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谈谈the advantages of Genetically Modified Foods

advantage: the out put of GM food is high, the quality of GM food is good disvantage:The technology is not matured


diagenetically [,daiu0259du0292u0259"netiku0259li] adv.diagenesis的变形diagenesis [,daiu0259"du0292enisis] n.1. 【地质学】成岩作用2. 【化学】(晶体等的)原状固结变形:n.diageneses

What diseases are genetically hereditary?

更新1: richardhong18: Thank you for your wer Downs syndrome is NOT hereditary. Patients with Downs their parents can be normal. 更新2: ln3053ah: 请问你的资料可否注明出处? Li-Fraumeni syndrome: p35? 不是 p53 吗? The following diseases can be inherited. Common cancers:[gene related] Colorectal carcinoma: C-SRC C-MYB and CERB-2 Breast cancer: BRCA1 and BRCA2 Wilms tumour:WT1 Retinoblastoma: RB1 Neurofibromatosis type 1: NF1 Neurofibromatosis type 2: NF2 Familial adenomatous polyposis: apc Familial non-polyposis colon cancer: MSH2 Li-Fraumeni syndrome: p35 Multiple endocrine neoplasia: RET Common diseases: [gene related] Schizophrenia: B5 Rheumatoid arthritis ( *** ): DR4 Rheumatoid arthritis (juvenile ): B27 Multiple sclerosis: DR7 and DR2 Myasthenia gravis: B8 and DR3 Systemic lupus erythematous: B8 and DR3 Reactive arthritis: B27 Other diseases: [gene related] Polycystic kidney disease: B5 Hashimoto"s thyroiditis: DR5 Goodpasture"s syndrome: DR7 and DR2 Haemochromatosis: A3 and B14 Coeliac disease: B8 DR3 DR7and DQW2 Tuberculoid Leprosy:B8 2008-06-20 15:26:30 补充: The information is from a textbook called Clinical medicine Chapter 3 nutrition and geic disease. 2008-06-20 16:41:43 补充: Yes you are right. Li-Fraumeni syndrome is : p53 and Two more disease from my memory(1) cystic fibrosis caused by the defected gene Cystic Fibrosis Trmembrane Regulator CFTR. 2008-06-20 16:41:53 补充: Without CFTR chloride ions cannot go in and out of the mucus membrane. This leads to the decrease in the flow of water moleucles as well. The mucus created bees in high viscosity 2008-06-20 16:42:04 补充: (2)Retinitis Pigmentosa due to the defected gene calledPro-23-Histidine. This is a horrible disease and cannot be cured even NOW! Without Pro-23-Histidine the light sensitive pigment called rhodopsin in rod cells cannot be made. The patient will finally blind in middle age. well examples are huntington diseasae and sickle cell anemia which huntington is a dormanent and sickle cell is recessive allile hope it helps! Down's syndrome(chromosome defect) -- > extra one chromosomes on number21 Colour blindness(gene defect) -- > defective colour-blindness (recessive) allele located on X chromosome. G6PD deficiency(gene defect) -- > defective G6PD (recessive) allele located on X chromosome 注意: night blindness(not colour blindness!)唔系geically hereditary disease 参考: my notes

nowhere is this the truer than with genetically modified food

正常语序为: This is truer nowhere than with genetically modified food.句意为: 这一点对于转基因食品来说尤为正确. (再正确不过了).这里的with的意思是"关于; 对于; 对于... 来说".关于原句里的the truer, 个人认为the是多余的. 这里没有明显的对两个事物的比较, 因此不需要the, 直接说truer. (相对应地, 如果是两个事物作比较, 可以用the truer)..题外话: Nowhere is this truer... 是由否定词Nowhere开头的倒装句, 对this is进行了倒装, 表达对Nowhere的强调(比起对于转基因食品, 这一点在哪儿都不会更正确, 我这句比较生硬, 但想告诉你nowhere在这儿被强调是怎么一回事儿)



What Is Genetically Modified Foods? 定义型作文,帮忙修改下吧~~~·

什么是基因改造食物?你知道基因改造食物是什么? 或者你是否曾经吃过基因改造食物? 它们亦可称为生物科技食物, 来自基因改造生物。透过基因改造技术, 令到生物的DNA有改变。基因改造涉及加插或者剪去部分的DNA。在同源转基因的过程中, 生物的基因将会人工地转移到相同品种生物的基因里。而基因转移即是生物加上不同品种生物的基因。基因改造食物在1996年推出市场。基因改造食物通常来自基因改造的植物: 大豆、粟米、油菜籽、米、棉籽油。而动物基因改造食物仍在研究中。例如, 2006年基因改造的猪拥有蛔虫的制造omega-3 脂肪酸的基因。研究员亦研究了一个方法令到猪可以更有效吸收植物磷, 所以它们粪便的成份磷减少多达60%。其实基因改造在经济和环境上有好处, 但是自从基因改造食物引入超级市场时, 评论员因为安全问题、生态问题和由知识产权引起的经济问题而反对基因改造食物。基因改造食物的发展会是什么? 它们会继续发展其优点和减低其坏处? 我希望如此。

we are genetically programmed to disintegrate and perish.

因为这两个动词的意思有所不同,作者想要表达的意思不仅是 disintegrate 或 perish 而是两个概念在一起。

Genetically Modified Organisms是什么意思

Genetically Modified Organisms [释义] 转基因生物;[例句]Voters in california will vote tuesday on a ballot measure to require special notices on all foods made with genetically modified organisms .加州选民将在周二就一项要求在所有使用转基因生物制成的食品上添加特别标签的公投进行投票。

genetically engineered food是什么意思


genetically modified是什么意思

genetically modified转基因的

genetically modified是什么意思

genetically modified转基因的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.These genetically modified chickens can get infected. 这些转基因鸡会感染禽流感。


genetically基因双语对照词典结果:genetically[英][du0292u0259"netu026aklu026a][美][du0292u0259"netu026aklu026a]adv.创始; 遗传学; 生殖; 基因; 例句:1.Would you eat a genetically engineered salmon? 你会去吃转基因的鲑鱼吗?