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Viva Forever 歌词

歌曲名:Viva Forever歌手:Spice Girls专辑:SpiceworldViva Forever编辑人:Christie.DreamDo you still remember,how we used to beFeeling together, believe in whateverMy love has said to meBoth of us were dreamersYoung love in the sunFelt like my Saviour, my spirit I gave youWe"d only just begunHasta, my young girlAlways be mineViva forever, I"ll be waitingEverlasting, like the sunLive Forever, for the momentEver searching for the wordYes I still remember, every whispered wordThe touch of your skin, giving life from withinLike a love song that I"d heardSlipping through your fingers, like the sands of timePromises made, every memory savedHas reflections in my mindHasta, my young girlAlways be mineViva forever,I"ll be waitingEverlasting, like the sunLive Forever, for the momentEver searching for the wordBut we"re alone now, was it just a dreamFeelings untold, they will never be soldAnd the secret"s safe with meHasta my young girl,Always be mineViva forever, I"ll be waitingEverlasting, like the sunLive Forever,for the momentEver searching for the wordhttp://music.baidu.com/song/28217281

Sergio Cammariere的《Tu Sei》 歌词

歌曲名:Tu Sei歌手:Sergio Cammariere专辑:Il Pane, Il Vino E La VisioneEros Ramazzotti - Tu SeiSei la mia passione tuLa mia vena di folliatu sei la divinità di carne e poesiaSei la spiritualitàFantasia e fragilitàSei nell"euforia che c"è nei giorni di soleTu sei tutto quello che vorreiTu sei la complicitàLa bugia e la veritàSei nell"acqua che io bevo dalle mie maniSei dentro il mio sangue tuSei una ragione in piùTravolgente come il vento che scuote il mareTu sei tutto quello che vorreiTu sei per meI ricordi che restano ora che ci sei non fanno male piùSe alla mente ritornanoVanno fino in fondo al cuoreE ci sei tu nei miei pensieriquelli più veri sempre saraiSei un"invasione tuUn vulcano di allegriaMiele d"ambra che mi dà nuova energiaTu sei la semplicitàGioco di sensualitàSei la più lunga estate della mia vitaTu sei tutto quello che vorreiTu sei per meI ricordi che restano ora che ci sei non fanno male piùSe alla mente ritornanoVanno fino in fondo al cuoreE ci sei tu soltanto tuSe alla mente ritornanoVanno fino in fondo al cuoreE ci sei tu nei miei pensieriquelli più veri sempre saraiNei miei pensieri dove non c"eri sempre saraiSempre saraiPer mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2610435

谢霆峰活着viva演唱会《一了百了》live版 歌词有人知道么?

这个LIVE的我只知道是Medley(一了百了 无声彷有声 一击即中)。歌词:门匙被借了退了就像用你手,够了废了要了我的命,但是重新学会笑,前额被吻了暖了慢慢便退烧,冷了过了惯了这种心跳,才明白开心不算少。那天你手牵我手,这天照片交我手,一式两份给各自零售,没有归属敢,别要逗留,如若爱值得永久,谁又找不到谁开心的接受。门匙被借了退了就像用你手,够了废了要了我的命,但是重新学会笑,前额被吻了暖了慢慢便退烧,冷了过了惯了这种心跳,才明白开心不算少。算了,算了,够了我满足到不得了,爱了厌了,就像用你手,够了废了要了我的命,但是重新学会笑,前额被吻了暖了慢慢便退烧,冷了过了惯了这种心跳,才明白开心不算少,算了,算了,够了我满足到不得了。和情人深深一吻来代替讲话,好吗?这讯号以无声仿有声,领略时未需解码,和情人 紧紧拥抱来代替讲话,好吗?你快乐眼泪想洒了,而不准你洒。不懂得讲出心意吗,仍欠语句,唇边轻轻挂,给些信心好吗?听到低泣的声音沙与哑,而我说我会来付代价,我心痛,但你听到吗?和情人深深一吻来代替讲话好吗?这讯号以无声仿有声,领略时未需解码,和情人紧紧拥抱来代替讲话,好吗?你快乐眼泪想洒了而不准你洒,我在旁请不要害怕。凝神凝望你这串泪时,我发觉我已完全会意,而无用你的启齿。我对你关心你对我关心,同样发觉有了记挂感觉,复式的快感。我变得天真,同样你也变天真,同样发觉这个世界很美,相恋的世纪我为你偷偷心动感觉神情凝重。你也被我真心感动面临失控,像一击即中。变出双倍魔法黑变光单变双,是一加一的双重力量爱得双向,还发挥双倍坚决不怕风不怕霜,这力量就像是不可思议 奇人奇事是神奇技俩 变出双倍魔法黑变光单变双,是一加一的双重力量爱得双向,还发挥双倍坚决不怕风不怕霜,这力量就像是不可思议,奇人奇事是神奇技俩。


游乐场 逐个字逐个字逐个认识 糖是甜唇是红谁是奇迹 看懂了 然后寻觅寻觅另一种价值 逐个梦逐副脸逐次累积 抱起过放低了然后回忆 然后期待期待下一位接力 你与我仍心跳 一切都不重要 你与我仍相信如何不得了 烟火最后也会退烧 最缤纷的花园游乐过 但求动心 就算是世界末日抚心自问 都想秒秒惊心 最宽方的公园游乐过 为何认真 若我倘占一席位都想入座 观赏这个惊险人生 做对事做错事换个脸色 对不起对得起留下评击 看开了然后承受承受 另一种压力 会过面道过别直到熟悉 看一眼吻一次留下痕迹 爱不够然后期待期待 另一种角力 你与我仍心跳 一切都不重要 你与我仍相信如何不得了 烟火最后也会退烧 最缤纷的花园游乐过 但求动心 就算是世界末日抚心自问 都想秒秒惊心 最宽方的公园游乐过 为何认真 若我倘占一席位都想入座 观赏这个惊险人生 最缤纷的花园游乐过 但求动心 就算是世界末日抚心自问 都想秒秒惊心 最宽方的公园游乐过 为何认真 若我倘占一席位都想入座 观赏这个惊险人生

谢霆锋,活着VIVA的中文谐音歌词例如 一 = 丫。要全的。




活着VIVA 广东话歌词 帮忙翻译成普通话 谢谢


谢霆锋的《活着VIVA》 歌词

歌曲名:活着VIVA歌手:谢霆锋专辑:热爆 Bpm谢霆锋 - 活着VIVA作词:林夕作曲:谢霆锋年轻得碰着谁亦象威化般干脆快活到半日也象活尽了一百万岁任何事亦难象青春般清脆快活到每日大一岁在流动在流动就如咖啡因作动睡了但眼部忘了合拢就如石头悬浮在半空已失重就是这样快乐谁不信觉得激动便流泪碰上了花蜜便陶醉活着就是为了象蝴蝶来又去害怕孤独便团聚怕过于迫夹便离去活着末为我为谁不了解不要解就连毛孔都扩大就似汗线横流过热带就如被无限条乱发纠缠活埋但是这是快乐谁不快http://music.baidu.com/song/1314986

求【初音ミク】『VIVA HAPPY』【Mitchie M】歌词


活着viva歌词 歌曲活着viva的简介

1、歌词: 年轻得碰着谁 亦能像威化般干脆 快活到半日也像 活尽一百万岁 任何事亦能像 青春般清脆 快活到每日大一岁 在流动在流动 就如咖啡因作动 睡了但眼部忘了合拢 就如石头悬浮在半空 已失重 就是这样快乐谁不信 觉得激动便流泪 碰上了花蜜便陶醉 活着是为了像蝴蝶来又去 害怕孤独便团聚 怕过于迫夹便离去 活着未为我为谁 年轻得碰着谁 亦能像威化般干脆 快活到半日也像 活尽一百万岁 任何事亦能像青春般清脆 快活到每日大一岁 不了解不要解 就连毛孔都扩大 就似汗腺横流过 热带就如被无限条乱发 纠缠活埋 但是这是快乐谁不快 觉得激动便流泪 碰上了花蜜便陶醉 活着是为了像蝴蝶来又去 害怕孤独便团聚 怕过于迫夹便离去 活着未为我为谁 年轻得碰着谁 亦能像威化般干脆 快活到半日也 像活尽一百万岁 任何事亦难像青春般清脆 快活到每日大一岁 年轻得碰着谁 亦能像威化般干脆 快活到半日也像 活尽一百万岁 任何事亦能像青春般清脆 快活到每日大一岁 年轻得碰着谁 亦能像威化般干脆 快活到半日也像 活尽一百万岁 任何事亦能像青春般清脆 快活到每日大一岁 2、《活着VIVA》是谢霆锋的一首粤语歌曲,收录于2000年11月8日 英皇唱片公司专辑《VIVA》中,由谢霆锋作曲,林夕填词,该歌曲获得2000年《十大劲歌金曲颁奖礼》十大金曲奖、幕后大奖最佳作曲,《第23届十大中文金曲颁奖礼》 金曲奖,《新城劲爆颁奖礼》 新城劲爆歌曲等多个奖项。

Bond的《Viva!》 歌词

歌曲名:Viva!歌手:Bond专辑:Bond - The Definitive CollectionDay After Tomorrow - Vivace向日葵のように眩しいほどの笑颜たやさずにまっすぐ明日を见つめて时代を乗り越えてゆく「过ぎてく时间」は忘れてしまうけどそれでも消えないキズナ心にあるからかけがえのない大切なものそっと优しく壊さないように抱いて向日葵のように眩しいほどの笑颜たやさずにまっすぐ明日を见つめて时代を乗り越えてゆく「いらなくなったモノ」は何処に舍てたの?筑いた仆らの梦は 失くさないように変わらない思いがある限りきっと扉を开け放つことできるよあの鸟のように自由な翼 持って仆らは翔んでみせるから両手に新しい风 感じてかけがえのない大切なものそっと优しく壊さないように抱いて向日葵のように眩しいほどの笑颜たやさずにまっすぐ明日を见つめて时代を乗り越えてゆくあの鸟のように自由な翼 持って仆らは翔んでみせるから翔んでみせるから両手に新しい风 感じて両手に新しい风 感じてhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7544386

UNIQ的Best Friend中文音译歌词

Best Friend-(中文版) - UNIQ 作曲:Hyuk Shin&Beat & Keys&Jayrah Gibson&Jus eon Kim&DK 作词:周艺轩&李汶翰 还记得初次见面 对你说的话 Welcome to UNIQ 发自内心说的话 现在想 那话有点尴尬有一点的油腻 但当时 这句话建立我们之间的友谊 赌气过想离开过 埋怨过迷茫过 也曾经通宵练习后 一起去看日出过 就算争吵但转眼过后 相互道歉认错 I"m always on your side 擦干眼泪 我们继续奋斗 那年美丽的秋天 我们许下的誓言 带着微笑 所有的青涩都忘在昨天 想要放弃的瞬间 坚守你我的信念 直到永远 It"s all I have is you are my best friend 感谢你这些年一直在身边 没离开过 回头看多少艰难困苦我们 一起度过 青春有许多疑惑 闯过许多祸 别在意过去的错 抬头向前看 Come on 曾一起流过血流过 流过泪 但我们从没有后悔 说实话每一天在一起总会有小摩擦 也会有误会 但是当我失败后像家人一样安慰 给我继续前进的动力 永远不会后退 小的时候觉得时间太多 不懂得珍惜 后来各奔东西 回忆渐渐只存在手机 过去已过去 未来还未来活在当下 青春谱写这首歌 让欢笑跟着这吉他 那年美丽的秋天 我们许下的誓言 带着微笑 所有的青涩都忘在昨天 想要放弃的瞬间 坚守你我的信念 直到永远 It"s all I have is you are my best friend 有了你不再平淡 没有你就会不安 有天你对我说 多希望这一切会是永远 没有一件成功的事情 能一个人完成 所以需要朋友陪伴 分享成功或失败 当我们白发苍苍 聚在一起回忆着人生 怀念着青葱岁月 很高兴一生有你在 多年后的那一天 渐渐泛黄的照片 不曾忘却多年前 那个美丽的秋天 不用任何的语言 你一直在我身边 这些年 It"s all I have is you are my best friend


活着viva (粤语版) 年轻得碰着谁亦象威化般干脆 . 快活到半日也象活尽了一百万岁 . 任何事亦难象青春般清脆 . 快活到每日大一岁 . 在流动在流动 . 就业如咖啡因作动 . 睡了但眼部忘了合拢 . 就如石头悬浮在半空已失重 . 就是这样快乐谁不信 . 觉得激动便流泪 . 碰上了花蜜便陶醉 . 活着就是为了象蝴蝶来又去 . 害怕孤独便团聚 . 情过于迫夹便离去 . 活着末为我为谁 . 年轻得碰着谁亦象威化般干脆 . 快活到半日也象活尽了一百万岁 . 任何事亦难象青春般清脆 . 快活到每日大一岁 . 不了解不要解庄就连毛孔都扩大 . 就似汗线横流过热带就如被无限条乱发纠缠活埋 . 但是这是快乐谁不快 . 觉得激动便流泪 . 碰上了花蜜便陶醉 . 活着就是为了象蝴蝶来又去 . 害怕孤独便团聚 . 情过于迫夹便离去 . 活着末为我为谁 . 年轻得碰着谁亦象威化般干脆 . 快活到半日也象活尽了一百万岁 . 任何事亦难象青春般清脆 . 快活到每日大一岁 . 年轻得碰着谁亦象威化般干脆 . 快活到半日也象活尽了一百万岁 . 任何事亦难象青春般清脆 .快活到每日大一岁 . 年轻得碰着谁亦象威化般干脆 . 快活到半日也象活尽了一百万岁 . 任何事亦难象青春般清脆 . 快活到每日大一岁 .theand 活着viva (国语版) 准时间来跟我无限动力一起滑过, 请跑进新的国度跟我一起滑过, 快跟我走进夜空一起闪烁, 要跑出最出众的我 , 要怎样要怎样 , 好好活着没伤过 睡了但眼睛忘了合拢 就如石头悬乎在半空已失重 就是这样快乐谁不爽 觉得激动便流泪 碰上了花蜜便陶醉 活着是为了像蝴蝶来又去 害怕孤独便团聚 把朋友全都叫过来 活着是为我和谁 谁可以停下我, 和我飞着魔法飞过 请等下欢迎通天帅哥给我打过 换了谁带着铁锹背后闪过 带怎样跟我走火



谢霆锋的《活着Viva》 歌词

活着VIVA (VESKGREEN青菜 Remix) - 谢霆锋曲:谢霆锋编曲:VESK GREEN 青菜制作人/混音/母带:VESK GREEN 青菜企划:Shirley@TME制造A&R:佟贺@TME制造统筹协调:日影修非/马大震监制:關丙晙楹@TME制造/张畅@TME制造/陈永明出品:腾讯音乐娱乐 (制作家工作室)/英皇娱乐在流动在流动就如咖啡因作动睡了但眼部忘了合拢就如石头悬浮在半空已失重就是这样快乐谁不信觉得激动便流泪碰上了花蜜便陶醉活着是为了像蝴蝶来又去害怕孤独便团聚怕过于迫夹便离去活着未为我为谁年轻得碰着谁亦能像威化般干脆快活到半日也像活尽一百万岁任何事亦能像青春般清脆快活到每日大一岁不了解不要解就连毛孔都扩大就似汗腺横流过热带就如被无限条乱发纠缠活埋但是这是快乐谁不快觉得激动便流泪碰上了花蜜便陶醉活着是为了像蝴蝶来又去害怕孤独便团聚怕过于迫夹便离去活着未为我为谁年轻得碰着谁亦能像威化般干脆快活到半日也像活尽一百万岁任何事亦难像青春般清脆快活到每日大一岁年轻得碰着谁亦能像威化般干脆快活到半日也像活了一百万岁任何事亦能像青春般清脆快活到每日大一岁

求一首维语歌,在新疆乌苏公园里听到的,人们用来跳舞,节奏感挺强的。歌词中常有 ci ci ya a ci ci ya"

不要怕作词:一天 心月作曲:张溪演唱:吉克隽逸ma p laima ha j laige qi c laise chi shi lai woni ke pu laien cu pu laihim pu lai wo hu~oci gu ci yi ai ci shi ci lai a hea jie lu a jie lu a jie lu a jie ai a jie lu a jie ai a jie lu ogu ni ya qi o cha ni ya qi o~hoa jie lu a jie lu a jie lu a jie ai a jie lu a jie ai a jie lu ona ni ya qi o cha ni ya qi o~homa p laima ha j laige qi c laise chi shi lai woni ke pu laien cu pu laihim pu lai wo hu~oci gu ci yi ai ci shi ci lai a hea jie lu a jie lu a jie lu a jie ai a jie lu a jie ai a jie lu ogu ni ya qi o cha ni ya qi o~hoa jie lu a jie lu a jie lu a jie ai a jie lu a jie ai a jie lu ona ni ya qi o cha ni ya qi o~hoa jie lu~

The Witness 歌词

歌曲名:The Witness歌手:Blaqk Audio专辑:Abduction - Original Motion Picture SoundtrackBlaqk Audio- The WitnessWhere is deliveranceWill you walk with, walk with me?Where is forgivenessThe lash is tired and it seems to seeGive me deliveranceFrom your history topped with liesWhere is your witnessThere is noneHide your wings and we"ll take the skyYou will never feel so aliveAs you will the day that you seeThe sacred ways that are playingTo bring a new faithSmile tonightIn the sacred lightAnd you will look like a new godSmile tonightFor you have arrivedArrived to bring the heavens downWho is the saviorYou can walk thisGolden SeaFor just this momentClose your eyes and die with meWho needs forgivenessWhen we all speak fluent liesHere is deliveranceYou"re in itLose yourself and we"ll take the skyYou will never feel so aliveAs you will the day that you seeThe sacred ways that are playingTo bring a new faithSmile tonightIn the sacred lightAnd you will look like a new godSmile tonightFor you have arrivedArrived to bring the heavens down(I)wanna hear(you say)This is your final confessionI"ve never felt like this before(I)Must admit(Must say)I hold your final submissionYou never looked so good beforeYou never looked so good beforeOhSmile tonightIn the sacred lightAnd you will look like a new godSmile tonight for you have arrivedHave arrivedYeahSmile tonightIn the sacred lightAnd you will look like a new godSmile tonightFor you have arrivedArrived to bring the heavensArrived to bring the heavensDown.http://music.baidu.com/song/14966284


谢霆锋 活着VIVA.年轻得碰着谁亦象威化般干脆 .快活到半日也象活尽了一百万岁 .任何事亦难象青春般清脆 .快活到每日大一岁 .在流动在流动 .就如咖啡因作动 .睡了但眼部忘了合拢 .就如石头悬浮在半空已失重 .就是这样快乐谁不信 .觉得激动便流泪 .碰上了花蜜便陶醉 .活着是为了象蝴蝶来又去 .害怕孤独便团聚 .怕过于迫夹便离去 .活着未为我 为谁 .年轻得碰着谁亦象威化般干脆 .快活到半日也象活尽了一百万岁 .任何事亦难象青春般清脆 .快活到每日大一岁 .不了解不要解庄就连毛孔都扩大 .就似汗线横流过热带就如被无限条乱发纠缠活埋 .但是这是快乐谁不快 . 觉得激动便流泪 .碰上了花蜜便陶醉 .活着是为了象蝴蝶来又去 .害怕孤独便团聚 .怕过于迫夹便离去 .活着未为我 为谁 .年轻得碰着谁亦象威化般干脆 .快活到半日也象活尽了一百万岁 .任何事亦难象青春般清脆 .快活到每日大一岁 .年轻得碰着谁亦象威化般干脆 .快活到半日也象活尽了一百万岁 .任何事亦难象青春般清脆 .快活到每日大一岁 .年轻得碰着谁亦象威化般干脆 .快活到半日也象活尽了一百万岁 .任何事亦难象青春般清脆 .快活到每日大一岁


年轻得碰着谁亦像威化般干脆   快活到半日也像活尽一百万岁   任何事亦能像青春般清脆   快活到每日大一岁   在流动在流动   就如咖啡因作动   睡了但眼部忘了合拢   就如石头悬浮在半空已失重   就是这样快乐谁不信   觉得激动便流泪   碰上了花蜜便陶醉   活着是为了像蝴蝶来又去   害怕孤独便团聚   怕过于迫夹便离去   活着未为我为谁 年轻得碰着谁亦能像威化般干脆   快活到半日也像活尽一百万岁   任何事亦能像青春般清脆.   快活到每日大一岁   不了解不要解就连毛孔都扩大   就似汗腺横流过热带就如被无限条乱发纠缠活埋   但是这是快乐谁不快   觉得激动便流泪   碰上了花蜜便陶醉   活着是为了像蝴蝶来又去   害怕孤独便团聚   怕过于迫夹便离去 活着未为我为谁   年轻得碰着谁亦象威化般干脆   快活到半日也象活尽了一百万岁   任何事亦难象青春般清脆   快活到每日大一岁   年轻得碰着谁亦像威化般干脆   快活到半日也像活尽了一百万岁   任何事亦能像青春般清脆   快活到每日大一岁   年轻得碰着谁亦像威化般干脆   快活到半日也像活尽了一百万岁   任何事亦能像青春般清脆   快活到每日大一岁

黄崇旭Witness的《dear mama》 歌词

歌曲名:dear mama歌手:黄崇旭WitnessYo~man..I wanna tell u a storya story about my frienda story made me touchedWhat Im sayin is...I proud of u girland I belive..Ur Mum"ll proud of u tooso what u gonna say..just tell them girl~Dear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 everNow listen....Dear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 everYo-Listen这是一个真实的故事一个坚强的女孩走过陌生的城市1984.n August.2一位母亲在宝贝出生的那天悄悄地离开了人世没有留下什么期待母女分离剪断脐带只剩下孤独的小孩独自长大无可依赖这是悲剧还是意外心痛得这么厉害十多年后的一天女孩终于回到母亲坟前祭拜"Dear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 ever"She"s gettin grow up at da timeShe"s cryin 4 da hole nightShe has to livin along witout Mama 4 da hole lifeShe try to find out a starWhich can be find out her MomTo belive dat she can livin good without big ScarDear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 everNow listen....Dear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 ever当我知道妈妈为了给我生命而离开还能不能让过去 再现 让一切重来闭上眼睛告诉我那个世界是不是一样就告诉我心里 是不是还有牵挂的地方妈妈 你快乐吗 你有在想我吗想和你一起回家 可为什么 不说话每个黑夜 不被了解 到失去了一切看到的总是那张 没见过熟悉的脸从懂事的时候 就挣脱了家庭的束缚我问上帝 为什么别的孩子 有妈妈的爱护而我却在 另一个城市 留下孤独的脚步只能在每年的生日才能回到你的坟墓我知道 这不是我能选择 的生活可我必须 用你给的生命 来延续自我妈妈 请你放心 我会骄傲的活着心疼自己这首歌 我送给你Dear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 everNow listen....Dear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 everHave u ever try to touch da skykeep ya head up with smileMaybe it"s a kind of energy we call it as lifen it"s about da timeda time we gonna fightU"ll be all right cuz Mama lookin up high当花儿静静绽放还有多少孩子在外流浪他们比别人坚强因为他们不一样靠自己单薄的力量握住手中的希望背负着自己的理想寻找生活的方向表面的倔强是因为内心受过的重创比别人强壮是因为承载着母亲的寄望不知是时间过得太快还是已经习惯独自在外她等待有那么一天妈妈还会回来她一直想写一封信给在天堂的母亲她希望她能够看见 她寻找她的背影她常和我说有一天她也要做妈妈当孩子长大那一天他还会想念她吗Dear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 everNow listen....Dear mother ,here is ur baby daughter ,Don"t worry about ur baby girlI"m leavin batter……..I never lose u motherNever forget u motherI know u still in up high n wish 4 everhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10404603

dolcenera的《Viva》 歌词

歌曲名:Viva歌手:dolcenera专辑:Evoluzione Della SpecieDay After Tomorrow - Vivace向日葵のように眩しいほどの笑颜たやさずにまっすぐ明日を见つめて时代を乗り越えてゆく「过ぎてく时间」は忘れてしまうけどそれでも消えないキズナ心にあるからかけがえのない大切なものそっと优しく壊さないように抱いて向日葵のように眩しいほどの笑颜たやさずにまっすぐ明日を见つめて时代を乗り越えてゆく「いらなくなったモノ」は何処に舍てたの?筑いた仆らの梦は 失くさないように変わらない思いがある限りきっと扉を开け放つことできるよあの鸟のように自由な翼 持って仆らは翔んでみせるから両手に新しい风 感じてかけがえのない大切なものそっと优しく壊さないように抱いて向日葵のように眩しいほどの笑颜たやさずにまっすぐ明日を见つめて时代を乗り越えてゆくあの鸟のように自由な翼 持って仆らは翔んでみせるから翔んでみせるから両手に新しい风 感じて両手に新しい风 感じてhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8138664

Reign in Blood歌词翻译

GOOGLE有 自己去拿

reign of love 离别七日情中文歌词

歌曲:Reign of Love歌手:Hurricane所属专辑:Slave to the Thrill作曲 : HurricaneLovers keep on the road you"re onRunners until the race is runSoldiers you"ve got to soldier onSometimes even right is wrongThey are turning my head outTo see what I"m all aboutKeeping my head downTo see what it feels like nowAnd I have no doubtOne day we"re going to get outTonight maybe we"re gonna runDreaming of the Osaka sunOhohohoh ohohohoh ohDreaming of when the morning comesThey are turning my head outTo see what I"m all aboutKeeping my head downTo see what it feels like nowAnd I have no doubtOne day the sun will come outReign of loveI can"t let goTo the sea I offer this heavy loadLocust windLift me upI"m just a prisoner in a reign of loveLocust wind...How I wish I"d spoken upTo a reign of loveReign of love by the chuch we"re waitingReign of love on my knees go prayingHow I wish I"d spoken upAway get carried on a reign of love

Cyndi Lauper的《Witness》 歌词

歌曲名:Witness歌手:Cyndi Lauper专辑:She"S So UnusualBlessthefall - Witness(Look into my eyes,Tell me you"re alive.Look into my eyesCan you hear me now?)Can you hear us now?Speaking the words thatWould never cross your mind.Can you see us now?Hope you fail,Once you bury the bodies.And you can live without it.(I"m in your head, I won"t forget!)(Your love is dead!)And you got nothing left.We"ve all been broken.(Sorry to say!)We"re so better off.You"re wrong.(Yet you can"t breathe without it!)(Yeah!)Don"t talk so much.(You"re a liar,You don"t need to breathe!)(You said, you said!)(You said we"re done!)We see right through you.Would never cross your mind(And you can"t breathe without it!)http://music.baidu.com/song/8011525

写景的歌曲及歌词 作曲者 要9首

太湖美 作词:任红举 作曲:飞龙 太湖美呀太湖美 美就美在太湖水 水上有白帆哪啊 水下有红菱哪啊 水边芦苇青 水底鱼虾肥 湖水织出灌溉网 稻香果香绕湖飞 哎咳唷 太湖美呀太湖美 太湖美呀太湖美 美就美在太湖水 红旗映绿波哪啊 春风湖面吹哪啊 水是丰收酒 湖是碧玉杯 盛出深情献出爱 捧给祖国报春晖 哎咳唷 太胡美呀太湖美 ———————————— 西湖—— 作词:李叔同 作曲:Alexander Campbell Macrenzie 看明湖一碧,六桥锁烟水。 塔影参差,有画船自来去。 垂杨柳两行,绿染长堤。 飏晴风,又笛韵悠扬起。 看青山四周,高峰南北齐。 山色自空蒙,有竹木媚幽姿。 探古洞烟霞,翠扑须眉。 沾暮雨,又钟声林外起。 大好湖山如此,独擅天然美。 明湖碧,又青山绿作堆。 漾晴光潋滟,带雨色幽奇。 靓妆比西子,尽浓淡总相宜。 —————————————————— 香格里拉 作词:陈蝶衣 作曲黎锦光 这美丽的香格里拉 这可爱的香格里拉 我深深的爱上了它 我爱上了它 你看这山偎水涯 你看着红墙绿瓦 彷佛是妆点着神话 妆点着神话 你看这柳枝参差 你看这花枝低芽 分明是一幅彩色的画 啊 还有那温暖的春风 更像是一袭轻纱 我们就在它的笼罩下 我们歌唱 我们欢笑 啊~~~~哈哈哈 这美丽的香格里拉 这可爱的香格里拉 我深深的爱上了它 是我理想的家 (music) 香格里拉 香格里拉 香格里拉 太晚了,要睡觉了,先给你找3首 描写香格里拉和西湖的就好多首 其实也不难找,把中国著名风景地区的名字当歌名搜索



Cyndi Lauper的《Witness》 歌词

歌曲名:Witness歌手:Cyndi Lauper专辑:Discover MoreTori Amos - WitnessThought I had a witness C"mon...Thought I had a witness to this crimeThought I had a witnessThought we were on the same side of becomingThen the judges called in a witness C"mon...So then when did you then begin your cravin for white powderExotic matter that cells divide arresting timeSo in your furnace thenYou drank my tendernessFeldspar and Mica thenYou thought that you would own my temple of goldGotta rise in the nightPick myself off the floorI know now that it"s overHad a life beforeYou left me burnin" inYour petrol emotionYour petrol emotionWanting moreThought I had a witness C"mon...Thought we had a friendship C"mon...Thought I heard you whispering murderThought this witches brew was more than bullet-proofBut words are like guns when you shoot the moon"Cause everybody whispers C"mon...So then when did you then begin your cravin for white powderExotic matter that cells divide arresting timeSo in your furnace thenYou drank my tendernessFeldspar and Mica thenYou thought that you would own my temple of goldGotta rise in the nightPick myself off the floorI know now that it"s overHad a life beforeYou left me burnin" inYour petrol emotionYour petrol emotionWanting moreIs there anyone? Is it any wonder...Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...I"m out the doorIs there any way? Is there any way forward?Is there any way? Is there any way forward?Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...Thought I had a witnessThought you were youThought I was a witnessYou could turn to, not inThought I had a witnessThought I had a witness C"mon...http://music.baidu.com/song/7455806

求Tarja的The Reign歌词

The Reign I see the waves of sand Big free Another land Dreams within dreams You are alive They gave me their wings I spread them wide I"ll move on to another place from my memories unmade I"ll hold on and my heart will find you there love will shine free Forever Sun flames And moons glow Timeless the tides will flow What will I face what will be mine Fortune and fate The other side

uniq的新歌 eoeo音译歌词

望采纳~UNIQ - EOEOwow wow 内噶集 we all night个怒噶打集都啦都 Rockin打集都啦都 Rockinwow wow 内噶集 we all night个怒噶打集都啦都 Rockin打击都拉都 RockinE OE O那了航按赛冷怒n yioukgio gio 有gi就gi那冷hiang黑某liouDrunk in love 韩战呃去黑莫读内够喽bou有有gi就gi搜打你miou班bou系k 就喽bou just hold upI feel high gon都里集吗 就gi join 嫩内衣(miou)她了集nal耨姆怕里金那gal 句吗噶她哦呢慢可么nal 吗里集吗一gin nal 里噶那你gi打里集nonBut 哦耨金那miou住个读(四)play,heyDo it, do it, do it, oh man... call 911波罗里打 you better run口口苏莫啦你某里卡拉波啦波波波罗里打you better run顾内顾得里散lenWhat? jon不大搜里抽啦E.O.E.O.. E.O.E.O..耨家吧概忒噶集E.O.E.O.. E.O.E.O..(耨家吧概忒噶集)bang哈够特特liou内gi了bone集给啦 body to body内莫里她里特卡机打很的喽mon集头liou耨嫩抽慢哈嫩哎的len打集被嘎斯够We are going up怂恨得喽波罗里都特琳gon按呀有gi bon miong哈那的系莫读谜抽噶战那莫读忒我波里够呀有gi bua波罗利达you better run口口苏莫啦你莫里卡拉波啦波波菠咯利达 you better run顾内顾得里散lenWhat? jon不大搜里抽啦E.O.E.O.. E.O.E.O..诺家吧概忒噶集E.O.E.O.. E.O.E.O..(耨家吧概忒噶集)Shh 打的jip中怒噶那哇嫩集 buabuaShh 集gim你噶马磊都按的喽你吗够bua内噶莫韩那韩miong 有gi一嫩撒lam够一班一桑gi内给喽打哇I"m better than him一啦黑don哎的亏她用gi搜哦哇哈miou乃buaI fly fly flying家bua用gi搜内噶那啦大你嫩够I"m high high high gi本哦p都耨家够gi金那噶嫩耨怒n噶吗打图miong内了啊琦谜哇哈gi就内出gi赛gi题哦耨啦bua哦地噶den哟gi一桑嗯哦p搜跟样那buaJust do it do it do it 一单集了够搜bua波罗里打 you better run口口苏某啦你莫里卡拉波啦波波波罗里打 you better run顾内顾得里散lenWhat? jon不大搜里抽啦E.O.E.O.. E.O.E.O..诺家吧概忒噶集E.O.E.O.. E.O.E.O..(耨家吧概忒噶集)wow wow内卡机 we all night顾怒噶打起都啦都 Rockin打起都啦都 Rockinwow wow 内卡机 we all night顾怒噶大气都拉都 rockin打起都啦都 rockin【音译歌词吧】by GYQ @童年回忆Kate

reign heart歌词 中文翻译

キミが泣いたあの夜你在哭泣的那个夜晚ふざけた梦见ていた在开玩笑的自分を责めた我是一对自己的皮肉に时は止まる在讽刺的时,会停止目も合わせられぬまま眼睛也不在一起キミは予期せぬ人と你是无法预测的人教室を後にする把教室后oh...... oh闇アガリな空アガリ黑暗的天空にらみコロしても即使是紧盯校舎を出てゆく姿を探す寻找校舍的身影oh...... ohキミがついた嘘你的谎言キミがくれたkiss你给我的吻なにもかもが一切的一切『マボロシ』に変わるよ《幻》改变了呢reign heartreign的心キミだけが只有你是我ボクを救えるから因为能拯救我どうかそばにいてよ一定要在我身边reign heartreign的心くだけた平易近人ガラスが胸を刺す玻璃刺痛了胸膛キミを想うたびに每想到你的时候ボクらしくあることが有我的存在キミを伤つけていた给了你的是我的よみがえる记忆には在苏醒的记忆里なぜ笑颜だけ?为什么只有笑容?oh...... oh背伸びをしながら一边逞强ボクをつかまえた抓住了我キミの腕が你的手臂别の「アイ」を选ぶ选择了自己的“爱”reign heartreign的心苦しくて...痛苦的,请それでもかまわない即使如此也没有关系キミを抱きしめたい想要拥抱你远く远改变まだ远く还不走本当に「爱」していた真的是“爱”今もずっと现在也一直ずっと一直oh...... ohreign heartreign的心くだけた平易近人ガラスが胸を刺す玻璃刺痛了胸膛キミを抱きしめたい...想要拥抱你的我oh...... ohreign heart



黄崇旭Witness的《麦假肖》 歌词

歌曲名:麦假肖歌手:黄崇旭WitnessBy:德库拉伯爵作词:黄崇旭/J.Wu/Mchotdog/大支 作曲:J.Wu不用怀疑你 你所看的你所听的人和声音不用害怕 因为我站在这就像在美国的Wu Tang Clan我的嘴 就是他们歌词里面 那一把剑I aint a igga,not a fake ass figga,ABC from the Dirty讲台语也可以通 注意注意Sucka MCs 遇到我们 准备吓着等若是抓起麦克风你只会说怎么办Yo eck it out 想让你知道你从国外回来并不表示你有比较屌什么人最厉害请你不用回头站在前面这个人真正是不得了说的好 尊重不够 Yo 说的妙 这就是台湾人的style 了不了 别装疯Witness 看不下去 而我是看太多 ABC 的水准 (越来越低~~)Witness 是ABC 也是 ㄅㄆㄇ 他说 Witness 跟我都说台语 对吗从台湾到美国 没有人比我们更冲 SWED 比你每天 Stoned 还要爽So get down, down with the Dirty sound我们站在这 你最好不要跟我装疯街头VIP 饶舌MVP 大马戏团homies 我们都在这里So get down, down with the Dirty sound我们站在这 你最好不要跟我装疯街头VIP 饶舌MVP 大马戏团homies 我们都在这里The beat goes on 就像是我一样介绍我大马戏团的兄弟 黄崇旭 登场 亮相他给你什么样的形象 好阳光但是他的饶舌轨道像月亮 初一十五不一样呛 我当然帮他站台讲 你怎么想 与你分享的饶舌Witness 用生命串联起来的歌不会 OVER 他的麦克风乾坤莫测说的比唱的好听 所以不好听的现在都在唱歌 麦克风 eckaCheck eck ayo anybody who can rap?你真的会饶舌吗 Witness 你还在想什么 Yo跟我们一起回去台南 那里比 LA 更多黑人 挺你而已 没有别人漂洋过海 Witness 要做 Hip Hop 哥伦布这就是新地图 华人饶舌新大陆So get down, down with the Dirty sound我们站在这 你最好不要跟我装疯街头VIP 饶舌MVP 大马戏团homies 我们都在这里So get down, down with the Dirty sound我们站在这 你最好不要跟我装疯街头VIP 饶舌MVP 大马戏团homies 我们都在这里So get down~我不像一般的 ABCs 一样来台湾 自以为是个Hip Hop 偶像 Aint it funny?在美国早就认识你 说你来自 streets但你明明是个家里很有钱的 babyBut with me 你只会听到 honesty homies who I be? (黄崇旭)W-I-T-N-E-double S oh yes I must confess this aint no guess your wack asslyrics are a big ol"mess把车窗摇下 喇叭开到最大 So get down 谁的音乐让你听了心情上上下下就好像要你举白旗投降 声音叫哑 要吃喉糖 这盘棋 我将军D O double G 粉墨再登场 请你放心 从没忘记 我是一个 MC 来自 UndergroundSo get down 让我教你饶舌应该怎么唱So get down, down with the Dirty sound我们站在这 你最好不要跟我装疯街头VIP 饶舌MVP 大马戏团homies 我们都在这里So get down, down with the Dirty sound我们站在这 你最好不要跟我装疯街头VIP 饶舌MVP 大马戏团homies 我们都在这里So get down~So get down~大马戏团homies 我们都在这里So get down~So get down~大马戏团homies 我们都在这里http://music.baidu.com/song/10404610

Black Roses 歌词

歌曲名:Black Roses歌手:Diana King专辑:Tougher Than LoveTrapt - Black RoseI saw you in the garden I wanted you so muchI really thought that you were differentOh I couldn"t get enoughI tried to save you from yourselfI felt every high and lowBut the lows have drowned the highs awaynow there"s no where else to goBlack rose your thorns are cutting into me for the last timeBlack rose I watched your petals wilt awayI couldn"t bring you back to life!You were always where the sun could never goI never wanted you to have to be aloneBut I couldn"t find a way to help you growBlack RoseYou never tell me how you feeland your moods they always changeI really tried to make it realbut you never had the faithI tried to give you something goodto take the pain awayI tried to make you understandYou don"t have to be this wayBlack rose your thorns are cutting into me for the last timeBlack rose I watched your petals wilt awayI couldn"t bring you back to life!You were always where the sun could never goI never wanted you to have to be aloneBut I couldn"t find a way to help you growBlack RoseI"m not the one who hurt you So why are you so scared?All that you"ve been put through couldn"t be repairedI"m not the one who hurt I"m the only one who caresYou"ll need someone to turn to And I will not be thereEvery time I held you I knew that it would hurtOnly through the pain I could find a way to learnBlack rose your thorns are cutting into me for the last timeBlack rose I watched your petals wilt awaySaw them wilt away, couldn"t bring you back to life!You were always where the sun could never goI never wanted you to have to be aloneBut I couldn"t find a way to help you growBlack RoseI"m not the one who hurt you So why are you so scared?All that you"ve been put through couldn"t be repairedI"m not the one who hurt I"m the only one who caresYou"ll need someone to turn to And I will not be therehttp://music.baidu.com/song/382239


歌曲名:Witness歌手:SARAH MCLACHLAN专辑:Mirrorball: The Complete ConcertTori Amos - WitnessThought I had a witness C"mon...Thought I had a witness to this crimeThought I had a witnessThought we were on the same side of becomingThen the judges called in a witness C"mon...So then when did you then begin your cravin for white powderExotic matter that cells divide arresting timeSo in your furnace thenYou drank my tendernessFeldspar and Mica thenYou thought that you would own my temple of goldGotta rise in the nightPick myself off the floorI know now that it"s overHad a life beforeYou left me burnin" inYour petrol emotionYour petrol emotionWanting moreThought I had a witness C"mon...Thought we had a friendship C"mon...Thought I heard you whispering murderThought this witches brew was more than bullet-proofBut words are like guns when you shoot the moon"Cause everybody whispers C"mon...So then when did you then begin your cravin for white powderExotic matter that cells divide arresting timeSo in your furnace thenYou drank my tendernessFeldspar and Mica thenYou thought that you would own my temple of goldGotta rise in the nightPick myself off the floorI know now that it"s overHad a life beforeYou left me burnin" inYour petrol emotionYour petrol emotionWanting moreIs there anyone? Is it any wonder...Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...I"m out the doorIs there any way? Is there any way forward?Is there any way? Is there any way forward?Is there anyone? Is it any wonder...Thought I had a witnessThought you were youThought I was a witnessYou could turn to, not inThought I had a witnessThought I had a witness C"mon...http://music.baidu.com/song/9647921

china roses的歌词中文翻译

Enya--China RosesWho can tell me if we have heaven谁来告诉我是否我们真的拥有天堂who can say the way it should be谁来告诉我它的样子Moonlight holly,the Sappho Comet月色朦胧,莎孚昙花一现Angel"s tears below a tree天使的眼泪掉落在树的下面You talk of the break of morning你诉说着破晓的黎明as you view the new aurora就像是你已经看见新的曙光Cloud in crimson,the key of heaven深红的云团,天堂的钥匙one love carved in acajou桃花心木上雕刻的爱One told me of China Roses有人告诉我月季One a Thousand nights and one night经历了一千零一个夜晚Earth"s last picture,the end of evening世界的最终画面,夜晚的结束hue of indigo and blue蓝紫色的色彩A new moon leads me to新的月亮指引我去往woods of dreams and I follow梦的森林,我一直追随A new world waits for me新的世界等着我my dream,my way我的梦,我的路I know that it I have heaven我知道原来有天堂there is nothing to desire那里没有什么渴望Rain and river,a world of wonder雨,河流,一个充满奇迹的世界may be paradise to me或许就是我的天堂I see the sun..I see the stars..我看到了太阳,我看到了星辰。很高兴为你解答。

歌曲《there were roses》的中英文对照歌词哪位有?

There Were Roses歌手 Cara DillonMy song for you this evening今夜我为你所唱的歌Is not to make you sad并非提起你的忧愁Nor for adding to the sorrowsOf this troubled northern land也非为混乱的北方大地增添悲伤But lately I"ve been thinking可我常常想起And it just wont leave my mind那从未在我脑海中散去的一切I"ll tell you about two friends one time我想向你讲述我曾经的朋友Who were both good friends of mine两个皆是我的挚友Isaac he was Protestant艾萨克是新教徒And Sean was Catholic born肖恩天主教出身But it never made a difference但这并不紧要For the friendship it was strong友谊却因此而坚固And sometimes in the evening夜晚的某些时刻When we heard the sound of drums当我们听见鼓声喧天They said they wont divide us他们说那些喧嚣永远不会把我们分开We will always be as one我们永远都会在一起There were roses,roses那丛玫瑰,玫瑰There were roses那丛玫瑰And the tears of a people ran together人们的眼泪一起奔流而下It was on a Sunday morning那是个星期天的早上When the awful news came round令人恐惧的消息围绕Another killing had been done又一起杀戮Just outside Newry Town就在刚刚的Newry镇We knew that Isaac danced up there我们知道艾萨克在那儿跳舞We knew he liked the band我们听说他喜欢那个乐队But when we heard that he was dead 但当我们听到他已经死去We just could not understand我们无法相信Now fear it filled the countryside如今,恐惧充满了整个村庄There was fear in every home也在每一个家庭中蔓延When late at night a car came当夜深时一辆汽车开来Prowling round the Ryan Road在Ryan路上巡游A Catholic would be killed tonight今夜天主教徒将被杀害To even up the score为了报复Oh Christ, it"s young MacDonaldOh,救世主啊,那是年轻的麦克唐纳They have taken from the door他们被带出了门There were roses, roses那丛玫瑰,玫瑰There were roses那丛玫瑰And the tears of a people ran together人们的眼泪一起奔流而下Isaac was my friend he cried我的朋友艾萨克痛哭着He begged them with his tears他用他的眼泪乞求他们But centuries of hatred但这充满仇恨的年代Have ears that do not hear他们耳朵已不再去听An eye for an eye用一只眼睛交换一只眼睛That was all that filled their minds他们的头脑里已被仇恨添满And another eye for another eye又一只眼交换又一只眼Till everyone was blind 直到每个人都失明Now I don"t know where the moral is在这样的时代,我找不到真理的所在Or where the song should end也不知这首歌停止在哪里But I wonder just how many wars我迷惑不解有多少征战Are fought between good friends是朋友之间的残杀And those who give the orders发布命令的人Are not the ones to die不会是死去的那人It"s Scott and young MacDonald死去的那斯考特和麦克唐纳And the likes of you and I如你我一样There were roses, roses那丛玫瑰,玫瑰There were roses那丛玫瑰And the tears of a people ran together人们的眼泪一起奔流而下

跪求Mobb Deep的经典歌曲《shook ones pt2》的中文歌词

shook ones PT2 的中文歌词 唱吧 ,兄弟,唱吧 YEAH 告诉你们所有凶手 百万富翁 伙计 真实的自己不会无动于衷 听听吧 我要让你们重视真实 我们默默无名 你听说过我们那是因为我们是谋杀犯 为了福利进行装备 谨防我罪恶的家庭 他们可以给你很多子弹 谁想进去坐坐的请跟我来 脸部都起来摇摆 把鼻梁骨插入自己的脑瓜 在这些街道上你只能孤独 ,伙计 所有在这岛上的人无时不受枪击威胁 好像自己真要被杀一样 随时保持警惕 他们总在四周徘徊 却从未接近过 我能从你脸上看出你地方不对 像你般的懦夫只懂挺起身子去被子弹穿孔 说些错话,兄弟 ,你会赢的教训 我用一个小分队就可以对付你一支军队 我保证这还会是你最后的呼吸 你简单的话语怎能使人感动 我们是主角, 你只是小人物 你加入了游戏 但却不成其为玩家 别让我把你们的名字喊出,踢你们出去 我能使你飘然空中 我只有19岁但却思想老练 一切****成真实 我的心由炙热转成冰冷 另一个病态的故事又将产生 那可真不会算是小事 可有星火燎原之势 让我把头脑放松 别想那些廉价小说 我不知道他们为什么仍然存活,去算算 我不能选择更好的位置 当子弹穿入 ,你感觉像在燃烧 开始和上帝有更紧密的联系 把这些话带回家好好想想 或者我下段吟唱就是关于你的 伙计他们在战斗 因为根本就没得选择 因为根本就没得选择 害怕死亡,害怕张望 过着钻石镶嵌,子弹横飞的生活 想获得基金方法多的是 有些人选择被枪杀 锁起自己,或者做修女 懦弱的心在尽头 不断战斗,不断战斗

求there were roses的歌词!

Till There Was You There were bells on a hillBut I never heard them ringingNo, I never heard them at allTill there was youThere were birds in the skyBut I never saw them wingingNo, I never saw them at allTill there was youThen there was music and wonderful rosesthey tell me in in sweet fragrant meadowsof dawn and dewThere was love all aroundBut I never heard it singingBo I never heard it at allTill there was youThen there was music and wonderful rosesthey tell me in sweet fragrant meadowsof dawn and dewThere was love all aroundBut I never heard it singingNo I never heard it at allTill there was youTill there was you

roses and gold中文歌词翻译

Rose and Gold玫瑰与黄金(代指美好珍贵的事物)Moonshine, oh cover me in moonshine,月光,笼我在月光中…and I will fill your cup with u2028sentimental tales of raspberry wine而我将用深情传说酿就的山莓酒,斟满你的酒杯。Cause I"ve been singing these cowboy tears since we came to an end自我们分别以来,我一直唱着盛满着牛仔泪水的歌谣and Im writing snake oil poems u2028and drinking alabast gin我抒写无以抚慰的诗篇,饮着乳白的杜松子酒…Like a kite in the wind就如同风中飘飞的风筝I"m caught in a spin我被牵系在转轮上I"m out on a limb孤立无援Sweet dreams oh cover me in sweet dreams甜蜜的梦啊,给我一场甜蜜的梦吧and i will paint you a story of roses and gold, and bittersweet things而我将为你描绘如玫瑰般馨香,如黄金般珍贵的故事,还有那些苦涩而又甜蜜的往事It"s time to say hello to These lonesome lullabies是时候吟唱着孤独的歌谣,and ride into the journey of a new sunrise踏上寻觅全新日出的旅途了And may our river of tears wash away all our fears让我们的泪水化作的河流,带走我们的忧惧and make it perfectly clear让我们的心,无比澄净Sweet pie, oh mama make me some sweet pie小甜饼呀,妈妈快给我做一些小甜饼吧fill it with whatever makes it better随便加点什么,只要能让它更加美味and will cause my eyes to dry并且能抑止我的泪水…And I pray to mother mary,而我向圣母、great spirit and the holy fool神思和圣愚祈祷That we listen to each other and take heed of the golden rule让我们聆听彼此,遵从诤言That you do unto me让你待我,what I do unto you一如我待你一往情深and we both see it through让我们俩都能坚持到旅途的尽头Soft grace, oh cover me in soft grace温柔的爱意啊,给予我你的温柔爱意and I"ll fashion you a cup of forgiveness, gypsum, nettle and lace而我将回馈你,以宽恕为基,荨麻为边的杯盏Cause the poetry that you"ve put inside my heart因为那些你深深烙进我心底的诗篇rattles like a ‘57 engine about to start躁动有如57年的车头就要启动Like a kite in the wind就如同风中飘飞的风筝I"m caught in a spin我被牵系在转轮上I"m out on a limb孤立无援Rain dance,oh do a little rain dance雨中起舞吧,让我们一起在雨中起舞call in the clouds and thunder to wash away this sorrowful trance让雨云和惊雷涤荡我们的悲哀和昏沉And we"ll bath in rose petal fire而我们将浸浴在玫瑰花瓣的火焰中while the whill-o-whisps sing and purify our eyes with water from the holy spring当天使们低吟浅唱着,用圣泉之水涤净我们的双眸And in the days that were old等到了时光老去的时刻may the story that"s told让这些低诉的往事be one of Roses and Gold 成为馨香而珍贵的回忆…自己翻译的,可能有一些意译,不是很恰当。希望有所帮助。

shook ones歌词翻译

Chuck BerryJust let me hear some of that rock and roll musicAny old way you choose itIt"s got a backbeat you can"t lose itAny old time you use itIt"s gotta be rock and roll musicIf you wanna dance with meIf you wanna dance with meI have no kicks against modern jazzUnless they try to play it too darned fastAnd change the beauty of the melodyUntil it sound just like a symphonyBeach BoysThat"s why I go for that rock and roll musicAny old way you choose itIt"s got a backbeat you can"t lose itAny old time you use itIt"s gotta be rock and roll musicIf you wanna dance with meIf you wanna dance with meI took my loved one over "cross the tracksSo she could hear my man a-wailin" saxI must admit they have a rockin" bandMan they was blowing like a hurricaneThat"s why I go for that rock and roll musicAny old way you choose itIt"s got a backbeat you can"t lose itAny old time you use itIt"s gotta be rock and roll musicIf you wanna dance with meWay down south they gave a jubileeI tell you folks they had a jamboreeAnd drinking beer from a wooden cupThe folks a-dancin" got all shook upThey started playing that rock and roll musicAny old way you choose itIt"s got a backbeat you can"t lose itAny old way you use itIt"s gotta be rock and roll musicIf you wanna dance with meIf you wanna dance with meSay if you wanna dance with meIf you wanna dance with meIf you wanna dance with meIt"s gotta be some of thatIf you wanna dance with me

There Were Roses 歌词

There Were Roses歌手 Cara Dillon编辑 LeoMy song for you this eveningIs not to make you sadNor for adding to the sorrowsOf this troubled northern landBut lately I"ve been thinkingAnd it just wont leave my mindI"ll tell you about two friends one timeWho were both good friends of mineIsaac he was ProtestantAnd Sean was Catholic bornBut it never made a differenceFor the friendship it was strongAnd sometimes in the eveningWhen they heard the sound of drumsThey said they wont divide usWe will always be as oneThere were roses, rosesThere were rosesAnd the tears of a people ran togetherIt was on a Sunday morningWhen the awful news came roundAnother killing had been doneJust outside Newry TownWe knew that Isaac danced up thereWe knew he liked the bandBut when we heard that he was deadWe just could not understandNow fear it filled the countrysideThere was fear in every homeWhen late at night a car cameProwling round the Ryan RoadA Catholic would be killed tonightTo even up the scoreOh Christ, it"s young MacDonaldThey have taken from the doorThere were roses, rosesThere were rosesAnd the tears of a people ran togetherIsaac was my friend he criedHe begged them with his tearsBut centuries of hatredHave ears that do not hearAn eye for an eyeThat was all that filled their mindsAnd another eye for another eyeTill everyone was blindNow I don"t know where the moral isOr where the song should endBut I wonder just how many warsAre fought between good friendsAnd those who give the ordersAre not the ones to dieIt"s Scott and young MacDonaldAnd the likes of you and IThere were roses, rosesThere were rosesAnd the tears of a people ran togetherThere were roses, roses, rosesAnd the tears of a people ran togetherthank youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2949053

Darren Hayes roses 中文歌词

声明:转自Darren吧,非原创欢迎来Darren吧~~What if I told you that your time was up如果我告诉你生命已到终点,That as every second passes there"s a moment gone逝去的每一秒都带走生命的一部分,In 23 hours the sun was going to set forever23小时后太阳将永远沉睡,Would you hug a little tighter 你是否会更用力地相拥,would you let go first又或是会先放手?Would you focus on love and then forget the hurt你是否会放下伤痛,专注于爱,live in the moment活在当下,or wish your life away或是在祈祷中度过生命?How would you spend your last night on earth你将如何度过在世的最后一天?Would you kiss your enemies你会不会亲吻你的敌人,Say sorry first首先让步?Would you take enough time to say your last goodbyes你会不会有足够的时间做最后的告别,All the little battles that you never won挥手所有未能赢得的战斗,All the music and the opera never sung所有未曾唱出的旋律,Emotions that were silent all these years沉寂多年的情感?You can"t smell the roses when you"re gone离开之后,你便无法嗅到玫瑰的芬芳,You can"t smell the roses无法嗅到玫瑰的芬芳。No it"s not a rehearsal人生并无排演,You only get one life to make it right仅有一世时光好好生活。You can"t smell the roses when you"re gone离开后,你便无法嗅到玫瑰的芬芳,So live every moment like it"s the last night on earth所以请活出每个精彩瞬间,就像这是你生命的最后一晚,Because this is the last night on earth就像是生命的最后一晚。What if I told you that I had regrets假若我告诉你我有很多遗憾会怎样?I would trade in all my happiness for one last kiss我愿交出所有幸福只为换取最后一吻,For a minute or two lying by your side换取片刻伴你身旁。What if I chose the road nobody walked如果我选择了一条无人走过的路,If I honoured all my promises with empty talk如果我的誓言都无法兑现,If I knew back then the things that I know now如果我当时便知晓这些事情,I would tell you that I love you 我会说出“我爱你”,that we all get low我们都有沮丧之时,There are peak sand there are valleys but you"ve got to know你要明白人生有高潮低谷,跌宕起伏,A second chance it rarely comes around不会有第二次机会降临。You can"t smell the roses when you"re gone离开之后,你便无法嗅到玫瑰的芬芳,You can"t smell the roses无法嗅到玫瑰的芬芳。No it"s not a rehearsal人生并无排演,You only get one life to make it right仅有一世时光好好生活。You can"t smell the roses when you"re gone离开之后,你便无法嗅到玫瑰的芬芳,So live every moment like it"s the last night on earth所以请活出每个精彩瞬间,就像这是你生命的最后一晚。If I could have my time again如果我能回到过去,I would make sure you knew just how I felt我定会让你完全感受我的心意,Because I went away for much too long我已离开太久,And the seasons changed without me时光流转,我心不变You can"t smell the roses when you"re gone离开之后,你便无法嗅到玫瑰的芬芳,You can"t smell the roses无法嗅到玫瑰的芬芳。No it"s not a rehearsal人生并无排演,You only get one life to make it right仅有一世时光好好生活。You can"t smell the roses when you"re gone离开后,你便无法嗅到玫瑰的芬芳,So live every moment like it"s the last night on earth所以请活出每个精彩瞬间,就像这是你生命的最后一晚。Because this is the last night on earth就像是生命的最后一晚。转自Darren吧,欢迎光临

there were roses 的歌词、

My song for you this evening 今晚我的歌为你而唱 Is not to make you sad 不是要使你悲伤 Nor for adding to the sorrows 也不是要增添忧愁 Of this troubled northern land 关于这片困扰的北方大地 But lately I"ve been thinking 但是最近我在思考 And it just wont leave my mind 思考从没有停止 I"ll tell you about two friends one time 我将告诉你曾经的两个朋友 Who were both good friends of mine 他们都曾是我的好友 Isaac he was Protestant 伊萨卡他是一名清教徒 And Sean was Catholic born 西恩是天主教徒 But it never made a difference 但是这从来没有影响什么 For the friendship it was strong 因为友谊坚固 And sometimes in the evening 有时候在夜里 When they heard the sound of drums 当他们听到鼓声的时候 They said they wont divide us 他们说他们决不分离 We will always be as one 始终如一 There were roses, roses 玫瑰啊,玫瑰 There were roses有很多的玫瑰 And the tears of a people ran together 众人泪流成河 It was on a Sunday morning 在一个礼拜天的上午 When the awful news came round 噩耗传来 Another killing had been done 又一场杀戮展开 Just outside Newry Town 就在新城外 We knew that Isaac danced up there 我们知道伊萨卡在那儿跳舞 We knew he liked the band 我们知道他喜欢乐队 But when we heard that he was dead 可是当我们得知他死了 We just could not understand 这简直难以置信 Now fear it filled the countryside 现在恐惧笼罩乡村 There was fear in every home 恐惧压在每个人的心头 When late at night a car came 深夜来了一辆汽车 Prowling round the Ryan Road 在来恩路徘徊 A Catholic would be killed tonight 一名天主教土今晚即将被杀 To even up the score 为了报复 Oh Christ, it"s young MacDonald 噢,基督,是年轻的麦克当纳 They have taken from the door 他们从门边抓走了他 There were roses, roses 玫瑰啊,玫瑰啊 There were roses 有很多的玫瑰 And the tears of a people ran together众人泪流成河 Isaac was my friend he cried 我的朋友伊萨卡哭喊着 He begged them with his tears 他流泪乞求他们 But centuries of hatred 但是几个世纪的仇恨 Have ears that do not hear 不是泪水可以融化的 An eye for an eye 以眼还眼,以牙还牙 That was all that filled their minds 这是他们唯一的信条 And another eye for another eye 继续以眼还眼 Till everyone was blind 直到同归于尽 Now I don"t know where the moral is现在我不知道道德都去了哪儿 Or where the song should end 歌声什么时候停止 But I wonder just how many wars 但是我只是想,有多少战争 Are fought between good friends 让好朋友对抗 And those who give the orders 发出命令的人 Are not the ones to die 却不是牺牲的人 It"s Scott and young MacDonald 牺牲的,是斯科特和年轻的麦克当纳 And the likes of you and I 还有你我的亲朋 There were roses, roses 玫瑰啊,玫瑰啊 There were roses 有很多的玫瑰 And the tears of a people ran together众人泪流成河满意请采纳

Yuck的《Shook Down》 歌词

歌曲名:《Shook Down》歌手:Yuck专辑:《Yuck》发行时间:2011-03-21 流派:嘻哈 发行公司:环球唱片歌词:To collapse in a sugar caneSuck it sweet to kill the painThere was someone I was looking forThere is no moreMy tongue is weak from a kick or twoThe word is dry, I think of youTie my face to the back of a jetTo keep my essence thereAnd it"s been a weekAnd it"s been a week too longThere were several thingsThat I"ve been doing wrongYou see the time it takes for youIs the time it takes for meOh, so don"t agreeIf it"s late then I will goTurn the lights out, turn it slowLike you turned me upside downAnd faced the groundSpinning left, I spin at youListen girl, I think of youBack up by the back of the chairI left you thereIt is been a weekIt"s been a week too longThere were several thingsThat I"ve been doing wrongYou see the time it takes for youIs the time it takes for meOh, so don"t agreeYou could be my destinyYou can mean that much to meYou could be my destinyYou can mean that much to meYou could be my destinyYou can mean that much to meYou could be my destinyYou can mean that much to meYou could be my destiny试听:http://music.baidu.com/song/5548749

谁有there were roses的歌词?还有中文翻译?

There Were Roses歌手 Cara DillonMy song for you this evening今夜我为你所唱的歌Is not to make you sad并非提起你的忧愁Nor for adding to the sorrowsOf this troubled northern land也非为混乱的北方大地增添悲伤But lately I"ve been thinking可我常常想起And it just wont leave my mind那从未在我脑海中散去的一切I"ll tell you about two friends one time我想向你讲述我曾经的朋友Who were both good friends of mine两个皆是我的挚友Isaac he was Protestant艾萨克是新教徒And Sean was Catholic born肖恩天主教出身But it never made a difference但这并不紧要For the friendship it was strong友谊却因此而坚固And sometimes in the evening夜晚的某些时刻When we heard the sound of drums当我们听见鼓声喧天They said they wont divide us他们说那些喧嚣永远不会把我们分开We will always be as one我们永远都会在一起There were roses,roses那丛玫瑰,玫瑰There were roses那丛玫瑰And the tears of a people ran together人们的眼泪一起奔流而下It was on a Sunday morning那是个星期天的早上When the awful news came round令人恐惧的消息围绕Another killing had been done又一起杀戮Just outside Newry Town就在刚刚的Newry镇We knew that Isaac danced up there我们知道艾萨克在那儿跳舞We knew he liked the band我们听说他喜欢那个乐队But when we heard that he was dead 但当我们听到他已经死去We just could not understand我们无法相信Now fear it filled the countryside如今,恐惧充满了整个村庄There was fear in every home也在每一个家庭中蔓延When late at night a car came当夜深时一辆汽车开来Prowling round the Ryan Road在Ryan路上巡游A Catholic would be killed tonight今夜天主教徒将被杀害To even up the score为了报复Oh Christ, it"s young MacDonaldOh,救世主啊,那是年轻的麦克唐纳They have taken from the door他们被带出了门There were roses, roses那丛玫瑰,玫瑰There were roses那丛玫瑰And the tears of a people ran together人们的眼泪一起奔流而下Isaac was my friend he cried我的朋友艾萨克痛哭着He begged them with his tears他用他的眼泪乞求他们But centuries of hatred但这充满仇恨的年代Have ears that do not hear他们耳朵已不再去听An eye for an eye用一只眼睛交换一只眼睛That was all that filled their minds他们的头脑里已被仇恨添满And another eye for another eye又一只眼交换又一只眼Till everyone was blind 直到每个人都失明Now I don"t know where the moral is在这样的时代,我找不到真理的所在Or where the song should end也不知这首歌停止在哪里But I wonder just how many wars我迷惑不解有多少征战Are fought between good friends是朋友之间的残杀And those who give the orders发布命令的人Are not the ones to die不会是死去的那人It"s Scott and young MacDonald死去的那斯考特和麦克唐纳And the likes of you and I如你我一样There were roses, roses那丛玫瑰,玫瑰There were roses那丛玫瑰And the tears of a people ran together人们的眼泪一起奔流而下

Preserved Roses 歌词

歌曲名:Preserved Roses歌手:T.M.Revolution×水奈々专辑:Preserved RosesPreserved RosesT.M.Revolution×水奈々作∶Akio Inoue作曲∶Daisuke Asakura曲∶Daisuke Asakura短いを重ねて永にして逝く花のりが切ないじめた生命(いのち)の孤独を君に捧げる Preserved Rose躯の奥溢れるものを 人と えているだけ全てが「冷たすぎる」なんて 指を 解かせないで光との どちらにでも居れる怖がらないで 望まぬ朝は もう来ないやかだけを り返しがり わり 君はまた…短いを重ねて永にして逝く花のりが切なく拒む世界を付けるうなら魅させるだからく消えないで君がる明日の新しい息吹を伸ばした腕に迎える さないのまま溶け出すを を 弄る想い作りモノの微笑み疑う 罪に 囚われながられてしまう 前に行くとめたやがて零れて 散らばる水に やかにココロを映し 出せるなら途える歌と 引きえに激しい色を注いでり立てた幻を君が信じるなら真だって越えるだろう移る(とき)を止めて朽ちるも知らないで血を流すその手はじめた生命(いのち)の孤独を君に捧げる 求めてるTVアニメ「革命Valvrave」OPテマ短いを重ねて永にして逝く花のりが切なく拒む世界を付けるうなら魅させるだからく消えないで君がる明日の新しい息吹を伸ばした腕に迎える さないhttp://music.baidu.com/song/44701945

preserved rose(圣地亚哥玫瑰)的日文歌词和罗马音 罗马音罗马音罗马音(划重点)

Preserved Roses作词:Akio Inoue作曲:Daisuke Asakura歌:T.M.Revolution×水树奈々短い梦を重ねてmijikai yume wo kasanete永远にして逝く花のeien ni shite yuku hana no伪りが切ないitsuwari ga setsunai闭じ込めた生命(いのち)のtoji kometa inochi no孤独を君に捧げる Preserved Rosekodoku wo kimi ni sasageru Preserved Rose躯の奥溢れるものを 人と 変えているだけkarada no oku afureru mono wo hito to kaeteiru dake全てが「冷たすぎる」なんて 指を 解かせないでsubete ga「tsumeta sugiru」nante yubi wo hodokasenai de光と闇の どちらにでも居れるhikari to yami no dochira ni demo ireru怖がらないで 望まぬ朝は もう来ないkowagaranai de nozomanu asa wa mou konai鲜やかだけを 缲り返しazayaka dake wo kuri kaeshi繋がり 终わり 君はまた…tsunagari owari kimi wa mata...短い梦を重ねてmijikai yume wo kasanete永远にして逝く花のeien ni shite yuku hana no伪りが切なくitsuwari ga setsunaku拒む世界を伤付けるkobamu sekai wo kizu tsukeru愿うなら魅させるnegau nara misaseruだから远く消えないでdakara tooku kienai de君が见る明日のkimi ga miru ashita no新しい息吹をatarashii ibuki wo伸ばした腕に迎える 离さないnobashita ude ni mukaeru hanasanai无伤のまま溶け出す热を 爱を 弄る想いmukizu no mama toke dasu netsu wo ai wo masaguru omoi作リモノの微笑み疑う 罪に 囚われながらtsukuri mono no hohoemi utagau tsumi ni toraware nagara汚れてしまう 前に行くと决めたyogorete shimau mae ni yuku to kimeteやがて零れて 散らばる水に 华やかにyagete koborete chirabaru mizu ni hanayaka niココロを映し 出せるならkokoro wo utsushi daseru nara途绝える歌と 引き换えにtodaeru uta to hikikae ni激しい色を注いでhegeshii iro wo sosoide饰り立てた幻をkazari tateta maboroshi wo君が信じるならkimi ga shinjiru nara真実だって越えるだろうshinjitsu datte koeru darou移る时间(とき)を止めてutsuru toki wo tomete朽ちる术も知らないでkuchiru sube mo shiranai de血を流すその手はchi wo nagasu sono te wa闭じ込めた生命(いのち)のtoji kometa inochi no孤独を君に捧げる 求めてるkodoku wo kimi ni sasageru motometeru短い梦を重ねてmijikai yume wo kasanete永远にして逝く花のeien ni shite yuku hana no伪りが切なくitsuwari ga setsunaku拒む世界を伤付けるkobamu sekai wo kizu tsukeru愿うなら魅させるnegau nara misaseruだから远く消えないでdakara tooku kienai de君が见る明日のkimi ga miru ashita no新しい息吹をatarashii ibuki wo伸ばした腕に迎える 离さないnobashita ude ni mukaeru hanasanai



mary j blige-Roses的歌词中文翻译....

呃...我喜欢这首歌~英文歌的汉译不好找的..毕竟翻译过来意思不可能完全一致这首歌歌词不怎么难吧..楼主认真看看就可以懂的吧..不过我的确不清楚suck it up怎么翻译..似乎...唉...

coming up roses 歌词

歌曲名:coming up roses歌手:Elliott Smith专辑:elliott smithIm a junkyard full of false startsAnd I dont need yr permissionTo bury my love under this bare light bulbThe moon is a sickle cellItll kill you in timeYou cold white brother riding yr bloodLike spun glass in sore eyesWhile the moon does its division youre buried belowAnd youre coming up roses everywhere you goRed roses followThe things that you tell yourselfTheyll kill you in timeYou cold white brother alive in yr bloodSpinning in the night skyWhile the moon does its division youre buried belowAnd youre coming up roses everywhere you goRed rosesSo you got in a kind of trouble that nobody knowsAnd youre coming up roses everywhere you goRed roseshttp://music.baidu.com/song/14530735

Los Lonely Boys的《Roses》 歌词

歌曲名:Roses歌手:Los Lonely Boys专辑:SacredANNA inspi"NANA (BLACK STONES) - rose作词:ANNA作曲:Ayumi Miyazaki编曲:Ayumi Miyazaki清洁制作When I was darkness at that time 当陷于阴暗的那时furueteru kuchibiru 颤抖的嘴唇heya no katasumi de I cry 蜷在屋子一角,哭了起来mogakeba mo gaku hodo tsuki sasaru kono kizu 越是拼命挣扎,越是将伤口撕裂yaburareta yakusoku hurt me 那被打碎的约定,伤害了我Nobody can save me 没人可以拯救我kamisama hitotsu dake 神灵只有一位tomete saku you na my love 能止住开裂的 是我的爱I need your love. I"m a broken rose. 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰mai chiru kanashimi your song 凌乱舞步的悲伤,是你的歌ibasho nai kodoku na my life 居无定所的孤独,是我的生活I need your love. I"m a broken rose. 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰Oh baby, help me from frozen pain 亲爱的,请将我从这冻结的伤痛中拯救with your smile, your eyes, 用你的微笑,你的眼眸and sing me, just for me 你的歌,只为了我I wanna need your love... 我需要你的爱I"m a broken rose 我是朵残破的玫瑰I wanna need your love... 我需要你的爱When you are with me at that time 当你在身边的那时anata no kake wo oikakete 追逐着你的影子hadashi de kake nukete stop me 赤着脚狂奔 请停下我tozaseba tozasu hodo motsureteku kono ai 越是闭上眼,越是被爱纠缠yuruyakani yasashiku kiss me 轻缓温柔的,请亲吻我Nobody can save me 没人可以拯救我kogoeru bara no youni 像封冻的玫瑰yasashiku memuri tai my tears 想要温柔的睡去 留下眼泪I need your love. I"m a broken rose. 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰kare ochiru kanashimi my soul 凋零坠落的悲伤,是我的灵魂hanareteku kodoku na little girl 因离别而孤独的,小女孩I need your love. I"m a broken rose. 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰Oh baby, help me from frozen pain 亲爱的,请将我从这冻结的伤痛中拯救with your smile, your eyes, 用你的微笑,你的眼眸and sing me, just for me 你的歌,只为了我I wanna need your love... 我需要你的爱I"m a broken rose 我是朵残破的玫瑰I wanna need your love... 我需要你的爱I need your love. I"m a broken rose. 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰mai chiru kanashimi your song 凌乱舞步的悲伤,是你的歌ibasho nai kodoku na my life 居无定所的孤独,是我的生活I need your love. I"m a broken rose. 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰Oh baby, help me from frozen pain 亲爱的,请将我从这冻结的伤痛中拯救with your smile, your eyes, 用你的微笑,你的眼眸and sing me, just for me 你的歌,只为了我I wanna need your love... 我需要你的爱I was a broken rose 我是朵残破的玫瑰I wanna need your love... 我需要你的爱清洁制作おわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2184301

Seether的《Roses》 歌词

歌曲名:Roses歌手:Seether专辑:Holding onto Strings Better Left to FraySeether - RosesQQ : 349777127You feed this diseasewhich you shelter underneath the starsand dream of better things rendered helplessby those wicked charmsBut please don"t believe when I sayit"s hard to breatheSave me even as you break meEvery time you rape me leave me coming all undonePraise me, Turn your back and hate meEvery time you waste me,Keep me underneath your thumbYou bleed on the sheetsWhisper softly how you love the starsThen plead on your kneesPledge your promises to do no harmBut please just let me beI still find it hard to breatheSave me even as you break meEvery time you make meLeave me coming all undonePraise me, Turn your back and hate meEvery time you waste me,Keep me underneath your thumbSave me, even as you break meEvery time you rape meleave me coming all undonePraise me, Turn your back and hate meEvery time you waste me,Keep me underneath your thumbSave me, don"t turn your back and break meEvery time you rape meleave me coming all undonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7167994

Outkast的《Roses》 歌词

歌曲名:Roses歌手:Outkast专辑:Speakerboxxx/The Love BelowArtist: OutKastTitle: RosesCaroline! Caroline!All the guys would say she"s mighty fineBut mighty fine only got you somewhere half the timeAnd the other half either got you cursed out, or coming up shortYeah, now dig this, even thoughYou"d need a golden calculator to divideThe time it took to look inside and realize thatReal guys go for real down to Mars girls, yeah!I know you"d like to thank your shit don"t stankBut lean a little bit closerSee that roses really smell like boo-booYeah, roses really smell like boo-booCaroline! See she"s the reason for the word "bitch"I hope she"s speeding on the way to the clubTrying to hurry up to get to someBaller or singer or somebody like thatAnd try to put on her makeup in the mirrorAnd crash, crash, crash.. into a ditch! (Just Playing!)She needs a golden calculator to divideThe time it took to look inside and realize thatReal guys go for real down to Mars girls, yeah!Well she"s got a hotty body, but her attitude is pottyWhen I met her at a party she was hardly acting naughtyI said "Would you call me?"She said "Pardon me, are you ballin"?"I said "Darling, you sound like a prostitute pursing"Oh so you"re one them freaks, get geeked at the sight of ATM receiptsBut game been peeped, dropping names she"s weakTrickin" off this bitch is lostMust take me for a geek a quick way to eatA neat place sleep, a rent-a-car for a week, a trick for a treatNow go on the raw sex, my AIDS test is flawlessRegardless, we don"t want to get involved with no lawyersAnd judges just to hold grudges in a courtroomI wanna see ya support bra not support you!Better come back down to MarsGirl, quit chasin" carsWhat happens when the dough get so lowBitch, you ain"t that fineNo way.. no way.. no wayCrazy bitchBitch, stupid ass bitchOld punk ass bitch, old dumbass bitchA bitch"s bitch, just a bitchhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7918174

Laleh的《Roses》 歌词

歌曲名:Roses歌手:Laleh专辑:Me And SimonLaleh - roses★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师I will listen in stereoI"m hereI"m hereit was longtime agosomeone whispered in my earsand Sevy says she knows meI wont stayI wont stayand she might know me wellbut not today, I hopeand this time I"ll be bravealong the cloudsbut it takes time to sayhere you arecause I can"t keep the rosesnoI can"t save the rosesthe roses from beforecause I can"t save the rosesnoI can"t save the rosesthe roses from beforeI can"t save the rosesthe roses from beforemusic......how you growyou grow on me each daythe past I knowbut the past don"t know the smellof your neckthis is all you wanted so you better believe itthese things don"t happen every dayso I can"t keep the rosesno I can"t keep the rosesthe roses from beforeso I can"t save the rosesno I can"t keep the rosesthe roses fromI don"t have to save the roses from beforeoh, I"m pretty sureI"m going to try the rosesI don"t have to save the rose noI can"t keep the rosesno I can"t keep the roses from beforeI don"t have to save the rosesfrom before.Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/606486


是rosas吧《Rosas 玫瑰花》----来自西班牙的流行摇滚乐队“梵高的耳朵”En un día de estos en que suelo pensar 这是那些日子当中的某一天,我习惯了说服自己说------"hoy va a ser el día menos pensado", “今天把心放下,什么也不想”nos hemos cruzado, has decidido mirar, 我们擦肩而过,你下了决心看看身旁a los ojitos azules que ahora van a tu lado 身旁飘过的那双蓝眼睛,正向你看过来Desde el momento en que te conocí 从我认识你的那一刻开始resumiendo con prisas Tiempo de Silencio 那匆匆一瞥,沉默的一刻te juro que a nadie le he vuelto a decir 我向你发誓没有再向任何人提起que tenemos el récord del mundo en querernos我们拥有的这个世界上最短的一见钟情Por eso esperaba con la carita empapada 于是我在此等候泪流满面a que llegaras con rosas, con mil rosas para mí, 等你带着玫瑰,一千朵给我的玫瑰,向我走过来porque ya sabes que me encantan esas cosas 因为你知道的,这些能让我开心起来que no importa si es muy tonto, soy así. 傻也没有关系,我就是这样Y aún me parece mentira que se escape mi vida生活在悄悄溜走imaginando que vuelvas a pasarte por aquí, 我还在欺骗自己想象着你会回来经过这里donde los viernes cada tarde, como siempre, 在每个星期五的下午, 一如往常那样la esperanza dice "quieta, hoy quizá sí..." 有丝希望在对我说:“嘘,说不定就是今天u2022u2022u2022u2022u2022u2022”Escapando una noche de un bostezo de sol 太阳打了个哈欠,黑夜逃离me pediste que te diera un beso. 你那时祈求我给你一个吻Con lo baratos que salen mi amor, 那么廉价地我的爱离去了qué te cuesta callarme con uno de esos. 一个吻的代价缄了我的口Pasaron seis meses y me dijiste adiós, 六个月过后,你向我说再见un placer coincidir en esta vida. 成了那种生活中的又一次无聊邂逅Allí me quedé, en una mano el corazón 我在那边踟蹰希望能敞开心扉y en la otra excusas que ni tú entendías. 为你的无法理解再找一个完美的托辞Y es que empiezo a pensar 于是我开始想que el amor verdadero es tan sólo el primero. 只有一开始啊,才是真爱Y es que empiezo a sospechar 于是我开始怀疑que los demás son solo para olvidar... 其他的一切不过是为了遗忘啊u2022u2022u2022u2022u2022

Nik Kershaw的《Roses》 歌词

歌曲名:Roses歌手:Nik Kershaw专辑:The RiddleMaximilian Hecker - RoseMy life is swingingMy life is endlessIt is endlessly falling down from heavenAnd you will be washed to my shoreSo light, so brightYour face is shining above meHeavy rainfalls and fragile guidance inside meRoses, oh I beg you to blind me with loveCome down, feed me with starsthat you"ve stolen from heavenWaste me, kill me with one single glance into my eyesRoses, oh I beg you to blind me with loveSo light, so brightYour face is shining above meHeavy rainfalls and fragile guidance inside meRoses, oh I beg you to blind me with loveCome down, feed me with starsthat you"ve stolen from heavenWaste me, kill me with one single glance into my eyesRoses, oh I beg you to blind me with loveMy life is swingingMy life is endlessIt is endlessly falling down from heavenAnd you will be washed to my shoreBelieve in goldminesBelieve in cryingFear in your sweet hair reminds me of the silent daysI don"t fear deathThere"s no place for meHeal my soulBe my raincoat, RosesHeal my soulBe my raincoat, RosesHeal my soulBe my raincoat, RosesAlthough I"m swingingMy life is overIt is over希望能跟热爱音乐的人们交上朋友http://music.baidu.com/song/8347412

The Gold Soul All Stars的《Roses》 歌词

歌曲名:Roses歌手:The Gold Soul All Stars专辑:A Tribute To Kanye WestClaude Kelly - Roses-----MaxRNB - Your First R&B Source!-----I was already thereStanding there like a shadowI was already thereAlways ready to catch youBut you never knowHow much it hurtTo know that your loveWon"t be returnedI was already thereKnowing I"ll never have youCuz your love shines like rosesBeautiful but when I try to hold itThe thorns cut me everytimeDon"t know why I even tryStill I can"t stop reaching for itI was already thereLoving you since the first dayI was already thereStill you never look my wayAnd you never seeHow long I waitAnd how much I dreamMy life won"t payWishing u could be hereBut I know it"s impoossibleCuz your love shines like rosesBeautiful but when I try to hold itThe thorns cut me everytimeDon"t know why I even tryStill I can"t stop reaching for itWhy he gets your loveEveryday I guess I"ll never know itLove rosesWhy.....Cuz your love shines like rosesBeautiful but when I try to hold itCuz ur loveCuz your love shines like rosesBeautiful but when I try to hold itThe thorns cut me everytimeDon"t know why I even tryStill I can"t stop reaching for itRosesLike rosesSo beautiful ye..But I"ll never hold it ye...Ye....Roses...http://music.baidu.com/song/15111083

Let Me Out (Spam Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Let Me Out (Spam Remix)歌手:Dover专辑:2Maximilian Hecker - Let Me Out我垂死的新娘希望能跟热爱音乐的人们交上朋友I cannot breatheWithout youCannot walkWithout youThere is no ending of this lifeThere is no ending of thisLet me outMy head is goneIt flies with youAlthough it"s darkAlthough it"s coldThere is no ending of this lifeThere is no ending of thisLet me outhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2616193

Wolves At The Door 歌词

歌曲名:Wolves At The Door歌手:senses fail专辑:Follow Your Bliss:The Best of Senses FailSenses Fail - Wolves at the DoorIt looks like I found heavenIt"s on the tip of my toungeAnd it reminded me ofWhoa, the times I was youngI"m catching rain in my open mouthI used to smile "til the day I found outI have no idea who the hell I"ve becomeIt"s not who I wasIt"s not who I loveI wanna drown in a sea filled with novacaineI wanna burn on a beach where the sandAs thousands of needles poking at my skinI lie in bed to the soundOf the wolves at my doorThey are speaking in toungesOh, they join on my floorI never thought it would come to thisEyes more yellow than my own pissThey"re making roundsJust to even the scoreJust open the doorJust open the doorI wanna drown in a sea filled with novacaineI wanna burn on a beach where the sandIs littered with razorbladesLittered with razorblades, bladesLittered with razorbladesI can"t hold onThe path is clearI"m giving upIt"s been building for yearsThere"s wolves at the doorI won"t hide here in fearWolves at the doorI look at myselfAnd the things that I"ve doneSo away far from youWe went into the sunI forgave myself for all of my mistakesWhen will I learnWhen will IWhen will I burnI wanna drown in a sea filled with novacaineI wanna burn on a beach where the sandIs littered with razorbladesI gave up so muchSo when my time would comeThe black clouds would swallowThis flaming Hell-holeSometimes I feel like I"m losing my soulAtleast that meansI still have a soul after allhttp://music.baidu.com/song/17252228

The Wolves (Act I and II) 歌词

歌曲名:The Wolves (Act I and II)歌手:Bon Iver专辑:De Rouille et d"osBen Howard - The WolvesFalling from high places, falling through lost spaces,Now that we""re lonely, now that there""s nowhere to go.Watching from both sides, these clock towers burning up,I lost my time here, I lost my patience with it all.And we lost faith, in the arms of love.Where you been hiding lately,where you been hiding from the news?Cause we""ve been fighting lately,we""ve been fighting with the wolves.With the wolves. With the wolves.Red tongues and hands.Falling from high places, falling through lost spaces,Now that we""re lonely, now that we""re so far from home.Watching from both sides, these towers been tumbling down,I lost my mind here, I lost my patience with the lord.Oh, with the lordAnd we lost faith, oh in the arms of love(Love love love)Where you been hiding lately,where you been hiding from the news?Cause we""ve been fighting lately,we""ve been fighting with the wolves.With the wolves. With the wolves.Red tongues and hands.Oh, we lost faith in the arms of love.(Love love love love love love)Red tongues and hands.http://music.baidu.com/song/52514141



求Selena Gomez的wolves的歌词

In your eyes, there"s a heavy blue  你的眼眸中透漏着一丝沉重  One to love, and one to lose  是爱还是放手  Sweet divine, a heavy truth  沉重的现实如甘露  Water or wine, don"t make me choose  清醒还是买醉,不要逼我做出选择I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night, night  我只想重温我们曾一起共度的仲夏之夜  Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky  独自在醉意朦胧间仰望繁星点点  I"ve been running through the jungle  我曾穿越荆棘  I"ve been running with the wolves  我曾与狼共舞  To get to you, to get to you  只为追寻你 前往你身旁  I"ve been down the darkest alleys  我一路沿着墨色浓重的小径前行  Saw the dark side of the moon  抬头遥望月球的背面  To get to you, to get to you  只为追寻你 前往你身旁


In your eyes, there"s a heavy blue你有着一双深蓝色的眼眸One to love, and one to lose左眼蕴藏爱意 右眼闪烁黯然Sweet divine, a heavy truth从甜蜜中我察觉到那沉重的事实Water or wine, don"t make me choose千万别让我喝什么离别酒I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night, night我只想重温我们曾一起共度的仲夏之夜Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky独自在醉意朦胧间仰望繁星点点I"ve been running through the jungle我在丛林中不断奔跑I"ve been running with the wolves我和狼群一同前行To get to you, to get to you只为追寻你 前往你身旁I"ve been down the darkest alleys我一路沿着墨色浓重的小径前行Saw the dark side of the moon抬头遥望月球的背面To get to you, to get to you只为追寻你 前往你身旁I"ve looked for love in every stranger我在每个过客的心中搜索爱的踪迹Took too much to ease the anger喝下太多的酒才稍稍缓解心头之愤All for you, yeah, all for you都是为了你 都是因为你I"ve been running through the jungle我在丛林中不断奔跑I"ve been crying with the wolves我和狼群一起嗥鸣To get to you, to get to you, to get to you只为追寻你 前往你身旁 将你找寻To get to you只为追寻你To get to you只为追寻你Your fingertips trace my skin你的指尖摩挲着我的肌肤To places I have never been带我去领略从未踏足之境Blindly, I am following我就这样不假思索地盲从Break down these walls and come on in越过这垒垒高墙 一窥其中奥妙I wanna feel the way that we did that summer night, night我只想重温我们曾一起共度的仲夏之夜Drunk on a feeling, alone with the stars in the sky独自在醉意朦胧间仰望繁星点点I"ve been running through the jungle我在丛林中不断奔跑I"ve been running with the wolves我和狼群一同前行To get to you, to get to you只为追寻你 前往你身旁I"ve been down the darkest alleys我一路沿着墨色浓重的小径前行Saw the dark side of the moon抬头遥望月球的背面To get to you, to get to you只为追寻你 前往你身旁I"ve looked for love in every stranger我在每个过客的心中搜索爱的踪迹Took too much to ease the anger喝下太多酒才稍稍缓解心头之愤All for you, yeah, all for you都是为了你 都是因为你I"ve been running through the jungle我在丛林中不断奔跑I"ve been crying with the wolves我和狼群一起嗥鸣To get to you, to get to you, to get to you只为追寻你 前往你身旁 将你找寻To get to you只为追寻你To get to you只为追寻你I"ve been running through the jungle我在丛林中不断奔跑I"ve been running with the wolves我和狼群一同前行To get to you, to get to you只为追寻你 前往你身旁I"ve been down the darkest alleys我一路沿着墨色浓重的小径前行Saw the dark side of the moon抬头遥望月球的背面To get to you, to get to you只为追寻你 前往你身旁I"ve looked for love in every stranger我在每个过客的心中搜索爱的踪迹Took too much to ease the anger喝下太多酒才稍稍缓解心头之愤All for you, yeah, all for you都是为了你 都是因为你I"ve been running through the jungle我在丛林中不断奔跑I"ve been crying with the wolves我和狼群一起嗥鸣To get to you, to get to you, to get to you只为追寻你 前往你身旁 将你找寻


wolves歌词如下。《Wolves》是由美国电音制作人棉花糖(Marshmello)与美国当红女歌手赛琳娜·戈麦斯合作单曲,由赛琳娜·戈麦斯演唱。制作人团队有赛琳娜·戈麦斯,阿里·坦波西,路易·贝尔,布莱恩·李,卡尔·罗森,Marshmello以及安德鲁·瓦特,该曲于2017年10月25日发行。这首歌自发行以来,在澳大利亚,奥地利,比利时,加拿大,丹麦,芬兰,爱尔兰,西班牙与美国等国家均长时间保持前20名。赛琳娜·戈麦斯于2017年10月25日发行了她的新单曲《Wolves》,这首歌可能是她有史以来最抒情的个人歌曲。《Wolves》是戈麦斯自Zedd的《I Want You to Know》以及Kygo的《It Ain"t Me》以来的第三次与国际知名DJ的合作。赛琳娜从小就开始寻求以童星身份演出的机会。7岁出演美国儿童电视节目《Barney and Friends》饰Gianna,是她演艺生涯中的第一个荧屏角色。


wolves歌词如下。《Wolves》是由美国电音制作人棉花糖(Marshmello)与美国当红女歌手赛琳娜·戈麦斯合作单曲,由赛琳娜·戈麦斯演唱。制作人团队有赛琳娜·戈麦斯,阿里·坦波西,路易·贝尔,布莱恩·李,卡尔·罗森,Marshmello以及安德鲁·瓦特,该曲于2017年10月25日发行。这首歌自发行以来,在澳大利亚,奥地利,比利时,加拿大,丹麦,芬兰,爱尔兰,西班牙与美国等国家均长时间保持前20名。赛琳娜·戈麦斯于2017年10月25日发行了她的新单曲《Wolves》,这首歌可能是她有史以来最抒情的个人歌曲。《Wolves》是戈麦斯自Zedd的《I Want You to Know》以及Kygo的《It Ain"t Me》以来的第三次与国际知名DJ的合作。赛琳娜从小就开始寻求以童星身份演出的机会。7岁出演美国儿童电视节目《Barney and Friends》饰Gianna,是她演艺生涯中的第一个荧屏角色。

求too bad的中文歌词,nickelback的

When you feel it in your body 当您感觉它在您的身体 You found somebody who makes you change your ways 你会发现它已经使你改变了你自己 Like hanging with your crew 象是你的身体被它提起 Said you act like you"re ready 你的行为表示你已就绪 But you don"t really know 但是你绝对不会了解 And everything in your past - you wanna let it go 一切都在你的过去,你却想逃避 I"ve been there, done it, humped around 我就在那里,就在你伤口的附近 After all that - this is what I found 以后的一切都已被我发觉 Nobody wants to be alone 没有人希望自己会孤单 If you"re touched by the words in this song 如果你看到这首歌的歌词 Then baby... 你会。。。。。。 U got it, u got it bad 你得到它。得到了他的坏 When you"re on the phone 你在电话里说 Hang up and you call right back 挂掉电话你就马上回来 U got it, u got it bad 你得到它。得到了他的坏 If you miss a day without your friend 如果你 Your whole life"s off track 你整个人生的轨迹 ooo you got it bad when you"re stuck in the house 当你独自难过时,你得到了他的坏 You don"t wanna have fun 让你不会笑的开怀 It"s all you think about 你现在已完全明白 U got it bad when you"re 当你逃离他时,你得到了他的坏 But you keep on thinkin" bout somebody else 但是你一在忍耐! U got it bad 得到了他的坏 When you say that you love "em 当你说出那些甜言蜜语 And you really know 你是否了解 Everything that used to matter, don"t matter no more 面对这一切,请不要在乎那么多 Like my money, or my car 就想我的钞票。汽车 You can have it all 你都可以拥有 Flowers, cards and candy! 鲜花。卡片和糖果 Say i"m fortunate to have you girl 拥有你我是如此快乐 I want you to know 我想让你知道 That I really adore you 你是如此让我着迷 All my people who know what"s going on 我的家人也会明白 Look at your mate, help me sing my song 看你的同伴,帮我唱这首歌曲 Tell her I"m your man, you"re my girl 告诉她我是您的人, 您是我的honey I"m gonna tell it to the whole wide world 把它告诉整个世界 Ladies say I"m your girl. you"re my man, promise to love you the best i can 我就是最爱你的人 See I"ve been there, done it, humped around 我就在那里,就在你伤口的附近 After all that - this is what I found 以后的一切都已被我发觉 Everyone of y"all are just like me 我是如此的爱你 It"s too bad that you can"t see 而他却伤害你 That you got it bad...hey 你得到了他的坏


Mama there"s wolves in the houseMama they won"t let me outMama they"re mating at nightMama they won"t make niceThey"re pacing and glowing brightTheir faces all snowy and whiteBury their paws in the stoneMake for my heart as their homeThey tumble and fightAnd they"re beautifulOn the hilltops at nightThey are beautifulBlazing with lightIs the whitest and the tallest and the biggest oneShe"s muscled and fineWhen she runsThey"re tearing up holes in the houseThey"re tearing their claws in the groundThey"re staring with blood in their mouthsMama they won"t let me outThey tumble and fightAnd they"re beautifulOn the hilltops at nightThey are beautifulBlazing with lightIs the whitest and the tallest and the biggest oneAll muscled and fineWhen she runsMama there"s wolves in the houseMama I tried to put them outAnd mama I know you"re too wiseTo wait till those wolves make nice


《Wolves》是由美国电音制作人棉花糖(Marshmello)与美国当红女歌手赛琳娜·戈麦斯合作单曲,由赛琳娜·戈麦斯演唱。歌词:Inyoureyes,there"saheavyblue你的眼眸中透漏着一丝沉重Onetolove,andonetolose是爱还是放手Sweetdivine,aheavytruth沉重的现实如甘露Waterorwine,don"tmakemechoose清醒还是买醉,不要逼我做出选择Iwannafeelthewaythatwedidthatsummernight,night我只想重温我们曾一起共度的仲夏之夜Drunkonafeeling,alonewiththestarsinthesky独自在醉意朦胧间仰望繁星点点I"vebeenrunningthroughthejungle我曾穿越荆棘I"vebeenrunningwiththewolves我曾与狼共舞Togettoyou,togettoyou只为追寻你前往你身旁I"vebeendownthedarkestalleys我一路沿着墨色浓重的小径前行Sawthedarksideofthemoon抬头遥望月球的背面Togettoyou,togettoyou只为追寻你前往你身旁I"velookedforloveineverystranger我在每个过客的心中搜索爱的踪迹Tooktoomuchtoeasetheanger喝下太多的酒才稍稍缓解心头之愤Allforyou,yeah,allforyou都是为了你都是因为你I"vebeenrunningthroughthejungle我曾披荆斩棘I"vebeencryingwiththewolves我曾与狼共啸Togettoyou,togettoyou,togettoyou只为追寻你前往你身旁将你找寻Togettoyou只为追寻你Togettoyou只为追寻你扩展资料创作背景:赛琳娜·戈麦斯于2017年10月25日发行了她的新单曲《Wolves》,这首歌可能是她有史以来最抒情的个人歌曲。《Wolves》是戈麦斯自Zedd的《I Want You to Know》以及Kygo的《It Ain"t Me》以来的第三次与国际知名DJ的合作。这首歌自发行以来,在澳大利亚,奥地利,比利时,加拿大,丹麦,芬兰,爱尔兰,西班牙与美国等国家均长时间保持前20名。


《Wolves》是由美国电音制作人棉花糖(Marshmello)与美国当红女歌手赛琳娜·戈麦斯合作单曲,由赛琳娜·戈麦斯演唱。歌词:Inyoureyes,there"saheavyblue你的眼眸中透漏着一丝沉重Onetolove,andonetolose是爱还是放手Sweetdivine,aheavytruth沉重的现实如甘露Waterorwine,don"tmakemechoose清醒还是买醉,不要逼我做出选择Iwannafeelthewaythatwedidthatsummernight,night我只想重温我们曾一起共度的仲夏之夜Drunkonafeeling,alonewiththestarsinthesky独自在醉意朦胧间仰望繁星点点I"vebeenrunningthroughthejungle我曾穿越荆棘I"vebeenrunningwiththewolves我曾与狼共舞Togettoyou,togettoyou只为追寻你前往你身旁I"vebeendownthedarkestalleys我一路沿着墨色浓重的小径前行Sawthedarksideofthemoon抬头遥望月球的背面Togettoyou,togettoyou只为追寻你前往你身旁I"velookedforloveineverystranger我在每个过客的心中搜索爱的踪迹Tooktoomuchtoeasetheanger喝下太多的酒才稍稍缓解心头之愤Allforyou,yeah,allforyou都是为了你都是因为你I"vebeenrunningthroughthejungle我曾披荆斩棘I"vebeencryingwiththewolves我曾与狼共啸Togettoyou,togettoyou,togettoyou只为追寻你前往你身旁将你找寻Togettoyou只为追寻你Togettoyou只为追寻你扩展资料创作背景:赛琳娜·戈麦斯于2017年10月25日发行了她的新单曲《Wolves》,这首歌可能是她有史以来最抒情的个人歌曲。《Wolves》是戈麦斯自Zedd的《I Want You to Know》以及Kygo的《It Ain"t Me》以来的第三次与国际知名DJ的合作。这首歌自发行以来,在澳大利亚,奥地利,比利时,加拿大,丹麦,芬兰,爱尔兰,西班牙与美国等国家均长时间保持前20名。

谁有Britney Spear 的歌sometimes的中文歌词?

You tell me you"re in love with me 你说你爱上我 Like you can"t take your pretty eyes away from me 就像你对我目不转睛 It"s not that I don"t want to stay 那并不是我想说的 But every time you come too close I move away 但每次你靠近我时 我总是立即离开 I wanna believe in everything that you say 我想要相信你说的一切 "Cause it sounds so good 因为那听起来很棒 But if you really want me, move slow 但如果你真的喜欢我,慢慢来 There"s things about me you just have to know 因为你必须要了解我 CHORUS (合唱) Sometimes I run(sometimes) 有时候我逃跑(有时候) Sometimes I hide 有时候我躲藏 Sometimes I"m scared of you 有时候我对你感到恐惧 But all I really want is to hold you tight 但我真正想要的是紧紧抓住你 Treat you right, be with you day and night 真实的对待你,日日夜夜和你在一起 Baby all I need is time 宝贝 我需要的只是时间 I don"t wanna be so shy (uh i) 我不想那么害羞 Every time that I"m alone I wonder why 每次我总会想为什么我会如此孤单 Hope that you will wait for me 希望你会等着我 You"ll see that you"re the only one for me 你会知道你是我的唯一 I wanna believe in everything that you say 我想要相信你说的一切 "Cause it sounds so good 因为那听起来很棒 But if you really want me, move slow 但如果你真的喜欢我,慢慢来 There"s things about me you just have to know 因为你必须要了解我 Repeat CHORUS (重复合唱) Come just hang around and you"ll see 来我身边你就会发现 There"s nowhere I"d rather be 这就是真正的我 If you love me, trust in me 如果你爱我,相信我 the way that I.... trust in you 正如我...相信你 Repeat CHORUS (重复合唱) all I really want is to hold you tight 我真正想要的是紧紧抓住你 Treat you right, be with you day and night 真实的对待你,日日夜夜和你在一起 Sometimes I run(sometimes) 有时候我逃跑(有时候) Sometimes I hide 有时候我躲藏 Sometimes I"m scared of you 有时候我对你感到恐惧 Come just hang around and you"ll see 来我身边你就会发现 There"s nowhere I"d rather be 这就是真正的我 If you love me, trust in me 如果你爱我,相信我 the way that I.... trust in you 正如我...相信你

来我家吃饭 歌词

《来我家吃饭》 - 阿牛(《你最牛》专辑发行:2008.06.05)TUAN TUAN DAN PUAN PUAN SELAMAT DATANG,SELAMAT DATANG,欢迎来我的家啦...欢迎来我的家请你吃 nasi lemak吃完了吃 laksa再来一杯 kopi o...欢迎来我的家请你吃 roti canai我们的最爱 ...一起来分享沾上 curry 又辣又香放点白糖吃起来甜蜜蜜像我和你 永不分离一人一口吃起来笑嘻嘻selamat datang ...《来我家吃饭》 - 阿牛欢迎来我的家请你吃 nasi lemak吃完了吃 laksa再来一杯 kopi o...欢迎来我的家请你吃 otak otak吃完了吃 satey再来一盘 Kaya kuihNasi lemak 是椰浆饭laksa 就是酸酸辣辣的面条那 kaya kuih 它不是 kuih是糯米糕 吃起来甜蜜蜜像我和你 永不分离一人一口吃起来笑嘻嘻* 那 otak otak 和 kopi O 叻otak otak 和 kopi O 你来我家才能够告诉你la la la la la la la la一人一口吃起来甜蜜蜜la la la la la la la la一人一口吃起来笑嘻嘻欢迎来我的家...---End---2008.06.http://music.baidu.com/song/231242


就叫 mi mi mi serebro 唱的非得让我再回一次

mi mi mi mi mi是哪首歌的歌词啊?

  歌名:《Mi Mi Mi》  所属专辑:《Mi Mi Mi》  发行时间:2013-06-24  歌曲原唱:Serebro  歌词:  Mimimimimimimi  咪咪咪  Mimimi only mimi  咪咪咪,只有咪咪  Mimimimimimimi  咪咪咪  Mimimi sexy me  咪咪咪性感的我  Mimimimimimimi  咪咪咪  Mimimi only mimi  咪咪咪,只有咪咪  Mimimimimimimi  咪咪咪  Mimimi sexy me  咪咪咪性感的我  Mimimimimi  咪咪咪  Hush now!  安静  I can, motherocker give u complete bliss!  我能给你带来完整的幸福  I got your “Wow wow!”  你惊讶的说 ,喔喔  Look at my bottom, give it a kiss…  看我的臀部,给它一个吻  I am so super pupper drupper,  我是一个超级美女  I"m the front girl in round!  我是潮流女孩  I am so cool with my fashion pink lips  我时尚的粉红色嘴唇很酷  Stacking money rolls down…  扔下成堆的钱  All the boys say: “Wow wow!”  所有的男孩子叫着,喔喔  Girls in the back same: “Wow wow!”  女孩子们也叫着,喔喔  Enter the party,  聚会开始  Call me dandy candy cause I"m high, high!  我就是时髦甜心,因为我很嗨  I am so super pupper drupper,  我是一个超级美女  I"m the front girl in round!  我是潮流女孩  I am so cool with my awesome big tits  我的巨乳无与伦比  On the ground!  这地球上  Mimimimimimimi  咪咪咪  Mimimi only mimi  咪咪咪,只有咪咪  Mimimimimimimi  咪咪咪  Mimimi Sexy me  咪咪咪性感的我  Mimimimimimimi  咪咪咪  Mimimi only mimi  咪咪咪,只有咪咪  Mimimimimimimi  咪咪咪  Mimimi Sexy me  咪咪咪性感的我  Yo yo  呦呦  I pull up in Lamba!  我迷上兰巴达  I pull up in my Louboutin!  我迷上鲁布托  I pull up phone in my hand  手机不离手,  and ice on my bracelet and all I"ve got…  冰在我的手镯上,我的一切…  I am so super pupper drupper  我是一个超级美女  I"m the front girl in round  我是个潮流女孩  I am so cool with my sexy bad hips  我性感的电臀电力十足  When I am walking down…  当我走来  All the boys say: “Wow wow!”  所有的男孩子叫着,喔喔  Girls in the back same: “Wow wow!”  女孩子们也叫着,喔喔  Enter the party,  聚会开始  Call me dandy candy cause I"m high, high!  我就是时髦甜心,因为我很嗨  I am so super pupper drupper,  我是一个超级美女  I"m the front girl in round!  我是个潮流女孩  I am so cool with my awesome big tits  我的巨乳无与伦比  On the ground!  在这地球上  Mimimimimimimi  咪咪咪  Mimimi only mimi  咪咪咪只有咪咪  Mimimimimimimi  咪咪咪  Mimimi Sexy me  咪咪咪,性感的我  Mimimimimimimi  咪咪咪  Mimimi only mimi  咪咪咪只有咪咪  Mimimimimimimi  咪咪咪  Mimimi Sexy me  咪咪咪,性感的我  Mimimimimimimi  咪咪咪  Mimimi only mimi  咪咪咪只有咪咪  Mimimimimimimi  咪咪咪  Mimimi Sexy me  咪咪咪,性感的我  Mimimimimimimi  咪咪咪  Mimimi only mimi  咪咪咪只有咪咪  Mimimimimimimi  咪咪咪  Mimimi Sexy me  咪咪咪,性感的我


serebro 的 mimimi-咪咪咪




uc0acub791ud574 ub110 uc0acub791ud574 uadf8ub300uc640 ub09c uc601uc6d0ud788ud589ubcf5ud55c ub0b4 uc0acub791 ub418uc904 uadf8ub300uc5ec uc0acub791ud574uc694ud558ub8e8uc885uc77c ub2c8uac00 ub108ubb34 uc0dduac01ub0acuc5b4ubcf4uace0uc2f6uc5b4 ub2c8uac00 ub108ubb34 uad81uae08ud588uc5b4uadf8ub300 ud558ub098ubc16uc5d0 ub09c ubaa8ub974ub098ubd10uc694 uc0acub791ud574uc694ub0b4uc77cuc774uba74 ubcf4uace0uc2f6uc740 ub0a0ub3c4 ubaa8ub450 uc548ub155ub108ub97c ubcf4uc790ub9c8uc790 ud55c uc190 ub4e4uace0 uc548ub155(ubcf4uace0uc2f6uc5c8uc5b4 uc6b0ub9ac ubb50ud560uae4c)uc0dduac01ub9cc ud558uba74 uc808ub85c uc6c3uc74cuc774 ub098uc8e0ub0b4uac00 ub108ub97c uc0acub791ud558ub098ubd10ub0b4uac00 ub108ub97c uc0acub791ud558ub098ubd10ub098uc5d0uac8cub294 ub108 ubc16uc5d0ub294 uc5c6ub098ubd10ub110 uc0dduac01ud558uba74 ud589ubcf5ud574 uac00ub054uac00ub054 ub2c8uac00 ub108ubb34 uc0dduac01ub0a0 ub550ub0b4uac00 uadf8ub798uc11c ub108 ud558ub098ub9cc uadf8ub807uac8c uc0acub791ud55cub2e4 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4 ub9d0ud560uac8cub098uc5d0uac90 ud558ub098ubc16uc5d4 uc5c6ub294 uc0acub791uc774ub2c8uae4cub110 ubcf4uba74 ub208uc774 ub208uc774 ubd80uc154 ub098 uc228uc744 ud06cuac8c ub9c8uc154ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 ud130uc9c8uae4cubd10 uaf2d uadf8ub7f4uae4cubd10(uadf8ub7f4ub54cuba74) uc0acub791ud574 ud55cub9c8ub514 ud558uae30uac00 uc660uc9c0 uc815ub9d0 ubd80ub044ub7ecuc6ccuc11cuadf8ub0e5 uc55euc5d0 uc11c uc788uc5b4ub098ub97c uc606uc5d0 ub450uace0 ud55c ub208 ud314uba74 uc808ub300 uc548ub418uc694(uc808ub300 ud55c ub208 ud314uc9c0 uc54auc744uac8c)ub0b4uac8c uc788uc5b4 uadf8ub300 ud558ub098 ubc16uc5d0 ub098ub294 ubab0ub77cuc694(uadf8ub300ub9ccuc744 ubc14ub77cubcfcuac8c)uc774ub7f0 uc0acub78c ub0b4uac8c uc788uc5b4 ub108ubb34 ud589ubcf5ud558ub124uc694(ub2c8uac00 uc788uc5b4 ub098ub294 ud589ubcf5ud574) uc0acub791ud574uc694 uadf8ub300ub9ccuc744 ubc14ub77cubcfcub798uc694(uc0acub791ud574 uadf8ub300 ud558ub098ub9cc) My loveuc815ub9d0 uc7a0uc774 uc624uc9c8 uc54auc544 uc124ub808uc784uc774 ub9ceuc544 uc774uc81c ub208uc744 uac10uc544 uc591uc744 uc138uc8e0, ud558ub098ub2c8uac00 ub108ubb34 uc0dduac01uc774 ub098 ub0b4uac00 ub2e4uc2dc uc77cuc5b4ub098 ub108 ubc16uc5d0ub294 ub0b4uac00 ubaa8ub974ub098ubd10ud55cuae00uc790 uae00uc790 ub0b4 ub9d8 ub2f4uc544 ub0b4 uc0acub791 uc0acub791 uc804ubd80 ub2f4uc544ub108uc5d0uac8c ub0b4uac00 ud3b8uc9c0ub97c uc368uc0acub791ud558ub294 ub9c8uc74cuc73cub85c uadf8ub798 ub0b4uac00 ud3b8uc9c0ub97c uc368ub110 uc0acub791ud558ub098ubd10 ByBe~uc608uc05c uc637uc744 uc785uace0 ud658ud55c ubbf8uc18cub85c ub2c8uac00 ub098ub97c ubc18uae30uace0ub0b4uac00 ub108ubb34 uc0acub791ud558ub294 ub098uc758 uadf8ub300 uc774uc81cubd80ud130 ud798uc774 ub4e4uba74 ub0b4uac8c uae30ub300uc5b8uc81cuae4cuc9c0ub098 ub108uc758 uacc1uc5d0uc11c ub0b4uac00 uc788uc5b4uc904uac8c ub0b4uac00 ub108ub97c uc9c0ucf1cuc904uac8cub110 ubcf4uba74 ub208uc774 ub208uc774 ubd80uc154 ub098 uc228uc744 ud06cuac8c ub9c8uc154ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 ud130uc9c8uae4cubd10 uaf2d uadf8ub7f4uae4cubd10(uadf8ub7f4ub54cuba74) uc0acub791ud574 ud55cub9c8ub514 ud558uae30uac00 uc660uc9c0 uc815ub9d0 ubd80ub044ub7ecuc6ccuc11cuadf8ub0e5 uc55euc5d0 uc11c uc788uc5b4ub098ub97c uc606uc5d0 ub450uace0 ud55c ub208 ud314uba74 uc808ub300 uc548ub418uc694(uc808ub300 ud55c ub208 ud314uc9c0 uc54auc744uac8c)ub0b4uac8c uc788uc5b4 uadf8ub300 ud558ub098 ubc16uc5d0 ub098ub294 ubab0ub77cuc694(uadf8ub300ub9ccuc744 ubc14ub77cubcfcuac8c)uc774ub7f0 uc0acub78c ub0b4uac8c uc788uc5b4 ub108ubb34 ud589ubcf5ud558ub124uc694(ub2c8uac00 uc788uc5b4 ub098ub294 ud589ubcf5ud574) uc0acub791ud574uc694 uadf8ub300ub9ccuc744 ubc14ub77cubcfcub798uc694(uc0acub791ud574 uadf8ub300 ud558ub098ub9cc) My loveuc0acub791ud574 uc0acub791ud574uc694 uace0ub9c8uc6cc uace0ub9c8uc6ccuc694ub0b4uac8c uc788uc5b4uc900 ub0b4 uc0acub791 uadf8ub300uc5f4ubc88 ubc31ubc88 uc544ub2c8 uadf8ub798 uc218ucc9cubc88uadf8ub798 ub0b4uac00 uc0acub791ud55cub2e4 ub9d0ud560uac8cub098uc5d0uac8cub294 ud558ub098ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6ub294 uadf8ub300 ud558ub098ub9cc uadf8ub300 ud558ub098ub9cc uc0acub791ud560uac8c (uc0acub791ud574)ub110 ubcf4uba74 ub208uc774 ub208uc774 ubd80uc154 ub098 uc228uc744 ud06cuac8c ub9c8uc154ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc774 ud130uc9c8uae4cubd10 uaf2d uadf8ub7f4uae4cubd10(uadf8ub7f4ub54cuba74) uc0acub791ud574 ud55cub9c8ub514 ud558uae30uac00 uc660uc9c0 uc815ub9d0 ubd80ub044ub7ecuc6ccuc11c uadf8ub0e5 uc55euc5d0 uc11c uc788uc5b4uc774ub807uac8c 你和我将永远爱你Doejul快乐宝宝的爱,我的爱整整一天,所以我有你我想念你这么多大家您没有之一,只有我爱你美好的一天你想看到明天您好,只要您持有手(我想念你不知道发生了什么事给我们)这使得他们的笑容时,对寺庙思考我想我爱你我想我爱你有时,当你把我的头弹出有时太你不如不要我在那里如果你认为我很高兴有时,当你把我的头弹出有时太没有人喜欢我现在这就是我爱你,爱你一告诉因为一个是让我不爱我将尽我的心会爆裂我爱你,爱你一告诉她非常闪闪发光的眼睛,当我看到你喝或呼吸(但)我站在前面困难的话,为什么我爱你实在太害羞永远不要把你的眼睛打开我旁边的左边(我永远不会欺骗任何人)(您只想要)我对我来说只有一个,我不知道我很高兴,这些人(你有我很高兴)我爱你,只是想看看我的爱(我爱只有你)现在指望你的眼睛,金额1我睡了许多令人激动不会来我想你,就是我回来我想我只知道我写你的信她想爱你ByBeu301cNbspo字把所有我的心,捕捉爱我的爱我的爱,是的,我写了一封信美丽与灿烂的笑容迎接你打扮现在我得到的权力她非常闪闪发光的眼睛,当我看到你喝或呼吸我爱你这么多,你是我的我将尽我的心会爆裂(但)困难的话,为什么我爱你实在太害羞我站在前面永远不要把你的眼睛打开我旁边的左边(我永远不会欺骗任何人)我会祝福你我对我来说只有一个,我不知道(您只想要)我很高兴,这些人我要永远在你身边(你有我很高兴)我爱你,只是想看看(我爱只有你)我的爱我爱你我爱你,感谢你感谢你你我身边我的爱是的,我告诉你,我爱你百万次是否她非常闪闪发光的眼睛,当我看到你喝或呼吸我将尽我的心会爆裂(但)我站在前面困难的话,为什么我爱你实在太害羞


I wish you would step back from that ledge" my friendYou could cut ties with all the liesThat you"ve been living inAnd if you do not want to see me againI would understandI would understandThe angry boy" a bit too insaneIcing over a secret painYou know you don"t belongYou"re the first to fightYou"re way too loudYou"re the flash of lightOn a burial shroudI know something"s wrongWell everyone I know has got a reasonTo sayPut the past awayI wish you would step back from that ledge" my friendYou could cut ties with all the liesThat you"ve been living inAnd if you do not want to see me againI would understandI would understandWell" he"s on the tableAnd he"s gone to codeAnd I do not think anyone knowsWhat they are doing hereAnd your friends have leftYou"ve been dismissedI never thought it would come to thisAnd II want you to knowEveryone"s got to face down the demonsMaybe todayWe can put the past awayI wish you would step back from that ledge" my friendYou could cut ties with all the liesThat you"ve been living inAnd if you do not want to see me againI would understandI would understandI would understandCan you put the past awayI wish you would step back from that ledge" my friendI would understand

无法松の一生 歌词

小仓(こくら)生(う)まれで 玄海(げんかい)育(そだ)ち口(くち)も荒(あら)いが 気(き)も荒(あら)い无法(むほう)一代(いちだい) 涙(なみだ)を舍(す)てて度胸千両(どきょうせんりょう)で 生(い)きる身(み)の男(おどこ)一代(いちだい) 无法(むほう)松(まつ)空(そら)にひびいた あの音(おと)はたたく太鼓(たいこ)の 勇驹(いさみこま)山车(だし)の竹笹(たけざさ) 堤灯(ちょうちん)は赤(あか)い灯(あかし)に ゆれて行(ゆ)く今日(きょう)は只园(ぎおん)の 夏祭(なつまつ)り揃(そろ)いの浴衣(ゆかた)の 若(わか)い众(しゅう)は纲(つな)を引出(ひきだ)し 音头(おんど)とる玄海滩(げんかいなだ)の 风(かぜ)うけてばちがはげしく 右左(みぎひだり)小仓名代(こくらなだい)は 无法松(むほうまつ)度胸千両(どきょうせんりょう)の あばれうち泣(な)くな叹(なげ)くな 男(おどこ)じゃないかどうせ実(み)らぬ 恋(こい)じゃもの愚痴(ぐち)や未练(みれん)は 玄海滩(げんかいなだ)に舍(す)てて太鼓(たいこ)の 乱(みだ)れ打(う)ち梦(ゆめ)も通(かよ)えよ 女男(みょうと)波(なみ)



Jumper (2006 Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Jumper (2006 Remastered Lp Version)歌手:Third Eye Blind专辑:A CollectionI wish you would step back from that ledge, my friendYou could cut ties with all the lies that you been living inAnd if you do not want to see me againI would understandI would understandThe angry boy, a bit too insaneIcing over a secret painYou know you don"t belongYou"re the first to fightYou"re way too loudYou"re the flash of light on a burial shroudI know something"s wrongWell everyone I know has got a reasonTo sayPut the past awayI wish you would step back from that ledge, my friendYou could cut ties with all the lies that you been living inAnd if you do not want to see me againI would understandI would understandWell, he"s on the table and he"s gone to codeAnd I do not think anyone knowsWhat they are doing hereAnd your friends have leftYou"ve been dismissedI never thought it would come to thisAnd II want you to knowEveryone"s got to face down the demonsMaybe todayWe can put the past awayI wish you would step back from that ledge, my friendYou could cut ties with all the lies that you been living inAnd if you do not want to see me againI would understandI would understandI would understandCan you put the past awayI wish you would step back from that ledge, my friendI would understandRepeat...http://music.baidu.com/song/8267783
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