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how to make mummy

How to use bluetooth earphone?

Since your bluetooth earphone is the same brand as your mobile phone I am sure that you can use it with your mobile phone without any problem. Do you know what is pairing & did you pair it with your mobile phone? If you haven"t paired your bluetooth earphone with your mobile phone of course you can"t search it from you mobile phone. Read the manual of your bluetooth earphone first so that you know how to pair it. 1. Power on your bluetooth earphone in the pairing mode; 2. Turn on the bluetooth of your mobile phone in the standard mode and select search; 3. After the model of your bluetooth appeared on the screen of your mobile phone move and point to that bluetooth earphone model and click select; 4. Then you will be asked to input the password of the bluetooth earphone just follow the instruction to input the password and click ok 5. For the rest just follow the instruction on the screen until finished the pairing and click connection. Now you can use your bluetooth earphone without any problem. Good luck to you! Features: Compatibility with Bluetooth 1.2 and 1.1 wireless technology enabled devices Includes the latest Bluetooth 1.2 standard for better call quality less interference and faster connections Increased battery power for up to eight hours of talk time and up to 200 hours of standby time Foldable boom microphone for pact storage Removable ear hook for placement on either ear Multi-function button to control several functions including receive/wer/end calls call hold and 3-way calling Headset indicator LED to provide a visual cue regarding headset status Neckstrap loop for convenience carrying Specifications: Dimensions: 5cm x 3cm x 2cm when folded Weight: 20 grams 0.71 ounces Battery: Increased talk time of up to 8 hours and standby time of up to 200 hours 2008-09-29 13:24:36 补充: Company InfoCompany Published: 2008 Online Postings: Products (134) Selling Leads (12) Country/Territory: United States Business Type: Manufacturer Trading Company Buying Office Agent Distributor/Wholesaler Number of Employees: 51 - 100 People

WOW插件recount show怎么把边框和背景全部透明


魔兽世界大脚输出统计表不见了 输入/RECOUNT SHOW 也没用 本来在ZC 还在的


大脚插件伤害统计隐藏了怎么打开,我输入了/ RECOUNT SHOW 也打不开了,求、高手指点下

在任务界面左下角点开看看 是不是没开伤害统计

多玩魔盒伤害统计不见了 打指令/recount show 没用




大脚的DPS统计插件。 不知道怎么不见了。 输入/recount show ./dm show都没用。


我的wow伤害统计被我拖出窗口了,找不回来,输入 /recount show 也没用 大脚插件开启统计显示了 就是没有

魔兽世界:技能不显示伤害数字怎么办?来这里手把手教你扶鳐直上重霄九2020-03-10 · 优质游戏领域创作者各位伙伴大家好,我是扶鳐。当前的魔兽世界正运行着8.3版本,今天的大使任务是塔兰吉远征队,奖励1500声望还有2000金币,小号值得一做。昨天心血来潮,心想着字体看够了,要不换个游戏字体吧,三下五除二,搞定!之后就是游戏内部的测试环节,随便找个木桩,旺财,出击!好吧,暴露了,我玩的是猎人。结果呢?令人大跌眼镜的一幕发生了,一口咬下去,没见任何“数字弹”!几个技能轮番测试了一遍,我发现只有“眼镜蛇射击”&“普攻”显示伤害,别的,比如杀戮命令、宠物攻击统统不显示!居然有如此机车的事!冷静三秒,脑回路飞快地回忆了一下本次操作过程,应该没什么问题啊!再说了要么显示,要么不显示,怎么会唐突地显示部分技能伤害呢?网上搜了一番,给出的答案是;/console floatingCombatTextCombatDamage 1(伤害数字,1为显示,0为关闭)/console floatingCombatTextCombatHealing 1(治疗数字,1为显示,0为关闭)对于程序语言,小编还是略懂略懂的,知道“1”和“0”的本质区别,秒秒钟复制过来,回车,黏贴,发射后再次放狗,一口啃下去,哎呦,没有一毛钱变化,这问题就有点深奥!紧接着又看了看其他人的答案,大抵都是复制黏贴,要不就是想当然的云答复,哎,既然这事是自己闹出来的,就得自己着手解决,这才能彰显一个男人的魅力所在。首先从问题的表象开始说起,就好比中医的望闻问切;①显示数字吗?显示,但不全!也就是说,不是“开启”或“关闭”那么简单,不管插件也好还是设置也好定然存在更多的分选项。②我干嘛了?我只换了一个字体,没有程序删减,应该出不来大篓子!最多是个程序冲突!然后问题要从哪里入手?这个字体的总设置存放在魔兽世界的哪个栏位里?再或者说,如果我想看根源所在,这个根源代码在哪里?以下是我的操作步骤;Step 01:找到后台数字代码区游戏所在盘,游戏集成“World of Warcraft”,retail,继续点,WTF,在里面我们找到一个文件夹,名字叫“Account”,再继续,Config-Cache的文件夹!里面乱七八糟的,我只看开头的英文,一眼就看到了“Floating”!这嘛意思?“浮动”的意思,什么浮动,当然是字体浮动啊,我找的就是你!在往后面看,去了“1”就是“0”,应该就是某些技能对应的字体浮动,没时间看,统统把“0”改成“1”,之后保存,退出本次操作,再进游戏,我还就不信这个邪了!果不其然,进去之后,风也调雨也顺了,一切搞定!然后小编有个习惯,就是半夜工作的时候喜欢一边看直播一边工作,至于对应游戏,当然是自己玩的魔兽世界。然后看到某个大主播一顿操作,打的是“15C自由镇”,那数字,又大又粗,加上玩的是“奇袭贼”,那真的是爆得满屏都是。然后就有小白问,主播,你的跳字怎么那么大!那么有活力?我看问了半天也没人搭理他,所以在这里就跟大家说一下“改字体”外加“浮动数字体积变大”。改字体简单,随便下个字体,黏贴五份,分别命名“ARHei”、“ARIALN”、“ARKai_C”、“ARKai_T”、以及“FRIZQT”,然后把这个五个家伙打包,塞进一个文件夹,文件夹名字命名为“fonts”。你可以将这个文件夹复制,也可以拖拽,总之弄到“retail”文件夹里就行,就那么几个,一点就看到,还有一个“Class”开头的,那是“经典”的意思,差不多应该是“怀旧服”,丢哪里就能改怀旧服字体。某些字体可能会跟固有程序冲突,中规中矩惯了的同学就老老实实地用原有字体吧,毕竟没有什么实质影响。最后说说这个字体变大!魔兽世界浮动字体提及有三档,分别是1档2档还有倒挡!1最小,3最大!系统默认的就是1,在这个物欲横流的年代,1显然是满足不了各位伙伴的视野需求了。看好这个“浮动数字体积宏”;/console WorldTextScale (X),括号前面有个“空格”,X可以等于“1,2,3”,根据个人喜好自己调,直接把宏复制,随便一个频道发射就行,我给大家掩饰一下2档还有3档。这个是3档,看到没,太大了,比角色还大好多,这还没进入AOE模式,要是进入大秘境,那满屏都得是小星星!会影响你的游戏体验的,所以我把3挡叫倒挡,你懂我的意思。这个数字体积支持游戏内的全部,比如你拾取神器能量,宠物伤害,小宠物对战伤害,巴拉巴拉的都支持,觉得体积不适应,那就修改一下后面的数字,随意在个频道敲一下就可以了。

魔兽世界recount 被禁用了 怎么调出来 打/recount show 没用.我用的大脚插件。

实在不行吧 安装目录下的interface和wtf文件夹都删了 重新安装大脚 就肯定有了

我的wow伤害统计被我拖出窗口了,找不回来,输入 /recount show 也没用 大脚插件开启统计显示了 就是没有

魔兽世界:技能不显示伤害数字怎么办?来这里手把手教你扶鳐直上重霄九2020-03-10 · 优质游戏领域创作者各位伙伴大家好,我是扶鳐。当前的魔兽世界正运行着8.3版本,今天的大使任务是塔兰吉远征队,奖励1500声望还有2000金币,小号值得一做。昨天心血来潮,心想着字体看够了,要不换个游戏字体吧,三下五除二,搞定!之后就是游戏内部的测试环节,随便找个木桩,旺财,出击!好吧,暴露了,我玩的是猎人。结果呢?令人大跌眼镜的一幕发生了,一口咬下去,没见任何“数字弹”!几个技能轮番测试了一遍,我发现只有“眼镜蛇射击”&“普攻”显示伤害,别的,比如杀戮命令、宠物攻击统统不显示!居然有如此机车的事!冷静三秒,脑回路飞快地回忆了一下本次操作过程,应该没什么问题啊!再说了要么显示,要么不显示,怎么会唐突地显示部分技能伤害呢?网上搜了一番,给出的答案是;/console floatingCombatTextCombatDamage 1(伤害数字,1为显示,0为关闭)/console floatingCombatTextCombatHealing 1(治疗数字,1为显示,0为关闭)对于程序语言,小编还是略懂略懂的,知道“1”和“0”的本质区别,秒秒钟复制过来,回车,黏贴,发射后再次放狗,一口啃下去,哎呦,没有一毛钱变化,这问题就有点深奥!紧接着又看了看其他人的答案,大抵都是复制黏贴,要不就是想当然的云答复,哎,既然这事是自己闹出来的,就得自己着手解决,这才能彰显一个男人的魅力所在。首先从问题的表象开始说起,就好比中医的望闻问切;①显示数字吗?显示,但不全!也就是说,不是“开启”或“关闭”那么简单,不管插件也好还是设置也好定然存在更多的分选项。②我干嘛了?我只换了一个字体,没有程序删减,应该出不来大篓子!最多是个程序冲突!然后问题要从哪里入手?这个字体的总设置存放在魔兽世界的哪个栏位里?再或者说,如果我想看根源所在,这个根源代码在哪里?以下是我的操作步骤;Step 01:找到后台数字代码区游戏所在盘,游戏集成“World of Warcraft”,retail,继续点,WTF,在里面我们找到一个文件夹,名字叫“Account”,再继续,Config-Cache的文件夹!里面乱七八糟的,我只看开头的英文,一眼就看到了“Floating”!这嘛意思?“浮动”的意思,什么浮动,当然是字体浮动啊,我找的就是你!在往后面看,去了“1”就是“0”,应该就是某些技能对应的字体浮动,没时间看,统统把“0”改成“1”,之后保存,退出本次操作,再进游戏,我还就不信这个邪了!果不其然,进去之后,风也调雨也顺了,一切搞定!然后小编有个习惯,就是半夜工作的时候喜欢一边看直播一边工作,至于对应游戏,当然是自己玩的魔兽世界。然后看到某个大主播一顿操作,打的是“15C自由镇”,那数字,又大又粗,加上玩的是“奇袭贼”,那真的是爆得满屏都是。然后就有小白问,主播,你的跳字怎么那么大!那么有活力?我看问了半天也没人搭理他,所以在这里就跟大家说一下“改字体”外加“浮动数字体积变大”。改字体简单,随便下个字体,黏贴五份,分别命名“ARHei”、“ARIALN”、“ARKai_C”、“ARKai_T”、以及“FRIZQT”,然后把这个五个家伙打包,塞进一个文件夹,文件夹名字命名为“fonts”。你可以将这个文件夹复制,也可以拖拽,总之弄到“retail”文件夹里就行,就那么几个,一点就看到,还有一个“Class”开头的,那是“经典”的意思,差不多应该是“怀旧服”,丢哪里就能改怀旧服字体。某些字体可能会跟固有程序冲突,中规中矩惯了的同学就老老实实地用原有字体吧,毕竟没有什么实质影响。最后说说这个字体变大!魔兽世界浮动字体提及有三档,分别是1档2档还有倒挡!1最小,3最大!系统默认的就是1,在这个物欲横流的年代,1显然是满足不了各位伙伴的视野需求了。看好这个“浮动数字体积宏”;/console WorldTextScale (X),括号前面有个“空格”,X可以等于“1,2,3”,根据个人喜好自己调,直接把宏复制,随便一个频道发射就行,我给大家掩饰一下2档还有3档。这个是3档,看到没,太大了,比角色还大好多,这还没进入AOE模式,要是进入大秘境,那满屏都得是小星星!会影响你的游戏体验的,所以我把3挡叫倒挡,你懂我的意思。这个数字体积支持游戏内的全部,比如你拾取神器能量,宠物伤害,小宠物对战伤害,巴拉巴拉的都支持,觉得体积不适应,那就修改一下后面的数字,随意在个频道敲一下就可以了。

Look at the Christmas gift. how nice it is怎么读?

回答和翻译如下:Look at the Christmas gift.How nice it is!看一看圣诞礼物。它是多么好看啊!(音译:洛克,艾特,得,克斯玛斯,给夫特。好,乃斯,爱特,伊斯。)

the tickets _______the show用什么介词 是for ,to ,还是of ,我总觉得每个都满对的

to the tickets to 是固定短语.意为什么什么的门票. 类似用法:the key to the door.门的钥匙. 这种谈不上为什么,只是英语里规定要这样用罢了.

为什么是the tickets for the show而不是the tickets of the show?

of:出身于,由于 for:为了. the tickets for the show:为了演出而有的票(先有演出才有的票) the tickets of the show:演出里的票(票成了演出的一部分了) 愿你看得懂

请问怎样写英文请假信 How to write an absent letter for my daughter

更新1: I want an absent letter for my daughter at work. She would not go to work for 1 day because she had to renew her student visa.How should i write it so that it is polite and honest? 更新2: I want an absent letter for my daughter at work. She would not go to work for 1 day because she had to renew her student visa.How should i write it so that it is polite and honest? [your daughter's address] [date] [her employer's name] [her employer's title] [her employer's address] Dear Mr. X I would like to make a submission requesting to take [the date of her leave] off. It is important that I renew my student visa before this day to ensure my stay in the country is in accordance with the immigration law. Necessary steps will be taken to ensure the progress of my duties is unaffected while I am away. I apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause and sincerely appreciate your understanding. Sincerely [your daughter's name] 参考: eva I suggest that the letter is written by your daughter not you. This will give a good image to her boss. Because your daughter is not a kid. Now she go to work to earn money thus I think the she has an ability to write the absent letter. Dear xxxxx (name of her head) re: apply for no pay leave I'm writing to apply for one day no pay leave on ________ (the date). I am going to renew my student visa at that day. Please find the attached copy of my existing student visa which shows that the expiry date will be __________ (date) Hope that you could accept my request. Thanks! Sincerely ______________ (your name) ______________ (date) how to honest - provide an evidence to prove that you didn't tell lie - it is time to renew Dear Miss xxx I am writing to inform you that (your daughter's name) was off school beeen Tuesday November 14 and Friday November 17 following (date)her visit to the dentist on the Tuesday morning(the reason). She suffered a painful reaction to the tooth extraction she had that morning and was in too much pain to attend school for the remainder of the week and was confined to bed with pain killing medication for most of it. Thankfully she has now fully recovered.(the details) Can you please confirm that you have received this letter by calling me on my mobile number 07564 677544 (telephone number) within 48 hours of Diane handing this letter to you. Thank you in anticipation of your help. Yours sincerely Mrs. Trudy Holbrook(your name)

怎样用英语写请假条 How to write a note for leave

Model:Dear Miss Zhang,I am sorry I have to ask for one day"s leave.I have been ill in bed for two days. I have to go to see a hospital and maybe in one or two days,I will be back to schoolPlease accept my asking.Thank you.亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!Give the reason for leaving.Say out how many days to leave.Promise what you do.亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!



How size is the Amazon rainforest是什么意思?




l laughevery day.Guess how翻译中文?


急求一篇题为《how to be a volunteer》 的英语作文

Title: How to Be a VolunteerIntroduction:Volunteering is a noble and fulfilling way to contribute to society and make a positive impact on the lives of others. Becoming a volunteer requires dedication, compassion, and a willingness to serve. In this essay, we will explore the steps to becoming a volunteer.Body:1. Identify Your Passion and Interests:The first step in becoming a volunteer is to identify your passion and interests. Reflect on the causes or issues that you deeply care about. It could be working with children, animals, the elderly, the environment, or any other area where you feel a strong connection. Choose a cause that resonates with you and where you can contribute your skills and talents effectively.2. Research Volunteer Opportunities:Once you have identified your passion, research different volunteer organizations or projects that align with your interests. Explore local charities, non-profit organizations, community centers, or international volunteer programs. Consider the time commitment, location, and specific tasks involved in each opportunity. Look for reputable organizations that have a positive track record in their work.3. Contact and Connect with Organizations:Reach out to the organizations you are interested in and inquire about their volunteer programs. Attend information sessions, orientations, or volunteer fairs to learn more about their mission, projects, and requirements. Building a connection with the organization will help you understand their expectations and how your skills can be utilized effectively.4. Acquire Necessary Skills or Training:Some volunteer positions may require specific skills or training. If you find a cause that requires specialized knowledge, consider acquiring the necessary skills or certifications. For example, if you want to work as a tutor, you may need to improve your teaching skills or obtain a specific qualification. Take advantage of online courses, workshops, or training programs to enhance your abilities.5. Dedicate Your Time and Effort:Being a volunteer requires a commitment of time and effort. Once you have selected an organization or project, allocate dedicated time in your schedule to fulfill your responsibilities. Be punctual and reliable in your commitments. Communicate effectively with the organization and inform them in advance if you are unable to fulfill your duties.6. Embrace the Experience and Learn:As a volunteer, embrace the experience and be open to learning. Engage with the community you are serving, listen to their stories, and understand their needs. Embrace diversity and respect cultural differences. Learn from the people you are helping and the fellow volunteers you are working with. Volunteering is a two-way exchange of knowledge, compassion, and understanding.Conclusion:Becoming a volunteer is a rewarding journey that allows you to make a positive difference in the lives of others. By identifying your passion, researching opportunities, connecting with organizations, acquiring necessary skills, dedicating your time and effort, and embracing the experience, you can embark on a fulfilling volunteer journey. Remember, every act of kindness, no matter how small, can have a significant impact on the world around us.

how to make news 的英语作文

Many people"s lives are boring and incredibily mundane. Thankfully, there are lots of ways to make your life a bit more fantastic. Just because you have school doesn"t mean you can"t have fun. School is a time when you can see and meet new friends. School gives you a chance to meet adults and help you learn from them. School is over! What are you going to do now? Well, you can take some afterschool classes. Some classes can teach you sports, how to play a musical instrument, how to speak a different language, or even teach you the ability of your choice. Lots of people choose singing, dancing, and drawing as an afterschool class. Like school, you can use this time to meet new people. Also, you can use your new skills to impress people. Listen to the radio or pick up a book. Listening to the radio will keep you updated on the news and the reports of the world. And reading books can help you open your eyes and learn more knowledge. Theses are all my opinions of how to make your life exciting. You can take some of my advice in your life. And you also can think some by yourself.

break the news to sb, show the news to sb哪一个对,为什么。分别是什么意思

show the news to sb显示消息给某人break the news to sb把消息透露给某人

how did you feel when you arrive at bcidaihe是什么意思?



Need.For.Speed. Undercover. Chinese.Big5- Netshow极速快感(极品飞车) 无间风云 (12) 繁体中文版 游侠(单机 游戏网站)

kids show 是什么意思?


how do you plan your university years?


Lenka 唱得 The show的伴奏有没有不带lenka的


郭顶的幸运大门抄袭Lenka的The show 我就说怎么听怎么耳熟~!!

不好听 超级难听 恶心 什么品味

求Lenka-《the show》的GTP鼓谱。


急求rigo luna的 how I do 的歌词!!!!

how do i 歌手:rigo luna 专辑:rigo luna There she goes once againThe ghost of our love, it"s making me shiverIt"s only small drops of pain,But even the rain can turn into riversThought i"d be safe, living behind this wallBut the pressures too much, and it"s starting to fallSo how do i get over youHow do i survive living half the life that i knewOh how do i get over you?When you take awayEverything i held to be trueI wonder if you feel it too, do you?Everywhere that i turn, there"s something thereSomething to remind meWhen i sleep it"s alone, still i reach outAs if you"re beside meThought i"d ve safe, i tried to find something newBut everything that i didIs something we used to doSo how do i get over youHow do i survive living half the life that i knewOh how do i get over you?When you take awayEverything i held to be trueI wonder if you feel it too, do you?Seems like every place, every person we knewEvery sound every taste, reminds me of youI thought this would be gone, but it"s still so strongI keep holding on, what else can i do?So how do i get over youHow do i survive living half the life that i knewOh how do i get over you?When you take awayEverything i held to be trueI wonder if you feel it too, do you?

shower window yellow 哪个ow的发音不同


how many eggs?怎么读






howmany怎么读 英语howmany怎么读

1、how many英[hau028a u02c8meni]美[hau028a u02c8meni],有多少; 多少。 2、[例句]How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games?有多少国家参加了上届奥运会?

No matter how frequently ___ the works of Beethoven always a?

首先,这个句子的意思是不管贝多芬的作品多么频繁地被演奏,还是会吸引大量的人们. 所以这个句子的主语是the works of Beethoven (贝多芬的作品),是被动语态,因此是performed (被演奏).,4,可以变为: No matter how freauently the works of Beethoven be performed,they always attract a large number of people. 关键看works与perform的关系是主动还是被动,1,No matter how frequently __B_ the works of Beethoven always attract a large number of people. A.performing B.performed be performed D.being performed 这个句子的意思是不管贝多芬的作品多么频繁地被演奏,还是会吸引大量的人们...,0,No matter how frequently ___ the works of Beethoven always attract a large number of people. A.performing B.performed be performed D.being performed 请问为什么不选A啊

Beethoven(贝多芬) was never afraid to show his feelings.Once when he was pla


We want students for the school show.

We want students for the school show.我们希望学生参加学校的演出。




virchow三要素读菲尔绍。Virchow三要素Virchow"s triad:血流中断现象,Phenomena of interrupted blood-flow、血管及其周围受累现象,Phenomena associated with irritation of the vessel and its vicinity、血液凝固现象,Phenomena of blood-coagulation。现代三要素Modern triad:血液瘀滞Stasis、内皮受损或血管壁受损Endothelial injury or vessel wall injury、高凝Hypercoagulability。第一要素,血流改变指多种情况,包括静脉血瘀滞、长时间手术、长时间制动和静脉曲张。第二要素,内膜受损包括血管穿破和因血流剪切应力或高压导致的损伤,包括促凝物表面对血液接触,如细菌、异物、医疗植入物或进入血管的医疗器械、活化的血小板和慢性炎症反应中的单核细胞。第三要素,血液组成成分的改变,包括多种风险因素所致的高凝状态,如血黏度增高、V因子Leiden突变、II因子G2021A突变、抗凝血酶III缺乏、蛋白C或S缺乏、肾病综合征、创伤或烧伤后机体改变、恶性肿瘤、妊娠晚期和分娩、种族、高龄、吸烟、避孕药、肥胖等。

Nightwish - Showtime, Storytime (2013)有中文字幕版么

有的 上网找吧



I wish I knew how to quit you.怎么读


all efforts are in can i save myself.是什么意思


However, at times this balance in nature is disturbed, _______ a number of possibly unforeseen ...

D 试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。A位于;B召集:C吸收,理解,欺骗;D导致;句意:然而,有时候自然的平衡被搭配,导致了很多看不见的可能的影响。故D项正确。点评:本题考查了由介词In构成的不同的动词短语,在平时的学习中要把同样的介词加上不同的动词或者同一个动词加上不同的介词的短语放在一起进行辨析。

However, at times this balance in nature is disturbed, ____ a number of possibly unforeseen eff...

D 试题分析:考查非谓语动词和动词短语。句意:然而,这种自然平衡有时会受到干扰,导致大量的无法预见的影响。lie in在于;call in拜访;exist in存在于;result in导致。用现在分词表伴随状况,A、C表示原因,故选D。

HOW are you,sam?怎么读?


how disappointing i was这句话对吗

how disappointing i was这句话对吗?,这要看你想说什么了。其实,某一句话并没有什么对错之分,而是要看是否能恰当表达说话人自己的意思。如:你若想表达“我曾是多么令人失望!”的意思,则“How disappointing I was!”这句话就不算错。但如你想表达“我是多么地失望!”上述表达则不对。正确表述应为:“How disappointed I was”。显然“disappointed”与“ disappointing”意思不同。“disappointed”(失望的;沮丧的)“ disappointing”(令人失望的)。下面举一个典型例句,帮你助记:How disappointed I was when I heard the disappointing news!当我听到那令人失望的消息时,是多么地沮丧!,这个视频的背景歌的名字,3Q

I"ll be the one

英语 how where what 用这3个开头 那回答应该是什么开头

具体看问的是什么内容因为这是特殊疑问句,不用像一般问句那样简单地用 yes / no 来回答


虽然词典上是说 show 的过去分词可以是 showed 或者 shown,但是实际应用上 has shown 远比 has showed 普遍。以后遇到这种题目的话,除非没有 shown 这个选择,只能选 showed,如果两个选择都有的话,还是选 shown 吧。

张根硕的UMF,team H,cri show是什么意思啊~求鳗鱼们科普一下……

UMF = Ultra Music Festival 是一个音乐节,主打电音。今年8月某张作为表演嘉宾和Big Brother一齐受邀参加表演Team H , 和Big Brother组成的电音摇滚组合。这是某张的兴趣。 Show 前身是某张的FM,因为今年某张正式推出专辑,所以就有了正经的演唱会。cri是critical的缩写,意思是致命的,J是JANG KEUN SUK的JANG(张根硕)的第一个字母。张根硕很喜欢很喜欢cri这个词,并且想通过这三个字母和粉丝沟通,成为他与粉丝之间的暗号,一般在张根硕的日志中的结尾处常能出现——“cri~~”

请以 My favorite TV show 为题 ,写一篇文章,词数为60左右

My Favorite TV Program My favorite TV program is "Animal World". We can watch the program every Sunday evening. The program tells us the story of animal life. We can learn the animals" habits and their natural surroundings. In the Shanghai Zoo, there are also many animals. But in the program we can see more animals. It gives me a chance to learn about the other creatures. Animals are our friends. It is wrong to kill them for food. We must do our best to protect them. I hope I can do something for the wild animals

mongodb用use创建数据用show dbs查不到是什么原因


taste it , 丁oe. how is it?怎么读百度知道


求:托福 TPO口语第15套Question4参考答案 Question: Explain how the example from the professor’

1、题目关键词:explain how, 2、答题要领: (1)Briefly state the main idea of the reading passage. (2)Concentrating on the lecture given by the professor. When orally summarizing the lecture, test takers are supposed to include the main points and some key examples as well. 3、阅读材料要点: (1)experiments are made to achieve some accurate results but something may render the result inaccurate. One such factor is experiment effect.(2)experiment effect happens when an experimenter who wants some specific results will influence the behavior of the experiment participants. Therefore, the results get inaccurate. 4、听力材料要点: (1)a researcher was given 2 groups of monkeys to be trained to perform some action.The researcher said that one group of monkeys were highly intelligent. But the truth is there is no difference between them.(2)the researcher assumed that it would take him less time to train the smarter group of monkeys.The result is that it did take him less time.And the reason is that the researcher smiled to that supposedly smarter group of monkeys and talked to them a lot. 5、模板: (1) In this set of materials, the reading passage is (the title of the reading passage) and the listening material is a lecture by a professor on the same topic. 当然,如果你觉得你的听力材料的理解率很高也不用谈及阅读材料中的内容。只是第一段说起来实在太easy了。 (2) In the reading passage, the university made an announcement that...本段可以省略,但是前提是你对于听力材料理解率很高,不会时间未到却无话可说了。 (3) In the lecture, the professor...不但要包括主要的观点而且最重要的是要包括教授举出的例子。

The ________look on his face showed that he hadn’t expected it. A.astonished B.astonishing

A 考查现在分词与过去分词的区别。astonished常用于修饰人或表情;astonishing用于修饰物。故答案为A。

The ___ look on his face showed that he hadn’t expected it . A.astonished B.astonishing C

A 试题分析:句意:他脸上的表情表示他从没有想到过。这里需要形容词修饰look,修饰和人有关的面容,表情,眼神等,都是用过去分词式的形容词,所以选A。

英语加减乘除。什么时候用how muchwhat is提问?

加减乘除时,用what is

用英语怎么提问加减乘除,用“how much”还是“how many”?


英语加减乘除。提问用how much还是how many?



英语加减乘除提问用how much。 how much与how many的区别是:how many后接可数名词复数形式,how much后接不可数名词。 how much是一个常见的特殊疑问词组,意思为多少,表示数量,其后面接不可数名词,也可单独使用,用法主要有: 1.用来询问事物的数量,后接不可数名词。2.用来询问事物的重量。 3.用来询问数字计算的结果,相当于what。 much意为多少钱时,可单独使用,也可构成词组how much money,但英语中常省略money,用来询问某物的价钱,价格。 注意事项: much后接be动词时,be是单数或复数取决于be之后的名词。 much询问价格时,回答若是中国的货币单位则采用汉语拼音来表示,几角常采用几十分来表示,字母用小写,且不用复数。

以how i keep healthy为题,用英语写一篇70词的短文,介绍你保持健康的方法


英语show current crush tunables怎么翻译?

英语show current crush tunables这么翻译显示当前压缩可调参数

请问java中: show() validate() setVisible()各什么意思

用于显示swing 组件,如果不调用那么放在JFrame 中的组件都不会显示

zoomHow beautiful英语怎么读?


请问学霸英语语法有什么规律?为什么同一句 你好吗?翻译之后却成了 How are you




however 等于 No matter how 吗?


no matter how 和 however 开头用倒装吗?


no matter how 的用法

no matter how = however


纠正楼上:however只能引导让步状语从句,不能引导名词性从句。只有whatever/whoever/whomever/whichever才可以引导让步状语从句/名词性从句。1. 答案:D.2. 翻译:据报道说,不管/无论天气有多冷,哈尔滨有许多市民还是很喜欢游泳(冬泳)。3. 解释:1)no matter引导一个让步状语从句,且从句的引导词只能是疑问词,不能用that/if/whether.也就是说no matter后面的让步状语从句是一个类似于宾语从句中“疑问词 + 陈述句”结构的句子。而且该疑问词可以和no matter一起变成一个“疑问词-ever”的单词。2) 该题中:no matter (how cold it is)= (no matter how) cold it is = however cold it is.3)该题AB项均错在it和is的顺序搞反了。“疑问词 + 陈述句”要求从句必须是“how cold it is”,而不能是“how cold is it”.4)再如:I love you no matter (how old you are).= I love you (no matter how) old you are.= I love you however old you are.I can find you no matter where you are.= I can find you wherever you are.

No matter how________, it is not necessarily lifeless. A.dry a desert may be B.a desert may.


no matter what和no matter how的区别


How to Save a Life 歌词

歌曲名:How to Save a Life歌手:The Fray专辑:Now That"s What I Call The 00sStep one you say we need to talkHe walks you say sit down it"s just a talkHe smiles politely back at youYou stare politely right on throughSome sort of window to your rightAs he goes left and you stay rightBetween the lines of fear and blameAnd you begin to wonder why you cameWhere did I go wrong, I lost a friendSomewhere along in the bitternessAnd I would have stayed up with you all nightHad I known how to save a lifeLet him know that you know bestCause after all you do know bestTry to slip past his defenseWithout granting innocenceLay down a list of what is wrongThe things you"ve told him all alongAnd pray to God he hears youAnd pray to God he hears youWhere did I go wrong, I lost a friendSomewhere along in the bitternessAnd I would have stayed up with you all nightHad I known how to save a lifeAs he begins to raise his voiceYou lower yours and grant him one last choiceDrive until you lose the roadOr break with the ones you"ve followedHe will do one of two thingsHe will admit to everythingOr he"ll say he"s just not the sameAnd you"ll begin to wonder why you cameWhere did I go wrong, I lost a friendSomewhere along in the bitternessAnd I would have stayed up with you all nightHad I known how to save a lifeWhere did I go wrong, I lost a friendSomewhere along in the bitternessAnd I would have stayed up with you all nightHad I known how to save a lifeHow to save a lifeHow to save a lifeWhere did I go wrong, I lost a friendSomewhere along in the bitternessAnd I would have stayed up with you all nightHad I known how to save a lifeWhere did I go wrong, I lost a friendSomewhere along in the bitternessAnd I would have stayed up with you all nightHad I known how to save a lifeHow to save a lifeHow to save a life

求how to save a life中英文歌词对照


求how to save a life中英文歌词对照


你好的发音跟knee how差不多 英语翻译

The pronunciation of "你好" sounds like "knee how".“你好”的发音听起来像“knee how”

组句 can ,l ,how, a,of ,the ,become ,SPCA ,member,(?)

How can I become a member of the SPCA ? 翻译:我怎么才能成为英国动物保护协会的一员?
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