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懂你英语 Level 6 Unit 3 Part 1 Reading【Meaning of Catch 22】

One of the most interesting books of the 20th century was the novel, Catch 22. In the novel, the term "a catch 22 situation" was introduced. The term has nothing to do with catching anything. It has a much deeper meaning, and it describes a kind of logical conundrum that"s worth exploring. conundrum = 难解的问题First, it"s important to put the phrase into context. In the novel, a group of American bomber pilots is on an island in the Mediterranean . They face death almost every day when they fly their bombing missions . Many have already lost their lives. The remaining pilots know that it is only a matter of time before they will be the next victims . bomber pilot = 轰炸机飞行员Mediterranean = 地中海mission = 任务,使命victim = 牺牲者,受害者One of the characters in the novel is a doctor. It is his job to see that the pilots are fit to fly. In particular, there is a rule that says he has to ground anyone who is crazy. To ground them means to remove them from active duty so that they don"t fly. ground = 使停飞,阻止……起飞 active duty = 现役Some of the men believed in the principles they were fighting for . They were willing to give their lives for their country. But to others, this was crazy. They thought the whole thing was insane . One of them, Yossarian, wanted out. He was friends with the doctor, and he wanted the doctor to ground him. When Yossarian asked the doctor to ground him, the doctor replied: “You"re wasting your time. You"re not crazy”. Yossarian told him to ask one of the other pilots, Clevinger, to tell him how crazy he was. “There is no point. He"s crazy,” The doctor replied. ”Crazy people can"t decide whether you are crazy or not.” “Clevinger isn"t crazy! he"s one of the sanest pilots here.” “So he"s obviously out of his head,” said the Doc. “He"s got to be insane to keep on flying combat missions after all the close calls he"s had.” “Well, if he"s crazy, why don"t you ground him?” “I can"t unless he asks to be grounded. That"s part of the rule.” “So all he has to do is ask?” “No, then I can"t ground him.” “So there is a catch,” said Yossarian, trying to get things straight. “Sure, there"s a catch,” said the Doc, with a slight smile. “Catch 22. If he asks, then he can"t be crazy. Only those who are crazy are grounded”. “That"s some catch,” observed Yossarian. “It"s the best there is,” the Doc replied. principle = 原则fight for = 为……而战斗give one"s life for … = 为……献出生命,为……牺牲 insane = 疯狂的,非常愚蠢的1. While writing this piece, the author was probably having fun . 2. Why couldn"t the doctor ground Clevinger? Clevinger hadn"t asked to be grounded. 3. To be sane means to be in a healthy state of mind .4. A close call is a narrow escape from danger, such as surviving a serous accident .1. What does it mean to ground a pilot? >> To ground them means to remove them from active duty so that they don"t fly.2. Why did the doctor say he couldn"t ground Clevinger? >> “I can"t unless he asks to be grounded. That"s part of the rule.”Fill in the blanks: 1. “So he"s obviously out of his head,” said the Doc. “He"s got to be insane to keep on flying combat missions after all the close calls he"s had .”2. Some of the men believed in the principles they were fighting for . They were willing to give their lives for their country. But to others , this was crazy. They thought the whole thing was insane . One of them, Yossarian, wanted out. He was friends with the doctor, and he wanted the doctor to ground him.(1) In particular, there is a rule that says he has to ground anyone who is crazy.(2) One of the characters in the novel is a doctor. (3) It is his job to see that the pilots are fit to fly. (4) To ground them means to remove them from active duty so that they don"t fly.Correct Order: (2) (3) (1) (4)

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英语作文reading poems is

Reading poems is not exactly an everyday activity for most people. In fact, many people never read a poem once they get out of high school. It is worth reminding ourselves that this has not always been the case in America. In the nineteenth century, a usual American activity was to sit around the fireside in the evening and read poems aloud. It is true that there was no television at the time, nor movie theaters, nor World Wide Web, to provide diversion. However, poems were a source of pleasure, of self-education, of connection to other people or to the world beyond one"s own community. Reading them was a social act as well as an individual one, and perhaps even more social than individual. Writing poems to share with friends and relations was, like reading poems by the fireside, another way in which poetry has a place in everyday life. How did things change? Why are most Americans no longer comfortable with poetry, and why domost people today think that a poem has nothing to tell them and that they can do well without poems? There are, I believe, three factors: poets, teachers, and we ourselves. Of these, the least important isthe third: the world surrounding the poem has betrayed us more than we have betrayed the poem. Earlyin the twentieth century, poetry in English headed into directions unfavorable to the reading of poetry. Readers decided that poems were not for the fireside or the easy chair. at night, and that they belonged where other difficult-to-read things belonged. Poets failed the reader, so did teachers. They want their students to know something about the skillsof a poem, they want their students to see that poems mean something. Yet what usually occurs when teachers push these concerns on their high school students is that young people decide poems are unpleasant crossword puzzles.

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threading.ThreadThread 是threading模块中最重要的类之一,可以使用它来创建线程。有两种方式来创建线程:一种是通过继承Thread类,重写它的run方法;另一种是创建一个threading.Thread对象,在它的初始化函数(__init__)中将可调用对象作为参数传入。下面分别举例说明。先来看看通过继承threading.Thread类来创建线程的例子: #coding=gbkimport threading, time, randomcount = 0class Counter(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, lock, threadName):"""@summary: 初始化对象。@param lock: 琐对象。@param threadName: 线程名称。""" super(Counter, self).__init__(name = threadName) #注意:一定要显式的调用父类的初始化函数。 self.lock = lock def run(self):"""@summary: 重写父类run方法,在线程启动后执行该方法内的代码。""" global count self.lock.acquire() for i in xrange(10000): count = count + 1 self.lock.release()lock = threading.Lock()for i in range(5): Counter(lock, "thread-" + str(i)).start()time.sleep(2) #确保线程都执行完毕print count在代码中,我们创建了一个Counter类,它继承了threading.Thread。初始化函数接收两个参数,一个是琐对象,另一个是线程的名称。在Counter中,重写了从父类继承的run方法,run方法将一个全局变量逐一的增加10000。在接下来的代码中,创建了五个Counter对象,分别调用其start方法。最后打印结果。这里要说明一下run方法 和start方法: 它们都是从Thread继承而来的,run()方法将在线程开启后执行,可以把相关的逻辑写到run方法中(通常把run方法称为活动[Activity]。);start()方法用于启动线程。再看看另外一种创建线程的方法:import threading, time, randomcount = 0lock = threading.Lock()def doAdd():"""@summary: 将全局变量count 逐一的增加10000。""" global count, lock lock.acquire() for i in xrange(10000): count = count + 1 lock.release()for i in range(5): threading.Thread(target = doAdd, args = (), name = "thread-" + str(i)).start()time.sleep(2) #确保线程都执行完毕print count在这段代码中,我们定义了方法doAdd,它将全局变量count 逐一的增加10000。然后创建了5个Thread对象,把函数对象doAdd 作为参数传给它的初始化函数,再调用Thread对象的start方法,线程启动后将执行doAdd函数。这里有必要介绍一下threading.Thread类的初始化函数原型:def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={})参数group是预留的,用于将来扩展;参数target是一个可调用对象(也称为活动[activity]),在线程启动后执行;参数name是线程的名字。默认值为“Thread-N“,N是一个数字。参数args和kwargs分别表示调用target时的参数列表和关键字参数。Thread类还定义了以下常用方法与属性:Thread.getName()Thread.setName()Thread.name用于获取和设置线程的名称。Thread.ident获取线程的标识符。线程标识符是一个非零整数,只有在调用了start()方法之后该属性才有效,否则它只返回None。Thread.is_alive()Thread.isAlive()判断线程是否是激活的(alive)。从调用start()方法启动线程,到run()方法执行完毕或遇到未处理异常而中断 这段时间内,线程是激活的。Thread.join([timeout])调用Thread.join将会使主调线程堵塞,直到被调用线程运行结束或超时。参数timeout是一个数值类型,表示超时时间,如果未提供该参数,那么主调线程将一直堵塞到被调线程结束。下面举个例子说明join()的使用:import threading, timedef doWaiting(): print "start waiting:", time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") time.sleep(3) print "stop waiting", time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")thread1 = threading.Thread(target = doWaiting)thread1.start()time.sleep(1) #确保线程thread1已经启动print "start join"thread1.join() #将一直堵塞,直到thread1运行结束。print "end join"threading.RLock和threading.Lock在threading模块中,定义两种类型的琐:threading.Lock和threading.RLock。它们之间有一点细微的区别,通过比较下面两段代码来说明:import threadinglock = threading.Lock() #Lock对象lock.acquire()lock.acquire() #产生了死琐。lock.release()lock.release()import threadingrLock = threading.RLock() #RLock对象rLock.acquire()rLock.acquire() #在同一线程内,程序不会堵塞。rLock.release()rLock.release()这两种琐的主要区别是:RLock允许在同一线程中被多次acquire。而Lock却不允许这种情况。注意:如果使用RLock,那么acquire和release必须成对出现,即调用了n次acquire,必须调用n次的release才能真正释放所占用的琐。threading.Condition可以把Condiftion理解为一把高级的琐,它提供了比Lock, RLock更高级的功能,允许我们能够控制复杂的线程同步问题。threadiong.Condition在内部维护一个琐对象(默认是RLock),可以在创建Condigtion对象的时候把琐对象作为参数传入。Condition也提供了acquire, release方法,其含义与琐的acquire, release方法一致,其实它只是简单的调用内部琐对象的对应的方法而已。Condition还提供了如下方法(特别要注意:这些方法只有在占用琐(acquire)之后才能调用,否则将会报RuntimeError异常。):Condition.wait([timeout]):wait方法释放内部所占用的琐,同时线程被挂起,直至接收到通知被唤醒或超时(如果提供了timeout参数的话)。当线程被唤醒并重新占有琐的时候,程序才会继续执行下去。Condition.notify():唤醒一个挂起的线程(如果存在挂起的线程)。注意:notify()方法不会释放所占用的琐。Condition.notify_all()Condition.notifyAll()唤醒所有挂起的线程(如果存在挂起的线程)。注意:这些方法不会释放所占用的琐。现在写个捉迷藏的游戏来具体介绍threading.Condition的基本使用。假设这个游戏由两个人来玩,一个藏(Hider),一个找(Seeker)。游戏的规则如下:1. 游戏开始之后,Seeker先把自己眼睛蒙上,蒙上眼睛后,就通知Hider;2. Hider接收通知后开始找地方将自己藏起来,藏好之后,再通知Seeker可以找了; 3. Seeker接收到通知之后,就开始找Hider。Hider和Seeker都是独立的个体,在程序中用两个独立的线程来表示,在游戏过程中,两者之间的行为有一定的时序关系,我们通过Condition来控制这种时序关系。#---- Condition#---- 捉迷藏的游戏import threading, timeclass Hider(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, cond, name): super(Hider, self).__init__() self.cond = cond = name def run(self): time.sleep(1) #确保先运行Seeker中的方法 self.cond.acquire() #b print + ": 我已经把眼睛蒙上了" self.cond.notify() self.cond.wait() #c #f print + ": 我找到你了 ~_~" self.cond.notify() self.cond.release()#g print + ": 我赢了" #hclass Seeker(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, cond, name): super(Seeker, self).__init__() self.cond = cond = name def run(self): self.cond.acquire() self.cond.wait() #a #释放对琐的占用,同时线程挂起在这里,直到被notify并重新占有琐。#d print + ": 我已经藏好了,你快来找我吧" self.cond.notify() self.cond.wait() #e#h self.cond.release() print + ": 被你找到了,哎~~~"cond = threading.Condition()seeker = Seeker(cond, "seeker")hider = Hider(cond, "hider")seeker.start()hider.start()threading.EventEvent实现与Condition类似的功能,不过比Condition简单一点。它通过维护内部的标识符来实现线程间的同步问题。(threading.Event和.NET中的System.Threading.ManualResetEvent类实现同样的功能。)Event.wait([timeout])堵塞线程,直到Event对象内部标识位被设为True或超时(如果提供了参数timeout)。Event.set()将标识位设为TureEvent.clear()将标识伴设为False。Event.isSet()判断标识位是否为Ture。下面使用Event来实现捉迷藏的游戏(可能用Event来实现不是很形象)#---- Event#---- 捉迷藏的游戏import threading, timeclass Hider(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, cond, name): super(Hider, self).__init__() self.cond = cond = name def run(self): time.sleep(1) #确保先运行Seeker中的方法 print + ": 我已经把眼睛蒙上了" self.cond.set() time.sleep(1) self.cond.wait() print + ": 我找到你了 ~_~" self.cond.set() print + ": 我赢了"class Seeker(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, cond, name): super(Seeker, self).__init__() self.cond = cond = name def run(self): self.cond.wait() print + ": 我已经藏好了,你快来找我吧" self.cond.set() time.sleep(1) self.cond.wait() print + ": 被你找到了,哎~~~"cond = threading.Event()seeker = Seeker(cond, "seeker")hider = Hider(cond, "hider")seeker.start()hider.start()threading.Timerthreading.Timer是threading.Thread的子类,可以在指定时间间隔后执行某个操作。下面是Python手册上提供的一个例子:def hello(): print "hello, world"t = Timer(3, hello)t.start() # 3秒钟之后执行hello函数。threading模块中还有一些常用的方法没有介绍:threading.active_count()threading.activeCount()获取当前活动的(alive)线程的个数。threading.current_thread()threading.currentThread()获取当前的线程对象(Thread object)。threading.enumerate()获取当前所有活动线程的列表。threading.settrace(func)设置一个跟踪函数,用于在run()执行之前被调用。threading.setprofile(func)设置一个跟踪函数,用于在run()执行完毕之后调用。threading模块的内容很多,一篇文章很难写全,更多关于threading模块的信息,请查询Python手册 threading模块。




学英语斑马英语比较好。斑马英语app是一款可以帮助家长正确引导孩子进行语言启蒙,培养良好的英语学习能力和性格,快人一步,从小开始。由经验丰富的英语教研团队和专业插画团队共同打造适合非英语母语小朋友阅读的英语启蒙读物。故事情节编排贴合生活,主题积极向上,纯正美语配音。绘本插画制作精美,细节丰富,帮助小朋友理解故事内容,方便家长引导孩子进行探索式阅读。“36氪启蒙教育专题”系列文章将涵盖整个启蒙早幼教市场的项目盘点、产品分析、创投观察、研究报告、趋势判断,希望为关注该领域的投资人、创业者及从业者,提供更加聚焦、价值浓度更高的干货和思考。从猿辅导的战略角度来看,斑马英语一方面被作为AI技术研发在学科辅导之外新产品的应用实践,另一方面也是其K12业务“向下”拓展低幼产品线的必然一步。ABC reading挺好的,主要是以图片加文字的形式为主,刚开始是简单的画面加上一些重复的句子,小孩子也更容易接受。后期会慢慢增加有难度的词汇及稍微复杂的句式,帮助孩子提升英语能力。



求新时代英语交互读写译3的第2单元reading2 letter TO PETER CARR的课文翻译。

第五单元的文字翻译编辑:浙江大学出版社:外语教学与研究出版社如何在我的记忆中,我是个文盲人生最重要的一天,我的老师安妮·曼斯菲尔德沙利文走进我的生活的那一天。到目前为止,每当我想起这一天仍然会惊叹:这一天(我有)两种截然不同的生活在一起,也就是1887年3月3日,从我7岁生日3个月。 当天下午,我只是站在我家的门廊上,心中充满了希望。每个人都来来往往的手势和房子,我的母亲给了我忙,我隐约猜到会有不寻常的事情发生,所以我来到家门口的台阶上,等待着。午后的阳光透过的覆盖门廊金银花集群,照射到我仰着的脸上。我的手指几乎是下意识地抚摸着熟悉的叶和花。他们只是抽叶开花,迎来南方温暖的春天。至于我的未来会是一个什么样的奇迹,我知道该如何应对。过去几周,一直困扰着我的愤怒和不满。经过这一场强烈的情感,是一个极端的枯竭。 你在航行中可能遇到的透雾?时间,你似乎被困在一片广袤无垠的指尖,不见天日。在我接受教育的大型船舶一样,不同的是,我什至不罗盘,测线,更没有办法了解如何远离海港。我的心在无声的呼喊声:“光明!给我光明!”在那一刻,我的爱之光洒在。 我觉得脚步声由远及近,所以我伸出我的手,我想,这将是他的母亲。有人抓住我的手,和我搂在自己怀里紧紧地拥抱在一起。它是这个人的到来,向全世界展示,最重要的是,爱情给我带来了。 老师来到我家,第二天早上,她带我到她的房间,并给了我一个洋娃娃。这小娃娃帕金斯盲童学校给了我,劳拉·布里奇曼娃娃穿的衣服,但这些我后来才知道的。我打了一小会儿,沙利文摘要慢慢地在我的手里拼写出单词“玩偶”(公仔)。有一次,我和手指上的游戏产生的利息,并尝试去模仿它。当我终于正确地拼出几个字母,充满了孩子般的喜悦和自豪。我跑到楼下找到她的手,拼出来的“娃娃”在信中。当时,我不知道我拼写一个单词,甚至不知道“的情况下,我只是喜欢用手指模仿猴子。在接下来的几天里,我做的,我不知道义的词汇知识,而是学会了拼写更好的词。这些话“针”,“帽子”,“杯具”,一些动词,如“坐”,“停止”和“走出去”。但是,当我得知一切有的名称,并具有很好的老师和我一起在几个星期后。有一天,我在玩我的新娃娃,这个时候,沙利文小姐把我的大破布娃娃在我的腿上,给我打了“娃娃“希望我能知道如何”娃娃“这个词适用于两件事情。当天早些时候,我有她的两个词”杯“和”水“中发生争议,沙利文小姐要我记得”杯“是“大杯”,“水”,“水”,但我总想混淆这两个词。失望,她暂时葛芪这个话题,但有一个机会,她很快就重新审视的问题。我,但是,她的努力和一遍又一遍是难以忍受的,所以他抓住了一个新的娃娃,坠落在地板上。当我觉得脚brakest的娃娃,一个强烈的快感。强烈的情绪,我没有一丝悲伤或遗憾的感情。我从来不喜欢,娃娃。在我的生命中黑暗的世界里,沉默不语,无压痛或情绪。我觉得老师有杂物扫到一边的壁炉炉膛,然后我有满足感,因为不愉快的事情不再存在。她给我带来了一顶草帽,我知道我会出的房子,在温暖的阳光。的思想(如果不能用言语表达的感觉可以调用的想法),我会很高兴地又蹦又跳。沿路径的房间,满屋子的金银花,它的香味迷住了我们。被泵,老师把我的手放在下面的水喷冷却水,流过我的手,而当她拼写“水”在我的另一只手开始她打慢,然后的高尔夫球很快。我一动不动地站着,所有的注意力都集中在她的手指运动。突然间,??我依稀知道的东西,仿佛记起了早已被人遗忘 - 它是一种恢复思维的兴奋。前面我所有的突然不知怎的,神秘的语言,在这个时候,我明白了,“水”是指流过我的手,精彩的很酷的事情这活的话唤醒了我沉睡的心灵,给它一个光明,希望和欢乐,并使其免费的!诚然,障碍依然存在,但一些需要一段时间最终会消除障碍。我留下了很好的房间充满与对知识的渴望。一切都有一个名字,每个名字上升到一个新的概念。在回家的路上,我觉得我摸到的一切事情都似乎有生命力,那是因为我刚刚给我的小说的眼光看的一切。门时,我想起了我摔破的娃娃。我摸索着来到公路床边,收拾残局,他们尝试拼接?在一起,但徒劳无功。在这个时候,我的眼睛里充满了泪水,因为我意识到,他的早期完成后,第一次在他们的生活中感到悔恨和悲伤。一天,我学到了很多新词。我现在不记得是什么字,但我仍然记得他们:“妈妈,爸爸,姐姐,老师。布卢姆这些话使整个世界在我的面前,“像亚伦的杖,开满了花。在这个重要的日子的到来结束了,已经很难找到一个更快乐的孩子比我。我躺在在我的床上,琢磨以上这一天给我的快乐,向往的一天的到来。这是我的生活,我从来没有期待。外国口音对我来说,我倾向于口音判断的人,我遇到的问题。我不是说,他是一个势利小人,就像人的上流社会的口音,但是,与新相识的朋友一起,我永远不会感到舒适的,如果我能决定的说他们是在哪里,感觉会有所不同。如果一个英国人,我可以判断,“啊,他是利物浦”,或者他可能对公办学校,我会觉得更舒适。我知道这一点,他说,他能告诉我的东西。(如果)是一个外国人。就个人而言,我想谈谈对外国人一点明显的口音,所以我知道他是在对话和法国,加纳,波兰人,否则的国家,所有的外国人,然后对我来说,一个很大的努力,试图摆脱他们的母语口音讲标准英语,它似乎毫无意义,如果这个人显然是一个法国人,我知道,有没有必要(他)谈论板球或开放的爱尔兰笑话。坦率地说,我认为更有吸引力的外国口音。我无法解释为什么,但如果扬声器带有外国口音,即使是最普通的东西,会显得有趣。有第二节然而,(重音)有一个限制,能够让人们了解。如果口音太重了,你必须要费劲找出对方想说的话任何东西,它会阻碍进行的谈话,但通话将不能够连贯,(因为)你尝试到编译对方的声音是可以理解的话,我指的是没有这样一个沉重的口音,但是,让你立刻明白了对方是哪个国家,但不妨碍你理解他的那种口音,我认为大多数外国人有这样的口音,真的。坦率地说,只有极少数的听觉特别敏感,有较强的模仿人可以说相当纯正的英国英语。即使能够,因为他们的英语的声音将是非常有趣的,因为他们可能学习是一个很明显的地方口音,甚至上流社会的口音与自己的气质特点是完全不相称的。但大多数外国人来说,学习英语是非常渴望摆脱自己的外国口音,浪费了大量的时间。第三节我了解了自己的观点不同的角度,甚至佩服他们,也可能是因为我是法国人的权利,如果人们认为我是法国人,我感到非常高兴,如果是别人一听就知道我是英国人,我会觉得很气馁。对我来说,法国与英国口音很难听,当我听到自己的同胞被破坏的法国总是感觉很不舒服,所以我想让外国人听到自己的同胞,用蹩脚的英语,将分享然而,法国的朋友告诉我,发育轻微的英国口音并没有使他们感到不舒服,相反,它很动听。我还听说,佩特拉·克拉克已经能够成为一个成功的歌手在法国,部分原因是因为她的英国口音。我认为,其中最有名的法国人讲英语,那是演员莫里斯士,他的职业生涯成就依靠一个明显的法国口音。事实上,如果他愿意的话,他可能不能这么重的口音 BR />我和他比起来,我明显的语言天赋?的法国朋友们,我的法国朋友,我是在英国,总被误认为是一个受过良好教育的英国人,因为他的说话方式,我应该是朋友,认为他很了解,仅在英国生活过多年的英国生活的某些方面理解。因此,从酒吧回来后,晚上,他经常不得不让我向他解释一些事情,我做不知道他花了多少时间正确的口音,但或许他应该花时间来扩大你的词汇量,加强了解,英国,由于英语是一种国际语言,我认为我们应该接受的口音,学习者应着眼于的结构和词汇(语言)的学习,而不是口音(折纯)。不人云亦云,科学家教鹦鹉学英语。所以什么呢?鹦鹉似乎不仅说话,但也明白这句话的含义。亚历克斯是一个灰色的非洲鹦鹉,住在美国印第安纳州的普渡大学(Purdue University)。它拥有约40个字,以识别,要求,有时甚至拒绝了50种玩具。他似乎是能够熟练地使用抽象符号的字 - 换句话说,似乎是语言的主要形式。很多鸟类AC使用一个简单的,固定的符号。一些鸟类,如鹦鹉,通过相互模仿或模仿其他鸟类的术语有很多,但只有一个声音,链接的对象或功能,没有证据表明任何鸟类能够实现这一伟大飞跃的。亚历克斯。导师艾琳Peibaiboge博士,鹦鹉天生的好奇心,教它使用的名称不同的玩具。练马师及助理在玩玩具的同时,边问对方对这些玩具的问题。鹦鹉,你在游戏中加入赢得了教练。(培训)的结果是惊人的注意。亚历克斯很快就学会了用字的形状,颜色和材料,以确定要索取的东西(例如,一个三角形的绿色纸,或五边形的黄色木)。导师反复说这些话,直到上说,直到那时,也只有那东西被授予它来播放。博士Peiboboge,可以不授予它是免费的,这一点是非常重要的,因为它会使它作为一种手段的话,食品处理,而不是符号表示对象。亚历克斯,每周两次,本次测试,通常可以搞对象的80%。错误往往是一些遗漏(例如,忘了说了颜色的东西),而不是一个特定的错误。导师,以了解是否真的掌握颜色和形状的概念,它显示了一些新的组合。当你第一次看到一个蓝色的皮革,说:“蓝隐藏,见过一个蓝色的对象键或木制品。这表明它已经意识到,作为基石,同样的话,你可以混合不同的。 但是,只有学会还远未掌握一门语言的形容词和名词。科学家们一直在寻找证据,证明亚历克斯了解更复杂的概念。意想不到的突破学会说“不”。这个词是从教练和助理之间的对话,它似乎至少明白一个词的含义 - 被拒绝(例如,当博士Peibaiboge想和它一起玩,和它没有要玩) 。如果你问它前面的几件事情,并且还能够数到五。 偶尔有一个线索,主更先进的概念中,博士Peibaiboge非常谨慎。公众的反应,黑猩猩可以使用手语的批评最近已经从兴奋,所以没有人再敢做出过度主张。这并不是说,人们怀疑,猿不具备的能力,积累了大量的手语词汇。辩论的焦点是,猿猴可以理解语法。 证明猿小,但同时也可以理解语法的例子。中国,例如,关 - 第一个能说的最有名的大猩猩 - 曾指出天鹅,手语,说:“水禽。它的真正含义吗?赫伯特博士,哥伦比亚大学,露台指出,它可能只是很快表示这两个概念的“水”和“鸟”。怀疑论者争辩道,像猿猴,在其一生中偶尔纯粹的运气来表达一些符合语法,这将是令人惊讶的。更严厉的批评,猿其实是暗示他们的培训师是不是自我反应。不自觉地暗示被称为“聪明的汉斯效应”,这是为了纪念19世纪的德国,名马。汉斯的数学看来,此外蹄敲击的答案。其实,马不这样做的数学,它只是成为的人群它的微妙暗示应对这些提示,以告诉它什么时候停下来。当人群没有不知道的答案,汉斯将不办此外她Peiboboge博士的实验,这种影响不存在,因为鹦鹉说话的猩猩是说比身体语言更困难的提示。她认为,要探索动物智能的限制,比手语研究。她希望亚历克斯对象(或更好的,年轻的鹦鹉)和儿童比较,发现秩序和儿童的概念和孩子们多知道是什么。新编大学英语第二版第三卷 >第六单元文本翻译编辑:浙江大学出版社,外语教学与研究出版社人的好斗性的人类和动物是所有动物的战斗和最残酷的肯定是最好的,我们说的暴徒的行为,就像“野兽”,但事实上,没有任何一种动物像人类的残忍。本地磁盘动物或境内的鸟类入侵其他类似的动物,只会做一些敌视的态度吓跑入侵者,而且,如果有一个战斗,任何一方都没有严重受伤,因为只要败诉方手势移交可节省的生活,在正常情况下,动物只被打了过来杀人,吃人是罕见的同种动物之间。但是,如果动物发现自己在特殊情况下,它会显示出不同寻常的攻击从丛林中的老虎跑的村庄,袭击的人。后来人们发现,它的爪子受伤,显然不能去打猎像往常一样,如果没有受伤,这只虎毫无疑问将留在丛林里寻找像往常一样的食物。在动物园笼子里的动物,往往比野外更积极的,例如,关狮子的笼子一次自由地漫游在非洲的热带稀树草原,所以它会永远精力充沛的长途跋涉,与家人一起类似的狩猎食物在动物园,或许是吃得更好,得到良好的照顾,但因为孤独,它显然会感到疲劳和抑郁情绪。动物学家和心理学家比喻,现代的狮笼。他们认为,人们居住在拥挤的城市,在动物园里的动物的生活条件非常相似,这种状况使得这些居民,特别是积极的。如果人口的增长速度是如此之快,人们将有更多的空间和自由。在史前时代,一组约60人将有几公里的空间活动和觅食,如果有这样的条件下,人类比其他动物更积极的实际情况是,在同一栋办公楼工作的人,有可能是因为许多为30000。在这种情况下,它变得咄咄逼人的好斗也就不足为奇了。事实上,他们不几乎是不可能的。这些年来,世界人口的增长,人类是更积极。然而,好斗本身并不一定是件坏事。一些心理学家认为,好斗,是一个必须要满足人类的基本本能。如果没有建设性的方法来满足这种本能,人类将使用破坏性手段。人的冲动要坚持自己的权利和主张,使他们能够在这个危险的世界中生存下来,然而,具有讽刺意味的??是,人类的自我毁灭可以发泄他们的积极性,除非能够找到其他非暴力的方法。事实上,人类作为个体,以坚持自己的权利和倡导者已经变得越来越困难,因为城镇,国家,以及组织越来越大,而且变得越来越浓,越来越远。一个可能有个别的工匠,但也该行业的工匠,但现在它可能是在工厂做繁琐的工作。一家小公司一次团结和合作,生产出高品质的产品,现在可能被纳入一个大的机构的工作人员非常机械的工作,而不是自上场机会。在这种情况下,人们不能取得上风好斗的特点发挥创造性的工作,可能是怨恨,愤怒等情绪。敌对的国家之间随着时间的推移,最终会爆发大规模惨无人道的战争情况。拳击相反的在他面前的人拨打一个不情愿的,也许是炸弹从飞机上导致成千上万的人死亡;距离太远,他不是人,只是在他的日常工作报告。不过,这种情况至少还能够得到改善,鼓励竞争,在一切可能的领域,应逐渐减少,而不是增加战争的可能性。安东尼·斯托尔,他的一本书,人类的好斗,建议联合国组织,国际体育比赛,如最好的设计公司或医院还可以进行最安全的汽车比赛。他说,即使是那些谁搞了大量的财力和人力资源的太空竞赛,但也欢迎光临,本次比赛和动物类似像往常一样之间的冲突。通过建设性活动和非暴力的方式竞争的人为了继续生存下去只有人类的敌意和攻击性的发挥。美国海军招聘海豚? BR /> 最初,他们冒着生命危险在越南守卫的美国船只。然后,在波斯湾,保护美国的海军舰队攻击鱼雷和地方的潜水员,现在,他们可能会在华盛顿州普吉特海湾,第一个装备核潜艇。他们是谁?海豚。美国海军计划招收16的海豚水下监视成员,该计划已经引发了激烈的争论。美国海军承认,海豚是非常聪明的,他们说,海豚训练容易,而且可以发挥重要作用,在防御敌人潜艇的突然袭击。但是动物权利团体和海豚训练人员反对这一计划。他们被指控说,军队的招聘动物。人在战争中使用的动物是不道德的的进步的动物福利协会(PAWS)米切尔福克斯说。 15个动物权利团体联合海军推上法庭,PAWS是其中之一。组织指责海军的计划违反了联邦法律,保护动物免遭虐待。例如,大西洋屏蔽海豚海军计划使用拍摄在海湾的墨西哥温水水域。他说,这些海豚把如瀑姬万冷水导致他们自杀。海豚突然死亡后第11天达到了在华盛顿的海军潜艇基地。但海军部说,他们??海豚照顾得很好。海军发言人詹姆斯·伍德,队长说: “害了他们,虐待他们,或将他们放置在不安全的地方是非常愚蠢的。只会浪费我们的金钱和经验。“他说,在过去的四年里,海军花了$ 32万个训练海洋哺乳动物。伍德上尉说,海豚不喜欢训练,他们可以很容易地走1988年5月,“科学”杂志报道,在圣地亚哥的海军训练中心,是切净,5海豚有机会走并获得免费的,但他们住在靠近。早晨起床时,后面的教练经过训练的海豚游回。圣迭戈海军海豚训练中心发言人托马斯·拉普什说,“他说,”新的项目,我们像海豚的批评,主要的原因。“海豚是非常美丽的纽约时报“记者,”他们都非常可爱。感情上非常重视他们,我真的希望他们能够奶牛代替了,这样的事情可能更容易。“但奶牛不能胜任这个工作的。海军部索赔,海豚的声纳(声轨),甚至优于人工合成的跟踪设备。他们关闭他们的眼睛能确定位置的船舱底部的维生素丸。海豚找到点击或嘘嘘的声音,海豚听到后回的声音从物体反射的回声,海豚将能够确定对象的位置,该系统被称为回声定位。的声纳会游泳非常便宜。每天20磅的鱼,拍拍一些海豚的鼻子需要,这是海军,太便宜了。中尉木,像海豚真的贵了不少,所以良好的声纳系统。海滩,但批评者怀疑是否要承担的重要任务守卫核武器。例如,福克斯是非常担心的动物擅离职守,突然决定休息。“你只能控制他们,当他们饿了,”他说,“一旦他们吃饱了,也许会开始行为不端的一个木船长报告说,动物们非常遵守秩序,但坚持认为,我们需要保卫国家的海豚。 动物忙于工作动物不仅是一个很好的宠物,有时甚至都可以成为的球员 - 只要他们有相应的专业知识和适当的培训。 ,阿莉每天早上起床要陪朋友到洗手间。她对灯品牌的肥皂,毛巾,然后开始给她洗一个很好的朋友。阿莉是特别认真的合作伙伴吗?是。阿莉是一个卷尾猴,每天帮她与残疾人完成日常任务。 很多朋友帮助人们改善他们的生活,甚至挽救生命的人,猴子阿莉这些动物。然而,并非所有的动物是适合于各种不同的工作。根据自己的优势或特色的动物,“就业”他们做了特别的工作。人们可以通过不同的条件反射(训练动物做出具体的回应某些刺激或信号),教动物,执行特殊任务。 人类历史上一直依赖于动物的专业知识来完成一些工作。例如,阿肯色州亨德森州立大学的动物行为学家玛丽安贝利说,与人相比,跟踪能力的狗闻到超一流的多,这是因为数百万的狗的鼻子的嗅觉受体,或嗅神经。 为什么,早在古埃及时,猎人用狗来追踪猎物的。今天,狗是用来嗅探检查学校更衣室违禁品或地震灾民的废墟中被埋在倒塌的建筑物或道路。 灵长类动物可能不敏感的嗅探器,但他们一定可以伸出援助之手 - 也许是“手臂的力量。截瘫病人 - 病人已颈部以下瘫痪 - 手和脚不能动,猴子是最好的帮手。贝利解释说,猴子,和人一样,与之相对的拇指 - 相对于其他手指 - 猴子收拾东西。卷尾猴学会开门,擦拭溢出,拧开瓶盖。他们甚至可以从冰箱,三明治,你最喜欢的磁带插入录像机。 当它涉及到录像机,动物,甚至科学家可以帮助设置视频。珍妮弗赫尔利,美国加州圣克鲁斯长海实验动物的研究人员。她是训练的海狮,使他们扛着摄像机的真实行为的鲸鱼。 Hurley说,她永远不会潜水的深度鲸活动,但海狮能做到这一点。鲸鱼或行动自然的,因为这些哺乳动物鲸鱼的真实的生活环境 - 人类或形状像潜艇的研究船是不是这??样的。 动物如何让员工的工作吗?答案:职业培训。培训通过培训过程称为“条件反射”教动物,按照他们的指示。 动物行为学家贝利说,大部分培训人员通过积极的强化训练动物做奖励。例如:为了教狗如何使用气味找到毒品,培训师把毛巾隐藏的药物气味,让狗出来。莫里斯·贝尔科维奇在纽约负责的嗅探犬禁毒执法的问题,说:“狗幸福的东西找回来的毛巾成为其奖品。贝尔科维奇说,在一个多时间重复这个隐藏和寻求游戏开始,狗的气味和奖金挂钩。当他发出的命令或刺激的狗,狗会识别的药物。考试努力学习,以取得好成绩(这)中心的帮手“ - 残疾人猴,卷尾猴接受培训合作与残疾人士。首先,猴子被放置在领养家庭的人,在5年的时间里,这些收养人的帮助,以适应人类的猴子环境,使他们相信人类,喜欢与人相处的。贝利,很重要的一点,猴子4-6周时,他们采取了他们。她说:“这是只猴子开始正常交往其他的猴子。“家扶中心培训人员的培训的猴子做一些工作去帮助别人。例如,它是可能,训练猴子抓痒,或软盘插入计算机的驱动器。培训员工使用正强化手段,奖励的猴子,例如,给他们食物,饮料,赞美和照顾。此训练阶段将持续一年。

谁有新时代交互英语第三册Unit 2 Reading1 的课文,《site-seeing on the Internet》的翻译啊???急啊!


英语翻译朗文国际英语教程16课reading 154页是整篇文章

Late for work 上班迟到 Victor usually gets up at 7 A.M. 维克多总是在早上七点起床. He does his morning exercises for twenty minutes, 他做二十分钟的晨练(或者说“早操”) he takes a long shower, he has a big breakfast, 洗个很久的澡,吃一顿很丰盛的早餐 and he leaves for work at 8:00. 然后八点出门上班 He usually drives his car to work and gets there at 8:30. 他一般开车去上班,8:30到达. This morning, however, he didn"t get up at 7 A.M. 然而这天早上,他没有七点起床.He got up at 6:30. 他六点起了床 He didn"t do his morning exercises for twenty minutes. 他没有做他那二十分钟的晨练 He did them for only five minutes. He didn"t take a long shower. 他只做了五分钟.他没有洗很久的澡. He took a very quick shower. He didn"t have a big breakfast.他洗了个很迅速的澡.他没有吃丰盛的早餐. He had a very *** all breakfast. He didn"t leave for work at 8:00. 他吃了顿很简单的早餐.他没有八点出门上班. He left for work at 7:00.Victor didn"t drive his car to work this morning. 他七点出门上班.维克多这天早上没有开车去上班. He drove it to the repair shop. 他把它开到了维修店. Then he walked a mile to the train station, and he waited for the train for fifteen minutes. 然后他走了一英里去火车站,等了15分钟的火车 After he got off the train, he walked half a mile to his office.他下火车后,走了半英里到了办公室. Even though Victor got up early and rushed out of the house this morning, he didn"t get to work on time.尽管这天早上维克多早早地起床并很快地出门,他却没有按时上班. He got there forty-five minutes late. 他迟到了45分钟. When his supervisor saw him, she got angry and she shouted at him for five minutes. 当他的管理者看到他时,她很生气,朝他咆哮了5分钟. Poor Victor! He really tried to get to work on time this morning. 可怜的维克多~他这天早上真的尽力按时上班了. 全手打哦,英文文章还是去查到的. 我大二翻译专业,按最基础却准确的风格给你翻译了. 没有太多的技巧和润饰,应该比较符合学这本教材的人的水平. 请一定采纳哦~



reading:Jacks is the name of a game that is quite popular with children.

1.F (NOT IRON BUT METAL)2.F(NOT VERY DIFFICULT, PAR. 2)3.T4.Not Given(maybe there"s an answer C:NG)5.Not Given

牛津初中英语reading部分如何讲解(包括 生词 词组 语法 课文 )?

《牛津初中英语》每个单元的结构基本是一致的:卡通漫画(Comic strip),导入 (Welcome to the unit),阅读(Reading),词汇(Vocabulary),语法(Grammar),综合技能(Integrated skill),学习技巧(Study Skill)/语音(Pronunciation),中心任务(Main Task)和检测(Checkout)。其中的阅读(Reading)则是每一单元的的重要组成部分。这部分所选的阅读材料均与学生的学习、生活有一定的联系,内容丰富,题材广泛,体裁多样。Reading部分基本都是以课文形式出现,如何让学生对Reading感兴趣,笔者认为,课文教学应首推整体教学法,这样才能激发学生学习的兴趣,提高学生的阅读能力。本文就其教学模式和着重理顺的几种关系阐述如下: 一、教学模式 1.理论依据:传统的课文教学模式是:生词→句子→段落→课文→练习:即:部分 + 部分 + ……→整体,这样,把完整的课文分解为支离破碎的部分, “只见树木,不见森林”,不利于掌握课文的中心思想和进行听、说、读、写的综合训练。章兼中教授指出:课文整体教学模式是指教师要充分利用课文提供的语言材料,帮助学生在活生生的语流下完整理解课文大意、语言形式、篇章结构和修辞方法,在处理各个部分时达到局部不离整体,整体寓于局部之中。其教学模式是:整体→部分→整体,即宏观导读→微观剖析→整体吸收。语言教学,特别是外语教学,内容意义的理解是第一位,语言形式等是第二位。 2.功能目标:课文教学以培养学生的阅读能力为主要的教学目标,为达到这一目标,需要学习和掌握课文内容所涉及的语言知识(词汇、句型、语法和习惯用法等),以及了解课文内容所涉及的文化背景,进而在阅读方法、阅读速度、阅读技巧和阅读理解的准确度和深度(阅读欣赏)上得到提高。 3.操作程序: (1) 阅读前 a.讨论课文题目:在进行阅读前,教师先将课文的标题写在黑板上,让学生分组讨论,并猜测这篇课文所讲述的大概内容.如牛津英语7B,Unit1的Reading部分“Homes around the world”,学生看到标题就会联想到自己的家。 老师如提出:Will you please tell us what your home is like? Do you want to learn different homes in different countries? How about homes in Britain? And what do the homes look like in Thailand? Can you guess what the homes in Russia look like? 这些问题的讨论有助于对课文的理解,不仅能够激发学生讨论的兴趣,而且还能激发阅读欲望,印证猜测的结果。 b.背景介绍:在学生阅读前,教师作一些背景知识介绍是十分必要的,这不仅能帮助学生更好的理解课文,而且还能使其学习一些与课文有关的其他知识.如在教牛津英语7A,Unit3的Reading部分“Getting ready for Halloween”这一课文时,用英语介绍Halloween的由来,这样可以训练学生的听力和理解能力。 c.教授新词:为提高学生阅读效率,加快阅读速度,在阅读前可借助实物,简笔画或多媒体先教一部分课文中出现的生词,尤其是那些会对学生阅读理解构成重大障碍的生词,另一部分生词则让学生在阅读时根据上下文自己去理解,培养学生猜词的能力。 d.提问引导:在阅读之前,教师事先问一两个问题,如在学习牛津英语8B,Unit6的Reading部分“Oxfam Trailwalker” 时,可以提问:What is Oxfam Trailwalker? What is the aim of the event? What do the trailwalkers do in the event? Why do they need a support team? 让学生带着问题边读边找答案,有目的地进行阅读有助于提高阅读速度,这些指导性问题要具有一定的概括性,使学生尽可能多地掌握课文内容。 (2)阅读中 a.整体粗读,领略内容大意,切忌用手或笔指着一个词一个词地读,此时可呈现一些Yes-or-No Questions或True or False帮助理解。 b.分段精读,注意细节。可以采用让学生找出段落大意、关键词和主题句,这样学生可掌握课文内容,中心思想和主要情节,并进一步练习重点词、句、语法规则等,也就是让学生对课文进行表达,教师将设计好的问题展现在屏幕上,题型可以设计成Wh-questions,True or False,Multiple choice…学生带着这些问题去阅读课文,他们会读得更仔细更认真,通过判断、填空题来帮助学生进一步掌握课文内容及语法词汇等知识。同时还可以采用列关键词,列表等方式进行教学,将难点化解。如在学习牛津英语8A,Unit2的Reading部分“School lives” 时,可将Life in a British school 与 Life in an American school 列表比较,这样可以一目了然,同时也可以将中国学生的在校生活情况列在一起,让学生感受一下中外学生不同的学校生活。 (3)阅读后:多种迁移活动,活化教材,交际应用。可用自己的语言复述故事,采用改变人称或时间来改写课文,续写课文,将课文改编成对话进行表演,设置情境采访等。 4.实施条件:读是阅读课的主线,听、说、写配合。必须精心设计好各类问题,逐步加深理解,语言知识的讲解要适度,操练要结合语境。 二、在整体教学过程中,应着重理顺下列几种关系: 1.整体和局部的关系 整体和局部的关系是辩证统一的。整体是由局部有机地组成的,没有局部就不会有整体;没有整体也就无所谓局部。整体教学首先是要从整体出发,从整体来教局部,教局部时不忘整体。一篇课文,其整体就是指课文的基本思想和内容及其篇章结构,局部的含义则指课文的某一段落、某一情节、某一观点,或指某些词汇、语法和句型。为此,我们在备课时都要进行某一或某些局部性的教学,各课时的局部侧重不尽相同,但始终要求与整体内容保持紧密的联系。整体内容的深浅、范围的大小在不同课时中都有所区别。 2.难和易的关系 难和易也是一种辩证统一的关系。难中有易,易中有难。课文教学的目的要求不外三个:一要理解课文内容;二要能朗读或背诵课文(部分或全部);三要能运用课文中的重点语言材料。如果在开始的第一节课就要求达到这三个要求,那几乎不可能。但整体教学是将全篇课文一而再,再而三反复进行训练,由易到难,由粗到细,由浅入深,由简到繁,以解决“难”的问题。例如,第一课时要求学生了解全篇的一般内容,理解大意,从上下文猜测生词的意义;第二课时则深入一步,引导学生理解主要情节、观点,了解主要人物及其活动情况等,并初步突破课文中的难点,第三课时再深入一步,……依此类推,层层深入,各个击破。例如,可以先听部分课文录音,然后朗读,再要求学生回答“Yes-or-No Questions” 或“True or False”或“ Wh—questions”等三种问题。事实证明,只要学生习惯了整体教学,并不会觉得难。相反,整体教学遵循学生学习课文的心理活动规律,学得反而轻松愉快。而传统教学中常常在教学课文之前,把生词和一切语言难点都摘出来进行讲解和练习,这样就使学生失去了直接使用课文进行独立操作的可能性,不利于培养他们独立阅读以及分析问题和解决问题的能力。 3.内容与结构的关系 内容与结构的关系也是辩证统一的。一定的语言结构表达一定的思想内容,一定的思想内容存在于一定的语言结构中。具体说来,就是不要将语言结构先抽出来单独教,而是把词汇、语法、语言教学与课文教学融为一体。这样,学生对语言结构的理解比孤立地进行教学更透彻、更准确,更能掌握语言的深层意义。语言结构分析在整体教学中往往是在学生对它们产生歧义与困惑时进行,这样做比先人为地孤立地进行教学的效果更好。那种“语法句句分析,生词个个开花”的教学。往往把课文的思想内容分化瓦解得支离破碎、体无完肤。 正确认识和处理上述三种关系是搞好整体教学的前提。在实践中,整体教学比分块教学更优越。整体教学保持课文内容和篇章结构的完整性,有利于学生提高理解语言,运用语言的能力;有助于学生基础知识的熟练掌握,较大程度地激发他们的学生主动性;其次,整体教学体现了学生理解、记忆和掌握课文的心理特点与过程。通过这些思维活动,学生从模糊的、表层的理解逐步向明确的、深层的理解过渡。在整体教学过程中,随时联系课文内容,由浅入深地进行词语和语法操练,这样容易引起学生的联想。由于这些操练涉及面广,材料丰富,活动范围大,又紧扣课文内容,避免了过多无意义的、机械性的操练,使课文教学更生动。学生们在逐步深化对课文的理解和进行问答、复述、概括、总结等活动中,听说读写的能力都得到锻炼和提高。 总之,在《牛津初中英语》近两年的使用过程中,我体会到整体教学的过程是在保持内容完整的前提下,反复加深、加宽、加固地消化和运用所学的语言材料,这无疑是符合教学规律的。整体教学既能使教材设计者的目的得以实现,这样才能更好地利用好这套新教材,又能实现新课标提出的教学要求。长期坚持做下去,“Reading”一定会成为学生的最爱。

AutoCAD2014 致命错误:Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0000 Exception at 6ec29a5a



修饰动词read 的用副词,read regularly有规律的阅读你应该多给一些信息再问的

daily reading comprehension适合多大的孩子


Reading comprehension 1Reading comprehension 1 (3) You are not yet experienced because ____.


四级reading comprehension里的section B这种题咋做呀?


Reading Comprehension什么意思


reading comprehension是什么意思


Reading Comprehension

46。A,try to divide your assignments into short reading sections. 这句话是46题的答案47。b.Take your time and concern yourself with only one part. 这句话是47题的答案48.c。we are actually controlling our minds。这句话是48题的答案49a, If there is a “fuzzy” area, go back and reread that part. 这句话是49题的答案50.b Then stop and think again about what you read and make some notes. Doing so focuses attention on the content, and the result is better comprehension and control over mind-wandering. 这句话是50题的答案

为什么Reading/Writing Workshop Wonders的呼声那么高

为什么Reading/Writing Workshop Wonders的呼声那么高?大家论坛小艾Reading/Writing Workshop Wonders又称新版加州,是近一两年呼声比较高的教材。究其原题,读过配套教参的父母,会发现这是一套完整的提高孩子听说读写能力的教材;没有读过配套教参的父母,也总会听人提起这套教材有多么好。Reading/Writing Workshop Wonders是一套根据美国最新共同教育大纲(CCSS——相当于美国的新课标)编写的旨在同时培养孩子听说读写的教材——想把孩子送到美国读初中高中的父母,最好不要错过这套教材。Wonders的课程到底是如何设置的呢?看看它的配套吧:1. Reading/Writing Workshop Big Book (老师课堂上用的),2. Reading/Writing Workshop Little Book(学生课堂上用的,比老师的少一些开场的内容),3. Literature Big Book(相当于绘本,GK有32本,G1有15本),4. Literature Anthology(每个Grade就一本,相当于绘本合集,里面有不少经典绘本哦,从G1开始有),5. Leveled Readers(分级读物,是鼓励孩子自主阅读,巩固每单元所学单词和句型的,有ELL,Approaching,On和Beyond四个level,为不同阅读层次的孩子准备了不同难度的分级读物——国外读物这种比较精确的分级其实是值得咱们国内的课程体系学习的),6. 各种卡片、和音频,是为引出主题和拓展主题准备的。这么庞杂的内容,是很容易让人望而却步的。但是,如果仔细阅读即使一个Week的教参,大家可以发现,Wonders的教学也是很模式化的,所以,如果家长水平还够的话,在孩子有了听力基础和简单的英语交流能力之后,可以自己给孩子进行加州课程基础课程的学习,更深层次的integrate ideas部门,可以找一个认真负责的外教——最好是美国本土的老师,必经每个国家的思维方式不一样,发音也不太一样。为什么说加州的基础课程,事实上有能力的家长可以自己教呢?让我们来看看Wonders的课程安排吧。用或音频引出每周的主题,然后依据Reading/Writing Workshop Little Book展示Weekly Theme(本周主题)的那幅画面简单探讨本周主题——这叫做Build the Background。2. 阅读Literature Big Book或Literature Anthology的某个故事,进一步探讨本周主题,这里读图非常重要,故事与本周主题密切相关,或明或暗存在某种教育意义,同时,也需要藉此故事拓展本周的category words。2+. 一般第一天的课程是读Literature Big Book或Literature Anthology,接下来的其他几天的这个部分,会用read aloud cards上面的故事替代或教参上面提供的故事替代,进一步讨论本周主题。3. 前面的两个模块是训练孩子听力和口语,并鼓励孩子开口说的。这个第三步就是学习phonics和high-frequency words(相当于sight words),学完规则之后一般都是一个小故事巩固,在Reading/Writing Workshop Little Book上可以找到。4. 最后一步就是写作和语法了。这上面的四步,是有能力的家长可以操作的。属于基础课程。Wonders之所以被追捧,并不完全是因为从知识层面对孩子的听说读写能力提升有完整的体系,还在于它的integrate ideas部分,这一部分,对孩子的表达能力、归纳总结能力、根据主题综合不同素材的能力、由故事及自己由自己又及社会的能力进行了全面的训练——这其实就是从GK开始,就鼓励孩子发挥团队精神,为了完成一个于己于社会有利的Project,进行资料搜集整理并展示自己团队的想法,并提出自己见解和方案的能力!这个部分,咱们中国人的确没法实现,其他国家的外教也不一定能掌控。

During the summer of 2006, I started reading booksin English, mostly stories. I would learn a l...

1.√ 2.terribly--terrible3.去掉to 4.去掉 7.books前加上thet 8.将第二个and改为表示or 10.has--had1.此行无错。 2.此题考查形容词和副词用法。应将terribly改为terrible,使其修饰后面的名词problems。 3.此题考查短语用法。lookup表示“查阅(字典,资料)”,lookupto表示“尊敬,仰望”的意思,故应去掉to。4.此题考查定语从句。将for去掉,使which指代Ihadtolookuptothesamewordmanytimes在定语从句中作主语。 5.此题考查时态用法。将do改为did,使其与主句动词的时间和形式一致。 6.此题考查代词用法。将myself改为me,这里没有反身意义。 7.此题考查冠词用法。在books前加上the,因为后面跟有定语从句,而使books有了特指意义。 8.此题考查连词用法。将第二个and改为表示or。anhourortwo一或两个小时。 9.此题考查代词用法。将it改为them,使其代指前面的newwords。10.此题考查时态用法。Bytheendoflastyear所指的时间是过去的过去,故应将has改为had,以构成过去完成时态。

ideas worth spreading是什么意思


在使用NTSYS软件做邻接法(NJ)做聚类图时出现Problem in reading input matis header怎么解决


牛津初中英语9A Unit 3 reading课文翻译


牛津初中英语9A Unit 3 reading课文翻译


我想找英语泛读教程4第三版第二单元Home Reading的中文翻译

Many people admire the wonderful novels of the writers, but few know how they worked hard to make a novel come out. The following passage will discuss the brewing process of the novel and how the author carves the novel into a delicate and perfect work of art.许多人羡慕作家们的精彩小说,但却很少有人知道作家们是如何辛勤笔耕才使一篇小说问世的。以下的短文将讨论小说的酝酿过程,以及作家是如何将这小说雕琢成一件精致完美的艺术品。Once, in the evening, I came to a small peach tree in full bloom beside the small tree forest. I stood and stared for a long time until the last light was gone. I can"t see the tree"s original shape, the power of breaking your teeth through its core, or the principle that distinguishes it from oak and grass. What appears in front of me is a deep and mysterious charm.有一次,我在暮色中来到小树林边一个鲜花盛开的小桃树前。我久久站在那里凝视着,直到最后一道光线消逝。我看不到那树原先的模样,看不见曾穿透果核,能崩碎你的牙齿的力量,也看不到那使它与橡树和绿草相区别的原则。显现在我面前的,是一种深邃而神秘的魅力。When the reader reads an outstanding novel, he will be so infatuated that he wants to engrave the words and sentences of the novel without asking any questions. But even a novice writer knows that, in addition to the words that bring the novel to the world, there are more factors that make up the life of the novel. The life of the novel does not start from writing, but from the deep idea.当读者读到一部杰出的小说时,他也会这样如痴如狂,欲将小说字字句句刻骨铭心,不提出任何问题。但即使是个初学写作者也知道,除那将小说带到世上的文字之外,还有更多的构成小说生命的因素,小说的生命并不始于写作,而始于内心深处的构思。To create an original work, you do not need to know the function of creation. For centuries, art, philosophy and scientific creation have come from people"s minds, and the creators may never have thought of paying attention to the internal process of creation. However, in my opinion, a certain understanding of creative work will at least increase our wisdom in dealing with emerging stories by knowing two facts.要创作出有独创性的作品,并不要求懂得创造的功能。多少世纪以来的艺术、哲学及科学创造都出自人们的头脑,而创造者也许从未想到去关注创造的内在过程。然而,在我看来,对创造工作一定程度的了解,至少会使我们通过知道两个事实,增长我们处理正在出现的故事的智慧。扩展资料这部分内容主要考察的是时间状语从句的知识点:用表示时间的连词连接一个句子作状语,这样的主从复合句就是时间状语从句。连接时间状语从句的连接词有:when, before, after, while, as soon as, until, since...... 这里要注意一点的是,如果主句是一般将来时,从句只能用一般现在时表示将来意义。由before和after引导的时间状语从句,注意before引导的从句不再用否定式的谓语,并且当before引导的从句位于主句之后,有时译成“就,才”。还要注意主句和从句之间的时间关系。当主句用将来时,从句总是用现在时。如果before引导的主句谓语用的是过去完成时,则从句动词多用一般过去时,这样以便体现动作发生的先后。After表示主句动作发生在从句动作之后。主句和 从句的动作的时间关系正好与before引导的从句相反。

英语泛读reading skills答案在哪里找

英语泛读reading skills答案是可以找到的在小程序里面是都可以找到的,输入英语readingskills就可以找到,而且还有unit几的都可以找到。

有没有高手来说说Reading A to Z 怎么用

个人觉得 reading a-z 好些,它是美国著名的在线分级阅读图书,按照孩子不同年龄段心智发育程度提供针对性阅读内容RAZ从aa、a直到Z系列共用27个级别(每个级别约70本图书),学完全部内容相当于美国小学毕业,国内高中水平。内容涵盖广泛:常识、天文、地理、历史、童话、动植物等方面具有涉及另 :好学生点读笔 可以同步点读a-z 全系列图书,我们随笔配套打印版图书,免去您去的不便。a-z图书配合点读笔可以实现点读发音,让孩子同步提升听和说的能力。

American text book reading适合多大的孩子

American text book reading课程是美国小学二年级学生的社会科学课。 本系列课程可以帮助学生发展他们的词汇和阅读理解技巧。适合小学生读的英文读物1、My First Reading Library 《第一图书馆》My Frist Reading Library 是来自英国著名童书出版社 Usborne的分级读本,进入中国时间不长,就迅速吸引了一大批粉丝。这个系列最大的特色,就是做到了把易读的语言(easy reading text)和优秀的故事(good stories)美妙结合。而且插图漂亮,制作精美,让孩子读起来很享受其中,不知不觉中把英语一点点学上去。2、I Can Read - The Biscuit 《饼干狗》I Can Read 系列是美国市场占有率第一的分级阅读品牌,来自著名的哈珀科林斯出版集团(Harper Collins),出版几十年来畅销全球,其中多本书获得过世界大奖。 其中,“饼干狗”应该是I Can Read 系列很多读者熟悉的动物形象了,作品面世近20年来,屡获大奖,全球已经有超过2000万个家庭拥有它。这是一套被媒体和家长们公认的亲子阅读佳作,被读者评为亚马逊网站的五星级图书。 这套书是美国当代最受欢迎的儿童作家艾丽莎.凯普茜丽的代表作品,文字不多,句型重复。妙就妙在一点不觉得啰嗦,反而在这样的韵律中充满画面感。

K文件提交ls-dyna求解器出现的错误 error reading *mat_enhanced_composite_damage card 请高手指点。


人教版八年级下册英语unit3 Reading 部分 Section 4 Go for it! 作文

I went to park by bike at 11:00.I took the bike to the trees at 11:10.And then I saw the sights of the sea.There"re many people swimming in the sea.I wanted to join them.But the man stole her bike without allowing at 1:15 .AT 11:20,I found her bike was lost。I was very angry and looked for the bike everywhere.But I couldn"t find it at last.So I had to call 110.3或Marcia was go to have a surprise party for Lana on Friday night. She went shopping to buy nice things for Lana. Lana arrived with drinks and snacks at Marcia"s house at 7 o"clock. She was sad when she found the door was not open. She waited for half an hour, cold and hungry. 10 more minutes passed. Lana called everyone and asked them where Marcia was. Nobody was sure where she was. Lana became mad at Marcia. While she was walking back home she suddenly found Marcia lying on the street. She ran to ask her what had happened to her. Marcia told Lana that she was going to die. Lana called the police, and asked for help. At hospital Marcia got better. She told Lana that she had been too excited for the party that she fell down on the street with the things that she had bought. Lana told Marcia that she wasn"t mad at her anymore, and that she would go to Marcia"s house on Saturday night. However, Marcia said that she wasn"t going to have the party because she was too ill to stand up. 就是这个哦!

给下牛津英语8a UNIT4 的Reading 原文,速度啊,我下午就要默写了


reading on paper or online的英语作文

WHICH way will you most likely choose while reading? I suppose most of you may select to read online. Owing to the information explosion in the 21st century, we are all expected to keep up with time. To a certain extent, we have no time to read calmly. Our brains are like a data bank that absorb and abandon news at the same time. Reading itself is beneficial to us, so just choose any possible way to read. In my eyes, the more natural, the better. Why don"t we use the simplest way reading books rather than reading online? Though I admit that reading online is more attractive, it can"t replace paper reading. Howto get ready for online learningNowadays, internet is moderner and moderner! So, learning is not noly in school, it is also on line! It called "online learning"! Before do everything, we must get ready for it, and "online learning" also need many preparation. Now, let"s dicuss how to get ready for "online learning"! First we must have a computer, and it can also connect to the internet. Secondly, we must have a teacher. Thirdly, we also need a small camera and an earphone with a microphone, so that the teacher can supervise us expediently! That"s all! I hope, we"ll learn on line in the future



为什么Reading/Writing Workshop Wonders的呼声那么高

  为什么Reading/Writing Workshop Wonders的呼声那么高?  大家论坛小艾  Reading/Writing Workshop Wonders又称新版加州,是近一两年呼声比较高的教材。究其原题,读过配套教参的父母,会发现这是一套完整的提高孩子听说读写能力的教材;没有读过配套教参的父母,也总会听人提起这套教材有多么好。  Reading/Writing Workshop Wonders是一套根据美国最新共同教育大纲(CCSS——相当于美国的新课标)编写的旨在同时培养孩子听说读写的教材——想把孩子送到美国读初中高中的父母,最好不要错过这套教材。  Wonders的课程到底是如何设置的呢?看看它的配套吧:1. Reading/Writing Workshop Big Book (老师课堂上用的),2. Reading/Writing Workshop Little Book(学生课堂上用的,比老师的少一些开场的内容),3. Literature Big Book(相当于绘本,GK有32本,G1有15本),4. Literature Anthology(每个Grade就一本,相当于绘本合集,里面有不少经典绘本哦,从G1开始有),5. Leveled Readers(分级读物,是鼓励孩子自主阅读,巩固每单元所学单词和句型的,有ELL,Approaching,On和Beyond四个level,为不同阅读层次的孩子准备了不同难度的分级读物——国外读物这种比较精确的分级其实是值得咱们国内的课程体系学习的),6. 各种卡片、视频和音频,是为引出主题和拓展主题准备的。  这么庞杂的内容,是很容易让人望而却步的。但是,如果仔细阅读即使一个Week的教参,大家可以发现,Wonders的教学也是很模式化的,所以,如果家长水平还够的话,在孩子有了听力基础和简单的英语交流能力之后,可以自己给孩子进行加州课程基础课程的学习,更深层次的integrate ideas部门,可以找一个认真负责的外教——最好是美国本土的老师,必经每个国家的思维方式不一样,发音也不太一样。  为什么说加州的基础课程,事实上有能力的家长可以自己教呢?让我们来看看Wonders的课程安排吧。  1. 用视频或音频引出每周的主题,然后依据Reading/Writing Workshop Little Book展示Weekly Theme(本周主题)的那幅画面简单探讨本周主题——这叫做Build the Background。  2. 阅读Literature Big Book或Literature Anthology的某个故事,进一步探讨本周主题,这里读图非常重要,故事与本周主题密切相关,或明或暗存在某种教育意义,同时,也需要藉此故事拓展本周的category words。  2+. 一般第一天的课程是读Literature Big Book或Literature Anthology,接下来的其他几天的这个部分,会用read aloud cards上面的故事替代或教参上面提供的故事替代,进一步讨论本周主题。  3. 前面的两个模块是训练孩子听力和口语,并鼓励孩子开口说的。这个第三步就是学习phonics和high-frequency words(相当于sight words),学完规则之后一般都是一个小故事巩固,在Reading/Writing Workshop Little Book上可以找到。  4. 最后一步就是写作和语法了。  这上面的四步,是有能力的家长可以操作的。属于基础课程。  Wonders之所以被追捧,并不完全是因为从知识层面对孩子的听说读写能力提升有完整的体系,还在于它的integrate ideas部分,这一部分,对孩子的表达能力、归纳总结能力、根据主题综合不同素材的能力、由故事及自己由自己又及社会的能力进行了全面的训练——这其实就是从GK开始,就鼓励孩子发挥团队精神,为了完成一个于己于社会有利的Project,进行资料搜集整理并展示自己团队的想法,并提出自己见解和方案的能力!这个部分,咱们中国人的确没法实现,其他国家的外教也不一定能掌控。

急求牛津英语9A unit1 reading “Star signs”的课文原文

9A Unit 1.Reading.A What is your star sign? Millie knows what the star signs say about people are not facts, but she wants to learn about her classmates" star signs just for fun. She is reading an article about the 12 star signs. Here is the article.Star signs. A year is divided into 12 different star signs. Your date of birth decides your star sign.Some people believe that people born under the same star sign share similar characteristics.Aries.21st Mar- 20th Apr.You are energetic and active, but sometimes too impatient. You like to be the leader. Some people think that you are selfish at times.Taurus.21st Apr-21st May .You are stubborn and do not like change. You are a hard-working person. You are patient and do not give up easily.Gemini.22nd May-21st Jun.You are a curious and clever person. You are outgoing but your feelings change easily. You love to talk.Cancer.22nd Jun-22nd Jul.You are kind. You love your home and family and like to take care of others. You like saving money and cooking.Leo.23rd Jul-22nd Aug.You are a strong and confident person. You are generous. You like to buy your friends nice gifts.Virgo.23rd Aug-22nd Sept.You are a modest person. You worry too much at times. You are practical and always pay attention to details.

scanning和detailed reading的区别

一、定义不同scanning reading 是浏览,你很快地扫视文章,但一定程度上疏于理解;详细地看,一个字都不漏。skimming reading 是跳着读,你觉得这部分就不重要,就不读了,那部分重要,你就好好读一下;粗略地看,只看大意。二、英语阅读中的用法不同1.skimming用法:接由名词、形容词、动词不定式、过去分词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。2.scanning用法:接形容词、以动词不定式的复合结构或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。三、英语阅读中的侧重点不同1.skimming侧重点:指粗略地读。2.scanning侧重点:指仔细地读。

英语Detailed reading怎么翻译?


Learn how to love reading翻译


英语必修一unit1 reading课文翻译


the young men (is) (reading) (a map) (of) the world.改错

men 是复数,你又用is,肯定是错的啊,把men 改成man 吧

i like reading是哪首歌的歌词

歌词:“I really really really really really really like you”出自歌曲《I Really Like You》。歌曲名称:我超级喜欢你外文名称:I Really Like You所属专辑:E·MO·TION歌曲时长:3:24发行时间:2015年3月2日歌曲原唱:Carly Rae Jepsen填 词:Carly Rae Jepsen,J Cash,Peter Svensson英文I really wanna stopBut I just gotta taste for itI feel like I could fly with the ball on the moonSo honey hold my hand you like making me wait for itI feel I could die walking up to the room, oh yeahLate night watching televisionBut how we get in this position?It"s way too soon, I know this isn"t loveBut I need to tell you somethingI really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?I really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?Oh, did I say too much?I"m so in my headWhen we"re out of touchI really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?It"s like everything you say is a sweet revelationAll I wanna do is get into your headYeah we could stay alone, you and me, and this temptationSipping on your lips, hanging on by thread, babyLate night watching televisionBut how we get in this position?It"s way too soon, I know this isn"t loveBut I need to tell you somethingI really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?I really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?Oh, did I say too much?I"m so in my headWhen we"re out of touchI really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?Who gave you eyes like that?Said you could keep themI don"t know how to actThe way I should be leavingI"m running out of timeGoing out of my mindI need to tell you somethingYeah, I need to tell you somethingI really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?I really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?Oh, did I say too much?I"m so in my headWhen we"re out of touchI really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?I really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?I really really really really really really like youAnd I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?中文我真的很想让自己停下但我忍不住想要“尝尝”你像是漂浮在月球上的氢气球一般 感觉自己在空中飘荡亲爱的 就请紧握我的手 让我再耐心等待我感觉我已迫不及待渴望走进那间房昨夜还一起看着电视此刻就热火缠绵发展太快了 我知道这并非爱但我想要告诉你我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗我是不是透露太多当我们不再触碰彼此时我满脑子都在想这个问题我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗你所说的一切就像是甜蜜的暗示我只想占据你的脑海我们可以独处 就你和我 感受那难以抗拒的诱惑你抿着嘴唇 亲爱的要小心 你小命不保了哦昨夜还一起看着电视此刻就热火缠绵发展太快了 我知道这并非爱但我想要告诉你我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗我是不是透露太多当我们不再触碰彼此时我满脑子都在想这个问题我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗谁赐给你那迷人的双眸并告诉你 你将永远拥有我不知道该怎么做我应该离开了吧时间快不够了我快要失去理智我必须要告诉你一件事我需要告诉你我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗我是不是透露太多当我们不再触碰彼此时我满脑子都在想这个问题我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗我是真的真的真的很喜欢你我渴望你 你渴望我吗 你也像我一样渴望吗


DoWork的方法的参数个数,以及类型(也就是函数签名)和ParameterizedThreadStart委托的类型不一致,DoWork要声明为以下的东东void DoWork(object data)还有,ThreadArray[i].Start((object)i); i不用强制转换为object你可以直接ThreadArray[i].Start(i);



reading stories什么意思

readingstories的意思中文意思是阅读故事;看故事书;看故事。readingstories英式读音为[u02c8riu02d0du026au014bu02c8stu0254u02d0riz]。readingstories美式读音为美[u02c8riu02d0du026au014bu02c8stu0254riz]。reading中文意思是阅读,是read的现在分词。stories中文意思是故事,小说。He says he"s busy, but he"s reading stories half the time.他说他忙,可是他老在看小说。扩展资料:一、read阅读v.(动词):识字;阅读;读懂;读;朗读;读到;查阅到n.(名词):好的(或有意思等的)读物;好书(或文章等) 第三人称单数:reads。现在分词:reading。过去式:read。过去分词:read。二、stories的单数形式是story,但是单数不能单独存在,要在名词前加冠词a。三、readingstories近义词短语1、readstorybooks读故事书2、readingalot读了很多书


reading stories是指读故事书,如果做主语是可以作为第三人称单数。

reading stories的单数

read是一个动词,没有单复数的区别;而story是名词,stories的单数形式是story,但是单数不能单独存在,要在名词前加冠词a所以这个词组变为单数就是reading a story

reading stories是什么意思


reading stories怎么读

英文原文:reading stories英式音标:[u02c8riu02d0du026au014b] [u02c8stu0254u02d0ru026az] 美式音标:[u02c8ridu026au014b] [u02c8stu0254ru026az]

2020-02-16 reading 14

Reading 14. Aggregate output, prices and economic growth 14a. Calculate and explain GDP using expenditure and income approaches. GDP is the total market value of goods and services produced in a country within a certain time period. -most widely used measure of the size of a nation"s economy. -includes only purchases of newly produced goods and services -transfer payment made by government政府转移性之处 (失业率、退休、福利政策)不属于economic output,不包括在GDP的计算中 value used in计算GDP,是market values of final goods and services -that is, goods and services not be resold or used in the production of other goods and service. GDP仅仅包括购买最终生产的产品和服务。在之前环节生产的商品的销售和再销售不计入GDP. 政府提供的产品和服务,即使在市场上没有明码标价,计入GDP。 eg. 警察和法官提供的服务,公路和基础设施等产品得到改善,都计入GDP. GDP包括自有住房价值,正如租房服务价值。 不计GDP,不在市场上进行买卖的劳动力价值。 不计GDP,生产过程中产生的副产品。 GDP的计算可以通过对购买最终产品和服务需要花费的支出加总来计算,也可以通过因生产这些产品和服务所获得的销售收入总和的。 the sum of all the spending on newly produced goods and services, or as the sum of the income received as producing these goods and services. a.收入计算法expenditure approach GDP is calculated by summing the amounts spent on goods and services produced during the period b. income approach GDP is calculated by summing the amounts earned by households and companies during the period, including wage income, interest income and business profits. For the whole economy, total expenditures=total income,这样两种方法才能得出同样的结论。实际上,得出不一样的结果。 14b. Compare the sum-of-value-added and value-of-final-output methods of calculating GDP. a. Value-of-final-output method.最终产出价值法-属于expenditure method sum the values of all final goods and services produces b.sum-of-value-added method增加值加总法 -sum the additions to value created at each stage of production and distribution 14c. Compare nominal and real GDP and calculate and interpret the GDP deflator. Nominal GDP: the total value of all goods and services produced by an economy,valued at current market prices. 当前市场价格计算的所有最终生产的商品和服务的价值总额。 Real GDP真实GDP measures the output of the economy using prices from a base year, removing the effect of changes in prices -inflation不被计入economic growth 指基期价格计算的经济产出价值,剔除了价格变动的营销,使通货膨胀没有计入经济增长中。 -relative to a base year real GDP growth reflects only increases in total output, not simply increases in the money value of total output. 真实GDP的增长仅仅反映了总产出的增加,而不是简单的体现了总产出货币价值的增加。 GDP deflator-ia a price index-used to convert nominal GDP into real GDP take out the effects of changes in the overall price level -base on the current mix of goods and services, using prices at the beginning and end of the period. =(nominal GDP in the year t/value of year t output at base year price )*100 per-capital real GDP人均真实GDP =real GDP/population -用于衡量一个国家居民经济状况 14d. Compare GDP, national income, personal income and personal disposable income. a.Under expenditure approach, major components of real GDP are consumption,investment,government spending and net exports(出口减进口) GDP=C+I+G+(X-M) =(C+GC)+(I+GI)+(X-M) GC=government consumption GI=government investment (capital goods, inventories) b.Under income approach, GDP=national income +capital consumption allowance+statistical discrepancy =国民收入+资本消耗扣除+统计误差 capital consumption allowance(CCA) 资本小猴扣除 measures the depreciation of physical capital from the production of goods and services over a period. -be reinvested to maintain the productivity of physical capital from one period to the next statistical discrepancy -adjustment for the difference between GDP measured under两种不同的方法,they use different data. National income-sum of income received by all factors of production that go into the creation of final output. =compensation of employees(wages and benefits) 劳动补偿 +corporate and government enterprise profits before taxes 公司和国有企业税前利润 +interest income 利息收入 +unincorporated business net income(business owners" incomes) 独资公司净收入 +rent 租金 +indirect business taxes 间接商业税 -subsidies(taxes and subsidies that are included in final prices) -补贴 Personal income居民收入 -measure of pretax income received by households -determinant of consumer purchasing power and consumption -不同于national income 包括households receive, government transfer payments Household disposable income /personal disposable income 税后的 -measures households have available to either save or spend on goods and services -important economic indicator of ability of consumers to spend and save. 居民收入=国民收入+对居民的转移支付-间接商业税收-企业收入所得税-未废品的公司红利 居民可支配收入=居民收入-居民税收 14e. Explain the fundamental relationship among saving, investment, the fiscal balance and the trade balance. GDP=C+S+T =consumption spending + household and business savings+net taxes S=I+(G-T)+(X-M) =private savings =private investment +government borrowing-government savings -trade deficit +trade surplus (G-T)-fiscal balance-difference between government spending and tax receipts 财政收支余额,政府支出和税收的差额 (X-M)-trade balance-net exports 净出口,贸易收支余额 (G-T)=(S-I)-(X-M) 这个等式体现私人储蓄=私人投资+政府借款或者扣除政府储蓄,并且-贸易赤字+贸易顺差 government deficit(G-T大于0) must financed by some combination of a trade deficit(X-M小于0)or an excess of private saving over private investment(S-I大于0) 14f. Explain the IS and LM curves and how they combine to generate the aggregate demand curve. each components of GDP: a. consumption is a function of disposable income. 个人收入的增长或税收降低都会增加消费或储蓄的水平。额外的可支配收入的增加会被消费或储蓄起来。 额外增加的收入中,用来消费的部分被称为边际消费倾向,用来储蓄的部分,叫边际储存倾向。 MPC-marginal propensity to consume边际消费倾向 MPS-marginal propensity to save边际储蓄倾向 MPC+MPS=100% b. Investment is a function of expected profitability and cost of financing. 投资是期望收益率和融资成本 Expected profitability depends on the overall economic output. Financing costs are reflected in real interest rates--nominal interest rates减去expected inflation rate c. Government purchases 政府购买在一定程度上可以看做是独立于经济活动的,但是政府的税收收入和财政收支余额时经济产出。 d.Net exports are function of domestic disposable income, foreign disposable incomes and prices of goods in foreign and domestic markets. 1.IS curve(income-savings)-揭示了negative relationship between real interest rates and real income for equilibrium in the goods market. 实际利率和实际收入负相关。IS曲线上的点,为在均衡的商品市场中,实际利率和收入的组合。 2.LM curve(liquidity-money)--揭示了positive relationship between real interest rates and income consistent with equilibrium in the money market. 正相关。 货币市场的均衡需要通过在提供实际利率的同时提高收入来实现。 有收入增加导致的货币需求量高,将抵消由实际利率的上升导致的对货币需求量的减少,从而使市场重新恢复均衡。 The Aggregate Demand Curve AD curve shows relationship between the quantity of real output demanded(=real income) and price level. -slopes downward higher price levels(holding the money supply constant) reduce real wealth, increase real interest rates- make domestically produced goods more expensive compared abroad. 由于更高的价格会降低实际财务水平,会增加实际利率, 使国内产出的商品价格比国外更昂贵,这一切都会降低国内总产出的需求,因此总需求曲线是向下倾斜的。 14g. Explain the aggregate supply curve in the short run and long run. aggregate supply(AS) curve -describe the relationship between the price level and quantity of real GDP supplied. -represents the output that firms produce at different price level aggregate supply curves with different time frames: a.very short run aggregate supply (VSRAS)curve 非常短时期内的总供给曲线 firms adjust output without changing price by adjusting labor hours and intensity of use of plant and equipment in demand. 为应对需求的变化,企业可以通过调整劳动时间和厂房设备使用率等方法,来达到调整产出的同时不调整价格的目的 b.short-run aggregate supply (SRAS)curve the curve slopes upward 因为input prices will change as production is increased or decreased. 假设在短期产出的价格水平会随着价格水平成比例地变化,但是至少部分投入要素的价格是有粘性的,-短期内不会随着价格调整变化。 当产出价格水平上升时,价格也上升,但是厂商短期不会发现投入要素价格的变化。厂商通过增加产出,应对遇见到的更高产出价格,带来的更高利润水平,结果是一条向上倾斜的短期总供给曲线。 c.long run aggregate supply (LRAS) curve 长期,所有投入要素的成本都会变化。长期总供给曲线是完全无弹性的。 在长期,工资水平和其他投入要素的价格会随着价格成比例变化,所以价格不影响总供给的大小。称为potential GDP或full-employment GDP充分就业的国民生产总值。 14h. Explain causes of movements along and shifts in aggregate demand and supply curves. aggregate demand(AD) curve 总需求曲线的移动 -reflects the total level of expenditures in economy by consumers,businesses, government and foreigners.总支出水平 a change in the price level is represented as a movement along the AD curve, not a shift in the AD curve. For changes in each factors that increase aggregate demand (shift AD to the right), identify the component of expenditures is increased. 很多因素的变动会影响总支出水平并引起总需求曲线的位移。 价格水平的变动在总需求曲线上表示为点的移动而不是曲线的平移。 以下因素的变动,导致总支出的增加增加!: 1.Increase in consumers" wealth 随着居民财富增加,收入用于储蓄的部分会降低,用于支出的部分会增加,因此总需求会增加。 2.Business expectations 当厂商对未来销售情况更乐观时,他们会增加厂房、设备、存货上的投资 3.Consumer expectations of future income 当消费者由于相信未来工作的稳定性增加或薪酬增加而预期未来会有更高收入, 会增加现时的消费,减少未来的储蓄

It happened to me recently that I was telling someone how much I had enjoyed reading Barack Oba...

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:A 试题分析:本文是通过The World Book Day的一项调查来告诉我们很多人关于读书说谎的话题。小题1:B 细节题。根据文章第三段第一行Asked why they lied, the most common reason was to impress someone they were speaking to.说明他们说谎是为了给对方留下印象,故B正确。小题2:C 推理题。根据本句he then proceeded to talk about Mr. Obama in a way that suggested he had no idea of his background at all.说明他们的对话在继续,后来反应出他没有读过这本书,故该词是指继续。故C正确。小题3:A 主旨大意题。本文是通过The World Book Day的一项调查来告诉我们很多人关于读书说谎的话题。故A正确。点评:本文是通过The World Book Day的一项调查来告诉我们很多人关于读书说谎的话题。本文主旨鲜明,很容易在文中找到答案。做题时要注意文章的首段和每一段的首句或尾句,因为它们往往就是文章的主题句。阅读中要注意要点之间的关系。然后带着问题,再读全文,找出答题所需要的依据,完成阅读任务。

How to improve English Writing Ability through English Reading?

Essentially advanced reading can not be sussessful unless some writing skills are mastered. Writing skills and advanced reading comprehension are both very closely related. After all, any language is an art rather than a science. No precise rule can be followed exctly. When you finished even all those grammer courses, you can find that the grammer books say nearly nothing about organizing a paragraph, though you may use the grammer book rules (low-level rules in fact) to write a single sentence. The sentence you wrote could be correct, but the same sentence could become not suitable when you put it in a specific context or language environment. You may learn some high-level rules from a good writing text book. If you read more, you can find that these books are so different from each other, implying a high-level rule is not as mechanical as those low ones. Do not worry so much of Chinese style in your English writing. Because of the culture difference, such a style may stimulate culture exchange, haha, only if what you write can be easily understood by the readers. In summary, writing is not so mysterious. As an advanced skill of English language relative to reading, writing requires a better and longer patience and needs new eyes and new skills that are different from mastering the reading comprehension. Here are the 6 point that can tell you how to quickly improve your english writing skills:1. Reading is of first importance. But now you may focus on the writing skills of the author. Try to enjoy and cherish the other"s writing skills.2. Read a good English writing textbook (do not read a rubbish book). 3. Purchase a good dictionary of synonyms and the other related reference books for writing.4. Practice writing. But better find someone, when possible, to make a correction or comment for you (maybe you are not so lucky). Actually we are practicing writing on this English forum. 5. Do not rely on any grammer book. Grammer is useful only when your level is very low. All the authors of thick grammer books are liars in some senses. I hate them. They waste our valuable time. 6. Can you write Chinese well? If you can not, improve you Chinese writing first.Above all are my personal oppionin and hope that will be work out.

Unit 9 Learning Reading Club 1 Studying Abroad语篇研读

Unit 9 Learning Reading Club 1 Studying Abroad语篇研读本课是本单元的自主学习内容,围绕单元主题意义,拓展文化视野,发展思维能力。属于“人与自我”主题语境——“生活与学习:乐于学习,善于学习,终身学习”主题内容。 出国留学的意义是什么呢?开拓视野,使认知进入更深的层次;接触不同的教育方式,锻炼、提高独立思维能力;提升语言能力,超越纯粹的学术学习;锻炼、提升工作能力,提升就业竞争力。本文的主题意义在于让学生懂得出国留学有利有弊。一个人从固有的文化环境中转移到一个新的文化环境中所产生的文化上的不适应(文化冲击)是正常现象。说明文 What/主要内容 文章由三位在国外大学学习的中国留学生和三位在中国的外国留学生讲述他们各自所经历的文化冲击(culture shock)。中国留学生主要经历的文化冲击有交友困惑、食物尴尬和语言困难;外国留学生主要经历的文化冲击有语言困惑、吃饭买单和中国人待客之道。Why/作者意图

reading in rainy days


mike like reading stories那个错误了,并改正

mike likes readiing stories. mike 是第三人称单数,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。

懂你英语Level 6 Unit 1 Part 1 Reading【Survival in the Outback】

What would you do if you ever found yourself lost in the wild? To find out, you can join a weekend survival course in Australia"s Outback Desert. This vast area is famous for its harsh desert climate. survival course = 生存训练课程be famous for = 因……而著名 harsh = 严酷的To survive, your first task will be to find water, a rare commodity in the desert. Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water. You can also cut and suck moisture from the roots and leaves of plants. Trees like the desert oak have roots near the surface. But be careful, the branches of gum trees are a rich source of water, but the leaves are poisonous, so don"t eat them.commodity = 日用品,商品indicator = 指示器suck moisture = 吸收水分oak = 橡树branch = 树枝gum tree = 桉树poisonous = 有毒的The best place to build a shelter is in an area with the least amount of sunlight, like between sand dunes or in a trench. To make a trench, dig a hole big enough to lie down in and use the extra sand to create a barrier or wall on each side. This can help to shield you from the glare and scorching heat of the sun. shelter = 避难所,庇护sand dune = [地理] 沙丘trench = 沟渠barrier = 障碍物,屏障shield sb. from… = 保护某人免遭……glare = 强光 glare at (怒视,瞪眼,怒目圆睁) scorching = 酷热的,极热的,烧焦似的 a scorching hot day (大热天)Nights can be cold, so knowing how to make a fire is essential. One way to build a fire is to use the hand drill method. This is one of the oldest and simplest ways to start a fire. It involves rolling a stick between your hands while pressing it onto a notched piece of wood with dry tinder below. The idea is to use the friction to create enough heat to ignite the tinder. This can be a lot of work. make a fire = start a fire = 生火,烧火essential = 必要的,基本的hand drill = 手钻notched = 有凹口的,缺口的tinder = 易燃物,引火物friction = 摩擦ignite = 点燃,使燃烧As for food, you"ll have to be open-minded. Some forms of life can be ugly to look at but can provide you with enough protein to survive. They may even taste good, like scrambled eggs! open-minded = 思想开明的;无先入之见的;无偏见的 protein = 蛋白质scrambled egg = 炒蛋Questions: 1. The purpose of this reading is … to give advice on how to survive in the desert 2. How can you prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness?One way to prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness is to take a weekend survival course.3. To ignite something means to spark an explosion or fire. 4.Something is harsh if it is intense or severe.Please tap the first correct sentence to appear: 1. What can be signs of water? Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water.2. What is the purpose of having a barrier on each side of a trench? This can help to shield you from the glare and scorching heat of the sun.Fill in the blanks: 1. Some forms of life can be ugly to look at but can provide you with enough protein to survive . 2. To survive, your first task will be to find water , a rare commodity in the desert. Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water. You can also cut and suck moisture from the roots and leaves of plants. Trees like the desert oak have roots near the surface . But be careful , the branches of gum trees are a rich source of water, but the leaves are poisonous , so don"t eat them.Put the sentences below in order: (1) Nights can be cold, so knowing how to make a fire is essential.(2) This is one of the oldest and simplest ways to start afire.(3) One way to build a fire is to usethe hand drill method.(4) The idea is to use the friction to create enough heat to ignite the tinder. (5) It involves rolling a stick between your hands while pressing it onto an otched piece of wood with dry tinder below. Correct Order: (1) (3) (2) (5) (4)Repeat & Read Sentences: 1. If you are lost in the desert, your first task will be to find water. 2. As for food, you"ll have to be open-minded. 3. One way to prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness is to take a weekend survival course. 4. The branches of gum trees are a rich source of water, but the leaves are poisonous, so don"t eat them.5. This can help to shield you from the glare and scorching heat of the sun. 6. What would you do if you ever found yourself lost in the wild.7. This is one of the oldest and simplest ways to start a fire. 8. This vast area is famous for its harsh desert climate.

懂你英语level6-unit2-part3 Reading

Should a good leader be loved or feared?This question is as relevant to leaders today as it was to Julius Caesar when he took control of Rome in 44 B.C. How Caesar treated his enemies is a valuable lesson on forgiveness,arrogance,and absolute power. After Caesar seized power,he had to decide how to handle those who opposed him.Roman politics had always been bloody .The previous dictator had murdered 5,000 of his rivals and confiscated their property after coming to power.Caesar"s enemies expected a similar punishment. But Caesar was determined not to rule through fear. If he were to reform the government, he would need the support of the people. So he made a fateful decision: rather than punish or kill his enemies, he offered them mercy and incentives . He didn"t seize their property, and he even rewarded some of them with high-ranking government positions. However, not all of his enemies wanted to be forgiven. Caesar"s rivals came from the aristocracy . Many had held power in the senate for centuries. By expanding and reforming the senate, Caesar had shifted power away from the aristocracy and taken it for himself. The high-ranking positions he had given as rewards had no real authority . For the aristocracy, to live without power was not forgiveness, but humiliation . Caesar should have known that many senators hated him, but his arrogance seems to have blinded him. After he made himself dictator for life, he proclaimed himself a god and consolidated more power. These actions infuriated his enemies and even his allies. However, he still considered many senators to be his loyal friends. He even dismissed his personal security force. Ironically , when he was assassinated, it was his good friend, Brutus, who led the plot. Perhaps it is better for a leader to be feared. If Caesar hadn"t let his rivals live, he might not have been murdered. But was forgiveness the problem? Caesar"s reforms took power from the aristocracy, and his arrogance angered both friends and enemies. Perhaps if he hadn"t been so arrogant, or acted like a god, he would have survived. Lack of adequate care for senior citizens is a real issue in India that cuts across economic and social strata . Many of us have personally lived through and experienced it with our parents and elders. Most senior citizens, especially those who live independently, are unable to get the care and trusted support they need. As a result, they compromise on their needs and lifestyle. Their children or caregivers are forced to spend disproportionate time, and/or resources to support them. So much so, that many women are forced to stay away from the workforce to take care of elders at home. The imminent demographic , economic and social changes that accompany the growing population of senior citizens, together with the rising aspirations of the young, leading to more women in the workforce, are rapidly driving up the magnitude of this problem. If we look at numbers, India is home to 115 million elderly, which is more than 8% of the population. Many of us don"t realize it, but that puts India into the category of "aging" countries. While India"s overall population will grow by about 40% from 2006 to 2050, the population of the oldest elderly, 80 plus, will grow 500 % over the same period. This should be enough to make one take notice. Engaging with the elderly will become one of the biggest areas of work in the country. Some may see this as a challenge and some as a huge opportunity. Businesses have attempted to address this only sporadically , with emotional advertising that features a poignant conversation involving an elderly grandparent. But there has been very little effort to provide products and services. The reasons for such apathy , especially among entrepreneurs , are not difficult to guess. Many feel that the elderly are cynical , not open to experiment and not willing to spend. Investors see bigger opportunities for exponential growth in addressing young, upwardly mobile consumers. Still, I"m left with the question of why aren"t more products and services designed for the elderly? I sense a problem looking for a solution. u2764u2764u2764

初中译林 七年级英语(五单元Amazing things) reading 翻译



短文改错Last month our school held a Reading Week, which aim was to encourage the students to ...

Last month our school held a Reading Week, which(改为whose)aim was to encourage the students to reading(改为read)widely. During the week, book lovers recommended a(删掉)plenty of good books suitable for high school students. In addition, two famous writers are(改为were)invited to give lectures on how to understand and appreciate literacy work(改为works). The poetry recitation contest was another amazed(改为amazing)activity for the students to bring his(改为their)talent into full play. All the contestants took turns(添加to)read their favorite poems to the audience. We all find the Reading Week very beneficially(改为beneficial). It has not(添加only)enriched our school life, and(改为but) also helped us form the habit of reading.

麻烦帮我翻译一下 普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语选修七 Unit4 Reading


Reading helps you open your eyes.为什么用reading?

动名词作主语,假如用read 句子中缺少主语。

什么是reading journal



读书周reading 英["ri:du026au014b]美["ri:du026au014b]n. 阅读;宣读;读物;读数

牛津英语7A unit 4 reading课文

Oh~谢谢一楼的。我正好就需要呢!书落学校了、回家作业正愁呢。o(∩_∩)o...Thank you very much、、
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