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英语感叹句 SO WHAT HOW开头 的用法和区别?

what a +(形容词)+感叹的对象how +形容+主语+谓语动词

How is 和 How about 的区别

  how about多指提建议  例句:  How about going shopping?  去购物怎样?  how is询问某件事物或天气怎样  例句:  How is the weather today?  今天天气怎样?

how is 和what do you think of有什么区别


“How is ”和“ How about” 的区别是什么?

貌似没有 how is 这个 固定的吧。。。 how 是英语中的常用词,它的基本涵义是“怎样”。现将其用法归纳如下:1、how 用于询问动作执行的方式、手段等,译为“怎样”。如:—How do you usually go to school? 你通常怎样去上学。—On foot. 步行。2、how 用于询问动作的执行程度,译为“怎样”。如:—How do you like China? 你觉得中国怎么样?—I like it very much. 非常喜欢。3、how 用于询问身体健康状况,译为“怎么样”。如:—How are you? 你好吗?—I"m fine,thank you. 我很好,谢谢。4、how 用在第一次见面的问候语中。如: How do you do? 你好!5、how about 用于询问或征询意见等,相当于 what about ,后接名词、代词或动词的 -ing 形式,译为“……怎么样”、“……好不好”。如: I like playing football. How about you? 我喜欢踢足球。你呢?6、how many 用于询问人或物品的数量,后接可数名词的复数形式,译为“多少”。如:—How many students are there in your class? 你们班有多少名学生?—There are sixty-five. 六十五名。7、how much 既可询问物品数量,后接不可数名词,译为“多少”;又可询问物品价格,译为“多少钱”。例略。8、how old 询问年龄,译为“多大”。如:—How old are you? 你多大了?—I"m twelve. 我十二岁。9、how far 用于询问距离,译为“多远”。如:—How far is it from here to the station? 从这里到车站有多远?—About three hundred metres. 大约三百米。10、how long 既可询问时间,译为“多久”,又可询问物品的长度,译为“多长”。如:How long is the river? 这条河有多长?How long does it last? 这要持续多久?








iShow爱秀英语怎么样?我是来自广西外国语学院市场营销专业的一名准毕业的老学姐了,最近在网上看到一些学弟学妹们在问大学生学习英语口语哪家好?iShow国际英语怎么样?作为一个过来人给大家分享分享,希望能给到大家一些帮助! 初遇iShow 在2018年的寒假某日,是我正式成为iShow学员的一天。当时遇到iShow就是济源巧合的意见事情,因为自己是市场营销专业的,想着英语作为一个优势,对自己以后肯定也是有很好的帮助的,所以当初也找了几家培训机构去体验,其中就包括iShow。那为什么后来会选择iShow呢?当时是因为社团的一个同学吧,他当时就在iShow学习,学了半年时间感觉效果还不错,刚好聊到这个话题就推荐我去了,经过对比我就报名iShow了。当时了解过的有新东方,英孚等,还有一些小机构,虽然新东方是个上市公司,也很有名的了但是优势确实在考试;英孚的话应该算是高端教育,对于一般大学生来说费用会偏高;一些小机构就不跟大家探讨了;后来查了一下iShow在大学生口语板块已经专注10年了,还是同学介绍的,所以就决定了。 加入iShow后 加入了爱秀国际英语后(以下简称iShow),确实让我发生了很大的变化,这里的上课氛围很活跃,平时也有很多有意思的纯英文活动,比如纯英文浸泡,纯英文表演,纯英文辩论赛,纯英文出游抓老外,纯英文挑战等(从早到晚讲英语),英语氛围很棒。与iShow相遇纯属偶然,但也许冥冥之中自有天意,它给我的生活注入了新的活力与温暖。没来iShow之前,我不知道我居然可以连续纯英文挑战一周,一起床开口就是英语;我也不知道我居然可以连续跟外教老师视频纯英文聊天2个小时;我更加不知道我还能接触到CCTV希望之星,去北京参加希望之星的国赛;我也从来没有想过要给家人在大年初一就开家庭会议,与家人一起在春节开视频跟外教老师聊天。同时,我在iShow也认识了来自南宁的各个大学的很多优秀小伙伴,大家的性格都非常的热情开朗,也许就是因为iShow的氛围影响,每次来到iShow后心情总是会比较愉悦。 在我看来,iShow不仅是学习英语口语的地方,还是一个开阔视野的地方。正如今年参加2019年第20届CCTV希望之星全国英语风采大赛全国总决赛,我从未想过,在大学期间我能够去北京,并代表广西选手去与全国1300多名选手一起PK,全程车费住宿费学校报销,回来还可以在爱秀申请奖学金。英语风采大赛不仅仅关注的是英语本身,更强调和展现选手的个性风采,这是与其他英语赛事不同的地方。比赛对于广大学生而言,是对英语能力的检验,成为生活工具。在这次北京参赛之旅,我了解到冠军的爸爸是哈佛大学毕业,妈妈是剑桥大学毕业,有些选手是出国留学再回来参赛,也有很多选手是英语老师,回响起来真的很感谢在iShow的学习:一次次站在台上面的锻炼和展示,一次次的英文活动和挑战赛,以及老师的细心指导,才让我慢慢有了现在的成就。 总结: 在iShow的学习之路还是挺开心的,也学习和见识到了很多东西,认识了一些非常优秀的小伙伴。虽然过程中有时候会花一些时间,但是就是因为这些时间的积累才有了现在的成长。如果有小伙伴问我大学生学习英语口语哪里好,我不敢说iShow是最好的,但是我第一个推荐的一定是这里,因为这是亲身经历和收益的


ishow国际英语正规的。首先,ishow国际英语是一个专注于大学生英语口语的教育机构。ishow国际英语从中国大学生口语现状出发,开创了独具特色、效果显著的LISI英语教学体系(听+模仿+表演+浸泡);iShow英语使用优质实用音频为教材,老师教授标准地道的语音语调,讲解音变技巧,纠正发音误区,剖析重点句型,拓展地道表达用法。iShow国际英语线上课程的每一位带班老师,录用前须通过5轮严格筛选,录用后定期接受培训和考核,只有兼具夯实的教学实力和优良师德,时刻保持充沛的研学精神以及对学员负责的教学态度,才能成为iShow国际英语线上课程的带班老师。英语语言的特性1、 简单性:英语是世界最简单的语言是国际公理。2、 歌唱性:英语的歌唱性主要表现在口语表达上,语感细腻柔和、圆润饱满、连贯流畅、朗朗上口,易说易唱。具有强烈的节奏感和旋律的起伏美。3、 标准性:英语的标准性主要表现在口语发声方法上。4、 逻辑性:任何语言都是人类思维活动的产物,反过来又影响着语言学习者的思维形式的塑造和定型。英语语言是逻辑思维的产物。5、 不可盲目模仿性:是指学习者不可用母语发声习惯去模仿英语的标准语音、语调和语气语感。这种模仿不仅仅是会发音不准,更给人一种不伦不类、滑稽可笑的感觉。


这个我不知道唉!之心城有个沃尔得 你可以去看看!

ishow 是个什么样的组织





1、初学者  在多年的学习和教学实践中,我发现初学口语的最有效方法就是背诵英文句型或段落。在背诵前切记要跟着录音带大声朗读5遍以上。有读者会说,我试过了但记不住。其实,背诵时最好有中文译文,一边看句子,一边背。这样就可以确定背不下来是因为情节的连贯问题,而不是因为英语水平的问题。  2、中级水平  许多通过了四级或六级的同学只是在阅读、听力或写作方面有能力,并不代表口语也有相应的水平。大家不要认为自己学的口语教材简单,可以做个试验:拿一篇你认为很浅显的文章,将其翻译成汉语,让别人将每句汉语读给你听,然后你再翻译成英文。如果没问题,说明你口语很好,否则就需要多做这种练习。  3、特别方法  (1)每晚入睡以前躺在床上,用英文对自己自言自语,将一天发生的事情描述下来。要持之以恒  (2)同一个英文对白的电影,每星期至少看一次,连续三个月以上,不要看不同的,口语一定大有进步。 这些都是比较适合中国学生的方法。大家可以从中选出最适合自己的。





ishow 国际英语是一个什么样的di fang













现在这类的APP挺多的,下面大概介绍下。工具类产品:比如英语趣配音、英语流利说、有道口语等这些产品主要的是有课程让用户进行练习,其实模式跟我们受过的义务教育阶段核心是一样的,就是有平台的课程老师设计各种类型的对话课程,让用户进行一遍遍的进行说练习,期间由技术AI取代老师来评测发音是否通过,当用户读完一本课程后,再进入下一本课程。这类产品的核心还是收费卖课程为主,价格不便宜,同时没有解决人与人聊天使用口语的环境,总结下来还是以往的自说自话的方式学习。语言学习交换类产品:有Hello talk、Tandem等产品。其产品特点就是让你进入平台,找到正在和你学习语言目的相反的用户,比如我们是中国人懂汉语学英语,而有美国人懂英语要学汉语,这个时候可以去尝试加好友进行互动进行语言交换练习。但是这类产品的最大问题,跟我们去Facebook找个母语为英语的用户一样,就是很难实现对方真正的长期保持和你聊天,另外大部分时间可能又不是连麦连视频阶段,对话非常琐碎,还会出现尬聊。现在用的一款: 交流电app,一款免费的在线开房演戏说英语的社区软件。有一个固定可以语音输出的环境,就是大家都可以用英语聊天,能够基础的检测发音的标准性,为了不让大家尬聊,提供了大量的美剧剧本和对话式小说的剧本。对练习口语挺有帮助的。


LISI国际教学法:Listen(听)-Imitation(模仿)-Show(表演)-Immersion(浸泡) 适合学员水平:词汇 词汇量极其匮乏。听力 只能听懂个别单词,不确定整句意思,需要慢速重复多遍才能听懂。表达 反应很慢,犹豫很久才能说出几个简单句。发音语调 发音不够标准到位,中式语调或几乎没语调。预期效果:1、活用1000个常用词汇,累积日常生活会话经典句。2、50大美式发音在原有基础上巩固提升。3、大胆自信,敢说敢秀英语。4、掌握日常生活方面的十三个话题,涉及到国家名称、职业生涯、时尚购物、家庭生活、日常事务、休闲度假、美好回忆、健身塑形、音乐欣赏、邻里关系、浪漫约会,未来计划及希望。5、听懂简单日常生活方面的话题内容 适合学员水平:词汇 基本涵盖日常交流所需词汇,但不会灵活运用。听力 能听懂简单句,但很难听懂长难句或语速稍快的句子。表达 能使用简单的句子表达,但容易出错,表达不够准确和地道。预期效果:1、活用1000口语词汇(中阶难度)。2、发音进一步巩固,熟练掌握发音中的18大音变现象。3、能够自信勇敢地用英文表达自己的思想,结交世界各地的朋友。4、日常生活英语交流基本无障碍。熟练掌握23个日常生活话题,涉及搭讪约会、交通出行、抱怨期许、邻里关系、家庭生活、西方节日、求职工作、电影赏析、校园生活、旅游度假、新闻播报、人物采访、回忆叙旧等方面。5、能够基本听懂VOA慢速和四六级听力 适合学员水平:词汇不够:已经掌握基本口语词汇,缺乏中高级词汇,不足以充分准确地表达自己的意思。发音语调:发音基本标准,但个别发音仍需雕琢,美式语调不够地道优美。日常对话:已敢于开口交流,但只能满足基本问答,不能展开话题并深入地表达自己的观点和感受。预期效果:1.词汇:掌握常用中高级日常交流词汇1200—1500个2.语调:发音标准,语调地道优美。3.原声配音:通过模仿经典美剧,能够进行原声配音。4.听力:能基本看懂听懂无字幕美剧。iShow5.日常交流:能对日常话题展开更深入、准确、流畅地交流,国外生存英语交流基本无障碍




ishow爱秀国际英语有用吗?学过的有没有收获? ishow爱秀英语有用吗,曾经我也怀着这样的心情半信半疑的选择了爱秀。我于2019年4月份开始在iShow学习,到现在已有7个月左右的时间了。从最开始的生疏到现在的熟悉。我逐渐对iShow产生了认同感、归属感,逐渐融入了iShow这样一个积极向上、充满正能量、充满爱的地方。 ishow爱秀英语有用吗?学过的有没有收获?要说在iShow的收获,我觉得主要有两个方面。 第一,英语口语方面的提升。 我还记得刚开始来到iShow,同学老师跟我说英语,我不敢开口,不能跟他人用英语交流,到现在我可以用英语表演情景剧,用英语跟外国人交流。我在学校给老师当翻译,帮助老师跟留学生交流。考四六级口语,感觉很轻松,可以应对自如。我能切身感受到我在英语口语方面的进步。 第二,性格方面的成长。 通过在iShow爱秀英语的学习,我在性格上也有很多的突破与成长。我之前不太愿意与他人交流,有些封闭自己。我来到iShow之后有了改变。iShow的老师同学都很热情、友好,相互鼓励,相互帮助,共同进步。正是因为他们的存在,让iShow充满了爱,并不断感染到更多的人。在这样的氛围中,我逐渐打开了自己,变得开朗活泼,乐于与他人交流。 感谢iShow爱秀英语这样一个平台让我进步成长。ishow爱秀英语有用吗?学过的有没有收获?我的回答是肯定的,希望你也可以跟我一样,收获自己的流利英语口语! 如果有学弟学妹们想要学习口语,但是不知道去哪里,可以推荐你们去爱秀英语机构,点击链接可以咨询报名他们的公开课,是免费的




iShow爱秀英语靠谱吗?怎么样?给小伙伴们分享一下个人经历。我是来自广西外国语学院市场营销专业的一名毕业的老学姐了,最近在网上看到一些学弟学妹们在问大学生学习英语口语哪家好?iShow国际英语怎么样?作为一个准毕业的老学姐以过来人给大家分享分享,希望能给到小伙伴们一些帮助!了解和加入iShow在2018年的寒假某日,是我正式成为iShow学员的一天。当时遇到iShow就是济源巧合的意见事情,因为自己是市场营销专业的,想着英语作为一个优势,对自己以后肯定也是有很好的帮助的,所以当初也找了几家培训机构去体验,其中就包括iShow。 那为什么后来会选择iShow呢?当时是因为社团的一个同学吧,他当时就在iShow学习,学了半年时间感觉效果还不错,刚好聊到这个话题就推荐我去了,经过对比我就报名iShow了。当时了解过的有新东方,英孚等,还有一些小机构,虽然新东方是个上市公司,也很有名的了但是优势确实在考试;英孚的话应该算是高端教育,对于一般大学生来说费用会偏高;一些小机构就不跟大家探讨了;后来因为同学介绍来到iShow,并加入了学习。在iShow的学习经历加入了爱秀国际英语后,确实让我发生了很大的变化,这里的上课氛围很活跃,平时也有很多有意思的纯英文活动,比如纯英文浸泡,纯英文表演,纯英文辩论赛,纯英文出游抓老外,纯英文挑战等(从早到晚讲英语),英语氛围很棒。与iShow相遇纯属偶然,但也许冥冥之中自有天意,它给我的生活注入了新的活力与温暖。没来iShow之前,我不知道我居然可以连续纯英文挑战一周,一起床开口就是英语;我也不知道我居然可以连续跟外教老师视频纯英文聊天2个小时;我更加不知道我还能接触到CCTV希望之星,去北京参加希望之星的国赛;我也从来没有想过要给家人在大年初一就开家庭会议,与家人一起在春节开视频跟外教老师聊天。 同时,我在iShow也认识了来自南宁的各个大学的很多优秀小伙伴,大家的性格都非常的热情开朗,也许就是因为iShow的氛围影响,每次来到iShow后心情总是会比较愉悦。 在我看来,iShow不仅是学习英语口语的地方,还是一个开阔视野的地方。正如今年参加2019年第20届CCTV希望之星全国英语风采大赛全国总决赛,我从未想过,在大学期间我能够去北京,并代表广西选手去与全国1300多名选手一起PK,全程车费住宿费学校报销,回来还可以在爱秀申请奖学金。英语风采大赛不仅仅关注的是英语本身,更强调和展现选手的个性风采,这是与其他英语赛事不同的地方。比赛对于广大学生而言,是对英语能力的检验,成为生活工具。在这次北京参赛之旅,我了解到冠军的爸爸是哈佛大学毕业,妈妈是剑桥大学毕业,有些选手是出国留学再回来参赛,也有很多选手是英语老师,回响起来真的很感谢在iShow的学习:一次次站在台上面的锻炼和展示,一次次的英文活动和挑战赛,以及老师的细心指导,才让我慢慢有了现在的成就。


Ⅰ ishow国际英语好吗,参加长期班之后有证吗 会不会拿到证,以及这个证是否有效,在什么地方有效,个人建议您亲自问一下该机构的工作人员,得到准确答复之后再进行选择。 祝 一切顺利~ Ⅱ ishow国际英语口语课程有哪些 初级课程 适合学员水平: 词汇 词汇量极其匮乏。 听力 只能听懂个别单词,不确定整句意思,需要慢速重复多遍才能听懂。 表达 反应很慢,犹豫很久才能说出几个简单句。 发音语调 发音不够标准到位,中式语调或几乎没语调。 中级课程 适合学员水平:词汇 基本涵盖日常交流所需词汇,但不会灵活运用。听力 能听懂简单句,但很难听懂长难句或语速稍快的句子。表达 能使用简单的句子表达,但容易出错,表达不够准确和地道。 高级课程 适合学员水平:词汇不够:已经掌握基本口语词汇,缺乏中高级词汇,不足以充分准确地表达自己的意思。发音语调:发音基本标准,但个别发音仍需雕琢,美式语调不够地道优美。日常对话:已敢于开 *** 流,但只能满足基本问答,不能展开话题并深入地表达自己的观点和感受。 Ⅲ 为什么大家学口语都会选择ishow国际英语 因为iShow英语比较实用,上课方式与传统不一样,会有show之类比较好玩的东西来学习,激发兴趣 Ⅳ ishow国际英语价格贵不贵,学费一年需要多少钱 有初级,中级,高级,影视 四个级别。每个级别4980,一般都是从中级开始,看你自己想学到那种程度了。但是你一定忍不住要报更高级别哒 Ⅳ ishow国际英语这个英语机构正规吗是否在广州大学城附近有分校 如果你指的是坐落在大学城广州,广东科学中心,中国农历新年假期开放,永久展馆是开放9:30-16:30,根据科技影院放映的开放时间安排。 IMAX 3D巨幕“阿凡达”14-21天(第一至第八)显示,每天4次,第22届(初九,星期一)休馆日,停止放映和售票。 Ⅵ 英语口语学习软件有哪些,iShow的国际英语课程有和外教在线学习的APP吗 很高兴为你回答这个问题。 能拥有自己APP学习英语的培训机构大部分都是对教学比较看重,不然也不会花这么多钱去研发APP。同样iShow国际英语目前上线的英语学习APP也比较多。当然在iShow国际英语学习的大部分都是大学生,也有部分工作的。费用也是很合理,针对不同地区的费用不一样。具体需要到他们的官网去查询 iShow国际英语官网 或是 iShow国际英语Pro 小程序查询 进行查询 英语趣配音: 是由杭州菲助科技有限公司开发的英语学习软件。通过给1-2分钟的短视频配音,让英语学习充满趣味。APP中每日会更新最新最热的美剧、动漫、歌曲等视频资源,...里面有iShow学员专区,提供有iShow国际英语专用的学习内容。 Ⅶ 有没有人了解ishow这个英语机构想报班学习口语,想知道报班学习后有没有效果 学习英语是一个长期的过程;是否有效果,就得从几个方面来看: 一、自身英语基础:自身英语基础好,那无论是在哪个平台学习,英语方面的成长都相对要快一点,反之,会慢一点。这里最为关心的是老师的服务是否到位。ishow英语是老师+学顾 上课学习和课后辅导相互结合 二、是否有一个好的语言环境:这里的语言环境是指一个学习之后,用于输出的环境,学英语就要大胆的说出来,至于表达时候标准,这需要慢慢地去学习和积累。但有一个好的英文交流环境,对于学习英语的小伙伴来说,是梦寐以求的。ishow有专门的表演课和浸泡课,主要是提供一个说英语的环境以及训练学员的自由交流能力和学习内容的运用能力 三、考核:虽然这一关很多人都不喜欢,想直接跳过或是直接没有。这样学习起来多么的自由自在。但自由自在的同时也会没有太好的效果,只会更加失望。输入,输出,考核这三个阶段是必须的。考核除了让学员知道学习了多少,以及掌握多少。对于老师来说,也可以直了解到今日学员的吸收程度。方便老师有针对性的准备下一课的内容。 选择要学习的培训机构需要多多注意,都说选择大于努力,所以多去尝试,多去了解 Ⅷ 广州爱秀(ishow)英语课程难吗 英语课程应该还是有一定难度,但有事者事竟成,只要你肯努力一定会学好的。 Ⅸ iShow国际英语口语的浸泡式课堂怎么样,是纯英文的学习交流吗 iShow国际英语的浸泡课主要话题是托福雅思的内容,在英语口语上可以提升灵活使用所学的内容。对于口语的输出有一定的训练。因为学英语需要输入与输出相互的结合起来,所以浸泡是很重要的。








ishow国际英语正规的。首先,ishow国际英语是一个专注于大学生英语口语的教育机构。ishow国际英语从中国大学生口语现状出发,开创了独具特色、效果显著的LISI英语教学体系(听+模仿+表演+浸泡);iShow英语使用优质实用音频为教材,老师教授标准地道的语音语调,讲解音变技巧,纠正发音误区,剖析重点句型,拓展地道表达用法。iShow国际英语线上课程的每一位带班老师,录用前须通过5轮严格筛选,录用后定期接受培训和考核,只有兼具夯实的教学实力和优良师德,时刻保持充沛的研学精神以及对学员负责的教学态度,才能成为iShow国际英语线上课程的带班老师。英语语言的特性1、 简单性:英语是世界最简单的语言是国际公理。2、 歌唱性:英语的歌唱性主要表现在口语表达上,语感细腻柔和、圆润饱满、连贯流畅、朗朗上口,易说易唱。具有强烈的节奏感和旋律的起伏美。3、 标准性:英语的标准性主要表现在口语发声方法上。4、 逻辑性:任何语言都是人类思维活动的产物,反过来又影响着语言学习者的思维形式的塑造和定型。英语语言是逻辑思维的产物。5、 不可盲目模仿性:是指学习者不可用母语发声习惯去模仿英语的标准语音、语调和语气语感。这种模仿不仅仅是会发音不准,更给人一种不伦不类、滑稽可笑的感觉。

how mang hats是什么意思

如果是how many hats的话,翻译“为有多少帽子?”mang是不是打错了...


many 写错了写成mangboy应该使用复数形式boys

what shit I am!!这句话我想表达 我是傻子吗! 该用how 还是 what

how how+adj/adv+主语+谓语+其他 表感叹上面的说的很好


您好,(1)在res--menu目录下的main.xml文件。(2)类的文件package com.example.menu_showasaction; import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.widget.Toast; public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present. getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); return true; } @Override public boolean onMenuItemSelected(int featureId, MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "create...", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT); break; default: break; } return super.onMenuItemSelected(featureId, item); } }

东方神起SHE的韩文歌词 还有how can i 的韩文歌词 雅典娜的韩文歌词【athena]

uc544ud14cub098 (ATHENA) OST - ub3d9ubc29uc2e0uae30(东方神起) ........................................................................ubb34uc12duac8c ub098ub97c uac10uc2f8ub294 uc2dcub9b0 uc774 ud68cuc0c9 uacf5uae30uc5d4uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ub0a8uc740 ubc14ub78cub4e4ub85c ub09c uc4f4uc6c3uc74cub9cc uc9d3ub294ub2e4uc544ubb34ub807uac8c ud769ud2b8ub824 ub193uc740 uae38uc744 uc783uc740 uc9c0ub09c ucd94uc5b5ub4e4 uc18duc5d0ub9deucdb0uc9c0uc9c0 uc54aub294 ud37cuc990ucc98ub7fc ub09c ub610 ud5e4ub9e4uc694*ucc28uac11uac8c uc548uc544uc918uc138uc0c1uc5d0 ub9deuc11cuc57c ud574uc800uae30uae4cuc9c0 uac00uba74 ub05duc774 ubcf4uc77cuae4cuae4auc774 ubca0uc778 uc0c1ucc98ub294 uc544ubb3cuc9c0 uc54auc544uc2e0uc774uc2dcuc5ec uc6b0ub9b4 uad6cuc6d0ud558uc18cuc11cub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 uc804uc7c1uc5d0uc624uc9c1 uadf8ub300ub9ccuc774 ud544uc694ud574 uc624uc9c1 ub2f9uc2e0ub9cc ud560 uc218 uc788uc5b4uac80uac8c uadf8uc744ub9b0 uc800 ub3c4uc2dcuc5d4 ub208ubb3cuc758 uc2dcuac00 ud544uc694ud574ube44uc18c uc18duc5d0 uc11euc778 ud0d0uc695uacfc uafc8uc744 uc783uc5b4 ub208uc774 uba3c uadf8ub4e4uc5d0uac8cub2e4uc2dc ub0a0uac1cub97c ud3bc uc218 uc788uac8c ub2f9uc2e0uc758 ud798uc744 uac74ub124uc8fcuc624*Repeatud0dcuc591uc758 ube5buc774 ubd89uc5b4 uc9c8 ub550uadf8ub300uac00 uadf8ud1a0ub85d uc18cub9ddud55c uae30ub3c4ub97c ud574uc694uc9c4uc2e4uc758 ube5buc774 uac00ub824uc9c4ub300ub3c4uba48ucd94uc9c0 ub9d0uc544uc694 ud30cuba78ub41c uc138uc0c1uc744 uae68uc6ccuc918ub728uac81uac8c uc785ub9deucdb0uac70uc9d3uacfc uc2f8uc6ccuc57c ud574uc5b4ub514uae4cuc9c0 uac00uba74 ub05duc774 ubcf4uc77cuae4cuae4auc774 ubca0uc778 uc0c1ucc98ub294 uc544ubb3cuc9c0 uc54auc544uc2e0uc774uc2dcuc5ec uc6b0ub9b4 uad6cuc6d0ud558uc18cuc11cub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 uc804uc7c1uc5d0

英语作文《how do you have fun 》

Features periodical `Glamour" readers" response on how to enjoy lovemaking. Includes using the ABC game in foreplay; Making love on top of petals of roses; Using nontoxic body paints to draw on private body parts.

how to make friends 怎样交朋友-英语作文带翻译

以下是 无 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《how to make friends 怎样交朋友-英语作文带翻译》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。 Everyone is not alone in the society, and everyone needs friends. But how to make friends is a question for us. In my opinion, we can make friends in the following principles. On one hand, be a good listener .Let people talking about what they really want to talk. That you are a good listener means you understand him. On the other hand, be friendly to people. Everyone will be in trouble, so at any time, we should be friendly to people. In this way, you will have a lot of friends. Actually, making friends is a easier job if you put you true heart in it. 翻译: 每个人在社会上都不是孤单的,每个人都需要朋友。但是,如何交友对我们来说却是一个问题。在我看来,我们可以遵循以下交友原则。 一方面,做一个良好的倾听者。让别人说他们真正想说的。你是一个好的聆听者就意味着你理解他。 另一方面,对人友善。每个人都会遇到困难,所以无论什么时候,我们都应该对人友善。这样,你就会拥有很多朋友。 事实上,如果你用真心对待,交友是一项很简单的工作。

how are you?用意大利文讲是come sta?还是come stai?...还是两个都对啊

JOANNA1020正解。意大利人还比较喜欢用tutto a posto?

how are you ?翻译意大利语

Come stai.非尊称,你好吗?

惊喜用英语怎么说 How to say surprise in English?

I had a big surprise when I saw my birthday cake.5. Stun这个词意为“惊奇、惊讶”,通常用于形容非常令人惊讶的事情。例如:I was stunned when I heard the news.我惊讶地看着裙子上的价格标签。

韩国no more show、里的混血女嘉宾是谁?


初次见面,英语中除了How do you do?之外,还有哪些说法

it"s a pleasure to meet"s an honor to make your acquaintance.

英语中两个人初次见面认识后是用Nice to meet you!还是How do you do?

同意楼上的哥们 HOW DO YOU DO过时了 其实随便打个招呼就好

以 AN INTERESTING SHOW 为题目的英语作文 初四水平 要好的

There is an interesting show on is about the different jobs that people do. there are five people on the show first,there are twins,they are amy and nina,they have brown hair they are short and heavy,they cook for people,they work in a big,there is an old man called henry,he is short and thin,he hasgrey hair and a beard he loves teaching children.and then,there is a man called joe,he is tall and thin with ling curlyhair,he paints pictures,he shows a beautiful painting of a little girl,she is his daughter.finally,there is a woman called alison,she is tall and thin with shorthair,she takes care of sick animals,she is carrying a white cat,is is her you know what jobs these people do?which job is the most interesting to you?

as 用方式状语造句 ,as 后面的as is vividly shown in the pic


As is shown vividly in the picture正


如何讲一口纯正的英语 how to speak perfect english. 李阳的发音口诀表里的一篇文章。 非常需要。

[1] Please don"t think that learning English is too difficult. Everything can be mastered if you work hard and practice enough. [2]You can speak wonderful English and have perfect pronunciation if you just remember that learning a foreign language takes time. Try to find a friend so that you can study and practice together. [3] Don"t bother worrying about your mistakes. Use tapes with charming voices and pronunciation. Always follow along and repeat after the speaker on the tape. [4] It"s important to make English learning a part of your daily routine. You should take English as your food. Learn from every mistake that you make. [5] China needs English talent. China needs people who can enjoy losing face. I hope that you will use your English skills to do something truly outstanding in the future.[6] If you set a clear goal for yourself and care deeply about your progress, you are sure to succeed.[7] Nothing is impossible when you believe in yourself. Now is the right time to decide once and for all that you will definitely master English! [1] Keep in mind that even the government is taking steps to promote English. Even government officials feel the need to speak English now. If China wants to leave a deep impression on the rest of the world, Chinese people must not feel nervous about their ability to communicate in English. It doesn"t matter if you are in the business world or simply a student! Imagine how special you will feel and what a pleasure it will be to help a tourist find the nearest bathroom, or to chat with him about the local weather. When you help others, it feels absolutely terrific![2] You can change the world and make it a better place by learning a foreign language. So, stop saying that your memory is poor. Don"t worry about the number of vocabulary words that you know. Shake off your fear of saying the wrong thing! Learn some helpful and useful sentences. Welcome the world to China! Forget the failures of yesterday! Your trouble in learning English is behind you! You will be able to drink a toast with friends from around the world and share lots of China"s splendid Culture with them.[7] English truly can make China stronger and build understanding, Appreciation and trust! we hope our words have encouraged you to begin Your English learning journey and we thank you very much for liste

how can i tell her的中英歌词,麻烦大家告诉我,谢谢

[ti:how can i tell her][ar:lobo ]how can i tell her-loboshe konw when i"m lonesome and she cries when i"m sad she"s up in the good time she"s down in the bed whenver i"m discouragedshe konw just what to dobut girl she doesn"t know about youi can tell her my troubles she makes them all seem righi can make up excuses not to hold her at nightwe can tell her tomorowi tell things that i want to do but girl how can i tell her about you"how can i thell her about yougirl please tell me what to do everything seems right whenever i"m with youso girl won"t you tell me how to tell her about youah ah-ah ah ah ah ah"how can i tell her i don"t miss herwhenever i"m away how can i say it"s you i think ofevery single night and daybut when it"s easytelling someone we"re thorough but girl help me her about you

How Can I Tell Her 歌词

歌曲名:How Can I Tell Her歌手:Lobo专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: LoboHow Can I Tell Her-LOBOshe konw when I"m lonesomeAnd she cries when I"m sadshe"s up in the good timeShe"s down in the bedWhenver I"m discouragedShe konw just what to doBut girl she doesn"t know about youI can tell her my troublesShe makes them all seem righI can make up excusesnot to hold her at nightWe can tell her tomorowI tell things that I want to doBut girl how can I tell her about you"How can I thell her about youGirl please tell me what to doEverything seems right whenever I"m with youSo girl won"t you tell mehow to tell her about youAh ah-ah ah ah ah ah"How can I tell her I don"t miss herWhenever I"m awayHow can I say it"s you I think of every single night and dayBut when it"s easy telling someone we"re thoroughBut girl help me her about youBy: Weimen

少女时代How Great Is Your Love歌词分配

泰妍:ubd04ub0a0 uac19uc740 ubbf8uc18cuc5d0 uc628 uc138uc0c1uc774 ud658ud574uc838uc694 春日般的微笑来临 世界都变得明亮 bomnal gat-eun miso-e on sesang-i hwanhaejyeoyo ub0a0 ub2e4uc2dc ub610 uafc8uafb8uac8c ud574uc694 日子又像梦一般徐贤: nal dasi tto kkumkkuge haeyo ud587uc0b4uc774 ubc18uc9dduc774ub294 ub0a0 uadf8ub300 uc190uc5d0 uae4duc9c0 ub07cuace0 阳光灿烂的那天 与他两手交握haes-sal-i banjjag-ineun nal geudae son-e kkagji kkigoubc1cuac78uc74cuc744 ub9deucdb0 uac78uc5b4uc694 步调一致秀英/允儿:balgeol-eum-eul majchwo geol-eoyouac00ub054 ub0b4uac00 uc55euc11c uac77ub2e4uac00 ubb38ub4dd ub4a4ub97c ub3ccuc544ubcf4uba74 偶尔从我面前走过 /蓦然回头望去 孝渊/tiffany:gakkeum naega apseo geoddaga mundeug dwileul dol-abomyeonub098ub97c ubcf4ub294 uadf8 uc5bcuad74uc5d0 ub098 ub208uc774 ubd80uc2dcuc8e0 看著我的那面庞、 在我眼前闪耀naleul boneun geu eolgul-e na nun-i busijyo副歌部分:SUNNY/合*ubd04uc774 uc624ub294 uc18cub9ac ub4e4ub9acuba74 uaf43uc774 ud540 uae38 ub530ub77c uac78uc5b4uc694 听著春天来临的声音/ 沿著花开满地的道路 YURI/合:bom-i oneun soli deullimyeon kkoch-i pin gil ttala geol-eoyo ube44 ub0b4ub9acub294 uc5ecub984uc774 uc624uba74 ubb34uc9c0uac1cub9cc ubcf4uba70 uac78uc5b4uc694 细雨纷飞的夏天来到/ 追随著彩虹 JESSICAbi naelineun yeoleum-i omyeon mujigaeman bomyeo geol-eoyo uac00uc744 uc9c0ub098 uaca8uc6b8uc774 uc640ub3c4 uc190uc5d0 uc804ud574uc9c0ub294 uc628uae30ub85c 秋去冬又来 手掌传入的暖意 ga-eul jina gyeoul-i wado son-e jeonhaejineun ongilo ub530uc2a4ud568uc73cub85c ud568uaed8 uac78uc5b4uac00uc694 借著那温暖一起前行ttaseuham-eulo hamkke geol-eogayo How great is your love 你的爱如此美好sunny:ud558ub298uc744 ub2eeuc740 uc0acub791uc774 ub098uc5d0uac8cub3c4 uc8fcuc5b4uc9c0uae38 将那让天空澄澈的爱情 也给予我haneul-eul dalm-eun salang-i na-egedo jueojigil ub09c uc5b8uc81cub098 uae30ub2e4ub824uc654uc8e0 我一直那样期待著 jessica:nan eonjena gidalyeowassjyo ubcc4ube5buc774 ubc18uc9dduc774ub294 ub0a0 ub178ub798ud558ub294 uc800 uc0c8ub4e4uc758 星光闪耀的那天 在我身边婉转轻唱的鸟儿们byeolbich-i banjjag-ineun nal nolaehaneun jeo saedeul-ui uba5cub85cub514uc5d0 ub9deucdb0 uac78uc5b4uc694 和著那旋律走著 秀英 /孝渊mellodie majchwo geol-eoyo ub3ccuace0 ub3c4ub294 ub124 uacc4uc808uc758 ubc18ubcf5ub418ub294 ube44ubc00ucc98ub7fc 即将来临的属于我的季节/ 像是重复著的秘密YURI/秀英 dolgo doneun ne gyejeol-ui banbogdoeneun bimilcheoleom ubcc0ud568uc5c6ub294 uadf8 uc0acub791uc5d0 ub098 ub208uc774 ubd80uc2dcuc8e0 依然不变的那爱情/ 在我的眼前闪耀徐贤/合byeonham-eobsneun geu salang-e na nun-i busijyo*ubd04uc774 uc624ub294 uc18cub9ac ub4e4ub9acuba74 uaf43uc774 ud540 uae38 ub530ub77c uac78uc5b4uc694 听著春天来临的声音 /沿著花开满地的道路TIFFANY/合 bom-i oneun soli deullimyeon kkoch-i pin gil ttala geol-eoyo ube44 ub0b4ub9acub294 uc5ecub984uc774 uc624uba74 ubb34uc9c0uac1cub9cc ubcf4uba70 uac78uc5b4uc694 细雨纷飞的夏天来到/ 追随著彩虹 泰妍:bi naelineun yeoleum-i omyeon mujigaeman bomyeo geol-eoyo uac00uc744 uc9c0ub098 uaca8uc6b8uc774 uc640ub3c4 uc190uc5d0 uc804ud574uc9c0ub294 uc628uae30ub85c 秋去冬又来 手掌传入的暖意 ga-eul jina gyeoul-i wado son-e jeonhaejineun ongilo ub530uc2a4ud568uc73cub85c ud568uaed8 uac78uc5b4uac00uc694 借著那温暖一起前行ttaseuham-eulo hamkke geol-eogayo How great is your love 你的爱如此美好jessica:(有部分是合的)uc138uc0c1uc5d0 uc9c0uccd0uc788ub358 ub0b4uac8c ubc1duc740 ube5buc774 ub418uc5b4uc900 uadf8ub300长久以来疲惫的我 让我生活的这世界绽放光芒的他 sesang-e jichyeoissdeon naege balg-eun bich-i doeeojun geudae ud568uaed8 uac77ub294 uc881uc740 uae38 ub05duc5d0 ub2e4uc2dc ub610 uaca8uc6b8uc774 uc628ub300ub3c4 在那一起前行的小径尽头 冬天再次来临hamkke geodneun job-eun gil kkeut-e dasi tto gyeoul-i ondaedo泰妍:uadf8ub300 ub0b4 uc190 uc7a1uc544uc900ub2e4uba74 那时再次牵起我的手geudae nae son jab-ajundamyeon tiffany:ub098uc5d0uac8c uc774 uac70uce5c uc138uc0c1ub3c4 ubd04ub0a0 uac19uc740uac78 对我来说 这并不美好的世界 也像变了春天na-ege i geochin sesangdo bomnal gat-eungeol泰妍:How great is your love 你的爱如此美好TIFFANY: How great is your love望采纳,谢谢~



如何进行低碳生活 英语作文how to live a low-carbon life

Resently, a new lifestyle called low carbon life is spreading every corner of our country. The concepts of low carbon are low energy and no waste. It is such a significant project that I can"t wait to present my ideas on how to promote it. On the first place, a no-car day is supposed to set up every week in our school. Because cars not only cause serious air pollution but also waste energy. On no-car day, neither students nor teachers are allowed to drive to school. Meanwhile, just walk or run. Use our legs and enjoy the fun. On the second place, we had best not use plastic bags any more. No one can stand the “white pollution”. So, it is wise to use bags which can be reused again and again. Finally, one thing that we should keep in mind: every big thing comes from the subtle. Therefore, as students, we ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave, turn off the tap in time, and reuse our textbook and so on. All in all, it weighs greatly for all of us to put the low carbon lifestyle into practice. Just set our mind to these: no-car day, no plastic bags, and no waste. Let"s do it now. 这个视频里的音乐叫啥名?

Within Temptation - Jillian(I"d give my heart)


however的同义词辨析:  but, however, still, yet, nevertheless, while, whereas  这些连词或副词均含"但是,可是,然而,而"之意。  but : 口语常用词,语气较强,泛指与前述情况相反。  however : 表转折关系,语气稍弱于but,连接性也弱一些,因而常作插入语。  still : 语气强,多用于肯定句或疑问句。指尽管作出让步,采取措施或表示反对,但情况仍然如故,无所改变。  yet : 常用于否定句,语气比still稍强。指不管作出多大努力或让步,仍达不到预期的结果。  nevertheless : 指尽管作出完全让步,也不会发生任何影响。  while : 表对比,一般可与whereas换用,但程度弱一些。  whereas : 表对比,一般可与while互换。

How is she going to the shopping mall和How does she going to shopping mall一样吗?


服装runway show 是什么


Runway Fashion Shows 是什么意思



let me show a dress to you.或者 let me show you a dress.show的搭配词组为: show sb sth, show sth to sb望采纳

how to eat healthily 为题写英语作文

Eating healthily is essential for maintaining a healthy body and mind. Here are some tips on how to eat healthily.Firstly, it is important to have a balanced diet. This means eating a variety of foods from all the different food groups, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. A balanced diet ensures that your body gets all the necessary nutrients it needs to function properly.Secondly, it is crucial to limit your intake of processed and junk foods. These types of foods are often high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats which can lead to weight gain and other health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. Instead, opt for whole foods that are minimally processed.Thirdly, portion control is key when it comes to eating healthily. It is important to pay attention to how much you eat and not overeat. Eating smaller portions throughout the day can help keep your metabolism active and prevent overeating during meals.Fourthly, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Water helps flush toxins out of your body and keeps you feeling full which can prevent overeating.Lastly, try to cook at home more often using fresh ingredients rather than relying on takeout or fast food options. Cooking at home allows you to control the ingredients used in your meals and ensures that they are healthier options.In conclusion, eating healthily requires a balanced diet with a variety of whole foods, limiting processed and junk foods, practicing portion control, staying hydrated with water, and cooking at home with fresh ingredients. By following these tips, you can maintain a healthy body and mind.

谁能给份How many kings的歌词及翻译

follow the star to a place unexpectedwould you believe after all we"ve projecteda child in a mangerlowly and small, the weakest of allunlikeliness hero, wrapped in his mothers shawljust a childis this who we"ve waited for?cause how many kings, stepped down from their thrones?how many lords have abandoned their homes?how many greats have become the least for me?how many gods have poured out their heartsto romance a world that has torn all apart?how many fathers gave up their sons for me?bringing our gifts for the newborn saviorall that we have whether costly or meekbecause we believegold for his honor and frankincense for his pleasureand myrrh for the cross he"ll sufferdo you believe, is this who we"ve waited for?it"s who we"ve waited forcause how many kings, stepped down from their thrones?how many lords have abandoned their homes?how many greats have become the least for me?how many gods have poured out their heartsto romance a world that has torn all apart?how many fathers gave up their sons for me?how many kings, stepped down from their thrones?how many lords have abandoned their homes?how many greats have become the least for me?how many gods have poured out their heartsto romance a world that has torn all apart?how many fathers gave up their sons for me?only one did that for meall for meall for you

Show Me How 歌词

歌曲名:Show Me How歌手:The Emotions专辑:Chronicle: Greatest Hitsay yo a oh ay yo a oh ohhhhhh ohhhhhhhYou been talking so much lame shhh,Wish you would just.Shut up and show me your moves onn the floor,Why you wasting all this t-t-t-t-time when your gone,The Dj"s playing my song shut up and songs up dj"s at the back everybody put your hands up,You won"t see me in the club no see because,I"m too young and jocking for love,We got your and he"s shaking,Dancers on the floor be breaking,Floors are making mine go crazy,Get on the floor don"t be lazy,This is your key just follow me,You can"t put up a fight,But you do not know the sound is rightYou been talking so much lame shhh,Wish you would just.Shut up and show me your moves onn the floor,Why you wasting all this t-t-t-t-time when your gone,The Dj"s playing my song shut up and hold up,Im ready to blow them speakers up,Teenage girl that sound that it isss,ya"ll ready know im about that bizz,We got your and he"s shaking,Dancers on the floor be breaking,Floors are making mine go crazy,Get on the floor don"t be lazy,This is your key just follow me,You can"t put up a fight,But you do not know the sound is rightYou been talking so much lame shhh,Wish you would just.Shut up and show me your moves onn the floor,Why you wasting all this t-t-t-time when your gone,The Dj"s playing my song shut up and dance.Flashing lights,on the floor,Musics right makes you want some more,No time to figure out whats going onn,When the dj"s playing this song.Young craze...You been talking so much lame shhh,Wish you would just.Shut up and show me your moves onn the floor,Why you wasting all this t-t-t-time when your gone,The Dj"s playing my song shut up and dance.ay yo a oh ay yo a oh ohhhhhh ohhhhhhhay yo a oh ay yo a oh ohhhhhh ohhhhhhh

how to make chocolate?

Ingredients Cocoa Powder Method (Beginner) 2 cups (220g) cocoa powder strategy 3/4 cup (170g) butter softened at room temperature 1/2 cup (100g) sugar 2/3 cup (150ml) milk room temperature 1/4 cup (30g) powdered sugar 1 cup (235ml) water Cocoa Bean Method (Advanced) Cocoa be ( 1 lb or ~.5 kg is a good amount to start with) You can also buy cocoa nibs and skip Steps 1 and 2 Cocoa butter Nonfat milk powder Sugar Lecithin 1 vanilla pod (optional) Proportions are flexible. See Step 5 for more information. Method 1 of 2: Cocoa Powder Method This method "revives" cocoa powder and turns it into an easy-to-make chocolate. Make Chocolate Step 10 1 Place the water in a pot and heat it. Keep it below boiling. 2 Combine the cocoa powder and softened butter in a bowl. Cream together until you have a *** ooth paste. Use a fork food processor or even an immersion blender to eliminate lumps. 3 Add the cocoa powder mix to the hot water and stir. Allow the temperature to rise back up. Again it should be hot but not boiling. Pour the hot mixture into a bowl. Make Chocolate Step 12Bullet1 Make Chocolate Step 13 4 Sift sugar and powdered sugar together in a separate bowl. Eliminate as many clumps as you can. Stir the sugar mixture into the hot cocoa mix. Add milk. Blend until *** ooth. Make Chocolate Step 13Bullet1 Make Chocolate Step 14 5 Pour the mixture in thin layers across the bottoms of various containers. Since the chocolate will take the shape of the container a rectangular casserole dish will work well for a rectangular . Make Chocolate Step 15 6 Harden overnight in the refrigerator or freezer. 参考: *** /watch?v=bvGXslu2dxE



路演活动英语怎么说?是不是road show?

路演/路秀译自英文Roadshow,是国际上广泛采用的证券发行推广方式,指证券发行商发行证券前针对机构投资者的推介活动。活动中,公司向投资者就公司的业绩、产品、发展方向等作详细介绍,充分阐述上市公司的投资价值,让准投资者们深入了解具体情况,并回答机构投资者关心的问题。路演的目的是促进投资者与股票发行人之间的沟通和交流,以保证股票的顺利发行。在海外股票市场,股票发行人和承销商要根据路演的情况来决定发行量、发行价和发行时机。众所周知,搜狐在纳斯达克发行股票时,就是根据当时情况,将发行价进行 调整后才得以顺利发行的;还有中国联通在香港招股时,则是早期定价比较保守,后来又根据路演情况调高了招股价。当然,也有路演失败的案例,比如中海油的海外融资,在路演过程中投资者对公司反应冷淡,公司虽然宣布缩减规模并降低招股价,市场仍然没有起色,加上有关部门的意见分歧,招股计划只好放弃,转而等待下一个机会。所以,从路演的效果往往能够看到股票发行的成败。路演在中国刚一出现不仅得到了上市公司、券商、投资者的关注和青睐,也引了其他企业的广泛关注和浓厚兴趣,并效仿证券业的路演方式来宣传推广企业的产品,形成时下盛行的企业“路演”。企业路演的概念和内涵已改变和延伸,成为包括产品发布会、产品展示、产品试用、优惠热卖、现场咨询、填表抽奖、礼品派送、有奖问答、文艺表演、游戏比赛等多项内容的现场活动。

为什么国外人结账的时候不说“HOW MUCH”呢?


show out什么意思

显示出 秀出

补全对话 Look , Lucy ! There will () a fashion show tomorrow . Would you ()


there _a fashion show tomorrow afternoon

is going to be




Last Sunday, our school held a fashion show at the playground. That"s very interesting. All the student models performed wonderful. Especially Lucy, Lily, and Ann, who were from our class. Lucy wore a skirt. The skirt was not long dresses but a kind of skirts called kilts. The kilt was not so long. It was a colored skirt reaching down to the knees. It has checks with different colors, like red, brown and blue. Lucy wore that just like a queen. And Lily, she was a slim girl and wore a rabbit suit. She wore a rabbit hat and a white silk dress with a short tail. She looked very cute and no one is cuter than her. Ann was a lovely girl. She wore a pink pleated skirt. It looked pretty on her. Our class was all proud of them. All the students were happy and wanted to hold the show again

There a fashion show next week, isn’t there? A.i...

C 试题分析:句意:下周将会有一场时装表演,是吗?结合语境可知本句描述的是将来计划打算发生的动作,故用一般将来时态,will用于将来时态,表示自然发生的动作,be going to表示计划打算发生的动作,结合语境可知选C。点评:英语中的时态主要是借助于时间状语与上下文语境来进行判断。解答此类题型,首先要注意句子中的时间状语,如果没有则要通过分析上下文,结合语境来判断句子的时态。

作文A Fashion Show一定要初二水平

Last Sunday, our school held a fashion show at the playground. That"s very interesting. All the student models performed wonderful. Especially Lucy, Lily, and Ann, who were from our class. Lucy wore a skirt. The skirt was not long dresses but a kind of skirts called kilts. The kilt was not so long. It was a colored skirt reaching down to the knees. It has checks with different colors, like red, brown and blue. Lucy wore that just like a queen. And Lily, she was a slim girl and wore a rabbit suit. She wore a rabbit hat and a white silk dress with a short tail. She looked very cute and no one is cuter than her. Ann was a lovely girl. She wore a pink pleated skirt. It looked pretty on her. Our class was all proud of them. All the students were happy and wanted to hold the show again

用英语写一篇以“Fashion Show”为题目的作文 急需

Time: on May 2, on Wednesday, fine. Morning to go shopping, and li hua in a supermarket around the door of the many people, are very busy. Originally there are having a fashion show, many model is show beautiful clothes, people were very interested. One of the most attractive is the outfit and those who wear the traditional model looks very beautiful. .Fashion show from7:00p.m.---9:00p.m.Both of us didn"t come back until the end

ilike fashion shows为什么加s呢?

您好,fashion show是“时装秀”或“时装展”,可数名词,I like fashion shows. show加s 是泛指“我喜欢时装秀。”若果用单数则前要加the即,I like the fashion show. 表示“我喜欢这场时装秀。”希望能回答能对您有帮助

英语《How many》教学方案设计

   【课题】 Unit Three How many?    【教学重点】 学习英文字母LL,Mm,Nn及以其为首字母的单词。    【教学难点】 字母印刷体与手写体的区别    【教具准备】   1.图片lion, night, nest, lock   2.写有大小写Ll, Mm, Nn的字母卡   3.教材相配套的教学录音带    【教学过程】   (一)热身、复习(Warm-up/Revision)   1.复习字母Aa-Kk   训练学生听认字母能力: 教师先把所学过的大小写字母写在卡片上,按大小写把卡片分成两组贴在黑板上,然后把学生分成两组。游戏开始,每组的第一名学生上黑板前等候,教师说出一个字母,这两名学生就立即摘下教师所念的字母,放到讲台上,一人摘大写字母,另一人摘小写字母,摘得对而快的得2分,对而慢的得1分,不对的不得分,在教师念第一个字母时,各组的第二名学生应上前等候,在第一名学生摘完字母后,教师立即说另一个字母,游戏接着进行,最后得分多的组为优胜。   2.教师指着黑板上的字母,让学生说一说以该字母为首的单词。   (二)呈现新课(Presentation)   1.学习字母LL和单词lion, lock。   1)教师出示图片袋鼠,让学生说出单词kangaroo。   2)让学生说一说所学过的动物的英文名称还有哪些。   3)教师出示狮子的图片:Look! This is a lion.教读单词lion。   4)教师拿出一把钥匙,问学生:What"s this?学生答出key后,教师接着问:钥匙和什么配套使用的?学生说出锁后,教师拿出一把锁说:This is a lock. 边说边用钥匙去开锁。教师教读单词lock。   5)教师问:你们好好读一读这两个单词,能说出它们的第一个字母是什么吗?   6)教师出示字母卡,教读字母Ll,并让学生辨别字母Ll的大小写。   7) 让学生说一说我们学过的单词中哪个是以字母Ll开头的?   8)教师在四线三格中按笔顺书写字母,让学生仔细观察后,做书空练习。   2. 学习字母Mm,复习单词milk, mouse.   1) 教师出示单词卡,让学生认读单词milk, mouse.   2) 让学生从图片中找出milk和mouse的图片。   3)让学生观察这两个单词,问学生:Can you read the first letter?   4)教师出示字母卡,教读字母Mm,并让学生辨别字母Mm的大小写。   5)教师在四线三格中按笔顺书写字母,让学生仔细观察后,做书空练习。   3.学习字母Nn和单词night, nest。   1)教师出示图片:图上有一个太阳,一棵大树上有一个鸟窝。教师指着图片上的鸟窝说:Look! There"s a nest on the tree.The birds live in it.(因图片较小,学生看不清nest是什么,教师可以稍加解释)教读单词nest.   2)教师把一个月亮粘贴在图片中的太阳的位置,把太阳遮挡起来。教师告诉学生:It"s night, now.并让学生根据图片解释night的意思。   3)让学生通过读nest和night这两个单词,体会第一个字母的发音。   4) 让学生说一说它们的第一个字母是哪个?   5)教师出示字母卡,让学生辨别字母Nn的大小写。   6) 教师在四线三格中书写字母大小写Nn。让学生仔细观察后,做书空练习。   4.让学生在活动手册上把所学字母Ll, Mm和Nn进行描红。教师在教室中巡视,及时给学生进行辅导。   5.教师播放B Let"s say部分的动画, 先让学生整体听看,再逐个跟读字母和单词; 也可请学生操作动画, 扮演教师请其他学生读单词和字母。   6.播放Let"s do的动画,让学生跟着节奏一起吟唱,并作出相应的动作。   7.根据Let"s do部分的内容,教师报一个字母,如Jj,学生应立即说出:Jj, Jj, Jj, jump, jump, jump。每次打乱顺序来报字母,让学生听后边说边做。   (三)趣味操练(Practice)   l 游戏1:Bingo   让学生把本课所学的字母和部分单词随意写在游戏板中。教师任意说出一个字母或单词。学生在游戏板中迅速找出教师说的"字母或单词并用铅笔在字母或单词上画一个圈。每画出完整的一行或一列字母或单词,学生就说Bingo!直到所有的字母和单词都圈完。让学生擦去画的圈,重新再做一次游戏。由于教师念字母或单词的顺序不一样,每次圈的顺序也不一样。在游戏结束以后,全班一起复习词汇。   l 游戏2:拼图说单词   教师把与本课单词有关的图片剪成几块,然后让学生分小组进行拼图比赛。拼出后让学生说出单词以及该单词的第一个字母。拼出图形加一分,说对单词加一分,说出字母加一分,最后看哪个小组得分最多,哪个小组就取得胜利。   l 游戏3:照我说的做,不要照我做的做   教师下指令,但故意做错误的动作,比如:Kk, Kk, Kk, kick, kick, kick, 但教师做jump, jump, jump的动作。学生要根据教师所下的指令来做动作,而不要简单地模仿教师的动作。凡是能正确做动作三次的即可得贴纸或红花奖励。   (四)扩展性活动(Add-activities)   复习本课时所学的单词及字母。   1. 让学生两人一组,分别选一张大写的L , M 和N字母卡。   2.将小写字母及本课时出现的词汇扣在桌面上。   3.每人一次翻开一张卡片,如果卡片上的单词第一个字母和手中的字母一致就赢得这张卡,如果不一致放回原处。   4.继续翻卡片,直到翻开所有的卡片。卡片多的学生获胜。   5.让学生读出手中卡片的单词,核对卡片。    【板书设计】   Unit 3 How many?   下面画有四线三格中, 分别是大小写字母Ll, Mm和Nn。

求一篇英语作文How to become an inventor

The history of the ball-point pen In 1879 in Providence, Rhode Island, Alonzo T. Cross invented the stylographic fountain pen, a precursor of the ball-point pen. He engaged in competition with Duncan Mackinnon, the other stylographic pen inventor. In 1880 A. T. Cross separated his business from his father"s and renamed his company the A. T. Cross - Pen and Pencil Manufacturer.The fountain pen by Lewis Edson Waterman in 1884 was another step forward in the development of writing instruments. The problems of ink, e.g. drying out, remained. They could be overcome by a ballpoint pen. The first to think of it was the German inventor Baum who patented a ball-point pen (Kugelschreiber) in 1910.However, the first man to actually develop and launch a ball-point pen was the Hungarian László Jozsef Bíró (1899-1985) from Budapest, who in 1938 invented a ball-point pen with a pressurized ink cartridge. He is considered the inventor of today"s ball-point pen. Working as a journalist, Biro noticed that the ink used in newspaper printing dried quickly, leaving the paper dry and smudge-free. From there he got the idea to use the same type of ink for writing instruments. Since the thicker ink would not flow from a regular pen nib, he fitted his pen with a tiny ball bearing in its tip. Moving along the paper, the ball rotates picking up ink from the ink cartridge and leaving it on the paper. This principle of the ballpoint pen dates back to a never commercially exploited patent of 1888 owned by John J. Loud for a product to mark leather.

how to get on well with your patents120字的英语作文

To harmonious relationship with their parents, I think first of all to communicate and understand each other, do not talk back to deliberate with their parents, do not let the relationship with your parents across the layer of cellophane, this relationship is not coming along, and I that the family should live in harmony, something humility with each other, do not harden because the relationship will be a little small.要想与父母的关系和睦,我认为首先要相互沟通,相互理解对方,不要刻意的与父母顶嘴,也不要让父母与你的关系隔着一层玻璃纸,这样的关系是相处不来的,我认为一家人应当和睦相处,有事情谦让着对方,不要因为一点小事就将关系弄僵。

英语How old do I look怎么翻译?

How old do I look? 我看起来多大了?
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