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adj.强壮的, 健壮的(尤指老人), 矍铄的vt.<古>强拉, 硬拖


hale:英 【heu026al】; 美 【hel】。释义:adj. (尤指老人)精神矍铄的,老当益壮的。vt. 迫使;猛拉。vi. 不断流出。比较级:haler; 最高级:halest。例句:1、The old man is still hale and hearty. 老人的身体还挺硬棒。 2、He is eighty, but still hale and hearty. 他年已八旬,但仍老当益壮。 3、Nathan Hale looked around as a British soldier put the rope around his neck.当一个英国士兵把绳子套在他的脖子上的时候,内森·黑尔向四周看了看。 4、"Why, I was just over there this afternoon--Mrs. Hale and I. “我今天下午刚去那里看了回来--海尔太太和我一起去的。 5、Mrs. Hale, from her upper window, saw her come in. 海尔太太从她楼上的窗口看见她回来。hale造句:1、Mrs. hale: Here"s some red.黑尔夫人:这里有些红色布片。2、l mention it here because David hale dragged me into it.我这里提到它是因为戴维黑尔把我卷入其中。3、This is Douglas hale,our Chief Executive Officer.这位是丽安。这位是道格拉斯哈尔,我们的首席执行官。4、No matter that the first Thanksgiving was celebrated by a privileged few in a time oframpant starvation and the suppression of Native Americans—hale wanted herThanksgiving.尽管第一个感恩节是在饥饿肆虐和对印第安人镇压的时期由少数特权人士庆祝的,但hale想要过她的感恩节。5、A bystander named John Roulstone wrote a poem about the event,then,at somepoint,hale herself seems to have helped write it.一个名叫约翰·鲁尔斯通的旁观者写了一首关于这件事的诗,然后,在某个时候,黑尔自己似乎也参与了这首诗的创作。6、Mrs. hale: l suppose maybe the cat got it.黑尔夫人:我想也许让猫吃了。7、My name is Douglas hale.我的名字是道格拉斯哈尔。8、mrs. hale : i "ll just finish up this end .黑尔夫人:我只是把这端缝完。9、Mrs. hale: l might have known she needed help!黑尔太太:我本该知道她需要帮助!10、She is remarkable and l"d like to see her remain hale and hearty for years yet.她的身体状况非常好,我希望她身子骨能一直这么硬朗下去。

hale 的中文意思是啥?



half 有四种词性:形容词、代词、副词,名词。half 多数情况用作名词性的 half of ...,指代 “... 的一半”。作为形容词,一般只用来修饰表示数量的名词,如 half pound(半磅),half kilo(半公斤)、half an hour(半小时)。

half 加名词单数还是复数

你好,很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题,应该为:这要跟据它后面的名词形式来确实如果后面是复数,那它就是复数,象你举得例子,就应该是half of the teenagers如果后面是不可数,则就是单数如 half of the water ***************************************************^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果有疑问,请追问,另外如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************



关于英语中的half of和half



half 有三种词性:形容词、代词、副词。 half 多数情况用作名词性的 half of ...,指代 “... 的一半”。作为形容词,一般只用来修饰表示数量的名词,如 half pound(半磅),half kilo(半公斤)、half an hour(半小时)。




您好half 是可数的 所以才会有a half of...的用法~希望可以帮助到您~


half可以当主语Half of work has been finished.Half of the students are boys.half后面的名词是复数,谓语就用复数是不可数或单数名词,就用单数 .又如:Half of the apple has rotted.

a half还是an half

a half hour和half an hour含义一样,都是指0.5小时。区别如下: 一、英语和美语表达不同 1、a half hour ,是美语表达。 2、half an hour 英语表达。 二、冠词不同 1、a half hour冠词为a,因为half是辅音开头,之前的冠词需要用a。用于表示半小时。 Less than a half hour later he returned upstairs. 不到半个小时,他又跑上楼来。 2、half an hour冠词为an,因为hour发音是元音开头,之前的冠词需要用an。用于表示半小时。 I only slept about half an hour that night. 我那天晚上只睡了大约半个小时。 扩展资料: a half或者half a +表示时间的名词(如year 年,day 天,month 月等)结构的固定短语主要用于表示一半的某时间段。 1、half a year 半年,也可以表示为a half year 半年,如: The term of practice is tentatively fixed at half a year. 实习期限暂定半年。 Though we had been together a half year. 虽然我们在一起半年了。 2、 half a day指半天,也可以用 a half day表示半天。 The least they could have given me was half a day to rest 他们本应该起码给我半天时间休息。 If you leave before twelve o clock midday, you will only pay for a half day. 如果你在中午十二点以前离店,你只需付半天的房租。



a half of与half of的区别

楼上正解啊 。。 我也纳闷 英语问题出现在 C语言栏 怪哉怪哉


首先这“half”和“hour”这两个单词表达的意思不同。“half”意为: “半”、“一半”的意思,比如: “half an hour”表达的意思是:“半小时”;“hour”意为: “小时”的意思,比如:“two hours”表达的意思是:“两个小时”。




halves。根据沪江英语学习网资料显示,half的复数形式是halves,音标:英[hɑ?vz],美[h?vz] 。例句:Clamp the two halves together until the glue dries.用夹具把两半物品夹紧,待胶干后再松开。复数形式就是说一个常规的单词后面有:s;es结尾的单词。举几个例子:cars、pears、pens,这些都是复数形式。

half of +可数名词+(动词原型or三单)





ninth halves wrong felt factories more quickly caught worst


1)halve:动词:把....一分为二。例如:Halve the pineapple and scoop out the inside.把菠萝对半切开,并取出内瓤。2)half,名词,一半。例如:They had only received half the money promised.他们只收到了一半当初承诺的钱


vt 及物动词

semi 和half 的用法?

semi一般多用作单词前缀,可以和形容词和名词组合,表示“半”,“部分”;如果独立成词,则是名词,表示“半挂式货车”或者“半决赛”而half通常是独立使用,可做名词,形容词,副词。但是也可以和其他单词组合成复合词。意义同样是“半”,“部分”。词典释义: semi n.半挂车;半挂车货车;<非>半决赛pref.表示“一半的;部分的;不完全的”The factory needs a semi to drive the goods away. 工厂需要一辆半挂车把货物拖走。He found Isabel"s room in semi-darkness.他觉得伊莎贝尔的房间光线有些昏暗。...semi-skilled workers.半熟练工人half     n.一半;下半场;半学年adj.一半的;不完全的adv.一半地;不完全地用作名词 (n.)Half of them are here. 半数人来了。At best we can do only half as much as last year. 我们至多只能做到去年的一半。The game didn"t heat up until the second half. 游戏玩到后半场才热闹起来。The team recovered its lead in the second half. 该队在下半场重新领先。I have to spend half in studying the experiment in campus lab. 我不得不利用半学年在学校实验室研究这个实验。用作形容词 (adj.)Half the car was damaged. 车子毁了一半。Mr Brown holds a half share in the business. 布朗先生拥有企业一半的股份。A half truth is often no better than a lie. 半真半假的话常常跟谎言一样糟。用作副词 (adv.)The girl left her homework half done. 这女孩只做完了一半作业。These potatoes are only half cooked. 这些土豆煮得半生不熟。复合词的例子比如:Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince.哈利波特和混血王子


Half作为动词时,它的过去式为"halved"。Halved由half加上-ed构成。表示其主要的含义是指一个物体或数量被分成两个部分或减少到原来的一半。动词的过去式和过去分词是英语语法中非常重要的一部分。通过正确地掌握它们的用法以及形态变化,我们能够更准确、更流利地使用英语进行表达。在英语语法中,动词分为基态、过去式和过去分词三种形态,下面我将详细解释half作为动词构成的过去式和过去分词的用法。例如:I halved the apple and gave half to my friend.(我把苹果切成了两半,把一半给了我的朋友。)Our company has halved the number of employees in the past year.(我们公司在过去一年里把员工人数缩减了一半。)Half作为动词时,它的过去分词为“halved”。这个形式与过去式完全相同。过去分词主要用于被动语态、完成时态和现在完成时态等语句中。表示的是某个物体或数量已经被分成两部分或减少到原来的一半的状态。例如:The cake is already halved and wrapped.(这个蛋糕已经被切成了两半并包装好了。)The number of people living in poverty has been halved in the past decade.(过去十年中,生活在贫困线以下的人数已经减少了一半。)总的来说,half作为动词时,其过去式和过去分词形态都是halved。需要注意的是,在口语场合中,有时候会用到简化形式"halfed"或"half"d",虽然这些形式在正式场合很少使用。因此,在学习和使用英语过程中,我们应该始终保持正确的语法准确性,并且注重加强练习和强化记忆,逐步提高自己的语言能力水平。



the half

half the..中half是前置限定词,属于形容词范畴,只能放在名词前使用,例如: events that happened half a century ago半个世纪前发生的事 Kids seem to think that climbing up a slide is half the fun.孩子们好像认为大部分的乐趣在于爬上滑梯. half of the..中half是名词,其后的of..是作为所有格来修饰名词half的,字面意思就是“...东西的一半”.当然做名词时,可以单独用,half后面可以不接of..的结构. 例如:Half of 50 is 25.50的一半是25. An hour and a half later I was still waiting for himto arrive.一个半小时之后,我还在等着他的到来.


half 是可数名词,它的单数形式是 half,复数形式是 halves half 指一起组成一个整体的相等的两部分中其中的一半,换言之,就是一个整体由两个 half 组成,用英语说就是 There are two halves of a whole; a half is one of the two patrs and they are equal to each other.

half past怎么读音


half的用法是怎么样的啊 ?

关于这个问题,请参考“中学英语高频词详解词典”(金盾出版社): half 的用法 1. 关于词序:(1) 与不定冠词连用时,在英美语中词序不同。如half an hour(英)=a half hour(美)(半小时)/ half a mile(英)=a half mile(美)(半英里)/ half a pound(英)=a half pound(美)(半磅)。如:If anybody wants me, say I"ll be back in a half hour. 如果有人找我,说我过半个小时就回来。(2) 与定冠词、形容词性物主代词、指示代词等词连用时,应放在这些词之前(此时也可用 half of)。如:Half (of) his goods were stolen. 他的一半物品被人偷掉。Half (of) the building was in flames. 整栋大楼有一半在着火。More than half (of) this land is unused. 这块地的一大半未被利用起来。但是,若用于代词时前,则必须有介词 of。如:Tom knows only half of it. 汤姆只知道一半。Half of them are there already. 他们一半人都已到达那里。2. 关于主谓一致:(1) 在“half of+名词或代词”结构后动词的数与该结构中名词或代词的数保持一致。如:Half (of) the apples are bad. 这些苹果当中有一半是坏的。Half (of) the apple is bad. 这个苹果有半边是坏的。Half of them have left. 他们当中一半人已离开了。(2) 当“one and a half+复数名词”以及“a+单数名词+and a half”用作主语时,在现代英语中原则上将其谓语要与该结构中名词的单复数一致。如:One and a half months have passed since I saw him.=A month and a half has passed since I saw him. 我已有一个半月没看到他了。3. 汉语说“半小时”,英语一般用 half an hour 或 a half hour,只是在特别准确地讲时,才说 thirty minutes;但表示“半年”,通常用 six months,则较少用 half a year。如:She hasn"t been employed for six months now. 她现在已半年没有工作了。4. 表示把某物弄成两半,英语通常可用 cut (break, divide, split, tear) sth in half,其中的half不能改为复数。如:I broke it in half. 我把它弄成两半了。He cut the cake in half. 他把蛋糕切成两半。I once saw a man tear a telephone directory in half. 我有一次看见一个人把电话簿撕成了两半。也可说成cut (break, divide, split, tear) sth into halves,其中的halves不能改为单数。如:She cut the apple into halves. 她把苹果切成两半。He divided the cake into halves. 他把蛋糕分为两半。5. not half 有两个几乎完全相反的意思(1) 表示“很”“非常”,主要用于口语中。如:It isn"t half hot today. 今天很热。He didn"t half swear. 他大骂特骂。A:Would you like to come? 你愿意来吗?B:Not half. 非常愿意。(2) 表示“一点也不”,主要用来修饰 bad, badly 等。如:The film is not half bad. 这部电影很好。It"s, not half bad, your new flat. 你这套新公寓很不错。


关于这个问题,请参考“中学英语高频词详解词典”(金盾出版社): half 的用法 1. 关于词序:(1) 与不定冠词连用时,在英美语中词序不同。如half an hour(英)=a half hour(美)(半小时)/ half a mile(英)=a half mile(美)(半英里)/ half a pound(英)=a half pound(美)(半磅)。如:If anybody wants me, say I"ll be back in a half hour. 如果有人找我,说我过半个小时就回来。(2) 与定冠词、形容词性物主代词、指示代词等词连用时,应放在这些词之前(此时也可用 half of)。如:Half (of) his goods were stolen. 他的一半物品被人偷掉。Half (of) the building was in flames. 整栋大楼有一半在着火。More than half (of) this land is unused. 这块地的一大半未被利用起来。但是,若用于代词时前,则必须有介词 of。如:Tom knows only half of it. 汤姆只知道一半。Half of them are there already. 他们一半人都已到达那里。2. 关于主谓一致:(1) 在“half of+名词或代词”结构后动词的数与该结构中名词或代词的数保持一致。如:Half (of) the apples are bad. 这些苹果当中有一半是坏的。Half (of) the apple is bad. 这个苹果有半边是坏的。Half of them have left. 他们当中一半人已离开了。(2) 当“one and a half+复数名词”以及“a+单数名词+and a half”用作主语时,在现代英语中原则上将其谓语要与该结构中名词的单复数一致。如:One and a half months have passed since I saw him.=A month and a half has passed since I saw him. 我已有一个半月没看到他了。3. 汉语说“半小时”,英语一般用 half an hour 或 a half hour,只是在特别准确地讲时,才说 thirty minutes;但表示“半年”,通常用 six months,则较少用 half a year。如:She hasn"t been employed for six months now. 她现在已半年没有工作了。4. 表示把某物弄成两半,英语通常可用 cut (break, divide, split, tear) sth in half,其中的half不能改为复数。如:I broke it in half. 我把它弄成两半了。He cut the cake in half. 他把蛋糕切成两半。I once saw a man tear a telephone directory in half. 我有一次看见一个人把电话簿撕成了两半。也可说成cut (break, divide, split, tear) sth into halves,其中的halves不能改为单数。如:She cut the apple into halves. 她把苹果切成两半。He divided the cake into halves. 他把蛋糕分为两半。5. not half 有两个几乎完全相反的意思(1) 表示“很”“非常”,主要用于口语中。如:It isn"t half hot today. 今天很热。He didn"t half swear. 他大骂特骂。A:Would you like to come? 你愿意来吗?B:Not half. 非常愿意。(2) 表示“一点也不”,主要用来修饰 bad, badly 等。如:The film is not half bad. 这部电影很好。It"s, not half bad, your new flat. 你这套新公寓很不错。

half与half of,在线等!什么时候用half,什么时候用half of?

3. half的用法与all和both相同,既可用作形容词(或称限定词)修饰名词,如 half the year, half the work, half the fruit,亦可用作不定代词,受of短语修饰,如:half of the work, half of the year, half of the fruit。这两种表达形式在意义上没有明显的区别。例如: ① Half (of) the girls are foreigners. 这些姑娘有一半是外国人。 ② Half (of) the fruit was bad. 水果有一半是坏的。 ③ Half(of) my friends live in this city. 我的朋友有一半住在这个城市。 ④ In 1620, about half(of) the USA was covered by forests. 在1620年,美国一半的土地被森林覆盖着。 注意:1) half +名词或half of+名词作主语时,谓语动词的单、复数形式由所接名词的单复数形式来决定,名词是中心词(见上例句)。 2) half, half of后面所接的名词前,必须有表示限定含义的冠词、指示代词、物主代词等等(见上例句)。 3) 如果是人称代词,则只能用half of,而且人称代词要用宾格。例如: ① Only half of them came last Sunday. 上星期天他们只有一半人来。(不能说: Only half them...或Only half they...) ② Half of you are wrong. 你们一半人都错了。(不能说:Half you...) ③ They invited half of us. 他们邀请了我们一半人。 (不能说:......half us.) 4)在谈论距离、长度和数量时,只能用half,一般不用half of。例如: ①His old house is half a mile down the road.他的旧居在沿着这条路往下走半英里的地方。 ②Mr Smith drank half a bottle of whisky last night. 史密斯先生昨晚喝了半瓶威士忌酒。 5) half作代词时,后面不跟名词,前面也不使用定冠词。例如: ① We only need half. 我们只需要一半。(不能说:We only need the half.) ② I gave her half, and kept half for myself. 我给了她一半,自己留了一半。(不能说: I gave the half, ...) 4. half也可用作副词。例如: ① I half agree with you. 我不完全同意你的意见。 ② This meal is only half-cooked. 这顿饭做得只有半熟。 5. 副词half和not连用,在口语中较为常见。not half 是反语,意为一点也不;非常地;......极了等。例如: ① It is not half bad.(=It is very good.) 很好(很不错)! ② The story is not half interesting. 这个故事很有趣。 ③ -Do you like Chinese tea? 你喜欢喝中国茶吗? -Oh, not half!噢,喜欢极了! 6. 在一本《高中英语解题题典》中有下面一道题(答案是B): He cut the cake_________. A. in halves B. in half C. into halves D. into half 而在另一本《中学英语错解辨析辞典》中给出了下面这道题(答案是C): The arrow split the apple________. A. in halfs B. into half C. into halves D. into halves



half 是可数名词,它的单数形式是 half,复数形式是 halves half 指一起组成一个整体的相等的两部分中其中的一半,换言之,就是一个整体由两个 half 组成,用英语说就是 There are two halves of a whole; a half is one of the two patrs and they are equal to each other.


half 意为“一半”,复数形式是halves.用法有以下几点, 1.half可直接修饰名词,这个名词既可以是复数,也可以是单数.例如: Half the apples are bad.这些苹果中有一半是坏的. Half the apple is bad.这个苹果一半是坏的. 2.half of后跟名词时,这个名词前应有the,this,my等限定词修饰,这时of也可省略.例如: Half (of) the people are from England.这些人中有一半是英国人. Half (of) the students in that school are from the countryside.那个学校有一半学生来自农村. 3.half of后也可接代词,这时of不能省略.例如: Half of them enjoyed the party last night.他们中有一半人喜欢昨晚的晚会. Only half of them came last Sunday.上星期天他们中只有一半人来了. 4.在谈论距离、长度和数量时,要用half,一般不用half of.例如: His old house is half a mile down the road.他的旧居在沿着这条路往下走半英里的地方. Mr Smith drank half a bottle of whisky last night.史密斯先生昨晚喝了半瓶威士忌酒. 5.half也可用作副词.例如: I half agree with you.我不完全同意你的意见. This meal is only half-cooked.这顿饭做得只有半熟. 注意:①“half + 名词”或“half of + 名词”作主语时,谓语动词的单、复数形式由所接名词的单、复数形式来决定,名词是中心词.例如: Half (of) the oranges are bad.一半的桔子坏了. Half (of) the car was damaged.那辆车有一半被损坏了. ②“……个半……”可表达为“数词 + 名词 + and a half”或“数词 + and a half + 名词(复数)”.例如: 三个半月 three months and a half / three and a half months


  half表示一半的,半个的的意思,那么你知道half的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了half的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   half的短语:   half a chance   1. (非正式)一点点机会,很小的机会   只要给他一点点机会,他什么都可以做到。   given half a chance he can make anything work.   the half of it   1. (非正式)最重要的一部分(或一方面)   你还不了解最重要的情况。   you don"t know the half of it.   half one (two 等)   1. (非正式)同 &B{half past one (two} 等)   half past one (two 等)   1. 一(或两、三等等)点半   not do things by halves   1. 彻底地做事情;大肆铺张地做事情   too —— by half   1. 太,过于   这个想法似乎过于迷信。   the idea seems too superstitious by half.   by half   1. 以可观程度地   2. 过度地   过于聪明   too clever by half.   by halves   1. 不热情地:采取一种勉强的态度;不热情地   in half   1. 成为相等的两半   half的短语例句:   1. Elliott crossed the finish line just half a second behind his adversary.   埃利奥特跨过终点线时仅比对手落后半秒钟。   2. She"d half expected him to withdraw from the course.   她多少已经预料到他会中途就退出这门课程。   3. The French, who led 21-3 at half time, scored eight tries.   上半场以21:3领先的法国队有8个达阵得分。   4. The curtains were half drawn to cut out the sunlight.   窗帘拉上了一半以遮挡阳光。   5. From what I hear, half the campus is lusting after her.   从我听到的来看,半个学校的人都想和她上床。   6. You"re not half the man you think you are.   你根本不是你自己想象的那种人。   7. It"s half past two. I think we had better go home.   现在两点半了。我想我们最好还是回家吧。   8. Half of PML"s scientists have first degrees, the other half have PhDs.   普利茅斯海洋研究所的科学家一半有学士学位,另一半则有博士学位。   9. The five survivors eventually reached safety, ragged, half-starved and exhausted.   5位幸存者最终到达安全之地时已经衣衫褴褛、饥肠辘辘、精疲力尽。   10. He spent two and a half weeks with us in June 1986.   1986年6月他和我们一起呆了两周半。   11. Add a few drops to half a tumbler of water.   在半玻璃杯水里面加上几滴。   12. Too often he only absorbs half the information in the manual.   他对于说明书上所说的经常是一知半解。   13. By half distance we held a comfortable two-lap lead.   到半程时,我们轻松领先两圈。   14. Every year they panned about a ton and a half of gold.   每年他们淘出大约1.5吨金子。   15. Less than a half hour later he returned upstairs.   不到半个小时,他又跑上楼来。


half的读法是[hɑu02d0f]。half是一个英语单词,可以用作名词、形容词和副词,可以翻译为一半的、半个的,等等。例句:1.Welloverhalfourmembershipnowcomesfromoverseas.我们现在有超过半数的会员来自于美国之外的地区。2.Morethanhalfcomesfromtheemergingworld.超过一半的经营收益来自新兴世界。3.Waynewasonlyhalflistening.韦恩只是半心半意地听着。4.Halfsaytheygetnoovertime.一半的人说自己不需要加班。5.Nowtheymakeupmorethanhalf.现在这一数据超过了二分之一。half的用法:1、用作名词,意思是一半一半 。例如:The second half of the book is more exciting.书的后半部分比较刺激有趣,I"ve divided the money in half. 我把钱平均分成了两半 。We"ll need to reduce the weight by half. 我们得把重量减轻一半。2、用作副词,意思是部分地;在某种程度上。例如The chicken was only half cooked. 鸡只煮了半熟 。His eyes were half closed. 他双眼半闭。3、用作代词,意思是半数。例如Halfofthefruitwasbad;水果坏了一半。Halfof the money was mine. 那些钱有一半是我的。


half的读音是:英[hɑ?f]。half的读音是:英[hɑ?f]。half的词语用法是adj.(形容词)half用作形容词的意思是“一半的”,表示“半个某物”时,英式英语多用half a...; 美式英语多用a half...。half【近义词】divided。一、详尽释义点此查看half的详细内容n.(名词)半,一半【体】半场,半局半品脱二分之一半学年半票【足】中卫一部分【高尔夫球】相同得分,击数相同合作者,搭档adj.(形容词)不完全的,不完整的半,一半的半个的一部分的半途的片断的adv.(副词)半,一半地部分地,不完全地相当地几乎到一半程度半心半意地v.(动词)二等分,把…减半二、双解释义adj.(形容词)[A]一半的,半个的 equal to either of two equal partsn.(名词)[C]半,一半 one of two equal partsadv.(副词)一半 to the extent of half部分地 partly三、英英释义Noun:one of two equal parts of a divisible whole;"half a loaf""half an hour""a century and one half"one of two divisions into which some games or performances are divided: the two divisions are separated by an intervalAdjective:consisting of one of two equivalent parts in value or quantity;"a half chicken""lasted a half hour"partial;"gave me a half smile""he did only a half job"(of siblings) related through one parent only;"a half brother""half sister"Adverb:partially or to the extent of a half;"he was half hidden by the bushes"四、例句Half of them are here.半数人来了。At best we can do only half as much as last year.我们至多只能做到去年的一半。The game didn"t heat up until the second half.游戏玩到后半场才热闹起来。The team recovered its lead in the second half.该队在下半场重新领先。I have to spend half in studying the experiment in campus lab.我不得不利用半学年在学校实验室研究这个实验。Half the car was damaged.车子毁了一半。Mr Brown holds a half share in the business.布朗先生拥有企业一半的股份。A half truth is often no better than a lie.半真半假的话常常跟谎言一样糟。The girl left her homework half done.这女孩只做完了一半作业。These potatoes are only half cooked.这些土豆煮得半生不熟。五、常见句型用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.Half the apples are bad.这些苹果有一半是坏的。They stood in half a circle.他们站成半圆形。A half truth is often no better than a lie.半真半假的话不见得比说谎要好。Half knowledge of anything is dangerous.对任何东西一知半解都是危险的。My home is half a kilometer away from here.我家离这儿有半公里。He went out at half nine.他九点半以后出门。I met him half an hour ago.我半小时前碰到他。用作名词(n.)Cut the apple into halves.把这个苹果切成两半。He"s in the bottom half of the class.他在班上的名次位于后一半。The score of the first half was 2 to 1.上半场的比分是2:1。Railway fares are reduced by half for children.铁路旅费对儿童减半。Half of ten is five.十的一半是五。Half of the apples are unripe.一半的苹果不熟。Half of them are gone.他们之中的一半人走了。Only half of us came last Tuesday.上星期二我们只有一半人来了。She gave me half, and kept the other half for her husband.她给了我一半,把另一半留给她的丈夫了。用作副词(adv.)He was half under the bed, with his legs sticking out.他一半身子在床上,腿伸在外面。My work is not half done yet.我的工作还没做完一半呢。These potatoes are only half cooked.这些土豆煮得半生不熟。We were driving half when the car broke down.当汽车抛锚时,我们正行驶了一半的路程。She was half laughing, half crying.她半哭半笑。The boy was half dead from hunger.那男孩由于饥饿已经半死不活的了。Oh,I"m half dead.哦,我快累死了。六、词汇搭配用作形容词 (adj.)~+名词half holiday半日假half a century半个世纪half a dozen半打half boots半高筒靴half knowledge一知半解half salary半薪half share半份half the number半数half the price半价七、词义辨析n.(名词)half, half of二者的共同意思是“一半”。1.前者的意思是“一半(量)的”,是形容词; 后者的含意是“一半的量”,是量词。前者侧重于“物”; 后者侧重于“量”。2.修饰名词时,用不用of均可,但在表示尺寸、数量的名词前,不可用of,在代词前一定要用of。by half, by halves前者的意思是“过分”,多半用于讽刺意味; 后者的意思是“不完全地”,多半用于否定句中。试比较下列两个句子:That boy of yours is too clever by half.你的那个孩子伶俐过了头。Don"t do it by halves.不要半途而废。half的相关近义词divided、deficient、limited、partly、partiallyhalf的相关反义词all、total、whole、completely、entirely、whollyhalf的相关临近词halfway、hale、Halft、Halff、halfy、Halfen、Halfon、Halfin、Halfan、Halfar、halfer、halfarc点此查看更多关于half的详细信息


half [hɑ:f] n.一半, 下半场, 半学年 adj.一半的, 不完全的 adv.一半地, 不完全地例句:The food"s not half bad. 这食物挺不错。Half of them are here. 半数人来了。The girl left her homework half done. 这女孩只做完了一半作业。


half[hɑu02d0f]------------------------------哈(四声)夫(轻声)[词典释义]n. 一半;半场;半学年adj. 一半的;不完全的;半途的adv. 一半地;部分地n. (Half)人名;(阿拉伯)哈勒夫;(德)哈尔夫;(英)哈夫[网络短语]Half半程,后半段,球半half time中场休息,守门员技术与基本训练,半场half back前卫,飞扑传球,中卫


哈(降调) 福(轻声)


半[hɑ:?F,H,F] 季["KW:???? T]

a 15-minute period of halftime

1 fall asleep 2 Instead 3 beneficial 你如何能找个读书的时间呢?答案也许不是入睡前的最后15分钟.相反地,也许是一天中其它时间段内的15分钟.我们每个人必须要找到每天内我们自己的15分钟.如果养成规律,那会是很有益处的.




仅就名词意义而言, half 是一个可数名词,对应词是 whole ,意为“半,一半”。同学们是否对 half 的全部意义都了解呢?   一。 half 用作名词,意为“一半,半”,是可数名词,其复数形式是 halves .如:   Cut the apple into halves. 把苹果切成两半。   二。 表示“某物的一半”用“ half a (an) + 单数名词”结构。如:   half an hour 半小时   half a kilo 半公斤   half an orange 半个桔子   half a day / week / month / year 半天 / 半周 / 半个月 / 半年   三。 表示“半公斤的……”用“ half a kilo of + 名词”。如: half a kilo of meat (tomatoes) 半公斤肉(西红柿)   四。 half 用于一个或一个以上整数再加一半表示“几个半”时,用“ one (two … ) + 名词 + and a half ”或“ one (two … ) and a half + 名词”结构,此时要注意名词复数形式的变化。如:   一个半小时 one hour and a half / one and a half hours   五。 “ a half (一半)”一般不单独使用。如果后面的数量单位名词是单数,如 kilo ,则可说 half a kilo 或 a half kilo .如果这个单位名词是复数,则前面只能用 a half .如: one and a half kilos 相当于 one kilo and a half (不说 one and half a kilo )   另外, in half 相当于 into halves ,意为“…成两半”。   by half 一半   by halves 不完全地,不完善地   halftime 比赛上半场与下半场之间的休息时间





meet me halfway的歌词和中文解释

Oooh,I can"t go any further than this   我一步也不会离开   Oooh,I want you so badly,it"s my biggest wish   我是多么需要你,这是我现在最大的愿望   I spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinking about you   我把我的全部时间都用来想你   Every single day,I"m really missin" missin" you   每一天都是如此的想念你   And all those things we use to use to use to do   还有那些我们过去常常做的事   Hey girl,wuz up,it use to be just me and you(注:wuz up=what"s up)   嘿,女孩,到底怎么了,那个时侯只有你和我   I spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinking about you   我把我的全部时间都用来想你   Every single day,yes i"m really missin missin you   每一天都如此的想念你   And all those things we use to use to use to do   还有那些我们过去常常做的事   Hey girl wuz up,wuz up,wuz up,wuz up   嘿,女孩,到底怎么了,怎么了,怎么了   Meet me halfway,right at the borderline   在我的忍耐达到底线之前,向我妥协吧   That"s where i"m gonna wait for you   我就在这里等你   I"ll be looking out night and day   我日夜坐立不安   Took my heart to the limit,and this is where i stay   这让我的耐心达到了极限,而这也正是我现在所在的地方   Oooh,I can"t go any further than this   我一步也不会离开   Oooh,I want you so bad it"s my only wish   我是如此的需要你,这是我现在仅有的愿望   Girl,i travel round the world and even sail the seven seas   女孩,我环游世界,甚至航行七海   Across the universe i go to other galaxies   我穿越整个宇宙,走向下一个星系   Just tell me where you go,just tell me where you wanna meet   只要告诉我,你要走向哪里,只要告诉我你想在哪里见面   I navigate myself myself to take me where you be   我会为自己导航,然后到达你所在的地方   Cause girl i want,i,i,i want you right now   因为女孩,我此刻就想拥有你   I travel uptown(town)i travel downtown   我走过尘嚣   I wanna to have you around(round)like every single day   我每一天想把你留在身边   I love you alway..(way)   我一直是爱你的   Can you meet me half way(I"ll meet you halfway)   你会向我妥协吗(我会让着你)   Right at the borderline   就在我的底线上   That"s where i"m gonna wait,for you   我就在那里等着你   I"ll be looking out,night and day   我日夜坐立不安   Took my heart to the limit,and this is where i stay   这让我的耐心达到了极限,而这也正是我现在所在的地方   Oooh,I can"t go any further than this   我一步也不会离开   Oooh,I want you so bad it"s my only wish   我是多么需要你,这是我仅有的愿望   Oooh,I can"t go any further than this   我一步也不会离开   Oooh,I want you so bad it"s my only wish   我是如此的需要你,这是我唯一的愿望   Let"s walk the bridge,to the other side   让我们一起在桥上漫步,直到桥的那一边   Just you and I(just you and I)   只有你和我   I will fly,i"ll fly the skies,for you and I(for you and I)   为了我们,我会飞翔,在天空中飞翔   I will try,until i die,for you and i,for you and i,for for you and i,   为了我们,我会永远努力   For for you and i,for for you and i,for you and i   为了你和我

Meet Me Halfway 歌词

歌曲名:Meet Me Halfway歌手:Bonnie Raitt专辑:FundamentalThe Black Eyed Peas - Meet Me HalfwayOooh, I can"t go any further then thisOooh, I want you so badly, it"s my biggest wishI spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinkin bout youEvery single day yes, I"m really missin" missin" youAnd all those things we use to use to use to doHey girl, wuz up, it use to be just me and youI spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinkin bout youEvery single day, yes i"m really missin missin youAnd all those things we use to use to use to doHey girl wuz up, wuz up, wuz up, wuz upMeet me halfway, right at the boarderlineThat"s where i"m gonna wait, for youI"ll be lookin out, night n"dayTook my heart to the limit, and this is where i"ll stayOooh, I can"t go any further then thisOooh, I want you so bad it"s my only wishGirl, i travel round the world and even sail the seven seasAcross the universe i go to other galexiesJust tell me where you want, just tell me where you wanna to meetI navigate myself myself to take me where you beCause girl i want, i, i, i want you right nowI travel uptown (town) i travel downtownI wanna to have you around (round) like every single dayI love you alway..wayCan you meet me half way (I"ll meet you halfway)Right at the boarderlineThat"s where i"m gonna wait, for youI"ll be lookin out, night n"dayTook my heart to the limit, and this is where i"ll stayOooh, I can"t go any further then thisOooh, I want you so bad it"s my only wishOooh, I can"t go any further then thisOooh, I want you so bad it"s my only wishLet"s walk the bridge, to the other sideJust you and I (just you and I)I will fly, i"ll fly the skies, for you and I (for you and I)I will try, until i die, for you and i, for you and i, for for you and i,For for you and i, for for you and i, for you and iCan you meet me half way (yup yup)Can you meet me half way (yup yup)Can you meet me half way (yup yup)Can you meet me half wayMeet me half way, right at the boarderlineThat"s where i"m gonna wait, for youI"ll be lookin out, night n"dayTook my heart to the limit, and this is where i"ll stayOooh, I can"t go any further then thisOooh, I want you so bad it"s my only wishOooh, I can"t go any further then thisOooh, I want you so bad it"s my only wishhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3489030

halfway up是什么意思?


Meet Me Halfway 歌词

歌曲名:Meet Me Halfway歌手:The Black Eyed Peas专辑:Invasion Of Meet Me Halfway - Megamix E.P.Meet Me HalfwayThe Black Eyed PeasOooh I can"t go any further then thisOooh I want you so badly it"s my biggest wishI spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinkin bout youEvery single day yes I"m really missin" missin" youAnd all those things we use to use to use to doHey girl wuz up it use to be just me and youI spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinkin bout youEvery single day yes i"m really missin missin youAnd all those things we use to use to use to doHey girl wuz up wuz up wuz up wuz upMeet me halfway right at the boarderlineThat"s where i"m gonna wait, for youI"ll be lookin out night n"dayTook my heart to the limit and this is where i"ll stayOooh I can"t go any further then thisOooh I want you so bad it"s my only wishGirl i travel round the world and even sail the seven seasAcross the universe i go to other galexiesJust tell me where you want just tell me where you wanna to meetI navigate myself myself to take me where you beCause girl i want i i i want you right nowI travel uptown (town) i travel downtownI wanna to have you around (round) like every single dayI love you alway wayCan you meet me half way (I"ll meet you halfway)Right at the boarderlineThat"s where i"m gonna wait for youI"ll be lookin out night n"dayTook my heart to the limit and this is where i"ll stayOooh I can"t go any further then thisOooh I want you so bad it"s my only wishOooh I can"t go any further then thisOooh I want you so bad it"s my only wishLet"s walk the bridge to the other sideJust you and I (just you and I)I will fly i"ll fly the skies for you and I (for you and I)I will try until i die for you and i for you and i for for you and iFor for you and i for for you and i for you and iCan you meet me half wayCan you meet me half wayCan you meet me half wayCan you meet me half wayMeet me half way, right at the boarderlineThat"s where i"m gonna wait for youI"ll be lookin out night n"dayTook my heart to the limit and this is where i"ll stayOooh I can"t go any further then thisOooh I want you so bad it"s my only wishOooh I can"t go any further then thisOooh I want you so bad it"s my only wishhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7478353

halfway through the moring

halfway through the morning 是早晨过完一半的时候,也就是我们说的起床后又过了一段时间.所以遵循翻译信 、达、雅的原则,翻译如下: 早晨起来,又过了一段时间后,她在自己的花园里休息了一会儿,然后倒了一杯茶,慢慢地(从整个句子叙述的口气中可以推测出来,也可以去掉)喝着.

英语halfway up什么意思?

halfway up 半路上

meet me halfway什么意思?


Meet Me Halfway 歌词

歌曲名:Meet Me Halfway歌手:Tim Benson专辑:FormulaTim Benson - Meet Me HalfwayI swear I wake up babyThinking that I see your faceEveryday I feel like I"m falling apartI know can"t turn time, can"t erase mistakesI"m feeling like second placeBaby, I"m torn apartHere I go again (I"m talking to myself)The mess I"m inCant you see it"s for realWithout your love, I can"t survive,babyMeet me halfwayDon"t put my heart on the lineI wanna give you everythingAll the timeMeet me halfwayWithout you I"m not aliveI wanna give you everything, babyAll the timeJust meet me halfwayI tried to runBut I just can"t escapeI can"t think straightBaby, I"m so torn apartI know my friends sayIn time things will changeThey say I"ll be okayBut baby, I"m so torn apartHere I go again (I"m talking to myself)The mess I"m inCan"t you see it"s for realWithout your love, I can"t survive,babyMeet me halfwayDon"t put my heart on the lineI wanna give you everythingAll the timeMeet me halfwayWithout you I"m not aliveI wanna give you everything, babyAll the timeJust meet me halfwayI"m not tryna force a decisionBut ever since you been goneMy heart"s been missing youBeen missing, you, you, you, you, youWon"t you meet me halfwayI swear I wake up babyThinking that I see your faceEveryday I feel like I"m falling apartMeet me halfwayDon"t put my heart on the lineI wanna give you everythingAll the timeMeet me halfwayWithout you I"m not aliveI wanna give you everything, babyAll the timeJust meet me halfwayI swear I wake up babyThinking that I see your faceEverydayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/57197755

halfway across the world


halfway decent looking 什么意思


His style was halfway between a creed you believed ion and an addiction you 是什么意思啊


on the half way是什么意思


halfway there是什么意思,各是什么词性,是形容词修饰名词吗?


be halfway to doing sth中文


halfway down the hall 这句话是什么意思?


Halfway To Paradise 歌词

歌曲名:Halfway To Paradise歌手:Frances Yip专辑:Take My LoveJason Donovan - Halfway To ParadiseI want to be your loverBut your friend is all I"ve stayedI"m only halfway to paradiseSo near, yet so far awayI long for your lips to kiss my lipsBut just when I think they mayYou lead me halfway to paradiseSo near, yet so far awayBein" close to you is almost heaven (heaven)But seein" you can do just so muchIt hurts me so to know your heart"s a treasure (treasure)And that my heart is forbidden to touch, soPut your sweet lips close to my lipsAnd tell me that"s where they"re gonna stayDon"t lead me halfway to paradiseSo near, yet so far awayOh, uh, oh so near, yet so far awayYeah, yeah so near, yet so far awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2578144

be halfway to do还是doing

词组be halfway to doing,意思是做了一半。另外doing后要接名词或名词短语,比如I am halfway to finishing my work.我完成了一半我的工作。 双语例句 1、He could be halfway to Mexico by now. 现在可能他就快到墨西哥了。 provided by jukuu 2、I was so sure that you"d be halfway to Mexico by now. 我真的以为你已经在去墨西哥的路上了。 provided by jukuu 3、She"d be halfway to russia. 她已经在去俄国的半路上了。 provided by jukuu 4、This will get you into that intermediate level quite intermedi develop expert quickly, and once there, you will be halfway to expert. 这领域自己关注会让你相当快速地进入到中级水平,一旦你达到了那个水中级一旦相当平,你的专家之路也走到一半了。

是be half to doing sth还是be halfway to doing sth?


you are halfway to soiving为什么要用solving

to是不是一个介词呀 我感觉是的

Halfway To Heaven 歌词

歌曲名:Halfway To Heaven歌手:Céline Dion专辑:Celine DionTitle: Halfway To HeavenArtist: Celine DionAlbum: Celine DionIzumiI will always love LiangliangCome and go with meWherever I am I want you to beWalking with your hand in mineFeel so fineWhen I"m close to youI know what it means to want to be trueNever felt this way beforeIs there moreAre you feeling the same as me honestlyDon"t you think it"s unrealI"m not dealing in fairy talesIf this failsI don"t know what on earth I will do "cause I"mHalfway to heavenLet"s go all the wayI don"t want to give it up"Cause I"m already falling in loveWhen we reach that placeI"m dying to see the smile on your faceI"m so sure you"ll want to stayThat"s okayI have so many dreams to sharePlease be thereLet me share them with youIf you"re looking for happiness nothing lessCome with me, baby I"m looking too and I"mHalfway to heavenLet"s go all the wayI don"t want to give it up"Cause I"m already falling nowHalfway to heavenLet"s go all the wayI don"t want to give it up"Cause I"m already falling in loveI don"t want to give my life in moderation (baby no)I"m prepared to give myself up to temptation it"s timeI could use a little love and inspiration (baby now)Come and share the joy and join the celebrationIt"s timeHoping and praying that soon you"ll be saying be mineI don"t want to give it upI don"t want to give it up"Cause I"m already falling in loveYou"re makin" all my senses come alivehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1265905

英语Halfway down the bus怎么翻译?

Halfway down the bus的中文意思是:半路公交车

on the halfway还是in the halfway

in the halfway。意思是在什么的中间。同义词有in the middle of,也是在中间的意思。

Halfway There 歌词

歌曲名:Halfway There歌手:Rise Against专辑:Revolutions Per MinuteIs this the point where we give up?Is this the point where we give in?Is this the point where we turn ourselves in?Is this the time to ask questions?Is this the time to seek answers?Is this the time to throw it all in?When enough is enough that"s when you know that you"re halfway thereWhen enough is enough that"s when you know that you"re halfway thereYou"re halfway thereThat"s when you know that you"re halfway thereThis is the point where we stand upThis is the point where we take backThe things that are keeping us from being freeWhen enough is enough that"s when you know that you"re halfway thereWhen enough is enough that"s when you know that you"re halfway thereThat"s when you know that you"re halfway thereYour voice the airwaves sent you prayed my life would end,The wasted time I spent ashamed I called you friend,Give me one reason, I need a reason, one reasonhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14160285

halfway between怎么翻译?


meet me halfway的意思

meet me halfway: 做些让步 If you can meet me halfway, I think we can reach an agreement. 如果你能做些让步话,我想我们能够达成一项协议.


词组 be halfway to doing是做了一半,不是完成了, 另外 doing 后要接名词或名词短语。核心短语: be halfway to doing是做了一半翻译: be halfway to doing是做了一半解析:这里的to是介词,所以后面要跟doing形式,类似于look forward to doing里面的to. 当to作为不定式的符号时,才跟动词原形比如 want to do sth.


give up halfway 或者quit on the way

Halfway through是什么意思?是动词短语么?该怎么使用


Halfway Gone 歌词

歌曲名:Halfway Gone歌手:Lifehouse专辑:Smoke & MirrorsLifehouse - Halfway GoneHalfway gone I"m halfway gone...You were always hard to holdSo letting go ain"t easyI"m hanging on but growing coldWhile my mind is leavingTalk, talk is cheapGive me a word you can keepCause I"m halfway gone and I"m on my wayAnd I"m feeling, feelin" feelin" this wayCause you"re halfway in but don"t take too longCause I"m halfway gone,I"m halfway goneHalfway gone I"m halfway gone...You got one foot out the doorAnd choking on the otherAlways think there"s something moreIt"s just around the cornerTalk, talk is cheapGive me a word you can keep (you can keep)Cause I"m halfway gone and I"m on my wayAnd I"m feeling, feelin", feelin" this wayCause you"re halfway in but don"t take too longCause I"m halfway gone, I"m halfway goneIf you want me out, then I"m on my wayAnd I"m feelin", feelin" feelin" this wayCause you"re halfway in, but don"t take too longCause I"m halfway gone,I"m halfway gone (wohoww wohoww)I"m halfway gone,I"m halfway gone (wohoww wohoww)Now I"m halfway gone, I"m halfway goneDon"t take too long,Don"t take too longCause I"m on my wayIf you take too longCause I"m halfway gone and I"m on my wayAnd I"m feeling, feelin" I"m feelin" this wayCause you"re halfway in but don"t take too longCause I"m halfway gone, I"m halfway goneIf you want me out, then I"m on my wayAnd I"m feelin, feelin", feelin" this wayCause your"e halfway in, but don"t take too longCause I"m halfway gone,I"m halfway gone (wohoww wohoww)Cause I"m halfway gone,And I"m halfway gone (wohoww wohoww)Cause I"m halfway gone,And I"m halfway gonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8591733

He was halfway through his breakfast.

对呀!表达他吃早餐吃到一半(还没吃完)I am halfway home. 我正在回家途中。I am halfway from home. 我在路途上。(没说正回家还是刚出门)英文很简单表达清楚即可。

Halfway Gone 歌词

歌曲名:Halfway Gone歌手:Lifehouse专辑:Smoke & Mirrors (Deluxe EditioLifehouse - Halfway GoneHalfway gone I"m halfway gone...You were always hard to holdSo letting go ain"t easyI"m hanging on but growing coldWhile my mind is leavingTalk, talk is cheapGive me a word you can keepCause I"m halfway gone and I"m on my wayAnd I"m feeling, feelin" feelin" this wayCause you"re halfway in but don"t take too longCause I"m halfway gone,I"m halfway goneHalfway gone I"m halfway gone...You got one foot out the doorAnd choking on the otherAlways think there"s something moreIt"s just around the cornerTalk, talk is cheapGive me a word you can keep (you can keep)Cause I"m halfway gone and I"m on my wayAnd I"m feeling, feelin", feelin" this wayCause you"re halfway in but don"t take too longCause I"m halfway gone, I"m halfway goneIf you want me out, then I"m on my wayAnd I"m feelin", feelin" feelin" this wayCause you"re halfway in, but don"t take too longCause I"m halfway gone,I"m halfway gone (wohoww wohoww)I"m halfway gone,I"m halfway gone (wohoww wohoww)Now I"m halfway gone, I"m halfway goneDon"t take too long,Don"t take too longCause I"m on my wayIf you take too longCause I"m halfway gone and I"m on my wayAnd I"m feeling, feelin" I"m feelin" this wayCause you"re halfway in but don"t take too longCause I"m halfway gone, I"m halfway goneIf you want me out, then I"m on my wayAnd I"m feelin, feelin", feelin" this wayCause your"e halfway in, but don"t take too longCause I"m halfway gone,I"m halfway gone (wohoww wohoww)Cause I"m halfway gone,And I"m halfway gone (wohoww wohoww)Cause I"m halfway gone,And I"m halfway gonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2185919

halfway through是什么意思

halfway through完成一半, 半途中

be halfway to的用法?

be halfway to的用法:be halfway to doing表示做某事做到一半,doing后面要接名词或名词短语。短语:例如:We"re still only halfway to finishing the job。halfway可以用作形容词、副词,当halfway用作副词时,意思是大致上;在中途;在…中间;到一半。当halfway用作形容词时,意思是还不错的;不彻底的;中途的。例句:1、We had got only halfway when it began to get dark。走到半路,天就黑了。2、The car began to get ahead halfway through the race。那辆车在比赛的半途开始领先。3、This only goes halfway to explaining what really happened。这只是部分地解释了实际发生的事。4、Any halfway decent map will give you that information。任何一张还算像样的地图都能提供那些信息。

是be half to doing sth还是be halfway to doing sth?

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