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It would be waiting for the fallIf love is greatI have nothing to struggleAm I worse than othersWho should stay at home weekendTo face the TV PopcornIf you said the situation remindsCrying tears crashedTen menSeven sillySpent eightNine badThere is also a love for allSisters come outEven sweetHe lied over theTo loveNot to let him leaveTo find someone to love itYes you can forgetLike roses witherUnder hard rain heartDo not be afraid from now onOutside the sun so bigIf you love to costsThat courage to accept it 那就等着沦陷吧如果爱情真伟大我有什么好挣扎难道我比别人差是谁要周末待在家对着电视爆米花想起你说的情话哭得眼泪哗啦啦十个男人七个傻八个呆九个坏还有一个人人爱姐妹们跳出来就算甜言蜜语把他骗过来好好爱不再让他离开找个人来恋爱吧才能把你忘了呀像枯萎的玫瑰花心里的雨拚命下从今以后别害怕外面太阳那么大如果相爱要代价那就勇敢接受它

歌曲《姐姐妹妹站起来》英文版,歌名及歌词,谢谢!(应该不是sister sister)


红贝贝 psycho音译歌词?

夏天属火而主长,阳气畅发茂盛,天地万物盛大,都呈现释放状态,鲜花怒放,树木茂盛,鸟儿尽情鸣叫,实际上都是夏天的火气表现出来的不同形式。我们在西天看到的,听到的,闻到的,吃到的时令食物,都是夏天的火能量最强的释放作用,比如看到红花可以令人心情愉悦,听到树上的蝉鸣,池塘里的蛙声,会给人神气飞扬的感觉。不要对炎热感到烦躁,要是情绪变得平和,尽情释放内心的情绪,不要压抑在心底,违背这一法则,心脏功能就会受到损害,到了秋天会生疟疾,原因在于夏天火气不足,秋天便会气虚,导致收敛之力虚弱,冬天一到,精气不藏,必定发病。秋三月,此谓容平,天气以急,地气以明。早卧早起,与鸡俱兴,使志安宁,以缓秋刑,收敛神气,使秋气平,无外其志,使肺气清。此秋气之应,养收之道也。逆之则伤肺,冬为飧泄,奉藏者少。秋属金而主收,阴气凝肃,天气收缩,地气消落,果实饱满,人应当早睡早起,情志安定平静,以缓冲深秋肃杀之气对人的影响。收敛夏天向外宣发出的阳气,这是顺应秋气,保养人体收敛气机的法则。违反则会损伤肺气,肺病则不能降敛,到了冬天肾精不能闭藏,相火就会泄露,肝木不能得到滋养,便会风燥怒冲,胆火上逆,肾水上克脾土,寒湿传于土气, 水寒,土湿,木郁,轻者饮食不消,大便泄泻,重者生命必遭大害。冬三月,此谓闭藏,水冰地坼,无扰乎阳。早卧晚起,必待日光,使志若伏若匿,若有私意,若己有得,去寒就温,无泄皮肤,使气亟夺。此冬气之应,养藏之道也。逆之则伤肾,春为痿厥,奉生者少。冬属水而主藏,阴气蛰封,生机闭藏,大地冻裂,人不要扰动体内阳气使其外泄,不要去做一些拔罐之类的治疗,不要剧烈锻炼,大汗淋漓,早睡晚起,要等到太阳出现再起床,不要肆意发泄情志,远离严寒之地,靠近温暖之所,不要随意暴露皮肤,这是顺应冬气的法则,违背则会伤害肾气,肾精虚衰则不能滋养肝木,春天一到,便会发病,如腰酸腿软,头眩耳鸣,四肢不能伸张等。春生,夏长,秋收,冬藏,人体的生命机能随着地球的气候变化不断循环,形成了肝气的生发,心气的宣通,秋气的肃降,冬气的蛰藏,按照中医的观点,人是天地合气的产物,用现代语言来说就是在自然规律性的运动变化中产生,顺应自然规律,生命就能得到很好的滋养保护,不容易生病,违逆这个法则,就会导致生命受到损害

psycho歌词 psycho歌曲简介

1、《PSYCHO》的歌词: 平静的瞳孔 内心却汹涌 失乐园中 扭曲星空 爱之殇 被歌咏 恶之花在爱里绽放 泪水顷刻决堤 河滩上点燃的欲望 把你我烧成灰烬 爱是两颗心的葬礼 越美好越会变得压抑 无法克制的控制欲 日夜折磨你我变成 psycho psycho 以泪洗面 psycho psycho 握紧我的双手 psycho 你让我变成 psycho psycho 你想要的自由 他们说的时间完全不够用 他们想要的一切我们都不能承受 可我总是在这里看着你 却来不及告诉你 到底是想抱着你还是想要忘掉你 恶之花在爱里绽放 泪水顷刻决堤 河滩上点燃的欲望 把你我烧成灰烬 爱是两颗心的葬礼 越美好越会变得压抑 无法克制的控制欲 日夜折磨你我变成 psycho psycho 以泪洗面 psycho psycho 握紧我的双手 psycho 你让我变成 psycho psycho 你想要的自由 翻开回忆那一页 熊熊烈火再次蔓延 倔强的我 对你的求救视而不见 大火照亮整个黑夜 心电图变成直线 写下完结篇 别再回头 My girl 停止在欲望里分裂 无悔地走 My girl 泪水别越过换日线 爱是两颗心的葬礼 越美好越会变得压抑 无法克制的控制欲 日夜折磨你我变成 psycho psycho 以泪洗面 psycho psycho 握紧我的双手 psycho 你让我变成 psycho psycho 你想要的自由 psycho 以泪洗面 psycho psycho 握紧我的双手 psycho 你让我变成 psycho psycho 你想要的自由 爱是你我的葬礼 越美好越会变得压抑 无法克制的控制欲 折磨你我变成 psycho 2、《PSYCHO》是黄明昊 (Justin)演唱的歌曲,由钱黔作词,The Aristocrats/Tesung Kim/Casper/黄明昊 (Justin)作曲,黄明昊(Justin)Rap词,收录于专辑《18》。



Tornado的《Informer》 歌词

歌曲名:Informer歌手:Tornado专辑:InspectorWhat"s up man! Hey yo what"s up!Yeah what"s goin" on here.Sick an" tired of five-oh runnin" up on the block here.You know what I"m sayin"?Yo Snow, they came around here lookin" for you the other day. Word? Word! Bust it!Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Police them come an" now they blow down me door,One him come crawl through, through my window,So then they put me in the back the car at the station,From that point on me reach my destination,When the destination reached, it was the east detention, where themWhipped down me pants, looked up me bottom, soInformer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Bigger they are they think they have more power,They"re on the phone me say that on (every) hour,Me for want to use it once an" now me call me lover,Lover who I"ll be callin is the one TAMMY,an" me love her in me heart down to my belly,Yes me Daddy me Snow me I feel cool an" deadly,As the one MC Shan an" the one Daddy Snow,Together we-a love"em as a Tor-Na-Do.Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Listen for me, you better listen for me now.Listen for me, you better listen for me now.When me rockin" the microphone me rock it steady,Yes sir, Daddy me Snow me are the article don.But in the in an" the out of a dance them they say where you come from,People them say you come from Jamaica,But me born an" raised in the ghetto that"s the one I want you to know,Pure black people mon that"s all I mon know.Yeah me shoes are tear up an" me toes used to show,Where me born in on the one Toronto, soInformer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Come with a nice young lady. Intelligent,Yes she"s gentle an" irie.Everywhere me go, me never left her at all.Yes, its Daddy Snow me are the roam dance mon.Roam between a dancin" in a in a nation-a.You never know say Daddy me Snow me are the Boom Shakata.Me never lay-a down flat in that one cardboard box.Yes say me Daddy me Snow me I"ll go reachin" at the top, so IInformer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Why would he?Me sittin" "round cool with my dibbie dibbie girl,Police knock my door,Lick up my pal,Rough me up an" I can"t do a thingPick up my line, when my telephone ring.Take me to the station,Black up my hands.Trail me down, "cuz I"m hangin" with the Snowman,What I"m gonna do,I"m backed an" I"m trapped,Slap me in the face an" took all o" my gap.They have no clues an" they wanna get warmer,But Shan won"t turn Informer!Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.Informer, you no say Daddy me Snow me I"ll go blame,A licky Boom Boom Down.Detective mon said Daddy me Snow me stab someone down the lane,A licky Boom Boom Down.http://music.baidu.com/song/7419065






L love you



爱你在心口难开 英文歌词 读音

LOVE YOU MORE THAN I CAN SAY Woh woh yeah yeah I love you more than I can say I"ll love you twice as much tomorrow Woh love you more than I can say Woh woh yeah yeah "I miss you every single day Why must my life be filled Woh love you more than I can say Don"t you know I need you so Dh tell me please I need you know Do you mean to make me cry Am I just another guy Do you mean to make me cry Am I just another guy Woh love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say I"ll love you twice as much tomorrow Woh love you more than I can say

求东方神起 东方的斗魂 world cup韩语歌词

uc720ucc9c uc5b8uc81cub098 ub09c ubbffuc5b4uc694 uadf8ub300uc548uc5d0 uc228uc26cub294 ud798 ud3ecuae30ud558uc9c0 uc54aub358 ubaa8uc2b5uc740 ub098ub97c uae68uc6ccuc92cuc5b4uc694 ubaa8ub450 uc774uaca8ub0bc uc218 uc788ub2e8 uac78 ubcf4uc5ecuc92cuc8e0 uc724ud638 uc624ub79c uc2dcuac04 uae30ub2e4ub838uc8e0 uc6b0ub9ac ub2e4uc2dc ud558ub098ub418ub294 uc624ucc9cub9ccuc758 uac00uc2b4 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ud0dcuadf9uae30ub97c uc0c8uaca8ub193uace0uc11c uadf8ub300ub4e4uacfc ud568uaed8 ud560uac8cuc694 uc678ub86duc9c0 uc54aub3c4ub85d uc7acuc911 ubcf4uc5ecuc8fcuc138uc694 ub3d9ubc29uc758 ud0c0uc624ub974ub294 ubd88uaf43uc744 uc601uc6d0ud55c uc0acub791uacfc ud3ecuae30ud558uc9c0 uc54aub294 uadf8 ud22cud63cuc744 uc138uc0c1 uac00ub4ddud558uac8c uc6b8ub824ud37cuc9c0uac8c ucc3dubbfc uc9c4uc815 uc544ub984ub2e4uc6b4 uafc8uc744 uafb8uc5c8uc8e0 uc6b0ub9ac uc0acub791uc73cub85c ub2e4 uac10uc2f8uc548uace0 ubcd1ub4e0 ub9d8uc744 uc5b4ub8e8ub9ccuc838uc694 uc190uc744 ub0b4ubc00uc5b4 uadf8ub300uacc1uc5d0 uc788uac8c ud558uc138uc694 uc2b9ub9acuc758 ub0a0uae4cuc9c0 uc900uc218 ubcf4uc5ecuc8fcuc138uc694 ub3d9ubc29uc758 ud0c0uc624ub974ub294 ubd88uaf43uc744 uc601uc6d0ud55c uc0acub791uacfc ud3ecuae30ud558uc9c0 uc54aub294 uadf8 ud22cud63cuc744 ubaa8ub4e0 uc138uc0c1 uc0acub78cub4e4uc758 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 uc7acuc911 uc6b0ub9b0 uc54c uc218 uc788uc5c8uc8e0 uc218 uc5c6uc774 ub9ceuc740 ub540uacfc ub208ubb3cuc548uc5d0uc11cub9cc uc2e4ud604ub418ub294uac78 uc900uc218 uac00uc2b4uc744 ud65cuc9dd uc5f4uace0 uc5b8uc81cub098 ucd5cuc120uc744 ub2e4ud574 ub178ub825ud558ub294 uac83uc744 uc78auc9c0ub9d0uc544uc694 ub09c ubbffuc5b4uc694 uadf8ub300uc640 uc6b0ub9acub4e4uc758 ud568uc131uc774 ud55cubc88 ub354 uae30uc801uc744 ub9ccub4e4uc5b4ub0bc uac70ub780uac78 uc138uacc4ub97c ub2e4uc2dc ud55cubc88 uc6b0ub9acub4e4uc758 ud488uc548uc5d0 ubcf4uc5ecuc8fcuc138uc694 ub3d9ubc29uc758 ud0c0uc624ub974ub294 ubd88uaf43uc744 uc601uc6d0ud55c uc0acub791uacfc ud3ecuae30ud558uc9c0 uc54aub294 uadf8 ud22cud63cuc744 uc138uc0c1 uac00ub4ddud558uac8c uc6b8ub824ud37cuc9c0uac8c uc7acuc911 uc790ub791uc2a4ub7f0 ub300ud55cuc758 uc804uc0acuc5ec uc900uc218 uc6b0uc2b9uc744 ud5a5ud574 ucf54ub9acuc544韩语的

Jonsi的《Tornado》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Tornado歌手:Jonsi专辑:GoCreed - TornPeace is what they tell meLove am I unholyLies are what they tell meDespise you that control meThe peace is dead in my soulI have blamed the reason formy intentions poorYes I"m the one whothe only one whoWould carry on this farTorn, I"m filthyBorn in my own miseryStole all that you gave meControl you claim you save meThe peace is dead in my soulI have blamed the reason formy intentions poorYes I"m the one whothe only one whoWould carry on this farPeace in my headLove in my headLies lies lies lies in my headAnd peace is dead and mysoul I have blame reasons for my intentions poorYes I"m the one whoThe only one whowould carry on this farThe peace is dead and mysoul I have blame reasons for my intentions poorYes I"m the one whoThe only one whowould carry on this farhttp://music.b***.com/song/3492446

more than i can say 歌词中文意思


Voivod的《Tornado》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Tornado歌手:Voivod专辑:Killing TechnologyNature deadly twistersWar of winds strikes againYou live in a nice neighborhoodAs nice as it will be afterThey drop down from the cloudsCompletely out man"s controlSome day it"s gonna catch meThe tornado is right behindIt picks me up to overseasThe tornado is right thereCumulonimbus storms arriveVoivodLightning flashes a hundred miles aroundElectrical collision courseCreates the elephant trunkCreeping and looking for your homeSucking anything from the groundGo 25.000 feet in the airThe deadlist of all thunderheadsThe strong winds and the vacuumAre gonna take you to the heart of the stormMoving and turningNo escape, you disappearIt rips you off, keeps you inRises you up and pushes you outInto the guts of the tornadoSpinning at 300 miles an hourAnd trying to outwit this monsterMoving and turningNo escape, you disappearIt rips you off, keeps you inRises you up and pushes you outThe frontal attack, now is in the pastIs it finished, or is it coming back?No one knows, where it goesAm I safe ? Am I gone with it ?Running scared !!Do it quickly, if you see itThere is no time, for a warningThe tornado has struck, hope you have some luckDust will make you blind, nothing you can findRunning scared !Tornado ! Tornado ! Tornado !!!...http://music.b***.com/song/14145988


More Than I Can Say Oh oh yea yea I love you more than I can say I"ll love you twice as much tomorrow Oh love you more than I can say Oh oh yea yea I miss you every single day Why must my life be filled with sorrow Oh love you more than I can say don"t you know I need you so Tell me please I gotta know Do you mean to make me cry Am I just another guy Oh oh yea yea I love you more than I can say I"ll love you twice as much tomorrow Oh love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say 歌词大意: 哦,我爱你在心口难开。 我对你的爱一天胜似一天。 哦,我爱你在心口难开。 哦,我每天都想着你, 为什么我的生活必须充满着忧愁? 哦,我爱你在心口难开。 你难道不知道我如此需要你吗? 请告诉我,我必须知道。 你是不是有意伤害我? 或者我只不过是你所有追求者中的其中一个而已呢?

萧敬腾 爱你在心口难开 歌词

oh oh oh ya~爱你在心口难开我不知应该说些什么噢噢 爱你在心口难开oh oh oh ya~I love you more than I can sayI"ll love you twice as much tomorrowLove you more than I can say你可知道我在爱你 怎么对我不大理睬请你轻轻告诉我 不要叫我多疑猜oh oh oh ya~I love you more than I can sayI"ll love you twice as much tomorrowlove you more than I can sayDon"t you know I need you soSo tell me please gotta know Do you mean to make me cry?Am I just amother guy?噢噢耶耶 我爱你在心口难开我不知应该说些什麼 噢噢 爱你在心口难开I love you more than I can say我爱你在心口难开

有首英文歌歌词里有 wow wow wow yeah yeah 很老的歌了,不知道有没有人知道的?


Lifes Vortex 歌词

歌曲名:Lifes Vortex歌手:After Forever专辑:Invisible Circles -The End Records珞珈山梦境联盟金属暴徒馆:66032164My mind is under an attack,although no one seesMy past is pounding in the back of my memoriesIt"s always there to poison my mind with all I doFeelings I know so well seem to come backas if nothing"s ever changedFear was one of the reasons to crawl away into a world I lostI know the rules,I play the gamebut somehow it always stays the sameIn spite of my will,in spite of my hope,in spite of it allSo for those who believe in this life,spin right on this circle-must be roundEvery turn has its vortex,you"ll drown if nobody warns youand shows you another circle of lifeNothing will change,nothing is done for the victim I am forced to remainCause these days make you feel,and you are,on your ownStudy,work hard,marry,reproduce and become the perfect modelCan you stand the test of time if life is a vicious circlewithout the mirror of another pathSo for those who believe in this lifespin right on the circle-must be roundEvery turn has its vortex,you"ll drown if nobody warns youand shows you another circle of lifeSo for those who believe in this lifespin right on the circle-must be roundEvery turn has its vortex,you"ll drown if nobody warns younobody shows you another circle of lifhttp://music.baidu.com/song/531490

the GazettE的《VORTEX》 歌词

歌曲名:VORTEX歌手:the GazettE专辑:the GazettE 10TH ANNIVERSARY THE DECADE LIVE AT 03.10 MAKUHARI MESSE「VORTEX」作词∶流鬼.作曲∶the GazettE歌∶the GazettE二度と消せないくらいに伤を深めてくMaliceイキ过ぎた头を抉り飞び交うBugにNoiseを使い舍ての爱と知って売られたカラクリ「単纯明快 无様な明日だ」って理解してる时点で终わってる歪み回るVortex of beats 吐き気の中で踊るRight before my eyesThe world that decayedRight before my eyesYou murder somebodyToo tragic to stay with youぐるぐると回るLoopの中で机械仕挂けの空に消えてゆくCOUNTLESS BUGざらついた舌で欲をなぞってStolidなDummyに梦を见せれば苦だろうが悦に変わるさI don"t wanna become the fuckin" garbage like youVortex of industryShut the fuck up Jack offThe only thing you really know about me is...You can"t take my soul away from meThe only thing you really know about me is...I can"t answer your silly wish暗い暗い闇に落ちてゆくCOUNTLESS BUG汚れ无き声も泥に涂れ今じゃその嘘に身を投げるCOUNTLESS BUGScrapになれば価値は消える寸剧の涙はその胸に届かない【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/52468895

Jakob Samuel的《Together》 歌词

很喜欢他的even if


「VORTEX」 作词∶流鬼. 作曲∶the GazettE 歌∶the GazettE 二度と消せないくらいに伤を深めてくMalice 怨恨加深着无法再次抹除的伤痕 イキ过ぎた头を抉り飞び交うBugにNoiseを 高潮过度的头脑刺痛不已 Bug与Noise交错四起 使い舍ての爱と知って売られたカラクリ 知晓了「爱是一纵即逝的」所以被卖掉的人偶 「単纯明快 无様な明日だ」って 呢喃着「简单明快而又肮脏丑陋的明日」 理解してる时点で终わってる 理解到的那一刻便是终结 歪み回るVortex of beats 吐き気の中で踊る 扭曲地转动着漩涡的拍子 在吐意中舞蹈着 Right before my eyes 真理在我的眼前 The world that decayed 这腐败的世界 Right before my eyes 真理在我的眼前 You murder somebody 你谋杀了谁 Too tragic to stay with you 和你在一起简直是个悲剧 ぐるぐると回るLoopの中で 咕噜咕噜转达的圆圈之中 机械仕挂けの空に消えてゆく 于机械结构的天空消失殆尽 COUNTLESS BUG 无尽的程序错误 ざらついた舌で欲をなぞって 粗糙的舌头描绘着涌动的欲望 StolidなDummyに梦を见せれば 若是能让淡漠冷血的傀儡娃娃做梦的话 苦だろうが悦に変わるさ 虽然痛苦但也充满愉悦吧? I don"t wanna become the ****in" garbage like you 我不想成为像你这样恶心的垃圾 Vortex of industry 漩涡工业 Shut the **** up Jack off 你妹别说**了 自攻自受去吧混蛋 The only thing you really know about me is... 唯一一件你真的了解我的事是… You can"t take my soul away from me 你无法带走我的灵魂 The only thing you really know about me is... 唯一一件你真的了解我的事是… I can"t answer your silly wish 我无法回应你愚蠢的期望 歪み回るVortex of beats 吐き気の中で踊る 扭曲地转动着漩涡的拍子 在吐意中舞蹈着 Right before my eyes 真理在我的眼前 The world that decayed 这腐败的世界 Right before my eyes 真理在我的眼前 You murder somebody 你谋杀了谁 暗い暗い暗に落ちてゆく 坠入黑暗的黑暗的地域之中 COUNTLESS BUG 无尽的程序错误 汚れ无き声も泥に涂れ 连纯洁无垢的声音都变得肮脏恶心 今じゃその嘘に身を投げる 现在就投身于那谎言之中 COUNTLESS BUG 无尽的程序错误 Scrapになれば価値は消える 若是变成肥皂剧的话就失去了玩弄的价值 寸剧の涙はその胸に届かない 短剧的泪水到达不了我的心中 ぐるぐると回るLoopの中で ぐるぐると回るLoopの中で 咕噜咕噜转达的圆圈之中 机械仕挂けの空に消えてゆく 于机械结构的天空消失殆尽 COUNTLESS BUG 无尽的程序错误 ざらついた舌で欲をなぞって 粗糙的舌头描绘着涌动的欲望 StolidなDummyに梦を见せれば 若是能让淡漠冷血的傀儡娃娃做梦的话 苦だろうが悦に変わるさ 虽然痛苦但也充满愉悦吧? I don"t wanna become the ****in" garbage like you 我不想成为像你这样恶心的垃圾 来源贴吧~~

Laleh的《Samuel》 歌词

歌曲名:Samuel歌手:Laleh专辑:SjungLaleh - "Samuel".Oh my tangerine, though your heart is full,your pocket""s cleanthem clean, keep them clean, clean ofAnd when you""re in the city go,as you cross the roads, please make sureyou watch the lights and at green youDon""t be standing freezed,and over-amazed, of their neon lightsyou stare, then your head will glow in theDon""t forget the wolves,in the forest deep who sing at night.Samuel, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel, don""t!Compare the worst in them,Samuel, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel, don""t!With the best in you.Samuel, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel, don""t!Don""t compare the worst in them,Samuel, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel, don""t!With the best in you.Only love can change them, change usBrother Samuelthe lights and at green youMy big brother""s going to the city.Don""t forget the trees,go and feel the leaves in your handyourDon""t forget to wash and to clean your feet, in the open seacompare, and compare yourself with theDon""t forget the bears, keep their noises inside your headthem safe, keep them safe, it will keep youDon""t forget the wolves.Samuel, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel, don""t!Compare the worst in them,Samuel, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel, don""t!With the best in you.Samuel, Samuel, Samuel Samuel, don""t!Don""t compare the worst in them,Samuel, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel, don""t!With the best in you.Only love can change them, change usBrother Samuelthe lights and at green youMy big brother""s going to the cityyou stare, then your head will glow in theMy big brother""s going to the cityhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15232164


Jambalaya Goodbye, Joe, he gotta go, me oh my-oh. He gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou. His Yvonne, the sweetest one, me oh my-oh. Son-of-a-gun, we*ll have big fun on the bayou. Thibodaux, Fontaineaux, the place is buzzing. Kinfolk come to see Yvonne by the dozen. Dressed in style, they go hog wild, me oh my-oh. Son-of-a-gun, we*ll have big fun on the bayou. Jambalaya, crawfish pie, fillet gumbo. For tonight I*m gonna see my cherami-o. Pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gay-o. Son-of-a-gun, we*ll have big fun on the bayou. Settle down far from town, get him a pirogue, and he*ll catch you all the fish in the bayou. Swapped his mom to buy Yvonne what she need-o. Son-of-a-gun, we*ll have big fun on the bayou.


小冤家 歌手:赵薇 小冤家 你干嘛 像个傻瓜我问话 为什么 你不回答你说过 爱着我 是真是假说清楚 讲明白 不许装傻小冤家 听了话 哎呀哎呀大大的眼 看着我 眨巴眨巴气得我 掉转头 不如回家小冤家 拉住了我 这才说话喊声天 喊声地 喊声冤家想着你 盼着你 心乱如麻千句话 万句话 喉头打架谁知道 见到了你 只会发傻小冤家 你干嘛 像个傻瓜我问话 为什么 你不回答你说过 爱着我 是真是假说清楚 讲明白 不许装傻小冤家 听了话 哎呀哎呀大大的眼 看着我 眨巴眨巴气得我 掉转头 不如回家小冤家 拉住了我 这才说话喊声天 喊声地 喊声冤家想着你 盼着你 心乱如麻千句话 万句话 喉头打架谁知道 见到了你 只会发傻小冤家

这首歌曲是什么?我只知道歌词。 曲子好像和赵薇的小冤家一样

我帮你 卡朋特-jambalaya(小冤家英文版).

求大神翻译 东京食尸鬼 glass sky歌词 中文翻译!!!!

这首神曲每个人心中都有自己的翻译虽然英文部分跟楼下一样,但是中文都改过了这首歌应对东京喰can种,金木救人的片段,虽然不知道这首歌是不是制作组找 唐娜·伯克 唱的,但是……太好听了。曲风略悲伤,表示的感觉就是在彰显动漫里金木和英的友情故事,因为金木感觉无法保护自己身边重要的人,所以决定变强,便去了青铜树,转移青铜树的火力方向,同时让自己成长,但是还是没能守护住最重要的同伴。感觉这首歌就是金木的真实影刻。how many days have passed like this有多少日子像今天这样被荒度the city times fadding moving on城市的喧嚣从未停止sometimes I"ve wondered where you"ve gone我偶尔会去想你到底去了哪儿story carries on故事还在续写lonely lost inside续写内心的寂寞和空虚I had this dream so many times同样的梦我已经做了很多次the moments we"ve spent has passed and gone away我们相互厮守的时光已经消失不见could that be an end to this如果那会是一个↓what I"m feeling deep inside我早就能预感到的结局you know there"s no looking back你知道吗?我们就再也无法回头了glassy sky above天空如同玻璃一样被高高悬挂as long as I alive you will be part of me只要我还活着,就说明你还会是我的一部分glassy sky the coldthe broken pieces of me琉璃般的天空就好像是我的一片冰冷的碎片glassy sky above悬空的玻璃似的天空as long as I survive you will be part of me只要我度过劫难,你依然还会是我的一部分glassy sky the coldthe broken pieces of me琉璃般的天空就好像是我的一片冰冷的碎片glassy sky above悬空的玻璃似的天空covers over me包裹着我over me覆盖着我

Loose (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Loose (Album Version)歌手:Buick Mackane专辑:The Pawn Shop Years作词:KOTOKO作曲:高濑一矢编曲:中坪淳彦歌:KOTOKO默り込むこの感情冷めた色のケージで摇れていた自鸣琴(オルゴール)のような日常锖びた小箱 そっと闭じた隙间に见えた光 すぐに瞳を烧き尽くしてしまうただ超えたくて またぐ境界线空は热かった....shoot away,gloomy skyこの街のどこかで一人待ってる"谁か"に会いたくて红染めた出口のその先へひと握り込めて 解き放つ画面の中の爱憎增えたはずの经验值は消えて悲しいのはその偶像灯りのようにふっと落ちた答えはまるで千亿の砂こぼれてまた无くしてしまう舍てきれなくて强く握るほど 影は坏れてく....shoot away,gloomy skyこの街のどこかで一人に待ってる"谁か"に会えなくて砂に枯れない花に见た热情迷い鸟のように 彷徨う(find my way, at the sky, off the ground)まだ见えなくて探す境界线 瞳烂れてもshoot away, gloomy skyこの街のどこかで一人待ってる"谁か"に会えたなら红の空 终日のその先へ开かれゆくままに 解き放つshoot away,gloomy skyこの街のどこかで一人待ってる"谁か"に会いたくて红染めた出口のその先へひと握り込めて 解き放つhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10749001




Just don"t get itI just don"t get itPlease help me understandSo what have I become?Please help me if you canThe world is changing, spinning, breakingI don"t know who I amYou"re smiling at mePretending you can seeSomething has changed way deep down insidethe pieces just don"t fitI"m broken now, so why should I try?I"ll bare this pain withinFreezeI"m breaking yetUnbreakableI"m crazy butI have controlI"m searching but I know I"ve foundI"m standing here watching the world collapse around meYou"re so close but I hope that you stop searchingI don"t want you to... to see what I"ve becomeSo please stop looking...I can"t control the world that we"re all been thrown inAnd I couldn"t bare to hurt you... I want this to endSo please I"m begging, won"t you leave me alone?It"s better if you go.

Loose (Remastered Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Loose (Remastered Lp Version)歌手:The Stooges专辑:Funhouse [Deluxe Edition]Now look outI took a record of pretty musicI went down and baby you can tellI took a record of pretty musicNow I"m putting it to you straight from hellI"ll stick it deep insideI"ll stick it deep inside"Cause I"m loose, alwaysI feel fine to be dancin", babyI feel fine, I"m a shakin" leafI feel fine to be dancin", baby"Cause it"s love, yeah, I do believeI"ll stick it deep insideI"ll stick it deep inside"Cause I"m looseI took a record of pretty musicI went down and baby you can tellI took a record of pretty musicAnd now I"m putting it to you straight from hellAnd I"ll stick it deep insideAnd I"ll stick it, heyWell I"m loose, well I"m looseWell I"m loose421654485http://music.baidu.com/song/7814878

The Stooges的《Loose》 歌词

歌曲名:Loose歌手:The Stooges专辑:Oh What A Night - 70"s ClassicsNow look outI took a record of pretty musicI went down and baby you can tellI took a record of pretty musicNow I"m putting it to you straight from hellI"ll stick it deep insideI"ll stick it deep inside"Cause I"m loose, alwaysI feel fine to be dancin", babyI feel fine, I"m a shakin" leafI feel fine to be dancin", baby"Cause it"s love, yeah, I do believeI"ll stick it deep insideI"ll stick it deep inside"Cause I"m looseI took a record of pretty musicI went down and baby you can tellI took a record of pretty musicAnd now I"m putting it to you straight from hellAnd I"ll stick it deep insideAnd I"ll stick it, heyWell I"m loose, well I"m looseWell I"m loose421654485http://music.baidu.com/song/31164164

东京食尸鬼OP unravel英文歌词


Loose (Demo) 歌词

歌曲名:Loose (Demo)歌手:The Stooges专辑:Funhouse [Deluxe Edition]Now look outI took a record of pretty musicI went down and baby you can tellI took a record of pretty musicNow I"m putting it to you straight from hellI"ll stick it deep insideI"ll stick it deep inside"Cause I"m loose, alwaysI feel fine to be dancin", babyI feel fine, I"m a shakin" leafI feel fine to be dancin", baby"Cause it"s love, yeah, I do believeI"ll stick it deep insideI"ll stick it deep inside"Cause I"m looseI took a record of pretty musicI went down and baby you can tellI took a record of pretty musicAnd now I"m putting it to you straight from hellAnd I"ll stick it deep insideAnd I"ll stick it, heyWell I"m loose, well I"m looseWell I"m loose421654485http://music.baidu.com/song/7814885

一首英文歌,歌词里面有很多豆豆,every every自闭豆豆,自闭豆豆

Live It Up(Billboard Music Awards 2013)-Jennifer Lopez&PitbullFrom the streets of Miami,to presenting at the GrammysCon el multito de Jennifer,maybe now you understand meClap your hands,go clap your hands,go clap your hands to the beatMr. Worldwide, RedOne,and the beautiful Jennifer LopezDaleWe don believe in defeat,that why wee back for a threepeatHi Jenny, mira que esta locoYo me locomo como pastelitos de CocoI get stupid on the beat, see wowoI got mommies, mommies by the boatloadYo tengo la carne y ella el mojoI sayin?dale,she screamin OLO?She Little Red Riding Hoodand guess who el lobo (me la como)?Who"s name is globally known?Who"s name on the check and theye adding an O?Who"s name on the blimp when the world is yours?Who"s name on the schools, slam fo?sho?I know it hard to understand how a boy grew to a manMan turned to a brandBut guess what, here I amJenny from the block, let rockYeah push me harder, I do the sameBoy I wanna feel you in every wayDon even wonder it just a gameWee rockin?body to body, let go insaneI hit the spotlight, all night, ready to goGive you a hard night, so tight, ready to blowI in the spotlight, all night, ready to goGive you a hard night, so tight, ready to blowOh, we can do anything we wantLive it up, so live it up, live it up, goOh, and we ain stoppin ill wee doneLive it up, so live it up, live it upGo, go, go...Make love, don fightLet f**k tonightTurn up this mother and let it play (mami)I know you like my bumper,don be ashamed (que rico)Don even wonder it just a game (mami)Wee rockin?body to body,let go insane (que rico)I hit the spotlight, all night, ready to goGive you a hard night, so tight, ready to blowI in the spotlight, all night, ready to goGive you a hard night, so tight, ready to blowOh, we can do anything we wantLive it up, so live it up, live it up, goOh, and we ain stoppin ill wee doneLive it up, so live it up, live it upGo, go, go...Make love, don fightLet f**k tonightYou name it, she done itShe the reason that women run itBet this on a GrammyMaybe now you understand meClap your hands, go clap your hands,go clap your hands to the beatClap your hands, go clap your hands,go clap your hands to the beatClap your hands, go clap your hands,go clap your hands to the beatOh, we can do anything we wantLive it up, so live it up, live it up, goOh, and we ain stoppin ill wee doneLive it up, so live it up, live it upGo, go, goLethook tonightLet hook tonight


廷博。 嘿,Ne - Yo合作。 说什么?卢所以。 嘿,嘿。 [合唱团(与Ne - Yo):] 我是通过我自己的运动。 但我的力量当我们同在一起。 妈咪我好都是由我自己。 但是亲爱的你,你让我更好。 你让我更好。 [非常棒] 你加我,它等于更好的数学。 雅男孩好好看看,但她我的另一半。 我已经bossin",已经flossin"。 但是,为什么我有蛋糕如果不得到甜蜜弗罗斯坦"? (是的是的是的是的)。 上身我一个游戏("我是什么什么什么什么)。 没有就吃"相同的名称(即那个that)。 他们可能火焰(但但但但)。 但是,辣妹,我们燃烧起来。 在我的赃物凹陷,赛前我的一步。 爸爸做古奇在Giuseppes妈咪。 猜猜这是一个G的东西,当我们摆动。 我就要需要科雷塔斯科特,如果我去是国王。 我是通过我自己的运动。 但我的力量当我们同在一起。 妈咪我好都是由我自己。 但是亲爱的你,你让我更好。 你让我更好。 [Ne - Yo合作] 第一件事第一,我做什么我做的事。 但我的一切,她是我的影响未来从事疾病。 我已经老板,我已经飞。 但是,如果我是大明星,她是天空(啊啊啊)。 当我觉得我在上面很(她她她)。 她给我个理由不停止(呃啊呃啊呃)。 虽然我很炎热(太过分了)。 我们一起燃烧起来。 [非常棒] 结块了的削减,已清理了冰。 当辣妹过来,我清理好。 动态二人,蝙蝠侠和罗宾。 谁不喜欢它,那就是人的问题(呃啊呃)。 当我觉得我累了(麻麻麻)。 妈咪是羚牛"我高(啊啊啊啊啊)。 我在火(但但但)。 但辣妹我们燃烧起来。 我是通过我自己的运动。 但我的力量当我们同在一起。 妈咪我好都是由我自己。 但是亲爱的你,你让我更好。 你让我更好。 [声音] 里面每一个伟大的人,你可以找到一个像一个士兵隐瞒了他失望的女人。 [非常棒] 而且她对待我就像一个唐,为打击手表。 检查我去到哪里,甚至手表谁我很满意。 当我的权利是错的,所以我从来没有下滑。 告诉我如何移动,这就是为什么我从来没有成行。 而女婴,你这么大,他们应该头版亚(头版亚)。 上帝保佑让你的父母谁(谁使你)。 中间指任何人恨谁, 路是我们燃烧起来。 我是通过我自己的运动。 但我的力量当我们同在一起。 妈咪我好都是由我自己。 但是亲爱的你,你让我更好。 你让我更好。 [非常棒的发言] 是的宝贝,他们拉梅什你表演着的。 他们坤"把你放下。 我们试着"来赞美你,你知道吗? 使它变得更好。 一流的蒂姆。 尼斯,期待与Ne - Yo。 Livin的良好卢所以。 他们问你怎么样啊现在,告诉他们更好的"巢穴他们。 哈哈哈哈哈哈。 我是通过我自己的运动。 但我的力量当我们同在一起。 妈咪我好都是由我自己。 但是亲爱的你,你让我更好。 你让我更好~(≥▽≤)/~


I Luh Ya Papi-Jennifer Lopez&French MontanaI put it down for a brother like you你就是我精挑细选的男宠Give it to you right in the car, that"s you让你与我共乘香车欢愉 就是你We can first give you some of this, that"s you我们都可以给你一些甜头 没错就是你And you"re all loving that J.Lo, true你们都是女王珍洛 没错Hold up, I can get you thrown up我一举手 就能把你抛弃Pull your trigger, go and get your gun up扣动扳机 快点把枪举起来All the time I hear her talk把你的头发扎起来Put a pin in it, now I"m ready, let it rock让他咽下大头钉 蓄势待发舞动吧Keep it number 1, that"s easy mathematics力争第一这算数再简单不过Keep it number 1, baby, ain"t no static力争第一宝贝 它不固定Got that hourglass for you, baby, look at these legs拿沙漏过来 宝贝 与时间晒跑No brakes, go green, no red没有刹车 绿灯冲刺 不亮红灯If you wanna kill the body, gotta start with the head你想挑战身体极限得从头开始Put it on you, I"mma need about 4-5 beds万中挑一 我要订大床四张半Cause I love my papi因为我就爱极品I didn"t see it过去我无法看到But I see it now但现在一目了然I think I love you我想爱着你And I need you now我现在需要你Ain"t had none like you in a while许久没有品尝你这样的极品I luh ya papi, I luh ya papi我爱你 完美型男I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你 完美型男I luh ya papi我爱你I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你 爱你 爱你 完美型男I luh ya papi我爱你 完美型男I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你 爱你 爱你 完美型男Get up my papi爱你 完美型男I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你 完美型男I put it down for a brother like you你就是我精挑细选的男宠Give it to you right in the car, that"s you让你与我共乘香车欢愉 就是你We get first keys, somebody, that"s you我们都可以给你一些甜头 没错就是你And you"re all "I"m loving J.Lo true"你们都哈女王珍洛 没错All day, 24 hours玩整天 二十四小时Dealing I"m onemore when it"s crowded人越多时就越渴望独享一个If you wanna hear your name, I shout it听到我大声呼唤你 那我大声喊Boy you going take a power shower男孩 你超有型 快来场魅力淋浴And I"m feeling like it"s me and you, I don"t doubt it我渴望的就是你 我缠绵毋庸置疑You can drive me how you want你大可随心所欲臣服于我I ain"t trying to come at it我绝不会企图致电给麦莉I love me on you我会好好疼爱你Started from the bottom, baby, then we went roof从最低曾冲刺 宝贝 我们疯到屋顶Cause I love my papi因为我就爱极品I didn"t see it过去我无法看到But I see it now但现在一目了然I think I love you我想爱着你And I need you know我现在需要你Ain"t had none like you in a while许久没有品尝你这样的极品I luh ya papi, I luh ya papi我爱你 完美型男I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你 完美型男I luh ya papi我爱你I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你 爱你 爱你 完美型男I luh ya papi我爱你 完美型男I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你 爱你 爱你 完美型男Get up my papi爱你 完美型男I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你 完美型男I luh ya papi我爱你 完美型男I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你I luh ya papi我爱你 爱你 爱你 完美型男I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你 完美型男I luh ya papi我爱你 爱你 爱你 完美型男I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi爱你 完美型男Get up my papi我爱你 完美型男I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你 爱你 爱你 完美型男I love you mami, I-I love you mami...我爱你 性感娇娃Baby, you the shit, I-I love you, mami宝贝 你太正点 我爱你 性感娇娃Shorty got me catching feelings小美人让我蠢蠢欲动And that rave drop reaching for the ceiling那些蜜汁都要渗过天花板Southside Bronx,been this just overseas西区布朗斯 泰特菠萝就在海外Take the pants out here, drop to her knees在这脱掉裤子 向她屈服Oh my, I"m a don like Omar我的天 宛如奥玛般当个极品Speed it up slow ma, throw it back, throw my在提速 转个圈 再抛回来Rock-rock Gators like mother chords players女权朋克就像管弦乐手You can hate to love us, you can love to hate us你能对我们讨厌至极或爱到不行From the bottom it been real从最底层冲刺最真实From the bottom shorty been trill从最底层争艳 美女更销魂And even though we made it to the top哪怕我们早已傲视群雄Still J.Lo from the-the the block依旧是珍妮本色Ey, I love you, mami, I love you, mami我爱你 情感娇娃Baby, you the shit, I-I love you, mami宝贝 你太正点 我爱你 性感娇娃I think I love just who you are我想我爱的是真正的你We haven"t grown apart, this is just the start我们并没有分开 这不过是人生单行道的起跑线Where life begin all the way to the end哪怕先做朋友And we started as friends, boy I do love但男孩 我的爱不减I luh ya papi, I luh ya papi我爱你 完美型男I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你 完美型男I luh ya papi我爱你I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你 爱你 爱你 完美型男I luh ya papi我爱你 完美型男I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你 爱你 爱你 完美型男Get up my papi爱你 完美型男I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你 完美型男I luh ya papi我爱你 完美型男I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你I luh ya papi我爱你 爱你 爱你 完美型男I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你 完美型男I luh ya papi我爱你 爱你 爱你 完美型男I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi爱你 完美型男Get up my papi我爱你 完美型男I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi我爱你 爱你 爱你 完美型男

T.I.--Tell Em I said that歌词及翻译


单曲Loose的歌词翻译 。new gen

Loose 歌手:Daniel Caesar歌词:If you ever start to wonder你是否曾想过Why all the rain and all the thunder follows her around为什么她会不断遭遇痛苦和麻烦You better cut that girl loose你最好放她自由Most of time everything"s fine大多数时候 一切是顺利的But as soon as she starts to whine但是当她在抱怨If you have no patience如果你没有耐心倾听You better cut that girl loose那么你最好放她自由What are you, a coward?你是胆小鬼吗Who are you helping?你以为你在帮她吗You got the power你有能力Then do what you said you can那么就请你做好你承诺的事情And do it for her事事为她You better cut that girl loose, ah你最好放她自由Set it free放她自由Let it be随她去吧Leave it be离开她吧Oh yes哦 对了You don"t love me anymore你不再爱我了Let"s see how you like this song我们来看看你会多么喜爱这首See you walking out the door我看到你走出了门Wonder why it took you so long想知道为什么花了你这么久Ever since the day that I met you自从我遇到你的那天起Knew you were the girl of my dreams我知道你是我梦中的女孩But we could never be但我们永远不会在一起

Buddy Rich的《Loose》 歌词

歌曲名:Loose歌手:Buddy Rich专辑:Big Swing FaceNow look outI took a record of pretty musicI went down and baby you can tellI took a record of pretty musicNow I"m putting it to you straight from hellI"ll stick it deep insideI"ll stick it deep inside"Cause I"m loose, alwaysI feel fine to be dancin", babyI feel fine, I"m a shakin" leafI feel fine to be dancin", baby"Cause it"s love, yeah, I do believeI"ll stick it deep insideI"ll stick it deep inside"Cause I"m looseI took a record of pretty musicI went down and baby you can tellI took a record of pretty musicAnd now I"m putting it to you straight from hellAnd I"ll stick it deep insideAnd I"ll stick it, heyWell I"m loose, well I"m looseWell I"m loose421654485http://music.baidu.com/song/2684776

Never say goodbye baby vox谐音中文歌词


Joe的《Hey Mami》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey Mami歌手:Joe专辑:And Then....Hey Ma .I`m home againI"ve had such a crazy lifeAnd now I can`t tell wrong from rightBut I won`t give up without a fightHey Ma .I`m a weary soulHow was I supposed to knowThat the world would be so cold?All I`ve learned is to let goWill I ever find my wayback to where I was before?Will I ever find my way back again?Hey Ma .I`m off againIt`s so hard to be a manBut I`m sure you`ll understandWill I ever find my wayback to where I was before?Will I ever find my way back again?Soler - Hey MaHey Ma .I`m home again !http://music.baidu.com/song/8335528

Raised By Wolves 歌词

歌曲名:Raised By Wolves歌手:Falling In Reverse专辑:Raised By WolvesI was lost now I""m found,I""m sustained by the sound,Of the angels singing me to sleep,While my feet are leaving the ground,Am I dead? Or am I dreaming instead?A cornucopia of opiates have flooded my headI""m insane, I am smart,All it takes, is a spark, to ignite my bad intentions,And do what I do best to your heart,Don""t be fooled, I was raised by the wolves,Now the moon hangs in full,so you know I won""t play by the rules.I will never spillSpill my blood for youYou have let me downOne too many times.Someway, somehow, we""ve fallen out,Caught in between my enemies,No way not now, I won""t back down,I draw the line at you and me,You""re what I started, now disregarded,One day they""ll see, it was always me.Due to mistakes, I have made to the state,I am trapped inside a dillinger,Diligently thinking of waysto get out of this god awful place,I have learned that my fateis something I can""t escape so,.Sound the alarm, what I""ve said from the startIs I""ll never let your system break me down or tear me apart,Don""t be fooled I was raised by the wolves,Now the moon hangs in full so you know I won""tPlay by the rules!.I will never spillSpill my blood for youYou have let me downOne too many times.Someway, somehow, we""ve fallen out,Caught in between my enemies,No way not now, I won""t back down,I draw the line at you and me,You""re what I started, now disregarded,One day they""ll see, it was always me..Oh! This is the end of you!This is where I draw the line!And I won""t lose!This war is mine!Oh!.Spill my blood for you!One too many times!.Someway, somehow, we""ve fallen out,Caught in between my enemies,No way not now, I won""t back down,I draw the line at you and me,You""re what I started, now disregarded,One day they""ll see, it was always me..One day they""ll see,It was always me!.It was always me!http://music.baidu.com/song/20890283

miss you的中英文对照歌词

Gimme a reason 谁能告诉我 Why I"m feeling so blue 我的内心为什么会如此忧郁 Everytime I close my eyes, all I see is you 当我闭上眼,想到的只是你... Gimme a reason 谁能告诉我 Why I can"t feel my heart 我如何才能触摸内心的悸动 Everytime you leave my side, I just fall apart 当你离开时,我再次失去自我 And when you"re fast asleep, I wonder where you go 在你沉睡时,我只想出现在你的梦中... Can you tell me, I wanna know 谁能告诉我,我只想知道... Because I miss you 我在想你 And this is all I wanna say 这是我想对你说的一切 I guess I miss you, beautiful 真的好想你,宝贝 These three words have said it all 你是我内心的所有... You know I miss you 你知道我在想你吗? I think about you when you"re gone 那一刻的离别沥沥在目 I guess I miss you, nothing"s wrong 真的好想你,真的 I don"t need to carry on 无需再说别的... Gimme a reason 谁能告诉我 Why I can"t concentrate 我的内心为什么会如此凌乱 The world is turning upside down 那个世界正在改变它的轨迹 Spinning round and round 从没停止过... Gimme a reason 谁能告诉我 Why I now understand 是什么让我开始明白 The beauty and simplicity of everything surrounding me 身边的一切是那么美好 You got a way of spreading magic everywhere 是你让这个世界变得神奇 Anywhere I go, I know you"re always there 无论我身处何处,我能感觉到你的存在 It sounds ridiculous, but when you leave a room 那是一种奇妙的感觉,每当你动身时 There"s a part of me that just wants to follow you too 我的心却与你同行... Because I miss you 我在想你 And this is all I wanna say 这是我想对你说的一切 I guess I miss you, beautiful 真的好想你,宝贝 These three words have said it all 你是我内心的所有... You know I miss you 你知道我在想你吗? I think about you when you"re gone 那一刻的离别沥沥在目 I guess I miss you, nothing"s wrong 真的好想你,真的 I don"t need to carry on 无需再说别的... It"s such a hard life in most of the time 在那内心苦闷的艰难岁月 I"m just surviving 我快乐依旧 That"s why I want you to know 我想让你知道 In the world where sincerity has lost its meaning 当这个世界双眼被蒙上时 You fill my world with so much hope 是你给我的内心带来光明... And I miss you 我在想你 This is all I wanna say 这是我想对你说的一切 I guess I miss you, beautiful 真的好想你,宝贝 These three words have said it all 你是我内心的所有... You know I miss you 你知道我在想你吗? I think about you when you"re gone 那一刻的离别沥沥在目 I guess I miss you, nothing"s wrong 真的好想你,真的 I don"t need to carry on 无需再说别的... You know I miss you 你知道我在想你吗? And this all I wanna say 这是我想对你说的一切 I guess I miss you, beautiful 真的好想你,宝贝 These three words have said it all 你是我内心的所有... You know I miss you 你知道我在想你吗? And this is all I wanna do 这是我想做的一切 I know it doesn"t sound too cool 我知道这还远远不够 But maybe I"m in love with you 但我只想对你说我爱你... You know I miss you 你知道我在想你吗? And this all I wanna say 这是我想对你说的一切 I guess I miss you, nothing"s wrong 真的好想你,真的 I don"t need to carry on 无需再说别的... I just miss you 我只是想你 Yeah, it"s true 真的想你 I miss you, baby 想你,亲爱的... And when you"re walking out that door 当你从我的身边离开 I know I miss you 我不禁开始想你 You make me wanna ask for more 是你让我想得到更多... I just miss you 我只是想你 Yeah, it"s true 真的想你 I miss you, baby 想你,亲爱的...

关淑怡的《MISS YOU》 歌词

歌曲名:MISS YOU歌手:关淑怡专辑:BORDERLESSThe Airborne Toxic Event - MissyMissy got off the bus one dayIn a crowd of people, downtown LAShe looked around as if to say, "I"m home"But I"m homeI find someone to loveAnd some place to drinkAnd some time when I can just sit and thinkAnd I don"t mind if I catch the stink of these dronesLord, of these dronesJust as long as I"m never aloneShe had eyes as big as porcelain platesAnd skin as thin as paper drapesAnd she loved the Lord the way an apostate loves songsAnd she"d sing to him before she went to sleep:"I pray to you, my soul to keepYou"re shepherd, then I"ll be your sheepUntil dawn, oh until dawnWell I"d follow you, even if it was wrong"I met her one night at the coffee shopHer face so bright, my heart just stoppedHello my dear, I fear I"m not what I seemNot what I seemI should"ve become a better manI should be more deserving thanThe beggar, thief and courtesan I"ve beenOh, that I"ve beenBut I swear, I lie, I curse all of my dreamsBut I swear there"s still some good in meAnd I think if you stuck around you"d seeAll the honest attempts at integrity, I was hadMaybe if you helped me, I"d get it rightI lie awake every night, staring at the ceilingWondering why I feel so bad, why I feel so badBut I swear, I swear, I swear I"ll never get sadhttp://music.baidu.com/song/226718

求歌词:super 妈咪歌词

孙悦 - super妈咪 词曲:胡爱唯 制作人:周杨 混音:陈伯豪 你知道我是谁 我是谁无所谓 无所谓 开开心心活每一分每一分 早安伸个懒腰 烦恼统统甩掉 期待幸运在大脑里埋下惊叹号 转身 城市里喧闹不眠 华丽的高跟鞋 再配上短裙满分 情绪 不再被事件扰乱 抛掉所有顾虑 我会陪在你身边 我是个大明星 我是漂亮女人 我是超级妈妈lucky SUPER MAMI 孙 我是个大明星 笑起来很迷人 要你喊出我的名字lucky SUPER MAMI 孙 我是个大明星 我是漂亮女人 我是超级妈妈 孙悦forever NO END 我是个大明星 笑起来很迷人 喊出我的名字lucky SUPER MAMI 孙 你知道我是谁 我是谁无所谓 无所谓 开开心心活每一分每一分 早安伸个懒腰 烦恼统统甩掉 期待幸运在大脑里埋下惊叹号 转身 城市里喧闹不眠 华丽的高跟鞋 再配上短裙满分 情绪 不再被事件扰乱 抛掉所有顾虑 我会陪在你身边 我是个大明星 我是漂亮女人 我是超级妈妈lucky SUPER MAMI 孙 我是个大明星 笑起来很迷人 要你喊出我的名字lucky SUPER MAMI 孙 我是个大明星 我是漂亮女人 我是超级妈妈 孙悦forever NO END 我是个大明星 笑起来很迷人 喊出我的名字lucky SUPER MAMI 孙 我是个大明星 我是漂亮女人 我是超级妈妈lucky SUPER MAMI 孙 我是个大明星 笑起来很迷人 要你喊出我的名字lucky SUPER MAMI 孙 我是个大明星 我是漂亮女人 我是超级妈妈 孙悦forever NO END 我是个大明星 笑起来很迷人 喊出我的名字lucky SUPER MAMI 孙

miss you的英文歌词

Don"t be afraid to cryIt wasn"t wasted timeWe just couldn"t win that fightAnd I knew you couldn"t stayYou had to go your wayThere"s really nothing left to sayBut every now and then you cross my mindAnd I try not to think about where you are tonightBut I miss you"Cause I really miss youThere"s no going back ‘cause what"s done is doneBut I miss you ‘cause I really miss youBut sometimes love just ain"t enoughHeyWe didn"t write the rulesIt wasn"t me wasn"t youWe both know that life is cruelI know we can"t go down that road againAnd it hurts too much to think what might have beenI know we can"t escape from the paths that we have chosenBut every now and then, I"m remindedI know we can"t go down that road againAnd it hurts too much to think what might have been

Built To Spill的《get a life》 歌词

歌曲名:get a life歌手:Built To Spill专辑:ultimate alternative waversyou can"t tell me that you don"t know who you areit"s there from the startit comes with the packageany attempt that you make to escape thisBuilt To Spilluseless and unnecessary make up your mindmake it up as you gomake it the truthmake it what you already know she said that"s not what she saidunthink the things in your headit"s justa white that you redChris went right over their heads you can"t be anythingyou can"t be anythingyou can"t be nothingyou can"t be anythingyou can"t be nothingyou can"t be anythingyou can"t be nothingyou can"t be anythingyou can"t be nothingyou can"t be anything if you can"t be nothinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/14177699

求助关于川田まみ的timeless time歌词和MAMI的永远の楽园(翠之海ed)的歌词的中文翻译。


Mariah Carey的《Miss You》 歌词

歌曲名:Miss You歌手:Mariah Carey专辑:Bringin" On The HeartbreakMariah CareyMiss YouOo oo oooooooBaby baby I miss youLonging for you everydayAnd I reach for you everynightBaby nothing"s been the sameSince the day we said goodbyeAnd I can"t go onLike this for too longBoy I need you next to meAnd I"m hungering for your touchCaught up in the memoriesAnd you"re all I"m thinking ofCause I can"t get pastWhat we used to haveI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that yo love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss youAll I do is reminisceOf the love that we used to shareCan"t recover from your kissBecause nothing else comparesAin"t no substituteWhen it comes to youVisions of us hand in handCome to me when I close my eyesBaby I don"t understandHow we let it all slip byTell me, can"t we tryMaybe one more timeI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that you love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss you(remember when)Our eyes first metI knew I"d never be the same again(why can"t it just)Be like it wasEnough is enoughBaby I miss your loveI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that you love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss youI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that you love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss youI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that you love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss youI"m talkin bout how I used to like itWhen you whispered to meTell me that you love meAnd those beautiful thingsBaby won"t you come backCause I"m really in needI"m lost in your loveAnd I don"t know what to do with myselfI don"t wanna be with nobody elseI just think about youThink about usThink about how muchI miss youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9661496

求 la prison歌词意思翻译 mana歌手的歌


自己的神话 lunar 歌词


mana的《relax》 歌词

歌曲名:relax歌手:mana专辑:amar es combatirManá - RelaxSiento que el mundo no paraMe vuelvo locoSiento que el sol no calientaNada, ni un pocoVivo en el borde y al filoDe una navajaPero por dios en mi tierra nadie se rajaMi corazón ya no aguantaYa está cansadoUna mujer y problemas me están matandoQuiero subirme al balcón en la luna llenaQuiero volar olvidarme de tanta penaSi me clavo no la libroOh no, noNo me voy a dar un tiroRelax...Me voy a estallarLo voy a olvidar todo esta nocheNo quiero pensar, noHoy tengo mucho trabajo,Ya no lo aguantoSiento que todos conmigo se están pasandoQuiero mudarme a una casa qué este en la playaQuiero comprar una nave de buena batallaSalgo en las noches pensando que estoy prendidoPero en verdad que la paso bien aburrido,Busco el calor en los brazos de una gitanaPero al final siempre llego solo a mi camaSi me clavo no la libroOh no, noNo me voy a dar un tiro, noRelax...Me voy a estallarLo voy a olvidar todo esta noche,No quiero pensar, noSi me clavo no la libroOh no, noNo me voy a dar un tiroRelax, relaxRelax...Me voy a estallarLo voy a olvidar todo esta noche,No quiero pensar, noRelax...Me voy a estallarLo voy a olvidar todo esta noche,No quiero pensarLRC por Tony de LK Letras Grupohttp://music.baidu.com/song/1283943

mana的《el viaje》 歌词

歌曲名:el viaje歌手:mana专辑:amar es combatirManá - El ViajeQuiero llevarte lejos babyDéjameQuiero llevarte lejos babyDéjameTe llevaréAh, vámonos contigo quiero huirSúbete a mi coche, que voy a conducirVámonos lejos de aquíLejos, lejos de aquíSensual sin vergüenza qué quieres hacerCuál es tu caprichoCuál es tu placerDime hasta donde tú quieres llegarSi tú no me frenas, no voy a pararQuiero llevarte lejos babyDéjameQuiero llevarte lejos babyDéjameDéjameTú tienes el control de mi velocidadLibres como el vientoNadie nos va a alcanzarSomos dos motos, pasión a fullSomos cómplices, tú eres mi caminoTe quiero recorrerQuiero llevarte lejos babyDéjameQuiero llevarte lejos babyDéjameDéjate llevar… déjate quererDéjate viajar… déjate correrDéjate llevar… déjate quererDéjate viajar… déjate correrPura adrenalina babyAh, ah, ah, ah, ahQuiero llevarte lejos babyDéjameQuiero llevarte lejos babyDéjameDéjate…satisfacer, déjame… corresponderDéjate…satisfacer, déjame… corresponderAh, ah, ah… enciendes la pasiónAh, ah, ah… nos mueve la fricciónAh ,ah, ah… enciendes la pasiónAh, ah, ah… nos mueve la fricciónDéjate llevar… déjate quererDéjate viajar… déjate correrDéjate llevar… déjate quererDéjate viajar… déjate correrTe llevaré… eh, eh, ehTe llevaré… eh, eh, ehA viajar… eh, eh, ehAtrévete… eh, eh, ehTe llevaréLRC por Tony de LK Letras Grupohttp://music.baidu.com/song/1454566

Steve Alaimo的《Melissa》 歌词

歌曲名:Melissa歌手:Steve Alaimo专辑:The Legendary Henry Stone Presents - Steve Alaimo - The 50S - The 70S CD2君の手で切り裂いて 远い日の记忆を悲しみの息の根を止めてくれよさぁ 爱に焦がれた 胸を 贯け明日が来るはずの空を见て迷うばかりの心持て余してる傍らの鸟が羽ばたいたどこか光を见つけられたのかななぁ お前の背に俺も乗せてくれないかそして 一番高い所で置き去りにして优しさから远ざけて君の手で切り裂いて 远い日の记忆を悲しみの息の音を止めてくれよさぁ 爱に焦がれた 胸を 贯け鸟を夕闇に见送った 地をは这うばかりの俺を风がなぜる羽根が欲しいとは言わないさせめて宙に舞うメリッサの叶になりたいもう 随分と立ち尽くしてみたけど多分答えはないのだろうこの风にも行くあてなどないように君の手で键をかけて ためらいなどないだろう间违っても 二度と开くことのないようにさぁ 锭の落ちる音で终わらせて救いのない魂は流らせて消え行く消えていく瞬间にわずか光る今 月が満ちる夜を生み出すのさPorno Graffiti - Melissa钢の錬金术师OP1http://music.baidu.com/song/15334177

求法语歌Melissa 的《Elle 》的 中文歌词

Melissa (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Melissa (Live)歌手:Julien Clerc专辑:Olympia IntéGral 94Melissa作词:新藤晴一编曲/作曲:ak.homma钢之炼金术师OP1Kimi no te de kirisaiteTooi hi no kioku woKanashimi no iki no ne wo tometekure yoSaa Ai ni kogareta mune wo tsuranukeAsu ga kuru hazu no sora wo miteMayou bakari no kokoro moteamashiteruKatawara no tori ga habataitaDoko ka hikari wo mitsukerareta no ka naNaa Omae no se ni ore mo nosetekurenai kaSoshite ichiban takai toko deokizari ni shite yasashisa kara toozaketeKimi no te de kirisaiteTooi hi no kioku woKanashimi no iki no ne wo tometekure yoSaa Ai ni kogareta mune wo tsuranukeTori wo yuuyami ni miokuttaChi wo hau bakari no ore wo kaze ga nazeruHane ga hoshii to wa iwanai saSemete chuu ni mau Melissa no ha ni naritaiMou Zuibun to tachitsukushite mita kedoTabun kotae wa nai no darouKono kaze ni mo iku ate nado nai you niKimi no te de kagi wo kaketeTamerai nado nai daroMachigatte moNidoto aku koto no nai you niSaa Jou no ochiru oto de owaraseteSukui no nai tamashii wa nagasarete kieyukuKieteyuku shunkan ni wazuka hikaruIma Tsuki ga michiru yoru wo umidasu no sa!(End)http://music.baidu.com/song/2767484

求EXO歌曲 Machine 歌词分配!!!



EXO-M[Luhan]她冰冷皮肤透明像是瓷器她眨眼都有频率她是否留着血液[Chen]黄金比例超现实主义都害怕为她定义打败了人类的逻辑[Lay]像玩具有没有在呼吸会不会为了谁叹息[Xiumin]她的泪滴怎么看不出来有情绪[Tao]灰眼睛像玻璃猜不透埋藏纯真或神秘[Chen]不亲眼看你绝不会相信[All]像爱上机器爱上你She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machineShe"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine无声的机器没有心She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machineShe"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine[Kris]Ah,yeah[Chen]我读着她的眼神她的唇语却也发现绽放的心严密的像个警区[Luhan]或许靠近听她也会哭泣或许会对你同情但表情却异常平静[Lay]像玩具有没有在呼吸会不会为了谁叹息[Xiumin]她的泪滴怎么看不出来有情绪[Tao]灰眼睛像玻璃猜不透埋藏纯真或神秘[Chen]不亲眼看你绝不会相信[All]像爱上机器爱上你She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machineShe"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine无声的机器没有心She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machineShe"sama-ma-ma-ma-machineHeyhey[Luhan]难解开的秘密[All]Heyhey[Kris]Yeah小心一不注意入了迷就全掉进了她设下的陷阱Yeayyeah明知是陷阱心走火走火gottagettoherheart[Chen]Yeah多危险的美丽[Luhan]足以着魔的好奇[Chen]Woo谁真的能唤醒[Chen+Luhan]她努力爱却被伤过的心[All]像爱上机器爱上你She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machineShe"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine无声的机器没有心She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machineShe"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine像爱上机器爱上你She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machineShe"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine无声的机器没有心She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machineShe"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine————————————————————————————————————————-EXO-K[d。o]一滴血利器也似乎不能完美的黄金比率如梦般的美丽[白贤]头发清新的她的 大理石等皮肤纹理超现实毫不woo~[suho]她是娃娃是不是在呼吸的[do]“知道冰冷面带微笑,[白贤]她的心脏是否患上病的人[suho]不能相信我看看  [all]你像冰冷的machine你的ma、ma、ma、ma、ma、machine你的ma、ma、ma、ma、ma、machine刀一样美丽的女神你的ma、ma、ma、ma、ma、machine你的ma、ma、ma、ma、ma、machine[灿烈]ah!yeah!  [白贤]再看也不知道被锁上的她心彻底的抛向地球[suho]精干的身穿红色装上班族一样的眼神也不提示woo~  [d。o]她偶尔会想到什么是否在哭[白贤]说:“知道一样冰冷面带微笑,  [d。o]是否感情是爱的人[suho]不能相信我看看  [all]你像冰冷的machine你的ma、ma、ma、ma、ma、machine你的ma、ma、ma、ma、ma、machine刀一样美丽的女神你的ma、ma、ma、ma、ma、machine你的ma、ma、ma、ma、ma、machine  [all]heyhey[suho]一定要查出[all]heyhey  [灿烈]yeahyouknow  困难的密码的她谁也无法解决房间锁yeahya[kai]紧闭黑客入侵网络tohergetgotta[白]Yeah已经觉醒[SUHO]完美的美丽  [白]Woo已经觉醒使笑[SUHO]她星期日试着注视  [all]你像冰冷的machine你的ma、ma、ma、ma、ma、machine你的ma、ma、ma、ma、ma、machine刀一样美丽的女神你的ma、ma、ma、ma、ma、machine你的ma、ma、ma、ma、ma、machine*你像冰冷的machine你的ma、ma、ma、ma、ma、machine你的ma、ma、ma、ma、ma、machine刀一样美丽的女神你的ma、ma、ma、ma、ma、machine你的ma、ma、ma、ma、ma、machine

EXO M《machine》歌词分配

EXO是韩国S.MEntertainment2011年12月22日亮相,2012正式推出的组合,分在中国出道活动的M队和在韩国出道活动的K队。EXO这个名字从意为太阳系以外的外部行星EXOPLANET一词中得来,蕴含了他们是从未知的世界来的新星之意。在EXO后添加代表KOREA的K在韩国开始活动,添加代表Mandarin的M在中国开始活动,并有逐步进军全球,将EXO的音乐传遍全世界的抱负。《MACHINE》收录于EXO的第一张MINI专辑《MAMA》。  EXO-M《MACHINE》歌词    [Luhan]她冰冷皮肤透明像是瓷器她眨眼都有频率她是否留着血液  [Chen]黄金比例超现实主义都害怕为她定义打败了人类的逻辑  [Lay]像玩具有没有在呼吸会不会为了谁叹息  [Xiumin]她的泪滴怎么看不出来有情绪  [Tao]灰眼睛像玻璃猜不透埋藏纯真或神秘  [Chen]不亲眼看你绝不会相信  [All]像爱上机器爱上你  She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine  She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine  无声的机器没有心  She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine  She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine  [Kris]Ah,yeah  [Chen]我读着她的眼神她的唇语却也发现尘封的心严密的像个禁区  [Luhan]或许靠近听她也会哭泣或许会对你同情但表情却异常平静  [Lay]像玩具有没有在呼吸会不会为了谁叹息  [Xiumin]她的泪滴怎么看不出来有情绪  [Tao]灰眼睛像玻璃猜不透埋藏纯真或神秘  [Chen]不亲眼看你绝不会相信  [All]像爱上机器爱上你  She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine  She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine  无声的机器没有心  She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine  She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machineHeyhey  [Luhan]难解开的秘密  [All]Heyhey  [Kris]Yeah小心一不注意入了迷就全掉进了她设下的陷阱  Yeayyeah明知是陷阱心走火走火gottagettoherheart  [Chen]Yeah多危险的美丽  [Luhan]足以着魔的好奇  [Chen]Woo谁真的能唤醒  [Chen+Luhan]她努力爱却被伤过的心  [All]像爱上机器爱上你  She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine  She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine  无声的机器没有心  She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine  She"sama-ma-ma-ma-machine

求钢之炼金术师op Melissa 歌曲的全假名歌词。





君の手で切り裂いて 远い日の记忆を 悲しみの息の根を止めてくれよ さあ 爱に焦がれた胸を贯け 明日が来るはずの空を见て 迷うばかりの心持てあましている 傍らの鸟がはばたいた どこか光を见つけられたのかな なあ お前の背に俺も乗せてくれないか そして一番高い所で置き去りにして优しさから远ざけて 君の手で切り裂いて 远い日の记忆を 悲しみの息の根を止めてくれよ さあ 爱に焦がれた胸を贯け 鸟を夕暗に见送った 地を这うばかりの俺を风がなぜる 羽か欲しいとは言わないさ せめて宙に舞うメリッサの叶になりたい もう ずいぶんと立ち尽くしてみたけど たぶん答えはないのだろう この风にも行くあてなどないように 君の手で键をかけて ためらいなどないだろ 间违っても 二度と开くことのないように さあ 锭の落ちる音で终わらせて 救いのない魂は流されて消えゆく 消えてゆく瞬间にわずか光る 今 月が満ちる夜を生み出すのさ 应该是这个吧~


她冰冷 皮肤透明 像是瓷器 她眨眼都有频率 她是否流着血液 黄金比例 超现实主义 都害怕为她定义 打败了人类的逻辑 她的泪滴 怎么看不出来 有情绪 灰眼睛 像玻璃 猜不透埋藏纯真或神秘 不亲眼看 你绝不会相信 像爱上机器 爱上你 SHE"S MA MA MA MA MACHINE SHE"S MA MA MA MA MACHINE 无声的机器 没有心 SHE"S MA MA MA MA MACHINE SHE"S MA MA MA MA MACHINE Ah! Yeah! 我读着 她的眼神 她的唇语 却发现尘封的心 严密的像个禁区 或许靠近听 她也会哭泣 或许会对你同情 但表情 却异常平静 她的泪滴 怎么看不出来 有情绪 灰眼睛 像玻璃 猜不透埋藏纯真或神秘 不亲眼看 你绝不会相信像爱上机器 爱上你 SHE"S MA MA MA MA MACHINE SHE"S MA MA MA MA MACHINE 无声的机器 没有心 SHE"S MA MA MA MA MACHINE SHE"S MA MA MA MA MACHINE (Hey hey) 难解开的秘密 (Hey hey) Yeah 小心 一不注意入了迷 就全掉进了她设下的陷阱 yeah Yeah 明知是陷阱 心 走火走火 gotta get to her heart Yeah 多危险的美丽 足以着魔的好奇 Woo~ 谁真的能唤醒 她努力爱 却被伤过的心 像爱上机器 爱上你 SHE"S MA MA MA MA MACHINE SHE"S MA MA MA MA MACHINE 无声的机器 没有心 SHE"S MA MA MA MA MACHINE SHE"S MA MA MA MA MACHINE 像爱上机器 爱上你 SHE"S MA MA MA MA MACHINE SHE"S MA MA MA MA MACHINE 无声的机器 没有心 SHE"S MA MA MA MA MACHINE SHE"S MA MA MA MA MACHINE CHINE


用你的手把遥远的记忆切开了止住悲惨的命运吧那麼 穿透那一心向往著爱的心望著明天将要来临的天空带著剩馀的不断迷惑的心身边的鸟张开翅膀 是在哪里发现了光亮吗喂 我不能乘坐在你的背脊上吗?然后在最高的地方把我丢下而和善地躲到远处用你的手把遥远的记忆切开了止住悲惨的命运吧那麼 穿透那一心向往著爱的心在暮色间送别了那只鸟 在地上行走的我为何引来了风不是需要翅膀的意思期待变成在空中飘舞的Melissa之叶虽然已尽全力地站到最后大概也不会有答案吧这风没有安排地吹去用你的手把钥匙锁住锁 不可能不风平浪静的吧即使是搞错 也不会第二次打开它那麼 钥匙掉落的声音也随之消失了未被拯救的灵魂会被冲走灵魂在消失时的瞬间会放射出光芒现在 悬挂著满月的夜晚出现了

Bill Miller的《Melissa》 歌词

歌曲名:Melissa歌手:Bill Miller专辑:Reservation Road: LiveMelissa作词:新藤晴一编曲/作曲:ak.homma钢之炼金术师OP1Kimi no te de kirisaiteTooi hi no kioku woKanashimi no iki no ne wo tometekure yoSaa Ai ni kogareta mune wo tsuranukeAsu ga kuru hazu no sora wo miteMayou bakari no kokoro moteamashiteruKatawara no tori ga habataitaDoko ka hikari wo mitsukerareta no ka naNaa Omae no se ni ore mo nosetekurenai kaSoshite ichiban takai toko deokizari ni shite yasashisa kara toozaketeKimi no te de kirisaiteTooi hi no kioku woKanashimi no iki no ne wo tometekure yoSaa Ai ni kogareta mune wo tsuranukeTori wo yuuyami ni miokuttaChi wo hau bakari no ore wo kaze ga nazeruHane ga hoshii to wa iwanai saSemete chuu ni mau Melissa no ha ni naritaiMou Zuibun to tachitsukushite mita kedoTabun kotae wa nai no darouKono kaze ni mo iku ate nado nai you niKimi no te de kagi wo kaketeTamerai nado nai daroMachigatte moNidoto aku koto no nai you niSaa Jou no ochiru oto de owaraseteSukui no nai tamashii wa nagasarete kieyukuKieteyuku shunkan ni wazuka hikaruIma Tsuki ga michiru yoru wo umidasu no sa!(End)http://music.baidu.com/song/2647199

冰河时代中文版的女歌手是谁?歌词就是:我正忙着做梦。。。 不是蔡依林的日不落


日不落 - 英文版 的歌词谁知道???

Bodies Without Organs - Sunshine in the Rain 歌曲: [点我试听] [点我下载]MV: [点我欣赏]歌词:When I"m in Berlin you"re off to London When I"m in New York you"re doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the phone Wishing we could be more telepathic Tired of the nights I sleep alone Wishing we could redirect the traffic And we find ourselves a home Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I"m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Even if we call the highest power We can only do one town a time Words are not enough action speaks louder Second time around Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I"m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Oh oh la la la Oh oh la la la When I"m in Berlin you"re off to London When I"m in New York you"re doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the phone Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I"m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain 翻译:当我在柏林而你已离开到了伦敦当我在伦敦而你在罗马我们一起度过了那么多的疯狂的夜晚当声音在电话里响起希望我们能够心灵感应的一个人孤单的睡觉是多么疲惫的一个夜晚希望我们能再一次跑出来然后在家里看到对方在沙漠里你能感觉到雨滴吗在黑暗里你能感觉到阳光吗当我不在的时候你感觉到我的爱了吗虽然只相隔几英里的距离但是我会一直在你左右阳光总在下雨天爱一直是不变的阳光总在下雨天阳光总在下雨天爱一直是不变的阳光总在下雨天虽然我们在竭力的召唤我们只能在同一城市同一时间做一件事情说的再大声 言语还是不够的第二遍在沙漠里你能感觉到雨滴吗在黑暗里你能感觉到阳光吗当我不在的时候你感觉到我的爱了吗虽然只相隔几英里的距离但是我会一直在你左右阳光总在下雨天爱一直是不变的阳光总在下雨天阳光总在下雨天爱一直是不变的阳光总在下雨天Oh oh la la laOh oh la la la当我在柏林而你已离开到了伦敦当我在伦敦而你在罗马我们一起度过了那么多的疯狂的夜晚当声音在电话里响起希望我们能够心灵感应一个人孤单的睡觉是多么疲惫的一个夜晚希望我们能再一次跑出来然后在家里看到对方在沙漠里你能感觉到雨滴吗在黑暗里你能感觉到阳光吗当我不在你身旁你能否感觉我的爱了虽然只相隔千里但我的心会一直伴你左右阳光总在下雨天爱一直是不变的阳光总在下雨天阳光总在下雨天爱一直是不变的阳光总在下雨天在沙漠里你能感觉到雨滴吗在黑暗里你能感觉到阳光吗当我不在的时候你感觉到我的爱了吗虽然相隔千里的距离但是我的心会一直伴你左右阳光总在下雨天爱一直是不变的阳光总在下雨天阳光总在下雨天爱一直是不变的阳光总在下雨天

日不落英文版 翻译这段歌词



天空的雾来得漫无经心河水像油画一样安静和平鸽慵懒步伐押着韵心偷偷的放晴祈祷你像英勇的禁卫军动也不动的守护爱情你在回忆里留下的脚印是我爱的风景我要送你 日不落的想念寄出代表爱的明信片我要送你 日不落的爱恋心牵着心把世界走遍你就是晴天 你就是晴天我的爱未眠不落的想念 飞在你身边我的爱未眠爱的巴士总是走了又停微笑望着广场上人群我要把爱全都装进行李陪我一起旅行我要送你 日不落的想念寄出代表爱的明信片我要送你 日不落的爱恋心牵着心把世界走遍你就是晴天 你就是晴天我的爱未眠不落的想念 飞在你身边我的爱未眠祈祷你像英勇的禁卫军动也不动的守护爱情我要送你 日不落的想念寄出代表爱的明信片我要送你 日不落的爱恋心牵着心把世界走遍你就是晴天 你就是晴天我的爱未眠不落的想念 飞在你身边我的爱未眠英文Sun Shine In The Rain_日不落英文版When I"m in Berlin you"re off to LondonWhen I"m in New York you"re doing RomeAll those crazy nights we spend togetherAs voices on the phoneWishing we could be more telepathicTired of the nights I sleep aloneWishing we could redirect the trafficAnd we find ourselves a homeCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainEven if we call the highest powerWe can only do one town a timeWords are not enough action speaks louderSecond time aroundCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainOh oh la la laOh oh la la laWhen I"m in Berlin you"re off to LondonWhen I"m in New York you"re doing RomeAll those crazy nights we spend togetherAs voices on the phoneCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainCan you feel the raindrops in the desertHave you seen the sunrays in the darkDo you feel my love when I"m not presentStanding by your side while miles apartSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rainSunshine in the rainLove is still the sameSunshine in the rain








Lu Han Chen Lay Xiumin Tao Kris All[Luhan] 她冰冷皮肤透明像是瓷器 她眨眼都有频率 她是否留着血液[Chen] 黄金比例超现实主义 都害怕为她定义 打败了人类的逻辑[Lay] 像玩具 有没有在呼吸 会不会为了谁叹息[Xiumin] 她 的泪滴怎么看不出来有情绪[Tao] 灰眼睛像玻璃 猜不透埋藏纯真或神秘[Chen] 不亲眼看你绝不会相信[All] 像爱上机器 爱上你 She"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machine无声的机器 没有心 She"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machine[Kris] Ah, yeah[Chen] 我读着她的眼神她的唇语 却也发现绽放的心 严密的像个警区[Luhan] 或许靠近听她也会哭泣 或许会对你同情 但表情却异常平静[Lay] 像玩具 有没有在呼吸 会不会为了谁叹息[Xiumin] 她 的泪滴怎么看不出来有情绪[Tao] 灰眼睛像玻璃 猜不透埋藏纯真或神秘[Chen] 不亲眼看你绝不会相信[All] 像爱上机器 爱上你 She"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machine无声的机器 没有心 She"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineHey hey[Luhan] 难解开的秘密[All] Hey hey[Kris] Yeah小心 一不注意入了迷 就全掉进了她设下的陷阱Yeay yeah 明知是陷阱 心走火走火 gotta get to her heart[Chen] Yeah 多危险的美丽[Luhan] 足以着魔的好奇[Chen] Woo 谁真的能唤醒[Chen+Luhan] 她努力爱却被伤过的心[All] 像爱上机器 爱上你 She"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machine无声的机器 没有心 She"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machine像爱上机器 爱上你 She"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machine无声的机器 没有心 She"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machine————————————————–[Luhan] ta bing leng pi fu tou ming xiang shi ci qi, ta zha yan dou you ping lv, ta shi fou liu zhe xue ye[Chen] huang jin bi li chao xian shi zhu yi, dou hai pa wei ta ding yi, da bai le ren lei de luo ji[Lay] xiang wan ju, you mei you zai hu xi, hui bu hui wei le shei tan xi[Xiumin] ta de lei di zen me kan bu chu lai you qing xu[Tao] hui yan jing xiang bo li, cai bu tou mai cang chun zhen huo shen mi[Chen] bu qin yan kan ni jue bu hui xiang xin[All] xiang ai shang ji qi ai shang ni, she"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machinewu sheng de ji qi, mei you xin, she"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machine[Kris] Ah, yeah[Chen] wo du zhe ta de yan shen ta de chun yu, que ye fa xian zhan fang de xin, yan mi de xiang ge jing qu[Luhan] huo xu kao jin ting ta ye hui ku qi, huo xu hui dui ni tong qing, dan biao qing que yi chang ping jing[Lay] xiang wan ju, you mei you zai hu xi, hui bu hui wei le shei tan xi[Xiumin] ta de lei di zen me kan bu chu lai you qing xu[Tao] hui yan jing xiang bo li, cai bu tou mai cang chun zhen huo shen mi[Chen] bu qin yan kan ni jue bu hui xiang xin[All] xiang ai shang ji qi ai shang ni, she"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machinewu sheng de ji qi, mei you xin, she"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineHey hey[Luhan] nan jie kai de mi mi[All] Hey hey[Kris] Yeahxiao xin, yi bu zhu yi ru le mi, jiu quan diao jin le ta she xia de xian jingYeay yeah ming zhi shi xian jing, xiu zou huo zou huo, gotta get to her heart[Chen] Yeah duo wei xian de mei li[Luhan] zu yi zhao mo de hao qi[Chen] Woo shei zhen de neng huan xing[Chen+Luhan] ta nu li ai que bei shang guo de xin[All] xiang ai shang ji qi ai shang ni, she"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machinewu sheng de ji qi, mei you xin, she"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machine[All] xiang ai shang ji qi ai shang ni, she"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machinewu sheng de ji qi, mei you xin, she"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machine————————————————–[Luhan] Her cold skin translucent like porcelain, she blinks with frequency, is she even human?[Chen] Unrealistically perfect proportions, no one dares to define her, she defies human logic[Lay] Like a toy, does she breathe? Does she sigh for anyone?[Xiumin] Her crying face shows no emotions[Tao] Grey eyes like glass, mysteriously hiding innocence or secrets[Chen] No one believes without seeing for himself[All] Like loving a machine, I fell in love with you, she"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineSoundless machine, without a heart, she"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machine[Kris] Ah, yeah[Chen] Reading her eyes and her lips, I discover a blooming heart, tightly guarded like a restricted zone[Luhan] Get closer and you might hear crying, see sympathy, but her expressions remain unusually calm[Lay] Like a toy, does she breathe? Does she sigh for anyone?[Xiumin] Her crying face shows no emotions[Tao] Grey eyes like glass, mysteriously hiding innocence or secrets[Chen] No one believes without seeing for himself[All] Like loving a machine, I fell in love with you, she"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineSoundless machine, without a heart, she"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineHey hey[Luhan] Unsolvable mystery[All] Hey hey[Kris] YeahWatch out, you might become enchanted and fall into the trap she"s setYeay yeah, even though you know it"s a trap your heart still falls, gotta get to her heart[Chen] Yeah, such dangerous beauty[Luhan] Enough curiosity to kill[Chen] Woo who can really awake[Chen+Luhan] Her heart that has earnestly loved but was hurt[All] Like loving a machine, I fell in love with you, she"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineSoundless machine, without a heart, she"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machine[All] Like loving a machine, I fell in love with you, she"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineSoundless machine, without a heart, she"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machineShe"s a ma- ma- ma- ma- machine


Bodies Without Organs(冰河时代3) - Sunshine in the Rain 歌词: When I"m in Berlin you"re off to London When I"m in New York you"re doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the phone Wishing we could be more telepathic Tired of the nights I sleep alone Wishing we could redirect the traffic And we find ourselves a home Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I"m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Even if we call the highest power We can only do one town a time Words are not enough action speaks louder Second time around Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I"m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Oh oh la la la Oh oh la la la When I"m in Berlin you"re off to London When I"m in New York you"re doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the phone Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I"m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain 翻译: 当我在柏林而你已离开到了伦敦 当我在伦敦而你在罗马 我们一起度过了那么多的疯狂的夜晚 当声音在电话里响起 希望我们能够心灵感应的 一个人孤单的睡觉是多么疲惫的一个夜晚 希望我们能再一次跑出来 然后在家里看到对方 在沙漠里你能感觉到雨滴吗 在黑暗里你能感觉到阳光吗 当我不在的时候你感觉到我的爱了吗 虽然只相隔几英里的距离但是我会一直在你左右 阳光总在下雨天 爱一直是不变的 阳光总在下雨天 阳光总在下雨天 爱一直是不变的 阳光总在下雨天 虽然我们在竭力的召唤 我们只能在同一城市同一时间做一件事情 说的再大声 言语还是不够的 第二遍 在沙漠里你能感觉到雨滴吗 在黑暗里你能感觉到阳光吗 当我不在的时候你感觉到我的爱了吗 虽然只相隔几英里的距离但是我会一直在你左右 阳光总在下雨天 爱一直是不变的 阳光总在下雨天 阳光总在下雨天 爱一直是不变的 阳光总在下雨天 Oh oh la la la Oh oh la la la 当我在柏林而你已离开到了伦敦 当我在伦敦而你在罗马 我们一起度过了那么多的疯狂的夜晚 当声音在电话里响起 希望我们能够心灵感应 一个人孤单的睡觉是多么疲惫的一个夜晚 希望我们能再一次跑出来 然后在家里看到对方 在沙漠里你能感觉到雨滴吗 在黑暗里你能感觉到阳光吗 当我不在你身旁你能否感觉我的爱了 虽然只相隔千里但我的心会一直伴你左右 阳光总在下雨天 爱一直是不变的 阳光总在下雨天 阳光总在下雨天 爱一直是不变的 阳光总在下雨天 在沙漠里你能感觉到雨滴吗 在黑暗里你能感觉到阳光吗 当我不在的时候你感觉到我的爱了吗 虽然相隔千里的距离但是我的心会一直伴你左右 阳光总在下雨天 爱一直是不变的 阳光总在下雨天 阳光总在下雨天 爱一直是不变的 阳光总在下雨天


歌曲:Sunshine In The Rain (日不落英文版) When I""""m in Berlin you""""re off to London When I""""m in New York you""""re doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the phone Wishing we could be more telepathic Tired of the nights I sleep alone Wishing we could redirect the traffic And we find ourselves a home Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I""""m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Even if we call the highest power We can only do one town a time Words are not enough action speaks louder Second time around Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I""""m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Oh oh la la la Oh oh la la la When I""""m in Berlin you""""re off to London When I""""m in New York you""""re doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the phone Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I""""m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I""""m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain


歌曲:Sunshine In The Rain (日不落英文版)When I""""m in Berlin you""""re off to LondonWhen I""""m in New York you""""re doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the phone Wishing we could be more telepathic Tired of the nights I sleep alone Wishing we could redirect the traffic And we find ourselves a home Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I""""m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Even if we call the highest power We can only do one town a time Words are not enough action speaks louder Second time around Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I""""m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Oh oh la la la Oh oh la la la When I""""m in Berlin you""""re off to London When I""""m in New York you""""re doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the phone Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I""""m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I""""m not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain



求青春有你turn up歌词

turn up改编自周汤豪的《turn up》,歌词如下:演唱:管栎 姚明明 胡文煊 李振宁 苏宇航 殷实They call me n to the I C K自我介绍 if that"s OKSo fly so clean Balmain Alexander McqueenSo fresh so clean 准备好 自由无限靠近Hands up drinks down 燃尽无限一起跳进去Let"s goEverybody everybody everybodyEverybody turn it upEverybody everybody everybodyEverybody turn it up喜欢这种感觉就跟着节奏 go crazy管他几点今晚我就是要 go crazy我把重拍打碎 我让低音发威管他几点今晚我就是要 go crazyTurn upTurn up……I got this I got this what nick is backParty people can"t wait for another the hot track以为是谁 上次听完还不够你们继续站在台下听我秀Hold up hold up back up back up谁也抓不住我 turn my swag up做自己 so what我疯狂 so what人生只有1次 turn down for whatEverybody everybody everybodyEverybody turn it upEverybody everybody everybodyEverybody turn it up喜欢这种感觉就跟着节奏 go crazy管他几点今晚我就是要 go crazy我把重拍打碎 我让低音发威管他几点今晚我就是要 go crazyTurn upTurn upTurn upTurn upTurn up


说了再见 - 周杰伦词:古小力 黄淩嘉曲:周杰伦天亮了 雨下了 你走了清楚了 我爱的 遗失了落叶飘在湖面上睡着了想要放 放不掉 泪在飘你看看 你看看不到我假装过去不重要 却发现自己办不到说了再见 才发现再也见不到我不能就这样失去你的微笑口红待在桌脚 而你我找不到若角色对调你说好不好说了再见 才发现再也见不到能不能就这样忍着痛泪不掉说好陪我到老 永恒往哪里找再次拥抱一分一秒都好天亮了 雨下了 你走了清楚了 我爱的 遗失了落叶飘在湖面上睡着了想要放 放不掉 泪在飘你看看 你看看不到我假装过去不重要 却发现自己办不到说了再见 才发现再也见不到我不能就这样失去你的微笑口红待在桌脚 而你我找不到若角色对调你说好不好你的笑 你的好 脑海里 一直在绕我的手 忘不了 你手的温度心碎了一地 捡不回从前的心跳 伤心过去我无力逃跑说再见 才发现再也见不到能不能就这样忍着痛泪不掉说好陪我到老 永恒往哪里找再次拥抱一分一秒都好
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