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无缝钢管中,OD14inch-OD30inch是指什么 OD指的是无缝钢管外径; 1 inch(英寸)=25.4mm; 1/4 inch(英寸)=6.35mm, 30 inch(英寸)=762mm。 无缝钢管 无缝管、钢管、聊城无缝管、山东无缝钢管 山东省聊城市信谊机械有限公司主营各类材质无缝钢管,聊城信谊,大公司,信得过。 无缝钢管公制通径毫米和Inch的换算 25.4mm 无缝钢管中1“ ,sch.80T&C 指的是什么? 它是美标无缝钢管中的一种尺寸,1“ 代表钢管的大小,外径尺寸是33.4mm,sch是Sched的缩写,意思是附表,80表示钢管的壁厚,正常的表格中都有一个s,如:Sched.80s,翻译过来壁厚是4.55mm,T&C 是Technology & Communication ,意思是技术参数. 无缝钢管中的二级管指的是什么 钢管生产过程中不达标准的管子。 什么是大无缝钢管和小无缝钢管? 主产大口径和主产小口径的区别,具体细分要看厂家的产品范围了,一般200MM以下算小无缝。 无缝钢管具有中空截面,大量用作输送流体的管道,如输送石油、天然气、煤气、水及某些固体物料的管道等。钢管与圆钢等实心钢材相比,在抗弯抗扭强度相同时,重量较轻,是一种经济截面钢材,广泛用于制造结构件和机械零件,如石油钻杆、汽车传动轴、自行车架以及建筑施工中用的钢脚手架等用钢管制造环形零件,可提高材料利用率,简化制造工序,节约材料和加工工时,已广泛用钢管来制造。 无缝钢管中E、PE、BE、是什么意思? SMLS:seamless steel pipe 无缝钢管; PE:plain end 平端; BE:bevel end 坡口; 无缝钢管20无缝钢管45无缝钢管16mn钢管哪里最好啊? 聊城鲁西威利钢管制造有限公司,电话:0635-2188886 曹经理 地址:聊城大东钢管市场 详情:钢管经贸网 无缝钢管 Φ76*4 76是钢管外径,4是壁厚 什么是有缝钢管 无缝钢管 由于生产工艺不同而分无缝钢管和焊管。无缝钢管包括热轧,冷轧,冷拔以及其他一些少见的如冷挤。焊管即你说的有缝钢管是钢板卷曲焊接而成,小的一般为直缝焊,大的一般为螺旋焊。由于焊管有焊缝,焊缝处力学性能较差,故其适用范围受到限制,但其价格价位便宜。

8 1/2-inch-by-11-inch 是什么意思(原句: buy 8 1/2-inch-by-11-inch spiral notebook)

长11英寸 宽4.5英寸

Colt Python .357Magnum 6inch的枪族简介

蟒蛇是一把双动操作的左轮手枪,由柯尔特设计的大型I式底把,兼具弹仓和膛室功能的转动式弹巢可以装载、发射及承受威力及侵彻力强大的.357 马格南手枪子弹。蟒蛇的威力足以在近距离击倒一只猛兽。蟒蛇的声誉是来自的准确性、顺畅而且很容易扣下的扳机和较紧密的弹巢闭锁。枪柄和枪身都有COLT公司的“箭马”徽标,枪管上的铭刻是“PYTHON .357.357Magnum ctg.”,属于COLT(柯尔特)公司的PYTHON(希腊神话中的毒蛇怪蟒)系列,具体型号为:Colt Python .357Magnum ,根据枪管长度不同分为2.5英寸、4英寸、6英寸、8英寸等规格(图片中为6英寸),6英吋的是全部长度的枪管之中最热门和最普遍的。口径是.357英寸,使用.357Magnum(马格南)高爆枪弹,空枪质量为1275g,容弹量为6发。这个型号是左轮手枪里的极品,生产数量极少,而且目前已经停产,市面价格是750美元——还不一定买得到——也就是说,如果现在你想要购买的话,得花巨额高价向COLT公司单独定购,而这也正是COLT公司吊人胃口的成功策略之一。

one-half inch 是一个半英尺还是半英尺



pokemon in china中国的神奇宝贝pokemon[英][pəʊ"kemən][美][poʊ"kemən]口袋妖怪(动画、游戏名); 易混淆单词:Pokemon例句:Stealing money to buy "pokemon" cards? 你一定是偷钱去买那些“神奇宝贝”卡!

pinch suueeze press tweak nip 英语辨析

pinch 捏,拧;夹痛,轧痛 如:The new shoes pinch me at the toe. 新鞋太紧轧痛我的脚趾。 suueeze应该是squeeze吧?压榨(一种是人人间的压榨,一种是榨汁)press是按,压;可以说按下那个按钮tweak 扭;捏;拧;这个词几年来一般没用过,nip夹,掐,捏,咬 如:A crab nipped his toe. 一只蟹咬住了他的脚趾。okay?



self clinching standoff是什么意思

self clinching standoff中文意思:自铆对峙如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!




英制单位脱胎自罗马帝国的度量衡单位,所以跟罗马帝国的单位一样,都以当时的农业生产作为单位的基准。 英寸(inch,缩写为in.)在荷兰语中的本意是大拇指,一英寸就是一节大拇指的长度。 英尺(foot,缩写为ft.等于12英寸,1/3码,0.3048 m)在英文中的本意是“脚”。比英寸单位大。中国以前常用寸和尺,inch如果译为英尺,那么foot不就没得翻译了。而且对于英语的翻译也不都是音译的,象 ‘book" 译为"书",如果音译,岂不译为“不渴”。对于国家有些是音译,象“意大利”,有些也不是,”Japan” 和 ”日本”发音差的远着呢!不过有些词是中国已经有这个读音和意思,英语也有他自己的读音,而意思又和中文相同,这样谁都不会因为别人改自己的,翻译过来后发音和意思相差甚远也得挺着。



sinch的《seven》 歌词

歌曲名:seven歌手:sinch专辑:SinchLie awake completely satisfied and let the sweat run through my hairWell, I haven"t felt this way in quite some time, when I look over your not therePain I won"t let you slip away, no everybody makes mistakes sometimesEveryone here knows this is killing meIt tears the soul straight from my spine, but in the end I guess the truth is shownThat you won"t ever really be mineI shuffled through the lies andPain I won"t let you slip away, no everybody makes mistakes sometimesSo rain on my parade, rain on my parade, rainI figured it out this time and I guess that"s a startYou"re only half as smart as the one that tears you apartLet the evidence show that I never really had a caseI"d like to wipe that smile right off your fucking faceFeel the tears run down so I guess I lost controlEverybody knows something I ain"t ever gonna knowAnd if this wound ever heals maybe I"ll sleep againSomebody please kill me before I am deadLie awake completely satisfied and let the sweat run through my hairWell I haven"t felt this way in quite some time, when I look over your not therePain I won"t let you slip away, no everybody makes mistakesNow rain on my parade, rain on my parade rainI won"t let you, I won"t let you make mistakes, make mistakesI won"t let you slip away cause everybody makes mistakesI won"t let you slip away I won"t let you

green finch and linnet bird歌词的翻译

绿色的学类和红雀鸟夜莺, 山鸟类你唱的它好吗? 在笼中,你如何能扬声欢呼就坐从不拿翅膀? 在天空的外面等候招手, 招手仅仅超过酒吧你能如何保持在雨注视被星使发狂? 你唱任何事的它好吗? 你唱的它好吗? 我的笼有许多房间缎子和黑暗无唱不使我的云雀相等云雀从不将会, 你知道当他们是被俘的时候教我是适应的更多啊。。。 绿色的学类和红雀鸟夜莺, 山鸟类教我该如何唱如果我不能够飞让我唱



疑犯追踪第二季Finch被Root绑架,在电话里打了一串数字, Reese用一张表转化成字母,火车站。是什么表?

tap code



苹果iMac (27-inch, Late 2012)这个到底是什么意思?怎么看?

我的电脑:MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2012)通过查询得到:MacBook Pro(Retina 显示屏,13 英寸,2012 年末)3-inch:应该是显示屏的英寸Late 2012:应该表示的是机器的型号是2012年末的。不代表出厂日期。查询网址:网页链接


1码(yard)= 3英尺 = 91.44厘米

PPI是什么?pixels per inch像素密度是什么?PPI如何计算

PPI 即英文Pixels per inch的缩写,即每英寸所拥有的像素数。公式表达为 PPI=√(X2+Y2)/ Z (X:长度像素数;Y:宽度像素数;Z:屏幕大小,单位是英寸)即:手机屏幕长度像素的平方+宽度像素的平万,然后开根号再除以屏幕尺寸。



AdobePhotoshop里面的72pixels/inch 是什么意思


pixels, inches, cm, point是什么单位?

pixels-----像素的单位,用在显示器,或者数字图片。 inches---长度单位,西方国家用。 cm---长度单位。厘米 point,,点数。。打印和印刷单位。

if a neighbour of___steals even an inch of our land, he becomes our enemy.

ours (我们)是名词性的物主代词后面不用跟名词



pinch and punch什么意思


1 inch margin怎么设置

在页面设置里,用页边距margins调。margin,是CSS语法,这个简写属性用于在一个声明中设置所有当前或者指定元素所有外边距的宽度,或者设置各边上外边距的宽度。margin 简写属性在一个声明中设置所有当前或者指定元素外边距属性。该属性可以有 1 到 4 个值。margin 属性接受任何长度单位、百分数值甚至负值。margin 属性可以单独改变元素的上,下,左,右边距。也可以一次改变所有的属性。

while mother was preparing linch ,janet ____(set) the table

while 表示事物同时发生,所以句子前后保持一致

谁能帮我介绍一下欧美漫画家漫画家DAVID FINCH 啊?

喂鸡去吧 外文不好就不要怪我了

Nine Inch Nails的《Discipline》 歌词

歌曲名:Discipline歌手:Nine Inch NailsNine Inch Nails - DisciplineAm IAm I still tough enough?Feels like i"m wearing down, down, down, down, downIs my visciousnessLosing ground, ground, ground, ground ground?Am I taking too muchDid I cross a line, line, line?I need my role in thisVery clearly definedI need your disciplineI need your helpI need your disciplineYou know once I start I cannot help myselfAnd now it"s starting upFeels like i"m losing touchNothing matters to meNothing matters as muchI see you left a markUp and down my skinI don"t know where I endAnd where you beginI need your disciplineI need your helpI need your disciplineYou know once I start I cannot help myselfI. Can. Not. Stop. Myself.Once I start I cannot stop myselfAnd you.Once I start I cannot stop myselfAnd you know.Once I start I cannot stop myselfAnd you.Once I start I cannot stop myselfAnd you know.Once I start I cannot stop myselfI need your discipline(And you)I need your help(Once I start I cannot stop myself)I need your discipline(And you know)Because once I start I cannot stop myselfI need your discipline(And you)I need your help(Once I start I cannot stop myself)I need your discipline(And you know)Because once I start I cannot stop myself

dimensions is in inches(mm)在机加工中是什么意思?

这句话的意思是 “尺寸为英寸(毫米)”意思是括号前面是英寸,括号里面是毫米。。。一般同时公制和英制设计的图纸上会这么标。

Green Finch And Linnett Bird 歌词

歌曲名:Green Finch And Linnett Bird歌手:Jayne Wisener专辑:Sweeney Todd,The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street, The Motion Picture SoundtrackGreen Finch Linnt Birdsinger:Jayna WisenerGreen finch linnet bird,nightingale and blackbird青雀,红雀,乌鸫和夜莺How is it you sing?你们怎能歌唱?How can you jubilate sitting in cages,你们怎能欢跃被困笼中never taking wing?从未飞翔?Outside the sky waits beckoning beckoning头顶的蓝天一碧万倾Just beyond the bar.仅仅隔着牢笼How can you remain staring at the rain maddened by the stars?你们怎能安心,闲看风雨,为星光疯狂?How is it you sing?Anything?How is it you sing?你们怎能歌唱?为什么?你们怎能歌唱?My cage has many rooms damast and dark我住的牢笼有许多房间,华丽无比却暗无天日Nothing there sings not even my lark寂静无声,我的云雀也不歌唱Larks never will you know when they"re captive你知道云雀,一朝被捉,就绝不再唱Teach me to be more adaptive.Ah.....教我怎样随机应变Green finch and linnet bird nightingale blackbird青雀,红雀,乌鸫和夜莺Teach me how to sing.教我怎么歌唱If I can not fly我如果不能高飞Let me sing就让我唱----END----这首歌是法官的养女(陶德的亲生女)乔安娜坐在窗户旁唱的窗外是她的爱人安东尼,很美的一次邂逅-----绿叶精灵




in charge of 负责be responsible for=be in charge of 对...负责任,负责... He is in charge of the task. 他对这个任务负责。 take charge of 是开始管理,接管的意思,是主动 Our department has taken charge of the task. 我们部门已经接管了这个任务。









incharge of什么意思

incharge of意思是主管,负责;照料。同近义词辨析:in charge of, in the charge ofin charge of管理,负责照料。He is in charge of the the charge of由……照料。The matter is in the charge of her.双语例句:1、He is the vice-president in charge of sales.他是负责销售的副总经理。2、He is in charge of the municipal housing project.他主管该市建房计划。3、Each of her cousins had charge of his own domain.她的每一个亲属主管着自己的领地。权威例句:Titins: giant proteins in charge of muscle ultrastructure and elasticity.You focus on the forest when you"re in charge of the trees: power priming and abstract information processing.Method and program for assisting a worker in charge of operations.


小新《蜡笔小新》(Crayon Shin-chan)

tinchy stryder number 1歌词

Tinchy Stryder - Number 1 Lyrics feat N-Dubz[DAPPY]ah uh uh ohah uh uh ohah uh uh ohah uh uh oh (na na naii)ah uh uh ohah uh uh oh (Tinchy Stryder)ah uh uh oh (N dubz)ah uh uh oh (yo)[TINCHY]it was nothing but a quick thinkkids games, kiss chase, just a quick flingnow i"m hoping you never go missingnow i"m telling you, you can hold this ring, watch how it glistensit was done as quick as the wind blowsdidn"t think i would ever be involvedso i even wrote a song called ‘don"t go"now its just you and me on a love rowDappy like dino us two tip toes duck dive get lowand now i care less about who knowsnow we"re deep in way past intro dappy explain yo[BRIDGE][DAPPY]see never did i think a boy like me would be in needwhen all i really wanted was to have some funnow im losing my head, im telling you one thingyou"re number one[CHORUS]see i don"t understand how you"re number onewhen it was just a fling before now, you"re the onesee all i did was blink twice, from my homie to my onlynumber oneah uh uh ohah uh uh ohah uh uh ohah uh uh oh[TINCHY]yoit was all now never planned no afterit was like games jokes laughterlive for the moment, left it all opennow i"m in deep, flames, lava, breathe, karmaand now i"m stating, see i never saw this in my daydreamits really you that i"m fully ratingand the days here no more waitingpay it all wise to the smart man raised himi was so hurt, pain, achingon the wrong path then a good girl saved himthat"s why im letting her know she"s amazing[BRIDGE][DAPPY]see never did i think a boy like me would be in needwhen all i really wanted was to have some funnow i"m losing my head, i"m telling you one thingyou"re number one[CHORUS]see i don"t understand how you"re number onewhen it was just a fling before now, you"re the onesee all i did was blink twice from my homie to my onlynumber oneyou lift me off the groundi always want you aroundi ain"t gunna let nothing get in the wayill never let nothing get in the wayyou lift me off the groundi always want you aroundi ain"t gunna let nothing get in the wayill never let nothing get in the way[TINCHY]yo, i aint never gunna let nothing get in the wayyou play your cards all right you"re on A"syou make my nights so bright you"re my daysyou took me out of the mazeyou are number one[CHORUS][DAPPY]see i don"t understand how you"re number onewhen it was just a fling before now, you"re the onesee all i did was blink twice from my homie to my onlynumber oneyou lift me off the groundi always want you aroundi ain"t gunna let nothing get in the wayill never let nothing get in the wayyou lift me off the groundi always want you aroundi ain"t gunna let nothing get in the wayill never let nothing get in the way[OUTRO][TINCHY]you"re number one you"re in the race you"re a leadergirl you"re out of this world i cant see yaand now you got a place in my heartits funny how you actually wentfrom my homie to my onlynumber one




Made in China说的是手机是中国制造的,无法根据这个判断手机型号的,用户可以到手机的设置-关于手机里查看具体型号的。魅族型号:1、点击手机的设置。2、点击【关于手机】可以查看手机的型号。









求Tim Minchin的Prejudice歌词

In our modern free-spoken societyThere is a word that we still hold tabooA word with a terrible historyOf being used to abuse, oppress and subdueJust six seemingly harmless lettersArranged in a way that will form a wordWith more power than the pieces of metalThat are forged to make swordsA couple of Gs, an R and an E, an I and an NJust six little letters all jumbled togetherHave caused damage that we may never mendAnd it"s important that we all respectThat if these people should happen to chooseTo reclaim the word as their ownIt doesn"t mean the rest of you have a right to its useSo never under estimateThe power that language impartsSticks and stones may break your bonesBut words can break heartsA couple of Gs - jeez, unless you"ve had to live itAn R and an E - even I am careful with itAn I and an N - and in the end it will only offendDon"t want to have to spell it out again...YeahOnly a ginger can call another ginger GingerOnly a ginger can call another ginger GingerSo listen to me if you care for your healthYou won"t call me Ginger "less you"re ginger yourselfOnly a ginger can call another ginger GingerWhen you are a ginger life is pretty hardYears of ritual bullying in the school yardKids calling you Orangu and Fanta PantsNo invitation to the high school danceBut you get up and learn to hold your head upYou try to keep your cool and not get het upBut until the feeling of ill is truly let upThen the word is ours and ours aloneDon"t you know that...Only a ginger can call another ginger GingerOnly a ginger can call another ginger GingerSo if you call us Ginge we just might come unhingedIf you don"t have a fringe with at least a tinge of the ginge in itOnly a ginger can call another ginger GingerNow listen to meWe"re not looking for sympathyJust because we"re sensitive to UVJust "cause we"re pathetically paleWe do alright with the femalesYeah I like to ask the ladies round for ginger beerAnd soon they"re running their fingers through my ginger beardAnd dunking my ginger nuts into their ginger teaAnd asking if they can call me GingerAnd I say:"I don"t think that"s appropriate!""Cause only a ginger can call another ginger GingerAnd all the ladies they agree it"s a factOnce you"ve gone ginge, you can"t go backOnly a ginger can call another ginger GingerYeah go ginge, go you funky mother fucker gingeYeah, you can call us Bozo or Fire TruckYou can even call us Carrot Top of Blood NutYeah, you can call us Match Stick or TamponBut fucking with the G-word is just not onIf you"re a ginger-phobe and you don"t like usWe will stand up to the fight if you want to fight usBut if you cut yourself you might catch gingivitisSo maybe you should shut your funky mouthOnly a ginger can call another ginger GingerOnly a ginger can call another ginger GingerSo if you call us Ginge You can"t whinge If your injuredIf you don"t have a tinge of the ginge in your mingeOnly a ginger can call another ginger GingerAnd you know my kids will always be clothed and fed"Cause Papa"s gonna be bringing home the gingerbreadAnd they"ll be pretty smart because they"ll be well-readAnd by "read" I mean "red" and the other kind of "red" It"s a homophoneOnly a ginger can call another ginger GingerOnly a ginga can call another ginga GingaJust like only a ninja can sneak up on another ninjaYeah, only a gingerOnly a gingerOnly a ginger, yeahAre you listening-er?I"m not pointing the fingerI"m just having a sing-erI"m just remindin" yerThat only a ginger can call another ginger...Ginger


出口货物不能写made in china,应该写MADE IN CHINA。


不是品牌。拖鞋上made in china不是一个品牌,而是一个描述产品的标识,表示这款拖鞋是在中国制造的。拖鞋是一种鞋类,通常没有鞋带,只有一个鞋底和一个鞋面,可以通过脚趾夹住鞋面固定在脚上。

As much as和as many as的区别是什么?如果接inches是用much还是many

as much as常用在“雨量、水量、时间量、重量、钱数、价格”等方面,表示总量和单位量的大小;as many as 常用在人或物的具体数量前,侧重于具体数目,意思是“和……一样多”,“多达……”.!

As much as和as many as的区别是什么?如果接inches是用much还是many

as much as常用在“雨量、水量、时间量、重量、钱数、价格”等方面,表示总量和单位量的大小;as many as 常用在人或物的具体数量前,侧重于具体数目,意思是“和……一样多”,“多达……”。 例如:Along Amazon rain is plentiful, often as much as seventy inches every year. 亚马逊河流域雨水充足,年降水量常达70英寸之多。 The hightest price of a jacket in the shop is as much as 5,000 yuan. 该店夹克的最高价达5000元。 In the countries of Africa, there are as many as 700 languages. 非洲国家的语言多达700种。 The kings of Egypt built as many as 80 pyramids. 埃及国王们建造的金字塔多达80座。


楼主,我的MacbookPro(Retina,15-inch,Late2013)的HDMI接口是1.4版本的,配备的是Interl Iris Pro 1536MB的显卡。

MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2015)具体型号

MacBook (Retina, 12-inch, Early 2015)具体型号:低配的CPU是英特尔,酷睿i7 4代 4770HQ主频2.2GHz最高睿频3400MH高配的CPU是英特尔,酷睿i7 4代4870HQ,主频2.5GHz最高睿频3700MH。电子和机械工程设计的完美结合,让全新MacBook 从里到外都非常先进。它的内部架构从最基本的芯片开始,全部经过重新规划;除了新的主机板之外,还有全新的芯片组和图形处理器,MacBook 本身就是精密制造工艺的代表。Intel80486处理器:486处理器的应用意味着用户从此摆脱了命令形式的计算机,进入“选中并点击(point-and-click)”的计算时代。史密森学会美国历史国家博物馆的技术历史学家 David K. Allison 回忆道:“当时我拥有了彩色计算机,并且以很快的速度进行桌面排版工作。”英特尔486处理器首次采用内建的数学协处理器,将负载的数学运算功能从中央处理器中分离出来,从而显著加快了计算速度。

天才大导演大卫芬奇David Fincher

作品: 1985年 《敲击生命之鼓》 The Beat of the Live Drum 1992年《异形3》Alien3 1995年《七宗罪》Seven 1997年《心理游戏》The Game 1999年《搏击俱乐部》 2001年《惊恐屋》The Panic Room 2007年 《十二宫杀手》Zodiac 2008年 《本杰明·巴顿奇事》The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Nine Inch Nails的《Closer》 歌词

歌曲名:Closer歌手:Nine Inch Nails专辑:Live: And All That Could Have BeenCloserNine Inch NailsThe Downward SpiralYou let me violate youYou let me desecrate youYou let me penetrate youYou let me complicate youHelp me...I broke apart my insidesHelp me...I"ve got no soul to tellHelp me...the only thing that works for meHelp me get away from myself,I wanna fuck you like an animalI wanna feel you from the insideI wanna fuck you like an animalMy whole existence is flawedYou got me closer to GodYou can have my isolation...You can have the hate that it bringsYou can have my absence of faith...You can have my everythingHelp me... you tear down my reasonHelp me... it"s your sex I can smellHelp me... you make me perfectHelp me think I"m somebody elseI wanna fuck you like an animalI wanna feel you from the insideI wanna fuck you like an animalMy whole existence is flawedYou got me closer to GodThrough every forestAbove the treesWithin my stomachScraped off my kneesI drink the honey, inside your hive...You are the reason I stay alive...

grasp, scratch, pinch, seize区别






cubic inch中文翻译

This cubic inch of hydrogen would contain about 880 bilpon bilpon atoms . 这一立方英寸的氢就将含有大约88万万万亿个原子。 Cid cubic inch displacement 立方英寸排气量 This cubic inch of hydrogen would contain about 880 bilpon bilpon atoms 这一立方英寸的氢就将含有大约8 8万万万亿个原子。 We will start with a cubic inch of hydrogen at atmosphere pressure ( or the air pressure at the earth " s surface ) 我们从大气压力(即地球表面的空气压力)下的一立方英寸氢气开始。 A unit of dry volume or capacity in the british imperial system equal to8 quarts or approximately554 . 8 cubic inches 配克英国帝制度量衡系统的一种干燥容积或容量单位,相当于8夸脱或大约554 。 8立方英寸 The nova maintained its pact car status by virtue of its size as well as its performance from the 194 cubic inch , six cypnder engines 对只有194立方英寸, 6缸引擎的车型来说, "新星"延续了该型车特有的精巧设计和卓越的操纵功能 Cube logic basically uses unit dimensions to calculate cube ( cubic inches per unit ) and then pares this to the cube capacity of the location to determine how much will fit 立方物流是基于通过用物体尺寸来计算立方体(每个物体含有的立方英寸数) ,并把结果与摆放地的容积相比,以确定是否装的下。 With performance credentials won on oval tracks and drag strips across america , the 1960 pontiac bonneville bined the clean style of capfornia customs with raceproven 389 cubic inch power . the bonneville was at the top of the pne for pontiac in the 1960 model year , riding on a 124 wheelbase and a revolutionary 64 wide - track stance that could turn corners as easily as it could turn heads 从20世纪60年代开始, 1960年版的庞蒂亚克bonneville轿车一经问市,就以其加利福尼亚传统的简洁明快的风格, 389马力的强大动力,在横贯北美大陆的一个个椭圆形赛道上,以风驰电掣般的速度赢得巨大声誉

两用扳手inch 和metric有什么区别

两用扳手的用途:大型工业用两用扳手适用于石油、化工、冶金、发电、炼油、造船、石化等行业。是设备安装、装置及设备检修、维修工作中的必需工具。两用扳手分为公制和英制两种。  两用扳手的材料:两用扳手采用45号中碳钢或40Cr合金钢整体锻造加工制作。  两用扳手的制造标准:GB/T4392-1995(敲击呆扳手和敲击梅花扳手)。  两用扳手的特点:两用扳手由优质中碳钢或优质合金钢整体锻造而成,具有设计合理、结构稳定、材质密度高、抗打击能力强,不折、不断、不弯曲,产品尺寸精度高、经久耐用等特点。

pinch out of existence是什么意思



最好别改,早晚用的上, 每次进去的时候设置,这个没办法



BRINCH 电脑包好不好,电脑包哪个牌子好



既然你说的那个牌子搜捕到,不如看看ANZO(安哲)的牌子。淘宝上马上会有ANZO的电脑包出售,这个品牌也不错 你可以到百度去搜搜


in China,在中国;如:He passed through a university course in China. 他在中国修完了大学的课程in Chinese,用中文。I like singing in Chinese.我喜欢唱中文歌曲。












中国制造 Made in China


Made In China意为:产地中国(中国制造),即表明该产品或服务来源产地于中国境内。中国制造作为品牌翻译成“making china”。1、中国制造(Made in China、Made in PRC)是世界上认知度最高的标签之一,因为快速发展的中国和他庞大的工业制造体系,这个标签可以在广泛的商品上找到,从服装到电子产品。2、中国制造是一个全方位的商品,它不仅包括物质成分,也包括文化成分和人文内涵。中国制造在进行物质产品出口的同时,也将人文文化和国内的商业文明连带出口到国外。中国制造的商品在世界各地都有分布。


made in china中国制造






是的,安德玛在中国有代工厂,代工厂负责制造生产,因此安德玛夹克领标写的 "made in China",表示该产品是在中国生产的。




得物是一个二手交易平台,用户可以在该平台上购买和出售二手商品,包括鞋子。鞋舌上标注的"made in China"表示该鞋子的制造地为中国。Nike是一家国际知名的运动品牌,其产品在全球范围内制造,并且在不同国家和地区设有生产工厂。因此,即使您购买的是Nike鞋子,鞋舌上的制造地标签可能会显示不同的国家或地区,这取决于该特定款式的制造地。无论制造地在哪里,只要您购买的商品是正版且符合您的期望,就不应该影响其品质和使用。


Made in China的意思是中国制造。中国制造是一个全方位的商品,它不仅包括物质成分,也包括文化成分和人文内涵。中国制造在进行物质产品出口的同时,也将人文文化和国内的商业文明连带出口到国外。中国制造的商品在世界各地都有分布。政策法规2017年3月,工信部组织修订《“中国制造2025”分省市指南(2017年)》,将于近期印发。该指南旨在把《中国制造2025》的重点任务和各地资源禀赋相结合,避免重复建设,突出所专所长,打造中国制造“新版图”。2018年10月24日,李总理应邀在中国工会第十七次全国代表大会上说,“中国制造”要尽早变为“中国精造”,无论是日常消费品生产,还是高精尖制造,都需要有一大批“身怀绝技”的大国工匠。
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