talking loud not saying muchiu2019m criticized but all your bull is brick of shameyou shoot me down, but i get upiu2019m bulletproof nothing to losefire away, fire awaybrick of shame, take your rainfire away, fire awayyou shoot me down but i wonu2019t falli am titaniumyou shoot me down but i wonu2019t falli am titaniumi am titaniumu2026cut me downbut is you who had offered there to fallghost town, haunted loveraise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bonesiu2019m talking loud not saying muchiu2019m bulletproof nothing to losefire away, fire awaybrick of shame, take your rainfire away, fire awayyou shoot me down but i wonu2019t falli am titaniumyou shoot me down but i wonu2019t falli am titaniumi am titaniumu2026stone-hard, machine gunfiring at the ones who risestone-hard, thus bulletproofyou shoot me down but i wonu2019t falli am titaniumyou shoot me down but i wonu2019t falli am titaniumyou shoot me down but i wonu2019t falli am titaniumyou shoot me down but i wonu2019t falli am titanium

Yanni的《Swept Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Swept Away歌手:Yanni专辑:Reflections Of Passioni never had anything happen so fasttook one look and i shattered like glassi guess i let it showcause your smile told me you knewthat you"re everything i ever wanted at oncethere"s no holding this heartwhen it knows what it wantsand i never wanted anything more than to know youi was swept awayno one in the world but you and igotta find a wayto make you feel the way that i doi was swept awaywithout a warninglike night when the morning begins the dayi was swept awayand so it beginsthis journey of lovethe summer wind carries us to places all our ownthe words of a lookthe language of touchthe way that you want me means so muchand i never wanted anything morethan to love youI am swept awayno one in the world but you and Igotta find a wayto make you feel the way that I doI was swept awaywithout a warninglike night when the morning begins the dayI am swept awayaway, seeing my tomorrow"s in your eyesi was swept awayoo, i hope i wake up soonoo, i"m a victim of that crazy moonthe very first time you said my namei knew it would never sound the samesomething about me has changed forevercan"t you see i am swept awayno one in the world but you and igotta find a wayto make you feel the way that i doi am swept awaywithout a warninglike night when the morning begins the dayi was swept awayaway, seeing my tomorrow"s in your eyesgotta find a wayto make you feel the way that i doi was swept awaywithout a warninglike night when the morning begins the dayi was swept awaywe were swept awaydreaming of youswept awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2274976

David Guetta&Sia的《Titanium》 歌词

歌曲名:Titanium歌手:David Guetta&Sia专辑:Z103.5 Streetmix 2K12TitaniumDavid Guetta,SiaYou shout it loud, but I can"t hear a word you sayI"m talking loud, not saying muchI"m criticized, but all your bullets ricochetyou shoot me down, but I get upI"m bulletproof, nothing to lose fire away, fire awayricochet, you take your aim fire away, fire awayyou shoot me down, but I won"t fall I am titaniumyou shoot me down, but I won"t fall I am titaniumCut me down, but it"s you who had offered to fallGhost to-own and haunted loveRaise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bonesI"m talking loud, not saying muchI"m bulletproof, nothing to lose fire away, fire awayricochet, you take your aim fire away, fire awayyou shoot me down, but I won"t fall I am titaniumyou shoot me down, but I won"t fall I am titaniumI am titaniumI am titaniumhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31091510


炎亚纶&刘力扬 - TiAmo好想缝合你我手心就这样牵住放不开有你陪伴呼吸着有你的空气就是幸福Ti amo Te Quiero每一天都要爱上你想着你 沉入梦境一张眼 一清醒第一个想到又是你Sa la he And I Love You我每天都要爱上你少一天 就会遗憾陪着你的光阴怎样都不算蹉跎陪着你的光阴永远都觉得不够

男女合唱 歌词是什么什么这一首歌

《tiamo》,是炎亚纶和刘力扬合唱的 TIAMO【意大利语】我爱你。  Te quiero【西班牙语】我爱你。  17 96 67【韩语】我爱你。  歌曲名称:TiAmo  歌手:炎亚纶(Aaron)+刘力扬 (Jade)  专辑:双面飞轮海  歌词:  纶:虽然是简单的形容 虽然是重复的动作  因为有你 让一切都变成不平凡  好像缝合你我手心 就这样牵住放不开  有你陪伴 呼吸着有你的空气 就是幸福  扬:TiAmo Te quiero  每一天都要爱上你 想着你沉入梦境  一张眼 一清醒 第一个想到又是你  合:17 96 67 (sa lang hae ) and I love you  我每天都要爱上你 少一天就会遗憾  陪着你的光阴 怎样都不算蹉跎  纶:好像缝合你我手心 就这样牵住放不开  有你陪伴 呼吸着有你的空气 就是幸福  扬:TiAmo Te quiero  每一天都要爱上你 想着你沉入梦境  一张眼 一清醒 第一个想到又是你  合:17 96 67 (sa lang hae ) and I love you  我每天都要爱上你 少一天就会遗憾  陪着你的光阴 怎样都不算蹉跎  陪着你的光阴 永远都觉得不够  曾经留学英国的刘力扬,拥有特殊的气质,令她得以在众多超女当中散发出脱俗的魅力。2006年她参加《超级女声》比赛,先拿下广州赛区冠军,最后勇夺总决赛第三名,是继2005年李宇春之后,最被看好的超女之一。正当刘力扬准备开始在歌坛大展拳脚之时,却不幸因为拍摄广告时发生意外,脚骨骨折,被迫休息了半年之久,错失最火热的黄金时期。直到华研唱片老板无意间看到她比赛时的片段,惊为天人,才为她再开启了演艺生涯的另一扇窗。   逐渐展露出男人深情面的飞轮海,在新专辑《双面飞轮海》中收录了一首男女对唱的情歌《TiAmo》。录音期间,正当制作团队正苦恼於要找哪位女生来与飞轮海对唱时,突然有人开玩笑地提议:“力扬跟亚纶都曾经脚伤坐轮椅,说不定两人会有共同的默契。”没想到玩笑话居然成真,经过试唱,炎亚纶与刘力扬两人的声音搭配起来出乎意料地合适,也因此促成了这段合作情缘。两人见面时,身高171的刘力扬,令炎亚纶有点惊讶,他笑说:“这师妹会不会长太高了点啊?”   “TiAmo”是意大利 文的“我爱你”,这首歌中除了意大利 文,两人还要分别用西班牙文、英文、韩文唱出不同语言的“我爱你”。录完歌,两人不禁笑称自己像是“语言翻译机”,但也很开心地表示:“将来要是有机会对未来的情人,用各国语言说我爱你,感觉一定很浪漫!”歌曲动听又浪漫,而炎亚纶和刘力扬碰面时,两人也相谈甚欢,正当工作人员以为这首歌似乎是让这对师兄妹擦出火花时,八卦地凑过去一听,想不到这两人聊天的话题,竟然是拐杖和轮椅的使用心得,令工作人员哭笑不得。   刘力扬虽然因为脚伤而休息半年,但她的人气从参赛期间就居高不下,广州区赛时,她就以359808的简讯票数刷新2006年度分区赛的得票纪录,并远远超过前一年李宇春在成都赛区的20万票。比赛结束后,刘力扬在百度贴吧的超女排行榜中,也始终稳居前五名之内。甚至有大陆的化妆师自行散布他与刘力扬的合照,制造假绯闻企图提升自己的知名度,令刘力扬倍感无奈。现在有了师兄飞轮海的力挺,刘力扬即将向全亚洲献声,对此她既兴奋又期待,也感到很荣幸能得到师兄的关照,她谦虚地表示:“谢谢华研唱片给我的机会,也希望大家会喜欢我。”

徐怀钰的《Tiamo》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Tiamo歌手:徐怀钰1>Oh 不要怀疑玩神秘又有谁能玩过你爱情当游戏说当机就当机还叫我别生气不在意不在意你的坏脾气爱只要甜蜜把我放心底再多加一句Ti Amo,Oh Ya~I love you耍心机,讨我心欢喜Ho 再多说一句要珍惜,别把爱情当游戏Ya~爱到不会腻才神奇I feel what I can show youWhy don"t youHo 再多说一句 Ti Amohttp://music.b***.com/song/5953297

徐怀钰的《Tiamo》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Tiamo歌手:徐怀钰1>Oh 不要怀疑玩神秘又有谁能玩过你爱情当游戏说当机就当机还叫我别生气不在意不在意你的坏脾气爱只要甜蜜把我放心底再多加一句Ti Amo,Oh Ya~I love you耍心机,讨我心欢喜Ho 再多说一句要珍惜,别把爱情当游戏Ya~爱到不会腻才神奇I feel what I can show youWhy don"t youHo 再多说一句 Ti Amohttp://music.b***.com/song/5953297

why are you so upset with me 歌词

Bro, not upset... is OBSESSED..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjeRk_GxcqMMariah (Speaks):"Why you so obsessed with me?"So Oh Oh So OhhhWill the real MC please step to the mic?MC- You need an MC, place to beMC the MCAll up in the blogsSay we met at the barWhen I don"t even know who you areSay we up in your houseSayin" I"m up in your carBut you in LA and I"m out at Jermaine"sI"m up in the A- you"re so so lameand no one here even mentions your nameIt must be the weed, it must be the Ecuz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin"Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me?Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth- still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional, you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin yo, you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your time?Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?And all the ladies sing, all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh ObsessedYou on your job, you hittin" hardAin"t gon feed you, gon" let you starveGraspin" for air I"m ?You out of breath, hope you ain"t waitinTellin" the world how much you miss meBut we never were so why you trippin"You a mom and pop, I"m a corporationI"m the press conference, you a conversationOoh boy why you so obsessed with me?Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth- still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional, you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin yo, you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your time?Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?And all the ladies sing, all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed






中文音译歌词Hey T-ARA像红色的玫瑰一样 用带刺的话刺痛著我Uh Uh Uh你像纹身一样 越想抹掉刻的就会越深Uh UhCry Cry Can"t you see the music 像火花一样 火热You"re ma boy Baby can`t you see that look at my eyes看看我这深陷悲伤的双眼Uh Uh比红色的太阳更火热不要再让爱过你的我哭泣Ah Ah Let"s go Break it! Come on Come on Yo Make it! Come on Come on YoTake it! Come on Come on Come on我好像中毒了一样 不断著想念著你你好像监狱一样 把我囚困在你那一样Uh UhCry Cry Can"t you see the music 像火花一样 火热You"re ma boyBaby can`t you see that look at my eyes看看我这深陷悲伤的双眼Uh Uh 比红色的太阳更火热不要再让爱过你的我哭泣Ah Ah [花英] Let"s goUh Uh Yeah Let"s danceDeep in you"re eyes Baby can`t you see that look at my eyes 看看我这深陷悲伤的双眼Uh Uh 比红色的太阳更火热不要再让爱过你的我哭泣Ah Ah 请不要再肯定的相信我我已无法相信 你的回来Uh Uh比红色的太阳更火热不要再让爱过你的我哭泣Ah Ah [花英] Let"s go Break it! Come on Come on YoMake it! Come on Come on YoTake it! ] Come on Come on Come onT-ARA Time to love 嘘!罗马音歌词Hey! TiARA~Seppalgan jangmicholomGasigateun mallo nal jireun noNon machi munsinchoromJiuryo halsurok gipge peyoCry cry can"t you see the musicBulkkocchorom tteugopge you"re my boyBaby can"t you see that look in my eyesSeulpeume ppajin ne dununeul bwa oh ohBulgeun teyangboda do tteugopgeSaraghetdon nareul ullijima (let"s go) Break it! Come on come on yo~Make it! Come on come on yo~Take it! Come on come on come on~ Nan jungdokdwen-gotchoromGeuriwohago tto geuriwohe Non machigamokchorom Niane nal gadwoboryonnabwa uh uh Cry cry can"t you see the musicBulkkocchorom tteugopge you"re my boyBaby can"t you see that look in my eyesSeulpeume ppajin ne dununeul bwa oh ohBulgeun teyangboda do tteugopgeSaraghetdon nareul ullijima (let"s go) (Uh uh yeah let"s dance!)(Deep in your eyes) Baby can"t you see that look in my eyes Seulpeume ppajin ne dununeul bwa oh ohBulgeun teyangboda do tteugopgeSaraghetdon nareul ullijimaJebal nareul ttonagaji maraDoraondan ni mal mitji ana oh ohBulgeun teyangboda do tteugopgeSaraghetdon nareul ullijima uh uh(let"s go)Break it! Come on come on yo~Make it! Come on come on yo~Take it! Come on come on come on~T-ara time to love…(shh!)

tiamo歌词 tiamo歌曲简介

1、《Tiamo》歌词: 「纶」虽然是简单的形容 虽然是重复的动作 因为有你让一切都变成不平凡 好想缝合你我手心 就这样牵住放不开 有你陪伴 呼吸着有你的空气 就是幸福 「扬」TiAmo,Te quiero 每一天都要爱上你想着你沉入梦境一张眼 一清醒 第一个想到又是你 「合」uc0ac ub791 ud574 (sa lang hae) and I love you 我每天都要爱上你 少一天就会遗憾 陪着你的光阴 怎样都不算蹉跎 「纶」好像缝合你我手心 就这样牵住放不开 有你陪伴 呼吸着有你的空气 就是幸福 「扬」TiAmo Te quiero 每一天都要爱上你 想着你沉入梦境 一张眼 一清醒 第一个想到又是你 「合」uc0ac ub791 ud574 (sa lang hae) and I love you 我每天都要爱上你 少一天就会遗憾 陪着你的光阴 怎样都不算蹉跎 陪着你的光阴 永远都觉得不够 2、《Tiamo》是炎亚纶和刘力扬共同演唱的歌曲,收录在专辑《双面飞轮海》。Tiamo是意大利语的我爱你的意思。

我为什么醒着 满脑子都是你 歌词

Miley Cyrus --Obsessed 歌手姓名:Miley Cyrus专辑名称:The Time Of Our Lives(EP)Why do I just lie awake and think of you/我为什麼醒著 满脑子都是你I need some sleep/我需要睡个觉Tomorrow I have things to do/明天我有事情要完成Everytime I close my eyes I see your face/每一次 我闭上眼睛 浮现的都是你的脸So I try to read/所以我试著去解读But all I do is lose my place/但我做的却是 失去我在你心中的位置Am i obsessed with you?/我为你著了迷吗I do my best not to want you/我尽可能不去想要拥有你But I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你I do all the time/我每分每秒都想拥有你I just had to call you up and say hello/我必须要打电话 跟你说哈罗I know its 3 AM/我知道现在是凌晨三点钟And I saw you you a while ago/而我不久前 才见过你But I still have this aching need to hear your voice/但我心好痛 好想听到你的声音To know your here/我想知道你在那里I don"t seem to have any choice/我真的别无选择Am i obsessed with you?/我为你著了迷吗I do my best not to want you/我尽可能不去想要拥有你But I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你I do all the time/我每分每秒都想拥有你Oh yeahIm so sorry I just had to wake you up/我很抱歉 我必须要吵醒你I feel so lonely by myself/我觉得好孤单Is this the way you feel when your in love?/这是陷入情网的感觉吗Or is this something else?/还是有别的原因吗YeahAm i obsessed with you?/我为你著了迷吗I do my best not to want you/我尽可能不去想要拥有你But I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你I do all the time/我每分每秒都想拥有你Oh yeahBut I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你I want you all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你Am I obsessed? /我为你With you.. /著了迷吗?

求飞轮海《tiamo》的 歌词

炎亚纶&刘力扬 - TiAmo 虽然是简单的形容 虽然是重复的动作 因为有你 让一切都变成不平凡 好想缝合你我手心 就这样牵住放不开 有你陪伴 呼吸着有你的空气 就是幸福 Ti amo Te Quiero 每一天都要爱上你 想着你 沉入梦境 一张眼 一清醒 第一个想到又是你 Sa la he And I Love You 我每天都要爱上你 少一天 就会遗憾 陪着你的光阴 怎样都不算蹉跎 炎亚纶&刘力扬 - TiAmo 好想缝合你我手心 就这样牵住放不开 有你陪伴 呼吸着有你的空气 就是幸福 Ti amo Te Quiero 每一天都要爱上你 想着你 沉入梦境 一张眼 一清醒 第一个想到又是你 Sa la he And I Love You 我每天都要爱上你 少一天 就会遗憾 陪着你的光阴 怎样都不算蹉跎 陪着你的光阴 怎样都不算蹉跎 永远都觉

Noir Desir的《No No No》 歌词

歌曲名:No No No歌手:Noir Desir专辑:En Route Pour La Joie「No, No, No」作词∶KG作曲∶SHIKATA / REO歌∶KGShow me what you"ve got 今すぐぜんぶ脱ぎ舍てていつものように baby, won"t you take me higherかけひきなんていらない 自分のままでからみあう until the break of dawnI wanna make love, baby热くなるカラダI wanna make love, babyとけてひとつになるようにI wanna make love, baby何もかも忘れ all I want, girl all I need,is you, my ladyStay with me all nightかすかに濡れてる your eyesI"m gonna make you feel good,make you feel good耻ずかしくないよ 2人きりだから alrightI"m gonna make you feel good,make you feel goodGive me all you got こわがらずに身をゆだねてひきかえすのは いまからじゃムリ no, no, noDon"t you worry,baby I will take you beyond the lineひたすら君にのめり込みたいからI wanna make love, baby络み合う视线I wanna make love, babyとけてひとつになるようにI wanna make love, baby深く奥まで all I want, girl all I need,is you, my ladyStay with me all nightかすかに濡れてる your eyesI"m gonna make you feel good,make you feel good耻ずかしくないよ 2人きりだから alrightI"m gonna make you feel good,make you feel good収録∶Songs of love - No, No, No /発売日∶2010/10/20LRC to make By∶SMILE_YA终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8056252

求玛利亚的Obsessed和阿姆的The Warning中文歌词。

Obsessed- Mariah Carey玛利亚.凯莉So Oh Oh So Ohhh 所以啊! Will the real MC please step to the mic --天后MC,请你到麦克风前面来,MC- You need an MC, place to be --MC,给你舞台,给你麦克风, MC the MC --MC,你就是麦霸! All up in the blogs Say we met at the bar 你在博客上说我们在酒吧相遇 When I don"t even know who you are 可我那时都不知道你是谁 Say we up in your house 你说我经常去你家,Sayin" I"m up in your car 上你车 But you in LA but I"m out at Jermaine"s 但你那时远在LA,而我却在和JD交往 I"m up in the A- you"re so so lame 老娘是天后,可你是天猴 and no on here even mentions your name 呀!都不屑于点你名道你姓 It must be the weed, it must be the E 一个名字以E开头的孬种 cuz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin" 你一直都缩头缩脑,继续缩吧! Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin me 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 when everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress Last man on the earth- still couldn"t get this你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! You"re delusional, you"re delusional 你在意淫,你又意淫 Boy you"re losing your mind 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 Why you wasting your time 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 Got you all fired up with your See right through you like you"re bathin" in windex 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷 You on your job, you hittin" hard 你有你的工作,你也努力过 Ain"t gon feed you, gon" let you starve 养不活你?会饿死你? Graspin" for air I"m ? 干嘛非要扯出我? You out of breath, hope you ain"t waitin 你还想吻我,那你等着吧。。。 Tellin" the world how much you miss me 你说你曾经吻遍我 But we never were so why you trippin" 但我们都知道你再说谎 You a mom and pop, I"m a corporation 你混在那种小店,我却是环球天后 I"m the press conference, you a conversation 我说话就开记者会,你呢?博客上继续唧唧歪歪? Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin me 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 when everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress Last man on the earth- still couldn"t get this你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! You"re delusional, you"re delusional 你在意淫,你又意淫 Boy you"re losing your mind 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 Why you wasting your time 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 Got you all fired up with your See right through you like you"re bathin" in windex 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷

mariah carey【 obsessed】 译音歌词

中文你在博客上说我们在酒吧相遇 可我那时都不知道你是谁 你说我经常去你家,上你车 但你那时远在LA,而我却在和JD交往 老娘是天后,可你是天猴 呀!都不屑于点你名道你姓 一个名字以E开头的孬种 你一直都缩头缩脑,继续缩吧! 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! 你在意淫,你又意淫 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷 你有你的工作,你也努力过 养不活你?会饿死你? 干嘛非要扯出我? 你还想吻我,那你等着吧。。。 你说你曾经吻遍我 但我们都知道你再说谎 你混在那种小店,我却是环球天后 我说话就开记者会,你呢?博客上继续唧唧歪歪? 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! 你在意淫,你又意淫 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 就是对我意乱情迷


I know a girl who"s obsessed with a guy 我认识一个女孩 她迷上了一个男人 She talks for hours and still tomorrow 她无时无刻都再谈论 甚至直到明天 She"ll call again and when he thinks that this could be the end, 她会再次打电话过来 但他觉得这已经够了 She calls again 她总是再次打来电话 At six in the morning she waits to the door 每天早上六点钟 她就等在门口 He tells her to leave but still tomorrow she"ll be there again 他让女孩离开 但第二天她又在那里 She won"t let go 她不愿意离开 Can"t you just go somewhere on vacation? 你能不能去什么地方度度假? I could book your flight 我可以帮你订好航班 And pack your bags if you want 如果你愿意 我帮你打包行李 A one way ticket out of my life 一张单程机票 从我生活中离开 Watching you fly away 看着你飞走 I never liked you 我从来没有喜欢过你 She doesn"t care if he tries to ignore 她并不在乎,即使他努力忽略她 He runs away but still she follows 他跑开但她还是跟着 she"ll tries again 她还在尝试 She likes to think she"ll get him in the end 她喜欢猜想她最终会得到他 Yeah 是的 Can"t you just go somewhere on vacation? 你能不能去什么地方度度假? I could book your flight 我可以帮你订好航班 And pack your bags if you want 如果你愿意 我帮你打包行李 A one way ticket out of my life 一张单程机票 从我生活中离开 Watching you fly away 看着你飞走 I never liked you 我从来没有喜欢过你 Can"t you just go somewhere on vacation? 你能不能去什么地方度度假? I could book your flight 我可以帮你订好航班 And pack your bags if you want 如果你愿意 我帮你打包行李 A one way ticket out of my life 一张单程机票 从我生活中离开 Watching you fly away 看着你飞走 I never liked you 我从来没有喜欢过你 I"m not in love with you! 我不爱你


歌词:I was like, “Why are you so obsessed with me ?”我在想,你干嘛对我这麼著迷?So oh oh oh ohSo oh oh oh ohSo oh oh oh ohSo oh oh oh ohWill the real MC please step to the mic流行天后,请你到麦克风前面来MC- You need an MC, place to be玛丽亚凯莉,给你舞台,给你麦克风MC the MC美丽花蝴蝶,引领风潮!So oh oh oh ohSo oh oh oh ohSo oh oh oh ohSo oh oh oh ohAll up in the blogs你在部落格上说Say we met at the bar我们在酒吧邂逅When I don"t even know who you are问题是,我当时根本不认识你Sayin" we up in your house说什麼我常常到你家Sayin" I"m up in your car说什麼我常常上你车But you in LA but I"m out at Jermaine"s但你那时在洛杉矶,而我那时和JD在一起I"m up in the A-, you"re so so lame我是乐坛天后,你只是街头痞子and no on here even mentions your name根本没有人想提到你的名字It must be the weed, it must be the E那可能是饶舌毒虫E还是谁Cause you be poppin" hood, you get it poppin" oh你继续耍嘴皮子,我等著看你好戏Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me (Boy I wanna know)喔 为什麼你对我如此著迷 (我好想知道)Lyin" that you"re sexin me (when everybody knows)瞎掰我们好像真有一腿 (当大家都知道那是胡扯)It"s clear that you"re upset with me很明显的你很不爽Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress喔 因为你根本把不到我Last man on the earth still couldn"t get this就算全世界的男人死光了我也不会跟你在一起!You"re delusional, you"re delusional你少妄想,卖肖想Boy you"re losing your mind这位先生,你头壳坏去了吧?It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know做白日梦,你在痴人说梦,Why you wasting your time你干嘛浪费你自己的时间Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex因为自卑情节搞的自己很不爽Seeing right through you like you"re bathin" in windex你是用清洁剂洗澡洗傻了吧Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me喔 喔 喔 不知道你干嘛对我那麼著迷And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing所有女孩一起唱 所有的美眉一起唱Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed喔~ 如此的著迷於我You on your job, you hating hard你在你的歌里愤世嫉俗,攻击别人Ain"t gon feed you, I"m gonna let you starve但你还是不满足,那我就来给你点好看Grasping for air I"m ventilation你说谎喘不过气,我在一旁轻松凉快You out of breath, hope you ain"t waitin你上气不接下气,希望别等到断气Tellin" the world how much you miss me你告诉全世界你有多想我But we never were, so why you trippin"但我们根本不是那回事,你最爱空穴来风You a mom and pop, I"m a corporation你混在那种无名小公司,我身处国际连锁大企业I"m the press conference, you a conversation我说话就开记者会,你却只能在部落格上鬼扯Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me (Boy I wanna know)喔 为什麼你对我如此著迷 (我好想知道)Lyin" that you"re sexin me (when everybody knows)瞎掰我们好像真有一腿 (当大家都知道那是胡扯)It"s clear that you"re upset with me很明显的你很不爽Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress喔 因为你根本把不到我Last man on the earth still couldn"t get this就算全世界的男人死光了我也不会跟你在一起!You"re delusional, you"re delusional你少妄想,卖肖想Boy you"re losing your mind这位先生,你头壳坏去了吧?It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know做白日梦,你在痴人说梦,Why you wasting your time你干嘛浪费你自己的时间Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex因为自卑情节搞的自己很不爽Seeing right through you like you"re bathin" in windex你是用清洁剂洗澡洗傻了吧Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me喔 喔 喔 你干嘛对我如此的著迷And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing所有女孩一起唱 所有的美眉一起唱Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed喔~ 如此的著迷於我Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me (Boy I wanna know)喔 为什麼你对我如此著迷 (我好想知道)Lyin" that you"re sexin me (when everybody knows)瞎掰我们好像真有一腿 (当大家都知道那是胡扯)It"s clear that you"re upset with me很明显的你很不爽Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress喔 因为你根本把不到我Last man on the earth still couldn"t get this就算全世界的男人死光了我也不会跟你在一起!

Obsessed(Mariah Carey)中文歌词

All up in the blogs Say we met at the bar When I don"t even know who you are Say we up in your house Sayin" I"m up in your car But you in LA but I"m out at Jermaine"s 你在博客上说我们在酒吧相遇 可我那时都不知道你是谁 你说我经常去你家,上你车 但你那时远在LA,而我却在和JD交往 I"m up in the A- you"re so so lame and no on here even mentions your name It must be the weed, it must be the E cuz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin" 老娘是天后,可你是天猴 呀!都不屑于点你名道你姓 一个名字以E开头的孬种 你一直都缩头缩脑,继续缩吧! Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin me when everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress Last man on the earth- still couldn"t get this 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! You"re delusional, you"re delusional Boy you"re losing your mind It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know Why you wasting your time Got you all fired up with your See right through you like you"re bathin" in windex 你在意淫,你又意淫 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷 You on your job, you hittin" hard Ain"t gon feed you, gon" let you starve Graspin" for air I"m ? You out of breath, hope you ain"t waitin Tellin" the world how much you miss me


(Gucci Mane)I guess shorty mad cos he ain"t got you no more,So just like Pinocchio, his nose gon grow,Gucci Mane, Mariah Carey bling blaww wow,I wish i had a LIE DE-TET-DER TESH (lie detector test) right nowHe hit my girl word, old is what ya heard,He know he a bird, i know he a nerd,Catch me in the A with a bad yellow bong,9, 10, 11, 12 diamond chains on.(Mariah Carey)All up in the blogsSay we met at the barWhen I don"t even know who you areSay we up in your houseSayin" I"m up in your carBut you in LA but I"m out at Jermaine"sI"m up in the A- you"re so so lameAnd no one here even mentions your nameIt must be the weed, it must be the ECoz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin"Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me?Boy I want to knowLyin" that you"re sexin meWhen everybody knowsIt"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth- still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional, you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin ya, you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your time?Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?And all the ladies sing, all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed(Gucci Mane)If you sexy and you fine baby put your hands up,And tell your ex boyfriend to get his bads upStop lying know your stick, home boy man up,All my real get money ballers stand upYou see her with the kid, you know what it is,Gucci, get the girl flawless, you what we didShorty stay fresh, kinda of obsessed,Simply cos she blessed, you know she the best, yes(Mariah Carey)You on your job, you hattin" hardAin"t gon feed you, Imma let you starveYou graspin" for air, I"m ventilationYou out of breath, hope you ain"t waitinTellin" the world how much you miss meBut we never were so why you trippin"You a mom and pop, I"m a corporationI"m the press conference, you a conversationOoh boy why you so obsessed with me?Boy I want to knowLyin" that you"re sexin meWhen everybody knowsIt"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth- still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional, you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin yo, you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your time?Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?And all the ladies sing, all the girls singSoo Oohhh So Oohh Obsessed

Obsessed歌词 中文翻译

Song titile: obsessedSong by:Mariah Care(玛丽亚凯莉)So Oh Oh So Ohhh 所以啊! Will the real MC please step to the mic MC- You need an MC, place to be MC the MC --天后MC,请你到麦克风前面来, --MC,给你舞台,给你麦克风, --MC,你就是麦霸! All up in the blogs Say we met at the bar When I don"t even know who you are Say we up in your house Sayin" I"m up in your car But you in LA but I"m out at Jermaine"s 你在博客上说我们在酒吧相遇 可我那时都不知道你是谁 你说我经常去你家,上你车 但你那时远在LA,而我却在和JD交往 I"m up in the A- you"re so so lame and no on here even mentions your name It must be the weed, it must be the E cuz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin" 老娘是天后,可你是天猴 呀!都不屑于点你名道你姓 一个名字以E开头的孬种 你一直都缩头缩脑,继续缩吧! Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin me when everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress Last man on the earth- still couldn"t get this 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! You"re delusional, you"re delusional Boy you"re losing your mind It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know Why you wasting your time Got you all fired up with your See right through you like you"re bathin" in windex 你在意淫,你又意淫 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷 You on your job, you hittin" hard Ain"t gon feed you, gon" let you starve Graspin" for air I"m ? You out of breath, hope you ain"t waitin Tellin" the world how much you miss me But we never were so why you trippin" You a mom and pop, I"m a corporation I"m the press conference, you a conversation 你有你的工作,你也努力过 养不活你?会饿死你? 干嘛非要扯出我? 你还想吻我,那你等着吧。。。 你说你曾经吻遍我 但我们都知道你再说谎 你混在那种小店,我却是环球天后 我说话就开记者会,你呢?博客上继续唧唧歪歪? Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me? Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin me when everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with me Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impress Last man on the earth- still couldn"t get this 小子你对我如此着迷 你还说是你让我发春 其实呢 大家都知道是只你对我一厢情愿 你当你是地球上最后一个男人? 那我也要拒绝你! You"re delusional, you"re delusional Boy you"re losing your mind It"s confusin yo, you"re confused you know Why you wasting your time Got you all fired up with your See right through you like you"re bathin" in windex 你在意淫,你又意淫 小子,你脑子烧坏了吧? 这是幻觉,总是幻觉 你干嘛不花时间到其他女孩身上 你是用洁厕灵洗澡洗傻了么 Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed 你对我意乱情迷 就是对我意乱情迷

Elena Mitrano唱的Obsessed这首歌的歌词

Miley Cyrus-ObsessedWhy do I just lie awake and think of you/我为什麼醒著 满脑子都是你I need some sleep/我需要睡个觉Tomorrow I have things to do/明天我有事情要完成Everytime I close my eyes I see your face/每一次 我闭上眼睛 浮现的都是你的脸So I try to read/所以我试著去解读But all I do is lose my place/但我做的却是 失去我在你心中的位置Am i obsessed with you?/我为你著了迷吗I do my best not to want you/我尽可能不去想要拥有你But I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你I do all the time/我每分每秒都想拥有你I just had to call you up and say hello/我必须要打电话 跟你说哈罗I know its 3 AM/我知道现在是凌晨三点钟And I saw you you a while ago/而我不久前 才见过你But I still have this aching need to hear your voice/但我心好痛 好想听到你的声音To know your here/我想知道你在那里I don"t seem to have any choice/我真的别无选择Am i obsessed with you?/我为你著了迷吗I do my best not to want you/我尽可能不去想要拥有你But I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你I do all the time/我每分每秒都想拥有你Oh yeahIm so sorry I just had to wake you up/我很抱歉 我必须要吵醒你I feel so loney by myself/我觉得好孤单Is this the way you feel when your in love?/这是陷入情网的感觉吗Or is this something else?/还是有别的原因吗YeahAm i obsessed with you?/我为你著了迷吗I do my best not to want you/我尽可能不去想要拥有你But I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你I do all the time/我每分每秒都想拥有你Oh yeahBut I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你I want you all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你Am I obsessed? /我为你With you.. /著了迷吗?



Miley Cyrus-Obsessed的中文歌词

我为什么醒著 满脑子都是你我需要睡个觉明天我有事情要完成每一次 我闭上眼睛 浮现的都是你的脸所以我试著去解读但我做的却是 失去我在你心中的位置我为你著了迷吗我尽可能不去想要拥有你但我每分每秒都想拥有你我每分每秒都想拥有你我必须要打电话 跟你说你好我知道现在是凌晨三点钟而我不久前 才见过你但我心好痛 好想听到你的声音我想知道你在那里我真的别无选择我为你著了迷吗我尽可能不去想要拥有你但我每分每秒都想拥有你我每分每秒都想拥有你我很抱歉 我必须要吵醒你我觉得好孤单这是陷入情网的感觉吗还是有别的原因吗我为你著了迷吗我尽可能不去想要拥有你但我每分每秒都想拥有你我每分每秒都想拥有你但我每分每秒都想拥有你但我每分每秒都想拥有你我为你著了迷吗?

obsessed的中文歌词拜托了各位 谢谢

Obsessed Why do I just lie awake and think of you/我为什麼醒著 满脑子都是你 I need some sleep/我需要睡个觉 Tomorrow I have things to do/明天我有事情要完成 Everytime I close my eyes I see your face/每一次 我闭上眼睛 浮现的都是你的脸 So I try to read/所以我试著去解读 But all I do is lose my place/但我做的却是 失去我在你心中的位置 Am i obsessed with you?/我为你著了迷吗 I do my best not to want you/我尽可能不去想要拥有你 But I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你 I do all the time/我每分每秒都想拥有你 I just had to call you up and say hello/我必须要打电话 跟你说哈罗 I know its 3 AM/我知道现在是凌晨三点钟 And I saw you you a while ago/而我不久前 才见过你 But I still have this aching need to hear your voice/但我心好痛 好想听到你的声音 To know your here/我想知道你在那里 I don"t seem to have any choice/我真的别无选择 Am i obsessed with you?/我为你著了迷吗 I do my best not to want you/我尽可能不去想要拥有你 But I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你 I do all the time/我每分每秒都想拥有你 Oh yeah Im so sorry I just had to wake you up/我很抱歉 我必须要吵醒你 I feel so lonely by myself/我觉得好孤单 Is this the way you feel when your in love?/这是陷入情网的感觉吗 Or is this something else?/还是有别的原因吗 Yeah Am i obsessed with you?/我为你著了迷吗 I do my best not to want you/我尽可能不去想要拥有你 But I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你 I do all the time/我每分每秒都想拥有你 Oh yeah But I do all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你 I want you all the time/但我每分每秒都想拥有你 Am I obsessed? /我为你 With you.. /著了迷吗?

Mariah Carey的《Obsessed》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Obsessed歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Memoirs Of An Imperfect AngelMariah Carey - ObsessedSo Oh Oh So OhhhWill the real MC please step to the mic?MC- You need an MC, place to beMC the MCAll up in the blogsSay we met at the barWhen I don"t even know who you areSay we up in your houseSayin" I"m up in your carBut you in LA but I"m out at Jermaine"sI"m up in the A- you"re so so lameand no on here even mentions your nameIt must be the weed, it must be the Ecuz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin"Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me?Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth- still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional, you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin yo, you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your time?Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?And all the ladies sing, all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh ObsessedYou on your job, you hittin" hardAin"t gon feed you, gon" let you starveGraspin for air I"m reservationYou out of breath, hope you ain"t waitinTellin" the world how much you miss meBut we never were so why you trippin"You a mom and pop, I"m a corporationI"m the press conference, you a conversationOoh boy why you so obsessed with me?Boy I want to know- lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth- still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional, you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin yo, you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your time?Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?And all the ladies sing, all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsesshttp://music.b***.com/song/454716

berurier noir的《porcherie》 歌词

歌曲名:porcherie歌手:berurier noir专辑:concerto pour detraquesLe monde est une vraie porcherie,Les hommes se comportent comme des porcsDe l"闸evage en batterie,A des milliers de tonnes de mortsNous sommes l"heure des fanatiques,Folie oppression scientifiqueNous sommes dans un 閠at de jungleEt partout c"est la loi du flingue...Berurier NoirProstitution organis闲,Putr闲action, gerbe et naus闲Le tiers-monde cr鑦e, les porcs s"empiffrentLa tension monte, les G.I. s"griffentMassacr閟 dans les abattoirs,Br鹟閟 dans les laboratoires,Parqu閟 dans des cit閟-dortoirs,Prisonniers derri鑢e ton parloirEt au Chili les suspects cuisent,Dans les fours du gouvernementEn Europe, les rebels croupissentUn homme qui 闰late en morceaux,Dynamitpar des bourreauxDes singes conduits la violence,Bethov" devient ultra-violenceD"un c魌l"syst鑝e mon閠aire,De l"autre, l"ombre militaireTout fini en r鑗lements d"compteA coups de schlaque le sang inonde...Flics-arm闲... Porcherie!Apartheid... Porcherie!D.S.T... Porcherie!Et le Pen... Porcherie!http://music.baidu.com/song/14117394

Titanium (feat. Sia) 歌词

歌曲名:Titanium (feat. Sia)歌手:David Guetta专辑:Titanium (feat. Sia)Titanium (Feat. Sia) - David GuettaYou shout it loud, but I can"t hear a word you sayI"m talking loud, not saying muchI"m criticized, but all your bullets ricochetyou shoot me down, but I get upI"m bulletproof, nothing to lose fire away, fire awayricochet, you take your aim fire away, fire awayyou shoot me down, but I won"t fall I am titaniumyou shoot me down, but I won"t fall I am titaniumCut me down, but it"s you who had offered to fallGhost to-own and haunted loveRaise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bonesI"m talking loud, not saying muchI"m bulletproof, nothing to lose fire away, fire awayricochet, you take your aim fire away, fire awayyou shoot me down, but I won"t fall I am titaniumyou shoot me down, but I won"t fall I am titaniumI am titaniumI am titaniumStone hard, machine gun Fired at the ones who runStone hard, as bulletproof glassYou shoot me down, but I won"t fall I am titaniumYou shoot me down, but I won"t fall I am titaniumYou shoot me down, but I won"t fall I am titaniumYou shoot me down, but I won"t fall I am titaniumhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7972955

Judicial Noir 歌词

歌曲名:Judicial Noir歌手:Versailles专辑:フィリア「Judicial Noir」作词∶KAMIJO作曲∶HIZAKI歌∶Versailles冒涜が崇拝? それとも欺くだけなのか?唱えた仮说さえも伪造忘却を与えよう あらゆる空虚と无実の美学さぁ零から生まれてみせろ!魂が迷い込むまだ物质のない白い宇宙例えば神と呼ばれる者が人だとするならば终わりなき时代は熟された大地が动くのか? それとも天が廻るのか?あらゆる可能性を求め神々の真似事でAh… 人が人を裁きにかける黒い太阳がこの时代(とき)に天罚を!回れ回れ歯车を合わせて天と地の力を入れ替えろ!燃える太阳がこの地球(ほし)の未来なら回れ回れ歯车を合わせて天と地の犠牲を入れ替え谁にも负けない力を今こそこの手に掴んでThey were black frozen sun.We were burning on the ground.太阳に火をつけてThey were black frozen sun.We were burning on the ground.天と地を入れ替えろ!【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/5555913

mariah carey obessed 歌词


Mariah Carey 《Obsessed 》歌词

  So Oh Oh So Ohhh  will the real MC please step to the mic?  MC-You need an MC,place to be  MC the MC  All up in the blogs  Saying we met at the bar  When I dont even know who you are  Saying we up in your house  Saying Im up in your car  But you in LA and Im out at Jermaines.  Im up in the A  You so so lame  and no one here even mentions your name  It must be the weed. It must be the E  Cause you be popping hood  You get it popping, Oh  Why you so obsessed with me (Boy I wanna know)  Lying that youre sexing me (when everybody knows)  Its clear that youre upset with me  Finally found a girl that you couldnt impress  Last man on the earth still couldnt hit this  Youre delusional, youre delusional  Boy youre losing your mind  Its confusing yo, youre confused you know  Why you wasting your time  Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex  Seeing right through you like youre bathing in Windex  Boy why you so obsessed with me?  You on your job  You hating hard  Aint gon feed you  Im gonna let you starve  Gasping for air  Im ventilation  You out of breath  Hope you aint waiting  Telling the world how much you miss me  But we never were  So why you trippin  You a mom and pop  Im a corporation  Im the press conference  and you a conversation  Why you so obsessed with me (Boy I wanna know)  Lying that youre sexing me (when everybody knows)  Its clear that youre upset with me  Finally found a girl that you couldnt impress  Last man on the earth still couldnt hit this  Youre delusional, youre delusional  Boy youre losing your mind  Its confusing yo, youre confused you know  Why you wasting your time  Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex  Seeing right through you like youre bathing in Windex  Boy why you so obsessed with me?  Why you so obsessed with me  Lying that youre sexing me  Its clear that youre upset with me  Finally found a girl that you couldnt impress  Last man on the earth still couldnt hit this  Youre delusional, youre delusional  Boy youre losing your mind  Its confusing yo, youre confused you know  Why you wasting your time  Got you all fired up with y our napoleon complex  Seeing right through you like youre bathing in windex  Boy why you so obsessed with me?

Mariah Carey的《Obsessed》 歌词

歌曲名:Obsessed歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:I Am RunningObsessedmariah careyAll up in the blogsSay we met at the barWhen I don"t even know who you areSay we up in your houseSayin" I"m up in your carBut you in LA but I"m out at Jermaine"sI"m up in the A you"re so so lameand no on here even mentions your nameIt must be the weed, it must be the Ecuz you be poppin hood you get it poppin"Ooh boy why you so obsessed with meBoy I want to know lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin yo you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your timeGot you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with meAnd all the ladies sing all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh ObsessedYou on your job you hittin" hardAin"t gon feed you gon" let you starveGraspin for air I"m reservationYou out of breath hope you ain"t waitinTellin" the world how much you miss meBut we never were so why you trippin"You a mom and pop, I"m a corporationI"m the press conference, you a conversationOoh boy why you so obsessed with meBoy I want to know lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth still couldn"t get thisYou"re delusional you"re delusionalBoy you"re losing your mindIt"s confusin yo you"re confused you knowWhy you wasting your timeGot you all fired up with your Napoleon complexSee right through you like you"re bathin" in windexOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with meAnd all the ladies sing all the girls singSoo Oohhhh Soo Oohh ObsessOoh boy why you so obsessed with meBoy I want to know lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressLast man on the earth still couldn"t get thisOoh boy why you so obsessed with meBoy I want to know lyin" that you"re sexin mewhen everybody knows it"s clear that you"re upset with meOhh finally found a girl that you couldn"t impressOoh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with meAnd all the ladies sing all the girls singboy why you so obsessed with mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7355656

Miley Cyrus的《Obsessed》 歌词

歌曲名:Obsessed歌手:Miley Cyrus专辑:The Time Of Our LivesMiley Cyrus - ObsessedWhy do I just lie awake and think of you?I need some sleep.Tomorrow I have things to do.Everytime I close my eyes I see your face,So I try to read, but all I do is lose my place.Am I obsessed with you?I do my best not to want you.But I do all the time.I do all the time.I just had to call you up and say hello.I know it"s 3 AM.And I saw you awhile ago.But I still had this aching pain to hear your voiceTo know you"re thereI don"t seem to have any choice.Am I obsessed with you?I do my best not to want you.But I do all the time.I do all the time.Oh yeah.I"m so sorry I just had to wake you up.I feel so lonely by myself.Is this the way it feels when you"re in love?Or is this something else?Yeah.Am I obsessed with you?I do my best not to want you.But I do all the time.I want you all the time.Oooh yeahBut I do all the time,I want you all the time.Am I obsessed with you?http://music.baidu.com/song/421404


boA-Obsessed It"s a crime, it"s a crime, it"s a shame, it"s a crime I"m climbing the wall, losing my mind, it"s all your fault I"m breaking the rule, don"t really care if I get caught Can"t you tell that I"m in love love love Can"t get enough of you, need you night and day When you"re not around I"m tested I could get arrested carrying on this way I"m going crazy here by myself I want you and no one else Sending out a signal of my distress I confess, I"m obsessed oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh It"s a crime, it"s a shame holding your love from me Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh It"s a crime, it"s a shame, it"s a crime I"m obsessed, I"m obsessed I"m obsessed, I"m obsessed No telling what I might do tonight waiting for you I"m right on the edge of crossing the line, coming unglued Can"t you tell that I"m in love love love Can"t get enough of you, need you night and day When you"re not around I"m tested I could get arrested carrying on this way I"m going crazy here by myself I want you and no one else Sendin" out a signal of my distress I confess, I"m obsessed oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh It"s a crime, it"s a shame holding your love from me Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh It"s a crime, it"s a shame, it"s a crime Got me going crazy, the way I want you baby Can"t even try to hide it, don"t even want to fight it I"m obsessed with you tonight I"m obsessed with you tonight~ I"m going crazy here by myself I want you and no one else Sending out a signal of my distress I confess, I"m obsessed oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh It"s a crime, it"s a shame holding your love from me Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh It"s a crime, it"s a shame, it"s a crime —— End ——boA-Obsessed  它是一种犯罪,它是一种犯罪,很遗憾,它是一种犯罪  我爬墙,失去了我的心,这都是你的错  我打破规则,不太在意我被逮住了  你能不能告诉我爱爱爱  你不能得到足够的日日夜夜,需要你  当你不在我的测试  我能在这方面进行逮捕  我快要疯了这里  我想要你和其他人没有  我发出信号的痛苦  我承认,我着迷  哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦  它是一种犯罪,可惜牵着你的慈爱离开我  哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦  它是一种犯罪,很遗憾,它是一种犯罪  我着迷,我着迷  我着迷,我着迷  不知道我将会做些什么今晚等你  我是正确的边缘上,来冲过了终点线空  你能不能告诉我爱爱爱  你不能得到足够的日日夜夜,需要你  当你不在我的测试  我能在这方面进行逮捕  我快要疯了这里  我想要你和其他人没有  “Sendin急难的一个信号  我承认,我着迷  哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦  它是一种犯罪,可惜牵着你的慈爱离开我  哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦  它是一种犯罪,很遗憾,它是一种犯罪  让我发疯的样子,我想要你的婴儿  甚至不能试图隐藏它,甚至不愿意为它奋斗  我迷恋你  我迷恋你今晚~  我快要疯了这里  我想要你和其他人没有  我发出信号的痛苦  我承认,我着迷  哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦  它是一种犯罪,可惜牵着你的慈爱离开我  哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦  它是一种犯罪,很遗憾,它是一种犯罪 

飞轮海的《TiAmo》 歌词

歌曲名:TiAmo歌手:飞轮海专辑:双面飞轮海炎亚纶&刘力扬 - TiAmo虽然是简单的形容虽然是重复的动作因为有你让一切都变成不平凡好想缝合你我手心就这样牵住放不开有你陪伴呼吸着有你的空气就是幸福Ti amo Te Quiero每一天都要爱上你想着你 沉入梦境一张眼 一清醒第一个想到又是你Sa la he And I Love You我每天都要爱上你少一天 就会遗憾陪着你的光阴怎样都不算蹉跎炎亚纶&刘力扬 - TiAmo好想缝合你我手心就这样牵住放不开有你陪伴呼吸着有你的空气就是幸福Ti amo Te Quiero每一天都要爱上你想着你 沉入梦境一张眼 一清醒第一个想到又是你Sa la he And I Love You我每天都要爱上你少一天 就会遗憾陪着你的光阴怎样都不算蹉跎陪着你的光阴怎样都不算蹉跎永远都觉http://music.baidu.com/song/14582944



obsessed的中文歌词拜托了各位 谢谢



虽然是简单的形容虽然是重复的动作因为有你让一切都变成不平凡好想缝合你我手心就这样牵住放不开有你陪伴呼吸着有你的空气就是幸福Ti amo Te Quiero每一天都要爱上你想着你 沉入梦境一张眼 一清醒第一个想到又是你Sa la he And I Love You我每天都要爱上你少一天 就会遗憾陪着你的光阴怎样都不算蹉跎炎亚纶&刘力扬 - TiAmo好想缝合你我手心就这样牵住放不开有你陪伴呼吸着有你的空气就是幸福Ti amo Te Quiero每一天都要爱上你想着你 沉入梦境一张眼 一清醒第一个想到又是你Sa la he And I Love You我每天都要爱上你少一天 就会遗憾陪着你的光阴怎样都不算蹉跎陪着你的光阴怎样都不算蹉跎


「纶」虽然是简单的形容 虽然是重复的动作   因为有你 让一切都变成不平凡   好想缝合你我手心 就这样牵住放不开   有你陪伴 呼吸着有你的空气 就是幸福 「扬」TiAmo,Te quiero   每一天都要爱上你 想着你沉入梦境 一张眼 一清醒 第一个想到又是你「合」uc0ac ub791 ud574 (sa lang hae ) and I love you   我每天都要爱上你 少一天就会遗憾   陪着你的光阴 怎样都不算蹉跎 「纶」好像缝合你我手心 就这样牵住放不开   有你陪伴 呼吸着有你的空气 就是幸福 「扬」TiAmo Te quiero   每一天都要爱上你 想着你沉入梦境   一张眼 一清醒 第一个想到又是你 「合」uc0ac ub791 ud574 (sa lang hae ) and I love you   我每天都要爱上你 少一天就会遗憾   陪着你的光阴 怎样都不算蹉跎   陪着你的光阴 永远都觉得不够

Narcisse Noir 歌词

歌曲名:Narcisse Noir歌手:Moroccan Spirit专辑:Moroccan Spiritナルシス.ノワール作词:宝野アリカ/作曲:片仓三起也/编曲:斉藤聡あなたは兄様の友达、白い頬をした少年私憧れていたの、たとえどんなに邪魔にされても茨の庭を追い駆けたけれど、あなたの目にはいつも兄様が…映っていたドアの影から抱き合う2人をはじめて见たとき、とてもキレイで胸が騒いだNarcisse noir...何も知らぬ少女の日の初恋よNarcisse noir...いまも、甘いあなたの声が闻こえる…ある日兄様は家を出て、あなたも二度と来なかった母様は叹き悲しみ、家には灯りも灯らない大人になるまで知らずにいたわ、街外れの湖に2人は…沈んだと神に背いた爱の报いだと人々は嗫くけど、私は目を闭じるだけNarcisse noir...水の畔、そっと咲いた水仙はNarcisse noir...ああ、どんなに妖しく香ったでしょう…Narcisse noir...あれから私、どんな人も爱せないNarcisse noir...いまも変わらぬ、あなたの姿が见える…Narcisse noir...何も知らぬ少女の日の初恋よNarcisse noir...いまも、甘いあなたの声が闻こえる…http://music.baidu.com/song/2724274

The Buffalo Bills的《Sincere》 歌词

歌曲名:Sincere歌手:The Buffalo Bills专辑:Meredith Willson S The Music Man (Original Broadway Cast)Sincerely(Ever Dream)ヒカルの碁 ED3歌: Dream作词: MAI MATSUMURO作曲: KAZUHITO KIKUCHI编曲: H∧L伝えたい想いが今 溢れているよ言叶にできなくて 戸惑っている出会いから数えきれぬ季节が巡り语りあかした夜が なつかしいよね梦へ近づくたびに儚さを知ったよ君がもし迷って立ち止まった时はもう一度 思い出してほしい仆达はどんなに远くても繋がっていること复雑に络まってる毎日の中本当は泣きたいのに强がってたねムリして背のびしないでそのままでいて笑った君の颜が大好きだから梦を叶えるために犠牲になったもの君がもし迷って立ち止まった时はもう一度 思い出してほしい仆达はどんなに远くても繋がっていること切なさを抱えて 间违いくりかえし大人になっていくんだろうだけど皆 覚えていてほしい一人じゃないことを...それぞれの旅立ち ここから始めよう今までの仆达(ぼくら)とは违うもう负けない 歩き出していくよどんな未来へでも强くなれるように...仆达の物语はずっと続いていくhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2671137

King and Lionheart 的中英歌词?

http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=kpcu8bRy3mSN-ItypAv3kfFkwqWvfUdFDgu0iOkJj0aFcpeg6vS6lqoo1R80vFXpkgOlkJiJCojVGHfoLPehI_Taking over this town they should worry路过这城镇 人们忧心忡忡But these problems aside i think i taught you well.尽管困难重重 我想我们也能应对That we won"t run and we wont run and we won‘t run.我们不会逃避(x3)And in the winter night sky ships are sailing冬季的夜空下 我们乘船航行Looking down on these bright blue city lights.眺望着远方闪烁的城市灯火 And they won"t wait and they won"t wait and they won"t wait.它们不会为谁驻守Were here to stay were here to stay were here to stay.我们要在这一起停留(x3)Howling ghost they reappear in mountains that are stacked with fear游荡的幽灵又重现 山谷中弥漫着恐惧But youre a king and i"m a lionheart.A lion-heart.但是你是英勇的王者 我也有颗雄狮之心 我们无所畏惧His crown lid up the way as we moved slowly在王冠照亮的道路上我们缓慢前行Pass the wondering eyes of the ones that were left behind.穿过人们迷惑的目光 将之留在身后Though far away though far away though far away目标远方(x3)Were still the same were still the same were still the same.我们一如既往(x3)Howling ghost they reappear in mountains that are stacked with fear游荡的幽灵又重现 山谷中弥漫着恐惧But you"re a king and i"m a lion-heart.但是你是英勇的王者 我也有颗雄狮之心And in the sea thats painted black creatures lurk below the deck海被染成暗黑色 所有生物蜷缩于甲板下But you"re a king and i"m a lion-heart.但是你是英勇的王者 我也有颗雄狮之心And as the world comes to an end I"ll be here to hold your hand就算世界末日 我也会在此紧握你的双手Cause you"re my king and i"m your lion-heart.A lion-heart.lionheart.A lion-heart......你是我的英勇国王 我是你的勇者之心 我们无所畏惧(x8)Howling ghost they reappear in mountains that are stacked with fear游荡的幽灵又重现 山谷中弥漫着恐惧But you"re a king and i"m a lion-heart.但是你是英勇的王者 我也有颗雄狮之心And in the sea that"s painted black creatures lurk below the deck海被染成暗黑色 所有生物蜷缩于甲板下But you"re a king and i"m a lion-heart.a lion-heart但是你是英勇的王者 我也有颗雄狮之心 我们无所畏惧(x8)

You Got (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:You Got (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Rosemary Squires专辑:The Magic Of Rosemary SquiresMELEEDevils & Angels 2007You GotYou got what I"m looking for.I got what you came here for.You got what I needAnd I want to start spending it now.Through distance and timeWe lose our confinement.Few months go byYears I might die.So here in my mindI dream of the timeI can get you aloneSo close and alone."Cause you got what I"m looking for.I got what you came here for.You know what we needAnd we need eachother.I want but I can"t affordYou know what I"m saving for.You know what we needAnd I want it now.The freeways are packedAnd my fuel"s burning.I can"t turn backThe exits are stacked.So I sit here insteadAnd I try to forgetThat I want you aloneSo close and alone."Cause you got what I"m looking for.I got what you came here for.You know what we needAnd we need eachother.I want but I can"t affordYou know what I"m saving for.You know what we needAnd I want it now.So don"t hide your heart"s desireLet me light your soul on fire.One crazy interview when I get alone....So don"t hide your heart"s desireLet me light your soul on fire.One crazy interview when I get alone....And she said, "Not without that ring on my hand.We can"t go further."And I said, "Wait until you see what I"ve got...What I"ve got in store for you then."You got what I"m looking for.I got what you came here for.You know what we needAnd we need eachother.You got what I"m looking for.I got what you came here for.You know what we needAnd we need eachother.I want but I can"t affordYou know what I"m saving for.You know what we needAnd I want it now.So don"t hide your heart"s desireLet me light your soul on fire.One crazy interview when I get alone with you.http://music.baidu.com/song/2703364


A sailor went to sea(一名水手去出海啦)作词:The Kiboomers作曲:The Kiboomers歌词:A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,水手出海,大海啊大海,To see what she could see, see, see.看看外面的世界,看啊看,But all that she could see, see, see,但是她能看到的,看啊看,Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea.只有深蓝色的海底,大海啊大海。A seahorse海马A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,水手出海,大海啊大海,To see what she could see, see, see.看看外面的世界,看啊看,But all that she could see, see, see,但是她能看到的,看啊看,Was a seahorse swimming in the sea, sea, sea.只有海马在海底游,大海啊大海。A jellyfish水母A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,水手出海,大海啊大海,To see what she could see, see, see.看看外面的世界,看啊看,But all that she could see, see, see,但是她能看到的,看啊看,Was a jellyfish swimming in,a seahorse swimming in the sea, sea, sea.只有水母,海马在海底游,大海啊大海。A turtle海龟A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,水手出海,大海啊大海,To see what she could see, see, see.看看外面的世界,看啊看,But all that she could see, see, see,但是她能看到的,看啊看,Was a turtle swimming in,a jellyfish swimming in,a seahorse swimming in the sea, sea, sea.只有海龟,水母,海马在海底游,大海啊大海。An octopus章鱼A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,水手出海,大海啊大海,To see what she could see, see, see.看看外面的世界,看啊看,But all that she could see, see, see,但是她能看到的,看啊看,Was an octopus swimming in,a turtle swimming in,a jellyfish swimming in,a seahorse swimming in the sea, sea, sea.只有海龟,水母,海马在海底游,大海啊大海。A baby shark鲨鱼宝宝A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,水手出海,大海啊大海,To see what she could see, see, see.看看外面的世界,看啊看,But all that she could see, see, see,但是她能看到的,看啊看,Was a baby shark swimming in,an octopus swimming in,a turtle swimming in,a jellyfish swimming in,a seahorse swimming in the sea, sea, sea.只有鲨鱼宝宝,海龟,水母,海马在海底游,大海啊大海。A blue whale蓝鲸A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,水手出海,大海啊大海,To see what she could see, see, see.看看外面的世界,看啊看,But all that she could see, see, see,但是她能看到的,看啊看,Was a blue whale swimming in,a baby shark swimming in,an octopus swimming in,a turtle swimming in,a jellyfish swimming in,a seahorse swimming in the sea, sea, sea.只有鲨鱼宝宝,海龟,水母,海马在海底游,大海啊大海。扩展资料《a sailor went to sea》由The Kiboomers制作,收录在2009-05-01发行的《150 Toddler Tunes》专辑中。The Kiboomers是一个来自加拿大的专门做儿童音乐的团体,The Kiboomers一直在为儿童创作教育歌曲,帮助促进儿童发展并使学习变得有趣。


歌曲:セーラースターソング歌手:花沢加絵作词:武内直子 作曲:荒木将器编曲:H∧Lかなしみが いま セーラースマイル奇迹(きせき)をおこすの セーラーウィング だれだってかがやく星(ほし)を持(も)つ まけない! あしたへ セーラーエールゼッタイ! つかまえる! セーラースターこのちかい とどけ 银河(ぎんが)まで あなたが 消(き)えたそのときから さがしつづける旅(たび)がはじまった 黄(き)ばんだ地図(ちず)には ステンシルの天使(てんし)の絵(え)指(ゆび)さす 先(さき)はダークなコロセウムがまってる ふるえる ムネには あの日(ひ)のヒミツのキス どんなにつらい宿命(さだめ)でも 追(お)いつづけるから 后悔(こうかい)はしない セーラーアイズ あなたについてく セーラーウィンドこの歌(うた)は 星(ほし)の道(みち)しるべ まけない! あしたへ セーラーエールゼッタイ! みつけるよ!セーラースター天使(てんし)の羽(はば)で とびたつのひとりで走(はし)る 见知(みし)らぬ道(みち) やっとたどりついた この砦(とりで)に フラスコの底(そこ) あなたがのこしていった 试练(しれん)の星(ほし)のひとかけら さあ 呪文(じゅもん)をとなえよう これは 2人(ふたり)の ミラクルな宿命(さだめ)过去(かこ)も未来(みらい)も とびこえて 追(お)いついてみせる 苦(くる)しさが いま セーラーアイズ 奇迹(きせき)をおこすの セーラーウィング だれだって运命(うんめい)の 星(ほし)をもつ まけない! あしたへ セーラーエールゼッタイ! つかまえる! セーラースターこのちかい とどけ 银河(ぎんが)まで 后悔(こうかい)はしない セーラーアイズ あなたについてく セーラーウィンドこの歌(うた)は 星(ほし)の道(みち)しるべ まけない! あしたへ セーラーエールゼッタイ! みつけるよ!セーラースター天使(てんし)の羽(はば)で とびたつの


君と仆とで世界を冒険してきたけど虽然我与你曾在这世界不断冒险泣いたり笑ったりして经历过哭泣也经历过欢笑仆らはどんなときでも手を繋いできたけど虽然我们不论何时也手牵著手いつかは いつの日かは但总有一日 总有一日会ある朝 仆が目を覚ますと某个早上 当我睁开眼睛この世界には君はいないんだね你却不在这世界呢惊かそうとして隠れてみても即使我想躲起来吓你一惊君は探しにこないんだ你也不会来找我Ah 君はいつの日か深い眠りにおちてしまうんだね啊 你也终有一日会躺下沉睡そしたらもう目を覚まさないんだね然后不会再睁开眼睛仆らがいままで冒険した世界と我们一直冒险到现在的世界仆は一人で戦わなきゃいけないんだね也只能剩我独自一人与其战斗呢ボーっと火を吹くドラゴンも仆ら二人で戦ったね我们二人曾与会「呼」地喷火的龙战斗过呢勇者の剣も见つけてきたよね也曾发现勇者之剑呢Ah このまま君が起きなかったらどうしよう啊 若果你不再醒来怎算好そんなこと思いながら君の寝颜を见ていたんだ尽管想著那样的事 但也只能看著你的睡颜こんな青空のときでもどんな岚のときでも无论是蓝天的时候也好 暴风雨来临时也好手を繋いできたけど我们也手牵著手こんなに嬉しいときもどんなに悲しいときも即使有过那样开心的时刻 那麼悲伤的时刻いつかは いつの日かは但总有一日 总有一日会ある朝 仆が目を覚ますと某个早上 当我睁开眼睛この世界には君はいないんだね你却不在这世界呢起こそうとして揺さぶるけど即使如何摇晃你起来君はもう目を覚まさないんだ你都不再睁开眼睛Ah 君はいつの日か深い眠りにおちてしまうんだね啊 你也终有一日会躺下沉睡そしたらもう目を覚まさないんだね然后不会再睁开眼睛仆らがいままで冒険した世界と我们一直冒险到现在的世界仆は一人で戦わなきゃいけないんだね也只能剩我独自一人与其战斗呢Ah まだ见ぬ宝も仆ら二人で探しに行ったね啊 我们二人曾在星星降临的夜下乘著船星が降る夜に船を出してさ去找寻不曾被人发现的宝藏Ah このまま君が起きなかったらどうしよう啊 若果你不再醒来怎算好そんなこと思いながら君の寝颜を见ていたんだ尽管想著那样的事 但也只能看著你的睡颜Ah 君はいつの日か深い眠りにおちてしまうんだね啊 你也终有一日会躺下沉睡そしたらもう目を覚まさないんだね然后不会再睁开眼睛仆らがいままで冒険した世界と我们一直冒险到现在的世界仆は一人で戦わなきゃいけないんだね也只能剩我独自一人与其战斗呢ボーっと火を吹くドラゴンも仆ら二人で戦ったね我们二人曾与会「呼」地喷火的龙战斗过呢勇者の剣も见つけてきたよね也曾发现勇者之剑呢Ah このまま君が起きなかったらどうしよう啊 若果你不再醒来怎算好そんなこと思いながら君の寝颜を见ていたんだ尽管想著那样的事 但也只能看著你的睡颜望采纳!


トキヲコエテ(ROUGH)-GFRIEND---------------------------------------------------chikadzuku koto mo dekinai mamasuki na kimochi wo kakushiteirusoba ni itai to negau hodotooku naru kono kokoro ga ima---------------------------------------------------toomawari bakari shite「mou aenai kamo」toakirame souni naru toki mo arudakedo shinjiteru yo---------------------------------------------------konnani suki nanoninani mo ienakutekiseki no youni yume no youniTOKI WO KOETEotona ni nareru narasaigo made sono te wo nigiru yo---------------------------------------------------sono hitomi no oku ni utsutteruwatashi wa itsumo chiisa sugitesetsunaku nareba naru hodoitsumademo otona ni narenai---------------------------------------------------kara mawari bakari shite「mata tooku naru kamo」tokujike souni naru toki mo arudakedo matteiru yo---------------------------------------------------konnani suki nanoninani mo ienakutekiseki no youni yume no youniTOKI WO KOETEotona ni nareru narasaigo made sono te wo nigiru yo---------------------------------------------------toki ga futari wo hana souto shitatteitsuka wa aeru yokawaranai kono omoi gamune ni aru kara---------------------------------------------------konnani suki nanoninani mo ienakutekiseki no youni yume no youniTOKI WO KOETEotona ni nareru narasono shunkan ni dakishimeru yo---------------------------------------------------nando mo nando mokisetsu ga kawattemo「itsumo no youni waratte itene」TOKI WO KOETEnegai ga kanau narasure chigai saetsutsumi komu yo-------------------------终り-------------------------

谁知道swear like a sailor的中文歌词?在线等!

I had a thought, running through my head我曾有一个想法,贯穿着我的脑袋Now you"re gone, I don"t remember it现在已经你走了,我便不记得它了I had the life, and then I see you在生命之中,我第一个遇见了你Now our love is all see through现在我们的爱都已经支离破碎So, oh, no worries, no worries, no worries now(na),所以,现在,再没有一次次心烦意乱,不用担心,再不用担心了Cuz loves just comes and goes因为爱只是来了又去,稍纵即逝No worries, no worries,不用担心,再不用担心了I"ll swear like a sailor, sailor from my bad behavior我会像水手一样发誓,水手一样恶劣的态度与激情And If you come and go it won"t matter anymore, it won"t matter anymore, no但如果你来了,就再也不重要了,那就再也不重要了And if you can"t stay slow, I"ll be waiting at the door, I"ll be waiting at the door如果你不能慢一点,我会在门口等着,我会在门口等着你And If you come and go it won"t matter anymore, it won"t matter anymore, no但如果你来了,就再也不重要了,那就再也不重要了And if you can"t stay slow, I"ll swear like a sailor, sailor from my bad behavior我会像水手一样发誓,水手一样恶劣的态度与激情And If you come and go it won"t matter anymore, it won"t matter anymore, no但如果你来了,就再也不重要了,那就再也不重要了And if you can"t stay slow, I"ll be waiting at the door, I"ll be waiting at the door如果你不能慢一点,我会在门口等着,我会在门口等着你I had a lover back in England我曾在英国有一个爱人She is a star, she is like Taylor Swift她是一个明星,她就像Taylor Swift一般I come home, don"t remember it我回到家里,也不记得了Cuz She"s gone, she don"t exist因为她走了,她根本就不存在So, oh,, no worries, no worries, no worries now,(na),所以,现在,再没有一次次心烦意乱,不用担心,再不用担心了Cuz love just comes and goes因为爱只是来了又去,稍纵即逝No worries, no worries,不用担心,再不用担心了I"ll swear like a sailor, and say, screw you Taylor Swift我像水手一般发誓,并且说,去你的Taylor SwiftScrew You Taylor Swift去你的Taylor SwiftAnd If you come and go it won"t matter anymore, it won"t matter anymore, no但如果你来了,就再也不重要了,那就再也不重要了And if you can"t stay slow, I"ll be waiting at the door, I"ll be waiting at the door如果你不能慢一点,我会在门口等着,我会在门口等着你And If you come and go it won"t matter anymore, it won"t matter anymore, no但如果你来了,就再也不重要了,那就再也不重要了And if you can"t stay slow, I"ll swear like a sailor, sailor from my bad behavior如果你不能保持缓慢,我会像水手一样,发着恶毒的誓



Sailor And Widow 歌词

歌名:Sailor And Widow 歌手:最爱的Karen annHe was a sailorA sailor at sea and a sailor of loveAnd he thought he could save herSave her from innocence up and above"cause he never knew freedom and under the duvetHe stayed for a lifetime without any governmentHelp or assistanceShe was a widowShe never left home before seven a.m.And she looked by the windowShe managed to cry but she never felt blameFor the death of her husband who died in a flame by the house of the riverAlthough he remainedIn a reasonable distanceAll the children played around the neighborhoodAll the children played around the neighborhoodThe children she liked to invent for the life they were living was openly bentAll they had was each otherHe brought her flowersA flesh in the pan as she didn"t replyAnd he waited for hoursUntil she accepted to offer a smileAnd a terrible whiskey she had for a whileThat she"d sip every morning for breakfast and sighSince the month of DecemberThey used to tangoJump and parade until midnight or moreShe convinced him to FargoDrink lemonade with some awkward liquorThe she kissed him goodbye and attended the shoreWhere she lit a big fire like never beforeBy the house of the riverAll the children played around the neighborhoodAll the children played around the neighborhoodThe children she liked to invent for the life they were living was openly bentAll they had was each otherShe was a widow, againShe never left home before seven a.m.And she looked by the windowShe managed to cry but she never felt blameFor the death of her husband who died in a flame by the house of the riverAlthough he remainedIn a reasonable distanceAll the children played around the neighborhoodAll the children played around the neighborhoodThe children she liked to invent for the life they were living was openly bentAll she had was herselfhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14734405



sailor went to sea的歌词是什么?

A sailor went to sea(一名水手去出海啦)作词:The Kiboomers作曲:The Kiboomers歌词:A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,水手出海,大海啊大海,To see what she could see, see, see.看看外面的世界,看啊看,But all that she could see, see, see,但是她能看到的,看啊看,Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea.只有深蓝色的海底,大海啊大海。A seahorse海马A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,水手出海,大海啊大海,To see what she could see, see, see.看看外面的世界,看啊看,But all that she could see, see, see,但是她能看到的,看啊看,Was a seahorse swimming in the sea, sea, sea.只有海马在海底游,大海啊大海。A jellyfish水母A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,水手出海,大海啊大海,To see what she could see, see, see.看看外面的世界,看啊看,But all that she could see, see, see,但是她能看到的,看啊看,Was a jellyfish swimming in,a seahorse swimming in the sea, sea, sea.只有水母,海马在海底游,大海啊大海。A turtle海龟A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,水手出海,大海啊大海,To see what she could see, see, see.看看外面的世界,看啊看,But all that she could see, see, see,但是她能看到的,看啊看,Was a turtle swimming in,a jellyfish swimming in,a seahorse swimming in the sea, sea, sea.只有海龟,水母,海马在海底游,大海啊大海。An octopus章鱼A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,水手出海,大海啊大海,To see what she could see, see, see.看看外面的世界,看啊看,But all that she could see, see, see,但是她能看到的,看啊看,Was an octopus swimming in,a turtle swimming in,a jellyfish swimming in,a seahorse swimming in the sea, sea, sea.只有海龟,水母,海马在海底游,大海啊大海。A baby shark鲨鱼宝宝A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,水手出海,大海啊大海,To see what she could see, see, see.看看外面的世界,看啊看,But all that she could see, see, see,但是她能看到的,看啊看,Was a baby shark swimming in,an octopus swimming in,a turtle swimming in,a jellyfish swimming in,a seahorse swimming in the sea, sea, sea.只有鲨鱼宝宝,海龟,水母,海马在海底游,大海啊大海。A blue whale蓝鲸A sailor went to sea, sea, sea,水手出海,大海啊大海,To see what she could see, see, see.看看外面的世界,看啊看,But all that she could see, see, see,但是她能看到的,看啊看,Was a blue whale swimming in,a baby shark swimming in,an octopus swimming in,a turtle swimming in,a jellyfish swimming in,a seahorse swimming in the sea, sea, sea.只有鲨鱼宝宝,海龟,水母,海马在海底游,大海啊大海。扩展资料《a sailor went to sea》由The Kiboomers制作,收录在2009-05-01发行的《150 Toddler Tunes》专辑中。The Kiboomers是一个来自加拿大的专门做儿童音乐的团体,The Kiboomers一直在为儿童创作教育歌曲,帮助促进儿童发展并使学习变得有趣。

Sail on, Sailor 歌词

歌曲名:Sail on, Sailor歌手:The Beach Boys专辑:Greatest Hits: 50 Big OnesI sailed an ocean, unsettled oceanThrough restful waters and deep commotionOften frightened, unenlightenedSail on, sail on sailorI wrest the waters, fight Neptune"s watersSail through the sorrows of life"s maraudersUnrepenting, often emptySail on, sail on sailorCaught like a sewer rat alone but I sailBought like a crust of bread, but oh do I wailSeldom stumble, never crumbleTry to tumble, life"s a rumbleFeel the stinging I"ve been givenNever ending, unrelentingHeartbreak searing, always fearingNever caring, perseveringSail on, sail on, sailorI work the seaways, the gale-swept seawaysPast shipwrecked daughters of wicked watersUninspired, drenched and tiredWail on, wail on, sailorAlways needing, even bleedingNever feeding all my feelingsDamn the thunder, must I blunderThere"s no wonder all I"m underStop the crying and the lyingAnd the sighing and my dyinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/55398882

boyfriend witch音译歌词

歌曲:Witch歌手:Boyfriend(ubcf4uc774ud504ub80cub4dc)收录:Witch EP(Mini Album)发行:2014-10-13Cause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boom考起西啦够 哎托 就哇亲西米 啊你啦妙 闹嘚起跟 弄 内 普没 一扫 科给 住哟海妙 包你够 闹啦mion 堂海住那你噶搜哟海 素嫩 奥不几慢 慢几 素 你嫩高太扣慢 一不素 萨一罗 内 一了么 普了miongiao古 多 闹来噶 啊怕多 南 闹来噶你 搜你 他额 嘚 吗打 素么 毛真 切内给 乃 吧起 没sei海弄 考起老扫 也包 弄 We好麦扫个料没bon 他起高打 哎mion扫南 你 将那内 耨啦那木 太 高多 我不扫 内 抢不啦多 住给闹也 giao忒科叫 giao忒 科高mion 对Cause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boom吗啦恰妙 你龙 考几内噶 一见 普当团打高那丝喷 piu将额罗无里 个慢 哈加东噶啦嫩 西个罗 乃 普啦那尅 慢特 忒 吗打一桑哈给 闹也给 豆 个里几 南弄 ki噶 打bun Yeah乃 嫩素卡给 求两海无 特 麦特 米起给他古闹 那啦 南 耨儿 木 到那 啊木里 hin高 东叫多他西 托啦哦嫩 普没浪桥龙梦绰波料扣 打几 没bua多你噶 乃 普了mion卡东 考冷么 托料扫 闹也给 太料噶抢萨也 奥古罗 没bon 那了冷的够 一扫恰看 梦没来噶 要一内hiang gi来噶你 一ber 吗住mion 汗高 扣给 素gin 切他西 乃 吧起 没sei海弄 考起老扫 也包 弄 We好麦扫个料没bon 他起高打 哎mion扫南 你 将那内 耨啦那木 太 高多 我不扫 内 抢不啦多 住给闹也 giao忒科叫 giao忒 科高mion 对Cause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boom乃 一用哎多 求哇 卡够 耨啦多 求哇giao古 忙噶几 出 哎mion扫南 闹蓝 哎的 忒看高抢不 那鸟多 对 耨儿 半慢 噶叫多 对闹也 giao忒科叫 giao忒 科高mion 对Cause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boom满意的话请采纳哦!

Taylor Hawkins & The Coattail Riders的《Way Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Way Down歌手:Taylor Hawkins & The Coattail Riders专辑:Red Light FeverTORI AMOS"Way Down"by sississMaybe I"m the afterglowCause I"m with the band you knowDon"t you hear the laughterOn the way downYes I am the anchormanDining here with Son of SamA hair too much to chat of On the way downGonna meet a great big starGonna drive his great big carGonna have it all here On the way downThe way downThe way downShe knowsLet"s goway downway downway downShe knowsway downway downway downShe knowsway downway downway downShe knowshttp://music.baidu.com/song/11277019


《Witch》Cause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boom考起西啦够 哎托 就哇亲西米 啊你啦妙 闹嘚起跟 弄 内 普没 一扫 科给 住哟海妙 包你够 闹啦mion 堂海住那你噶搜哟海 素嫩 奥不几慢 慢几 素 你嫩高太扣慢 一不素 萨一罗 内 一了么 普了miongiao古 多 闹来噶 啊怕多 南 闹来噶你 搜你 他额 嘚 吗打 素么 毛真 切内给 乃 吧起 没sei海弄 考起老扫 也包 弄 We好麦扫个料没bon 他起高打 哎mion扫南 你 将那内 耨啦那木 太 高多 我不扫 内 抢不啦多 住给闹也 giao忒科叫 giao忒 科高mion 对Cause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boom吗啦恰妙 你龙 考几内噶 一见 普当团打高那丝喷 piu将额罗无里 个慢 哈加东噶啦嫩 西个罗 乃 普啦那尅 慢特 忒 吗打一桑哈给 闹也给 豆 个里几 南弄 ki噶 打bun Yeah乃 嫩素卡给 求两海无 特 麦特 米起给他古闹 那啦 南 耨儿 木 到那 啊木里 hin高 东叫多他西 托啦哦嫩 普没浪桥龙梦绰波料扣 打几 没bua多你噶 乃 普了mion卡东 考冷么 托料扫 闹也给 太料噶抢萨也 奥古罗 没bon 那了冷的够 一扫恰看 梦没来噶 要一内hiang gi来噶你 一ber 吗住mion 汗高 扣给 素gin 切他西 乃 吧起 没sei海弄 考起老扫 也包 弄 We好麦扫个料没bon 他起高打 哎mion扫南 你 将那内 耨啦那木 太 高多 我不扫 内 抢不啦多 住给闹也 giao忒科叫 giao忒 科高mion 对Cause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boom乃 一用哎多 求哇 卡够 耨啦多 求哇giao古 忙噶几 出 哎mion扫南 闹蓝 哎的 忒看高抢不 那鸟多 对 耨儿 半慢 噶叫多 对闹也 giao忒科叫 giao忒 科高mion 对Cause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boomCause your body goesboom bara boom


Witch DoctorMP3歌词:Yeah! In The Place To Be!Chipmunks On The M I C!Witch Doctor!Everybody Get In To It!(get in to it)Come On People Let"s Get To It!(let"s get to it)Come On Sexy, Come On Roll!Everybody Hit The Floor!Come On Sexy, Come On Roll!Here"s The Chipmunks Here We Go!ChipmunksI Told The Witch Doctor I Was In Love With You!I Told The Witch Doctor You Didn"t Love Me Too!And Then The Witch Doctor He Told Me What To Do!He Said That:Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbangOoh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbangOoh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbangOoh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbangYO DJ PUMP THIS PARTY!DJ:Everybody Get In To It! (go! go! go!)(get in to it)Come On People Let"s Get To It! (go! go! go!)(let"s get to it)Come On Sexy, Come On Roll!Everybody Hit The Floor!Come On Sexy, Come On Roll!Here"s The Chipmunks Here We Go!ALVIN! SIMON! THEADORE!Chipmunks:I Told The Witch Doctor You Didn"t Love Me TrueI Told The Witch Doctor You Didn"t Love Me NiceAnd Then The Witch Doctor He Gave Me This AdviceHe Said To Me, Whoa! Ya He Said To Me!Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbangOoh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbangOoh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbangOoh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbangGirl:Ya You"ve Been Keeping Love From Me,And That"s Not Very Smart! (not very smart)So I Went Out And Found Myself SomeoneWho"d Tell Me How To Win Your Heart!(Whoa! Yeah!)My Friend The Witch Doctor He Told Me What To SayMy Friend The Witch Doctor He Told Me What To DoI Know That You"ll Be Mine When I Say This To You Whoa! Oh Baby Baby!DJ:Everybody Get In To It! (go! go! go!)(get in to it)Come On People Let"s Get To It! (go! go! go!)(let"s get to it)Come On Sexy, Come On Roll!Everybody Hit The Floor!Come On Sexy, Come On Roll!Here"s The Chipmunks Here We Go!Chipmunks:Ooh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbangOoh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbangOoh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the walla walla bingbangOoh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbangOoh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the wallawalla bingbangOoh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbangOoh to the eeh the ooh the ahah to the ting to the tang the walla walla bingbangOoh to the eeh the ooh the ahah ting tang wallawalla bingbang Yeah! In The Place To Be!

Ghost Riders in the Sky歌词大意

幽灵骑士Vaughn MonroeAn old cowboy went ridin" out one dark and windy dayUpon a ridge he rested as he went along his wayWhen all at once a mighty herd of red-eyed cows he sawPlowin" through the ragged skies, and up a cloudy draw一个阴暗多风的日子,老牛仔骑马外出爬上山脊时,他因长途跋涉稍事休息突然看见一群火红双眼的凶猛牛群冲开破碎天空,直上云端Their brands were still on fire, and their hooves were made of steelTheir horns were black and shiny and their hot breath he could feelA bolt of fear went through him as they thundered through the skyFor he saw the riders comin" hard, and he heard their mournful cry它们身上的烙印犹带著火焰,它们的双蹄是钢铁所铸漆黑的牛角闪亮,他几可感到它们炽热的呼吸当它们雷霆万钧跑过天空,老牛仔被眼前场景震慑一群骑士匆忙赶来,口中发出悲叹Yipie i-ay, yipie i-oh! Ghost herd in the sky喝——哈!驾!幽灵牛群奔腾天际Their faces gaunt, their eyes were blurred their shirts all soaked with sweatThey"re ridin" hard to catch that herd, but they ain"t caught "em yet""Cause they"ve got to ride forever on that range up in the skyOn horses snorting fire, as they ride on, hear their cry他们面容憔悴,他们双眼无神,衣衫浸满汗水他们疾驰而来,追捕牛群,但一无所获一直以来,奔驰在天空的牧场骑著鼻息喷火的马匹,听听他们的悲嚎吧Yipie i-ay, yipie i-oh! Ghost riders in the sky喝——哈!驾!幽灵骑士奔驰天际As the riders loped on by him, he heard one call his name"If you want to save your soul from hell a riding on our rangeThen cowboy change your ways today, or with us you will rideTryin" to catch the devil"s herd, across these endless skies"当他们策马经过他身边,其中一人呼叫他的名姓:「如果你想拯救自己的灵魂,免於沦落地狱,如我等受这无尽劳役牛仔啊!改邪归正吧!否则你也将与我们同骑奔驰在无垠天空,追赶恶魔的牲畜」Yipie i-ay, yipie i-oh!Ghost riders in the skyGhost riders in the skyGhost riders in the sky喝——哈!驾!幽灵骑士奔驰天际幽灵骑士奔驰天际幽灵骑士奔驰天际

最后一句歌词好像是 im not to see you 一首英文歌。女生唱的,比较慢,听着很舒服

我来给你个正解吧!Kate Havnevik的Think Again

恶魔幸存者2 ED:Song Riders-Be 歌词,求罗马音

好きな人と歩いた场所も suki na hito to aruita basho mo その时见た景色も sono toki mita keshiki mo 振り返らず 今を駆け抜け furi kaerazu ima wo kake nuke 私は何と出会うの watashi wa nanto deau no立ち止まるほど 意味を问うほど tachi tomaru hodo imi wo tou hodo きっとまだ大人ではなくて kitto mada otona dewa nakute 今见てるもの 今出会う人 ima miteru mono ima deau hito その中でただ前だけを见てる sono nakade tada mae dakewo miteru 10年後の私へ juu nengo no watashi e 今は幸せでしょうか? ima wa shiawase deshouka ? それとも悲しみで soretomo kanashimi de 泣いているのでしょうか? nai teiru no deshouka ? けどあなたの傍に kedo anata no sobani 変わらないものがあり kawaranai mono ga ari 気付いていないだけで kizuite inai dakede 守られていませんか? mamo rarete imasenka ? 过ぎし日々に 想いを预け sugishi hibi ni omoi wo azuke 时间だけ ただ追いかけてく jikan dake tada oi kaketeku 背に寄り添った 谁かの梦に se ni yori sotta dareka no yume ni 振り向ける日がいつか来るのかな furimukeru hi ga itsuka kuru no kana 10年後の私へ juu nengo no watashi e 今は谁を好きですか? ima wa dare wo suki desuka ? それとも変わらずに soretomo kawara zuni あの人が好きですか? ano hito ga suki desuka ? けどいつか kedo itsuka 知らない谁かを爱する前に shiranai dareka wo aisuru maeni 自分のことを好きと jibun no koto wo suki to 言えるようになれましたか? ieru youni nare mashitaka ? 大切な人たちは taisetsu na hito tachiwa 今も変わらずいますか? ima mo kawarazui masuka ? それとも远く离れ soretomo tooku hanare それぞれ歩んでいますか? sorezore ayunde imasuka ? けど そんな出会いを kedo sonna deai wo 别れを 缲り返して wakare wo kuri kaeshite 「今の私」よりも ( ima no watashi ) yorimo すてきになっていますか? suteki ni natte imasuka ? 10年後の私へ juu nengo no watashi e 今がもし幸せなら ima ga moshi shiawase nara あの日の私のこと ano hi no watashi no koto 思い出してくれますか omoi dashite kure masuka そこにはつらいことに soko niwa tsurai kotoni 泣いた私がいるけど naita watashi ga irukedo その涙を优しく sono namida wo yasashiku 思い出に変えてください omoide ni kaete kudasai和喜欢的人一起走过的场所也,那时见的景色.不回头现在穿越我是多么的相遇,那样的意义吧越问止步,一定是因为我还不是大人,现在见的东西现在相遇的人,在那之中,我只知道见前,10年后的我,你现在幸福吗,还是悲伤,哭泣着吧?,但是在你的身边,还是有不会改变的东西.只是没有发现到,被保护着吗,然后过日子思念预银白,时间仅仅只有在追赶著,挨在背上的谁的梦上,回顾的日子何时到来呢,10年后的我,现在是谁喜欢吗?还是不会改变,喜欢着那个人?但是什么时候,不知道谁?爱之前,我喜欢这样的自己

求《rider on the storm》的歌词?


Riders On The Storm 歌词

歌曲名:Riders On The Storm歌手:Santana Featuring Chester Bennington & Ray Manzarek专辑:Guitar Heaven: The Greatest Guitar Classics Of All Time (Deluxe Version)Snoop Dogg -Riders On The Storm(Fredwreck Remix)Hey yo Jim man why don"t ya, youdon"t you kick some of thatYou know,you know how you do it manIt"s a trip people don"t even believewere together right now (wow)but tell your story you know the oneI like say it for me (Ride, ride, ride)Riders on the storm(Ride, ride, ride)Riders on the strom(Ride, ride, ride)Into this house we"re born(Into this house we"re born)Into this world we"re thrown(Into this world we"re thrown)Like a dog without a boneAn actor out on loanRiders on the storm(Ride, ride, ride)There"s a killer on the road(Killer, Murder)His brain is squirming like a toadTake a long holiday(holidays, holidays)Let your children play(play)If you give this man a rideSweet family will die(Die)Killer on the road, yeah (Killer, Murder)Goin" off of this off of thatwith the Lizard kingBumpin" in the back (wow)how bout that (yeah)Driftin", Liftin",Swiftin", coastin", testaroastin"But the wheels won"t stop200 (errrr) on the highwayfresh Up off the blockhe"s a rider,na he"s a killerdresses in all blackBut his hat says stealla (stealla)Petal to the metalI gotta go hardDrive by and say hellohey Fredwreckyou my mellonow let me herewhat I sound like acapella (shhh)wow ride dip swishnow bring it back just like thislike a dog with out his boneunlike a G with out his chromeit"s hard to imaginethe homey dog in a jagand he"s checkin" for the checkered flagcomin" in firstnever In lastcause my car to fast (zoom, zoom)I neva eva run out of gascause I just to cleanI do it upper classso fasten your seat beltsits so hotit will even make heat melt (woo, woo)so get a bowland roll and rideslip through the slip and slideLike a dog without a boneAn actor out on loanRiders on the stormThere is a Killer on the roadHis brain is squirming like a toadTake a long holidayLet your children playIf you give this man a rideSweet family will dieKiller on the roadYEAH!Need for speedI"m trying to take the leadhold on little homeyBefore you run into the trees(watch out, watch out)I"ve seen thinksthat I would have never saw beforehey yo Jim let"em in,let"em inopen upMy back tire smokin" (errrr)the whole streetand now the police wanna Flash there lightsand chase the dogg all night (woof)but I won"t pull overNor give upcause I just don"t give a fuck (What, What, What)yeahfrom the side boywhere we was born and raisedstraight up to ride boy (west side)continuously, (continuously)we get to an expeditiouslykeep the light oneast side onsnoop dogg and the doorsAnd yeah we bout to ride onRiders on the stormRiders on the stormInto this house we"re bornInto this world we"re thrown (were thrown)Like a dog without a boneAn actor out on loanRiders on the stormRiders on the stormRiders on the stormRiders on the stormRiders on the stormAnd let"s ridehttp://music.baidu.com/song/11276501

极品飞车8中的riders on the storm歌词

Riders on the storm 暴风雨中的骑士 Riders on the strom 暴风雨中的骑士 Into this house we"re born 走进我们出生的房子 Into this world we"re thrown走进我们被丢入的世界

Hickory Dickory Dock 歌词

Hickory Dickory dockThe snowman ran up the clockThe clock struck oneThe snowman ran downHickory Dickory dockHickory Dickory dockThe mummy ran up the clockThe clock struck oneThe mummy ran downHickory Dickory dockHickory Dickory dockThe skeleton ran up the clockThe clock struck oneThe skeleton ran downHickory Dickory dock

BE-song riders原文+中文歌词(就是恶魔幸存者2的结尾曲)

Be - Song Riders作词:KG-K9shot、武雄作曲:WolfJunk、KG-K9shot、武雄I have not thought about living until yesterday到昨天为止我都曾未想过要活It just a seemed like one scene of a filmI need lore看起来就只像是电影里的一幕Oh, everything has utterly changed喔!一切都彻底改变了泣きそうになるくらい到要哭一般的程度目を塞いでも変わらない堵住眼睛也毫无改变思いが反比例与思想成反比Close your eyes闭上你的眼Imagine how to liveYou must do it想像如何生存,你一定要怎么做I close my eyesAnd determinedI"m pressed for choice我闭上我的眼,并确定我已经选择Just about a leave, faraway正要离开到远远的地方生きるため为了存活Its only oneWe gotta choose itSo do we?那是唯一的,我们一定要选择,你说呢?Just about a leave, faraway正要离开到远远的地方生きるため为了存活Its only oneCan you drive your destiny?Be it那是唯一的,你能操控你的命运吗?Every body go每个人去残酷な世界を旅する残酷的世界旅行生きるしかChanceは无い只有机会没有生存どれだけ目を塞いだって眼睛也多少堵住チクタク迫り来る终焉を滴答!滴答!迫近的终结选択肢は无い选择没有答えを探してあがいてもがいても见えない寻找答案努力挣扎也看不见争い夺って壊し合って缲り返しても止めない争夺夺去互相反复破坏也不能停止もうどこに居たって同じだって无论身在何处都一样だから仆は止まらない所以我不会停また日が沈んで行く太阳又落下而去Hold your handYou don"t to meet someone"s end no more牵着你的手你不能满足某人的结束,没有更多的So do I我也一样For not to leaveDon"t wanna get a wrong choice不离开不想得到一个错误的选择Just about a leave, faraway正要离开到远远的地方生きるため为了存活Its only oneWe gotta choose itSo do we?那是唯一的,我们一定要选择,你说呢?Just about a leave, faraway正要离开到远远的地方生きるため为了存活Its only oneCan you drive your destiny?Be it那是唯一的,你能操控你的命运吗?Why? How?They disappeared.Still I don"t get it, for realCombine forces you & me.We trust to get back the peace为什么呢?怎么用?他们消失了。我还是不明白,真的。结合或者我强迫你,我们相信,回到和平Why? How?They disappeared.Still I don"t get it, for realCombine forces you & me.We trust to get back the peace为什么呢?怎么用?他们消失了。我还是不明白,真的。结合或者我强迫你。我们相信,回到和平Close your eyesImagine how to liveYou must do itI close my eyesAnd determinedI"m pressed for choice闭上你的眼睛,想象的生活,你必须这样做,我闭上我的眼睛,确定,我按下选择Just about a leave, faraway正要离开到远远的地方生きるため为了存活Its only oneWe gotta choose itSo do we?那是唯一的,我们一定要选择,你说呢?Just about a leave, faraway正要离开到远远的地方生きるため为了存活Its only oneCan you drive your destiny?Be it那是唯一的,你能操控你的命运吗?Why? How?They disappeared.Still I don"t get it, for realCombine forces you & me.We trust to get back the peace为什么呢?怎么用?他们消失了。我还是不明白,真的。结合或者我强迫你。我们相信,回到和平Why? How?They disappeared.Still I don"t get it, for realCombine forces you & me.We trust to get back the peace为什么呢?怎么用?他们消失了。我还是不明白,真的。结合或者我强迫你。我们相信,回到和平おわり结束

求一首《行者》之不想骑了系列第四集中5:44秒左右的 背景 英文歌曲 名字 及歌词

演唱者:The Doors(大门乐队)歌曲名:Riders on the Storm(风雨中的骑士)ps.他开头唱的那几句就是“Riders on the Storm”歌词:Riders on the storm  Riders on the stromInto this house we"re bornInto this world we"re thrownLike a dog without a boneAn actor out on loanRiders on the stormThere"s a killer on the roadHis brain is squirming like a toadTake a long holidayLet your children playIf you give this man a rideSweet family will dieKiller on the roadLike a dog without a boneAn actor out on loanRiders on the stormThere is a Killer on the roadHis brain is squirming like a toadTake a long holidayLet your children playIf you give this man a rideSweet family will dieKiller on the roadYEAH!Riders on the stormRiders on the stormInto this house we"re bornInto this world we"re thrownLike a dog without a boneAn actor out on loanRiders on the stormRiders on the stormRiders on the stormRiders on the stormRiders on the storm And that"s right!ufeff


一、“给你一个mua做你的小公主”,是由 前男友 演唱的《童话里有什么》中的歌词。二、《童话里有什么》 - 前男友词:前男友曲:前男友编曲:LAKEY INSPIRED原曲:The Process女:给你一个mua做你的小公主从此以后只有甜蜜不用再吃苦给你一个mua做你的小松鼠你来赚钱我来花不让我再吃土男:你像一个棉花糖走进我右心房有你在的每一天晕眩都是经常你有点可爱还有点黄是我未来的准新娘我为你建造的厨房永远不会打烊只要你要 只要我有那么你通通都拿走爱你的好 爱你的坏就像肉包子打狗一去不回 偷心的贼这么多的狗粮 你吃饱了没学会拿你名字造句把感情慢慢的倒叙你温柔可爱美丽大方还有一点暴力要我怎么办 怎么办 才能够融化你有你在我的身边 就像活在童话里那么请问童话里有什么呢女:童话里有小海疼男:遨游在海洋女:童话里有发福蝶男:能带你去飞翔女:童话里有大穷猫男:是可爱的国宝女:童话里有小脑斧男:他脾气不太好女:童话里有大西几男:是百兽之王女:童话里有大飞馕男:性格比较狂女:童话里有墙颈怒男:脖子比较长女:童话里有小挠许男:半夜钻你家墙女:童话里有大鸡局男:他开了间发廊女:童话里有小白去男:最害怕大飞馕女:童话里有大蟒鞋男:看的人心发慌女:童话里还有你男:在对你耍流氓给你一个mua做我的小公主从此以后只有甜蜜不用再吃苦给你一个mua做我的小老虎我来赚钱你来花不让你再吃土给你一个mua做我的小公主从此以后只有甜蜜不用再吃苦给你一个mua做我的小老虎我来赚钱你来花不让你再吃土女:给你一个mua做你的小公主从此以后只有甜蜜不用再吃苦给你一个mua做你的小松鼠你来赚钱我来花不让我再吃土给你一个mua做你的小公主从此以后只有甜蜜不用再吃苦给你一个mua做你的小松鼠你来赚钱我来花不让我再吃土童话里有小海疼童话里有发福蝶童话里有大穷猫童话里有小脑斧童话里有大西几童话里有大飞馕童话里有墙颈怒童话里有小挠许童话里有大鸡局童话里有小白去童话里有大蟒鞋童话里还有你

puff the magic dragon的歌词是什么意思

Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Little Jackie Paper 小男孩杰克佩波Loved that rascal Puff挚爱着淘气的帕夫 And brought him strings and sealing wax总是为他带来细绳和蜡油And other fancy stuff以及各种奇异的玩物 Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist 当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee 他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist 当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee 他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Together they would travel 他们会一起旅行On a boat with billowed sail只凭着一只小船乘风破浪Jackie kept a lookout perched杰克不住地远处瞭望On Puff"s gigantic tail倚靠在帕夫强健的尾巴上 Noble kings and princes 高贵的王子和国王Would bow whenever they came都会在他们到来时鞠躬 Pirate ships would lower their flags甚至连海盗都会降下旗帜 When Puff called out his name当他们听见帕夫喊出他名字的时候 Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩A dragon lives forever 神龙能永保青春But not so little boy可男孩却注定要成熟Painted wings and giants" rings幻想中的翅膀和巨人的戒指Make way for other toys 不再能取悦他的心One grey night it happened在一个伤感的夜晚不幸终于发生Jackie Paper came no more杰克佩勃的身影不再出现And Puff that mighty dragon然后这只伟大的神龙He ceased his fearless roar不能再勇敢地喊叫His head was bent in sorrow 他的脑袋被沉重的忧伤压下Green scales fell like rain 绿色的鳞片像雨一样坠落Puff no longer went to play 他不会再去Along the cherry lane沿着长满樱桃的小径玩耍Without his life-long friend离开了他永远的朋友 Puff could not be brave帕夫的坚强如烟一样消散So Puff that mighty dragon然后这只伟大的神龙 Sadly slipped into his cave 只能躲进他的洞穴里痛哭Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩

puff the magic dragon的歌词是什么意思

Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Little Jackie Paper 小男孩杰克佩波Loved that rascal Puff挚爱着淘气的帕夫 And brought him strings and sealing wax总是为他带来细绳和蜡油And other fancy stuff以及各种奇异的玩物 Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist 当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee 他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist 当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee 他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Together they would travel 他们会一起旅行On a boat with billowed sail只凭着一只小船乘风破浪Jackie kept a lookout perched杰克不住地远处瞭望On Puff"s gigantic tail倚靠在帕夫强健的尾巴上 Noble kings and princes 高贵的王子和国王Would bow whenever they came都会在他们到来时鞠躬 Pirate ships would lower their flags甚至连海盗都会降下旗帜 When Puff called out his name当他们听见帕夫喊出他名字的时候 Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩A dragon lives forever 神龙能永保青春But not so little boy可男孩却注定要成熟Painted wings and giants" rings幻想中的翅膀和巨人的戒指Make way for other toys 不再能取悦他的心One grey night it happened在一个伤感的夜晚不幸终于发生Jackie Paper came no more杰克佩勃的身影不再出现And Puff that mighty dragon然后这只伟大的神龙He ceased his fearless roar不能再勇敢地喊叫His head was bent in sorrow 他的脑袋被沉重的忧伤压下Green scales fell like rain 绿色的鳞片像雨一样坠落Puff no longer went to play 他不会再去Along the cherry lane沿着长满樱桃的小径玩耍Without his life-long friend离开了他永远的朋友 Puff could not be brave帕夫的坚强如烟一样消散So Puff that mighty dragon然后这只伟大的神龙 Sadly slipped into his cave 只能躲进他的洞穴里痛哭Chorus: Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩 Puff, the magic dragon 帕夫,有魔法的小神龙Lived by the sea 生活在大海边缘And frolicked in the Autumn mist当秋天的薄雾弥漫In a land called Honah-Lee他会在哈拿里的国土嬉戏游玩

求tokyo neon 的罗马音歌词,拜托了( u2022u0325u0301 u02cd u2022u0300u0942 )日语大佬们

东京の人ゴミとtoukyou no hitogomi toノイズが混じるnoizu ga majiruあの夜消えた君のano yoru kieta kimi no痕迹探してkonseki sagashite街の暗闇machi no kurayami突き刺すネオンtsukisasu neon歪な仆をibitsu na bokuwo妖しく照らしayashiku terashi切り舍てられないkirisute rare nai想いを握りしめてomoiwo nigiri shimete戸惑う间もなくtomadou mamo naku君の影追いかけていたkimi no kage oi kakete ita雾がかり光るkiri gakari hikaru夜の摩天楼のライトyoru no matenrou no raito吸い込まれるようにsui komareru youni君は姿を消したkimiwa sugatawo keshita何度も夜を越えてnandomo yoruwo koete记忆も薄れkiokumo usure面影忘れられずomokage wasure rarezu街を彷徨うmachiwo samayou几千にikusen ni散りばめた星が照らしchiribameta hoshiga terashi梦の中踊るyumeno naka odoruまぼろしは儚く舞ったmaboroshi wa hakanaku matta切り舍てられないkirisute rare nai想いを握りしめてomoiwo nigiri shimete微笑む颜すらhohoemu kao sura忘れてしまいそうだけどwasurete shimai sou dakedo东京の夜はtoukyou no yoruwa妖しく光り霞んでいてayashiku hikari kasunde iteネオンのノイズがneon no noizuga仆を狂わせていくbokuwo kuruwasete iku

superjunior的歌puff the magic dragon的歌词

那是圭贤的歌(Chorus)Puff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah LeeLittle Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff,and brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. Oh!(Chorus, twice)Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sailJackie kept a lookout perched on Puff"s gigantic tail,Noble kings and princes would bow whene"er they came,Pirate ships would lower their flag when Puff roared out his name. Oh!(Chorus)A dragon lives forever but not so little boysPainted wings and giant rings make way for other toys.One grey night it happened, Jackie Paper came no moreAnd Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain,Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.Without his life-long friend, Puff could not be brave,So Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. Oh!(Chorus, softly)(Chorus, loudly)

Puff, the Magic Dragon的歌词

Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff小杰克·培培喜欢顽皮的帕夫And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff给他细绳封蜡还有别的东西Oh哦Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎Together they would travel on boat with billowed sail他们一同扬帆穿越滚滚浪尖Jackie kept a lookout perched on Puff"s gigantic tail杰克在帕夫的巨尾上搭了了望台Noble kings and princes would bow whene"er they came尊贵的王公贵族见了他们也得鞠躬Pirate ships would lower their flags when Puff roared out his name帕夫吼一声自己的名字 海盗船统统要降旗Oh哦Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys神龙永在,孩童不再Painted wings and giants"s rings make way for other toys.彩翅和巨环被其它玩具代替One grey night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more一个灰暗的晚上奇奇不再出现And Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.帕夫神龙停止了它勇敢的嘶吼His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain伤心的耷拉下脑袋 绿色的鳞甲雨点般散落Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.帕夫不再到樱桃小径上玩耍Without his lifelong friend, Puff could not be brave失去了它的老朋友 帕夫的勇气不再拥有So, Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave, oh于是帕夫巨龙伤心的躲进了山洞Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea神龙帕夫,住在海边And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍在那荷那黎
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