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Sasha-Hush a bye歌词中文翻译


huhushengwei888 翻译

虎虎生威888翻译为forge ahead with the vigor and vitality of the tiger。其他与虎相关的成语英文翻译:1.初生牛犊不怕虎意译:A young person daring in his/her quest, not held back by any fears.(比喻年轻人无所畏惧,敢作敢为)。2.生龙活虎意译:brimming with energy / full of vitality / full of vim and vigour/energy (比喻活泼矫健、生机勃勃)alive and well/kicking(比喻神采奕奕,活蹦乱跳).3.如虎添翼意译:with redoubled power (比喻强有力的人得到帮助变得更加强有力)4.“卧虎藏龙”,也作“藏龙卧虎”,字面意思是“crouching dragon and hidden tiger”,指某地隐藏着未被发现的人才或深藏不露的人才。可以翻译为“talents in obscurity或a place where people with unusual abilities are to be found”。5.“虎父无犬子”,字面意思是“a tiger father will not beget a dog son”,比喻出色的父母生出的孩子也会很优秀,常用于夸奖别人的子辈。可以翻译为“there will be no laggard among the children of a brave or talented man”。

Kula Shaker的《Hush》 歌词

歌曲名:Hush歌手:Kula Shaker专辑:Top of the Pops 1997Na na na na naa na naa...Na na na na naa na naa...Well I got a silly little girl, she"s on my mindLook at her, she looks so fineShe"s a best girl i"ve ever hadExcept that she"s gonna make me feel so sadNa na na na naa na naa...Na na na na naa na naa...Hush, hush..I heard you"re calling my name nowHush, broke my heart but that was a dream nowHush, hush..I thought I heard you"re calling my name nowHush, broke my heart but that was a dream nowEarly in the morning, late in the eveningOh gotta believe me honey, i never was a dreamerHush, hush..I heard you"re calling my name nowHush, broke my heart but that was a dream nowHush, hush..I thought I heard you"re calling my name nowHush, broke my heart but that was a dream nowEarly in the morning, late in the eveningOh gotta believe me honey, i never was a dreamerNa na na naa na na naa na naaa..Na na na naa na na naa na naaa..


上世纪前半叶的中国人名用的是“威妥玛式拼音法”(Wade-Giles romanization)。胡适的名字就是威氏拼音方式。


你好!乐意回答你的问题。拟声词 xixishushu ,中文对应的应该是:窸窸窣窣。窸窸窣窣,拟声词,形容摩擦等轻微细小的声音。注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。

求miss A的HUSH专辑中来玩吧的音译歌词,要中文的不要罗马音的。


the hush sound的《the artist》 歌词

歌曲名:the artist歌手:the hush sound专辑:so suddenI know that you"re an artist,but you"re the hardest one to deal with.Everything that you concealis revealed on your canvas.You find all of your ugly meaningsin all of the things I find beautiful.Do you see the fall is coming?Come, I"m falling into you.You perceive all of these thingsI"d never have known.Love, will you turn off the lights?we"re already home.You painted me in pastel,colors that don"t tell of any boldness.That"s the way you"d love to see me:so delicate, so weak, so little purpose.But your eyes are drawn of charcoalthey"re black, they"re so cold, they"re so imperfect.Because they see a sleeping world,where waking isn"t worth it.You perceive all of these thingsthat I"d never have known.Love, will you turn off the lights?We"re already home.

apink组合中在 《hush》单曲中第一个人唱得是谁




hush puppies衣服多少钱


Hush Puppies tommy 哪个好


怎样辨别hush puppies真假

主要是摸面料,看细节去确认真假。 以著名的巴吉度猎犬为标志,产品以休闲服装、服饰、鞋类及相关产品为主。在它40多年的发展历程中,这些舒适、自然、物超所值的休闲品成了美国休闲方式的象征。近半个世纪来,HUSH PUPPIES 正是带着它倡导与引领的休闲文化,享誉世界各地。到20世纪末足迹已遍布70多个国家200多个城市,其中包括美国、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、新加坡、印尼、中国等地。早在1997年HUSH PUPPIES 品牌的休闲鞋类商品就已率先登陆中国。


应该是暇步士扩展资料暇步士名称由来1958年,美国沃尔弗林集团(WOLVERINE WORLD WIDE)的业务员,也就是Hush Puppies品牌的创始人Mr. Jim Muir(吉姆-缪尔)为寻求一个能表现舒适自然,代表休闲品味的名牌名称而苦无良策时,偶然在一个朋友的聚餐上,问桌上的小玉米球为何称为“Hush Puppies”?此时,主人很俏皮地说:“这是因为玉米球的美味,可以使主人家中那只爱吠的小狗,停止吵闹。”,巧的是传统上"爱吠的小狗"常暗喻穿了不舒适的鞋而疼痛的脚。Mr. Jim Muir马上灵机一动,将这个想法沿用在舒适的休闲鞋上,更进一步的沿用在所有舒适的休闲类商品上,因为,“Hush Puppies"也正好暗喻了解决消费者对当时市场产品的不满。从此,Hush Puppies便成为舒适、休闲、又兼具时尚流行的品牌代名词。而Mr. Jim Muir(吉姆-缪尔)选择以巴吉度猎犬(Basset Hound)为其品牌LOGO,是取其具亲和力及圆融可爱的造型,更贴切代表了Hush Puppies的休闲系列是大家最忠实的朋友。参考资料来源:百度百科—暇步士

Hush Puppies是什么品牌?

品牌叫暇步士。暇步士Hush Puppies品牌的创始人Mr. Jim Muir(吉姆-缪尔)曾对该品牌做精神定义,他认为:“ Hush Puppies应被视为一个家族品牌(Family Brand),它是没有性别及年龄的区别,属于家族全体的休闲服饰商品。”40多年来, Hush Puppies凭着对创造理念的坚持,至今足迹已遍布世界120个国家,2000多个城市,其中包括美国、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、新加坡、印尼、中国及欧洲等国家等。暇步士Hush Puppies品牌的休闲鞋及服装先后于1997年和2000年进入中国市场,数年来在休闲品牌类占有一席之地。2002年, Hush Puppies品牌的手表及包类亦正式登陆中国内地,使这个家族性品牌的商品更趋成熟及多元化。通过将主要经营点建在最新的购物中心和最好的百货商场,暇步士维护了它的强势国际品牌地位。在中国一些专柜的介绍中,暇步士男装甚至成了“美国精神的象征”。服装品牌尤其要有文化味在分析中国作为服装大国的品牌窘态问题时。


品牌叫暇步士。暇步士Hush Puppies品牌的创始人Mr. Jim Muir(吉姆-缪尔)曾对该品牌做精神定义,他认为:“ Hush Puppies应被视为一个家族品牌(Family Brand),它是没有性别及年龄的区别,属于家族全体的休闲服饰商品。”40多年来, Hush Puppies凭着对创造理念的坚持,至今足迹已遍布世界120个国家,2000多个城市,其中包括美国、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、新加坡、印尼、中国及欧洲等国家等。暇步士Hush Puppies品牌的休闲鞋及服装先后于1997年和2000年进入中国市场,数年来在休闲品牌类占有一席之地。2002年, Hush Puppies品牌的手表及包类亦正式登陆中国内地,使这个家族性品牌的商品更趋成熟及多元化。通过将主要经营点建在最新的购物中心和最好的百货商场,暇步士维护了它的强势国际品牌地位。在中国一些专柜的介绍中,暇步士男装甚至成了“美国精神的象征”。服装品牌尤其要有文化味在分析中国作为服装大国的品牌窘态问题时。

hush puppies是什么牌子

hush puppies是暇步士品牌。暇步士Hush Puppies品牌的创始人Mr. Jim Muir(吉姆-缪尔)曾对该品牌做精神定义,他认为:“ Hush Puppies应被视为一个家族品牌(Family Brand),它是没有性别及年龄的区别,属于家族全体的休闲服饰商品。”40多年来, Hush Puppies凭着对创造理念的坚持,足迹已遍布世界120个国家,2000多个城市,其中包括美国、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、新加坡、印尼、中国及欧洲等国家。暇步士特别之处:暇步士在70年代推出的Wayne和Earl两款的休闲皮鞋成为了POPPIN,这一美国现代流行舞种的不可或缺装备。POPPIN起源于60年代的美国加利福尼亚,而在其后的发展中,POPPIN这一舞种贯彻FUNKY的理念,礼帽,绅士般的服饰,和一双暇步士的Wayne或Earl是最佳的装扮。发明这一舞种的团体Electric Boogaloos仍然向全世界推荐这款鞋子。而由于70年代的款系的停产,市面上舞者间流传的鞋子多是过去保存下来的,变得富有收藏价值而显得更加珍贵。以上内容参考:百度百科-暇步士

hush puppies 怎么念

[hu028cu0283] 哈式 ["pu028cpu026a] 啪啤s

Hush Puppies是什么牌子的衣服


跳poppin为什么要穿皮鞋?Hush Puppies适合跳poppin吗?看很多跳舞的都穿这个


上海哪里有暇步士(hush puppies)的专卖店??

港汇广场(2楼) 虹桥路1号 2 华亭伊势丹 淮海中路527号 3 梅陇镇伊势丹男鞋 南京西路1038号 4 上海百盛 淮海中路918号 5 汇金广场 肇嘉浜路1000号 6 徐汇太平洋 衡山路932号 7 置地广场(男鞋) 南京东路409--459号 8 淮海太平洋 淮海中路333号 9 运动一百 南京东路800-830号 10 久光百货(SOGO) 南京西路1618号 11 虹桥百盛 遵义路100号 12 正大广场 陆家嘴西路168号 13 虹口巴黎春天百货 四川北路1688号 14 淮海路巴黎春天百货 淮海中路939-947号 15 上海新世界 南京西路2-88号 16 FOXTOWN(特价柜) 零陵路899号 17 华狮购物中心 淮海中路688号 18 上海金鹰 陕西北路278号 19 龙之梦购物中心 长宁路1018号 20 上海展示 陕西北路278号

hush puppies 暇步士怎么样?




hush puppies 暇步士怎么样?

东西不错,这个牌子是很贵的,美国的一个品牌。暇步士Hush Puppies品牌的创始人Mr. Jim Muir(吉姆-缪尔)曾对该品牌做精神定义,他认为:“ Hush Puppies应被视为一个家族品牌(Family Brand),它是没有性别及年龄的区别,属于家族全体的休闲服饰商品。”

hush puppies怎么读

英文原文:hush puppies英式音标:[hu028cu0283] [u02c8pu028cpiz] 美式音标:[hu028cu0283] [u02c8pu028cpiz]

Hush Puppies为什么翻译为“暇步士”?

音译,暇步士Hush Puppies:是美国的一个休闲鞋履服装品牌。 暇步士(Hush Puppies)的意思是能够让狗停止狂叫使狗安静的美味玉米球。暇步士的创始人,1958年,参加一次朋友聚会时,碰巧遇到了这种玉米球。而狂叫的狗在英语中用来比喻因穿了不合适的鞋子而脚痛。因此,创始人就把暇步士用于的鞋子的名字,这就是当初的第一双休闲鞋暇步士了。

hush puppies 什么狗

hush puppies 是油炸玉米饼的意思

hush puppies是什么品牌?

品牌叫暇步士。暇步士Hush Puppies品牌的创始人Mr. Jim Muir(吉姆-缪尔)曾对该品牌做精神定义,他认为:“ Hush Puppies应被视为一个家族品牌(Family Brand),它是没有性别及年龄的区别,属于家族全体的休闲服饰商品。”40多年来, Hush Puppies凭着对创造理念的坚持,至今足迹已遍布世界120个国家,2000多个城市,其中包括美国、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、新加坡、印尼、中国及欧洲等国家等。暇步士Hush Puppies品牌的休闲鞋及服装先后于1997年和2000年进入中国市场,数年来在休闲品牌类占有一席之地。2002年, Hush Puppies品牌的手表及包类亦正式登陆中国内地,使这个家族性品牌的商品更趋成熟及多元化。通过将主要经营点建在最新的购物中心和最好的百货商场,暇步士维护了它的强势国际品牌地位。在中国一些专柜的介绍中,暇步士男装甚至成了“美国精神的象征”。服装品牌尤其要有文化味在分析中国作为服装大国的品牌窘态问题时。


hush puppies暇步士双语例句百度百科1Then, Hush Puppies shoes sales began to increase ceaselessly. 于是,暇步士运动鞋的销量开始不断增加。


hushpuppies是中高端档次。它是中高档价位的直男品牌,设计款式有点偏老气,年轻人不大可能选择,虽然也有女装系列,年龄层次也偏高,目测受众定位至少是在30+。品质其实还是不错的,质量优于国货jeep,大概跟camel active和现在国内运营的mcs万宝路差不多。但不打折的话不推荐购买,毕竟同等价位可以选择的品牌不少,差不多价位至少更愿意选择gant,tommy,布克兄弟等牌子。通过将主要经营点建在最新的购物中心和最好的百货商场,暇步士维护了它的强势国际品牌地位。暇步士服务宗旨内衣贴身舒适、充分满足了现代人的要求,暇步士品牌家居服经销网络遍及了全国20多个省,40多个大中一线城市,近150家经销专柜。在上海太平洋等全国各大商场内衣专柜销售业绩排名前列,业绩年增长率达到30%以上。暇步士在70年代推出的Wayne和Earl两款的休闲皮鞋成为了POPPIN,这一美国现代流行舞种的不可或缺的装备。POPPIN起源于60年代的美国加利福尼亚,而在其后的发展中,POPPIN这一舞种贯彻FUNKY的理念,礼帽,绅士般的服饰,和一双暇步士的Wayne或Earl是最佳的装扮。以上内容参考:百度百科—hushpuppies

hush puppies档次如何 hush puppies是什么牌子

百丽是我国有名的鞋履品牌,在各大商场,都可以看到这个牌子,价位算是中等偏上了。百丽旗下还代理了hush puppies这个牌子。那么,hush puppies档次如何?hush puppies是什么牌子? hush puppies档次如何 HushPuppies就是暇步士 在中国地区的代理由百丽国际负责,品牌的的代理权也交给了百丽进行运营。这个牌子是很贵的,美国很著名的一个品牌。hushpuppies暇步士这个牌子在美国家喻户晓。品牌标志 以著名的巴吉度猎犬为标志,产品以休闲服装、服饰、鞋类及相关产品为主。在它40多年的发展历程中,这些舒适、自然、物超所值的休闲品成了美国休闲方式的象征。近半个世纪来,HUSHPUPPIES正是带着它倡导与引领的休闲文化,享誉世界各地。到20世纪末足迹已遍布70多个国家200多个城市,其中包括美国、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、新加坡、印尼、中国等地。早在1997年HUSHPUPPIES品牌的休闲鞋类商品就已率先登陆中国。品牌创立时间 从1958年创立至今,暇步士一直坚守着以舒适为本的理念,在50年代首创休闲鞋以后不断推陈出新,在世界各地享誉甚久,口碑载道。它更是首个在中国大力推广优质休闲鞋的品牌,推动休闲、舒适及轻便服饰配搭的新浪,成为国内休闲鞋的代表。 衣服与皮鞋配搭得宜才能塑造出潮流品味,其内在品质同样重要。追求高科技、舒适是美国暇步士的制作方针,其款式紧贴潮流,剪裁符合人类足部线条,用料上乘令皮鞋耐用又舒适,充分满足了现代人的要求。品牌发展史 暇步士HushPuppies品牌的休闲鞋及服装先后于1997年和2000年进入中国市场,数年来在休闲品牌类占有一席之地。2002年,HushPuppies品牌的手表及包类亦正式登陆中国内地,使这个家族性品牌的商品更趋成熟及多元化。通过将主要经营点建在最新的购物中心和最好的百货商场,暇步士维护了它的强势国际品牌地位。在中国一些专柜的介绍中,暇步士男装甚至成了“美国精神的象征”。服装品牌尤其要有文化味在分析中国作为服装大国的品牌窘态问题时。


hushpuppies是美国服装品牌,HushPuppies(暇步士)品牌创于1958年。主营男女休闲鞋和服装,还有童装、床上用品、手表、背包等等产品。Mr. Jim Muir(吉姆-缪尔)选择以巴吉度猎犬(Basset Hound)为其品牌LOGO,是取其具亲和力及圆融可爱的造型,更贴切代表了Hush Puppies的休闲系列是大家最忠实的朋友。品牌宗旨100% RELAX是暇步士(HUSH PUPPIES)的宗旨,内衣贴身舒适、充分满足了现代人的要求.暇步士(HUSH PUPPIES)品牌家居服经销网络遍及了全国20多个省,40多个大中一线城市、近150家经销专柜。在上海太平洋等全国各大商场内衣专柜销售业绩排名前列,业绩年增长率达到30%以上。

孤单而又灿烂的神-鬼怪里的英文插曲例如hush,stuck in love,winter is coming,这


孤单而又灿烂的神-鬼怪里的英文插曲例如hush,stuck in love,winter is coming,这

你说的三首歌里,hush是著名瑞典歌手Lasse Lindh的歌,据说是瑞典的大牌级歌手,不少韩剧都有他的OST,例如天使之眼的《Run to you》和泡泡糖的《because I》,在音乐网站输入歌手名字,可以听。winter is coming是由俄语、法语等几国语言构成的,是首比起从歌词含义更多的把重点放在歌曲发音,由此感受画面和感觉的,形式新颖的拟声歌曲。演唱:韩秀智。stuck in love演唱者是金京熙,没有更多的信息,作词作曲应该也是韩国人。资料来源:百度百科、韩讯

英文电影中有hush hush boy 这句台词吗,什么意思啊?

小子 ,安静别吵!!

谁有hush_hush is coming的歌词?

feat. Nate Dogg"Turn my vocals up a little bit more Scott... all of "em...""Yeah... uh huh..."[Verse 1]I"m caught up inside a tornado and sucked inBy a rainstorm holding a hairdryer that"s plugged inSomewhere between the Renaissance Center and 8 MileInside the Rock City that has spawned a unique childAnd lightening strikes twice I was hit when they birthed meAnd now I gotta live with this mouth that they cursed meThey said I gotta use it with tracks and try to fuse itDon"t abuse it and don"t ever let "em crack on your musicSo I sit and watch the people that do it and don"t pursue itAnd instead I jot a little bit down then go review itI just wait until I"m ready to leap and jump into itUntil I feel a little more confident I can do itNot so many years later I"ve waited and now I"m hereTo release a masterpiece on everybody in fearI ain"t holding nothing back in a world that"s full of evilMy words can only injure or hurt so many peopleI"m here to trade spaces shatter

The Pussycat Dolls 的 hush hush 中文歌词这个帖子里中英文歌词都有,你去看看把

一个女团唱的歌词中带有hush hush hush baby 是什么歌?

《Hush》miss A女团唱的

let me see your hush hush是什么意思?

Let me see your hush.这句话翻译为中文可以是“让我看看你的沉默”。hush是:安静,别说话,使安静等。望采纳。

hush hush 好听的舒服女声英文串烧 dj 荣仔进度:37:15- 39:30 音乐名称是什么?发准确的答案加分!

DJ荣仔-Hush Hush好听舒服女声全英文House串烧 时长: 61:03 文件体积: 98.01 MB 格式: MP3 发布: 2010 单曲详细: 1:Hush-Hush ( Braek Beat) 2:BREAK BEAT 乡村摇滚 -俄罗斯女 (DJ-Sakuky2009 合成) 3:this love 4:ctiv—Without You (Extended) 5:Dj Project & Giulia-Nu (Extended Version) 6:Dj Project ft Giulia - Regrete (Extended Mix) 7:Joseph Sinatra - Dance In The Floor (Andrea T Mendoza Club Remix) 8:Andrew Steel & Fabio Amoroso - Orgy (Original Mix) 9: Karly - All I Want (Prezioso & Marvin Remix) 10:DJ Jago Meets Like Thiz - Dance The Night Away (DJ Jago SEJ Extended) 11: dj_sequenza_-_rhythm_of_love_(nooc_remix) 12:dj project - privirea ta(djarrow mix) 13:DJ-ROCK - Right Now(Na Na Na) (Breaks Extended Mix)

谁知道小野猫的那首Hush Hush 中文歌词是什么?谢谢啊

I never needed you to be strong我从未要你那么坚强 I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs 我从未要你指责容忍我的过错 I never needed pain, I never needed strain 我从未想要(给你)压力,(让你)过的紧张 My love for you is strong enough you should have known 我只想让你知道是我对你的爱是那麽的坚定 I never needed you for judgment 我从未要你去做什么决定 I never needed you to question what I spend 当你提出什么要求我也从未拒绝过 I never ask for help 我从未求过你 I take care of myself 我照顾我自己 I don"t why you think you got a hold on me 但我没想到为什么你会认为我已被你掌控 And it"s a little late for conversations 这次交谈来的有一点迟 There isn"t anything for you to say 而你也无须多说什么 And my eyes hurt, hands shiver 面对我满是创伤的双眼,和我颤抖的双手 So look at me and listen to me 请你看着我,听我说 because…因为 I don"t want to stay another minute 我不想再多忍耐一分钟 I don"t want you to say a single word 我不要再听你多说一个字 Hush hush 不要说了 Hush hush 别再说了 There is no other way, I get the final say 我早已知道结局已经别无选择 Because… 因为 I don"t want to, do this any longer 我不想再这样下去 I don"t want you, theres nothing left to say 我不要你再向我解释什么 Hush hush 不要说了 Hush hush 别再说了 I"ve already spoken, our love is broken 我早已准备好接受我们爱情的残破 Baby hush hush 亲爱的,不要说了,别再说了... I never needed your corrections 我不要你悔恨改过 On everything from how I act to what I say 那些往事已经诠释了我想说的一切 I never needed words I never needed hurts 我不再想听你解释,我不再想受伤 I never needed you to be there everyday 我再也不要你这样每天呆在我身旁 I"m sorry for the way I let go 我很抱歉我只能选择离开 From everything I wanted when you came along 任何的救赎都已无法挽留我 But I am never beaten, broken not defeated 但我没有崩溃,分手不是击溃 I know next to you is not where I belong 是我已懂得你不是我最后的归属 And it"s a little late for explanations 这些辩解来的有一点迟 There isn"t anything that you can do 而无论你做什么也不会有丝毫作用 And my eyes hurt, hands shiver 面对我满是创伤的眼睛,和我颤抖的双手 So you will listen when I say baby… 亲爱的请看着我,听我说 I don"t want to stay another minute 我不想再多忍耐一分钟 I don"t want you to say a single word 我不要再听你多说一个字 Hush hush 不要说了Hush hush 别再说了 There is no other way, I get the final say 我早已知道结局已经别无选择 Because… 因为 I don"t want to do this any longer 我不想再这样下去 I don"t want you there"s nothing left to say 我不要你再向我解释什么 Hush hush 不要说了 Hush hush 别再说了 I"ve already spoken, our love is broken 我早已准备好接受我们爱情的残破 Baby hush hush 亲爱的,不要说了,别再说了... No more words 不想再说什么 No more lies 没有更多谎言 No more crying 不必再哭泣 No more pain 不会再有压力 No more hurt 不会再受伤害 No more trying 不再过多尝试什么 I don"t want to stay another minute 我不想再多忍耐一分钟 I don"t want you to say a single word 我不要再听你多说一个字 Hush hush 不要说了 Hush hush 别再说了 There is no other way, I get the final say 我早已知道结局已经别无选择 Because… 因为 I don"t want to, do this any longer 我不想再这样下去 I don"t want you, theres nothing left to say 我不要你再向我解释什么 Hush hush 不要说了 Hush hush 别再说了 I"ve already spoken, our love is broken 我早已准备好接受我们爱情的残破 Baby hush hush 亲爱的,别再说了,无须再说 参考资料: 望采纳哦~~

Hush Hush; Hush Hush 歌词

歌曲名:Hush Hush; Hush Hush歌手:The Pussycat Dolls专辑:Doll Domination: The Mini CollectionI never needed you to be strongI never needed you for pointing out my wrongsI never needed pain, I never needed strainMy love for you is strong enough you should have knownI never needed you for judgementI never needed you to question what I spendI never ask for helpI take care of myselfI don"t why you think you got a hold on meAnd it"s a little late for conversationsThere isn"t anything for you to sayAnd my eyes hurt, hands shiverSo look at me and listen to me because…I don"t want to stay another minuteI don"t want you to say a single wordHush hush Hush hushI"ve already spoken, our love is brokenBaby hush hushI never needed your correctionsOn everything from how I act to what I sayI never needed words I never needed hurtsI never needed you to be there everydayI"m sorry for the way I let goFrom everything I wanted when you came alongAnd my eyes hurt, hands shiverSo you will listen when I say baby…I don"t want to stay another minuteI don"t want you to say a single wordHush hush Hush hushI"ve already spoken, our love is brokenBaby hush hushFirst I was afraid, I was petrified,Kept" thinkin" I could never live without youby my side,But then I spent so many nightsthinkin" how you did me wrong,but I grew strong,and I learned how to get along,Hush hush Hush hushI"ve already spoken, our love is brokenBaby hushI, I will survive, For as long as I knowhow to love I know I"ll be alive,I"ve got all my life to live,I"ve got all my love to give,I"ll survive, I will survive.Hush hush Hush hushThere Is No Other Way I Get The Final SayI don"t want to do this any longerI don"t want you there"s nothing left to sayHush hush Hush hushI"ve already spoken, our love is brokenBaby hush hush

Hush Hush; Hush Hush 歌词

歌曲名:《Hush Hush; Hush Hush》歌手:The Pussycat Dolls专辑:《Doll Domination》发行时间:2012-06-25 流派:流行 发行公司:环球唱片歌词:I never needed you to be strongI never needed you for pointing out my wrongsI never needed pain, I never needed strainMy love for you is strong enough you should have knownI never needed you for judgementI never needed you to question what I spendI never ask for helpI take care of myselfI don"t why you think you got a hold on meAnd it"s a little late for conversationsThere isn"t anything for you to sayAnd my eyes hurt, hands shiverSo look at me and listen to me because…I don"t want to stay another minuteI don"t want you to say a single wordHush hush Hush hushI"ve already spoken, our love is brokenBaby hush hushI never needed your correctionsOn everything from how I act to what I sayI never needed words I never needed hurtsI never needed you to be there everydayI"m sorry for the way I let goFrom everything I wanted when you came alongAnd my eyes hurt, hands shiverSo you will listen when I say baby…I don"t want to stay another minuteI don"t want you to say a single wordHush hush Hush hushI"ve already spoken, our love is brokenBaby hush hushFirst I was afraid, I was petrified,Kept" thinkin" I could never live without youby my side,But then I spent so many nightsthinkin" how you did me wrong,but I grew strong,and I learned how to get along,Hush hush Hush hushI"ve already spoken, our love is brokenBaby hushI, I will survive, For as long as I knowhow to love I know I"ll be alive,I"ve got all my life to live,I"ve got all my love to give,I"ll survive, I will survive.Hush hush Hush hushThere Is No Other Way I Get The Final SayI don"t want to do this any longerI don"t want you there"s nothing left to sayHush hush Hush hushI"ve already spoken, our love is brokenBaby hush hush试听:

The Pussycat Dolls的《Hush Hush》 歌词

歌曲名:Hush Hush歌手:The Pussycat Dolls专辑:Doll DominationPussycat Dolls - Hush HushOur Muzik - 最前沿的欧美音乐!I never needed you to be strongI never needed you for pointing out my wrongsI never needed pain, I never needed strainMy love for you is strong enough you should have knownI never needed you for judgmentI never needed you to question what I spendI never ask for helpI take care of myselfI don"t why you think you got a hold on meAnd it"s a little late for conversationsThere isn"t anything for you to sayAnd my eyes hurt, hands shiverSo look at me and listen to me because…I don"t want to stay another minuteI don"t want you to say a single wordHush hushHush hushThere is no other way, I get the final sayBecause…I don"t want to, do this any longerI don"t want you, theres nothing left to sayHush hushHush hushI"ve already spoken, our love is brokenBaby hush hushI never needed your correctionsOn everything from how I act to what I sayI never needed words I never needed hurtsI never needed you to be there everydayI"m sorry for the way I let goFrom everything I wanted when you came alongBut I am never beaten, broken not defeatedI know next to you is not where I belongAnd it"s a little late for explanationsThere isn"t anything that you can doAnd my eyes hurt, hands shiverSo you will listen when I say baby…I don"t want to stay another minuteI don"t want you to say a single wordHush hushHush hushThere is no other way, I get the final sayBecause…I don"t want to do this any longerI don"t want you there"s nothing left to sayHush hushHush hushI"ve already spoken, our love is brokenBaby hush hushNo more wordsNo more liesNo more cryingNo more painNo more hurtNo more tryingI don"t want to stay another minuteI don"t want you to say a single wordHush hushHush hushThere is no other way, I get the final sayBecause…I don"t want to, do this any longerI don"t want you, theres nothing left to sayHush hushHush hushI"ve already spoken, our love is brokenBaby hush hush

泰妍Hush Hush 整首歌的中文歌词

原唱——The Pussycat Dolls(小野猫):歌词如下:I never needed you to be strong 我从未要你那么坚强   I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs 我从未要你指责容忍我的过错   I never needed pain, I never needed strain 我从未想要(给你)压力,(让你)过的紧张   My love for you is strong enough you should have known 我只想让你知道是我对你的爱是那麽的坚定   I never needed you for judgment 我从未要你去做什么决定   I never needed you to question what I spend 当你提出什么要求我也从未拒绝过   I never ask for help 我从未求过你  I take care of myself 我照顾我自己   I don"t why you think you got a hold on me 但我没想到为什么你会认为我已被你掌控   And it"s a little late for conversations 这次交谈来的有一点迟   There isn"t anything for you to say 而你也无须多说什么   And my eyes hurt, hands shiver 面对我满是创伤的双眼,和我颤抖的双手   So look at me and listen to me 请你看着我,听我说   because…因为   I don"t want to stay another minute 我不想再多忍耐一分钟   I don"t want you to say a single word 我不要再听你多说一个字   Hush hush 不要说了   Hush hush 别再说了   There is no other way, I get the final say 我早已知道结局已经别无选择   Because… 因为   I don"t want to, do this any longer 我不想再这样下去   I don"t want you, theres nothing left to say 我不要你再向我解释什么   Hush hush 不要说了   Hush hush 别再说了   I"ve already spoken, our love is broken 我早已准备好接受我们爱情的残破   Baby hush hush 亲爱的,不要说了,别再说了...   I never needed your corrections 我不要你悔恨改过   On everything from how I act to what I say 那些往事已经诠释了我想说的一切   I never needed words I never needed hurts 我不再想听你解释,我不再想受伤   I never needed you to be there everyday 我再也不要你这样每天呆在我身旁   I"m sorry for the way I let go 我很抱歉我只能选择离开   From everything I wanted when you came along 任何的救赎都已无法挽留我   But I am never beaten, broken not defeated 但我没有崩溃,分手不是击溃   I know next to you is not where I belong 是我已懂得你不是我最后的归属   And it"s a little late for explanations 这些辩解来的有一点迟   There isn"t anything that you can do 而无论你做什么也不会有丝毫作用   And my eyes hurt, hands shiver 面对我满是创伤的眼睛,和我颤抖的双手   So you will listen when I say baby… 亲爱的请看着我,听我说   I don"t want to stay another minute 我不想再多忍耐一分钟   I don"t want you to say a single word 我不要再听你多说一个字   Hush hush 不要说了   Hush hush 别再说了   There is no other way, I get the final say 我早已知道结局已经别无选择   Because… 因为   I don"t want to do this any longer 我不想再这样下去   I don"t want you there"s nothing left to say 我不要你再向我解释什么   Hush hush 不要说了   Hush hush 别再说了   I"ve already spoken, our love is broken 我早已准备好接受我们爱情的残破   Baby hush hush 亲爱的,不要说了,别再说了...   No more words 不想再说什么   No more lies 没有更多谎言   No more crying 不必再哭泣   No more pain 不会再有压力   No more hurt 不会再受伤害   No more trying 不再过多尝试什么   I don"t want to stay another minute 我不想再多忍耐一分钟   I don"t want you to say a single word 我不要再听你多说一个字   Hush hush 不要说了   Hush hush 别再说了   There is no other way, I get the final say 我早已知道结局已经别无选择   Because… 因为   I don"t want to, do this any longer 我不想再这样下去   I don"t want you, theres nothing left to say 我不要你再向我解释什么   Hush hush 不要说了   Hush hush 别再说了   I"ve already spoken, our love is broken 我早已准备好接受我们爱情的残破   Baby hush hush 亲爱的,别再说了,无须再说

艾薇儿的hush hush 的歌词翻译


《Hush Hush》歌词及中文翻译


求艾薇儿新歌hush hush完整的歌词!

《Hush Hush》I never needed you to be strongI never needed you for pointing out my wrongsI never needed pain I never needed strainMy love for you was strong enough you should have knownI never needed you for judgementsI never needed you to question what I spentI never ask for help I take care of myselfI don"t know why you think you"ve got a hold on meAnd it"s a little late for conversationsThere isn"t anything for you to sayAnd my eye"s hurt hand"s shiverSo look at me and listen to me becauseI don"t want too stay another minuteI don"t want you to say a single wordHush hush hush hushThere is no other way I get the final say becauseI don"t want too do this any longerI don"t want you there"s nothing left to sayHush hush hush hushI"ve already spoken our love is brokenBaby hush hushI never needed your correctionsOn everything from how I act to what I sayI never needed wordsI never needed hurtsI never needed you to be there everydayI"m sorry for the way I let goFrom everything I wanted when you came alongBut I"m never beaten broken not defeatedI know next to you is not where I belongAnd it"s a little late for explanationsThere isn"t anything that you can doAnd my eye"s hurt hand"s shiverSo you will listen when I sayI don"t want too stay another minuteI don"t want you to say a single wordHush hush hush hushThere is no other way I get the final say becauseI don"t want too do this any longerI don"t want you there"s nothing left to sayHush hush hush hushI"ve already spoken our love is brokenBaby hush hushNo more words no more lies no more cryingNo more pain no more hurt no more tryingYeaaaaahhBecauseI don"t want too stay another minuteI don"t want you to say a single wordHush hush hush hushThere is no other way I get the final say becauseI don"t want too do this any longerI don"t want you there"s nothing left to sayHush hush hush hushI"ve already spoken our love is brokenBaby hush hushYeaaaaah (hush hush hush hush)I"ve already spoken our love is brokenBaby《Hush Hush》Hush little baby don"t you cry,let me sing you this lullaby.i know they make not all make sense right now,but they"ll get you through the night.And i know it"s strange looking at your scaryeah you don"t know who you are.but hush little baby don"t be sad,because you"re a black star.Hush hush baby,hush...hush...husheverything"s gonna be alrighthush hush baby,hush...hush...hushthis will get you through the night.don"t think that the pain the will staythey"ll be soon enough gone one dayjust keep singing along to my lullabyand don"t forget to prayand mamma"s gonna buy you a mocking birdwhich will guide you through this bluryou reach the light and smile againif you repeat word by wordsing, hush hush babyhush...hush...husheverything"s gonna be alrightkeep on singing hush hush babyhush..hush...hushit"ll get you through the nightwith the voice behind usand my hand to guide uswhen this all feels like a rushjust keep chanting hush hushsing, hush hush babyhush...hush...husheverything"s gonna be alrightkeep on singing hush hush babyhush..hush...hushit"ll get you through the nightsing hush hush babyhush...hush...hushhold on to me tightsing hush hush babyhush...hush...hushlet me help you through the night希望可以帮到您,很荣幸为您服务

艾薇儿版的hush hush英文歌词急求!

Hush little baby don"t you cry,let me sing you this lullaby.i know they make not all make sense right now,but they"ll get you through the night.And i know it"s strange looking at your scaryeah you don"t know who you are.but hush little baby don"t be sad,because you"re a black star.Hush hush baby,hush...hush...husheverything"s gonna be alrighthush hush baby,hush...hush...hushthis will get you through the night.don"t think that the pain the will staythey"ll be soon enough gone one dayjust keep singing along to my lullabyand don"t forget to prayand mamma"s gonna buy you a mocking birdwhich will guide you through this bluryou reach the light and smile againif you repeat word by wordsing, hush hush babyhush...hush...husheverything"s gonna be alrightkeep on singing hush hush babyhush..hush...hushit"ll get you through the nightwith the voice behind usand my hand to guide uswhen this all feels like a rushjust keep chanting hush hushsing, hush hush babyhush...hush...husheverything"s gonna be alrightkeep on singing hush hush babyhush..hush...hushit"ll get you through the nightsing hush hush babyhush...hush...hushhold on to me tightsing hush hush babyhush...hush...hushlet me help you through the night

《Hush Hush》歌词及中文翻译

I never needed you to be strongI never needed you for pointing out my wrongsI never needed pain I never needed strainMy love for you was strong enough you should have knownI never needed you for judgementsI never needed you to question what I spentI never ask for help I take care of myselfI don"t know why you think you"ve got a hold on meAnd it"s a little late for conversationsThere isn"t anything for you to sayAnd my eye"s hurt hand"s shiverSo look at me and listen to me becauseI don"t want too stay another minuteI don"t want you to say a single wordHush hush hush hushThere is no other way I get the final say becauseI don"t want too do this any longerI don"t want you there"s nothing left to sayHush hush hush hushI"ve already spoken our love is brokenBaby hush hushI never needed your correctionsOn everything from how I act to what I sayI never needed wordsI never needed hurtsI never needed you to be there everydayI"m sorry for the way I let goFrom everything I wanted when you came alongBut I"m never beaten broken not defeatedI know next to you is not where I belongAnd it"s a little late for explanationsThere isn"t anything that you can doAnd my eye"s hurt hand"s shiverSo you will listen when I sayI don"t want too stay another minuteI don"t want you to say a single wordHush hush hush hushThere is no other way I get the final say becauseI don"t want too do this any longerI don"t want you there"s nothing left to sayHush hush hush hushI"ve already spoken our love is brokenBaby hush hushNo more words no more lies no more cryingNo more pain no more hurt no more tryingYeaaaaahhBecauseI don"t want too stay another minuteI don"t want you to say a single wordHush hush hush hushThere is no other way I get the final say becauseI don"t want too do this any longerI don"t want you there"s nothing left to sayHush hush hush hushI"ve already spoken our love is brokenBaby hush hushYeaaaaah (hush hush hush hush)I"ve already spoken our love is brokenBaby 我从来不需要你坚强  我从来不需要你指出我的错误  我从不需要痛我从来不用紧张  我对你的爱是足够强大,你应该知道  我不需要你的判断  我从来不需要你去问我花了  我从不请求帮助我照顾好自己的  我不知道为什么你认为你得到了一个抓住了我  和它有点迟到的对话  没有什么东西是你说的  和我的眼睛很伤心,一方面是颤抖  所以你看着我,听我的原因  我不想太呆一分钟  我不想让你说一个字  嘘嘘嘘嘘  没有其他方法得到的原因  我不想做这件事太  我不想让你没什么可说了  嘘嘘嘘嘘  我已经说我们的爱是坏的  婴儿嘘嘘  我不需要你的修正  我对一切从如何对我说什么  我从不需要的话  我从不需要疼  我从来不需要你去那儿  抱歉,因为我放手  从我想要的一切,当你走了过来  但我从不打断不能被打败  我知道你旁边是不属于我的地方  和它有点迟到的解释  没有任何事可以做  和我的眼睛很伤心,一方面是颤抖  所以你们要听的时候,我说  我不想太呆一分钟  我不想让你说一个字  嘘嘘嘘嘘  没有其他方法得到的原因  我不想做这件事太  我不想让你没什么可说了  嘘嘘嘘嘘  我已经说我们的爱是坏的  婴儿嘘嘘  没有更多的单词没有更多的谎言不再哭了  没有更多的痛苦没有更多的伤害没有更多的努力  Yeaaaaahh  因为  我不想太呆一分钟  我不想让你说一个字  嘘嘘嘘嘘  没有其他方法得到的原因  我不想做这件事太  我不想让你没什么可说了  嘘嘘嘘嘘  我已经说我们的爱是坏的  婴儿嘘嘘  嘘嘘嘘嘘Yeaaaaah()。  我已经说我们的爱是坏的  婴儿

let me see your hush hush是什么歌?

let me see you hush hush歌曲歌名《Swagger》。Lyrics by:SwaggerRemix:圈妹oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh simpleah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah simpleoh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh Let"s playLet me see you that get that getLet me see you bass bassLet me see you bass bassLet me see you check it check itLet me see you that get that getLet me see you bass bassLet me see you bass bassLet me see you bass bassBoom shakaBoom shakaBoom to it againBoom shakaBoom shakaBoom to the rightRight boommmmmmmRight boommmmmmmRight boommmmmmmLet me see you that get that getLet me see you bass bassLet me see you that get that getLet me see you bass bassBoom shaka boom shakaBoom to it yesBoom shaka boom shakaBoom to it rightDJDJ给我一条KDJDJ我想要飞DJDJ我想妹妹Come on DJDJ我想要飞Bounce and and bounce and andBounce and and bounce and andBounce and and bounce and andBounce and and andAlright we comin"at yaLet me sey you帅哥Let me sey you danceLet me sey you 苏问咚闹f**king 破求很Let me sey you帅哥Let me sey you danceLet me sey you 苏问咚闹f**king 破求很I like to move itI like to move itI like to move itYou like moveI like to move itI like to move itI like to move itYou like move爱你go爱你go go爱你go爱你go go爱你go爱你go go爱你go爱你go go爱你爱爱你you爱你爱你爱你爱你爱你爱到你go goD D D D D D D D滴作黑嗖D D D滴作黑嗖D D D D D D D D滴作黑嗖D D D滴作黑嗖Bounce and and bounce and andBounce and and bounce and andBounce and and bounce and andBounce and andAlright we comin"at yaLet me sey you帅哥Let me sey you danceLet me sey you 苏问咚闹f**king 破求很Let me sey you帅哥Let me sey you danceLet me sey you 苏问咚闹f**king 破求很鳌拜鳌拜鳌拜拜拜拜鳌办江南style鳌鳌鳌办江南style奥蛋奥蛋 叫奥蛋奥蛋 叫苏苏苏go苏苏喂苏苏 go苏苏喂苏苏 goEDM EDEDM EDM EDEDM作girl作作作作girl作girl作作girl破破破求super star破破破求super starOh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohAh ah ah ah ah ah ah ahOh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohAh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah we got seyLet me see you that get that getLet me see you bass bassOh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohAh ah ah ah ah ah ah ahAh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah we got sey

高潮是hush hush hush的撕心裂肺的女声英文歌

Hush Hush;Hush Hush

一个女人唱的英文歌,歌名前面For,Mv是在沙漠里拍的,这个女人跳舞很性感,歌词里唱Hush Hush


金泰妍唱的hush hush中有一段歌词是什么?

First I was afraid I was petrified I kept thinking I could never live without you by my side But then I spent so many nights thinking how you"d done me wrong But I grew strong I learned how to carry on Hush Hush Hush Hush I"ve Already Spoken Our Love Is Broken Baby Hush Hush I will survive As long as I know how to love I know I"ll be alive I"ve got all my life to live I"ve got all my love to give I will survive I will survive 这歌是翻唱小野猫的吧。。

小野猫hush hush歌词中最好高潮部分小提琴奏前段的歌词好像是印度语的。谁能告诉我那段歌词?找很久了啊。

First I was afraid I was petrifiedKept thinking I could never live without you by my sideBut I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrongBut I grew strong I learned how to carry onHush, hush, hush hushI"ve already spoken, our love is broken babyOh no, not II will surviveas long as i know how to loveI know I will stay aliveI"ve got all my life to liveI"ve got all my love to giveand I"ll surviveI will surviveHey Hey..这一段音乐取自gloria gaynor的歌i will survive


Green light 碧昂斯的吧

谁可以告诉我 泰妍HUSH HUSH HUSH的英文歌词 要完整 副歌部分也要 不用带翻译

[00:01.19]金泰妍(少女时代) - Hush Hush[00:09.12]专辑:1st Concert Into The New World[00:17.41]I never needed you to be strong[00:22.00]I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs [00:25.48]I never needed pain I never needed strain[00:28.68]My love for you was strong enough you should have known[00:32.31]I never needed you for judgements[00:35.80]I never needed you to question what I spent[00:39.80]I never ask for help I take care of myself[00:43.33]I don"t know why you think you"ve got a hold on me[00:46.97]And it"s a little late for conversations[00:50.62]There isn"t anything for you to say[00:53.77]And my eye"s hurt hand"s shiver[00:58.34]So look at me and listen to me because[01:08.16]I don"t want too stay another minute[01:11.61]I don"t want you to say a single word[01:14.33]hush hush hush hush[01:18.02]I"ve already spoken our love is broken[01:21.91]Baby hush hush[01:25.36]I never needed your corrections[01:29.25]On everything from how I act to what I say[01:33.18]I never needed words[01:34.34]I never needed hurts[01:36.48]I never needed you to be there everyday[01:40.22]I"m sorry for the way I let go[01:43.91]From everything I wanted when you came along[01:47.52]And my eye"s hurt hand"s shiver[01:51.95]So you will listen when I say[01:56.50]I don"t want too stay another minute[02:00.02]I don"t want you to say a single word[02:02.96]Hush hush hush hush[02:06.27]I"ve already spoken our love is broken[02:10.04]Baby hush hush[02:18.30]First I was afraid I was petrified[02:22.00]Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side[02:26.40]But I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong[02:28.50]But I grew strong[02:31.40]I learned how to carry on[02:33.17][02:39.81]Hush, hush, hush hush[02:44.61]I"ve already spoken, our love is broken baby[02:48.92]I will survive[02:52.28]As long as I know how to love I know I"ll be alive[02:56.40]I"ve got all my life to live[02:57.01]I"ve got all my love to give[02:59.00]I will survive I will survive[03:10.19]Hush Hush Hush Hush[03:13.00]There Is No Other Way I Get The Final Say[03:17.75]I Don"t Want Too Do This Any Longer[03:21.32]I Don"t Want You There"s Nothing Left To Say[03:25.10]Hush Hush Hush Hush[03:27.63]I"ve Already Spoken Our Love Is Broken Baby Hush Hush[offset:4521]


Far Away From Home 播放歌手:Groove CoverageI"m loving living every single day我是如此的享受每一天的生活but sometimes I feel so但我只是自己不时这样感觉而已 I hope to find a little peace of mind我渴望找寻到一丝内心的平静and I just want to know我仅仅只是想知道And who can heal those tiny broken hearts谁能安抚那些破碎的心and what are we to be我们将何去何从 Where is home on the milkyway of stars在广阔的星空下何处寻到我的家I dry my eyes again我只得再一次地擦干泪眼In my dreams I"m not so far away from home梦中我从未曾远离家园What am I in a world so far away from home现实中却如此远离家园All my life all the time so far away from home有生以来我都远离家园without you I"ll be so far away from home没有你的相伴我依然远离家园If we could make it thrue the darkest Night如果我们能穿越那最为黑暗的夜we"d have a brither day我们将能拥有更光明的明天 the world I see beyond your pretty eyes透过你那明眸我看到了一个世界makes me want to stay它是如此让我留恋And who can heal those tiny broken hearts谁能治愈那破碎的心and what are we to be我们将何去何从 Where is home on the milkyway of stars渺茫星空,何处是家园I dry my eyes again我只得再一次地擦干眼泪In my dreams I"m not so far away from home梦中我从未曾远离家园 What am I in a world so far away from home现实中却如此远离家园All my life all the time so far away from home有生以来我都远离家园 without you I"ll be so far away from home没有你的相伴我依然远离家园 I count on you no matter what they say我是如此的依恋你,无论世人如何评说cause love can find it"s time爱能找到属于自己的季节 I hope to be a part of you again我渴望再一次的与你相融baby let us shine爱的结晶令我们沐浴光辉And who can heal those tiny broken hearts谁能安慰那些破碎的心and what are we to be我们将何去何从 Where is home on the milkyway of stars渺茫星空,何处是家园I dry my eyes again我只得再一次地擦干泪眼 In my dreams I"m not so far away from home梦中我从未曾远离家园 What am I in a world so far away from home现实中却如此远离家园All my life all the time so far away from home有生以来我都远离家园 without you I"ll be so far away from home没有你的相伴我依然远离家园 In my dreams I"m not so far away from home梦中我从未曾远离家园 What am I in a world so far away from home现实中却如此远离家园 All my life all the time so far away from home有生以来我都远离家园 without you I"ll be so far away from home没有你的相伴我依然远离家园

求少女时代金泰妍上海solo的《hush hush》mp3下载地址~!

酷我音乐盒 里有 我下了的 还有歌词

求一首女声英文歌歌名,好像歌词出现较多的是什么hush hush now,最后一句也是这个。


求小野猫唱的那首HUSH HUSH 的中文翻译

我从来没有您需要的是强有力的 i never needed you for pointing out my wrongs 我从来没有需要你指出我的错 i never needed pain, i never needed strain 我从来没有需要的疼痛,我从来没有需要应变 my love for you is strong enough you should have known 我的爱为你足够强大你应该知道 i never needed you for judgment 我从来没有需要你的判断 i never needed you to question what i spend 我从来没有需要你的问题我花 i never ask for help 我从来没有请求帮助 i take care of myself 我要照顾自己 i don"t why you think you got a hold on me 我不就是你认为你拥有了我 and it"sa little late for conversations 和有点晚了交谈 there isn"t anything for you to say 有没有什么你说 and my eyes hurt, hands shiver 和我的眼睛受伤,双手颤抖 so look at me and listen to me because… 这样看我和听我的,因为... i don"t want to stay another minute 我不想留一分钟 i don"t want you to say a single word 我不想让你说一个字 hush hush 嘘嘘 hush hush 嘘嘘 there is no other way, 有没有别的办法, i get the final say 我说了算 because… 因为... i don"t want to, do this any longer 我不想,这样做不再 i don"t want you, 我不想你

hush hush 泰妍版的歌词

演唱 泰妍我从未要你那么坚强我从未要你指责容忍我的过错我从未想要(给你)压力,(让你)过的紧张我想让你知道我对你的爱是那麽的坚定我从未要你去做什么决定当你提出什么要求我也从未拒绝过我从未求过你我照顾我自己但我没想到为什么你会认为我已被你掌控这次交谈来的有一点迟而你也无须多说什么面对我满是创伤的双眼,和我颤抖的双手请你看着我,听我说. 因为……我不想再多忍耐一分钟我不要再听你多说一个字Hush hush Hush hush 我早已准备好接受我们爱情的残破搜索Baby hush hush 我不要你悔恨改过那些往事已经诠释了我想说的一切我不再想听你解释,我不再想受伤我再也不要你这样每天呆在我身旁我很抱歉我只能选择离开任何的救赎都已无法挽留我面对我满是创伤的眼睛,和我颤抖的双手亲爱的请看着我,听我说我不想再多忍耐一分钟我不要再听你多说一个字Hush hush Hush hush 我早已准备好接受我们爱情的残破Baby hush hush 一开始我害怕我惊呆我一直相信没有你在身边我活不下去但是我考虑了很多个晚上我变得强壮,我学会了如何继续Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~ah~~~~~~~~````Hush hush Hush hush了我早已准备好接受我们爱情的残破Baby hush hush 我要生存oh~~~~~~~·直到我知道如何去爱,我会活着我要用尽生命去活着我已得到全部的爱去奉献我要生存我要生存Hush hush Hush hushT在没有别的方法我得到了最后的决定权我不想在这样下去我不在想你,我们没有可说的了Hush hush Hush hush我早已准备好接受我们爱情的残破Baby hush hush .

hush hush歌词

这个原唱是小野猫,我也很喜欢听这首,下面是歌词hush hushi never needed you to be strong i never needed you for pointing out my wrongs i never needed pain, i never needed strain my love for you is strong enough you should have known i never needed you for judgment i never needed you to question what i spend i never ask for help i take care of myself i don"t why you think you got a hold on me and it"s a little late for conversations there isn"t anything for you to say and my eyes hurt, hands shiver so look at me and listen to me because… i don"t want to stay another minute i don"t want you to say a single word hush hush hush hush there is no other way, i get the final say because… i don"t want to, do this any longer i don"t want you, theres nothing left to say hush hush hush hush i"ve already spoken, our love is broken baby hush hush i never needed your corrections on everything from how i act to what i say i never needed words i never needed hurts i never needed you to be there everyday i"m sorry for the way i let go from everything i wanted when you came along but i am never beaten, broken not defeated i know next to you is not where i belong and it"s a little late for explanations there isn"t anything that you can do and my eyes hurt, hands shiver so you will listen when i say baby… i don"t want to stay another minute i don"t want you to say a single word hush hush hush hush there is no other way, i get the final say because… i don"t want to do this any longer i don"t want you there"s nothing left to say hush hush hush hush i"ve already spoken, our love is broken baby hush hush no more words no more lies no more crying no more pain no more hurt no more trying i don"t want to stay another minute i don"t want you to say a single word hush hush hush hush there is no other way, i get the final say because… i don"t want to, do this any longer i don"t want you, theres nothing left to say hush hush hush hush i"ve already spoken, our love is broken baby hush hush


His job is very hush-hush . 他的工作是很保密的。 This project is hush-hush . 这个计划是个秘密。 We had a few hush-hush discussions about a partnership beeen volkswagen and chrysler . 我们不声不响地讨论了几次,讨论的内容是大众汽车公司和克莱斯勒公司合伙经营。

有首英文歌叫《Hush Hush》,谁知道歌词

是这个吗?Pussycat Dolls - Hush Hush 高潮部分有“I don"t want you” to say a single word I never needed you to be strong I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs I never needed pain, I never needed strain My love for you is strong enough you should have known I never needed you for judgment I never needed you to question what I spend I never ask for help I take care of myself I don"t why you think you got a hold on me And it"s a little late for conversations There isn"t anything for you to say And my eyes hurt, hands shiver So look at me and listen to me because… I don"t want to stay another minute I don"t want you to say a single word Hush hush Hush hush There is no other way, I get the final say Because… I don"t want to, do this any longer I don"t want you, theres nothing left to say Hush hush Hush hush I"ve already spoken, our love is broken Baby hush hush I never needed your corrections On everything from how I act to what I say I never needed words I never needed hurts I never needed you to be there everyday I"m sorry for the way I let go From everything I wanted when you came along But I am never beaten, broken not defeated I know next to you is not where I belong And it"s a little late for explanations There isn"t anything that you can do And my eyes hurt, hands shiver So you will listen when I say baby… I don"t want to stay another minute I don"t want you to say a single word Hush hush Hush hush There is no other way, I get the final say Because… I don"t want to do this any longer I don"t want you there"s nothing left to say Hush hush Hush hush I"ve already spoken, our love is broken Baby hush hush No more words No more lies No more crying No more pain No more hurt No more trying I don"t want to stay another minute I don"t want you to say a single word Hush hush Hush hush There is no other way, I get the final say Because… I don"t want to, do this any longer I don"t want you, theres nothing left to say Hush hush Hush hush I"ve already spoken, our love is broken Baby hush hush




驾车路线:全程约4.9公里起点:蜀山森林公园1.从起点向正东方向出发,行驶1.4公里,右后方转弯2.行驶840米,右转进入望江西路3.沿望江西路行驶1.3公里,右转4.行驶160米,左前方转弯进入环山路5.沿环山路行驶1.1公里,到达终点(在道路右侧)终点:大蜀山文化陵园  合肥大蜀山森林公园位于安徽省合肥市西部,距离市中心10公里,是合肥近郊唯一的一座大山,为国家级森林公园、省级风景名胜区、省级地质公园。  因大蜀山无岗阜连属,孤峰独起,故得名。  合肥大蜀山森林公园内主要有安徽名人园、蜀峰湾、合肥野生动物园、西扩景区等景点。公园内有森林、湖泊以及湿地,为合肥市净化环境、保持生态平衡发挥着重要作用,也是合肥市的旅游资源宝库。

the hush sound的《Lighthouse》 歌词

歌曲名:Lighthouse歌手:the hush sound专辑:like vinesThe Hush Sound--lighthouseTake what you need while there"s timeThe city will be earth in a short whileIf I"m not mistaken it"s been in flamesYou and I will escape to the seasideThere is a storm in the distanceThe wind breathing warning of it"s imminenceThere is a lighthouse five hundred yards downYou and I will be safe thereThere is a girl who haunts that lighthouseShe saved me, I was swimmingSo young I almost drownedUnder the water she sang a storyOf losing her loverShe calls a warningLove, you are foolish, you"re tiredYour sleeplessness makes you a liarThe city is burningThe ocean is turningOur only chance is the lighthouseHer lover was a sailorShe went and she waited thereThe door locked from the outsideLover never arrived so she sings thereSoft as a siren luring the ships off their course, how alarmingWe went in, we climbed up and looked outThe door locked from the outsideThree ghosts in a lighthouse

求Alexis Jordan 的《hush hush》歌词汉语意思

亚历克西斯乔丹-嘘husheverybody knowseverybody知道我来找你toughi是为你而来tougheverybody knowseverybody知道我来找你toughi是为你而来toughare你害怕吗?你不跑nowwelcome的乐趣housetossed我的情绪,所以这里的commotionit感觉很好,保持knifecut我只是rightrevenge和一个吻,宝贝我snitchhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormeverybody knowseverybody知道我来找你toughi是为你而来tougheverybody knowseverybody知道我来找你toughi是为你而来toughyou习惯savedhold你的呼吸的okaycause你今天打算动摇它就会淹死要索了小somethingsure有些派尼会快乐,我camehush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormdon不多说一句mewont你闭嘴你explainhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的stormhush嘘hushyou知道我来yatough艰难的toughi需要你的战争rushyou繁忙匆忙更好的接管这个安静的风暴

求小萝莉Alison Gold, shush up这首歌的歌词,谢谢。

[Alison Gold - Shush Up]Any last words?Gold is the new black.It"s the gold like a seed.It"s the gold like a seed.I"m on fire, look at meForget the water crank up the heatI said:I"m on fire, look at meForget the water crank up the heatcrank up the heatcrank up the heatcrank up the heat (Turn it up now, turn it up now)crank up the heatcrank up the heatcrank up the heat (Turn it up now, turn it up now)crank up the heatcrank upcrank upcrank upcrank upTurn it up!You crank it or shush!You crank it or shush!You crank it or shush!You crank it or shush upYou crank it or shush!You crank it or shush!You crank it or shush!You crank it or shush upCrank it or just shush up (shush up)Just shush upJust shush upEither crank it or just shush upIt"s the gold like a seed.It"s the gold like a seed.Oh Oh OhDon"t even bother trying to seeYou can"t restrain me cause I"m so freeDon"t even bother trying to seeYou can"t restrain me cause I"m so freecause I"m so freecause I"m so free (I"m so free now, I"m so free now)cause I"m so freecause I"m so free (I"m so free now, I"m so free now)cause I"m so freecause I"m socause I"m socause I"m socause I"m soIt"s a go now!You crank it or shush!You crank it or shush!You crank it or shush!You crank it or shush upYou crank it or shush!You crank it or shush!You crank it or shush!Crank it or shush upSource: LYBIO.netCrank it or just shush up (shush up)Just shush upJust shush upEither crank it or just shush upWhat do I do?[Patrice Wilson] Source: LYBIO.netYou do what I told you to do.Maybe I can save them.[Patrice Wilson]Maybe you can.[Patrice Wilson]Burn.[Why are not so coldGot you so cause you shiverYou know me straight as goldI don"t even mess with silver.]SilverSilverSilverSilverSilver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver Silver-Silver-SilverIt"s a go now!You crank it or shush!You crank it or shush!You crank it or shush!You crank it or shush upYou crank it or shush!You crank it or shush!You crank it or shush!Crank it or shush upCrank it or just shush up (shush up)Just shush upJust shush upEither crank it or just shush up

像hush hush 这样的英文歌,要有节奏感的 谢谢

girlicious - wake up.mp3girlicious - these arms.mp3keyshia cole - i remember.mp3monrose - burning.mp3monrose - leading me on.mp3monrose - strictly physical.mp3elise estrada - one last time.mp3jessie j - who you are.mp3jojo - numbers.mp3leona lewis - bleeding love.mp3leona lewis - yesterday.mp3

hush miss a 的中文歌词

uc228 uc18cub9acuac00 ub4e4ub824 yeah 听着你的呼吸 yeahubab8uc774 ub179uc544 ub0b4ub824 yeah 身体慢慢融化 yeahuacacub51c uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4 yeah 让我无法承受 yeahucc38uc744 uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4 yeah让我无法入睡 yeah uc228uc774 ub2ecuc544 uc62cub77c yeah 身体慢慢发烫uc790uafb8 ub611ubc14ub85c ub09c yeah我总是这样uac77 uc7a1uc744 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 无法控制自己I"m loosing control ub0b4uac00 uc65cuc774ub7ecub2c8 我为何如此Hurry Hurry Boy ub108ub97c uc6d0ud574 想拥有你Kiss Kiss Kiss baby Hush Hush Hush baby uc880 ub354 uac00uae4cuc774 再靠近点ub0a0 uaf2d uc548uc544uc918 请抱紧我Give it 2 me Give it 2 me oh Come to me Come to me oh Give it 2 me Give it 2 me oh ube44ubc00uc2a4ub7f0 Party 充满神秘的PartyKiss Kiss Kiss baby Hush Hush Hush baby Hot Hot ub728uac81uac8c Hot Hot炽热的你ub0a0 uaf2d ub179uc5ecuc918请将我融化Give it 2 me Give it 2 me oh Come to me Come to me oh Give it 2 me Give it 2 me oh uc228 uc18cub9acuac00 ub4e4ub824 yeah听见你的呼吸 yeahubab8uc774 ub179uc544 ub0b4ub824 yeah身体慢慢融掉 yeahuacacub51c uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4 yeah 让我无法承受 yeahucc38uc744 uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4 yeah让我 无法入睡 yeahuc228uc774 ub2ecuc544 uc62cub77c yeah 身体慢慢发烫 yeahuc790uafb8 ub611ubc14ub85c ub09c yeah我总是这样uac77 uc7a1uc744 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 无法控制自己I"m loosing control ub0b4uac00 uc65cuc774ub7ecub2c8 我为何如此Hurry Hurry Boy ub108ub97c uc6d0ud574想拥有你 Kiss Kiss Kiss baby Hush Hush Hush baby uc880 ub354 uac00uae4cuc774 再靠近点ub0a0 uaf2d uc548uc544uc918 请抱紧我Give it 2 me Give it 2 me oh Come to me Come to me oh Give it 2 me Give it 2 me oh ube44ubc00uc2a4ub7f0 Party 充满神秘的PartyKiss Kiss Kiss baby Hush Hush Hush baby Hot Hot ub728uac81uac8cHot Hot 炽热的你 ub0a0 uaf2d ub179uc5ecuc918请将我融化 Give it 2 me Give it 2 me oh Come to me Come to me oh Give it 2 me Give it 2 me oh Ah ha ud790ub054 ud790ub054 ub208uce58ubcf4uc9c0ub9c8 uc774ubbf8 ub4e4ucf30uc5b4 不要再偷望 你早已曝光uc6c3uc9c0 ub9d0uace0 ub4a4 ub3ccuc544uc11c不要再笑 转过身去ub864ub9ac ub864ub9ac ub864ub9acud31dubcf4ub2e4 ub2c8uac00 ub9dbuc788uc5b4比棒棒糖还美味的你uaf49 uae68ubb3cuc5b4 uc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc5b4 想把你含在嘴里ub108ub97c uc6d0ud574 就想拥有你Kiss Kiss Kiss baby Hush Hush Hush baby uc880 ub354 uac00uae4cuc774 再靠近点ub0a0 uaf2d uc548uc544uc918 请抱紧我Give it 2 me Give it 2 me oh Come to me Come to me oh Give it 2 me Give it 2 me oh ube44ubc00uc2a4ub7f0 Party 充满神秘的PartyKiss Kiss Kiss baby Hush Hush Hush baby Hot Hot ub728uac81uac8cHot Hot 炽热的你 ub0a0 uaf2d ub179uc5ecuc918请将我融化 Give it 2 me Give it 2 me oh Come to me Come to me oh Give it 2 me Give it 2 me oh uc228 uc18cub9acuac00 ub4e4ub824 yeah听见你的呼吸 yeahubab8uc774 ub179uc544 ub0b4ub824 yeah身体慢慢融掉 yeahuacacub51c uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4 yeah 让我无法承受 yeahucc38uc744 uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4 yeah让我 无法入睡 yeah

Miss A-Hush歌词分配

《Hush》 - Miss Auc228 uc18cub9ac ub4e4ub824 yeahubab8uc774 ub179uc544 ub0b4ub824 yeahuacacub51c uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 yeahucc38uc744 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 yeahuc228uc774 ub2ecuc544 uc62cub77c yeahuc790uafb8 ub611ubc14ub85c ub09c yeahuac77 uc7a1uc744 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4I"m loosing controlub0b4 uc65cuc774ub7ecub2c8Hurry Hurry Boyub108ub97c uc6d0ud574Kiss Kiss Kiss babyHush Hush Hush babyuc880 ub354 uae4cuc774ub0a0 uaf2d uc548uc544uc918Give it 2 meGive it 2 me ohCome to meCome to me ohGive it 2 meGive it 2 me ohube44uc2a4ub7f0 PartyKiss Kiss Kiss babyHush Hush Hush babyHot Hot ub728uac81uac8cub0a0 uaf2d ub179uc5ecuc918Give it 2 meGive it 2 me ohCome to meCome to me ohGive it 2 meGive it 2 me ohuc228 uc18cub9ac ub4e4ub824 yeahubab8uc774 ub179uc544 ub0b4ub824 yeahuacacub51c uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 yeahucc38uc744 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 yeahuc228uc774 ub2ecuc544 uc62cub77c yeahuc790uafb8 ub611ubc14ub85c ub09c yeahuac77 uc7a1uc744 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4I"m loosing controlub0b4 uc65cuc774ub7ecub2c8Hurry Hurry Boyub108ub97c uc6d0ud574Kiss Kiss Kiss babyHush Hush Hush babyuc880 ub354 uae4cuc774ub0a0 uaf2d uc548uc544uc918Give it 2 meGive it 2 m e ohCome to meCome to me ohGive it 2 meGive it 2 me ohube44uc2a4ub7f0 PartyKiss Kiss Kiss babyHush Hush Hush babyHot Hot ub728uac81uac8cub0a0 uaf2d ub179uc5ecuc918Give it 2 meGive it 2 me ohCome to meCome to me ohGive it 2 meGive it 2 me ohAh haud790ub054 ud790ub054 ub208uce58ubcf4uc9c0ub9c8 uc774ubbf8 ub4e4ucf30uc5b4uc6c3uc9c0 ub9d0uace0 ub4a4 ub3ccuc544uc11cub864ub9ac ub864ub9ac ub864ub9acud31dubcf4ub2e4 ub2c8 ub9dbuc788uc5b4uaf49 uae68ubb3cuc5b4 uc8fcuace0 uc2f6uc5b4 ub108ub97c uc6d0ud574Kiss Kiss Kiss babyHush Hush Hush babyuc880 ub354 uae4cuc774ub0a0 uaf2d uc548uc544uc918Give it 2 meGive it 2 me ohCome to meCome to me ohGive it 2 meGive it 2 me ohube44uc2a4ub7f0 PartyKiss Kiss Kiss babyHush Hush Hush babyHot Hot ub728uac81uac8cub0a0 uaf2d ub179uc5ecuc918Give it 2 meGive it 2 me ohCome to meCome to me ohGive it 2 meGive it 2 me ohuc228 uc18cub9ac ub4e4ub824 yeahubab8uc774 ub179uc544 ub0b4ub824 yeahuacacub51c uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 yeahucc38uc744 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 yeah

Miss A的《Hush》中文歌词分配

听见你的呼吸yeah身体都被融化yeah再也无法忍耐yeah呼吸发热加快yeah总是无法将我yeah抓在手心I"m loosing control我究竟为何如此Hurry Hurry Boy我需要你Kiss Kiss Kiss babyHush Hush Hush baby在近一点要你抱紧我Give it 2 meGive it 2 me ohCome to meCome to me ohGive it 2 meGive it 2 me oh秘密一般的派对Kiss Kiss Kiss babyHush Hush Hush babyHot Hot 火热一点融化我吧Give it 2 meGive it 2 me ohCome to meCome to me ohGive it 2 meGive it 2 me oh听见你的呼吸yeah身体都被融化yeah再也无法忍耐yeah呼吸发热加快yeah总是无法将我yeah抓在手心I"m loosing control我究竟为何如此Hurry Hurry Boy我需要你Kiss Kiss Kiss babyHush Hush Hush baby在近一点要你抱紧我Give it 2 meGive it 2 me ohCome to meCome to me ohGive it 2 meGive it 2 me oh秘密一般的派对Kiss Kiss Kiss babyHush Hush Hush babyHot Hot 火热一点融化我吧Give it 2 meGive it 2 me ohCome to meCome to me ohGive it 2 meGive it 2 me ohAh ha不要左顾右盼的使眼色 我已发现你的行踪不要笑出声 看看你的后方比起Lolli lolli lollipop你才更美味我想咬住你 我需要你Kiss Kiss Kiss babyHush Hush Hush baby在近一点要你抱紧我Give it 2 meGive it 2 me ohCome to meCome to me ohGive it 2 meGive it 2 me oh秘密一般的派对Kiss Kiss Kiss babyHush Hush Hush babyHot Hot 火热一点融化我吧Give it 2 meGive it 2 me ohCome to meCome to me ohGive it 2 meGive it 2 me oh听见你的呼吸yeah身体都被融化yeah再也无法忍耐yeah呼吸发热加快yeah


歌手名:MP魔幻力量专辑名:不按牌理出牌匹配时间为: 03 分 49 秒 的歌曲MP魔幻力量 - Hush(Feat.丁当)LRC制作:何吉森 QQ:471487526Aye aye sexy ladyLet"s do it你美得过火 我强烈怀疑你基因在玩火纸包不住你的火 我是飞蛾为你赴汤蹈火趁火打劫的是禽兽禽兽不如的才隔岸观火星星之火能燎原 你太撩人想像煽情得如荼如火远水救不了近火地球上只有你能够帮我灭火Baby girl I want you to knowBaby girl I lose controlBaby girl I want you to knowI lose control你还等什麽 Hush Hush Baby oh南瓜马车公休 灰姑娘久违的午夜请把握So baby hush hush 如果美女就是我那请你化身为最深情的野兽你还等什麽 Hush Hush Baby oh小红帽暗夜中 歌颂着大野狼扎实的温柔So baby hush hush 无瑕致命的挑逗换上的国王新衣是为了今晚 量身订做既然我们萍水相逢那不如就顺水推舟水落石出是我的真心付出就覆水难收如鱼得水 如果我是鱼 你就是水为了鱼水之欢我力争上游水深火热再深一点再热一点 直到水尽山穷一江春水向东流激流过後一起品味细水长流Baby girl I want you to knowBaby girl I lose controlBaby girl I want you to knowI lose control你还等什麽 Hush Hush Baby oh南瓜马车公休 灰姑娘久违的午夜请把握So baby hush hush 如果美女就是我那请你化身为最深情的野兽你还等什麽 Hush Hush Baby oh小红帽暗夜中 歌颂着大野狼扎实的温柔So baby hush hush 无瑕致命的挑逗换上的国王新衣是为了今晚 量身订做YeahI wanna see you naked…on my bedNow sexy lady let me hear you singHush Hush Baby oh南瓜马车公休 灰姑娘久违的午夜请把握So baby hush hush 如果美女就是我那请你化身为最深情的野兽你还等什麽 Hush Hush Baby oh小红帽暗夜中 歌颂着大野狼扎实的温柔So baby hush hush 无瑕致命的挑逗换上的国王新衣是为了今晚 量身订做Oh baby I gotta do itOh baby I wanna see you nakedOh baby I gotta do itAye aye aye Let me see you nakedOh baby I gotta do itOh baby I wanna see you nakedOh baby I gotta do itAye aye aye Let me see you naked现在现在现在现在 我只想只要只想see you naked现在现在现在 我只想只要只想see you naked歌词同步:何吉森 QQ:471487526

Ron Artest的《Hush》 歌词

歌曲名:Hush歌手:Ron Artest专辑:My WorldAutomatic Loveletter - HushAlbum: RecoverThis is as quiet as it getshush down nowgo to sleepwe were once perfect me and youwill never leave this roomH H H Hushyou color my eyes redyour loves not live its deadthis letters written itself inside out againwhen rivers turn to roads and lovers become trendsH H H Hush this is where it endsThis is the calming before the stormthis absolution is always incompleteits always bittersweetH H H Hushyou color my eyes redyour loves not live its deadthis letters written itself inside out againwhen rivers turn to roads and lovers become trendsH H H Hush this is where it endsI wont make a sound so you don"t wakedon"t wake don"t wake you don"t wake you don"t wakeHushyou color my eyes redyour loves not live its deadthis letters written itself inside out againwhen rivers turn to roads and lovers become trendsH H H Hush this is where it endsyou color my eyes redyour loves not live its deadthis letters written itself inside out againwhen rivers turn to roads and lovers become trendsH H H Hush this is where it endsThis is where it ends

Deep Purple的《Hush》 歌词

歌名:Hush歌手:Deep Purple语言:英语所属专辑:Deep Purple: Deepest Purple 30th Anniversary Edition发行时间:2010-10-25I got a certan little girl she"s on my mindNo doubt about it she looks so fineShe"s the best girl that I ever hadSometimes she"s gonna make me feel so badHush, hushI thought I heard her calling my name nowHush, hushShe broke my heart but I love her just the same nowHush, hushThought I heard her calling my name nowHush, hushI need her loving and I"m not to blame nowThey in got the it morningearly They got it late in the eveningWell, I want that, need itOh, I gotta gotta have itShe"s got loving like quicksandOnly took one touch of her handTo blow my mind and I"m in so deepThat I can"t eat and I can"t sleepListenHush, hushThought I heard her calling my name nowHush, hushShe broke my heart but I love her just the same nowHush, hushThought I heard her calling my name nowHush, hushI need her loving and I"m not to blame nowThey got it early in the morningThey the eveninggot it late in Well, I want that, need itOh, I gotta gotta have it


1st Concert Into The New World  never needed you to be strong  never needed you for pointing out my wrongs  never needed pain I never needed strain  My love for you was strong enough you should have known  never needed you for judgements  never needed you to question what I spent  never ask for help I take care of myself  don"t know why you think you"ve got a hold on me  And it"s a little late for conversations  There isn"t anything for you to say  And my eye"s hurt hand"s shiver  So look at me and listen to me because  I don"t want too stay another minute  Idon"t want you to say a single word  hush hush hush hush  I"ve already spoken our love is broken  Baby hush hush  I never needed your corrections  On everything from how I act to what I say  I never needed words  I never needed hurts  I never needed you to be there everyday  I"m sorry for the way I let go  From everything I wanted when you came along  And my eye"s hurt hand"s shiver  So you will listen when I say  I don"t want too stay another minute  I don"t want you to say a single word  Hush hush hush hush  I"ve already spoken our love is broken  Baby hush hush  First I was afraid I was petrified  Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side  But I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong  But I grew strong  I learned how to carry on  Hush, hush, hush hush  I"ve already spoken, our love is broken baby  I will survive  As long as I know how to love I know I"ll be alive  I"ve got all my life to live  "ve got all my love to give  I will survive I will survive  Hush Hush Hush Hush  There Is No Other Way I Get The Final Say  I Don"t Want Too Do This Any Longer  I Don"t Want You There"s Nothing Left To Say  Hush Hush Hush Hush  I"ve Already Spoken Our Love Is Broken Baby Hush Hush追问我要音译的回答1日到新世界的音乐会从来不需要你坚强从来不需要你指出我的错误我从不需要从来不需要疼痛应变我对你的爱足够强大,你应该知道不需要你的判断不需要你去质疑我的花了从不寻求帮助我照顾好自己的不知道为什么你认为你已经得到了一个抓住了我和有点太晚了对话为你什么也没有说和我的眼睛受伤的手的颤抖所以看看我,听我说,因为我不想要太呆一分钟我不希望你说一句话嘘,嘘嘘,嘘我已经讲过了我们的爱坏了婴儿嘘,嘘我从不需要修正在从我如何采取行动,我说什么我从不需要的话我从不需要疼我从来都不需要你每天都会去那里对不起,我放手从我所有想要当你走了过来和我的眼睛受伤的手的颤抖所以你会听我说我不想要太呆一分钟我不想要你说一句话嘘,嘘嘘,嘘我已经讲过了我们的爱坏了婴儿嘘,嘘首先我害怕我吓呆了一直在想我可能永远无法过没有你在我身边但我花了这么多的夜晚思考你如何做我错了但我坚强起来我学会了如何进行嘘,嘘,嘘,嘘我已经讲过了,我们的爱情是破碎的婴儿我要活下去只要我知道如何去爱,我知道我还活着我已经得到了所有我的生活居住收到了我所有的爱给我要活下去我要活下去嘘,嘘嘘,嘘没有其它方式我得到最终的说我不想要太这样做了我不希望你没有什么可说的嘘,嘘嘘,嘘我已经讲过了我们的爱是破碎的婴儿嘘,嘘

Mr. Ed Jumps The Gun的《Hush》 歌词

歌曲名:Hush歌手:Mr. Ed Jumps The Gun专辑:HeehawJaheim - HushEh yaaayeeeeh eh ehEh yaaayeeeeh eh ehOoooOOoooooOoeh eh ehOooooooOooI can not believe thiswe just laid it downwhat are you going to tell himwhen he comes back in townare you gonna let him knowthat I"m giving you the businessI tried my best to let it gobut I could not resist itit"s to temptin, I"m slippintouchin and feelinme and him be kickin it, while all the while I"ve been hittin itwhhhOOoooI know that girl its gone be hard for me to roll wit himcuz we be hoopin in shit thats my dog my bestfriendSaid I would never let a chick come between me and my homiehad a lil too much to drink and tonight you put it on meand I don"t know if I regret that we be up in them hotel sweetsbaby this is crazy ( baby)Hush Hushyou dont tell no bodyI won"t tell no bodybaby we can keep it on theHush hushHe is just to close to methis not suppose to bebut I can"t keep you away from meSometimes I feel guilty girl sometimes I dontI try my best to say no but girl you turn me onI be coming over to your home when I know that I"m not strongblowin up your phone checkin to see if your homeit"s to temptin, I"m slippintouchin and feelinme and him be kickin it, while all the while I"ve been hittin itwhhhOOoooI know that girl its gone be hard for me to roll wit himcuz we be hoopin in shit thats my dog my bestfriendSaid I would never let a chick come between me and my homiegot a lil too much to drink and tonight you put it on meand I don"t know if I regret that we be up in them hotel sweetsbaby this is crazyHush Hushyou don"t tell no bodyI won"t tell no bodybaby we can keep it on theHush hushHe is just to close to methis not suppose to bebut I can"t keep you away from meSometimes I wish that this had never ever happenbut in reality I"m so glad that its happeninI just don"t know what to do girl I"m so caught up with youshould of never ever started gotta get up out yo closet babyHush Hushyou dont tell no bodyI won"t tell no bodybaby we can keep it on theHush hushHe is just to close to methis not suppose to bebut I can"t keep you away from meEh eh ehkeep it on the husheh eh ehOoooOOOOoooooOoooOooooOoooOOoooOooooooo


Hush乐队成员:谢晋阳-----主唱许凯,王小乐------吉他张煜锟-----贝斯韩潇-----鼓Hush乐队是一只来自西安的原创乐队成立于2005年9月初。风格是英式摇滚,车库。在乐队成员经历了一系列来自学习,生活方面的困惑和迷茫后,心理上的成熟让我们意识到单纯的音乐元素并不真正适合。当愤怒、激进让我们攥紧拳头却不知该挥向何处时,我们选择了把愤怒换个方式表达。乐队在新换的主唱后开始一段崭新的历程,乐队始终保持着一种懒散但是积极的态度面对人生,希望自己能回归最原始,最单纯的状态。Hush乐队坚持用自己的音乐表达自己的心声!作品旋律化,动听并不等于商业,能真正抓住人心的旋律是最让人震撼和难忘的!但是大家对音乐的理解使大家很快进入一个很好的创作时期。在经历了一次的人员上的更换,的Hush乐队迅速进入状态,正一步步向自己心中的那个目标前行~!在西安这个西北重镇中,Hush的出现不仅仅打破了空气中的金属音符的声音,也打破了人们的耳朵,让人们再次聆听美妙的声音,不仅仅是POGO,我们还有舞蹈。2005年9月 接受《通俗歌曲》采访同时在西安时音唱片录制作品《Keep Lazy》《Keep Lazy》登陆口袋音乐网站10月 主唱接受“中国移动通信”邀请制作移动创作西北地区主题歌《it"s ok》2006年3月 在经过人员上更换和熟悉后,在西安YOYO酒吧为NO NAME乐队暖场 现场气氛不错 反应良好:“在这个遍地金属的城市,他们的歌让人很轻松”接受了《团结》,《无名》等独立杂志的采访。4月 正在接受西安绿洲音乐网和一本dm杂志专访 接受陕西文艺广播,还有FM988陕西音乐广播采访5月 为法国著名SKA乐队SKARFACE暖场6月 为北京巡演乐队重塑雕像的权利暖场10月 参加北京摩登天空音乐节

Craig Morgan的《Hush》 歌词

歌曲名:Hush歌手:Craig Morgan专辑:Craig MorganHushUsherThe song talks about world issues, the war, politics, and povertyIt is very nice to see him cover these kind of topicsIn this very important political yearIt seems that an Obama victoryCould bring back some level of consciousness to the R&B music sceneEveryday wakes up in his million dollar homeHis life is like a videoThe only reality he knowsHe jumps inside of his hundred thousand dollar carCruising up the boulevardDriving pass people living hardComplains about the gas pricesBut still supports the warHe complains about his 6-figure salaryTax to feed the poorHe doesn"t understand the homelessDoesn"t think it"s genocideThat millions die from three lethal letters 2 he does shitTo make it better and I"m thinking of youEverybody wants to touch the skyAnd nobody wants to reach backFor the ones who are scared to flyEverybody wants heavenIf you don"t want to sacrificeDon"t say nothingDon"t say nothingOooooo-----HushDon"t say nothingOooooo-----HushDon"t say nothingShe watches television full of fabricated showThinks the world is just a jokeBut oh little does she knowThat there is a real life drama happening right outside her door"Cause She continues to ignoreBut she"s like the TV - the story repeatsShe Keeps searching through the channelsSkipping pass the newsShe"s more entertained by lies and gossip"Cause it hurts to see the truthShe complains about the nationThink it"s a waste of time to voteShe says the one that has been corrupted foreverNo one tries to make it betterAnd I"m thinking whoEverybody wants to touch the skyAnd nobody wants to reach backFor the ones who are scared to fly (Scared to fly)Everybody wants heaven (Heaven)If you don"t want to sacrifice (Oh)Don"t say nothingDon"t say nothingOooooo----HushDon"t say nothing (My hand to my brother)(Hand to my sister)Hush, don"t say nothingOooooo----HushOooooo----HushDon"t say nothingYeah, yeahEndDaMaHua Love!
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