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_____, liquids can be changed into gases. A. Heating B. To be heated C. Heated D. Heat 答案:选C


Liquids are like solids ____ they have a definite volume. A.in which B.that C.in that D.which


hail satan 什么意思

hail satan全部释义和例句>> 撒但撒旦(Satan),主要指《圣经》中的堕天使(也称堕天使撒旦),他是反叛上帝耶和华的堕天使(Fallen Angels),曾经是上帝座前的六翼天使,后来他因骄傲自大妄想与神同等而堕落成为魔鬼,被看作与上帝的力量相对的邪恶、黑暗之源。

Do you realise that is my food you are offering everyone是什么意思


It was too late for him to realise that he had said somthing wrong.

It was too late for him to realise that he had said somthing wrong.这是从句还是什么?什么从句?成分由哪些构成?这是一个状语从句。主句是:It was too late for him to realise that 后边的 to realise that he had said somthing wrong.是一个动词不定式作状语修饰late,而 he had said somthing wrong是从句作realise的宾语当然也可以理解为realise的宾语从句

what subject还是subjects

能,因为subject是可数名词,what subject是一门课,而一上午要上几门课,所以最好用what subjects

soda glass hard glass分别是什么玻璃?

·soda glass钠玻璃 钠玻璃是以石英砂、纯碱(碳酸钠)、石灰石、长石等为主要原料制成的玻璃.我们知道,纯碱(碳酸钠)又叫苏打,即英文中的soda,soda glass的就此得名. hard glass 硬玻璃

Sandra的《Shadows》 歌词

歌曲名:Shadows歌手:Sandra专辑:Close To SevenShadowsRenegade FiveUnderground UniverseShadowsI believe that you are falling from the surface(I know that it"s true)You can see the sun shining on the others(That"s all you can do)Nothing you did, nothing you saidNever meant a thing at allAll you can do is run for your lifeFrom the fire that brings you downTrying to find a way, living in the shadowsFeel it comes for you surrounded by a shadowTake my hand I"ll lead you all through the darkness(That"s all I can do)You will dream away, never understand it(It"s like I can"t get it through)Nothing you did, nothing you saidNever meant a thing a allAll you can do is run for your lifeFrom the fire that brings you downTrying to find a way, living in the shadowsFeel it comes for you surrounded by a shadowMaybe one day you"ll see, the way to find all you ever needThen I"ll come for you to rescue youYou will survive in the shadowsIn the shadows...I"ll find a way in the darkNever thought I"ll fall back to the startThe shadows are fading awayCause I"m gonna make it, make it, make it throughTrying to find a way, living in the shadowsFeel it comes for you surrounded by a shadowTrying to find a way, living in the shadowsFeel it comes for you surrounded by a shadowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2671401

villages have been built in

答案是对的. what 在引导宾语从句的时候,即表示 先行词,有表示链接词.相对于 the thing that 在这里相对于 a place that 其他的连接词,没有这个作用.



什么是中东呼吸综合征?What is MERS

中东呼吸综合征(MERS)是由一种新型冠状病毒(MERS-CoV)而引起的病毒性呼吸道疾病,该病毒于2012年在沙特阿拉伯首次被发现。冠状病毒是一组能够导致人类和动物发病的病毒,常能够引起人类发生从普通感冒到严重急性呼吸综合征(SARS)的多种疾病。 【病原学】中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒(MERS-CoV)属于冠状病毒科,β类冠状病毒的2c亚群,是一种具有包膜、基因组为线性非节段单股正链的RNA病毒。病毒粒子呈球形,直径为120-160 nm。基因组全长约30kb。目前已经完成多株MERS-CoV的全基因组序列测定,从基因组序列分析, MERS-CoV与SARS基因组相似性为55%左右。中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒受体同SARS完全不同,SARS冠状病毒受体为血管紧张素转换酶 2(angiotensin-converting enzyme 2,ACE2),表达该受体的细胞主要位于人的肺部组织,而人的上呼吸道组织很少分布。中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒受体为二肽基肽酶4(Dipeptidyl peptidase 4,DPP4, 也称为CD26),该受体与ACE2类似,主要分布于人深部呼吸道组织,可以部分解释中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒临床症状严重性。2014年分别从沙特地区一个MERS-CoV感染病人及其发病前接触过的单峰骆驼体内分离出基因序列完全相同的MERS-CoV,同时在埃及、卡塔尔和沙特其他地区的骆驼中也分离到和人感染病例分离病毒株相匹配的病毒,并在非洲和中东的骆驼中发现MERS-CoV抗体,因而骆驼可能是人类感染来源。但不排除蝙蝠或其他动物也可能是中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒的自然宿主。由于该病毒被发现时间较短,其病原学特征尚不完全清楚,病毒结构、性状、生物学和分子生物学特征还有待于进一步的研究。


我看清了一个,第6个词,这个意思是:NMD(National Missile Defence ),即美国国家导弹防御系统,由美国前总统克林顿提出。其工作模式为: 预警雷达首先发现目标,即“敌方”的进攻洲际导弹;预警雷达将报警信号传送到军事卫星; 军事卫星将报警信号传送到指挥部; 指挥部发出命令发射反导弹导弹; 反导弹导弹利用红外跟踪原理搜寻敌方进攻导弹, 识别真假弹头, 然后在地球大气层外拦截敌方进攻导弹, 并用激光武器将其摧毁,第二个意思是:你妈的!

My penis is bigger than yours.


KAT-TUN的sweet chain假名歌词


mata chat哪里的软件

mata chat是中国的软件。Mata Chat是一款安全的聊天软件,用户通过该平台聊天可以有效的保护隐私,支持语音、视频、图文等聊天方式,阅后即焚内容永久删除,Mata Chat以用户隐私安全为核心而设计。mata chat可以邀请好友加入群聊,进行文字,语音等方式的聊天。Mata Chat app特色1、私人安全码锁定私人App锁功能,您每次打开应用,都会根据需要输入安全码,防止他人肆意翻查您的手机,导致隐私内容泄露。2、聊天记录0保存在Mata Chat里,任何聊天记录都不会保存在服务器中,您个人的私密内容将交由您自己做主。

mata chat哪里的软件

mata chat是中国的软件。Mata Chat是一款安全的聊天软件,用户通过该平台聊天可以有效的保护隐私,支持语音、视频、图文等聊天方式,阅后即焚内容永久删除,Mata Chat以用户隐私安全为核心而设计。mata chat可以邀请好友加入群聊,进行文字,语音等方式的聊天。Mata Chat app特色1、私人安全码锁定私人App锁功能,您每次打开应用,都会根据需要输入安全码,防止他人肆意翻查您的手机,导致隐私内容泄露。2、聊天记录0保存在Mata Chat里,任何聊天记录都不会保存在服务器中,您个人的私密内容将交由您自己做主。

「What’s the catch」中文意思是?由3个单字所组成的十大实用问句!

身为非母语人士,当你听不懂对方在说什么或发生什么事时,你知道该如何发问吗? Engvid的讲师Rebecca提出了十个实用的英文问句用法,而这些问句只由三个单字所构成,并用简单的例句来加强你的记忆喔! 1. What"s the matter? 发生什么事? e.g. What"s wrong? 发生什么事了? 2. Do you mind…? 你介意吗? e.g. Can I use this chair? 我可以使用这张椅子吗? 3. Have you heard…? 你听过……吗? e.g. Do you know the latest news? 你听说了最新的消息吗? 4. Care for another…? 想要再续吗? (通常用于食物或饮品) e.g. Would you like another drink? 你想要另一杯饮料吗? 5. Who is it? 那是谁? e.g. Who is calling? 是谁打来呢? 6. Leaving so soon? 这么快就要离开? e.g. Are you going home already? 你已经要回家了吗? 7. have you met? 你们见过吗? e.g. Do you know each other? 你们认识彼此吗? 8. What"s the scoop? 有什么最新消息吗? e.g. What"s happening? What happened? 发生什么事? 9. Do you follow? 你了解吗? e.g. Do you understand? 你明白了吗? 10. What"s the catch? 内幕是什么? e.g. What"s the hidden problem? 潜在问题是什么呢? care for another, care for another 中文, care for another 意思, care for another 翻译, do you follow, do you follow 中文, do you follow 意思, do you follow 翻译, do you mind, do you mind 中文, do you mind 意思, do you mind 翻译, have you heard, have you met, leaving so soon, question, What"s the catch, What"s the catch 意思, What"s the catch 翻译, what"s the matter, what"s the matter 中文, what"s the matter 意思, what"s the matter 翻译, what"s the scoop, What"s the catch 中文, who is it

求 kat-tun sweet chain 中文歌词

约好碰头的9P.M 想要再多看一会儿 轻晃耳环 伫立著的你 想让你说出想念的话语 你是Sugar·Candy·Chocolate baby 甜蜜香气飘荡空中 想吻你上下开合的嘴唇 I know 漂亮地谎言很糟糕哦 眼中已经只能容下你了 No x No Baby 不把你让给任何人 用SWEET CHAIN 缠住你 No x No I know, I know, but I believe my love But I believe my love I know, I know, but I believe my love 无论醒著还是梦中 都只想著你 若这是梦境的延续 我害怕醒来 你是Sugar·Candy·Chocolate baby 被甜蜜香气吸引 我想蜜蜂一般渴求著你 I know 编些温柔的谎言也无妨 只是我爱你You"re my love Baby 不需要任何替代品 SWEET CHAIN 不让你逃脱 No x No Love you 无论怎样接近你 依旧无法看到你的内心 No x No 好吧 这样的话无论到哪 都戴著SWEET CHAIN 沉沦吧 No x No I know, I know, but I believe my love But I believe my love I know, I know, but I believe my love I know, I know, but I believe my love But I believe my love I know, I know, but I believe my love I know 漂亮地谎言很糟糕哦 眼中已经只能容下你了 No x No Baby 不把你让给任何人 用SWEET CHAIN 缠住你 No x No 不让你反抗 SWEET CHAIN 太过爱你而将你束缚 结束亦或开始都由你 这样也可以 No x No I know, I know, but I believe my love... I know my love Sweet的Queen是Need Chain, No Pain, No Gain I know, love you 用Cheep的Reason Hug & Kiss & Kiss







C# Marshal类的中关于内存资源的释放。求解答!




请问:MARSHAL MAL2750SA-T54 (11UIP3IOT)是什么牌子的硬盘?


MARSHAL 是什么硬盘,是三星的吗 ???


所谓MARSHAL 硬盘的真相



产地:英国口味:混合口味版本:英文原装版焦 油 含量: 12mg尼古丁含量: 0.8mgmarshal的中文翻译:名词 n. [C]1.元帅;高级将官Marshal Montgomery commanded the ground forces in the invasion of Normandy. 蒙哥马利元帅在诺曼第入侵中指挥地面部队。 2.司仪;典礼官The dean of the school acts as marshal of graduation exercises. 学校的教务长担任毕业典礼的司仪。 3.【美】联邦法院执行官;市司法官;警察局长;消防队长I was led into the courtroom by a marshal. 我由一名法院的执行官领进法庭。 4.体育竞赛组织官员It is unusual for a golfer to batter one of the marshals with his putter. 高尔夫球员用推杆殴打比赛组织官员实属罕见。 及物动词 vt. 1.排列,安排;整理He marshaled his facts to support his argument. 他列举事实来证实他的论点。 2.引领[(+into)]The foreign visitor was marshaled into the presence of the minister. 那位外国客人被领到部长面前。 3.编列(部队),统帅(军队)The general marshaled his troops for a new attack. 将军集结部队准备发起新的进攻。 4.将(列车)编组


  MARSHAL皮具品牌始源于意大利,迄今已有一百多年的历史。“MARSHAL”的中文意思是“元帅”。他的品牌故事源自意大利的一个将军家族:  19世纪上半期意大利仍处于分裂状态,大多数地区被外国势力所控制。工业革命的展开和意大利人民要求民族独立、国家统一。正是在这样一个家国统一的美好愿望下,新婚妻子丽雅将英俊的丈夫——神箭手菲戈送往了神圣的战场。聪慧的丽雅用灵巧的双手和炽热的爱情,为丈夫精心制作了一个结实的背囊,在上面刻了一幅回家的地图和一个古罗马的勇士头像,以激励丈夫英勇作战,早日凯旋归来。  残酷的战争持续了十四年,丽雅每天都要登上山顶遥望丈夫出发的远处,盼望着亲人的归来。丈夫出发后诞生的儿子马萨克也十三岁了,这年的寒冬,凯旋归来的军队经过了小山村,满心欢喜的丽雅迎来的却只是菲戈用过的,经历了战火洗礼的那只带血的背囊。战友们含泪诉说着菲戈为了营救他们而被敌人刺伤,英勇牺牲的经过。丽雅用颤抖的手接过了血迹斑斑的背囊,把背囊紧紧抱在怀中,仿佛抱着丈夫温暖的胸膛,泪水奔涌而出。(续上)第二年,战争的号角再一次吹响。十四岁的马萨克在母亲的陪送下参加了帝国的骑兵队,临行前,丽雅亲手为儿子背上了菲戈留下的背囊,激励他勇敢战斗。十年后,马萨克凯旋归国,当他站在了两鬓斑白的母亲前面时,已是战功赫赫并受到嘉奖的青年将军。年轻的将军单膝跪下,手里高举着那个满载母亲殷切期望的背囊,丽雅凝视着儿子刚毅的脸庞和抹得发亮的背囊上依然清晰的地图和头像,留下了幸福的泪水。  从此以后,刻着地图和罗马勇士的图案的背囊成为了当地人们远行必带的物品,成为了人们心目中的吉祥物。









marshal 手表是哪个国家的?中文名字是什么?

英国品牌瑞士产 品牌中文名是 玛莎


正货是 英国品牌 瑞士产的时尚品牌 中文名为 玛莎价格2.3千~万元左右


marshal 英["mɑ:u0283l] 美[u02c8mɑru0283u0259l] n. 元帅;典礼官;执法官;消防局长 vt. 整理,排列,集结 vi. 排列;编队 [例句]He said march and marshal talked too much already.他说,3月和元帅谈到太多了。如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!




marshal意思如下:英 ["mɑu02d0u0283(u0259)l]美 ["mɑru0283u0259l]。n. 元帅;司仪。vt. 整理;引领;编列。vi. 排列。n. (Marshal)人名;(英)马歇尔。谐音“马歇尔” -- 大家都知道马歇尔计划吧 --- 马歇尔将军这个人是很有人格魅力的,是一个很伟大的人,美国本来要授予他元帅军衔的,但是被他拒绝了,所以气其实马歇尔不是元帅,却胜似元帅。marshal 元帅,指挥,安排。来自古法语mareschal,军事统帅,总管,来自mare,母马,-schal,仆人,来自PIE*skel,分开,分类,词源同scale,shell.其原义为养马的仆人,马夫,弼马温,后词义扩大,引申词义皇室总管,军队统帅,元帅。比较minister.双语例句1. The Marshal stepped over the vacuum-cleaner and stumped out of the room.元帅迈过真空吸尘器,脚步沉重地走出了房间。2. He acted as grand marshal of a stock car race.他担任过改装赛车大赛的主持人。3. A federal marshal was killed in a shoot-out.枪战中一名联邦警察局局长身亡。4. Air Chief Marshal Sir Robin Hall空军上将罗宾u2219霍尔爵士5. Air Marshal Gordon Black空军中将戈登u2219布莱克

What does "quake" mean _____ in the word "earthquake"?

答案C what does "quake" mean 是主句,后面是一个由as引导的方式状语从句,省略了it is, 全句是as it is in the word "earthquke"。 查看原帖>>

nordic hamburg

nordic hamburg 北欧汉堡


quake: shake with fast, tremulous movements(快速而胆小地颤抖), shake with seismic vibration(地震引起的颤抖). shake: move or cause to move back and forth(前后摇晃地动), move with or as if with a tremor(好似激动或兴奋而动),

shake和 quake的区别

shake 动词 摇动、晃动的意思quake 是名词 意思是 震动 (名词)像 earth quake 地震之类的总之 区别就是词性不同、一个是动词。一个是名词


  导语:孕期补充DHA有利于宝宝智力和视力发育,令宝宝的大脑发育更完全,拥有机智宝宝,从孕期补充DHA开始。那么dha哪个牌子好呢?   dha哪个牌子好   DHA有常见的几种补充剂,鱼油乳剂、鱼油软凝胶、DHA嚼片、藻类DHA、DHA冲剂以及DHA乳品等。一起数数DHA哪个牌子好:   纽利兹:海藻中提取的DHA纯度是鱼油的四倍,且而且不含EPA。纽利兹对眼部视网膜发育和视力起到保护效果,促进视力发育,预防近视。   奈氏力斯:添加了锌,具有抗氧化的作用,提高食欲,促进吸收,营养较均衡,但不含叶黄素,算是一个小小的不足。   金元首:里面的 DHA含量不多,不含锌,容易氧化,也不含叶黄素,吸收利用率较低。   贝倍聪:每粒含有112mg,但其实已经超过每日推荐用量,还不含叶黄素和锌。   智灵通:DHA促进智力和视力发育,提高学习能力和记忆力,但是对婴儿视力保护较小。   dha的作用   DHA是神经系统细胞生长及维持的一种主要元素,是大脑和视网膜的重要构成成分,在人体大脑皮层中含量高达20%,在眼睛视网膜中所占比例最大,约占50%。对智力和视力发育至关重要。DHA还能缓解产后抑郁,令妈妈遇见大好心情。   DHA能让大脑神经发育更完善,能使大脑和神经系统朝一个良好的方向走去。DHA能增强记忆力,当年纪越来越大,或者是由于身体出现异常,慢慢变得健忘的人可以补充DHA,不仅让大脑处于一个较为开放位置,又能是人变得机智,真是一举两得,好不和谐。   很多国家已经重新制定了人体对每日DHA的推荐 摄入量标准,其中摄入量最低的为160毫克/日,最高的为400毫克/日。如果想要视力杠杠的",大脑处理速度变快可以服用DHA。   dha的价格   DHA品牌较多,价格也不仅相同,有些妈妈可能会通过海淘的方式购买DHA,用起来也更为放心。下面妈网百科将介绍3款国外知名、好评率高的DHA产品。一起来看看。   Nordic Naturals婴儿dha滴剂   点评:Nordic Naturals是挪威营养品品牌,主要成分为Omega-3s脂肪酸,除了含dha外,还含有钙、维生素A、D、E。这款dha滴剂适合0-1岁的宝宝。参考价格是86.32元,但是海淘就不止这个价了,国内代购要130元以上,还要考虑运费等。   Childlife, Pure DHA   点评:childlife主要成分是omega-3s,还含有维生素A、D。childlife是一款液体胶囊,宝宝可以药品吞咽,服用比较方便,适合1-3岁宝宝食用。参考价格是75元。   Doppelherz system Junior OMEGA-3   点评:欧洲地区最畅销dha产品之一。是一款咀嚼片,像糖果一样吃,还能补充dha,可谓十全十美。Doppelherz system Junior OMEGA-3的参考价格是126.25元。   没有海淘需求的妈妈可以关注国内能选购的产品,如纽利兹,海藻中提取的DHA纯度是鱼油的四倍,且而且不含EPA。参考价99元。



有哪些单词与nurse、hamburger 中的ur相同?



SHA3简介:由于近年来对传统常用Hash 函数如MD4、MD5、SHA0、SHA1、RIPENMD 等的成功攻击,美国国家标准技术研究所(NIST)在2005年、2006年分别举行了2届密码Hash 研讨会;同时于2007年正式宣布在全球范围内征集新的下一代密码Hash算法,举行SHA-3竞赛·新的Hash算法将被称为SHA-3,并且作为新的安全Hash标准,增强现有的FIPS 180-2标准。算法提交已于2008年10月结束,NIST 将分别于2009年和2010年举行2轮会议,通过2轮的筛选选出进入最终轮(final round)的算法,最后将在2012年公布获胜算法。公开竞赛的整个进程仿照高级加密标准AES 的征集过程。2012年10月2日,Keccak被选为NIST竞赛的胜利者, 成为SHA-3.。

请问一下钢材拉伸试验力 UTS、.2%YS、ELONG、HARD RB 是什么意思?

uts=ultimate tensile strength 极限拉应力2%YS=2% yield strength 屈服强度的2%ELONG 伸长率HARD RB =HARD Ribbed -steel Bar 带肋钢筋

Natasha Denona Love爱恋眼影盘试色 ND新眼影盘love palette教程

Natasha Denona是美国的一个彩妆品牌,同时也是以创始人的名字命名的。ND家的眼影盘可以说是做得非常好,非常值得入手的一个,尤其是日出盘非常受欢迎。ND新推出的爱恋眼影盘LovePalette是情人节限定,那么这个盘的颜色好不好看呢? Natasha Denona Love爱恋眼影盘试色 粉嫩嫩的外壳超级好看,拿在手上很有份量。质地还是Natasha家一如既往的顺滑,特别是珠光色和偏光色,简直美爆。 左半边的盘偏暖色调,很适合日常,右半边是冷色调又很适合大胆的尝试。 哑光色一如既往非常细腻。带闪色有一丢丢飞粉~用手指上会更美。Giving这个颜色是最爱,粉紫偏光的闪简直太美。Heart也是一块非常正的哑光红,这是ND第二个迷你15色盘。 ND眼影盘Love Palette教程 这盘粉色系的眼影盘就很适合化粉粉嫩嫩的桃花妆。 1:用first打底,铺满整个眼窝(白色部分) 2:用intense铺在双眼皮折痕内,没有双眼皮和内双的可以铺在比first小一点的范围内,睁眼能看到就行,下眼睑也要涂到(紫色部分) 3:用heartbeat小范围加深眼尾,下眼睑涂的范围比intense小(绿色部分) 4:用lifetime偏光亮片色铺在眼皮靠前的部分,喜欢的还可以在卧蚕上放一点(黑色部分) Natasha Denona LovePalette眼影盘值得入手吗 相比日出盘我会更喜欢这盘,$87加币价格是真的合理,比普通大盘更舍得下手。 ND的粉质我真的不得不佩服,非常细腻软糯,很容易晕染,珠光色一点也不俗气,闪片都很细。 外壳的粉嫩嫩的,有镜子,而且不是日落盘那种包装。这盘里面我认为最出彩的颜色就是heart(二排左一)和intense(三排左三),简直是这个盘的灵魂! 紫色系可以单独搭配使用,也可以跟红色这边的混搭。这个LOVE盘虽然不及日落盘惊艳,但已经是我最近看到的最喜欢的粉色盘了!而且intense这个色让我想到了mini gold palette里面的绿色,ND的盘里这种饱和度和明度略低的颜色太绝了。

The Old Man And The Sea Chapter18

It was on the third turn that he saw the fish first.He saw him first as a dark shadow that took so long to pass under the boat that he could not believe its length. “No,” he said. “He can"t be that big.” But he was that big and at the end of this circle he came to the surface only thirty yards away and the man saw his tail out of water. It was higher than a big scythe blade and a very pale lavender above the dark blue water. It raked back and as the fish swam just below the surface the old man could see his huge bulk and the purple stripes that banded (戴上环套,这里指裹在鱼身上) him. His dorsal fin was down and his huge pectorals were spread wide. On this circle the old man could see the fish"s eye and the two gray sucking fish that swam around him. Sometimes they attached themselves to him. Sometimes they darted off. Sometimes they would swim easily in his shadow. They were each over three feet long and when they swam fast they lashed their whole bodies like eels. The old man was sweating now but from something else besides the sun. On each calm placid turn the fish made he was gaining line and he was sure that in two turns more he would have a chance to get the harpoon in. But I must get him close, close, close, he thought. I mustn"t try for the head. I must get the heart. “Be calm and strong, old man,” he said. On the next circle the fish"s back was out but he was a little too far from the boat. On the next circle he was still too far away but he was higher out of the water and the old man was sure that by gaining some more line he could have him alongside. He had rigged his harpoon long before and its coil of light rope was in a round basket and the end was made fast to the bitt in the bow. The fish was coming in on his circle now calm and beautiful looking and only his great tail moving. The old man pulled on him all that he could to bring him closer. For just a moment the fish turned a little on his side. Then he straightened himself and began another circle. “I moved him,” the old man said. “I moved him then.” He felt faint again now but he held on the great fish all the strain that he could. I moved him, he thought. Maybe this time I can get him over. Pull, hands, he thought. Hold up, legs. Last for me, head. Last for me. You never went. This time I"ll pull him over. But when he put all of his effort on, starting it well out before the fish came alongside and pulling with all his strength, the fish pulled part way over and then righted himself and swam away. “Fish,” the old man said. “Fish, you are going to have to die anyway. Do you have to kill me too?” That way nothing is accomplished, he thought. His mouth was too dry to speak but he could not reach for the water now. I must get him alongside this time, he thought. I am not good for many more turns. Yes, you are, he told himself. You"re good for ever. On the next turn, he nearly had him. But again, the fish righted himself and swam slowly away. You are killing me, fish, the old man thought. But you have a right to. Never have I seen a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more noble thing than you, brother. Come on and kill me. I do not care who kills who. Now you are getting confused in the head, he thought. You must keep your head clear. Keep your head clear and know how to suffer like a man. Or a fish, he thought. “Clear up, head,” he said in a voice he could hardly hear. “Clear up.” Twice more it was the same on the turns. I do not know, the old man thought. He had been on the point of feeling himself go each time. I do not know. But I will try it once more. He tried it once more and he felt himself going when he turned the fish. The fish righted himself and swam off again slowly with the great tail weaving in the air. I"ll try it again, the old man promised, although his hands were mushy (糊状的,指老人的手血肉模糊) now and he could only see well in flashes. He tried it again and it was the same. So he thought, and he felt himself going before he started; I will try it once again. He took all his pain and what was left of his strength and his long gone pride and he put it against the fish"s agony and the fish came over onto his side and swam gently on his side, his bill almost touching the planking of the skiff and started to pass the boat, long, deep, wide, silver and barred with purple and interminable in the water. The old man dropped the line and put his foot on it and lifted the harpoon as high as he could and drove it down with all his strength, and more strength he had just summoned, into the fish"s side just behind the great chest fin that rose high in the air to the altitude of the man"s chest. He felt the iron go in and he leaned on it and drove it further and then pushed all his weight after it. Then the fish came alive, with his death in him, and rose high out of the water showing all his great length and width and all his power and his beauty. He seemed to hang in the air above the old man in the skiff. Then he fell into the water with a crash that sent spray over the old man and over all of the skiff.

it was only from a few supplies that

必须选B.首先,弄清句子成分:It was from only a few supplies that she had bought in the village ,其中 that she had bought in the village 作定语修饰supplies,意为 she had a few supplies bought in the village ,她在村庄里买了一些日常用品.既然是做定语那么就相当于形容词,可以去掉不影响整体句子结构.那么句子变成It was from only a few supplies ___ the hostess cooked such a nice dinner.其中 the hostess cooked such a nice dinner主谓宾齐全,所以排除作宾语的which,没有地点状语排除A,没有时间状语排除C,那么B,构成强调句.It is that.结构,去掉it is that不影响局以及结构.the hostess cooked such a nice dinner from only a few supplies .意为这个家庭主妇仅从很简单的常用品(食材或调料)就做出如此美味的一餐.你让教授给给你讲也不过如此啦!

安装Oracle数据库实例报错 end-of-file on communication channel 请高人指点

O/S-Error: (OS 1455) 页面文件太小,无法完成操作。Exception [type: ACCESS_VIOLATION, UNABLE_TO_READ] [ADDR:0x20] [PC:0x7F66ED6C6EC, kslwtbctx()+556]似乎是windows本身的问题,部分内存无法访问,建议你确认该windows正常 且未安装杀毒软件之类可能妨碍oracle安装的软件

what()lovely weather it is A,/ B,the C,an D,a分析一下


为什么 Mount Tai lies on Shandong.的lie要加s

margins/haircuts spike 是什么意思?



饰品名称: 翡翠挂件 (JewelryName) 总质量: 4.921g(含绳签) (Total Mass) 颜色: 浅绿色 (Colour) 形状: 雕件 --你好,这是一只金镶玉翡翠A货挂件真货无疑其翡翠部分种水分析为:糯到细糯种 整体淡油青色 底子干净 水头一般 其镶嵌部分为:千足金金箔 一克金可以锻造出0.5平方米金箔 所以您这个物件上面的用量是非常少的,在0.0几克之类。 此类带印记的翡翠挂件, 一般为商场或景点销售居多,多为抽奖打折之类的销售手法,一般是用品相不太好的翡翠料子,中间处再用千足金金箔,直接压制覆盖 ,时间长了金部分也较容易脱落,这样的物件实价从东西的大小分为100-300居多。 您的这件,种水品相较为一般,如果买的超过300就亏了 此类物件本身价值较低 不是很建议购买此类物品 有不明白的地方请继续追问还望选为满意回答 谢谢


AU是金的 金属元素 AU750就是含金量75%的金属,也就是常说的18K金 其实这里指的就是含 铂金 的量,AU750指含铂金75%,剩下的就是 黄金 了。而PT950指的是含铂金95%,最高的含量了,就像黄金99.9%一样了。AU750能硬一些,但价钱上却少一些,但外表真的看不出来,所以如果是你自己戴的话,选AU750是最好的选择。而且PT950时间长了会发乌。 前面的jhy应该是牌子的缩写或者制造者的缩写,这个和金的品种含量是没有关系的





thanslate sth in to sth

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 请帮我造句,谢谢,辛苦了 解析: 可能您把问题敲错了。thanslate 应该是translate . translate sth into sth 意思是把....翻译成...... 例句:I have translated all the English words in the book into Chinese .我把这本书里所有的英语单词翻译成了汉语

请问下rico M7 M5 B5 yamaha 4C四款笛头的问题!

rico M7、M5、B5 和 yamaha 4C 这四款笛头在性能和价格上有所差异。总体来说,rico M系列的笛头表现出较好的张力,其中M7的表现尤为出色。相比之下,B5的音色表现不太理想。M5和M7的口风大小接近,都呈现出接近金属的音色,且低音表现力好。在价格方面,rico M系列和雅马哈差不多,但比B系列贵100多元。以上信息仅供参考,具体性能和价格可能因地区和销售渠道的不同而有所差异。对于购买和使用这类产品,建议在购买前亲自尝试,以便更好地了解各款笛头的特点和适用场景。


只要你装了WINPCAP 就可以自己编程抓包,或使用wireshark抓包了。但是无线网卡好像无法通过winpcap抓包,具体如何实现无线网卡抓包,还没有研究过。6930p自带网卡绝对可以抓包,我开发网络抓包程序就是通过笔记本实现的,网卡也是我的三星笔记本自带的。

have a talk正确还是have a talking正确

Let"s have a talk. 不用想语法那些问题,这个固定用语,记住就好

talking 与chatting的区别?

talking说话chatting聊天聊天 [ liáo tiān ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义 [ liáo tiān ]以轻松随便的方式谈话,不拘礼仪地,不受拘束地谈话。

was talking , has been talking , has talked ,talke 这四个的区别和意思


what is the song talking about是什么意思?

what is the song talking about翻译成中文就是:这首歌唱的是什么内容。

Parcel: unable to marshal value

在两个activity直接传递List<xxInfo>时,出现Parcel: unable to marshal value异常。 在MainActivity页面(MainActivity页面向NextActivity页面传递一个List<xxInfo>): Intent intent = new Intent(this, NextActivity.class); intent.putExtra("list", list); startActivity(intent); 但需要注意: xxInfo要implements Serializable或者继承Parcelable,我的程序是implements Serializable。 list必须是ArrayList(若是List会提示错误)。 MainActivity中,intent.putExtra("list", Arraylist实例)。 NextActivity中,List<xxInfo> infoList = (ArrayList) getIntent().getSerializableExtra("list")

make a reunion与have a reunion有什么区别

make a reunion - 使团聚have a reunion - 有一次聚会

jet set charm item是什么意思

你好。根据你的描述:jet set charm item喷气式飞机的魅力项目

Burkhard Dallwitz的《Reunion》 歌词

歌曲名:Reunion歌手:Burkhard Dallwitz专辑:The Truman ShowreunionStarsSet Yourself on Fire"Reunion"by poppyranIn the year of my declineSucking freezies in the rainDriving twisted in the suburbsAnd then driving back againSeventeen and half aliveHeadlights illuminate the schoolInhale the powder from the science class, yeah nearly dying felt so coolYour face is all that hasnt changedYoure reassembled just like meBut when i reach to touch your handYou stroke mine gentlyAll i want is one more chance to be young and wild and freeAll i want is one more chance to show you,You were right for meYou were right for meIm back in gym and its the sameAs my name tag floats awayI had 6 too many drinks last night yesAnd thats why i made you stayPlus i always wanted youYou liked to rock it in your carYou said you didnt understand meBecause i always tried to see too farWell Tainted Love"s too fast to dance toSo lets leave them all behindThey hated us with everything they hadAnd we hated them in kindAll i want is one more chanceTo be young and wild and freeAll i want is one more chance to show you,You were right for meYou were right for meAll i want is one more chanceTo be young and wild and freeAll i want is one more chance to show you,You were right for meReunion, reunion..reunion, reunion...http://music.baidu.com/song/10178003

Researchers have established that when people are mentally,b?

研究者们已经确定:当人们精神上(此处少了东西,应该是个形容词),头脑中就会发生生化变化. Researchers have established that (引导宾语从句,后边全部是宾语从句部分)when people are mentally(是不是漏了什么词,这半句是宾语从句里的状语成分),bio-chemical changes occur in the brain (宾语从句的主干部分) 另外:没有见到您说的it啊,5,研究人员已经确定,当人们精神忙碌,生化的变化发生在脑部,使它能采取更effeetively 认知领域,如注意力和记忆力。 brain后的that后面的所有内容全部属于句子的宾语从句,其后的指代词it 指代的是brain 主语:researchers 谓语:have estabilished,2,请问这个句子是在哪看的,很急,非常感谢!!!!!!,1,嗯,重新说 主语:researchers 谓语:have estabilished 宾语:that 后的整个从句 把这个宾语从句拉出来当成一个句子再讲: when people are mentally engaged是状语从句,修饰后面的整个句子 bio-chemical changes主语,change这里是名词的复数,可不是动词的单三,0,Researchers have established that when people are mentally,bio-chemical changes occur in the brain 请问这个句子中brain后的that属于句子的那个成分,还有其后的指代词it 指代的是什么,这个句子该怎么分析成分,谢谢! Researchers have established that when people are mentally engaged,bio-chemical changes occur in the brain that allow it to act more effeetively in cognitive(认知的)areas such as attention and memory. 不好意思刚才句子不完整,请大家帮我分析一下,谢谢!

短文填空nowadays,wechat is

71. becoming 72. friends / rulatives / classmates,etc 73. phone/phones 74.who 75. opinion 76. easily 77. suggestions/advice 78. when 79. study 80. how 【你是不是这些】

请教以下地名如何翻译:老挝 南塔省 孟莫港/勐莫港? ?,Luang Namtha,Laos。

呃呃呃~~~Luang Namtha, Laos 皇太后南塔河、老挝

英语作文 changes is my hometow 并带翻译

Great changes in my hometown  More than twenty years ago, my hometown was just a small , old and poor town. Most of people were farmers. There were few factories. The people didn"t have enough food to eat and wore old clothes. They had a hard life .  Great changes have taken place in the past twenty years . The people have found a lot of ways of making money . Now there are many tall buildings . They are very beautiful . Roads are wide and clean . People can take buses or drive their own cars to go to work . Many people have cell phones and personal computers. People"s living conditions have improved a lot . Thanks to the government"s efforts . my hometown is becoming more and more beautiful .

What is five and tow? 是什么意思?





由电荷守恒可得c(M+)+c(H+) == c(X-)+C(OH-)因为溶液呈中性 所以c(H+) == C(OH-)所以c(M+)== c(X-)所以甲同学对


A.根据图象可知,0.01mol?L-1HA溶液中pH=2,则HA在溶液中完全电离,则HA为强酸,故A错误;B.在N到K间任意一点对应的溶液中,溶液的成分为MA、MOH,根据电荷守恒有:c(OH-)+c(OH-)=c(H+)+c(M+),故B正确;C.K点所示溶液中,l00mL 0.01mol/L HA的溶液中逐滴加入0.02mol/L MOH溶液100ml,反应后溶液中含有等浓度的MOH和MA溶液,所以c(M+)+c(MOH)≠c(A-),故C错误;D.MA是强酸弱碱盐,MA溶液呈酸性,溶液pH<7,故D错误;故选B.

share tow 是什么意思

share two 的意思是“有两个”。

常温下,向25mL 0.1mol/L MOH溶液中逐滴加入0.2mol/L HA溶液,曲线如图所示(体积变化忽略不计).下列说

A.由图象可知0.1mol/L MOH溶液的pH=13,c(OH-)=0.1mol/L,说明为强碱,完全电离,则电离方程式为:MOH═M++OH-,故A正确;B.根据图象可知,当加入13mL 0.2mol/L HA溶液时,n(HA)=0.0026mol,而n(MOH)=0.0025mol,说明HA过量,但溶液呈中性,说明HA为弱酸,如二者恰好反应,应生成强碱弱酸盐,水解呈碱性,发生A-+H2O?HA+OH-,促进水的电离,则混合溶液中由水电离出的c(H+)大于0.2mol/L HA溶液中由水电离出的c(H+),故B正确;C.B点溶液呈中性,溶液中存在c(M+)=c(A-)>c(H+)=c(OH-),C点反应已进行完全,HA过量,溶液呈酸性,但MA的物质的量大于HA的物质的量,应存在c(A-)>c(M+)>c(H+)>c(OH-),故C正确;D.D点时,加入n(HA)=0.005mol,而加入n(MOH)=0.0025mol,A元素以A-和HA两种形式存在,而M全以M+形式存在,溶液中c(A-)+c(HA)=2c(M+);c(M+)=0.05mol/L,c(OH-)=1×10-11mol/L,由电荷守恒c(M+)+c(H+)=c(A-)+c(OH-)和物料守恒c(A-)+c(HA)=2c(M+),求得c(HA)+c(H+)=c(M+)+c(OH-)=0.05mol/L+10-11mol/L,浓度必须带上单位,故D错误;故选D.

常温下,向100 mL 0.01 mol·L -1 HA溶液中逐滴加入0.02 mol·L -1 MOH溶液,图中所示曲线表示混合溶液的

D 由图可知,常温下0.01 mol·L -1 HA溶液pH=2,则说明HA为一元强酸,A错;向100 mL 0.01 mol·L -1 HA溶液中逐滴加入0.02 mol·L -1 MOH溶液50 mL时,两者恰好反应生成盐,但溶液pH<7,溶液显酸性,故MOH为一元弱碱,B错;溶液中的MOH在K点比N点多了49 mL,c(OH - )大,抑制了水的电离,故N点水的电离程度大于K点,C错;K点溶液的体积为200 mL,根据物料守恒,c(MOH)+c(M + )= ="0.01" mol·L -1 ,D对。

常温下,向25 mL 0.1 mol/L MOH溶液中逐滴加入0.2 mol/L HA溶液,曲线如图所示(体积变化忽略不计).回

(1)由图象可知0.1mol/L MOH溶液的pH=13,c(OH-)=0.1mol/L,说明为强碱,完全电离,则电离方程式为MOH═M++OH-,故答案为:MOH═M++OH-;(2)由图象可知,当加入13mL 0.2mol/L HA溶液时,n(HA)=0.0026mol,而n(MOH)=0.0025mol,说明HA过量,但溶液呈中性,说明HA为弱酸,如二者恰好反应,应生成强碱弱酸盐,水解呈碱性,发生A-+H2O?HA+OH-,促进水的电离,则混合溶液中由水电离出的c(H+)大于0.2mol/L HA溶液中由水电离出的c(H+),故答案为:碱;A-+H2O?HA+OH-;>;(3)B点溶液呈中性,溶液中离子浓度关系为:c(M+)=c(A-)>c(H+)=c(OH-),故答案为:c(M+)=c(A-)>c(H+)=c(OH-); (4)D点时,加入n(HA)=0.005mol,而加入n(MOH)=0.0025mol,A元素以A-和HA两种形式存在,而M全以M+形式存在,溶液中c(A-)+c(HA)=2c(M+),c(M+)=0.05mol/L,c(OH-)=1×10-11mol/L,由电荷守恒c(M+)+c(H+)=c(A-)+c(OH-)和物料守恒c(A-)+c(HA)=2c(M+),求得c(HA)+c(H+)=c(M+)+c(OH-)=0.05mol/L+10-11mol/L,故答案为:=;0.05+10-11.
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