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为什么 Mount Tai lies on Shandong.的lie要加s

正手扣杀 英语是不是full hand drive?

full hand 我不太清楚正确性,但我觉得drive应该用smash 代替吧?

merchandising和sales department的区别


shook hands是什么意思

握手 望采纳

Lloyd Banks 50cent 的hands up中文歌词 ??

LloydBanks50cent的handsup中文歌词 谈谈我副曲:我到处走,我在何处我就是什么东西我听见黑鬼们他们在说什么,你听他们怎么说我主曲1:我知道布布,就是50cent,他是个肮脏的黑鬼一想到他射伤了我的兄弟,我就想找他算账我们哪都不见那个婊子养的,除了在电视上他把我兄弟搞伤了,却不打算来见我韩国帮的瑞德说他是他的人就把那小子抓到我桌子上严刑拷打你能想得到他搞了多少钱在白灰地盘吗?那个黑鬼把所有东西他能抢到偷到的都抢劫一空副曲:我到处走,我在何处我就是什么东西我听见妓女们她们在说什么,你听她们怎么说我主曲2:我知道柯斯,他过去常常和我朋友一起鬼搞在我住的贫民区里,常常可看见他开着奔驰车接她男人们在我的房子里总是喜欢问些关于他的事情一听到她和他出城了他们就马上失望了我总是对他们说,我就只知道,那个黑鬼他有钱你得站在我的立场为我想想,原谅我的装傻作哑朗达告诉我那个黑鬼是个怪僻的人他居然不是只吃麦当劳副曲:我到处走,我在何处我就是什么东西每个人都在说,你听他们怎么说我主曲3:我爱50分,他是我的爸爸但是连我妈妈都说他过去很坏自从他长大后,他改变了很多他真的是非常迷恋这些打扮奇怪的妓女吗我不知道那些人为什么总是对他进行人身攻击的诽谤我爸爸在他获得成名前他先流了很多的血你知道我班上的那些孩子谈到我爸爸就兴奋异常他们喜欢他就因为他从师于Dr.Dre和阿姆副曲:我到处走,我在何处我就是什么东西我听见我兄弟们在说什么,你听他们怎么说我主曲4:50这人很混球,我指的是真正的大混球他离开了我们地盘,操他的我不敢相信这黑鬼赚了很多钱仍装做作在街上混的告诉兄弟们不能沾毒品你知道这个混球买了泰森用过的婴儿床还有宾利,法拉利,以及所有的狗屁东西可他妈的却不肯拨一子帮兄弟们一把我说他说的那些话全是放屁。副曲:我到处走,我在何处我就是什么东西每个人都在说,你听他们怎么说我主曲5:那是我的宝贝孙子,我爱他,是我带他长大成人的他总是跑到我身边哭泣,我让他远离打架的生活他出门总是放块电池在他的袜子里,用摇滚得以安慰你不是木头人,你想让你奶奶知道你是个痞子看我的第一个宝贝孙子,他是个超级饶舌巨星他给我买房子,钻石珠宝,还有一辆全新的小汽车我想是什么让他走得这么远孩子我就是你成为今天你的原因副曲:我到处走,我在何处我就是什么东西每个人都在说,你听他们怎么说我我到处走,我在何处我就是什么东西每个人都在说,你听他们怎么说我



im living my life in your hand是哪首歌歌词

是as long as you love me,这首歌是后街男孩(Backstreet Boys)于1997年9月29日推出的专辑《Backstreet"s Back》中的第二波主打单曲。它不但是后街男孩代表作之一,也是其最脍炙人口的歌曲之一。歌词如下:Although loneliness has always been a friend of mine孤独一直是我的朋友I"m leaving my life in your hands自从你离开我的生活People say I"m crazy and that I am blind人们说我被感情冲昏了脑袋Risking it all in a glance竟转眼间赌上未来How you got my blind is still a mystery你怎会让我不顾一切还是个谜I can"t get you out of my head我就是无法忘了你Don"t care what is written in your history我不在乎你过去的种种As long as you"re here with me只要你陪在我身边I don"t care who you are我不在乎你是怎样的人Where you"re from你从哪里来What you did你做过什么As long as you love me只要你爱我就好Who you are你是怎样的人Where you"re from你从哪里来Don"t care what you did我不在乎你做过什么As long as you love me只要你爱我就好Every little thing that you have said and done所有你说过的话和做过的事Feels like it"s deep within me都深深的烙印在我心里Doesn"t really matter if you"re on the run我甚至于不在乎你是否就要逃开It seems like were meant to be我们似乎命中注定I don"t care who you are我不在乎你是怎样个人Where you"re from你从哪里来What you did你做过什么As long as you love me只要你爱我就好Who you are你是怎样个人Where you"re from你从哪里来Don"t care what you did我不在乎你做过什么As long as you love me只要你爱我就好As long as you love me只要你爱我就好As long as you love me只要你爱我就好I"ve tried to hide it so that no one knows我试着把感情隐藏起来不让任何人知道But I guess it shows但我无法不流露真情When you look in to my eyes当你凝视着我时What you did and where you"re coming from你做过什么从哪里来I don"t care as long as you love me baby我不在乎,只要你爱我就好,宝贝!I don"t care who you are我不在乎你是怎样个人Where you"re from你从哪里来What you did你做过什么As long as you love me只要你爱我就好Who you are你是怎样个人Where you"re from你从哪里来Don"t care what you did我不在乎你做过什么As long as you love me只要你爱我就好Who you are你是怎样个人Where you"re from你从哪里来What you did我不在乎你做过什么As long as you love me只要你爱我就好Who you are你是怎样个人Where you"re from你从哪里来As long as you love me只要你爱我就好Who you are你是怎样个人As long as you love me只要你爱我就好What you did你做过什么I don"t care as long as you love me我不在乎 只要你爱我就好

scrub hands front and back 是什么语法

是名词hand作动词的语法,手意义为擦手的意思,这句话是前后擦手的意思即洗手心和手背。help(用作名词和动词)的用法注意点:1. 用作名词,泛指一般意义的“帮助”,是不可数名词。如:He gave me a lot of help. 他给了我许多帮助。It wasn"t (of) much help. 这并无多大帮助。表示具体的有帮助的人或事物,是可数名词。如:You are a great help to me. 你对我帮助很大。Her advice is a great help. 她的建议大有益处。2. 表示“在……的帮助下”,通常用介词 with,不能按汉语意思用under。如:I can read the French book with the help of a dictionary. 我可以借助字典阅读这本法语书。3. 用作动词,表示“帮助”,其后可接不定式或不定式的复合结构作宾语,其中的不定式可以带 to 也可以不带 to。I helped him (to) find his things. 我帮他找东西。Mother helped me (to) do my homework. 妈妈帮助我做家庭作业。在被动语态中,不定式要带 to。如:Millie was helped to overcome her fear of flying. 米利被帮助克服了她的飞行恐惧。另外,当 help 之后接一个较长的名词词组作宾语,或当其中的不定式所表示的动作主语不直接参加时,不定式一般都要带 to。如:Help the little boys at the back of the hall to carry the chairs out. 请帮大厅后面那些小男孩把椅子搬出去。

tester or hander

测试器,处理机,发光设备或装填机 乖乖,可真是够专业的呀,看来我以后得重新把英语给拾起来,不能丢了.

GTA4 handling数据每一项都代表什么意思?

对照表:ADMIRAL 1832.0 4.6 85 0.0 0.0 -0.45 0.0 4 0.224 1.0 180.0 0.75 0.65 1.0 38.0 1.65 1.42 13.5 0.15 0.4535 1.7 1.5 1.5 0.19 -0.12 -0.008 0.5 0.5 0.05 1.5 9.5 0.0 24835 440010 0 0对应:(ADMIRAL[A])(1832.0{B})(4.6[C])(85[D])(0.0 0.0 -0.45[E])(0.0 4 0.224 1.0 180.0[F])(0.75 0.65 1.0[G]) (38.0[H])(1.65 1.42 13.5 0.15 0.4535{I})(1.7 1.5 1.5 0.19 -0.12 -0.008 0.5[J] )(0.5 0.05 1.5 9.5[K])(0.0[L])(24835[M])(440010[N])(0[O] )(0[P])明细表:名字[A] ID总质量{B} kg(如1700=1.7吨)高了影响加速理想值:视乎你喜好的真实程度运行阻力[C]车辆在松开油门後,在没踩刹车的情况下数值越大减速越多浮力[D]车辆掉水里後的淹没系数(10=浮,120=沉)没实际意义,视乎你喜好的真实程度重心[E][E1] X轴,左右重心(负值偏重左,正值偏重右)左右平衡理想值:0.0(最好别动)[E2] Y轴,前後重心(负值偏重後,正值偏重前)数值越低,车辆飞起来时会後轮先著地;过低,车辆原地抬头理想值:0.0(但因每辆车的模块不同,会有不同的数值)[E3] Z轴,上下重心(负值重心低,正值重心高)数值越低,悬挂左右摆动越小(但翻车了会自动翻回来);过低,转向时悬挂会向反方向摆动(即左转会向左倾侧);过高易翻动力系数[F][F1]动力输出比(1.0=前,0.5四驱,0.0=後)[[车辆驱动轮由它决定]][F2]挡位数(1~6)不能为0[F3]引擎马力(不知道用什_表示,数值越大加速能力越强)[F4]换档速度,也决定车辆在松开油门时,引擎转数降低的速度(0=慢,1=快)[F5]最高时速上限,也影响加速度(游戏内每辆车都已默认了极速上限,超过了没用)制动力[G][G1]制动力大小(0=弱;1=强)[G2]制动力平衡(1=前;0=後)[G3]手刹力大小(0=弱;1=强)转向角[H]转向轮转动最大角(0~60度)一般都是35.0摩擦系数{I}(需整体配合,单个调高(或调低)会有反效果)[I1]轮胎总体抓地力(过小原地打滑,过大转向时容易翻车,需配合Z轴)[I2]横向抓地力(过小转向打滑,过大高速时转向不足)[I3]纵向抓地力(过小打滑,过大转向迟缓)[I4]轮胎气压(0.15左右)[I5]抓地力前後平衡(0~1;过小前轮打滑并转向不足;过大後轮打滑并容易掉转头)[[严重影响转向能力]]悬挂系统[J] (整体配合,单个调高(或调低)会有反效果)[J1]弹簧硬度(调低适合不平路面,但转向时容易倾侧翻车,需配合Z轴)[J2]减震强度(调高悬挂硬,车身稳定不易摇晃,过高变硬;调低摇晃,易翻车)[J3]这个不知道和J2有什_分别,最好和J2一样[J4]减震上限(减震器的最短值;数值过大,悬挂在受压时轮胎会陷入车身;过小悬挂受压时会发出声音)[[低於0会有错误]][J5]减震下限(减震器的最长值;数值过小,车辆在飞起的时候,轮胎下垂得越多)[[高於0会有错误]][J6]悬挂高度(数值越大车身越高,负值降低)[J7]前後平衡(0.3前低~0.7後低) [[超过这个数值某些车会上不了车]]伤害系数[K](χ为未知数)[K1]车身碰撞伤害(0=小;χ=大)[K2]武器伤害(0=小;χ=大)[K3]变形系数(0=硬;χ=软)[K4]引擎碰撞伤害(0=小;χ=大)[[直接影响引擎熄火或油管爆裂而起火的机率]]应该是门位置[L]试过调错上不了车车价[M](美元)车辆特殊参数1(机器翻译)[N]修改成1、2、4、8会有不同效果,0表示没有例:(80141011)从右算起:箱式车、ABS1、没有、没排气、麦弗逊前悬挂、垂直後悬挂、没有、掀背车1;车辆所属类型1:IS_VAN2:IS_BUS4:IS_LOW8:IS_BIG1:箱式车2:巴士4:小型车8:大型车2;轮胎防抱刹车系统1:ABS_STD2:ABS_OPTION4:ABS_ALT_STD8:ABS_ALT_OPTION1:ABS1(已确定)2:ABS2(不确定)4:ABS3(不确定)8:ABS4(不确定)3;上下交通工具的动作?1:NO_DOORS2:TANDEM_SEATS4:SIT_IN_BOAT8:N/A1:没有门?(下车错误)2:双排座?(下车错误)4:有待测试(下车错误)8:没有4;不确定1:NO_EXHAUST2:DOUBLE_EXHAUST 4:NO1FPS_LOOK_BEHIND 8:CAN_ENTER_IF_NO_DOOR1:没有排气(已确定)2:有待测试4:有待测试8:有待测试5;前悬挂形式 1:AXLE_F_NOTILT2:AXLE_F_SOLID4:AXLE_F_MCPHERSON8:AXLE_F_REVERSE1:垂直悬挂(已确定)2:桥式悬挂(已确定)4:麦弗逊悬挂(已确定)8:有待测试6;後悬挂形式 1:AXLE_R_NOTILT2:AXLE_R_SOLID4:AXLE_R_MCPHERSON8:AXLE_R_REVERSE1:垂直悬挂(已确定)2:桥式悬挂(已确定)4:麦弗逊悬挂(已确定)8:有待测试7;载具所属类型1:IS_BIKE2:IS_HELI4:IS_PLANE8:IS_BOAT1:摩托车2:直升灰鸡4:灰鸡8:船8;不确定 1:BOUNCE_PANELS2:DOUBLE_RWHEELS 4:FORCE_GROUND_CLEARANCE 8:IS_HATCHBACK1:有待测试2:有待测试4:有待测试8:掀背车车辆特殊参数2(机器翻译)[O]修改成1、2、4、8会有不同效果,0表示没有例:(4000020)从右算起:没有、後轮转向、没有、没有、没有、没有、街头赛车1;不确定1:SMOOTH_COMPRESN2:N/A4:NPC_ANTI_ROLL8:NPC_NEUTRAL_HANDL1:有待测试2:没有4:有待测试8:有待测试2;不确定1:NO_HANDBRAKE2:STEER_REARWHEELS 4:HB_REARWHEEL_STEER 8:ALT_STEER_OPT1:没手刹(实测後没效果)2:後轮转向(已确定)4:有待测试8:有待测试3;前轮宽度 1:WHEEL_F_NARROW2 2:WHEEL_F_NARROW 4:WHEEL_F_WIDE8:WHEEL_F_WIDE21:前轮窄2(实测後没效果)2:前轮窄(没效果)4:前轮宽(没效果)8:前轮宽2(没效果)4;後轮宽度 1:WHEEL_R_NARROW2 2:WHEEL_R_NARROW 4:WHEEL_R_WIDE8:WHEEL_R_WIDE21:後轮窄2(实测後没效果)2:後轮窄(没效果)4:後轮宽(没效果)8:後轮宽2(没效果)5;液压系统 1:HYDRAULIC_GEOM2:HYDRAULIC_INST 4:HYDRAULIC_NONE8:NOS_INST1:液压系统1(实测後没效果)2:液压系统2(没效果)4:液压系统3(没效果)8:氮气增压(没效果)6;不确定 1:OFFROAD_ABILITY 2:OFFROAD_ABILITY2 4:HALOGEN_LIGHTS8:PROC_REARWHEEL_1ST1:越野能力1(实测後不确定)2:越野能力2(不确定)4:氙气大灯(不确定)8:有待测试7;不确定1:USE_MAXSP_LIMIT2:LOW_RIDER4:STREET_RACER1:使用极限(不确定)2:有待测试4:街头赛车(不确定)8;不确定1:SWINGING_CHASSIS2:OLD_PHYSICS1:有待测试2:有待测试

hand 和plam 的区别


分发传单用英文怎么说hand out the leaflet 还是hand the leaflet out


英语Request Handlers怎么翻译?

Request handlers: Each service has its own request handler.请求处理程序:每个服务都有自己的请求处理程序。

linkin的hands held high 表的寓意是不是反战


android 中的HandlerThread包含了android中的消息处理机制必须的looper,当你启动这个线程的时候,就会闯进looper,并开启消息处理的循环。跟其它线程一样,HandlerThread是可不可以直接stop掉的,不过经过本人测试,你可以调用:getLooper().quit();来退出这个线程,其实原理很简单,就是改变在消息循环里面标志位,退出整个while循环,使线程执行完毕。 部分 测试代码如下:public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.main);tv_name = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tv_name);btn_name = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btn_name);Log.i(TAG, "==================main thread:" + Thread.currentThread().getName());final HandlerThread thread = new HandlerThread("handlerThread");thread.start();final MyHandler handler = new MyHandler(thread.getLooper());btn_name.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {@Overridepublic void onClick(View v) {handler.sendEmptyMessage(1);try {Thread.sleep(3000);} catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}thread.getLooper().quit();}});}class MyHandler extends Handler {public MyHandler(Looper looper) {super(looper);}@Overridepublic void handleMessage(Message msg) {Log.i(TAG, "==================" + Thread.currentThread().getName());//tv_name.setText("hello, this is the first message from handler");不过要注意:要想更新界面内容,还是需要使用界面的Looper,不然的话还是会抛错误,还是那句话,所有跟改变界关的操作,都得通过界面的Looper来执行


子线程中不能用操作主线程,你looper准备后还需要在队列最后调用looper.loop()才行,最好的方法是你new handler的时候给handler的参数用looper.getMainlooper()就好了


当Android应用启动的时候,会先创建一个应用主线程的Looper对象,Looper实现了一个简单的消息队列,一个一个的处理里面的Message对象。主线程Looper对象在整个应用生命周期中存在。当在主线程中初始化Handler时,该Handler和Looper的消息队列关联。发送到消息队列的Message会引用发送该消息的Handler对象,这样系统可以调用 Handler#handleMessage(Message) 来分发处理该消息。在Java中,非静态(匿名)内部类会引用外部类对象。而静态内部类不会引用外部类对象。如果外部类是Activity,则会引起Activity泄露 。当Activity finish后,延时消息会继续存在主线程消息队列中1分钟,然后处理消息。而该消息引用了Activity的Handler对象,然后这个Handler又引用了这个Activity。这些引用对象会保持到该消息被处理完,这样就导致该Activity对象无法被回收,从而导致了上面说的 Activity泄露。要修改该问题,只需要按照Lint提示的那样,把Handler类定义为静态即可,然后通过WeakReference 来保持外部的Activity对象。


什么是HandleThread呢? 这个类的作用是创建一个包含looper的线程。 什么时候使用到它呢? 加入在应用程序当中为了实现同时完成多个任务,所以我们会在应用程序当中创建多个线程。为了让多个线程之间能够方便的通信,我们会使用Handler实现线程间的通信。这个时候我们手动实现的多线程+Handler的简化版就是我们HandlerThrea所要做的事了。 HandleThread的基本用法: 首先创建一个HandleThread: HandlerThread mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread("myHandlerThreand"); mHandlerThread.start();//调用run方法 其次: 通过HandleThread的Lopper来创建Handle final Handler mHandler = new Handler(mHandlerThread.getLooper()) { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { Log.i("tag", "接收到消息:" + msg.obj.toString()); } }; 然后就可以使用了: mHandler.sendMessage(msg); 最后在不需要再用的时候记得手动收回: protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); mHandlerThread.quit(); //quitSafely();可以用这个 } 分析: 可以看出HandleThread的本质其实就是一个Thread.内部自己维护了一个消息队列和一个Looper; 总结: HandlerThread本质上是一个Thread对象,只不过其内部帮我们创建了该线程的Looper和MessageQueue; 通过HandlerThread我们不但可以实现UI线程与子线程的通信同样也可以实现子线程与子线程之间的通信; HandlerThread在不需要使用的时候需要手动的回收掉;

Android: 关于Handler的Looper.loop();为什么休眠一段时间后,Handler接收不到消息了。。。求高手

把handleMessage 放到 run里试试new Handler(@Overridepublic boolean handleMessage(Message mGRCMessage) {//...}}

Android Handle中Looper.loop()的死循环为什么在主线程中不会产生卡死现象

1. 主线程,负责一些UI更新操作,归类为一个线程,线程在Android中是有生命周期的,任务最终是会结束的。 2. Looper.loop()的死循环正是维护了主线程的超长生命周期,loop方法一直循环处理任务,没有任务的时候会休眠,有任务的时候会唤醒然后进行处理,所以也不会占用太多系统资源。 3. 卡死,可能有误解,循环的过程中本生不会出现ANR,在循环的过程中,如果执行了耗时且在规定时间内没有完成消息派发,才会出现ANR。



Primal Fear - Hands Of Time歌词

The hands of time are moving on Didn"t know its been so long Clocks are ticking time away I"ts sad to see So tired of waking up from this dream I"m wishing that it would go on Though I know it could be wrong I keep holding on forever When seconds turn into eternity Screams become a sigh That reigns my only friend So unpredictable and yet so destined to lose it in the end The hands of time are moving on Didn"t know its been so long Clocks are ticking time away I"ts sad to see Its hard to say, I love someone It"s even harder that we"re done Now I"ve got nothing left to lose My restless soul, except what I have won The hands of time are moving on Didn"t know its been so long Clocks are ticking time away I"ts sad to see The hands of time are moving on Didn"t know its been so long Clocks are ticking time away I"ts sad to see Time is running Time is running out Time is running and takes the time away Who was right and who was wrong Who was cool and who was strong When a cloud is turned to gray When silence speaks louder than words My sins are washed away The hands of time are moving on Didn"t know its been so long Clocks are ticking time away I"ts sad to see The hands of time are moving on Didn"t know its been so long Clocks are ticking time away I"ts sad to see Time is running Time is running out Time is running and takes the time away Time is running Time is running out Time is running and takes the time away So tired of waking up from this dream I"m wishing that it would go on Though I know it could be wrong I keep holding on forever

do pigs have hands为什么用do

do用在这里目的是加强语气。全句意思是:猪有手吗?重点词汇:pigs英[pu026aɡz]释义:n.猪;令人讨厌的人;贪吃的人;警官(pig的复数)。短语:Bay of Pigs猪猡湾;猪湾;古巴猪湾;猪湾事件。例句:用作名词(n.)1、A pig is a domestic animal.猪是一种家畜。2、The farmer keeps hundreds of pigs on his farm.那个农场主在他的农场里养了几百头猪。词源解说:直接源自古英语的picg,意为小猪。

1000分 赏求 求助一本电子书 Handbook.Of.Layered.Materials


urgent messages are important,so they must be sent_-_ (quickly/slowly./by hand/largely)


英语作文 假设你是Matt Hand 求写一篇作为参考谢谢

As the saying goes: "Hunger breeds discontent." Today"s society, many of the hotel where they stand, rush from a variety of cuisine, in Fujian, Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong ...... dishes outside of Italy, French, Japanese cuisine, Korean food and so on. We all know that health is to do anything for money, health is closely connected with the food. Today, we take a look at the food on the table now. Food is divided into many kinds of vegetables and fruit, beans, meat, cereals, dairy categories, such as fat. Combination of these categories into a food pyramid, all affect our health. Therefore, in order to achieve a reasonable meals with more vegetables, fruits, less meat, fat category. Cereals-based food, may be an appropriate increase in beans, dairy products category, and we have to remember that eating only eight full meals, not being choosy food anorexia, can not be overeating, eating clean food is most important. In food, contain a people"s health play an important role in the elements - vitamins. Vitamins are divided into A, B, C, D. Different vitamins have different functions. Vitamin A is usually in red, black, more food, such as carrots, black beans and so on. Its main function is to protect the eyes, can be used to protect their eyesight, the treatment of night blindness and other evidence of vitamin C in fruits and vegetables often, it is conducive to the treatment of scurvy, skin diseases. The discovery also has a story: a ship adrift at sea for several days, many sailors have had scurvy, one of a very serious disease, abandoned on a desert island. This after a number of sailors to eat lemons, did not expect that scurvy disappeared. The news of a spread of 100. Lemon after scientists found a large quantity of vitamin C, used to treat disease scurvy. Vitamin B, D and there are many functions, not in this more. Of course, we should pay attention: do not mix in some food to eat, in order to avoid danger. Such as shrimp and vitamin C at the same time can not eat, crabs can not eat persimmons with ......

suffer shand bear的区别

1.suffer,stand,bear 这几个词都有“遭受.忍受”的意思。 (1)suffer指毫不沮丧地忍受,含有被动的和不随意的意味,不是出于自己意志的动作.常常表示受苦、受罚、受损失、患病等。还常和from连用。 He suffers from high blood pressure. 他患有高血压。 I"m not suffer myself to be ill treated.我不能容忍自己受虐待。 (2)stand多用于口语,指忍受“侮辱、艰难、寒暑、费用”等而言,多用在否定句中;若用在肯定句中则含有“经得住”的意思。 My mother couldn"t stand this cold weather. 我母亲受不了这么冷的: I can"t stand waiting any longer. 再等下去我可受不了啦。 (3)bear是普通用语,指忍受“冷天气、饥饿、困难、苦难、不幸、损失、无礼、重担”等而言,常表示主语自己的意志,强调“坚韧”和忍受的能力,而不是忍受的态度 She couldn"t bear her child to be away so long. 孩子离开这么久,她受不了。 You must bear your loss with patience. 你必须耐心忍受你的损失。

what can yuo do with yuor hands?

what can yuo do with yuor hands?你可以用你的手怎么了?你能用你的手做什么?你能用你的双手做什么

谁有 Certified Quality Engineer Handbook(注册质量工程师手册)要英文版的


handbook造句 handbookの例文 "handbook"是什麼意思

His handbook on mushroom is a classic . 他著的蘑菇手册是一部权威作品。 She is reading a handbook on gardening . 她正在阅读一本园艺手册。 Extensive data can be found in various handbooks . 可由不同的手册得到广泛数据。 Inside the shadowy house abner and abraham went frantically through their handbooks . 在暗沉沉的屋里,艾布纳和亚伯拉罕一个劲儿翻书。 Secondary uranium minerals are illustrated in a bureau of mineral resources prospector"s handbook . 次生铀矿物已列入矿物资源局的普查手册中。 The robber took away her purse with o thousand five hundred nt , some keys and a handbook inside . 强盗夺去她的包,里面有两千五百元台币,一些钥匙和一本银行存折。 No , but the robber took away her purse with o thousand five hundred nt , some keys and a handbook inside . 没有,但强盗夺去她的包,里面有两千五百元台币,一些钥匙和一本银行存折。 Planning manage handbook and bonded material 监管相关手册以及保税商品的记录。 2 scott j . social work *** ysis : a handbook 合并法最早用于分析各种社会网络。 Ams edited and pubpshed the " emergency care handbook . 编印及出版救护手册。 It"s difficult to see handbook in a sentence. 用 handbook 造句挺难的 I bought a handbook of engpsh grammar last week 上星期我买了一本英文语法手册。 We often turn to this handbook for information 我们经常查阅这本手册,寻找资料。 Some useful page numbers from the machinery " s handbook 机械手册中一些有用的页。 Brand marketing : a case of a handbook of rural pfe 走品牌经营的产业化发展新路 The chinese university of hong kong student handbook 2005 - 06 二五至六年度学生手册 " please send me badges , uniforms , handbooks , etc . 请寄给我一些徽章,制服及手册。 The handbook includes the following content 全方位传染病预防攻略的主要内容包括: Handbook : safety code for elevators and escalators 升降机和自动电梯的安全代码.手册 The handbook has been prepared for their benefit 该手册主要是为他们编写的。 This handbook is a neat epitome of everyday hygiene 这本手册概括了日常卫生的要点。 We shall reproduce this handbook in full 我们将把这本手册完整地复制一份。 The handbook can be downloaded at urban group corporate website 可于富城集团企业网站 Handbook of mon knowledge for mathematics petition 竞赛常用知识手册 Could you get a handbook of london for me 你能为我买一本伦敦旅游指南吗 From some kid handbook we don " t know about 从一些我们不知道的小人书上? The handbook also gives information about admissions tests 手册也提供入学考试的信息。 Handbook on safety in science laboratories 2002 科学实验室安全手册2002 The idea generator is a powerful handbook 构思发电机是一个强大的手册。 The revised handbook will be distributed to each division 修正版的手册会分送给各分部。 The operational auditing handbook - auditing business processes 审核操作手册.审核业务程序 It"s difficult to see handbook in a sentence. 用 handbook 造句挺难的 Handbook of aluminium alloy - extruded profies for electronic equipment 电子设备用铝型材手册 Vibration and shock handbook for miptary electronic equipments 军用电子设备振动与冲击手册 We bought a tourist handbook before going travelpng 出去旅游前,我们先买了一本旅游手册。 The onpne handbook also includes pnks to more information 在线手册也包括更多信息的链接。 He also gives jessica the starp employee handbook 他也给洁西卡一本星电公司的员工手册。 Work *** ysis and job explanation handbook 工作分析与岗位说明书撰写 207 have you any idea how to use the manufacturer " s handbook 你知道怎样使用这本厂家手册吗? Pure yoga a practice handbook of indian yoga 瑜伽砖瑜伽带瑜伽裤 Careers guidance handbook for sec7 graduates 中七学生升学辅导手册 Undergraduate student handbook 2006 - 07 二六至七年度本科生学生手册

Hand Of Blood 歌词

歌曲名:Hand Of Blood歌手:Bullet For My Valentine专辑:Hand Of Blood / 4 WordsHand Of Blood - Bullet For My ValentineThere goes my Valentine againSoaked in Red for what she saidAnd Now she"s gone!Oh my god have i done it again,there"s a pulse and its deafeningI cant help what i hear in my head,Its the switch that i flick when he says,Hand of Blood!I dont wana feel my heart is breaking,Hand OF Blood!I dont wana see my life is burningI saw you look away,is what you"ve seen too much to take or are you blind and seeing nothing.(I saw you run)I saw you run away,Is what ive done to much to take or are you scared of being nothing.Theres a stain on my hand, and its redOh my god, am i losing it?I cant help what I"ve done or I"ve saidIt"s the button i push when he says,Hand of Blood!i dont wana feel my heart is breaking,Hand OF Blood!I dont wana see my life is burning.I saw you look away,Is what youve seen to much to take or are you blind and seeing nothing.(I saw you run away) I saw you run away,Is what ive done to much to take or are you scared of being nothing~S~O~L~O~MIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I saw you look away,is what youve seen to much to take or are you blind and seeing nothing(I saw you run away)I saw you run away,Is what ive done to much to take or are you scared of being nothinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/31602164

Hand Of Blood 歌词

歌曲名:Hand Of Blood歌手:Bullet For My Valentine专辑:The PoisonHand Of Blood - Bullet For My ValentineThere goes my Valentine againSoaked in Red for what she saidAnd Now she"s gone!Oh my god have i done it again,there"s a pulse and its deafeningI cant help what i hear in my head,Its the switch that i flick when he says,Hand of Blood!I dont wana feel my heart is breaking,Hand OF Blood!I dont wana see my life is burningI saw you look away,is what you"ve seen too much to take or are you blind and seeing nothing.(I saw you run)I saw you run away,Is what ive done to much to take or are you scared of being nothing.Theres a stain on my hand, and its redOh my god, am i losing it?I cant help what I"ve done or I"ve saidIt"s the button i push when he says,Hand of Blood!i dont wana feel my heart is breaking,Hand OF Blood!I dont wana see my life is burning.I saw you look away,Is what youve seen to much to take or are you blind and seeing nothing.(I saw you run away) I saw you run away,Is what ive done to much to take or are you scared of being nothing~S~O~L~O~MIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I saw you look away,is what youve seen to much to take or are you blind and seeing nothing(I saw you run away)I saw you run away,Is what ive done to much to take or are you scared of being nothinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/2153985

求大神翻译To stay together till death and end for far,for near,hand,oath,accord .


德州扑克 2013wsop主赛事 hand-for-hand play 是什么意思

雅往前移了一点儿,造成风筝尾部偏重,飞不起来。打那以后,我x h 3 9 . c c


用这些单词连成句子是:A knife can hurt your hand.(刀子会伤到你的手。)英语连词成句的小窍门一、看清标点符号1、如果是句号,则是陈述语句.陈述句的基本结构就是主语+谓语+宾语而构成的。2、如果是问号,则是疑问语句.要先看是特殊疑问句还是由情态动词引导的疑问句。二、注意句式如果要求连陈述句,我们可以采用以下方法:1、陈述句的基本结构就是主语+谓语+宾语而构成的。所以,首先找到人称代词,或者名词,把这些词放在句首。然后要找到动词,这些动词一般是:Be(am,is, are),或实意动词后。时间地点居最后,地点在前,时间在后。2、如果是问号,则是疑问语句。就要先看是特殊疑问句还是由be动词或情态动词引导的疑问句。三、检查纠错注意句子是否完整排列好后,仔细多读几遍,看看句子是否通顺。注意字母的大小写。句子开头首字母要大写,应该是不断提及的话题。在英语中经常需要的大写的有每句话的开头字母、人名、专有名词等。四、答题步骤1、先明白每一个单词的意思,再组合成一句话。2、要注意英语句子和汉语句子的语序有时是不同的。3、注意组合成的句子单词数量不能多也不能少。有时粗心,会多出一个或少一个单词。4、抄写时要特别注意不以抄错单词。5、特别注意使用标点符号要正确。6、句子开头的首字母一定要大写。

handy seamless transitions 怎么安装

有时候WEB开发人员认为CSS的动画比JavaScript的动画更难理解。虽然CSS动画有其局限性,但它的性能比大多数JavaScript库更加高效,因为它可以借助硬件加速啊!其效果绝对可以超出我们的预期。CSS animations和transitions再加上点JavaScript就可以实现硬件加速动画,而且其交互效果比大多数JavaScript库更高效。So,让我们快点开始吧!小伙伴们都等不及了!注意:Animations(动画)和Transitions(过渡)是不同的CSS Transitions(过渡)被应用于元素指定的属性变化时,该属性经过一段时间逐渐的过渡到最终需要的值;而CSS Animations(动画)只是在应用时执行之前定义好的操作,它提供更细粒度的控制。在这篇文章中,我们将分别针对上述内容进行讲解。控制CSS Transition(过渡)在编程论坛中,关于transition(过渡)的触发和暂停有无数的疑问。使用JavaScript可以很容易的解决这些疑问。如何触发元素的transiton(过渡)?切换元素的类名可以触发该元素的transition(过渡)如何暂停元素的transition(过渡)? 在你想要暂停过渡点,用getComputedStyle和getPropertyValue获取该元素相应的CSS属性值,然后设置该元素的对应的CSS属性等于你刚才获取到的CSS属性值。以下是该方法的一个例子。<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>操作transtition</title><style type="text/css">.box {margin: 30px;height: 50px;width: 50px;background-color: blue;}.box.horizTranslate {-webkit-transition: 3s;-moz-transition: 3s;-ms-transition: 3s;-o-transition: 3s;transition: 3s;margin-left: 50% !important;}</style><script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script></head><body><h3>Pure Javascript</h3><div class="box"></div><button class="toggleButton" value="play">Play</button><h3>jQuery</h3><div class="box"></div><button class="toggleButton" value="play">Play</button><script type="text/javascript">var boxOne = document.getElementsByClassName("box")[0],boxTwo = $(".box:eq(1)");document.getElementsByClassName("toggleButton")[0].onclick = function(){if(this.innerHTML === "Play"){this.innerHTML = "Pause";boxOne.classList.add("horizTranslate");}else{this.innerHTML = "Play";var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(boxOne),marginLeft = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("margin-left");boxOne.style.marginLeft = marginLeft;boxOne.classList.remove("horizTranslate");}}$(".toggleButton:eq(1)").on("click",function(){if($(this).html() === "Play"){$(this).html("Pause");boxTwo.addClass("horizTranslate");}else{$(this).html("Play");var computedStyle = boxTwo.css("margin-left");boxTwo.css("margin-left",computedStyle);boxTwo.removeClass("horizTranslate");}});</script></body></html>执行效果:http://cdpn.io/GokAm同样的技术可以用在更高级的方法上。下面的例子也是通过改变类名来触发元素的transition(过渡),但这次可以跟踪当前的缩放率。<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>操作transtition</title><style type="text/css">.zoomPic {margin: 30px;width: 300px;height: 180px;background-color: blue;background-image: url(http://placehold.it/1200x720);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:50% 50%;background-size: 300px 180px;-webkit-transition: all 2.5s ease-in-out;-moz-transition: all 2.5s ease-in-out;-ms-transition: all 2.5s ease-in-out;-o-transition: all 2.5s ease-in-out;transition: all 2.5s ease-in-out;}.zoomPic.zoom {background-size: 1200px 720px !important;}</style><script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script></head><body><h3>Pure Javascript</h3><div class="zoomPic"></div><button class="zoom">Zoom</button><button class="pause">Pause</button><button class="zoomout">Zoom Out</button><h3>jQuery</h3><div class="zoomPic"></div><button class="zoom">Zoom</button><button class="pause">Pause</button><button class="zoomout">Zoom Out</button><script type="text/javascript">var zoomOne = document.getElementsByClassName("zoomPic")[0],zoomOneBgSize = window.getComputedStyle(zoomOne).getPropertyValue("background-size"),zoomTwo = $(".zoomPic:eq(1)"),zoomTwoBgSize = zoomTwo.css("background-size");// zoomOne:zoomdocument.getElementsByClassName("zoom")[0].onclick = function(){if(!zoomOne.classList.contains("zoom")){zoomOne.classList.add("zoom");}}// zoomOne:pausedocument.getElementsByClassName("pause")[0].onclick = function(){var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(zoomOne),backgroundSize = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("background-size");zoomOne.style.backgroundSize = backgroundSize;zoomOne.classList.remove("zoom");}// zoomOne:zoomoutdocument.getElementsByClassName("zoomout")[0].onclick = function(){zoomOne.classList.remove("zoom");zoomOne.style.backgroundSize = zoomOneBgSize;}// zoomTwo:zoom$(".zoom:eq(1)").on("click",function(){if(!zoomTwo.hasClass("zoom")){zoomTwo.addClass("zoom");}});// zoomTwo:pause$(".pause:eq(1)").on("click",function(){var computedStyle = zoomTwo.css("background-size");zoomTwo.css("background-size",computedStyle);zoomTwo.removeClass("zoom");});// zoomTwo:zoomout$(".zoomout:eq(1)").on("click",function(){zoomTwo.removeClass("zoom");zoomTwo.css("background-size",zoomTwoBgSize);});</script></body></html>

panasonic handy toilette是什么

松下品牌,handy toilette是“便携式”的意思,应该是松下便携式卫洗丽上面标注的英文吧?

get my ass handed to me 是什么意思呀?

laughing my ass off,缩写为lmao,笑死我了you scared the shit outta me,你吓死我了

get out of hand是什么意思



另一头当然叫 “叉 或 齿” 英文翻译为:tine 齿、叉 例: the tines of a fork 叉子的齿

BIOS EHCI Hand off是什么意思


我们平常用的纸巾英文里面到底该怎么说?napkin tissue handker...


artificial 和 handmade 的区别


autoCAD出现 致命错误: Unhandled Access Violation Writing 0x0000 Exception at 0h


AutoCAD 致命错误:Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0000 Exception at 7C011898h 问题


C语言中运行输入数据后。。出现以下问题。。 Unhandled exception in 7.exe:0xC0000005:Access Violation.

请问同学你要干嘛?在查找的时候你用了所谓的二分法(而且写错了,进入for之后mid就一直不变了),其实查找的话不用二分的,直接顺序查找就行了帮你的二分改了下:while(1){ mid=(low+high)/2; if(stt.id==stu[mid].id){ printf("%d",mid); break; } else if(stt.id<stu[mid].id) high=mid; else low=mid; if(high<=low) break; }你的逻辑有点问题,你是要删除找到的学号和名字,所以应该是!=而不是==字符串比较不能直接比较,所以stu[i].name==stt.name这样是错的,要用strcmp函数if(stu[i].id!=stt.id && strcmp(stu[i].name,stt.name))删除时过早地指向了下个元素,if中的那个i++应该去掉的,而在for中的k++应该放到if中最后你用%s输出时,却对应成std[k].name[50],这个指的是输出name中第50个字符,却用%s输出字符,明显不对。。。这就是基础不牢固了,应该是std[k].name下面是帮你修改好的程序:#define N 2#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<string.h>//建立一个学生的结构体struct student{ int id;//学号 char name[50];//姓名};void main(){ int i,k,low,high,mid; //定义结构体数组成员 struct student stu[N],std[N-1],stt; printf("请输入学生号及姓名: "); for(i=0;i<N;i++) { printf("输入第%d学生的学号: ",i+1); scanf("%d",&stu[i].id); printf("输入第%d学生的姓名: ",i+1); scanf("%s",stu[i].name); } printf("请输入要删除的学生学号: "); scanf("%d",&stt.id); printf("请输入要删除的学生姓名: "); scanf("%s",stt.name); //查找要删除的学生的位置 low=0; high=N; while(1) { mid=(low+high)/2; if(stt.id==stu[mid].id){ printf("%d ",mid); break; } else if(stt.id<stu[mid].id) high=mid; else if(stt.id>stu[mid].id) low=mid; if(high<=low) break; } //删除所要删除的学生信息 for(i=0,k=0;i<N;i++) { if(stu[i].id!=stt.id && strcmp(stu[i].name,stt.name)) { std[k].id=stu[i].id; strcpy(std[k].name,stu[i].name); k++; } } for(k=0;k<N-1;k++) { printf("%d %s ",std[k].id,std[k].name); } printf(" "); system("pause");}

CAD2014双击运行就出现提示“致命错误 unhandled access violation writing 0x0000 exception at oh”

解决步骤:右击“我的电脑”。单击“属性”。在“系统属性”中单击“高级”。在“性能”中单击“设置”。、在“性能选项”中单击“数据执行保护”。单击“添加”。选择你的程序。AutoCAD 2014是Autodesk公司继AutoCAD 2013之后发布的又一大作.cad2013大家可能还没熟练地操作,cad2014就已经发布了,新版本体积相当庞大,新增了不少功能.AutoCAD 2014新增了许多特性,比如win8触屏操作,文件格式命行增强,现实场景中建模等等,本页提供是的AutoCAD 2014简体中文版下载.AutoCAD 2014简体中文版特点:新特性一社会化设计:即时交流社会化合作设计:你可以在AutoCAD 2014里使用类似QQ的即时通讯工具.图形以及图形内的图元图块等,都可以通过网络交互的方式相互交换设计方案.新特性二支持Windows8以及触屏操作:Windows 8操作系统,其关键特性就是支持触屏,当然,它也需要软件也有提供触屏支持才能使用它的新特性.我们使用智能手机以及平板电脑,已经习惯了用手指来移动视图了,试试新的AutoCAD 2014,它在Windows 8中,已经支持这种超炫的操作方法新特性三:实景地图,现实场景中建模:可以将你的DWG图形与现实的实景地图结合在一起,利用GPS等定位方式直接定位到指定位置上去.本页下载AutoCAD 2014适用于64位系统,若需在32位系统运行请点击下载:AutoCAD 2014软件较大,建议使用迅雷等下载工具,选择迅雷点下载.



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shipping&handing是运费,你要免运费的话必须满足两个条件 1-购买亚马逊自营的东西大于25刀(Ships from and sold by Amazon.com)2-运输选择5-8工作日的免费运输。 FREE Super Saver Shipping (5-8 business days)。

ShowHand 是什么意思啊

在中文中,传统上将扑克俗称为梭哈[梭哈(又称沙蟹)是英文ShowHand的音译。梭哈属于扑克的一种变化。 ],有时会称为美式扑克与其他使用扑克牌的游戏作为区隔。 扑克有无数种的变化型,多半使用一副、部分或者多副扑克牌来进行游戏,但不必要使用扑克牌。反之,并不是所有使用扑克牌进行的纸牌游戏或者赌博都可以称为扑克。玩家在游戏过程中要有增加注码和退出的机会。而二十一点、百家乐、桥牌等常见的使用扑克牌的游戏不属于扑克 showhand就是电影赌王赌圣之流的大侠们所常玩的游戏,以五张牌的排列及花色定胜负: 同花大顺(Royal Flush) 五张牌为10JQKA,黑桃为最大,其次为红桃方块梅花。 四条(Four of kind) 五张中有四张牌同一数字。 葫芦(Full House) 三张同一数字,另外两张同一数字。 同花(Flush) 五张牌同一花色。 顺子(Straigh) 五张牌数字连续,但不同花色。 三条(Three of kind) 五张中有三张牌同一数字。 两对(Two Pair) 有两对同一数字的牌。 一对(One Pair) 有一对。 五烂(High Card) 五张牌完全不搭,但还是可以比最大一张牌的大小



show hand 是什么意思


求 comprehand的名词形式?




英语谚语:Many hands make light (or quick) work 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Many hands make light (or quick) work 中文意思: 人多活儿轻。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: The best teachers of humanity are the lives of great men 启迪人性最好的导师是伟大人物的生活。 The better the day the better the deed 日子越美好,事业越顺当。 The bough that bears most hangs lowest 枝头结果越多,垂得越低。 The brave man hazards his life but not his conscience 英雄的人可以冒生命危险,但不冒良心危险。 The brightest of all things the sun has its spots 金无赤足,人无完人。 The burden on likes is cheerfully borne 爱挑的担子,就愉快轻松。 The busiest men find (or have) the most leisure (or time) 最忙的人时间最多。 The cask savours of the first fill 先入为主。 The cat and dog may kiss yet are none the better 猫犬可相吻,莫逆却难成。 The catin glores catch no mice 戴手套的猫捉不到老鼠。 英语谚语: Many hands make light (or quick) work 中文意思: 人多活儿轻。

英语spectacular hand怎么翻译?

spectacular作形容词使用时“壮观的,精彩的,令人印象深刻的”为了便于理解,可以借助其英文释义“very impressive”。所以spectacular hand:very impressive hand,“奇手”。

"Can do" and hands-on mentality什么意思


hand out的意思除了“分发;发放”是不是还有个意思是“闲逛”

NO 哦,孩子。你可能听错了,你说的闲逛应该是hang out.Spend one"s free time in; also, loiter, pass time idly. [Slang; mid-1900s] 打发时间,闲逛,无目的的打发时间 还有一个意思,如下: hang out with sb.就等于 Keep company with sb, appear in public with sb, 和...在一起,在公众场合出现 这个是个slang(俚语)

Lulu’s Hand 咖啡滤杯 从台湾打到 Kickstarter

(Lulu"s Hand想让忙碌的上班族群也可以快速冲煮一杯好咖啡。) 除了FLUX,同时间又一台湾团队登陆Kickstarter。这是由几位高科技人所做的咖啡滤杯,是的,没有电子也没有软体,但却符合现代人对『好口味』的追求,加上背后的动人故事,让这款Lulu"s Hand以精品之姿登上台湾的flyingV群众募资平台时,就创下了傲人的佳绩。 Lulu"s Hand是在9月7日上架flyingV,第一天就突破十万元募资目标,两个月后,最终募得一百三十四万元,并预售超过500组产品。 (Luluu02bbs Hand在flyingV一上架立即达阵成功!) 如果你也喝单品咖啡,那你是否遇到自己冲煮却冲不出好味道的挫折呢?Lulu"s Hand的发起人 - 成大资工系苏文钰教授和他的博士班学生林敬伦,就因同样的困扰而决定自己动手来做个咖啡滤杯,而且将目标定位在「让人人都可以轻松冲出好咖啡」的诉求上。 这一投入,就是两个年头。「要我和敬伦两个写程式的人去搞机构设计和金属加工,那真是得从头学起,回头看这段开发的过程,还真不容易呢。」苏文钰教授说:「不过,既然以Maker自居,我们就把它当做自己的作品一直磨、不断地改,而这样的坚持,也让我们遇到不少理念相投的贵人。」 在这段过程中,他们最要感谢的人有两位,一位是Travel Life(尚益铜器)的廖老板,在还看不到订单的情况下,就愿意提供加工制造方面的指导;一位是台南应用科大视传系的许乔斐助理教授,由于她的加入,才让Lulu"s Hand不只有技术性的内在美,更有精品级的外观设计感。 (对美感近乎苛求的成大资工系苏文钰教授,以Maker精神与Luluu02bbs Hand团队一同打造这款台湾原创的咖啡滤杯。) 本身是黑胶唱片收藏家的苏文钰,对美好的事物有着近乎吃毛求疵的苛求,这也是他们不计代价一改再改样品的原因,而现在他爱不释手地把玩着手中的Lulu"s Hand成品,就像在介绍自己孩子般地面露得色:「你看看它的抛光镜面,不输义大利或法式的精品咖啡器具吧。」 当然,只有外在美是不够的,Lulu"s Hand的内在美同样具有说服力。 林敬伦说,「Lulu"s Hand的最大特色,就是容易操作。我们的特殊滴水机构设计简化了冲泡的流程,让一般忙碌的上班族群也可以快速冲煮一杯好咖啡。」 有了Lulu"s Hand,精品咖啡友不必再辛苦的拿着手冲壶缓缓地绕圈圈冲煮咖啡,但操作简单不代表口味就少了变化,在熟悉上手之后,仍然可以运用它的流速控制来变换冲煮手法,并精准控制萃取时间与灵活调配水温,最后达到你预想中的浓淡口味。 (轻松操作又兼具变化性。) (Luluu02bbs Hand的四个套件。) 然而,推动他们披荆斩棘一路走来的,除了对好口味的坚持外,还有一份对教育和社会的使命感。 「许多学生有很好的创意,但一走出学校,可能还是选择了进入大企业或代工厂的老路,」苏文钰不希望埋没自己的理想,因此用行动展现给学生看,自己的研究成果或作品可以透过群众募资的管道来实现。而对于传统加工业者,在这次的开发过程中,彼此都认知到结合社群、精品与品牌的力量,有机会让他们摆脱低毛利代工的困境。(可参考本文) 对于教育,他还有更远大的计画,希望协助偏乡孩子脱离贫穷命运。近几年来苏文钰带领资工系学生常态性地到嘉义东石乡,面对面教授孩子基础程式语言,他说:「对于偏乡的孩子来说,最好的脱贫方式是程式设计。」 他称这个计画为《Program The World偏乡程式教育计画》,也曾在flyingV上集资成功,但为了让此计画可长可久,因此期望透过Lulu"s Hand盈余的百分之二十,持续运作Program The World计画,以及帮助学生创新创业。所以,对此专案的每一笔购买,都是对这份正面力量的一个支持。 好了,谈了这么多,连上Kickstarter有所行动吧。该专案目前提供咖啡友100组的早鸟价优惠(台湾免运费),没喝咖啡但认同MIT产品走上国际的话,希望能够给予$1或$5的支持,让此专案进到Kickstarter的首页。 ________________

mave your hand怎么读

应该是wave your hand吧。挥挥手

Red Right Hand 歌词

歌曲名:Red Right Hand歌手:Nick Cave & the bad seeds专辑:The Best of Nick Cave & the Bad SeedsRed Right HandNick CaveLet Love In (also X-Files, Scream)Take a little walk to the edge of townGo across the tracksWhere the viaduct loomsLike a bird of doomAs it shifts and cracksWhere secrets lie in the border firesIn the humming wiresHey man, you knowYou"re never coming backPast the square, past the bridgePast the mills, past the stacksOn a gathering storm comesA tall handsome manIn a dusty black coat withA red right handHe"ll wrap you in his armsTell you that you"ve been a good boyHe"ll rekindle all those dreamsIt took you a lifetime to destroyHe"ll reach deep into the holeHeal your shrinking soulBut there won"t be a single thing that you can doHe"s a god, he"s a manHe"s a ghost, he"s a guruThey"re whispering his nameThrough this disappearing landBut hidden in his coatIs a red right handYou don"t have no money?He"ll get you someYou don"t have no car?He"ll get you oneYou don"t have no self-respectYou feel like an insectWell don"t you worry buddyCause here he comesThrough the ghetto and the barrioAnd the bowery and the slumA shadow is cast wherever he standsA stack of green paper in hisRed right handYou"ll see him in your nightmaresYou"ll see him in your dreamsHe"ll appear out of nowhere butHe ain"t what he seemsYou"ll see him in your headOn the TV screenAnd hey buddy, I"m warningYou to turn it offHe"s a ghost, he"s a godHe"s a man, he"s a guruYou"re the one microscopic cogIn his catastrophic planDesigned and directed byHis red right handhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52714571

sparrow hands的中文翻译

那个,我查不到这首歌.这首歌的名字‘麻雀的手"?很奇怪,我想你要找的是不是Jack Sparrow之歌“Hands”?这首歌的原唱是Jewel(珠儿) Hands 双手 if i could tell the world just one thing 如果我只能用一件事描述这个世界 it would be that we"re all ok 那就是我们都很好 and not to worry "cause worry is wasteful 不用担心,因为担心是浪费 and useless in times like these 在这样的时光中无用 i won"t be made useless 我不会无所事事 i won"t be idle with despair我不会因绝望而懒散 i will gather myself around my faith 我会用信心重建自己 for light does the darkness most fear 因为光明是黑暗最畏惧的 RE my hands are small,i know 我的手很小,我知道 but they"re not yours,they are my own 但它不是你的,是我的 but they"re not yours,they are my own 它们不是你的,是我自己的 and i am never broken 我永远不会心碎 poverty stole your golden shoes 贫穷偷走了你的金鞋子 but it didn"t steal your laughter 但却无法偷走你的笑 and heartache came to visit me 心痛光顾我 but i knew it wasn"t ever after we"ll fight,not out of spite 我们要战斗,不是出于怨恨 for someone must stand up for what"s right 而是为了正义 "cause where there"s a man who has no voice 因为有聋哑人的地方 there ours shall go singing 我们就要歌唱 RE in the end only kindness matters 最终只有善良有意义 i will get down on my knees,and i will pray 我会跪下,只为祈祷 RE we are never broken 我们不会破灭 we are god"s eyes 我们是上帝的眼 god"s hands 上帝的手 god"s mind 上帝的想法 we are god"s eyes 我们是上帝的眼 god"s hands 上帝的手 god"s heart 上帝的心 那个参考资料里有视频.

hand 与submit如何区别

hand 可用n vt submit可用vt vi


TypeHandler写起来很容易,但是有一个很重要的点需要注意。你是否遇到过类似下面的错误:Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: 调用方法异常:java.lang.IllegalStateException: Type handler was null on parameter mapping for property "xxx". It was either not specified and/or could not be found for the javaType / jdbcType combination specified.1如果你遇到了这个问题,那么这篇博客正好适合你。如果你还没遇到,也可以避免遇到这个问题。先说错误的原因,MyBatis在查找类型的TypeHandler的时候,调用下面的方法:private <T> TypeHandler<T> getTypeHandler(Type type, JdbcType jdbcType) { Map<JdbcType, TypeHandler<?>> jdbcHandlerMap = TYPE_HANDLER_MAP.get(type); TypeHandler<?> handler = null; if (jdbcHandlerMap != null) { handler = jdbcHandlerMap.get(jdbcType); if (handler == null) { handler = jdbcHandlerMap.get(null); } } if (handler == null && type != null && type instanceof Class && Enum.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<?>) type)) { handler = new EnumTypeHandler((Class<?>) type); } // type drives generics here return (TypeHandler<T>) handler;}1234567891011121314151617一般情况下我们如果在Mapper.xml中使用的resultType,或者使用的resultMap但是resultMap的配置中没有指定特殊类型字段的jdbcType,就会出现上面的错误。从上面源码很容易能看出来,当jdbcType是null的时候:handler = jdbcHandlerMap.get(jdbcType);if (handler == null) { handler = jdbcHandlerMap.get(null);}1234jdbcHandlerMap.get(jdbcType)和jdbcHandlerMap.get(null)作用是一样的,结果都是null,因此就会报出上面提到的错误。这个错误如何解决呢?如果仅从上面错误的原因配置一个jdbcType也解决不了使用resultType时的问题。从源码handler = jdbcHandlerMap.get(null);这里可以看到,默认情况下如果有jdbcType,但是handler=null,也会尝试取出一个key为null的handler。也就是说一般情况下,我们自己配置的TypeHandler都需要有一个key=null的键值。如何设置一个null的key呢?如果你认为是枚举类型JdbcType.NULL那就错了。TypeHandler有两种设置null的方式:1. @MappedJdbcTypes注解@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)@Target(ElementType.TYPE)public @interface MappedJdbcTypes { public JdbcType[] value(); boolean includeNullJdbcType() default false;}123456该注解包含一个属性includeNullJdbcType,将该属性设置为true即可。2. xml配置首先重点说明一下:如果使用了上面的注解配置,那么在xml中的jdbcType配置不会起作用,会完全使用注解中的配置。xml配置方法很简单,那就是不要配置jdbcType属性,例如:<!-- mybatis-config.xml --><typeHandlers> <typeHandler handler="org.mybatis.example.ExampleTypeHandler"/></typeHandlers>1234这种情况下就配置了一个只有null的jdbcType。实际上大多数人可能都是这么配置的,因此都没有遇到过这个异常。

求Hayley Hutchinson-Chandelier的歌词

网上没有歌词,我听了,很好听的歌~于是我想答一下题啦(∩_∩)我英文还不错,歌词不长也不难,这是自己一个字一个字码出来的答案哦~希望你可以喜欢啦~我对自己的听力有信心,检查了符合语义~应该是对的。就算有一两处小错啦,也不妨碍理解Chandelier by Hayley HutchinsonNothing gets so nearNothing is so clear my loveLike a chandelierShining down from far aboveTurn around, I"m here I"m on the groundDown here the lights around So far downCandles have burning out fearsIn the dead of nightI was lost in blind my loveSearching for the lightSeeking guidens from aboveTurn around, I"m here I"m on the groundDown here the lights around So far downCandles have burning out fearsI"ll be the firstWon"t be the lastI see the shadows moving to the pastCome back to meOh baby please...Turn around, I"m here I"m on the groundDown here the lights around So far downCandles have burning out fears

Unhandled exception in XX.exe: 0xc00000FD; Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow 通常是死循环引起的

Is this your handbag?Yes,it is.为什么回答是it is.而不是单单Y


Usually,I (缠绕)the line around my right hand when flying a kite.

Usually,I wrap the line around my right hand when flying a kite.

Hold Onto My Hand--Matt Palmer歌词加中文翻译

Verse 1:Sometimes I fuss and I fight with you, sometimes I can act like a fool有时我跟你把小题大做,有时我就像个傻瓜But ain"t that how love suppose to go...但那并不是爱的方向Sometimes you trip and flip through my phone有时你拨通电话却不说话Don"t believe me that no one"s home, When you call me and I say不信没人在家,当你打电话给我,我说I"m alone, alone.我很孤独So disfunctional, they say we"re too emotional, they say...多么没用,他们说我们太冲动,人家总说They don"t understand, that"s what real love... feels like那是他们不懂,那就是真爱的感觉Chorus:They say we"re good in flames, and never make it gold他们说我们沉于激情,无法升华。But I know if we try then there will be love但我懂,只要我们尝试,爱就会在那里Shining on me at my end and you will still be mine永远照耀我,你会陪伴我直到生命的尽头And I"ll be your man, so girl if you can...我会成为你的男人,所以如果你可以Hold onto my hand, onto my hand握紧我的手,握紧我手Hold onto my hand, onto my hand握紧我的手,握紧我手Hold onto my hand, we"ll be flying握紧我的手,我们飞吧Hold onto my hand, if you try and握紧我的手,只要你伸出手来紧握我手Hold onto my hand...Verse 2:Love is patient but love is work and when there"s fire爱是耐心但爱也是责任,当激情燃烧You might get burned,你或许会受伤But damn I wouldn"t change a thing但她妈的我不会改变的Because the best thing inside of you因为你的内心里最美的东西Makes my everyday brand new, and I thank god everyday让我每天都焕然一新,每天我都感谢上帝For sending his angel to me...让他的天使来到我身边So disfunctional, they say we"re too emotional, they say... 多么没用,他们说我们太冲动,人家总说They don"t understand, that"s what real love feels like那是他们不懂,那就是真爱的感觉They say we"re good in flames, and never make it gold他们说我们沉于激情,无法升华。But I know if we try then there will be love但我懂,只要我们尝试,爱就会在那里Shining on me at my end and you will still be mine永远照耀我,你会陪伴我直到生命的尽头And I"ll be your man, so girl if you can...我会成为你的男人,所以女孩如果你能Hold onto my hand, onto my hand握紧我的手,握紧我手Hold onto my hand, onto my hand握紧我的手,握紧我手Hold onto my hand, we"ll be flying握紧我的手,我们飞吧Hold onto my hand, if you try and握紧我的手,只要你伸出手来紧握我手Hold onto my hand, onto my hand握紧我的手,握紧我手Hold onto my hand, onto my hand握紧我的手,握紧我手Hold onto my hand, we"ll be flying握紧我的手,我们飞吧Hold onto my hand, if you try and握紧我的手,只要你伸出手来紧握我手Hold onto my hand and save your breath cause握紧你的手,屏住呼吸Throught the fire we go, but I know how to survive我们脚踏火焰,但我知道如何逃生With you by my side有你在身边We got to fight this stronger and then they"ll ever know我们一起让爱变得更坚固,他们永远不会懂The kind of love that you cannot control...那种你不能控制的爱They say we"re good in flames, and never make it gold他们说我们沉于激情,无法升华。But I know if we try then there will be love但我懂,只要我们尝试,爱就会在那里Shining on me at my end and you will still be mine永远照耀我,你会陪伴我直到生命的尽头And I"ll be your man, so girl if you can...我会成为你的男人,所以如果你能Hold onto my hand, Hold onto my hand握紧我的手,握紧我的手。(They say we"re good in flames, and never make it gold) 他们说我们沉于激情,无法升华Hold onto my hand, Hold onto my hand握紧我的手,握紧我的手。(Shining on me and my end and you will still be mine) 永远照耀我,你会陪伴我直到生命的尽头Hold onto my hand, Hold onto my hand握紧我的手,握紧我的手。Hold onto my hand, hold onto my hand握紧我的手,握紧我的手。


toliet paper

Hand Therapy是什么意思?




Cat bad.hand 发A发音一样吗?


Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV)总商品价值量, 那总商品成交笔数英文怎么说

总商品成交笔数英文怎么说Gross Transactions Concluded on Merchandise

hands怎么读d 发音吗

ds 发【dz】有不会的再问我,如果对你有所帮助,请记得及时采纳哦!

shake hands怎么读

shake hands握手双语对照词典结果:shake hands握手; 搹; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Are you afraid to shake hands or high-five? 你是否害怕和别人握手或击掌?2.If it"s blue, everyone can shake hands with them. 如果它是蓝色的,每个人都会同他们握手。

请提供一些英语作文的连词{如on the one hand},越多越好,谢

英语连词 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 连词是一种起连接作用的词。它用来把单词;短语或句子连在一起。连词按其性质分为两大类;并列连词和从属连词。 1. 并列连词 并列连词用来连接属于同一层次并具有相同句法功能的词;短语或句子。并列连词包括:基本并列连词如 and, or , but , 关联连词如 either...or , neither...nor , not only...but also ,both ...and, whether...or 等;介于并列连词与从属连词之间的连词;介于并列连词与从属连词或介词之间的结构如 as well as , as much as, rather than , more than, no less than 等;此外还有些"半连接词",一些语法学家把它们称为连接副词,如 nevertheless, however, meanwhile, otherwise, likewise 等,它们在句中做连接性状语。这类连词主要是从逻辑上,而不是从形式上连接句子,其关系比较松散。 1) 表示意义转折和对比的并列连词 常见的有:but , while, whereas, still, yet , nevertheless, likewise, anyway , only 等。例如: The bike was quite old but in excellent condition. (转折) It never rains but it pours. (对比) 能表示上述转折概念的还有 conversely , on the contrary, by this time, all the same , fortunately, on the other hand , in the meantime 等词语。 2) 表示选择的并列连词 常见的有: or, whether...or, either...or, otherwise 等。例如: You can stay at home or go to the cinema. Heat the water, otherwise it will freeze. You may either stay here or go with us. Whether in school or at home, Jim is always cheerful. Either ...or 和 whether...or 表示选择,其意义比单用 or 要强,但由 whetrher...or 构成的并列结构一般只能担任句子的从属成分。上例中最后一句, whether...or 结构在句中担任句子的从属成分。 Either ...or 和 or 一样,可以连接两个并列的独立分句,而 whether...or 则不可以。 or 用于表示否定的条件意义时,有时可与连用。例如: Hurry up, or else you"ll miss the last bus. Or 连接主语时,如主语都是单数,动词则取单数形式;如主语都是复数,动词则取复数形式,如果主语有的是复数,动词则取复数形式,如果主语有的是单数,有的是复数,动词的数则与它靠近的主语的数相一致。例如: Either Tom or his sisters are coming. 连接两个主语时,动词的数也应与靠近他的主语的数相一致。例如: Neither he nor I am a good student. 3) 表示因果意义的并列并列连词 常见的有: for ,so ,therfore ,hence ,thus, accordingly, consepuently, on that account, in that case 等。例如: The fuel must have beeenfinished, for the engine stopped. It rained , therefore the game was called off. 表示原因的并列连词只有 for ,它所引导的分句只是对前一分句补充说明理由或推断原因。 for 引导的分句只能置于句末,而且必须用逗号与前一分句隔开。上面所提到的 so,therefore 等词,有的语法学家把它们做为连接性状语。 4) 表示联合关系的并列连词 常见的有: and, both...and, neither...nor, not only... but also 等。例如: No man ,no animal, and no house is to be found on the island. Without both money and talent, science would progress slowly. Neither the students nor the teacher has read the paper. Not only the students but also the teacher has been there. 从上述诸例可以看出,当 neither...nor, not only ...but also 连接主语时,动词的数则与靠近它的主语的数相一致。 Both ...and 不能连接两个以上的并列成分,也不能连接分句。例如: 误:Both Mary swept the floor and Nancy mopped it. 正:Mary swept the floor and Nancy mopped it. 5) 其它并列连词 常见的有: as well as, more than, rather than, no less than 等. (1) as well as 表示 "同" 和 "也" 的意义 as well as 用作并列连词时它意义相当于 not only...but also, 但侧重点在后一并列成分上而 as well as 侧重点却在前一并列成分上 ,A as well as B=not only B but also A. 例如 It is important for you as well as for me. 这件事不仅对我重要对你也很重要 (2) more than 表示而不是之意. 例如: The manager, more than the trades union, is responsible for the present impasse. 目前的僵局应由经理而不是工会负责。 (3) rather than 表示 "而不是" 之意. 例如: It was what he meant rather than what he said. I rather than he am to blame. (4) no less than 表示 " 同 ... 一样 " 之意. 例如: He no less than you is my friend. 从上述诸例可以看出当 as well as ,more than, rather than, no less than 连接两个成分作主语时谓语动词应于第一个成分的数相一致. 在使用并列连词时我们应该注意: (1) 并列连词不可以连用. 例如: 误She never said she was homesick, and but she was. 正She never said she was homesick, but she was. 误I gave him all he asked for, or but he is still not satisfied. 正I gave him all he asked for, but he is still not satisfied. (2) 有些连接性状语副词可以和某些从属连词对应使用. 例如: If the part is faulty, then replace it. Just as the sun is the central body of the solar system, so the nucleus is the core of the atom. Although it was barely four o"clock, yet the lights were already on. 但 although(though) 不能同 but 连用 如: 误Although it was barely four o"clock,but the lights were already on. 正Although it was barely four o"cloc,the lights were already on./It was barely four o"clock, but the lights were already on. (3) 在 for 或 so that 引出的分句中如果主语与前一分句的主语所指相同其主语不可以省略. 同样, 如果第二个分句是由连接副词引出的其主语通常也不可省略. 例如: 误He shook his head, for thought differently. 正He shook his head ,for he thought differently. 误They were trying to save so that could buy a house. 正They were trying to save so that they could buy a house. 2. 从属连词 从属连词用来引导名词从句和各类的状语从句。 从属连词按词形分为简单从属连词,复合从属连词,关连从属连词。 1) 简单从属连词 常见的有:after, although, as, because, before, if, lest,once, since, that, till, unless, until, when, where, whether, while 等。例如: I couldn"t get a grant unless I had five years" teaching experience. 2) 复合从属连词 由两个或两个以上单词构成的从属连词,如: as if, as far as , as soon as, according as , in case , no matter who(how,what,when, where), rather than, for all that , given( that), in order that, now (that), on condition that , (so) that ,provided/providing(that), inasmuch as , insofar as 等。例如: She was so moved that tears came to her eyes. Forgive them, inasmuch as they are young. 3) 关联从属连词 由两个关联构成的,如: as...as, nore(less,-er)...than, no sooner...than, so ...as , so...that,such...sa , the...the, whether...or 等,例如: The easier, the better. She works harder than all of us. 使用从属连词时,应该注意 (1) 由从属连词引导的状语从句,其位置通常是可变的。例 I learned a lot of French while I was in Paris. (2) 并列连词之间之前不可以加其它连词,而从属连词之前可以加并列连词;连接副词。例如: I teach not because teaching is easy for me , but because I like the pace of the academic calendar. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 使用连词时, 还应该注意: 1. because, for, since, as 的区别 because语气强, 表示客观必然原因:例如: He is absent, because he is ill. 因为生病,所以他没来。 比较:He is absent, for he is busy. (“生病”是“缺席”的必然原因,“忙”不是必然原因。) for 语气轻,表示非客观必然的原因,是主观可改变结果的原因,甚至是猜测可能的原因: He must be ill, for he is absent. “缺席”不一定是“生病”,只是交流猜测。 for 不能放句首,它是并列连词. since, as 都是不讲自明的原因, 是已知的原因. Since I am a boy, let me carry the case. As you don"t feel well,you had better stay at home. 1. 我不进去了,因为我爸爸在里面. I won"t go in .for my father is there. 2. 昨晚一定是下雨了,因为地很湿. It must have rained last night,for the ground is web. 3. 地是湿的,因为昨晚下雨了. The ground is wet, because it rained last night. 4. 因为不高兴,他不想出去了. He diden"t wanted to go out,for he was unhappy. 5. 既然你工作忙,你就不必跟我们一道去了。 Since/As you are busy, you had better not go with us. 6. 他付给我比别人少的钱,因为我是个女的. He paid me less than the others, for I"m female. 7. 他付给我比别人少的钱,仅仅因为我是个女的. He paid me less than the others, only because I"m female. 8. 既然大家都在这,我们开始开会吧. Since everybody is here,let"s begin our meeting. 2) when,while,as引导时间状语时的异同. when,表示时间点,时间段都可以.如状语是短暂动作时,多用when,是时间段时则三个连词都可以. When/While/As I was walking in the street,I met a friend of mine. 只能用when 的句型: 1. 放句中,主句是进行时,从句是短暂动作,表示这时突然 I was reading in the room, when a girl shouted for help.我正在房间看书,这时突然听到有一个女孩喊救命! 2. 从句是短暂动作:When I got up, I heard the bell ring. 当我起床的时候,我听见铃响了。 只能用while的句型: 1. 表示对立予盾的对比,这时while相当于but。 I am poor while you are rich.我很穷,你却很富有。 Tom is strong,while John is weak. 汤姆很强壮,而约翰很瘦弱。 2. 表示“趁着还来得及的时候,赶快.... 趁热打铁.Strike while it is hot. 趁着老师还在教室,你赶快去问他吧. You should go to ask the teacher while he is still in. 只能用as的句型: 1. 一边....一边...稳定的动作当从句,不稳定的动作当主句 他一边洗澡一边吹口哨. He whistled as he had a bath. 我一边看书一边听音乐. I listened to music as I read. 2.正如....所知道,预料的一样.... as 在此是关系代词,不能用which代替. 正如众所周知的一样,地球是圆的. As everybody can see, the earth is round. 正如我们预料的那样,他失败了。He failed as we had expected. 正如我们所预料的一样,中国足球队赢了印尼. As we had expected, Chinese Football Team beat Indian. 3. 随着时间的发展,某事变得...... As thirty years passed by,my mother"s hair became gray. 三十年过去了,妈妈的头发成了银色。 As morden industry develops,more and more waste produces. 随着工业的发展,垃圾制造得越来越多。 3) as 与like的区别 1. 表示象...一样时, as接从句, like 接短语 Do everything as I do. 象我一样做。 He is/looks like his mother. 他长得像他妈妈。 2. as当介词接短语时,表示作为...不是象...一样的意思.like 当动词时,是喜欢的意思,不要搞混为象... We should study as Lenin studied. 我们应该像列宁那样学习。 As a League Member,I should take everything in the lead. 作为一名团员,我应该起带头作用。 4) until I"ll not go untill the bell rings. unless 条件I"ll not go unless you go.除非你走我才走。 肯定句延续I waited untill he came 我一直等到他来。 He lived here until he was 90. 在90岁之前他一直住在这。 I didn"t leave untill he came.直到他来我才走。 短暂not until I won"t stay with you unless you drive the dog out.除非你把狗赶跑,否则我不会和你呆在一起。 5) and, but, however, yet 顺趋势自然而然发展He studied hard and became a college student. 逆趋势转折He studied hard, but failed in the exam. 中间有逗号,语气轻用however He studied hard, however,he failed in the exam. 不能用but He studied hard, yet he failed in the exam. Althought he studied hard, yet he failed in the exam.(yet可以与although,though连用,but不能。 6) 就近原则,对称原则,附加不理原则 谓语动词就最近距离主语原则: Either he or his parents (is, are) wrong. Either you or he (is, are) wrong. (Is, Are) you or he wrong? 连词后成分对称原则: Both ....and, neither....nor, not only.....but also....... She can (either sing, sing either)English songs or Chinese songs. She can (either sing, sing either)English songs or dance well. with后名词附加不影响谓语原则 He as well as his wife and daughters (like, likes) music very much. He with his sons (get, gets )up early every day. I but you (are, am)wrong.

Wash My Hands 歌词

歌曲名:Wash My Hands歌手:Meredith Brooks专辑:Blurring The EdgesJackie Boyz - Wash My Hands (Of You)Ooh OohOohh OoohI"m not the same girl, i was beforeAnd i realize, i need a changeMy heart is heavy, my legs are weakenedFrom the baggage that you brangWoahI just got a scrown?This pain awaySo you wanna be my rehab?Let it drain the past that we hadI"m so sick of all the dirty memoriesAll these pictures haunting meForcing me to therapyWashing my hands of you(washing washing my hands of you)Washing my hands of you(Washing washing my hands of you)I"m so glad that we"re throughI should"ve listened, to all my close friendsWhen they told me, you were no goodWell shame on me, twice for stayingI let this be my remedy?Woahbut I still got a scrown?My pain awaySo you wanna be my rehab?Let it drain the past that we hadI"m so sick of all the dirty memoriesAll these pictures haunting meForcing me to therapyWashing my hands of you(Washing washing my hands of you)Washing my hands of you(Washing washing my hands of you)I"m so glad that we"re throughMy chest started breakin"?The hurt started fading (away)And then thats when i knewThat"s when i knewI was through with youSo you wanna be my rehab?Let it drain the past that weekendI"m so sick of all the dirty memoriesAll these pictures haunting meForcing me to therapyWashing my hands of you(Washing washing my hands of you)Washing my hands of you(Washing washing my hands of you)I"m so glad that we"re through(Washing washing my hands of you)http://music.baidu.com/song/2642218

艺伎回忆录是不是没有那首take me hand如果有 那在第几分钟


if you had asked him beforehand

虚拟语气情境下与现在事实相反的用法是 从句:动词的过去式(be的过去式一般用were) 主句:would/ should/ could/ might + 动词原形 所以答案应为:you (should know) 或者 you (would know) 另外提供另外两种虚拟语气不同情境的用法: 与过去事实相反 : 从句 :had + 过去分词 主句 :would/ should/ could/ might + have + 过去分词 与将来事实相反 : 从句:动词过去式,should + 动词原形, 主句 :were to + 动词原形 would/ should/ could/
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