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Lloyd的《This Way》 歌词

歌曲名:This Way歌手:Lloyd专辑:SouthsidePsapp - This Way制作 marissaYour milky black eyesResting on me.Your hand"s like paperOn my kneeI kneel at your chairUntil you stayBut we will all goThis wayThe end of your daysWill happen hereIn this old houseAnd with no fearThis way, I know...Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2184255

Candy Kisses 歌词

歌曲名:Candy Kisses歌手:Billy Fury专辑:Classics And CollectiblesCandy Kisses放肆的高声叫我快要融化掉心狂飙 甜蜜正在持续燃烧AND BABY ALL MY CANDY KISSES.I GIVE THEM TO YOU.OH 我的爱为你发烧不得了 谁比你更重要你眉毛一挑 世界地动天摇AND BABY ALL MY CANDY KISSES.I GIVE THEM TO YOU .OH 我的心为你在跳你一点骄傲 就把我套牢刚刚好 不多不少你把我迷倒好想被你拥抱 头脑暂时抛锚快要失焦 晕眩又美妙我不知道 好象惊叹号吻得好 席卷一场甜美风暴AND BABY ALL MY CANDY KISSES.I GIVE THEM TO YOU. OH 我的爱为你发烧不得了 谁比你更重要你眉毛一挑 世界地动天摇AND BABY ALL MY CANDY KISSES.I GIVE THEM TO YOU .OH 我的心为你在跳你一点骄傲 就把我套牢刚刚好 不多不少你把我迷倒好想被你拥抱 头脑暂时抛锚快要失焦 晕眩又美妙我不知道 好象惊叹号吻得好 席卷一场甜美风暴AND BABY ALL MY CANDY KISSES.I GIVE THEM TO YOU. OH 我的爱为你发烧IT S JUST THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL.YES IT S JUST THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL.IT S JUST THE WAY YOU MAKE MEhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8307636

Candy Kisses 歌词

歌曲名:Candy Kisses歌手:Tony Bennett专辑:I Left My Heart In San FranciscoCandy Kisses放肆的高声叫我快要融化掉心狂飙 甜蜜正在持续燃烧AND BABY ALL MY CANDY KISSES.I GIVE THEM TO YOU.OH 我的爱为你发烧不得了 谁比你更重要你眉毛一挑 世界地动天摇AND BABY ALL MY CANDY KISSES.I GIVE THEM TO YOU .OH 我的心为你在跳你一点骄傲 就把我套牢刚刚好 不多不少你把我迷倒好想被你拥抱 头脑暂时抛锚快要失焦 晕眩又美妙我不知道 好象惊叹号吻得好 席卷一场甜美风暴AND BABY ALL MY CANDY KISSES.I GIVE THEM TO YOU. OH 我的爱为你发烧不得了 谁比你更重要你眉毛一挑 世界地动天摇AND BABY ALL MY CANDY KISSES.I GIVE THEM TO YOU .OH 我的心为你在跳你一点骄傲 就把我套牢刚刚好 不多不少你把我迷倒好想被你拥抱 头脑暂时抛锚快要失焦 晕眩又美妙我不知道 好象惊叹号吻得好 席卷一场甜美风暴AND BABY ALL MY CANDY KISSES.I GIVE THEM TO YOU. OH 我的爱为你发烧IT S JUST THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL.YES IT S JUST THE WAY YOU MAKE ME FEEL.IT S JUST THE WAY YOU MAKE MEhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8829186



Butterfly Kisses 歌词

歌曲名:Butterfly Kisses歌手:Bob Carlisle专辑:Simply Bob CarlisleArtist: Bob CarlisleTitle: Butterfly KissesThere"s two things I know for sureShe was sent here from heaven, and she"s Daddy"s little girl.As I drop to my knees by her bed at nightShe talks to Jesus and I close my eyesAnd I thank God for all of the joy in my life, oh but most of all...For butterfly kisses after bedtime prayerSticking little white flowers all up in her hairWalk beside the pony Daddy, it"s my first rideI know the cake looks funny Daddy, but I sure triedOh with all that I"ve done wrong, I must of done something rightTo deserve a hug every morning, and butterfly kisses at night.Sweet sixteen todayShe"s looking like her Mama, a little more everyday.One part woman, the other part girlTo perfume and makeup, from ribbons and curls.Trying her wings out in a great big worldBut I remember...Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayerSticking little white flowers all up in her hair.You know how much I love you Daddy, but if you don"t mindI"m only gonna kiss you on the cheek this time.With all that I"ve done wrong, I must of done something rightTo deserve her love every morning, and butterfly kisses at night.(background)All the precious time,Oh, like the wind the years go by.Precious butterfly,Spread your wings and fly.She"ll change her name today.She"ll make a promise, and I"ll give her away.Standing in the brideroom just staring at herShe asks me what I"m thinking, and I said I"m not sure.I just feel like I"m losing my baby girl,And she leaned over...Gave me butterfly kisses with her Mama thereSticking little white flowers all up in her hair.Walk me down the aisle Daddy, it"s just about time.Does my wedding gown look pretty Daddy?Daddy, don"t cry.Oh, with all that I"ve done wrong, I must of done something right.To deserve her love every morning, and butterfly kisses,I couldn"t ask God for more, than this is what love is.I know I gotta let her go, but I"ll always remember...Every hug in the morning, and butterfly kisses.http://music.baidu.com/song/18425704

Lloyd的《My Life》 歌词

歌曲名:My Life歌手:Lloyd专辑:SouthsideMy LifeMy Life我的人生星を数えて one two three fourho shi wo ka zu e te one two three four数着星星 1234It fall to the starlit sky…It fall to the starlit sky…It fall to the starlit sky…My life 仆(ぼく)はいじけた色(いろ)を重(かさ)ねMy life bo ku wa i chi ke ta i ro wo ka sa neMy life 我重叠灰暗的颜色駅(えき)のホーム 人(ひと)混(ご)みに纷(まぎ)れて见失(みうしな)ってゆくe ki no hoo mu hi to go mi ni ma gi re te mi u shi na tte yu ku在车站的月台 你混入人群不见了My life 君(きみ)は远(とお)くて星(ほし)のようにMy life ki mi wa too ku te ho shi no you niMy life 你仿佛遥远的星星一般仆(ぼく)の手(て)を握(にぎ)りしめ 优(やさ)しく光(ひか)り辉(か がや)くからbo ku no te wo ni gi ri shi me ya sa shi ku hi ka ri ka ga ya ku ka ra握紧我的手 闪耀出温柔的光芒仆(ぼく)は小(ちい)さいけど 负(ま)けたくないbo ku wa chii sa i ke do ma ki ta ku na i我虽然渺小 但却不想输次(つぎ)のfield …123…zu gi no field 123下一个领域 123飞(と)び出(だ)す勇気(ゆうき)を 持(も)てない仆(ぼく)がいるto bi da su yuu ki wo mo te na i bo ku ga ki ru我拿不出起飞的勇气不安(ふあん)ばかり数(かぞ)えて 人(ひと)の目(め)を気(き)にして いるfu a n ba ka ri ka zo e te hi to no me wo ki ni shi te i ru总是数着不安 在意旁人的目光手(て)のひらで掻(か)き集(あつ)めた梦(ゆめ)がこぼれてくte no hi ra de ka ki a zu me ta yu me da ko bo re te ku收集在手心的梦想往下掉落My life 反省(はんせい)ばかりを缲(く)り返(かえ)してMy life ha n se i ba ka ri wo ku ri ka e shi teMy life 一味地重复反省この前(まえ)と同(おな)じ话(はなし) それもまた缲(く)り返(かえ) してko no ma e to o na chi ha na shi so re mo ma ta ku ri ka e shi te和之前相同的故事 也一再重演My life 君(きみ)は近(ちか)くで风(かぜ)のようにMy life ki mi wa chi ka ku de ka ze no you niMy life 你仿佛身边的风儿一般云(くも)までも吹(ふ)き飞(と)ばし 新(あたら)しい色(いろ)をつけ てくからku mo ma de mo fu ki to ba shi a ta ra shii i ro wo zu ke te ku ka ra连云朵一起吹走 带来崭新的色彩仆(ぼく)は弱(よわ)いけど 目(め)は背(そむ)けないbo ku wa yo wa i ke do mi wa so mu ke na i我虽然软弱 但不会转移视线One life, Starlights, Stormy days & Starry nightOne life, Starlights, Stormy days & Starry nightOne life, Starlights, Stormy days & Starry nightOne life, Starlights, Stormy days & Starry night …My life问题(もんだい)はない このままでも何(なに)も困(こま)らないmo n da i wa na i ko no ma ma de mo na ni mo ku ma ra na i没问题 即使保持现状也没有关系目(め)を闭(と)じれば见(み)えない 耳(みみ)を塞(ふさ)げば闻(き )こえないme wo to chi re ba mi e na i mi mi wo fu sa ge ba ki ko e na i闭上眼睛就什么也看不见 堵上耳朵就什么也听不见君(きみ)の描(が)いた絵(え)を见(み)るまでは それでいいとki mi no ga i ta e wo mi ru ma te wa so re de i i to在看到你描绘的画面之前 这样就好My life 仆(ぼく)はいじけた色(いろ)を重(かさ)ねMy life bo ku wa i chi ke ta i ro wo ka sa neMy life 我重叠灰暗的颜色駅(えき)のホーム 人(ひと)混(ご)みに纷(まぎ)れて见失(みうしな) ってゆくe ki no hoo mu hi to go mi ni ma gi re te mi u shi na tte yu ku在车站的月台 你混入人群不见了My life 君(きみ)は远(とお)くて星(ほし)のようにMy life ki mi wa too ku te ho shi no you niMy life 你仿佛遥远的星星一般仆(ぼく)の手(て)を握(にぎ)りしめ 优(やさ)しく光(ひか)り辉(か がや)くからbo ku no te wo ni gi ri shi me ya sa shi ku hi ka ri ka ga ya ku ka ra握紧我的手 闪耀出温柔的光芒仆(ぼく)は小(ちい)さいけど 负(ま)けたくないbo ku wa chii sa i ke do ma ki ta ku na i我虽然渺小 但却不想输星を数得て one two three fourho shi wo ka zu e te one two three four数着星星 1234It fall to the starlit sky…It fall to the starlit sky…It fall to the starlit sky…感谢NaoGu的翻译。。。这是我弄的第二篇歌词。。。稍微好了点。。。http://music.baidu.com/song/2184248

Dizzy Gillespie的《Kisses》 歌词

歌曲名:Kisses歌手:Dizzy Gillespie专辑:Digital At Montreux 1980KISS作曲:CHARA作词:CHARA/EMA编曲:成田真树/五十岚慎一CHARA:Lost a little faith today I thinkFeeling cheated by my foolishnessスキな子いるくせに キスしてたそれにもましてはじめてなんておどろいちゃうスキな子いるくせに キスしてたキスは数じゃ决まらないDon"t you know to listten to your feelingsOh~キスは数じゃ决まらないOh なんで (what you wish for)  なくしたのCHARA:Won"t put aside what"s genuineI am gonna take my time you konwスキな子いるくせに キスしてたI wanna walk on now, my paceI wander again now, unsureI wanna believe now, in timeキスしてたキスは数じゃ决まらないDon"t you know to listen to your feelingsOh~キスは数じゃ决まらないOh なんで (what you wish for) なくしたのDon"t you know to listen to your feelingsキスは数じゃないのよ Oh, baby...Oh, baby...终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10297446

Soundscapes - Relaxing Music的《Karma》 歌词

歌曲名:Karma歌手:Soundscapes - Relaxing Music专辑:KarmaKARMA歌:KOKIA作词/作曲:KOKIA 编曲:七瀬光TVアニメ「Phantom - Requiem for the Phantom」OPkarma 何度(なんど)も同(おな)じことの缲(く)り返(かえ)しの中(なか)を堕(お)ちていってはkarma この身(み)は螺旋(らせん)のよう 生(う)まれ変(か)わってもなお彷徨(さまよ)い続(つづ)けているAh~ブーエーブーエー 安(やす)らかにブーエーブーエー 终(お)わりにしよう 己(おのれ)の业(わざ)でブーエーブーエーkarma 忘却(ぼうきゃく)の荒野(こうや)から逃(のが)れてきた今(いま)も 思(おも)い出(だ)せないkarma 记忆(きおく)を辿(たど)る度(たび)に 同(おな)じ场所(ばしょ)でいつも见失(みうしな)うこころAh~ブーエーブーエー 掴(つか)めずにブーエーブーエー 漂(ただよ)ってるブーエーブーエー 安(やす)らかにブーエーブーエー 终(お)わりにしよう己(おのれ)の业(わざ)で おやすみなさいhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14990875

Lloyd的《Jigsaw》 歌词

歌曲名:Jigsaw歌手:Lloyd专辑:King Of HeartsLloyd - JigsawRemember I told u I"d be honest wit u babyWell I got somethin" I need to tell youThis ain"t about no other girlsThis ain"t even about youI mean I still love you(Said you"ve been so lost x2)I just gotta get my shit togetherSee you don"t remember the last timeYou asked "Baby where you goin""?Or the last time you heard the keyTo the lock without you knowin"But I got it all out of my systemAnd told my alibi byeDon"t you feel like my onlyCause I gave up my sidelineAnd I thought that you was sleepin",But you"ve been watchin"And your tongue ain"t sayin" nothingCause baby you don"t knowEver since we seenI"ve been right here beforeAnd oh, try to figure out my jigsawSaid you"ve been so lostI"ve been giving mixed feelingsYou want it back but we got there(open)And I"m so guiltyIt ain"t nothing like when you had me(open)Yeah I know I pinky promisedI won"t screw you overInstead I made you callYour pillow super soakerWonderin" why I cancelledMy plans put you on my day offSearchin" in my pocket for my phoneOr check my collarAnd I thought that you was sleepin"But you"ve been watchin"And your tongue ain"t sayin" nothingCause baby you don"t knowEver since we seenI"ve been right here beforeAnd oh, try to figure out my jigsawSaid you"ve been so lostWhen you had me yeahYou want it back but you can"t girlI"ve been giving mixed feelingsI"ve been giving mixed feelingsYou want it back but we got there(open)And I"m so guiltyIt ain"t nothing like when you had me(open)I"m so sorry baby ay(open)http://music.baidu.com/song/18169650

Lloyd的《Southside》 歌词

歌曲名:Southside歌手:Lloyd专辑:SouthsideLloyd (Feat. Ashanti & Scarface) - Southside (Remix)My southside, my getbakMy heartbreaks, my karmasMy set backs, my home townMy life time, my sun upMy sundown, my everythingMy used to be, my has beenMy love line, my blood lineMemories come flashin"My neighborhood, ma old g"sThe young niggas behind meThe don"t spread, the hussle hardThese bitches that remind meStay up all ma hussle hardCuz people love to see you failHate to see you gettin greenEnvy"s got a shitty smellWalkin far if I got mo boozeYea your hats still to the backAin"t no cover up for rootsGot a pocket full of crackLock it up and get a jacketAin"t no commin back from nowYou wrapped up on the party lifeOut here we acceptin" taxesTell ya daddy stop his hating(Southside)Cuz I be wearing braids and rockin jerseys dailyBut that dont mean im thuggin thoughHe dont want me with youBut I aint tryna hear it thoughNot tryna hear it thoughBut I know that if he knew youHe would understand yaKnow that your my man andHe would never hurt me noLet me come and see youSo that we can be alone, alone(Baby I know a place that we can go and be alone)As long as you make sure that you safely get me home(Don"t worry baby)Meet me at the southsideGet you home by midnightMake sure that your daddy just don"t know (daddy just don"t know)I"ll put you in the hoodbugI know what I"m doin causeThat"s where we"ll be eating on the low (eating on the low)Meet me at the southsideBaby we can go hideKnowin that mah boys goin have my back (yeah-eeh-yeah)Only at the southside girl (southside, eh-eeh-eh)SouthsideGirl I"ll know that we can make itCause we won"t let him break itI don"t care who with itIts you and me against the worldTell me those three words thatLets me know you"re still my girlOh Baby, yeahOh I swear I"ll never leave you (why)People have lied to yahBut by your side I"ll show yahThe way a girl needs to rollYou don"t need a lot of moneyI"m ready come pick me up (pick me up)(Baby I know a place that we can go to be alone, yeah)As long as you make sure that you safely get me home(Don"t worry baby)Meet me at the southsideGet you home by midnightMake sure that your daddy just don"t know (daddy just don"t know)I"ll put you in the hoodbugI know what I"m doin causeThat"s where we"ll be eating on the low (eating on the low)Meet me at the southsideBaby we can go hideKnowin that mah boys goin have my back (yeah-eeh-yeah)Only at the southside girl (southside, eh-eeh-eh)SouthsideI live for, to die for IClip it up, drive byWindows down, ride byNiggas know ma pedigreeCan neva be denyed byAlways gon be southsideNew Year"s day with a crowds slideAll the way to new years eveDrink ma beer, blow my greenTouchin in a state of mindIn this here great state of mineTook ma chances, played tha lineBet it, 20 more I shootIt dont matta, win or looseLove ya dawg, know I doHolla way, we rollin" thruCause all I want to do, is ride the south wit you(Ooooh-oooh-oooh-oooh-hooh-hoh-ooooh-oooooh)ATL Georgia, what do we do for yaMeet me at the southside (You can come and meet me yeah-eeh-yeah, yeah)Get you home by midnight (midnight)Make sure that your daddy just don"t know (oh, no-no-no)I"ll put you in the hoodbugI know what I"m doin causeThat"s where we"ll be eating on the low (meet me at the southside yeah)Meet me at the southside, southsideBaby we can go hideKnowin that mah boys goin have my backOnly at the southside girl, gotchu in tha hood (got me in tha hood)Southside, but it"s all good (we goin chill)ATL Georgia, what do we do for yaPull down like we george town holdas(Can you pick me up tonight, take me anywhere you like)Shorty let"s ride, in my Cadillac (Cadillac)Tilt yo seat backAnd everything"ll be coo (yeah)Side girl (yeah)Alright (oooh-oh-0, no-ooh-hooh)So what you wann do (we goin kick it tonight)(yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, only at the southside)I know it, that you ain"t used to this country boyBut I"ll show ya (Show me)Ain"t nuttin but a thing (yeah-yeah-yeah)Chicken wings on string (baby-baby-baby)That"s how I hang (only at the southside, southside, southside)This is for my babehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8520723

The Music的《Karma》 歌词

歌曲名:Karma歌手:The Music专辑:Singles & EPs: 2001-2005karma歌:Lia作词:麻枝准作曲:麻枝准编曲:aikamachi+nagievocal:Lia收录元:dearly卵でさえ上手く割れないそんな不器用な君なのにこの世界を救えるというその身を犠牲にして今では谁もが君のことまるで英雄のように见立ててきれいな服を着せたりしてはだしのまま逃げてくる何でもないきみだって仆は好きなままいたよ运命というものなんて信じない理不尽でおかしくてきみだって笑ってやれこんな理不尽を寄せては返す光を背に楽しげにきみは歌ってた波音を言い訳にしても音はとれてなかったきみからすべてが欠けててそれゆえすべてと繋がれるいのちになれるということ仆もいつか気づいていた赘沢なんかいわない悲しみだって受けるよだからきみという人だけここにいてずっといて仆から离さないでどんなことも恐れず生きてくから初めて见せるような颜で君は歩いていったその运命を果たすために何でもないきみだって仆は好きなままいるよ运命というものなんて仆は决して信じない卵も割れなくていいいくつでも仆が割るよ歌が下手だっていいよこうして仆が歌うよrequem for the airrequem for the riverrequem for the windrequem for the lightrequem for the forestrequem for the sunrequem for the land and the oceanrequem for the heavenrequem for the heavenrequem for the heaven仆は走るrequem for the heavenrequem for the heaven神も恐れずThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10457698

Mr. Lil One的《Karma》 歌词

歌曲名:Karma歌手:Mr. Lil One专辑:KarmaKARMA歌:KOKIA作词/作曲:KOKIA 编曲:七瀬光TVアニメ「Phantom - Requiem for the Phantom」OPkarma 何度(なんど)も同(おな)じことの缲(く)り返(かえ)しの中(なか)を堕(お)ちていってはkarma この身(み)は螺旋(らせん)のよう 生(う)まれ変(か)わってもなお彷徨(さまよ)い続(つづ)けているAh~ブーエーブーエー 安(やす)らかにブーエーブーエー 终(お)わりにしよう 己(おのれ)の业(わざ)でブーエーブーエーkarma 忘却(ぼうきゃく)の荒野(こうや)から逃(のが)れてきた今(いま)も 思(おも)い出(だ)せないkarma 记忆(きおく)を辿(たど)る度(たび)に 同(おな)じ场所(ばしょ)でいつも见失(みうしな)うこころAh~ブーエーブーエー 掴(つか)めずにブーエーブーエー 漂(ただよ)ってるブーエーブーエー 安(やす)らかにブーエーブーエー 终(お)わりにしよう己(おのれ)の业(わざ)で おやすみなさいhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15021602


KARMA (TVA 「ファントム」(phantom)主题歌)作词u30fb作曲u30fb歌:KOKIA编曲:七瀬光karma何度も同じことの 缲り返しの中を 堕ちていっては nandomo onaji koto no kurikaeshi no naka o ochiteitte wa在无数次相同的 反反复复之中 逐渐地堕落karmaこの身は螺旋のよう 生まれ変わってもなお 彷徨い続けているkono mi wa rasen no you umarekawatte mo nao samayoitsuzuketeiru 此身躯仿如螺旋般 即使已经获得了重生 也依然在彷徨之中Ah~ブーエー 安らかに buuee buuee yasuraka ni快快安眠 和平安乐ブーエー 终わりにしよう 己の业でbuuee buuee owari ni shiyou onore no waza de快快安眠 让一切都结束吧 以己之罪ブーエーブーエー buuee buuee快快安眠 快快安眠karma忘却の荒野から 逃れてきた今も 思い出せないboukyaku no kouya kara nogaretekita ima mo omoidasenai从忘却的荒野上 逃跑而出至此刻 依然无法想起karma记忆を辿る度に 同じ场所でいつも 见失うこころ kioku o tadoru tabi ni onaji basho de itsumo miushinau kokoro追寻记忆的时候 总是在相同的地方 将这颗心遗失Ah~ブーエー 掴めずに buuee buuee tsukamezu ni快快安眠 无法抓住ブーエー 漂ってるbuuee buuee tadayotteru 快快安眠 轻轻漂浮ブーエー 安らかに buuee buuee tadayotteru快快安眠 和平安乐ブーエー 终わりにしよう buuee buuee owari ni sh快快安眠 让一切都结束吧己の业で おやすみなさいonore no waza de oyasuminasai 以己之罪 请静静地入睡吧


自己找字典 慢慢翻译

adam lambert亚当兰伯特december 歌词



Ifellinlovewithyou我坠入了爱河  WatchingCasablanca与你一起看《卡萨布兰卡》时  Backrowofthedrive-inshow在露天汽车剧院后排  Intheflickeringlight摇曳的亮光中  Pop-cornandcokes可乐与爆米花  Beneaththestars在星空下  Becamechampagneandcaviar仿佛香槟和鱼子酱  Makinglove爱意情长  Onthelonghotsummer"snight漫长炎热的夏夜里  Ithoughtyoufellinlovewithme我以为你也爱上了我  WatchingCasablanca与你一起看《卡萨布兰卡》时  Holdinghandsbeneaththepaddlefan电扇下双手相拥  InRick""scandle-litcafe在Rick咖啡店的烛光下  Hidingintheshadowsfromthespots躲在银幕的阴影里  Moroccanmoonlightinyoureyes你的眼里映着摩洛哥的月光  MakingmagicinthemovieInmyoldChevrolet在看电影时和你在我旧雪弗莱车中热吻  Ohakississtillakiss啊,《卡萨布兰卡》中的亲吻  InCasablanca缠绵依旧  Akissisnotakisswithoutyoursigh失去你的叹息,温情不再  Pleasecomebacktome回到我的身边来  InCasablanca随着《卡萨布兰卡》  Iloveyoumoreandmoreeachday时光虽流逝  Astimegoesby对你的爱恋却与日俱增  Iguesstherearemanybrokenhearts我想,在卡萨布兰卡  InCasablanca一定会有许多破碎的心  YouknowI"veneverreallybeenthere你知道我不曾到过那儿  SoIdon"tknow所以不得而知  Iguessourlovestorywillneverbeseen我想,我俩的爱情故事永远不会出现  Onthebigwidesilverscreen在银幕上  Butithurtjustasbadly但是,看着你离我而去  WhenIhadtowatchyougo我的心一样痛楚  Ohakississtillakiss啊,《卡萨布兰卡》中的亲吻  InCasablanca缠绵依旧  Akissisnotakisswithoutyoursigh失去你的叹息,温情不再  Pleasecomebacktome回到我的身边来  InCasablanca随着《卡萨布兰卡》  Iloveyoumoreandmoreeachday时光虽流逝  Astimegoesby对你的爱恋却与日俱增  Ohakississtillakiss啊,《卡萨布兰卡》中的亲吻  InCasablanca缠绵依旧  Akissisnotakisswithoutyoursigh失去你的叹息,温情不再  Pleasecomebacktome回到我的身边来  InCasablanca随着《卡萨布兰卡》  Iloveyoumoreandmoreeachday时光虽流逝  Astimegoesby对你的爱恋却与日俱增  Iloveyoumoreandmoreeachday时光虽流逝  Astimegoesby对你的爱恋却与日俱增


loving youminei"m yourscan"t take my eyes off you

JLS的she makes me wanna 中文歌词

(自己翻译的,大概大概吧~)Oh oh oh oh oh oh OK好吧!Its Dev and JLS JLS 我是 Dev and JLS JLS Oh oh oh oh oh oh Yeah耶!Oh oh oh oh oh ohI cant explain what"s gotten into me我不知道我是怎么了 My sanity is in the passenger seat 我的理智已经不受我控制I let her drive me she is my guide她是我的命运 她牵动着我We"re flying reckless tonight今晚我们不顾一切地飞Direct me to the floor告诉我如何回到地面And turn it up some more然后再加大马力Imma get it on on on on想像着不断地快速前进Direct me to the floor告诉我如何回到地面And turn it up some more然后再加大马力Imma get it on on on on想像着不断地快速前进She makes me wanna她让我着迷Oh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wanna让我着迷Oh oh oh oh oh ohLondon to jamaica从伦敦到牙买加La to africa从洛杉矶到非洲She makes me wanna她让我想要Oh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wanna让我想要Oh oh oh oh oh ohI think her eyes are hypnotizing me她的眼睛让我着迷Something about her turns me into a wild beast她的一切可以让我发狂I mesmerized, down for the ride我如此着迷,为她坠落Flying reckless tonight不顾一切地飞Direct me to the floor告诉我如何回到地面And turn it up some more然后再加大马力Imma get it on on on on想像着不断地快速前进Direct me to the floor告诉我如何回到地面And turn it up some more然后再加大马力Imma get it on on on on想像着不断地快速前进She makes me wanna她让我着迷Oh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wanna让我着迷Oh oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wanna让我着迷Oh oh oh oh oh ohLondon to jamaica从伦敦到牙买加La to africa从洛杉矶到非洲She makes me wanna她让我着迷Oh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wanna让我着迷Oh oh oh oh oh ohWell that"s kind of funny嗯,这有点好笑I-i was just thinking我~我只是想The high you make me oh-oh-oh你让我高飞 we"re flying over buildings我们飞过大楼Sitting under palm trees坐在棕榈树下drinking bubble gum drinks喝着饮料We"re counting all our monies我们算着所有的钱Dancing in ice rinks在溜冰场上舞蹈Buying icies买着冰淇淋(it"s nothing)这没什么大不了We"re loving我们相爱着We"re worthy of this我们值得一切Look where I come from看着我来的地方Now this world our kingdom现在这个世界是我们的王国She makes me wanna她让我着迷Oh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wanna让我着迷Oh oh oh oh oh ohShe makes me wanna她让我着迷Oh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wanna让我着迷Oh oh oh oh oh ohShe makes me wanna她让我着迷Oh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wanna让我着迷Oh oh oh oh oh ohShe makes me wanna她让我着迷Oh oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wanna让我着迷Oh oh oh oh oh ohLondon to jamaica从伦敦到牙买加L.a to africa从洛杉矶到非洲She makes me wanna她让我着迷Oh oh oh oh ohMakes me wanna让我着迷Oh oh oh oh oh oh


Super ecstatic, I"m manicI know the beat don"t lieSo dramatic, erraticI think I"m losing my mindLet"s go fast and let"s go slowTake it higher, take it lowWe on it, we on it It"s so contagious, outrageousThe kind that money can"t buyChanged my status to greatest and now my baby don"t lie Keep it moving, don"t you stopFrom the bottom to the topWe are on it You got me feeling aliveLike a fire burning through the nightI want this feeling for the rest of my lifeYou keep my heartrock rockinKeep my heartrock rockin rockin You got me feeling aliveLike a fire burning through the nightI want this feeling for the rest of my lifeYou keep my heartrock rockinKeep my heartrock rockin rockin My pulse is racing like crazyI feel a pound in my chestI don"t think I can take it if you keep moving like this There"s a place I wanna goBaby we could be alone for a momentLet"s hold that The city"s ready and waitingLet"s go and hit it right nowPlace is pumpin and shakinIt"s about to get loudTurn it up, it"s going downLike a bomb hits the groundYou know it You got me feeling aliveLike a fire burning through the nightI want this feeling for the rest of my lifeYou keep my heartrock rockinKeep my heartrock rockin rockin You got me feeling aliveLike a fire burning through the nightI want this feeling for the rest of my lifeYou keep my heartrock rockinKeep my heartrock rockin rockin (you keep my heart rockin) Tum ta rum ta ra ra ra ra tum tum ta rumTa ra ra ra ra tum tum ta rumta ra ra ra ra tum tum tum tum… You got me feeling aliveLike a fire burning through the nightI want this feeling for the rest of my lifeYou keep my heartrock rockinKeep my heartrock rockin rockin You got me feeling aliveLike a fire burning through the nightI want this feeling for the rest of my lifeYou keep my heartrock rockinKeep my heartrock rockin rockin 应该是这个吧

求jls《she makes me wanna》中文歌词


jls的Beat again的中文歌词

Damn, the doctor"s just finished telling me可恶,医生刚刚对我说There"s no time, losing you could be the end of me已经没有时间了,失去你我的生命也将停止And that I should do the things that I wanna do我应该去做那些我想要做的事How could I without you, without you, oh我不能没有你,没有你,哦"Cause you"re the only one I let in你是唯一一个我真正接纳的人Tell me how to stop this feeling spreading告诉我如何让这感觉停止扩散I"m hoping somehow that you know, oh我希望你能懂,哦Let"s just get back together, we should"ve never broke up让我们和好吧,我们不应该分手They"re telling me that my heart won"t beat again他们对我说我的心脏不会再跳动We should"ve stayed together, "cause when you left me it stopped我们应该在一起,因为你离开我的心会停止跳动They"re telling me that my heart won"t beat again他们对我说我的心脏不会再跳动Won"t beat again, it"s killing me不再跳动,折磨着我Hey, hey, hey嘿,嘿,嘿If I died, yeah, would you come to my funeral?如果我死了,你回来参加我的葬礼吗?Would you cry, would you feel some regret that we didn"t try?你会哭吗?会后悔没有尝试回到我身边吗?Or would you fall apart the same as I你会像曾经的我一样伤心欲绝吗I, I, I我,我,我Oh, and would it always haunt you, baby那个念头会经常萦绕着你吗?宝贝That you missed your chance to save me?那就是你没有试着来拯救我"Cause you know it"s not too late因为你知道的,现在也不晚Hey, hey, hey嘿,嘿,嘿Let"s just get back together, we should"ve never broke up让我们和好吧,我们不应该分手They"re telling me that my heart won"t beat again他们对我说我的心脏不会再跳动We should"ve stayed together, "cause when you left me it stopped我们应该在一起,因为你离开我的心会停止跳动They"re telling me that my heart won"t beat again他们对我说我的心脏不会再跳动Won"t beat again, it"s killing me不再跳动,折磨着我That my heart won"t beat again我的心脏不再跳动Won"t beat again it"s killing me不再跳动,折磨着我Hey, I need you嘿,我需要你Back in my arms, I need love CPR回来我的怀里吧,我需要爱情药剂"Cause it"s getting so cold, oh感觉好冰冷,哦I need you back again or else I"ll never mend我需要你回到我的身边,否则我将永远无法康复And girl, if I go, I go, I go, I go宝贝,如果我走了,我走了,我走了,我走了Let"s just get back together, we should"ve never broke up让我们和好吧,我们不应该分手They"re telling me that my heart won"t beat again他们对我说我的心脏不会再跳动We should"ve stayed together, "cause when you left me it stopped我们应该在一起,因为你离开我的心会停止跳动They"re telling me that my heart won"t beat again他们对我说我的心脏不会再跳动Won"t beat again, it"s killing me不再跳动,折磨着我That my heart won"t beat again我的心脏不再跳动Won"t beat again it"s killing me不再跳动,折磨着我hey, come on嘿,拜托I"m beggin" , please, don"t let me go我求你,请,不要让我离开I"m beggin" , please, don"t let me go我求你,请,不要让我离开I"m beggin" , please, don"t let me go我求你,请,不要让我离开I"m beggin" , please, don"t let me go我求你,请,不要让我离开自己翻的,希望帮得到。

JLS的Keep you歌词翻译

  第一种翻译:  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  但愿我能让你长得多  我知道你要去因为你有事情要做  但愿我能让你长得多  现在你来帮我忙,我就给你这样的女孩  但愿我能顺道过来  也许说声"嗨"  但愿我能只是顺道过来  与飞到你的身边  风水轮流转  我明白了  这是让我每一天都是为一去不复返了  这就是为什么我很关心  但是现在已经确认  那你展开你的翅膀,学会了飞翔  黑暗的夜晚  我将为你找到那盏灯  只要我的眼睛  我要让你  只要我活着,宝贝,我要为你而死  我想和你在一起  但愿我能让你长得多  我知道你要去因为你有事情要做  但愿我能让你长得多  现在你来帮我忙,我就给你这样的女孩  但愿我能顺道过来  也许说声"嗨"  但愿我能只是顺道过来  与飞到你的身边  你总是在我的脑海里  当我Racin  虽然我Chasin纸  当我说你有一天我想起来了,地下室  作为我的代理人,球员  对你来说,没有更换  你永远是我的女朋友  你能拥抱我在这个声明  黑暗的夜晚  我将为你找到那盏灯  只要我的眼睛  我要让你  只要我活着,宝贝,我要为你而死  想与你在一起时的感觉  但愿我能让你长得多  我知道你要去因为你有事情要做  但愿我能让你长得多  现在你来帮我忙,我就给你这样的女孩  但愿我能顺道过来  也许说声"嗨"  但愿我能只是顺道过来  与飞到你的身边  宝贝,我知道你是谁  并且我们怎么做  我究竟教导你的截然不同  要得到那笔钱,你要花费宝贵的时间和你的满意  我知道,我必须把它  即使是Drivin我疯了  我总是想看到女孩子做它  Ooh-Yeah  但愿我能让你长得多  我知道你要去因为你有事情要做  但愿我能让你长得多  现在你来帮我忙,我就给你这样的女孩  (你希望能保持长得多)。  但愿我能顺道过来  也许说声"嗨"  但愿我能只是顺道过来  与飞到你的身边  但愿我能让你长得多  我知道你要去因为你有事情要做  但愿我能让你长得多  现在你来帮我忙,我就给你这样的女孩  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  第二种翻译:  我不会告诉任何人  我只会在我的脑海中惊叹  生活中没有好事是事先安排好的  不象我们之前所想的那样  你想要的那一个  恰恰将是你梦想的那个  我不会告诉任何人  但我也不会像囚犯一样的活着  没有什么必须完美  只要你能告诉我那是值得的  因为我的心不能撒谎  尽管脸会试着骗人  爱,让你彻夜难眠  因为爱会让你,彻夜难眠  没有什么你决定不料的事情  有一天,只剩下你孤单一人  接着你就会打电话哭诉  爱,让你彻夜难眠  你有一种甜蜜的味道  带你到世界的另一边  爱,让你彻夜难眠  如果我不告诉任何人  他们依然会知道(是的他们会的)  他依然会在某个地方  当你到达的时候你就会明了  看到人们试图掩盖真相  有些人认为那永不可及  爱,让你彻夜难眠  没有什么你不能决定的事情  当有一天只剩下了你一个人  接下来你就会打电话哭诉  爱,让你彻夜难眠  你有一种甜蜜的味道  带你到世界的另一边  爱,让你彻夜难眠  我不想要吓唬你  可每人都有她的第一次  有一天你老了,头发花白的时候  不要回头,也不要说  你之前应该努力的  彻夜难眠  爱,会让你彻夜难眠  没有什么你不能决定的事情  当有一天只剩下了你一个人  接下来你就会打电话哭诉  爱,让你彻夜难眠  你有一种甜蜜的味道  带你到世界的另一边  爱,让你彻夜难眠  爱,让你彻夜难眠  爱,让你彻夜难眠

JLS的《Private》 歌词

歌曲名:Private歌手:JLSLet"s make this personalBaby I"m testing youCos it"s about to get Out of controlJust one precaution though,There"s something you should knowWe gotta try to keep it quiet, quiet.PRECHORUSCos what nobody see"sThey"ve no reason to believe.Girl it should stay between you and me.CHORUSWe should keep it privateNobody"s gotta knowKeep this thing on the lowDon"t need nobody elseJust you and me invited.No need to shout it out,Its not what its aboutIf you can keep a secretWe can make it Private, private, privateLet"s keep it Private, private, privateOh, oh, oh, ohSo here"s the story nowPeople are talking loudI"m just tryna keep this under controlGirl here"s the bottom lineYou can"t have love without trustSo girl let"s keep it Quiet, quietPRECHORUSCos what nobody see"sThey"ve no reason to believeGirl it should stay between you and meCHORUSWe should keep it privateNobody"s gotta knowKeep this thing on the lowDon"t need nobody elseJust you and me invited.No need to shout it out,Its not what its aboutIf you can keep a secretWe can make it Private, private, privateLet"s keep it Private, private, privateOh, oh, oh, ohOhOH, ohOH, oh, oh, ohCHORUSM8Girl you better believeIf they try to invade our spaceI promise I swear on my lifeGotta Fight to protect thisForget all the he said She said.Keep it private.We should keep it privateNobody"s gotta knowKeep this thing on the lowDon"t need nobody elseJust you and me invited.No need to shout it out,Its not what its aboutIf you can keep a secretWe can make it Private, private, privateLet"s keep it Private, private, privateOh, oh, oh, ohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/5874401

JLS的歌“Love you more”歌词中文翻译?

中文歌词 JLS的 - 爱你多一些最大的R&B - 您的第一个R&B的来源!第一天,我看到你以为你很美丽但我不能和你说话,我看着你离去,感觉就像我花了一天所有的第二次试图找出它是什么,我应该说第三天再次见到你,我的朋友介绍说,所有的话我想四,天五,六,我不知道你做了什么,但我能想到的就是你我以为我不能要你,比我以前但是,每天我爱你多一点点发现自己问你在等什么产地来源证每天我爱你多一点点天,他们变成周,这有多好这已我仍然无法相信这第一年飞行方式不过你抓住我大吃一惊,我在看着你的眼睛当你转身说你爱我我以为我不能要你,比我以前但是,每天我爱你多一点点(及以上)发现自己问你还等什么(你还等什么)产地来源证每天我爱你多一点点(及以上)更爱你(及以上)我更爱你(及以上)我更爱你嘿,嘿,嘿第一天我第一次放在你我的眼睛,第二天我不禁想起你第三天是两个相同的一天第四天,我爱上了你第五天你和我在一起纺纱第六天,把我撞倒了我的脚第七天的时候我就知道与你共度余生我以为我不能要你,比我以前但是,每天我爱你多一点点发现自己问(找到我)什么是你(你还等什么)等待产地来源证每天我爱你多一点点每天,知道我要去看你的脸这对我来说不够(这足以让我)我想你越来越多的日常生活(及以上)我想用我和你在一起(及以上)每天学习新东西(及以上)我爱你越来越多的日常生活(及以上)更爱你(及以上)我更爱你(及以上)更爱你

JLS的《Work》 歌词

歌曲名:Work歌手:JLS专辑:Outta This WorldJLS - WorkI just wanna see you work, babyJLSShe"s a beauty like BeyonceShe"s in all of my sweet dreamsLike Christina she"s a divaAint afraid to get dirtyI couldn"t tell youGotta show you cos her body"s more than wordsShe"s a goddess to be honestShorty"s putting in the workOoohTell me what you wantTell me what you needBaby I just wanna be your soldierOooohTell me what you wantTell me what you needI"ll be at attention when I hold yaCos I like the way your body"s workingLet"s get on with it stop with the flirtingOn your job yeah yeah workDo your job yeah yeah workLike Rihanna she"s a rock starYou know I"ll be her rude boyGot me GaGa she"s a monsterGot me speechless with no voiceI wanna shout it cause a riotDo it low would be absurdTo be honest she"s a goddessShorty"s putting in the workOoohTell me what you wantTell me what you needBaby I just wanna be your soldierOooohTell me what you wantTell me what you needI"ll be at attention when I hold yaCos I like the way your body"s workingLet"s get on with it stop with the flirtingOn your job yeah yeah workDo your job yeah yeah workShake it shake it shake it shake itMove that body babyMove that body babyShake it shake it shake it shake itMove that body babyMove that body babyThrow the ones up throw the throw the ones upThrow the ones upWatch me throw the ones upImma throw the ones upTell me what you wantTell me what you needBaby I just wanna be your soldierOooohTell me what you wantTell me what you needI"ll be at attention when I hold yaCos I like the way your body"s workingLet"s get on with it stop with the flirtingOn your job yeah yeah workDo your job yeah yeah workDo your job yeah yeah girl workTell me what you wantTell me what you needBaby I just wanna be your soldierOooohTell me what you wantTell me what you needI"ll be at attention when I hold yaCos I like the way your body"s workingLet"s get on with it stop with the flirtingOn your job yeah yeah workDo your job yeah yeah workhttp://music.baidu.com/song/5684799

jls only tonight中文歌词


求一首英文歌的名字求一首英文歌歌词里面有一句歌词是巴黎伦敦东京PARIS LONDON TOKYO

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JLS--the last song中文歌词



Let"s make this personal Baby I"m testing you Cos it"s about to get Out of control Just one precaution though, There"s something you should know We gotta try to keep it quiet, quiet. Cos what nobody see"s They"ve no reason to believe. Girl it should stay between you and me. We should keep it private Nobody"s gotta know Keep this thing on the low Don"t need nobody else Just you and me invited. No need to shout it out, Its not what its about If you can keep a secret We can make it Private, private, private Let"s keep it Private, private, private Oh, oh, oh, oh So here"s the story now People are talking loud I"m just tryna keep this under control Girl here"s the bottom line You can"t have love without trust So girl let"s keep it Quiet, quiet Cos what nobody see"s They"ve no reason to believe Girl it should stay between you and me We should keep it private Nobody"s gotta know Keep this thing on the low Don"t need nobody else Just you and me invited. No need to shout it out, Its not what its about If you can keep a secret We can make it Private, private, private Let"s keep it Private, private, private Oh, oh, oh, oh Oh OH, oh OH, oh, oh, oh Girl you better believe If they try to invade our space I promise I swear on my life Gotta Fight to protect this Forget all the he said She said. Keep it private. We should keep it private Nobody"s gotta know Keep this thing on the low Don"t need nobody else Just you and me invited. No need to shout it out, Its not what its about If you can keep a secret We can make it Private, private, private Let"s keep it Private, private, private Oh, oh, oh, oh Private... Let"s keep it Private, private, private中文:让我们把这种个人我测试你宝贝因为这一切的即将失控虽然只是一个预防措施,有些事你应该知道我们得尽量保持安静,安静。产地来源证没有任何人可以看到的他们已经没有理由相信。女孩应该留在你我之间。我们应该保持私人没有人必须知道保持低调这东西不需要别人只有你和我邀请。没有必要喊出来,它不是什么,它对如果你能保守秘密我们可以把它变成私有,私营,民营让我们继续是私营,民营,私营哦,哦,哦,哦因此,这里的故事吧人们大声说话我刚刚tryna控制住这少女在此的底线你不能没有信任的爱因此,女孩让我们保持安静,安静产地来源证没有任何人可以看到的他们已经没有理由相信女孩应该留在你我之间我们应该保持私人没有人必须知道保持低调这东西不需要别人只有你和我邀请。没有必要喊出来,它不是什么,它对如果你能保守秘密我们可以把它变成私有,私营,民营让我们继续是私营,民营,私营哦,哦,哦,哦哦哦,哦哦,哦,哦,哦女孩你最好相信如果他们试图入侵我们的空间我保证我在我的生命发誓总得斗争,以保护这忘记一切,他说她说。保密。我们应该保持私人没有人必须知道保持低调这东西不需要别人只有你和我邀请。没有必要喊出来,它不是什么,它对如果你能保守秘密我们可以把它变成私有,私营,民营让我们继续是私营,民营,私营哦,哦,哦,哦民营...让我们继续是私营,民营,私营

求JLS的《other side of the world 》的歌词,谢谢

JLS - Other Side Of The WorldWell your taxi is leaving,And I"m hear in the hall,You know I only just kissed you,But it feels like you"ve already gone,To the other side of the world,I try to keep it together,Turn my face to the wall,Take the next elevator,But it feels like you"ve already gone,To the other side of the world,I know you"re leaving you"ve got plans to make,Don"t catch me crying as you walk away,I"m right here,You"re out there,Till you"re back again,I"ll be holding on,But now I"m left with the silence,On the 25th floor,Above the city and sirens,Cause it feels like you"ve already gone,To the other side of the world,I know you"re leaving you"ve got plans to make,Don"t catch me crying as you walk away,I"m right here,You"re out there,Till you"re back again,I"ll be holding on,I got everything I want but tell me what"s the use?When the one thing that I need has no substitute,So I"d run a thousand miles just to be with you,Just to be with you,You make your way through the traffic,Forty minutes or more,Get to the airport departures,But it feels like you"ve already gone,To the other side of the world,I know you"re leaving you"ve got plans to make,But I know I can"t just let you walk away,So for wrong,Or for right,I"ll be by your side,We"ll be holding on,Now my taxi is waiting,Told my friends not to call,Got my suitcase and ticket,By tomorrow you know I"ll be gone,To the other side of the world.

谁知道JLS的take you down 歌词中文意思啊~~

Let"s go! 走起!She looking in my eyes while she flicking her hair back她撩着头发看着我Her body 她的身子starts to whine and she makin" clear that在扭动, 显然She wants to put it on me" I 她想和我嘿咻,我shoulda react cause该有所回应因为She wanna lock me up" lock me up她要锁住我,锁住我Go and lock me up" 锁住我啊啊啊throw away the keys然后把钥匙丢了啊啊啊Looking for my heart" couldn"t find it on eBay我在找我的小心肝, eBay(易趣)上找不着啊Tearin" 扯through the crowds" just to bring her closer开人群只为让她更近些Lights are going down" down"灯暗下来了暗下来啦 down暗!I know that you want me我知道你想要我To yourself" I"ll be your one and only" 对你而言我将是你的唯一tonight今夜No you won"t be lonely不你不会孤单的When we dance I"ll be loving you slowly" 我们共舞时我会慢慢地爱你 tonight今儿晚Let"s go at it" I"ll play the fanatic来,一起,我会很狂热Girl I wanna take you out"美女,我要和你约会 then take you down然后把你推倒Be my rock star" chase you like a cop cop做我的摇滚明星让我像个条子一样追你Girl I wanna 美女我要take you out" then take you down和你约会然后把你推倒Ey oh" baby we can change rolls咿哦!宝贝儿我们可以玩儿角色扮演You can 你可以play my lover" I can play yours扮演我的情人,我可以扮你的Let"s go at it" I"ll play the fanatic来,一起,我会很狂热Girl 美女I wanna take you out" t-take take you down我要和你约会然后把你推、推倒She touchin" on my body" got it 她要碰我的身子让我变得hotter than Venus比金星(维纳斯?)还火热I whisper in her ear" let her in on a secret我对着她耳朵轻声细语,教她三两招She lickin" 她舔舔on her lips cause I got her excited她的嘴唇因为我让她感到兴奋She wanna lock me up" lock me up她要锁住我,锁住我Go来吧 and lock me up" throw away the keys把我锁起来,丢掉钥匙!Looking for my heart" couldn"t find it on 我在找我的小心肝,我找不着啊在eBay易趣! Tearin" through the crowds" just to bring her closer扯开人群只为让她更近些Lights are going 灯正在down" down" down暗下来暗下来暗下来!I know that you want me我知道你想要我Girl I wanna take you out" t-take take you down美女我要和你约会然后把你推、推倒Girl I 美女,我wanna take you out" t-take take you down……想要和你约会然后把你推、推倒====================这个……一行一行手敲得,因为有点赶时间,所以翻译的有点粗糙有点浪,不过大致意思是到位了……哪里不明白可以问我哈

JLS的《Superhero》 歌词

歌曲名:Superhero歌手:JLS专辑:Outta This WorldJLS - SuperheroCan you feel my x-rayAs I scan you downCan you feel the trembleAs I shake the groundGonna make the whole worldRevolve around you nowFeel the power run through meThat"s what you do to meIf you wanna flyPut your drink down hold me tightI"ll take you round the world tonightOne second and we touch the sky - I"ll take youOut the atmosphere back to the club before the sun comes upI - I can set this floor on fireI can take you so much higherThan you"ve ever been beforeI can be your superheroMovin" at the speed of lightI can stop the timeYou just gotta let me knowI can be your superheroI can move mountainsIf that"s what it takesGo supersonicYou"ll never have to waitMy pulse is racing like crazyWhenever you"re aroundSomebody cool me offBefore I shut this whole block downIf you wanna flyPut your drink down hold me tightI"ll take you round the world tonightOne second and we touch the sky - I"ll take youOut the atmosphere back to the club before the sun comes upI - I can set this floor on fireI can take you so much higherThan you"ve ever been beforeI can be your superheroMovin" at the speed of lightI can stop the timeYou just gotta let me knowI can be your superheroAll you single ladies put your hands up highAll you single fellas get your game up it"s your timeAll you single ladies put your hands up highAll you single fellas get your game up it"s your timeMovin" at the speed of light I can stop the timeI - I can set this floor on fireI can take you so much higherThan you"ve ever been beforeI can be your superheroMovin" at the speed of lightI can stop the timeYou just gotta let me knowI can be your superherohttp://music.baidu.com/song/5609846

求,jls - love you more的歌词(中文加英文)

First day that I saw you thought you were beautifulBut I couldn t talk to you I watched you walk awayAnd it felt like I spent all of that second day trying to figure out what it was that I should have saidThird day saw you again introduced my friend said all the words I wanted toOn day four and five and six I don t know what you did but all I could think about was youThought I couldn t want you more than I did beforeBut everyday I love you a little bit moreFind myself asking what are you waiting forCos everyday I love you a little bit moreDays they turn into weeks that s how good this has beenStill I can t believe the way this first year has flownStill you catch me by surprise when I look in your eyesWhen you turn and say that you love meThought I couldn t want you more than I did beforeBut everyday I love you a little bit more (and more)Find myself asking what are you waiting for (what you waiting for)Cos everyday I love you a little bit more(And more)Love you more(And more)I Love you more(And more)I Love you moreHey hey hey heyDay one I first laid my eyes on youDay two I can t help but think of youDay three was the same as day twoDay four I fell in love with youDay five you spent it with meSixth day knocked me off my feetDay seven that s when I knew spend the rest of my life with youThought I couldn t want you more than I did beforeBut everyday I love you a little bit moreFind myself asking (find myself) what are you waiting for (what are you waiting for)Cos everyday I love you a little bit moreEveryday knowing I m going to see your faceAnd that s enough for me (that s enough for me)I want you more and more and more everyday(And more)I wanna spend my life with you(And more)Everyday learn something new(And more)I love you more and more and more everyday(And more)Love you more(And more)I love you more(And more)Love you more

JLS的《Keep You》 歌词

歌曲名:Keep You歌手:JLS专辑:JlsAnd I promise I will be there, you know I willAnd I promise I will be there, you know I willAnd I promise I will be there, you know I willAnd I promise I will be there, you know I willHe"s not a healer, he"s a painBut I can be the one to make it betterLike a cloud baby, he"s the rainBut I can be the one to change the weatherSo go out and dry your eyesThere"s no more tears to cryIt"s just you and I, forever (yeah)And I know your trust is broken in twoEven though your trust is broken in twoGirl I promise I will do, whatever I can doTo keep you (oh oh)Keep youI promise to keep youI will keep youI promise to keep youI know he hurt you, like a knifeBut I can be the one to bring you back to lifeHe"s a cheater and a liarBut you can trust me when I say that I"ll treat you rightSo go out and dry your eyesThere"s no more tears to cryIt"s just you and I, forever (oh)And I know your trust is broken in twoEven though your trust is broken in twoGirl I promise I will do, whatever I can doTo keep you (oh oh)And I promise I will be there, you know I willAnd I promise I will be there, you know I willAnd I promise I will be there, you know I willAnd I promise I will be there, you know I willI will, I willAnd I know your trust is broken in twoEven though your trust is broken in twoGirl I promise I will do, whatever I can doTo keep you (oh oh)Keep youI promise to keep youI will keep youI promise to keep youGirl I promise I will do, whatever I can doTo keep you (oh oh)And I promise I will be there, you know I willAnd I promise I will be there, you know I willAnd I promise I will be there, you know I willAnd I promise I will be there, you know I willI willhttp://music.baidu.com/song/528352

JLS的《One Shot》 歌词

歌曲名:One Shot歌手:JLS专辑:Totally PopShe"s The Kinda Girl Thats Read About In Magazines,glossy magazinesShe Is The Only One I Think About, Leadin Lady In My DreamsYeah I"ve Waited So Long To gather Up My CourageShe Has Got Me Love Drunk, Thumblin" My WordsTime"s Runnin" Out Gotta Do It Now And She"s The One I Cannot Live WithoutYeah, She"s The One I Cannot Live WithoutYeah, Yeah, Yeah, YeahYou Only Get One Shot So Make It CountYou Might Never Get This Moment AgainThe Clock Is Tickin Down, Its The Final RoundSo Tell Me What Is It That"s Stoppin" You NowYou"ll Never Know, Unless You TryYou"ll Only Regret,Sitting Wondering WhyYou Only Get One ShotSo Watch This Moment Go By When Loves On The LineI Never Thought That I Would Get The Chance To Tell This Girl How I Feel( Tell Her How I Feel )Sometimes I Picture Myself A Mile Away,This Can"t Be Real( This Can"t Be Real )Move Faster, Can"t Wait Any Longer, Gotta Do Something Before She Get AwayDo It Like A Movie,Take Her By The Hand,I"m Gonna Love This Girl Until The EndYou Only Get One Shot So Make It CountYou May Never Get This Moment AgainThe Clock Is Tickin Down, Its The Final RoundSo Tell Me What Is It That"s Stoppin" You NowYou"ll Never Know (Never Know), Unless You Try (Less You Try)You"ll Only Regret,Sitting Wondering WhyYou Only Get One Shot (One Shot)So Watch This Moment Go By When Loves On The LineWhen Loves On The LineShe"s The Definition Of Beautiful, She Knocks Me Off My FeetI"ma Tell She"s My Everything And Tell Her That She"s All I NeedThat I Know She"s The Reason That My Heart Beats Goes Like Da Da Da,Da Da DaYou Might Never Get This Moment Again( You Might Never Get This Moment Again)You Only Get One Shot So Make It CountYou May Never Get This Moment Again (Never Get This Moment Again)The Clock Is Tickin Down, Its The Final RoundSo Tell Me What Is It That"s Stoppin" You NowYou"ll Never Know,( Never Know) Unless You Try (Less You Try)You"ll Only Regret,Sitting Wondering Why (Wondering why)You Only Get One ShotSo Watch This Moment Go ByWhen Loves On The LineWhen Loves On The LineWhen Loves On The Line(One Shot)When Loves On The Linehttp://music.baidu.com/song/638334

JLS的《Beat Again》 歌词

歌曲名:Beat Again歌手:JLS专辑:Beat AgainBeat AgainJLSDamn,The Doctor"s just finished telling me there"s no timeLosing you could be the end of me and that IShould do the things that I wanna do how could IWithout you, without you, ooh, oohCos you"re the only I let inTell me how to stop this feeling spreadingI"m hoping somehow that you know, ooh, oohLet"s just get back togetherWe should"ve never broke upThey"re telling meThat my heart won"t beat againWe should have stayed togetherCos when you left me it stoppedThey"re telling meThat my heart won"t beat againWon"t beat againIt"s killing meIf I died,Yeah would you come to my funeral would you cryWould you feel some regret that we didn"t tryOr would you fall apart the same as I, I, I, IAnd would it always haunt you babyThat you missed your chance to save meCos you know it"s not too lateLet"s just get back togetherWe should have never broke upThey"re telling meThat my heart won"t beat againWe should have stayed togetherCos when you left me it stoppedThey"re telling meThat my heart won"t beat againWon"t beat againIt"s killing meThat my heart won"t beat againWon"t beat againIt"s killing meI need you back in my armsI need love CPRCos it"s getting so cold, oohI need you back againOr else I"ll never mendAnd girl if I go, I go, I go, I goLet"s just get back togetherWe should have never broke upThey"re telling meThat my heart won"t beat againWe should have stayed togetherCos when you left me it stoppedThey"re telling meThat my heart won"t beat againWon"t beat againIt"s killing meThat my heart won"t beat againWon"t beat againIt"s killing meI"m beggin" please don"t let me go I"m beggin" please don"t let me go I"m beggin" please don"t let me go I"m beggin" please don"t let me gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/9652382


麻烦您上个图吧,或者您和下面这些歌名对一下:疯狂猜歌五个字歌名答案  1、HIGH歌  2、OASIS  3、QUEEN  4、爱的主打歌  5、爱笑的眼睛  6、爱要坦荡荡  7、大约在冬季  8、等不到的爱  9、光阴的故事  10、何必在一起  11、后青春的诗  12、寂寞的季节  13、寂寞在唱歌  14、旅行的意义  15、没那么简单  16、美丽笨女人  17、你到底爱谁  18、怒放的生命  19、陪我看日出  20、如果没有你  21、盛夏的果实  22、突然好想你  23、外面的世界  24、弯弯的月亮  25、我的歌声里  26、我的麦克风  27、我没那种命  28、我也很想他  29、我最亲爱的  30、下一站天后  31、一直很安静  32、至少还有你  33、最初的梦想  34、最炫民族风疯狂猜歌五个字歌手答案  ADELE  LENKA疯狂猜歌五个字游戏动漫答案  1、圣斗士星矢  2、聪明的一休参考资料:http://www.33lc.com/article/9315.html望采纳~


麻烦您上个图吧,或者您和下面这些歌名对一下:疯狂猜歌五个字歌名答案  1、HIGH歌  2、OASIS  3、QUEEN  4、爱的主打歌  5、爱笑的眼睛  6、爱要坦荡荡  7、大约在冬季  8、等不到的爱  9、光阴的故事  10、何必在一起  11、后青春的诗  12、寂寞的季节  13、寂寞在唱歌  14、旅行的意义  15、没那么简单  16、美丽笨女人  17、你到底爱谁  18、怒放的生命  19、陪我看日出  20、如果没有你  21、盛夏的果实  22、突然好想你  23、外面的世界  24、弯弯的月亮  25、我的歌声里  26、我的麦克风  27、我没那种命  28、我也很想他  29、我最亲爱的  30、下一站天后  31、一直很安静  32、至少还有你  33、最初的梦想  34、最炫民族风疯狂猜歌五个字歌手答案  ADELE  LENKA疯狂猜歌五个字游戏动漫答案  1、圣斗士星矢  2、聪明的一休参考资料:http://www.33lc.com/article/9315.html望采纳~

请问英国歌手SASHA的老歌《I Feel Lonely》的歌词?

SashaI Feel Lonelyby N/AAll across the universeevery boy and every girlis looking for this thing called loveso why do all the other guysgot pretty woman by their sidesome guys really can"t complain.Every night i lay awake and cryI"m missing someone to stand by my side.I feel lonely, lololonely, you"re the one and onlythat makes me feel so blueI feel lonely, lololonely, you"re the one and onlythat makes my dreams come trueI feel lonely.It"s not easy to fall in loveso I pray to god abovelord I need a helping handHey, Mr Dj play this songI felt lonely for so longthis is my SOS for love.All the time I got it on my mind someone to hold metight is hard to find.chorus


The Glorious Death 冯曦妤

Sasha-Hush a bye歌词中文翻译


跪求青春美少女i miss you 男英文说唱歌词

Listen now,boys and girls.Listen well. I gonna bring you a song with a story to tell. For all you girls that"re bored with love. Don"t be sacked at this ---there"s heaven above!

求Sasha歌曲《Read My Mind》的中英文歌词对照!

On the corner of main street 在大街的角落里Just tryin" to keep it in line 尝试使它掉队You say you wanna move on and 你说你想前进You say I"m falling behind 你说我在落后Can you read my mind? 你清楚我的想法吗?Can you read my mind? 你清楚我的想法吗?I never really gave up on 我从未真的放弃Breakin" out of this two-star town 从这小镇离开I got the green light 我等到绿光I got a little fight 我要进行小战斗I"m gonna turn this thing around 我将要改变为东西Can you read my mind? 你清楚我的想法吗?Can you read my mind? 你清楚我的想法吗?The good old days, the honest man;美好的时光过去了,最老实的人 The restless heart, the Promised Land 永不休息的心,天堂A subtle kiss that no one sees; 一个没人看到的微妙的吻A broken wrist and a big trapeze 摔断的腰和一个高秋千Oh well I don"t mind, you don"t mind 好我不介意,你不介意Coz I don"t shine if you don"t shine 因为你不大展光芒时我也不会Before you go, can you read my mind? 你走之时,你清楚我的想法吗?It"s funny how you just break down 你刚刚怎样崩溃很有趣Waitin" on some sign 等待信号I pull up to the front of your driveway 我停在你车道的前面With magic soakin" my spine 用魔法痛殴我的脊骨Can you read my mind? 你清楚我的想法吗?Can you read my mind? 你清楚我的想法吗?The teenage queen, the loaded gun; 年轻的皇后,装有子弹的枪The drop dead dream, the Chosen One 掉进死亡的梦,选择A southern drawl, a world unseen; 美国南方人慢吞吞的拉长调子的语气,一个看不见的世界A city wall and a trampoline 城市的墙和蹦床Oh well I don"t mind, you don"t mind 好我不介意,你不介意Coz I don"t shine if you don"t shine 因为你不大展光芒时我也不会Before you go 在你走时Tell me what you find when you read my mind 告诉我你读我的心时发现了什么Slippin" in my faith until I fall 在我减退信念中直到我摔倒He never returned that call 他永不回覆那电话Woman, open the door, don"t let it stay 女人,开门,不要让它停留I wanna breathe that fire again 我想休息一下等那火焰重燃She said她说Oh well I don"t mind, you don"t mind好我不介意,你不介意 Coz I don"t shine if you don"t shine 因为你不大展光芒时我也不会Put your back on me 靠着我Put your back on me 靠着我Put your back on me 靠着我The stars are blazing like rebel diamonds cut out of the sun星星像从太阳掉出的叛逆的金刚石般燃烧When you read my mind当你读我的心时

maroon 5 kiwi 歌词

kiwi You"re such a flirt, I know you hurt And so do I, I empathise I see you out, you never care A conversation that we never share But it"s so strange, it"s something new Amazing feelings that I have for you I close my eyes when I"m alone Wonder what it"d be like to make you moan I wanna give you something better Than anything you"ve ever had A stronger and a faster lover The world will disappear so fast Sweet kiwi Your juices dripping down my chin So please, let me Don"t stop it before it begins So give it up, and don"t pretend And spread your arms and legs across the bed And when you shake, you won"t regret The things I whisper in your ear (What?) I said: I wanna give you something better (You wanna give me something better) Than anything you"ve ever had (Than anything I"ve ever had) A stronger and a faster lover (A stronger and a faster lover) The world will disappear so fast (Will disappear so fast) Sweet kiwi Your juices dripping down my chin So please, let me Don"t stop it before it begins I can"t wait to take you home Fingers through your hair Kisses on your back And scratch me with your nails Save me from myself Show me how to care Get everything out Dripping everywhere Lipstick smeared all over your face How much longer must we wait? …Don"t think that I can wait Sweet kiwi Your juices dripping down my chin So please, let me Don"t stop it before it begins (hey, yeh) Sweet kiwi (wanna give you something better than this) Your juices dripping down my chin (hey, yeh) So please, let me (wanna give you something better than this) Don"t stop it before it begins Don"t stop it before it begins Don"t stop it before it begins Don"t stop it before it begins Don"t stop it before it begins 您这样一个调情,我知道你伤害 等我,我的愿望 我看你,你从来没有照顾 谈话说,我们决不会 但它的奇怪了,这是一件新事 惊人的感受,我为你 在我结束我的眼睛,当我孤立无援 不知什么就会想,使你呻吟 我要给你一件更好 比什么你都 一个更强大和更快的情人 世界将消失得那么快 甜猕猴桃 你的果汁滴下来我的下巴 那么,请让我 不要停止,然后它开始 所以放弃的话,并没有假装 并展开你的胳膊和腿横跨床 当你动摇,你会不会后悔 这个事情耳语在你的耳朵 (什么? ) ,我说: 我要给你一件更好 (你想给我的东西更好) 比什么你都 (比什么都我已经过) 一个更强大和更快的情人 (一个更强大和更快的情人) 世界将消失得那么快 (会消失得那么快) 甜猕猴桃 你的果汁滴下来我的下巴 那么,请让我 不要停止,然后它开始 我也不能再等下去,以带您回家 手指透过你的头发 亲吻你的背部 和白手起家,我与你的指甲 救救我,从我自己 显示出我如何照顾 尽出 到处漏水 口红涂污都超过你的脸 多少时间要等到? …不要以为我可以等待 甜猕猴桃 你的果汁滴下来我的下巴 那么,请让我 不要停止,然后它开始(嘿,叶菊兰) 甜猕猴桃(不想给你一件比这更好) 你的果汁滴下来我的下巴(嘿,叶菊兰) 那么,请让我(不想给你一件比这更好) 不要停止,然后它开始 不要停止,然后它开始 不要停止,然后它开始 不要停止,然后它开始 不要停止,然后它开始

Maroon 5的《Kiwi》 歌词

歌曲名:Kiwi歌手:Maroon 5专辑:It Won"T Be Soon Before LongMaroon 5 - KiwiYou"re such a flirt, I know you hurtAnd so do I, I empathiseI see you out, you never careA conversation that we never shareBut it"s so strange, it"s something newAmazing feelings that I have for youI close my eyes when I"m aloneWonder what it"d be like to make you moanI wanna give you something betterThan anything you"ve ever hadA stronger and a faster loverThe world will disappear so fastSweet kiwiYour juices dripping down my chinSo please, let meDon"t stop it before it beginsSo give it up, and don"t pretendAnd spread your arms and legs across the bedAnd when you shake, you won"t regretThe things I whisper in your ear(What?) I said:I wanna give you something better(You wanna give me something better)Than anything you"ve ever had(Than anything I"ve ever had)A stronger and a faster lover(A stronger and a faster lover)The world will disappear so fast(Will disappear so fast)Sweet kiwiYour juices dripping down my chinSo please, let meDon"t stop it before it beginsI can"t wait to take you homeFingers through your hairKisses on your backAnd scratch me with your nailsSave me from myselfShow me how to careGet everything outDripping everywhereLipstick smeared all over your faceHow much longer must we wait?…Don"t think that I can waitSweet kiwiYour juices dripping down my chinSo please, let meDon"t stop it before it begins (hey, yeh)Sweet kiwi (wanna give you something better than this)Your juices dripping down my chin (hey, yeh)So please, let me (wanna give you something better than this)Don"t stop it before it beginsDon"t stop it before it beginsDon"t stop it before it beginsDon"t stop it before it beginsDon"t stop it before it begins-----END-----http://music.baidu.com/song/7548133

i feel lonely - sasha 歌词 翻译谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独, I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生命是这样孤独, I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独, God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气。 Remember first time we met day one 还记得我们见面的那天 Kids in the garden playin" games havin" fun 孩子们在花园里正玩的开心。 Excitin" and amazin" havin" a real friend of mine 很高兴找到自己的知心朋友 Face to face and eye to eye 面对面的眼神交流。 Usin" our hands to buy and supply 用我们的双手来补偿和交换, Chillin" is cool from January to June 从寒冷的一月到凉爽的六月天, And we still sticked together like the glue 我们还是无法离散。 We know the rules 我们知道游戏的规则, Forever you and I believe it was clear 是永远那么清楚明白。 If I ever should fall 如果我跌倒, I could count on you with no fear 我并不害怕,还有你可依靠。 Runnin" out of time I see who"s fake 日久见人心, Alone without protection from all them snakes 在这险恶的世界里。 All for one one for all I was told “人人为我,我为人人”他们这样告诉我 Black white yellow if your young or old 不论你的皮肤颜色还是年龄大小。 Nana"s in the house to let you know Nana在这里告诉你, What I see is how I feel and damn 我看见的就是我感觉的。 I"m alone 我只有我自己。 I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独, I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生命是这样孤独, I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独, God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气。 Everybody"s trippin" on me 所有的人都把我践踏, Oh Lord come help me please 上帝呀,快来帮助我。 I did some bad things in my life 我一定是做错了什么事, Why can"t you rescue me 你为什么就不能拯救我, "Cause you"ve got all I need 因为你能给我想要的一切。 I know I got to pay the price 我知道我必须付出代价。 That"s why I"m lonely lonely lonely 这就是为什么我这样孤独, I am so lonely lonely 我是这么孤独, I am so lonely lonely lonely in my life 我的生命是这么孤独。 Cheepin" thru the streets at night 穿过午夜孤独的大街, After a fuss and fight 身上带着新添的伤痕。 Tears in my eyes 眼含泪水, I"m a man lookin" for the light 去寻找光明。 Dark is the path 黑暗是必经之路, He will rescue me 上帝会拯救我, The Lord is my shephard 他就是我的领路人。 I"m cool despite emergency 虽然急迫但我内心依然冷静, Whom shall I fear exept the god 除了上帝我谁也不怕。 Thank you for the blessin" 感谢上帝保佑, And the skills on the mic 赐予我美妙歌喉。 Five years we know there"s no dignity 五年了,我活的没有尊严, Free at last see the light in me 我终将获得灵魂的解放。 What goes up must come down 生死交替无法避免, I"ll be around while you heading towards deathtown 我会陪你走向死亡之城, Always look forward hardly never look back 永不回头。 So many tears and the snakes on my jack 留过多少泪,受过多少磨难, Now I"m riding in my big fat ride 我已踏上寻找光明的旅途, Your ass is late so look for the line 你来晚了就要排队。 Nana in the house to let you know Nana在这里告诉你, What I see is how I feel 我看见的就是我感觉的。 So leave me alone 所以不要打扰我。 Knock on my door 有人敲我的门, Whom you lookin" for 你想找谁。 A dream or reality enemies at my door 找寻梦想还是残酷的现实? Eyes I realize it"s fantasize 我意识到这是幻想, I must be high 我一定是太激动了。 So let me live before I die 所以死之前要好好活一次。 Once again grab the bottle twist the cap 抓过酒瓶,卷起帽子, To survive your life is yours 你过你自己的生活, My life is mine 我过我自己的生活, No emotions in this world full of lies 在这个充满谎言的世界没有感情可言。 Step by step and be versatile 一步一步来,随机应变, Love peace and crash that"s what it"s all about 热爱和平和破坏,这就是一切。 Alone by yourself than you lack there"s no doubt about毫无疑问,你只能依靠自己。 I"m always into something making moves to improve 我总是专注一件事情,努力改进。 What would you do if you where in my shoes 如果你是我你会怎么办? Boom a letter oops another suicide 情绪低沉然后自杀? Meet me for a ride at the boulevard 我会等着你一起去寻找解脱。 Nana"s in the house to let you know Nana在这里告诉你, What I see is how I feel and damn 我看见的就是我感觉的。 I"m alone 我只有我自己。

Leather And Lace 歌词

歌曲名:Leather And Lace歌手:Stevie Nicks专辑:Timespace: The Best of Stevie Nicks-ModernLeather and LaceStevie Nicks & Don HenleyIs love so fragile...And the heart so hollowShatter with words...Impossible to followYou"re saying I"m fragile... I try not to beI search only... for something I can"t seeI have my own life... and I am strongerThan you knowBut I carry this feelingWhen you walked into my houseThat you won"t be walking out the doorStill I carry this feelingWhen you walked into my houseThat you won"t be walking out the doorLovers forever... face to faceMy city or mountainsStay with me stayI need you to love meI need you todayGive to me your leather...Take from me... my laceYou in the moonlightWith your sleepy eyesCould you ever love a man like meAnd you were rightWhen I walked into your houseI knew I"d never want to leaveSometimes I"m a strong manSometimes cold and scaredAnd sometimes I cryBut that time I saw youI knew with you to light my nightsSomehow I"d get byFirst time I saw youI knew with you to light my nightsSomehow I would get byLovers forever... face to faceMy city or mountainsStay with me stayI need you to love meI need you todayGive to me your leather...Take from me... my laceLovers forever... face to faceMy city or mountainsStay with me stayI need you to love meI need you to stayGive to me your leatherTake from me... my laceTake from me... my laceTake from me... my lacehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1730661

求《你们是否依然情 while your lips are still red》的中英文歌词

While Your Lips Are Still Red By : Nightwish Sweet little words made for silence 甜蜜的话只为惬意的平静 Not talk 无须言语 Young heart for love 年轻的心为爱而生 Not heartache 无须悲伤 Dark hair for catching the wind 乌黑的秀发随风飘扬Not to veil the sight of a cold world 不要为冰冷的世界蒙上面纱Kiss, while your lips are still red 轻吻你那依旧红润的双唇 While he"s still in silent rest 趁着他还沉默的时候 Rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled 在内心尚未被触及显露的时候停下吧Hold another hand while the hand"s still without a tool 牵起你的手,趁着它还没有躲开 Drown into eyes while they"re still blind 让泪水浸没双眼,趁着那依旧朦胧的视线 Love while the night still hides the withering dawn 在这凋零黎明来临前的黑夜彼此依恋 First day of love never comes back 初遇的时光已一去不再 A passionate hour"s never a wasted one 激情的岁月永不消褪 The violin, the poet"s hand 提琴之弦,诗人之笔 Every thawing heart plays your theme with care 每颗溶化的心演奏着爱的主题曲Kiss, while your lips are still red 轻吻你那依旧红润的双唇 While he"s still in silent rest 趁着他还沉默的时候 Rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled 在内心尚未被触及显露的时候停下吧Hold another hand while the hand"s still without a tool 牵起你的手,趁着它还没有躲开 Drown into eyes while they"re still blind 让泪水浸没双眼,趁着那依旧朦胧的视线 Love while the night still hides the withering dawn 在这凋零黎明来临前的黑夜彼此依恋……

Leather And Lace 歌词

歌曲名:Leather And Lace歌手:史蒂薇 妮克丝&唐 亨利专辑:Timespace - The Best Of Stevie NicksLeather and LaceStevie Nicks & Don HenleyIs love so fragile...And the heart so hollowShatter with words...Impossible to followYou"re saying I"m fragile... I try not to beI search only... for something I can"t seeI have my own life... and I am strongerThan you knowBut I carry this feelingWhen you walked into my houseThat you won"t be walking out the doorStill I carry this feelingWhen you walked into my houseThat you won"t be walking out the doorLovers forever... face to faceMy city or mountainsStay with me stayI need you to love meI need you todayGive to me your leather...Take from me... my laceYou in the moonlightWith your sleepy eyesCould you ever love a man like meAnd you were rightWhen I walked into your houseI knew I"d never want to leaveSometimes I"m a strong manSometimes cold and scaredAnd sometimes I cryBut that time I saw youI knew with you to light my nightsSomehow I"d get byFirst time I saw youI knew with you to light my nightsSomehow I would get byLovers forever... face to faceMy city or mountainsStay with me stayI need you to love meI need you todayGive to me your leather...Take from me... my laceLovers forever... face to faceMy city or mountainsStay with me stayI need you to love meI need you to stayGive to me your leatherTake from me... my laceTake from me... my laceTake from me... my lacehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15108666

Razor Blade 歌词

歌曲名:Razor Blade歌手:The Dramatics专辑:Somewhere In Time (A Dramatic Reunion)razor bladethe strokes编辑by 天才苑oh, the razor blade, that"s what I call loveI bet you pick it up and mess around with itif I put it downIt gets extremely complicatedAnything to forget everythingYou got to take me outAt least once a weekEither I"m in your armsOr i"m at your feetI know exactly what you"re thinkingYou won"t say it nowBut in your heart it"s loveOh no, my feelings are more important than yoursOh, drop dead, I don"t care, I won"t worryLet it goOh, the razor bladeWish it would snap this ropeThe world is in your handsOr it"s at your throatAt times it"s not that complicatedAnything to forget everythingHe would never talkBut he was not shyShe was a street-smart girlBut she could not lieThey were perfect for each otherSay it nowCause in your heart it"s loudOh no,my feelings are more important than yoursOh, drop dead, I don"t care, I won"t worrySweetheartYour feelings are more important of courseOf courseEveryone you wantedEverything that we would take from themI don"t wanna know, I don"t wanna knowTell me, tell me, tell me, tell meOh, don"t, okey老板,你看见没,哈哈http://music.baidu.com/song/8587338

韩庚 爱的翅膀的中文歌词和英文歌词

词曲:磊磊 演唱:庚饭 在陌生的国度 迈着坚强的脚步 我们知道你的付出 相信幸福在不远处 在异乡的国土 跌到了别认输 你的梦想有我们守护 爱你的心 永远会为你祝福 我们的爱是你的翅膀 给你穿越风雨的力量 你的微笑是我们的信仰 快乐忧伤有我们和你分享 我们的爱是你的翅膀 给你穿越风雨的力量 你的幸福是我们的愿望 一起打造 一个属于你的天堂 前面的路还很长 带着你的梦想 朝着成功的方向 鼓起勇气向前闯 在异乡的国土 跌到了别认输 你的梦想有我们守护 爱你的心 永远会为你祝福 我们的爱是你的翅膀 给你穿越风雨的力量 你的微笑是我们的信仰 快乐忧伤有我们和你分享 我们的爱是你的翅膀 给你穿越风雨的力量 你的幸福是我们的愿望 一起打造 一个属于你的天堂 前面的路还很长 带着你的梦想 朝着成功的方向 鼓起勇气向前闯 我们的爱是你的翅膀 给你穿越风雨的力量 你的微笑是我们的信仰 快乐忧伤有我们和你分享 我们的爱是你的翅膀 给你穿越风雨的力量 你的幸福是我们的愿望 一起打造 一个属于你的天堂 !请为韩庚加油

Maroon 5的《Kiwi》 歌词

歌曲名:Kiwi歌手:Maroon 5专辑:Lifestyle2 - Dance Grooves Vol 2Maroon 5 - KiwiYou"re such a flirt, I know you hurtAnd so do I, I empathiseI see you out, you never careA conversation that we never shareBut it"s so strange, it"s something newAmazing feelings that I have for youI close my eyes when I"m aloneWonder what it"d be like to make you moanI wanna give you something betterThan anything you"ve ever hadA stronger and a faster loverThe world will disappear so fastSweet kiwiYour juices dripping down my chinSo please, let meDon"t stop it before it beginsSo give it up, and don"t pretendAnd spread your arms and legs across the bedAnd when you shake, you won"t regretThe things I whisper in your ear(What?) I said:I wanna give you something better(You wanna give me something better)Than anything you"ve ever had(Than anything I"ve ever had)A stronger and a faster lover(A stronger and a faster lover)The world will disappear so fast(Will disappear so fast)Sweet kiwiYour juices dripping down my chinSo please, let meDon"t stop it before it beginsI can"t wait to take you homeFingers through your hairKisses on your backAnd scratch me with your nailsSave me from myselfShow me how to careGet everything outDripping everywhereLipstick smeared all over your faceHow much longer must we wait?…Don"t think that I can waitSweet kiwiYour juices dripping down my chinSo please, let meDon"t stop it before it begins (hey, yeh)Sweet kiwi (wanna give you something better than this)Your juices dripping down my chin (hey, yeh)So please, let me (wanna give you something better than this)Don"t stop it before it beginsDon"t stop it before it beginsDon"t stop it before it beginsDon"t stop it before it beginsDon"t stop it before it begins-----END-----http://music.baidu.com/song/8577014



Razor (Love Me As I Am) 歌词

歌曲名:Razor (Love Me As I Am)歌手:Peggy Lee专辑:Norma Deloris Egstrom From JamestownChe"Nelle Ft. Colby O"Donis - RazorMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourceSaid I got your, (got your), picture, (picture),On a frame across the wall, (wall)And I stuck it out, (stuck it out), with you, (with you),Cause you said that we wouldnt fall, f-fall, f-fallYou"ve proved your point, (point) | Okay I get it, (get it)That this is just a ride and you aint try to sweat it, noAnd yes Ill try, (try), try to forget it, (-get it)But you cut me so deep, cut, cut, cut, cut me so deepA razor You"ve become a razorA razor You"ve become a razorYou cut me so deep, cut, cut, cut, cut me so deepYou cut me so deep, cut, cut, cut, cut me so deepYou cut me so deep, cut, cut, cut, cut me so deepSee I try to, (try to), fix ya, (fix ya), but the damage is beyond repairI couldnt see it, (see it), didnt want to, (want to)Never thought you wouldnt want me there, the-there, the-thereYou"ve proved your point, (point) Okay I get it, (get it)That this is just a ride and you aint try to sweat it, noAnd yes Ill try, (try), try to forget it, (-get it)But you cut me so deep, cut, cut, cut, cut me so deepA razor You"ve become a razorA razor You"ve become a razorYou cut me so deep, cut, cut, cut, cut me so deepYou cut me so deep, cut, cut, cut, cut me so deepYou cut me so deep, cut, cut, cut, cut me so deepEverywhere I go, (go) Everything I see, (see)Girl it reminds me of you and meHow I miss you so much, miss your touch| Just only wish you could fall back in love ?But I see that youre hurt, (hurt) | Seein you cry, (cry)Breaks my bitty heart, breaks my bitty heartCannot deny, (-ny), aint gonna lie, (lie)Breaks my bitty heart, breaks my bitty heart, (heart)Now try to understand cause you got every man showin him the things that I used to do ?Not cool, not cool, cot coolHow would you like it if I did it to you?And how girls say I"ve become a strangerBut really when you put our love on the hangerI became a strangerA razor (Hey) You"ve become a razor (Hey, hey) (Hey, hey)All my friends said, (ooh), he would tell, (ooh), me what to do, (yeah), what to do, (yeah, hey, hey)Now I know I never should"ve trusted, trust-trustedA razor You"ve become a razorA razor You"ve become a razorYou cut me so deep, cut, cut, cut, cut me so deepYou cut me so deep, cut, cut, cut, cut me so deepYou cut me so deep, cut, cut, cut, cut me so deepMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop sourcehttp://music.baidu.com/song/6372636


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跪求大神翻译歌词 胡蝶の梦:Rin’

歌词居然用古文,真狡猾。。。手翻。。。澄(す)んだ空気(くうき)に—— 澄清之空气染(そ)まる朝焼(あさや)け——渲染之朝阳明(あ)ける暁(あかつき)—— 黎明之破晓消(き)える桃源郷(とうげんきょう)——消失之桃源谁彼(ひと)が伤(きず)つく——何人受伤(这假名写的有问题:谁彼【たれかれ】)叹(なげ)き闻(き)こゆる——且听哀叹耳(みみ)を塞(ふさ)いで——封住耳畔目(め)を瞑(つぶ)って——紧闭双眸避(さ)ける自分(じぶん)がいる——逃避自我浮(う)き世(よ)忧(うれ)うこと——这浮世之忧其(そ)れは花(はな)に涙溅(そそ)ぐこと——且对花溅泪頼(たよ)られて 支(ささ)えられ——依赖与支撑风(かぜ)荒(すさ)ぶ昙(くもり)の日(ひ)さえ——狂风加剧层云密布之日亦是胡蝶(こちょう)の梦(ゆめ)——蝶梦一场赤(あか)みを増(ま)して——赤色浓郁西(にし)に倾(かたむ)く——倾向西方花屋(はなや)筝(こと)弾(ひ)き——花楼弹筝楼阁(ろうかく)笛(ふえ)弄(あそ)ぶ——亭阁弄笛春(はる)に花(はな)あり ——春赏花夏(なつ)に凉风(かぜ)あり——夏习风秋(あき)に月(つき)あり——秋观月冬(ふゆ)には雪(ゆき)——冬看雪日々(ひび)是(こ)れ好曰(こうじつ)よ——如此良辰吉日爱(あい)を无(な)くすこと 其(そ)れは——将爱遗弃即使人(ひと)に想(おも)い无(な)くすこと——遗弃对伊人的思念爱(いと)しくて 慕(した)われて 万(よろず)——倾慕万丈歌(うた)咏(よ)むこと添(さ)えも——连那吟唱亦是胡蝶(こちょう)の梦(ゆめ)——蝶梦一场浮(う)き世(よ)忧(うれ)うこと——这浮世之忧其(そ)れは花(はな)に涙溅(そそ)ぐこと——且对花溅泪頼(たよ)られて 支(ささ)えられ——依赖与支撑风(かぜ)荒(すさ)ぶ昙(くもり)の日(ひ)さえ——狂风加剧层云密布之日爱(あい)を无(な)くすこと 其(そ)れは——将爱遗弃即使人(ひと)に想(おも)い无(な)くすこと——遗弃对伊人的思念爱(いと)しくて 慕(した)われて 万(よろず)——倾慕万丈歌(うた)咏(よ)むこと添(さ)えも——连那吟唱亦是胡蝶(こちょう)の梦(ゆめ)——蝶梦一场胡蝶(こちょう)の梦(ゆめ)——蝶梦一场胡蝶(こちょう)の梦(ゆめ)——蝶梦一场胡蝶(こちょう)の梦(ゆめ)——蝶梦一场

Perry Como的《Seattle》 歌词

歌曲名:Seattle歌手:Perry Como专辑:Legends - Perry ComoMary Mary - SeattleI lay me down tonightSearching for words 2 saySo many doubtsCalling out your nameBut lord its me againReady for something newPlease rest upon ma heartLike the morning dewHoly Spirit rain like SeattleOvertake my lifeLike the bloodLike California shakeWhat"s not like youI just want a heart like yoursJust like a painter hasSome colour and a brushUpon the canvas soonA masterpiece becomesPlease take all that I amAnd all that I can beTransformRenew restoreCreate a better meHoly Spirit rain like SeattleOvertake my lifeLike the bloodLike California shakeWhat"s not like youI just want a heart like yoursHoly Spirit rain like SeattleOvertake my lifeLike the bloodLike California shakeWhat"s not like youI just want a heart like yoursOpen up my heartFill me with your loveEvery single partMake me what you"re made ofTake me from the startHold my hand in yoursLet the rain pourHoly Spirit rain like SeattleOvertake my lifeLike the bloodLike California shakeWhat"s not like youI just want a heart like yourshttp://music.baidu.com/song/8695827

marina and the diamond solitaire歌词翻译



夕花火-镜音リン[中日对照][ti:夕花火][ar:镜音リン][al:nicovideo sm18763188][by:Momos][00:00.22][00:00.76]夕花火[00:12.77][00:14.10]作词:Junky [00:16.91]作曲:Junky [00:18.13]编曲:Junky [00:20.34]呗:镜音リン [00:22.53]翻译:(bilibili av349057)[00:24.50]LRC:Momos[00:26.13][00:27.19]かすれた 风の中に/散在风中的 [00:32.98]小声话/小声的 [00:36.35]たゆたう声(メロディ)/飘荡的旋律[00:39.73]辙に沿う/沿着车轮的轨迹  [00:42.97]小さな迹/小小的轨迹[00:46.25]雑多の中/混杂在里面的  [00:49.94]ひぐらしの声/蝉的声音[00:52.55]「バイバイ」/「BYE BYE」[00:53.52][00:54.17]..music..[01:05.35][01:06.13]黄金色の/金黄色的天空  [01:09.42]空が闭じる/渐渐落幕[01:12.75]また淡く咲く/还有种 莫名的忧伤  [01:16.39]センチメンタル/淡淡的 散了开来[01:19.45][01:20.65]伸びた影も/伸长的影子也  [01:23.82]消えそうなまま/就这么要消失了[01:27.28]深い 深い/傍晚的夜色  [01:30.16]夕空へ/慢慢变深了[01:34.41][01:36.95]泣きそうに/那么的想哭  [01:39.24]强く咲いて/越来越强烈[01:42.52]鲜やかなまま/那鲜明的美丽  [01:45.84]か弱く泣いて/让人脆弱的想哭[01:49.18]頬赤らめて/脸颊有些红  [01:52.53]恋を抱いて/想将恋情抓紧[01:55.79]夕空へ/暮色的天空中  [01:59.18]想いを乗せて/思绪飞远了[02:05.71][02:07.80]..music..[02:26.85][02:28.86]あのえっとそのを 饮み込むループ/一直重复却没说出来[02:35.55]こんなに弱かったのuff65uff65uff65/这样懦弱是不行的  [02:39.10]もう苦しいよ/好难受...[02:42.52][02:46.02]もう少しでuff65uff65uff65/已经...至少...[02:52.28][02:56.18]声も止んで/声音也停止了  [03:02.79]空の花の音だけ/只剩下了空中烟花的声音[03:08.56]鼓动が诘まるの/心脏跳个不停  [03:12.39]呼吸を杀して/呼吸也被抹杀了[03:15.94]君の耳に/在你的耳边  [03:19.12]寄せた心の声/靠近 内心的声音[03:24.02][03:23.79]ずっと ずっと 『 好きでした 』/一直...一直...[03:29.13][03:29.53]恋の色/恋爱的色彩  [03:31.81]淡く咲いて/淡淡的绽开了[03:35.15]夕花火/傍晚的烟花  [03:38.43]时间を止めて/时间也停止了[03:41.78]逃げ出したくて/想要逃开  [03:45.05]そんな时に/那样的时候[03:49.14] [03:51.52]もう离さないで/已经...不会再放手了...[03:59.20][04:20.60]终わり[04:32.60]

Marina and The Diamonds《froot》歌词翻译



(一段爱情招致的悲剧―。) (摧毁了珍惜事物的过去―) (残留下遍体鳞伤与、崩坏的内心。)如今在那温存消失之後 若是我们的祈愿将化为谎言“不要走”你的声音回响著 一切都被渐渐忘却(孕育出一次邂逅、新的故事。 (与一位少年的邂逅) (重视过去的少女)在四角箱中剩下的 冰冷无机的摇篮中 逐渐沉重洒落遍地 即便如此仍存爱怜我的话语我的内心 温暖照耀著你 为何时能够传达与你此刻回首视线交错 假如那瞬间也将化为罪孽“不要听”什麼也不想说 就淡忘这一切吧 如同这般辗转反复在这无色世界中 又再不厌其烦增多著伤痛即便知晓分别总会到来 无所归处地彷徨著花费了漫长的时间 深知那犹如砂之城般 即便如此今天也仍在堆积 直到某日崩坏为止 (即便、结局已昭然若揭)若在今夜回首从前 相同光芒的月亮也 (为什麼?) 总将改变的话再让我留在你身边一会 直到落下深夜帷幕之时“不要哭”一句话紧扣心扉 相互间毫无挽留这份感情坚韧过一切 也坚信过彼此相互瞭解幻想创造出的未来构图中 渗入了我们的梦想…怎样才能展现微笑? (与自己的未来清算)这样笑不出来吧? (重蹈覆辙的少女)为了让这声音传达出(不想)再一次(重蹈前尘…) (绝不)再一次(离开少年……)我的话语我的内心 温暖照耀著你 若何时能绽放光芒…如今在那温存消失之後 若是我们的祈愿将化为谎言“不要走”你的声音回响著 就淡忘这一切吧 如同这般辗转反复在这无色世界中 我是如此深爱著你 (「你啊,不能再这样重蹈覆辙了。」)即便知晓分别总会到来 无所归处地彷徨著(一つの情爱がもたらした悲剧―。) (大切なものを壊した过去―) (残ったのは伤付いた体と、壊れた心。)今温もりが消えたその後で ぼくらの愿いも嘘になるならば「行かないで」 君の声が木霊して 全てを忘れていく(一つの出会いが生み出す、新しい物语。) (一人の少年との出会い) (过去を见つめなおした少女)四角い箱に取り残された  揺りかごは酷く无机质で 重たくなって零れたはずの   爱しさがそれでも残った仆の言叶が仆の心が 暖かく君を 照らして いつか 届くのなら今振り向いて视线が络んだ そんな瞬间も罪となるならば「闻かないで」何も话したくないよ 全てを忘れても このまま缲り返す色のない世界でまた 饱きもせず伤を増やしてくサヨナラがいつかくると知っていて 行き场もなく彷徨う长い时间を费やしている  砂のお城とは知りながら それでも今日も积み上げていく  いつか壊す日がくるまでは (たとえ、结末がわかっていても)例えば今夜昔见ていた 同じ光の 月さえも (なぜ…!?) いつか 変わるのならあと少しだけ隣にいさせて 夜の帐がおちてくそれまでは「泣かないで」一言が胸を叩き 留まる事もなく 互いの気持ちなら谁よりも强く 分かり合えてると信じていたこと幻想が作り出した未来図に 仆らの梦が渗むどうすれば微笑んだの? (自らの过去の清算) こんなんじゃ笑えないよ? (缲り返そうとする少女) この声が届く様に もう一度 もう一度 (缲り返して欲しくないから…) (少年が离れぬように…)仆の言叶が仆の心が 暖かく君を照らして いつか 辉くなら今 温もりが消えたその後で ぼくらの愿いも嘘になるならば「行かないで」 君の声が木霊して 全てを忘れても   このまま缲り返す色のない世界でまた 君のこと爱しく思うよ (「あなたは、缲り返しては駄目だよ。」)サヨナラがいつかくると知っていて 行き场もなく彷徨う

Stiff Upperlip 歌词

歌曲名:Stiff Upperlip歌手:Mott The Hoople专辑:Original Album ClassicsMr Hudson - Stiff Upper Lip-----MaxRNB - Your First R&B Source!-----Oh, now I"m walking back to our placeWhich is soon to be your placeWatching my feet, they"re as stubborn as concreteI"m knee deep in the jumble of our livesThrowing shit into bin bags, I reach for the doorThe dog"s at my heel, thinks we"re going for a walkAnd I realise We never been as fucked as thisSo grown up now we"re squabbling like kidsYour mother"s plates, dashed on the floorI can"t keep a stiff upper lip any moreWe never been as fucked as thisOut on the street and we"re screaming like kidsThe neighbours watch, well let them talkI can"t keep a stiff upper lip any moreOh...Leaving, throwing all of the black bagsIn the back of the black cabYou see I"m not bluffing, noI"m actually leaving, and now I"m sleepingOn the front step of my mate"s placeCos he stopped there, cos he"s shit facedAnd I realise We never been as fucked as thisSo grown up but we"re squabbling like kidsYour mother"s plates, dashed on the floorI cant keep a stiff upper lip any moreWe never been as fucked as thisOut on the street and we"re screaming like kidsThe neighbours watch, well let them talkI can"t keep a stiff upper lip any more Life"s too short to get caughtLife"s too short to get caughtOn the shady side of the streetLife"s too short to get caught-----MaxRNB - Your First R&B Source!-----http://music.baidu.com/song/7519426

Rin的 さくら さくら 翻译中文歌词



  炉心融解  作词:kuma  作曲:iroha  编曲:iroha  街明かり 华やか  街头霓虹 灯火通明  ma chi a ka ri ha na ya ka  エーテル麻酔 の 冷たさ  乙醚麻醉的冰冷  e tte ru ma su i no tsu me ta sa  眠れない 午前二时  辗转难眠 凌晨两点  ne mu re na i go ze n ni zi  全てが 急速に変わる  一切都在飞速地改变  su be te ga kyu u so ku ni ka wa ru  オイル切れのライター  油气用尽的打火机  o i ru gi re no ra i ta  焼けつくような胃の中  如同烧灼的胃袋里  ya ke tsu ku yo u na i no na ka  全てがそう嘘なら  全都是谎言的话  su be te ga so u u so na ra  本当に よかったのにね  就真的 太好了  ho n to u ni yo u ka ta no ni ne  君の首を绞める梦を见た  做了个扼住你脖子的梦  ki mi no ku bi wo si me ru yu me wo mi ta  光の溢れる昼下がり  光明满溢的下午  hi ka ri no a fu re ru hi ru sa ga ri  君の细い喉が跳ねるのを  你纤细的喉咙微微颤抖  ki mi no ho so i no do ga ha ne ru no wo  泣き出しそうな眼で见ていた  我以欲泪的眼睛注视着  na ki de sh i so u na me de mi te i ta  核融合炉にさ  核融合炉啊  ka ku yu u go ro ni sa  飞び込んでみたいと 思う  多想飞身跳入其中  to bi ko n de mi ta i to o mo u  真っ青な光 包まれて奇丽  被青蓝色的光包围 多么华丽  ma s sa on a hi ka ri cu cu ma re te ki rei  核融合炉にさ  核融合炉啊  ka ku yu u go ro ni sa  飞び込んでみたら そしたら  若真尝试跳入其中的话 那么一瞬  to bi ko n de mi ta ra so si ta ra  すべてが许されるような気がして  彷佛一切都可以得到宽恕  su be te ga yu ru sa re ru yo u na ki ga si te  ベランダの向こう侧  阳台的对面传来  be ra n da no mu ko u ga wa  阶段を升ってゆく音  渐渐上楼的声音  da n ka i wo no bo t te yu ku o to  阴り出した空が  渐渐昏暗的天色  ka ge ri da si ta so ra ga  窓ガラスに 部屋に落ちる  穿过窗户向房间坠落  ma do ga ra su ni he ya ni o chi ru  拡散する夕暮れ  渐渐扩散的暮色  ka ku sa n n su ru yu u gu re  泣き肿らしたような阳の赤  夕阳的红如同哭肿的眼睛的红  na ki ha ra si ta yo u na hi no a ka  融けるように少しずつ  仿佛融化般一点一滴  to ke ru yo u ni su ko si zu tsu  少しずつ死んでゆく世界  一步一步地死去的世界  su ko si zu tsu si n de yu ku se ka i  君の首を绞める梦を见た  做了个扼住你脖子的梦  ki mi no ku bi wo si me ru yu me wo mi ta  春风に揺れるカーテン  春风轻轻摇动着窗帘  ha ru ka ze ni yu re ru ka t te n  乾いて切れた唇から  从干裂的嘴唇中  ka wa i te ki re ta ku chi bi ru ka ra  零れる言叶は泡のよう  落下的言语如同泡沫  ko bo re ru ko to ba wa a wa no yo u  核融合炉にさ  核融合炉啊  ka ku yu u go ro ni sa  飞び込んでみたいと 思う  多想飞身跳入其中  to bi ko n de mi ta i to o mo u  真っ白に 记忆 融かされて消える  记忆会融化成雪白消失  ma ssi ro ni ki o ku to ka sa re te ki e ru  核融合炉にさ  核融合炉啊  ka ku yu u go ro ni sa  飞び込んでみたら また昔みたいに  若真尝试跳入其中的话 那么一瞬  to bi ko n de mi ta ra ma ta mu ka si mi ta i ni  眠れるような そんな気がして  仿佛就能像从前一样入眠  ne mu re ru you na so n na ki ga si te  时计の秒针や  时钟的秒针  to ke i no byo u si n ya  テレビの司会者や  电视的主持人  te re i no si ka i s ya ya  そこにいるけど 见えない谁かの  立于那方 却无法捉摸的人  so ko ni i ru ke do mi e na i da re ka no  笑い声 饱和して反响する  发出着笑声 响亮地回荡着  wa ra i ko e ho wa si te ha n n k yo su ru  アレグロ·アジテート  快速而激烈  a re gu ro a ji te t to  耳鸣りが消えない 止まない  耳鸣从未消失 不肯停止  mi mi na ri ga ki e na i ya ma na i  アレグロ·アジテート  快速而激烈  a re gu ro a ji te t to  耳鸣りが消えない 止まない  耳鸣从未消失 不肯停止  mi mi na ri ga ki e na i ya ma n ai  谁もみんな消えてく梦を见た  妄想世人全部消失的梦  da re mo mi n na ki e te ku yu me wo mi ta  真夜中の 部屋の広さと静寂が  深夜房间的宽敞而寂静  ma yo na ka no he ya no hi ro sa to se i j ya ku ga  胸につっかえて  撞击着胸膛  mu ne ni tu k ka e te  上手に 息ができなくなる  无法顺畅地呼吸  j yo u zu ni i ki ga de ki na ku na ru  (Shout!!)  核融合炉にさ  核融合炉啊  ka ku yu u go ro ni sa  飞び込んでみたら そしたら  跳了进去 在那时  to bi ko n de mi ta ra so si ta ra  きっと眠るように 消えていけるんだ  一定能像永眠般消失  ki t to ne mu ru yo u ni ki e te i ke ru n da  仆のいない朝は  没有我的清晨  bo ku no i na i a sa wa  今よりずっ之 素晴らしくて  一定比现在更加美好无缺  i ma yo ri zu t to su ba ra si ku te  全ての歯车が歯み合った  所有的齿轮就此咬合  su be te no ha ku ru ma ga ka mi a t ta  きっと そんな世界だ  一定 会是那样的世界  ki t to so n na se ka i da


《hello seattle》中文名称:hello seattle所属专辑:<>和《Of June》歌曲原唱:Owl City填 词:Adam·Young具体歌词:Hello Seattle, I am a mountaineer你好西雅图,我是一个登山者In the hills and highlands跋涉在丘陵与高原I fall asleep in hospital parking lots在医院停车场入睡And awake in your house在你的家里醒来Hello Seattle, I am a manta ray你好西雅图,我是一只蝠鲼(动物名,软骨鱼类中鳐目的蝠鲼科动物,跟巨翅飞鱼长的一样)Deep beneath the blue waves深深潜行在蔚蓝海浪下I"ll crawl the sandy bottom of Puget Sound在普捷湾的海底沙滩蠕动And construct a summer home筑造夏日的家园Hello Seattle, I am the crescent moon你好西雅图,我是一轮新月Shining down on your face在你的脸庞上洒下清光I will disguise myself as a sleeping pill我会变成一枚安眠药And descend inside of you落入你心里面Hello Seattle, I am a cold sea horse你好西雅图,我是一只冰冷的海马Feeling warm in your sand被你的沙粒温暖I sing about the tide and the ocean surf歌唱着潮汐和浪花Rolling in the evening breeze在傍晚的微风中摇晃Hello Seattle, I am an albatross你好西雅图,我是一只信天翁On the docks and moored boats翱翔在码头和船舶之上I sail above your inlets and interstates我在你的港湾和公路上滑翔Through the rain and open wind不管风吹雨打Hello Seattle, I am an old lighthouse你好西雅图,我是古老的灯塔Throwing beams of bright light放射出明亮的光Red in the morning, blue in the evening sun清晨绛红,傍晚苍蓝Taking heed for everyone注视着每一个人Take me above your light带我飞向你的光芒Carry me through the night带我穿越黑夜Hold me secure in flight带我稳稳地飞翔Sing me to sleep tonight今夜用歌声伴我入眠

求翻译Marina and the Diamonds - E.V.O.L的歌词

歌名:Marina and the Diamonds歌手:EVOL专辑:《Electra Heart》歌词原文:Yeah... yeah... yeah...Pink lipstick stains, cigarette buttsI lie in bed, I hate my gutsA day in the dark, a murdered afternoon, yeahOh baby, darling, how I"d love to become your suicide blondeTo lie beside my Romeo, oh what a wicked way to goIt only takes two lonely peopleTo fuck love up and make it evilIt only takes a drop of evilTo fuck up two beautiful peopleL.O.V.E. L.O.V.E.L.O.V.E. E.V.O.L.L.O.V.E., do you love me?L.O.V.E., love is evilCandy is dandy, but liquor is quickerEvery kiss you give me makes me sickerA day in the dark, a day in a cloud of gloom, yeahI look at you, you look at meMilk and roses, squeaky cleanWell, you"re the best I"ve ever seenAnd I"m your lying beauty queenIt only takes two lonely peopleTo fuck love up and make it evilIt only takes a drop of evilTo fuck up two beautiful peopleL.O.V.E. L.O.V.E.L.O.V.E. E.V.O.L.L.O.V.E., do you love me?L.O.V.E., love is evilYeah... yeah... yeah...Yeah... (L.O.V.E. E.V.O.L.)Yeah... (L.O.V.E. E.V.O.L.)Yeah... (L.O.V.E. E.V.O.L.)(L.O.V.E. E.V.O.L.)It only takes two lonely peopleTo fuck love up and make it evilIt only takes a drop of evilTo fuck up two beautiful peopleL.O.V.E. L.O.V.E.L.O.V.E. E.V.O.L.L.O.V.E., do you love me?L.O.V.E., love is evilDo you, do you, do you love me?L.O.V.E. E.V.O.LDo you love me?L.O.V.E., love is evil.中文翻译:被阴翳笼罩的那一天 那个被蓄意谋杀的下午我躺在床上 只剩下脏乱的粉色唇印和烟蒂,我讨厌这样的我。亲爱的宝贝儿,我多想成为那个为你因情自刎的金发女郎,躺在你的身边!这真是个邪恶的念头啊!相爱只需要两个寂寞的人,但那只不过会变的一塌糊涂 会失去它的本质爱会为了一点破事把原本相爱的两人弄得背道而驰L.O.V.E. L.O.V.E.L.O.V.E. E.V.O.L.L.O.V.E., 你还会爱我吗?L.O.V.E., 爱本来就是坏事糖果虽甜讨人喜欢 但酒的魅力更让人沉醉.在阴沉昏暗的那一天 你看着我 我看着你牛奶和玫瑰 干净的纯粹你就是那个我遇见过最完美的意中人,而我则是那个奄奄一息死在你手里的皇后

求リンちゃんなう rin酱now的中文歌词,谢谢。

有些地方自己润色了一下~(各种无下限啊)Rin酱Now!Rin酱Now!Rin酱Rin酱Rin酱Rin酱Now!Rin酱Now!Rin酱Now!Rin酱Rin酱Rin酱Rin酱Now!Rin酱Now!Rin酱Now!Rin酱Rin酱Rin酱Rin酱Now!(^ω^≡^ω^)好想紧紧抱住Rin酱喔 好想硬按住她乱挥的手脚紧紧抱着喔被咬手感觉也很不错捏Rin酱你可以咬喔好想跟Rin酱两人去买东西然后一脸若无其事得对她说「我们在约会耶--」让她整个意识到这件事Rin酱的缎带是黏在发箍上的好想要在早上偷偷把缎带换成猫耳想着她不知道什么时候会发现结果我却没发现Rin酱出门了下午Rin酱回家后抓着猫耳发箍涨红着脸瞪着我然后我就反省(^ω^≡^ω^)好想拼命夸Rin酱好想看着不习惯被夸的Rin酱手足无措的样子然后更加的夸她。好想夸她。好想在Pixiv用「镜音リン R18」去查但全部被阻止了好想让Rin酱在THE VOC@LOiD M@STER会场Cos Luka好想要不小心让眼光飘到Rin酱那散发强烈不协调感的断崖绝壁去然后拼命地去救边说「我、我要换掉了啦」边想逃跑的Rin酱的球。(^ω^≡^ω^) 好想看见一夜之间长大后的Rin酱不知道该如何应对才好搞得吃饭时也变得不太讲话然后不知道为什么觉得让她用粉红色的碗之类很心虚好想在饭后我说要去洗碗时Rin酱变成用敬语说「呃您放着就好!」之类的(^ω^≡^ω^)好想在女仆咖啡厅遇到不准打工的Rin酱然后好好收藏她那生硬的样子好想要每次跟过了这么久还是用敬语讲话的Rin酱说「你可以不必那么紧张呀」「是 是的」之类的对话好想对着Rin酱说的「魔法少女吗···」回复「如果Rin酱是魔法少女那就是Magic Rin了捏」不过她八成只会回以苦笑所以我就忍耐了下来(^ω^≡^ω^)好想要在疲累回家时Rin酱在沙发上跟我并肩而坐然后她就靠在我肩膀上睡着、然后变得很温馨。好想要Rin酱闭着眼睛将嘴唇嘟向这里然后我就动摇迷惘了一下为了不让她看出来、于是弹她额头好想要在街上遇到居然戴眼镜的Rin酱叫住她后她就说「我平常是戴隐形眼镜的啦!」之类的借口、然后我就真心诚意地对她说「戴眼镜也很适合」 于是她就低头不说话(^ω^≡^ω^)好想从Rin酱那边收到「我喜欢你很久了」的短信、然后怦然心动当我回说「屁啦ω」后Rin酱又从那边回复「穿帮啦?不过能发这种短信的也只有你呀ω」害的我又收到后心头小鹿乱撞然后让我变得不相信世上一切「当然是骗你的!」OVER

rin 乐团 《樱花樱花》 歌词

[00:33.26]秋月飞花迫散流年 [00:36.61]你一笑醉人间 [00:39.30]看不尽多少缠绵 [00:43.34][00:44.77]相思最是伤人心尖儿 [00:48.04]水袖一舞千年 [00:50.84]数不清几多痴怨 [00:55.81][01:18.91]犹记那年春天[01:21.76]你还在我身边 [01:24.48]千里桃花花谢花飞花漫天 [01:30.01]月华千杯不醉 [01:32.84]澄江万里似练 [01:35.76]闲敲几颗棋子 [01:38.58]小酌灯花前 [01:41.21][01:42.22]踏过春花秋月鹧鸪天 [01:44.31]可堪回首不见来路风云弄天边 [01:46.99]陌上阡头悄然独立秋色戏寒烟 [01:49.87]花满衣裾泪湿青衫一曲韶华为谁掖[01:52.72][01:52.88]踏过春花秋月 踏过鹧鸪天 [01:58.24]几番华胥易主 弹指一挥间 [02:04.08]一曲庄生晓梦 一杯望帝春鹃 [02:08.96]怎奈红尘漫漫两相对望竟无言 [02:14.76][02:17.81]秋月飞花迫散流年 [02:21.20]你一笑醉人间 [02:24.06]看不尽多少缠绵 [02:28.19][02:29.05]相思最是伤人心尖儿 [02:32.46]水袖一舞千年 [02:35.22]数不清几多痴怨 [02:40.90][03:06.20]明月几时有 把酒问青天 [03:12.11]青天可知 今夜月下人难眠 [03:17.71]举杯愁 花下对影人消瘦 [03:23.16]莫言几多苦 几多怨 呵[03:27.93]一曲前尘永相守 [03:30.86][03:32.56]世人皆醉惟我独醒 [03:35.95]凭一笑天下倾 [03:38.80]谁可与我共长鸣 [03:43.32][03:43.85]举世皆浊惟我独清 [03:47.02]回眸云淡风清 [03:50.21]醉卧千年不醒

Marina and The Diamonds的《Teen Idle》 歌词

歌曲名:Teen Idle歌手:Marina and The Diamonds专辑:Electra HeartMarina And The Diamonds - Teen IdleI wanna be a bottle blondeI don"t know why but I feel connedI wanna be an idle teenI wish I hadn"t been so cleanI wanna stay inside all dayI want the world to go awayI want blood, guts and chocolate cakeI wanna be a real fakeYeah I wish I"d been a, wish I"d been a teen, teen idleWish I"d been a prom queen fighting for the titleInstead of being sixteen and burning up a bibleFeeling super, super (super!) suicidalThe wasted years, the wasted youthThe pretty lies, the ugly truthAnd the day has come where I have diedOnly to find I"ve come aliveI wanna be a virgin pureA 21st century whoreI want back my virginitySo I can feel infinityI wanna drink until I acheI wanna make a big mistakeI want blood, guts and angel cakeI"m gonna puke it anywayYeah I wish I"d been a, wish I"d been a teen, teen idleWish I"d been a prom queen fighting for the titleInstead of being sixteen and burning up a bibleFeeling super, super (super!) suicidalThe wasted years, the wasted youthThe pretty lies, the ugly truthAnd the day has come where I have diedOnly to find I"ve come aliveCome alive, I"ve come aliveI wish I wasn"t such a narcissistI wish I didn"t really kiss the mirror when I"m on my ownOh God! I"m gonna die aloneAdolescence didn"t make senseA little loss of innocenceThe ugly years of being a foolAin"t youth meant to be beautiful?Yeah I wish I"d been a, wish I"d been a teen, teen idleWish I"d been a prom queen fighting for the titleInstead of being sixteen and burning up a bibleFeeling super, super (super!) suicidalThe wasted years, the wasted youthThe pretty lies, the ugly truthAnd the day has come where I have diedOnly to find I"ve come aliveOnly to find I"ve come aliveOnly to find I"ve come aliveCome aliveFeeling super, super, super! SuicidalFeeling super, super, super! SuicidalFeeling super, super, super! SuicidalCome alivehttp://music.baidu.com/song/28831602

Marina(玛莉娜) 歌词

歌曲名:Marina(玛莉娜)歌手:贵族乐团专辑:最爱爵士情歌3(巴莎诺瓦)Marina(玛莉娜)贵族乐团Marina morena Marina voce se pintouMarina voce faca tudo mas faca o favorNao pinte esse rosto que eu gosto e que e so meuMarina voce ja bonita com que Deus lhe deuMe aborreci me zanguei ja nao posso falarPois quando eu me zango Marina nao sei perdonarEu ja disculpei tanta coisaVoce nao encontra outro igualDesculpe Marina morenaMas eu to de malNao pinte...Mas eu to de malDe mal com voceDe mal com voce...Me aborreci me zanguei ja nao posso falarPois quando eu me zango Marina nao sei perdonarEu ja disculpei tanta coisaVoce nao arranja outro igual译文:玛莉娜美丽的混血儿玛莉娜 你正在化妆万能的玛莉娜呀 请你帮个忙在你涂涂画画的时候 可别涂了我最喜欢的颈子因为你的颈子是属于我的上天已经赐给你美丽的脸庞了而你正愤怒的瞪着我 使我不敢多言甚至连我也不原谅自己我已经对我的言词道歉了我想你再也找不到像我这样脾气好的人很抱歉 美丽的混血儿玛莉娜我决定不理你了不要涂……否则我决定不理你了http://music.baidu.com/song/20729418

一首歌,歌词是an to to be an toto be的英文歌

This Kiss - Carly Rae JepsenI went out last night昨晚我出去I"m going out tonight again我今晚要再次出去Anything to capture your attention凡是捕捉到你的注意力Your attention你的注意力And she"s a real sweet girl她是一个真正的甜美女孩And you know I got a boy你知道我有一个男孩。Details we both forgot to mention详细信息我们都忘了提Forgot to mention忘了提And you而你I always know where you are我总是知道你在哪里And you always know where I am而你总是知道我在哪里We"re taking it way too far我们正在路太远But I don"t want it to end但我不希望它结束This kiss is something这个吻是I can"t resist我无法抗拒Your lips are undeniable你的嘴唇是不可否认的This kiss is something这个吻,I can"t risk我不能冒险Your heart is unreliable你的心是靠不住的Something so sentimental如此感伤的东西You make so detrimental你做出如此有损And I wish it didn"t feel like this我希望它不喜欢这种感觉Cause I don"t wanna miss this kiss因为我不想错过这个吻I don"t wanna miss this kiss我不想错过这个吻You know you"re just my type你知道你只是我喜欢的类型And your eyes are lock and key你的眼睛是锁和钥匙,To my heart我的心Tempting my confession诱人我的忏悔My confession我的忏悔And you"re a real hot thing你是一个真正的辣的东西But you know I"ve got a boy somewhere但是你知道,我已经有了一个男孩某处So can you feel the tension所以,你可以感到紧张?Feel the tension感到紧张And you而你,I"m dancing to where you are我跳舞,你在哪里And your dancing to where I am你的舞蹈我在哪里We"re taking it way too far我们正在路太远But I don"t want it to end但我不希望它结束This kiss is something这个吻,I can"t resist我无法抗拒Your lips are undeniable你的嘴唇是不可否认的This kiss is something这个吻是I can"t risk我不能冒险Your heart is unreliable你的心是靠不住的Something so sentimental如此感伤的东西You make so detrimental你做出如此有损And I wish it didn"t feel like this我希望它不喜欢这种感觉Cause I don"t wanna miss this kiss因为我不想错过这个吻But if you ask me to但是,如果你问我I couldn"t我不能,I couldn"t I我不能,我You"re leaning closer and你靠得更近和I shouldn"t我不应该,I shouldn"t I我不应该,我But if you ask me to但是,如果你问我I couldn"t我不能,I couldn"t I我不能,我I shouldn"t我不应该,I shouldn"t我不应该I don"t wanna miss this kiss我不想错过这个吻This kiss is something这个吻,I can"t resist我无法抗拒Your lips are undeniable你的嘴唇是不可否认的This kiss is something这个吻是I can"t risk我不能冒险Your heart is unreliable你的心是靠不住的Something so sentimental如此感伤的东西You make so detrimental你做出如此有损And I wish it didn"t feel like this我希望它不喜欢这种感觉Cause I don"t wanna miss this kiss因为我不想错过这个吻I wish it didn"t feel like this我希望它不喜欢这种感觉I don"t wanna miss this kiss我不想错过这个吻

有一首英文歌 歌词中有capture 是什么歌


咒文——东方神起 罗马音歌词,急用

日文版Romaji Mirotic~jap version hajimari wa sousa kou itsumo heibon sa boku wa kokoro wo ayatsu reru kara kagi akete okuyo ai wa motto motto imishin na Red Ocean Breakinmy rules again tsumannai sekai kega wo shite mo heikisa kawatteku oboreteku kimi wa mou nukedasenai I got you Undermyskin koware teku oboreteku kimi wa mou boku no mono I got you Under my skin surudoku togatta tsuyoi manazashi de boku jana kereba ugokasenai chrome heart eran da no wa kimi sa ima ni mo hajikesou na youen na KURISUTARU inochi no yami hajimaru Party koremokitto ai ka kawatteku oboreteku kimi wa mou nukedasenai I got you Undermyskin koware teku oboreteku kimi wa mou boku no mono I got you Under my skin yame rarenai shoudou hiso masete Stay on you tsuyoku tsuyoku dakishime kasane ta kuchibiru Still your mind Never let you go U-know you got it Come on Come on I got you Under my skin kokoro ni sotto oshikomi dou wo to jiru jumon wo kakeru juukaku fukaku I got you Under my skin My devil"s ride ga kureru bashou nai nara risoko no demo tanoshii manai igai I got you Under my skin hikareteku oboreteku kimi wa mou nukedasenai I got you Under my skin koware teku oboreteku kimi wa mou boku no mono I got you Under my skin韩文版hero:shi qia ko tai kong ma gei pio go ma gei na ye ge yoong jie nan ku tei wu xi mo jiong ma nun go lo wangmax:o nun ka nun soo go lio do Oh Wo Oh~xiah:sang lang gun mon da mon da yi mi soo-xi ga lei do wo xio xiuona mun kin ma nun soo gei ai jia lang qi lu hang gomicky:qio go ga qio do long gei qia nai Oh Wo Oh~all:nong na nun po hei nong nei gei ba jionong nei ge mi qio hey yo nai sun o sooI got you~~Under my skinall:nong na nun po hei nong nei gei ba jionong nei ge mi qio nong na ye no ye ]I got you~~Under my skinmax:na mo lv so gei pa go dv nun na ka nom nun ninna pa nin gong soo nong ji gi ji dong a nun go lo moxiah:ni ka song tei ka ki nin lo Oh Wo Oh~micky:hio pa lin tiao go heun nun(in) soo wo ki in ye na ye Crystalmo qio en xi jia kui~na xin nai gun ji louknow:yi go do sang lang un a nei ga~Oh Wo Oh~all:nong na nun po hei nong nei gei ba jionong nei ge mi qio hey yo nai sun o sooI got you~~Under my skinall:nong na nun po hei nong nei gei ba jionong nei ge mi qio nong na ye no yeI got you~~Under my skinuknow:hang mo nun Kiss wa hang gei nang nun song dei tang gang na nin gu ninmicky:to bo nin Kiss in go gei ko jio po ni ga to na xiong jia(nun)uknow:Yeah~no nei ga jio soo2U:You know you got it!max:Yeah~`~ Wa~~Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!xiah:I got you~~Under my skin2J:so gei nang do qi mei ha nun ma o soo nei qiu ong nei ong da xi ku nun(ko) ji go wi sooI got you~~Under my skinHOSO:My devils ride go nun xi pu go xi o jia nan ku no da mio yi jie qv jio mo nun gei o tong gaI got you~~Under my skinall:nong na nun po hei nong nei gei ba jionong nei ge mi qio hey yo nai sun o sooI got you~~Under my skinall:nong na nun po hei nong nei gei ba jio]nong nei ge mi qio nong na ye no yeI got you~~Under my skin

少时颂 中文歌词

it"s my baby girl允儿 秀英 孝渊 yuri 泰妍 Jessica Tiffany sunny 徐贤 我们的 少时 少时 oh wu wi~泰妍 孝渊 徐贤 Tiffany sunny yuri Jessica 秀英 允儿 xxx pink xxx 和少时一起的甜蜜的音乐 泰妍 孝渊 徐贤 Tiffany sunny yuri Jessica 秀英 允儿 xxx pink xxx 和少时一起的甜蜜的音乐说出你的愿望 (现在是 少女时代)说出你的愿望 说出你的愿望 说出你的愿望 相信哥哥们吧世碧允儿的心意 小不点队长泰妍 可爱的老幺徐贤 比宝石还耀眼的Tiffany九名发光的声音 你和我的melody讨人喜欢的样子 扑通扑通我的心脏s line 的yuri 会说话?的sunny 不能忽视的魅力的秀英 什么dance孝渊 ssica冰山公主Jessica九名xx的声音 你和我的melody讨人喜欢的样子 扑通扑通我的心脏泰妍 孝渊 徐贤 Tiffany sunny yuri Jessica 秀英 允儿 xxx pink xxx 和少时一起的甜蜜的音乐 说出你的愿望(现在是 少女时代)说出你的愿望 说出你的愿望 说出你的愿望 (xx)欢迎光临 (xx)你好 a ha(xx)……(xx)我们少女时代非常感谢 xxx(xx)……第一名(xx)……现在是 少女时代 go泰妍 孝渊 徐贤 Tiffany sunny yuri Jessica 秀英 允儿 xxx pink xxx 和少时一起的甜蜜的音乐 ×4(sunny?)太感谢了 非常xxxx现在是 少女时代 go


No matter what you say about love 无论你眼中的爱情如何 I keep coming back for more 我都不断在寻求更多 Keep my hand in the fire 置身熊熊烈火之中 Sooner or later I get what I"m asking for 我才早晚知道自己究竟为了什么 No matter what you say about life 无论你眼中的生活如何 I learn every time I bleed 我却是一次次吸取着血的教训 The truth is a stranger 真相是如此奇怪 Soul is in danger I gotta let my spirit be free 灵魂面临重重危机,我要打破心灵的枷锁 To admit that I"m wrong and then change my mind 承认自己犯下的错误,改变想法 Sorry but I have to move on and leave you behind 对不起,但我要继续前行,不得不离你而去 I can"t waste time so give it a moment 我不能再浪费光阴,所以,沉思片刻 I realize nothings broken 我恍然,一切安好 No need to worry about everything I"ve done 不必为自己的过去而担忧 Live every second like it was my last one 珍惜每一秒,珍惜它,就像那是最后一秒 Don"t look back got a new direction 不要再回首,找寻一个新的方向 I loved you once, needed protection 我曾爱过你,曾需要一个港湾 You"re still a part of everything I do 你依然是我所拥有的一部分 You"re on my heart just like a tattoo 你像刺青一般,深深刻在我心头 Just like a tattoo 就像刺青一般 I"ll always have you (I"ll always have you) 我将永远拥有你 Sick of playing all of these games 厌倦了所有的游戏 It"s not about taking sides 这不是选择与谁在一起 When I looked in the mirror didn"t deliver 当我回首往事 It hurt enough to think that I could stop 爱太伤,以致于我想放弃 To admit that I"m wrong and then change my mind 承认自己犯下的错误,改变想法 Sorry but I have to move on and leave you behind 对不起,但我要继续前行,不得不离你而去 I can"t waste time so give it a moment 我不能再浪费光阴,所以,沉思片刻 I realize nothings broken 我恍然,没有任何事情破碎 No need to worry about everything I"ve done 不必为自己的过去而担忧 Live every second like it was my last one 珍惜每一秒,珍惜它,就像那是最后一秒 Don"t look back got a new direction 不要再回首,找寻一个新的方向 I loved you once, needed protection 我曾爱过你,曾需要一个港湾 You"re still a part of everything I do 你依然是我为之奋斗的一切 You"re on my heart just like a tattoo 你像刺青一般,深深刻在我心头 Just like a tattoo 就像刺青一般 I"ll always have you (I"ll always have you) 伴我一生 If I live every moment 如果我为每一秒而活 Won"t change any moment 永不改变 There"s still a part of me in you 我心中依然有你的影子 I will never regret you 我不会懊悔 Still the memory of you 依然想念着你 Marks everything I do 我所做的每一件事,都有你的影子 oh 噢 I can"t waste time so give it a moment 我不能再浪费光阴,所以,沉思片刻 I realize nothings broken 我恍然,一切安好 No need to worry about everything I"ve done 不必为自己的过去而担忧 Live every second like it was my last one 珍惜每一秒,珍惜它,就像那是最后一秒 Don"t look back got a new direction 不要再回首,找寻一个新的方向 I loved you once, needed protection 我曾爱过你,曾需要一个港湾 You"re still a part of everything I do 你依然是我为之奋斗的一切 You"re on my heart just like a tattoo 你像刺青一般,深深刻在我心头 Just like a tattoo 就像刺青一般 I"ll always have you (I"ll always have you) 伴我一生 If I live every moment 如果我为每一秒而活 Won"t change any moment 永不改变 I can"t waste time so give it a moment 我不能再浪费光阴,所以,沉思片刻 I realize nothings broken 我恍然,一切安好 No need to worry about everything I"ve done 不必为自己的过去而担忧 Live every second like it was my last one 珍惜每一秒,珍惜它,就像那是最后一秒 Don"t look back got a new direction 不要再回首,找寻一个新的方向 I loved you once, needed protection 我曾爱过你,曾需要一个港湾 You"re still a part of everything I do 你依然是我为之奋斗的一切 You"re on my heart just like a tattoo 你像刺青一般,深深刻在我心头 Just like a tattoo 就像刺青一般 I"ll always have you (I"ll always have you) 伴我一生 If I live every moment 如果我为每一秒而活 Won"t change any moment 永不改变望采纳

Tattoo (Giving It All Up For Love) 歌词

歌曲名:Tattoo (Giving It All Up For Love)歌手:Huey Lewis And The News专辑:The Only One清春 - TATTOO(album version)作词:森由里子作曲:関根安里都会にはびこる 哀れなアンドロイドくどき上手のチープなレプリカントハートの萎えた 男は要らない Get Out!チャンスをあげるわ 热い仪式锖びた魂 バラのTATTOOを红く刻んで 产まれ変わるのよ Get Out!さあ ひえた胸にじっと眠る炎 起こしていまゾクゾクする梦を追ってごらん手顷な恋で麻痹したエモーション感动したくて 女はアジテーション言叶じゃなくて SOULを感じたい Wake up!いま せとぎわだわ焦り焦り冻りつく私をさあ 欲しいのなら梦を见せてごらんShow me your real love咲かせなさい その胸に消えないバラをShow me your real love陥としてみて この私 TATTOOでJust falling you都会はSweet Drug いかさまパラダイス孤独にまみれて 恋もパラノイア优しささえ 毒入りのジェリービーンズ Wake Up!いま 时代というぬるいベットなんか这い出てさあ わしづかみで 爱を获ってごらんShow me your real love空白い胸に焼きつけて 消せないバラをShow me your real love刻みつけて 私へとTATTOOをJust falling youShow me your real love咲かせなさい その胸に消えないバラをShow me your real love陥としてみて この私 TATTOOでJust falling youおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2808570

Double的《Tattoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Tattoo歌手:Double专辑:WOMAN「Tattoo」作词:TAKAKO/Ina Wroldsen/Chris Braide作曲:TAKAKO/Ina Wroldsen/Chris Braide歌∶DOUBLE水に浮かぶ牡丹の华手の平ですくえばよみがえるわずかな日々 with you甘い记忆 sweet memories部屋に残るただ一人切なすぎて I said good bye to you昨日の夜の様に思うit was just like last night あなたはhere beside me 乱れた髪打ち上げ花火薄明かりに浮かぶ 爱しい画が动くoh oh oh oh oh 目を闭じてもoh oh oh oh oh 覚えてる肌痛みと罪の迹 今も胸に残るoh oh oh oh oh 燃え上がるoh oh oh oh oh 消せない Tattoo谁からも许されず自分ですらも许せずひたすら拒んだ日々 with youふと口にした your regret过ちを笑いにしても笑颜の裏に见る dark side of you昨日の夜の様に思うit was just like last night あなたはyou got mad at me 朱に染まる耳割れた镜隠してた哀しみごまかす为刻んだoh oh oh oh oh 私の胸はoh oh oh oh oh 血をにじませる心の伤の迹 痛々しく刺さるoh oh oh oh oh 戻せないoh oh oh oh oh 犯した Taboo薄明かりに浮かぶ爱しい画が动くoh oh oh oh oh 目を闭じてもoh oh oh oh oh 覚えてる肌痛みと罪の迹 今も胸に残るoh oh oh oh oh 燃え上がるoh oh oh oh oh 消せない Tattoo【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/17599814

The Who的《Tattoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Tattoo歌手:The Who专辑:The Who Sell Out「tAttoo」作词∶あさのますみ/织田哲郎作曲∶织田哲郎歌∶相川七瀬ねえ 见せてあげるよ ぎらつく胸の奥をひとつ刺さるそのたびに 棘は色を残していく白い肌の ずっと深く いびつに育つ 记忆の华キレイゴトで隠しきれないもっと咲き夸れよ花びら 舞い散る空なら红色壊して 伤ついて 刻んできたtAttooもっと咲き乱れて花びらあなたの热い指先でリアルな私を 抱いてよ …tAttooねえ さわってみたいよ あなたの内侧もうずき続ける微热は きっと一绪に感じてる冷たい肌の もっと奥で 抜けないままの 棘は今も笑颜の裏で 血を流してるもっと咲き夸れよ花びら 重ねた痛みは红色叫んで あらがって 印してきたtAttooもっと咲き乱れて花びらあなたの濡れた唇で永远の证を 刻んでよ …tAttooつながって 确かめて 伤なめ合って あきらめてもっと强く抱いて花びら こらえた涙は瑠璃色消えない 痛みが 私だけのtAttooもっと咲き夸れよ花びら 舞い散る空なら红色壊して 伤ついて 刻んできたtAttooもっと咲き乱れて花びらあなたの热い指先でリアルな私を 抱いてよ …tAttoo【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/1608238

Mike Oldfield的《Tattoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Tattoo歌手:Mike Oldfield专辑:Tubular Bells Ii「tAttoo」作词∶あさのますみ/织田哲郎作曲∶织田哲郎歌∶相川七瀬ねえ 见せてあげるよ ぎらつく胸の奥をひとつ刺さるそのたびに 棘は色を残していく白い肌の ずっと深く いびつに育つ 记忆の华キレイゴトで隠しきれないもっと咲き夸れよ花びら 舞い散る空なら红色壊して 伤ついて 刻んできたtAttooもっと咲き乱れて花びらあなたの热い指先でリアルな私を 抱いてよ …tAttooねえ さわってみたいよ あなたの内侧もうずき続ける微热は きっと一绪に感じてる冷たい肌の もっと奥で 抜けないままの 棘は今も笑颜の裏で 血を流してるもっと咲き夸れよ花びら 重ねた痛みは红色叫んで あらがって 印してきたtAttooもっと咲き乱れて花びらあなたの濡れた唇で永远の证を 刻んでよ …tAttooつながって 确かめて 伤なめ合って あきらめてもっと强く抱いて花びら こらえた涙は瑠璃色消えない 痛みが 私だけのtAttooもっと咲き夸れよ花びら 舞い散る空なら红色壊して 伤ついて 刻んできたtAttooもっと咲き乱れて花びらあなたの热い指先でリアルな私を 抱いてよ …tAttoo【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/791628

Kix Brooks的《Tattoo》 歌词

歌曲名:Tattoo歌手:Kix Brooks专辑:New To This Town「Tattoo」作词:TAKAKO/Ina Wroldsen/Chris Braide作曲:TAKAKO/Ina Wroldsen/Chris Braide歌∶DOUBLE水に浮かぶ牡丹の华手の平ですくえばよみがえるわずかな日々 with you甘い记忆 sweet memories部屋に残るただ一人切なすぎて I said good bye to you昨日の夜の様に思うit was just like last night あなたはhere beside me 乱れた髪打ち上げ花火薄明かりに浮かぶ 爱しい画が动くoh oh oh oh oh 目を闭じてもoh oh oh oh oh 覚えてる肌痛みと罪の迹 今も胸に残るoh oh oh oh oh 燃え上がるoh oh oh oh oh 消せない Tattoo谁からも许されず自分ですらも许せずひたすら拒んだ日々 with youふと口にした your regret过ちを笑いにしても笑颜の裏に见る dark side of you昨日の夜の様に思うit was just like last night あなたはyou got mad at me 朱に染まる耳割れた镜隠してた哀しみごまかす为刻んだoh oh oh oh oh 私の胸はoh oh oh oh oh 血をにじませる心の伤の迹 痛々しく刺さるoh oh oh oh oh 戻せないoh oh oh oh oh 犯した Taboo薄明かりに浮かぶ爱しい画が动くoh oh oh oh oh 目を闭じてもoh oh oh oh oh 覚えてる肌痛みと罪の迹 今も胸に残るoh oh oh oh oh 燃え上がるoh oh oh oh oh 消せない Tattoo【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/24520096
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