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be quiet 和keep quiet 的区别

be quiet是指在一个喧闹的环境中,突然一方要求另一方安静keep quiet是指要求保持着一直安静...

We have to be quiet in the library划线提问( be quiet )

What do we have to do in the library?

be quiet! 这个牌子的电脑机箱哪款散热比较好?

be quiet这个牌子的电脑机箱天玑820的口碑较好。be quiet天玑820的相关优势介绍具体如下:1、be quiet天玑820的配置较好:be quiet天玑820拥有旗舰级4大核CPU架构,高能效多核Mali G57 MC5 GPU。同时be quiet天玑820集成5G基带,支持NSA/SA双模组网,支持5G+5G双卡双待,5G双载波聚合,以及MediaTek 5G UltraSave省电技术。2、be quiet天玑820的技术较为先进:be quiet天玑820还具有独立AI处理器,旗舰级APU3.0架构,出色的AI性能和独家多任务AI排程技术。3、be quiet天玑820的性能较稳定:be quiet天玑820的支持5G+5G双卡双待,同时也是2G至5G最完整的双卡双待解决方案。独家MediaTek 5G UltreSave省电技术相比同级降低约50%的功耗,带来持久电力。扩展资料:be quiet天玑820的有关介绍具体如下:be quiet天玑820支持NSA/SA组网和5G双载波聚合,Sub-6GHz频段5G上下行速度加成,平均时延更短,实现真正的高速5G连接。全球率先支持 5G+5G双卡双待;同时be quiet天玑820也是2G至5G的最完整双卡双待解决方案。独家MediaTek5G Ultr aSave省电技术最多可降低5G功耗50%,带来持久电力。be quiet天玑820采用4 个主频高达2.6GHz 的Cortex-A76核心和4 个主频 2.0GHz 的Cortex-A55 高能效核心。天玑820率先将旗舰机的4大核架构引入中高端智能手机,带来的多核性能优势远超同级37%。

better be quiet什么意思

better be quiet :最好保持安静。be quiet:保持安静。双语例句:1、Is he jewish? Will you be quiet?他是犹太人吗?你能安静点吗?2、Just once in your life will you be quiet?你能在一生中保持安静一次吗?

Please be quiet的be在句中是什么意思






用be quiet造句

形容词: 1.Be quiet!(安静!); Please be quiet.Don"t keep quiet! 2.The stock market was quiet last week.平静 动词:1.I expect you to quieten down when I come into the classroom.使安静 名词:1.All I want is peace and quiet.安静

be quiet的近义词

keep quiet

please be quiet 为什么要用原形be

Please be quiet 是一个祈使句,其中please是礼貌用语,在句子中没有结构上的意义,可以随便放前面或者后面,即:Please be quiet=Be quiet please. 而哪怕直接删除please这个词,对句子的影响也只是显得不那么礼貌,而实际意义不变。所谓祈使句就是英语中省略主语,直接以动词开头的句子,一般用于命令或请求。由于主语被省略,所以动词并不能因为“消失了的”主语进行变化,就只有显示成原形。简单的祈使句举例如下:Stand up. 起立Sit down. 坐下Be quiet. 安静Be quick. 快点儿

英语中的安静为什么这么说? 为什么是be quiet而不是quiet?

Quiet 是形容词,Be quiet ! 这是个祈使句。quiet 作表语。表示一种命令、请求。 如果单用 quiet 只表示 一种感叹语气 “ 多安静啊!”



be quiet造句

形容词:1. Be quiet! (安静!); Please be quiet. Don"t keep quiet!2. The stock market was quiet last week.平静 动词:1. I expect you to quieten down when I come into the classroom. 使安静名词:1. All I want is peace and quiet. 安静打字不易,如满意,望采纳。

be quiet里be是什么意思?

be quite中的be是一个be动词,没有特别的含义。望采纳。

be quiet 是什么句 前面为什么有个be


be quiet是现在进行时的标志吗?


be quiet 为什么加be


shhh … be quiet翻译成中文翻译


Be quiet和Talk quietly一样吗?

Be quiet. 安静! 不要吵闹说话!Talk quietly. 心平气和地说话。

be quiet怎么用,为什么这个quiet和be能组成短语?

额 不就是请你安静的意思吗

to be quiet和be quiet的区别

to be quiet保持安静。be quiet安静to可以用作介词,也可以用作结构助词。作介词用的时候,后面跟名词或动名词。比如:Give the book to Tom.I am looking forward to seeing you.什么时候用to,介词的用法都是固定搭配的,与其记住很容易混淆的多种含义,不如直接背固定词组。用作结构助词的时候,是做不定式,也就是to do形式,后面必须跟动词原形。也可以理解为一种固定搭配,比如want to do , be going to do。最好也是记住固定词组。

be quiet!德商必酷这个牌子的产品怎么样?




be quiet怎么用,为什么这个quiet和be能组成短语?

如果是这句话:Be quiet!就是一个祈使句,动词原形开头嘛!如果这个be是指be动词那就是说这个可以用到句子中构成系表结构,(主系表结构,比如You are lovely.You是主语,are是系动词,lovely是表语.)

是Be quietly还是 Be quiet ?

Be quiet 系后形 动后副 be是系动词 所以后面跟形容词 quiet是形容词 而quietly是副词

是be quiet还是be quietly?


是be quiet还是be quietly?

be quiet 系表结构,quiet形容词

Be quiet的意思


be quiet怎么读

be quiet音标就是["kwau026au0259t]作文举例:On then senventh day of Spring Festiva, my little sister and I stayed at home and had nothing to do. My little sister said she was so bored. So I decided to go to the cinema to see a film with her.When we arrived at the cinema. I found that the film named "KingKong" was being shown. I have ever seen the forenotice of it. It seems to be a good film. I bought the tickets and went into the cinema.The leading actor of the film is a huge orangutang named Kingkong."Oh,it"s very cute!"My little sister said to me,"What do you think of it?""Cute?Oh,maybe."I don"t think it"s cute at all."Why can an orangutang be so huge?"She asked me."It isn"t a real orangutang.It was made by the computer."I said."Why do the people&****;** the land look so terrible?Where do they come from?""I don"t konw. Don"t ask me so many questions.You"re so boring."I said to her angrily.Then she didn"t say anything and saw the film quietly.But when my little sister saw KingKong was being shot. She began shouting "No!"and screamed loudly.

Be quiet,中文是怎么解释的呢

be quiet [词典] 保持安静; [例句]Everywhere seemed to be quiet.到处似乎都很安静。

be quiet是什么意思


《Romeo and Juliet》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Romeo and Juliet》(William Shakespeare)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 7q5m书名:Romeo and Juliet作者:William Shakespeare豆瓣评分:8.3出版社:Wordsworth Editions出版年份:2000-11-5页数:160内容简介:Book DescriptionThe Wordsworth Classics" Shakespeare Series presents a newly-edited sequence of William Shakespeare"s works. The textual editing endeavours to take account of recent scholarship while giving the material a careful reappraisal. About this book: Love, sex and death are the components of Shakespeare"s classic story of the love of two young people which reaches across the barriers of family and convention. It encompasses great love, high drama, low comedy and a tragic ending. Romeo and Juliet is a pure tragedy of youth told in verse that is both youthful and intense. The loveliness and the music of the poetry make believable the otherwise commonplace afflictions of blighted love. The beautiful personification of some of the main characters has caused Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio and the Nurse to become part of the world"s literary mythology.Love, sex and death are the components in this story of the love of two young people which reaches across the barriers of family and convention. It encompasses great love, high drama, low comedy and a tragic ending.Book Dimension :length: (cm)19.8 width:(cm)12.6

Romeo and Juliet歌词

-Love Story-We were both young when I first saw you 当我第一次见到你的时候我们都还很年轻I close my eyes and the flashback starts 我闭上双眼 我们的故事在我脑海里一幕幕回放I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air 炎炎夏日我站在阳台上See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns 看着这些灯,派对和舞会礼服See you make your way through the crowd 看你穿过拥挤的人群And say hello, little did I know 跟我打招呼 我却不知道That you were Romeo 你就是罗密欧You were throwing pebbles 你朝我扔小石子And my daddy said stay away from Juliet 我爸爸却说 离朱丽叶远点And I was crying on the staircase 我在楼梯上哭了Begging you please don't go 求你不要离开And I said 我说Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone 罗密欧 带我去一个我们能单独在相处的地方吧I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run 我会等待的 只有逃离才能让我们摆脱束缚You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess 你会成为王子 而我就是公主It's a love story, baby, just say yes 这是个爱的故事 宝贝 你就答应我吧So I sneak out to the garden to see you 我悄悄溜到花园去看你We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew 我们都很安静 因为如果被他们知道我们就惨了So close your eyes, escape this town for a little while 所以,闭上你的双眼 逃避尘世,即使如此短暂的一刻Oh, oh, ohCause you were Romeo 因为你是罗密欧I was a scarlet letter 我的生命才有了如此鲜艳的光彩And my daddy said stay away from Juliet 我爸爸却说 离朱丽叶远点But you were everything to me 但是你就是我的一切I was begging you please don't go 我请求你不要离开我And I said 我说Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone 罗密欧 带我去一个只有我们俩的地方吧I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run 我会等待的 只有逃离才能让我们摆脱束缚You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess 你会成为我的王子而我就是你的公主It's a love story, baby, just say yes 这是个爱的故事 宝贝 你就答应我吧Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel 罗密欧,拯救我痛苦的灵魂,他们总在试图左右我的思想This love is difficult, but it's real这份爱充满艰难,但它是如此真实Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess 不要害怕,我们终究会冲破困境It's a love story, baby, just say yes 这就是我们的爱情,亲爱的,请答应我I got tired of waiting, wondering if you were ever coming around 我厌倦了等待,怀疑你是否会如期出现在我面前My faith in you was fading 曾经坚定的信念开始动摇When I met you on the outskirts of town 当我在小镇的郊外与你相会And I said 我说Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone 罗密欧,救救我,孤单的感觉一直缠绕着我I keep waiting for you but you never come 我一直在等着你,而你却沓然无踪Is this in my head, I don't know what to think 这是真的吗?我的脑海一片空白He knelt to the ground and he pulled out a ring 他跪在地上,并掏出一枚钻戒说And said 我说Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone 嫁给我, 朱丽叶,我不会再让你感到孤单I love you and that's all I really know 我知道我爱你, 一直都深爱你I talked to your dad, you'll pick out a white dress 我和你的爸爸谈了, 快去拿你的白色婚纱It's a love story, baby, just say yes 这是个爱的故事 宝贝 你就答应我吧Oh, oh, oh, ohWe were both young when I first saw you 当我第一次见到你的时候我们都还很年轻---------------------非常喜欢这首的mv~华丽丽的宫廷风~<( ̄▽ ̄)>

Twist In My Sobriety 失常 歌词

歌曲名:Twist In My Sobriety 失常歌手:齐豫专辑:这就是人生Twist In My Sobriety---齐豫---All God"s children need traveling shoesDrive your problem from hereAll good people resd good booksNow your conscience is clearI hear you talk,girlIn the morning when I wipe my browWipe the miles awayI like to think I can be so willedAnd never do what you sayI"ll never hear youLook my eyes are just hologramsLook your love has drawn red from my handsFrom my hands you know you"ll never beMore than twist in my sobrietyMore than twist in my sobrietyMusic......We just poked a little empty pieFor the fun the people had at nightLate at night don"t need hostilityThe timid smile and pause to freeI don"t care about their different thoughtsDifferent thoughts are good for meUp in arms and chaste and wholeAll God"s children took their tollMusic...Cup of tea.Take time to think.yeaTime to risk a life,a life,a lifeSweet and handsomeSoft and porkyYou pig out till you"ve seen the lightPig out till you"ve seen the lightHalf the people read the papersRead them good and wellPretty people nervous peoplePeople have got to sellNews you have to sell---End---



quiet alot

quite a loquite a lot 相当多 quite a lot 相当多 很多 很多 quite a lot 固定搭配,表示很多 5.quite a lot固定搭配,表示很多. 大量,相当多,不少,很多quite a little意为“相当多”,修饰不可数名词、quite a few意为“相当多”,修饰可数名词、quite a bit 相当多 举例:Yes,quite a bit. 是的,经常打. 2. He has knocked around quite a bit. 他经历过很多漂泊不定的生活. 3. The plane plane is rocking quite a bit. 飞机摇得挺厉害. 4. He has got quite a bit salted away . 他攒了不少钱. 5. No.You can cat quite a bit off. 孙:不,你可以多剪掉一些. 6. Dad has quite a bit of confidence in carpentry. 在做木活方面老爸还是蛮有自信的. 7. He"s pulling in quite a bit in his new job. 他在新工作中赚了不少钱.



英语翻译,大学社团活动用society 还是 community?



community的范围较小,更适合用来指社区。 society则是我们普通意义上的社会 community的英文解释如下: 1. all the people living in one district 2. a group of people with shared origins or interests: the local Jewish community 3. a group of countries with certain interests in common 4. the public; society 5. a group of interdependent plants and animals inhabiting the same region [Latin communis common] society 的英文解释如下: 1. human beings considered as a group 2. a group of people forming a single community with its own distinctive culture and institutions 3. the structure, culture, and institutions of such a group 4. an organized group of people sharing a common aim or interest: a dramatic society 5. the rich and fashionable class of society collectively 6. Old-fashioned companionship: I enjoy her society [Latin societas]




community 主要是地理上的,也可以理解为我们所说的“社区”(这更多的是一种地理的环境和人所生活的环境),而且我们一般也会把它译作“社区”,society 更多的是一种政治环境,譬如资本主义社会啊、社会主义社会啊、社会问题之类的,更多的是强调大范围的政治(或者政权)所影响的区域。community的范围较小,更适合用来指社区。 society则是我们普通意义上的社会 community的英文解释如下: 1. all the people living in one district 2. a group of people with shared origins or interests: the local Jewish community society 的英文解释如下: 1. human beings considered as a group 2. the rich and fashionable class of society collectively望采纳~~~

fortieth 和 forty 有什么区别 分别的意思.

fortieth是序数词,意思是第四十. forty是基数词,意思是四十.

a variety of与varieties of后加什么名词?谓语用单数还是复数形式?

1:a variety of + 复数形式,谓语动词用单数: I have a variety of books at home. Society is made up of a variety of people. A variety of other drying places was devised. 2:varieties of + 复数形式,谓语动词用复数 We offer over 100 different varieties of Corn Snakes. Varieties of Lattices . New Varieties of Food Additives, which were deliberated ...... 类似这类量词都是一致的,比如a great amount of 和 great amounts of.

A variety of还是a variety of的区别是什么呢?

1)首先,a variety of 和 varieties of 的用法是一样的,只是样子不一样罢了。正如,a lot of 和 lots of 一样。2)二者即可修饰可数也可修饰不可数名词。3)作主语时,后面谓语动词的单复数要根据of后的名词单复数而定。如a variety of (或varieties of )books后面要用are,因为中心词始终是books,不要被前面的修饰词迷惑。4)a variety of是“多种多样的……”或 “一种…”,the variety of的意思是“…品种, 种类”;而varieties of的意思是“多种多样的…;各种…”eg.1.a variety of + 可数名词复数形式,谓语动词用复数; a variety of + 不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。1) A variety of food is sold at a supermarket. 超级市场各式各样的食物均有出售。2) Many varieties of natural soaps of are sold in the market.3) We"re going to grow a new variety of wheat this year. 今年我们要种植一种新品种的小麦。2.varieties of + 复数形式,谓语动词用复数1) New Varieties of Food Additives, which were deliberated ...... 2) New Varieties of food has not yet been found by human.3. the variety of的意思是“…品种, 种类” 1) The variety of goods in this shop is rich. 这家商店的货物品种丰富。2) Varieties of books are being sold at this bookshop.

a variety of和variety of的用法有什么不同呢?

1)首先,a variety of 和 varieties of 的用法是一样的,只是样子不一样罢了。正如,a lot of 和 lots of 一样。2)二者即可修饰可数也可修饰不可数名词。3)作主语时,后面谓语动词的单复数要根据of后的名词单复数而定。如a variety of (或varieties of )books后面要用are,因为中心词始终是books,不要被前面的修饰词迷惑。4)a variety of是“多种多样的……”或 “一种…”,the variety of的意思是“…品种, 种类”;而varieties of的意思是“多种多样的…;各种…”eg.1.a variety of + 可数名词复数形式,谓语动词用复数; a variety of + 不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。1) A variety of food is sold at a supermarket. 超级市场各式各样的食物均有出售。2) Many varieties of natural soaps of are sold in the market.3) We"re going to grow a new variety of wheat this year. 今年我们要种植一种新品种的小麦。2.varieties of + 复数形式,谓语动词用复数1) New Varieties of Food Additives, which were deliberated ...... 2) New Varieties of food has not yet been found by human.3. the variety of的意思是“…品种, 种类” 1) The variety of goods in this shop is rich. 这家商店的货物品种丰富。2) Varieties of books are being sold at this bookshop.

it was quiet those big trucks

选C.until 才能正常表达意思. 句子意思是: 直到那些大卡车进入那个镇,它都是安宁的. 相当于: It was not noisy until those big trucks started coming through the town. (那个镇没有什么噪音,直到那些大卡车穿城而过.)

It was quiet ________ those big trucks started coming through the town.




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he industrial revolution modified the whole structure of English society.




Marietta, Georgia在哪个国家!


iet今天lol比赛 结果

IG横扫OMG 一个蓄势 一个重生  IET英雄联盟赛事的揭幕战来自IG和OMG,这两支战队都是国内最老牌的传奇战队,拥有无数光辉的战绩和冠军奖杯,如果英雄联盟项目也有名人堂的话,两支战队的很多选手都有资格进入。从近期的战绩来看,IG战队的实力状态明显要优于OMG战队,IG战队达到了一个实力瓶颈,他们很强,但是在强强对话中总是打不过EDG,这是最影响队员心态和战队士气的因素,OMG也遭遇了低谷风险,从赛季初的完美战绩一路走低,在最近的一系列重要赛事中都没有能够打入决赛。  而在几天的比赛中,依然显示出OMG低迷的状态和IG力争上游的决心,IG以直落两局的比分杀入四强,而将OMG淘汰出局,诚然,今日的OMG为了夏季赛做出了一些人员调整,并不是以最强阵容出战,但依然有大哥和Uzi这样的顶级选手压阵,而在比赛中,大哥和Uzi的表现并不显眼,完全被IG战队对位的选手抢了风头,第二局中,Rookie的蛇女更是无解肥,直接打崩了OMG战队。我们祝愿IG能够在接下来的比赛中越战越勇,也希望OMG战队能够调整好状态,早日王者归来。  黑马战黑马!Sanke涉险拿下WEF  虽然Snake在季后赛只拿到了殿军,有些没能稳住新生代最强挑战者的地位,但不可否认,Snake经过一个赛季LPL的磨炼,已经成长为了一支成熟的战队,此次IET面对WE俱乐部的青训战队WEF,几乎所有人都认为胜利必将属于毒蛇Snake。然而电竞比赛的魅力正在于此,没有人可以预测比赛的结果,一切都需要选手的实力拼搏,团队的配合和好的运气。Snake在IET上,选择让核心AD选手Krystal休战,轮换了新人AD,这让一直以4保1战术为团队体系的Snake战队受到了一些影响。  在第一局的交战中,明显可以看出Snake在没有Krtstal之后的不适应,各个位置就像是生锈的齿轮,配合的相当生涩,让人难以相信这是一支春季赛力压豪强位列常规赛积分榜第二的战队。WEF把握住了机会,一直用经济优势压制着Snake,虽然Snake用经验挽回了一些局面但是难以拯救整局的劣势,令人意外的输掉了第一局,也令这场比赛充满了不确定性。随后的两局中,Snake开始重振旗鼓,新人AD也很快适应了大赛的节奏,WEF缺乏经验的弱点让他们尝尽了苦头,最后输掉了比赛,没能黑马到底。  新生代较量!ST抗压王逆转ADG  由于EDG战队夺得了春季赛的冠军,完成三连冠的同时也受邀参加拳头举办的季中邀请赛,这让他们没能参加IET的赛事,虽然遗憾,却也给了二队ADG一个展示自我的机会,而ADG的对手则是IET线上预选赛一路爆冷而来的新生代战队ST,没有任何的联赛和大型赛事经验,选手实力却不容小觑。这是一场完全新生代之间的对决,在比赛中我们可以看到,虽然都是新生代,但是ST却没有ADG的联赛经验,而有一个赛季LSPL经验和EDG血统传承的ADG有些过于着急,让ST抓住了机会,遗憾失利。我们也能看到ST的强大之处,第二局中一直被天使压制,却利用五龙BUFF完成了一波推的逆袭之战,第三局也是在前中期落后的情况下完成了逆转。两只新生代战队都还有更大的上升空间,希望可以在IET的赛事中看到新生代战队的精彩表现。




Association: group, connection, coming together, linked idea. Society: relationships among groups, structured community of people, customs of a community, subset of community, prominent people, companionship, group sharing interests. 翻译成汉语意思: society:学会,如环境工程学会,美国机械工程学会:American Society of Mechanics Engineer association:协会。如NBA(美国职业篮球协会)补充:society是‘学会"的意思吧!也可以是协会。




quiet英 [u02c8kwau026au0259t] 美 [u02c8kwau026au026at] loud英 [lau028ad] 美 [lau028ad] bell英 [bel] 美 [bu025bl] television英 [u02c8telu026avu026au0292n] 美 [u02c8tu025blu0259u02ccvu026au0292u0259n]

Diet Coca是什么意思啊。。。


the variety of与the variation of的差别

variety是变化种类的多少,如the variety of species(就是物种的多样,是关注数量) variation是“变化”本身这个概念如the variation of signs(正负号的变化) 重点:两者区别在于第一个是关注数量的大小而不是数字.第二个是关注变化本身这件事. 具体到数字的话要用the number of the variation of signs(正负号变化的次数)而不能用the variety of signs(符号的种类) 希望能具体体会两者差别,其实它们的区别是很大的,千万不能混用.

the variety of与the variation of的差别



varietyn.变化, 多样性, 种种, 品种, 种类variationn.变更, 变化, 变异, 变种, [音]变奏, 变调我认为是variety更加好一些,因为variation更多的是强调"变化", 而variety更侧重与 "变化的东西".比如A variant shape of a letter.字母的书写变体






variation和variety的区别有释义不同,读音不同,侧重点不同。一、释义不同1、variation:变化,变动;变异,演变;变奏曲;变量。2、variety:(同一事物的)不同种类,多种式样;变化;多样化;多变性;(植物、语言等的)变种,变体;异体;品种。二、读音不同1、variation:英 [u02ccveu0259riu02c8eu026au0283n] ,美 [u02ccveriu02c8eu026au0283n]。2、variety:英 [vu0259u02c8rau026au0259ti],美 [vu0259u02c8rau026au0259ti] 。三、用法不同1、variation:variation更多的是强调变化。示例:a set of variations on a theme by Mozart.以莫扎特某一乐曲为主题的一组变奏曲。2、variety:variety更侧重于变化的东西。We want more variety in our work.我们希望我们的工作多变点儿花样。


variation和variety的区别有释义不同,读音不同,侧重点不同。一、释义不同1、variation:变化,变动;变异,演变;变奏曲;变量。2、variety:(同一事物的)不同种类,多种式样;变化;多样化;多变性;(植物、语言等的)变种,变体;异体;品种。二、读音不同1、variation:英 [u02ccveu0259riu02c8eu026au0283n] ,美 [u02ccveriu02c8eu026au0283n]。2、variety:英 [vu0259u02c8rau026au0259ti],美 [vu0259u02c8rau026au0259ti] 。三、用法不同1、variation:variation更多的是强调变化。示例:a set of variations on a theme by Mozart.以莫扎特某一乐曲为主题的一组变奏曲。2、variety:variety更侧重于变化的东西。We want more variety in our work.我们希望我们的工作多变点儿花样。


variation和variety的区别有释义不同,读音不同,侧重点不同。一、释义不同1、variation:变化,变动;变异,演变;变奏曲;变量。2、variety:(同一事物的)不同种类,多种式样;变化;多样化;多变性;(植物、语言等的)变种,变体;异体;品种。二、读音不同1、variation:英 [u02ccveu0259riu02c8eu026au0283n] ,美 [u02ccveriu02c8eu026au0283n]。2、variety:英 [vu0259u02c8rau026au0259ti],美 [vu0259u02c8rau026au0259ti] 。三、用法不同1、variation:variation更多的是强调变化。示例:a set of variations on a theme by Mozart.以莫扎特某一乐曲为主题的一组变奏曲。2、variety:variety更侧重于变化的东西。We want more variety in our work.我们希望我们的工作多变点儿花样。


variation和variety的区别有释义不同,读音不同,侧重点不同。一、释义不同1、variation:变化,变动;变异,演变;变奏曲;变量。2、variety:(同一事物的)不同种类,多种式样;变化;多样化;多变性;(植物、语言等的)变种,变体;异体;品种。二、读音不同1、variation:英 [ˌveəriˈeɪʃn] ,美 [ˌveriˈeɪʃn]。2、variety:英 [vəˈraɪəti],美 [vəˈraɪəti] 。三、用法不同1、variation:variation更多的是强调变化。示例:a set of variations on a theme by Mozart.以莫扎特某一乐曲为主题的一组变奏曲。2、variety:variety更侧重于变化的东西。We want more variety in our work.我们希望我们的工作多变点儿花样。

如何巧妙的记忆variation 和 variety

记住there are a variety of...这句,当variety出现时总会看到这个句子




variation和variety的区别有释义不同,读音不同,侧重点不同。一、释义不同1、variation:变化,变动;变异,演变;变奏曲;变量。2、variety:(同一事物的)不同种类,多种式样;变化;多样化;多变性;(植物、语言等的)变种,变体;异体;品种。二、读音不同1、variation:英 [u02ccveu0259riu02c8eu026au0283n] ,美 [u02ccveriu02c8eu026au0283n]。2、variety:英 [vu0259u02c8rau026au0259ti],美 [vu0259u02c8rau026au0259ti] 。三、用法不同1、variation:variation更多的是强调变化。示例:a set of variations on a theme by Mozart.以莫扎特某一乐曲为主题的一组变奏曲。2、variety:variety更侧重于变化的东西。We want more variety in our work.我们希望我们的工作多变点儿花样。

Quietdrive Feel Alive中文歌词

 我是无用的和懒惰  我是愚蠢和疯狂  它总是不  它从不可能  我纠结的、扭曲的  打破,矛盾  我这样一个神经过敏者  你可以看我的眼睛  没有我们不能得救  除非我们爱一个人  我们爱一个人  如果我能活  (如果我能住)  没有遗憾的  (没有后悔)  如果我从未坠入爱河  如果我从未给我最好的  或者如果我从未咆哮  (从未咆哮)  如果我从来没有哭了  如果我从未失去某人  或者不得不说再见  我从未觉得自己还活着  我在怀疑



dietary requirement是什么意思

dietary requirement英[u02c8dau026au026au02ccteri: riu02c8kwaiu0259mu0259nt]美[u02c8dau026au026au02cctu025bri ru026au02c8kwau026armu0259nt]释义日粮需要量1This is another dietary requirement that is often overlooked.这又是一类常常被忽视的营养素。2What is the dietary requirement of cancer patient?癌症患者的饮食要求是什么?

dietary requirement是什么意思

  dietary requirement  英 [u02c8dau026au026au02ccteri: riu02c8kwaiu0259mu0259nt]  美 [u02c8dau026au026au02cctu025bri ru026au02c8kwau026armu0259nt]  [词典]日粮需要量;  [网络]饮食须求;  [例句]What is the dietary requirement of stomach and duodenum ulcer patient?  胃和十二指肠溃疡患者的饮食要求是什么?

dietary requirement是什么意思


in contemporary society和in the contemporary society的区别,到底中间需要加the吗?


Check Yes Juliet 歌词

歌曲名:Check Yes Juliet歌手:We The Kings专辑:We The KingsWe The Kings - Check Yes JulietCheck yes JulietAre you with me?Rain is falling down on the sidewalkI won"t go until you come outsideCheck yes JulietKill the limboI"ll keep tossing rocks at your windowThere"s no turning back for us tonightLace up your shoesA O A O ahHere"s how we doRun baby runDon"t ever look backThey"ll tear us apartIf you give them the chanceDon"t sell your heartDon"t say we"re not meant to beRun baby runForever will beYou and meCheck yes JulietI"ll be waitingWishing, wantingYours for the takingJust sneak outAnd don"t tell a soul goodbyeCheck yes JulietHere"s the countdown3... 2... 1... now fall in my arms nowThey can change the locksDon"t let them change your mindLace up your shoesA O A O ahHere"s how we doRun baby runDon"t ever look backThey"ll tear us apartIf you give them the chanceDon"t sell your heartDon"t say we"re not meant to beRun baby runForever will beYou and meWe"re flying through the nightWe"re flying through the nightWay up high,The view from here is getting better withYou by mysideRun baby runDon"t ever look backThey"ll tear us apartIf you give them the chanceDon"t sell your heartDon"t say we"re not meant to beRun baby runForever will be...Run baby runDon"t ever look backThey"ll tear us apartIf you give them the chanceDon"t sell your heartDon"t say we"re not meant to beRun baby runForever will beYou and meYou and meYou and me

quiet hills是什么意思

quiet 安静的 寂静的 意思 hill 山 hills 群山的意思quiet hills:寂静的群山
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