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I Know Him So Well (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:I Know Him So Well (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Karaoke MusicalsI Know Him So WellJohn Barrowman & Daniel BoysNothing is so good it lasts eternallyPerfect situations must go wrongBut this has never yet prevented meWanting far too much for far too longLooking back, I could have play it differentlyWon a few more moments, who can tell?But it took time to understand the manNow at least I know, I know him wellWasn"t it good (Oh so good)Wasn"t it fine.(Oh so fine)Isn"t it madness, he can"t be mineBut in the endHe needs a little beat more than meMore security (He needs his fantasy and freedom)I know him so wellNo one in your life is with you constantlyNo one is completely on your sideAnd though I move my world to be with himStill the gap between us is too wideLooking back I could"ve played it differently(Looking back I could have played things some other way)Learned about the man before I fell(I was just a little careless maybe)But I was ever so much younger then (Much younger then)Now at least I knowI know him wellWasn"t it good (Oh so good)Wasn"t it fine (Oh so fine)Isn"t it madness, he can"t be mineDid I know, how it would goIf I know from the startWhyWhy am I falling apart...He can"t be mineBut in the end he needs a little bit more than meMore securityHe needs his fantasy and freedomI know him so wellIt took time to understand himI know him so well

Getting To Know You (Karaoke) 歌词

歌曲名:Getting To Know You (Karaoke)歌手:The New World Orchestra专辑:Karaoke MusicalsGetting To Know YouThe King And I Musical Soundtrack{Anna}It"s a very ancient saying,But a true and honest thought,That if you become a teacher,By your pupils you"ll be taught.As a teacher I"ve been learning(You"ll forgive me if I boast)And I"ve now become an expert,On the subject I like most...{Spoken}Getting to know you!{Children Giggle}Getting to know you, getting to know all about you.Getting to like you, getting to hope you like me.Getting to know you, putting it my way,But nicely,You are precisely,My cup of tea.{Children Giggle}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezyBecause of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.{All ... Except Children}Getting to know you,Getting to know all about you.Getting to like you,Getting to hope you like me.Getting to know you,Putting it my way, but nicely,You are precisely,{Anna}My cup of tea.{All including children}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezyBecause of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.{Children}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezyBecause of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.{Anna}Getting to know you,Getting to feel free and easyWhen I am with you,Getting to know what to sayHaven"t you noticedSuddenly I"m bright and breezy{Anna and Children}Because of all the beautiful and newThings I"m learning about youDay by day.

you better know where you are going是什么歌

歌曲名:Nevada (Original Mix),歌手名:Vicetone,专辑名:Nevada

1、As we know, fashions ___ ____ _____these days. 众所周知,如今的时尚来的快也去的快

2、When we got home in the evening,we were __TOO_ tired __TO__ say a word当我们晚上到家的时候,我们累得说不出话了3、Dr.Li thinks the book is _OF __ __MUCH / GREAT __ __VALUE__李博士认为这本书很有价值4、I find __IT __ __GREAT / MUCH__ __FUN___ reading books我每天从书中获得极大的乐趣5 、Tom is the tallest boy in his class Tom is _TALLER __ ___THAN _ __ANY __ _OTHER___ __BOY___ in his class (同义句)6、Robots can do dangerous work instad of humans Robots can _REPLACE__ _HUMANS_ __TO __ _DO___ humans to do dangerous work (同上)7、 Li peng wasn`t careful enough to find the mistakes Li peng was __TOO_ __CARELESS__ _TO___ find the mistakes (同上)8、 She often reads some books in the library She often ___DOES_ ___SOME_ _READING___ in the library (同上)9、I think you will enioy them. I _DON"T__ think you __WILL_ enioy them (否定句)10、He isn`t in the classroom. He _MUST__ _BE__ on the playground .他不在教室里,他一定在操场上。

求《knowledge and wisdom》的朗读材料 谢谢!!!

Knowledge and WisdomBertrand Russell--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Most people would agree that, although our age far surpasses all previous ages in knowledge, there has been no correlative increase in wisdom. But agreement ceases as soon as we attempt to define `wisdom" and consider means of promoting it. I want to ask first what wisdom is, and then what can be done to teach it.There are, I think, several factors that contribute to wisdom. Of these I should put first a sense of proportion: the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and to attach to each its due weight. This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and complexity fo the specialized knowledge required of various kinds of technicians. Suppose, for example, that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine. The work is difficult and is likely to absorb the whole of your intellectual energy. You have not time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine. You succeed (let us say), as modern medicine has succeeded, in enormously lowering the infant death-rate, not only in Europe and America, but also in Asia and Africa. This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowering the standard of life in the most populous parts of the world. To take an even more spectacular example, which is in everybody"s mind at the present time: You study the composistion of the atom from a disinterested desire for knowledge, and incidentally place in the hands of powerful lunatics the means of destroying the human race. In such ways the pursuit of knowledge may becorem harmful unless it is combined with wisdom; and wisdom in the sense of comprehensive vision is not necessarily present in specialists in the pursuit of knowledge.Comprehensiveness alone, however, is not enough to constitute wisdom. There must be, also, a certain awareness of the ends of human life. This may be illustrated by the study of history. Many eminent historians have done more harm than good because they viewed facts through the distorting medium of their own passions. Hegel had a philosophy of history which did not suffer from any lack of comprehensiveness, since it started from the earliest times and continued into an indefinite future. But the chief lesson of history which he sought to unculcate was that from the year 400AD down to his own time Germany had been the most important nation and the standard-bearer of progress in the world. Perhaps one could stretch the comprehensiveness that contitutes wisdom to include not only intellect but also feeling. It is by no means uncommon to find men whose knowledge is wide but whose feelings are narrow. Such men lack what I call wisdom.It is not only in public ways, but in private life equally, that wisdom is needed. It is needed in the choice of ends to be pursued and in emancipation from personal prejudice. Even an end which it would be noble to pursue if it were attainable may be pursued unwisely if it is inherently impossible of achievement. Many men in past ages devoted their lives to a search for the philosopher"s stone and the elixir of life. No doubt, if they could have found them, they would have conferred great benefits upon mankind, but as it was their lives were wasted. To descend to less heroic matters, consider the case of two men, Mr A and Mr B, who hate each other and, through mutual hatred, bring each other to destruction. Suppose you dgo the Mr A and say, "Why do you hate Mr B?" He will no doubt give you an appalling list of Mr B"s vices, partly true, partly false. And now suppose you go to Mr B. He will give you an exactly similar list of Mr A"s vices with an equal admixture of truth and falsehood. Suppose you now come back to Mr A and say, "You will be surprised too learn that Mr B says the same things about you as you say about him", and you go to Mr B and make a similar speech. The first effect, no doubt, will be to increase their mutual hatred, since each will be so horrified by the other"s injustice. But perhaps, if you have sufficient patience and sufficient persuasiveness, you may succeed in convincing each that the other has only the normal share of human wickedness, and that their enmity is harmful to both. If you can do this, you will have instilled some fragment of wisdom.I think the essence of wisdom is emancipation, as fat as possible, from the tyranny of the here and now. We cannot help the egoism of our senses. Sight and sound and touch are bound up with our own bodies and cannot be impersonal. Our emotions start similarly from ourselves. An infant feels hunger or discomfort, and is unaffected except by his own physical condition. Gradually with the years, his horizon widens, and, in proportion as his thoughts and feelings become less personal and less concerned with his own physical states, he achieves growing wisdom. This is of course a matter of degree. No one can view the world with complete impartiality; and if anyone could, he would hardly be able to remain alive. But it is possible to make a continual approach towards impartiality, on the one hand, by knowing things somewhat remote in time or space, and on the other hand, by giving to such things their due weight in our feelings. It is this approach towards impartiality that constitutes growth in wisdom.Can wisdom in this sense be taught? And, if it can, should the teaching of it be one of the aims of education? I should answer both these questions in the affirmative. We are told on Sundays that we should love our neighbors as ourselves. On the other six days of the week, we are exhorted to hate. But you will remember that the precept was exemplified by saying that the Samaritan was our neighbour. We no longer have any wish to hate Samaritans and so we are apt to miss the point of the parable. If you wnat to get its point, you should substitute Communist or anti-Communist, as the case may be, for Samaritan. It might be objected that it is right to hate those who do harm. I do not think so. If you hate them, it is only too likely that you will become equally harmful; and it is very unlikely that you will induce them to abandon their evil ways. Hatred of evil is itself a kind of bondage to evil. The way out is through understanding, not through hate. I am not advocating non-resistance. But I am saying that resistance, if it is to be effective in preventing the spread of evil, should be combined with the greatest degree of understanding and the smallest degree of force that is compatible with the survival of the good things that we wish to preserve.It is commonly urged that a point of view such as I have been advocating is incompatible with vigour in action. I do not think history bears out this view. Queen Elizabeth I in England and Henry IV in France lived in a world where almost everybody was fanatical, either on the Protestant or on the Catholic side. Both remained free from the errors of their time and both, by remaining free, were beneficent and certainly not ineffective. Abraham Lincoln conducted a great war without ever departing from what I have called wisdom.I have said that in some degree wisdom can be taught. I think that this teaching should have a larger intellectual element than has been customary in what has been thought of as moral instruction. I think that the disastrous results of hatred and narrow-mindedness to those who feel them can be pointed out incidentally in the course of giving knowledge. I do not think that knowledge and morals ought to be too much separated. It is true that the kind of specialized knowledge which is required for various kinds of skill has very little to do with wisdom. But it should be supplemented in education by wider surveys calculated to put it in its place in the total of human activities. Even the best technicians should also be good citizens; and when I say "citizens", I mean citizens of the world and not of this or that sect or nation. With every increase of knowledge and skill, wisdom becomes more necessary, for every such increase augments our capacity of realizing our purposes, and therefore augments our capacity for evil, if our purposes are unwise. The world needs wisdom as it has never needed it before; and if knowledge continues to increase, the world will need wisdom in the future even more than it does now.

known as Chinese martial arts, 在句中做什么成分?


请详细解释一下,i know Ai is the answer,but pull into 是不是进站的意思,还是一定要是pull in 呢?

专辑:chaos and disorder I will walk this road I will, I will It"s gonna be hard but I know I will, I will People come and they go


acknowledgements,“鸣谢;致谢”The acknowledgements in a book are the section in which the author thanks all the people who have helped him or her.(书中的致谢部分是作者感谢所有帮助过他或她的人的致辞部分。)

Trump :Nobody knows China better than me是什么意思?

Trump :Nobody knows China better than me;翻译,特朗普:没有人比我更了解中国。

common knowledge和mutual knowledge 的区别

您好,Common knowledge 说的是大家都知道的知识,和常识差不多Mutual knowledge 说的是几个人互相知道的知识,例如您和您同事都拥有的知识。

求歌名。歌词i know all you secrets i know all you lines


歌中高潮有很多的you know you 快节奏的英文歌 男声 很欢快的

i see you by mika

and thw wisdom to know the difference

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”(Reinhold Niebuhr 1892-1971) 祈求上天赐予我平静的心, 接受不可改变的事; 给我勇气, 改变可以改变的事; 并赐予我, 分辨这两者的智慧.

谁能帮忙翻译一首英文歌,i just want you to know 邱意淋 感谢

你眼含泪水向我走来,从不知道这是生活的一部分,我怎样才能让你理解?你终归会变得更强大,所以我在这里等待着你最终能领悟我只是想让你知道,放手没关系,那流逝只是路上的另一场回合我只是想让你知道,如果你放手 你会看到能够去拥有的很多的爱所以,放开吧,并且去感受温暖生活中有时候你徘徊不定,脑海中很多问题,谁能成为你的光?重复。。

u know who是什么梗

梗如下:大家都不敢直呼伏地魔的名字,就用He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named来代替。这个词直译过来是“那个不能说出名字的人”,在中文版中常被翻译成“神秘人”。不过,He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named太长了,在日常对话中,大家也会称呼伏地魔为You-Know-Who,意思是“你知道我说的是谁”。简介:伏地魔(Lord Voldemort),原名汤姆·马沃罗·里德尔(Tom Marvolo Riddle),是英国作家J·K·罗琳的魔幻小说《哈利·波特》中的大反派。极端巫师纯血论恐怖组织“食死徒”(Death Eaters)的领袖。极度排斥麻瓜、麻瓜出身的巫师(泥巴种)以及不能施展魔法的巫师后裔(哑炮),两次巫师大战的发起者。

求一首英文歌,只记得歌的开头是 lonely ,I am so lonely,I know nobody…… 是有点搞怪的英文歌!!谢


The health effect of GE food remains unclear to be known.

目前还不清楚转基因食品对健康的影响。The health effect of GE food remains unclear to be known.effect remains unclear [主系表】The health , of GE food 定语to be known状语

m_pConnection->Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=Demo.mdb","","",adModeUnknown);

身边没有VC,凭记忆答的你确定引入了所有的头文件了吗?我记得还要引入一个msado15.dll之类的东西在stdafx.h中,#import 什么的,你引入了吗?

What do people do with their old, useable but outdated(过时的) computers? Most people don’t know

小题1:F小题2:T小题3:T小题4:T小题5:F小题6:T 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了人们怎么处理旧的、可以使用的、但是过时的电脑的方法。有的放在家里聚集着大量的灰尘,许多被当做垃圾扔掉。小题1:考查语境的理解。根据第一段内容Most people don"t know what to do with them.可知Nobody knows what to do with their old computer.是错误的,故填F。小题2:考查语境的理解。根据第一段内容Many old computers end up gathering(聚集) dust in homes.可知在家里那些旧电脑被灰尘所覆盖。故填T。小题3:考查语境的理解。根据第二段内容可知戴尔是一个正在运用思维方式来减少大量电脑垃圾的公司,故填T。小题4:考查语境的理解。根据第三段内容可知如果电脑公司想要收集和回收他们使用的产物,他们不得不支付钱。故填T。小题5:考查语境的理解。根据第四段内容成百上千的组织只收集和修理旧电脑是错误的。故填F。小题6:考查语境的理解。根据对整篇阅读的理解可知这个故事谈论的是怎样处理使用过的电脑的方法。

关于“That these seas are being overfished has been known for years. 的宾语”

That these seas have been overfished【by sb.】 has been known【by sb.】 for years.请问我下面的说话正确吗?谢谢。主语从句中:【sb】是逻辑主语【seas】 是逻辑宾语,但是从主的主语是【seas】,宾语是:【无宾语】主句部分,我觉得主句和主语从句的结构比较类似,应该都是被动语态才是,也就是说主句不应该是你所说的主系表结构,而是主谓宾结构,【have been known】整个做谓语,【sb】做宾语,【主从】做主语。当将known作形容词“已知的,大家知道的”时,have been相当于have done,done体现在been上,系动词的完成时态,而known作表语 没有问题!若按照你加by sb时,则known为动词过去分词,是动词含义,have been known是动词完成时态的被动语态。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

That the seas are being overfished has been known for years.这里的seas,为什么还要加the呢?

回答如下一,Sea在当海水讲时不可数Sea在当大海讲时可数,a sea,seas都可以。二,the不是说只有单数才可以加,这个概念是错的,比如 The boys are lovely.那些男孩们很可爱。

用want to know还是wander know

want to knowwander是游荡,跟know不搭


do you know me uff1f

我想知道飞机什么时候起飞的英文翻译(I want toknow?)

I want to know when the plane takes off. 赞同上面的说法,但是when the plane takes off应该用一般现在时的语态。

unknown field of mankind是什么意思

unknown field of mankind人类未知领域

「我不知道」英文别再只会说”I don’t know”! 10种常用说法一次学起来!

图片来源:RobinHiggins 当被问及你所不知道的问题时,你是否还只会说”I don"t know”呢?这边整理了10个英文短句,让你可以因应不同的情境,做出更适当的回答! 1. I have no idea. 我没有想法。 2. I have no clue. 没有任何线索。 3. I haven"t the foggiest idea. 我连一点想法都没有。 以上3句都表示不但没有头绪,连猜都猜不出答案。 ex. I haven"t the foggiest idea of how to solve this problem. 我一点都不知道该如何解决这个问题. 4. How should I know? 我应该要知道吗? 5. Don"t ask me.别问我。 6. Search me. 我怎么会知道。 以上3句表示对方问的问题根本不 *** 的事,但你又不能直接对对方生气,这时便可以这样回答。 ex. Do you know if our boss is divorced?你知道我们老板离婚了吗? A: How should I know?我怎么会知道? 7. Your guess is as good as mine. 我跟你一样毫无头绪。 当你知道对方跟你一样并不知道答案时,可以这样回答。 8. It beats me.这问题难倒我了。 9. Not as far as I know. 没有听说这件事。 10. Who knows. 谁知道。 Don"t ask me., How should I know, How should I know 中文, I have no clue., I have no idea., I have no idea. 中文, I haven"t the foggiest idea., it beats me, Not as far as I know 中文, Not as far as I know., search me, Search me 中文, Who knows 中文, Who knows., Your guess is as good as mine 中文, your guess is as good as mine., 别问我 英文, 我不知道 英文, 谁知道 英文

do you know something about that girl?_ 为什么用som

something用在疑问句中时表示希望对方给予肯定回答。这句话的含义可以看出,提问者希望得到一些肯定意义的答案。anything用在肯定句中表示的意思是“任何事物”。something[英][u02c8su028cmθu026au014b][美][u02c8su028cmθu026au014b]pron.某物,某事; 重要的事物[人],有一定意义的事物; n.(表示不确切的描述或数量)大致,左右; adv.非常; 有点; 大约;

比较轻快男声 歌词断断续续的听到1 i know here you are amazing2i konw;i could 3you are lonely求歌名

amazing-westlife 应该是的Shane:You"re like a storm against the window  你就像窗前狂啸的风暴Follow me round just like a shadow  一直伴随我的左右,就像影子一样I"ll swim a never-ending ocean  我将在大洋中无穷地遨游Until you bring back your devotion  一直到你带回你的真心Mark:    It"s like I live a thousand lifetimes  这就像我得活上千年Still looking for the one that feels right  一直不断地寻找令人满意的一个人See moving on just isn"t working  你会明白做别的事情毫无价值You lit the fire that I‘d burn in  你点燃了我心中的火All:    And all I"ve been doing is protecting  我现在一直在做的便是悉心呵护A lie for the sake of my pride  出于自傲而撒出一个谎言While all the others had me thinking随波逐流只会令我百思不得其解We could be more than just amazing  我们不仅仅是可以令人惊讶    Shane:I guess I"m holding on to my faith  我想我还坚定着自己的信念A silent hope that I"m heading your way (your way)  我默默地希望我正在你的前方All:    And crawling over is so tempting自己的虚伪使我感到"有趣"Shane:    We could be more than just amazing  我们不仅仅是令人惊讶而已All:  And all I"ve been doing is protecting  我现在一直在做的便是悉心呵护A lie for the sake of my pride  出于自傲而撒出一个谎言While all the others had me thinking随波逐流只会令我百思不得其解We could be more than just amazing  我们不仅仅是可以令人惊讶Kian:    I couldn"t see it  我不能明白    Mark:    I must have believed a lie  我一定已经相信了谎言Kian/Nicky    If I admit it  如果我承认这个的话    Shane:    Would you let me make it right  你会让我去纠正一切错误吗    Kian/NickyAmazing, amazing, amazing  令人惊讶...令人惊讶...令人惊讶...Nicky:    Is it all gone  一切都消失了吗?    Shane:    Oh no,say all  不,说出一切吧!We could be more than just  我们不仅仅是We could be more than just amazing  我们不仅仅是令人惊讶而已!YeahAll:  And all I"ve been doing is protecting  我现在一直在做的便是悉心呵护A lie for the sake of my pride  出于自傲而撒出一个谎言Kian:    While all the others had me thinking随波逐流只会令我百思不得其解All:    We could be more than just amazing  我们不仅仅是可以令人惊讶And all I"ve been doing is protecting  我现在一直在做的便是悉心呵护A lie for the sake of my pride  出于自傲而撒出一个谎言Following others just set me thinking  随波逐流只会令我百思不得其解Straight to the point of what I"m feeling,oh  直击我的感觉  We could be more than just amazing  我们不仅仅是可以令人惊讶

I want to,I want to know是什么歌,男声的。 歌词: HIT-5 - I want you to know LRC编辑:习 QQ:335020326 I want U to know but U never know I want U to know so U better go I want U to know but U never know I want U to know so U better go~~~~ 过去的不想再追究 所有这些都足够 足够你我心痛很久 花时间去忘掉哀愁 过去的事太多荒谬 现在后悔了以后 也不能把这些都看透 却要假装已经抛在脑后 say U luv me again say U luv me again say U luv me again 抛不开~~~~ say U luv me again say U luv me again 你快离开 OH NO I want U to know but U never know u know u know I want U to know so U better go U better go U better go I want U to know U never know SO I~~~ I want U to know so U better go~~~~希望采纳

我知道你知道 英文 I know you know 对吗

I know you have konown

请翻译,谢谢You know but too yell to hold your tongue.


do jou know ?whose book is thet 连成宾语从句 谢谢

do you know ?whose book is the...连成宾语从句,Do you know whose book the... is?


It is well known that they are cleaners.

哥哥姐姐们,求歌名,谢谢。很安逸的女音,歌词中最后有know you can say t

You & I歌词:[Niall]I figured it outI figured it out from black and whiteSeconds and hoursMaybe they had to take some time[Liam]I know how it goesI know how it goes from wrong and rightSilence and soundDid they ever hold each other tightLike usDid they ever fightLike us[Harry]You and IWe don"t wanna be like themWe can make it till the endNothing can come betweenYou and INot even the Gods above canSeparate the two of usNo nothing can come betweenYou and IOh, you and I[Zayn]I figured it outSaw the mistakes of up and downMeet in the middleThere"s always room for common ground[Louis and Zayn]I see what it"s likeI see what it"s like for day and nightNever togetherCause they see things in a different lightLike usThey never triedLike us[Harry]You and IWe don"t wanna be like themWe can make it till the endNothing can come betweenYou and INot even the Gods above canSeparate the two of us[Instrumental][Chorus](Zayn)"Cause You and I(All)We don"t wanna be like themWe can make it till the endNothing can come betweenYou and INot even the Gods above canSeparate the two of usNo nothing can come betweenYou and IOh, you and IOoooh You and IWe could make it if we tryOh, you and IYou and I

Do you know where the trader come fromuff1f

问句一律回到原型,Do you know where is the trader ?Do you know where are the traders?

知识就是力量的英文是knowledge is power还是knowledge is powerful?

knowledge is power 知识就是力量

英文"knowledge is power"是什么意思


有一首很有节奏感的英文歌,女歌手唱的,高潮部分是everyboy knows that top top top,say 什么什么

there might have been a row, but

what else do you know about leonardo da vinci 答案

Who was Leonardo da Vinci? You may answer without thinking: "He is the painter of Mona Lisa." What else do you know about him? Da Vinci was more than just a great artist in history. He"s also famousas a scientist and an inventor. Recently, the Grand Rapids Public Museum in the US had an exhibition to introduce this great talent. In one of the shows, named "Leonardo da Vinci"s Machines in Motion", visitors could see and touch 30full-size machines built according to his sketches-including a crane (起重机) and a robot! Leonardo da Vinci was born to a rich family in Florence, Italy, in 1452. From childhood, Leonardo was given a good education and he showed talent at painting. By the age of 26, Da Vinci had already become a famous painter. However, he showed that he had multiple talents in 1482 when he began to work for the Duke of Milanas a chief engineer. In the duke"s military factories, Da Vinci developed an interest in war weapons. He designed many important machines, including helicopters and parachutes. He also drew and wrote about an armored car, which could carry eight men inside and allow them to fire weapons through holesin its walls. Da Vinci"s idea led to the mod- ern tank. Though Da Vinci never built many of the inventions he designed, some of the things he imagined in the late 1400s are in use today. As a scientist, Da Vinci was fascinated with the human body. He spent a whole year cutting up dead bodies in hospitals to learn about human anatomy (解剖). He made more than 200 drawings of bodies. Amazingly, Da Vinci wrote backward, so the easiest way to read his notes was to hold them up to a mirror! 1. Was Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo da Vinci? _________________________________________________2. When was Leonardo da Vinci born? _________________________________________________3. What did Leonardo da Vinci design? _________________________________________________4. Why did Leonardo da Vinci cut up dead bodies in hospitals? _________________________________________________5. What was Leonardo da Vinci according to the passage? _________________________________________________ 1. Yes. 2. In 1452.3. Many important machines.4. Because he wanted to learn about human anatomy. 5. Leonardo da Vinci was not only a great artist but also a famous scientist and an inventor. (答案不唯一) 是这个不?

teach thy tongue to say,i do not know,and thous shalt progress 是什么意思

teach thy tongue to say,i do not know,and thous shalt progress教你的舌头说,我不知道,千万要进步,.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

I know you and I have kinda drifted apart,我知道我和你有点疏远了,这里kinda在这里是什么用法??

这是美国的习惯用法,就是相当于kind of.还有want to 也可以说成wanna

What You Know About That歌词

Aye..aye..aye..aye..aye.. What you know about that? What you know about that? What you know about that? Aye... don"t you know I got key by the three when I chirp shawty chirp back Louis nap sack where I hold"n all tha work at What you know about that? What you know about that? What you know about that? I know all about that Loaded 44s on the low where the cheese at Fresh off the jet to the Jects where the G"s at What you know about that? What you know about that? Hey what you know about that? Hey I know all about that See me in ya city sittin pretty kno I"m shining dawg Ridin wid a couple Latin brawds and a china doll And you kno how we ball Aye.. Ridin in shiny cars Aye.. Walk in designer malls Aye.. Buy everything we saw You know about me dogg Don"t talk about me dogg And if you doubt me dogg You better out me dogg I"m throwed off slightly bro Don"t wanna fight me bro I"m fast as lightning bro ya better use ya Nike"s bro Know you don"t like me cause Yo bitch most likely does She see me on them dubs In front of every club I be on dro I"m buzzed Give every ho a hug Niggaz don"t show me mugs Cause you don"t know me cuz Aye... don"t you know I got key by the three when I chirp shawty chirp back Louis nap sack where I hold"n all tha work at What you know about that? What you know about that? What you know about that? I know all about that Loaded 44s on the low where the cheese at Fresh off the jet to the Jects where the G"s at What you know about that? What you know about that? Hey what you know about that? Hey I know all about that Candy on the "64 Leather guts and fish bowl 50 on the pinky ring just to make my fist glow Ya bitches get low Because I get dough So what? I"m rich ho I still pull a-kick-do" (kick ya door down) What you talking shit fo"? gotta run and hit fo"? Got you a yellin and I thought you put out a gun hit fo But you"s a scary dude Believed by very few Just keep it very cool Or we will bury you See all that attitude"s, unnecessary dude Cause you never Carry Tools not even sweary qs You got these people fooled, who see me on the tube Whatever try the crew, they"ll see you on the news Aye... don"t you know I got key by the three when I chirp shawty chirp back Louis nap sack where I hold"n all tha work at What you know about that? What you know about that? What you know about that? I know all about that Loaded 44s on the low where the cheese at Fresh off the jet to the Jects where the G"s at What you know about that? What you know about that? Hey what you know about that? Hey I know all about that Fresh off the jet to the block Burn a rubber with a top-pop I"ll pop and bust a shot and tell em stop and make the block hot Ya label got got Cuz you are not hot I got the top spot And it will not stop A video or not that will bust it to the glock stop Drag ya out that Bentley Coupe and take it to the chop shop Partner, we got ya"ll If it may pop off I"ll answer the question “Will I get ya block knocked off?” And what it is bro Look I"ll kill ya, bro I"m in your hood, if you a gangsta what you here for? Somebody better get bro for he get sent for You say you wanna squash it what you still talkin shit for? Aye... don"t you know I got key by the three when I chirp shawty chirp back Louis nap sack where I hold"n all tha work at What you know about that? What you know about that? What you know about that? I know all about that Loaded 44s on the low where the cheese at Fresh off the jet to the Jects where the G"s at What you know about that? What you know about that? Hey what you know about that? Hey I know all about that赞成。.aye。.aye。.aye。.aye。 您知道那的What ? 您知道那的What ? 您知道那的What ? Aye… 您知道的don"t我得到了 由三的key,当我唧啾叫shawty唧啾 Louis休息大袋 where我hold"n所有tha工作在 您知道那的What ? 您知道那的What ? 您知道那的What ? I知道所有对此 在乳酪在的低落的Loaded 44s 喷气机的Fresh对G"s在的Jects 您知道那的What ? 您知道那的What ? Hey什么您知道那? Hey我知道所有对此 See我ya城市sittin俏丽的kno的我发光dawg Ridin wid夫妇拉丁brawds和瓷玩偶 And您kno怎么我们球 Aye。 在发光的汽车的Ridin Aye。 在设计师购物中心的Walk Aye。 Buy我们看见的一切 You知道我dogg Don"t谈论我dogg And,如果您怀疑我dogg You改善我dogg I上午有一点throwed bro Don"t想要与我战斗bro I上午斋戒作为闪电bro ya更好的用途ya Nike"s bro Know您象我的don"t起因 Yo母狗很可能 She看见我他们的配音 在每家俱乐部前面的 I在I"m嗡嗡叫的dro Give每ho拥抱 Niggaz don"t显示我杯子 Cause您don"t认识我cuz Aye… 您知道的don"t我得到了 由三的key,当我唧啾叫shawty唧啾 Louis休息大袋 where我hold"n所有tha工作在 您知道那的What ? 您知道那的What ? 您知道那的What ? I知道所有对此 在乳酪在的低落的Loaded 44s 喷气机的Fresh对G"s在的Jects 您知道那的What ? 您知道那的What ? Hey什么您知道那? Hey我知道所有对此 在‘64的Candy Leather胆量和鱼碗 在做我的拳头的带淡红色的圆环的50发光 Ya母狗得到低 Because我得到面团 So什么? 我是富有的ho I仍然拉扯踢do" (反撞力下来ya门) What您谈的粪fo" ? 对击跑配合战术fo"的got ? Got您yellin和我认为您投入了枪命中fo But you"s一个可怕花花公子 由非常少数的Believed Just保留它非常凉快 Or我们将埋葬您 See所有那attitude"s,多余的花花公子 Cause您从未运载不甚而工具sweary qs You得到了这些人被唬弄,看见我管的 Whatever尝试乘员组, they"ll看见您新闻的 Aye… 您知道的don"t我得到了 由三的key,当我唧啾叫shawty唧啾 Louis休息大袋 where我hold"n所有tha工作在 您知道那的What ? 您知道那的What ? 您知道那的What ? I知道所有对此 在乳酪在的低落的Loaded 44s 喷气机的Fresh对G"s在的Jects 您知道那的What ? 您知道那的What ? Hey什么您知道那? Hey我知道所有对此 喷气机的Fresh对块 与的橡胶上面流行的Burn I"ll流行音乐和猛击射击并且告诉em中止并且使块热 Ya标签得到了得到 Cuz您不是热的 I得到了顶面斑点 它不会停止的And A录影或不是那将猛击它对glock中止 Drag ya Bentley小轿车和采取它对解体工场 Partner,我们得到了ya将 它也许爆开的If I"ll答复问题“Will我得到ya块被敲?” And什么它是bro 我将的Look

Placebo的《i know》 歌词

歌曲名:i know歌手:Placebo专辑:PlaceboI know, you love the song but not the singerI know, you"ve got me wrapped around your fingerI know, you want the sin without the sinnerI knowI knowI know, the past will catch you up as you run fasterI know, the last in line is always called a bastardI know, the past will catch you up as you run fasterI knowI knowI know, you cut me loose in contradictionI know, I"m all wrapped up in sweet attritionI know, it"s asking for your benedictionI knowI knowI know, the past will catch you up as you run fasterI know, the last in line is always called a bastardI know, the past will catch you up as you run fasterI knowI knowI know, the past will catch you up as you run fasterI know, the last in line is always called a bastardI know, the past will catch you up as you run fasterI knowI know.Placebo是英国1994年组建的一支摇滚乐队。Placebo 中文译名为“安慰剂”,乐队的名字 Placebo 取自拉丁语,含义是“我愿意”(唱赞美诗前所说的第一个词)。是一个三人乐团,主唱兼吉他手Brian Molko,鼓手Steve Forrest,以及Stefan Olsdal(贝司、吉他和键盘)。组队国籍:英国组建时间:1994风格类型Industrial(工业摇滚)Alternative Pop/Rock(另类流行/摇滚)Britpop(英伦摇滚)Neo-Glam(Neo-Glam)Punk Revival(复兴朋克)Punk-Pop(流行朋克)









unknown host什么意思



路由器unknown意思是一个路由器无法正确识别名称的客户端设备。可能是自己家里的设备也可能是外部蹭网的设备。路由器(Router)是连接因特网中各局域网、广域网的设备,它会根据信道的情况自动选择和设定路由,以最佳路径,按前后顺序发送信号。路由器已经广泛应用于各行各业,各种不同档次的产品已成为实现各种骨干网内部连接、骨干网间互联和骨干网与互联网互联互通业务的主力军。路由器分本地路由器和远程路由器,本地路由器是用来连接网络传输介质的,如光纤、同轴电缆、双绞线;远程路由器是用来连接远程传输介质,并要求相应的设备,如电话线要配调制解调器,无线要通过无线接收机、发射机。路由器是互联网的主要结点设备。路由器通过路由决定数据的转发。转发策略称为路由选择(routing),这也是路由器名称的由来(router,转发者)。作为不同网络之间互相连接的枢纽,路由器系统构成了基于TCP/IP 的国际互联网络Internet的主体脉络,也可以说,路由器构成了Internet的骨架。它的处理速度是网络通信的主要瓶颈之一,它的可靠性则直接影响着网络互连的质量。因此,在园区网、地区网、乃至整个Internet研究领域中,路由器技术始终处于核心地位,其发展历程和方向,成为整个Internet研究的一个缩影。

求助:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block

可能原因:1./etc/fstab文件配置错误,此配置文件是记录硬盘分区的文件,配置错了,当然就有可能出现Unable to mount root fs啦~~~解决这问题的办法就是找一张LIVECD启动了系统,然后修改此文件内容,很简单的,只要用文本编辑器打开了这文件,然后认真研究一下就明白该怎样做,如果出现要uuid之类的东东,那就到/dev/disk/by-uuid/目录下找,只要使得各挂载点与分区对应即可。。/boot/grub/menu.lst 此文件出错也是有可能的。当出现这错误的时候,不妨先看看此文件配置是否正确。诸如sda与hda的问题,sda不行,就试下hda呗~~~3.initrd没有启动。内核载入内存后,某些系统会执行initrd文件的,如果没有启动,就会出现本文要解决的那问题。当然LFS是没有做initrd文件的,所以忽略此问题。如果您的出错原因在这,那你就用LIVECD启动了,然后到/boot/目录下,看看有没有initrd相似的文件,有的话,在menu.lst文件的启动项中加入initrd (hdx,y)/boot/initrd 这样就能解决了~~~4.内核编译的时候没有添加相应的硬件模块~~~这问题不好说,因为编译一个内核真的太不简单了~~~哈哈~~~有个必定能编译成功的办法,就是,假如你使用的某个版本的linux,把/proc/config.gz文件复制出来,解压,然后重命名为.config(注意前面有个点哦~~~)。复制到将要编译的内核源文件中,然后直接make,当然,如果你要在内核中增加其他模块的话,就先make menuconfig。当然,选项只能是只增不减罗~~~哈哈~~~(说明一下,这方法我没测试过,但是按道理来说是可以的,至少同一版本的内核是肯定成功的,除非不同版本之间的.config文件格式不一样了~~~)


英文原文:i英式音标:[au026a] [wu0252nt] . [juu02d0] . [nu0259u028a] 美式音标:[au026a] [wɑnt] . [ju] . [no]

You know, I think I believe in no religion有三个动词?


翻译一下全部(包括补充的)David Braben is a well-known game developer who tuns the UK development


求一首歌 歌词里面好像是这样 I got temper,you better know,you




No One Knows 歌词

歌曲名:No One Knows歌手:The Section Quartet专辑:FuzzboxGreen Day - No One Knows lyricsWhy should my fun have to end?For me it"s only the beginningI see my friends begin to ageA short countdown to what endCall me irresponsibleCall me habitualBut when you think of meDo you fill your head with schemesBetter think againCause no one knowsI don"t want to cause no harmBut sometimes my actions hurtIs there something I should findTo make plans for foreverCall me irresponsibleCall me habitualBut when you think of meDo you fill your head with schemesBetter think againCause no one knowsCall me irresponsibleCall me habitualBut when you think of meDo you fill your head with schemesBetter think againCause no one knowsI don"t know



The Thorns的《Now I Know》 歌词

歌曲名:Now I Know歌手:The Thorns专辑:The ThornsJessica Mauboy - Now I KnowBut now I knowBut now I knowBut now I knowThat you mean nothin" to meJust let it goJust let it goJust let it goAnd don"t come runnin" to meCoz you were the one who had somebody waiting on the sideAnd you were always acting like it has something to happenNow I knowBut now I knowBut now I know (hey-ey)Though I heard somebody sayThey saw you the other dayI"m thinkin" it"s gonna funny cuz you said you"re out of gameDidn"t wanna bother you by asking you questionCuz asking question means teasing you and then you said you never do(I never lied to you)That"s what you always sayAnd all the love I gave ya bring it, bring it, bring it backAll the things I do for youAnd then you turn around and tell me you don"t wanna talk about it(You don"t wanna talk about it)But now I knowBut now I knowBut now I knowThat you mean nothin" to meJust let it goJust let it goJust let it goAnd don"t come runnin" to meCoz you were the one who had somebody waiting on the sideAnd you were always acting like it has something to happenNow I knowBut now I knowBut now I know (yehhh)Now I"m feeling like a fool cuz I was depending youEverybody"s talking and talking "bout how you"re playing meDon"t know I was thinkin" making you mind everythingEverything you made me believe was nothing but the truthAnd now I see right through youDo know what I mean to youI like to see how it"d be if I wasn"t with youAll the things I do for youAnd then you turn around and tell me you don"t wanna talk about it(You don"t wanna talk about it)But now I knowBut now I knowBut now I knowThat you mean nothin" to meJust let it goJust let it goJust let it goAnd don"t come runnin" to meCoz you were the one who had somebody waiting on the sideAnd you were always acting like it has something to happenBut now I knowBut now I knowBut now I know (woooo) RAPBut now I knowBut now I knowBut now I knowThat you mean nothin" to meJust let it goJust let it goJust let it goAnd don"t come runnin" to meCoz you were the one who had somebody waiting on the sideAnd you were always acting like it has something to happenNow I knowBut now I knowBut now I know (yeahh)Coz you were the one who had somebody waiting on the sideAnd you were always acting like it has something to happenBut now I knowBut now I knowBut now I knowThat you mean nothin" to meRAP part and other mistakes to the lyrics will be rectifiedRight after standard lyrics comes out ^_^

问个英语:你有钥匙吗 -英文怎么写 -let me know,if you need money(为什么把let me know放在前面)

强调啊所以用了倒装句的形式 是为了引起你的注意

寻找一首女生唱的英文歌。里面很多句do you know


我搞不清楚为什么会这个情况出现,英语怎么说(不要用I DONT KNOW 开头)

I have no idea.

初四人教版英语第二单元2b翻译,题目是Do you Know When Basketbal


英语口头禅 you know


Unknown SiS 661 Motherboard这个主板好吗


4510—(张)whilst passing on the knowledge you need to be able to live comfortably in the wilderne

1、是定语从句。但是改写的不对。you need to be able to live comfortably 这个定语是用来修饰knowledge的。楼主应该把整句话贴出来的,半句话很不好翻译的说~句子本来的意思是"当你传递 在野外舒适生存所需要的知识的时候....(句子前半部分 你没有给出,不好翻译)" 而你改写之后变成“你需要传递知识,这样才能在野外舒适地生存下去”2、need在这边是实意动词。need作为情态动词应该是 need do be able to live comfortably是表示目的。 当然了,如果knowledge和you之间有一个逗号的话,这就是一个完整的句子了,不过意思也就完全变了~

有首英文歌 是女生唱的 高潮第一句是i want you know。。。高音

I WANT YOU-INALately I"ve been thinking about what I can do I"ve been stressing to fall back in love with you I"m so sorry that I couldn"t follow through But I can"t go on this way. I"ve got to stop it babe You"ve been wonderful in all that you can be But it hurts when you say that you understand me So believe me. I, I am sorry, I, I am sorry, I, I I wanted you to be there when I fall I wanted you to see me through it all I wanted you to be the one I loved I wanted you, I wanted you I wanted you to hold me in my sleep I wanted you to show me what I need I wanted you to know just how down deep I wanted you, I wanted you I"ve been pushing hard to open up the door Trying to take us back to where we were before But I"m done. I just can"t do this anymore "Cause we can"t be mended, so let"s stop pretending now We"ve been walking around in circles for some time And I think we should head for the finish line So believe me. I, I am sorry, I, I am sorry, I, I I wanted you to be there when I fall I wanted you to see me through it all I wanted you to be the one I loved I wanted you, I wanted you I wanted you to hold me in my sleep I wanted you to show me what I need I wanted you to know just how down deep I wanted you, I wanted you I, I... I"m so sorry baby But I, I... I gotta pack up and leave But I, I"ll always remember how we came close ... to being how I wanted to be I wanted you baby I wanted you I wanted you to be there when I fall I wanted you to see me through it all I wanted you to be the one I loved I wanted you, I wanted you I wanted you to hold me in my sleep I wanted you to show me what I need I wanted you to know just how down deep I wanted you, I wanted you不知道是不是你想要的

英语谚语:Necessity knows no law 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Necessity knows no law 中文意思: 铤而走险。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: A bad beginning makes a bad ending 恶其始者必恶其终。 A bad bush is better than the open field 有胜于无。 A bad promise is better than a good lawsuit 吃亏的和解也比胜诉强。 A bad conscience is a snake in one"s heart 做贼心虚。 A bad custom is like a good cake better broken than kept 坏习惯像鲜馅饼,分食要比保存好。 A bad padlock invites a picklock 开门揖盗。 A bad thing never dies 坏事传千年。 A bad workman quarrels with his tools 拙匠常怨工具差(人笨怨刀钝)。 A bargain is a bargaain. 达成的协议不可撕毁。 A beggar"s purse is bottomless 乞丐的钱袋是无底洞。 英语谚语: Necessity knows no law 中文意思: 铤而走险。


歌词来了~~~Phat/想知道我哋点解popular就等我话你知廿四喺乜嚟架由06年开始到到依家Arrr廿四味玩最地道嘻哈证据确凿香港Hip Hop唔只一队农夫佢哋咁红要多得志云大师照顾我硬颈唔认命 唔肯睇佢哋台戏(喂衰仔 米缸就嚟无米喇阿肥)牛皮灯笼点极唔明俗称一条懵炳我上youtube睇张如城都唔肯试听傅颖上饭局 食焗饭呃老板话唔得闲实情系约咗马士达米欧阳靖同埋生番一齐痴餐吴彦祖争住帮我地埋单REVOLUTION风雨同路同渡每一个难关狂人一号唔扮深奥用呢个速度继续flow越rap越燥呢一种态度我唔想let it go一系唔做一做就系要做到最好一系唔玩一玩梗系要坃到最pro从来冇谂过喺音乐身上面攞著数音乐为我带嚟嘅快乐系用钱买唔到你照做 我照做 大家行自己条路Hip Hop带领我游遍世界每一个国度从east side直落dirty south南京到北投都有战友系我前后左右你一系埋嚟只揪 一系就做我老友一切既决定都喺你手呀朋友我用音乐向你攻击对你咄咄进逼驶出Hip Hop招式不嬲都所向无敌Ghost Style/We right up here in God We TrustWe big this year like D size cupsI see supply and demand and link them upWe keep you on your feet like kids with gunsWe in love with the processThe MusicThat keep you in the mood manTo lose itWe got 2 words that"s "do it"Classic rap tracks is my influencePeople in the crowd they do it like usPut your finger in the air ain"t givin" a f*ckPeople in the crowd they do it like usPut your finger in the air ain"t givin" a f*ckWe know UYou know MeGeeStyles on the micFeelin" the buzzdeliver angry on the beatCause we got Mad LoveKit/要你知道我哋就系叫做廿四我哋唔会放弃 你嘅冷嘲我当系放屁讲到香港hip hop就会讲到我哋你唔抵得只可以埋怨自己唔争气讲respect我一直尊重别人你越踩我哋呢班人越行你小心你喺度引火自焚从今以后打救你系我哋责任我叫KIT do you know me你仲未知等我再讲大声d踏著拍子利用手中呢支MIC要你班Hater收声请你悭d我想点唔洗你讲我自己有分数有太多人讲一套做著另一套我知道你无料到又唔够胆去表露我哋廿四味坚持自己一贯态度Drunk/We destroying the past, Yo bringing it fast!!The future the development!! The market to the masses!!24Herbs of mice and men yeah,We"re just a collective, a cartel to the end!!Snake eyes like rolling the diceYou take a chance.. big city.. bright lights!Be water my friend, do you know me?Worldwide tribe, blessed and peace!Ghost Style/I"m an alien, check out the bloodlineRappers wanna step, step on me I"m a LandmineI blast minds to particlesGot you like a bomb vestUse hit men skill setsI"m the mind f*ck terroristCall the Exorcist, cause I"m possessed by the Ghostand you can"t do sh*tOhTo the mostSuicidal MC on the MIC24Herbs YoDo You Know MeChorus/We are 24We are 24We are 24We are 24We are 24We are 24We are 24 24HerbsGhost Style/People in the crowd they do it like usPut your finger in the air ain"t givin" a f*ckPeople in the crowd they do it like usPut your finger in the air ain"t givin" a f*ckWe know UYou know MeGeeStyles on the micFeelin" the buzzdeliver angry on the beatCause we got Mad LoveChorus/We are 24We are 24We are 24We are 24We are 24We are 24We are 24We are 24We are 24We are 24We are 24We are 24We are 24We are 24We are 24

求24味的do you know me 的lrc 歌词

歌词来了~~~Phat/[00:11.11]想知道我哋点解popular[00:14.20]就等我话你知[00:17.04]廿四喺乜嚟架[00:19.63]由06年开始到到依家[00:19.98]Arrr廿四味玩最地道嘻哈证据确凿[00:22.71]香港Hip Hop唔只一队农夫[00:24.73]佢哋咁红要多得志云大师照顾[00:26.39]我硬颈唔认命 唔肯睇佢哋台戏[00:31.19](喂衰仔 米缸就嚟无米喇阿肥)[00:33.97]牛皮灯笼点极唔明俗称一条懵炳[00:35.95]我上youtube睇张如城都唔肯试听傅颖[00:38.97]上饭局 食焗饭[00:40.95]呃老板话唔得闲[00:42.73]实情系约咗马士达米欧阳靖同埋生番[00:44.80]一齐痴餐吴彦祖争住帮我地埋单[00:47.43]REVOLUTION风雨同路同渡每一个难关[00:50.18]狂人一号唔扮深奥用呢个速度继续flow[00:53.21]越rap越燥呢一种态度我唔想let it go[00:56.04]一系唔做一做就系要做到最好[00:58.26]一系唔玩一玩梗系要坃到最pro[00:59.54]从来冇谂过喺音乐身上面攞著数[01:04.14]音乐为我带嚟嘅快乐系用钱买唔到[01:07.94]你照做 我照做 大家行自己条路[01:09.40]Hip Hop带领我游遍世界每一个国度[01:12.70]从east side直落dirty south[01:14.57]南京到北投都有战友系我前后左右[01:18.26]你一系埋嚟只揪 一系就做我老友[01:21.24]一切既决定都喺你手呀朋友[01:23.92]我用音乐向你攻击[01:25.74]对你咄咄进逼[01:27.21]驶出Hip Hop招式[01:28.22]不嬲都所向无敌[01:29.99]Ghost Style/[01:31.10]We right up here in God We Trust[01:32.71]We big this year like D size cups[01:34.99]I see supply and demand and link them up[01:38.04]We keep you on your feet like kids with guns[01:40.71]We in love with the process[01:42.74]The Music[01:44.01]That keep you in the mood man[01:45.37]To lose it[01:46.63]We got 2 words that"s "do it"[01:49.37]Classic rap tracks is my influence[01:51.39]People in the crowd they do it like us[01:55.19]Put your finger in the air ain"t givin" a f*ck[01:58.48]People in the crowd they do it like us[02:00.76]Put your finger in the air ain"t givin" a f*ck[02:03.25]We know U[02:04.51]You know Me[02:06.18]GeeStyles on the mic[02:10.63]Feelin" the buzz[02:12.20]deliver angry on the beat[02:13.46]Cause we got Mad Love[02:14.63]Kit/[02:15.29]要你知道我哋就系叫做廿四[02:17.20]我哋唔会放弃 你嘅冷嘲我当系放屁[02:19.89]讲到香港hip hop就会讲到我哋[02:22.92]你唔抵得只可以埋怨自己唔争气[02:25.80]讲respect我一直尊重别人[02:28.24]你越踩我哋呢班人越行[02:31.42]你小心你喺度引火自焚[02:34.36]从今以后打救你系我哋责任[02:36.85]我叫KIT do you know me[02:39.83]你仲未知等我再讲大声d[02:42.70]踏著拍子利用手中呢支MIC[02:45.50]要你班Hater收声请你悭d[02:48.32]我想点唔洗你讲我自己有分数[02:50.89]有太多人讲一套做著另一套[02:53.73]我知道你无料到又唔够胆去表露[02:56.47]我哋廿四味坚持自己一贯态度[02:59.55]Drunk/[03:00.81]We destroying the past, Yo bringing it fast!![03:02.28]The future the development!! The market to the masses!![03:05.26]24Herbs of mice and men yeah,[03:08.25]We"re just a collective, a cartel to the end!![03:11.08]Snake eyes like rolling the dice[03:13.50]You take a chance.. big city.. bright lights![03:16.44]Be water my friend, do you know me?[03:19.12]Worldwide tribe, blessed and peace![03:22.16]Ghost Style/[03:23.17]I"m an alien, check out the bloodline[03:23.77]Rappers wanna step, step on me I"m a Landmine[03:27.61]I blast minds to particles[03:29.89]Got you like a bomb vest[03:33.38]Use hit men skill sets[03:34.96]I"m the mind f*ck terrorist[03:35.31]Call the Exorcist, cause I"m possessed by the Ghost[03:39.86]and you can"t do sh*t[03:40.87]Oh[03:41.47]To the most[03:42.13]Suicidal MC on the MIC[03:42.95]24Herbs Yo[03:43.91]Do You Know Me[03:45.02]Chorus/[03:45.78]We are 24[03:46.89]We are 24[03:48.00]We are 24[03:48.96]We are 24[03:50.13]We are 24[03:51.85]We are 24[03:53.17]We are 24 24Herbs[03:54.53]Ghost Style/[03:56.91]People in the crowd they do it like us[03:58.68]Put your finger in the air ain"t givin" a f*ck[04:01.26]People in the crowd they do it like us[04:04.09]Put your finger in the air ain"t givin" a f*ck[04:06.92]We know U[04:08.29]You know Me[04:09.95]GeeStyles on the mic[04:15.48]Feelin" the buzz[04:18.51]deliver angry on the beat[04:20.38]Cause we got Mad Love[04:21.09]Chorus/[04:21.64]We are 24[04:22.20]We are 24[04:23.31]We are 24[04:24.22]We are 24[04:25.29]We are 24[04:26.85]We are 24[04:28.12]We are 24[04:29.74]We are 24[04:30.95]We are 24[04:32.46]We are 24[04:33.78]We are 24[04:35.24]We are 24[04:36.61]We are 24[04:38.22]We are 24[04:39.49]We are 24

knowledge community可以翻译成知识领域吗

不行的。communityn. 社区,社会;(由同国籍、同宗教等构成的)群体,界;(多个国家的)共同体;归属感;(动植物的)群落knowledge community一般翻译成‘知识社群;知识社区;知识研习群"

求一首英文歌 副歌部分有两句 but she know but she know

《she don"t know my name》 nelly的

Foxmail 7.2 一直显示 ERR Logon failure: unknown user name or bad 但我密码没错!

如果账号密码没错,那一般就是下面原因服务器地址错误,你的邮箱地址对应的POP SMTP服务器地址不对2. 地址正确,服务器对应的端口没开。3.您的用户账号客户端功能被禁用了,如果还有其他疑问,可以私信我



It is universally acknowledged that you are indispensable to me 什么意思?


谁有Killers的《for reasons unknown》的歌词?

For Reasons Unknown I pack my case. I check my face. I look a little bit older. I look a little bit colder. With one deep breath, and one big step, I move a little bit closer. I move a little bit closer. For reasons unknown.I caught my stride. I flew and flied. I know if destinyu2019s kind, Iu2019ve got the rest on my mind. But my heart, it donu2019t beat, it donu2019t beat the way it used to. And my eyes, they donu2019t see you no more. And my lips, they donu2019t kiss, they donu2019t kiss the way they used to, and my eyes donu2019t recognize you no more.For reasons unknown; for reasons unknown.There was an open chair. We sat down in the open chair. I said if destinyu2019s kind, Iu2019ve got the rest on my mind. But my heart, it donu2019t beat, it donu2019t beat the way it used to. And my eyes, they donu2019t see you no more. And my lips, they donu2019t kiss, they donu2019t kiss the way they used to, and my eyes donu2019t recognize you at all.For reasons unknown; for reasons unknown.I said my heart, it donu2019t beat, it donu2019t beat the way it used to and my eyes donu2019t recognize you no more. And my lips, they donu2019t kiss, they donu2019t kiss the way they used to, and my eyes donu2019t recognize you no more.For reasons unknown; for reasons unknown; for reasons unknown; for reasons unknown.

The villagers have already known_________we’ll do is to rebuild the bridge. A.this B.that

C 试题分析:通过分析句子结构,可知这个句子中包含一个宾语从句,且引导词在从句中作宾语,表示什么的意思,故用what。点评:在句子中起宾语作用的从句叫做宾语从句。宾语从句分为三类:动词的宾语从句,介词的宾语从句和形容词的宾语从句。解答这类题,首先要确定从句是什么从句,然后依据相应的语法规则答题。宾语从句中引导词的确定,要看它在宾语从句中作什么成分,有没有什么实际意义。

有句歌词是l never know why 男女合唱,中间部分有句是down down down

是不是 jason walker 的down ? 是电视剧吸血鬼日记插曲歌曲链接歌词 :i don"t know where i"m at i"m standin" at the back and i"m tired of waiting 我不知道我在哪 置身黑暗中 厌倦了等待 i"m waiting here in line hoping that i"ll find what i"ve been chasing 我还在这里等待 渴盼找到 我所追寻 i shot for the sky i"m stuck on the ground so why do i try? i know i"m gonna fall down 努力飞向天空 却困于此地 那就是为什么我挣扎? 我知道,我快要沉沦了i thought i could fly so why did i drown? i never know why it"s comin" down, down, down 明明可以飞 为何还沉溺了? 参不透 我为什么一直在坠落,坠落,坠落 i"m not ready to let go "cause then i"ll never know what i could be missin" 还没有准备好去放手 因为我不知道 将错过些什么 but i"m missin" way too much so when do i give up, what i"ve been wishin" for? 但错过的太多太多 放弃了之后 我还能去期望些什么?i shot for the sky i"m stuck on the ground so why do i try? i know i"m gonna fall down i thought i could fly so why did i drown? i"ll never know why it"s comin" down, down, down 同上oh i am goin" down, down, down 噢,我一直在坠落、坠落、坠落i can"t find another way around and i don"t wanna hear the sound of losin" what i never found 我找不到其他出口 我不想听见那声音 提醒着我我所失去 i shot for the sky i"m stuck on the ground so why do i try? i know i"m gonna fall down i thought i could fly so why did i drown? i"ll never know why it"s comin" down, down, down 同上i shot for the sky i"m stuck on the ground so why do i try? i know i"m gonna fall down i thought i could fly so why did i drown? oh, it"s comin" down, down, down

运行java程序提示java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException: Conversion怎么解决

我看你的格式错误的应该只有三条打印语句中的第一句出错。原因在格式输出中%是一个特殊符号用来转义的。%)这是一个错误的转义。你把9.0后面的"%"去掉就不会出错了。格式字符串语法 产生格式化输出的每个方法都需要格式字符串 和参数列表。格式字符串是一个 String,它可以包含固定文本以及一个或多个嵌入的格式说明符。请考虑以下示例: Calendar c = ...; String s = String.format("Duke"s Birthday: %1$tm %1$te,%1$tY", c); 此格式字符串是 format 方法的第一个参数。它包含三个格式说明符 "%1$tm"、"%1$te" 和 "%1$tY",它们指出应该如何处理参数以及在文本的什么地方插入它们。格式字符串的其余部分是包括 "Dukes Birthday: " 和其他任何空格或标点符号的固定文本。 参数列表由传递给位于格式字符串之后的方法的所有参数组成。在上述示例中,参数列表的大小为 1,由对象 Calendarc 组成。 常规类型、字符类型和数值类型的格式说明符的语法如下: %[argument_index$][flags][width][.precision]conversion 可选的 argument_index 是一个十进制整数,用于表明参数在参数列表中的位置。第一个参数由 "1$" 引用,第二个参数由 "2$" 引用,依此类推。 可选 flags 是修改输出格式的字符集。有效标志集取决于转换类型。 可选 width 是一个非负十进制整数,表明要向输出中写入的最少字符数。 可选 precision 是一个非负十进制整数,通常用来限制字符数。特定行为取决于转换类型。 所需 conversion 是一个表明应该如何格式化参数的字符。给定参数的有效转换集取决于参数的数据类型。 用来表示日期和时间类型的格式说明符的语法如下: %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion 可选的 argument_index、flags 和 width 的定义同上。 所需的 conversion 是一个由两字符组成的序列。第一个字符是 "t" 或 "T"。第二个字符表明所使用的格式。这些字符类似于但不完全等同于那些由 GNU date 和 POSIX strftime(3c) 定义的字符。 与参数不对应的格式说明符的语法如下: %[flags][width]conversion 可选 flags 和 width 的定义同上。 所需的 conversion 是一个表明要在输出中所插内容的字符。 转换 转换可分为以下几类: 常规 - 可应用于任何参数类型 字符 - 可应用于表示 Unicode 字符的基本类型:char、Character、byte、Byte、short 和 Short。当 Character.isValidCodePoint(int) 返回 true 时,可将此转换应用于 int 和 Integer 类型 数值整数 - 可应用于 Java 的整数类型:byte、Byte、short、Short、int、Integer、long、Long 和 BigInteger浮点 - 可用于 Java 的浮点类型:float、Float、double、Double 和 BigDecimal日期/时间 - 可应用于 Java 的、能够对日期或时间进行编码的类型:long、Long、Calendar 和 Date。 百分比 - 产生字面值 "%" ("u0025") 行分隔符 - 产生特定于平台的行分隔符 下表总结了受支持的转换。由大写字符(如 "B"、"H"、"S"、"C"、"X"、"E"、"G"、"A" 和 "T")表示的转换与由相应的小写字符的转换等同,根据流行的 Locale 规则将结果转换为大写形式除外。后者等同于 String.toUpperCase() 的以下调用 out.toUpperCase() 转换 参数类别 说明 "b", "B"常规 如果参数 arg 为 null,则结果为 "false"。如果 arg 是一个 boolean 值或 Boolean,则结果为 String.valueOf() 返回的字符串。否则结果为 "true"。 "h", "H"常规 如果参数 arg 为 null,则结果为 "null"。否则,结果为调用 Integer.toHexString(arg.hashCode()) 得到的结果。 "s", "S"常规 如果参数 arg 为 null,则结果为 "null"。如果 arg 实现 Formattable,则调用 arg.formatTo。否则,结果为调用 arg.toString() 得到的结果。 "c", "C"字符 结果是一个 Unicode 字符 "d"整数 结果被格式化为十进制整数 "o"整数 结果被格式化为八进制整数 "x", "X"整数 结果被格式化为十六进制整数 "e", "E"浮点 结果被格式化为用计算机科学记数法表示的十进制数 "f"浮点 结果被格式化为十进制数 "g", "G"浮点 根据精度和舍入运算后的值,使用计算机科学记数形式或十进制格式对结果进行格式化。 "a", "A"浮点 结果被格式化为带有效位数和指数的十六进制浮点数 "t", "T"日期/时间 日期和时间转换字符的前缀。请参阅日期/时间转换。 "%"百分比 结果为字面值 "%" ("u0025") "n"行分隔符 结果为特定于平台的行分隔符 任何未明确定义为转换的字符都是非法字符,并且都被保留,以供将来扩展使用。

一首英文歌有一句歌词是fucking fucking fucking know 是一个男生唱的,听

FUCKING BEST SONG EVERRR - Wallpaper.Fill in the blankswithout spilling your drinksMy name is...and I"m a alcoholicNot for real,but what else do you call thisFind me in the clubbyGoing duper dumbyBorrowing your moneyIn the bathroomflask full of iced teaCollege grad chicks straddling meI think that she want meTo get up in her tummyThat"s why they call me "Gutsy"And I be like "check my Spanish"Mamacita, te necesitoSoy ebrio,that"s all the words I knowI shoot tequila from Costa RicaI gotta tell yauff08I gotta tell yauff09Best friends,you are my fucking best friendsSeriously,it"s like the best night everThis song,I"m really feeling this songThis song,fucking best song everrrIt"s only midnight,chicks like "Heels off!"Barefooted on the floorplaying leapfrogSkittles, don"t leave no juiceAnd rolypoly produceThat"s why they call me"Whoa, dude""Slow, dude","Your roll dude"Mamacita, te necesitoSoy ebrio,that"s all the words I knowMargaritas and microwave pizzasI gotta tell yauff08I gotta tell yauff09Best friends,you are my fucking best friendsSeriously,it"s like the best night everThis song,I"m really feeling this songThis song,fucking best song everrrCheck my Spanish!Best friends,you are my fucking best friendsSeriously,it"s like the best night everThis song,I"m really feeling this songThis song,fucking best song everrrBest friends,you are my fucking best friendsSeriously,it"s like the best night everThis song,I"m really feeling this songThis song,fucking best song everrr
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