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谁有Always online的英文版歌词,发我邮箱一下,谢咯!!

邮件地址呢!!! 曲调相同版本:《Cries in a distance》(哭泣的距离)(其实只是曲调相同,意思不同,《always online》讲爱情的坚持,而《Cries in a distance》则是讲战争的残忍,千万不要误认为《Cries in a distance》是《always online》的英文版) 要么就是《Cries in a distance》的歌词。 曲调相同的《Cries in a distance》 Cries in a distance 远方的哭泣 Can"t stop the tremble 止不住的颤抖 I"m just awaiting my turn 我只是在等待我的轮回 Hiding will never Save me forever 躲藏不能让我永远安全 The guns gonna get me for sure 枪支使我马上确信到这一点 Dear God I pray why won"t you be my friend 亲爱的上帝 我祈祷为何你不是我的朋友 Come to me and take my hand 过来握住我的手 Like mama would say 像妈妈说的那样 Everything will be okay 一切都会好起来的 All I hear is 3 2 1 我听到的全是 3 2 1 The scream from the guns 枪支的扫射声 And then 1by1 然后,人们一个接一个(冲上前去) No one gets to run 没有人退缩 Someone"s dad or mom 是谁的爸爸妈妈 Sister, brother and son 兄弟姐妹与孩子 No…no… 哦,不…… All I feel is 1 2 3 我感觉到的全是 1 2 3 My tears start to bleed 我的眼眶开始湿润 Smell of roses on my feet 嗅到我足上的玫瑰(血迹) I feel sore… 我感到痛心 I fall… 我坠落 I call… 呼喊 I crawl… 缓缓的前行

nino メリークリスマス 歌词

メリークリスマス - 岚Vocal:Kazunari Ninomiya词:二宫和也/小川贵史曲:二宫和也赤、白、绿で赈やかな街の中ヘタクソな笑颜で隣の君は100%の笑颜をケーキに添えてる冬の駅前 星空の下に并んでるサンタクロース达寒い身体とは裏腹このままでいたいまだ何も仆ら知らないありがちだけど奇迹帰り道は同じ初めて 今日初めてこんな素敌な 季节と知りましたもう少し あと少しこの距离がどうにかならないかな今年のお愿いは それにしよう雪がチラつく圣なる夜に顽张ってるサンタクロースが一人内绪でこの街を出てゆくサンタクロースが一人まだ何も始まってないバイト抜け出しサンタはサンタを追いかけた梦中で そう梦中で あの素敌な笑颜に会いたくて急いで そう急いで人混みかきわけてだって君に会いたくてこのままの仆らじゃ 终われない「真っ白な 雪の中なんかケーキの上の苺みたい」そんなこと言って笑う君にただ见とれてしまうから呼吸を整えて 最後に一言「メリークリスマス!」おわり




[ti:Rainbow(中文译文)][ar:ROUND TABLE featuring Nino][al:Rainbow][by:L.Z.W][offset:500][00:00.00]ROUND TABLE featuring Nino —— Rainbow]静静将温柔托在掌心[00:16.00]静静将它温暖的呵护[00:22.24]曾经悄悄哼唱的旋律[00:27.21]唱出来吧 尽管不知前路[00:34.34]不过 就算下起了滂沱大雨[00:38.33]也不必在意 我就在你身边[00:45.51][02:38.03]我们能够跨越那一道道彩虹[00:53.58][02:46.03]两人携手 over the rainbow[00:56.75][02:49.32]小小光芒 那是星星的祈愿[01:04.71][02:57.15]蓝色的小鸟一定会为它实现[01:18.89]水中倒映着一如往常的景色[01:24.25]在缓缓流逝的时光中[01:30.38]和不听变迁的季节里[01:35.30]我已经找到了永不改变的梦[01:42.13]聆听吧 幸福的歌声[01:46.45]始终满溢在你我心间[01:53.40][03:00.60]心中的梦想 一定能够实现[02:01.47][03:08.21]总有一天 over the rainbow[02:04.54][03:11.11]雨后的彩虹 抬头仰望天空[02:12.75][03:19.35]一定会看见蓝色的小鸟飞过[02:20.90]作词、作曲:北川胜利[03:27.99]去收集满腔的爱意 一定能够看见彩虹[03:33.59]将爱意填满于心间 一定能够跨越彩虹[03:43.72]THE END


te no yi ra no u e ni sotto no se ta yasashisa wo atata me te sotto ku chi zu san da yimitsu no merodi- utatte yo yiku a temo nai keto demo furidashita ame mo kinishinai sutto sobani yiru kara yikutsumo no niji koete yikeru yo futari de o-ba- za re yin bo- chi i sa na yikari hoshi no nega yi wo kana e te yo kitto a o yi tori mizube ni utsuru yitsu mono keshiki oda ya ka ni naga re ru jikan to utsu ri yuku kisetsu no naka de mi tsu ke ta no kawaranu omo yi wo ki i te shiawase no uta wa so o yitsudemo kokoro no naka afurete egayi teta yume kana erareru yo yitsuka wa o-ba- za reyin bo- amea gari no niji mia geta sora ni haba ta yi te yitsuka aoyi tori yi ku tsu mo no niji koete yikeru yo futari de o-ba- za reyinbo- chiyisana yikari hoshi no nagai wo kana e te yo kitto egayi teta yume kana erareru yo yitsuka wa o-ba- za reyin bo- amea gari no niji mia geta sora ni haba ta yi te yitsuka aoyi tori nemu yippayi no ayi wo atsu me te yo kitto reyinbo- kokoro ni wa yitsumo a yi wo ko e teku wa kitto reyinbo-手のひらの上に そっとのせた (轻轻握住你的手心) やさしさを あたためて そっと (感觉它的温暖轻柔) 口ずさんだ 秘密のメロディー (雨滴从天空缓缓落下) 歌ってよ 行くあてもないけど (仿佛清唱着的秘密的旋律) でも 降り出した雨も(我一直都陪伴着你 在你身边) 気にしない ずっとそばにいるから (只要我们两个人在一起) いくつもの虹 超えて行けるよ (就一定能跨越) ふたりで オーバー ザ レインボー (无尽的彩虹) 小さな光 星の愿いを (我向微弱的星光祈愿) 叶えてよ きっと 青い鸟(祈祷那传说中的青鸟 会带来幸福) 水辺に映る いつもの景色 (水中倒映出的景物) 穏やかに 流れる时间と(永远那么安稳沉静) 移りゆく 季节の中で (随季节随时间而流动) 见つけたの 変わらぬ想いを (仿佛永远不变的心情) 聴いて 幸せの歌は (听啊 幸福的歌声) そう いつでも 心の中あふれて (永远在我心中回荡) *描いてた梦 (我们描绘的梦想) 叶えられるよ (总有一天能够实现) いつかは オーバー ザ レインボー (就像我们总有一天) 雨上がりの虹 (能跨越彩虹) 见上げた空に (雨后的天空中有一道彩虹) はばたいて いつか 青い鸟 (幸福的青鸟 会翱翔于天际) いくつもの虹 超えて行けるよ(只要我们两个人在一起) ふたりで オーバー ザ レインボー (就一定能跨越) 小さな光 星の愿いを (无尽的彩虹) 叶えてよ きっと(我向微弱的星光祈愿) * 胸いっぱいの爱を (将爱汇集于心中) 集めてよ きっとレインボー 心にはいつも爱を (用爱填满心扉) 越えてくわ きっとレインボー(就总有一天会见到彩虹)


always online 和cries in a distance一个是中文版,一个是英文版,一个调子


痕迹 ki e nu ki e nu sa mi da re no a to 消えぬ 消えぬ 五月雨の痕 (不要消失 不要消失 梅雨的痕迹) ka wa ka nu na mi da no a to 乾かぬ 泪の痕 (不要干 眼泪的痕迹) ke se nu ke se nu ya mi yo ni u ka bu 消せぬ 消せぬ 暗夜に浮かぶ (不要消失 不要消失 黑夜里浮现的) i to shi ki hi to no ka ge 爱しき人の影 (心爱的人的身影) yu ya ke ka wa ra wo a ru i te ru 夕烧け川原を步いてる (漫步在夕阳下的河边) ki mi to i sshyo ni e ga o tsu re te 君と一绪に笑颜を连れて (和你一起微笑着) kyo u no ban go han na ni shi yo u 今日の晚ゴハン何しよう (今天的晚饭 吃什么好呢) chi i sa na shu go ku chi i sa na 小さな すごく小さな (很小的 十分微小的) fu tsu u no shi a wa se 普通の幸福 ( 普通的幸福 ) shin de i ta a na ta wa 死んでいた贵方は (死去的你) bo ku no ko ko ro ni shi mi te i ki ta 仆の心に染みて生きた (在我心里仍然生存着) ho ka no hi to wo a i shi te mo ほかの人を爱しても (即使爱上其他的人 ) ho ka no hi to de shi ka a ri ma sen ほかの人でしかありません (也只是其他的人而已) i ku do to na ku ki se tu ma ta i de mo 几度となく季节跨いでも (即使还要跨过数个季节) hon to u wa ha na re te wa 本当は离れては (其实害怕一离开之后) ki e ru no ga ko wa ku te 消えるのが怖くて (就会消失) su mi re wo mi tsu me ko no ha na ki re i 澄丽を见つめこの花绮丽 (找到了紫花地丁 这个花很美丽) de mo i tsu ka wa ka re ru no ne でもいつかは枯れるのね (但是总归还是要枯萎的啊) to ki wa yu u gu re shyu ni ma ji wa ru to 时は夕暮れ 朱に交わると (时间是黄昏 天一接近红色) mi na wo ni fu ta ri no ko shi te 水面に二人残して (在水面留下两个人的影子) ka ge wa ka ge wo ka sa ne te 影は影を重ねて (影子和影子重叠) hi to tsu ni na ru no wo o so re te 一つになるのを恐れて (害怕变成一个) ki zu ku no ga o so shi to 气づくのが迟しと (一旦发觉迟了) mi na wo ni hi to ri 水面に一人 ... (水面就剩下了一个人) a no hi u me ta ko ko ro no ta ne wa あの日埋めた心の种は (那天在心里埋下的种子) ha tsu ka su gi me fu ki ma shi ta 二十日过ぎ芽吹きました (过了二十天发芽了) su ka ta ka ta chi chi ga e do ka wa ra nu a i 姿 形 违えど变らぬ爱 (过了二十天发芽了) ya sa shi i hi ka ri 优しい光 (发出温柔的光)



林俊杰的always online英文版歌词

Always Online的英文版叫做Cries in a distance,歌词如下:Cries in a distance - 林俊杰在远处哭泣 Can"t stop the tremble 止不住的颤抖 I"m just awaiting my turn 我只是在等待我的轮回 Hiding will never Save me forever 躲藏不能让我永远安全 The guns gonna get me for sure 枪支使我马上确信到这一点 Dear God I pray why won"t you be my friend 亲爱的上帝 我祈祷为何你不是我的朋友 Come to me and take my hand 过来握住我的手 Like mama would say 像妈妈说的那样 Everything will be okay 一切都会好起来的 All I hear is 3 2 1 我听到的全是 3 2 1 The scream from the guns 枪支的扫射声 And then 1by1 然后,人们一个接一个(冲上前去) No one gets to run 没有人退缩 Someone"s dad or mom 是谁的爸爸妈妈 Sister, brother and son 兄弟姐妹与孩子 No…no… 哦,不…… All I feel is 1 2 3 我感觉到的全是 1 2 3 My tears start to bleed 我的眼眶开始湿润 Smell of roses on my feet 嗅到我足上的玫瑰(血迹) I feel sore… 我感到痛心 I fall… 我坠落 I call… 呼喊 I crawl… 缓缓的前行

always online中文歌词

林俊杰 - Cries In A Distance 作词:林怡凤 作曲:林俊杰 变色的生活 任性的挑拨 疯狂的冒出了头 单方的守侯 试探的温柔 还是少了点什么 遥远 两端 爱挂在天空飞 风停了也无所谓 只因为你总说 Everthing will be okay 准备好了321 I""m always online 和你1 to 1 爱开始扩散 我们联结了 穿越 天空 银河 oh...oh... 开始倒数321 删除我的孤单 More and more尽是深刻 爱亮了 爱笑了 I""m always online变色的生活 任性的挑拨 疯狂的冒出了头 单方的守侯 试探的温柔 还是少了点什么 遥远 两端 爱挂在天空飞 风停了也无所谓 只因为你总说 Everthing will be okay 准备好了321 I""m always online 和你1 to 1 爱开始扩散 我们联结了 穿越 天空 银河 oh...oh... 开始倒数321 删除我的孤单 More and more尽是深刻 爱亮了 爱笑了 I""m always online准备好了321 I""m always online 和你1 to 1 爱开始扩散 我们联结了 穿越 天空 银河 开始倒数321 删除我的孤单 More and more尽是深刻 爱亮了 爱笑了 I""m always online爱亮了 爱笑了 I""m always online



求all falls down歌词

歌手:Kanye West歌曲:All falls downChorus - 4x] Oh when it all, it all falls down I"m telling you ohh, it all falls down [Verse - Kanye West] Man I promise, she"s so self conscious She has no idea what she"s doing in college That major that she majored in don"t make no money But she won"t drop out, her parents will look at her funny Now, tell me that ain"t insecurrre The concept of school seems so securrre Sophmore three yearrrs aint picked a careerrr She like fuck it, I"ll just stay down herre and do hair Cause that"s enough money to buy her a few pairs of new Airs Cause her baby daddy don"t really care She"s so precious with the peer pressure Couldn"t afford a car so she named her daughter Alexus (a Lexus) She had hair so long that it looked like weave Then she cut it all off now she look like Eve And she be dealing with some issues that you can"t believe Single black female addicted to retail and well [Chorus - repeat 2x (w/ Kanye ad-libs)] [Verse - Kanye West] Man I promise, I"m so self conscious That"s why you always see me with at least one of my watches Rollies and Pasha"s done drove me crazy I can"t even pronounce nothing, pass that versace! Then I spent 400 bucks on this Just to be like nigga you ain"t up on this! And I can"t even go to the grocery store Without some ones thats clean and a shirt with a team It seems we living the american dream But the people highest up got the lowest self esteem The prettiest people do the ugliest things For the road to riches and diamond rings We shine because they hate us, floss cause they degrade us We trying to buy back our 40 acres And for that paper, look how low we a"stoop Even if you in a Benz, you still a nigga in a coop/coupe [Chorus - repeat 2x (w/ Kanye ad-libs)] [Verse - Kanye West] I say fuck the police, thats how I treat em We buy our way out of jail, but we can"t buy freedom We"ll buy a lot of clothes when we don"t really need em Things we buy to cover up what"s inside Cause they make us hate ourself and love they wealth That"s why shortys hollering "where the ballas" at?" Drug dealer buy Jordans, crackhead buy crack And a white man get paid off of all of that But I ain"t even gon act holier than thou Cause fuck it, I went to Jacob with 25 thou Before I had a house and I"d do it again Cause I wanna be on 106 and Park pushing a Benz I wanna act ballerific like it"s all terrific I got a couple past due bills, I won"t get specific I got a problem with spending before I get it We all self conscious I"m just the first to admit it .谢谢.

always online 歌词中英语的解释!

321, 121,越来越

林俊杰的《always online》歌词有好多版本,到底哪个才是对的?

Always Online是中文版!林俊还唱过英文版,名字叫Cries in a distens,我都听过



always on line英文版谐音歌词

是cries in distance 呼喊声在距离 (Cries in a distance)无法停止的颤抖 (Can"t stop the tremble)我只是在等待轮到我 (I"m just awaiting my turn)无法停止的颤抖 (Hiding will never)我永远保存 (Save me forever)我永远保存 (The guns gonna get me for sure)呼喊声在距离(Dear God I pray why won"t you be my friend)来找我,牵着我的手(Come to me and take my hand) 来找我,牵着我的手 (Like mama would say)来找我,牵着我的手 (Everything will be okay)我听到的是3 2 1 (All I hear is 3 2 1)尖叫声从枪 (The scream from the guns)然后1by1 (And then 1by1)没有人会运行 (No one gets to run)别人的爸爸或妈妈 (Someone"s dad or mom)姐妹,兄弟和儿子 (Sister, brother and son)没有... ...没有... ... (No…no…)我觉得是1 2 3 (All I feel is 1 2 3)我的眼泪开始流血(My tears start to bleed) 玫瑰的味道我的脚 (Smell of roses on my feet)我觉得是1 2 3 (I feel sore…)我摔倒... ... (I fall…)我觉得酸痛... ...(I call…) 我呼吁... ... (I crawl…)见笑了,我只是理解了一下,可能有一些地方不正确,大概就是这样,歌词再反复一遍就好了,见笑了。。

taylor swift在SNL里面唱的monologue的歌词麻烦提供一下~

I like glitter and sparkely dress, but I"m not gonna talk about thatIn my monologueI like baking and things that smell like winter but I"m not gonna talk about thatIn my monologueLa la la la la laI like writing songs about douche bags who cheat on me but I"m not gonna say that In my MonologueI like writing their names in songs so they"re a shame to go in publicBut I"m not gonna say thatIn my monologueLa la la la la lala la laaThis is my musical monologueYou might think I"d bring up Joe, the guy who broke up with me over the phone but I"m not gonna mention himIn my monologueHEY JOE, I"m doin" real well, hosting SNL,but i"m not gonna brag about that in my monologue.la ha ha ha And if you"re wondering if I might be dating that werewolf in TwilightI"m not gonna comment on thatIn my monologueLa la la la la la This is, my musical monologueMight be expecting me to saySomething bad about KanyeAnd how he ran up on the stageAnd ruined my VMA monologueBut there"s nothing more to sayEverything"s okayI"ve got security lining the stageIn my SNL(?) MonologueLala la la la la laaaThis is my SNL monologueLalalalalalalaThat was my SNL monologue

Twisted Wheel的《Bad Candy》 歌词

歌曲名:Bad Candy歌手:Twisted Wheel专辑:Twisted WheelHangin round downtown by myselfAnd I had so much timeTo sit and thinkabout myselfAnd then there she wasLike double cherry pieYeah there she wasLike disco superflyI smell sex andcandy hereWhos that loungingin my chairWhos that castingdevious staresIn my directionMama this surelyis a dreamHangin round downtown by myselfAnd I had toomuch caffeineAnd I was thinkinbout myselfAnd then there she wasIn platform double suedeYeah there she wasLike disco lemonadeI smell sex andcandy hereWhos that loungingin my chairWhos that castingdevious staresIn my directionMama this surelyis a dreamMama this surelyis a dreamYeah mama this musthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2217550




人鱼的旋律》全部的歌词如下--《相信自己》第一部片头曲梦想的手心决定继续 决定要背著梦想一起旅行太阳和风与我同行 热情的微笑会开启 幸福的门维持一种心情 像是天生的快乐甜蜜相信我独一无二是唯一在这个世界 有许多令人沮丧的回忆 年轻创造自己的奇迹不要忘记那股真心 不要忘了自己才是你自己的主人 Dear my song说好和梦想一起旅行 自己决定自己想要的回忆太阳和风与我同行 没有过去和目的地往前往后尽管随心所欲 犹豫和恐惧不会有任何意义用微笑把勇敢唤醒 年轻不会平凡无奇 相信自己《 Legend Of Mermaid 》七彩的微风 侧著脸轻轻吹佛想溜走 溜到没有纷扰的角落在黎明前夕 传来优美的旋律记忆里 最美丽 最动人的Melody展翅高飞 尽情遨游爱上东方蓝色天空 像鸟儿自由是我所追求 最终的梦七大海洋 七彩的梦幻乐园狂风暴雨也不能轻易改变 爱的坚持加上信念生命就此会不断的蔓延七种国度 七彩的梦幻乐园闭上双眼慢慢用心体验即使梦也会有终点就算伤悲也会带著笑脸白云轻飘过 彩虹消失无影踪淡淡的 叹息著著蓝色的忧伤满天的星光透著珍珠的光芒闪耀著和月光将黑暗的心照亮远处传来我已听见遥远的南方在呼唤该勇敢的去面对长大后 也算浪漫带著勇气开始著奇幻冒险捧著一手编织的满满心愿也许我也会有胆怯妈妈的爱会随时在身边星星偷偷降落在梦的天堂一闪一闪像我脸上的泪光未来不适合去勉强守著梦想原来的模样《爱的百宝箱》第一部片尾曲微微风吹起红白的风帆 浪漫的自由的幸福的海的梦幻时间的魔法飘到了远方 手一碰就溶化 转眼有一道光芒明明是你对我如影随形 心却像隔著遥远的距离毫无保留的你 我该认真相信 真心不能有怀疑百宝箱的爱能解开 忌妒感和安全感 能给人爱的能量百宝箱的爱最可爱 能坦率让我明白 我和你有相同的爱纯真而专一的爱《恋爱是什么》露亚自己唱的这时候 我心中无法控制胡乱窜动为什麼在胸口像把火紧张的手足无措红红的脸低头说不出理由我从没这样过一旦要开始唱歌停不下来一旦要开始跳舞停不下来喜欢太快 付出太快对你的心意 我也收不回来爱上你 关於彻底爱你的秘密不小心 不相信 感觉好像电影大海里 浪花轻轻歌颂我的心情能不能感应 想快递给你 我的心这时候 我心中满满心事想要告诉你为什麼我胸口的跳动好像无数的变化球 别说你还不懂世界闹哄哄我会一直守候一旦要开始沉默停不下来别再狠心让我继续等待我好期待 我好无奈在我梦里的你比较可爱爱上你 一直是最公开的秘密太轻易 太彻底有谁为我证明大海里 浪花用力传达我的心情能不能感应 想快递给你我的心《Ever blue》波音自己个人唱的歌回忆 那麼遥远 沉默 怎麼面对凝视 慢慢改变 如果能唤回从前也许 你和我 能改变 所有的离别忽然 感到伤悲 也许我的心碎隔著 美丽海洋 传到另一边七色海面 每个人都有属於自己的伤悲能不能远离这一切 救救我 就算我 早已经深陷就当一切都没走远 这一切 都没有改变这就是 Ever blue 我的最爱 始终闪亮温暖著 那片海有种微笑 的光采 守护著我勇敢走向未来我只能永远守著我的爱 像永远守住这片蓝色海这种单纯 的可爱 除了你没有人能更替代 和我走向未来坐著 手握著手 靠著 ... 展开全部>


第一部片头曲 梦想的手心决定继续 决定要背著梦想一起旅行 太阳和风与我同行 热情的微笑会开启 幸福的门 维持一种心情 像是天生的快乐甜蜜 相信我独一无二是唯一 在这个世界 有许多令人沮丧的回忆 年轻创造自己的奇迹 不要忘记那股真心 不要忘了自己 才是你自己的主人 Dear my song 说好和梦想一起旅行 决定自己想要的回忆 太阳和风与我同行 没有过去看目的地 往前往后尽管随心所欲 犹豫看恐惧不会有任何意义 用微笑把勇敢唤醒 年轻不会平凡无奇相信自己 Legend of Mermaid 七彩的微风 侧著脸轻轻吹佛 想溜走 溜到没有纷扰的角落 在黎明前夕 传来优美ㄉ旋律 记忆里 最美丽 最动的ㄉMe lody 展翅高飞 尽情遨游 爱上东方蓝色天空 像鸟儿自由是我所追求 最终ㄉ梦 七大海洋 七彩的梦幻乐园 狂风暴雨也不能轻易改变 爱的坚持加上信念 生命就此会不断ㄉ蔓延 七种国度 七彩的梦幻乐园 闭上双眼慢慢用心体验 即使梦也会有终点 就算伤悲也会带著笑脸 白云轻飘过 彩虹消失无影踪 淡淡的 叹息著著蓝色的忧伤 满天的星光透著珍珠的光芒 闪耀著和月光将黑暗的心照亮 远处传来我已听见 遥远的南方在呼唤 该勇敢的去面对长大后 也算浪漫 带著勇气开始著奇幻冒险 捧著一手编织的满满心愿 也许我也会有胆怯 妈妈的爱会随时在身边 星星偷偷降落在梦的天堂 一闪一闪像我脸上的泪光 未来不适合去勉强 守著梦想原来的模样 第一部片尾曲 微微风吹起红白的风帆 浪漫的自由的幸福的海的梦幻 时间的魔法飘到了远方 手一碰就溶化 转眼有一道光芒 明明是你对我如影随形 心却像隔著遥远的距离 毫无保留的你 我该认真相信 真心不能有怀疑 百宝箱的爱能解开 忌妒感和安全感 能给人爱的能量 百宝箱的爱最可爱 能坦率让我明白 我和你有相同的爱 纯真而专一的爱 恋 这时候 我心中 无法控制胡乱窜动为什麼 在胸口像把火 紧张的手足无措 红红的脸低头 说不出理由 我从没这样过 一旦要开始唱歌停不下来 一旦要开始跳舞停不下来 喜欢太快 付出太快 对你的心意 我也收不回来 爱上你 关於彻底爱你的秘密 不小心 不相信 感觉好像电影 大海里 浪花轻轻歌颂我的心情 能不能感应 想快递给你 我的心 (间奏) 这时候 我心中 满满心事想要告诉你为什麼 我胸口的跳动 好像无数的变化球 别说你还不懂 世界闹哄哄 我会一直守候 一旦要开始沉默停不下来 别再狠心让我继续等待 我好期待 我好无奈 在我梦里的你比较可爱 爱上你 一直是最公开的秘密 太轻易 太彻底 有谁为我证明 大海里 浪花用力传达我的心情 能不能感应 想快递给你 我的心 Star Jewel 趁著流星闪耀许下美丽的愿望 我将找寻出那七道真珠的光芒 即使分隔遥远无法掩饰Jewel Star 相信命运冥冥中牵引著我 到相遇的地方 眼中的泪飞进了大海 选择消失还是离开 无声无息随蓝色忧郁的浪花 变成泡沫变成空气被融化 周而复始寻找失落的梦想 坏心情还包围著我 如果唱歌可以让我变得勇敢 即使被大雨包围 song for you 如果可以迎接一个重生的早晨 我会用同样的热情来面对生命 邂逅或者相逢奇迹让勇气激动 相信我终将会成为jewel star 散发爱的光芒 Super Love Song star light 闪耀光芒 指引著爱的方向 只要 再多一点 这世界就会改变 狂风中 黑暗中 我的双手 不分你 不分我 不怕折磨 绝不会放弃对你的执著 请相信我 梦想 要开始上演 Super live 光合影交错呈现 梦幻舞台 你不会错过这首 Super song 充满著爱和勇气 你和我的歌 Star light 谁的光芒 闪耀著爱的方向 未来 会更美好 微笑会改变一切 在孤单 在寂寞 在黎明中 在疲惫 在虚弱 在危险中 绝不会放弃对爱的执著 请相信我 胜利已握在双手 Super live 再多的泪和汗水 不会更改 这是首胜利的歌 Super girl 你不会错过是我 Super girl 梦想会带我们飞过世界的尽头 Ever Blue 回忆 那麼遥远 沉默 怎麼面对 凝视 慢慢改变 如果能唤回从前 也许 你和我 能改变 所有的离别 忽然 感到伤悲 也许我的心碎 隔著 美丽海洋 传到另一边 七色海面 每个人都有属於自己的伤悲 能不能远离这一切 救救我 就算我 早已经深陷 就当一切都没走远 这一切 都没有改变 这就是 Ever Blue 我的最爱 始终闪亮 温暖著 那片海 有种微笑 的光采 守护著我勇敢走向未来 我只能永远守著我的爱 像永远守住这片蓝色海 这种单纯 的可爱 除了你没有人能更替代 和我走向未来 (间奏) 坐著 手握著手 靠著 肩并著肩 就是那道彩虹 诉说我的等候 也许 在梦中 你从来就没离开过 我已坠入情网 我已编织梦想 我已慢慢长大 也慢慢坚强 关於坚强 这表示我还得慢慢学习成长 有谁能让时间倒转 回到那一段 充满笑的时光 是什麼声音在回荡 是旋律 在心中滋长 我看见 Ever friend 我的最爱 值得我用一生 用心去爱 有种甜美 的等待 守著我 即使再大的伤害 这就是 Ever Blue 孤单不再 你和我爱的天堂 七色海 即使星光 也明白 除了你 没有人能够阻碍 为你守护未来 k小鱼仙英文歌词 [sell=0.5]Legend of Mermaid Insert Song Vocals: Asumi Nakata, Hitomi Terakado, Mayumi Asano Nanairo no kaze ni fukarete tooi misaki wo mezashiteta Yoake mae kikoeta MERODI Sore wa totemo natsukashii uta Higashi no sora e to habataku toritachi Saa, takarajima ni nukeru chikamichi Nanatsu no umi no rakuen Arashi no yoru no ato ni wa ai wo tsutaerutame inochi ga mata umareru Nanatsu no kuni no MERODIA Daremo ga itsuka wa koko wo tabidatsu hi ga kitemo Watashi wa wasurenai Yukkuri to kumo wa nagarete nijino hateni kieteitta Hoshitachi wa shinju no you ni Tsuyoi hikari hanachi hajimeru Minami no sora kara kikoeru kuchibue Sou, otona ni naru toki ga kiteita Kiseki wa meguru bouken Yasashii haha no negai wo mune ni idaki nagara daremo ga tabi wo shiteru Hoshi furu yoru no FANTAJIA Afureru namida to inori dare ni mo wakaranai Mirai wo terashiteru Nanatsu no umi no rakuen Arashi no yoru no ato ni wa ai wo tsutaerutame inochi ga mata umareru Nanatsu no kuni no MERODIA Daremo ga itsuka wa koko wo tabidatsu hi ga kitemo Watashi wa wasurenai Kiseki wa meguru bouken Yasashii haha no negai wo mune ni idaki nagara daremo ga tabi wo shiteru Hoshi furu yoru no FANTAJIA Afureru namida to inori dare ni mo wakaranai Mirai wo terashiteru **************************************************************************************** 太阳�园~Promised Land~ (OP1) Ooki na tabi ni deyou taiyou to kaze no kanata e Kitto chizu ni wa nai rakuen no DOA wo hiraite Kono sekai ni kimi ga umareta asa shukufuku no kane ga natta Tatta hitotsu takaramono wo daite hito wa umaretekuru Ano hi no kimochi wo wasurenaide kokoro ni nagareru Dear My Songs Bokura wa tabi no tochuu taiyou no kuni wo mezashite Donna chizu ni monai yakusoku no basho e Arifureta monogatari wo hateshinai mirai ni kaete Kitto ironna yume kanaete yuku kara... waratte Mienaikedo takaramono wa itsumo kokoro no oku ni aru Ano hi no kimochi wo wasurenaide kokoro ni hirogaru Dear My Place Kibou no kane ga hibiku unmei no tobira hiraite Kitto tadoritsukeru saigo no rakuen Kanashimi no ame ga tsuzuku sonna hi mo oyogi tsuzukeru Zutto mune no oku de shinjitekitanda... jibun wo Niji no mukou ni ashita ga umareru oto ga shitara... Bokura wa tabi no tochuu taiyou no kuni wo mezashite Donna chizu ni monai yakusoku no bashou e Arifureta monogatari wo hateshinai mirai ni kaete Kitto ironna yume kanaete yuku kara... Kibou no kane ga hibiku unmei no tobira hiraite Kitto tadoritsukeru saigo no rakuen Kanashimi no ame ga tsuzuku sonna hi mo oyogi tsuzukeru Zutto mune no oku de shinjitekitanda... jibun wo *************************************************************** Super Love Songs (IM) Star Light! Hikari wo motto atsumetara Kono sekai wa kitto kawatteku Mukai kaze no naka de mo kurai umi no soko de mo Kono te wo hanasanai de... zettai Yume ga hajimaru Super Live! Hikari to kage no SUTEEJI Ai to tsutaete Super Songs! Yuuki wo kureru... ai no uta Star Light! Jibun wo motto shinjitara Sono mirai wa kitto kawaru hazu Kooritsuita sekai de hitori kiri no yoake mo Chiisana karada dakedo... makenai Ai wo nigi te ni Super Live! Namida to ase no SUTEEJI Utai tsuzukete Super Girls! Omoi wa sekai wo tsunagu yo Mukai kaze no naka de mo kurai yoru no umi de mo Kono te wo hanasanai de... zettai Yume ga hajimaru Super Live! Hikari to kage no SUTEEJI Ai to tsutaete Super Songs! Yuuki wo kureru... ai no uta Ai wo nigi te ni Super Live! Namida to ase no SUTEEJI Utai tsuzukete Super Girls! Omoi wa sekai wo tsunagu yo *************************************************************** Ever Blue (IM) Oto tatezu ni iro kaeteku BEBII-BURUU no sora wo mitsumetetara Tooi kioku yomigaeru Nee nanatsu no umi no mukou Hora dareka ga naiteiru ki ga shite Mune ga "KYUN" to setsunaku naru yo Watashi wo tasukete... Nanika ga shiraseru destiny Hoshi no michibiki wo mune ni dakishimete Sore wa EBAA-BURUU kagayaku daisuki na ano umi yo Mirai wo mamoru chikara wo ima atsumete Aisubeki hito ga ite aisubeki basho ga aru Kirameku aosa PYUA na kimochi no mama de mamorutame ni Kata narabete niji wo miteta Moshi kotoba wo umaku tsutaetetara Ima mo soba ni ita no kana Nee koishite yume miru tabi Hora... jibun wo suki ni naru ki ga shite Sukoshi zutsu otona ni natteku Kaeritai nante... Dare ni mo iwanaikeredo Kokoro ni wa MERODII itsumo nagareteru Sore wa EBAA-FURENDO ichiban taisetsu na mono dakara Donna ni tsurai toki mo mamori tsuzukeru Daisuki na hito ga ite daisuki na basho ga aru Fushigi na aosa sore wa tengoku yori mo kirei na umi Sore wa EBAA-BURUU kagayaku daisuki na ano umi yo Mirai wo mamoru chikara wo ima atsumete Kibou ni nare Sore wa EBAA-FURENDO ichiban taisetsu na mono dakara Donna ni tsurai toki mo mamori tsuzukeru

Twisted Sister的《Tonight》 歌词

歌曲名:Tonight歌手:Twisted Sister专辑:Love Is For SuckersAre you ready for the hard time?Are you ready for the ball to top them all?Are you ready for the long ride?Are you ready for the rise before the fall?Are you ready for the big game?Are you ready for the "coup de tat, et al"?Are you ready for the long train?Are you ready for the final curtain call?Well, we"re gonna kill "em, gonna stomp "em tonightYeah, we"re gonna thrill "em, gonna do "em up rightOh, we"re gonna take "em, gonna give "em a frightTonight, tonight, tonight, tonightTwisted SisterTonight (tonight) we"re gonna lose controlTonight (tonight) we"re gonna have you allTonight (tonight) you"re gonna beg for moreTonight, tonight (tonight)Did you come to see the bad boys?Did you come to watch us shake, rattle and roll?Did you come to hear us make noise?Did you come to see us put it in the hole?Do you know that it"s the right time?Do you know that it"s the time to lose your mind?Do you know that it"s not a crimeIf you"re bending all the rules that you can find?Well, we"re gonna break "em, gonna make "em tonightOh, we"re gonna stroke "em, gonna do it all nightTonight, tonight, tonight, tonightTonight (tonight), we"re gonna lose controlTonight (tonight), we"re gonna have you allTonight (tonight), you"re gonna beg for moreTonight, tonight (tonight, tonight)Well, we"re gonna kill "em, gonna stomp "em tonightYeah, we"re gonna thrill "em, gonna do "em up rightOh, we"re gonna take "em, gonna give "em a frightTonight, tonight, tonight, tonightTonight (tonight), we"re gonna lose controlTonight (tonight), we"re gonna have you allTonight (tonight), you"re gonna beg for moreTonight, tonight (tonight)Did you come to see the bad boys?http://music.baidu.com/song/14127099

歌曲的音调蛮高的 挺好听的 高潮是我站在....的山巅... 什么你没有离开我(歌词大概这个意思)


Tongue Twisted 歌词

歌曲名:Tongue Twisted歌手:Catherine Wheel专辑:Like Cats And DogsBrandon Hines - Tongue TwistedThis situation"s out of controlI wanna tell herI don"t think that she knowsShe"s my obsessionThe one I wantShe"s something specialYeah she could be the oneThat could change my lifeTeach me how to loveHow to show I careMy heart is right thereBut then she comes around, I shut downI practice my lines but I forgetIt"s all in my headThe words that I saidI can"t get them outPush you away insteadI get so confusedTo say I love youAnd I start to get tongue twisted againTongue twisted again, again, againTongue twisted again, again, againT-t-tongue twisted againInside i"m crying but my eyes are driedDon"t wanna lose but if I did I know whyShe needs attentionShe"s sensitiveShe craves affectionSomething I can"t giveShe won"t keep waiting that I knowCos flowers need water and she is my roseBut when she reaches outI shut her right outI practice my lines but I forgetIt"s all in my headThe words that I saidI can"t get them outPush you away insteadI get so confusedTo say I love youAnd I start to get tongue twisted againTongue twisted again, again, againTongue twisted again, again, againT-t-tongue twisted again, again, againTongue twisted again, again, againShe knows i"m not the talking kindSo I hope that she could read my mindI see the tears but can"t communicateWhy do I make the same mistakesIt"s all in my headThe words that I saidI can"t get them outPush you away insteadI get so confusedTo say I love youAnd I start to get tongue twisted againT-t-tongue twisted again, again, againTongue twisted again, again, againT-t-tongue twisted again, again, againTongue twisted again, again, againOh girlIt"s all in my headThe words that I saidI can"t get them outPush you away insteadI get so confusedTo say I love youAnd I start to get tongue twisted againTongue twisted again, again, againTongue twisted again, again, againT-t-tongue twisted again, again, againTongue twisted again, again, againT-t-tongue twisted againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8176515

请会日语的高手帮我翻译下 银魂昙天的歌词 就是很弱那种 例如谢谢 翻译成 阿里嘎多 →v→


Steppenwolf的《Twisted》 歌词

歌曲名:Twisted歌手:Steppenwolf专辑:Live SteppenwolfTwistGoldfrappBlack Cherrygoldfrapp--twistBefore you go andLeave this townI want to see you one more timePut your dirty angel faceBetween my legsAnd knicker laceFight me, try meKiss me like you like meTwist it round again and againI want to run away with youYour caravan and rabbit stewDon"t buy me candyfloss or bearsSwarfega fingers, I want you thereFight me, try meKiss me like you like meTwist it round again and againRide me, try meKiss me like you like meTwist it round again and againTwist it round again and againFight me, try meKiss me like you like meTwist it round again and againFight me, try meKiss me like you like meTwist it round again and againTwist it round again and againTwist it round again and againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8086166

Joni Mitchell的《Twisted》 歌词

歌曲名:Twisted歌手:Joni Mitchell专辑:Court And SparkOh Land - TwistSet me free from the prison of the pastDon"t trap in your storyYou will fall from the shaggy... you standOn guard and protect your dynastyTo fend the fall intrudersIt"s the sign of the fear that you bringYou twist dismiss my memoryNow let"s twist things into a harmonyYou twist dismiss my memorySo let"s twist things into a harmonyAssembly line is diversity of threatBreaking all the bordersI don"t think this is as far as we can getControl a chance to prove your powerHope seems so distantWhen you think we"re all cowardsYou twist dismiss my memoryNow let"s twist things into a harmonyYou twist dismiss my memorySo let"s twist things into a harmonyYou twist dismiss my memoryNow let"s twist things into a harmonyYou twist dismiss my memorySo let"s twist things into a harmonyGet me in assembly line, control, controlListen the... listen me in power, tick, tickBreaking we"re all, breaking we"re allGet, get, controlYou twist dismiss my memoryNow let"s twist things into a harmonyYou twist dismiss my memorySo let"s twist things into a harmonyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2177231


perfect man (中文歌词) 完美男人(Perfect Man) (合)只要为你活一天 今生今世的纪念 cause you"re the one (min woo)昼夜无止尽在变 (我却永远不会变) 就让爱无悔 oh my love 还是需要一些些时间考验 期待明天的明天 (dong wan)也许感觉疲惫 因为在你身边 竟然有爱如此完美 无能为力 我给不了一切 你现在该快乐 拥有全世界 (合)只要为你活一天 今生今世的纪念 cause you"re the one oh 我的爱身边(没)有你 痛苦不再出现 只盼望你能够停留在我身边 rescue me,yeah woo (junjin)在你 离开 离开 的之前 (为什么都没发现) 是我 多么 多么 重要的蓝天 oh 但是我懂了 我来不及了 我原来那么爱你呀 你就唯一的人 (hye sung)可不可以帮我从痛苦中脱逃过来救救我好不好度日如年,数着分分秒秒无法承受煎熬我快受不了 (合)只要为你活一天 今生今世的纪念 cause you"re the one oh 我的爱身边(没)有你 痛苦不再出现 只盼望你能够停留在我身边 rescue me,yeah woo (rap : Eric) Ya , the perfect man is who I be, sittin on top with ya, but more swifter stronger than your nob liquor money hoes and clothes don"t let clues get ya .they not fear. (min woo)如果我在你的脑海里 都没有特怀念的回忆 morning coffee香气一般 渐渐淡淡远去 可不可以再给我一个机会 重新开始爱 (合)有多痛 有多苦 你明明白白我的心 我从来没离开过 call me... 是不是愿意接受我的改变 我的情 好渴望那个人就是你 是你 只要为你活一天 今生今世的纪念 cause you"re the one oh 我的爱身边(没)有你 痛苦不再出现 只盼望你能够停留在我身边


“慕然回首”是林志炫的哪一首歌的歌词 林志炫 - 没离开过 我曾爱过 也失去过 尝过爱的甜与涩 摆脱命运的捉弄 我知道我要什么 有一份难言的感动 用所有情绪融合 何必再无谓的思索 这世界有什么好值得 如果没有你 我眺望远方的山峰 却错过转弯的路口 蓦然回首 才发现你在等我 没离开过 我寻找大海的尽头 却不留蜿蜒的河流 当我逆水行舟 你在我左右 陪着我走 I know 我太富有 因为爱满足了所有 生命中每个漏洞 你都用真心补缝 Right now 就从这一刻 我要拥你在怀中 给你加倍的温柔 为你唱一首专属的情歌 请听我说 我眺望远方的山峰 却错过转弯的路口 蓦然回首 才发现你在等我 没离开过 我寻找大海的尽头 却不留蜿蜒的河流 当我逆水行舟 你在我左右 陪着我走 喜怒哀乐 捆绑我的 都不再算什么 Baby 让我的世界 以你为重 快乐里快乐 忧愁里忧愁 我眺望远方的山峰 却错过转弯的路口 蓦然回首 才发现你在等我 没离开过 我寻找大海的尽头 却不留蜿蜒的河流 当我逆水行舟 你在我左右 陪着我走 Right here right now 让我们一起抬起头 迎接爱 降落 阳光证明这并不是一场梦 Right now 闭上眼用心去感受 有一个声音 它说爱情 没离开过 林志炫的歌,歌词有蓦然回首是什么歌 没离开过 歌手:林志炫 我曾爱过也失去过 尝过爱的甜与涩 摆脱命运的捉弄 我知道我要什么 有一份难言的感动 用所有情绪融合 何必再无谓的思索 这世界有什么好值得 如果没有你 我眺望远方的山峰 却错过转弯的路口 蓦然回首 才发现你在等我没离开过 我寻找大海的尽头 却忽略蜿蜒的河流 当我逆水行舟 你在我左右推着我走 I know 我太富有 因为爱满足了所有 生命中每个漏洞 你都用真心补缝 right now 就从这一刻 我要拥你在怀中 给你加倍的温柔 为你唱一首专属的情歌 请听我说 我眺望远方的山峰 却错过转弯的路口 蓦然回首 才发现你在等我没离开过 我寻找大海的尽头 却忽略蜿蜒的河流 当我逆水行舟 你在我左右推着我走 喜怒哀乐捆绑我的 都不再算什么 baby 让我的世界以你为轴 快乐你快乐 忧愁你忧愁 蓦然回首 才发现你在等我没离开过 我寻找大海的尽头 却忽略蜿蜒的河流 当我逆水行舟 你在我左右推着我走 right here right now 让我们一起抬起头 迎接爱降落 阳光证明这并不是一场梦 right now 闭上眼用心去感受 有一个声音 它说爱情没离开过 关于林志炫的一首歌... 是和陈思思一起唱的《两岸同歌》~ 这首歌陈思思和挺多男歌手都唱过 但是最喜欢和林志炫唱的 林先生声音超赞^^ 这是林宥嘉新专辑里的歌《浪费》吧。。。里面有一句“即使要我跟你再耗个十年,无所谓” 林志炫歌词中有雨纷飞的是哪一首 曲名:分飞 歌手:徐怀钰 专辑:Love 你和我相约在 午夜喧哗的大街 告诉我 这段感情今夜将会是终点 傻傻的看着你 眼角不流一滴泪 说好了 要坚强 不流泪 我以为 我可以 让爱变的很甜美 才发现 爱情竟是一场残酷的考验 太愚昧 太依恋 才放你去自由飞 一瞬间 爱决堤 在今夜 雨纷飞 飞在天空里是我的眼泪 泪低垂 垂在手心里是你的余味 谁了解 真心的付出换来是离别 我知道 爱过后会心碎 我相信 爱情没有永远 有一首歌歌词有一句蓦然回首····什么什么的,是林志炫的,问一下歌名 没离开过 林志炫翻唱的一首英文歌 有高音的 是哪一首歌?谢谢了 席琳迪翁 I surrender 林志炫翻唱成 没离开过 林志炫的一首歌有‘蒙娜莉莎她是谁"这样的歌词,这首歌是? 林志炫蒙娜丽莎的眼泪 在浪漫之都你看到了蒙娜丽莎的微笑 你说这对你很好 这次旅行让你渡过了感情的低潮 你觉得曾经爱的太苦 感谢我听你倾诉温柔的痛苦 在我的梦里因为可以和你相爱而骄傲 然而你都不知道 我期待在你爱的世界里变得重要 你要把爱人慢慢寻找 对你付出的一切只换来我对自己苦苦的嘲笑 蒙娜丽莎她是谁 她是否也曾为爱争论错与对 为什么你总留给我失恋的泪水 却把你的感情付给别人去摧毁 蒙娜丽莎她是谁 她是否也曾为爱寻觅好几回 她的微笑那么神秘那么美 或许她也过感情的千山万水 才发现爱你的人 不会让他的蒙娜丽莎流眼泪? 在我的梦里因为可以和你相爱而骄傲 然而你都不知道 我期待在你爱的世界里变得重要 你要把爱人慢慢寻找 对你付出的一切只换来我对自己苦苦的嘲笑 蒙娜丽莎她是谁 她是否也曾为爱争论错与对 为什么你总留给我失恋的泪水 却把你的感情付给别人去摧毁 蒙娜丽莎她是谁 她是否也曾为爱寻觅好几回 她的微笑那么神秘那么美 或许她也过感情的千山万水 才发现爱你的人 不会让他的蒙娜丽莎流眼泪 蒙娜丽莎她是谁 她是否也曾为爱争论错与对 为什么你总留给我失恋的泪水 却把你的感情付给别人去摧毁 蒙娜丽莎她是谁 她是否也曾为爱寻觅好几回 她的微笑那么神秘那么美 或许她也过感情的千山万水 才发现爱你的人 不会让他的蒙娜丽莎流眼泪? 林志炫唱的一首歌,有二胡伴奏的,它的歌名是? 《离人》听听看 林志炫的一首歌中一句歌词:整夜都闭不了眼睛 是林志炫翻唱的听海 听海 写信告诉我今天 海是什么颜色 夜夜陪着你的海 心情又如何 灰色是不想说 蓝色是忧郁 而漂泊的你 狂浪的心 停在哪里 写信告诉我今夜 你想要梦什么 梦里外的我是否 都让你无从选择 我揪着一颗心 整夜都闭不了眼睛 为何你明明动了情 却又不靠近 听 海哭的声音 叹惜着谁又被伤了心 却还不清醒 一定不是我 至少我很冷静 可是泪水 就连泪水也都不相信 听 海哭的声音 这片海未免也太多情 悲泣到天明 写封信给我 就当最後约定 说你在离开我的时候 是怎样的心情 写信告诉我今夜 你想要梦什么 梦里外的我是否 都让你无从选择 我揪着一颗心 整夜都闭不了眼睛 为何你明明动了情 却又不靠近 听 海哭的声音 叹惜着谁又被伤了心 却还不清醒 一定不是我 至少我很冷静 可是泪水 就连泪水也都不相信 听 海哭的声音 这片海未免也太多情 悲泣到天明 写封信给我 就当最後约定 说你在离开我的时候 是怎样的心情

听到一首女生唱的抒情英文歌曲,中间有句歌词好像是I still believe什么的,后面还有I reach 什么的,

I Surrender 席琳迪翁的

我听了一首歌里面有个歌词是rightnow的中文歌曲 就有几句是英文 其他都是中文

林志炫的没离开过?原曲是席琳迪翁的I Surrender歌词:没离开过演唱:林志炫我曾爱过也失去过尝过爱的甜与涩摆脱命运的捉弄我知道我要什么有一份难言的感动用所有情绪融合何必再无谓的思索这世界有什么好值得如果没有你我眺望远方的山峰却错过转弯的路口蓦然回首才发现你在等我没离开过我寻找大海的尽头却忽略蜿蜒的河流当我逆水行舟你在我左右推着我走I know 我太富有因为爱满足了所有生命中每个漏洞你都用真心补缝right now 就从这一刻我要拥你在怀中给你加倍的温柔为你唱一首专属的情歌请听我说我眺望远方的山峰却错过转弯的路口蓦然回首才发现你在等我没离开过我寻找大海的尽头却忽略蜿蜒的河流当我逆水行舟你在我左右陪着我走喜怒哀乐捆绑我的都不再算什么 baby让我的世界以你为轴快乐你快乐忧愁你忧愁蓦然回首才发现你在等我没离开过我寻找大海的尽头却忽略蜿蜒的河流当我逆水行舟你在我左右推着我走right here right now让我们一起抬起头迎接爱降落阳光证明这并不是一场梦right now闭上眼用心去感受有一个声音它说爱情没离开过

歌词中带有right now right now right now 这三句是不停地重

The Five Stairsteps-O-O-HCHILD

Twisted (Original Club Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Twisted (Original Club Mix)歌手:Dreamcatcher专辑:TwistedTwistGoldfrappBlack Cherrygoldfrapp--twistBefore you go andLeave this townI want to see you one more timePut your dirty angel faceBetween my legsAnd knicker laceFight me, try meKiss me like you like meTwist it round again and againI want to run away with youYour caravan and rabbit stewDon"t buy me candyfloss or bearsSwarfega fingers, I want you thereFight me, try meKiss me like you like meTwist it round again and againRide me, try meKiss me like you like meTwist it round again and againTwist it round again and againFight me, try meKiss me like you like meTwist it round again and againFight me, try meKiss me like you like meTwist it round again and againTwist it round again and againTwist it round again and againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2731381

Twisted (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Twisted (Lp Version)歌手:Keith Sweat专辑:Keith SweatRight here, babyYou"ve got to make your mind upYeahCome close, i"m hereYou know you are my loverYou"ve got me twisted over youI know I got what you need (right here, baby)So what you wanna do?Maybe, baby, I knowMaybe I love you soBut you don"t feel like I doTell me, what can I do?But I gotta be strong (but I gotta be strong)You did me wrongWhen I thought we were really downSo you say you want me,Make up your mind"Cause i"m not gunna be here for longYou know you are my loverYou"ve got me twisted over youI know I got what you need (right here, baby)So what you wanna do?Maybe, baby, in timeMaybe, i"ll know you"ll findThat what you needed was hereThink about it, my dearBut I gotta be strong (but I gotta be strong)You did me wrongWhen I thought we were really down (I thought we were down)So you say you want me,Make up your mind"Cause i"m not gunna be here for longYou know you are my loverYou"ve got me twisted over youI know I got what you need (right here, baby)So what you wanna do?http://music.baidu.com/song/789837

Psycho Girlfriend 歌词

歌曲 : Psycho Girlfriend歌手 : Jessie James专辑 : Jessie JamesBY : 婷婷 ^_^Do... do... do... do... doI hate your friends n familyThey"re trying to take you from meOops I forgot to take the pill again!Did I forget to mentionI need all your attentionOr else I"ll throw a tantrum for it?Check your phoneCheck your mailCheck your pocketsMight as wellIt"s a testIt"s a gameIt"s just begunPsycho girlfriend so you sayBut you ain"t tryin" to run awayYou keep comin" back for more (back for more)Baby when we"re makin" loveI make you think I could be the oneCuz you never had it this good beforeI"ll call you when you"re workin"Over n over againAccuse you that you"re cheatin"When you"re notSome mind manipulationMixed with cleavage persuasionA recipe for gettin" what I wantInsecure, in denialImmature, like a childStart a fight, tell a lieJust for funPsycho girlfriend so you sayBut you ain"t tryin" to run awayYou keep comin" back for more (back for more)Baby when we"re makin" love,I make you think I could be the oneCuz you never had it this good before (good before)And oh what I"m doin" babyYou forget that I"m crazy?I know what I"m doin" baby... Oh yeah Oh yeah ehShould of known I was nuts from the get-goNow you"re hooked n you can"t seem to let goYour friends hate my gutsBut they don"t know what it"s like bein" loved by a...Mmm, mmmPsycho girlfriend so you sayBut you ain"t tryin" to run away (run away)You keep comin" back for more (back for more)Baby when we"re makin" loveI make you think I could be the oneCuz you never had it this good before (never had it this good)Psycho girlfriend so you sayBut you ain"t tryin" to run awayYou keep comin" back for more (back for more)Oh, ohBaby when we"re makin" loveI make you think I could be the one (I could be the one)Cuz you never had it this good beforeOoh, ooh, ooh, mmm, mmm babeI could be the oneYou ain"t goin" no where, No!Do... do... do. do... do... dohttp://music.baidu.com/song/387820

魏晨在韩国的现场唱的那首runaway 的中文版歌词有没有 尤其是中间那段RAP的!

中文版的 Run anwy 已经在专辑里有了。现在都能搜到

Runaway (Dj Manion Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway (Dj Manion Remix)歌手:Groove Coverage专辑:Runawayi wannna knowthe structure of your heartwhy did you tearmy broken soul apartis it a dreamor my realityloved and withoutafter warrantyOoO i want to runawayyou tell me nothing else but liesi"m singinOoO i try to runawaycause i just want to live my lifei"m singinOoO i want to runawayas long you are by my sidei"m singinOoO i try to runawaybut i can′t find a place to hideno i am notyour Xing second choiceno i am notturnin down my voiceuntil you understandthere"s nothing to commanduntil you realizethat we can touch the skycan"t you feelinside us controlcan"t you feelthere"s nothing at allOoO i want to runawayyou tell me nothing else but liesi"m singinOoO i try to runawaycause i just want to live my lifei"m singinOoO i want to runawayas long you are by my sidei"m singinOoO i try to runawaybut i can′t find a place to hidehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2170484

Bon Jovi的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Bon Jovi专辑:Bon Jovi Greatest Hits - The Ultimate CollectionOn the street where you live girls talk about their social lives.They"re made of lipstick, plastic and paint, a touch of sable in their eyes.All your life all you"ve asked when"s your Daddy gonna talk to you.You were living in another world tryin" to get your message through.No one heard a single word you said.They should have seen it in your eyeswhat was going around your heart.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.A different line every night guaranteed to blow your mind.See you out on the streets, call me for a wild time.So you sit home alone "cause there"s nothing left that you can do.There"s only pictures hung in the shadows left there to look at you.You know she likes the lights at nights on the neon Broadway signsShe don"t really mind,it"s only love she hoped to find.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.No one heard a single word she said.They should have seen it in your eyeswhat was going around your heart.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fast,now she works the night away.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fast,now she works the night away.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.http://music.baidu.com/song/7385487

Runaway (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway (Album Version)歌手:Grum专辑:HeartbeatsLinkin Park - RunawayGraffiti decorationsUnderneath a sky of dustA constant wave of tensionOn top of broken trustThe lessons that you taught meI learn were never trueNow I find myself in questionThey point the finger at me againGuilty by associationYou point the finger at me againI wanna run awayNever say goodbyeI wanna know the truthInstead of wondering whyI wanna know the answersNo more liesI wanna shut the doorAnd open up my mindPaper bags and angry voicesUnder a sky of dustAnother wave of tensionHas more than filled me upAll my talk of taking actionThese words were never trueI gonna run away and never say goodbyeGonna run away, gonna run awayI gonna run away and never wonder whyI gonna run away and open up my mindhttp://music.baidu.com/song/5474309


歌曲名:UNDER/SHAFT歌手:黒崎真音专辑:VERTICAL HORIZONUNDER/SHAFT黒崎真音作词:Maon Kurosaki作曲:R

Zebrahead的《runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:runaway歌手:Zebrahead专辑:mfzbShe wakes up in the morningIn the same room that she"s been in her whole lifeAnd everything still looks the sameBut the feeling of the room has changed in spiteShe said:"You don"t know what it"s like to be stuck in my mind"She said:"You don"t know what it"s like to be stuck in my mind all the time"Bruised lips and the make-upTattooed hips and piercedFor the sake of letting everybody knowShe don"t belong hereOld tricks that she made upAttitudeI don"t give a fuckFor the sake of letting everybody knowShe says I won"t belong So longIt"s not a lost causeShe"s just a runawayIs there nothing left for you to say?And if she comes homeDo you think she"ll want to stay?Is there anything for her?She"s a runawayTurn your back on yesterdayShe calls at seven thirtyAnd wants to talk about her boyfriend one last timeMom and Dad are fighting in the background,Shattered glass cuts through red wineI said:"I don"t know that I"m right but I know that you"re wrong"Blacked outPassed out at a partyIn another townWith the same old BacardiNothing ever changes what"s inside meSomeone find me, someone find meMy heart showed me the way outDon"t stopDon"t give up on me nowTwo beats, two streetsToo many repeats to blow my only other way outhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14520053

Bon Jovi的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Bon Jovi专辑:2 CdOn the street where you live girls talk about their social lives.They"re made of lipstick, plastic and paint, a touch of sable in their eyes.All your life all you"ve asked when"s your Daddy gonna talk to you.You were living in another world tryin" to get your message through.No one heard a single word you said.They should have seen it in your eyeswhat was going around your heart.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.A different line every night guaranteed to blow your mind.See you out on the streets, call me for a wild time.So you sit home alone "cause there"s nothing left that you can do.There"s only pictures hung in the shadows left there to look at you.You know she likes the lights at nights on the neon Broadway signsShe don"t really mind,it"s only love she hoped to find.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.No one heard a single word she said.They should have seen it in your eyeswhat was going around your heart.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fast,now she works the night away.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fastall those things he couldn"t say.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.Daddy"s girl learned fast,now she works the night away.Ooh, she"s a little runaway.http://music.baidu.com/song/8209469

范逸臣的《Serena》 歌词

歌曲名:Serena歌手:范逸臣专辑:无乐不作范逸臣 - Serena词/曲:谭荣健最后一班飞机就要启程了我在曲终人散寻找著快乐我的眼眶哄我别哭了 心却僵冷了这段感情看来已经夭折你就这样用力握著我的手在这双耳朵边轻声说要走我很努力找一个藉口 听觉出了什么错无奈回音却一再强调着你要走Serena 这场战役已分出了胜负 我不服怎么那么快就要俯首臣服 不能哭泪水真的撑得很辛苦 放下吧又觉得事情还没结束Serena 我用幸福交换你的礼物 是孤独还有一场想了很久才能看透的领悟 不认输又得赔上我的全部 再为你祈福Serenahttp://music.baidu.com/song/953314

Groove Coverage的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Groove Coverage专辑:Club Hitsi wannna knowthe structure of your heartwhy did you tearmy broken soul apartis it a dreamor my realityloved and withoutafter warrantyOoO i want to runawayyou tell me nothing else but liesi"m singinOoO i try to runawaycause i just want to live my lifei"m singinOoO i want to runawayas long you are by my sidei"m singinOoO i try to runawaybut i can′t find a place to hideno i am notyour Xing second choiceno i am notturnin down my voiceuntil you understandthere"s nothing to commanduntil you realizethat we can touch the skycan"t you feelinside us controlcan"t you feelthere"s nothing at allOoO i want to runawayyou tell me nothing else but liesi"m singinOoO i try to runawaycause i just want to live my lifei"m singinOoO i want to runawayas long you are by my sidei"m singinOoO i try to runawaybut i can′t find a place to hidehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2140306

东方神起的《Runaway》 歌词

Runaway作词:H.U.B.作曲:AKIRA演唱:东方神起溢れてるtroublesome game 戦わずhow to gain渋滞抜け出して 自由へのrunawayねぇどこから来てどこに行くの?答えを知るために 生きてるのさtry again try again try again nowtry again try again so I wanna knowtry again try again try again nowtry again try again so I wanna know I don"t wanna know嘘も本当もconfuse それを楽しんでる时计仕挂けeveryday この迷路runaway谁に何を言われてもいい君の声、甘い蜜 ここにあればtry again try again oh what do you want?try again try again oh what do you want? oh what do you want?息が切れるまで抱き合って探し当てた扉 开けてゆこうtry again try again oh what do you want? oh what da you want?http://music.baidu.com/song/54240168


run away词曲:本兮演唱:本兮想再回到旧生活怎样都找不到出口迟早会断了念头什么是对或错判断能力可能减弱谁现在会来帮我你说是我找借口其实并没想逃脱总觉得情绪压迫也不是我的错反正我没有落魄反正没有太过火反正怎样都要活为何不选择run away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my free想再回到旧生活怎样都找不到出口迟早会断了念头什么是对或错判断能力可能减弱谁现在会来帮我你说是我找借口其实并没想逃脱总觉得情绪压迫也不是我的错反正我没有落魄反正没有太过火反正怎样都要活为何不选择run away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my freerun away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my free想再回到旧生活怎样都找不到出口迟早会断了念头什么是对或错判断能力可能减弱谁现在会来帮我run away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my freerun away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my freerun away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my freerun away run away run awayi"m happy in factbut i don"t want to get backjust let me tell yourun away run away run awaythis is my freeoh this is my free

Runaway (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway (Album Version)歌手:Linkin Park专辑:Hybrid TheoryLinkin Park - RunawayGraffiti decorationsUnderneath a sky of dustA constant wave of tensionOn top of broken trustThe lessons that you taught meI learn were never trueNow I find myself in questionThey point the finger at me againGuilty by associationYou point the finger at me againI wanna run awayNever say goodbyeI wanna know the truthInstead of wondering whyI wanna know the answersNo more liesI wanna shut the doorAnd open up my mindPaper bags and angry voicesUnder a sky of dustAnother wave of tensionHas more than filled me upAll my talk of taking actionThese words were never trueI gonna run away and never say goodbyeGonna run away, gonna run awayI gonna run away and never wonder whyI gonna run away and open up my mindhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7676006

The Vaccines的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:The Vaccines专辑:Come Of Age (Deluxe Version)RunawayGroove Coveragei wannna knowthe structure of your heartwhy did you tearmy broken soul apartis it a dreamor my realityloved and withoutafter warrantyoh... i want to runawayyou tell me nothing else but liesi"m singinoh...i try to runawaycause i just want to live my lifei"m singinoh...i want to runawayas long you are by my sidei"m singinoh... i try to runawaybut i can′t find a place to hideoh oh ....oh...i want to runawayno i am notyour Xing second choiceno i am notturnin down my voiceuntil you understandthere"s nothing to commanduntil you realizethat we can touch the skycan"t you feelinside us controlcan"t you feelthere"s nothing at alloh... i want to runawayyou tell me nothing else but liesi"m singinoh...i try to runawaycause i just want to live my lifei"m singinoh... i want to runawayas long you are by my sidei"m singinoh... i try to runawaybut i can′t find a place to hideohohoh....oh... i want to runawayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/24368672

Linkin Park的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Linkin Park专辑:From The Inside EpLinkin Park - RunawayGraffiti decorationsUnderneath a sky of dustA constant wave of tensionOn top of broken trustThe lessons that you taught meI learn were never trueNow I find myself in questionThey point the finger at me againGuilty by associationYou point the finger at me againI wanna run awayNever say goodbyeI wanna know the truthInstead of wondering whyI wanna know the answersNo more liesI wanna shut the doorAnd open up my mindPaper bags and angry voicesUnder a sky of dustAnother wave of tensionHas more than filled me upAll my talk of taking actionThese words were never trueI gonna run away and never say goodbyeGonna run away, gonna run awayI gonna run away and never wonder whyI gonna run away and open up my mindhttp://music.baidu.com/song/436407

Olly Murs的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Olly Murs专辑:Right Place Right Time (Deluxe Edition)RunawayOlly MursButterflies inside, freaking me outI should be walking away but I"m pinned to the groundI can"t get free, no-one"s saving meWalking in the water, seeing what I can findBefore I even knew it I was caught on the lineYou pulled me in, you got under my skinEvery part of my body"s telling me to goTelling me to get outEvery part of my bodies saying I should be goneBut I"m still hereI can"t run away, it"s a losing gameI can"t fight it fight itYou want me and I like itSo I put my hands upI got a white flag flyingOnly you can knock me outI can"t fight it fight itYou want me and I like itIt"s the first time in forever that I"ve been so scaredYou just five foot six, blue eyes, blonde hairAnd I see your faceThere"s no breathing spaceIn my lifeYou stop deep insideTake me homeThen I can goI can"t run away, it"s a losing gameI can"t fight it fight itYou want me and I like itSo I put my hands upI got a white flag flyingOnly you can knock me outI can"t fight it fight itYou want me and I like itOh I can"t fight itNo I can"t fight itEvery part of my body"s telling me to goTelling me to get outEvery part of my bodies saying I should be goneBut I"m still hereI can"t run away, it"s a losing gameI can"t fight it fight itYou want me and I like itSo I put my hands upI got a white flag flyingOnly you can knock me outI can"t fight it fight itYou want me and I like itI can"t fight itOh no I can"t fight ithttp://music.baidu.com/song/31306303

魏晨的Runaway的歌词,韩文! 韩文的歌词最好写有读音。


you can calling me a psycho 是哪首歌的歌词?


Keziah Jones的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Keziah Jones专辑:Liquid SunshineLinkin Park - RunawayGraffiti decorationsUnderneath a sky of dustA constant wave of tensionOn top of broken trustThe lessons that you taught meI learn were never trueNow I find myself in questionThey point the finger at me againGuilty by associationYou point the finger at me againI wanna run awayNever say goodbyeI wanna know the truthInstead of wondering whyI wanna know the answersNo more liesI wanna shut the doorAnd open up my mindPaper bags and angry voicesUnder a sky of dustAnother wave of tensionHas more than filled me upAll my talk of taking actionThese words were never trueI gonna run away and never say goodbyeGonna run away, gonna run awayI gonna run away and never wonder whyI gonna run away and open up my mindhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3476981

求英语达人帮忙找找Kimberly Cole 的 Psycho 这首歌的歌词~!3Q了~

  求加分  Kimberly Cole - Psycho  Sa - Sa - Psycho who oh oh  You play the gentleman role but I"m not into it  You walk around opening doors but I don"t a sh*t  You put your jacket in a puddle so I won"t get wet, wet  But that"s not the kind of treatment I expect  Cause I, I, I... I, I, I, I ain"t used to the nice  You take your time to get em, I like mine to come with a fight  And I apologize that you"re the one who"s paying the price  I need a real heart breaker in my life So if you love me love me love me like a psycho  It"s the only only kinda love that I know Break me till my eyes bulge  Try me till my skins cold Love me Love me Love me like a psycho  Sa - Sa - Sa - Psycho who oh oh  Sa - Sa - Sa - Psycho who oh oh  Break me till my eyes bulge  Try me till my skins cold Love me Love me Love me like a psycho  You light the fire place and candles when we"re intimate  You wanna slow jam Play it when you"re hittin in  But if it doesn"t leave me broken I"m not into it  Can"t change me now I"ve already been bit  Cause I, I, I... I, I, I, I ain"t used to the nice  You take your time to get em, I like mine to come with a fight  And I apologize that you"re the one who"s paying the price  I need a real heart breaker in my life  So if you love me love me love me like a psycho  It"s the only only kinda love that I know Oh oh  Break me till my eyes bulge  Try me till my skins cold Love me Love me Love me like a psycho  Sa - Sa - Sa - Psycho who oh oh  Sa - Sa - Sa - Psycho who oh oh  Break me till my eyes bulge  Try me till my skins cold Love ...

Maroon 5的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Maroon 5专辑:Hands All OverMaroon 5 - RunawayWhat am I supposed to do with this time?If there"s so many holes, I stay afloatBut I feel out of controlSo petrified, I"m petrifiedWhat am I supposed to do to get by?Did I lose everything? I need to survive"Cause at 4am, when the sweat sets inDid you get my message? did it send?Or did you just get on with your life? (Oh)I"m taking time to thinking IDon"t think it"s fair for us toTurn around and say goodbyeI have this feeling when IFinally find the words to sayBut I can"t tell you if you turn around andRunaway, runawayWhat am I supposed to do with these clothes?It"s my twisted way of keeping you close yeah yeahI"m a nervous wreck, I"m a broken manDid you get my message? did it send?Or do get along on your own? ohI"m taking time to thinking IDon"t think it"s fair for us toTurn around and say goodbyeI have this feeling when IFinally find the words to sayBut I can"t tell you if you turn around andRunaway, runawayAnd it breaks me down when I see your faceYou look so different but you feel the sameAnd I do not understandI cannot comprehendThe chills your body sendsWhy did it have to end?I"m taking time to thinking IDon"t think it"s fair for us toTurn around and say goodbyeI have this feeling when IFinally find the words to sayBut I can"t tell you if you turn around andRunaway, runaway ohh ohI"m taking time to thinking IDon"t think it"s fair for us toTurn around and say goodbyeAnd I have this feeling when IFinally find the words to sayBut I can"t tell you if you turn around andRunaway, runawayRunaway, runawayTurn around andRunaway, runawayRunaway, runawayBut I can"t tell you if youRunaway, runawayTurn around and runawayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7384511

aurora runaway歌词翻译


61 runaway的歌词及翻译~~~

On the street where you live girls talk about their social lives. 在你住的那条街上,女孩们谈论她们的社交生活 They"re made of lipstick, plastic and paint, a touch of sable in their eyes. 那是由唇膏、脂粉以及一抹眼影构成 ALL YOUR LIFE All your life all you"ve asked when"s your Daddy gonna talk to you. 你的一生都在追问你的父亲何时能和你谈谈 You were living in another world tryin" to get your message through. 你生活在另一个世界想把信息传递 No one heard a single word you said. 没人听到你说的一个字 They should have seen it in your eyes 他们应该从你的眼睛里看到 what was going around your heart. 你的心里在想什么 Ooh, she"s a little runaway. Ooh,她是一个出走的小孩 Daddy"s girl learned fast 爸爸的小女儿学得很快 all those things he couldn"t say. 那些一切他所不能说的东西 Ooh, she"s a little runaway. Ooh,她是一个出走的小孩 A different line every night guaranteed to blow your mind. 每晚不同的说教让人心烦意乱 See you out on the streets, call me for a wild time. 看到你站在街上叫我去疯狂一场 So you sit home alone "cause there"s nothing left that you can do. 因为没有什么事做,你独自坐在家中 There"s only pictures hung in the shadows left there to look at you. 只有墙上阴影中的照片看着你 You know she likes the lights at nights on the neon Broadway signs 你知道她喜欢夜晚百老汇的霓虹灯 She don"t really mind, 她并不真的介意 it"s only love she hoped to find. 她只不过要寻找真爱 Ooh, she"s a little runaway. Ooh,她是一个出走的小孩 Daddy"s girl learned fast 爸爸的小女儿学得很快 all those things he couldn"t say. 那些一切他所不能说的东西 Ooh, she"s a little runaway. Ooh,她是一个出走的小孩 No one heard a single word you said. 没人听到你说的一个字 They should have seen it in your eyes 他们应该从你的眼睛里看到 what was going around your heart. 你的心里在想什么 Ooh, she"s a little runaway. Ooh,她是一个出走的小孩 Daddy"s girl learned fast 爸爸的小女儿学得很快 all those things he couldn"t say. 那些一切他所不能说的东西 Ooh, she"s a little runaway. Ooh,她是一个出走的小孩 Ooh, she"s a little runaway. Ooh,她是一个出走的小孩 Daddy"s girl learned fast 爸爸的小女儿学得很快 now she works the night away. 现在她整晚工作

求 LinKen Park-【Runaway 】的中英文对照歌词

Linkin Park - Runaway Graffiti decorations Underneath a sky of dust 胡乱地往墙上涂抹 沙尘扬起遮云蔽日 A constant wave of tension On top of broken trust 不断涌来的紧张感伴随着信任的破碎 The lessons that you taught me I learn were never true 这些教训让我懂得我了解的都是错的 Now I find myself in question 现在我想找到答案 They point the finger at me again 他们又开始指责我 Guilty by association 都联合起来冲着我 You point the finger at me again 你们又开始指责我 I wanna run away 我想逃离这里 Never say goodbye 永不再回来 I wanna know the truth 我想知道真相 Instead of wondering why 不要再猜测 I wanna know the answers 我想知道答案 No more lies 不再有谎言 I wanna shut the door And open up my mind 我想把门紧闭把心灵敞开Paper bags and angry voices Under a sky of dust 遮云蔽日的天空下满是纸袋和愤怒的吼声Another wave of tension Has more than filled me up 紧张感再一次袭来填满我的整个身体 All my talk of taking action 我主张要采取行动 These words were never true 我的话没有对过的 Now I find myself in question 现在我想找到答案 They point the finger at me again 他们又开始指责我 Guilty by association 都联合起来冲着我 You point the finger at me again 你们又开始指责我 I wanna run away 我想逃离这里 Never say goodbye 永不再回来 I wanna know the truth 我想知道真相 Instead of wondering why 不要再猜测 I wanna know the answers 我想知道答案 No more lies 不要再欺骗 I wanna shut the door And open up my mind 我想把门紧闭把心灵敞开 我想逃离这里 I gonna run away and never say goodbye Gonna run away, gonna run away Gonna run away, gonna run away 永不再回来 要逃走 / 要逃走 我要逃走不要知道答案 要逃走 / 要逃走 I gonna run away and never wonder why Gonna run away, gonna run away Gonna run away, gonna run away I gonna run away and open up my mind Gonna run away, gonna run away Gonna run away, gonna run away Gonna run away, gonna run away Gonna run away, gonna run away I wanna run awayNever say goodbye 我要逃走把心灵敞开 要逃走 / 要逃走 要逃走 / 要逃走 我想逃离这里永不再回来 I wanna know the truth 我想知道真相 Instead of wondering why I wanna know the answers No more lies 不要再猜测我想知道答案不再有谎言 I wanna shut the door And open up my mind I wanna run away And open up my mind I wanna run away And open up my mind I wanna run away And open up my mind I wanna run away And open up my mind 我想把门紧闭把心灵敞开 我想把门紧闭把心灵敞开 我想把门紧闭把心灵敞开 我想把门紧闭把心灵敞开 我想把门紧闭把心灵敞开 重复的地方要是不明白可以问我。希望帮的到你

runaway 歌词

Avril Lavigne-RunawayGot up on the wrong side of life today yeahCrashed the car and I"m gonna be really lateMy phone doesn"t workcause it"s out of rangeLooks like it"s just one of those kind of daysYou can"t kick me downI"m already on the groundNo you can"t cause you couldn"t catch me anyhowBlue skies but the sun isn"t coming out noToday it"s like I"m under a heavy cloudAnd I feel so aliveI can"t help myself,don"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahSo So is how I"m doingif you"re wonderingI"m in a fight with the worldbut I"m winningStay there come closerit"s at your own riskYeah you know how it is life can be a bitchBut I feel so aliveI can"t help myself,don"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahRunaway Runaway......Album:The Best Damn ThingI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahAvril Lavigne-Runaway

陶喆的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:陶喆专辑:Ultrasound 乐之路1997-2003(新曲加精选)Runaway陶喆Ultrasound乐之路1997-2003无名的怒火有说不出的无力想敲打我自己太阳快要下山了,什么都不做,只拿着遥控器,一直不停的换台麻木的神经感觉自己像个机器快不能呼吸打开冰箱,看看里面的东西,处了酱瓜什么也没有,算了吧,去外面吃吧火辣的太阳 永远在前方无尽的公路 无尽的追求我想要 runaway runaway不想再怀疑自己对不对甩开一切无所谓runaway runaway像困在雾里焦躁的想从茫然的现实中逃避你想得太简单了吧,你觉得你想做的都可以做得到吗淡掉的感情还坚持下去又有什么样的意义喂,你拿着车钥匙要去哪里啊,你别忘了明天还要上班的,别在外面鬼混了风吹乱头发 黑夜星空下无尽的公路 无尽的自由不想再怀疑自己对不对甩开一切无所谓就快点去runaway我可以runaway runaway不想再怀疑自己对不对是为自己不为谁不在乎的runaway yeah yeah(rap)很多人再说,不断的一直说,必须这个样子做,不能够那样做,却又没有办法在自己的生命中突破oh yeah,如果再不走,就永远不会走,别让自己在回头,没挣扎怎能够有自由 快走现在就runaway runaway不想再怀疑自己对不对甩开一切无所谓 runaway runaway快点去runaway runaway不想再怀疑自己对不对是为自己不为谁不在乎的runaway现在要runaway runaway今天要runaway runaway现在要runaway runaway今天要runaway runawayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1163089

runaway 歌词

Avril Lavigne-RunawayGot up on the wrong side of life today yeahCrashed the car and I"m gonna be really lateMy phone doesn"t workcause it"s out of rangeLooks like it"s just one of those kind of daysYou can"t kick me downI"m already on the groundNo you can"t cause you couldn"t catch me anyhowBlue skies but the sun isn"t coming out noToday it"s like I"m under a heavy cloudAnd I feel so aliveI can"t help myself,don"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahSo So is how I"m doingif you"re wonderingI"m in a fight with the worldbut I"m winningStay there come closerit"s at your own riskYeah you know how it is life can be a bitchBut I feel so aliveI can"t help myself,don"t you realizeI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahRunaway Runaway......Album:The Best Damn ThingI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahI just wanna scream and lose controlThrow my hands up and let it goForget about everything and runaway yeahI just want to fall and lose myselfLaughing so hard it hurts like hellForget about everything and runaway yeahAvril Lavigne-Runaway

Puddle Of Mudd的《Psycho》 歌词

歌曲名:Psycho歌手:Puddle Of Mudd专辑:PsychoPuddle of mudd -- PsychoBy FGMaybe I"m the oneMaybe I"m the one who is the schizophrenic psycho (yeah)Maybe I"m the oneMaybe I"m the one who is the schizophrenic psycho (yeah)She lays down on the fresh lawnShe can make everything magicalBut she tied one on big timeAnd it makes me wanna rewindTo back in the days when we were youngWhen everything was like a loaded gunReady to go off at any minuteAnd you know we"re gonna win again (yeah)Maybe I"m the oneMaybe I"m the one who is the schizophrenic psycho (yeah)Maybe I"m the oneMaybe I"m the one who is the paranoid psychoShe lays down on the sidewalkNever very analyticalShe is something simply beautifulRe-appear when you feel magicalTo back in the days when we were youngWhen everything was like a loaded gunReady to go off at any minuteYeah you know we"re gonna win againMaybe I"m the oneMaybe I"m the one who is the schizophrenic psycho (yeah)Maybe I"m the oneMaybe I"m the one who is the paranoid psychoI"m the one, I"m the one who is the schizophrenic psychoI"m the one, I"m the one who is the schizophrenic psychoI"m the one, I"m the one who is the schizophrenic psychoBack in the days when we were youngWhen everything was like a loaded gunReady to go off at any minuteAnd you know we"re gonna win againMaybe I"m the oneMaybe I"m the one who is the schizophrenic psycho (yeah)Maybe I"m the oneMaybe I"m the one who is the paranoid psychoSchizophrenic psycho YEAH!这个世界就是这么肮脏不要灰心,不要失望属于你的,终究是你的http://music.baidu.com/song/10260487



Celtic Spirit的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Celtic Spirit专辑:Lyra IiBoomkat - Run Away《A Million Trillion Stars》Lately I"ve been affraidSome things going right inside of my brainAnd it"s getting hard to explainBut I see everythingI"ve been fighting all of my lifeAlways seem to put my heart on the lineAnd it"s a lonely road I climbWhen I see everythingAnd when I feel it comingI run into the shadowsI"m trying to fake itFake it till I make itPeople trying save meI just wanna runawayRunaway runaway runaway…I runaway…You see we"re born with light in our heartsAnd people come around and tear us apartAnd when my whole world turns to darkI can"t see anythingI can"t see anythingAnd when I feel it comingI run into the shadowsI"m trying to fake itFake it till I make itPeople trying save meI just wanna runawayRunaway runaway runaway…I want to fit inside a worldWhere I could be the queen of all the dark insideSo I would never have to see a lightAnd I would never have to runI just wanna runawayRunaway runawayI just keep runningRunawayOh oh ohI just wanna runawayRunaway runawayI just wanna runawayRunawayOh oh ohRunawayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7928707

Cher的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:Cher专辑:BelieveBoomkat - Run Away《A Million Trillion Stars》Lately I"ve been affraidSome things going right inside of my brainAnd it"s getting hard to explainBut I see everythingI"ve been fighting all of my lifeAlways seem to put my heart on the lineAnd it"s a lonely road I climbWhen I see everythingAnd when I feel it comingI run into the shadowsI"m trying to fake itFake it till I make itPeople trying save meI just wanna runawayRunaway runaway runaway…I runaway…You see we"re born with light in our heartsAnd people come around and tear us apartAnd when my whole world turns to darkI can"t see anythingI can"t see anythingAnd when I feel it comingI run into the shadowsI"m trying to fake itFake it till I make itPeople trying save meI just wanna runawayRunaway runaway runaway…I want to fit inside a worldWhere I could be the queen of all the dark insideSo I would never have to see a lightAnd I would never have to runI just wanna runawayRunaway runawayI just keep runningRunawayOh oh ohI just wanna runawayRunaway runawayI just wanna runawayRunawayOh oh ohRunawayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7896478

Mae的《runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:runaway歌手:Mae专辑:destination: beautifulI take a ride to the other side cause it feels so nice just to drive and drive and drive.I"d make amends for the other night if you"d be here with me holding me tight. Is this the chance when we fly away?Cause I need to know if I"m coming back.I push and pull just to get what I want.In the end I should know that you bring it all to me.Reach out, you can go overboard if you want to.In and out, don"t lose control, don"t lose control.Just don"t take it back.And I get so close, but I runaway, I runaway.The things I fear the most, keep me here to stay, but anyway.Can we try for right now, free of doubt.If you give the chance I could try and figure out.I"m kind of scared because I don"t know how.But I"m watching the close calls and catching my breath now.There could be time when I"d fly away.But you need to know that I"m coming back.Don"t want to push and pull anymore, just to get what I want, when you bring it all to me.Reach out, you can go overboard if you want to.In and out, don"t lose control, don"t lose control.Just don"t take it back.And I get so close, but I runaway, I runaway.The things I fear the most, keep me here to stay, but anyway.You said you always wanted someone to tell you it"s ok.Well, I guess it"s my chance to tell everyone everything.Can we talk about this?Give me the chance and we"ll fly away.Can we walk around this?Give me the chance and we"ll fly away.X2And I get so close, but I runaway, I runaway.The things I fear the most, keep me here to stay, but anyway.Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runaway Runawayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14100942

英语达人!求linking park的《runaway》整首歌的歌词翻译!

Graffiti decorations Under the sky of dust 在尘土天空下的涂鸦装饰 A constant wave of tension On top of broken trust 因不信任而持续袭来的阵阵紧张 The lessons that you taught me I learned were never true 你教给我的经验我体会到永远不是真的 Pre chorus: Now I find myself in question 现在我发现自己充满疑问 They point the finger at me again 他们又用手指指着我了 Guilty by association 我们在一起让我感到有负罪感 You point the finger at me again 你又用手指指着我了 I wanna run away 我想逃跑 Never say goodbye 永不说再见 I wanna know the truth Instead of wondering why 我想知道真相而不再忧郁为什么 I wanna know the answers No more lies 我想知道答案而不再是谎言 I wanna shut the door And open up my mind 我想关上门,开启我的心灵 Paper bags and angry voices Under a sky of dust 在尘土天空下的纸口袋和愤怒的声音 Another wave of tension Has more than filled me up 另一波紧张袭来,充斥着我心 All my talk of taking action These words were never true 我所说的要采取行动,这统统都是废话 Pre chorus Chorus I"m gonna run away, and never say goodbye 我要逃跑,永不说再见 Gonna run away (2x) 我要逃跑 I"m gonna run away and never wonder why Gonna run away (2x) I"m gonna run away and open up my mind Gonna run away (4x) Chorus I wanna run away and open up my mind (Repeat until end) 我要逃跑,开启我心灵



runaway中文版的歌词 不是韩文的译文!!


求Linkin park runaway的歌词



(李准) I Can"t find a place to go Nowhere Sometimes I wanna hide (魏晨) Run Away ah Away ah no We"re running out of time Where do we go (魏晨) 酥麻习俗噶哦p搜 pio你新宿噶哦p搜 pio你柏林马黑豆 everything"s fading away (李准) 会呀哟k新dei木内 那也 木白 心得木内 魔都一楼柏林够(魏晨) 噶苏黑顿 ki哟多 一切诶 撒狼距噶(李准) where"d it go I don"t know 一个鲁姆 俺对 (魏晨) I wanna run away (李准) Where do we go (魏晨) I wanna run away (李准) Where do we hide (魏晨) Can we find a better place (李准) Where do we run (魏晨) 破意几阿娜 内嘛米啊怕瓦 (李准) 莫咯jio 他嫩 哈能都 pio内噶能 够忒 hiang都 no Where do we go (魏晨) I wanna run away oh no oh ah away oh no (天动) Rap) The sky"s pitch black painted with shades of grey clouds can"t recall the last time I"ve seen a sunny day you hear the concrete cry we"re blinded by bright lights, the night life, toxic in disguise over eyes wide shut (魏晨) 一lo柏林 ki哟度 一节 撒狼就卡能 啊冷答问 qiu 哦p等 everything"s fading away (李准) 哭得嫩 哟k信 纳米qio pio内哈能 就 哈嫩都 无力为嫩哈加纳(魏晨) 大俗黑灯 ki哟都 辟邪 撒狼距噶 where"d it go I don"t know 一bio冷嫩俺对(魏晨) I wanna run away (李准) Where do we go (魏晨) I wanna run away (李准) Where do we hide (魏晨) Can we find a better place (李准) Where do we run (魏晨) 莫咯jio 看恩 哈嫩都(李准) pio内噶嫩gio忒样够 no Where do we go (魏晨) I wanna run away oh no oh ah away oh no (天动) Rap) I see a lot of broken bottles scattered on a field of broken dreams so many shattered windows from hopes thrown away it seems, we enjoy the pain that we bring into our own world light a fire and watching it burn I"m sick and tired, I"ve had enough we need time to heal and stop picking at the scars if we can grow together instead of growing apart maybe we can save what wasn"t even ours from the start (魏晨) I wanna run away(李准) Where do we go (魏晨) I wanna run away (李准) Where do we hide (魏晨) Can we find a better place (李准) Where do we run (魏晨) 莫咯jio 看恩 哈嫩都(李准) pio内噶嫩gio忒样够 no Where do we go (魏晨) I wanna run away oh no oh ah away oh no

陶喆的《Runaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Runaway歌手:陶喆Runaway陶喆Ultrasound乐之路1997-2003无名的怒火有说不出的无力想敲打我自己太阳快要下山了,什么都不做,只拿着遥控器,一直不停的换台麻木的神经感觉自己像个机器快不能呼吸打开冰箱,看看里面的东西,处了酱瓜什么也没有,算了吧,去外面吃吧火辣的太阳 永远在前方无尽的公路 无尽的追求我想要 runaway runaway不想再怀疑自己对不对甩开一切无所谓runaway runaway像困在雾里焦躁的想从茫然的现实中逃避你想得太简单了吧,你觉得你想做的都可以做得到吗淡掉的感情还坚持下去又有什么样的意义喂,你拿着车钥匙要去哪里啊,你别忘了明天还要上班的,别在外面鬼混了风吹乱头发 黑夜星空下无尽的公路 无尽的自由不想再怀疑自己对不对甩开一切无所谓就快点去runaway我可以runaway runaway不想再怀疑自己对不对是为自己不为谁不在乎的runaway yeah yeah(rap)很多人再说,不断的一直说,必须这个样子做,不能够那样做,却又没有办法在自己的生命中突破oh yeah,如果再不走,就永远不会走,别让自己在回头,没挣扎怎能够有自由 快走现在就runaway runaway不想再怀疑自己对不对甩开一切无所谓 runaway runaway快点去runaway runaway不想再怀疑自己对不对是为自己不为谁不在乎的runaway现在要runaway runaway今天要runaway runaway现在要runaway runaway今天要runaway runawayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2093779


Avril Lavigne-RunawayGot up on the wrong side of life today yeah/今天已经走向生活错误的方向Crashed the car and I"m gonna be really late/把车给撞了,我也真的要迟到了My phone doesn"t work/手机不通了cause it"s out of range/因为不在服务区Looks like it"s just one of those kind of days/看起来就象曾经的某一天You can"t kick me down/你不能把我给踢倒I"m already on the ground/因为我已经在地面上了No you can"t cause you couldn"t catch me anyhow/你不能,因为至少你抓不到我Blue skies but the sun isn"t coming out no/天空是蓝色的 但是太阳不会出来了Today it"s like I"m under a heavy cloud/今天我就象站在一片大大的乌云下And I feel so alive/我觉得好有活力I can"t help myself/我已经不能自制don"t you realize/你难道没看出来吗I just wanna scream and lose control/我只想喊叫,失去控制Throw my hands up and let it go/举起双手,放空一切Forget about everything and runaway yeah/忘记所有的事, 就此跑走I just want to fall and lose myself/我想有失重的感觉Laughing so hard it hurts like hell/我努力的大笑但象地狱一样难受Forget about everything and runaway yeah/忘记所有的事, 就此跑走So So is how I"m doing/这就是我想要做的if you"re wondering/如果你想要知道的话I"m in a fight with the world/我在和世界对抗but I"m winning/但我是赢家Stay there come closer/留在这,在靠近点it"s at your own risk/是你在冒险Yeah you know how it is life can be a bitch/你知道就象这样,生活有时候就象个婊子But I feel so alive/但是我还是很有活力I can"t help myself/我已经不能自制don"t you realize/你难道没看出来吗I just wanna scream and lose control/我只想喊叫,失去控制Throw my hands up and let it go/举起双手,放空一切Forget about everything and runaway yeah/忘记所有的事, 就此跑走I just want to fall and lose myself/我想有失重的感觉Laughing so hard it hurts like hell/我努力的大笑但象地狱一样难受Forget about everything and runaway yeah/忘记所有的事, 就此跑走Runaway Runaway......I just wanna scream and lose control/我只想喊叫,失去控制Throw my hands up and let it go/举起双手,放空一切Forget about everything and runaway yeah/忘记所有的事, 就此跑走I just want to fall and lose myself/我想有失重的感觉Laughing so hard it hurts like hell/我努力的大笑但象地狱一样难受Forget about everything and runaway yeah/忘记所有的事, 就此跑走I just wanna scream and lose control/我只想喊叫,失去控制Throw my hands up and let it go/举起双手,放空一切Forget about everything and runaway yeah/忘记所有的事, 就此跑走I just want to fall and lose myself/我想有失重的感觉Laughing so hard it hurts like hell/我努力的大笑但象地狱一样难受Forget about everything and runaway yeah/忘记所有的事, 就此跑走

五个哦的歌词是什么歌 塞扣哦down down down歌名

【导读】:五个哦的歌词是什么歌?据悉,这首歌叫《Psycho (Pt 2)》,最近很火的一首英文歌曲,非常适合晚上开车时候听,最有感觉了。 五个哦的歌词是什么歌 有一首英文歌里面出现了五个哦,这首歌非常的好听,抖音上也有很多朋友在找这首歌,这首歌的名字叫《Psycho (Pt. 2)》,歌手Russ演唱的,下面是我收集的关于《Psycho (Pt. 2)》歌词介绍。 一个男声开头唱着音译音译歌词是“西卡密塞扣哦down down down”歌名叫《Psycho (Pt. 2)》,虽然这首歌有很多人翻唱,我还是觉得原唱Russ得最好听,简直单曲循环了!就喜欢这个调调,就知道网易云早晚要把这首歌推荐给我,播放背景也成了粉色的了,爱上了这首歌,日推和私人FM同时都有这首歌,嗯那就好好欣赏。 不知道是不是这两天抖音看多了,日推都是里面的歌,桌听了前奏就切歌的那一刻,我知道我们之间不止差了10个汪峯。 谁有这首歌合唱版的非常好听啊!这个前奏好像一首中文歌忘记名字了,前奏孤独又朦胧迷醉,说出了心声,其实我觉得,网易云应该收了抖音,这才嗨。看到段子告白的那个视频来的,被现场震撼。 这是我和她分手前在车上听的最后一首歌, 登机后飞机上安静到得能听到我哭泣的声音,像个受了天大委屈的孩子一样,评论有很多,我爱的人也很爱这首歌,我只希望有一天你能看见,遇见你不容易更不想失去你。 《Psycho (Pt. 2)》中英文翻译歌词 She got me going psycho 她让我为之疯狂 She got me going down 她令我为之沉迷 Down, down 情况直下 Got me living on a tightrope 让我处在如履薄冰的境地 岌岌可危 She got me going down 她令我为之沉迷 Down, down 情况直下 She got me going psycho 她让我为之疯狂 She got me going down 她令我为之沉迷 Down, down 情况直下 Got me living on a tightrope 让我处在如履薄冰的境地 岌岌可危 She got me going down 她令我为之沉迷 Down, down 情况直下 Oh no, you lie 你满口谎言 I want to, so I 但我还是空怀一腔爱慕 Might call you tonight if I do pick up 今晚有空就给我打个电话吧 I got some Gin in me 我这儿有你爱的杜松子酒 A hundred bands on me 所有的所有 都是为你而准备 I‘m feelin" myself, yeah 我感觉自己 I might say too much 也许说的太多了 She got me going psycho 她让我为之疯狂 She got me going down 她令我为之沉迷 Down, down 情况直下 Got me living on a tightrope 让我处在如履薄冰的境地 岌岌可危 She got me going down 她令我为之沉迷 Down, down 情况直下 She got me going psycho 她让我为之疯狂 She got me going down 她令我为之沉迷 Down, down 情况直下 Got me living on a tightrope 让我处在如履薄冰的境地 岌岌可危 She got me going down 她令我为之沉迷 Down, down 无法拥有我绝望失落 I don‘t know you but I know that you special 一眼钟情你 Fuck a verse, *** a hook I"ll use the whole instrumental 我不会写什么优美诗句 撩人旋律 只真情实意 Just to reiterate the mitment I have to explore 只是重申我必须认真对待的承诺 Like would you ride it like a horse like my last name is Lauren 就像你骑乘野马奔驰 就像我姓为lauren I‘m only interested 我只对你感兴趣

Silly的《"Psycho"》 歌词

歌曲名:"Psycho"歌手:Silly专辑:Original Album ClassicsPussycat Dolls - PsychoKnightwritasPsychoCrazyDerangedMad ScientistOoo, what"s up with us?We always fussing, fightingIt takes everything in me to try to keep you happy (babe)Boy, the last time we was on the last lineOf arguing and we get to kissing and making up againIt only feels right when something"s going wrongBoy, it ain"t no use for us to try and get alongCuz the love we got is wrecklessOut of orderI would do anything for you, babyI"m psycho and lunatic, crazy, insane over you, baby (Over you, baby)You got me going numb and I"m so in love and it"s all because of you,Baby (Because of you, baby)I love you crazy (I love you crazy)But you"re driving me crazy (But you"re driving me crazy)I"m psycho and lunatic, crazy, insane in loveBut I just can"t get enough of youOoo, but with you, I just can"t seem to get through to youWanna let you go, but I gotta stay true to youBaby, I"d ride for youYou know that I"ll die for youCuz you"re all that I"ve gotOnly gets better when we going through the worseBut one day I can see me getting hurtCuz the love we got is dangerous, out of controlIt"s making me lose it, I"m out of my head over you (you you you)I"m psycho and lunatic, crazy, insane over you, baby (Over you, baby)You got me going numb and I"m so in love and it"s all because of you,Baby (Because of you, baby)I love you crazy (I love you crazy)But you"re driving me crazy (But you"re driving me crazy)Cuz I"m psycho and lunatic, crazy, insane in loveBut I just can"t get enough of youIt"s the little things you doYou keep me going crazy for you (Keep me going crazy for you)Boy, I love the way we areWouldn"t change it for no one (change it for no one else)Cuz I love you, babyNot for nothing, babyIt just wouldn"t be the same if I had to live my days without youI"m psycho and lunatic, crazy, insane over you, baby (Over you, baby)You got me going numb and I"m so in love and it"s all because of you,Baby (Because of you, baby)I love you crazy (I love you crazy)But you"re driving me crazy (But you"re driving me crazy)Cuz I"m psycho and lunatic, crazy, insane in loveBut I just can"t get enough of youI"m psycho and lunatic, crazy, insane over you, baby (Over you, baby)You got me going numb and I"m so in love and it"s all because of you,Baby (Because of you, baby)I love you crazy (I love you crazy)But you"re driving me crazy (But you"re driving me crazy)Cuz I"m psycho and lunatic, crazy, insane in loveBut I just can"t get enough of youI"m psycho and lunatic, crazy, insane over you, baby (Crazy as hey over you, baby)I"m psycho and lunatic, crazy, insane over you (Over you, over you, over you)I"m psycho and lunatic, crazy, insane over you (Crazy over you, crazy over you)I"m psycho and lunatic, crazy, insane over youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10558107

kimberly cole的psycho的中文歌词,要翻译正确

Kimberly Cole - PsychoSa - Sa - Psycho who oh ohYou play the gentleman role but I"m not into it 你装的像个君子,但是我不吃那套You walk around opening doors but I don"t a sh*t 你在开着的门前乱晃,但是我不在乎You put your jacket in a puddle so I won"t get wet, wet 你把你的外套放在水洼上为使我不被打湿But that"s not the kind of treatment I expect 但这并不是我所期望的Cause I, I, I... I, I, I, I ain"t used to the nice 因为,我不习惯被善待You take your time to get em, I like mine to come with a fight 你喜欢慢慢来,我却喜欢直接争取And I apologize that you"re the one who"s paying the price 你是付出代价的那一个为此我感到抱歉I need a real heart breaker in my life So if you love me love me love me like a psycho 因此我如果你爱我爱我爱我希个疯子还不如给我个我让心碎的人It"s the only only kinda love that I know Break me till my eyes bulge 就算打到我眼球暴突这也是我唯一懂得的爱Try me till my skins cold Love me Love me Love me like a psycho 如果你爱我爱我爱我像个疯子,那就等我死了(皮肤冰冷)你再试试看Sa - Sa - Sa - Psycho who oh ohSa - Sa - Sa - Psycho who oh ohBreak me till my eyes bulge打我直到我眼球暴突Try me till my skins cold Love me Love me Love me like a psycho如果你爱我爱我爱我像个疯子,那就等我死了你再试试看You light the fire place and candles when we"re intimate在我们亲密时你点燃了壁炉和蜡烛You wanna slow jam Play it when you"re hittin in 你想要放慢But if it doesn"t leave me broken I"m not into it 但如果不让我破碎,我不会买账Can"t change me now I"ve already been bit 就算我变成碎片也不会改变Cause I, I, I... I, I, I, I ain"t used to the nice因为我不习惯被善待You take your time to get em, I like mine to come with a fightAnd I apologize that you"re the one who"s paying the priceI need a real heart breaker in my lifeSo if you love me love me love me like a psychoIt"s the only only kinda love that I know Oh ohBreak me till my eyes bulgeTry me till my skins cold Love me Love me Love me like a psychoSa - Sa - Sa - Psycho who oh ohSa - Sa - Sa - Psycho who oh ohBreak me till my eyes bulgeTry me till my skins cold Love ...


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System Of A Down的《Psycho》 歌词

歌曲名:Psycho歌手:System Of A Down专辑:ToxicityPsychoPsycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,Psycho groupie cocaine crazy,Psycho groupie coke,Makes you high, makes you hide,Makes you really want to go- stop.Psycho groupie cocaine crazyPsycho groupie coke,Makes you high, makes you hide,Do you really want to think and stop,Stop your eyes from flowing,Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,Psycho groupie cocaine crazy,Psycho groupie coke,Makes you high, makes you hide,Makes you really want to go - stop.Psycho groupie cocaine crazyPsycho groupie coke,Makes you high, makes you hide,Do you really want to think and stop,Stop your eyes from flowing outSo you want the world to stop,Stop in and watch your body fully drop,From the time you were a Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,So you want to see the show,You really don"t have to be a hoFrom the time you were a Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,Psycho groupie cocaine crazy,PsychoPsycho groupie coke,Makes you high, makes you hide,Makes you really want to go - stop.Psycho groupie cocaine crazyPsycho groupie coke,Makes you high, makes you hide,Do you really want to think and stop,Stop your eyes from flowing outSo you want the world to stop,Rushing to watch your spirit fully drop,From the time you were a Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,So you want to see the show, You really don"t have to be a hoFrom the time you were a Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy.http://music.baidu.com/song/29859696

Xiii. Stoleti的《Psycho》 歌词

歌曲名:Psycho歌手:Xiii. Stoleti专辑:WerewolfPuddle of mudd -- PsychoBy FGMaybe I"m the oneMaybe I"m the one who is the schizophrenic psycho (yeah)Maybe I"m the oneMaybe I"m the one who is the schizophrenic psycho (yeah)She lays down on the fresh lawnShe can make everything magicalBut she tied one on big timeAnd it makes me wanna rewindTo back in the days when we were youngWhen everything was like a loaded gunReady to go off at any minuteAnd you know we"re gonna win again (yeah)Maybe I"m the oneMaybe I"m the one who is the schizophrenic psycho (yeah)Maybe I"m the oneMaybe I"m the one who is the paranoid psychoShe lays down on the sidewalkNever very analyticalShe is something simply beautifulRe-appear when you feel magicalTo back in the days when we were youngWhen everything was like a loaded gunReady to go off at any minuteYeah you know we"re gonna win againMaybe I"m the oneMaybe I"m the one who is the schizophrenic psycho (yeah)Maybe I"m the oneMaybe I"m the one who is the paranoid psychoI"m the one, I"m the one who is the schizophrenic psychoI"m the one, I"m the one who is the schizophrenic psychoI"m the one, I"m the one who is the schizophrenic psychoBack in the days when we were youngWhen everything was like a loaded gunReady to go off at any minuteAnd you know we"re gonna win againMaybe I"m the oneMaybe I"m the one who is the schizophrenic psycho (yeah)Maybe I"m the oneMaybe I"m the one who is the paranoid psychoSchizophrenic psycho YEAH!这个世界就是这么肮脏不要灰心,不要失望属于你的,终究是你的http://music.baidu.com/song/2708952

Grammatrain的《Psycho》 歌词

歌曲名:Psycho歌手:Grammatrain专辑:Lonely HousePsychoPsycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,Psycho groupie cocaine crazy,Psycho groupie coke,Makes you high, makes you hide,Makes you really want to go- stop.Psycho groupie cocaine crazyPsycho groupie coke,Makes you high, makes you hide,Do you really want to think and stop,Stop your eyes from flowing,Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,Psycho groupie cocaine crazy,Psycho groupie coke,Makes you high, makes you hide,Makes you really want to go - stop.Psycho groupie cocaine crazyPsycho groupie coke,Makes you high, makes you hide,Do you really want to think and stop,Stop your eyes from flowing outSo you want the world to stop,Stop in and watch your body fully drop,From the time you were a Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,So you want to see the show,You really don"t have to be a hoFrom the time you were a Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,Psycho groupie cocaine crazy,PsychoPsycho groupie coke,Makes you high, makes you hide,Makes you really want to go - stop.Psycho groupie cocaine crazyPsycho groupie coke,Makes you high, makes you hide,Do you really want to think and stop,Stop your eyes from flowing outSo you want the world to stop,Rushing to watch your spirit fully drop,From the time you were a Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy,So you want to see the show, You really don"t have to be a hoFrom the time you were a Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy.http://music.baidu.com/song/2665061
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