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请问在以下句子中,that充当什么成分:The reason that the man is dead was ignorance of the doctor ?

that不充当任何成分,这里是引导词。引导后面的the man is dead整个句子是定语从句,主干句:The reason was ignorance of the docotor.

If you think education is expensive,try ignorance。

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance的翻译是如果你认为教育是昂贵的,那就试试无知吧,可以使用教育的价值去反驳他。回答可以是Education is very valuable. Although education takes a long time and costs a lot, it is much better than being an ignorant person.教育是很有价值的,虽然教育需要经过很长的一段时间,还要付出很多的成本,但是这总比做一个无知的人要好得多。教育是一种思维的传授,而人因为其自身的意识形态,又有着另样的思维走势,所以,教育当以最客观、最公正的意识思维教化于人,如此,人的思维才不至于过于偏差,并因思维的丰富而逐渐成熟、理性,并由此走向最理性的自我和拥有最正确的思维认知,这就是教育的根本所在。教育也是一种教书育人的过程,可将一种最客观的理解教予他人,而后在自己的生活经验中得以自己所认为的价值观。教育,是一种提高人的综合素质的实践活动。

he made a long speech only showing his ignorance


Wonder is the daughter of ignorance.


be ignorant of 与be ignorance of有区别吗

be ignorant of与be ignorance of的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、词性不同。一、意思不同1.be ignorant of意思:不知道;不识2.be ignorance of意思:对?一无所知二、用法不同1.be ignorant of用法:具有评价意义的形容词,指人时强调智力低下,缺乏常识和判断力,即“愚蠢的,笨的”; 指行为时表示不动脑筋缺乏考虑的愚蠢举动,即“笨拙的,傻瓜似的”。2.be ignorance of用法:ignorance和about连用表示“不知道某事”,与in连用表示“对某事的某方面知道得很少”,与of〔on〕连用表示“对某事全然不知道”。三、词性不同1.be ignorant of词性:ignorant用作形容词,指一般的无知或指不知道某个具体的事。2.be ignorance of词性:ignorance用作不可数名词时,作“无知,不了解,不知道”解。也可用作可数名词,强调某种无知。

英语谚语:The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: The more we study the more we discover our ignorance 中文意思: 学得越多,就越发觉自己无知。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Moderation in all things is the best of rules 中庸之道是最好的准则。 Modesty is not only and ornament but also a guard to virtue 谦逊不仅可增添光彩也可以维护美德。 Modesty is the ornament of woman 端庄可为妇女增添光彩。 Money answers all things 金钱是万能的。 Money begets (or breeds or gets) money 钱产生钱。 Money borrowed is soon sorrowed 债台高筑,愁上心头。 Money burns a hole in his pocket 钱到袋里留不住。 Money calls but does not stay: It is round and rolls sway 金钱会上门,不会留下来,因为是圆的,所以会滚开。 Money can buy the devil himself 有钱能使鬼推磨。 Money can move even the gods 有钱能使鬼推磨。 英语谚语: The more we study the more we discover our ignorance 中文意思: 学得越多,就越发觉自己无知。

MJ black or white 最后还给了一段动画,动画后面写了一行字,那行字是什么意思? "Prejudice is ignorance"

偏见是无知 Black Or White在发行之后备受争议,原因其一是MV后半段的内容,原因其二是因为Michael的肤色变化,估计Prejudice is ignorance(偏见是无知)这里是指种族歧视,应该也带有Michael自己本身肤色变化的原因吧。偏见是无知,说的太对了,那些人用偏见的眼光看着他,其根本都是一群无知的人。愿亲爱的Michael在天国安好,愿他远离偏见,远离无知,上帝会还给他一个快乐的童年……

If you think education is expensive,try ignorance的翻译。

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance的翻译是如果你认为教育是昂贵的,那就试试无知吧,可以使用教育的价值去反驳他。回答可以是Education is very valuable. Although education takes a long time and costs a lot, it is much better than being an ignorant person.教育是很有价值的,虽然教育需要经过很长的一段时间,还要付出很多的成本,但是这总比做一个无知的人要好得多。教育是一种思维的传授,而人因为其自身的意识形态,又有着另样的思维走势,所以,教育当以最客观、最公正的意识思维教化于人,如此,人的思维才不至于过于偏差,并因思维的丰富而逐渐成熟、理性,并由此走向最理性的自我和拥有最正确的思维认知,这就是教育的根本所在。教育也是一种教书育人的过程,可将一种最客观的理解教予他人,而后在自己的生活经验中得以自己所认为的价值观。教育,是一种提高人的综合素质的实践活动。

be ignorant of 和be in ignorance of 的区别

两者用法相同,只因ignorance和ignorant的词性不同,导致搭配不同. ignorance n.无知;愚昧;不知道 be in ignorance of sth.不知道某事 ignorant adj.无知的;愚昧的;不知道的 be ignorant of sth.不知道某事

【ignorance of】 是否有 1.对于……无知 2.对于……忽视 这两种解释?

from ignorance of law出于对法律的无知ignorance of rule restrictions忽略了规则的限制;忽略规则限制ig·no·rance/u026agnu0259ru0259ns/N-UNCOUNTIgnorance of something is lack of knowledge about it. 无知例:I am beginning to feel embarrassed by my complete ignorance of world history.我开始为自己对世界历史的一无所知感到尴尬。ignorance ["iɡnu0259ru0259ns] n.1. 愚昧;无知;无学问2. 不知(常与of, about连用)3. [the Ignorance]蒙昧时代

ignorance is not bliss是什么意思

ignorance is bliss生词本[u02c8iɡnu0259ru0259ns iz blis]无知就是快乐网 络无知是福;无知便是福;无知就是福;难得糊涂双语例句更多资料1. Where ignorance is bliss , it is folly to be wise. (谚语)难得糊涂(该糊涂就得糊涂).2. If ignorance is bliss, why aren"t more of you smiling? 如果无知是福的话, 你为什么不多一点微笑 呢 ?3. No, Mom. Ignorance is bliss. 不, 妈. 无知是福.4. Ignorance is bliss — ignorance of sawing wood, for instance. 不知是为福——例如,不知如何锯木头.5. Where ignorance is bliss , it"s folly wise. 难得糊涂.

ignorance is not innocence but sin 句子构成 详细

这是一个并列句,完整的句子是:Ignorance is not innocence but (ignorance is) sin.这个句子的意思是:无知并非单纯,而是罪恶。ignorance是句子的主语,innocence和sin两个是名词作表语。 祝你学习进步!希望采纳,可以追问,谢谢!


ignore 是故意不理睬,故意忽视He completely ignored all these facts as though they never existed.他完全无视这一切, 好象它们根本不存在似的。She saw him coming but she ignored him.她看见他走过来内, 但装做没看到他。negelect 是漏做,疏忽的意思.fall into neglect 渐被忽视in a state of neglect 处于无人照管的状态treat sb. with neglect 怠慢某人



in my ignorance是什么意思


out of ignorance中文翻译

Do n"t make presumptuous ments out of ignorance . 不知道就别妄加评论。 Thus began my voyage out of ignorance and into the dream 我就是这样开始了从无知驶向梦想的航行。 You may reapze that he or she was acting out of ignorance , fear ? even love 你或许意识到他或她的行为是出于无知,害怕,甚至是爱。 That is when the family of pght was scattered from the pla , and the dark team , which operated out of ignorance , came in 那就是当来自行星光家族分散开来,运转无知的黑暗团队就进来了。 If you empathize with that person , you may reapze that he or she was acting out of ignorance , fear - even love 如果你站在别人的立场上,你也许会意识到他或她是因为无知害怕甚至是爱才那样做的。 If you empathize with that person , you may reapze that he or she was acting out of ignorance , fear - - even love 如果你站在别人的立场上,你也许会意识到他或她是因为无知、害怕、甚至是爱才那样做的。 Out of ignorance , i would give in to anger , to a plaining , worrying mind . but i discovered that if you succumb to maya s trap , your tests in pfe will be doubled 有时自己也会无明地愤怒抱怨忧伤,但我发现当你屈服于魔王的陷阱时,你所要学的功课将加倍地加诸于你。 Out of ignorance , or driven by their desire for stimulus , or simply influenced by drug - users , a growing number of people , especially youngsters , have fallen victim to drugs 越来越多的人,尤其是年轻人,他们或出于无知,或为了寻求刺激,或受到其他吸毒者的影响,成了毒品的牺牲品。 Out of ignorance , the man bepeved the master , turned into an alcohopc , and instead degraded his spiritual level . shortly afterwards , the man s wife could not bear his behavior anymore and told him to leave his house , and he thus became homeless 他在无明的情况下盲目相信而开始饮酒,酒没带来进步,却让他逐步沦落变成一个不能自拔的酒鬼,他的太太忍无可忍,遂将他逐出家门。 Master s heart ached when she saw disciples creating bad karma out of ignorance , so she painstakingly explained this to us . perhaps one s karmic hindrances are so great that we cannot suppress our jealousy , but we still have to try our best to control it 师父心疼徒儿无明造下业障,才苦口劝诫我们,如果难免因果的业力影响,很难克制内心的嫉妒,但还是要尽量控制,念在彼此都是师兄弟,怎能忍心?

ignorance and confidence

All (that) you need in your life is ignorance and confidence. that 作为关系代词,在定语从句中做宾语,故可省略;All 在句子中作主语,一般而言,all作主语时,它的谓语动词取决于宾语(或语境).在此句中,宾语是不可数名词,因此,谓语动词是单数.

ignorance / ignorant 有什么区别?

前面是名词 后面是形容词

Boo Hewerdine的《Ignorance》 歌词

歌曲名:Ignorance歌手:Boo Hewerdine专辑:IgnoranceParamore - IgnoranceIf I"m a bad person, you don"t like meI guess I"ll make my own wayIt"s a circle, a mean cycleI can"t excite you anymoreWhere"s your gavel, your jury?What"s my offense this time?You"re not a judge but if you"re gonna judge meWell, sentence me to another lifeDon"t wanna hear your sad songsI don"t wanna feel your painWhen you swear it"s all my fault"Cause you know we"re not the sameWe"re not the sameOh, we"re not the sameYeah the friends who stuck togetherWe wrote our names in bloodBut I guess you can"t accept that the changeIs good, is goodIt"s gooddddddOh you treat me just like another strangerWell, it"s nice to meet you, sirI guess I"ll go I best be on my way outYou treat me just like another strangerWell, it"s nice to meet you, sirI guess I"ll go I best be on my way outIgnorance is your new best friendIgnorance is your new best friendThis is the best thing that could"ve happenedAny longer and I wouldn"t have made itIt"s not a war, no it"s not a raptureI"m just a person, but you can"t take itThe same tricks that once fooled meThey won"t get you anywhereI"m not the same kid from your memoryOh now I can fend for myselfDon"t wanna hear your sad songsI don"t wanna feel your painWhen you swear it"s all my fault"Cause you know we"re not the sameWe"re not the sameOh, we"re not the sameYeah we used to stick togetherWe wrote our names in bloodBut I guess you can"t accept that the changeIs good, is goodIt"s gooddddddOh you treat me just like another strangerWell, it"s nice to meet you, sirI guess I"ll go I best be on my way outYou treat me just like another strangerWell, it"s nice to meet you, sirI guess I"ll go I best be on my way outIgnorance is your new best friendIgnorance is your new best friendIgnorance is your new best friendIgnorance is your new best friendOh you treat me just like another strangerWell, it"s nice to meet you, sirI guess I"ll go I best be on my way outYou treat me just like another strangerWell, it"s nice to meet you, sirI guess I"ll go I best be on my way outhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2943566



be ignorant of 与be ignorance of有区别吗

两者用法相同,只因ignorance和ignorant的词性不同,导致搭配不同。ignorance n. 无知;愚昧;不知道be in ignorance of sth. 不知道某事ignorant adj. 无知的;愚昧的;不知道的be ignorant of sth. 不知道某事


aware 1.知道的 2.注意到 3.意识到的 4.意识到的,知道的conscious 1.有意识的 2.意识 3.意识的 4.自觉的;有意识的 ignorant(形容词) 1.无知的 2.指一般的无知或指不知道某个具体的事 3.无知的,愚昧的 4.忽视的、无知的 ignorance(副词) 1.无知 2.无知,愚昧 3.无知,无学,愚昧 4.无知、不知 overlook 1.忽略 2.忽视 3.俯瞰 neglect 1.忽视 2.忽视,忽略 3.忽视,忽略;疏忽 4.疏忽 omit 1.省略 2.遗漏 3.省略,删去,遗漏 ignore(名词) 1.忽略 2.忽视 3.不顾,不理,忽视 4.无视;不理睬


可数 It"s an ignorance we can ill afford. 这是我们难以承受的无知。但是一般是直接以ignorance出现的 没有看到加s的情况经常这样用his ignorance/the ignorance of sth./on the ground of ignorance


ignorance的意思是无知,愚昧; 蒙,不知; 漠视; 愚昧无知。ignorance造句如下:1、I am humble before my ignorance and therein lies my honor and my reward.(在我的无知面前,我是谦卑的,这其中有着我的荣誉和我的报酬。)2、Poverty and ignorance are the enemies of progress.(贫穷和愚昧阻碍进步。)3、She was reluctant to confess her ignorance.(她不愿意承认自己无知。)4、Itis harder to conceal ignorance than quire knowledge.(掩饰无知比学习知识难。)5、No one minds mistakes or ignorance as long as you are prepared to learn from them.(只要你愿意从错误和无知中学习, 就没有人会介意。)



i dare not guess;but in this life of error,ignorance,and strife,什么诗

i dare not guess;but in this life of e...的中文翻译_百度翻译i dare not guess;but in this life of error,ignorance,and strife 我不敢猜测,但在这一生的错误,无知和冲突全部释义和例句试试人工翻译


If I"m a bad person, you don"t like me I guess I"ll make my own way It"s a circle, a mean cycle I can"t excite you anymore Where"s your gavel, your jury? What"s my offense this time? You"re not a judge but if you"re gonna judge me Well, sentence me to another life Don"t wanna hear your sad songs I don"t wanna feel your pain When you swear it"s all my fault "Cause you know we"re not the same We"re not the same Oh, we"re not the same Yeah the friends who stuck together We wrote our names in blood But I guess you can"t accept that the change Is good, is good It"s goodddddd Oh you treat me just like another stranger Well, it"s nice to meet you, sir I guess I"ll go I best be on my way out You treat me just like another stranger Well, it"s nice to meet you, sir I guess I"ll go I best be on my way out Ignorance is your new best friend Ignorance is your new best friend This is the best thing that could"ve happened Any longer and I wouldn"t have made it It"s not a war, no it"s not a rapture I"m just a person, but you can"t take it The same tricks that once fooled me They won"t get you anywhere I"m not the same kid from your memory Oh now I can fend for myself Don"t wanna hear your sad songs I don"t wanna feel your pain When you swear it"s all my fault "Cause you know we"re not the same We"re not the same Oh, we"re not the same Yeah we used to stick together We wrote our names in blood But I guess you can"t accept that the change Is good, is good It"s goodddddd Oh you treat me just like another stranger Well, it"s nice to meet you, sir I guess I"ll go I best be on my way out You treat me just like another stranger Well, it"s nice to meet you, sir I guess I"ll go I best be on my way out Ignorance is your new best friend Ignorance is your new best friend Ignorance is your new best friend Ignorance is your new best friend Oh you treat me just like another stranger Well, it"s nice to meet you, sir I guess I"ll go I best be on my way out You treat me just like another stranger Well, it"s nice to meet you, sir I guess I"ll go I best be on my way out 如果我是一个坏人,你不喜欢我我想我会作出自己的路这是一个循环,平均周期我不能激发你了如果你拍板,您的陪审团? 什么是我这一次进攻?你不是法官,但如果你要去判断我嗯,一句我另一种生活不想听到你的哀歌,我不希望你的痛苦的感觉当你发誓这都是我的错"的原因你知道我们是不一样的我们不一样噢,我们不一样是啊朋友谁粘在一起我们说我们的名字血但我猜你不能接受这种变化是好的,好这goodddddd啊,你把一个陌生人一样,我嗯,高兴认识你,先生我想我会去我在我的最好办法是进行你把一个陌生人一样,我嗯,高兴认识你,先生我想我会去我在我的最好办法是进行新的无知是你最好的朋友无知是你最好的朋友这是最好的事情可能发生什么我再也不会使这不是一场战争,没有它不是一个欢天喜地我只是一个人,但你不能想当然认为,一旦同样的手法骗我他们不会让你在任何地方我不是从你的记忆相同的孩子哦现在我可以为自己自食其力不想听到你的哀歌,我不希望你的痛苦的感觉当你发誓这都是我的错"的原因你知道我们是不一样的我们不一样是的,我们过去在一起我们说我们的名字血但我猜你不能接受这种变化是好的,好这goodddddd 噢,你把一个陌生人一样,我嗯,高兴认识你,先生我想我会去我在我的最好办法是进行你把一个陌生人一样,我嗯,高兴认识你,先生我想我会去我在我的最好办法是进行无知是你最好的朋友无知是你最好的朋友无知是你最好的朋友无知是你最好的朋友噢,你把一个陌生人一样好,很高兴见到你我,先生我想我会去我在我的最好办法是进行你把一个陌生人一样,我嗯,高兴认识你,先生我想我会去我在我的最好办法是进行

ignore、ignorant.ignorance 的语法

ignore是动词 “忽略”的意思 ignore (doing) sth. ignorant 是形容词 无知的,幼稚的,不知道的 ignorance是名词 忽略 英语专业八级为你解答,有疑问可以追问,满意请采纳哦

ignore、ignorant.ignorance 的语法

ignore是动词 “忽略”的意思 ignore (doing) sth.ignorant 是形容词 无知的,幼稚的,不知道的ignorance是名词 忽略英语专业八级为你解答,有疑问可以追问,满意请采纳哦