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正在转变的一代!【The Changing Generation】

[A] It turns out today"s teenagers aren"t so scary after all. 事实证明,现在的青少年一点也不可怕。 Results of USA WEEKEND"s Teens&Parents survey reveal a generation of young people who get along well with their parents and approve of the way they"re being raised. 美国周末,关于青少年和父母的调查结果显示,当今的年轻人与父母相处融洽,并且赞成父母对其的抚养方式。 They think of their parents with affection and respect. 他们对自己的父母心怀爱戴和敬意。 They speak with Mom or Dad when they have a problem. 遇到问题时,他们会向妈妈和爸爸倾诉。 Most feel that their parents understand them.and they believe their family is the No.1 priority in their parents"lives. 大多数年轻人觉得父母理解自己,并且认为父母把家庭当作生活中的第一要务。 Many even think their parents are cool!Although more than a third have an object in their rooms they would like to keep secret from their parents.rarely is it anything more alarming than a diary or off-color(低俗的) book or CD. 甚至有很多年轻人认为自己的父母很酷,尽管超过1/3的年轻人在自己的房间里藏有,想要瞒着父母的东西,但很少会有比一本日记,一本低俗的书籍或者一张CD更令人担心的东西了。 [B] Such results may seem surprising against the background of shocking incidents that color the way the mass media portray the young. 一些令人震惊的事件影响了大众媒体对年轻人的描述方式,在此背景下这样的结果似乎令人诧异。 In October 2000,the same month the survey was taken,the Washington based Center for Media and Public Affairs wrote in its publication Media Monitor that,in a recent month of TV news coverage of American youth,just 2%of teens were shown at home,and just 1%were portrayed in a work setting. 2000年10月,即此项调查开展之时,总部位于华盛顿媒体,与公众事务中心在其出版物,媒体监督员中写道,在近一个月内,关于美国青年的电视新闻报道中,仅有2%的青少年出现在家里,1%的青少年出现在工作环境中。 In contrast,the criminal justice system accounted for nearly one out of every lave visual backgrounds. 相反,刑事司法系统出现在报道画面中的比例接近1/5. No wonder parents worry their own kids might spin out of control once they hit the turbulent waters of adolescence. 这样看来,父母担心自己的孩子一旦进入青春动荡期就会失去控制,也不足为奇。 [C] The overall facts ought to reassure us. 所有的事实理应消除我们的疑虑。 The survey shows us that today"s teens are affectionate.sensible and tar happier than the angry and tortured souls that have been painted for us by stereotypes. 这项调查表明,当今的青少年富有爱心,通情达理,且远比我们刻板印象中所描述的暴躁和扭曲形象要快乐。 From other sources,we also know teenage crime,drug abuse and premarital sex are in general decline. 我们从其他途径,得知青少年犯罪吸毒和婚前性行为的现象也在普遍减少。 We of course,need to pay attention to youngsters who are filled with discontent and hostility,but we should not allow these extreme cases to distort our view of most young people. 当然我们需要关注那些充满不满和敌视情绪的年轻人,但我们不应该让这些极端的事件扭曲了我们对大多数年轻人的看法。 [D] My own research at the Stanford Center on Adolescence uses in.depth interviews with small samples of youngsters rather than large‘scale surveys. 我个人在斯坦福青少年中心的研究,采用了对小范围年轻人进行深度访谈的方式,而非大规模的调查。 Still,in my studies and others I have read,I find the same patterns as in USA WEEKEND"s survey. 然而我在自己的研究以及阅读过的其他研究中,都发现了与美国周末的调查相同的结果。 Today"s teenagers admire their parents and welcome parental guidance about important matters such as career choice—though certainly not Morn and Dad"s advice on matters of personal taste,such as music or fashion. 当今的青少年都敬佩自己的父母,并且愿意接受父母对于重要事项的指导,例如职业选择,但是肯定不包括父母对个人品位的建议,例如音乐或者时尚。 When we ask teens to choose a hero,they usually select an older family member rather than a remote public figure. 当我们要求青少年选择一位英雄时,他们通常选定的是一位家族长辈,而不是一个关系疏远的公众人物。 Most teens say they enjoy the company of both parents and friends. 大多数青少年都表示,他们享受父母和朋友的陪伴。 [E] Contrary to some stereotypes,most adolescents believe they must be tolerant of differences among individuals(though they do not always find this easy in the cliquish(拉帮结派的)environment of high school). 与某些传统看法相反,大多数青少年都认为他们必须容忍个体之间的差异(尽管他们发现在高中流行拉帮结派的环境中很难做到这一点)。 Many of them volunteer for community service with disadvantaged people. 很多青少年自愿在社区服务中帮助弱势群体。 One prevalent quality we have round in teens"statements about themselves,their friends and their families is a strikingly positive emotional tone. 从青少年关于他们自己,他们的朋友以及他们的家庭的描述中,我们发现一个普遍特性是一种非常积极的情感基调。 By and large,these are very nice kids,and as the band The Who used to sing,“The kids are alright.” 总的来说这些都是好孩子,正如谁人乐队曾唱的那样,孩子们都很好。 [F] How much is today"s sprat of harmony a change from our more turbulent past? 当今的这种和谐精神,有多少是源自我们更加动荡的过去的改变? A mere generation ago,parent-child relations were described as“the generation gap”. 仅仅在一代人之前,父母和孩子之间的关系还被描述成代沟。 Yet even then reports of widespread youth rebellion were overdone:Most kids in the‘60s and‘70s shared their parents"basic values. 然而,即使在那个时期,对于普遍青春期叛逆的报道也言过其实。六七十年代的大部分孩子都和父母具有相同的基本价值观。 Still.it is true that American families are growing closer at the dawn of this new millennium(千年). 而且在新千年来临之际,美国家庭成员间的关系也在逐渐变得更近。 Perhaps there is less to fight about,with the country in a period of tranquility and the dangers of drug abuse and other unwholesome behavior well known. 由于国家处于和平时期,吸毒和其他不健康的行为的危害已广为人知,或许可以引发斗争的东西变得更少了。 Perhaps in the face of impersonal and intimidating globalization,a young person"s family feels more like a friendly haven than an oppressive trap. 在面临缺乏人情味且令人生畏的全球化冲击时,家庭对于年轻人而言,或许更像是友好的避风港,而非压抑的牢笼。 And perhaps parents are acting more like parents than in the recent past 与不久前相比,现在的父母也许更有父母的样子了。 within just the past five years.I have noticed parents returning to a belief that teenagers need the guidance of elders rather than the liberal.“anything goes” mode of child—rearing that became popular in the second half of the 20th century. 仅仅在过去的5年内,我们就注意到父母重拾了一个观念,青少年们需要长辈的指导,而不需要流行于20世纪下半叶“怎样都行”的,放任自由型抚养方式。 [G] But missing from all these data is the sense that today"s young care very much about their country,about the broader civic and political environment,or about the future of their society. 但所有的这些数据都不能体现一件事,即当代的年轻人非常关心他们的祖国,关心更广阔的城市和政治环境以及所处社会的未来。 They seem to be turning inward—generally in a pro。social manner,certainly with positive benefits for intimate relationships. but too often at the expense of a connection with the present and future world beyond,including the society they will one day inherit. 他们似乎正向内聚焦,以一种亲社会的方式,当然,这样有利于亲密的人际关系,但通常是以牺牲与现实或者与遥远的未来世界(包括他们某天将会接管的社会)的联系为代价。 [H] Recently,we examined more than 400 essays on the“laws of life”that teens from two communities had written as part of an educational program initiated by the John Templeton Foundation in Radnor,Pa.In those essays,and in follow—up Interviews with a few of the teenagers,we found lots of insight.positive feeling and inspirational thinking.But we also found little interest in civic life beyond the tight circles of their family and immediate friends. [I] For example,only one boy said he would like to be president when he grows up.When I was in high school,dozens in my class alone would have answered differently.In fact,other recent studies have found there has never been a time in American history when so small a proportion of young people have sought or accepted leadership roles In local civic organizations.It is also troubling that voting rates among our youngest eligible voters-18-to 24-year-olds are way down:Little more than one in four now go to the polls,even in national elections,compared with almost twice that many when 18-year-olds were first given the vote. [J] In our interviews,many students viewed politics with suspicion and distaste.“Most politicians are kind of crooked(不诚买的),”one student declared.Another,discussing national politics.said.“I feel 1ike one person can"t do that much,and I get the impression most people don"t think a group of people can do that much.”Asked what they would like to change in the world,the students mentioned only personal concerns such as slowing down the pace of life,gaining good friends,becoming more spiritual, becoming either more materially successful or less materially oriented(depending on the student"s values),and being more respectful of the Earth,animals and other people.One boy said,“I"d rather be concentrating on artistic efforts than saving the world or something.” [K] It is fine and healthy for teens to cultivate their personal interests,and it is good news when young people enjoy harmonious relations with their family and friends.But there is also a place in a young life for noble purposes that include a dedication to the broader society,a love of country and an aspiration to make their own leadership contributions. [L]In the past,the young have eagerly participated in national service and civic affairs,often with lots of energy and idealism.If this is not happening today,we should ask why.Our society needs the full participation of its younger citizens if it is to continue to thrive.We know the promise is there—this is a well.grounded,talented,warm-hearted group of youngsters.We have everything to gain by encouraging them to explore the world beyond their immediate experience and to prepare themselves for their tum at shaping that world. 36.Not many young people eligible for voting are interested in local or national elections these days. 37.Parents are concerned that their children may get involved in criminal offences once they reach their teens. 38.Even during the turbulent years of last century,youth rebellion was often exaggerated in the media. 39.Teenagers of today often tum to their parents for advice on such important matters as career choice. 40.The incidence of teenage crime and misbehavior is decreasing nowadays. 41 Young people should have lofty ideals in life and strive to be leaders. 42.Some young people like to keep something to themselves and don"t want their parents to know about it. 43.It is beneficial to encourage young people to explore the broader world and get ready to make it a better place. 44.Many teenagers now offer to render service to the needy. 45.Interviews with students find many of them are only concerned about personal matters. ——摘自2016年6月英语六级真题第三套 参考答案: 36 [I]【译文】如今很多符合资格的年轻选民对地方选举或者全国大选不感兴趣。 【定位解析】根据 eligible for voting 和 national elections 查找到 I 段最后一句,该句提到最年轻的(18 至 24 岁)合格选民的投票率非常低。即使是全国大选,他们之中也只有稍多于四分之一的人会去投票。题目的 young people eligible for voting 对应原文中的 youngest eligible voters,而 national elections 则为文中原词复现,故本题答案为 I 段。 37[B]【译文】父母担心自己的孩子在步入青少年时期后会卷入刑事犯罪中。 【定位解析】根据 concerned, criminal offences 以及 reach their teens,可查找到 B 段最后两句。这两句提到在跟年轻人有关的电视新闻画面中,有 20%与刑事案件有关,父母总是担心自己的小孩到了青春叛逆期会变得难以管控,题目是该处原文的同义表达。本题中的 criminal offences 对应原文的 criminal justice system, concern 对应原文的 worry,而 once they reach their teens 则是 once they hit the turbulent waters of adolescence 的同义转述,故本题答案为 B 段。 38 [F]【译文】即使在上世纪动荡不安的年代里,年轻人的反叛也经常被媒体描述得太夸张。 【定位解析】根据 youth rebellion 和 exaggerated 可查找到 F 段第 3 句。该句提到,即使在当时,所谓的“大规模的年轻人叛逆”也被媒体报道夸大了。本题的 exaggerated 是原文 overdone 的同义表达(overdo 意为“对……过于夸张”),youth rebellion 则为原词复现,所以 F 段为正确答案。 39[D]【译文】现在的青少年经常在一些重要的事情上,比如说选择职业时,征求父母的建议。 【定位解析】根据题目中的 turn to their parents for advice 和 career choice 可查找到 D 段第 3 句。该句提到,现在的青少年很钦佩他们的父母,也很乐于在一些重大的事情上,比如在选择职业时,接受父母的引导。题目是该处原文的同义表述,turn to their parents for advice 对应原文的 welcome parental guidance,而 career choice 为原词复现,故本题答案为 D 段。 40 [C]【译文】青少年犯罪和品行不端的现象正在减少。 【定位解析】根据题目中的 teenage crime 和 decreasing 查找到 C 段第 3 句。该句提到,犯罪、药物滥用和婚前性行为这些现象在青少年群体中普遍都有所减少。本题中的 decreasing 是原文 in general decline 的同义转述,misbehavior 是对原文 drug abuse and premarital sex 的概括,而 teenage crime 为原词复现,题目正是对该句原文的同义表述,所以 C 段为正确答案。 41[K]【译文】年轻人要有崇高的理想,要力争成为领导者。 【定位解析】根据 lofty ideals 和 leaders,查找到 K 段第 2 句。该句指出,年轻人也应当要有一些崇高的目标,包括愿意为这个更广大的社会做出贡献、热爱国家、心怀成为未来领导者的远大抱负。题目中的 lofty ideals 是原文 noble purposes 的同义转述,strive to be leaders 对应文中的 make their own leadership contributions,故 K 段为正确答案。 42 [A]【译文】有些年轻人会把某些东西藏起来不让父母发现。 【定位解析】根据 keep some to themselves 查找到 A 段末句。该句指出,虽然有超过三分之一的青少年会在房间里藏一些不想让父母发现的东西,但也不过就是些低俗的刊物或者 CD 罢了。题目中的 keep some to themselves 是对原文 keep secret from their parents 的同义转述,故选 A 段。 43 [L]【译文】鼓励年轻人探索更广阔的世界并为将世界变得更美好而做好准备,这是有益的。 【定位解析】根据题目中的 encourage、explore、world 可查找到 L 段的最后一句。该句指出,鼓励年轻人探索超越直接经验的世界,让他们为改变世界而做好准备,我们会有无穷的收获。题目中的 It is beneficial 是对文中 We have everything to gain 的同义转述,explore the broader world 和原文中的 explore the world beyond their immediate experience 对应,make it a better world 即原文中的 shaping that world,故正确答案为 L 段。 44 [E]【译文】现在很多青少年都会为需要帮助的人提供服务。 【定位解析】根据 service 和 the needy 查找到 E 段第 2 句。该句指出,很多青少年都会自愿参加帮助弱势群体的社区服务。题目中的 the needy 是原文 disadvantaged people 的同义替换,故答案为 E 段。 45[J]【译文】采访发现,学生基本都只关注自己的事。 【定位解析】根据题目中的 Interviews 和 personal matters 查找到 J 段第 4 句。J 段讲到被采访的学生的反馈,当被问及想有什么改变时,学生们都只提到了跟自身有关的事,即只关注自己的事。题目正是对此处的同义概括,personal matters 是原文 personal concerns 的同义表达,故正确答案为 J 段。

making no changes at all为什么填maki


求犬夜叉片头曲CHANGE THE world 的翻译文!超急!!


谁有犬夜叉里面的chang the world 的平假名或罗马字的歌词

中文注音行吗?I want to change the world 卡塞我卡克噜克逮 那你我哦诉诶阻你 以马邮屋克都 凯卡k偶卡克那奶态 change my mind 就奈阻它诶撒阻你 打开那你眯哇内诶 逮我k哇塞卡 卡它噎开噜哈阻撒 It"s wonderland 那你欧擞啦都它啊搭 那你开欧一逮克搭 克眯哇 妈有理啦嘎啦 撒那西阻阻开噜 克眯我都开那噜那逮搭 啊宿k你诶搭以邮 那你我 新嗯集打来阻 克眯k五撒孤 克眯你逮啊诶 搭都克 欧嗯都欧我 以把修眯阻克搭 那你诶那呀撒西撒嘎 欧抠眯那啊逮 欧哭那没咋没噜 I want to change the world 眯k抠妈有哇那一 克眯都一噜眯那一 打打气谋k打 斗抠妈逮谋抠美噜撒 change my mind 就内阻它噎撒阻你 西那那一眯啊搭诶 阻把撒克k逮 卡卡巴开噜哈阻撒 It"s wonderland 欧哭啦妈欧那气塞卡一我 呕邮理阻阻开逮噜 那那以 k美卡一诶 口k噜妈逮 克眯那呕那机屋哇屋 开卡诶逮 撒撒一啊诶噜邮 那起k哇那新卡嗯机 眯阻卡逮噜 抠楼抠修眯以噜 I want to change the world 抠楼忒怕啦撒阻你 眯妈谋理抠理我 屋k抠眉打那 那嗯打啊打逮克噜哈阻 change my mind 一都理一撒塞那一 眯嗯那它口眯一噜 口五那口都我 阻克那开搭一都我 It"s wonderland I want to change the world 卡塞我卡克噜克逮 那你我哦诉诶阻你 以马邮屋克都 凯卡k偶卡克那奶态 change my mind 就奈阻它诶撒阻你 打开那你眯哇内诶 逮我k哇塞卡 卡它噎开噜哈阻撒 It"s wonderland 注意:克都念kei

Change The World的日文歌词

I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD疾风(かぜ)を駆(か)け抜(ぬ)けて何(なに)も恐(おそ)れずに いま勇気(ゆうき)と 笑颜(えがお)のカケラ抱(だ)いてCHANGE MY MIND情热(じょうねつ)たやさずに高鸣(たかな)る未来(みらい)へ 手(て)を伸(の)ばせば 辉(かがや)けるはずさ IT"S WONDERLAND灰色(はいいろ)の空(そら)の彼方(かなた) 何(なに)か置(お)いてきた 君(きみ)は迷(まよ)いながら捜(さが)し続(つず)ける君(きみ)の心(こころ)震(ふる)えてた 明日(あす)の见(み)えない夜(よ) 何(なに)も信(しん)じられず 耳(みみ)を塞(ふさ)ぐ君(きみ)に出逢(であ)えたとき 本当(ほんとう)の居场所(いばしょ)见(み)つけた何気(なにげん)ない优(やさ)しさがここにあって 仆等(ぼくら)目覚(めざ)めるI WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD二度(にど)と迷(まよ)わない君(きみ)といる未来(みらい) 形(かたち)どれば 何処(どこ)までも飞(と)べるさCHANGE MY MIND情热(じょうねつ)たやさずに知(し)らない明日(あした)へ 翼(つばさ)ひろげ 羽(は)ばたけるはずさIT"S WONDERLAND仆等(ぼくら)は同(おんあ)じ世界(せかい)を 泳(およ)ぎ続(つず)けてる 互(たが)いの愿(ねが)いへ届(とど)く日(ひ)までみんな同(おな)じ不安(ふあん)抱(かか)えて 支(ささ)えあえるよ立(た)ち止(と)まる瞬间(しゅんかん)に 见(み)つめてる この场所(ばしょ)にいるI WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLDこの手(て)离(はな)さずに见守(みなも)る瞳(ひとみ)を 受(う)け止(と)めたら 何(なん)だって出来(でき)るはずCHANGE MY MIND孤独(ひとり)にさせないみんなここにいる どんな事(こと)も 突(つ)き抜(つきぬ)けていこうIT"S WONDERLAND I want to change the worldKa ze o Ka ke nu ke teNa ni mo O so re zu ni,i ma Yu u ki to E ga o no Ka ke ra Da i teChange my mindJo u ne tsu Ta ya sa zu niTa ka na ru Mi ra i ete o No ba se baka ga ya ke ru ha zu saIt"s wonderlandHa i i ro no so ra no Ka na taNa ni ka O i te ki taKi mi wa Ma yo i na ga ra Sa ga shi tsu zu ke ruKi mi no Ko ko ro Fu ru e te taA su no Mi e na i yoNa ni mo Shi n ji ra re zu Mi mi o Fu sa guKi mi ni De a e ta to ki Ho n to u noI ba sho Mi tsu ke taNa ni ge na i Ya sa shi sa ga ko ko ni A t tebo ku ra Me za me ruI want to change the worldNi do to Ma yo wa na iKi mi to i ru Mi ra iKa ta chi Do re ba do ko ma de mo To be ru saChange my mindJou ne tsu Ta ya sa zu niShi ra na i a shi ta e Tsu ba sa Hi ro keHa ba ta ke ru ha zu saIt"s wonderlandBo ku ra wa O na ji Se ka i oO yo gi Tsu zu ke te ruTa ga i no Ne ga i e To do ku hi ma deMi n na O na ji Fu a n Ka ka e te Sa sa e A e ru yoTa chi To ma ru Shu n ka n niMi tsu me te ru ko no Ba sho ni i ruI want to change the worldko no Te Ha na sa zu niMi ma mo ru Hi to mi oU ke to me ta ra Na n Da t te de ki ru ha zuChange my mindHi to ri ni Sa se na i Mi n na ko ko ni i rudo n na ko to moTsu ki nu ke te I ko woIt"s wonderlandI want to change the worldKa ze o Ka ke nu ke teNa ni mo O so re zu ni,I ma Yu u ki to E ga o no Ka ke ra Da i teChange my mindJou ne tsu Ta ya sa zu niTa ka na ru Mi ra i eTe o No ba se baKa ga ya ke ru ha zu saIt"s wonderland

Change the world的歌词

发音版 Fukai fukai mori no oku ni ima mo kitto Okizari ni ****a kokoro kaku****eru yo Sagasu hodo no chikara mo naku tsukarehateta Hitobito wa eien no yami ni kieru Chisai mama nara kitto ima demo mieta kana Bokutachi wa ikiru hodo ni Naku****eku sukoshi zutsu Itsu wariya uso o matoi Tachisukumu koe mo naku Aoi aoi sora no iro mo kizukanai mama Sugiteyuku mainichi ga kawatteyuku Tsukurareta wakugumi o koe ima o ikite Sabitsuita kokoro mata ugokidasu yo Toki no rizumu o shireba mo ichido toberu darou Bokutachi wa samayoinagara Ikiteyuku doko made mo Shinjiteru hikari motome Arukidasu kimi to ima Bokutachi wa ikiru hodo ni Naku****eku sukoshi zutsu Itsu wariya uso o matoi Tachisukumu koe mo naku Bokutachi wa samayoinagara Ikiteyuku doko made mo Furikaeru Michi o tozashi Aruiteku eien ni Tachisukumu koe mo naku ikiteyuku eien ni

Change The World的译文

I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD穿越烈风毫不畏惧现在抱着勇气和笑容的碎片CHANGE MY MIND热情不会熄灭向令人激动的未来 伸出双手定会闪耀光芒 IT"S WONDERLAND在灰色天空的那方 好象有着什么你迷茫地不断找寻你的心在颤抖 在看不到明天的夜晚塞上耳朵 什么也不相信在和你相遇的时候找到了我的归宿无意的温柔就在这里让我们觉醒I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD不会再次迷惑想象和你在一起的未来中我们能走遍天涯海角CHANGE MY MIND热情不会熄灭向往着未知的明天展翅飞翔 IT"S WONDERLAND我们在相同的世界里不停游动直到相互的愿望实现大家都抱着相同的不安 相互支持在停下来的瞬间发现就在这里I WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD这双手不会离开停止了守望的双眼什么都可能发生CHANGE MY MIND不让你孤独大家都在这里 没有什么事情让我们停止脚步IT"S WONDERLANDI WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD穿越烈风毫不畏惧现在抱着勇气和笑容的碎片CHANGE MY MIND热情不会熄灭向令人激动的未来 伸出双手定会闪耀光芒 IT"S WONDERLAND

change the world的歌词中文谐音???????????

V6-change the worldI want to change the worldKa ze o Ka ke nu k eteNa ni mo O so re zu ni,i ma Yu u ki to E ga o no Ka ke ra Dai teChange my mindJou ne tsu Ta ya sa zu niTa ka na ru Ni rai ete o No ba se baKa ga ya ke ru ha zu saIt"s wonderlandHai I ro no so ra no Ka na taNa ni ka O i te ki taKi mi wa Ma yo i na ga ra Sa ga*su zu ke ruKi mi no Ko ko ro Fu ru e te taA su no Mi e nai yoNa ni mo Shi n ji ra re zu Mi mi o Fu sa guKi mi ni De a ta to ki Hou n tou noI ba sho Mi tsu ke taNa ni ge nai Ya sa shi sa ga ko ko ni A ttebo ku ra Me za me ruI want to change the worldNi do to Ma yo wa na iKi mi to i ru Mi ra iKa tachi Do re ba do ko ma de mo To be ru saChange my mindJou ne tsu Ta ya sa zu niShi ra na A****a si a e Tu ba s a Hi ro geHa ba ta ke ru ha zu saIt"s wonderlandBo ku ra wa On a ji Se ka i oO yo gi Tsu zu ke te ruTa ga i no Ne ga i e To do ku ki ma deMi n na O na ji Fu a n Ka ka e te Sa sa e A e ru yoTa chi Do ma ru Shu n ka n niMi tsu me te ru ko no Ba sho ni i ruI want to change the worldko no Te Ha na sa zu niMi ma mo ru Hi to mi oU ke to me ta raNa n Da tte de ki ru ha zuChange my mindHi to ri ni Sa se na i Mi n na ko ko ni i rudo n na ko to moTsu ki nu ke te I do woIt"s wonderlandI want to change the worldKa ze o Ka ke nu ke teNa ni mo O so re zu ni,I ma Yu u ki to E ga o no Ka ke ra Dai teChange my mindJou ne tsu Ta ya sa zu niTa ka na ru Mi ra i eTe o No ba se baKa ga ya ke ru ha zu saIt"s wonderland这还有http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/33150716.html

a new moon is hanging in the sky

D (a)new moon 是新月的意思,如果没有new,则指月亮,就用the moon is hanging……

What changes in the marketing environment does the Schwab marketing effort reflect

The establishment of customer satisfaction, value, and the preservation of the market hot ---- Charles Schwab Charles Schwab discount brokerage was set up, named after him in 1974. The company"s low-cost investment products are based on the traditional aversion of the Charles Schwab brokers, who he labeled "the insider selling of information, always trying to let me buy the product or investment", until 1993, the broker Charles Schwab has been instructions do not provide investment advice, but publicly available research users Morningstar Poor"sor Standard & Poor"s. Schwab to benefit from the prosperity of online transactions. As early as in any traditional brokerage firms that move e-commerce in 1997, Schwab was the first discount brokerage firms offer online trading. It provides online trading 29.95 U.S. dollars in the first 1.000 shares, and each transaction costs, more than 100 U.S. dollars. To start in 1995, online trading accounted for 85% implementation of all walks of life Schwab in 2001 years ago. The company"s retail assets grew by three to one trillion U.S. dollars, almost at the same time, in league with the nation"s largest brokerage. From 1997 to 2000, average daily trading rose 183 points, 112 per cent profit increase in the time limit. Charles Schwab"s marketing activities to help the company become a household name in the same transactions on the Internet. Early use of real financial advertising customers and employees to identify personal ads, in 1999, the company"s celebrity spokesman for the military to provide comprehensive services to advertise their online investment services. Featured sports stars humorous advertising, such as the football player Shannon Sharpe, and tennis star Anna Kournikova in a guest role, Schwab customers who surprised the rival"s knowledge of investment principles. Heading differences contribute to the strengthening of Schwab"s online brokerage only: "We have created a smart investment, we have established a more smart investors," these ads as part of the Charles Schwab 2:00 u3007 u3007 billion dollars in 1999 marketing budget. In 2001, as a slowdown in online transactions, with the collapse of the dot-com bubble, Schwab sought to expand its business customers with more services, rather than relying on a large number of low-cost promotion of industry revenue, Schwab began to focus on the provision of Investment Consulting, its customers. Brokers in the new offices on the Schwab financial consultants from their clients to seek investment in skills and other service charges. Schwab also provides equity research considered proprietary customers. Industry experts expect that the new service will be to rewrite the role of Schwab more similar to the traditional brokerage firm. Schwab before the implementation of the forecast, "Schwab will be a lot closer than that of Schwab, Merrill Lynch yesterday." Source: John Gorman, "Charles Schwab, version 4.0," Forbes January 8, 2001, pp.89 - 85. Brown and Ken Charles Gasparino, "Schwab"s stock in their online transactions are moved to" The Wall Street Journal, June 19, 2001, p.A1. Rebecca Buckman and Catherine Kranhold, "Schwab, the supply of sports-themed ad," The Wall Street Journal, August 30, 1999, p.B9 1. Changing market environment is reflected in Schwab marketing efforts? How to effectively market demand is expected to Schwab? 2.Draw recent economic development, is expected to change in the future may be for Schwab, consider what the past and future events may have a significant impact on its future mode of operation.

change 和 variation有什么区别



variation 是不同种类.一般用来表现多样性 change就是变化.

英文改错,急!急!急! Dear Sir. How are you?As a exchange student.I am writing to tell yo...



fluctuations n. 变化;变动;变化的程度,数字或总数无规律的上下浮动Prices are subject to variation.variations n. 波动;变动;动摇数量,或水平等变动,通常有一定的范围fluctuations in policy 政策变动 climatic fluctuations 气候变化 change v. 改变,更改,使变化change the law

on Zhongshan Road和 in Shanghai street

on Zhongshan Roadin Shanghai street两者只是表达形式不同,意思大致相同on the road=in the street硬要说不一样就是road比较宽泛地指马路,大道。而street指街,街道。所以road用介词on,而street用in。


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hang英音:[h0307]美音:[h0307] 及物动词 vt. 1. 把...挂起 He hung his coat on the hook. 他把衣服挂在钩子上。 2. (hanged;hanged)绞死;吊死 The man was hanged for murder. 那男子因谋杀罪被处绞刑。 3. 悬挂展出(画作等)[H] His pictures were hung in the Museum of Modern Arts. 他的画在现代艺术馆展出。 4. 贴(糊墙纸等) 5. 安装(活动的东西) 6. (用悬挂的东西)装饰 The wall was hung with tapestry. 墙上装饰着挂毯。 7. 垂下 The boy hung his head in shame. 这男孩羞愧地低下了头。 8. (用于诅咒语中)该死 Hang it! I forgot her telephone number. 真该死!我把她的电话号码忘了。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 悬挂,吊着[Q] The curtains hang well. 窗帘挂得很好。 2. 垂下,披下[Q] Her hair hung down on her shoulders. 她的头发披在肩上。 3. (hanged;hanged)被绞死;被吊死 He hanged for murder. 他因谋杀罪被绞死。 4. (门扇等)被安装 A door hangs on its hinges. 门安装在铰链上。 5. 逗留;徘徊 I hung about for an hour, but he didn"t come. 我等了一个小时,但他没有来。 名词n. 1. 悬挂方式;下垂[the S] The hang of the curtains showed that somebody was standing behind them. 窗帘悬挂的样子表明有人站在后面。 2. 【口】做法;用法;诀窍[the S] Don"t worry! You"ll soon get the hang of it. 别担心!你很快就学会的。

夯(hang), 是什么意思呢?

夯 拼音:bèn hāng 部首:大,部外笔画:2,总笔画:5五笔86:DLB  五笔98:DER  仓颉:KKS  笔顺编号:13453  四角号码:40427  UniCode:CJK 统一汉字 U+592F基本字义● 夯hāngㄏㄤˉ◎ 砸地基用的工具:木~。蛤蟆~。打~。◎ 用夯砸:~土。~实。◎ 方言,用力打:拿棍子~。其它字义● 夯bènㄅㄣˋ◎ 同“笨”。汉英互译◎ 夯rammer   tamper   ram   poundEnglish◎ heavy load, burden; lift up详细字义◎ 夯 bèn〈形〉(1) 同“笨”。笨拙 [stupid]小儿蠢夯,自幼失学。——《儒林外史》(2) 又如:夯汉(干粗笨体力活的人);夯货(笨货;蠢人)(3) 另见 hāng基本词义◎ 夯 hāng〈名〉(会意。从大,从力。表示劳动时需要出大气力。本义:劳动中使劲时发出的呼声。引申筑实地基的工具)同引申义 [ramming tool;rammer;punner]。如:用夯筑堤词性变化◎ 夯 hāng〈动〉(1) 用重物把地或其他粒状材料砸密实 [ram]。如:把土夯实;夯硪(砸压)(2) 〈方〉∶用力猛击 [pun]。如:举起拳头向下夯(3) 用力扛东西 [shoulder]夯,大用力以肩举物。——《字汇》自家闺阁中物,不肯放下,反累及他人担夯,无乃大劳乎!——明· 净善集《禅林宝训》(4) 捞取 [fish for;gain]。如:夯市(纵兵大闹街市)(5) 充胀,胀满 [swell]有口难言,气夯破胸脯。——元· 王实甫《西厢记》(6) 另见 bèn常用词组◎ 夯歌 hānggē[rammers" work chant] 打夯时一人领唱、众人和唱的歌◎ 夯具 hāngjù(1) [punner]∶用来打夯的工具(2) [rammer]∶用动力推动某些东西(如石块、垃圾、泥土)的工具(3) [tamper]∶捣固混凝土的工具◎ 夯实 hāngshí[tamp;pun] 捣实把土夯实是打地基的重要一环康熙字典【丑集下】【大字部】 夯 【字汇】呼讲切,近壑上声。人用力以坚举物。【禅林宝训】黄龙南和尚曰:昔同文悦游湖南,见衲子担笼行脚者。悦呵曰:自家闺阁中物,不肯放下,反累及他人担夯。一曰北音读如抗。引申很夯,超夯:很红,超红。现在台湾综艺节目流行说夯了,意思是红了。








hang在一些固定搭配里可以做连系动词,表示主语“悬挂”的状态,hang loose表示垂下来,主语处于“松”的状态,希望我能帮助你解疑释惑.


读音不一样,意思也不一样的行 háng1. 行列:罗列成~。行2.兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?3.人物排列的次序,水平(横)的称行,垂直(竖)的称列。4.量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。5.某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。6.行业:同~。各~各业。7、行纪人专门代替委托人买卖货物的固定场所,常代销、代购,如鱼行、粮食行。8、.用长的针脚成行地连缀:~棉袄。~几针。行 xíng1. 走:~走。~动。步~。旅~。~踪。~百里者半九十。~云流水(喻自然不拘泥)。~远自迩。2. 行走的(人或事物)。名词。江南靖士《勤奋河边秋行》诗:“沿流赏爱行边树,风起萧萧叶半黄。”3.出外时用的:~装。~箧。~李。4.流通,传递:~销。风~一时。5.从事:进~,实~。行人、行走行刺:(用武器)暗杀6.行姓,姓氏。


hang的过去式: hung、hanged。v.悬( hang的过去式和过去分词 ); (被)绞死; 贴; 逗留。hang的过去式hung 表示“悬挂,中断”,例如:He hung a map on the wall yesterday.他昨天在墙上挂了一幅地图.hang 的过去式hanged 表示“绞死,吊死”,例如:He was hanged for murder.他因杀人而被处以绞刑.hanged和hung的造句:1. He hanged himself two hours after arriving at a mental hospital.在到精神病医院两小时后他就上吊自杀了。2. At nine the next morning Bentley was pinioned, hooded and hanged.次日上午9点,本特里被捆住双臂、戴上头罩,然后绞死了。3. The five were expected to be hanged at 7 am on Tuesday.那5个人将在周二早上7点被施以绞刑。4. He was hanged for his crimes.他因犯罪而被处绞刑.5. The criminal was hanged.那个罪犯被绞死.6. A mirror hung on a nail above the washstand.脸盆架上方用钉子挂着一面镜子。


hangvt. 悬挂; (被) 绞死; 贴,装饰; 使悬而未决; vi. 悬垂; 被吊死; 附属,依靠; 悬而未决; n. 悬挂的样子; (动作的) 暂停; 〈口〉大意,要点; 〈口〉做法,诀窍;同义词 fly 挂












hang on 坚持下去;不挂断;握住不放hang out 挂出;闲逛hang up 挂断电话;搁置,拖延没那么多了祝你学习进步望采纳(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……我是达人不懂请追问哦








hang on坚持下去;不挂断;握住不放hang out挂出;闲逛hang up挂断电话;搁置,拖延get the hang of得知……的窍门;熟悉某物的用法;理解某事,摸清概况;鉴赏hang seng香港恒生股票指数;香港恒生银行hang out with与…出去玩;与…闲逛hang around闲荡;徘徊go hang不再关心;被忘却hang in there[口]坚持下去hang seng index恒生指数hang together符合,一致;同心协力;结合在一起hang loose◎悬空,摇晃◎[美国、加拿大俚语]放松,不急不躁[美国俚语]保持平静(或镇静),不慌;放宽心,放松:◎宽松的垂下;(头发)披散◎保持镇静;松弛;不紧张hang over笼罩;威胁;被遗留下hang seng bank恒生银行hang down[美俚]阴茎hang from从…悬挂hang in the balance安危未定hang onto依附;继续保留;紧紧抓住hang around with(和某人)厮混;(在某处)闲荡hang fire发射不出;迟疑不决











hang 的中文意思是什么,它的过去式是什么?


英文hang 的意思

hang: [ h0307 ] n. 悬挂,吊死 v. (hanged,hanged) 悬挂,绞死,逗留 [ 过去式hung 过去分词hung 现在分词hanging 第三人称单数hangs ] 例句与用法1. You may hang your coat on the hook. 你可以把外套挂在钩子上。 2. He hanged himself in sorrow after his wife died. 妻子死后,他因悲伤而自缢。 3. The dog"s tongue was hanging out. 这条狗把舌头伸在外面。 4. He can go hang for all I care. 见他的鬼吧,我才不在乎哩。 5. He was hanged for murder. 他因犯谋杀罪而被处以绞刑。 6. The rooms were hung with tapestries. 这些房间都装饰著挂毯。 7. Hang it all, they hardly know each other! 真见鬼,他们彼此不太认识。


hang hung hung 悬挂hang hanged hanged 绞死


hang过去式:hung,hanged。hang,作动词译为“悬挂,垂下;装饰;绞死;使悬而未决;悬着,垂下;被绞死;悬而不决”。 hang基本含义 v.悬挂;吊;垂下;垂落;(使)低垂,下垂 n.(衣服、织物等的)悬挂方式,下垂 第三人称单数:hangs 现在分词:hanging 过去式:hung,hanged 过去分词:hung,hanged hang双语例句 Where should I hang this painting? 这幅画我应该挂在哪里? Hang me? 绞死我? After that,hang up my clothes. 在那之后,把我的衣服挂。


公务员行测的行念xíng,第二声。行测,是行政职业能力测验(英文名Administrative Aptitude Test,简称AAT)的简称,它和智力测验一样,属于心理测验的范畴。它用来测试应试者与拟任职位相关的知识、技能和能力,是考查应试者从事公务员工作所必须具备的一般潜能的一种职业能力测试。行政能力测试是国家公务员考试公共笔试的一门,也是其中难度较大的一项。扩展资料:行测内容:中央、国家机关公布的公务员考试包括笔试(公共科目、专业科目)和面试。以前公共科目笔试按A、B类职位分别进行。A类职位笔试公共科目为《行政职业能力测验》(A)和《申论》。B类职位笔试公共科目为《行政职业能力测验》(B);专业科目笔试和面试时间由招考部门自行通知。从2006年开始,A、B类都要考一样的科目,就是《行政职业能力测验》和《申论》,只不过《行政职业能力测验》分别命题。行测难度很大。行政职业能力测验(Administrative Aptitude Test,简称AAT)主要测查与公务员职业密切相关的、适合通过客观化纸笔测验方式进行考查的基本素质和能力要素,包括言语理解与表达、数量关系、判断推理、资料分析和常识判断等部分。言语理解与表达。主要测查报考者运用语言文字进行思考和交流、迅速准确地理解和把握文字材料内涵的能力。数量关系。主要测查报考者理解、把握事物间量化关系和解决数量关系问题的能力,主要涉及数据关系的分析、推理、判断、运算等。常见的题型有数字推理、数学运算等。判断推理。主要测查报考者对各种事物关系的分析推理能力,涉及对图形、语词概念、事物关系和文字材料的理解、比较、组合、演绎和归纳等。常见的题型有图形推理、定义判断、类比推理、逻辑判断等。资料分析。主要测查报考者对各种形式的文字、图表等资料的综合理解与分析加工能力,这部分内容通常由统计性的图表、数字及文字材料构成。常识判断。主要测查报考者应知应会的基本知识以及运用这些知识分析判断的基本能力,重点测查对国情社情的了解程度、综合管理基本素质等。涉及政治、经济、法律、历史、文化、地理、环境、自然、科技、生活等方面。参考资料来源:百度百科-行测




hang 360行 行行出状元 就是这个意识


jǐng háng xíng zhǐ景行行止“景行行止”这句话中的读音有些分歧,第二个“行”从读音到释义都没有什么问题,分歧在于第一个“行”字,所能见到的,主要有三个读音:háng、xíng、xìng。读háng,显然把景行直接解释了大路;读xíng,也显然是把景行直接解释为行为正大光明(把行读作xìng是旧读,如品行、言行、德行、罪行、兽行等,所以都读xíng了)。


沆瀣一气,杭州,夯三个 再答: 以下是读音hang的字: 魧 háng 15画颃 háng 13画貥 háng 11画筕 háng 12画笐 háng 10画航 háng 10画行 háng,hàng,héng,xíng 6画绗 háng 12画蚢 háng 10画裄 háng 11画肮 āng,háng 8画珩 háng,héng 10画桁 háng,héng 10画杭 háng 8画炕 hāng,kàng 8画斻 háng 8画垳 hɑng 9画巷 hàng,xiàng 9画绗 háng 9画沆 hàng 7画吭 háng,kēng 7画夯 bèn,hāng 5画迒 háng 7画苀 háng 7画 找到相关结果24条 分享到: 更多 再答: 貌似四个


1.悬, 挂, 垂下 The curtains hung well. 窗帘垂挂得挺合适。 The clouds are hanging low today. 今天云层很低。 2.(被)绞死, 吊死 He was hanged for his crimes. 他因犯罪而被处绞刑。 3.贴, 固定, 安装 The door hangs badly. 这扇门装得不好。



hang 是什么意思

1.悬挂:~ a map on the wall在墙上挂一幅地图2.绞死,吊死,处以绞刑3.垂下,低下:~one"s head in shyness含羞低头


hangvt. 悬挂,垂下;装饰;绞死;使悬而未决vi. 悬着,垂下;被绞死;悬而不决n. 悬挂;暂停,中止n. (Hang)人名;(罗)汉格;(东南亚国家华语)康;(老)汉;(柬)韩(用于名字第一节),杭[例句]He"s got a hang-up about flying.他害怕乘飞机。[其他]第三人称单数现在时:hangs现在分词:hanging过去分词:hung过去时:hung


读音 hang 的部分汉字:吭 háng,kēng、垳 háng、夯 hāng,bèn、妔 kēng,háng、巷 xiàng,hàng、忼 kāng,hàng、斻 háng、杭 háng、桁 héng,háng、沆 hàng、笐 háng,hàng、筕 háng、绗 háng、航 háng、苀 háng、蚢 háng、行 háng,xíng、裄 háng、貥 háng、迒 háng、邟 kàng,háng、颃 háng

使用node-http-proxy POST,PUT请求报‘socket hang up’错误

使用代理node-http-proxy代理,然而get请求正常,而到了POST请求和PUT请求则代理超时,甚至报错为socket hang up。 使用了express中有个中间件为body-parser,不知道干嘛的。 注释此中间件,即可运行正常 参考: https://github.com/nodejitsu/node-http-proxy/issues/180 https://github.com/nodejitsu/node-http-proxy/issues/955 后续,干掉是干掉了,但是请求其他资源有问题,我但是场景是api都是代理所以没有此问题,但是我看到了issue之后,解决方案是在use body-parser之前把代理的地址代理出去且end它;或者使用buffer设置 未经测试,不知可行,但是issue中到处是这种问题,可以多看看别人怎么解决。

Enjoy Change 是什么?

Enjoy Change 翻译:享受变化例句:Do you enjoy change? 你是否喜欢改变?A: I enjoy change and challenge, which is why I frequently ask for the toughassignments.答:我喜欢工作多变且富有挑战性,这就是我经常请求从事艰巨任务的原因。To enjoy change that lasts, that goes beyond "the honeymoon" period, we need tofollow up our insights with actual behaviors and concrete rituals. 为了更好的让改变发挥长久的作用,而不是仅仅停留在“蜜月期”,我们需要不仅止于知,而是要有具体行动和反复强化。

school keep changing的意思


在哪能买到书 尔冬强的《Shanghai Art Deco》》(《上海装饰艺术派》)书商 外地的都可以 公司用!


In some of your reading,you must change your speed from fast to slow and from slow to fast


I want to change the world罗马音和中文(如妈妈:哦噶飒)




“Change in my city”写一篇作文,80字

Change in my cityMy hometown Gaochun is an old and beautifulcity. It used to be quiet place. There were green hills, fresh air and many oldhouses. However, the area has changed a lot over the years.In the past, people could only go to there by bicycle or on foot. Many busespass there now, people can take the taxi, car, bus, underground or light railto Gaochun. The environment has also changed, too. The water is clearer, thetree is greener, and the air is fresher. We are happy to live in the beautifulcity.

"change in my city"写一篇作文80字

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:My hometown Gaochun is an old and beautifulcity. It used to be quiet place. There were green hills, fresh air and many oldhouses. However, the area has changed a lot over the years.In the past, people could only go to there by bicycle or on foot. Many busespass there now, people can take the taxi, car, bus, underground or light railto Gaochun. The environment has also changed, too. The water is clearer, thetree is greener, and the air is fresher. We are happy to live in the beautifulcity.希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。

in gradually change的语法错误在哪

in gradually change的语法错误在gradually是副词,修饰形容词和动词,这里应该是gradual

用所给单词的适当形式填空 She ___changed her ideas.(gradual)


hold on 和hang on的用法 区别 别复制


假设你叫李华, 你的英国笔友Linda 将作为交换生(exchange student)来中国学习,她报名参加了汉语培训学习

Dear Linda, I"m very glad that you"ll come to China as an exchange student. I know it isn"t easy to learn Chinese, but I have some ideas that may help. Firstly, it"s very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and take some notes so that you can go over your lessons later. Secondly, try to catch every chance to practice speaking, both in and out of class. Don"t be afraid of making mistakes. Then try to listen and read more in Chinese. What"s more, you"d better plan your time well and study it very often every day. Above all, you should be confident in yourself and don"t give up whenever you meet with difficulty. I"m sure you will succeed through your hard work. 试题分析: 这是一篇应用文写作,写一封信。给出的材料比较全面,我们所要做的首先是应用正确的英语句子把这些内容表达出来,在此基础上亦可适当发挥,注意不要遗漏材料中给出的要点。写作前先结合要表达的事情确定句子的人称时态,注意标点符号及大小写等问题,不要犯语法错误。注意上下文之间的逻辑关系,语意连贯。点评:注意写作中的时态、人称和数的问题,时态一般是一般现在时态,人称是第一人称较多。写作中语言要准确、简明,说明有条理,符合逻辑。

i want to see you tonight,but i heard you ve change a lot是什么歌

The title for the song is "Free loop"The artist : Daniel Powter


ourcountryhaschangedalotsofar 变为否定句:Our country has not changed a lot so far.

hang到底该用主动还是被动语态? 英语

用主动hanging表示状态 是挂在xx处用be hung强调人们把灯挂出去

火柴盒20 hang歌词

She grabs her magazinesShe packs here things and she goesShe leaves the pictures hanging on the wall, she burns allHer notes and she knows, she"s been here too few yearsTo feel this oldHe smokes his cigarette, he stays outside "til it"s goneIf anybody ever had a heart, he wouldn"t be aloneHe knows, she"s been here too few years, to be goneAnd we always say, it would be good to go away, somedayBut if there"s nothing there to make things changeIf it"s the same for you I"ll just handThe trouble understand, is she got reasons he don"tFunny how he couldn"t see at all, "til she grabbed up her coatAnd she goes, she"s been here too few years to take it all in strideBut still it"s much too long, to let hurt go(you let her go)And we always say, it would be good to go away, somedayBut if there"s nothing there to make things changeIf it"s the same for you I"ll just handThe same for youWell I always say, It would be good to go awayBut if things don"t work out like we thinkAnd there"s nothing there to ease this acheBut if there"s nothing there to make things changeIf it"s the same for you I"ll just hang


how many gifts does lily get 百合花多少礼物 giftst n.t天赋; 礼物( gift的名词复数 ); 给予; [法律] 赠与; [网络]t才能; 礼; 礼品; [例句]The emperor promoted the general and lavished him with gifts. 皇帝擢升了将军并赏给他丰厚的礼物。

hang out in... 在某地闲逛,能这么说吗?

不是都是说hanging on 吗

hanging on a string歌词翻译


Hanging on the Phone 歌词

歌曲名:Hanging on the Phone歌手:Bwo专辑:Halcyon DaysHanging On The PhoneBodies Without Organs西冰嵌Reaching for your headsetTry not get your hair wetWhen you call me when you call meWalking in the rainGuess who"s feeling hyperTrying to decipherWhen I hear you when I hear youDriving me insaneSo call me up and knock me to the floorNow you"ve got me wrapped in wireNow you"ve burned my heart on fire downGive me some directionI"m looking for connectionWhile I roam you while I roam youHanging on the phoneEase on down the sidewalkEavesdrop on the small talkWhen I roam you when I roam youHanging on the phoneGoogle while the ads popSecrets on your laptopWhen I find you when I find youSearching on the netMy whole world"s been rockingSince you did your dockingWhen you called me when you called meAin"t got no regretsSo call me up and knock me to the floorNow you"ve got me wrapped in wireNow you"ve burned my heart on fire downGive me some directionI"m looking for connectionWhile I roam you while I roam youHanging on the phoneEase on down the sidewalkEavesdrop on the small talkWhen I roam you when I roam youHanging on the phoneGive me some directionI"m looking for connectionWhile I roam you while I roam youHanging on the phonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/56753934


这个短语缺少了一些关键的单词,因此很难确定它的语法结构。但是,假设完整的句子是“His hands are still hanging on to the guns”,那么这个句子的语法结构是:主语“his hands” + 系动词“are” + 状语“still” + 动词短语“hanging on to the guns”。其中,“hanging on to the guns”是一个现在进行时的动词短语,表示“紧握着枪支不放”。

I am hanging on的意思?

I am hanging on我挂了

hanging on的歌曲歌词

You know we can get awayBecause i"m calling your nameEvery day I feel this painBut you just turn and walk awayNoooo...I just can"t keep hanging on, to you and meI just don"t know what is wrongwith you and meTouch me and then turn awayAnd put your hands into the flameTell me if you feel this painCause I don"t want to be a ball and chainnoooI just can"t keep hanging onto you and meI just don"t know what is wrongwith you, with meI just can"t keep hanging onwith you, with mewith you, with mewith you, with me You know we can get away你知道我们可以做到Because i"m calling your name因为我在呼唤你的名字Every day I feel this pain每一天我都可以感受到这种痛苦But you just turn and walk away但你只是转身离开Noooo...不要这样I just can"t keep hanging on, to you and me我只是不能再继续下去,为了你和我I just don"t know what is wrong, with you and me我只是不明白你我之间出现了什么裂痕Touch me and then turn away你感动了我然后离开And put your hands into the flame自己却走入了危险的境地Tell me if you feel this pain告诉我如果你也能感受到这种痛苦Cause I don"t want to be a ball and chain因为我不想成为你的累赘nooo不要这样I just can"t keep hanging on, to you and me我只是不能再继续下去,为了你和我I just don"t know what is wrong, with you, with me我只是不明白你我之间出现了什么裂痕I just can"t keep hanging on我只是不能再继续下去,with you, with me你我之间with you, with me你我之间with you, with me你我之间

i’m falling apart hanging onto your ghos

TheBrokenclockisacomfort滴答的钟声是一种催眠 Ithelpsmesleeptonight让我度过这入眠不能的夜晚 Maybeitcanstoptomorrow也许它能够阻止明天 Fromstealingallmytime偷走我全部的时间 AndIamherestillwaiting我在这里一直等待着你 ThoughIstillhavemydoubts尽管我心存疑惑 Iamdamagedatbest我最好就像你早就说明的那样 Likeyou"vealreadyfiguredout我已是个毁掉的人 I"mfallingapart我已然四分五裂 I"mbarelybreathing我几乎不能呼吸 Withabrokenheart我的心灵已经破碎 That"sstillbeating尽管他还未停止跳动 Inthepain在无尽痛苦中 Thereishealing我会被你所拯救 Inyourname那就是你的名字 Ifindmeaning那是我存在的所有意义 SoI"mholdingon(I"mholdinon)(I"mholdinon)所以我没有办法 I"mbarelyholdingontoyou我几乎无法紧紧的抓住你 Thebrokenlockswereawarning破碎的心门是一个警示 Yougotinsidemyhead你在我脑海里徘徊不去 Itriedmybesttobeguarded我用尽一切办法想要忘记你 I"manopenbookinstead然而我已覆水难收 AndIstillseeyourreflection你的身影 Insideofmyeyes依然反射在我的眼眸里 Thatarelookingforpurpose我依然在寻找着我的决心 They"restilllookingforlife我依然在寻找生命的意义 I"mfallingapart我已然四分五裂 I"mbarelybreathing我几乎不能呼吸 Withabrokenheart我的心灵已经破碎 That"sstillbeating尽管他还未停止跳动 Inthepain在无尽痛苦中 Istherehealing我会被你所拯救 Inyourname那就是你的名字 Ifindmeaning那是我存在的所有意义 SoI"mholdingon(I"mstillholdinon)(I"mholdinon)所以我没有办法 I"mbarelyholdingontoyou我几乎无法紧紧的抓住你 I"mhangingonanotherday一天一天的等待着 Justtoseewhat,youwillthrowmyway只是为了明白,你究竟会给我带来什么 AndI"mhangingon,tothewordsyousay一天一天的等待着,只是因为你说过的话 YousaidthatIwill,willbeokay你说,Iwill,willbeokay Thebrokenlightonthefreeway高速路旁摇曳的灯光 Leftmeherealone将我寂寞留下 Imayhavelostmywaynow我已迷失在人生的道路上 ButIhaven"tforgottenmywayhome但归家之路依然铭记我心

a picture is hanging on the wall

哦,是这样的,(hanging) on the wallis 毫无疑问是作为定语修饰The picture,表示挂着的状态,也就是说与表示挂的瞬间动作无关,也就是强调点不同 类似the shop is open(形容词)all day 如:A picture is hanging on the wall.
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