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which country has hot pot in two words 是什么意思


20170605-chapter 1-《pride and prejudice 傲慢与偏见》精读

Chapter 1 ::It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must** be in want of a wife.:: ::This truth is so widely believed that, regardless of the feelings of such a man may be when he first enters a neighborhood,:: ::he is at once considered the rightful (合法的) property of one of their daughters.:: “My dear Mr. Bennet,” his wife said to him one day, “have you heard that Netherfield Park is taken at last? Mrs. Long has just been here, and she told me all about it.” Mr. Bennet did not reply. “Do you not want to know who has taken it?” cried his wife impatiently. “You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it .” This was enough of an invitation. “Mrs. Long says that Netherfield is taken by a young man of large fortune from the north of England. He came down on Monday to see the place. He was so delighted with it, that he is to move in before the end of September, and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week.” “What is his name?” “Bingley.” “Is he married or single?” “Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand pounds a year. What a fine thing for our girls!” “How so? How can it affect them?” “My dear Mr. Bennet,” his wife replied, “how can you be so irritating (恼人的) ! You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them. “Is that his plan in settling here?” “His plan! Nonsense (胡说) , how can you talk so! But it is very likely that he may fall in love with one of them, and therefore you must visit him as soon as he comes. Consider your daughters. Only think what a benefit it would be for one of them. Sir William and Lady Lucas are determined to go, and you know that they usually visit no newcomers. You must go, for it will be impossible for us to visit him if you do not.” Mr. Bingley had inherited (继承) property worth nearly a hundred thousand pounds from his father, who had intended to purchase a house and land, but did not live to do it . At the age of twenty-three, two years after inheriting (继承) his father"s property, he heard about Netherfield House and came to see it. He looked for half an hour, was pleased with the rooms, satisfied with what the owner said in its praise, and took it immediately. Mr. Bennet"s property consisted almost entirely of an inherited (继承的) income of two thousand pounds a year. Unfortunately for his daughters, after his death it was to be inherited (继承) by a distant relation, since their family lacked a male heir (继承人) . After their father died, their mother"s money would not be enough to live on. Her father had been an attorney (代理人) in Meryton, and had left her four thousand pounds. Mr. Bennet was among the first to welcome Mr. Bingley. He had always intended to visit Mr. Bingley, although he was always telling his wife that he would not go. She had no knowledge of it till the evening after the visit was paid, when it was disclosed (公开) in the following manner. Seeing his second daughter Elizabeth decorating a hat, Mr. Bennet suddenly said to her: “When is your next ball to be, Lizzy?” “Two weeks from tomorrow.” “It is,” her mother said, “and Mrs. Long does not come back till the day before. It will be impossible for her to introduce Mr. Bingley, for she will not know him herself.” “Then, my dear,” Mr. Bennet said, “you can introduce Mr. Bingley to her.” “Impossible, Mr. Bennet, impossible, when I am not acquainted with him myself. Oh, I am sick of Mr. Bingley!” “I am sorry to hear that, but why did not you tell me that before? If I had known this morning I certainly would not have called on him. It is very unfortunate, but as I have actually paid the visit, we cannot escape the acquaintance (泛泛之交)now.” The astonishment of Mrs. Bennet was just what he wished, although she soon declared that it was what she had expected all along. Neither Mrs. Bennet nor her five daughters could get her husband to give any satisfactory description of Mr. Bingley. At last they had to accept the second-hand information of their neighbor, Lady Lucas. Her report was highly favorable. He was quite young, very handsome, and extremely agreeable. Best of all, he meant to come to the next dance with a large group of friends and relatives. Nothing could be more delightful! Being fond of dancing was a certain step toward falling in love, and the girls all had high hopes for winning Mr. Bingley"s heart. “If I can only see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield,” Mrs. Bennet said to her husband, “and all the others equally well married, I shall have nothing else to wish for.” They soon heard that Mr. Bingley was to bring twelve ladies and seven gentlemen with him to the ball. The girls were sorry that there would be so many ladies, but on the day of the dance they were happy to see that his group consisted of only five altogether— Mr. Bingley, his two sisters Louisa Hurst and Caroline Bingley, the husband of the elder sister, Mr. Hurst, and another young man, Mr. Darcy. Mr. Bingley soon made himself acquainted with all the important people in the room. He was lively and friendly. He danced every dance, was angry that the ball closed so early, and talked of giving one himself at Netherfield. Such amiable (友善的) qualities must speak for themselves . What a contrast between him and his friend Mr. Darcy! Mr. Darcy danced only once with Mrs. Hurst and once with Miss Bingley, and declined to be introduced to any other lady. He spent the rest of the evening walking around the room, speaking only occasionally, and to those with whom he had come. His character was agreed upon. He was the proudest, most disagreeable man in the world, and everybody hoped that he would never come there again. Among the most strongly against him was Mrs. Bennet, whose dislike was made even stronger when he insulted (侮辱) one of her daughters. Elizabeth Bennet had been forced to sit down for two dances because there were not enough gentlemen to dance with. During part of that time, she had been standing near enough Mr. Darcy to overhear (无意中听到) a conversation between him and Mr. Bingley. “Darcy,” Mr. Bingley said, “You must dance. I hate to see you standing about by yourself in this stupid manner. You really must dance.” “I certainly shall not. You know how I hate it, unless I am particularly acquainted with my partner. At such a gathering as this it would be unthinkable. Your sisters are taken, and there is not another woman in the room whom I could stand to dance with.” “I would not be as demanding as you are,” Mr. Bingley cried, “for a kingdom**(不管怎样,天啊)! I never met so many pleasant girls in my life as I have this evening. There are several of them here that are uncommonly pretty.” “You are dancing with the only pretty girl in the room,” Mr. Darcy said, looking at the eldest Miss Bennet. “Oh! She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen! But there is one of her sisters sitting down just behind you, who is very pretty, and probably very agreeable as well. Do let me ask my partner to introduce you.”

商务英语口语之chapter 1-4陪同客户

  A: I"ll sit here, enjoying music, if you don"t mind. I hope you can find a partner.   如果你不介意的话,我就坐在这位欣赏音乐。希望你能找个舞伴。   B: We shall see! Oh hello, Miss. Shirley, how nice to see you. Can I have the pleasure of this dance?   去试试吧!啊,你好,雪莉小姐,见到你真高兴。我可以请你跳舞吗?   Do you dance?   您跳舞吗?   I prefer soft music.   我喜欢听轻音乐。   I can meet at the Dinner"s Club for drinks.   我可以到Dinner俱乐部跟您会面喝一杯。   I don"t like raps or rocks and roll myself.   我自己不太喜欢饶舌或摇滚的音乐。   Will you honor me with a dance?   能否赏光跳个舞?   6、我不懂你们饭桌上的礼节。   6、我不懂你们饭桌上的礼节。   A: Thank you, Mr. Wang, I"m really somewhat nervous now. I know nothing of your table manners. It would be in bad taste for a guest to make blunder.   谢谢,王先生,我现在真的有些不安了。我不懂你们饭桌上的礼节。如果客人失礼了,那就难堪了。   B: Don"t worry. Mr. Blair. As for table manners, there is only one rule you must observe. That is to make yourself at home.   不用担心,布莱尔先生。至于席间的礼节,您只要遵守一条原则就行了,就像在家里一样,不用客气   Mr. Blair, which do you prefer, Brandy, Mao-Tai or Wine?   布莱尔先生,您喝哪一种酒?白兰地、茅台,还是葡萄酒?   Brandy and Mao-Tai are too strong for me. Just a glass of dry red wine, please.   白兰地和茅台度数太高了,我不行。来杯干红就行了。   Would you like to use chopsticks or knife and fork, Mr. Blair?   您用筷子还是刀叉,布莱尔先生?   I think I"ll try chopsticks and see if I can manage.   我想试试筷子,看看行不行。   Ah, here comes the first course. Please tell me what it is.   啊,第一道菜端来了。告诉我,这是什么菜?   It is chicken soup. At a restaurant that serves Guangdong dishes, we usually start off with soup.   这是一道鸡汤。在供应广东菜的餐馆里,我们一顿饭通常从喝汤开始。   7、您很有名气。   7、您很有名气。   A: You don"t need to introduce yourself, Yang. You"re famous.   杨先生,您不需要自我介 绍,您很有名气。   B: Well, thank you very much but I thought I"d try and chair the meeting by the rule—at least for a while.   那真是谢谢你了。但是我想我该尽力依照规矩来主持这个会议,即使时间很短。   We"re not prepared to accept your proposal at this time.   我们这一次不准备接受你们的提议。   We"d like to discuss the details of the contract at our next meeting.   我们希望在下次开会时,能讨论有关合同的细节问题。   Could you explain that in more detail?   能否更详细地说明一下?   We may probably arranging another meeting.   我们或许可以安排另一次会议。   8、这也是我们的愿望。   8、这也是我们的愿望。   A: We hope to enlarge our cooperation In the future.   希望今后能进一步扩大与贵方的合作。   B: This is also what we hope.   这也是我们的愿望。   We hope to expand our business with you.   我们希望扩大与你们的业务往来。   We believe in long-term cooperation with your company because we view the future as bright.   我们相信与贵公司长期合作的前途是光明的   Well try our best to widen our business relationship with you.   我们将尽力扩大同你们的贸易关系。   We"re willing to restore our business relationship.   我们将尽力扩大同你们的贸易关系。   We often express our interest in investing in Canada.   我们一直对在加拿大投资很感兴趣。   9、我们马上准备报三种价.   9、我们马上准备报三种价.   A: In that case, we will follow your instructions. We are planning to quote the three kinds right away.   这样的话,就照你的意思办吧。我们马上准备报三种价。   B: I am sorry for bothering you. In order to have leading time, please offer us the lowest price of CIF Dalian because we hope to get the deal done as soon as possible.   麻烦你了。为了争取时间,请报CIF大连的最价格,因为我们希望尽快达成交易。   We hope you would quote us your most favorable firm offer.   希望报给我们最优惠的实盘。   Is this your final offer or is the offer negotiable?   这是你们的最后报盘还是可商议报盘?   All the prices on the list are subject to our call confirmation.   表上所列价格以我方电话确认为准。   10、太高了,我们无法接受。   10、太高了,我们无法接受。   A: Your price is rather out of line. Much higher for us to accept.   你方价格与行情不符。太高了,我们无法接受。

hairy是什么意思 英语hairy是什么意思

1、hairy英[u02c8heu0259ri]美[u02c8heri],adj.多毛的; 惊险的; 可怕(但刺激)的。 2、[例句]He was wearing shorts which showed his long, muscular, hairy legs他穿着短裤,露出自己强壮多毛的长腿。

hairy是什么意思,oily hair是什么意思

1、hairy英[u02c8heu0259ri]美[u02c8heri],adj.多毛的; 惊险的; 可怕(但刺激)的。 2、[例句]He was wearing shorts which showed his long, muscular, hairy legs他穿着短裤,露出自己强壮多毛的长腿。





you draw a hairy heap中hairy的意思

hairy 英[u02c8heu0259ri] 美[u02c8heri] adj. 多毛的; 毛制的,仿毛的; [俚] 险象环生的,危险的; [例句]He was wearing shorts which showed his long, muscular, hairy legs他穿着短裤,露出自己强壮多毛的长腿。[其他] 比较级:hairier 最高级:hairiest



求2人对话《The seaside place that you want to visit 我最想参观的海边城市》,20句左右

A: How do you want to spend your summer holiday?你想怎么样过暑假?B: I want to go to the seaside with my parents. 我想和我的父母去海边A: There are lots of beautiful sesides in China, such as, Hainan, Hulu Island, Beidaihe and so on.Whis is your favorite place? 中国有许多美丽的海边,如:海南,葫芦岛,北戴河等等.你最喜欢哪?B: I"d like to go to Hainan. 我想去海南A: Why do you like to go there. 你为什么想去那里B: Because it is one of the most beautiful places in China. An it is well know as" Chinese Hawaii". 因为海南是中国最美丽的地方之一,以中国的夏威夷而著称A: How do you like to go there? 你喜欢怎么去那B: I"d like to go there by plane? Because it is fast and comfortable. 我想坐飞机去哪,因为乘飞机有快有舒适A: What do you like to do there? 你喜欢在那做什么?B: I"d like to go boating,scuba-driving, fishing,walking on the beach, taking sunbath and so on. 我想去乘船,潜水,钓鱼,在沙滩散步,晒日光浴等等A: How many days are you going to stay there?你们打算在那呆多久B: We are going to spend at least a week. 至少一周A: It sounds great. Good luck to you. Have a nice trip. 听起来不错。祝你好运。旅途愉快B: Thank you very much. 多谢

chapter i inquiry and purchase announcement中文是什么意思

第一章 询价和购买通告

a lot of hair 可以这样说吗?

是可以的A lot of 是可以跟可数名词和不可数名词的

hair 是可数名词还是不可数名词?如何用?


请问那位大侠有Estatic fear - Chapter I 的吉他谱啊 我找了好久都没有找到 谢谢啦 !!


till it happens to you mv什么意思

lady Gaga 的新歌。她的MV说出了在很多大学都有发生的事:(性别歧视,喝多了,被人侵犯等等)。歌的意思就是想告诉人这些事是会发生的,有可能发生在我们身边,千万别说这些人什么什么的,等你也经厉这些的时候才会明白。

求estatic fear , chapter i的吉他谱

很难找,有人问过我了。你最好下个ape的,然后装个软件,让它自己把谱子 谱出来。这是比较好的方法了。分给我拉~~


What do you want to rush out for?

【老友记309】图,hairy backed marys

在有些地方,Mary可以被用来开玩笑的贬低对方是 动作像女生一样的男生 至于hair backed 是说足球运动员一般都是毛发浓密的原始人。。。囧 所以这边是monica在说男生们打football和一群女孩一样 就是 娘娘腔咯

火锅的英文怎么是a chafing dish ?chafing的意思好象与火锅没有什么联系啊

steamboat!! steamboat!


hairpin的读音是:[u02c8heu0259pu026an],意思是发夹;U字形。一、临近单词:1、hairy,多毛的;长毛的。例如:The newborn baby has a hairy head.这个新生儿的脑袋上长了很多头发。2、haired,有毛发的。例如:The yellow haired young Eulalie became my smiling bride.长着金黄头发的年轻的尤拉丽成了我的盈盈浅笑的新娘。二、相关例句:1、Remain a few scattering hairpin only, the odour talcum powder.只剩下几只散落的发夹,一丝爽身粉的气味。2、Girls went to a shopping mall was paid, the money filled the hairpin.女孩后来又去了商场交钱,补齐了发夹的钱。3、Hairpin turns force the car to crawl at 10 miles an hour in some places.在一些地段,U形弯路使得汽车只能以每小时10英里的速度缓慢行进。4、I executed the hairpin turn high on the sheer western face of the mountains.我在山脉西侧陡峭的高处成功地急转弯。



a little hairy是什么意思

有一点点太多毛了. 也就是说有点太啰嗦, 画蛇添足了

管理学中BHAG英文全称big hairy audacious goal中的hairy如何解释?


hot pot or chafing dish


“My armpits are hairy”是否正确?


Estatic Fear 的Chapter I 吉他谱 可不可以发给我啊,谢谢啦

Mark Ballas全名为Mark Alexander Corky Ballas Jr。在他年轻的时候去了英国伦敦,在那里开始了表演生涯,直到2007年,他才回到美国。他在ABC是专业的舞者,并且还是一位独立歌手。初听Light On的时候,就被轻松的曲调吸引了。吉他小调伴随轻松的鼓点,再加上他的温柔嗓音,让人感觉在享受夏夜。

Whose umdrella is that? 同义句转换。 whose ____ _____ ______?

Whose that umbrella is ?

求estatic fear , chapter i的吉他谱

不错 我也要


naughty 英[u02c8nu0254:ti] 美[u02c8nu0254ti] adj. 顽皮的; 淘气的; 不听话的; 下流的; noisy 英[u02c8nu0254u026azi] 美[u02c8nu0254u026azi] adj. 嘈杂的; 喧闹的; 吵吵闹闹的; 充满噪音的; n. 响声; 嘈杂声; hairy 英[u02c8heu0259ri] 美[u02c8heri] adj. 多毛的; 毛制的,仿毛的; [俚] 险象环生的,危险的; unfriendly 英[u028cnu02c8frendli] 美[u028cnu02c8fru025bndli] adj. 不利的; 不友好的,有敌意的; 冷漠的; (气候) 不宜人的; dirty 英[u02c8du025c:ti] 美[u02c8du025c:rti] adj. 肮脏的; 恶劣的; 卑劣的; 下流的; vt. 弄脏,污染; 使名声受玷污; vi. 变脏,污染; mean 英[mi:n] 美[min】 v. 意思是; 表示…的意思; 打算; 产生…结果; adj. 吝啬的; 刻薄的; 破旧的; 残忍的; n. 平均数; 中间; 几何平均; 等比中数;




hairy 的意思是: 毛的,多毛的,长满毛的,毛茸茸的。似毛的,毛状的,毛制的,(植物茎、叶等)长满茸毛的。[美国英语]惊险的,危险的;令人毛骨悚然的。[俚语](道路)崎岖不平的。[俚语](笑话等)过时的,陈旧的。多毛的,毛制的,仿毛的。大概就是这类意思,也可能还有别的答案,但这应该是最正确的。


你是不是写错了,应该是hairyHairyadj. 多毛的;毛状的;长毛的起毛,多毛的,毛茸茸,发毛n. (Hairy)人名;(法)艾里词组短语1.hairy root毛状根,发根2.hairy crab大闸蟹,毛蟹3.hairy cell leukemia毛细胞白血病希望帮到你哦


Iong adj. 长的反义词 short 短的

求一首英文歌 其中说唱有一句歌词是whatever happens happens

《Whatever happens》

thank you,same to you什么意思


have a good time for you 是应该用介词for 还是应该用介词to?


happy to you什么意思


Ke$ha的歌《Your Love is My Drug》中英歌词

这首歌的正确歌名是《your love is drug》没有my的~maybe i need some rehabor maybe just need some sleepi got a sick obsessioni"m seeing it in my dreamsi"m looking down every alleyi"m making us desperate "causei"m staying up all night hopinghitting my head against the wallwhat you got boy is hard to findi think about it all the timei"m all strung out, my heart is friedi just can"t get you off my mindbecause your love your love your love is my drugyour love your love your lovei said your love your love your love is my drugwon"t listen to any advicemomma"s telling me i should think twicebut love to my own devicesi"m addicted, it"s a crisismy friends think i"ve gone crazymy judgements getting kinda hazymy esteem is gonna be affectedif i keep it up like a lovesick crack-headi don"t care what people saythe rush is worth the price i payi get so high when you"re with mebut crash and crave you when you leavehey, so i gotta questiondo you wanna have a slumber party in my basementdo i make your heart beat like an 808 drumis my love, uh your drugyour drug, uh your druguh your drug is my love, your drughey...hey...soyour love your love your love, is my drug(spoken)"i like your beard"



求大人翻译歌词estatic fears - chapter i

微弱的叶衰退,在 ??落深处方面入庙奉祀那哀悼堕落的平原,在黯淡的睡眠方面放置了下来有雾的色度卷入天空相似的过去又磨损的记忆鸟的歌填充耳语微风藉由秋天曲子阴历的栅栏冷酷的形状在晚上的视力更新它被沈默的悲叹减轻重新抑制了想法我听到寂寞的唱诗班财富越过我的方法在炽热的哭方面蔑视了整个~期间我的每天我招呼而且珍爱你的这些天空,大多数的愉快悲惨我庇护的不是 pittes 刺你的神秘的协调利用大多数的愉快夜晚渐变我的被弃暴露的视力对于我伤心事当图像告诉的时候将在雾被减轻包裹为什么应该愚蠢的希望你的未诞生的强烈感情哭声用尽听不到的在这 pleasent 天空之下? 为如果被衰退的薄暮日子高兴可能是遥远地在后吗?

EstaticFear ChapterI谁唱的

百度百科EstaticFear乐队介绍http://baike.baidu.com/view/1040950.htm百度贴吧 ChapterI歌曲翻译http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=416142414

Chapter I - Tales Of Ithiria 歌词

歌曲名:Chapter I - Tales Of Ithiria歌手:Haggard专辑:Tales Of IthiriaTales Of IthiriaHaggardTales of IthiriaHaggard - Chapter I - Tales Of IthiriaQuando coeli movendi sunt et terraQuando coeli movendi sunt et terraDum veneris judicare saeculum per ignemMy son, now listen what I say:Keep in mind what you have learnedWrap your fingers ,round your swordMaybe you will not returnThousands that we once have beenOnly a few are still hereI"ve to give this sacrifice...... oh, the autumn brought us fear!My life, my blood, my tears, my painI"m the guardener of theeThrough an axestrike I have lostThe ability to seeNow my child, your time hath comeMercy - not, with those you′ll harmWrap your fingers `round your sword...( And the ones we love will fallLike autumn leavesOn these endless fields )... as the horn sounds the alarm!Und als der Sturm begannAls Fleisch auf Eisen trafHell wie er Glocken KlangDie Schreie derer, deren Glück versagtMit Wunden übers?tDer Eichenhain ihm Schutze botWie die Legende sagtWar dies des Vaters sich′rer TodNow, that all silcence was disturbedThe ground, as red as autumn leafsFather Frost, the last they feelOn these mighty, endless fieldsQuando coeli movendi sunt et terraDum veneris judicare saeculum per ignemHush hush, my childMother death is your brideIf you listen her song you will followSo better bewareLet your senses take careYour innocent mind will be hallowedHush hush, my childMother death is your brideIf you listen her song you will followSo better bewareLet your senses take careYour innocent mind will be hallowedA step in the dark(Meserere Dominus)A secret to hide(Rex tremendae majestatis)A legend to tell(Libera eas)Drowned in the waters of time(Miserere Dominus)A secret to hideHe holdsWisdom of ancient timesA parchment with numbers and rhymesFear speaks the spell to surviveThe circle of druids - alive!They all gathered in the nightWithin the torches lightAs their slumber did awakeSo I did wish a thousand timesMother Death would come to meIn her arms I will entwineAnd I′m rising up to theeNow my child, my time hath comeMercy - not with those I′ll harmI wrap my fingers round my sword...... as their horn sounds the alarm!Now the winter beginsOn this endless fieldshttp://music.baidu.com/song/18131046





dota 剑圣和拍拍单挑怎么赢? 拍拍整天去大roshan 怎么去赢他?


在香港买了双Timberland靴,MADE IN HAITI 求鉴定..




made in haiti是什么意思?


罪恶都市中,little haiti在哪个地方?

little haiti是什麽东东

made in haiti是什么意思

made in haiti海地制造双语例句That cooperation is currently reflected in the progress that is being made in Haiti.这种合作目前正体现在海地正取得的进展中。


这里有http://baike.baidu.com/view/3359349.htm There comes a time When we head a certain call When the world must come together as one There are people dying And it"s time to lend a hand to life The greatest gift of all We can"t go on Pretneding day by day That someone, somewhere will soon make a change We are all a part of God"s great big family And the truth, you know love is all we need [Chorus] We are the world We are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day So let"s start giving There"s a choice we"re making We"re saving our own lives It"s true we"ll make a better day Just you and me Send them your heart So they"ll know that someone cares And their lives will be stronger and free As God has shown us by turning stone to bread So we all must lend a helping hand [Chorus] We are the world We are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day So let"s start giving There"s a choice we"re making We"re saving our own lives It"s true we"ll make a better day Just you and me When you"re down and out There seems no hope at all But if you just believe There"s no way we can fall Well, well, well, well, let us realize That a change will only come When we stand together as one [Chorus] We are the world We are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day So let"s start giving There"s a choice we"re making We"re saving our own lives It"s true we"ll make a better day Just you and me

求Michael Jackson 《Keep You Head Up》歌词,要有中文

She"s looking for a job and a finer place to stay,她在找一份工作,找一处更好的栖身地 She"s looking for the hope and the empty promises,她在空洞的承诺中寻找希望 She"s working two jobs, keeping alive,她做两份工才勉强过活 She works in a restaurant during day,她不分昼夜在餐馆打工 She waits her life away,生命在等待中流逝 She wipes her tears away.她无奈地抹去泪水 She cries inside everytime she feels this way,每次感受如此 她都暗自垂泪 And she is dying inside, everytime her baby cries.每次孩子啼哭 她都痛不欲生 Keeping your head up to the sky!向着天空高高昂起你的头 Keeping your mind stay alive,坚持你生存的信念 Keeping your wings so we can fly,把你的双翼交给我 这样我们就能飞翔 Keep your head up, tonight!今夜,高昂你的头 Keeping your head up to the sky,向着天空高高昂起你的头 We can just rise up, tell me now?我们可以站起来 告诉我吧 Give me your wings so we can fly!把你的双翼交给我 这样我们就能飞翔 Killing up the life in the birds and the trees,夺走鸟儿和树木的生命 And we′re sucking up the air in the earth from under me,我们共同呼吸着来自脚下土壤里的空气 It"s never too late!这是永远不会太迟! I can"t even breathe!我难以呼吸 I can"t even see!甚至看不清 Keep your head up, don"t give up, today!那就高昂起头 不要放弃今天 How long can we wait?我们还能等待多久 I wish that love would come today!我希望爱 今天就能到临 All you need is love,你所需要的就是爱 Tell you I know it′s coming soon 告诉你我知道它就快来到 And all you need is just a moment wanna do 你需要的就是等待 Keep your head up! 昂起你的头! Keeping your head up to the sky!向着天空高高昂起你的头 Keeping your mind stay alive,坚持你生存的信念 Keeping your wings so we can fly,把你的双翼交给我 这样我们就能飞翔 Keep your head up, tonight!今夜,高昂你的头 Keeping your head up to the sky,向着天空高高昂起你的头 We can just rise up, tell me now?我们可以站起来 告诉我吧 Give me your wings so we can fly!把你的双翼交给我 这样我们就能飞翔 (Oh, why) (噢,为何) Everybody say the time is borrowed,人人都说时间有借无还 And hanging down your head just ain′t no good,垂头丧气不是好的对策 And if you dare to rise above tomorrow 如果你敢在明天高高站起 Just give yourself a chance,那就给自己一个机会 Fight the circumstance,战胜困境 Rising through, again!展翅高飞 Keeping your head up to the sky!向着天空高高昂起你的头 Keeping your mind stay alive,坚持你生存的信念 Keeping your wings so we can fly,把你的双翼交给我 这样我们就能飞翔 Keep your head up, tonight!今夜,高昂你的头 Keeping your head up to the sky,向着天空高高昂起你的头 We can just up tell me now?我们就可以站起来 告诉我吧 Give me your wings so we can fly!把你的双翼交给我 这样我们就能飞翔 Keeping your head up to the sky!向着天空高高昂起你的头 Keeping your mind stay alive,坚持你生存的信念 Keeping your wings so we can fly,把你的双翼交给我 这样我们就能飞翔 Keep your head up, tonight!今夜,高昂你的头 Keeping your head up to the sky,向着天空高高昂起你的头 Are we could just rise up, tell me now?我们就可以站起来 告诉我吧 Give me your wings so we can fly!把你的双翼交给我 这样我们就能飞翔 What about everything?所有的一切呢? What about everything?所有的一切呢? What about all their joy?他们的快乐呢? What about everything?所有的一切呢? What about everything?所有的一切呢? What about everything?所有的一切呢? What about all their joy?他们的快乐呢? What about everything?所有的一切呢? Those stars gonna rise today,today!那些星星将在今晚升起 就在今天! Gonna shine,must fly,gonna rise today,today!闪耀起来 飞翔起来 都升起来 就在今天! I needed you then 曾经需要你 I need you now 现在需要你 I need you night right through the day 日日夜夜我都需要你 I need you now 现在需要你 Gonna shine,must fly,gonna rise today,today!闪耀起来 飞翔起来 都升起来 就在今天! Keep Your Head Up 昂起你的头吧



海地 是哪个国家?属于哪个州? 能不能详细介绍一下?英语是haiti


印度电影《风筝》的男主角赫里尼克·罗斯汉Hrithik Roshan真的会跳街舞吗?



打指令, -re 增加一个可选英雄:肉山(本身只拥有“爷们儿霸气波”一个技能)。



魔兽争霸3 DOTA图中输入什么命令可以让AI集体攻击Roshan?

打 空格 呼出AI控制版面 倒数第2个 点开 在点attack roshan 就OK了


属性  单位类型:古树移动速度:270视野(白天/夜晚):1400/1400击杀金钱奖励:击杀队伍中的每位英雄将获得200金,击杀英雄将获得105–600金,Roshan死后会掉落不朽盾和奶酪(第三次死亡后才开始掉落)击杀获得经验:1789生命值:7500+每秒回血20(游戏每进行5分钟,生命值增加500)基础护甲:3(重甲)初始生命值:7500 魔法值:2000+每秒回魔10初始攻击力1:65-65(混乱)(游戏每进行5分钟,攻击力增加10)射程1:100(近战)初始攻击力2:190-199(混乱)(游戏每进行5分钟,攻击力增加10)射程2:150攻击间隔:1秒前摇/后摇:0.3/0.3拥有技能  重击攻击时有15%的几率造成额外的50点伤害并晕眩1.65秒。法术否定每隔15秒阻挡一次指向性魔法,效果类似林肯法球。锤击锤击地面,对250范围内的单位造成70点伤害,并降低50%的攻击速度和50%的移动速度。对普通单位造成4秒的减速效果,对英雄造成2秒的减速效果。此技能仅在roshan近身有3个及以上单位时才会释放。抗性皮肤拥有抗性皮肤的单位获得类似英雄护甲的效果 (减少25%的魔法伤害,无法被炼金和转化,负面魔法的持续时间也等同于英雄)。进化游戏初始时Roshan拥有增加0.5护甲的坚韧光环,此后每隔5分钟增加0.5的额外护甲,500点生命以及10点攻击力。反弹伤害  反弹20%的近战伤害注意:该技能在第四次重生后获得反镜像装置  镜像不能对Roshan造成伤害,任何攻击Roshan的镜像将立即消失。反死灵书装置  从死灵书召唤出的战士无法对Roshan造成伤害6.67之后死灵书可以攻击远古单位了,也即可以对Roshan进行攻击了小技巧勇气勋章是破Roshan的最佳道具, 即破法术否定 ,还有减甲效果, 非常好用。镜像单位可以M(移动)点 roshan,作为肉盾使用。宝物重生不死盾  打败roshan之后可获得一个盾,原地复活满血满魔。奶酪  第3次及以后每次杀死ROSHAN,除了有不朽盾还有奶酪,奶酪瞬间恢复2500点生命值和1500点魔法值。卖价:500(大多英雄使用后可满血满魔)


请单机,然后whosyourdaddy无敌或者greedisgood 100000出一堆神装




可以的,,可以去网上搜一下视屏,是卡BUG让 ROSHAN不打你也不动,你可以一直打他,,,,不过1级打会很慢,建议至少二级学了转属性再去,6.67C以后的版本就不行了

Now get out of little Haiti!什么意思。





没有刷肉山的命令,ROSHAN从被击败后,每10分钟刷新一次,每次增加的属性为括号里的数值。第三次杀死它后除了得到不朽之守护还能得到奶酪,吃掉能恢复2500HP和1500MP .第4次,还是的5次以后,roshan不再变强,掉落重生盾+奶酪


单挑的话有熊战出了祭品,神灵和巨魔出了支配,7级就可以打。 roushan自带林肯,15秒一次魔法抵消



dota 水人 一级 打roshan 肉山

BUG 就是爆肉山的菊花








猜一首:T Ara - Day By Day李孝利 - toc toc toc 你听一下。





Haiti 发生地震的原因?

地震一般发生在犬牙交错的一块块地壳(板块)间。这些板块相向运动,大部分时间我们察觉不到它们的移动。在这次海地的地震中,加勒比海和北美板块东西相向滑动。这种滑动称为走滑边界压力沿边界各点以及地壳部分粘连的断层增强;最终,压力在强大的运动中突然释放,导致断层的两面移动,引发地震。因破裂而引发地震的断层系,被称为恩里基洛-芭蕉园断层系世界的这部分地区很少见大地震,其部分原因是加勒比海板块较小,其断层系和圣安德烈亚斯不一样长,处在世界最大的板块——太平洋和北美板块之间的边界上。世界的这部分地区很少见大地震,其部分原因是加勒比海板块较小,其断层系和圣安德烈亚斯不一样长,处在世界最大的板块——太平洋和北美板块之间的边界上。 2010-02-22 18:24:38 补充: Earthquakes typically occur along the jigsaw-puzzle pieces of Earth"s crust called plates which move relative to one another most of the time at an imperceptibly slow pace. 参考: tingclass/article/0015779133739 Haiti is located in the Caribbean Plate and the North American plate at the junction of belonging to an earthquake-prone areas. Other parts of the world"s most earthquake in a subducting plate to another plate under the lead but the earthquake was horizontal movement of the o plates of the collision caused by this type of sei *** ic source is usually shallow and can release a huge energy. The earthquake epicenter is located only about 10 kilometers underground thus causing great losses.








roshan商店里一共有10种神器。每次只是随机出来两样供选择。  第1件:龙之召唤  价格:20000  效果:增加41点攻击力,在你攻击时有14%几率召唤一只小巧的黑龙为你作战,小龙持续时间为25秒.(死亡后不会掉落。)    第2件:染血烈酒凶器。  价格:25000  效果:  增加108点攻击力  增加47点力量  增加50点敏捷  攻击时有25%的几率造成2.5倍伤害  (死亡后会掉落,且掉落后可以共享)  第3件 大型恐怖酒杯  价格:25000  效果:增加146点攻击力  增加50点力量  增加50点敏捷  攻击时有10%的几率造成4倍伤害。  (死亡后会掉落,且掉落后可以共享)  实用性:和染血烈酒凶器差不多,都一般。  第4件:帕鲁凯斯之斧  价格:30000  效果:增加75点攻击力  使你免疫暴击的效果,并使你的攻击有2%几率造成18倍暴击效果。  (死亡后会掉落,且掉落后可以共享)    第5件:无头骑士的头  价格:50000  效果:增加10点护甲  免疫超过自身最大生命值15%的伤害。  实用性:传说级别的神器,据称抽奖几率低于0.01%的神器,只要5W你值得拥有!  第6件:DOTA IMBA系列衬衫-SF  价格:10万  效果:消耗75点MP,向前方发出9道影压(为直线)  (对建筑有效,对己方的小兵和建筑也有效。死亡后不会掉落。)  冷却时间:10秒  听说盐总的SF永远的三炮不中, 于是就又了这个T恤,但是这个是不是有点太坑爹了!居然连自己的小兵和塔都能攻击!丧心病狂了么?  第7件 不幸的戒指  价格:150000  效果:增加7点护甲  增加5点力量  增加9点智力  使周围受到效果的敌方单位的现有生命值不会高于你的现有生命值。    第8件:LEO(狮子座)  价格:300000  效果:除非目标等级或金钱超过你,否则目标无法杀死你。对近卫军团、天灾军团的中立生物无效。    第9件:Aries(白羊座)  价格:300000  效果:降低自身5点护甲以及25%的魔法抗性,提高周围900码内除自己以外所有友军单位20点护甲以及70%的魔法抗性。(死亡后不会掉落)  实用性:想起了那句,我只是为了守护你而存在的!白羊真的很傻。70%的魔抗可以说是让所有的人魔法免疫了!只要我还活着,那么我会一直守护你!  第10件:毁灭之破开之小护身符  价格:500000  效果:所有技能效果等级+7  幸运度提高100%(像暴击几率,闪避几率)  (死亡后掉落,掉落后可以被共享)


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