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马林(Marlin)是一只住在大堡礁的小丑鱼。很久以前,它的配偶珊瑚以及它们所产下来大多数的卵都在一场梭子鱼的攻击中被吃掉了。因此它变得非常的紧张、神经兮兮,且过度地保护它唯一的儿子:尼莫(Nemo)。尼莫的卵在那场攻击意外中经过碰撞,导致生下来的它右鳍异常的小,被称为它的“幸运鳍”,但也因为如此,马林更是担心尼莫的游泳能力。尼莫上学的第一天,它的老师鲼老师(Mr. Ray)带着它和其它学生们一起去校外教学。尼莫到了大堡礁的边缘以后,就和同学们大胆的冒险游离礁石区,游到了他们口中的"屁屁"——一艘人类的船底下,碰到了那艘船的底部。马林赶到以后非常的生气,但尼莫却在这个时候被一位潜水员给捉了去,潜水员还帮马林拍了一张照。潜水员将尼莫带上船以后就开船消失了。马林情急之下慌张地游出了大堡礁,一路上寻找帮助。它遇到了一只个性天真、乐观却拥有短暂性失忆症的拟刺尾鲷:多莉(Dory)。在寻找尼莫的途中,它们遇到了三只“想要吃素”的鲨鱼:布鲁斯(Bruce)、安安(Anchor)以及阿沈(Chum),而布鲁斯将它们带到了一艘废弃的船上。在那里,马林找到了当初捉走尼莫的潜水员的蛙镜,而上面写着潜水员的住址。经过在深海中的一番惊险旅程后,多莉终于成功地念出了蛙镜上写的字,进而得知潜水员的住处是位于澳洲的悉尼。后来它们又遇到了一群菜刀鱼,它们告诉马林要前往悉尼最快的方式是搭乘东澳洋流。它们在前往东澳洋流的途中又碰到了一群危险的水母,在穿过那群水母时它们遭到水母攻击而昏去,醒来后分别躺在一只名叫龟龟(Crush)的绿蠵龟,以及它同伴们之一的龟壳上。马林在那里将它和多莉寻找尼莫一路上发生的冒险故事告诉了小海龟们,而这个故事经过口耳相传也传到了悉尼港上让鹈鹕祖哥(Nigel)得知。捉走尼莫的潜水员——牙医希尔曼,将尼莫带回他在悉尼港旁诊所中的鱼缸里。在那里,尼莫遇到了住在鱼缸中的鱼群们,而它们的领导者则是一只个性顽固、名叫吉哥(Gill)的镰鱼。那些鱼听到牙医要把尼莫送给他的侄女后感到很害怕,因为妲拉(Darla)喜欢不停的甩动装鱼的袋子,送给她的鱼经常死于非命。也经常敲击鱼缸,片中出现的部分是因为看见海星小桃儿边敲边唱"小星星"。吉哥那时想到了一个逃离鱼缸的新计划,就是让尼莫钻进滤水器,并用小石子阻住滤水器的水管。这样就能使得牙医不得不将鱼群们捞出来,亲手来清洗鱼缸。尼莫于是就带着小石子钻进了滤水器,不过却失败了,甚至差点丢了它的命。不过祖哥(Nigel)跑来告诉了尼莫有关它的爸爸在汪洋大海中寻找爱子的故事以后,尼莫就坚决带着石子再尝试一次,并且成功了。但是,这个计划后来却因为牙医买了一台自动清理的先进滤水器而宣告失败。后来,马林和多莉又经历了一场冒险:它们被一只巨大的鲸鱼给吞了进去,但后来却借着鲸鱼呼吸的气体交换被“喷了出来”。被喷出来之后,它们就成功抵达了悉尼,差点被其中一只鹈鹕当成早餐,幸好因为噎到吐了出来,祖哥认出了它们,祖哥于是就将马林和多莉带到了牙医的办公室。不过,牙医却正好要将尼莫送给妲拉,而尼莫就装死,希望能够借此被冲到马桶而排放到大海中,可是牙一走进厕所,但他的举动阵惊了鱼群-他打算将它丢进垃圾桶!马林看到后,就以为尼莫真的死了。惊恐的马林拉了祖哥的蛇头让他飞进牙医的办公室,造成了一场混乱,吉哥于是趁机将尼莫 《海底总动员》剧照(26张)送进了漱口池的水管中,顺利的流向了大海。马林因此而感到非常伤心,决定自己一个人回家。多莉后来则碰到了被冲到大海中的尼莫,而鉴于它的短暂失忆症,使得多莉完全不记得有关马林的事,于是就帮助尼莫一起寻找那位它根本不记得的“马林”。后来,多莉在看到悉尼海底下水道上“SYDNEY”的字样后又恢复了记忆,于是就帮助尼莫找到了它的爸爸。马林在看到它的儿子安然无恙后感到很放心,不过不久之后,多莉却和一群石斑鱼被一个大鱼网给捞走了。尼莫在告诉它的爸爸它必须要放心让尼莫去飞之后,就钻进了鱼网中,和多莉一起帮助那群鱼逃离鱼网。尼莫于是就用了吉哥教它的方法:“尽力往下游”,起出马林不希望他这么做,深怕因为失败而让尼莫送了命,但尼莫不顾马林反对,成功的破坏了鱼网。多莉、马林和尼莫之后就回到了大堡礁,马林对尼莫也变得比较放心了。尼莫在上学前拥抱了它的爸爸,告诉马林“我爱你”,而马林也以相同的话回了尼莫。于是,尼莫和它的同学,以及交换学生—龟龟的儿子小古(Squirt),就和雷老师一同出游了。故事结束。出游时的情景成为本片演职员表动画,连皮克斯上一部电影"怪兽电力公司"中的大眼仔也出现了。演职员表跑完后,还播放了一小段后传:后来鱼缸的自动滤水器也坏了,而尼莫当初丢进去的小石子于是就起了效用,鱼缸中的鱼儿们也就顺利的逃到了大海中,只不过它们却还被装在当初牙医使用的小塑胶袋中。最后,豚豚(Bloat)就说道:“现在呢?”("Now what?")。翻译:Ma Lin (Marlin) is a live in Great Barrier Reef clown fish. A long time ago, itsspouse Coral and their production down most of the eggs in a pike attackwas eaten. So it becomes very tense, nervous, and excessive protection itonly son: Nimmo (Nemo). Nemo eggs in the attack in the accident after the collision, resulting in born it right fin very small, known as the "lucky", butalso because of this, Ma Lin was even more worried Nemo swimming ability.Nemo"s first day of school, the teacher ray teacher (Mr. Ray) took it andother students go off campus teaching. After nimodipine to the edge of Great Barrier Reef, and the students bold adventure free reef area, swim totheir mouth "fart" -- a human bottom, met the ship bottom. Ma Lin arrivedafter the very angry, but Nemo is at this time was a diver to catch up to, the divers also help Ma Lin took a picture. Divers will later Nemo brought aboard sailed away.Marin panic nervous swam out of the Great Barrier Reef, on the way to seek help. It had a quasi Acanthuridae a naive, optimistic personality hastransient amnesia: dolly (Dory). On the way to Finding Nemo, they met three"to be" Shark: Bruce (Bruce), An An (Anchor) and Shen (Chum), while Bruce took them to an abandoned ship. There, Ma Lin found the originalcatch goggles go nimodipine diver, and write the diver. After deep in the sea a thrilling journey, Dolly was successfully read out the frog mirrorwriting, so that divers place is located in Sydney australia. Then they met a group of cooking saury, they told Ma Lin to go to Sydney the fastest way is to take the East Australian current. They met a group of dangerous jellyfishand on the way to the East Australian current, in through the swarms ofjellyfish jellyfish attack while they were away, wake up lying on a namedturtle (Crush) of the green turtle, turtle shell and one of its peers. Ma Linwhere will it and dolly Finding Nemo along the way, adventure story toldsmall turtles, and the story after teach orally were also introduced into Sydney harbor for Pelican progenitor brother (Nigel) that.Catch Nemo diver -- dentist Hillman, will be back in Sydney he Nemo harborclinics in aquariums. There, Nemo meets in aquarium fish, and their leaderis a personality stubborn, named Ji brother (Gill) is a fish. Those fish hear the dentist to Nemo to his niece was very afraid, because Daala (Darla) lovekept swinging fish bag, gave her the fish often die an untimely on. Often afish tank, in part because see starfish small peach knock sang "little star".Her brother was thought out a new plan to escape from the fish tank, is to allow Nemo drilling water filter, and with the small stones to block water filterpipe. Allowing a dentist had to fish them out, had to clean the tank. Nimmo then took the small stones into the water filter, but failed, and nearly lost hislife. But fathers brother (Nigel) came to tell again about it for his son in a vast expanse of water in the father"s story, Nemo firmly with stones to try again, and success. However, the plan was for the dentist bought an automatic cleaning of the advanced water filter failed.Later, Ma Lin and Dolly was an adventure: they are a huge whale to swallowit, but by the whale breathing gas exchange is "spouted out". After beingsprayed out, they successfully arrived in Sydney, almost is one a pelican asbreakfast, but choked to spit it out, father brother recognized their fathersbrother, so will Ma Lin and dolly brought to the dentist"s office. However, the dentist is just to Nemo to Daala, and nimodipine was dead, and hope to berushed to the toilet and discharged into the sea, but the tooth into the toilet,but his move surprised fish - he"s going to throw it into the dustbin! After Ma Lin see, think Nemo really dead. Frightened Malinla Zu brother - let him fly into the dentist"s office, resulting in a mess, Ji brother and took the opportunity to Nimmo "Finding Nemo" still (26 Zhang) to gargle pool water,smooth flow to the sea.Ma Lin felt very sad, decided to go home by himself. Dolly later met washedinto the sea of nimodipine, and in view of its transient amnesia, the dollydoesn"t remember anything about Ma Lin, so he helps Nemo together to find that it doesn"t remember "Ma Lin". Later, in the Sydney subsea sewerdolly saw "SYDNEY" and then returned to memory, and then help Nemofound its father. Ma Lin see it son safe and sound after to feel at ease, butsoon after, dolly and a group of fish is a fish net to get away. Nemo after telling his father it must let Nemo to fly, and got into the net, and dollytogether to help the fish from escaping from the net. Nimmo then took Jibrother teach it method: "try to swim down", the Ma Lin don"t want him to do so, fearing failure and let Nimmo out, but Nimmo over Ma Lin"s objections,succeeded in disrupting the nets.


这次我们要用到贝塞尔工具,交互式填充和调和工具以及造形命令中的“相交”和“简化”。看下完成图吧:制作步骤:1、用贝塞尔工具画出小鱼的身体,选择工具栏中的交互式填充工具(快捷键为G),拉出一个渐变,颜色为从C:2 M:79 Y:81 K: 0到C:0 M:40 Y:80 K: 0。在属性栏中设轮廓宽度设0.706mm,颜色为黑。其他部位的轮廓也都用这个设置。2、用贝塞尔工具分别画出鱼尾和鱼鳍的基本形状,用形状工具选中,ctrl+Q转换为曲线后分别调整到合适形状。3、给鱼尾和鱼鳍填充渐变。用吸管工具点击鱼身吸取它的渐变效果,然后用颜料桶工具分别点击鱼尾和鱼鳍就能给它们填充同样的渐变。用交互式填充工具调节好渐变的方向。4、给鱼身添加花纹。鱼身的花纹由三部分组成,中间的那个直接用贝塞尔工具画,前后的两个做法相同,即:先用椭圆工具画出一大一小两个椭圆,居中对齐后点击属性栏中的“简化”按钮,形成一个圆环,调整一下形状后填充白色。将三个花纹选中,ctrl+G群组后按住Shift键将鱼身也一起选中,点击属性栏中的“相交”按钮得到相交部分后将原花纹删除。5、给鱼尾和鱼鳍添加花纹。用贝塞尔工具分别画出两条直线,置于鱼尾之上如下位置,选择工具栏中的交互式调和工具,调和步数设为5,从一条直线上拖动到另一条,即可得到中间的线条。6、选中所有直线和鱼尾,点击属性栏中的“简化”按钮即可得到相交部分,将原直线删除,完成鱼尾。重复第5、6步分别做出几个鱼鳍上的花纹,完成鱼鳍。7、给小鱼加上眼睛。用椭圆工具画出如下三个椭圆,选择工具菜单中的交互式调和工具,调和步数设为10,从黑眼珠拖动到眼白,形成渐变的效果,完工。最终效果:


英文片名:Finding Nemo尼莫 - Nemo 马林 - Marlin 多莉 - Dory大意: 主角是一对可爱的小丑鱼(Clownfish)父子。父亲马林和儿子尼莫一直在澳洲外海大堡礁中过着安定而"幸福"的平静生活。鱼爸爸马林一直谨小慎微,行事缩手缩脚,虽然已经身为人父,却丝毫不会影响它成为远近闻名的胆小鬼。也正因为这一点,儿子尼莫常常与马林发生争执,甚至有那么一点瞧不起自己的父亲。直到有一天,一直向往到海洋中冒险的尼莫,游出了他们所居住的珊瑚礁。正当尼莫想要舒展一下小尾巴的时候,一艘渔船毫不留情地将欢天喜地的尼莫捕走,并将它辗转卖到澳洲悉尼湾内的一家牙医诊所。  在大堡礁的海底,心爱的儿子突然生死未卜的消息,对于鱼爸爸马林来说却无异于晴天霹雳。尽管胆小尽管怕事,现在为了救回心爱的孩子,马林也就只有豁出去了。它决心跟上澳洲洋流,踏上寻找自己儿子的漫漫征程。  虽说是已下定决心,但这并不代表马林可以在一夜之间抛弃自己怯懦的性格。途中与大白鲨布鲁斯的几次惊险追逐,很快便令它萌生退意,险些使父子重聚的希望化为泡影。但幸运的是,马林遇到了来自撒马力亚(Samaritan)的蓝唐王鱼(Regal Blue Tang)多莉(Dory)。多莉是一只热心助人、胸怀宽广的大鱼。虽然严重的健忘症常常搞得马林哭笑不得,但是有多莉在身边做伴,却也渐渐令马林明白了如何用勇气与爱战胜自己内心的恐惧,也懂得了一生中有一些事情的确是值得自己去冒险去努力的道理。  就这样,两条鱼在辽阔的太平洋上的冒险使它们交到了形形色色的朋友,也遭遇了各式各样的危机。而鱼爸爸马林也终于克服万难,与儿子团聚并安全地回到了自己的家乡。过去那个甚至连自己儿子都瞧不起的胆小鬼马林,经过这次的考验后成为了儿子眼中真正的英雄!一场亲情团聚的大戏,就此在充满泪水的眼睛中落下了帷幕。


Nemo--小丑鱼或也称做海葵鱼 Dory--蓝色帝王鱼 Gill--神仙鱼






Finding Nemo

《海底总动员》中Marlin 和 Nemo 各有什么性格特点


电影《海底总动员》里,Nemo 的配声是谁?

nemo 的配声   尼莫(Nemo):片中小主角,是一只黄色带条纹的小丑鱼,爱冒险的它调皮而顽强。英文原版配音演员是亚历山大·古尔德(Alexander Gould),是一位新人。中文配音演员未知…… 影片介绍 中文名称:海底总动员 英文名称:Finding Nemo (寻找尼莫) 发行时间:2003年5月30日 导演:安德鲁·斯坦顿 Andrew Stanton 演员:亚历山大·古尔德 Alexander Gould    艾丽卡·贝克 Erica Beck    阿尔伯特·布鲁克斯 Albert Brooks    艾伦·德詹尼丝 Ellen DeGeneres    杰弗里·拉什 Geoffrey Rush    威廉姆·达福 Willem Dafoe    巴里·哈姆弗瑞斯 Barry Humphries 类型:喜剧/儿童/家庭/动物 级别:G(适合所有观众) 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介   故事发生在亚热带海洋美丽的海底世界,在这个海底世界里,有一个长满许多珊瑚的大堡礁,色彩斑斓,多姿多彩,小丑鱼马林和他唯一的儿子尼莫,就在这里过 著宁静安全的生活。马林本来有一个幸福的家:美丽的妻子和一群可爱的孩子,但是,他们都在一次鲨鱼的袭击中死去了,最后只剩下尼莫和他相依为伴,所以,马 林特别担心失去最后一个孩子尼莫。海洋世界丰富美丽,同时也变幻莫测,充满危险,虽然马林一直努力保护顽皮的尼莫,但是尼莫就像所有年幼的小鱼一样,顽皮 贪玩,渴望探索他们居住的大堡礁外面的世界。   最后意外还是发生了。一天,尼莫被一个潜水员带离了他的家园,放入了澳大利亚一个牙医办公室的鱼缸里。找不到儿子的马林,开始了艰苦的寻子历程。这时, 一条叫多莉的好心的蓝藻鱼也加入了它寻子的行列。想不到带路的多莉却是一个路痴,在路途中,他们遇到了无数的危难险阻,也闹出许多笑话。多莉乐观向上的性 格影响了马林,也改变了马林软弱的性格,变得勇敢了。为了找回他的宝贝儿子尼莫,马林他们必须寻遍大海,跟上澳洲洋流才能把儿子带回来,在途中他们遇到形 形 *** 的朋友,也遭遇各式各样的危险。   马林和多莉一路闯荡海洋各个角落,遭遇大白鲨、锤头鲨、安康鱼等坏蛋的追杀,又经历过无数的海鸥、下水道甚至人类的威胁后,找回了自己的儿子尼莫。两父子终于见面了,这时的马林也成为了整个海洋世界里的英雄…… 粤语配音:莫俊华 参考: vcas/dub/dub




After his mother"s death,Nemo went to school and accidently caughby an ugly girl in a big ship..He tried to escape from the girl and he did it.By the way ,the ship had travelled far away.Nemo can"t tell where it is.His father had a long hard journal and at last ,found Nemo succesfully.




《海底总动员》里看到的雷“老师”———刺鳐 也就是传说中的魔鬼鱼,是保护鱼的刺鳐属于软骨鱼类,它们的身体扁平,尾巴细长,有些种类的刺鳐的尾巴上长着一条或几条边缘生出锯齿的毒刺。被刺鳐刺死,在海洋生物专家眼中相当罕见。悉尼大学海洋科学研究所代理主任柯曼表示,刺鳐攻击人是“相当罕见”的海底事故。鳐鱼是多种扁体软骨鱼的统称。分布于全世界大部分水区,从热带到近北极水域,从浅海到2700米以下的深水处。共9属,分3科。鳐鱼体呈圆或菱形,胸鳍宽大,由吻端扩伸到细长的尾根部;有些种类具有尖吻,由颅部突出的喙软骨形成。体单色或具有花纹,多数种类脊部有硬刺或棘状结构,有些尾部内有发电能力不强的发电器官。就现在所知,全部鳐类鱼均为卵生,其卵又称“美人鱼的荷包”,常见于海滩,长方形,有革质壳保护。鳐鱼体型大小各异:小鳐成体仅50厘米;大鳐可长达2.5米。鳐鱼无害,底栖,常常部分埋于水底沙中。游动时靠胸鳍作优美的波浪状摆动前进。以软体动物、甲壳类和鱼类为食,由上面突然下冲,扑捕猎物。


Finding Nemo is a cartoon movie which direded by Andrew Stanton,and it played on Children"s Day in America in 2003.Finding Nemo is a wholy new underwater adventure.Nemo is a boy fish in the movie and lives with his father-Marlin in the Big Coral Reef. One day,Nemo is stole at his first time for school from his croal reef home and is put in a fish tank where there are six fish lived in in a dentist"s office in Sydeny,Austrila.Nemo"s father,Marlin was very worried but he has always been a timid fish. then another fish-Dory offers to help Marlin to search the Ocean to find Nemo.Dory is kind but very forgetful.On their journey to rescue Nemo,they meet many interesting events and Marlin finds himself be a hero.At the same time ,Nemo misses his home and fatheer very much,and he makes several plans to get back home safely.finally,them all see each other.


《海底总动员》原声大碟,你想要的这部电影中的音乐都可以唾手可得!专辑介绍:当初发现为这部电影配乐的是Thomas Newman而不是Randy Newman时,确实有些惊讶,不仅因为他们两者的关系,更因为Tom的配乐风格一向忧郁悲伤,即使他的一些轻松欢快的作品也往往有点苦中带甜的味道。难怪当初人们会质疑习惯了Randy的欢快幸福风格的观众是否能够接受Tom。“我当时真的很没把握,因为我不但从没为动画做过配乐,而且我堂弟Randy 之前为PIXAR做的四部作品都非常出色,我都很喜欢,这让我更没有信心了”,Tom在后来回忆时这么说。事实上Tom最后的作品没有按照以往的模式谱写主题曲,也没有强求自己去适合Randy的风格,尽管按照Randy的风格谱曲既轻松又保险,而是原原本本的以他自己的风格去诠释。作品的完美成功证明了这是一个非常正确的决定,Tom用强有力的节奏旋律配合怪异狂野的电子音乐,加以持续的神经质般的交响乐演奏完美的再现了鱼类的天性,而富有流浪气息的钢琴和弦乐又很好地抓住了影片“寻亲”、“交友”的主题。这张《Finding Nemo Complete Score》是完全配乐版的Promo,不仅收录了官方版本的全部39首配乐(官版第40首是主题曲“Beyond The Sea”),还包括了另外12首未收录的曲目,当然曲目名称和编曲会有细微差别。专辑曲目: 01. Opening02. Barracuda03. Nemo Egg - Main Title04. First Day05. Journey To School06. Joke - Mr. Ray07. To Dropoff08. Dropoff Reveal09. Boat - Hate You10. Out to Sea - Divers11. Lost12. Dory - Boat13. Meet Bruce14. Shark Meeting15. Shark Chase16. Nemo In Tank17. Bubbles18. Meet Tankers19. Darla - Stuck - Gill20. Angler Fish21. Initiation22. Escape Plan23. School Of Fish24. Trench - Squishy25. Jellyfish26. Rescue Dory27. Miss Your Dad28. Filter Attempt29. Turtle Drive, Part 130. Turtle Drive, Part 231. Turtle Drive, Part 332. News Travel33. Proud - Stops Filter34. Darla - Filth - Offramp35. Lost In Fog36. Swallowed - Scum37. Whale, Part 138. Whale, Part 239. Whale, Part 340. Sydney Harbour41. Net for Nemo42. Pelicans43. Gull Chase44. Office Frenzy, Part 145. Office Frenzy, Part 246. Crabs - Nemo & Dory47. Dory Remembers48. Fishing Ground - Dory Trapped49. Swim Down50. Nemo Hurt51. Ending


At first Nemo was just a kid .He thought he can do everything. When he tried to prove how brave he was. He swam alone far away. And then got caught by human.And after that is the story about how Nemo"s father try to rescue his son and Nemo how to escape by himself. And Nemo has learned he was only a kid. Something he can not do. He should not be let his father worried about him. In another way, his father felt regret about how rude he treated his son. At the end of the story, the met again. And they finally knew the relationship of family is the most valuable thing in the world. Nemo"s story actually happen to every kids and parents. Parents want their children become better .their children always want to show they have already grown up. We need to overcome difficulties, recognize and correct his faults.我改过了 不认识 用 有道 查就行了


Bubbles!My bubbles.He likes bubbles.Bonjour.Slow down, little fella.There"s nothing to worry about.- He"s scared to death.- I want to go home.Do you know where my dad is?Honey, your dad"s probablyback at the pet store.Pet store?Yeah, you know, like,I"m from Bob"s Fish Mart.- Pet Palace.- Fish-O-Rama.- Mail order.- Ebay.- So, which one is it?- I"m from the ocean.The ocean. The ocean?He hasn"t been decontaminated.Jacques!- Oui.- Clean him!Oui.- Ocean.- La mer. Bon.Voila. He is clean.Wow. The big blue.What"s it like?- Big and blue?- I knew it.If there"s anything you need,just ask your Auntie Deb.Or if I"m not around,you can talk to my sister Flo.Hi. How are you?Don"t listen to anythingmy sister says.She"s nuts.We got a live one.- Can"t hear you, Peach.- I said we got a live one.- Boy, oh, boy.- What do we got?Root canal... and by the looksof those x-rays...it"s not going to be pretty.Dam and clamp installed?- What did he use to open?- Gator-Glidden drill.He seems to favorthat one lately.I can"t see, Flo.You"re gettinga little too...Now he"s doingthe Schilder technique.He"s using a Hedstrom file.That"s not a Hedstrom file.That"s a K-Flex.It has a teardrop cross-section.Clearly a Hedstrom.- No, no, K-Flex.- Hedstrom.- K-Flex!- Hedstrom!There I go.A little help, over here.I"ll go deflate him.All right.Go ahead and rinse.The human mouthis a disgusting place.- Hey, Nigel.- What did I miss?Root canal... a doozy.Root canal?What did he use to open?- Gator-Glidden drill.- He"s favoring that one.Hope he doesn"t get surplussealer at the portal terminus.- Hello. Who"s this?- New guy.The dentisttook him off the reef.An outie. From my neckof the woods, eh?Sorry if I ever tooka snap at you.Fish gotta swim,birds gotta eat.No, no! They"re not your fish.They"re my fish.Come on, go. Go on, shoo!The picture broke.This here"s Darla.She"s my niece.She"s going to beeight this week.Hey, little fella.Say helloto your new mummy.She"ll be here Fridayto pick you up.You"re her present.It"s our little secret.Well, Mr. Tucker,while that sets up...I"m going to see a manabout a wallaby.Oh, Darla.What?What"s wrong with her?She wouldn"t stopshaking the bag.- Poor Chuckles.- He was her present last year.Hitched a rideon the porcelain express.She"s a fish killer.I can"t go with that girl.I have to get backto my dad.Daddy! Help me!He"s stuck.Nobody touch him.Nobody touch him.Can you help me?No. You got yourselfin there.No. You got yourselfin there.You can get yourself out.- Gill...- I want to see him do it.Calm down. Alternate wigglingyour fins and your tail.I can"t. I have a bad fin.Never stopped me.Just think aboutwhat you need to do.Come on.Perfect.You did it!Good squirming.Wow. From the ocean...just like you, Gill.Yeah.I"ve seen that look before.What are you thinking about?I"m thinking...tonight, we give the kida proper reception.So, kid,you got a name or what?Nemo. I"m Nemo.Nemo. Nemo.泡泡!泡泡!好多泡泡哦,我要救你们我的泡泡他超爱泡泡早安别紧张,不必害怕他被吓得半死我想回家我爸爸在哪里?他大概在水族店吧水族店?是啊,我来自巴布水族店皇宫水族店好邻居水族店我是邮购的eBay拍卖网站你到底来自哪儿?我来自大海大海,大海?!他还没被消毒,虾虾!有!快替他消毒遵命大海大海哦好了,他很干净蔚蓝大海,形容一下很大、很蓝我就知道有事就找漂漂阿姨那就是我我不在就找我妹妹亮亮嗨,你好吗?别理她,她脑袋不太清楚病人来了我听不到耶,小桃来了一个病人天啊有什么状况?根管治疗从X光看起来情况不妙装了橡皮障吗?装了他用什么器械?盖氏钻牙器,他最近很爱用我看不到,亮亮别这么用力他在使用施德技术他用的是镍钛根管锉针才不是,那是不锈钢锉针圆弧形切面,明明是镍钛锉针不对,不锈钢锉针镍钛锉针不锈钢锉针!镍钛锉针!来人呀,帮帮忙我来替他消气请漱口人类的嘴巴好恶心哦祖哥我错过什么好戏?根管治疗,超酷的根管治疗?他用什么钻牙器?盖氏钻牙器他的新欢根管封填剂最好不要放太多这是谁?新来的家伙牙医在海底抓到他偷渡客跟我一样抱歉,我想吃你鱼要游泳、鸟要吃鱼这些是我的鱼,不是你的快给我滚镜框裂了,这是我侄女妲拉她这礼拜就满八岁小鱼儿,她是你的新主人她礼拜五就来带你走你是她的生日礼物这可是咱们的小秘密请等一下,我去一下厕所惨了,小魔女她有什么毛病呀?她会用力摇晃塑胶袋可怜的恰可他是去年的礼物下场是被冲下马桶她是热带鱼杀手我不想死,我要回去找我爸老爹,救救我他被卡住了谁也别碰他别碰他请你救救我不行你惹的祸,自己想办法出来吉哥我要他自己来冷静下来轮流摇晃你的鱼鳍和鱼尾不行,我的鱼鳍有毛病那不是问题冷静想想你该怎么做加油很好你成功了做得好吉哥,他跟你一样来自大海耶是啊我看过你这种表情你又在想什么?我在想咱们今晚要正式欢迎他小子,你叫什么?尼莫,我叫尼莫尼莫…这是25分钟至31分钟有关尼莫和那些鱼的对话,貌似不止几句。。。自己整理出来的哦




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海底总动员 3/6 英文版的台词

FINDING NEMO Transcript v1.0 Copyright 2003 Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios ------------------------------------------------------------ Transcribed by BaD_BURN email : markgonzalez154@hotmail.com ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Okay, this is the work-in-progress FINDING NEMO film transcript. | | Why is it "work-in-progress" you might ask? Well for one, this | | isn"t a 100% accurate transcript: some words might be missing, | | may not be right. Second, some lines may or may not have been | | spoken by the right character. There are instances in the film | | where a line is spoken but the character isn"t on screen, which | | makes things complicated. But I"d say this transcript is about | | 98-99% accurate. Dialogue for each scene is seperated by a line | | of equal signs (=). | | | | This transcript is open for corrections, additions if you have | | any. What you CAN"T do, however, is to edit it and take credit | | for it. Although I do not own the movie or it"s screenplay, this | | transcript was made with no intention of copyright infringement | | and the like. Enjoy. And remember: "Fish are friends, not food". | ------------------------------------------------------------------ ====================================================================================== MARLIN Wow. CORAL Mmm. MARLIN Wow. CORAL Mmm-hmm. MARLIN Wow. CORAL Yes, Marlin. No, I see it. It"s beautiful. MARLIN So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view, you didn"t think that we we"re gonna get the whole ocean, did you? Huh? [sighs] Oh yeah. A fish can breath out here. Did your man deliver or did he deliver? 1 CORAL My man delivered. MARLIN And it wasn"t so easy. CORAL Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place. MARLIN You better believe they did--every single one of them. CORAL Mm-hmm. You did good. And the neighborhood is awesome. MARLIN So, you do like it, don"t you? CORAL No, no. I do, I do. I really do like it. But Marlin, I know that the drop off is desirable with the great schools and the amazing view and all, but do we really need so much space? MARLIN Coral, honey, these are our kids we"re talking about. They deserve the best. Look, look, look. They"ll wake up, poke their little heads out and they"ll see a whale! See, right by their bedroom window. CORAL Shhh, you"re gonna wake the kids. MARLIN Oh, right. Right. CORAL Aww, look. They"re dreaming. We still have to name them. MARLIN You wanna name all of "em, right now? All right, we"ll name this half Marlin Jr. and then this half Coral Jr. Okay, we"re done. CORAL I like Nemo. MARLIN Nemo? Well, we"ll name one Nemo but I"d like most of them to be Marlin Jr. CORAL Just think that in a couple of days, we"re gonna be parents! MARLIN Yeah. What if they don"t like me? CORAL Marlin. MARLIN No, really. CORAL There"s over 400 eggs. Odds are, one of them is bound to like you. CORAL What? MARLIN You remember how we met? CORAL Well, I try not to. MARLIN Well, I remember. "Excuse me, miss, can you check and see if there"s a hook in my lip?" CORAL Marlin! MARLIN 2 "Well, you gotta look a little closer because it"s wiggling". CORAL Get away! MARLIN Here he is. Cutie"s here! Where did everybody go? MARLIN [gasps] Coral, get inside the house, Coral. No, Coral, don"t. They"ll be fine. Just get inside, you, right now. MARLIN No! MARLIN Coral! Coral? MARLIN Coral? Oh! MARLIN Ohh. There, there, there. It"s okay, daddy"s here. Daddy"s got you. I promise, I will never let anything happen to you...Nemo. ====================================================================================== NEMO First day of school! First day of school! Wake up, wake up! C"mon, first day of school! MARLIN I don"t wanna go to school. Five more minutes. NEMO Not you, dad. Me! MARLIN Okay...huh? NEMO Get up, get up! It"s time for school! It"s time for school! It"s time for school! It"s time for school! Oh boy! Oh boy! MARLIN All right, I"m up. NEMO Oh boy--whoa! MARLIN Nemo! NEMO First day of school! MARLIN [gasps] Nemo, don"t move! Don"t move! You"ll never get out of there yourself. I"ll do it. All right, where"s the break? You feel a break? NEMO No. MARLIN Sometimes you can"t tell "cause fluid is rushing to the area. Now, any rushing fluids? NEMO No. MARLIN Are you woozy? NEMO No. MARLIN How many stripes do I have? 3 NEMO I"m fine. MARLIN Answer the stripe question! NEMO Three. MARLIN No! See, something"s wrong with you. I have one, two, three--that"s all I have? Oh, you"re okay. How"s the lucky fin? NEMO Lucky. MARLIN Let"s see. MARLIN Are you sure you wanna go to school this year? "Cause there"s no problem if you don"t. You can wait 5 or 6 years. NEMO Come on, dad. It"s time for school. MARLIN Ah-ah-ah! Forgot to brush. NEMO Ohh... MARLIN Do you want this anemone to sting you? NEMO Yes. MARLIN Brush. NEMO Okay, I"m done. MARLIN You missed a spot. NEMO Where? MARLIN There. Ha ha! Right there. And here and here and here! ====================================================================================== MARLIN All right, we"re excited. First day of school, here we go. We"re ready to learn to get some knowledge. Now, what"s the one thing we have to remember about the ocean? NEMO It"s not safe. MARLIN That"s my boy. So, first we check to see that the coast is clear. We go out and back in. And then we go out, and back in. And then one more time--out and back in. And sometimes, if you wanna do it four times-- NEMO Dad.. MARLIN All right. Come on, boy. NEMO Dad, maybe while I"m at school, I"ll see a shark! MARLIN 4 I highly doubt that. NEMO Have you ever met a shark? MARLIN No, and I don"t plan to. NEMO How old are sea turtles? MARLIN Sea turtles? I don"t know. NEMO Sandy Plankton from next door, he said that sea turtles, said that they live to be about a hundred years old! MARLIN Well, you know what, if I ever meet a sea turtle, I"ll ask him. After I"m done talking to the shark, okay? Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on, hold on, wait to cross. Hold my fin, hold my fin. NEMO Dad, you"re not gonna freak out like you did at the petting zoo, are you? MARLIN Hey, that snail was about to charge. Hmm, I wonder where we"re supposed to go. FISH KIDS Bye, mom! FISH MOM I"ll pick you up after school. CRAB KID Come on, you guys. Stop it! Give it back! MARLIN Come on, we"ll try over there. MARLIN Excuse me, is this where we meet his teacher? BOB Well, look who"s out of the anemone. MARLIN Yes. Shocking, I know. BOB Marty, right? MARLIN Marlin. BOB Bob. TED Ted. BILL Bill. Hey, you"re a clownfish. You"re funny, right? Hey, tell us a joke. BOB/TED Yeah, yeah. Come on, give us a funny one. MARLIN Well, actually, that"s a common misconception. Clownfish are no funnier than any other fish. BILL Aw, come on, clownie. TED Yeah, do something funny. 5 BOB Yeah! MARLIN All right, I know one joke. Um, there"s a mollusk, see? And he walks up to a sea, well he doesn"t walk up, he swims up. Well, actually the mollusk isn"t moving. He"s in one place and then the sea cucumber, well they--I mixed up. There was a mollusk and a sea cucumber. None of them were walking, so forget that I-- BOB Sheldon! Get out of Mr. Johansenn"s yard, now! KIDS Whoa! MR. JOHANSSEN All right, you kids! Ooh! Uuh, where"d you go? Where"d you go? Where, where"d you go? NEMO Dad, dad...can I go play too? Can I? MARLIN I would feel better if you go play over on the sponge beds. MARLIN That"s where I would play PEARL What"s wrong with his fin? TAD He looks funny! SHELDON Ow! Hey, what"d I do? What"d I do? BOB Be nice. It"s his first time at school. MARLIN He was born with it, kids. We call it his lucky fin. NEMO Dad. PEARL See this tentacle? It"s actually shorter than all my other tentacles but you can"t really tell.Especially when I twirl them like this. SHELDON I"m H2O-intolerant. [sneezes] TAD I"m obnoxious. MR. RAY [singing] Oooh, let"s name the zones, the zones, the zones. Let"s name the zones of the open sea. KIDS Mr. Ray! SHELDON Come on, Nemo. MARLIN Whoa, you better stay with me. MR. RAY [singing]..mesopolagic, bathyal, abyssalpelagic. All the rest are too deep for you and me to see. MR. RAY Huh, I wonder where my class has gone? KIDS 6 We"re under here! MR. RAY Oh, there you are. Climb aboard, explorers. [singing] Oh, knowledge exploring is oh so lyrical, when you think thoughts that are empirical. NEMO Dad, you can go now. MR. RAY Well, hello. Who is this? NEMO I"m Nemo. MR. RAY Well, Nemo, all new explorers must answer a science question. NEMO Okay. MR. RAY You live in what kind of home? NEMO An anemo-none. A nemenem-menome-nememen-nenemone-- MR. RAY Okay, okay, don"t hurt yourself. Welcome aboard, explorers! MARLIN Just so you know, he"s got a little fin. I find if he"s having trouble swimming, let him take a break. Ten, fifteen minutes. NEMO Dad, it"s time for you to go now. MR. RAY Don"t worry. We"re gonna stay together as a group. Okay, class, optical or (还没全)


《海底总动员》经典台词英文台词大全   在现在的社会生活中,需要使用台词的情况越来越多,台词是戏剧舞台上唯一可以运用的.语言手段。还苦于找不到好的台词?下面是我为大家收集的《海底总动员》经典台词英文台词大全,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。   《海底总动员》经典台词英文台词1   None of them were walking,so forget that I   but do we really need so much space?   Hey,Marty,calm down.   Don"t u dare!   Oh! Nemo!   Ooh.Ohh.   Nemo.We"ll name one Nemo...   Don"t worry.We"re gonna stay together as a group.   and this half Coral Junior.   Excuse me,is this where we meet his teacher?   Huh.I wonder where my class has gone?   No,I wasn"t.   Nemo!Nemo!   Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place.   and they see a whale!Right by their bedroom window.   with the great schools and the amazing view...   Answer the stripe question.Three.   After I"m done talking to the shark,ok?   No,I wasn"t   He wasn"t going to go.He was too afraid.   You see,I suffer from short term memory loss.   Marlin: A light?   OK,the drop off.   and he can get lost from sight if u"re not looking.   My son!Help me,please.   No,it"s true.I forget things almost instantly.   Not you,Dad,me!   OK,I"m done.You missed a spot.   Look out!What?   I did?Oh,no.   he says that sea turtles live to be about 100years old.   Hmm.I wonder where we"re supposed to go.   You"re funny,right?Tell us a joke.   There are as many protein pairs contained in this...   Nemo!Nemo!   Um,hmm.Where a they?   《海底总动员》经典台词英文台词2   Yes,Marlin.   There"s no problem if u don"t.You can wait 5or6 years.   If I ever meet a sea turtle,I"ll ask him.   Aah!   Well,look who"s out of the anemone.   You know u can"t swim well.   u better believe they did——every single one of them.   Do u want this anemone to sting u?   He isn"t a good swimmer,and it"s a little too soon...   There,there.It"s all right.   Mm-hmm.u did good.   Oh!   Ypu"re OK.How"s the lucky fin?   &When u think thoughts that r empirical&   Yes.Brush.   Well,they——I"m mixed up.   It runs in my family.At least,I think it does.   If u put one fin on that boat...   Dad!   A boat?Hey,I"ve seen a boat.   OK,we"re done.I like Nemo.   What"s wrong with his fin?He looks funny.   Stop!You take one more move ,mister...   I"ll do it.Unh!   Pity.   Marlin: That was me. I am sorry.   Coral?   Oh,there u r.   Bye,Dad!   Good thing I was here.If I hadn"t shown up   You are in big trouble,young man.   Sir? Are u OK?He"s gone,he"s gone.   Save u life!   Marlin: Yeah, yeah. I am your conscience. We haven"t spoken for a while. How are you?   Oh,right,right.   Dad,u"re not going to freak out...   Clownfish are no funnier that any other fish.   He touched the butt.   Aah!Oh!No!   All right,we"re excited.All right,we"re excited.   I"ll pick u up after school.   Dad,it"s time for u to go now.   Don"t touch the boat!Nemo!   Daddy"s got you.   They"re going to the drop off?What r u ,insane?   time for school,time for school.   I find if he"s having trouble swimming...   I know what that is .Sandy Plankton can tell it,he saw one...he called...   Marlin: Dory, do you see anything?   How many stripes do I have?——I"m fine.   OK,don"t hurt yourself.Welcome aboard,explorers.   Coral?   NO!No,please,no!   No,no.They took him away.I have to find the boat.   Yes.Shocking,I know.   It"s actually shorter that all my other tentacles...   Whoa.Wow.   for him to be out here unsupervised.   Daddy!   Nemo,no!Nemo!   All right,kids,feel free to explore...   Beat that.   Come on,Nemo.How far can u go?   They took my son!   What if they don"t like me?   Yeah,Yeah.   Will u quit it?What?   It went this way.Follow me.   There was a molluskand a sea cucumber.   Especially when I twirl them like this.   Oh,look at me.I"m going to touch the butt.   And I know funny.I"m a clownfish.   It"s time for school,time for school.   &All the rest are too deep for u and me to see&   What do u think u"re doing?   Dad,can I go play,too?Can I?   I"m coming,Nemo!   Dad...See this tentacle?   I had a tough time with my oldest out at the drop off.   Cool.   what?   Oh!   &Let"s name the zones of the open sea&   &Let"s name the species that live in the sea&   Do u hear me? Big...   You got a problem,buddy?Do u?Do u?You want a piece of me?   Dory: Can"t complain.   Nemo!First day of school!   All right,I know one joke.   Just the girls this time.   Ohh.Oh,oh.Sorry.I didn"t see u.   You remember how we met?I try not to.   Just get inside——You,right now.   You feel a break?No.   Sometimes u can"t tell `cause fluid rushes to the area. ;



海底总动员 马林和多力参加鲨鱼聚会前后四分钟的台词

海底总动员中英文字幕-Wow, -Mmm, -哇. -嗯. -Wow, -Mm-hmm, -哇. -嗯哼. -Wow, -Yes, Marlin, -哇. -是的, 莫林. No, I see it. It"s beautiful. 我看到了. 这真是太美了. So, Coral, when you said you wanted an ocean view... 记得么, 卡萝, 当你说你想看到这个海洋的景色的时候... you didn"t think you"d get the whole ocean, did you? 没想到我们会搬到海边来住想过吗? Oh, yeah. A fish can breathe out here. 喔, 耶. 这里可是鱼的自由天地啊 Did your man deliver, or did he deliver? 你说你老公我,说话算不算数啊? -My man delivered. -And it wasn"t so easy. -算数,行了吧 -我可是费了不少波折的啊. Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place. 因为有许多其他的小丑鱼也觊觎这块地方. You better believe they did-- every single one of them. 你最好相信这点-- 他们谁不想住这啊. Mm-hmm. You did good. 嗯. 你做得很好. And the neighborhood is awesome. 还有邻居们是在是太棒了. So, you do like it, don"t you? 那么, 你喜欢这里, 是不是? No, no. I do, I do. I really do like it. 是的, 是的. 我喜欢, 我喜欢. 我真的很喜欢这里. But, Marlin, I know that the drop off is desirable... 但是, 莫林, 我知道住在这里会很惬意... with the great schools and the amazing view... 伴随着大学校和这美妙的风景... but do we really need so much space? 但是我们真的需要这么大的地方吗? but do we really need so much space? 但是我们真的需要这么大的地方吗?Coral, honey, these are our kids we"re talking about. 卡萝, 亲爱的, 我们在说我们的孩子们.They deserve the best. Look, look, look. 他们应该得到最好的东西. 看, 看, 看.They"ll wake up, poke their little heads out... 他们醒来, 把他们小小的脑袋从这里探出来... and they see a whale! Right by their bedroom window. 然后他们看到了一只鲸鱼! 就在他们卧房的窗户外面. and they see a whale! Right by their bedroom window. 然后他们看到了一只鲸鱼! 就在他们卧房的窗户外面. Shh. You"ll wake the kids. 嘘. 你会吵醒孩子们的. Oh, right, right. 喔, 好的, 好的. Aw, look. They"re dreaming. 噢, 看. 他们还在梦乡中. We still have to name them. 我们还要给他们起名字. You want to name all of them right now? 你现在想给所有这些孩子起名字? All right, we"ll name this half Marlin Junior... 好吧, 我们把这一半叫做小莫林... and this half Coral Junior. 这一半叫做小卡萝. –OK, we"re done. -I like Nemo. -好了, 我们就这么决定了. -我喜欢尼莫这个名字. Nemo. We"ll name one Nemo... 尼莫. 我们只能选其中的一个叫尼莫... but I"d like most of them to be Marlin Junior. 但是我愿意把其他的都叫做小莫林.Just think, in a couple of days... 只要一想, 用不了几天... -we"re going to be parents. -Yeah. -我们就要当爸爸妈妈了. -是啊. What if they don"t like me? 他们要是不喜欢我怎么办?-Marlin. -No, really. -莫林. -不, 是真的. There"s over 400 eggs. Odds are, one will like you. 这里有400多个蛋. 按机率来算总会有一个会喜欢你的. What? 怎么了? -You remember how we met? -I try not to. -你还记得我们是怎么认识的吗? -我不想记起来了. Well, I remember. "Excuse me, miss... 那好, 我记得. ""对不起, 小姐... "can you check and see if I have a hook in my lip?" ""你能帮我看一下我嘴唇上是否有个鱼钩?"" You got a little closer because it was wiggling. 你靠近了一点,因为它还在晃动着. -Get away, get away! -Here he is. Cutie"s here. -走开, 走开! -他来啦. 美人在这呢. Where did everybody go? 大家都去哪了? Coral, get inside the house. 卡萝, 快回房子里. No, Coral, don"t. They"ll be fine. 不, 卡萝, 别动. 他们会没事的. Just get inside-- You, right now. 快进去-- 你快点, 现在就进去. No! Ow! 不! 噢! Oh! 喔! Ooh! Ooh! 哦! 哦! Coral! 卡萝! Coral? 卡萝? Coral? 卡萝? Coral? 卡萝? Coral? 卡萝? Coral? 卡萝? Oh! 噢! Ohh. 噢. There, there, there. 好了, 好了, 好了. It"s OK. Daddy"s here. 没事了. 爸爸在这里. Daddy"s got you. 爸爸找到你了. I promise, I will never let anything happen to you... 我保证, 我不会再让你出什么事了... Nemo. 尼莫. NEM First day of school! 片名:海底总动员. Wake up, wake up! First day of school. 尼莫: 开学啦! I don"t want to go to school-- five more minutes. 起来, 起来! 开学第一天啦. Not you, Dad, me. 我不想上学-- 再睡五分钟. -OK. Huh? -Get up, get up. 不是你, 老爸, 是我. It"s time for school, time for school. -好吧. 啊? -起来, 起来. All right, I"m up. 该去上学了, 该去上学了. Whoa! 好吧, 我起来. -Nemo! -First day of school! 哇! -Nemo, don"t move. -Unh! Unh! -尼莫! -开学了! You"ll never get out of there yourself. -尼莫, 不要动. -啊! 啊! I"ll do it. Unh! 你自己出不来的. -You feel a break? -No. 我来帮你. 啊! Sometimes you can"t tell "cause fluid rushes to the area. -你休要休息一下吗? -不. -Are you woozy? -No. 有时候你会分辨不清因为这个地区有急流. -How many stripes do I have? -I"m fine. -你头晕吗? -不. -Answer the stripe question. -Three. -我有多少个条纹? -我没事. No! See? Something"s wrong with you. -回答我的问题. -三条. I have one, two, three-- That"s all I have? 不! 看到了吗? 你肯定有毛病了. You"re OK. How"s the lucky fin? 我有 一, 二, 三-- 我只有这么多么? -Lucky. -Let"s see. 你没事了. 你的幸运鳍怎么样了? Are you sure you want to go to school this year? -幸运鳍. -让我们看看. There"s no problem if you don"t. You can wait 5 or 6 years. 你确认你今年想去上学吗? Come on, Dad, it"s time for school. 你如果不想去也没有关系. 你可以再等个五六年再去. -Forgot to brush. -Ohh. 老爸, 该去上学了. Do you want this anemone to sting you? -你忘记擦防护油了. -噢. -Yes. -Brush. 你想让这个海葵刺疼你吗? -OK, I"m done. -You missed a spot. -好的. -快擦. -Where? -There. -好了, 擦完了. -有一点没擦到. -Where? -There. -哪? -那里. Ha ha! Right there. And here and here. -哪? -那里. All right, we"re excited. 哈哈! 就是那. 还有这. All right, we"re excited. 好了, 我们都很激动. The first day of school. Here we go. 好了, 我们都很高兴 We"re ready to learn to get some knowledge. 第一天去上学. 我们走. What"s the one thing we have to remember about the ocean? 我们要学一些知识. -It"s not safe. -That"s my boy. 对于海洋我们要记住哪一点? First, we check to see that the coast is clear. -它并不安全. -好孩子. We go out...and back in. 首先, 我们要检查一下是否畅通无阻. And then we go out... and back in. 我们出去...回来. And then one more time-- out and back in. 我们出去... 回来. And sometimes, if you want to do it four times-- 然后再来一次-- 出去...再回来. -Dad... -All right, come on, boy. 有的时候, 如果你要来回四次-- Maybe while I"m at school, I"ll see a shark. -老爸... -好吧, 我们走. 孩子. -I highly doubt that. -Have you ever met a shark? 可能我在学校的时候, 我会见到鲨鱼. No, and I don"t plan to. -我对这点表示非常的怀疑. -你曾经见到过鲨鱼吗? -How old are sea turtles? -I don"t know. 没有, 我也不想见到. Sandy Plankton from next door... -这些海龟有多大了? -我不知道. he says that sea turtles live to be about 1 00 years old. 隔壁的山笛叔叔说... he says that sea turtles live to be about 1 00 years old. 他说这些海龟已经活了大约100年了. If I ever meet a sea turtle, I"ll ask him. 他说这些海龟已经活了大约100年了. After I"m done talking to the shark, OK? 如果我见到海龟的话, 我会问他的. Whoa! Hold on. Wait to cross. 在我和鲨鱼谈完话以后, 好吗? Whoa! Hold on. Wait to cross. 哇! 等一下. 等下再过. Hold my fin. 哇! 等一下. 等下再过. Dad, you"re not going to freak out... 抓住我的鳍. Iike you did at the petting zoo, are you? 老爸, 你要像上次在宠物公园一样... MARLlN: That snail was about to charge. 大惊小怪吧 Hmm. I wonder where we"re supposed to go. 看好那只海螺,他正要向你扑过来 ALL: Bye, Mom! 嗯. 我在想我们要去哪. I"ll pick you up after school. 再见, 妈妈! Ha ha! 放学后我会去接你们. Come on, you guys, stop it! Give it back! 哈哈! Come on, we"ll try over there. 快, 你们这些家伙, 不要! 把它还给我! Excuse me, is this where we meet his teacher? 来, 我们去那边. Well, look who"s out of the anemone. 对不起, 这里是见老师的地方吗? Yes. Shocking, I know. 喔, 看看是谁从海葵里出来了. Yes. Shocking, I know. 是的. 你们很惊讶, 我知道. -Marty, right? -Marlin. 是的. 我很少出门. -Bob. -Ted. -玛蒂, 是不是? -莫林. Bill. Hey, you"re a clownfish. -鲍勃. -柯特. You"re funny, right? Tell us a joke. 比尔. 嘿, 你是个小丑鱼. -Yeah. -Yeah. 你很搞笑, 对不对? 给我们讲个笑话. Well, actually, that"s a common misconception. -耶. -耶. Clownfish are no funnier than any other fish. 那个, 事实上, 这通常是个误解. -Come on, clownie. -Do something funny. 小丑鱼不会比其他鱼搞笑的. All right, I know one joke. -来吧, 小丑. -来些有趣的. There"s a mollusk, see? And he walks up to a sea-- 好吧, 我知道一个段子. He doesn"t walk up, he swims up. 有一个软体动物, 知道吗? 他向大海走过去-- Actually, the mollusk isn"t moving. 他不是走过去的, 他是游过去的.He"s in one place, and then the sea cucumber... 事实上, 软体动物是不能动窝的. Well, they--I"m mixed up. 他就待在原地, 然后那个海参... There was a mollusk and a sea cucumber. 那个, 他们--我弄混了. None of them were walking, so forget that l-- 有一个软体动物和一个海参. None of them were walking, so forget that l-- 哎呀,我说乱了 Sheldon! Get out of Mr. Johannsen"s yard now! 软体动物和海参他们都不会走, 我刚才讲得不对- -Whoa! -All right, you kids! 快离开那片院子 Ooh, where"d you go? -哇! -好吧, 你们这些小家伙! Dad, can I go play, too? Can l? 喔, 你们去哪了? I would feel better if you"d play on the sponge beds. 老爸, 我也可以去玩吗? 可以吗? That"s where I would play. 如果你去玩那些海绵垫子我会感觉好一些. -What"s wrong with his fin? -He looks funny. 我以前常去 Ow! Hey, what"d I do? -他的鳍是怎么了? -他看起来很有趣. Be nice. It"s his first time at school. 喔! 嘿, 我怎么了? He was born with it. We call it his lucky fin. 不懂礼貌. 这是他第一次来学校. -Dad... -See this tentacle? 他生来就有那个. 我们叫它幸运鳍. It"s actually shorter than all my other tentacles... -老爸... -看到这个触角了么? but you can"t really tell. 事实上这个比我其他的触角短... Especially when I twirl them like this. 但是你几乎看不出来. I"m H-2-O intolerant. 尤其是我这样摆动的时候. -Ah-choo! -I"m obnoxious. 我有严重的风水症. ## Oh ## -啊-咻! -我有多动症 ## Let"s name the zones, the zones, the zones ## # 哦 # ## Let"s name the zones of the open sea ## # 让我们给这些地方起名字, 这些地方, 这些地方 # KlDS: Mr. Ray! # 让我们给广阔的海洋起名字 # -Come on, Nemo. -You better stay with me. 雷老师来了! ## Mesopelagic, bathyal, abyssalpelagic ## -来吧, 尼莫. -你最好和我待在一起. ## All the rest are too deep for you and me to see ## # 海洋中层, 半深海, 和深海区域 # Huh. I wonder where my class has gone? # 其它的地方对于你我都太深了所以看不到 # ALL: We"re under here! 哈. 我想知道我的学生都哪去了? Oh, there you are. 我们在下面呢! Climb aboard, explorers. 哦, 你们在这. ## Oh, knowledge exploring ## 上船了, 探险家们. ## Is, oh, so lyrical ## # 喔, 充满知识的探险 # ## When you think thoughts that are empirical ## # 喔, 多么的愉快 # Dad, you can go now. # 当你考虑你的想法的时候那是以经验为根据的 # -Hello. Who is this? -I"m Nemo. 老爸, 你可以走了. Nemo, all new explorers must answer a science question. -你好. 这是谁? -我是 尼莫. -OK. -You live in what kind of home? 尼莫, 所有新来的探险者必须回答一个科学问题. An anemon-none. -好的. -你住在一个什么样的房子里 A nemenem-menome. 在海葵...葵. OK, don"t hurt yourself. Welcome aboard, explorers. 在海...海...葵...葵里. Just so you know, he"s got a little fin. 好了, 不要让你自己为难. 欢迎上船, 探险家们. I find if he"s having trouble swimming... 就像你知道的那样, 他的鳍很小. I let him take a break, 10, 15 minutes. 游泳不方便... NEM Dad, it"s time for you to go now. 游10 到 15 分钟.我会让他休息一下 Don"t worry. We"re gonna stay together as a group. 老爸, 你该走了. OK, class, optical orbits up front. 不要担心. 我们会像一个团队一样待在一起的. And remember, we


  海底总动员英文观后感 NO1   Hilarious, exciting and endlessly inventive, Finding Nemo is an awesome aquatic animation which will exhaust the adjective store of even the most hyperbolic film hack (ahem). One word just about does the job: genius. Somewhere, under the sea, weak-finned clown fish Nemo (Alexander Gould) lives with his fretful father, Marlin (Albert Brooks). Smothered by pop"s paranoia, he ventures away from the reef, but his dad"s dread is justified when a passing diver whisks him away. Taken to a tank in a Sydney dentists, Nemo meets Gill (Willem Dafoe) and co - friendly fish who dream of escaping to the ocean. Meanwhile, Marlin bumps into a blue tang named Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), and sets out to save his son... It"s a familiar formula for the digi-drawn dynamics of Pixar, whose Toy Story and Monsters, Inc. have proved such critical and commercial hits.   How increasingly impressive the achievement, then, that Finding Nemo feels so fresh. There is beauty and brilliance in every frame. Tasked with creating an undersea environment, the animators have excelled themselves, capturing textures, light, shade and movement that could be photo-real, were it not for the clever way the makers have subtly caricatured landscapes, as well as characters, lending a warm cartoonish quality to the stunning visuals. The splendour of natural history hit The Blue Planet is matched by the wit of the script and stars.   Barry Humphries has a terrific cameo as a great white shark who"s sworn off killing (Remember, fish are friends, not food!), while DeGeneres provides perfect timing and tone as Dory, whose short-term memory loss is a gag that never stops running.   海底总动员英文观后感NO2   The more things change, the more they stay the same. As we enter the summer of 2003, Walt Disney Pictures reigns supreme as the distributor of the best animated fare. Yet, less than a dozen years after Beauty and the Beast became the first (and thus far only) animated film nominated for a Best Picture Oscar, Disney"s in-house animated division has degraded to the point where it"s a pale shadow of its former self. However, by acquiring the exclusive North American distribution rights for the films of Japanese master Hayao Miyazaki and by entering into a partnership with Pixar Films, Disney has managed to maintain its position atop the mountain, despite furious challenges from Dreamworks and Fox. Without either of those deals ?especially the Pixar one ?Disney"s once unassailable position might have been lost.   The movies of the Pixar canon ?Toy Story and its sequel, A Bug"s Life, Monsters Inc. ?have all been critical and box office successes. There is no reason to believe things will change with Finding Nemo. Visually, the film is just as jaw-dropping as its predecessors (if not more so). From a narrative standpoint, it"s not quite as ambitious as some of the earlier movies, but it has enough juice to keep things moving for 100 minutes. And, as always, the voice casting is perfect. Throw in a moral, and some nice touches of technical accuracy (that fish keepers will appreciate), and the movie represents the best family film to-date of 2003.   Finding Nemo takes viewers on an offbeat road trip, as an overprotective clownfish father, Marlin (Albert Brooks), teams up with a forgetful hippo tang, Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), to find Marlin"s lost son, Nemo (Alexander Gould). While testing his boundaries and defying his father, Nemo wanders too close to a human scuba diving expedition and becomes an aquarium specimen. Now, he spends his days as a captive in a salt water tank with several other inhabitants, including a royal gramma, a starfish, a puffer, and a butterfly fish, Gill (Willem Dafoe), whose lone goal is escape. Meanwhile, Marlin and Dory brave the dangers of the open seas ?including a trio of would-be vegetarian sharks, a forest of jellyfish, and the belly of a whale ?on their way to Australia, where Nemo is being held captive.   Pixar films always contain thematic content, and this one is no different. It touches on the issues of how a parent"s natural protective instincts can drive away a child, and how children, no matter how desperately they crave independence, still need their families. None of this is presented in a heavy-handed manner. Instead, it"s offered in such a way that even the younger members of the audience will understand what the film is saying without feeling like they"re being subjected to a sermon. There"s also a message about the importance of diversity and harmony, as a wide variety of animal species band together to help Marlin as he searches for his lost son.   Finding Nemo is every bit as humorous as Monsters Inc., although some of the comedy is more low-key. Having experienced comedians like Albert Brooks and Ellen DeGeneres as the lead voices helps immeasurably. Brooks, as is his forte, makes Marlin sound constantly beleaguered. DeGeneres is a hoot as the tang with no short term memory. Willem Defoe brings an initial whiff of the sinister to his part as Nemo"s older, larger tankmate. Other voices include Alison Janney, Austin Pendleton, and Geoffrey Rush as a helpful pelican.   Director Andrew Stanton has opted to animate some of the fish realistically, while using artistic license with others. The clownfish and hippo tang, for example, look almost identical to their real-life counterparts. The sea horses and turtles, however, have some of their rough edges smoothed out, making them cuter and more child-friendly. Overall, Finding Nemo is a treasure trove of visual splendor. From the opening scenes on the coral reef with Marlin taking up residence in his new anemone to the cheesy insides of Nemo"s aquarium cage, the film is colorful and amazingly detailed. Every time I view a Pixar film, I am stunned at how much there is to see. Finding Nemo proves that the computer animators can do as much under water as above it.   For longtime fans of Disney animated movies, there are a few nods to past efforts. The death of Nemo"s mother, which occurs early in the film (and is offscreen - no blood or overt violence to speak of) recalls a similar event from the classic Bambi. Likewise, a scene in which Marlin and Dory spend some time in the stomach of a whale will remind viewers of Pinocchio. And there"s a throw in reference to Toy Story - in this case, a quick shot of a Buzz Lightyear doll.   I wonder if Finding Nemo will fuel an upsurge in interest in salt water aquariums. To be sure, clowns are interesting fish to keep, but only for those with a little patience. Children expecting their pets to exhibit the characteristics of Marlin and Nemo will likely be disappointed. Nevertheless, ecological considerations aside, there"s nothing to gripe about where Finding Nemo is concerned. Pixar has done it again, and, in the process, managed to salvage Disney"s reputation ?at least for a little longer.   海底总动员英文观后感NO3   Somewhere, under the sea, weak-finned clown fish Nemo (Alexander Gould) lives with his fretful father, Marlin (Albert Brooks). Smothered by pop"s paranoia, he ventures away from the reef, but his dad"s dread is justified when a passing diver whisks him away.   Taken to a tank in a Sydney dentists, Nemo meets Gill (Willem Dafoe) and co - friendly fish who dream of escaping to the ocean. Meanwhile, Marlin bumps into a blue tang named Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), and sets out to save his son...   The splendour of natural history hit The Blue Planet is matched by the wit of the script and stars. Barry Humphries has a terrific cameo as a great white shark who"s sworn off killing (Remember, fish are friends, not food!), while DeGeneres provides perfect timing and tone as Dory, whose short-term memory loss is a gag that never stops running。


Hilarious, exciting and endlessly inventive, Finding Nemo is an awesome aquatic animation which will exhaust the adjective store of even the most hyperbolic film hack (ahem). One word just about does the job: genius. Somewhere, under the sea, weak-finned clown fish Nemo (Alexander Gould) lives with his fretful father, Marlin (Albert Brooks). Smothered by pop"s paranoia, he ventures away from the reef, but his dad"s dread is justified when a passing diver whisks him away. Taken to a tank in a Sydney dentists, Nemo meets Gill (Willem Dafoe) and co - friendly fish who dream of escaping to the ocean. Meanwhile, Marlin bumps into a blue tang named Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), and sets out to save his son... It"s a familiar formula for the digi-drawn dynamics of Pixar, whose Toy Story and Monsters, Inc. have proved such critical and commercial hits. How increasingly impressive the achievement, then, that Finding Nemo feels so fresh. There is beauty and brilliance in every frame. Tasked with creating an undersea environment, the animators have excelled themselves, capturing textures, light, shade and movement that could be photo-real, were it not for the clever way the makers have subtly caricatured landscapes, as well as characters, lending a warm cartoonish quality to the stunning visuals. The splendour of natural history hit The Blue Planet is matched by the wit of the script and stars. Barry Humphries has a terrific cameo as a great white shark who"s sworn off killing (Remember, fish are friends, not food!), while DeGeneres provides perfect timing and tone as Dory, whose short-term memory loss is a gag that never stops running.


Marlin (voiced by Albert Brooks) and Coral (voiced by Elizabeth Perkins) are a couple of clown fish who are proud parents of a new litter of baby clown fish, still in their egg stage. Marlin wants to name half of them Marlin Jr. and the other half Coral Jr., but Coral wants at least one of them to be named Nemo. In the great tradition of Disney movies, a barracuda kills the mom Coral, along with all but one of the eggs. Marlin raises the surviving baby fish alone and names him Nemo. Because of the tragic circumstances revolving Coralu2019s demise, and the fact that Nemo has one fin that is too small, Marlin is a little overprotective. A couple of years pass, and Nemo (voiced by Alexander Gould) is ready for his first day at school. Marlin doesnu2019t want him to go, but allows him to go anyway. It is at the school that Nemo meets fellow classmates Pearl (voiced by Erica Beck), a flapjack octopus, Sheldon (voiced by Erik Per Sullivan), a sea horse, and Tad (voiced by Jordy Ranft), a long-nosed butterfly fish. They all get aboard Mr. Ray (voiced by Bob Peterson), a stingray who is their teacher. He takes them on a field trip to the Drop-Off, the place where Coral and the eggs were killed. When Marlin finds out about this, he goes after Nemo to bring him home. Nemo is so embarrassed by Marlinu2019s intrusion that he swims out to dangerously touch the bottom of a fishing boat in defiance. As he is swimming back, a diver scoops him up as a specimen and drives the boat away. Marlin swims after the boat, but eventually loses it. He tries to get some help from anyone who might have seen the boat, and he thinks he might have found that help from Dory (voiced by Ellen DeGeneres), a regal blue tang. She says she saw the boat, but leads Marlin nowhere. It is at this time that he learns that Dory has severe short-term memory problems. After they find out from the diveru2019s mask that Nemo is with a “P. Sherman” in Sydney, Australia (Dory remembers that she knows how to read), Marlin and Dory set upon a long journey to find Nemo, where they encounter many interesting characters. There is a trio of sharks, Great White shark Bruce (voiced by Barry Humphries), hammerhead shark Anchor (voiced by Eric Bana), and mako shark Chum (voiced by Bruce Spence), who want to end their habit of eating fish. They also have a close encounter with an anglerfish and some jellyfish, before they finally reach the EAC (East Australian Current), a current that a school of fish (voiced mostly by John Ratzenberger) told them would take them to Sydney. It is on the EAC that they meet a sea turtle named Crush (voiced by Andrew Stanton, who also directed the movie) and his son Squirt (Nicholas Bird), who helps Marlin and Dory through the current. Meanwhile, Nemo has found himself in the fish tank of Dr. Sherman (voiced by Bill Hunter), a dentist whose office overhangs the harbor. He is caged in the tank with another set of colorful characters. The “Tank Gang” is led by Gill (voiced by Willem Defoe), a Moorish idol who is the only other one in the tank who came from the sea. A starfish named Peach (voiced by Allison Janney) hangs on the side of the tank and acts as their lookout. A blowfish named Bloat (voiced by Brad Garrett) blows up every time stress gets to him. A yellow tang named Bubbles (voiced by Stephen Root) gets all goofy when he sees bubbles. A royal gramma named Gurgle (voiced by Austin Pendleton) is a fish who wants everything clean and germ free. A shrimp named Jacques (voiced by Joe Ranft) does all that cleaning. Finally, a black and white humbug damsel fish named Deb (voiced by Vicki Lewis) thinks her reflection in the glass of the tank is her sister Flo. After they initiate Nemo into the Tank Gang, they formulate a plan to escape and make it back to sea. This is especially important, since Dr. Sherman plans to give Nemo to his niece Darla (voiced by Lulu Ebeling), a girl who tends to kill her fish quickly. If things go well, Nemo will escape and be reunited with his dad, whose adventures with Dory have become legendary, according to a pelican named Nigel (voiced by Geoffrey Rush.)This movie is so fun to watch! I actually think it is the first Pixar movie to have the traditional feel of a Disney movie. It combines the elements of classic Disney movies (dead mom, epic journeys with colorful characters) with the elements that made Pixar so successful (amazing computer animation, great writing.)I have to admit, when I first saw the trailers for this movie, I wasnu2019t impressed. I thought it was possibly going to be the lamest Pixar movie yet. After I saw the film, I realized the trailer did something rare in the world of trailersu2026it didnu2019t show the funniest parts of the movie! Most of those funny parts they didnu2019t show involve Dory. DeGeneresu2019 character steals the show in every scene, with the best one possibly being her attempt to communicate with a whale. I thought it was odd that they didnu2019t show any of Doryu2019s scenes in the trailers, and my only theory is that they think DeGeneres might be too controversial of a personality to advertise her involvement. That is a shame, since she is the highlight of the film.Finally, we have a kiddie film in 2003 that grownups can enjoy with or without their kids. I liked Finding Nemo so much that I saw it twice, and it was just as enjoyable the second time around. Pixar really has the pulse of what works. They pick a great vocal cast, and employ the best writers. Some people think that computer animation will take over traditional animation as the leading moneymaking animation force. While computer animation looks cool, the reason they are a hit is the talent of the voices and the writing. Traditional animation could do just as well if they had that. Bring your little guppies to this one and youu2019ll have a fishy good time!


CastAlbert Brooks as Marlin, a male clownfish, Nemo"s fatherEllen DeGeneres as Dory, a Pacific Regal Blue TangAlexander Gould as Nemo, a juvenile clownfish, Marlin"s sonWillem Dafoe as Gill, a Moorish Idol, and the leader of the groupBrad Garrett as Bloat, a PufferfishAllison Janney as Peach, a StarfishAustin Pendleton as Gurgle, a Royal GrammaStephen Root as Bubbles, a Yellow TangVicki Lewis as Deb (and "Flo," Deb"s reflection), a Four-Striped DamselfishJoe Ranft as Jacques, a Pacific Cleaner ShrimpGeoffrey Rush as Nigel, a Brown PelicanJohn Ratzenberger as the school of MoonfishAndrew Stanton as the seagulls, and Crush, a Green sea turtleNicholas Bird as Squirt, a juvenile Sea Turtle, Crush"s sonBob Peterson as Mr. Ray, a Spotted Eagle Ray, the school bus of the class, and the teacher of the classBarry Humphries as Bruce, a Great white sharkEric Bana as Anchor, a Hammerhead SharkBruce Spence as Chum, a Mako SharkJordy Ranft as Tad, a juvenile Yellow Longnose ButterflyfishErica Beck as Pearl, a juvenile Flapjack OctopusErik Per Sullivan as Sheldon, a juvenile SeahorseBill Hunter as Dr. Philip Sherman, the dentistLuLu Ebeling as Darla, the dentist"s nieceElizabeth Perkins as Coral, Marlin"s wifeRove McManus as a Crab请参考http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Finding_Nemo角色配音备注玛林 艾伯特·布鲁克斯 张国立(大陆配音 下同) 多莉 艾伦·德杰尼勒斯 徐帆 尼莫 Alexander Gould 李凯悦 吉哥 威廉·达福 任亚明 Bloat 布拉德·加瑞特 ---- 小桃 埃里森·杰尼 ---- Gurgle 奥斯汀·彭德尔顿 ---- Bubbles 斯蒂芬·鲁特 ---- 雷老师 Bob Peterson ---- Deb/Flo 韦基·刘易斯 ---- 雅克 乔·兰福特 ---- 奈杰尔 乔弗瑞·拉什 ---- 柯路西 安德鲁·斯坦顿 ---- 卡洛儿 伊丽莎白·帕金斯 ---- Squirt Nicholas Bird ----

介绍点类似《冰河世纪》和《海底总动员》的电影 谢谢

怪物史莱克 超人总动员 迅雷有~~


Yes,Marlin.No,I see it .It"s beautiful.So,Coral,when you said u wanted an ocean view..u didn"t think u"d get the whole ocean,did u?Oh,yeah.A fish can breathe out here.Did ur man deliver,or did he deliver?My man deliverd.-And it wasn"t so easy.Because a lot of other clownfish had their eyes on this place.u better believe they did--every single one of them.Mm-hmm.u did good.And the neighborhood is awesome.So u do like it,don"t u?No,no.I do ,I do.I really do like it.But,Marlin,I know that the drop off is desirable...with the great schools and the amazing view...but do we really need so much space?Coral,honey,these r our kids we"re talking about.They deserve the best.Look,look,look.They"ll wake up ,poke their little heads out...and they see a whale!Right by their bedroom window.Shh.u"ll wake the kids.Oh,right,right.Aw,look.They"re dreaming.We still have to name them.You want to name all of them ritht now?All right,we"ll name this half Marlin Junior...and this half Coral Junior.-OK,we"re done.-I like Nemo.Nemo.We"ll name one Nemo...but I"d like most of them to be Marlin Junior.Just think,in a couple of days...-we"re going to be parents.-Yeah.What if they don"t like me?-Marlin.-No,really.There"s over 400 eggs.Odds are ,one will like u.what?-You remember how we met?-I try not to.Well,I remember.Excuse me,miss...can u check and see if I have a hook in my lip?You got a little closer because it was wiggling.-get away,get away!-Here he is.Cutie"s here.Where did everybody go?Coral,get inside the house.No,Coral,don"t .They"ll be fine.Just get inside--You,right now.No!Ow!Oh!Ooh!Ooh!Coral!Coral?Coral?Coral?Coral?Coral?Oh!ohh.There,there,there.It"s ok.Daddy"s here.Daddy"s got you.I promise,I will never let anything happen to you...Nemo.First day of school!First day of school!Wake up!Wake up!Come on!First day of school.I don"t want to go to school--five more minutes.Not you,Dad,me!-OK.Huh?-Get up,get up.It"s time for school,time for school.time for school,time for school.All right,I"m up.Whoa!Nemo!-First day of school!-Nemo,don"t move.-Unh!Unh!You"ll never get out of there yourself.I"ll do it.Unh!-You feel a break?-No.Sometimes u can"t tell `cause fluid rushes to the area.-Are you woozy?-No.-How many stripes do I have?-I"m fine.-Answer the stripe question.-Three.No!See?Something"s wrong with u.I have one ,two,three--That"s all I have?Ypu"re OK.How"s the lucky fin?-Lucky.-Let"s see.Are u sure u want to go to school this year?There"s no problem if u don"t.You can wait 5or6 years.Come on,Dad,it"s time for school.-Forgot to brush.-Ohh.Do u want this anemone to sting u?-Yes.-Brush.-OK,I"m done.-You missed a spot.All right,we"re excited.All right,we"re excited.The first day of school.Here we go .We"re ready to learn to get some knowledge.What"s the one thing we have to remember about the ocean?-It"s not safe.-That"s my boy.First,we check to see that the coast is clear.We go out...and back in.And them we go out...and back in.And them one more time--out and back in.And sometimes,if you want to do it four times---Dad...-All right,come on,boy.Maybe while I"m at school,I"ll see a shark.-I highly doubt that.-Have u ever met a shark?No,and I don"t plan to.-How old are sea turtles?-I don"t know.Sandy Plankton from next door...he says that sea turtles live to be about 100years old.If I ever meet a sea turtle,I"ll ask him.After I"m done talking to the shark,ok?Whoa!Hold on.Wait to cross.Whoa!Hold on.Wait to cross.Hold ny fin.Dad,u"re not going to freak out...like u did at the petting zoo,r u?That snail was about to charge.Hmm.I wonder where we"re supposed to go.ALL:Bye,Mum!I"ll pick u up after school.Ha ha!Come on,u guys,stop it! Give it back!Come on,we"re try over there.Excuse me,is this where we meet his teacher?Well,look who"s out of the anemone.Yes.Shocking,I know.-Marty,right?-Marlin.-Bpb.-Ted.Bill.Hey,u"re a clownfish.You"re funny,right?Tell us a joke.-Yeah,-Yeah.Well,actually,that"s a common misconception.Clownfish are no funnier that any other fish.-Come on,clownie.-Do something funny.All right,I know one joke.There"s a mollusk,see?And he walks up to a sea--He doesn"t walk up,he swims up.Actually,the mollusk isn"t moving.He"s in one place,and them the sea cucumber...Well,they--I"m mixed up.There was a molluskand a sea cucumber.None of them were walking,so forget that I--Sheldon!Get out of Mr.Johannen"s yard now!-Whoa!-All right,u kids!Ooh,where"d u go?where"d u go?where"d u go?Dad,can I go play,too?Can I?I would feel better if u"d play on the sponge beds.That"s where I would play.-What"s wrong with his fin?-He looks funny.Ow! Hey,what"d I do?Be nice.It"s his first time at school.He was borm with it.We can it his lucky fin.-Dad...See this tentacle?It"s actually shorter that all my other tentacles...but u can"t really tell.Especially when I twirl them like this.I"m H-2-O intolerant.-Ah-choo!-I"m obnoxious.&oh&&Let"s name the zone,the zone,the zone&&Let"s name the zones of the open sea&KIDS:Mr.Ray!-Come on,Nemo.-You better stay with me.&...&&All the rest are too deep for u and me to see&Huh.I wonder where my class has gone?ALL:We"re under here!Oh,there u r.Climb aboard,explorers.&Oh,knowledge exploring&&Is ,oh,so lyrical&&When u think thoughts that r empirical&Dad,u can go now.-Hello.Who is this?-I"m Nemo.Nemo,all new explorers must answer a science question.-OK.-YOu live in what kind of home?An anemon-none...anemenem-menome.OK,don"t hurt yourself.Welcome aboard,explorers.Just so u know,he"s got a little fin.I find if he"s having trouble swimming...I let him take a break,10,15 minutes.Dad,it"s time for u to go now.Don"t worry.We"re gonna stay together as a group.OK,class,optical orbits up front.And remember,we keep our supraesophogeal ganglion...to ourselves.That means you ,Jimmy.Aw,man!Bye,Nemo!Bye,Dad!Bye,son!Be safe.You"re doing pretty well for a first-timer.You can"t hold on to them forever,can u?I had a tough time with my oldest out at the drop off.They got to grow up--The drop off?They"re going to the drop off?What r u ,insane?Why dont"t we fry them up now and serve them with chips?Hey,Marty,calm down.Don"t tell me to be calm,pony boy.Pony boy?For a clownfish,he really isn"t that funny.Pity.


" Finding Nemo"