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光棍节英语手抄报版面设计边框图案资料 1、Tosweetheartorfriend, wordscanmeanmuch. Valentinehearttoheart, conveysalovingtouch. 给我的爱人或是朋友, 一句话可以代表许多意思, 让我们传递著情人节的讯息,也传送出爱的感觉。 2、You"realwaysthereforme Whenthingstendtogowrong It"sthatfaithyouhaveinme Thatmakesourlovestrong 就算是我犯了错误也没关系, 是你对我坚定的信心, 让我们的爱更加 加茁壮。 3、It"syourlovingandyourcaring Andknowingthatyou"renear Thatgentletouchyouhave Makemytroublesdisappear 是你的.爱意和呵护, 知道你就在我的身边, 还有你的温柔和体贴, 让我所有的麻烦全都不见。 4、AbetterloveIcouldn"taskfor Withyoursweetandgentlyway Andknowingthatyourloveforme Growsmoreeveryday 我再也没法找到一个比你更好爱我的人, 能比你更加温柔和体贴, 我也深深地相信, 你对我的爱一天比一天更深。 5、Wesharesomuchtogether Andyoualwayspullmethrough Thankyouforstandingbehindme InallthatIdo 我们分享生命中的每一天, 感谢你带领着我 感谢你一直支持着我 不论我做了些什么


Singles Day festival nor an ocean of non-soil section, which was born in the late 90s of the last century colleges and universities is a kind of campus culture, interesting products. General Speaking Singles Day, refers to November 11, its source is a continuous period of 4 on this day "1", all of them are "bachelor", image expression of the "trend that, Xingyingxiangdiao" means. Singles Day to eat The Chinese festivals always come up with innovative ideas for eating the above. 4 fritters is "11.11" and 4 "1", steamed buns on behalf of the middle of that point. This is a bachelor who"s earlier declaration, has become the mascot Singles Day. Singles Day theme song Lin Zhixuan of the "single Love Song"; Rene Liu"s "lifetime of loneliness"; Sheng"s "trying to turn tragedy for themselves"; Dikeniuzi "I do not love the person that you are"; Chu"s "lonely man is shameful"; Fish Leong"s "breaking up happy." Creative Singles Day Play Creative 1: Flash - 11 dated 11 11 Bus We are bachelor, bachelor despise mediocrity; we are bachelor, bachelor love life. If you give me a chance to leave mark in this city, we choose to flash. November 11, a group of bachelor of collective take Bus 11, nice scenery on the road, we are also others in the eyes of scenery. A group of bachelor collectively take Bus 11, it would be a shock yes ah, always been a stranger, to the common nature of the bachelor"s come together. This is unlikely to last forever - just like life, the inevitable - we have chosen to get off at a station group, an instant in the bustling crowd scattered away, leaving behind an empty 11 road car, and looked at each other people.


一、光棍节英文说法:Happy Singles Day ! 光棍节是流传于中国大陆年轻人的娱乐性节日,以庆祝自己仍是单身一族为傲(“光棍”的意思便是“单身”)。同时,这一天也是众多为单身男女脱离光身状态的交友聚会活动举办的日子,因此又同时是“脱光节”。 除此之外,One"s Day 和 Bachelor Day 也都可以表示“光棍节”。 One"s Day ,一个人的节日就是光棍节呗,不过童鞋们可不要把 Bachelor Day 理解为“学士节”,bachelor 除了学士,还有单身汉的意思。 二、光棍英语怎么说? “光棍”,最简单的说法是single。虽然“光棍”一词非常形象,但其实说到底就是“单身”嘛。因此平时我们用single一词足以表示“光棍”了。 例如: Dan was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the family business. 丹是个光棍,在家与父亲同住,并在自家的公司工作。 除了single,还有什么词汇也是“光棍”的代名词呢 bachelor这个词也可以专门表示“光棍”。 He is a bachelor, once he is fed, no one is hungry in his family. 他是光棍儿一条,一人吃饱全家不饿。 我们知道,bachelor还可以表示“获学士学位的人”。那么,为什么这个词既是“光棍”又是“学士”的意思呢有种说法是以前的学校都是男女分校,也就是我们常说的 unisexual school, 导致学士都是光棍啦!不过究竟是不是这个原因也无从考证了,不管它怎么来的,大家记得就好啦。 Happy Single"s Day!让我们一切度过光棍节吧~早日找到另一半,脱单快乐!


【 #日记# 导语】光棍节是一种流传于年轻人的娱乐性节日,以庆祝自己仍是单身一族为骄傲(“光棍”的意思便是“单身”)。 为大家精心整理了以下文章,希望能帮助到大家。 篇一   On Nov. 11, is one of the single alternative holiday, because the date of the day there were four consecutive "one", this day was a "singles day".   The origin of singles day, has always been a fan, there are all kinds of speculation and argument. Singles day of that is generated in the campus culture is to be reliable, but the who first put forward has not got. It is said that the festival originated in more than 800 years ago, that is, on November 11, 1111, the day bachelor and a record eight. In fact, this section is the meaning of god.   Every year on this day in the evening, my mother is in the zero point, on the computer to buy me a clothes, is New Year"s day to wear new clothes and mom or late-night 1 didn"t go to sleep, when I think mom is very hard. This morning, I heard the mother say: "what a lot of people steal clothes yesterday evening! Fortunately, I also get the one." Father said: "this rob clothes drive like war!"   11月11日,是单身一族的一个*节日,因为这一天的日期里面有连续四个“一”的缘故,这个日子便被定为“光棍节”。   光棍节的来历,一直是个迷,有各种各样的猜测和说法。其中光棍节产生于校园文化的说法是比较可信的,但由谁最先提出已不可考了。据说这个节起源于800多年前,也就是1111年11月11日,那天光棍达到和创纪录的8条。其实,设立这个节是上帝的意思。   每年这一天的晚上,妈妈就要在零点时候,在电脑上给我买衣服,是过年要穿的新衣服而且妈妈还是在后半夜1点的时候才睡,我觉得妈妈很辛苦。今天早上,我听见妈妈说:“昨天晚上抢衣服的人真多啊!幸好我也抢到一件。”爸爸说:“这抢衣服的劲头就像打仗一样呀!” 篇二   The origin of singles day there are a number of views, the received a is said it originated in the 1990 s of nanjing university campus cultural taste. In nanjing university "slumber" four boys never thought, to be a joke "on November 11, please call singles day!" , so hot today. From the initial joke, self-mockery activity to school campus to petty pleasures, to the lonely commuters excuse to enjoy the last it is a "holiday", in the eyes of new business experience, step by step "singles day" stand out, and Christmas, valentine"s day together.   Little singles day is on January 1, 11 January and November 1 is the singles day, and on November 11, with four 1, so called big singles day, singles day is to show big singles day on November 11. With 11 end the year on November 11 is super singles day, such as 11 years on November 11. November 11, 1111 is one of top ten thousand singles day, November 11, 2011 is a once-in-a-century super singles day of the century (called a "section" diablo iii).   The Chinese holiday will always come up with ideas on eating. Four Fried dough sticks is "11," four "1", the steamed stuffed bun means in the middle of the points. This is the declaration earlier, bachelors were also become the mascot for the singles day.   光棍节的起源有多种说法,广为认可的一种是说它起源于1990年代南京高校的校园趣味文化。当年在南京大学“卧谈”的4个男生可能怎么也没想到,一句玩笑话“11月11日就叫光棍节吧!”,竟然在今天如此火爆。从最初的玩笑、到校园内细细碎碎的自嘲活动、再到孤独的上班族借口小聚,最后成为商家眼中的新锐“节日”,经历一步步的推波助澜,“光棍节”脱颖而出,竟与圣诞节、情人节并肩。   1月1日是小光棍节,1月11日和11月1日是中光棍节,而11月11日由于有4个1,所以被称为大光棍节,一般光棍节则指11月11日的大光棍节。带11尾年份的11月11日是超级光棍节,例如11年11月11日。1111年11月11日是万年一遇的光棍节,2011年11月11日是本世纪百年一遇的超级光棍节(称“神棍节”)。   中国人过节总会在吃上面搞出创意来。四根油条就是“11·11”的四个“1”,包子就代表中间的那个点。这是光棍们的早点宣言,也成为光棍节的吉祥物。 篇三   An old story goes that once there were four single men, leading very boring lives. None of them were married, or had lovers, or did anything exciting. They just sat around all day and played Mahjong.   One day they played Mahjong from 11 in the morning until 11 at night. During the game, no matter who won, the winning card was always the "four columns" card (the card shows four independent, parallel columns in two lines)。 Even more of a coincidence, it was Nov 11, or 11/11. In order to commemorate the day, they nicknamed it "Singles Day".   一个古老的故事,一旦有四个单身男人,过着无聊的生活。他们都没有结婚,或爱人,或做任何令人兴奋。他们整天坐在和打麻将。   有一天他们打麻将从早上11点*了晚上11。比赛期间,无论谁赢了,赢得卡总是四列的卡片(卡片显示四个独立、并行列在两行),更加巧合的是,这是11月11日,或11/11。为了纪念这一天,他们给它命名为“光棍节”。


Singles Day falls on every November 11th, and as the name indicates, this relatively new holiday is one exclusively for people who are still living the single life. I was a bit surprised when I googled "Singles Day" on the Internet, to find that China is the only country in the world that has set aside a special day for singles to celebrate their lives.

光棍节英语怎么说 有关光棍节的英语

  When agreements are made, women tend to break them or change them to suit their needs, no matter what the situation is.   1. 不守约定   一旦立下约定,女人往往会不遵守,或是按自己的需要更改,才不去管合不合时宜。   2. Keeping Their Feelings   It"s stereotypical to believe women share automatically how they are feeling. Actually, women will hold in their feelings until they are asked often enough that they spill what is on their minds.   2. 憋住自己的感受   老一套的观点认为,女人会主动地分享她们的内心感受。其实,女人会憋住自己的感受,只有当她们被问到一定的时候,才肯将心里话倾出肺腑。   3. Try to Change Their Men   Women often understand men but don"t agree with the way they are. Women try to change them to suit their needs or leave them alone completely.   3. 试图改造自己的男人   女人往往了解男人,可又不认同他们的行为方式。女人要么试图改变他们以符合她们的需要,要么就彻底将他们仍在一边。   4. Mate Comparison   Women, sometimes unknowingly, compare their current mate to their ex in terms of negative aspects. Comparisons should be made when it"s favorable.   4. 比较伴侣   女人——有时不自觉地——会将自己现在的伴侣同她们的前任伴侣就负面因素进行比较。只有在产生有利结果时才能做比较。   5. Belittling His Hobbies   Everyone has a hobby or two that their mate doesn"t like. However, you should never keep them from doing it. Also, never demand that they take an interest in your hobby. The message you send is that your hobbies are much more important than his and that"s not the message you should be sending.   5. 贬损他的嗜好   每个人都有一两种嗜好是他伴侣所不喜欢的。然而,你绝不应该禁止他去做。还有,绝不要强迫他选择你的嗜好,因为你所传达的信息就是:你的嗜好远比他的重要。你不能传达出这种信息。   6. Gossiping   While it would seem to stroke the man"s ego, men don"t like women gossiping about them, whether it"s good or bad. It doesn"t matter.   6. 八卦   男人不喜欢女人八卦他们,无论是正面还是负面的,因为这看上去有伤男人的自尊。不八卦人照样活。   7. Nagging   Men do not like it when a woman constantly nags them about getting things done whether or not it"s with good intentions.   7. 唠叨   无论女人是不是出于好心,男人不喜欢女人总是叫他们做这儿做那儿地唠叨起没完。   8. Interruption   Believe it or not, a man needs to talk to so it"s best you listen with an open mind and not try to interrupt. Men do not like it when a woman listens but looks impatient to talk too. If you interrupt him with something else not relevant to the current conversation, you could create tension between the both of you.   8. 打断谈话   信不信由你,男人需要人与之交谈。所以你聚精会神地去倾听,而不要总想打断。男人也不喜欢女人在听他们讲话时表现出不耐烦的样子。如果你用不相干的事情打断了他,你就可能在你们彼此之间制造出紧张气氛。   9. Solution Oriented vs. Conversation Oriented   Men like to get to the bottom of things so don"t get upset if they don"t want to talk for hours about a particular subject.   9. 解决型 vs. 交谈型   男人喜欢直入主题,所以如果他们不想就某个具体话题谈论几个小时,你也不要不高兴。   10. Beauty Conscious   Men do not like it when a woman spends a lot of time looking at herself in the mirror but still looks the same as she always does.   10. 臭美   男人不喜欢:女人在镜子前面大费时光地端详自己,但其实,她们看上去还和往常一样。   11. Paranoia   Men don"t like it when a woman gets paranoid about the way she looks. If your man doesn"t like the way you look, they wouldn"t be with you.   11. 偏执狂   男人不喜欢女人过分怀疑自己的外貌。要是你的男人不喜欢你的样貌,他就不会和你在一起了。   12. Insecure/Jealously   Believe it or not, men do not like jealousy, even a small bit. This is especially true if you are out on a date together and catch their eye wander. You make a wise crack about it. This actually annoys them very much.   12. 多疑或嫉妒   你爱信不信,男人不喜欢爱吃醋的女人,哪怕只有一丁点。特别是,当你们一起出去时,如果你抓住了他那到处游移的眼睛,并对此说了一句俏皮话,那其实这会使他大为光火的。