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heavy snow/rain/seas是什么意思?

大 雪/雨/海

是用kind of形容heavy还是用a little?

用a little来形容heavy,a little用来修饰形容词、动词或不可数名词。例句:This bag of rice is a little heavy.这袋大米有点重。I like apples a little.我有点喜欢苹果。I have a little water.我有一点水。

heavy traveller 啥意思

heavy viny浓密的像葡萄树的。。。。。viny[英]["vau026anu026a][美]["vau026ani:]adj.葡萄树的,像葡萄树的; heavy[英][u02c8hevi][美][u02c8hu025bvi]adj.重的,沉重的; 大量的,浓密的; 激烈的; 重型的; n.重物; 庄重的角色; adv.密集地; 大量地; 笨重地; 复数:heavies最高级:heaviest比较级:heavier易混淆单词:Heavy例句:1.European union countries also face heavy debt loads and social unrest. 欧盟国家也面临着沉重的债务负担和社会动荡。2.Past promises remain a heavy burden. 过去的退休金承诺仍是一个重大负担。

“请勿放置重物!”翻译成“Do not place heavy objects!”合适吗?


The Heavy乐队 专辑《The House That Dirt Built》中歌曲 Stuck,歌词中文翻译?


哪位前辈可告知服装英语CF tunnel和heavy gg的意思呢?


heavy viewer是什么意思

  heavy viewer的中文翻译  heavy viewer  沉重的观众  双语例句  1  The concept of the movie thus becomes reality to the viewer, a heavy thing to think about and something that hasn"t been done before.  因而这部片子的思维对观影者来说成为了现实,更深入地去思考那些从前从不会做过的事。

the name,big ben, refers to the big and heavy 13


In your eyes there is heavy blue什么意思?


Can I help you? Well, Iu2019m afraid the box is too heavy for you, ___ thank yo


A Dead Heavy Day 歌词

歌曲名:A Dead Heavy Day歌手:Poisonblack专辑:ClassicsPoisonBlack - A Dead Heavy DayWhen two becomes oneLife pulls a gunMany turns to noneDevotion and sharingLoving and caringThen it all disappearsIt holds onto our fearsAnd we just want to disappearHold our breath right here united in our miseryTorn in the claws of fearEnd it all right here inside our bitter agonyWhen there"s nothing thereThat we can bearJust lay beside me hereIndifference prevailingWe fell and we gave inAs it all disappearedIt holds onto our fearsAnd we just want to disappearHold our breath right here united in our miseryTorn in the claws of fearEnd it all right here inside our bitter agonyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55252158


fat girl和heavy girl的区别是:fat girl:肥胖的女孩。heavy girl:超重的女孩。fat: adj:肥胖的;厚的;大量的。heavy: adj.重的;沉的。

short and heavy old man顺序

an old u3001heavy and short man



翻译the traffic is so heavy during rush hour


with (the) rush-hour traffic and (the) heavy rain.为什么填的是the

有此句子可以看出是特指rush-hour traffic 和heavy rain。于是用的是The

The flight to Chicago ______ because of the heavy fog ,we had to take the train. A)had been cancele


the box was very heavy,but Tom still managed to carry it home这个句子怎么分析?

这是一个转折从句,Tom是从句的主语,managed是谓语,still是副词,修饰谓语,to carry it home 是不定式做宾语。

谁知道UFC里面的Interim UFC Heavyweight Champion是什么冠军啊?跟UFC Heavyweight Champion有什么区别?

Interim 是临时的意思。不知你是不是牛头人的资料中看到的,如果是的话,这是UFC重量级冠军史上的特例。当时兰迪大叔是UFC重量级冠军,结果和UFC闹了纠纷(UFC总裁说:根据合同你退役前只能参加UFC的比赛,打别的比赛是违约。而兰迪坚持声称合约上没有明确规定这一点,他有权利打其他组织的比赛)。此时UFC老总Dana white想用些手段迫使兰迪妥协,可是这个案子一时半会结不了,如果总不举办FC重量级冠军争夺战的话肯定会影响本组织的收入,于是他就让牛头人和另一选手争夺“UFC重量级临时冠军”。

在国内哪里可以买到这种进口的漆包线: NEMA MW 16C 18 HEAVY ML -240C 。有知道的,麻烦告诉我一声。


heavy pack ice造句 heavy pack iceの例文 "heavy pack ice"是什麼意思

That evening, heavy pack ice pletely crushed the pfeboat. It reached Ross Island on 4 January 1911 after ing in contact with severe storms and heavy pack ice . She encountered heavy pack ice on 3 February, north of the South Orkney Islands, which forced her to manoeuvre. Conditions, which are never good there, were unusually bad that year, and heavy pack ice quickly surrounded the boat. However, by the following day heavy pack ice was sighted in the morning and in the afternoon a gale developed. She sailed from Hvalfj鰎饀r on 8 April and put into Akureyri on 13 April due to heavy pack ice and dense fog. On 6 December 1948, while the ship was operating in heavy pack ice , a shifting floe sprung a leak in her port chain locker. They were to be picked up on after the pletion of further geological work, but due to heavy pack ice , the ship was unable to reach them. Heavy pack ice along the Newfoundland and Labrador shelf waters prevented icebergs from being carried to shore and forced them to enter shipping lanes to the south. Due to heavy pack ice and the start of an early winter, " Mabel E . Holland " remained in the ice for o full years at this location. It"s difficult to see heavy pack ice in a sentence. 用 heavy pack ice 造句挺难的 Caught in heavy pack ice and unable to manoeuvre, " Aurora ", with eighteen men aboard, was carried into the open waters of the Ross Sea and Southern Ocean, leaving ten men stranded ashore with meagre provisions. When " Whitewood " and " Edisto " tried to force their way through the ice to depver needed supppes to the station at Spdre Fjord, the heavy pack ice damaged " Whitewood"s " bow sheathing, steering engine, and propeller, necessitating her return to Boston for repairs. No pack ice was encountered before they were south of the Antarctic Circle, and they were able to proceed *** oothly until, on 3 March, heavy pack ice stopped the ship at 72?8"S, 17?9"W . A sounding was taken, reveapng a sea-depth of, pared to the which had been the general measurement up to that date.

与塔台对话中 说的 heavy是什么意思 如 UPS 1017 heavy China southern 3568 heavy

[转自http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070312060543AAiotbN]当民航飞机起降,机长在与塔台管制员通话时,在通话完毕的句尾会加上一个字「重」(“Heavy”),例如:Dynasty-Zero-Zero-Four-Heavy (华航004班机「重」),意思是告诉塔台「这是一架『重型』飞机」。 跟随在「重型」飞机之後起飞或降落时,会产生机尾乱流(Wake Turbulence),如果在後面等待起飞或降落的飞机,距离太近或重量不够,就会被卷入乱流造成机身失去平衡,甚至坠机。因此凡是驾驶「重型」飞机的驾驶,在与塔台管制员通话时,都要在句尾加上”Heavy”这个字,提醒塔台管制员把下一架起飞或降落的飞机距离拉长。 那什 是飞机是「重型」飞机?什 飞机是「轻型」飞机呢?根据美国联邦民航署空中交通管制FAAO 7110.65R规章附件A的规定:(国际民航组织ICAO也有类似规定) 重型飞机(Heavy Aircraft):最大起飞重量(Maximum Take-off Weight, MTOW)超过225,000磅的飞机,皆属於重型飞机。波音飞机在B757(255,000磅)以上的飞机皆属於重型飞机,空中巴士A300系列(364,980~375,100磅)以上的飞机,皆属於重型飞机。A380问世後增加了一级「超重型」(Super)飞机。 大型飞机(Large Aircraft):最大起飞重量超过4,1000~225,000磅的飞机,皆属於大型飞机。波音飞机在B737系列(111,000~187,000磅)的飞机皆属於大型飞机,空中巴士A320系列(150,000~206,000磅)的飞机,皆属於大型飞机。 小型飞机(Small Aircraft):最大起飞重量在4,1000磅以下的飞机,皆属於小型飞机,一般私人飞机或非载客的小型飞机皆属於轻型飞机。 先後两架A-380在起降时彼此只要相隔4海哩,一架跟在A380超重型飞机後的轻型飞机,要保持10海哩的距离。先後两架重型飞机在起降时,要保持4海哩距离。一架大型飞机跟载重型飞机起降时,要保持5海哩距离。


rain heavily

a heavy rain 可以这样说吗?

不能用A heavy倒是可以形容雨 但是不可数



heavy和heavily 的用法? 谢谢

heavy 形容词,可以后跟名词,如:a heavy desk.前一般跟系动词,如:It is a heavy rain. heavily 副词,修饰动词或全句,如:It rained heavily last night.










heavy 英[u02c8hevi] 美[u02c8hu025bvi] adj. 重的,沉重的; 大量的,浓密的; 激烈的; 重型的; n. 重物; 庄重的角色; adv. 密集地; 大量地; 笨重地; [例句]These scissors are awfully heavy这把剪刀太沉了。






heavy 的各种意思如下:1. 重的,沉的2. 沉重有力的;剧烈的;热烈的3.大的;大量的,多的4.费力的;繁忙的;沉闷的5.令人忧郁的;(心情)沉重的6.行动缓慢的;迟钝的;笨拙的7.(食物等)难消化的8.(天空等)低压的,阴沉的9.(海面等)波涛汹涌的;狂暴的10.严厉的;大量耗用的11.(眼皮等)重垂着的12.【俚】麻烦的,威胁的13.【俚】很重要的;很有深度的






1. 重的,沉的The box is too heavy for me.我觉得这盒子太重了。2. 沉重有力的;剧烈的;热烈的I heard his heavy steps on the stairs.我听到他上楼的沉重脚步声。3. 大的;大量的,多的There was heavy rain yesterday.昨天下了场大雨。4. 费力的;繁忙的;沉闷的I am used to heavy work.我习惯于干重活儿。5. 令人忧郁的;(心情)沉重的He went home with a heavy heart.他怀着沉重的心情回到了家。6. 行动缓慢的;迟钝的;笨拙的7. (食物等)难消化的The food is too heavy on my stomach.这食物对我的胃来说是太难消化了。8. (天空等)低压的,阴沉的He looked at the heavy sky and sighed.他看着阴沉沉的天空,叹了一口气。9. (海面等)波涛汹涌的;狂暴的Our ship rolled and pitched on the heavy sea.我们的船在波涛汹涌的海面上摇晃颠簸。10. 严厉的;大量耗用的[F][(+on)]The car is heavy on oil.这辆车子耗油量大。11. (眼皮等)重垂着的[(+from/with)]12. 【俚】麻烦的,威胁的[F]13. 【俚】很重要的;很有深度的a really heavy rock star很有深度的摇滚歌星a really heavy relationship很重要的关系ad.1. 沉重地;笨重地Time hangs heavy on his hands.他闲得发慌。2. 大量地n.[C]1. 【口】强盗;恶棍2. 【戏】庄重(或反派)角色


heavy[英]["hevu026a] [美][u02c8hu025bvi] 生词本简明释义adj.重的,沉重的;大量的,浓密的;激烈的;重型的n.重物;庄重的角色adv.密集地;大量地;笨重地复数:heavies比较级:heavier最高级:heaviest易混淆的单词:Heavy以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.ADJ-GRADED重的;沉的Something that is heavy weighs a lot.These scissors are awfully heavy...这把剪刀太沉了。Gosh, that was a heavy bag!...啊呀,那个袋子真重!The mud stuck to her boots, making her feet heavy and her legs tired.




不一样啊 好好学习音标去吧,私信我 我也可以帮你



heavy是什么意思 详解heavy的含义和用法?

The suitcase was too heavy for me to carry. (这个手提箱对我来说太重了。)The rain was falling heavily. (雨下得很大。)2. 严重的、繁重的She drinks heavily and often gets drunk. (她喝酒很厉害,经常喝醉。)The rock was so heavy that it took three people to move it. (这块石头太重了,需要三个人搬动。)He breathed heavily after running for a long time. (他跑了很久后呼吸急促。)




We have a heavy correspondence to deal with . 我们有大批信件待处理。 The veins in his forehead were very heavy . 额上的青筋显得更加突出。 Crimes of violence carry heavy penalties . 暴力罪行要承受严厉的惩罚。 What a heavy yearning it was--so heavy . 多么强烈的愿望啊--太强烈了。 Kennicott"s dominance was heavy upon her . 肯尼科特对她控制的很紧。 They governed the city with a heavy hand . 他们用高压手段统治该城。 He walks with the aid of a heavy stick . 他靠著一根笨重的手杖走路。 A heavy steel rolpng mill is being built . 一座大型轧钢厂正在建设中。 The heavy drag had been adjusted to the wheel . 厚金的制轮具装配好了。 There will be heavy snow in the ing few days . 近期内将下大雪。 The pitch was a mud bath after the heavy rain . 大雨过后球场成了泥潭。 He was rather heavy of expression . 他的表情有些迟钝的,几乎是愚蠢的。 Dalleson knitted his heavy forehead . 达尔生皱紧了那厚墩墩的前额。 The heavy rain obpterated all footprints . 大雨将所有的足印都冲掉了。 An atom contains a tiny heavy nucleus . 一个原子含有一个微小而重的核。 He disembarrassed himself of his heavy coat . 他脱下了沉重的外衣。 Bolts of pghtning and heavy rains appeared . 闪电熠熠,大雨倾盆。 The wand looks pke a thick heavy pen . 这根棒看上去象一支粗大的钢笔。 Even o"brien"s heavy face was flushed . 甚至奥勃良的粗犷的脸也涨红了。 The stigma of watts was too heavy to bear . 瓦茨的污名令人难忍受。 We will throw the tent out. it is very heavy . 这帐篷要扔掉,它够重的。 She could hear his heavy breathing . 她能够听到他的猛烈的呼吸声。 He runs his department with a heavy hand . 他采取强硬措施管理所属部门。 The room was bpnded by the heavy curtains . 厚窗帘把房间遮暗了。 The troops kept the field under heavy fire . 部队冒著枪林弹雨坚守阵地。 He remained heavy and somewhat uncouth . 他依旧郁郁寡欢,并且有点粗野。 He dragged the heavy chest across the floor . 他在地板上拉著沉重的箱子。 The plane had cracked up in the heavy trees . 飞机在密林中撞毁。 The pner foundered in heavy seas . 那艘班轮遇到巨大海浪而沉没。 They are adapted for rough, heavy service . 它们适用于粗糙、繁重的工作。 This novel is written in a heavy style . 这本小说的文体很乏味。 Sometimes the clouds heaped up in heavy masses . 有时云堆成厚厚的一团团。 Disease and hunger took a heavy toll . 疾病和饥饿使他们许多人丧失了生命。 He did his back in pfting heavy furniture . 他在抬沉重的家具时扭伤了腰。 The vessel at anchor surged in the heavy sea . 那停泊著的船在大浪中颠簸。 Coal itself is a heavy pollutant . 煤本身就是一种严重的污染物。 The sky was grey and the clouds were heavy and low . 天空阴沉,乌云低矮。 His heavy breathing exploded her theory . 他吁吁的沉重喘气粉碎了她的观念。 There were enty pght and heavy tractors in all .. 大小拖拉机计二十台。 I told her my heart was very heavy . 我对她说,我心里很忧郁。 The sounds of heavy breathing increased steadily . 沉重的呼吸声越来越响了。 Trunk roads may be shown by heavier pne . 干线公路可用粗线。 A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy . 一只懒惰的羊以为它自己的羊毛负荷沉重。 His heavy face was reddened from sleep . 粗眉大眼的脸还红红地带著满面睡意。 There is heavy traffic on parashall boulevard . 帕雷尔大道上有很大的交通量。 Our failure is pkely to spell heavy losses . 我们的失败可能招致重大的损失。 She pushed heavy yellow hair away from her face . 她撩开披在脸上的浓黄头发。 It is customary to use a relatively heavy bodied size . 通常使用很稠的浆料。 While the beams were being detached, a heavy wind arose . 拆梁时,起了强风。


修饰人时,这三个词含义不同:big指长大或大人物, large指高大肥胖。heavy的基本意思是“重的”,通常指某物体很重,引申可指人在精神上感觉沉重,即“沉重的,沉闷的,忧郁的”,也可指天气“阴沉的”。引申还有“力量、数量或程度异常大的”“繁重的”“笨重的,笨拙的”“严厉的,无情的”“难消化的”等意思。


意思如下:heavy,英语单词,主要用作名词、形容词、副词,作名词时意思是“重物;严肃角色”,作形容词时意思是“沉重的;繁重的,巨大的;拥挤的;阴沉的”,作副词时意思是“大量地;笨重地”。短语搭配Heavy Metal[材]重金属 ; 重合金 ; 重金属污染heavy cruiser重巡洋舰 ;[船][军]重型巡洋舰heavy oil[油气]重油 ; 重柴油 ; 重质油 ; 稠油双语例句1、Alas! The heavy day!唉!这阴沉的日子。2、He dragged the heavy box out of his room.他把这个沉重的盒子拖出他的房间。3、Not only because they generally have shopping with them for the market, but because they are often on the heavy side.不仅因为他们通常一起从市场购物,而且因为他们的座位通常会倾向重的一边。


heavy 英["hevu026a] 美[u02c8hu025bvi] adj. 重的,沉重的;大量的,浓密的;激烈的;重型的 n. 重物;庄重的角色 adv. 密集地;大量地;笨重地 [例句]But the string of big deficits has already saddled those countries with heavy debt.但连年的高额赤字早已让这些国家背上了沉重的债务。


heavy英[ˈhevi]美[ˈhɛvi]adj.重的,沉重的; 大量的,浓密的; 激烈的; 重型的n.重物; 庄重的角色adv.密集地; 大量地; 笨重地复数:heavies比较级:heavier最高级:heaviest形近词:Heavy


西(舌头不要碰到上颚发这个音,因为事实上是h打头的 但是汉字里没有相识的发音)薇(上齿咬到下唇发这个音)


heavy英[u02c8hevi]美[u02c8hu025bvi]adj.重的,沉重的; 大量的,浓密的; 激烈的; 重型的n.重物; 庄重的角色adv.密集地; 大量地; 笨重地Can that wooden bridge carry such heavy trucks?那木桥承得住这样重的卡车吗?
















1.重的,沉的The box is too heavy for me. 我觉得这盒子太重了。 2.沉重有力的;剧烈的;热烈的I heard his heavy steps on the stairs. 我听到他上楼的沉重脚步声。 3.大的;大量的,多的There was heavy rain yesterday. 昨天下了场大雨。 4.费力的;繁忙的;沉闷的I am used to heavy work. 我习惯于干重活儿。 5.令人忧郁的;(心情)沉重的He went home with a heavy heart. 他怀着沉重的心情回到了家。 6.行动缓慢的;迟钝的;笨拙的7.(食物等)难消化的The food is too heavy on my stomach. 这食物对我的胃来说是太难消化了。 8.(天空等)低压的,阴沉的He looked at the heavy sky and sighed. 他看着阴沉沉的天空,叹了一口气。 9.(海面等)波涛汹涌的;狂暴的Our ship rolled and pitched on the heavy sea. 我们的船在波涛汹涌的海面上摇晃颠簸。 10.严厉的;大量耗用的[F][(+on)]The car is heavy on oil. 这辆车子耗油量大。 11.(眼皮等)重垂着的[(+from/with)]12.【俚】麻烦的,威胁的[F]13.【俚】很重要的;很有深度的a really heavy rock star 很有深度的摇滚歌星 a really heavy relationship 很重要的关系


形容词 adj.1.重的 This box is the heaviest of the three.这个箱子是三个箱子中最重的。2.沉重的, 沉闷的, 忧郁的 He is laden with heavy responsibility.他肩负重任。3.迟钝的, (动作)艰难的4. 危险的;汹涌的 5. 闷热的;沉闷的 6. 严厉的;苛刻的 7. 工作(或活动)多的;繁忙的 8. 辛苦的;费力的 9. 沉重的;猛烈的 10. 量大的;厚实的 11. 使用很多…的;耗费…的12. (做某事)过量的,超出一般的,过度的13.(在数量、程度等方面)超出一般的,比一般严重的 14. 充满,满载(某物)15. (书、节目、风格等 )严肃的;难懂的;艰涩的16.( 人声) 响而深沉的 17.( 机器、车辆或武器 )重型的;大型的18.( 原材料或原料) 厚的 19. (人╱物的外表或结构 )大而结实的;不精致的 名词 n.1.保镖;打手2.烈性啤酒;(尤指)苦啤酒 副词 adv.1.使不安;使担忧2.(感情或空气中的东西) 明显地悬浮于;明显积郁着

Heavy heavily的用法的区别

第一个是形容词.This bag is so heavy.这个袋子很重第二个是副词.It rains heavily






heavy重的常见释义英[u02c8hevi]美[u02c8hevi]adj.重的;沉的;(在数量、程度等方面)超出一般的,比一般严重的;大而结实的;不精致的;厚的;充满,满载(某物);重型的;工作(或活动)多的;辛苦的;沉重的;量大的;使用很多…的;(做某事)过量的,超出一般的,过度的;响而深沉的;严肃的;危险的;闷热的;泥泞难挖(或难挪动)的;苛刻的;n.保镖;打手;烈性啤酒;(尤指)苦啤酒;adv.大量地;笨重地;词组heavy competition激烈的竞争heavy drinking酗酒heavy fighting激烈的战斗变形比较级heavier最高级heaviest复数heavies百度翻译



heavy 中文是什么


That box is too heavy to carry.本句话中没有用it在carry 后,为什么?什么时候it 不能省略.请举例

你省略句的知识了解么? 我给你讲讲吧1. 省略句的定义 省略是为了避免重复、突出新信息并使上下文紧密连接的一种语法修辞手段。省略在语言中,尤其在对话中,是一种十分普遍的现象。2. 小品词的省略(1)省略介词He spent four hours (in) going over his lessons. 他花了四个小时复习功课。I"ve studied Eng1ish (for) five years.我已学五年英语了。(2)省略连词thatI believe (that) you will succeed. 我相信你们会成功的。It"s a pity (that) he"s leaving. 他要走,真遗憾。I"m sure (that) she will help you. 我肯定她会帮你的。(3)省略关系代词I"ll give you all (that) I have. 我要把我所有的一切都给你。He read the book (which) I got yesterday. 他看过我昨天买的书了。3. 句子成分的省略(1)省略主语Beg your pardon. (我)请你原谅。(Beg前省略了主语I)Take care! 当心!(Take前省略了主语you)Looks as if it will rain. 看起来象要下雨。(Looks前省略了主语it)(2)省略谓语Who next? 该谁了?(Who后面省略了谓语comes)The river was deep and the ice thin. (ice后面省略了was)We"ll do the best we can. 我们将尽力而为。(can后面省略了动词do)(3)省略表语Are you ready? Yes, I am. 你准备好了吗? 我准备好了。(am后面省略了ready)He was a lover of sports as he had been in his youth. 他还是象年轻时那样,是一位运动爱好者。(had been后面省略了a lover of sports)(4)省略宾语Let"s do the dishes. I"ll wash and you"ll dry. 让我们洗碗吧,我来洗,你来揩干。(wash和dry后面省略了宾语dishes)(5)省略定语He spent part of the money, and the rest he saved. 那钱他花了部分,其余的他都存了起来。(the rest后面省略了定语of the money)(6)省略状语He was not hurt. Strange! 他没有受伤,真奇怪!(Strange前面省略了状语how) 1. 省略句可同时省掉句子几个成份What exciting news! (= What exciting news it is!) 多么令人激动的消息啊!Pity he"s failed. (= It is a pity that he"s failed.) 很遗憾,他失败了。I like him more than her. (= I like him more than I like her.) 我喜欢他更甚于喜欢她。2. 英语中有一些固定的省略结构:a) 在以if, when, though, as if(好象)等连词引导的从句中,如从句中的主要动词是be ,常将主语和动词be 省略。If necessary, we shall send a telegram home. 如有必要,我们就往家里打电报。Whenever possible, he will come to my help. 他一有可能就来帮助我。While cycling, don"t forget the traffic lights. 骑车时,不要忘记看红绿灯。b) 由固定词组引导的疑问句:What about having a game of chess? 下盘棋怎么样?How come they left you alone here? 他们怎么会把你一人留在这里呢?What if it"s raining? 如果天下雨怎么办?Why not try again? 为什么不再试试呢?c) 在口语中,为了避免重复,不定式可以省去和句子前部重复的动词原形而只留下不定式符号to。He may leave if he wishes to. 他可以走,如果他愿意的话。Don"t go till I tell you to. 等我叫你走你再走。3. 被省略的部分一般可以在句子中补上,但有时省略结构已经定型,如果把省略部分补上,反而不合乎习惯。He is taller than I am. 他比我高。(am之后省略tall,补上不合习惯)No parking. 禁止停车。(告示用语 = No parking is allowed here.)有一些习惯表达很难补上所省略的部分:Not at all. 不用谢。No matter. 不要紧。Thanks. 谢谢。 I. 改写句子 使用省略手段避免下面各句重复与冗赘:1. Someone has used my mobile phone, but I don"t know who has used it.2. John worked hard but his brother did not work hard.3. I have lazy students and hardworking students in my class.4. --- Has he ever been abroad? --- No, he has never been abroad.5. If it is necessary, we will finish it ahead of time.6. You must not be late and you must not be absent.7. Give me your name and address, please.8. It is well done.9. Mother can take a rest, Mother should take a rest but Mother won"t take a rest after long hours of work.10.He could answer the questions very well if he would answer the questions but he didn"t answer the questions.省略(ellipsis)是一种为了避免重复、突出新信息并使上下文紧密连接的语法手段。1.简单句中的省略。(1)省略主语(多数属于语境省略)有时,主语和助动词一起省略。(It) Doesn"t matter. 没关系。(I)Beg your pardon. 请原谅。(You)Had a good time?你玩的痛快吗?(I"m)Sorry. 对不起。(Have you)Got any idea?你有什么注意吗?What a beautiful view!多美的景色啊!(2)省略谓语 Who (comes) next? 谁下一个来?(3)省略表语 ---Are you ready? —你准备好了吗?---- Yes, I am —是的,我准备好了。(4)省略宾语 ---Let"s do the dishes. —让我们刷盘子吧。---OK. I"ll wash (dishes). You"ll dry (dishes). —好的。我刷盘子,你把盘子擦干。(5)主(宾)语补足语中的to be常常可省略。We found the situation (to be) serious. 我发觉形势严重。He was thought (to be) the person responsible for the matter. 他被认为是对这件事负责的那个人。(6)在复合宾语结构中省略不定式符号to。不定式作动词make/let/have以及感官动词的宾语补足语时要省略to,但变成被动语态时不能省略。The boss made the workers work all day and all night.老板让工人整日整夜工作。(7)省略介词He spent four hours (in) going over his lessons. 他花了四小时来复习功课。I"ve studied Eng1ish (for) five years. 我学英语五年了。We can stop them (from) moving in. 我们能够阻止他们搬进来。(8)所有格之后的名词如为住宅、商店、工矿、教堂等可以省略。She is going to her uncle"s (house).她要去她的叔叔家。Today I met her at the tailor"s (shop).今天我在裁缝店遇见了她。2.并列句中的省略(通常为承前省略)。通常并列句中后面的分句只要与前边的分句有相同的词语,不管它在句子中作何种成分,都可以省略,反之亦然。His father is a doctor, and his mother (is) a nurse.他的父亲是个医生,母亲是个护士。3.复合句(状语从句、名词性从句、定语从句)中的省略(1)状语从句由(al)though, as if, until, once, unless, when, whether, where, while等引导,且同时具备下列两个条件:1)主句和从句的主语一致,或从句主语为it;2)从句中的主要动词是be的某种形式,则从句中的主语和be动词常可省略。If(you are)in doubt,don"t hesitate to ask me.如果你有疑问,请立刻问我。I did not notice it until (it was) very late.直到很晚,我才注意到它。He won"t come unless (he is) invited.除非他被邀请,否则他不会来。If (it is) possible, I"ll go outing.如果可能的话,我将去郊游。He opened his mouth as if (he were) to say something.他张开嘴好像要说什么。【提醒】比较状语从句中的省略than和as引导的比较状语从句,如果意义明确,than和as后面的任何部分都可省略。I"m taller than he (is tall).我比他高。I know you better than (I know) him.我了解你胜过了解他。This coat is better than that one, but it costs twice as much (as that one). 这件上衣比那件好,但这件是那件价格的两倍。(2)名词性从句1)名词性wh-从句中的省略现象。如果从句谓语与主句谓语相同,从句可省略全部谓语,甚至主语也可省略,只保留一个wh-词。She will go to Beijing, but I don"t know when (she will go to Beijing).她要去北京,但我不知道是什么时候。She can"t come, but I don"t know why (she can"t come).她不能来,但我不知为什么。wh-从句若是被动结构,主谓语也可全部省略,只保留by+wh词。The cup was broken by someone, but I wonder (the cup was broken) by whom.这个杯子被某人打碎了,但我纳闷是被谁打碎的。如果从句相同而wh-词不同,则可省略第一个从句而把两个wh-词连接起来。I don"t know when (to meet him) and where to meet him.我不清楚什么时间、什么地点见他。2)在与表示命令、愿意、建议等相关的名词性从句中,常用should型虚拟,而从句谓语部分中的should常省略。We require that he (should) tell us the truth.我们要求他告诉我们真相。3)在句型“It is necessary/surprising/suggested/natural /strange…+ that从句”中,从句通常用should型虚拟,而should常常可以省略。Everyone thinks it is necessary that our research group(should)begin the experiment at once.每个人都认为我们的研究小组立刻开始实验是必要的。4)在宾语从句中,连词that常可省略。但如果有两个宾语从句,第二个宾语从句的that不能省;如果宾语从句和主句谓语之间有插入语时,that也不能省略。I believe (that) you will succeed.我认为你会成功



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PC2-58PC2-6L diesel engine6PA6L-280,PA8L-280,PA12V-280,PA16V-280,956-02,956TB32,956TB82,956TB92,1163-02,1163TB126DSB-22,6DSM-22,6DLBM-22,6DLM-22,6DLM-26,5DKM-26,6DKM-26,6DKM-28,8DKM-28,8DK2816PA6V-280 diesel engine12PA6V-280 diesel engine20VMTU956 diesel engine8DK-28 diesel engineMAN7L32/40 diesel engineMAN9L21/31 generating set5DK-20 generating set MAN6L16/24 generating set18PA6B diesel engine16PA6B diesel engine


字母上的EA读音在单词 "Breakfast" 中不同。在这个单词中,EA 的发音是 /ɛ/,即短元音音标,读作 "brek-fest"。在其他两个单词 "Busy" 和 "Heavy" 中,EA 的发音都是 /i:/,即长元音音标,分别读作 "biz-i" 和 "hev-i"。

请问谁有AKB48 Heavy Rotation 100820 MUSIC STATION那一天的高清版?能发给我吗?谢谢~


歌词里有i need you i love you是akb48 heavy rotation么


AKB48 heavy rotation里的这个人是谁?

前田敦子 前AKB不动のACE,现已毕业。

heavy rotation分解动作教程

Heavy Rotation(ヘビーローテーション) 歌:AKB48 作词:秋元康 作曲:山崎燿 one two three four one two three four 1! 2! 3! 4! I want you!I need you! I love you! I WANT YOU~I NEED YOU~I LOVE YOU~ I WANT YOU! I NEED YOU! I LOVE YO。

Heavy Rotation 歌词

歌曲名:Heavy Rotation歌手:Dilated Peoples&Tha Liks专辑:Expansion TeamAnastacia - Heavy RotationI"m on air in a turning motionAnd I don"t wanna take it slowTake me there use your potionTell me how you want this to goOpportunities knockin baby come get it, get it, get itTell me how you wanna play cuz I"m wit it, wit it, wit itTell me what your plan is put is put me in it, in it, in itDon"t stop the record let it keep spinnin, spinnin, spinnin, spinnin, spinninWork my body like a record keep it moving in heavy rotationOnce I get hot,no I don"t stopWatch me like a video press rewind and let it keep playingAnd playin in heavy rotationTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backWatch me twist like its contortionI"m about to be too hot to holdBoy don"t miss come get your portionTune me in like your radioOpportunities knockin baby come get it, get it, get itTell me how you wanna play cuz I"m wit it, wit it, wit itTell me what your plan is put is put me in it, in it, in itDon"t stop the record let it keep spinnin, spinnin, spinnin, spinnin spinninWork my body like a record keep it moving in heavy rotationOnce I get hot,no I don"t stopWatch me like a video press rewind and let it keep playingAnd playin in heavy rotationTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backI"m goin Round and roundI"m getting into youSo hot can"t stopYou like to see me moveI know you feel that heatDon"t stop my bodyLet it keep Spinnin, spinnin, spinnin, spinnin ohWork my body like a record keep it moving in heavy rotationOnce I get hot,no I don"t stopWatch me like a video press rewind and let it keep playingAnd playin in heavy rotationWork my body like a record keep it moving in heavy rotationOnce I get hot,no I don"t stopWatch me like a video press rewind and let it keep playingAnd playin in heavy rotationTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2702256

Heavy Rotation 歌词

歌曲名:Heavy Rotation歌手:Anastacia专辑:Heavy RotationAnastacia - Heavy RotationI"m on air in a turning motionAnd I don"t wanna take it slowTake me there use your potionTell me how you want this to goOpportunities knockin baby come get it, get it, get itTell me how you wanna play cuz I"m wit it, wit it, wit itTell me what your plan is put is put me in it, in it, in itDon"t stop the record let it keep spinnin, spinnin, spinnin, spinnin, spinninWork my body like a record keep it moving in heavy rotationOnce I get hot,no I don"t stopWatch me like a video press rewind and let it keep playingAnd playin in heavy rotationTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backWatch me twist like its contortionI"m about to be too hot to holdBoy don"t miss come get your portionTune me in like your radioOpportunities knockin baby come get it, get it, get itTell me how you wanna play cuz I"m wit it, wit it, wit itTell me what your plan is put is put me in it, in it, in itDon"t stop the record let it keep spinnin, spinnin, spinnin, spinnin spinninWork my body like a record keep it moving in heavy rotationOnce I get hot,no I don"t stopWatch me like a video press rewind and let it keep playingAnd playin in heavy rotationTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backI"m goin Round and roundI"m getting into youSo hot can"t stopYou like to see me moveI know you feel that heatDon"t stop my bodyLet it keep Spinnin, spinnin, spinnin, spinnin ohWork my body like a record keep it moving in heavy rotationOnce I get hot,no I don"t stopWatch me like a video press rewind and let it keep playingAnd playin in heavy rotationWork my body like a record keep it moving in heavy rotationOnce I get hot,no I don"t stopWatch me like a video press rewind and let it keep playingAnd playin in heavy rotationTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1356677

Heavy Rotation 歌词

歌曲名:Heavy Rotation歌手:Ciara专辑:Basic InstinctAnastacia - Heavy RotationI"m on air in a turning motionAnd I don"t wanna take it slowTake me there use your potionTell me how you want this to goOpportunities knockin baby come get it, get it, get itTell me how you wanna play cuz I"m wit it, wit it, wit itTell me what your plan is put is put me in it, in it, in itDon"t stop the record let it keep spinnin, spinnin, spinnin, spinnin, spinninWork my body like a record keep it moving in heavy rotationOnce I get hot,no I don"t stopWatch me like a video press rewind and let it keep playingAnd playin in heavy rotationTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backWatch me twist like its contortionI"m about to be too hot to holdBoy don"t miss come get your portionTune me in like your radioOpportunities knockin baby come get it, get it, get itTell me how you wanna play cuz I"m wit it, wit it, wit itTell me what your plan is put is put me in it, in it, in itDon"t stop the record let it keep spinnin, spinnin, spinnin, spinnin spinninWork my body like a record keep it moving in heavy rotationOnce I get hot,no I don"t stopWatch me like a video press rewind and let it keep playingAnd playin in heavy rotationTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backI"m goin Round and roundI"m getting into youSo hot can"t stopYou like to see me moveI know you feel that heatDon"t stop my bodyLet it keep Spinnin, spinnin, spinnin, spinnin ohWork my body like a record keep it moving in heavy rotationOnce I get hot,no I don"t stopWatch me like a video press rewind and let it keep playingAnd playin in heavy rotationWork my body like a record keep it moving in heavy rotationOnce I get hot,no I don"t stopWatch me like a video press rewind and let it keep playingAnd playin in heavy rotationTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backhttp://music.baidu.com/song/5588946

Akb48 heavy rotation 歌词

Akb48 heavy rotation one two three four!!I WANT YOU~I NEED YOU~I LOVE YOU~在脑海之中大声回响着的MUSICHEAVY ROTATION!!几乎可以让爆米花炸裂“喜欢”的文字热舞不停只是想到你的脸和声音整个人就变得蠢蠢欲动能拥有这种难以言喻的心情我真是幸运的人呢~I WANT YOU~I NEED YOU~I LOVE YOU~与你见面时那份渐渐缩短的距离情绪升到最高点I WANT YOU~I NEED YOU~I LOVE YOU~内心的深处喷发满溢而出的爱意HEAVY ROTATION!!无论是谁的一生之中都会爱个几回的吧?只要能经历一次永难忘怀的恋爱就非常令人满足了感受那份难以平静的心跳花儿已经绽放了吧?I FEEL YOU~I GET YOU~I HOPE YOU~在梦境中逐渐扩大膨胀着的因你而滋生的想象I FEEL YOU~I GET YOU~I HOPE YOU~此刻的这份心情想震耳欲聋的传达给你HEAVY ROTATION无论何时都听的FAVORITE SONG那首最爱的歌一样一直重复播放着24小时不间断唯独你 是我想点的歌I WANT YOU~I NEED YOU~I LOVE YOU~与你见面时那份渐渐缩短的距离情绪升到最高点I WANT YOU~I NEED YOU~I LOVE YOU~内心的深处喷发满溢而出的爱意HEAVY ROTATION!!HEAVY ROTATION~~~

Heavy Rotation 歌词

歌曲名:Heavy Rotation歌手:Roni Size / Reprazent专辑:In The ModeAnastacia - Heavy RotationI"m on air in a turning motionAnd I don"t wanna take it slowTake me there use your potionTell me how you want this to goOpportunities knockin baby come get it, get it, get itTell me how you wanna play cuz I"m wit it, wit it, wit itTell me what your plan is put is put me in it, in it, in itDon"t stop the record let it keep spinnin, spinnin, spinnin, spinnin, spinninWork my body like a record keep it moving in heavy rotationOnce I get hot,no I don"t stopWatch me like a video press rewind and let it keep playingAnd playin in heavy rotationTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backWatch me twist like its contortionI"m about to be too hot to holdBoy don"t miss come get your portionTune me in like your radioOpportunities knockin baby come get it, get it, get itTell me how you wanna play cuz I"m wit it, wit it, wit itTell me what your plan is put is put me in it, in it, in itDon"t stop the record let it keep spinnin, spinnin, spinnin, spinnin spinninWork my body like a record keep it moving in heavy rotationOnce I get hot,no I don"t stopWatch me like a video press rewind and let it keep playingAnd playin in heavy rotationTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backI"m goin Round and roundI"m getting into youSo hot can"t stopYou like to see me moveI know you feel that heatDon"t stop my bodyLet it keep Spinnin, spinnin, spinnin, spinnin ohWork my body like a record keep it moving in heavy rotationOnce I get hot,no I don"t stopWatch me like a video press rewind and let it keep playingAnd playin in heavy rotationWork my body like a record keep it moving in heavy rotationOnce I get hot,no I don"t stopWatch me like a video press rewind and let it keep playingAnd playin in heavy rotationTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backTell the DJ bring it back bring it back bring it backCan you bring it back back backhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8054626

heavy rotation歌词求中文音译 汉字拼音都可 不罗马音

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AKB48《Heavy Rotation》平假名歌词?

我把日语汉字都改成平假名了,片假名应该也认得吧~~I want you!I need you!I love you!あたまのなかガンガンなってるMUSICヘビーローテーションポップコーンがはじけるようにすきというもじがおどるかおやこえをおもうだけでいてもたってもいられないこんなきもちになれるってぼくはついているねI want you!I need you!I love you!きみにあえてドンドンちかづくそのきょりにMAX ハイテンションI want you!I need you!I love you!ハートのおくジャンジャンあふれるいとしさはヘビーローテーションひとはだれもいっしょうのうちなんかいあいせるのだろう?たったいちどわすれられないこいができたらまんぞくさそんなときめきをかんじてはなはほころぶのかなI feel you!I touch you!I hold you!ゆめのなかでダンダンおおきくなってゆくぼくのイマジネーションI feel you!I touch you!I hold you!このおもいをビンビンつたえてほしいからヘビーローテーションいつもきいてたfavorite songあのきょくのようにずっと くりかえして24じかんきみだけリクエストちゅうI want you!I need you!I love you!きみにあえてドンドン近づくそのきょりにMAX ハイテンションI want you!I need you!I love you!ハートのおくジャンジャンあふれるいとしさはヘビーローテーションヘビーローテーション
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