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请以“Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited”为题写一篇英语短文

At present , Internet slang , such as "GG" "MM " has become popular among the teenagers . Some students who hold this point of view think that the Internet slang is fashionable and vivid .Meanwhile , it fulls of humor and intelligence . What" more , it is more convenient to chat online with our friends . But Some others disagree that . They consider the Internet slang is lack of thought ,which most people still can"t accept it . What" worse , sometimes using too much will contribute to misunderstanding between us . So , every coin has two sides .In my opinion , we should use Internet slang correctly in proper situation . After all , we are living in the information age .

Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited?为题写一篇英语短文

At present , Internet slang , such as "GG" "MM " has become popular among the teenagers . Some students who hold this point of view think that the Internet slang is fashionable and vivid .Meanwhile , is fulls of humor and intelligence . What" more , it is more convenient to chat online with our friends . But Some others disagree with that . They consider the Internet slang is lack of thought ,which most people still can"t accept . What" s worse , sometimes using too much will contribute to misunderstanding among us . So , every coin has two sides .In my opinion , we should use Internet slang correctly in proper situation . After all , we are living in the information age .

Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited?为题写一篇英语短文

At present , Internet slang , such as "GG" "MM " has bee popular among the teenagers . Some students who hold this point of view think that the Internet slang is fashionable and vivid .Meanwhile , is fulls of humor and intelligence . What" more , it is more convenient to chat online with our friends . But Some others disagree with that . They consider the Internet slang is lack of thought ,which most people still can"t accept . What" s worse , sometimes using too much will contribute to misunderstanding among us . So , every coin has two sides .In my opinion , we should use Internet slang correctly in proper situation . After all , we are living in the information age .


放鸽子 劈腿 钻石王老五 贴士 半瓶儿醋 ……还挺多的 搜搜呗~

网络俚语( online slang )最出名的一个词是2B,你又知道它的含义吗?

1。取其黑之义,指某人心黑,经由口口相传,后来泛用于骂人,除了心黑之外,还衍生出了愣头青,不知轻重的意思。  2。"2B"亦为一句脏话,  “2”在北方的广大地区中,均被适用于侮辱对方,说对方傻之类[例如:你这人,真2]  而“B”又同某脏话中一字谐音,(最俗的两个字,就不提了。)  因此“2B”有时一极具侮辱人的词汇。  网络专门用语。意思是说人笨的粗话,还有一个很亲切的意思是小可爱。  3。NB+SB=2B  4。2B也是某一类人的简称 详情请见百度忍者村大战贴吧笑叹苍天 以及鸭中之王等人  5。在网络上朋友之间以“2B”为玩笑话互相嘲弄可能并无恶意。这里也经常称呼那些举止另类或者过分无厘头的人。  6。2B=SB中的战斗B

slang bcn是什么牌子?


internet slang 英语作文


H-Slang & Choco YOU&ME 跪求歌词啊!!为什么就是找不到歌词呢!请神们帮忙!




谁能介绍下H-Slang & Choco

H-Slang & Choco是来自美国洛杉矶的华语流行音乐组合,由H-Slang和Choco组成。他们的首张专辑《Me And You》于2019年7月26日发行,该专辑共收录了10首歌曲,其中包括与西岸音乐代表性制作人Fingazz合作的歌曲。

谁能介绍下H-Slang & Choco

H-Slang & Choco是来自美国洛杉矶的华语流行音乐组合,由H-Slang和Choco组成。他们的首张专辑《Me And You》于2019年7月26日发行,该专辑共收录了10首歌曲,其中包括与西岸音乐代表性制作人Fingazz合作的歌曲。

我发现在美国聊天的时候经常会出现 I was like, or he was like, 不懂在什么情况下用,应该是slang吧

楼主你好!我目前在美国,听美国人(包括在美国长大的ABC等)说话时的确常用I was like,it"s like等词眼。总的来说这不能算slang,只是他们的一种习惯,而且这种习惯一般在美国年轻人中较为普遍,因为很随意,正式工作以后就比较少用informal language了。我们国人说话时也有自己的习惯,比如现在流行的“好吧”“你懂的”等词眼,只是一种流行习惯用语,却不能算作俚语,因为俚语一般带有方言地域性,一个地方的俚语拿到另一个地方人们就可能不能理解,在口语中也算比较不正式的。楼主若问这样的口语在什么时候用,其实无所谓,习惯的话就可以用。这种话本身没有实际含义,往往用来填充思考时间,因为一般老美在说完I was like之后都会停下来想一下之后要说的内容。楼主愿意的话就把它同“Well”“You know”等词眼一样用吧!满意的话请采纳,谢谢!






dude -- 是指男人fellas也是男人,但有时指“”。411 -- clue 是指一一熟知dough -- loot是指钱



有谁知道 catch you on the flip side 的准确译法呢 这个slang 很常见吗

什么啊你们的解释 这明明是回头见的意思


go bananas· I am going to go bananas if I don"t have a vacation soon.· MEANING: go crazy (来源:英语麦当劳-英语快餐 kick· I get a kick out of watching him paint.· MEANING: enjoy make waves· Try not to make waves around the office.· MEANING: cause trouble mickey mouse· The homework the teacher gave us was mickey mouse.· MEANING: nonsense and a waste of time no sweat· It"s no sweat to have the report in to you by Monday.· MEANING: no problem (来源:英语分类信息

我发现在美国聊天的时候经常会出现 I was like, or he was like, 不懂在什么情况下用,应该是slang吧

楼主你好!我目前在美国,听美国人(包括在美国长大的ABC等)说话时的确常用I was like,it"s like等词眼。总的来说这不能算slang,只是他们的一种习惯,而且这种习惯一般在美国年轻人中较为普遍,因为很随意,正式工作以后就比较少用informal language了。我们国人说话时也有自己的习惯,比如现在流行的“好吧”“你懂的”等词眼,只是一种流行习惯用语,却不能算作俚语,因为俚语一般带有方言地域性,一个地方的俚语拿到另一个地方人们就可能不能理解,在口语中也算比较不正式的。楼主若问这样的口语在什么时候用,其实无所谓,习惯的话就可以用。这种话本身没有实际含义,往往用来填充思考时间,因为一般老美在说完I was like之后都会停下来想一下之后要说的内容。楼主愿意的话就把它同“Well”“You know”等词眼一样用吧!满意的话请采纳,谢谢!

slang 包括argot吗

slang 包括argot吗?不包括,它们的意思是一相同的都是:俚语;(尤指旧时窃贼之间的)隐语,黑话。


colloquial, adjUsed when people are speaking in an informal way. EX: a colloquial word/expression.slang, nounwords that are not considered part of the standard vocabulary of a language and that are used very informally in speech especially by a particular gruop of people.EX: American slang.

Brecker Brothers的《Slang》 歌词

歌曲名:Slang歌手:Brecker Brothers专辑:Out Of The LoopSlangSittin" dark getting taken "cause I saidSomething lewd in a low down accentYeah yeah yeah Kinda love those eyesI wanna get down honey But I ain"t your guyI"ll rap "n" ruck "n" jam it up But count me outCause all I ever wanna get is slangSlang with me, I don"t wanna get my hands dirtySlang with me, I just wanna get soakin" wetSlang with me, I don"t wanna get my hands dirtyAll I ever wanna get is slangWhat"s affectin" my condition What"s about to knock you downSaid wrapped "n" bound and a goddamnI"d love to get connected but it"s outta my handI"ll rap "n" ruck "n" jam it up But count me outCause all I ever wanna get is slangSlang with me, I don"t wanna get my hands dirtySlang with me, I just wanna get soakin" wetSlang with me, I don"t wanna get my hands dirtyAll I ever wanna get is slangIt"s my intention to be your obsession(Mi pasion, mi obsesion, queria que eastuvieras conmigo)It"s my obsession to be your addictionUno, dos, tres, quatrosSlang with me, I don"t wanna get my hands dirtySlang with me, I just wanna get soakin" wetSlang with me, I don"t wanna get my hands dirtyAll I ever wanna get isSlang with me, I don"t wanna get my hands dirtySlang with me, I just wanna get soakin" wetSlang with me, I don"t wanna get my hands dirtyAll I ever wanna get is slang


  出国留学你以为解决语言问题就够了吗?光会说是不够的,还要能理解文化上的差异。美国有非常多的俚语,就像我们在中国也会有很多的成语、歇后语一样,今天86着重介绍一些在美国校园中比较常用的Slang,学生们了解之后,可以更加自如地融入这另外一种文化。   1.a big letdown大失所望的事   It was a big letdown that I didn"t pass the final exam.   2.max out 累惨了   Max out! Finally I finished my assignment.   3.a spate of words 语无伦次, 废话连篇   When the teacher asked me to do the presentation, a spate of words poured out from my lips, for I didn"t prepare it at all.   4.all bark and no bite 光说不练   All bark and no bite will do you harm.   5.take a shine to 有好感   You are a lucky dog. You are one of the few whom she takes a shine to.   6.all thumbs 一窍不通   When it comes to advanced math, I am all thumbs. polish 拍马屁   His promotion lies in his great apple polishing skills.   8.ask for the moon异想天开   Poor smith wants to build a great business after his graduation, I am afraid he is asking for the moon.   9.stick in the mud 保守的人   My grandmother is a stick in the mud.   10.get off it 别胡扯, 别瞎说   Oh, get off it; he is my cousin, not my boyfriend. one"s own charge自费   I"ll have a trip during the national day at my own charge.   12. bag (v.) 逃课   It is not your fault that she bagged class.   13.pull some strings 走后门   I"ll have to pull some strings if I can"t buy the concert tickets. the bottom of fortune"s wheel倒霉透顶   My pc was broken again; I"m at the bottom of fortune"s wheel. a good sport 来点高兴的,提神的事   Be a good sport, let"s sing a song together.   16.overgrown 孩子气   She is an overgrown girl and is apt to get angry with her boyfriend.   17.a heavy course load 繁重的课程负担   Nowadays in china, most of the school students have a heavy course load.   18.act the lord 装阔,摆阔   We should criticize some college students who act the lord.   19.spoil the show 大煞风景   It will spoil the show if my parents come into my room when I am dancing crazily.   20.the third wheel 累赘,电灯泡   You two go to see the movie alone, I don"t want to be the third wheel.   21.allow oneself in 沉溺于   College students should not allow themselves in the video games bar.   22.spring for 请客   Let me spring for dinner tonight.   23.get down to 放得开,不受拘束   Though he is quiet in daily life, when gives a speech he really gets down!   24.animated talk 畅谈   Every night my roommates give the splendid animated talk about our bright future. close as a clam 一毛不拔,吝啬   Do not expect lily to treat you dinner, she is as close as a clam.   26. show sb. the back door 下逐客令   If you behave rudely, I will show you the back door. one"s feet 在u2026u2026门下,在u2026u2026手下   I have got great achievements at this distinguished scholar"s feet.   28.catch some zs小睡一会   Be quiet, girls, I want to catch some zs. sesame 秘诀,关键,敲门砖   Wealth is an open sesame to get that actress"s love.   30.wear sb." s heart on sb." s sleeve 情绪化   The weak point of the young generation is to wear their hearts on their sleeves. in sick 打电话请病假   The teacher got angry again, for jack called in sick again.   32.blow it 搞砸了,弄坏了   A: how did you do on the exam?   B: I blew it.   33.mess around 瞎混   Work hard, do not mess around or else you will regret one day. worker 闪电恋爱   A: what"s eating you? You have been so quiet all morning.   B: I fell in love with a girl, but she says she doesn"t want to be a fast worker at all.   35.cold shoulder 不理人   The couple has been angry with each other for a long time, even now the wife still gives cold shoulder to her husband.   36.blind date 从未晤面的男女经第三者安排所作的约会   Iu2019m going to have a blind date tomorrow, hope it goes well.   37.have the face 厚颜无耻   We are so surprised that you have the face to say you are the top student in the class.   38.catch up with 把握一切   This research fellow could catch up with and surpass advanced world levels in physics.   39.raise hell大发牢骚   When the boss entered the office she was raising hell. (两人)合得来   After the blind date with Charles, she found they really clicked.   41.get a load of 试试   A: hi, Bob, this is my new car Benz.   B: wow, that"s awesome; can I get a load of it?   42. Fix ... up 撮合某人   I think Mary and Tom would make a perfect couple, let"s fix them up.   43.gag me with a spoon 我快吐了   Gag me with a spoon! Look at the girl"s short shirt!   44.go together 谈恋爱   Even their parents don"t know they are going together.   45. Give sb. some dope 散播内幕   If you are my best friend, you will give me some dope about it.   46.feeling blue 无聊   Every time she feels blue she will have a field day.   47.break the ice打破僵局   In order to break the ice I decided to treat all my colleagues to dinner.   48.flip out 高兴之极   He flipped out when he knew that we won the game.   49.cut class 旷课,逃课   He failed in English exam because he is always cutting classes.   50.get hot 亲热   The teacher warned the couple not to get hot in public.   这些都是在美国校园中比较常用的俚语,小伙伴们有没有记住呢?希望大家在生活中能细心观察,多去留心身边人说话时用的词语与表达,不懂的地方经常问,逐渐丰富自己的俚语词库,这也是学习语言过程中非常重要的一部分。


1、crash= to suddenly fall asleep 突然间睡着了,两眼一黑就睡着I"m going to crash here tonight.You can crash at my place.2、shotgun=sit in the front passenger seat of the car请点击输入图片描述这个情况一般是指,要搭车,提前预定要坐在副驾驶位置I call shotgun.(一般是青少年,刚刚拿驾照,别人要搭车)3. creep=person who is unpleasant,strange,weird 表示怪胎,怪人He is a creep. Stay away from him.4.a buck= a dollar,buck 就是一美元的意思5. for real = to be honest= Really?For real? Is that what happened?(你不太相信某人说的话,然后反问一下)6.knock= a bad of disparaging(蔑视的) remark(看不起某事)Don"t knock it until you try it.只有做了某事才知道它值不值得做7. sweet = expression of happiness due to a favorite situation表示对某人,或某事很高兴,夸某人或者某事说这个词的时候,表情一定要夸张,要跟上,不是虚假的塑料姐妹表情,而是发自内心觉得对方很贴心,很好You"re so sweet!请点击输入图片描述8. zonked= tied , exhausted 筋疲力尽了,累了You know, I"m just zonked right now.9. jonesing = strong craving or desire 对吃的,喝的有强烈的渴望I"m jonesing for coffee.= be addicted to10. bail on = leave someone/something or abandon the plan 离开某人,放某人鸽子,放弃某个计划Hey, why would you bail on me last night? Where were you?



slang和colourful language有什么区别

slang: 俗语或俚语, 比较口语化的语言。colorful language: 直译是有色语言, 实际意思是指脏话, 粗话, 等等。wongton, mooncake等等以上两者也不是。 也没有真正的所谓Chinglish或China english, 这二词并不存在, 你在字典也不会找到, 那是形容英文不好的人把句子说成半中文形式的。 Wonton和mooncake等字是因为没有正确英文相等词汇因而直译的词汇, 已经用得非常普遍。 它们只能说是“phonetically translated Chinese terms”, 就是语音中译英直译的词语。




分类: 人文学科 问题描述: 帮我做一个明确的回答好吗,谢谢! 解析: 按正式解释是谈话中一种随意的活跃的语言。见下面的释意: slang n. A kind of language occurring chiefly in casual and playful speech, made up typically of short-lived coinages and figures of speech that are deliberately used in place of standard terms for added raciness, humor, irreverence, or other effect. 网上已有不少讨论: 说白了就是流传在民间的通俗而幽默的俗语。 北京人管散步 叫"溜弯儿",天津人管对面叫"对过儿",单单是对中老年妇女的称呼,各地俚语中就各有各的说法。 什么是俚语?不同的人有不同的定义。但我相信,多数朋友会认为俚语是粗鲁和无礼的,或是脏词。其实俚语才是真正的日常表达法,应该说,俚语是通俗的讲法,是"白话",并不都是粗鲁和无礼的。留意一下,当你看一部美国电影时,你就会发现,通常你听不懂的单词往往就是俚语。


slang俚语俚语 [ lǐ yǔ ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义 [ lǐ yǔ ]只在某一地区内通行的比较土俗的口语词。如北京土话中的“颠儿”(跑或溜的意思),上海话中的“勿搭界”(沾不上边的意思)。

you & me H-Slang & Choco 的连接

search on baidu

歌曲:You&Me 歌手:H-Slang & Choco求这首歌的中文翻译,大概意思也行。谢谢!

歌名 你和我 亲爱的,我已经试过了,但我不能帮助自己 无法掩饰我内心的感受 我跌倒这么无奈,这是真的,是的 我闭上双眼, believe.pletely 我能感觉到你触摸我的皮肤如此温柔 来吧天亮,幻想只是受害者 每次我打开我的眼睛 你只是消失;你说再见 宝贝,我愿意做任何事情让你属于我,哦,这是真的 我要的就是你 我给我的心脏和灵魂 我要的就是你 我会在那里,当你调用 所有我想要做的就是让爱你 我要的就是你的,我要的是你 我无法入睡,直到最后一颗星星离开天空 随着我的心脏每跳动,我想要让你我 我祈祷你有同样的感觉,太 告诉我,你听到我的呼唤今晚 只有你可以把这个梦想变成现实 宝贝,我愿意做任何事情让你属于我,哦,这是真的 我要的就是你 我给我的心脏和灵魂 我要的就是你 我会在那里,当你调用 所有我想要做的就是让爱你 我要的就是你的,我要的是你 所有你要做的就是相信 在我心里,你会发现避难所 就一个机会就是我需要证明你和我 永远意味着是 我要的是你.... 所有我想要做的就是让爱你 我要的就是你的,我要的是你 宝贝,我会给你我的心脏和灵魂 我给我的心脏和灵魂 给我的心脏和灵魂 我会在那里,当你调用 所有我想要做的就是让你的爱 哦,你知道这是真的 我要的就是你的,我要的是你 所有我想做的事 我给我的心脏和灵魂 所有我想做的事 我会在那里,当你调用 所有我想要做的就是让爱你 我要的就是你的,我要的是你

谁能提供altan 的islang girl 的歌词

应该是《island girl》With a wave of her hand and her sparkling eyeMy island girl bid me good-byeFor another dream in another timeFor another life under another skyBut don"t just cut off your heart, keep it open and sureKeep it free from hurt and keep an open doorAnd let the spirit of love that united our soulBe a gentle dove and guide you to your goalAnd I"ll go to that stream and I"ll sing my own prayerThat my island girl shall be safe everywhereSing away while you can and before very longThe coming tide brings the chosen oneAnd there is a hope and there is a peaceIn that ancient land where my angel sleepsAnd when your river runs high, let it flow, let it flowIt"s your time with life to let your garden growAnd when your burden gets rough, let it go, let it goLet your strength return on every breeze that blowsThrough that ancient land, through eternityOh my island girl, remember meFor your life has its course and you never can sayWho you"ll meet and marry along your wayBut be sure from the start that the cities behindLove the land"s living heart and breath eternal timeAnd when your river runs dry and your halo is tornDrink the living stream in the calm of the dawnAnd may you travel in peace and may your children be blessedAnd your mind released and your soul caressedIn that faraway land where my spirit fliesTo my island girl under those ancient skiesAnd with a wave of her hand and her sparkling eyeMy island girl bid me good-byeFor another dream in another timeFor another life under another sky


slang 意义一: 非习惯用语,用以表达新鲜事物,或对旧事物赋以新的说法。其来源尚不可考,1800年,初见于印刷品,所载为伦敦罪犯们的行话。俚语多出自价值观念上的冲突,表示敌意或轻蔑;也可出自对本集团内成员的讪笑。但俚语的流行,则是一种社会力量的推动而非个人所能为力。文明社会多趋向于主文化群与各种亚文化群的区分,后者出于社会的或语言的偏见,为保持其团结,往往使用俚语,如职业集团和各种其他类型的亚文化群,包括性行为越轨者、吸毒者、贫民集团、各种会社成员、农村的小型结社、政治组织、部队、吉普赛人、运动员等等,而俚语最主要的来源是职业罪犯。 大多数亚文化群喜欢从其常接触的语言吸取词汇,赋予新义,有些则借自外语,很少自行构词的。因之俚语的形成,一如其他词汇的变形、换义,采用隐喻、明喻、民间词源、语音改变、语义扩大、缩小语义、截短法、缩略词、褒义化、贬义化、转喻、提喻、夸张、外来语及为防禁忌而使用委婉说法等。每一种俚语都有其自身的历史和流行的原因,时过境迁,或改变其义,或转为标准语,或继续用于某些飞地。某些俚语去掉其富于刺激性的色彩之后,亦为人们所接受。俚语的流通率无疑因新闻宣传而不胫而走。有些俚语引进新概念,有些则提供新的表达方式,新颖、辛辣甚至耸人听闻。扭转语音、颠倒字母顺序而成黑话,或以音、形并用组成韵语。但大多数俚语以形象的谬误为其基础,常以新词用于现成的概念。最有效的俚语往往一语概括所指之物、用物之人及其社会背景。俚语已成为幽默大师及新闻记者所必需的工具,运用得当,可使语言别开生面,推陈出新。语言学家及其他社会科学家因俚语可以反映文化概况而详加研究。 slang 英文中"俚语"的意思 英语俚语是一种非正式的语言,通常用在非正式的场合,所以在用这些俚语是一定要考虑到所用的场合和对象,最好不要随意用这些俚语。意义二: 一种编程语言,语法和C类似,弱类型

cyber slang是什么意思

cyber slang网络俚语双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 网络俚语-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


您好,三个词的意思是不一样的,proverb 俗语,谚语idiom 方言,土语slang 俚语,粗话请根据实景,采用望采纳,谢谢




idiom,习语,相当于汉语的成语,也就是一些固定搭配。比如 shut up! 闭嘴!slang俚语,也就是一些非通用语言,只有一些特定人群或某一地区的人群使用,相当于汉语的“土话”。例如,军队上的人说收到,明白时时,用roger一词。再比如,人用cop代指policeman(cop 是copper的缩写,值得是警徽), 用cab代替taxi。prover。 谚语,比如:Money talks.


slang 是俚语,就像我们所说的成语一样dialect 方言accent 口音

slanguage中“bird over there is a bunny boiler是什么意思

源于网络翻译,仅供参考bunny boiler名:精神错乱的女人;有支配欲、总想占上风的女人;嫉妒心极强的女人eg.bird over there is a bunny boiler(俚语) 那边那个女人精神错乱且嫉妒希望对你有帮助