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Qt5 QPlainTextEdit设置背景颜色代码如下:codeeditor->setStyleSheet("background-color:lightYellow;");文字的颜色设置:QPlainTextEdit edit;QPalette p = edit.palette();p.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base, Qt::red);p.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Base, Qt::red);edit.setPalette(p);Qt 是一个1991年由奇趣科技开发的跨平台C++图形用户界面应用程序开发框架。它既可以开发GUI程序,也可用于开发非GUI程序,比如控制台工具和服务器。Qt是面向对象的框架,使用特殊的代码生成扩展(称为元对象编译器(Meta Object Compiler, moc))以及一些宏,易于扩展,允许组件编程。2008年,奇趣科技被诺基亚公司收购,QT也因此成为诺基亚旗下的编程语言工具。2012年,Qt被Digia收购。2014年4月,跨平台集成开发环境Qt Creator 3.1.0正式发布,实现了对于iOS的完全支持,新增WinRT、Beautifier等插件,废弃了无Python接口的GDB调试支持,集成了基于Clang的C/C++代码模块,并对Android支持做出了调整,至此实现了全面支持iOS、Android、WP。

The Old Man And The Sea Chapter18

It was on the third turn that he saw the fish first.He saw him first as a dark shadow that took so long to pass under the boat that he could not believe its length. “No,” he said. “He can"t be that big.” But he was that big and at the end of this circle he came to the surface only thirty yards away and the man saw his tail out of water. It was higher than a big scythe blade and a very pale lavender above the dark blue water. It raked back and as the fish swam just below the surface the old man could see his huge bulk and the purple stripes that banded (戴上环套,这里指裹在鱼身上) him. His dorsal fin was down and his huge pectorals were spread wide. On this circle the old man could see the fish"s eye and the two gray sucking fish that swam around him. Sometimes they attached themselves to him. Sometimes they darted off. Sometimes they would swim easily in his shadow. They were each over three feet long and when they swam fast they lashed their whole bodies like eels. The old man was sweating now but from something else besides the sun. On each calm placid turn the fish made he was gaining line and he was sure that in two turns more he would have a chance to get the harpoon in. But I must get him close, close, close, he thought. I mustn"t try for the head. I must get the heart. “Be calm and strong, old man,” he said. On the next circle the fish"s back was out but he was a little too far from the boat. On the next circle he was still too far away but he was higher out of the water and the old man was sure that by gaining some more line he could have him alongside. He had rigged his harpoon long before and its coil of light rope was in a round basket and the end was made fast to the bitt in the bow. The fish was coming in on his circle now calm and beautiful looking and only his great tail moving. The old man pulled on him all that he could to bring him closer. For just a moment the fish turned a little on his side. Then he straightened himself and began another circle. “I moved him,” the old man said. “I moved him then.” He felt faint again now but he held on the great fish all the strain that he could. I moved him, he thought. Maybe this time I can get him over. Pull, hands, he thought. Hold up, legs. Last for me, head. Last for me. You never went. This time I"ll pull him over. But when he put all of his effort on, starting it well out before the fish came alongside and pulling with all his strength, the fish pulled part way over and then righted himself and swam away. “Fish,” the old man said. “Fish, you are going to have to die anyway. Do you have to kill me too?” That way nothing is accomplished, he thought. His mouth was too dry to speak but he could not reach for the water now. I must get him alongside this time, he thought. I am not good for many more turns. Yes, you are, he told himself. You"re good for ever. On the next turn, he nearly had him. But again, the fish righted himself and swam slowly away. You are killing me, fish, the old man thought. But you have a right to. Never have I seen a greater, or more beautiful, or a calmer or more noble thing than you, brother. Come on and kill me. I do not care who kills who. Now you are getting confused in the head, he thought. You must keep your head clear. Keep your head clear and know how to suffer like a man. Or a fish, he thought. “Clear up, head,” he said in a voice he could hardly hear. “Clear up.” Twice more it was the same on the turns. I do not know, the old man thought. He had been on the point of feeling himself go each time. I do not know. But I will try it once more. He tried it once more and he felt himself going when he turned the fish. The fish righted himself and swam off again slowly with the great tail weaving in the air. I"ll try it again, the old man promised, although his hands were mushy (糊状的,指老人的手血肉模糊) now and he could only see well in flashes. He tried it again and it was the same. So he thought, and he felt himself going before he started; I will try it once again. He took all his pain and what was left of his strength and his long gone pride and he put it against the fish"s agony and the fish came over onto his side and swam gently on his side, his bill almost touching the planking of the skiff and started to pass the boat, long, deep, wide, silver and barred with purple and interminable in the water. The old man dropped the line and put his foot on it and lifted the harpoon as high as he could and drove it down with all his strength, and more strength he had just summoned, into the fish"s side just behind the great chest fin that rose high in the air to the altitude of the man"s chest. He felt the iron go in and he leaned on it and drove it further and then pushed all his weight after it. Then the fish came alive, with his death in him, and rose high out of the water showing all his great length and width and all his power and his beauty. He seemed to hang in the air above the old man in the skiff. Then he fell into the water with a crash that sent spray over the old man and over all of the skiff.


Kitchen supplies 厨房用品supplies 英[su0259p"lau026az]美[su0259p"lau026az]n. 供应; 补给; 日用(必需)品; 供应量; 供给物( supply的名词复数 ); 储备物质; 粮食;v. 供给( supply的第三人称单数 ); 补充; 弥补(缺陷、损失等); 向…提供(物资等);[例句]A nearby stream supplies fresh drinking water.附近的一条小溪供应新鲜的饮用水。

the truth never lie什么意思


on the ground lies a boy为什么lie要加s?

这句话主语是 a boy,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,即lies

i see the cat lie in bed every+day+lie为什么不加s?

I see the cat lie in bed every day.我每天看见那只猫躺在床上。固定用法 see sb do sth

Siren head是什么意思?

siren的中文解释:noun1汽笛;警报器a device that makes a long loud sound as a signal or warningan air-raid siren空袭警报器A police car raced past with its siren wailing.一辆警车鸣着警报器飞驰而过。2塞壬(古希腊神话中半人半鸟或半人半鱼的女海妖,以美妙歌声诱使航海者驶向礁石或进入危险水域)(in ancient Greek stories) any of a group of sea creatures that were part woman and part bird, or part woman and part fish, whose beautiful singing made sailors sail towards them into rocks or dangerous waters3妖冶而危险的女人;性感妖女a woman who is very attractive or beautiful but also dangerous4~ voices/song/call(literary) 危险的诱惑the temptation to do sth that seems very attractive but that will have bad resultsThe government must resist the siren voices calling for tax cuts.政府万万不可听信那些鼓吹减税的动听言辞。综上应该取第二个意思 塞壬,塞壬的头部指的是海妖的鸟首。

p2psearcher KAD网络和服务器 一直正在连接


first thrive and then wife


魔发奇缘I see the light歌词中英对照

(女:)All those days watching from the windows天天看着窗外All those years outside looking in岁岁幻想着远方All that time never even knowing却从未意识到Just how blind I"ve been那一叶是障我目Now I"m here blinking in the starlight是的,我来了,星光闪烁中Now I"m here suddenly I see是的,我来了,抹去眼中云翳Standing here, it"s all so clear驻足仰望,它是如此清晰I"m where I"m meant to be我来了,注定如此And at last I see the light. And it"s like the fog has lifted终于,我看见那光,拨云见日And at last I see the light. And it"s like the sky is new终于,我看见那亮,天为之新And it"s warm and real and bright. And the world has somehow shifted光亮温暖 世界为之而变All at once everything looks different一切为之不同Now that I see you这时,我看见了你(男:)All those days chasing down a daydream天天追逐白日梦All those years living in a blur岁岁活在浑浑噩噩中All that time never truly seeing从来不曾真正明白Things the way they were 人生的意义Now she"s here, shining in the starlight 是的,她来了,星光闪耀Now she"s here suddenly I know 是的,她来了,我才忽然明白If she"s here, it"s crystal clear只有她在这儿,所有都变得清晰I"m where I"m meant to go我来了,命中注定(合:)And at last I see the light. And it"s like the fog has lifted终于,我看见那光,拨云见日And at last I see the light. And it"s like the sky is new终于,我看见那亮,天为之新And it"s warm and real and bright. And the world has somehow shifted光亮温暖 世界为之而变All at once everything looks different一切为之不同Now that I see you是的,我看见了你Now that I see you是的,我看见了你

maybe the crazy fog has lifted and she realises that life without me sucks.


塞尔达塞尔达传说sheikah slate怎么升级

在风之遗迹取得风之笛后,不需要任何东西,在圣域给剑注入元素之力后学会分身,去塔邦塔秘境,威力极大。效果,即将起身的时候挥剑:碎石斩.魁师:大回旋斩:剑光斩,六郎.大回旋斩时间延长,从风之宫殿回来后(取得旋风元素和飘翎斗篷)找天师学:还有三个人教你剑技升级 三个人要通过与前面的天师兄弟拼碎片才出现 三人都在瀑布中、魁师拼碎片。8,在露水神殿取得露水元素和油灯后:1,从海利亚湖去奇洛路亚森林。效果.番师,去天师道场学。3,可直直地刺下.天师。7.斗师,可以一边旋转着挥剑一边移动,跳到与自己身高差不多的高度时。4:回旋斩,跳起;2:突进斩。5。效果。效果,推开后下去学,去海拉尔城内阁,左下角有一个大墓碑、斗师:地堂刀,七郎 教你的是增加大回旋斩持续时间,缩短回旋斩蓄力时间,在取得蛙蹼学会游泳后,去滚骨碌山的一个洞穴(在获得攀援戒指的洞旁边的坡上):装备天马靴和剑:按R滚动,分别是五郎,可以伤到敌人且自己一般不会受伤,在右边有一大块草地:体力只剩四分之一个心时:1.大回旋斩次数增加,游进去后,砍完后有梯子,一直往前冲.天师,可以与三位师傅(五郎。效果,去找天师学,从滚骨碌山回来后(已取得火焰元素和梅尔达铁匠铸的白光剑),挥剑可发出剑光击伤敌人,下去后点燃屋里的两个火盆就可以了,可以向前冲一段并刺前方的敌人:满血时挥剑可发出剑光击伤敌人:可以砍碎石块和罐子,飞到海利亚湖:绝光斩。效果:装备斗篷和剑,会找到一个树洞。效果,增加大回旋斩次数 另外;3、塞拉瀑布和塔邦塔秘境):蓄力后绕身体一周挥剑,从奇洛路亚森林得到大地元素回海拉尔镇时到左下角一个小木屋学:裂空斩.天师答案,取得天马靴后。附加。效果,进去后用分身打开门,挥剑.蓄力时间缩短。2.天师,里面就是,在前面所有的剑技都学会后,会有三个瀑布打开(在海拉尔镇。6.元祖天师:在回旋斩的基础上,与番师、六郎和七郎)学到以下三种能力


The sun doesn"t set late.Does the sun set late?

Clean the slate是什么意思?


求助!!n-Pent,n-Hex 是指什么化学基团!!!


《摇滚夏令营》 Renee Sandstrom-Here I Am 的歌词

here i am---Renee SandstromThey tell you a good girl is quiet And that you should never ask why Cause it only makes it harder to fit in And you should be happy, excited Even if you"re just invited Cause the winners need someone to clap for them 他们告诉你好女孩要安静 你永远不该问为什么 因为那只会更不融洽 你要幸福开心快乐 即使你只是旁观 因为胜者需要别人的掌声喝彩 It"s so hard just waiting In a line that never moves It"s time you started making Your own rules 只是等待是多么难呀 被一条永远固定的线困住 从此以后,你要开始 走自己的路 You gotta scream until there"s nothing left With your last breath Say here I am Here I am Make em listen Cause there is no way you"ll be ignored Not anymore Say here I am Here I am Here I am Here I am 你要尖叫直到一无所有疲惫不堪 用你最后的气力 说:我在这 我在这 让他们都听着 你绝不可以再被忽视 再也不要! 说:我在这 我在这 我在这 You only get one life to work it So who cares if it"s not perfect Say "it"s close enough to perfect for me" Why should you hide from the thunder And the lightening that your under Cause there ain"t nobody else you want to be 你只能活一次 谁在乎完不完美 说:“我已经做够完美” 为什么要躲开 头上的电闪雷鸣暴风雨 你只想要做你自己 If how your living isn"t working There"s one thing that"ll help You got to finally just stop searching To find yourself 如果你的活力不在 这有一个办法管用 不要再迟疑 找回你自己

Samson HWV57: Let the bright Seraphim 歌词

歌曲名:Samson HWV57: Let the bright Seraphim歌手:Hallé Choir&Hallé Orchestra&Pamela Coburn&Owain Arwel Hughes专辑:50 Best WeddingLet the bright Seraphim 《光辉的六翼天使》Words: Newburgh Hamilton, after MiltonMusic: George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759),from his oratorio "Samson", 1743Let the bright Seraphim in burning row,让明亮的塞拉芬加入这欢腾的队伍吧!Their loud uplifted Angel-trumpets blow:他们欢呼着高举并吹起天使的小号。Let the bright Seraphim in burning row,让明亮的塞拉芬加入这欢腾的队伍吧!Their loud uplifted Angel-trumpets blow:他们欢呼着高举并吹起天使的小号。Let the bright Seraphim in burning row,让明亮的塞拉芬加入这欢腾的队伍吧!Their loud uplifted Angel-trumpets blow:他们欢呼着高举并吹起天使的小号。Let the Cherubic host, in tuneful choirs,让天使的主人,加入到美妙的音乐中,Touch their immortal harps with golden wires.弹奏起不朽的金弦竖琴。Let the Cherubic host, in tuneful choirs,让天使的主人,加入到美妙的音乐中,Touch their immortal harps with golden wires.弹奏起不朽的金弦竖琴。Let the bright Seraphim in burning row,让明亮的塞拉芬加入这欢腾的队伍吧!Their loud uplifted Angel-trumpets blow:他们欢呼着高举并吹起天使的小号。Let the bright Seraphim in burning row,让明亮的塞拉芬加入这欢腾的队伍吧!Their loud uplifted Angel-trumpets blow:他们欢呼着高举并吹起天使的小号。Let the bright Seraphim in burning row,让明亮的塞拉芬加入这欢腾的队伍吧!Their loud uplifted Angel-trumpets blow:他们欢呼着高举并吹起天使的小号。http://music.baidu.com/song/6558070

the two men are talking用加ing吗?


he is talking这个句子对吗?

He is talking about......

They are talking____each other. A/ B in C to D of

C They are taking to each other.固定句型

who were you talking to at the party?为什么要用talking?


Her eyes sparkled with happiness,这个sparkle为啥要用过去式滴啊?


what is the song talking about是什么意思?

what is the song talking about翻译成中文就是:这首歌唱的是什么内容。


sylvia吧 很特别至于sherry,一定被很多人用,用做什么英文名的话就没意义了。(名侦探柯南 中 灰原哀 组织代号 还有相当高人气)

Are you talking to your mother 里的talking是什么词?

现在分词,Be + talking

葛仲珊的《Hey DJ》 歌词

Hey DJ演唱:葛仲珊Hey DJYo I"m feelin" real fly like JordanSo fly, real high I"m soarin"Skyrise, everything"s so gorgeousOooweee, what a beautiful mornin"Top down, ‘bout to cruise on byWestside highway, two-door rideNot carin", system blarin"Old lady at the red light be starin"Stay livin" it up, boy I"m from NY city, w"supSo grown, not givin" a f*ckHaters gonna hate,still givin" them love,and it"s all goodStay doin" my thing in all hoodsI"m everywhere like Starbucks,Miss Ko-rporateBut you"ll never find me chillin" in the officeFlow August, hot like cautionStay busy, I"m on my boss sh*tYea boy, I talk that talk,walk that walk,and do it as oftenJust actin" grownDoin" big things all across the globeJetset on a red-eye flightFinnah touch down for a crazy nightHey DJ, put this onThis my song, this my songHey, hey, this my songPut it on all night longHey DJ, put this onThis my song, this my songHey, hey, this my songPut it on all night longHey DJ, yea put this onHey, hey put this onHey, hey put this onAll night long, this my songHey DJ, yea put this onHey, hey put this onHey, hey put this onAll night long, this my songSo we rollin" next spot we goin"Party hard like stars ‘til mornin"Sunrise, while the lights be glowin"So I rock my shades real potentBlack on black, old school swagDo everything with my own two handsYou know we get it, get itStay so miss independentAll day, you can spot me alwaysI be loungin" back with my homiesOn time, they be lovin" me longtimeSo old school, rockin" them carminesCrazy, yes, feelin" flyAlways fresh and lovin" lifeHip-hop these jams all dayShout out to the damn DJ, likeHey DJ, yea put this onHey, hey put this onAll night long, this my songHey DJ, yea put this onHey, hey put this onHey, hey put this onAll night long, this my songHey DJ, put this onThis my song, this my songHey, hey, this my songPut it on all night longHey DJ, put this onThis my song, this my songHey, hey, this my songPut it on all night longHey DJ, put this onAll night long, this my songHey DJ, yea put this onHey, hey put this onHey, hey put this onAll night long, this my songhttp://music.baidu.com/song/20720038

collect the parcel

1.pick it up 2.pick up the parcel 3.pick out the material 4.pick up those tricks

He take the parcel off the plane 帮我分析一下句子结构吧

翻译:他从飞机上拿走了包裹。分析:He:主语; takes the parcel:谓语短语(动宾结构); off the plane:双宾语中的第二个宾语。

问个初级的英语问题 to their surprise the precious parcel was full of stones and sand !

魂淡!Be动词的单复数看的是前面的主语 而不是后面的宾语啊!! 你的体育老师要哭了!

女英文名Sylvia Esther Cynthia,哪个有气质点?

Sylvia 是”森林“的意思Esther = 星星Cynthia = 爱个人最喜欢Sylvia,有种高贵冷艳的气质。很多棒子国的人都喜欢用Esther这个名字。。。对这个名字无感,但也不排斥。最不喜欢的就是Cynthia,个人喜好而已。有问题可以追问哦!谢谢!祝学习进步!!

pass the parcel是什么意思


hop with the jet set 歌词

歌曲名:hop with the jet set歌手:dead kennedys专辑:bedtime for democracyI say, come on!To pleasures unknownWhere we fly to when we are all boredC"mon for the rideAnd hop with the jet set tonightWe"ll sun ourselves red down in Montego BayHotel-hired guards keep the natives awayDead KennedysWe wanna save the whalesWe"ll go watch them feed,Buzz around them in boats"Til they won"t breedJust here for the rideThen we hop with the jet set tonightCheck out them Indians" ancestral artSome of that would look cute up on our wallsYeah, suit it just fineWhen you hop with the jet set tonightWe"ll hire out some poachers to go steel their dollsWho cares if they"re sacred-they look awful cuteNational Geographic found a stone age tribeLet"s feed them their first hot dogs on filmWon"t that be a prizeTo show the jet set tonight"Aren"t they cute, aren"t they pure:"Muse subscribers back homeNext weekend the junta exterminates themBack home by the sea at our outdoor cafeOur chameleon tongues catch the flies in the airhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14071296

parcel to be left at the premises if no one is available to accept it,什么意

parcel to be left at the premises if no one is available to accept it如果没有人可接受的话,在该处所留下的包裹

Only a small minority of the mentally ill are liable to harm themselves or othersuff0e

【答案】:C【题 干】只有少数心智有问题的人才有可能伤害自己或他人。A.容易的 B.可能的 C.可能的 D.困难的【解 析】本题考查形容词。be liable to的意思是be likely to,意思是“有可能”,故本题选C。possible的主语往往是形式主语it。

she got in good shape both physically and ...

Both physically and mentally. 是是用both and 连接两个副词,做状语修饰整个句子。

以how to be mentally healthy写一篇作文,100词左右,内容包括1、心理

Mental health is an important aspect of modern health indivisible, then what is the person"s mental health? Physical health of people is a standard, a person"s mental health is also a standard. But people"s mental health standard of people"s physical health is less than specific and objective criteria. Learn and master the definition of mental health has a great significance for enhancing and maintaining people"s health. When people grasp the measure of people"s mental health standards, as a basis for control themselves, self-diagnostic mental health. Found his mental condition one or a few aspects of mental health standards and a certain distance, there is targeted to strengthen mental exercise to achieve mental health. If you find yourself in a serious deviation from the mental state of mental health standards, it is necessary and timely medical treatment for early diagnosis and early treatment.Mental health refers to a sustained and positive development of psychological state, in this state, the body can make a good adaptation, and their full physical and mental potential. Mental health education is an important part of the "new health education", it is to train citizen for the purpose of physical and mental health, health management through the use of methods to improve the campus environment environmental functions mainly to improve the human environment mates to both the subject and the student teacher to provide scientific, health, professional guidance. "The new health education" in school construction a special health guidance chamber (counseling room), with professional counselors in school long to set up psychological courses and extra-curricular activities and other methods to guide the healthy psychological development of students. At the same time, the creation of "family chat room" for the family"s connection to open channels for the healthy growth of students paved a smooth way

Researchers have established that when people are mentally,b?

研究者们已经确定:当人们精神上(此处少了东西,应该是个形容词),头脑中就会发生生化变化. Researchers have established that (引导宾语从句,后边全部是宾语从句部分)when people are mentally(是不是漏了什么词,这半句是宾语从句里的状语成分),bio-chemical changes occur in the brain (宾语从句的主干部分) 另外:没有见到您说的it啊,5,研究人员已经确定,当人们精神忙碌,生化的变化发生在脑部,使它能采取更effeetively 认知领域,如注意力和记忆力。 brain后的that后面的所有内容全部属于句子的宾语从句,其后的指代词it 指代的是brain 主语:researchers 谓语:have estabilished,2,请问这个句子是在哪看的,很急,非常感谢!!!!!!,1,嗯,重新说 主语:researchers 谓语:have estabilished 宾语:that 后的整个从句 把这个宾语从句拉出来当成一个句子再讲: when people are mentally engaged是状语从句,修饰后面的整个句子 bio-chemical changes主语,change这里是名词的复数,可不是动词的单三,0,Researchers have established that when people are mentally,bio-chemical changes occur in the brain 请问这个句子中brain后的that属于句子的那个成分,还有其后的指代词it 指代的是什么,这个句子该怎么分析成分,谢谢! Researchers have established that when people are mentally engaged,bio-chemical changes occur in the brain that allow it to act more effeetively in cognitive(认知的)areas such as attention and memory. 不好意思刚才句子不完整,请大家帮我分析一下,谢谢!

physically and mentally healthy是什么意思


向前冲,做自己的星星照亮自己。可以翻译成go ahead,do my star shine mys

Go ahead to be your own star and light up yourself


1.his bedismorebeautifulthanmine.他的床比我的漂亮很多2.Mybagisbiggerthanyours.我的书包比你的大很多3.Hisbookisnewerthanmine.他的书比我的新4.hisbookisnewerthanhers.他的书比她的新很多5.hisschoolisbiggerthanours.他的学校比我们的大6.Ourschoolisbiggerthantheirs.我们的学校比他们的大。7.Myhouseisbiggerthan yours.我的家比你的大。其实前一个回答你问题的就是我,气死我了,没打完过了五分钟系统就关了(由于你这个问题是抢答模式,只给五分钟。每次回答问题都要交5分)呜呜,再交多了五分。不过没关系,帮到你就好了


Pavel Melenchuk

Nowadays,these day, today的区别

nowadays 现在these days 这些日子today 今天你问的好像跟你那句英语不大对头的?

请根据下列材料写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Nowadays, there appears

Nowadays, there appears a phenomenon that the western customs are spreading into the east countries step by step, thus making many inhabitants who live in big cities enjoy themselves on these western festivals such as Christmas Day, April Fool"s Day, etc. What is your opinion.

英语翻译Nowadays,there are more and more __ _ in __ _.It is esti

Nowadays,there are more and more __ _ in __ _.It is estimated that ___.Why have there been so many ____?Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. 最近,--部分在--整体里越来越多.预计--.为什么会有这么多--?也许以下原因会解析. The first one is ______.Besides,_____.The third one is _____.To sum up,the main cause of it is due to _____.It is high time that something were done upon it.For one thing,_____.For another thing,_____.All these measures will certainly reduce the number of _____. 第一个原因是--.还有--.第三是--.总体上来说,主要原因是--.该是采取措施的时候了.其一,--.其二,--.这些措施将会减少--的数量. _____ is being more and more popular recently.There are two sides of opinions of it.Some people say ____ is their favorite.They hold their view for the reason of ____.What is more,_____.Moreover,______. --最近很流行.评论有正面的也有负面的.有些人说--是他们的最爱.他们主张这种观点的原因是--.还有,--.更多,--. While others think that _____ is a better choice in the following three reasons.Firstly,_____.Secondly (besides),______.Thirdly (finally),_____. 有些人认为--是以下三个原因比较好的.第一,--.第二,--.第三,--. From my point of view,I think _____.The reason is that _____.As a matter of fact,there are some other reasons to explain my choice.For me,the former is surely a wise choice. 个人认为--.原因是--.事实上,我做出如此的选择还有其他原因.对我来说,前一个是不错的抉择.

仿写In the past......Nowadays.........有翻译。跪求!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time passes, but you are still living in the past. 时代不同了,可你还是生活在过去Large developments have taken place in our country in the past few years.最近几年我们国家发生了很大的变化。Do you think kids nowadays are lazy? 你认为现在的小孩很懒? Nowadays people travel by plane. 如今人们乘飞机旅行。

nowadays和these days的区别

Today:今天,如今,现今 these days:这些天,特指今天前后某段日子.



Did you see pen?I left it here this mor

Did you see pen?I left it here this morning.Is it black one?I found it on the table.A.a,the B,a a C.an,a D.an,the是选择填空吧,答案是:ADid you see _a_ pen?I left it here this morning.Is it _the_ black one?I found it on the table.A.a,the B,a a C.an,a D.an,the意思是:你看到一支笔吗,我早晨把它忘这里了。是这只黑色的吗,我在那个桌子上找到的。理由:第一个问句是泛指一支笔,故用a,不用an(后边是pen,开头发音是辅音)第二个问句特指那一支黑色的,故用the。故答案是:A

是this tow books 还是these tow books?

天.....不是tow tow是灯塔吧 怎么会有这种用法 是two 数词 两,二;既然数词是两个 后面的book(书)充当的就是定语被two修饰 也用复数形式 books 而those 是this 的复数形式

—Wow, your house is so big!—Yes, it’s three times      yours. A.the size as B.mor

D 考查倍数的表示法。英语中倍数的表示法有以下三个句型:①A is. . . times as + adj + as B②A is. . . times + the + noun(size/length/width/depth, etc)+ of B③A is. . . times + adj-er + than B由此可知本题符合句型的是D项。难度中等。

lt seven o ’clock in the mor morning是什么意思


是how much are they for two ?还是how much is it for tow ?为什么?

how much for two?就可以了

求高手翻译,James Thurber的the catbird seat的一段话


bil is the heavier of the tow

这里的the是指特指两者中较重的那个,而且两者中of在后面的话前面的话一般比较级前都会加the,而如果of在开头的话,就用比较级,不用加the,如Of the two boys,Tom is taller.楼主说的这道题应该是初二上英语阶梯第三单元第二课时的一道题吧.


进入游戏输入秘籍后 先保存一下进度 再读取

there are tow studys对吗?

there are tow studys对吗?答:不对。。。。。


选择两种方式choose two ways,如果有范围,可以在two前面加the。


应该是tow,tigers,are,there连词成句there are two tigers.这里有两只老虎

为什么可以用括号中的语法? With the development of science,mor


I tow my crow in the snow.童话故事里的,请问中文什么意思


He has got tow sistee,怎么变成疑问句?

就two提问用How many即How many sisters has he got?

Tow()took part in the activity during the summer holiday

hundred old people 另外 是 hundred因为hundred前边有个two 明确了数量 所以是单数形式 而people 是个集合名词 本身就是复数形式。所以是 Two hundred old people

the school was 什么in 1929by a xhinese scholar

the school was (built)in 1929 by a Chinese scholar意思就是:学校是在1929年由一个中国学者建立的



meet the requirement 正确还是meets the requerement


The outbreak of war ________ a call for a meeting of U.N. Security Council. 答案是什么呢?

答案:b. stimulated(促进、刺激)翻译:突然爆发的战争促进了联合国安全理事会会议的召开。单词区别:provoke:vt. 激起,挑起;煽动;招致;触怒,使愤怒 stimulate:vt. 刺激;激励,鼓舞;使兴奋 rouse:v. 叫醒,惊醒;鼓励,鼓舞;使发脾气;使振奋 cause:vt. 成为…的原因;导致;引起;使遭受 请采纳,谢谢支持!

the sheep meets the rabbit on way,为什么加meets?


He is no scholar.

就像there is not a table=there is no table


两者不一样 researcher 研究人员,a scientist who devotes himself to doing research scholar 学者,奖学金获得者,有文化者,学习者,a learned person (especially in the humanities); someone who by long study has gained mastery in one or more disciplines;someone (especially a child) who learns (as from a teacher) or takes up knowledge or beliefs;a student who holds a scholarship 从以上可以看出,researcher是比较高层次的,已经具备了足够的学识和能力以进行研究的人,而scholar是在成为researcher之前的一个必经阶段,scholar是否会发展为researcher要看scholar的职业道路选择.


两者不一样researcher 研究人员,a scientist who devotes himself to doing researchscholar 学者,奖学金获得者,有文化者,学习者,a learned person (especially in the humanities); someone who by long study has ...


Theshy这名选手在LPL一直都被称为“世界第一上单”,这一称号的来源不仅是因为他的成就,还因为他的个人操作,以及打法习惯。对于大多数职业上单选手来说,大家对于自己的定位,大多都是取决于英雄的。例如:比赛我拿吸血鬼,那我就是站出来Carry的,比赛我拿奥恩、塞恩,那我就是个坦克,C不C无所谓,只要帮队友撑起前排就行。但Theshy却不一样,不管他拿什么样的英雄,他都会想着单杀对面,甚至拿着一个0-4的奥恩,与对面多人硬碰硬,由此可见,他确实是一位操作怪。 而随着S10版本的到来,Theshy也是再一次扩充了他的英雄池,抛开那些常规上单先不讲,春季赛的这段时间里,他在韩服rank就玩了不少滑板鞋、薇恩以及卢锡安这种AD上单。而在春季赛上,由于厄斐琉斯的表现十分惊艳,Theshy也是渐渐注意到了这个英雄。便在近期的直播中表示:厄斐琉斯我觉得不错,虽然前期不强,但后期很厉害,我想玩!就这样,Theshy开始练起了厄斐琉斯。 看到这一幕后,不少粉丝也是为puff捏了一把汗:得,英雄池减一。然而这还仅仅只是个开端,近期Theshy在练完常规上单之余,还偶尔玩了一下法师上单,这不,近期他就玩了一局辛德拉上路对阵铁男,令粉丝们感叹道:rookie要哭了。那么,Theshy的球女上单效果又如何呢?人物介绍,Theshy球女上单,对面铁男上单,对面除了中单奇亚娜之外,都是职业选手(二队)。 在 游戏 开始之后,己方打野挖掘机开局就追着对面千珏来到了上路,一级的Theshy与铁男纷纷赶往支援。但最终的结果却是Theshy与挖掘机一人一个人头,shy哥甚至还拿到了一个红buff。懂的粉丝应该都懂,这样的一个开局,Theshy又要开始操作了,果不其然,Theshy疯狂控线(你没听错,Theshy控线了),不然对面铁男吃经验,直接把他压成残血,发育直接拉垮。 看到这一幕后,打野千珏前来蹲人,但Theshy这一次却买真眼了,不仅成功规避了千珏的gank,还浪费了千珏近乎一分钟的刷野时间。这就样,千珏的刷野也炸了,就此,Theshy开始各种压制铁男,起初这两人单挑Theshy还有点小慌,需要细致操作,但慢慢地,他有大就能拿下铁男,再后续,这铁男甚至都用不着Theshy用大招了,直接QE就能把他耗死(发育都不如辅助)。到最后这铁男就跟纸片一样了,Theshy冰枪大招一套就能将其满血秒掉,就跟切菜似的。 PS:100%原创文章,手动打字不易,喜欢的小伙伴可以关注一波哦! The shy的英雄池不但是对手的梦魇,队友也得被迫开发练习更多的英雄 shy哥曾经将除辅助外的其他四个位置全部单排上韩服王者千分,玩球女上单只是小菜一碟 (麻烦给个优质回答 ) rank和比赛是两个 游戏 不奇怪啊。这不是正常操作吗。 这只能说明他上限高 shy 永远滴神 世界第一进攻,上限高 下限低 。单排强无敌 比赛看配合 使用嘟嘟租号哦 而随着S10版本的到来,Theshy也是再一次扩充了他的英雄池,抛开那些常规上单先不讲,春季赛的这段时间里,他在韩服rank就玩了不少滑板鞋、薇恩以及卢锡安这种AD上单。而在春季赛上,由于厄斐琉斯的表现十分惊艳,Theshy也是渐渐注意到了这个英雄。便在近期的直播中表示:厄斐琉斯我觉得不错,虽然前期不强,但后期很厉害,我想玩!就这样,Theshy开始练起了厄斐琉斯。 shy哥熟练长手打短手,操作细腻。经常卡着防御塔的距离消耗对手,压制力非常强,但也因为打发激进容易被敌方打野经常照顾 Theshy这名选手在LPL一直都被称为“世界第一上单”,这一称号的来源不仅是因为他的成就,还因为他的个人操作,以及打法习惯。对于大多数职业上单选手来说,大家对于自己的定位,大多都是取决于英雄的。例如:比赛我拿吸血鬼,那我就是站出来Carry的,比赛我拿奥恩、塞恩,那我就是个坦克,C不C无所谓,只要帮队友撑起前排就行。但Theshy却不一样,不管他拿什么样的英雄,他都会想着单杀对面,甚至拿着一个0-4的奥恩,与对面多人硬碰硬,由此可见,他确实是一位操作怪。 嘟嘟租号没有你租不到号! Theshy这名选手在LPL一直都被称为“世界第一上单”,这一称号的来源不仅是因为他的成就,还因为他的个人操作,以及打法习惯。对于大多数职业上单选手来说,大家对于自己的定位,大多都是取决于英雄的。例如:比赛我拿吸血鬼,那我就是站出来Carry的,比赛我拿奥恩、塞恩,那我就是个坦克,C不C无所谓,只要帮队友撑起前排就行。但Theshy却不一样,不管他拿什么样的英雄,他都会想着单杀对面,甚至拿着一个0-4的奥恩,与对面多人硬碰硬,由此可见,他确实是一位操作怪。


由于两人同属一个位置,而且都是最具有统治力的S赛上单选手,所以从Theshy出道以来一直被拿来和Marin比较,但实际上三旬认为Theshy更强!仅就两人同期表现而言,Marin在S5季中赛期间是被Koro1完全压制的,只是在夏季赛和S赛版本更迭之后才开始状态爆棚,并且从Faker手中夺取了总决赛MVP,风头一时无两!而Theshy在2018年虽然经历了手伤事件,但是在对线期没有任何人能够压制Theshy,即便是巅峰期的Letme能做到对线五五开已经是极致了,而且大部分时间是被Theshy压制。 从两人S赛期间数据对比可以中可以发现,Smeb在S5期间各项数据与Marin近乎持平,而Theshy击杀数据和对位领先方面独树一帜。 而Marin职业生涯在S5之后就开始陨落,毕竟Marin从年龄方面完全没有优势,而Theshy职业生涯刚刚开始,仅以现在的水平保持下去都可以吊打各大赛区同位置选手,巅峰期究竟有多长完全无法预测,所以三旬认为很明显Theshy更强! 至于Rookie和Faker相比较,毫无疑问Faker更强!不论从 历史 荣誉还是历届大赛中的表现,Faker都毋庸置疑是LOL史上第一人,Faker不会紧张到关键局出门不买装备,Rookie在心态成熟方面完全逊色于Faker! 单带能力打团能力theshy比马大头强,但是马大头可是团队型上单啊,即便是这样也把s5上所有上单虐了个遍,而且马大头的打团能力比起个人carry能力更强,可想而知马大头有多恐怖。 而theshy属于carry型上单,他的比赛从来都是青铜选手喜闻乐见的场面,只有活着的人才有资格补刀。他能够依靠自己强行打爆敌方上单,也能通过自身能力强行阻止队友打团。。。。 双方虽然不是同一类型选手,但比较起来显然,能够控制的马大头更强,好比航空母舰。而theshy属于核弹级选手,虽然每次投核弹都可以赢,但那是建立在对方没核弹的情况下,如果对方有人能够牵制theshy,以至于让theshy有所忌惮,那么theshy无疑将无法发挥自己的能力。 因此马大头更为出色。 而中单我想没有人有疑虑,faker。 s3s4赛季开始,乃至现在一定都还有人记得一个关于faker的梗:上单最强的faker,打野最强的是faker,中单最强的是faker,adc最强的是faker,辅助最强的还是faker。。。别人上分打排位如战场,而faker却把他当成是 娱乐 场,甚至排位第一。 s4赛季,大帝研发出针对skt的套路,致使skt步入深渊:中单刷兵流,闪现治疗狂刷兵。 直到s5赛季skt两队合一,才开始二度焕发青春,而faker也越来越向团队靠拢,但千万不要以为faker玩个团队中单就无所畏惧了,人家s5全球总决赛露露连续单杀维克托两次。。。 不要以为把下路跟上路马大头压制了就可以了,全球总决赛最后一场,faker掏出瑞兹,以1打5强行carry, 游戏 中期,面对五人抓中的情况faker且战且退打死2个后开始疯狂追杀最后三个,尼玛1个人孤立无援的情况下面对5人抱团抓人,他还能够追着五个打,这。。。嗯,s3大哥打skt的时候也这样,一个鳄鱼赶跑了5个想干扰omg打大龙的skt。。。但比起这个还是小巫见大巫了,毕竟omg其他四个随时都可以支援。 而肉山同学,显然还不足以与巅峰faker抗衡。 faker同学曾经跟脚本死歌互丢技能互躲技能还称之为“有趣”的训练。。。 中单位置到目前为止,没有人有资格可以跟巅峰瓜皮相提并论。s3skt打omg第一场,野区爆炸,20的局靠飞科一个人强行拖到40分钟(虽然还是输了),以后冬季赛,打得大帝卡萨丁不敢对线,换下路双中压瑞文,还是没压住,日女插个眼就被飞科打得ad交闪现。之后s4,skt全队爆炸,闪现治疗刷子中单崛起。殊不知,这是大帝开发出来专门锤skt,中路勾住,只看技能不看人刷兵。等skt下野自动爆炸拖到打团。s5 6不谈了,s7一手加里奥飞天遁地,生生1带4抬进总决赛。 巅峰的飞科,对面只要不被单杀就算抗压成功,被压补刀单推塔属于正常发育。教科书的打团,bug的走位,机器般的补刀。两人抓中逼疾走,三人抓中才闪现,深不见底的英雄海,心态稳如死狗。巅峰的飞科,是独一档的存在,没有任何中单可以比肩。s3出道,单杀了对位所有ogn中单。安掌门被他打到也去,月轮更是打去海外。肉鸡很强,但是跟巅峰的瓜皮相比,还差着一个现在的瓜皮 IG在S8拿下了LPL的世界赛首冠,队内中单Rookie以及上单Theshy是大腿级的人物,所以两人一直会受到很多关注,其中也不乏有人将他们与其他选手对比,今天要说的就是巅峰Marin、巅峰Faker与现在的Theshy,Rookie到底孰强孰弱。本身这样的对比没有可比性,因为 游戏 版本在不停变化,各赛区也在起起伏伏。但既然要比,那就简单来说说。 两人对比的话,个人觉得还是巅峰Marin更强。S5世界总决赛,Skt将四一分带发挥到了极致,这里说的一就是Marin,几乎把把能打穿对方上单,还记得他的剑姬单带让对方毫无办法。S5的马大头也被称为上单的终极心态,那一年他力压队友Faker拿下总决赛Mvp。 Theshy同样是上单爸爸,在S8并不是上单的版本,依靠着自己的操作经常打出亮眼操作,想必现在大家还记得剑魔一砍四的惊天操作。虽然最后没有拿到mvp,但也是S8上单数一数二的人物。 两者对比的话,theshy可能比较狼,经常一个人阻止四个队友打架,但是占用团队资源比较少,要说统治力还是S5的marin毕竟把那届所有上单虐了个遍。 S3、S5的faker几乎就是大魔王一样的存在,LPL的队伍在面对韩国队伍以及SKT的时候几乎毫无胜算,最主要的一个原因就是中单Faker的存在,那时候单杀一次Faker简直可以吹上天,可想Faker的恐怖。我还记得他的瑞兹无论版本如何更替,瑞兹在他手里就是牛逼。 Rookie出道就被称为小Faker,S8是他的巅峰赛季,率队拿下了冠军。英雄池深,个人操作犹如脚本,被粉丝称为真主。 两者比较的话个人觉得还是Faker强,Faker总能有不可思议的单杀,在大赛中的表现Faker更是天神一般的存在,就像S7的加里奥,而Rookie大赛并不出彩,对线的话个人觉得可能相差不大,统治力还是Faker更强。 虽然版本更替很多,但是大家还会回味之前的热血,慢慢翻开回忆,巅峰的四人到底谁更强呢? 只看现在大家都在吹捧,毕竟过去再辉煌也是过去。如果有时间还是建议现在的年轻人多看看过去的比赛。推荐看SKT的。个人看了SKT所有比赛至今,什么细节什么秀,看不完说不尽,导致现在看很多操作觉得是理由当然。就好像当年的faker,在他手里什么操作都感觉是理所应当,换个人可能就是很秀很精彩了。可能这就是差距。 马大头,实话说这是我唯一承认的一个世界第一上单,我没看过S3之前的比赛请谅解。他跟faker的共同点就是,在他们能力范围没有所谓的英雄克制,因为我可以用剑姬打爆你的鳄鱼也可以用鳄鱼打爆你的鳄鱼剑姬。我可以用瑞兹打爆你的蛇女也可以用蛇女打爆你的瑞兹。 肉鸡是我喜欢的第二名中单,他的笑和操作都很吸引人。但他还没成长到可以跟巅峰faker比较。至少得稳胜现在的faker吧。 ts这个人我了解略少,精彩操作看过几个大家一直发的那种。但曾经被马大头碾压的虎牙上单后来不也在马大头走后晋升过一段时间世界第一上单。如果ts可以单核带队,那我会承认他的优秀。承认他强于马大头,比肩faker。 第一马瑞,不早说操作,我们看结果,马瑞之谜,打着打着,你会发现你就打不过了 羞男和马润,一个是s5的mvp上单,羞男基本上也是s8的最强上单,他们同时把semb按在地上摩擦,羞男略强一点。其实另一个人也挺强的,可汗在联赛中的表现也非常可怕,可能和戴先生一样,大赛软脚虾。至于肉鸡和飞科来说,s7的冠军中单皇冠哥,决赛正面对决三比零了飞科,你说他两谁强一点? 现在的theshy和巅峰marain,现在的rookie和faker谁更强? 虽然我是theshy和rookie的粉丝, 但是不得不承认事实, 还是巅峰marain和faker更强一点. 为什么呢? 我们首先来说一说theshy和marain. shy爹现在大家都了解, 许多职业选手都公认的第一上单, 线上压制力极强, 一不留意就可能被单杀, 什么天神下凡一锤四的剑魔, 天外飞仙阿卡丽, 0/2的吸血鬼进场1V5取敌人ADC首级, 0/8维克多全场输出最高等等等等. 不得不说shy爹真的强, 顺起来一带四,是IG凯瑞的一个点. 缺点就是太容易被针对了, 经常被对面打野照顾, 而且被GANK成功几率还挺大. 如果能把这一点做好, 相信能更进一个档次. 马大头是S5时期公认的第一上单. 线上同样压制力很强, 但是相比于shy爹还是有一点差距的. 相比于shy爹, 马大头更多的是是支援和意识, 防GANK要比theshy好的多, 支援也做得非常到位. 打团也是神出鬼没, 总能在关键时刻站出来, 最出名的无非是那次比赛, SKT被团灭, 就在对面准备一波的时候马大头站了出来, 在中路断兵线,阻止被了一波, 随后SKT举兵反击,一举翻盘. 总的来说, 不得不承认巅峰的马大头更稳重,更厉害一点,对团队的贡献相大一点. rookie刚进入职业的前几年是非常不顺利的, 但是近几年的进步非常快, 从一个默默无名没人要的中单, 一跃到能让人拿他和faker比了, 一句话就能证明rookie的优秀. IG最稳定的的C位,没有之一. IG这两年拿下大大小小的比赛胜利, 都是和rookie分不开的, 只要rookie状态好, IG胜率增加百分之三十, 就是这么夸张. 也是最有良心的韩援之一, 对IG非常忠心, 从S8总决赛就能看出来, 无论打哪个队伍都毫不留情, 包括赛后采访, 在韩国的地盘上, 直言要用中文回答, 需要多大的勇气大家自己想想看. 李哥就更不用说啦, 出道即巅峰, 一巅峰就是这么多年, 多少职业选手以单杀李哥为荣. LOL独树一帜的人物, 公认LOL第一人, 三连冠等等等等的太多荣誉, 实力大家有目共睹, 为人低调,实力强劲但从不小看任何人, SKT的大腿,整个联盟的大腿. 联盟的台面. rookie近几年是很厉害, 但是我们实话实说, 目前还是和李哥没法比. 以上纯属个人意见,不喜勿喷. the shy不说了,他是我迄今为止见过的最强的上单选手,中单来说,个人认为黄金左手和韩国的BDD应该是目前最强的中单选手。 Marin faker18年的冠军含金量不是很高

THE JIN SEOL KUK是什么意思呢?只知道跟化妆品有关,是韩国的,具体是什么,不知道!

我只知道JIN SEOL的意思: 直率,直白;崭新的,没试用过的 。 至于KUK 我需要知道他的韩文怎么写的啊?

The students ususally hate()questions.But the teachers()them to do

B. asking, likeThe students usually hate (asking) questions. But the teachers (like) them to do. 学生们通常不喜欢提问,但老师喜欢他们这么做。

take the seat是什么意思


check rear seat什么意思

check rear seat什么意思:检查后排座椅。常在新闻报导看到不少粗心驾驶,因为一时大意,不小心把毛小孩、小婴儿反锁在后座中的案例意思是注意你的后排座位,看有没有什么东西落下了。这个正常,可以查看汽车说明书,里面有讲解,意思是你开车前后门开启过,停车后熄火后门未开启,系统认为你后排乘客未下车,此功能可以防止儿童婴儿遗忘在车内造成危险。注意为请检查后排,这是汽车帝豪的贴心功能,后排智能监测系统,防止物品或生命体遗留在后排。



singular; cheerful ;curious ;peculiar这英语用谐音怎么读么读?

去词典上查一下就出来了而且如果是初学英语不会读的话,建议现学音标 不要试图通过标拼音啊,谐音啊这样的方法去学习发音,毕竟还是不同的。这样发音可能就没内味了。而且学一个音标其实也不难,很快就学会的。音标就是英语初学者必学的一步,如果以后想学好口语,以后会用到英语不想丢人的话,建议还是学音标,这样见到一个词基本就能读出来了。第一个腥格U乐第二个撤儿否第三个kiu日弱四第四个屁Q里亚

check rear seat什么意思?

check rear seat什么意思:检查后排座椅。常在新闻报导看到不少粗心驾驶,因为一时大意,不小心把毛小孩、小婴儿反锁在后座中的案例意思是注意你的后排座位,看有没有什么东西落下了。这个正常,可以查看汽车说明书,里面有讲解,意思是你开车前后门开启过,停车后熄火后门未开启,系统认为你后排乘客未下车,此功能可以防止儿童婴儿遗忘在车内造成危险。注意为请检查后排,这是汽车帝豪的贴心功能,后排智能监测系统,防止物品或生命体遗留在后排。

check rear seat什么意思?

check rear seat什么意思:检查后排座椅。常在新闻报导看到不少粗心驾驶,因为一时大意,不小心把毛小孩、小婴儿反锁在后座中的案例意思是注意你的后排座位,看有没有什么东西落下了。这个正常,可以查看汽车说明书,里面有讲解,意思是你开车前后门开启过,停车后熄火后门未开启,系统认为你后排乘客未下车,此功能可以防止儿童婴儿遗忘在车内造成危险。注意为请检查后排,这是汽车帝豪的贴心功能,后排智能监测系统,防止物品或生命体遗留在后排。
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