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France Triumphal Arch 英文介绍,越短越好?


凯旋门Triumphal arch这个手表怎么样?知道的帮忙说下


triumphal arch是什么意思

triumphal arch凯旋门双语对照词典结果:triumphal arch[英][trau026au02c8u028cmfu0259l ɑ:tu0283][美][trau026au02c8u028cmfu0259l ɑrtu0283]n.凯旋门; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The triumphal arch, at night. 接着是夜晚的凯旋门。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮





Halloween 的由来 英语版

更新1: 最好中,英例明 Thank en. *** /wiki/Halloween 2010-10-31 20:36:06 补充: don"t copy mine 参考: en. *** /wiki/Halloween ::中文:: Halloween是一个20世纪的字样,早期的字样是"Hallowe"en",不过经过多年,现在大多是写作Halloween。 万圣夜英文称之「Halloween」,为「All Hallow Eve」的缩写,是指万圣节(All Hallow"s Day)的前夜。「Hallow」来源于中古英语「halwen」,与「holy」词源很接近,在苏格兰和加拿大的某些区域,万圣节仍然被称为「Allhallowmas」,意思是在纪念所有的圣人(All Hallows)那一天要举行的弥撒(Mass)。 万圣夜通常与灵异的事物联系起来。欧洲传统上认为万圣节是鬼魂世界最接近人间的时间,这传说与中国的中元节,即盂兰节以及日本的百鬼夜行类似。美国明尼苏达州的阿诺卡(Anoka)号称是「世界万圣节之都」,每年都举行大型的巡游庆祝。 ::英文:: (你自己翻译文字啦!我自认我英文差~) hope can help you!^^ 2010-10-31 12:11:47 补充: zh. *** /zh-/%E4%B8%87%E5%9C%A3%E5%A4%9C 你可以上去看看!!^^ 2010-10-31 12:19:17 补充: 希望你会choose我啦!!~ 参考: me



Phil is a hard worker. He even works _____ than Jack.



hallow的意思是:作为动词是:使成为神圣;把…尊为神圣,视……为神圣;崇敬;作名词是:<古>圣人,圣徒。短语搭配:Hallow Ange 神圣天使night hallow 黑洞all hallow 我们平时所说的万圣节例句:1、Her hair was a hallow of light around her. Her eyes the bluest blue of the ocean.她的头发是一圈光环,她的眼睛是海洋般最深的蓝。2、Since the first of my holiday began, it"s not been hallow at all.我的假期一点都不空虚自从放假第一天开始。

在走廊上是用on the hallways还是in the hallways?

在走廊上是用on the hallways还是in the hallways?都行的in 体现走廊有些封闭性的,你是在里面on表示走廊比较开阔。希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝好!学习进步哦!及时采纳,谢谢。

他昨天把走廊里的玻璃打碎了。 He broke the glass of the hallway ----- -------yesterday.


push in the haiiway是什么意思

push in the hallway的中文翻译push in the hallway 在走廊里推双语例句1Don"t push in the hallway. 不要在走廊上推挤。

run in the hallway 和run in the hallways可以通用吗?

我不是已经回答你了吗? 同时google两种说法 run in the hallway前5页的结果基本上出自英文网站(我只翻了5页). 而run in the hallways前5页结果基本出自中国网站,而且大部分都是教科书内容. 这说明中国英语教材的标准答案是run in the hallways,不过这不太准确.所以我建议你考试时用run in the hallways,但是记住run in the hallway才是最地道的

Michael Gettel的《River Run》 歌词

歌曲名:River Run歌手:Michael Gettel专辑:Places In TimeAkron/Family - RiverAnd you are no longer river to meAnd you are no longer river to meThough your coarsing remainEager to acquaint meAnd you are no longer docile streamAnd you are no longer docile streamThough your patience proves you into easeAnd once this spark met kindlingForgets its gentle amblingBecoming heat, becoming steamBecoming luminescent gleeAtoms splinter, sparklingAlive and nimble symmetryAnd all along, this glisteningBlankets we and everythingShadows dance triumphantlyA wordless whisper sighs and pleasLittle deaths envelope theeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeAnd you are not glassy bay to meAnd you are not glassy bay to meThough my tired fleet abides in your gentle breezeAnd you are now vast and open seaAnd my mind travels you endlesslyAnd you beckon, toss and toss and swallow meAnd once this spark met kindlingForgets its gentle amblingBecoming heat, becoming steamBecoming luminescent gleeAtoms splinter, sparklingAlive and nimble symmetryAnd all along, this glisteningBlankets we and everythingShadows dance triumphantlyA wordless whisper sighs and pleasLittle deaths envelop theeYou and I and a flame makes threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threeYou and I and a flame make threehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2904371




hall的中文意思:过道,门厅,走廊,会堂,食堂,学生宿舍,大厅词汇解析hall英[hɔːl];美[hɔl]n.过道,门厅,走廊;会堂;食堂;学生宿舍;大厅n.哈勒(人名);哈尔(人名);霍尔(人名);阿尔(人名)例:Thelightswereoninthehallandinthebedroom.门厅和卧室的灯亮着。例:Wepickedupourconferencematerialsandfiledintothelecturehall.我们拿了会议材料,鱼贯进入礼堂。扩展资料一、hall的用法1、hall的基本意思是“门厅”,指西式房子的前门里面的一间厅,通常有衣架、镜子等。2、hall常称为entrance hall或hallway,也可指“礼堂,会堂”“办公大楼”等。3、hall也可指大学里的“食堂,宿舍”等。4、hall还可指“走廊”,指建筑物中一侧或两侧都有门通往各房间的走廊。二、关于hall的短语1、concerthall 音乐厅2、banquethall 宴会厅3、dininghall 餐厅,食堂4、halloffame 名人纪念馆5、mainhall 大厅;主厅

we should keep什么onthe hallway?

quiet安静的We should keep quiet on the hallway.


auditorium 还有音乐厅的意思,要看具体的语境。比如你能在网上查到罗马音乐厅的名字就是用的 auditorium 罗马音乐厅(Auditorium Parco Della Musica)

hallway stairs 和real stairs 的区别是什么呢?

the house on mango street!

in the hallway 和in the hallways 到底有区别么? 为什么所有的中学练习里都是 in the hallways?

中国教材的标准答案是run in the hallways.但英美那边地道的表达是run in the hallway.所以考试的话就用hallways.

in the hallways和in the hallway有什么区别?







corridor 是指在房屋内部的走廊,用于连接各个房间;其用法及意义和hallway差不多. From the main entrance you go through the corridor,and you can reach the elevator passage 一般指普通的通道,普通的走廊,一般较长.



hallway造句 hallwayの例文 "hallway"是什麼意思

Lydia wandered aimlessly into the hallway . 利季娅毫无目标地走到走廊。 Aunt addie confronted me in the hallway with burning, black eyes . 艾迪姨妈在过道里碰上我了,那眼神气势汹汹,怒火万丈。 Diana : but there was a strange man in the hallway 戴安娜:但过道里有个陌生人。 I snagged this one in the hallway , screaming 我把这个尖叫的家伙在楼道里堵住了 And we were in the hallway in the upstairs of our house 当时我们在楼上的走廊上 Go down this hallway and at the end , turn right 请由这道走廊走到尽头,然后右转。 Someone redid the , uh , hallway bathroom . i saw that 我刚看见,浴室似乎是被重建过 Other dorms have many rooms along a hallway 其它宿舍可能在会沿著走道有许多房间。 " busy hallway , " he murmured against her mouth “忙碌的走廊, ”他的嘴小声抱怨道。 They " re here in the hallway outside , you know 他们就在这走廊外面,你知道吗? It"s difficult to see hallway in a sentence. 用 hallway 造句挺难的 - they " re in hallway 328 . - activate ray shields -他们在328号走廊-启动射线罩 You should . the upstairs hallway is totally unrecognizable 绝对,楼上的走廊全变了 They " re in hallway 328 . - activate ray shields 他们在328号走廊-启动射线罩 General , we found the jedi . they " re in hallway 328 将军,我们发现他们了,在328走廊 1 the hallway was decorated with ornate gold mirrors 这条走廊装饰著华丽的金边镜子。 And whatever those monstrosities are in the hallway - 还有那些挂在走廊里的奇怪玩意儿- And we were in the hallway in the upstairs of our house . . 当时我们在楼上的走廊上. . Do not psten to music in the classrooms or the hallways 6不要在教室或走廊里听音乐。 I think you should e here . i " m in the west hallway 我觉得你应该来这一下我在西走廊 And whatever those monstrosities are in the hallway - - 还有那些挂在走廊里的奇怪玩意儿- - She pitter - pattered along the hallway 她在走廊里哒哒啪啪地走。 And then clean off every mark off every locker in this hallway 而且把走廊上的所有柜子都洗干净 H is along the hallway on the left 沿著走廊走下去, h在左手边。 But it wasyourdecision thatsent them down the left hallway . . 但是是你决定让他们走左边的走廊的… I found your wallet here in the hallway 我在走廊捡到你的皮夹 And then l see people in the hallway , l say , " hey . no running 然后我在大厅碰到熟人我说"不要乱跑 How wide is the hallway . . . napster 走廊有多宽呢? napster ? Can students eat in the hallway 16学生能在走廊里吃东西吗? How wide is the hallway . napster 走廊有多宽呢? napster ? Dr . jerome , could you please wait outside for me in the hallway Jerome博士,你能在外面走廊等我一会儿吗? It"s difficult to see hallway in a sentence. 用 hallway 造句挺难的


hallway 英[ˈhɔːlweɪ] 美[ˈhɔːlweɪ] n. (大楼里的) 走廊,过道; (房子或公寓的) 门厅; [例句]My mate dived headfirst through a window and I ran down the hallway.我的同伴从窗口一头扎了下去,而我则沿着走廊跑。

英语谚语:Work has a bitter root but sweet fruit 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Work has a bitter root but sweet fruit 中文意思: 劳动根虽苦,然而果实甜。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Rain es after sunshine and after a dark cloud a clear sky 晴日之后有雨水,乌云过去见青天。 Rats leave (or desert or forsake) a sinking ship 船沈鼠先窜。 Readiness is all 有备无患。 Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body 读书养神,锻链健身。 Reading makes a full amn meditation a profound man discourse a clear man 博览群书使人完美无瑕,冥思苦想让人深刻精邃,论证阐述让人头脑清晰。 Reading maketh a full man conference a ready man and writing an exact man 读书使人渊博,交谈使人机敏,写作使人严谨。 Read not books alone but men 不要光是读书,还要识人。 Ready money is a ready medicine 现钱等于成药。 Real knowledge like everything else of value is not to be obtained easily it must be worked for studied for thought for and more than all must be prayed for 真正的学问,像其他一切有价值的东西一样,是不容易得到的,必须学习、钻研、思考,最重要的是必须有迫切的要求。 Reap as (or what) one has sown 自食其果。 英语谚语: Work has a bitter root but sweet fruit 中文意思: 劳动根虽苦,然而果实甜。


推荐回答一、强调的词义不同 1、Corridor 一般指建筑里“一段长的通道、走廊、过道或楼道,两侧或一侧有门可以进其它房间”。2、hallway 指“刚进大门的区域”,也就是通常所说的“门厅”。二、用法不同 1、corridor:如在办公大楼里,走廊通常都比较长,隔一段距离就有一扇门,可以进入各个办公室,...


hallway,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“走廊;门厅;玄关”。短语搭配Hallway Hideout 隐藏走廊hallway y 走廊 ; 过道Studio Hallway 工作室走廊promenadelong hallway 长廊red hallway 红门厅图片Hallway Hijinks 周末大狂欢THE HALLWAY 走廊Hallway Escape 逃出走廊Tiled Hallway 瓷砖走廊


hallway的读音:英 [u02c8hu0254:lweu026a];美 [u02c8hu0254lu02ccwe]释义:n.走廊,过道;门厅;玄关(复数:hallways)例句:1.We went into the hallway to find the men"s room.我们走进过道去找男厕所。2.The two rooms connect by a hallway.这两个房间有过道相连。3.She lugged the suitcase out into the hallway.她吃力地将提箱拖进门厅。扩展:玄关原指道教的入道之门,现在泛指厅堂的外门,也就是居室入口的一个区域。源于中国,专指住宅室内与室外之间的一个过渡空间。在住宅中玄关虽然面积不大,但使用频率较高,是进出住宅的必经之处。在房屋装修中,人们往往最重视客厅的装饰和布置,而忽略对玄关的装饰。其实,在房间的整体设计中,玄关是给人第一印象的地方,是反映主人文化气质的“脸面”。



hallway怎么读 hallway英文解释

1、hallway,门厅。读音:美/u02c8hu0254u02d0lweu026a/;英/u02c8hu0254u02d0lweu026a/。 2、释义:n.走廊;门厅;玄关。 3、例句:There are many masters collections in this hallway.这条走廊上摆放着很多主人的收藏。


hallway的读音:英 [u02c8hu0254:lweu026a];美 [u02c8hu0254lu02ccwe]释义:n.走廊,过道;门厅;玄关(复数:hallways)相关例句:1.We went into the hallway to find the men"s room.我们走进过道去找男厕所。2.The two rooms connect by a hallway.这两个房间有过道相连。3.She lugged the suitcase out into the hallway.她吃力地将提箱拖进门厅。



in the hallway。什么意思




in the hallway还是in the highway

in the hallway。run in the hallway前5页的结果基本上出自英文网站,而run in the hallways前5页结果基本出自中国网站,而且大部分都是教科书内容。这说明中国英语教材的标准答案是run in the hallways,不过这不太准确。所以我建议你考试时用run in the hallways,但是记住run in the hallway才是最地道的。run in the hallways是在走廊里跑,要是不加“s”的话,就是在一个走廊里跑了,应该是在每个走廊,是多个,而不是一个,所以应该 加“s”。

in the hallway是什么意思啊?

在走廊上 In the hallway

in the hallway。是什么意思

in the hallway 网络 在走廊; 在走廊里;


in the hallways是在走廊里,要是不加“s”的话,就是在一个走廊里了,应该是在每个走廊,是多个,而不是一个,所以应该 加“s”。不过我个人认为本题没有具体语境,无法判断是在一栋楼上的许多个走廊还是一条走廊,所以加不加s都可以。不过批改的人对题目的理解应该属于前者。


hall笼统 指内部hallway 具体 就是指门厅的走道




hallwayn. 走廊;门厅;玄关I can hear him in the hallway. 我能听见他在走廊里的声音。He bawled down the hallway at me. 他在走廊里大声对我喊叫。I followed them down the hallway with its peeling walls, as if I had forgotten to say something to one of them. 我跟随他们走过过道(墙壁上的油漆已脱落下来)就好象我忘记了要跟其中一个学生说点什么似的。










n. 走廊;门厅;玄关


hallway 走廊


走廊,过道; 门厅; 玄关;

You Had Me (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:You Had Me (Live)歌手:Joss Stone专辑:Live At Austin City Limits Music Festival 2007: Joss StoneJoss Stone - You Had MeYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindSpitting in my eyes and I still seeTried to keep me downI"m breaking freeI don"t want no part in your next fixSomeone needs to tell youThis is itHeyListen you"ll be missin"Out on all my love and my kissingMake your mistakes on your own timeWhen you come down you"re just no good to have aroundInstead of making money you took mineYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindI"ve realized in timethat my eyes are not blindI"ve seen it beforeI"m taking back my lifeYou tried to trade on my naiveteBut the things you do and say embarrass meSee once upon a time I was your foolBut the one I leave behind he is youHeyListen you"ll be missin"Out on all my love and my kissingMake your mistakes on your own timeWhen you come down you"re just no good to have aroundInstead of making money you took mineYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindI"ve realized in timethat my eyes are not blindI"ve seen it beforeI"m taking back my lifeVodka and a packet of cigarettesThat"s all it used to be but nowYou"re sniffing on snow when you"re feeling lowSuffocating dreams that could haveMaybe for a minute I"d be down with thatBut it didn"t take long for me to see the lightYou swore you had control of itBut when I stepped back you slipped on your supplyYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindI"ve realized in timethat my eyes are not blindI"ve seen it beforeI"m taking back my lifeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeAin"t nobody got no business stressing all the timeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeYou had meYou lost meYou"re wastedYou cost meI don"t want you here messing with my mindI"ve realized in timethat my eyes are not blindI"ve seen it beforeI"m taking back my lifeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifeAin"t nobody got no business stressing all the timeTaking it back I"m taking it backTaking back my lifehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2690651


hallway英 ["hɔːlweɪ] 美 ["hɔlwe]n. (大楼里的)走廊,过道 ;(房子或公寓的)门厅短语:Hallway Hideout 隐藏走 red hallway 红门厅图片promenadelong hallway 长廊Studio Hallway 工作室走廊Hallway Hijinks 周末大狂欢复数: hallways例句:1.I can hear him in the hallway. 我能听见他在走廊里的声音。2.He bawled down the hallway at me.他在走廊里大声对我喊叫。3.I shined it around. I was in some sort of hallway.四下照了一下,我正处在一个像是走廊的地方。4.He stopped me in the hallway and thanked me for praying for him.他在走廊上拦住了我,谢谢我那天帮他祈祷。5.I slipped through the hallway by myself.我独自沿走廊悄悄走着。hallway 网络解释1. 过道:返回 过道(hallway)拉开窗帘,发现一个小罐子里有把钥匙. 拿走,到厨房 厨房(kitchen)这把钥匙是右侧那扇门的,通往地下室,使用,下地下室. 地下室(cellar)楼梯旁边有个盒子,打开,里面似乎是电源总闸. 拉下总闸,虽然看上去一切OK2. 门厅,过道3. 场所公共空间走廊4. 走廊


hallway读音:英 ["hu0254u02d0lweu026a]美 ["hu0254u02d0lweu026a]。    n. 过道;门厅;走廊。We went into the hallway to find the men"s room.我们走进过道去找男厕所。The two rooms connect by a hallway.这两个房间有过道相连。近义词:corridor英 ["ku0252ru026adu0254u02d0(r)]     美 ["ku0254u02d0ru026adu0254u02d0r]    n. 走廊。She finally nailed me in the corridor.她最後在走廊里把我抓住了。The thief crept along the corridor.那贼偷偷地在走廊上潜行。


hallway 英[u02c8hu0254:lweu026a] 美[u02c8hu0254lu02ccwe] n.走廊,过道;门厅;玄关 名词复数:hallways [例句]He walked down the hallway ,meeting no one. 他走下大厅走廊,没有遇见一个人. 2.I saw him in our hallway,around dinnertime. 晚饭时分,我在门厅里见到了他. 3.Unbeknownst to them,hale witnesses the reunion from the hospital hallway. 他们还不知道,hale此时也在医院过道里,看到了他们的团聚. 4.In the hallway I screamed. 站在在走廊里,我嚎啕大哭. 5.He stood in the hallway thinking. 他站在走廊里想着.

has sth in place什么意思,请给一个例句

have sth in place, 一般指将某物放置在特定位置,有时用作“实施”,类似于actualize。eg: Having inclusive leave policies in place will help normalize caregiving in the workplace.中文:实施包容性休假政策将有助于实现职场育儿常态化。例句来源:The motherhood penalty: we"re losing talent to caregiving,《英语世界》2022·05期 ,p12

2GB DDR3 1067 LOW HALOGEN是品牌吗?是什么牌子?哪国造的?




halogen cycle是什么?具体解释一下么能?




双立人商标的锅锅底英文CERAN HALOGEN是什么意思


halogen free是什么意思

Halogen Free,无卤素添加(无卤化)Halogen: 卤 素——第ⅦA族非金属元素;包 括氟、氯、溴、碘和砹Free: 免于,不含

Photek的《Halogen》 歌词

歌曲名:Halogen歌手:Photek专辑:SolarisPussycat Dolls - HaloOur Muzik - 最前沿的欧美音乐!I can make love feel just like heaven (oh)I can be a little devil in bed and (oh)Even clean and cook your breakfastBut I"m not perfect, II can take off when need your time (oh)I can cheer lead you for on the sideline (oh)Whisper in your ear so divineBut I"m not perfect, IHope you can forgive me babyFor all the mistakes I"ve made (ah)Be patient with me, babeI"m just tryin" to make my way (oh)I"m not a superheroSorry i couldn"t save the day (ah)Believe me when I sayThat I"m sorry i couldn"t wear yourHalo, Halo, Halo, HaloSorry i couldn"t be yourAngel, Angel, Angel, AngelI"m sorry i couldn"t wear yourHalo, Halo, Halo, HaloSorry i didn"t stroke yourEgo, Ego, Ego, Oh NoI was with him but I guess i wasn"t ableI"m sorry i couldn"t wear your haloHalo, HaloI know how to put your mind at ease and(oh)I can dress you for all four seasons (oh)Surprise you for no reasonBut I"m not perfect, noI"m on my knees and pray for our love (oh)Promise not to let anything come between us (oh)Could you let us fall a part all becauseI"m not perfect, IHope you can forgive me babyFor all the mistakes I"ve made (ah)Be patient with me, babyI"m just tryin" to make my way (oh)I"m not a superheroSorry i couldn"t save the day (ah)Believe me when I sayThat I"m sorry i couldn"t wear yourHalo, Halo, Halo, HaloSorry i couldn"t be yourAngel, Angel, Angel, AngelI"m sorry i couldn"t wear yourHalo, Halo, Halo, HaloSorry i didn"t stroke yourEgo, Ego, Ego, Oh NoI was with him but I guess i wasn"t ableI"m sorry i couldn"t wear your haloHalo, HaloNow it"s like you never knew my heartI swear sometimes you areSo hard on me cause I"m not everythingThat you want me to beI"m so sorryI didn"t want you to see me this wayI"m so sorryI didn"t mean to fall from graceI didn"t mean to fall from graceI"m sorry i couldn"t wear yourHalo, Halo, Halo, HaloSorry i couldn"t be yourAngel, Angel, Angel, AngelI"m sorry i couldn"t wear yourHalo, Halo, Halo, HaloSorry i didn"t stroke yourEgo, Ego, Ego, Oh NoI was with him but I guess i wasn"t ableI"m sorry i couldn"t wear your haloHalo, Halohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2640209

双立人商标的锅锅底英文CERAN HALOGEN是什么意思


halogen free和lead free的区别

1.halogen free 无卤;无卤素(技术);无卤素添加(无卤化)1). Halogen(卤素)是第ⅦA族非金属元素,包括了氟(Fluorine-)、氯(Chlorine)、溴(Bromine)、碘(Iodine)和砹(Astatine)五种元素,合称卤素。其中砹(Astatine)为放射性元素,人们通常所指的卤素是氟、氯、溴、碘四种元素。卤素化合物经常作为一种阻燃剂:PBB , PBDE , TBBP-A , PCB ,六溴十二烷,三溴苯酚,短链氯化石蜡等,应用于电子零组件与材料、产品外壳、塑胶等。此种阻燃剂无法回收使用,而且在燃烧与加热过程中会释放有害物质,威胁到人类身体的健康、环境和下一代子孙。2).无卤化要求 :目前对于无卤化的要求,不同的产品有不同的限量标准:如无卤化电线电缆其中卤素指标为:所有卤素的值 ≦50PPM(根据法规 PREN 14582) ;燃烧后产生卤化氢气体的含量<100PPM(根据法规 EN 5067-2-1) ;燃烧后产生的卤化氢气体溶于水后的 PH 值 ≧4.3( 弱酸性 )(根据法规 EN-5 0267-2-2);产品在密闭容器中燃烧后透过一束光线其透光率 ≧60%(根据法规 IEC 61249-2-21);要求如下:氯< 900 ppm;溴< 900 ppm;卤素总量< 1500ppm2. lead free 无铅的;无铅喷锡,无铅制程,无铅状态;无铅化如:I would like you to send me these cards for my reference if you can cfm lead free.如果你能确认是无铅的,请寄卡片样品参考。

halogens free(lec61249-2-21)是什么要求



锅底 [词典] the bottom of a pan; [例句]不要使用锅底光亮、能反射热的平底锅,因为热量会被反射回去。Avoid pans with a shiny, reflective base as the heat will be reflected back.

halogen 300w相当于led多少

130W的卤素灯.卤素灯泡(英文:halogen lamp),简称为卤素泡或者卤素灯,又称为钨卤灯泡、石英灯泡,是白炽灯的一个变种。原理是在灯泡内注入碘或溴等卤素气体,在高温下,升华的钨丝与卤素进行化学作用,冷却后的钨会重新凝固在钨丝上,形成平衡的循环,避免钨丝过早断裂。因此卤素灯泡比白炽灯更长寿。


透明质酸(Haluronic acid、HA)名玻璃酸,是一种酸性粘多糖透明质酸是由N-已酰氨基葡萄糖及D-葡萄糖醛酸的重复结构组成的线形多糖结构分子式:(C14H20NNaO11)n HA的化学降解方法有水解法和氧化降解法,水解法分酸水解(HCL)和碱水解(NAOH),氧化降解常用的氧化剂为次氯酸钠和过氧化氢。

halogen family里面有几个电子

Halogen family有七个价电子。Halogen family处于第七主族,而第七主族元素都最外层电子都为7个,Halogen family有七个价电子。

halogen free 就一定rohs吗

不是,Halogen Free是指不含卤素

Hf(无卤素(Halogen Free))详细资料大全

HF是Halogen Free的缩写,是第ⅦA族非金属元素。 无卤,涉及电子产品中卤元素含量的规定,电子产品中卤族元素含量符合相关规定的电子产品称为无卤产品(各国和各个地区规定的标准含量略有不同)。无卤定义溴、氯含量分别小于 900ppm,两者相加含量不超过1500ppm. 基本介绍 中文名 :无卤素 外文名 :Halogen Free 涉及元素 :包括氟F、氯Cl、溴Br、碘I、砹At 卤素定义,来源,卤素分布, 卤素定义 HF也是Halogen Free(无卤素)的缩写。 涉及元素:卤素(包括氟F、氯Cl、溴Br、碘I、砹At) Halogen(卤素)是第ⅦA族非金属元素,包括了氟(Fluorine-)、氯(Chlorine)、溴(Bromine)、 碘(Iodine)和砹(Astatine)五种元素,合称卤素。 无卤定义,根据法规IEC 61249-2-21的要求:溴、氯含量分别小于 900ppm ,且溴与氯的含量总和小于 1500ppm,为无卤。 来源 欧盟(European Union)在欧盟电子电器中有害物质禁用 (Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment, 简称RoHS) 指令中决定在 2006 年 7 月 1 日全面禁止PBB (Polybrominated Biphenyls) 及PBDE (Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers) 等溴系阻燃剂的使用。 卤素分布 含卤阻燃剂指含有Cl、Br、F等元素的阻燃剂, 无卤 阻燃剂包括磷系列阻燃剂、无机阻燃剂氢氧化镁、氢氧化铝、硼酸锌等,此外无卤阻燃剂还包括膨胀型阻燃剂和一些特殊用途的阻燃剂。含卤阻燃剂是目前塑胶橡胶材料中阻燃套用最多的阻燃剂产品,主要是其为有机阻燃剂,化学性质呈惰性,与塑胶的相容性比较好,阻燃效果好、使用成本低,诸多特征都是其它阻燃剂所不能替代的 欧盟的RoHS指令认为含卤阻燃剂中八溴联苯醚和五溴联苯醚燃烧产生二恶英(致癌物质),列入禁止使用目录,十溴联苯醚也因为具有争议作为不建议使用的阻燃剂。不过大多数含卤阻燃剂还没有被完全禁止使用,事实上至今很难找到一款真正完全取代其的产品。

什麼是" 无卤素 (Halogen-Free)"它的定义是什麼,又是一个怎麼样的标准

氯含量最大为900 ppm 溴含量最大为900 ppm 卤素总含量最大为1500 ppm 三氧化二锑(Sb2O3)含量低于1,000 ppm
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