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get along with后面接什么

加人 表示与这些人或者这个人相处得好/不好

get along with后面加什么

get along with后面加名词或宾语。意思是与…和睦相处。 例句: Its impossible to get along with him. 不可能跟他和睦相处。 Shell never get along with him, I am sure of that! 她绝对不会和他和睦相处的,我敢肯定! 扩展资料   He is a nice fellow, of course, and easy to get along with.   当然,他是个好人,很容易相处。   Only when we follow the laws of nature, can we better get along with it.   我们只有遵循自然法则才能更好地与环境和谐共处。   In stead of conquering nature, we should learn to get along with it harmoniously.   我们应该学会与自然和谐相处,而不是征服自然。   Since you all live under one roof, you should learn how to get along with one another .   既然你们都住在同一个屋檐下,你们应该要学习如何与彼此相处。

怎样用Get along with造句

i get along with my roommates in college well.

get along with sth与get along with sb 有什么区别

sth 是表示事情进展的怎么样sb是表示与人相处的怎么样

英语中get along/on with的用法


get on with和get along with的区别

1.get on with是与谁谁谁相处,get along with是与谁谁谁相处的好2.except是除了(不包括的)besides是除了(包括的)比如除了谁谁谁都到齐了那个人没到,就用except如果人都齐了包括他就用besides

1、get on with ;2、get along with ;3、come along 什么意思?

1、getonwith进行某事,与……相处 2、getalongwith过活,生活,相处融洽,进展,与……相处,3、comealong进展,进步,(健康状况)好转,出现,碰巧遇到getonwith=getalongwith (……)进展,(……)进行



英语翻译:他和同学们的关系十分融洽( get along with)

He is getting along very well with his classmates.

get along with和along with的区别

一个是和什么东西相处 后者是伴随着什么

get along with与get on well with之间的区别 两者在用法上有什么不同

get along with,是表达:与……相处的如何.结果可能是相处的好也可能是相处的不好;而get on well with表达的就是一个意思——与……相处的好.就是这个意思上的区别.用法就是根据情况说呗.不过一般get along with出现在疑问句中.而get on well with一般用在肯定句中.

get along with同义词组


请用get along with造些句子

i get along with her well

词组get along with 和get on with 有无区别?请举出例句.

①在:“与……相处”的意思中无区别!例如:Do you get on with my colleagues?你和我的同事相处得好吗?可以等于Do you get along with my colleagues? ②get on with:还含有进步,在……获得成功(有进步),继续(做某事)等的意思,就和它不一样了. ③get along with :还含有取得进展的意思. 我可是一个字一个字码的哦!)

get along with 和get along well with有什么区别?

get along with 和get along well with的区别为:两者 都意为与...和睦相处,但前者主要重点表达相处这个含义,无论是哪种相处;而后者表示则表示相处起来很友好。get along with还表示“进展”,get along well with则没有该意思。例句:get along with1、I like to think I"m relatively easy to get along with.我愿意认为自己相对比较容易相处。2、It"s impossible to get along with him.根本无法跟他和睦相处。例句:get along well with1、I found it important to get along well with friends.我认为和朋友友好的相处是在非常重要的。2、He is getting along well with lily these days.这段时间,他和丽丽相处的非常愉快。

get along with及物吗


get along with和get along有什么区别??? 为什么she worked hard and was easy yo (get along with)


get along with和get long有什么区别?


get along with


get along with

get along with 后面要接不同于主语的其他人,表示"和某人相处得如何" 或者接事物,表示"事物进展得如何" 例句:John can get along with every one in his new office. 例句:I am getting along with the project now. get along表示主语(通常是两人以上)相处得如何,或者某人能够适应环境. 例句:The children get along very well. 这道题的答案应该是B,因为句子里的she在不定式中是逻辑宾语,能跟宾语的短语是get along with sb.

get along with是什么意思

get along with,是表达:与……相处的如何.结果可能是相处的好也可能是相处的不好还有一个(get on well with)表达的就是一个意思——与……相处的好.就是这个意思上的区别.用法就是根据情况说呗.不过一般get along with出现在疑问句中.而get on well with一般用在肯定句中.

get along with和get on with的区别

get along with 友善与…和睦相处 get on with 继续做某事 都没关联的 只是单词有点同

get along with 是什么意思


benefit from 与 get benefit from的区别和用法?

意思完全一样,除了 benefit from ------- benefit是动词 get benefit from------benefit是名词 例句: We benefit from hard work == We get benefit from hard work.

benefit from 与 get benefit from的区别和用法?

意思完全一样,除了 benefit from ------- benefit是动词 get benefit from------benefit是名词 例句: We benefit from hard work == We get benefit from hard work.

如果可以forget my name是什么歌 forget my name是啥歌

1、如果可以forget my name是由SAM努尔夏提演唱的《Forget my name》。 2、《Forget my name》歌词: 如果可以Forget my name 别再想起Forget my name 成为过去Forget my name Forget my name Forget my name 如果可以Forget my name 向前走别再停在原地 我想可以Forget my name 不存在走不出的情绪 都做不出最简单的题 留还是走都取决于你 但对于过去千万种话语 就当一场梦但我还没醒 背后的风迎面的雨 在问题前你我都倾向自己 就让曾经所有留在屋子里 不再属于我也不再属于你 如果可以Forget my name 别再想起Forget my name 成为过去Forget my name Forget my name Forget my name 如果可以Forget my name 向前走别再停在原地 我想可以Forget my name 不存在走不出的情绪 NINEONE: 如果可以Forget my name 我听惯了你的谎言nothing to me 你忽略的犄角旮旯thats all my dreams Nothing nothing Woo让我失望的事你从来不会辜负 如果我会想起另个ta Not ready 我做什么都会抓紧 只是有点纠结cause its u Ei yi ei ei yi 如果放开我能找到状态不再醉 Ei eiyi 不想在一个人的房外再徘徊 SAM努尔夏提/NINEONE: 如果可以Forget my name 别再想起Forget my name 成为过去Forget my name Forget my name Forget my name 如果可以Forget my name 向前走别再停在原地 我想可以Forget my name 不存在走不出的情绪 NINEONE: 如果可以别再想起 成为过去Forget my name Forget my name 如果可以向前走别再停在原地 我想可以不存在走不出的情绪 SAM努尔夏提/NINEONE: 如果可以Forget my name 别再想起Forget my name 成为过去Forget my name Forget my name Forget my name 如果可以Forget my name 向前走别再停在原地 我想可以Forget my name 不存在走不出的情绪

歌词never say never boy one day i get na

never say never

求一首英文歌 女声 歌中有一句歌词是how do i get to one love

是不是这首?《空中监狱》片尾曲:How do I live 视听地址:

是否存在Cut down 和get...from 这两个短语?

你是对的,有这俩个的 《Cut down》 1.把…砍倒〔割掉〕 He cut the tree down.他砍倒了这棵树.She cut the grass down.她把草割掉.2.裁短,改小 My sister cut father"s coat down to fit me.我的姐姐按我的身材把父亲的上衣裁短了.She is cutting down her dress for her younger sister.她正把自己的衣服改小,准备给妹妹穿.3.减少,降低 We were for cutting down the cost of production.我们赞成降低成本.You must cut down on sugar to lose weight.你必须少吃糖以减轻体重.4.〈非正〉驳倒,使逊色,击败 He was so eloquent that he cut down the finest orator.他能言善辩,胜过最好的演说家.Your arguments are too easy to be cut down.你的论点一驳即倒.5.砍〔杀〕死,伤害 He cut down the snake.他 砍死了那条蛇.The soldier was cut down in his youth.这名士兵年纪轻轻就被杀害了.《二》get ...from get sth.from 获得某物 get out from 从……出去



急求英语泛读教程2第二版unit8 getting enough sleep? dream on答案

TEXT:A: b B:1-8:badda bac D:1-11:dacdc abbda bTESTING:1-5CDBBD 6-10DCACB 11-15ADCABHOME READING:1-5ACCBD 6-10BACDB


用所需功能DATEDIFF(ⅰ中,d1,d2的[,FW [,FY]])岛用于计算date1和date2的时间间隔设置参数之间的时间差的字符串表达式如下:设置说明 YYYY年 Q季度米月日一年的 DY 的数w天一个星期好几天 WW n分钟第二的Fw可选周小时。指定常数的第一天的一个星期。如果你没有指定,星期日为第一天。 Fy的选购。在今年的第一周恒指定。如果你没有指定,含1月1日当周的第一个星期。

请分别使用函数date()和getdate()显示系统日期及时间 (使用PHP)

<?phpdate_default_timezone_set("PRC");//date函数$time1=date("Y年m月d日 H点i分s秒");echo "date()函数的结果是:".$time1;echo "<br>";//getdate()函数$time=getdate();$time2=$time["year"]."年".$time["mon"]."月".$time["mday"]."日 ".$time["hours"]."点".$time["minutes"]."分".$time["seconds"]."秒";echo "getdate()的结果是".$time2;?>

get the idea of 什么意思?


come over,get over,get off分别什么意思?

分别是 克服 ,过来,下车望采纳

求英语作文(80字):My Favorite Means of Getting Information

today, with the tecenology developing quickly,there are many means of getting information .for example,surfing the internet ,asking friends or communicating with theachers .and my favorite means of getting information is surf the internet .it is convienet and quickly,and ,with it, we also could get other study skills to make us have more knowledge to live

come back to 等于 get back to 吗

有区别把。我记得是初中有个例句是come back to life是指从昏迷中苏醒了而get back to (work), 意思就是从中断中的工作,重新去工作。希望能帮你

get on .carry on的区别

选carry onget on 这种继续是单纯指“继续做某事”,而carry on有“就算有困难也坚持做下去”的那种继续。译句:如果你坚持下去,就会有好事发生。get on 继续 Now let"s get on to the next exhibition room. 现在我们到下一个展览室去吧。 carry on sth 继续...They managed to carry on their experiments in spite of the difficulties.虽有困难,他们还是设法使试验继续下去。



我只给你一次机会,英语怎么说? you get one chance!

您的问题很简单.百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句:我只给你一次机会 翻译:I only give you a chance you get one chance! 你得到一个机会 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译.

Rare Earth的《Get Ready》 歌词

歌曲名:Get Ready歌手:Rare Earth专辑:Big Motown Hits & Hard To Find Classics - Volume 1Get Ready主唱:Danny GokeyI never met a girl who makes me feel the waythat you do (you"re alright),Whenever I"m asked who makes my dreams real,I say that you do (you"re outta sight),So fee, fi, fo, fum,Look out baby, "cause here I come,And I"m bringin" you a love that"s true,So get ready, so get ready,I"m gonna try to make you love me too,So get ready, so get ready, "cause here I come,(Get ready, "cause here I come)I"m on my way,(Get ready, "cause here I come)If you want to play hide and seek with lovelet me remind you (it"s alright),But the lovin" you"re gonna miss in the time,It takes to find you (it"s outta sight)So fiddle-ee-dee, fiddle-ee-dum,Look out baby, "cause here I come,And I"m bringin" you a love that"s true,So get ready, get ready,I"m gonna try to make you love me too,So get ready, get ready, "cause here I come.(Get ready "cause here I come)I"m on my way.(Get ready "cause here I come)All my friends should want you tooI understand it (be alright)I hope I get to you before they do,The way I planned it (be outta sight),So twiddle-ee-dee, twiddle-ee-dum,Look out baby, "cause here I come,And I"m bringin" you a love that"s true,So get ready, so get ready,I"m gonna try to make you love me too,so get ready, get ready, "cause here I come,(Get ready, "cause here I come)I"m on my way,(Get ready, "cause here I come)Don"t you know I"m on my way(Get ready, "cause here I come)

The World Is Getting Smaller 歌词

歌曲名:The World Is Getting Smaller歌手:温拿专辑:环球巨星影音启示录 - 温拿 (Disc 2)The World is Getting Smaller - 温拿Dum Diddly-Hi-Dee Dum Diddly-AyeWhere can you hide awayDum Diddly-Hi-Dee Dum Diddly-AyeWhere can you hide awayThe world is getting smallerThe population grownWhere Oh where can sweethearts goWhen they wanna be aloneOut to the park we went walkingTo a quiet spot by the bayWe found some kids playing cowboy thereAnd they wouldn"t go awaySo no romance that dayDum Diddly-Hi-Dee Dum Diddly-AyeWhere can you hide awayDum Diddly-Hi-Dee Dum Diddly-AyeWhere can you hide awayWe thought that we had the answerA drive-in movie we plannedBut the only place we could find to parkWas next to the pizza standAnd man that"s a busy stand....Dum Diddly-Hi-Dee Dum Diddly-AyeWhere can you hide awayDum Diddly-Hi-Dee Dum Diddly-AyeWhere can you hide awayThe world is getting smallerAnd let me ask you thisWhere Oh where can sweethearts goWhen they wanna steal a kissTo Lovers" Lane we went drivingWe parked what did I findMy own kid sister was in the carThat was parked by next to mineAnd love withered on the line......Dum Diddly-Hi-Dee Dum Diddly-AyeWhere can you hide awayDum Diddly-Hi-Dee Dum Diddly-AyeWhere can you hide awayWhere can you hide awayWhere can you hide awayWhere can you hide awayWhere can you hide away

wireshark info下的GET是什么意思



make 是 动词原形,这是一个不规则动词,它的过去式是made,过去分词也是 made 。英语中动词的形式和动作发生的时间相关的。一般过去时句子中用过去式;完成时态中用过去分词。一般现在时句子中动词还和主语的人称和数相关,如果主语是第三人称单数代词,或者单数名词,动词就要用第三人称单数形式。以make 为例的话,就是用makes.got是get的过去式和过去分词,get用于一般现在时、一般将来时、过去将来时,其他时态用got。

get high score中score为什么不加s

单纯这句话加不加都行 但是如果是一科成绩用单数,多科就加s

英语作文(get up late)(going to bed late)(the problem of watching TV)

going to bed late Xiaoming was a lazy boy. Once he was asked to take an math exam, and there"s only one day left to prepare. Extremely worried, he came up with an idea to rush to review it. However, what he had forgotten was a great number. He had to stay up far later than before - until 12pm! He studied and studied, and exhausted himself next morning while taking the exam. After that, he was really regret. He made a decision to study harder than before.

情侣签名英文带翻译 I have forget her

  If love is just passing by, and why going on it.   如果爱情只是路过,又何必到此一游。   Love understands love, it needs no talk.   相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。   It is time to, what should I turn round and then walk don"t turn back.   是时候,我该转身就走不必再回头。   Is time, I don"t have to let go easily.   是时候,我该轻易放手不必再挽留。   Always in the deepest despair, saw the most beautiful scenery.   总是在最深的绝望里,看见最美的风景。   Every time in sweet happiness, hear the cruel goodbye.   每次在甜蜜的幸福中,听见残忍的再见。   I don"t care of jigsaw world, I only care about you.   我不在乎浮光掠影的尘世,我只在乎你。   If I don"t want to stay like snow flower can"t, I only miss you.   我不留恋似雪若花的浮生,我只留恋你。   Colorful lollipops, who can resist the charming temptation.   五彩的棒棒糖,谁抵抗得住那迷人的诱惑。   Fluffy cotton candy, who survive the sweet taste.   蓬松的棉花糖,谁经受得住那香甜的滋味。   Can you take my hand, just as my request   你可不可以牵着我的手,就当是我的请求   Can"t you looked at my eyes, just as I expect   你可不可以望着我的眼,就当是我的奢望   I still remember you join me for days.   我仍记得你和我一起呆过的日子。   i still remember me with you to stay over.   我仍记得我和你一起呆过的日子。   I were a princess, you love princess.   我是公主、你所爱恋的公主。   i"m prince, your prince. the attachment   我是王子、你所眷恋的王子。   I have forget her, beca use he"s so important.   我一直忘不了他、因为他对我那么重要。   i have forget her, because she gave me so important.   我一直忘不了她、因为她对我那么重要。   love me, i have a sweet smile.   爱我、就对我绽放甜美得微笑。   love comes to me, i have to release a warm embrace.   爱我、就对我释放温暖的拥抱。   if you have, such idyllic scenes represent, from whom he hath.   如果没有你、如此良辰美景、该向谁述说。   if you have, such idyllic scenes represent, whom should forever.   如果没有你、如此良辰美景、该与谁相伴。   My mortal, i did not hold to unchanging.   我是凡人、我没有那样坚持不变的能力。   i was vulgar people, i did not hold to unchanging.   我是俗人、我没有那样坚持不变的能力。   do you like or don"t love me, i here and do not yield.   你爱或不爱我、我都在这里不离不弃。   you read or me, i was here or not. no mercy   你念或不念我、我都在这里不悲不喜。   I die, i want you to perish, the life of the chaotic Love hurt   你为我死、我为你亡、生死相许的乱世情殇。   i live, i do for you to deposit, the life of the chaotic Love hurt   你为我活、我为你存、生死相许的乱世情殇。

Little bear get an apple.的否定句和一般疑问句是什么?

应该是三单,The little bear gets an apple.The little bear doesn"t get an apple.Does the little bear get an apple?

SSM JQuery $.get 传不到后台,跳转不到另一页面

//小面为jQuery的ajax请求url是你后台controller的路径,type是controoler的请求方式,//data传递的参数如{name:"张三"},success就是执行成功后执行的方法,其中的data就是//你的返回值$.ajax({ url: "xxx/xxx", type: "xxx", data: {}, success: function (data) { if (data.code =="addCustomer_success") { alert("添加成功") } else { alert("添加失败") } }})

Forget me live your life的意思难道不是忘来我,好好生活么

you can forget me.什么意思


帮帮忙,有谁翻译一下BT《forget me》、


never forget me 这什么意思?

翻译:不要忘记我。勿忘我。其实地道的英式表达法是:Forget me not! 勿忘我。

forget me nots怎么翻译好呢?

勿忘我 花


你好: forget me not n. 勿忘我 如: Forget me not, never let me wait till whitened all (勿忘我,别叫我,盼到白首。)希望对您有帮助!



Forget Me Nots 歌词

歌曲名:Forget Me Nots歌手:Lee Ritenour专辑:Smoke "N" Mirrorsこぼれ落ちる涙 还らなくてまた雫がこぼれ落ちて胸に抱いた忘れな草 月夜に舞って愿いを込めたForget-me-Not「Forget-me-Not」『忘レナ草~Forget-me-Not~』OP作词:渡部好范 作曲/编曲:水月陵歌:Akira Chorus:KIYO夜の风に集めた梦が飞ばされて泣きながら追いかけるようなもう戻れないあの场所を振り返って何度も手を振るようなそんなため息を缲り返して欠けた月がまた満ちるようにこぼれ落ちた砂时计が返せればこぼれ落ちる涙 还らなくてまた雫がこぼれ落ちて胸に抱いた忘れな草 月夜に舞って愿いを込めたForget-me-Not远いあの场所には帰れなくて思い出だけ置き忘れ胸に抱いたこの想い 涙に揺れてもう戻れない…Forget-me‥こぼれ落ちる涙 还らなくてまた雫がこぼれ落ちて胸に抱いた忘れな草 月夜に舞って愿いを込めたForget-me-Not

如果一个人跟你说forget me not 什么意思

我想他是想说forget me now 吧。

Forget Me Not 歌词

歌曲名:Forget Me Not歌手:The Civil Wars专辑:Barton Hollowforget meFirst time I listen this misc ,fell something has never fogot ,the sorrow bit me all the time .Forget me your on your way.we don"t have to stay in touch.we may remember some day.but until then it doesn"t matter that much.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s somebody waiting for you.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll forget you too.forget me and don"t look back.there"s gold at the end of the rainbow.we both have to follow our paths.hold tight and let it go.if you don"t look may find that the past isn"t far behind.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll never forget you.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s something great waiting for youwish the cat someday can understand

Forget Me Not 歌词

歌曲名:Forget Me Not歌手:Céline Dion专辑:One HeartCeline Dion - Forget Me NotBaby babyAs I rock you gentlyRight here in my armsI promise to alwaysBe here for youKeep you safe and warmSometimes in the middle of the nightI wake up cryin" when I think of how longIt took to find youAnd now that I have I won"t be movin" onNothing can ever separate usWe know where we belongAll I"m asking youAll I"m askingBefore this moment"s goneForget me notDon"t forget what we gotEvery day is surely but a dreamI found the sweetest of all thingsFor all my lifeYou"ll be my lightWith every beat that"s in your heartOh baby please remember toForget me notTime is funnyTime can flyThat"s one thing for sureI"ll wake tomorrowBlink my eyesSee you standin" at that doorAnd I"ll be lookin" at youSee the wonder of what love can beSomeday I might have to let you goAnd that"s just so hard to believeAnd if I do you"ll know justHow much you mean to meAll I"ll ask of youAll I"ll ask youBefore I set you freeForget me notDon"t forget what we gotEvery day is surely but a dreamI found the sweetest of all thingsFor all my lifeYou"ll be my lightWith every beat that"s in your heartOh baby please remember toForget me notForget me notForget meDon"t forget me babyBefore I set you free yeahEvery day is surely but a dreamI found the sweetest of all thingsForever moreI"ll thee adoreWith every beat that"s in your heartOh baby please remember toForget me notDon"t forget what we gotWith every beat that"s in your heartOh baby please remember toForget me not

Forget Me Not 歌词

歌曲名:Forget Me Not歌手:Bad English专辑:Bad Englishforget meFirst time I listen this misc ,fell something has never fogot ,the sorrow bit me all the time .Forget me your on your way.we don"t have to stay in touch.we may remember some day.but until then it doesn"t matter that much.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s somebody waiting for you.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll forget you too.forget me and don"t look back.there"s gold at the end of the rainbow.we both have to follow our paths.hold tight and let it go.if you don"t look may find that the past isn"t far behind.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll never forget you.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s something great waiting for youwish the cat someday can understand

Forget Me Not 歌词

歌曲名:Forget Me Not歌手:The Kalin Twins专辑:Rock N Rollforget meFirst time I listen this misc ,fell something has never fogot ,the sorrow bit me all the time .Forget me your on your way.we don"t have to stay in touch.we may remember some day.but until then it doesn"t matter that much.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s somebody waiting for you.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll forget you too.forget me and don"t look back.there"s gold at the end of the rainbow.we both have to follow our paths.hold tight and let it go.if you don"t look may find that the past isn"t far behind.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll never forget you.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s something great waiting for youwish the cat someday can understand

Forget Me Not 歌词

歌曲名:Forget Me Not歌手:Martha Reeves & The Vandellas专辑:Motown Chartbusters Vol 5forget meFirst time I listen this misc ,fell something has never fogot ,the sorrow bit me all the time .Forget me your on your way.we don"t have to stay in touch.we may remember some day.but until then it doesn"t matter that much.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s somebody waiting for you.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll forget you too.forget me and don"t look back.there"s gold at the end of the rainbow.we both have to follow our paths.hold tight and let it go.if you don"t look may find that the past isn"t far behind.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll never forget you.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s something great waiting for youwish the cat someday can understand

Forget Me Not 歌词

歌曲名:Forget Me Not歌手:Danny Elfman专辑:Men in Black 3forget meFirst time I listen this misc ,fell something has never fogot ,the sorrow bit me all the time .Forget me your on your way.we don"t have to stay in touch.we may remember some day.but until then it doesn"t matter that much.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s somebody waiting for you.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll forget you too.forget me and don"t look back.there"s gold at the end of the rainbow.we both have to follow our paths.hold tight and let it go.if you don"t look may find that the past isn"t far behind.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll never forget you.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s something great waiting for youwish the cat someday can understand

Forget Me Not 歌词

歌曲名:Forget Me Not歌手:Adam Faith专辑:The Best Of The Emi Yearsforget meFirst time I listen this misc ,fell something has never fogot ,the sorrow bit me all the time .Forget me your on your way.we don"t have to stay in touch.we may remember some day.but until then it doesn"t matter that much.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s somebody waiting for you.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll forget you too.forget me and don"t look back.there"s gold at the end of the rainbow.we both have to follow our paths.hold tight and let it go.if you don"t look may find that the past isn"t far behind.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll never forget you.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s something great waiting for youwish the cat someday can understand

Forget Me Not 歌词

歌曲名:Forget Me Not歌手:Martha Reeves & The Vandellas专辑:Goldforget meFirst time I listen this misc ,fell something has never fogot ,the sorrow bit me all the time .Forget me your on your way.we don"t have to stay in touch.we may remember some day.but until then it doesn"t matter that much.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s somebody waiting for you.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll forget you too.forget me and don"t look back.there"s gold at the end of the rainbow.we both have to follow our paths.hold tight and let it go.if you don"t look may find that the past isn"t far behind.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll never forget you.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s something great waiting for youwish the cat someday can understand

Forget Me Not 歌词

歌曲名:Forget Me Not歌手:Martha Reeves & The Vandellas专辑:Classicforget meFirst time I listen this misc ,fell something has never fogot ,the sorrow bit me all the time .Forget me your on your way.we don"t have to stay in touch.we may remember some day.but until then it doesn"t matter that much.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s somebody waiting for you.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll forget you too.forget me and don"t look back.there"s gold at the end of the rainbow.we both have to follow our paths.hold tight and let it go.if you don"t look may find that the past isn"t far behind.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll never forget you.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s something great waiting for youwish the cat someday can understand

Forget Me Not 歌词

歌曲名:Forget Me Not歌手:Céline Dion专辑:Original Album Classicsforget meFirst time I listen this misc ,fell something has never fogot ,the sorrow bit me all the time .Forget me your on your way.we don"t have to stay in touch.we may remember some day.but until then it doesn"t matter that much.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s somebody waiting for you.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll forget you too.forget me and don"t look back.there"s gold at the end of the rainbow.we both have to follow our paths.hold tight and let it go.if you don"t look may find that the past isn"t far behind.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll never forget you.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s something great waiting for youwish the cat someday can understand

If I forget me, help please remember me```这句话是什么意思?求解


有一首英文歌,开头是一个女生说的一句貌似是:“……forget me”然后有女生的笑声,高潮部分貌似



原文:小さな朝の光は 疲れて眠る爱にこぼれて流れた时の多さに うなずく様に よりそう二人窓をたたく风に目覚めて 君に頬をよせてみた幸せかい 昨晩のぬくもりにそっとささやいて 强く君を抱きしめた初めて君と出会った日 仆はビルのむこうの空をいつまでも さがしてた君がおしえてくれた 花の名前は街にうもれそうな 小さなわすれな草时々爱の终りの悲しい梦を 君は见るけど仆の胸でおやすみよ 二人の人生 わけあい生きるんだ爱の行く方に答はなくて いつでもひとりぼっちだけど幸せかい ささやかな暮しに时はためらいさえも ごらん爱の强さに変えた时々仆は无理に君を 仆の形にはめてしまいそうになるけれど二人が育くむ 爱の名前は街にうもれそうな 小さなわすれな草行くあてのない街角にたたずみ君に口づけても幸せかい 狂った街では二人のこの爱さえ うつろい踏みにじられる初めて君と出会った日 仆はビルのむこうの空をいつまでもさがしてた君がおしえてくれた 花の名前は街にうもれそうな 小さなわすれな译文:草温柔的清晨的光芒溢满了因疲惫而沉睡的爱两个人好象深知时光飞逝般地紧紧相依在风儿轻敲窗棂的声音中醒来轻轻地贴近你的脸颊昨夜的温存中你是否感到了幸福?我这样在你耳边细语着然后紧紧地抱住你第一次见到你之前我总是在高楼林立的一小片天空里寻找着什么你告诉我的花儿的名字是那即将被埋没在都市里的微小的“勿忘我”虽然有时候你也会梦见那悲伤的爱的终结在我的胸膛休息吧让我们分享彼此的人生一起活下去对于爱的方向我没有答案即使我总是孤身一人平凡的生活里你是否感到了幸福?有些时候就连迷惘也会变成爱的坚强虽然有时候我也会想要勉强你成为我所希望的的那样两个人一起培育的爱的名字是那即将被埋没在都市里的微小的“勿忘我”伫立在不知前进方向的街角深深地吻你扭曲的城市中你是否感到了幸福?就连两个人的爱也开始转移被无情地践踏第一次见到你之前我总是在高楼林立的一小片天空里寻找着什么你告诉我的花儿的名字是那即将被埋没在都市里的微小的“勿忘我”

歌曲旅行中忘记最后那句英文是啥?do forget me ?忘记我?



forget-me-not [fu0259"ɡetminu0254t]基本翻译n. 勿忘草网络释义Forget-Me-Not:勿忘我|毋忘我|忘忧草

永远忘记我的英文怎么说 forget me forever?

yes forget me forever

Don,t forget me, I beg, I remember you said. 。。。这


Forget me thieves like us 歌词翻译

Forget me, forget me not 你说忘了我或忘不掉我was a lie 都是在扯hurts a lot 我只能痛苦I was blown away when you left 你转身离开我也只有随风飘零I lose time with this dream that I follow追随梦想耗我半生when you stood next to me记得你倚我而站I felt life, I felt high我感激生命,心情愉快the stars they changed direction for you你循着星斗的转移离去hurts a lot, hurts a lot我的痛楚,我的痛楚oh sympathy I understand哦,我只有慰藉自己an empty heart, an empty hand你拐走我的心我却牵不到你的手if I could break your heart of stone要是能破开你心扉would you be mine, would you be mine?你会是我的伴侣?你可会是我伴侣?when you disappeared I cried你离开的背影模糊在我的泪光里not my fault, but my loss我没错,可惜却抓不住still I search the seven stars我苦苦找寻北斗七星for your love为了得到你的爱it"s a dream that I follow是我矢志不渝的追求forget me, forget me not你说忘记了我或没忘掉hurts a lot, hurts a lot都是苦涩,都是苦涩the wind could blow you back to me风儿会送你到我身边in some time某天dazzle me with your smile就算你给我个微笑都美到我目眩oh sympathy I understand哦,我在自我安慰an empty heart, an empty hand你拐走我的心,我的手牵不到你的人if I could break your heart of stone不知道我破开你的心扉would you be mine, would you be mine?你会是我恋人?你可会是我恋人?no sympathy, you"re much too cold不要自我安慰,你还是冷若冰霜now I feel bad, now I feel bad心里好苦,心里好卡if I could break your heart of stone如果我能破开你心扉would you be mine, would you be mine?你会是我爱人?你可会是我爱人?kristina, could you just forget my love克瑞斯蒂娜,你就这么忘了我给你的爱?kristina, could you just forget my name克瑞斯蒂娜,你就这么忘了我的名?kristina, could you just forget my love克瑞斯蒂娜,你就这么忘记我给你的爱?kristina, was it only just a fantasy?克瑞斯蒂娜,莫非是我一场梦境?啊啊啊,学渣纯手工,求大神修正!

·谢霆锋有首日语歌《Forget Me Not 》

分类: 娱乐/明星 >> 华人明星 问题描述: 我想这首歌的歌词, 最好是汉字标假名的 解析: ●假名标注后,下载谢霆锋的歌核对过。 ●Fet-me-not 作词/作曲:尾崎丰(1965.11.29~1992.4.25) 小さな朝の光は 疲れて眠る爱にこぼれて ●ちいさなあさのひかりはつかれてねむるあいにこぼれて 流れた时の多さに うなずく様に よりそう二人 ●ながれたときのおおさに うなずくように よりそうふたり 窓をたたく风に目覚めて 君に頬をよせてみた ●まどをたたくかぜにめざめて きみにほおをよせてみた 幸せかい 昨晩のぬくもりに ●しあわせかい ゆうべのぬくもりに そっとささやいて 强く君を抱きしめた ●そっとささやいて つよくきみをだきしめた 初めて君と出会った日 仆はビルのむこうの ●はじめてきみとであったひ ぼくはビルのむこうの 空をいつまでも さがしてた ●そらをいつまでも さがしてた 君がおしえてくれた 花の名前は ●きみがおしえてくれた はなのなまえは 街にうもれそうな 小さなわすれな草 ●まちにうもれそうな ちいさなわすれなぐさ 时々爱の终りの悲しい梦を 君は见るけど ●ときどきあいのおわりのかなしいゆめを きみはみるけど 仆の胸でおやすみよ 二人の人生 わけあい生きるんだ ●ぼくのむねでおやすみよ ふたりのじんせい わけあいいきるんだ 爱の行く方に答はなくて いつでもひとりぼっちだけど ●あいのゆくえにこたえはなくて いつでもひとりぼっちだけど 幸せかい ささやかな暮しに ●しあわせかい ささやかなくらしに 时はためらいさえも ごらん爱の强さに変えた ●ときはためらいさえも ごらんあいのつよさにかえた 时々仆は无理に君を 仆の形に ●ときどきぼくはむりにきみをぼくのかたちに はめてしまいそうになるけれど ●はめてしまいそうになるけれど 二人が育くむ 爱の名前は ●ふたりがはぐくむ あいのなまえは 街にうもれそうな 小さなわすれな草 ●まちにうもれそうな といさなわすれなぐさ 行くあてのない街角にたたずみ ●ゆくあてのないまちかどにたたずみ 君に口づけても ●きみにくちづけても 幸せかい 狂った街では ●しあわせかい くるったまちでは 二人のこの爱さえ うつろい踏みにじられる ●ふたりののこのあいさえ うつろいふみにじられる 初めて君と出会った日 仆はビルのむこうの ●はじめてきみとであったひ ぼくはビルのむこうの 空をいつまでも さがしてた ●そらをいつまでも さがしてた 君がおしえてくれた 花の名前は ●きみがおしえてくれた はなのなまえは 街にうもれそうな 小さなわすれな草 ●まちにうもれそうな ちいさなわすれなぐさ *********************** ************************* ●中文译词 (●帖吧中的译文,仅供参考) 温柔的清晨的光芒 溢满了因疲惫而沉睡的爱 两个人 好象深知时光飞逝般地 紧紧相依 在风儿轻敲窗棂的声音中 醒来 轻轻地 贴近你的脸颊 昨夜的温存中 你是否感到了幸福? 我这样在你耳边细语著 然后紧紧地抱住你 第一次见到你之前 我总是在 高楼林立的一小片天空里 寻找著什么 你告诉我的 花儿的名字 是那即将被埋没在都市里的 微小的“勿忘我” 虽然 有时候 你也会梦见那悲伤的爱的终结 在我的胸膛 休息吧 让我们分享彼此的人生 一起活下去 对于爱的方向 我没有答案 即使我总是孤身一人 平凡的生活里 你是否感到了幸福? 有些时候 就连迷惘 也会变成爱的坚强 虽然 有时候 我也会想要勉强你 成为我所希望的的那样 两个人一起培育的 爱的名字 是那即将被埋没在都市里的 微小的“勿忘我” 伫立在 不知前进方向的 街角 深深地 吻你 扭曲的城市中 你是否感到了幸福? 就连两个人的爱 也开始转移 被无情地践踏 第一次见到你之前 我总是在 高楼林立的一小片天空里 寻找著什么 你告诉我的 花儿的名字 是那即将被埋没在都市里的 微小的“勿忘我” ●作者: 蜂蜜N号 2006-10-5 18:51 ╆ 锋吧 ╅想要毋忘我的日文歌词啊~求助~!

forget me not什么意思

forget me not 也称呼Don"t-forget-me或者forget-me-not。forget-me-not是一种生长在水边的蓝色小花“勿忘我”。在德国、意大利、英国各地,都有许多散文、诗词和小说作家以forget-me-not来描述相思与痴情。人们认为只要将forget-me-not带在身上,恋人就会将自己铭记于心、永志不忘。在这蓝色小花的背后,还有个流传于欧美民间的浪漫爱情故事呢!此名源于德文Vergissmeinnicht, 是“勿忘我”的意思,勿忘我的名称来自一个悲剧性的恋爱故事。相传一位德国骑士跟他的恋人散步在多瑙河畔。散步途中看见河畔绽放着蓝色花朵的小花。骑士不顾生命危险探身摘花,不料却失足掉入急流中。自知无法获救的骑士说了一句“别忘记我!”, 便把那朵蓝色透明的花朵扔向恋人,随即消失在水中。此后骑士的恋人日夜将蓝色小花配戴在发际,以显示对爱人的不忘与忠贞。而那朵蓝色透明花朵,便因此被称作“勿忘我”,其花语便是“不要忘记我”、“真实的爱”。另外,勿忘我也是美国阿拉斯加州的州花,不过因为它叶子的形状很像老鼠耳朵,当地人也称它为老鼠耳(mouse ear),这个名字就有不如勿忘我好听啦!

Shirley Horn的《Forget Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Forget Me歌手:Shirley Horn专辑:May The Music Never Endforget meFirst time I listen this misc ,fell something has never fogot ,the sorrow bit me all the time .Forget me your on your way.we don"t have to stay in touch.we may remember some day.but until then it doesn"t matter that much.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s somebody waiting for you.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll forget you too.forget me and don"t look back.there"s gold at the end of the rainbow.we both have to follow our paths.hold tight and let it go.if you don"t look may find that the past isn"t far behind.someday i"ll have to wonder and dreams may tell the truth.but if you promise me.i"ll promise i"ll never forget you.forget the tears we cried.forget the good times too.forget the pain inside.i know there"s something great waiting for youwish the cat someday can understand

mary lambert唱的forget me 歌词翻译

歌名:Forget Me歌手:Mary Lambert所属专辑:Letters Don"t Talk发行时间:2012-08-31中英对译歌词:Did you forget me你忘记我了吗i wish i could say that i never left我希望我可以说我从未离开sorry just sounds stupid and quiet抱歉这听起来如此愚蠢in this house在这个房间里did you forget me你忘记我了吗letters don"t talk信不能说话and my crying"s too loud我的哭声太大paper"s no palm,信纸没有在手上and i wonder where yours are at我想知道你们的在哪里paper"s no palm信纸没有在手上and i bet you"d laugh at that我猜你们会因此感到可笑did you forget me你忘记我了吗please forget me请把我忘记吧cigarette out like our dying light香烟闪耀着我们濒死的光did you forget me你忘记我了吗please come get me请接纳我please come get me请接纳我
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