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  1、越南社会主义共和国,简称越南(Vietnam),是亚洲的一个社会主义国家。位于东南亚的中南半岛东部,北与中国广西、云南接壤,西与老挝、柬埔寨交界,国土狭长,面积约33万平方公里,紧邻南海,海岸线长3260多公里,是以京族为主体的多民族国家   2、地形狭长,地势西高东低,境内四分之三为山地和高原。北部和西北部为高山和高原。黄连山主峰番西邦峰海拔3142米,为越南最高峰;西部为长山山脉,长1000多公里,纵贯南北,西坡较缓,在嘉莱-昆嵩、多乐等省形成西原高原。中部长山山脉纵贯南北,有一些低平的山口。东部沿海为平原,地势低平,河网密布,海拔3米左右。




vietnam是越南。越南,全称为越南社会主义共和国(英语:Socialist Republic of Vietnam),是亚洲的一个社会主义国家。位于东南亚中南半岛东部,北与中国广西、云南接壤,西与老挝、柬埔寨交界,国土狭长,面积约33万平方公里,紧邻南海,海岸线长3260多公里,是以京族为主体的多民族国家。越南的旅游景点1、会安古城会安古城是15世纪到19世纪东南亚保存完好的传统贸易港,古城内有完整的华人聚居的街道,还建起了福建会馆、广肇会馆、潮州会馆、琼府会馆和中华会馆。城内随处可见中式和日式的建筑,到了晚上就变身为灯笼的世界,各种颜色、各种造型的灯笼高高挂起,照亮整条街。2、疯屋子疯屋子是大叻最著名的建筑,原本是一家酒店,因其造型夸张怪异而成为大叻有名的景点。设计者为越南前总统的女儿,其外形酷似一棵枯死腐烂的大树,需要通过巨大的树洞、踩着木桩阶梯走进其中。在这里可以攀爬蜿蜒崎岖的独特阶梯,参观蜘蛛房、老虎房、狗熊房等风格迥异的房间。3、三十六行街三十六行街是越南最热门的商业街,每条街都有特色工艺品店,是游客们买伴手礼的最佳去处。这里的手工艺品和旅游纪念品几乎是全越南最便宜的,品种也很齐全,街上遍布着艺术家的工作室,虽然简陋但富有个性。


《Vietnam》是John Grant的音乐作品,收录在《Strongroom》专辑中。 基本介绍 所属专辑 :Strongroom 歌曲时长 :5分30秒 发行时间 :2013-05-13 填词 :John Grant 谱曲 :John Grant 编曲 :John Grant 音乐风格 :合成器流行 歌曲语言 :英语 歌词 Vietnam-John Grant Just say that I"m the man under "Cause understatement at its worst I was completely incapacitated By your southern charm It hit me like an ancient gipsy curse But this instrument used was such precision It"s like a concrete wall A thousand meters tall And I"m trying to climb the dicy walls a million times But I simply cannot find inside of me The requisite press on Your silence is a weapon It"s like a nuclear bomb It"s like the age and orangely used To use in Vietnam It"s a company by an apathy It"s deafening through the years You know it is complete and perfect And you wield it without fears It isn"t complicated you just don"t care You attack me by not saying anything You say that you don"t bring your anger to me But it poisons every fiber of your being Now you started something that you cannot fetch And left us standing in the wreckage of my own And the one thing that brings me in the comfort Is the knowledge is that no matter who you"re with You"ll always be alone Your silence is a weapon It"s like a nuclear bomb It"s like the age and orangely used To use in Vietnam It"s a company by an apathy It"s deafening through the years You know it is complete and perfect And you wield it without fears Your silence is a weapon It"s like a nuclear bomb It"s like the age and orangely used To use in Vietnam It"s a company by an apathy It"s deafening through the years You know it is complete and perfect And you wield it without fears

vietnam是哪个国家 vietnam是什么意思 vietnam介绍

看到这个单词vietnam是不是感觉不知道是什么意思,其实这就是一个国家名字,vietnam是哪个国家呢?这个就是我们旁边的国家越南。其实你不要看就是这么的简单,这里面的涵义相当的大,下面就来具体介绍一下vietnam是什么意思。 viet是越,nam是南;合起来就成了越南。无论是从音、还是意都与汉字非常吻合。 您知道为什么它叫越南(vietnam)吗?为什么不叫vietland、vietia之类的吗?我有幸从一位在越南居住过一段时间的美国先生那得知了这个名词的真正含义。 越南人之所以管自己的国家叫“南”是因为他们没有忘记他们曾经拥有过的领土---越北。 您应该听说过中国以前的百越部落吧?在中国境内,他们就聚居在现今岭南一带(即两广、湘南、赣南、闽南)。古时的岭南人跟现在的越南人是属同源(都是蒙古人种的马来类型),所以岭南一带就是他们所说的越北。后来秦始皇南征时将岭南一带吞并了,纳入了华夏族人的地盘。 这就是Vietnam真正的意思。 vietnam介绍 越南,全称越南社会主义共和国(Socialist Republic of Vietnam),位于中南半岛东部,北与中国接壤,西与老挝、柬埔寨交界,东面和南面临南海,海岸线长3260多公里。越南的野生动物种类、资源丰富。1986年开始施行革新开放。1996年越共八大提出要大力推进国家工业化、现代化。2001年越共九大确定建立社会主义市场经济体制。越南共产党是该国唯一合法的政党。通用越南语,华语与英语也被广泛使用。越南是东南亚国家中,历史上受中国文化影响最深,而且唯一一个接受儒家思想的国家。越南也是东南亚国家联盟成员之一。









求一篇society and family life的作文

Modernization of Family Life  With the rapid development of the society, family life is becoming modernized. Years ago, people considered owing radios, sewing machines, watches and bicycles as being modernized. But in recent years, almost all families have TV sets, refrigerators and washing machines. It is very common to see people ride motorcycles or even drive private cars and more and more families have telephones, computers and air-conditioners.  The modernization of family life brings us convenience and comfort. One may enjoy TV or radio programs, communicate with his friends through telephone or work with his computer while his washing machine, refrigerator and air-conditioners are running. And by car or motorcycle one can quickly reach wherever he wants to go.  In spite of this, these modern facilities also bring us disadvantages. For example, radiation from TV sets and computers is harmful to our health; improper driving of cars and motorcycles becomes the major cause of traffic accidents. The quietness of a family is often disturbed by a falsedialing or unwelcome phone call. But it is believed that these disadvantages will be disposed of with the improvement of modernization and our life will be more healthy and more comfortable.



a variety of 和 varieties of的区别


Quiet Riot的《Breathless》 歌词

歌曲名:Breathless歌手:Quiet Riot专辑:Metal HealthAlbum: Reckless And RelentlessReleased on April 5, 2011≡卐 Asking Alexandria - Breathless 卐≡GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MEEEEE!!!I KNOW THAT ICOULD DIVE AROUND IN A SEA OF ABYSSAND PULL IT OUT OF REMORSEI KNOW THAT IAM ON THE STEP STONES OF THE GRAVEOF THE MAN THAT NEVER LOVEDI STRUGGLE TO FIND MYSELF THIS TIMESave Youself For A Man With A Conscience!!I TRY TO FIND MYSELF THIS TIMESave Yourself For A Man That Isn"t Me!!I spend my days looking through pagesTrying to find a wayTo get away from meWith love to give that leaves you BreathlessNow all I need to findA way back inside my mindI DON"T WANT TO LEAVE YOU BREATHLESS!WHEN WILL YOU REALIZE?I DON"T WANT TO LEAVE YOU BREATHLESS!WHEN WILL YOU REALIZE?I DON"T WANT TO LEAVE YOU BREATHLESS!WHEN WILL YOU SAVE YOURSELF?YeeaaHH!!I spend my days looking through pagesTrying to find a wayTo get away from meWith love to give that leaves you breathlessNow all I need to findA way back inside my mindI need to findA way back inside my mindAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!I NEED TO FIND..A WAY BACK INSIDE MY MIIIIIND!!!This Is Not The End!(This isn"t the end of...)This Is Not The End!(This isn"t the end of...)This Is Not The End!(This isn"t the end of...)This Is Not The End!RUH!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!YAHH!!!OHHH!HAVE YOU MISTAKEN METhis Is not About Us Everyday!!YET STILL I CARRY ONWhen Everything We Have Is Lost!!YOU ARE, BETTER OFF TO WALK ALONEI Am Corruption!I AM SIN!FORGET MY NAME!FORGET MY FACE!!!FORGET MY NAME!FORGET MY FACE!!!



up and down ,back and forth, quiet and loud 是什么意思



仓木麻衣歌曲《Juliet》基本信息:歌手:仓木麻衣作词:仓木麻衣作曲:冈本仁志专辑:DIAMOND WAVE发行时间:2006年语言:日语日语歌词:こんな风に朝を  一人で迎えるのは辛い  梦の中の仆达は  ちゃんと歩き始めてるのに  あぁ だけど 君がふれた心  求め続けている  今直ぐ 时计ゼロに戻し  もう一度 会いたいから  Can"t you see  I am  ベルが鸣る 駅(ホーム)急ぐ  君を行き止めて抱きしめて言うよ  そばにいて 爱を连れた  君がいるから 何も恐れずに  Juliet  孤独だった日々も  君と出逢え嘘の様に  明るく変われたのは  爱教えてくれたからで  あぁ だけど いつも君を失くす  不安に包まれてた  それは 自分自身信じられなくて  强がってた  Can"t you see  I am  これ以上 君のいない  毎日は何も意味を持たない  新しい时を重ね  君と二人で 筑いていけるよ  Juliet  初めて出会った  あの顷の様に戻れるのかな  今君の手をつかむ  振り向きざま  二人口づけかわした  これ以上 君のいない  毎日は何も意味を持たない  新しい时を重ね  君と二人で 筑いていけるよ  Juliet  二度と君を  离さずにいることを誓う中文歌词:吹着这样风儿的早晨一个人迎接是蛮心酸的梦中的我们明明才开始起步的啊 虽然 持续追求著那独及你的心现在马上 将时钟归零因为我想再见你一面Can"t you see, I am火车铃声已响 月台上加快脚步我要阻止你将你拥入怀中对你说请留在我身边 带著爱因为有你在 让我无所畏惧 Juliet连孤单的日子为与你相遇有如作梦般变的开朗为你教了我什麼是爱可是 总是失去你被不安所包围那是因为 自己无法信任自己逞强can"t you see i am我无法在忍受 没有你的日子那样每天毫无意义将新的时间重叠我与你两人将可以共筑梦想喔 Juliet不知是否能重回到当初相遇的那时现在 抓紧你的手回过头般俩人亲吻著我无法在忍受 没有你的日子那样每天毫无意义将新的时间重叠我与你两人将可以共筑梦想喔 Juliet我发誓我不再离开你身边罗马拼音:Konna fuu ni asa woHitori de mukaeru no wa tsuraiYume no naka no bokutachi waChanto aruki hajimeteru no niAa dakedo kimi ga fureta kokoroMotome tsudukete iruIma sugu tokei zero ni modoshiMou ichido aitai karaCan"t you see, I amBERU ga naruHOOMU isoguKimi wo hiki tomete dakishimete iu yoSoba ni iteAi wo tsuretaKimi ga iru karaNanimo osorezu ni JulietKodoku datta hibi moKimi to deae uso no you niAkaruku kawareta no waAi oshiete kureta kara deAa dakedo itsumo kimi wo nakusuFuan ni tsutsumaretetaSore wa jibunjishin shinjirare nakuteTsuyogattetaCan"t you see, I am*Kore ijou kimi no inaiMainichi wa nanimo imi wo mota naiAtarashii toki wo kasaneKimi to futari deKiduite ikeru yo JulietHajimete deattaAno goro no you ni modoreru no ka naIma kimi no te wo tsukamuFurimuki zamaFutari kuchiduke kawashita*RepeatNido to kimi woHanasazu ni iru koto wo chikau

Romeo And Juliet 歌词

歌曲名:Romeo And Juliet歌手:Russian Symphony Orchestra专辑:Tchaikovsky: Symphonic Works After Shakespeare. Romeo And Juliet / The Tempest / HamletDire Straits---Romeo And JulietA lovestruck romeo sing a streetsuss serenadeLaying everybody low with a lovesong that he madeFinds a convenient street light steps out of the shadeSays something like you and me babe how about it?Juliet says hey it"s romeo you nearly gimme a heart attackHe"s underneath the window she"s singing hey la my boyfriend"s backYou shouldn"t come around here singing up at people like thatAnyway what you gonna do about it?Juliet the dice was loaded from the startAnd I bet and you exploded into my heartAnd I forget the movie songWhen you gonna realise it was just that the time was wrong juliet?Come up on different streets they both were streets of shameBoth dirty both mean yes and the dream was just the sameAnd I dreamed your dream for you and now your dream is realHow can you look at me as if I was just another one of your deals?When you can fall for chains of silver you can fall for chains of goldYou can fall for pretty strangers and the promises they holdYou promised me everything you promised me thick and thinNow you just say oh romeo yeah you know I used to have a scene with himJuliet when we made love you used to cryYou said I love you like the stars above and I love you till I dieThere"s a place for us you know the movie songWhen you gonna realise it was just that the time was wrong juliet?I can"t do the talk like they talk on the TVAnd I can"t do a love song like the way it"s meant to beI can"t do everything but I"d do anything for youI can"t do anything except be in love youAnd all I do is miss you and the way we used to beAnd all I do is keep th beat and bad companyAll I do is kiss you through the bars of a rhymeJulie I"d do the stars with you any timeJuliet when we made love you used to cryYou said I love you like the stars above I"ll love you till I dieAnd there"s a place for us you know the movie songWhen you gonna realise it was just that the time was wrong juliet?finds that streetlight steps out of the shadeSays something like you and me babe how about it?




a busy street是说一条忙碌繁华的街,这样的街当然就是吵闹的

“tai phan mem tieng viet nam”是什么意思?

toi nho

高中生英语作文带翻译:健康饮食Healthy Diet

What is healthy diet? To the most people, healthy diet means more green foods, no junk foods. The green food is those pollution-free, high quality and nutrient food, including the organic vegetables and meats, fruits, eggs and so on. The meals of healthy diet should be cooked with fewer salt and oil. And the junk food is those low nutrition, high calorie, processed food with much salt or oil, such as the fries, fried chickens, salted eggs and so on. These foods will cause one get weight and increase the risk of many diseases. We should keep a healthy diet, abandon the junk food to keep ourselves healthy. 什么是健康饮食?对于大多数人来说,健康饮食就意味着多吃绿色食品,不要吃垃圾食品。绿色食品就是那些无污染、高品质和营养的食物,包括有机蔬菜和肉类、水果、鸡蛋等等。健康饮食的膳食应该用更少的盐和油制作。而垃圾食品是指那些低营养、高热量、再加工的高盐重油食品,例如薯条、炸鸡和咸蛋等等。这些食品会导致一个人发胖,并增加疾病的风险。为了保持健康,我们应该保持健康饮食,抛弃垃圾食品。

求越南语翻译 toi khong biet chu dien thoai khong duoc g




关于nshss(the national society of high school scholars)

我用过 很好 不是骗人的 那个只是为了给你会员号,用户名和密码

society前加不加冠词?随着社会的快速发展Along with the high-speed development of the society 对吗







a variety of ,varieties of 各种各样 和 a lot of ,lots of 道理一样 a quatity of . quatities of 大量的意思 这四组词后面都可加可数名词复数和不可数名词希望有帮助

fuck the society as a real man,什么意思?



quiet & serene 都有静止的,宁静的意思,但是serene似乎更强调环境的宁静怡人,而quiet是则强调环境的悄无声息quiet & serene都可以形容人从容冷静

filial piety 怎么读

filial piety英 [u02c8fu026ali:u0259l u02c8paiu0259ti] 美 [u02c8fu026aliu0259l u02c8pau026au026ati] n.孝顺,孝心; 跪乳之恩; 乌鸟私情网络孝; 孝道; 孝顺数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道1Now I can already filial piety parents. 现在我已经可以孝顺父母了。

filial piety是什么意思

filial piety n.孝顺,孝心不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】

英语作文《what is filial piety?》


写一篇关于filial piety的英语作文

With the development of science and technology, people"s living standards have been improved. Nowadays, more and more people own private cars. Is it a good or bad thing to have a private car?Some people think it is a good thing. For example, it can provide convenience for you. If you have a car, you can go wherever you want quickly and easily. It can also help you save a lot of time in waiting for other vehicles. Besides, it can give you the sense of independence.However, it is also disadvantages for you to have a private car and it will make roads crowded and cause traffic jams. Second, sometimes it is difficult for you to find a parking place. Third, the expenses are high, such as paying for petrol and all the repairs your car needs. What"s worse, waste gas giving off from cars can pollute air and cause acid rain, which does harm to the living things.In my opinion, having a private car is good. But we should take a bus or ride a bike every now and then, so we can keep fit. Besides, in order to save energy and protect the enviroment, we should invent some high technology cars which are enviroment friendly.

filial piety是什么意思




filial piety什么意思

n. 孝顺,孝心;跪乳之恩;乌鸟私情

filiai piety是什么意思

filial piety[英][u02c8fu026ali:u0259l u02c8paiu0259ti][美][u02c8fu026aliu0259l u02c8pau026au026ati]n.孝顺,孝心; 跪乳之恩; 乌鸟私情; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The doctrine of filial piety was the keystone of confucian education; it advocated not onlydevotion to one"s parents but also submission to all types of authority at all levels. 孝道是儒家教育的基石,它宣扬不仅要孝敬父母,而且要臣服于各种各样的权威。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


你是不是多打了个t.应该是Pietypiety 英 /"pau026au0259tu026a/ 美 /"pau026au0259ti/ 全球(英国) n. 虔诚;孝敬;虔诚的行为或语言复数 pieties短语1.piety harmony 和谐2.piety politics 孝政治3.piety n 虔诚


没有pietty这个词,您要找的是不是:piety piety英 ["pau026au0259tu026a] 美 ["pau026au0259ti] n. 虔诚;孝敬;虔诚的行为或语言例句:The laws are not only like our parents, they are like our ancestors, as we might say, who areowed respect and piety. 法律不只像是我们的父母,也像是我们的祖先,我们可以说,他们值得我尊重与孝敬。[其他] 复数:pieties


Biety 由 bie 和 ty 两个音节构成,第一个是重读音节。bie 属于开音节,ty 不重读,音标可标作 / "bau026au0259ti / ,谐音为 “八一呃 特艾”。


  piety 英[u02c8pau026au0259ti] 美[u02c8pau026au026ati]  n. 虔诚,虔敬;  [例句]It expresses the piety of the Temple community, and their interest in its services and history.  它表达了虔诚的寺社区,他们的兴趣,它的服务和历史。  [其他] 复数:pieties


1、 每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负。 ——尼采2、 我感到难过,不是因为你欺骗了我,而是因为我再也不能相信你了。 ——尼采3、 一个人知道自己为什么而活,就可以忍受任何一种生活。 ——尼采4、 "对待生命你不妨大胆冒险一点, 因为好歹你要失去它。如果这世界上真有奇迹,那只是努力的另一个名字。生命中最难的阶段不是没有人懂你,而是你不懂你自己。 ——尼采"5、 人生没有目的,只有过程,所谓的终极目的是虚无的。---人的情况和树相同。它愈想开向高处和明亮处,它的根愈要向下,向泥土,向黑暗处,向深处,向恶---千万不要忘记。我们飞翔得越高,我们在那些不能飞翔的人 眼中的形象 越是渺小。 ——尼采 《查拉图斯特拉如是说》6、 你遭受了痛苦,你也不要向人诉说,以求同情,因为一个有独特性的人,连他的痛苦都是独特的,深刻的,不易被人了解,别人的同情只会解除你的痛苦的个人性,使之降低为平庸的烦恼,同时也就使你的人格遭到贬值。 ——尼采 《快乐的知 识》7、 谁终将声震人间,必长久深自缄默;谁终将点燃闪电,必长久如云漂泊。 ——尼采8、 千万不要忘记:我们飞翔得越高,我们在那些不能飞翔的人眼中的形象越是渺小。 ——尼采9、 与怪物战斗的人,应当小心自己不要成为怪物。当你远远凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你。 ——尼采 《善恶的彼岸》10、 你要搞清楚自己人生的剧本——不是你父母的续集,不是你子女的前传,更不是你朋友的外篇。对待生命你不妨大胆冒险一点, 因为好歹你要失去它。如果这世界上真有奇迹,那只是努力的另一个名字。生命中最难的阶段 不是没有 人懂你,而是 你不懂你自己。 ——尼采11、 白昼的光,如何能够了解夜晚黑暗的深度呢? ——尼采12、 不能听命于自己者,就要受命于他人。 ——尼采 《查特拉斯如是说》13、 人的精神有三种境界:骆驼、狮子和婴儿。第一境界骆驼,忍辱负重,被动地听命于别人或命运的安排;第二境界狮子,把被动变成主动,由“你应该”到“我要”,一切由我主动争取,主动负起人生责任;第三境界婴儿 ,这是一种 “我是”的 状态,活在当下,享受现在的一切。 ——尼采14、 一切美好的事物都是曲折地接近自己的目标,一切笔直都是骗人的,所有真理都是弯曲的,时间本身就是一个圆圈 ——尼采15、 我走在命运为我规定的路上, 虽然我并不愿意走在这条路上, 但是我除了满腔悲愤的走在这条路上 别无选择 ——尼采16、 人类的生命,不能以时间长短来衡量,心中充满爱时,刹那即为永恒! ——尼采17、 完全不谈自己是一种甚为高贵的虚伪。 ——尼采 《人性,太人性的》18、 你今天是一个孤独的怪人,你离群索居,总有一天你会成为一个民族! ——尼采19、 受苦的人,没有悲观的权利。一个受苦的人,如果悲观了,就没有了面对现实的勇气,也没有了与苦难抗争的力量,结果是他将受到更大的苦。 ——尼采20、 所谓高贵的灵魂,即对自己怀有敬畏之心。 ——尼采 《善恶的彼岸》21、 假使有神,我怎能忍受我不是那神,所以没有神! ——尼采22、 世界弥漫着焦躁不安的气息,因为每一个人都急于从自己的枷锁中解放出来。 ——尼采 《不合时宜的考察》23、 谦逊基于力量,高傲基于无能。 ——尼采24、 理想主义者是不可救药的:如果他被扔出了他的天堂,他会再制造出一个理想的地狱。 ——尼采25、 “他沉沦,他跌倒。”你们一再嘲笑,须知,他跌倒在高于你们的上方。他乐极生悲,可他的强光紧接你们的黑暗。 ——尼采26、 没有可怕的深度,就没有美丽的水面。 ——尼采 《尼采遗稿选》27、 你的良知在说什么?——你要成为你自己。 ——尼采 《快乐的科学》28、 如果我们整天满耳朵都是别人对我们的议论,如果我们甚至去推测别人心里对于我们的想法,那么,即使最坚强的人也将不能幸免于难!因 为其他人,只有在他们强于我们的情况下,才能容许我们在他们身边生活;如果我 们超过了 他们,如果我 们哪怕仅仅是想要超过他们,他们就会不能容忍我们!总 之,让我们以一种难得糊涂的精神和他们相处,对于他们关于我们的所有议论,赞扬,谴责,希望和期待都充耳不闻,连想也不去想。 ——尼采29、 不要停在平原,不要登上高山,从半山上看,世界显得最美。 ——尼采 《世界的智慧》30、 聪明的人只要能掌握自己,便什么也不会失去。 ——尼采31、 也许你感觉自己的努力总是徒劳无功,但不必怀疑,你每天都离顶点更进一步。今天的你离顶点还遥遥无期。但你通过今天的努力,积蓄了明天勇攀高峰的力量。 ——尼采32、 愚昧无知是一切痛苦之源。 ——尼采33、 自从我厌倦了寻找,便学会了找到 ——尼采34、 男人骨子里坏,女人骨子里贱。 ——尼采 《查拉图斯特拉如是说》35、 "要真正体验生命,你必须站在生命之上。 ——尼采"36、 谁终将声震人间,必长久身自缄默。谁终将点燃闪电,必长久如云漂泊。我的时代还没到来,有的人死后方生。 ——尼采 《查拉图斯特拉如是说》37、 常常谈论自己的人,往往只是为了隐藏自己。 ——尼采 《善恶的彼岸》38、 没有真理,只有解释。 ——尼采39、 一棵树要长得更高,接受更多的光明,那么它的根就必须更深入黑暗。( 闪点情话网) ——尼采40、 当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视着你。 ——尼采 《善恶的彼岸》41、 当心!他一沉思,就立即准备好了一个谎言。 ——尼采42、 迟到的青春是持久的青春。 ——尼采43、 人可以控制行为,却不能约束感情,因为感情是变化无常的。 ——尼采44、 无选择的求知冲动,犹如无选择的性冲动一样——都是一种下贱的本能! ——尼采 《初期遗稿》45、 如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上。 ——尼采 《查拉图斯特拉如是说》46、 谁若孜孜于寻找,就越容易迷失自己。一切孤独皆是罪过。 ——尼采47、 无需时刻保持敏感,迟钝有时即为美德。尤其与人交往时,即便看透了对方的某种行为或者想法的动机,也需装出一副迟钝的样子。此乃社交之诀窍,亦是对人的怜恤。 ——尼采48、 最好的作者,是那羞于成为作家的人。 ——尼采 《人性,太人性的》49、 "当某一动物, 某一种族或某一个体失去其他种种本能时,当它选择以及当它偏爱对它不利的东西时,便称它为堕落。 ——尼采 《反基督》"50、 在需要面前,一切理想主义都是虚伪的 ——尼采

The society as a whole will be cultivated deeply if everyone learns to compete and move forward


Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 会被SCI踢出吗

不会,期刊影响因子稳定,发文量并不高,没有灌水。期刊名字 DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETYDISCRETE DYN NAT SOC 期刊ISSN 1026-0226 2014-2015最新影响因子 0.877 通讯方式 HINDAWI PUBLISHING CORPORATION, 410 PARK AVENUE, 15TH FLOOR, #287 PMB, NEW YORK, USA, NY, 10022 涉及的研究方向 综合性期刊-数学跨学科应用 出版国家 UNITED STATES 出版周期 Quarterly 出版年份 1997 年文章数 279


diversity n. 主要是指差异,不同点variety n. 主要是指多样性,尤指生物物种多样性

quiet a lot 、quite a little、quite a few、quite a bit的区别

quite a loquite a lot 相当多 quite a lot 相当多 很多 很多 quite a lot 固定搭配,表示很多 5.quite a lot固定搭配,表示很多. 大量,相当多,不少,很多quite a little意为“相当多”,修饰不可数名词、quite a few意为“相当多”,修饰可数名词、quite a bit 相当多 举例:Yes,quite a bit. 是的,经常打. 2. He has knocked around quite a bit. 他经历过很多漂泊不定的生活. 3. The plane plane is rocking quite a bit. 飞机摇得挺厉害. 4. He has got quite a bit salted away . 他攒了不少钱. 5. No.You can cat quite a bit off. 孙:不,你可以多剪掉一些. 6. Dad has quite a bit of confidence in carpentry. 在做木活方面老爸还是蛮有自信的. 7. He"s pulling in quite a bit in his new job. 他在新工作中赚了不少钱.


Quite a few的意思是:不少,相当多; 1、作形容词的意思是:很少的;几乎没有的; 2、作介词的意思是:很少; 3、作名词的意思是:很少数。 扩展资料   短语:   1、some few 不少,有一些   2、few and far between 稀少;彼此相距很远;不常发生   3、in a few days 过几天;不日;在几天后   4、no fewer than 不少于;不低于;多达   例句:   This box of glasses has been bumped about all the way here and quite afew pieces are broken.   这箱玻璃杯一路上磕磕碰碰的,碎了不少。

quiet a lot 、quite a little、quite a few、quite a bit的区别


proprietor(proprietory) propriety这两个单词如此相似,意思却大相径庭是为何?


Twentieth Century Fox 歌词

歌曲名:Twentieth Century Fox歌手:Pandora"S Box专辑:Original SinTitile:Twentieth Century FoxArtist:The DoorsEdit by: Happy PiggieWell, she"s fashionably leanAnd she"s fashionably lateShe"ll never rank a sceneShe"ll never break a dateBut she"s no dragJust watch the way she walksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxNo tears, no fearsNo ruined yearsNo clocksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s the queen of coolAnd she"s the lady who waitsSince her mind left schoolIt never hesitatesShe won"t waste timeon elementary talk"Cause she"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxGot the world locked upInside a plastic boxShe"s a twentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century fox

Twentieth Century 歌词

歌曲名:Twentieth Century歌手:Pet Shop Boys专辑:Fundamental 基音Titile:Twentieth Century FoxArtist:The DoorsEdit by: Happy PiggieWell, she"s fashionably leanAnd she"s fashionably lateShe"ll never rank a sceneShe"ll never break a dateBut she"s no dragJust watch the way she walksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxNo tears, no fearsNo ruined yearsNo clocksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s the queen of coolAnd she"s the lady who waitsSince her mind left schoolIt never hesitatesShe won"t waste timeon elementary talk"Cause she"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxGot the world locked upInside a plastic boxShe"s a twentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century fox

Twentieth Century Fox 歌词

歌曲名:Twentieth Century Fox歌手:38 Special专辑:Authorized Bootleg - Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, New York 1/29/85Titile:Twentieth Century FoxArtist:The DoorsEdit by: Happy PiggieWell, she"s fashionably leanAnd she"s fashionably lateShe"ll never rank a sceneShe"ll never break a dateBut she"s no dragJust watch the way she walksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxNo tears, no fearsNo ruined yearsNo clocksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s the queen of coolAnd she"s the lady who waitsSince her mind left schoolIt never hesitatesShe won"t waste timeon elementary talk"Cause she"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxGot the world locked upInside a plastic boxShe"s a twentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century fox

Twentieth Century 歌词

歌曲名:Twentieth Century歌手:Pet Shop Boys专辑:FundamentalTitile:Twentieth Century FoxArtist:The DoorsEdit by: Happy PiggieWell, she"s fashionably leanAnd she"s fashionably lateShe"ll never rank a sceneShe"ll never break a dateBut she"s no dragJust watch the way she walksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxNo tears, no fearsNo ruined yearsNo clocksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s the queen of coolAnd she"s the lady who waitsSince her mind left schoolIt never hesitatesShe won"t waste timeon elementary talk"Cause she"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxGot the world locked upInside a plastic boxShe"s a twentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century fox

Twentieth Century Fox 歌词

歌曲名:Twentieth Century Fox歌手:Pandora S Box专辑:Original SinTitile:Twentieth Century FoxArtist:The DoorsEdit by: Happy PiggieWell, she"s fashionably leanAnd she"s fashionably lateShe"ll never rank a sceneShe"ll never break a dateBut she"s no dragJust watch the way she walksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxNo tears, no fearsNo ruined yearsNo clocksShe"s a twentieth century foxShe"s the queen of coolAnd she"s the lady who waitsSince her mind left schoolIt never hesitatesShe won"t waste timeon elementary talk"Cause she"s a twentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century foxGot the world locked upInside a plastic boxShe"s a twentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century fox, oh yeahTwentieth century foxShe"s a twentieth century fox


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不同,strict 字母I 读作/i/,而quiet字母I 发/ai/、祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:)

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求高手鉴定耐克英文说是越南制造的 FABRIQUE AU VIETNAM工厂代号是VQ但网上看了下越南制造的代号没有VQ的


lack in variety

1.lack sth. lack做动词; lacking in. lacking为形容词 3. lack of.. 整体可以做主语或宾语



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美剧天堂。lietome也叫《别对我说谎》是美国福克斯广播公司于2009年到2011年播出,由Tim Roth、Kelli Williams主演的电视剧。是一部美剧,所以在美剧天堂看。美剧是中国人对美国电视及网络剧集的简称,广义上涵盖美国所有视听节目。




variant英 [u02c8veu0259riu0259nt] 美 [u02c8veriu0259nt] n. (词等的)变体,(字音的)转讹;[生]变种,变异体;变形,变量,转化;[统]变式adj. 变异的;不同的,相异的,不一致的;多样的;易变的,不定的复数: variants variety英 [vu0259u02c8rau026au0259ti] 美 [vu0259u02c8rau026au026ati] n. 多样;种类;杂耍;变化,多样化复数: varieties

be quiet meaningful是什么意思




在图书馆该做些什么,用英语,如Be quiet!

No loudly speaking!

Be quiet.I( study) English括号里用适当形式填空

am stduying

please be quiet 为什么要用原形be



be quiet,安静属于形容词,一般形容词前都要加be动词。

be quiet ! someone __ in the next room,

is sleep 正在睡觉 be+动词的ing形式

shhh...Be quiet!英文怎么读?


Can you be quiet?


be careful和be quiet 等为什么用be不用is


You be quiet 是对的句子吗

最好加个逗号, You, be quiet. be quiet祈使句。 前面you,是称呼。类似结构;Jack, don"t make noise. jack,不要吵。
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