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KAT-TUN的sweet chain假名歌词


求 kat-tun sweet chain 中文歌词

约好碰头的9P.M 想要再多看一会儿 轻晃耳环 伫立著的你 想让你说出想念的话语 你是Sugar·Candy·Chocolate baby 甜蜜香气飘荡空中 想吻你上下开合的嘴唇 I know 漂亮地谎言很糟糕哦 眼中已经只能容下你了 No x No Baby 不把你让给任何人 用SWEET CHAIN 缠住你 No x No I know, I know, but I believe my love But I believe my love I know, I know, but I believe my love 无论醒著还是梦中 都只想著你 若这是梦境的延续 我害怕醒来 你是Sugar·Candy·Chocolate baby 被甜蜜香气吸引 我想蜜蜂一般渴求著你 I know 编些温柔的谎言也无妨 只是我爱你You"re my love Baby 不需要任何替代品 SWEET CHAIN 不让你逃脱 No x No Love you 无论怎样接近你 依旧无法看到你的内心 No x No 好吧 这样的话无论到哪 都戴著SWEET CHAIN 沉沦吧 No x No I know, I know, but I believe my love But I believe my love I know, I know, but I believe my love I know, I know, but I believe my love But I believe my love I know, I know, but I believe my love I know 漂亮地谎言很糟糕哦 眼中已经只能容下你了 No x No Baby 不把你让给任何人 用SWEET CHAIN 缠住你 No x No 不让你反抗 SWEET CHAIN 太过爱你而将你束缚 结束亦或开始都由你 这样也可以 No x No I know, I know, but I believe my love... I know my love Sweet的Queen是Need Chain, No Pain, No Gain I know, love you 用Cheep的Reason Hug & Kiss & Kiss


all 4 one 乐团!!!




回答如下:1. agree to do...同意干……; agree to sth 同意某事; agree with sb同意某人意见; agree on sth就某事达成共识,商定某事; agree with sth与……一致,适合于……。2. swear to do ...发誓做……; swear to sb向某人发誓; swear at ...诅咒(咒骂)...。3. come to do ...来做……,逐渐地(渐渐地,终于)做……; come to / into ...来到某地,来到……里面。3. get to do ...逐渐地(渐渐地,终于)做……; get to ...到达某地; get into...走进(来到)……里面,陷入……。



swear+doing还是to do?

to do

swear 和promise、具体有什么区别



1. 发(誓);宣(誓)Before giving evidence you have to swear an oath.在作证之前你得先发誓。2. 发誓要;起誓保证[+to-v][+(that)]The witness swore to tell the truth.证人起誓保证讲真话。3. 【口】断言;保证说[W][Y][+(that)]He swore that he had never talked with the girl.他发誓说,他从未与那个姑娘说过话。4. 使宣誓[(+to)]You must swear him to silence.你一定要他发誓保持沉默。5. 使宣誓就任[H][(+in)]The new president will be sworn in January.新总统将在一月份宣誓就职。6. 宣誓对(罪行)作证He swore treason against his friend.他宣誓对他的朋友犯有叛国罪作证。

结城アイラ的《Swear》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Swear歌手:结城アイラ专辑:fortissimo songs「Swear」作词、作曲:瀬名编曲:大野宏明歌:结城アイラPCゲーム「fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier」ED黄昏の影絵に笑い合う仲间の响く声、ただそんなありきたりの风景で切望の彼方に君だけがいなくて懐かしいぬくもりが 今でも残ってる仆たちは歩いてく君がくれたこの平和を守り続けて遥かな先に、もう一度逢える日まで柔らかな阳射しに目细めてた君と望んでた日々を今、精一杯生きるからかけがえない幸せはこのチカラで守り抜くよ伤付け合って、また分かち合い纺いだこの绊を远すぎる空へひとり誓うよきっと新しい日を数え切れない笑颜で彩ると…仆たちは歩いてく君がくれたこの平和を守り続けて遥かな先に、もう一度かけがえない幸せはこのチカラで守り抜くよ伤付け合って、また分かち合い纺いだこの绊を终わりhttp://music.b***.com/song/59498915

恰克与飞鸟的《SWEAR》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:SWEAR歌手:恰克与飞鸟专辑:No DoubtI wanna know who ever told you I was letting go ofthe only joy that I have ever knowngirl they were lyingjust look around and all of the people that we used to knowhave just given up they wanna let it gobut we"re still tryingso you should know this love we share was never made to dieI"m glad we"re on this one-way streetjust you and I,just you and II"m never gonna say goodbyecause I never wanna see you cryI swore to you my love would remainand I swear it all over again and II"m never gonna treat you badcause I never wanna see you sadI swore to share your joy and your painand I"d swear it all over againsome people say that everything has got its place and timeeven the day must give way to the nightbut I"m not buyingcause in your eyes I see a love that burns eternallyand if you see how beautiful you are to meyou"ll know I"m not lyingsure there"ll be times we wanna say goodbyebut even if we triedthere are some things in this lifewon"t be denied,won"t be deniedI"m never gonna say goodbyecause I never wanna see you cryI swore to you my love would remainand I swear it all over again and II"m never gonna treat you badcause I never wanna see you sadI swore to share your joy and your painand I"d swear it all over againthe more I see of you is the more I know I love youthe more that I"m sure I want you for ever and ever moreand the more that you love me and the more that I knowoh that I"m never gonna let you go gotta let you know that II"m never gonna say goodbyecause I never wanna see you cryI swore to you my love would remainand I swear it all over again and II"m never gonna treat you badcause I never wanna see you sadI swore to share your joy and your painand I"d swear it all over againall over againall over againI"d swear it over againhttp://music.b***.com/song/731257


swear的过去式和过去分词如下:过去式:swore过去分词:sworn释义:v.发誓;咒骂;诅咒;说脏话;郑重承诺;表示决心要;赌咒发誓地说;肯定地说;(尤指在法庭上)发誓,郑重承诺;使起誓(保密)。n.发誓;誓言;咒骂;骂人话。例句:1、I"ll get my own back on him one day, I swear!我发誓,我总有一天要报复他的。2、I swear to God I had nothing to do with it.我可以对天发誓,这跟我一点关系也没有。3、Why did you let him swear at you like that?你怎么听任他那么骂你呢?4、The new prime minister was sworn into office.新首相宣誓就职。5、Remember, you have sworn to tell the truth.别忘记,你宣过誓要讲实话。

阿兰的《Swear》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Swear歌手:阿兰专辑:Swear (Single)君の心 に吹く风も激しく降り注いだ雨も二人なら乗り越えてゆく永远に感じる瞬间を抱いて「Swear」作词∶宫川ユカ/aico作曲∶菊池一仁歌∶alan眩 い光 少しずつ低く季节は変わって行くけど君が伸ばした その手の先には変わらない思いだけ 信じてる近づくほどに离れてゆく足迹だけを辿ってた気にはしないと 言った过去に笑いながら目を伏せた数え切れない思い出をきつく繋いだ二人の手に限りない爱を誓うんだ今日からは二人で歩いてゆける何度も同じ 景色を见つけて沢山の今を知ってくぶつかり合って 笑い合った日々が一つずつ刻まれてゆくけれど期待するだけ不安になる信じることを忘れてた迷わず今を生きることで恐れることも消えてた君の心 に吹く风も激しく降り注いだ雨もこの指でそっと触れている涙 もそう全てを受け止めてゆく数え切れない思い出をきつく繋いだ二人の手に限りない爱を誓うんだ今日からは二人で歩いてゆける君の心 に吹く风も激しく降り注いだ雨も二人なら乗り越えてゆく永远に感じる瞬间を抱いて数え切れない思い出をきつく繋いだ二人の手に限りない爱を誓うんだ今日からは二人で歩いてゆける【 おわり 】http://music.b***.com/song/15204388


过去式:swore;过去分词:sworn。例句:They swore their allegiance to the USA and received their naturalization papers.他们起誓忠诚于美国,随后就接到了批准他们入籍的文件。 swear的用法 swear的用法1:swear的基本意思是“咒骂”,指用污秽的语言对某人或某物进行攻击,造成精神上的伤害。swear还可指明确或郑重地向某人保证某事,即“发誓”。 swear的用法2:swear可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。 swear的用法3:swear表示“骂人”时,其后须与介词at连用。 swear的用法4:swear的过去式是swore,过去分词是sworn。 相关例句 1.He swore in Spanish, another indication that he was rattled. 他用西班牙语破口大骂,这再次表明了他极为烦躁。 2.Kelly swore quietly, looking at the deep cut on his left hand. 凯利看着自己左手上深深的伤口,嘴里暗骂了一句。 3.We both swore we"d be friends ever after. 我俩都发誓从此以后永远是朋友。

swear 和promise、具体有什么区别


swear it again意思?




wear dear swear中的ea一样吗?

dear 不同,音标如图所示不一样




swear vi.promise vt.我喜欢TITANIC里面的那段话:you must do me this honor...promise me you will survive...that you will never give up...no matter what happens...no matter how hopeless...promise now...and never let go of that promise...


As the snake slid swiftly past him,Harry could have sworn a low,hissing voice said,"Brazil,here I come...Thanksss,amigo."当然没有“听到”的意思,这里是语境意义,本来意思是说明Harry难以置信能够听到蛇用咒语说话,中文翻译不出英语的意境。


通常情况下是 不及物动词 加在 某人 后面, 意为 发誓过去分词 是 sworn 用于 1. swear sb in ( 尤用於被动语态)使某人宣誓就职: The President has to be sworn in publicly. 总统必须当众宣誓就职. * Let the witness be sworn in. 让证人宣誓作证.2. swear sb to `secrecy 使某人发誓保守秘密We were all sworn to secrecy about the plan. 我们都发誓保守计划的秘密。

《l Swear 》的歌词是什么?

I swear, by the moon and the stars in the skies,And I swear, like the shadow that"s by your side.I see the questions in your eyes, I know what"s weighing on your mind,You can be sure I know my part."Cause I"ll stand beside you through the years,You"ll only cry those happy tears,And through I"d make mistakes.I"ll never break your heart.And I swear, by the moon and the stars in the skies, I"ll be there.I swear, like the shadow that"s by your side,I"ll be there.For better or worse, till death do us part,I"ll love you with every beat of my heart,And I swear, oh...I"ll give you everything I can,I"ll build your dreams with these two hands,We"ll hang some memories on the walls. And when, (and when), just the two of us are there,You won"t have to ask if I"d still care,Cause as the time turns the page,My love won"t age at all.

swear 有这种宾语+宾补的用法吗?

We have sworn you our faith by earth and water,bronze and iron,ice and fire英文翻译如下我们以土与水、铜与铁、冰与火向你们起誓,向你们表明我们的信心重点词汇释义sworn宣过誓的,宣誓证明的;swear的过去分词例句Why did you let him swear at you like that?你怎么听任他那么骂你呢?




Swear 演唱:阿兰 不论是在你心里吹起的风或是下个不停的激烈暴雨只要我俩在一起就能克服拥抱感觉到永远的那一瞬间 耀眼的光芒 逐渐黯淡即使季节将要改变你所伸出的 那双手的指尖我仍坚信 有着不变的心意 越是接近越感到远离前进的只有足迹笑着说我不在乎 的那段过去却不禁垂下眼帘数不尽的回忆就在我俩紧紧握住的手中许下无限的爱的誓言从今天起我俩将一同走下去 好几次 都找到同样的景色逐渐认识好多的现在共同谈心 共同欢笑的日子将会一个一个刻划下去 越是期待越感到不安忘却了信任这件事毫不迷惘的活在当下所有的害怕都会消失不论是在你心里吹起的风或是下个不停的激烈暴雨用这手指轻轻的抚触包括泪水的一切全都包容数不尽的回忆就在我俩紧紧握住的手中许下无限的爱的誓言从今天起我俩将一同走下去 不论是在你心里吹起的风或是下个不停的激烈暴雨只要我俩在一起就能克服拥抱感觉到永远的那一瞬间数不尽的回忆就在我俩紧紧握住的手中许下无限的爱的誓言从今天起我俩将一同走下去



英语语法 (形式主语) swear用法

1.因为being there的时间发生在swear之前2.it is ...that what ... is that


对某人发誓 1,I swear to you , I have never told Lily about you and me. 我向你发誓,我从未告诉过莉莉关于你和我的事。 3.He has ever sworn to Lily he will love her for ever. but now , he has an affair with Emma. 他曾向莉莉发誓,他将永远爱她。但现在,他和艾玛有暧昧关系 发誓做某事 1.I swear to love you for ever. 我发誓永远爱你。 2.I swear not to tell Lily anything. 我发誓不告诉莉莉任何事。 3.I swear to take revenge on you and your family. 我发誓要报复你和你的家人 以…的名义起誓 1.I swear by God, I love you for ever. 我以上帝的名义发誓,我永远爱你。 3。I swear by myself , I have not any affair with Emma. 我以我自己的名义发誓,我和艾玛没有任何关系。 以...发誓,对着...发誓 1.I swear on a stack of Bibles,stinky tofu is the most delicious food in the world. 我对着一堆圣经发誓,臭豆腐是世界上最美味的食物。 2.I swear on my life , I "m not cheat on you. 我以我的生命发誓,我不骗你。 3.I swear on all I hold deal , I will never betray you. 我以身家性命发誓,我永远不会背叛你。


swear的基本意思是“咒骂”,指用污秽的语言对某人或某物进行攻击,造成精神上的伤害。swear还可指明确或郑重地向某人保证某事,即“发誓”。 swear可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。 短语; swear by发誓 ; 信赖 ; 以起誓 swear words脏话 ; 骂人话 扩展资料   I swear I love you only.   我发誓我只爱你一个人。   If I swear to him.   如果我宣誓效忠他。   I swear you if you do anything to cheat me.   如果你做了欺骗我的事情,我就诅咒你。


I swear。我发誓。I promise。我保证。

be swept up by 是什么意思

be swept up by被席卷 拼音 双语对照 双语例句1If you thrust a fragile rose into the wilds, it may well be swept up by a hurricane.

become swept up什么意思


Flyleaf的《Swept Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Swept Away歌手:Flyleaf专辑:Memento MoriFlyleaf - Swept AwayThe evil fell from your pretty mouthWrapped in your classic voiceAngelic in your syntax, demonic in your motiveYour pretty eyes don"t knowThat the water flowing from this well isn"t freshDemolish all that sets you up against your rising upConfessing all that"s broken and watch the healing comeSpread out your open handsAdmit you"ve held them shutTurn all the way aroundBe swept away by thisTime for surrenderSpread out your open handsAnd He will raise you upConfessing all that"s brokenAnd watch the healing comeSpread out your open handsAdmit you"ve held them shutBe swept away by thisYour clothes are smooth and spotlessThe air is putrid sewageDownwind of your pressed church clothesYour eyes are black and emptyYour deeds are just for showingHow big and bright your fake smile glowsI see you moving and their getting scaredTheir eyes are focusing on something elseYou"re staring at me and I stare at youI rage against everything that you doSee them surrenderSpread out your open handsAnd he will raise you upConfessing all that"s brokenLook at the healing comeSpread out your open handsAdmit you"ve held them shutBe swept away by thisI see you moving and their getting scaredTheir eyes are focusing on something elseYou"re staring at me and I stare at youI rage against everything that you doSo get this hell out out of my wayThere"s nothing more that you can say soGet this hell out, get this hell out, out out of my wayWe spread our open handsAnd He is rising upRepairing all that"s brokenLook at the healing comeWe spread our open handsForgiveness holds them upWe"re swept away by thishttp://music.baidu.com/song/1699725

My mother swept the floor yesterday everying否定句?

My mother swept the floor yesterday everying.否定句:My mother didn"t sweep the floor yesterday evening.

Yanni的《Swept Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Swept Away歌手:Yanni专辑:Reflections Of Passioni never had anything happen so fasttook one look and i shattered like glassi guess i let it showcause your smile told me you knewthat you"re everything i ever wanted at oncethere"s no holding this heartwhen it knows what it wantsand i never wanted anything more than to know youi was swept awayno one in the world but you and igotta find a wayto make you feel the way that i doi was swept awaywithout a warninglike night when the morning begins the dayi was swept awayand so it beginsthis journey of lovethe summer wind carries us to places all our ownthe words of a lookthe language of touchthe way that you want me means so muchand i never wanted anything morethan to love youI am swept awayno one in the world but you and Igotta find a wayto make you feel the way that I doI was swept awaywithout a warninglike night when the morning begins the dayI am swept awayaway, seeing my tomorrow"s in your eyesi was swept awayoo, i hope i wake up soonoo, i"m a victim of that crazy moonthe very first time you said my namei knew it would never sound the samesomething about me has changed forevercan"t you see i am swept awayno one in the world but you and igotta find a wayto make you feel the way that i doi am swept awaywithout a warninglike night when the morning begins the dayi was swept awayaway, seeing my tomorrow"s in your eyesgotta find a wayto make you feel the way that i doi was swept awaywithout a warninglike night when the morning begins the dayi was swept awaywe were swept awaydreaming of youswept awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2274976

Volume 5 could not be swept because a source and target area could not be determined automatically


the room is swept clean.中clean是什么成分?



及物动词 vt. 1.扫;清扫,打扫[O8]He sweeps the room every day. 他每天打扫房间。 2.扫去;清除[O][(+away/off/from)]The boy helped Mother sweep the dirt away. 男孩帮助母亲清除尘土。 3.(风等)刮起;(浪等)冲走;席卷[O][(+off/along/away)]The wind swept the leaves away. 风把树叶刮走。 4.猛烈移动,猛推,猛拉[O][(+aside/aross)]5.扫荡;肃清,消灭6.环视,眺望Her eyes swept the room. 她的目光扫视着房间。 7.扫过,掠过,擦过Willow branches swept the river"s surface. 柳枝拂掠着河面。 8.【军】扫射;扫(雷)9.在...中获全胜10.用电子设备扫查(房屋、建筑)有无监听装置或炸弹不及物动词 vi. 1.扫,打扫,扫除2.袭击,(风等)刮起;席卷[Q][(+across/over/through)]A cold wind swept through the north. 寒风席卷北方。 3.环视,扫视;掠过;急速移动[Q][(+past/to)]Hunter"s keen eyes swept from left to right. 亨特的尖锐目光从左到右扫视了一下。 4.衣裙摇曳地走,堂皇地走动[Q][(+past/out of)]5.连绵,延伸[Q][(+round/up/down/to)]The broad driveway sweeps around the lake. 这条宽阔的汽车道环湖伸展。 名词 n. [C]1.打扫,清扫Let"s give our room a good sweep. 让我们把房间好好打扫一下。 2.(手等的)一挥3.绵亘,延伸,伸展[the S]There was a sweep of glistening snow on the hillside. 山坡上有一片连绵的闪闪发亮的积雪。 4.曲线;转弯;弯曲;弯路[S]5.压倒性的胜利,全胜It"s a clean sweep; we"ve won all the prizes. 我们大获全胜;我们赢得了所有的奖品。 6.(风,潮水等的)流动7.(物的)蜂拥推进,突进8.【口】扫烟囱

sweep的过去式是sweeped还是sweept 我第二个拼错了,应该是swept



  有以下两种意思:  1、v. 扫除(sweep 的过去式和过去分词);  2、adj. 扫频的。    双语例句:  1、His eyes swept around the room.  他的目光把房间扫视了一遍。  2、Searchlights swept the sky.  探照灯在空中扫来扫去。  3、A rush of pure affection swept over him.  一股强烈的真爱掠过了他的心田。



found,got,had,heard,left,lost,made,met,sent,swept,told(过去分词)造句 急急急。。。 一上午之内

是一句话里面包含所有的单词 ,还是每个单词都是独立的一句话??

UG 使用swept命令基本线封闭如何扫出片体


swept away是什么意思





sweep的过去式和过去分词都是swept。1、swept的过去式用法:swept作为动词的过去式,表示过去某个时间点或特定事件中的动作或状态。它常常用于过去完成时或者与其他过去时间状语连用。2、swept的过去分词用法:swept作为过去分词,常常用于完成时态或被动语态,用来形容动作已经完成或被动地受到动作的影响。打扫街道3、swept的其他用法:swept还可以用于描述一种强烈的感觉或情绪席卷而来,使人无法抵挡。这种用法常常用于描述情感或风潮等的影响。4、swept的应用:swept是动词sweep的过去式和过去分词形式,表示扫、横扫或清扫等动作。它可以用于过去完成时,过去完成时的被动语态,以及描述情感或风潮席卷而来的影响。掌握swept的用法有助于我们更准确地表达过去发生的事情,并且能够更富有表现力地描述感受或情感。在日常生活中,我们可能会经常用到swept这个词,特别是在描述清扫、被扫荡、被感情冲击等方面。通过合理运用这个词汇,我们可以更加生动地传达我们的意思,丰富语言表达,让交流更加生动有趣。打扫教室例句:1、昨天,我扫地使其干净整洁。Yesterday,I swept the floor to make it clean and tidy.-The wind swept.2、风吹过城市,把所有的叶子都刮走了。through the city,blowing away all the leaves.3、事故后,她把碎玻璃扫进了簸箕。She swept the broken glass into a dustpan after the accident.4、客人到达之前,房间已经被扫干净了。The room was swept and cleaned before the guests arrived.5、整个城镇被一场大火烧毁。The entire town was swept by a wildfire.6、当她走过童年的街区时,一种怀旧之情涌上心头。A feeling of nostalgia swept over her as she walked through her childhood neighborhood.7、胜利的消息在全国传开,让人民充满喜悦。The news of the victory swept across the nation,filling the people with joy.


swept 英[swept] 美[swɛpt] v. 扫( sweep的过去式和过去分词 ); 扫视; 蜿蜒; 步态轻盈地走; [例句]I swept rainwater off the flat top of a gravestone我拂去了墓碑顶上的雨水。[其他] 原型: sweep


swept的意思是:v.扫除(sweep的过去式和过去分词)。adj.扫视。sweep的用法:sweep的基本意思是指用扫帚等在物体的表面扫过,从而使其变得清洁干净起来,即“扫,打扫”。用于比喻可指“横扫”,“环视”,“掠(拂)过”,“席卷”等。sweep可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。sweep还可作“鞠躬”解,接双宾语。可用于被动结构。sweep的宾语多是“房间”,“地”等被清扫物,如接被清扫掉的灰尘、泥土,则常在sweep后加副词away、out等。sweep用作名词时的基本意思是“打扫,清扫”,指用扫帚等在物体的表面扫过,从而使其变得清洁干净起来的行为过程,引申还可表示“大面积搜索(攻击)”,指像打扫卫生那样彻底、全面的搜寻和攻击。sweep还可表示“挥动”,指像扫地一样的来回摆动,引申还可表示“连绵弯曲的地带”。sweep通常可数,但多用单数形式,复数形式少见。短语:sweep along;sweep aside;sweep away;sweep back;sweep before;sweep in。

swear like a sailor什么意思


谁知道swear like a sailor的中文歌词?在线等!

I had a thought, running through my head我曾有一个想法,贯穿着我的脑袋Now you"re gone, I don"t remember it现在已经你走了,我便不记得它了I had the life, and then I see you在生命之中,我第一个遇见了你Now our love is all see through现在我们的爱都已经支离破碎So, oh, no worries, no worries, no worries now(na),所以,现在,再没有一次次心烦意乱,不用担心,再不用担心了Cuz loves just comes and goes因为爱只是来了又去,稍纵即逝No worries, no worries,不用担心,再不用担心了I"ll swear like a sailor, sailor from my bad behavior我会像水手一样发誓,水手一样恶劣的态度与激情And If you come and go it won"t matter anymore, it won"t matter anymore, no但如果你来了,就再也不重要了,那就再也不重要了And if you can"t stay slow, I"ll be waiting at the door, I"ll be waiting at the door如果你不能慢一点,我会在门口等着,我会在门口等着你And If you come and go it won"t matter anymore, it won"t matter anymore, no但如果你来了,就再也不重要了,那就再也不重要了And if you can"t stay slow, I"ll swear like a sailor, sailor from my bad behavior我会像水手一样发誓,水手一样恶劣的态度与激情And If you come and go it won"t matter anymore, it won"t matter anymore, no但如果你来了,就再也不重要了,那就再也不重要了And if you can"t stay slow, I"ll be waiting at the door, I"ll be waiting at the door如果你不能慢一点,我会在门口等着,我会在门口等着你I had a lover back in England我曾在英国有一个爱人She is a star, she is like Taylor Swift她是一个明星,她就像Taylor Swift一般I come home, don"t remember it我回到家里,也不记得了Cuz She"s gone, she don"t exist因为她走了,她根本就不存在So, oh,, no worries, no worries, no worries now,(na),所以,现在,再没有一次次心烦意乱,不用担心,再不用担心了Cuz love just comes and goes因为爱只是来了又去,稍纵即逝No worries, no worries,不用担心,再不用担心了I"ll swear like a sailor, and say, screw you Taylor Swift我像水手一般发誓,并且说,去你的Taylor SwiftScrew You Taylor Swift去你的Taylor SwiftAnd If you come and go it won"t matter anymore, it won"t matter anymore, no但如果你来了,就再也不重要了,那就再也不重要了And if you can"t stay slow, I"ll be waiting at the door, I"ll be waiting at the door如果你不能慢一点,我会在门口等着,我会在门口等着你And If you come and go it won"t matter anymore, it won"t matter anymore, no但如果你来了,就再也不重要了,那就再也不重要了And if you can"t stay slow, I"ll swear like a sailor, sailor from my bad behavior如果你不能保持缓慢,我会像水手一样,发着恶毒的誓

sweetie fox是谁啊,哪个动漫里的人物吗?

Sweetiefox是一位俄罗斯模特。英文名字叫SweetieFox,出生于2001年6月25日,身高165公分,体重57kg,模特儿,Coser,女演员,拥有超梦幻美颜,还配备不科学的火辣身材,热爱二次元文化,还喜欢玩角色扮演,推特粉丝2.7万。相近人物——Megan Fox35岁美国女星梅根福克斯(Megan Fox),在2007年因出演《变形金刚》(Transformers)美艳女主角而窜红成好莱坞性感女星,之后与男友机关枪凯利(Machine Gun Kelly)的大尺度放闪行为屡上媒体版面,而她近日受访时还直接向漫威和DC喊话,表示期待加入任何一个漫画宇宙。

roses of this Kind are very sweet系动词为什么不用is?

主语是roses,复数形式,系动词也用复数形式areof this kind是修饰roses的


sweater可以用作名词和形容词,可以翻译为毛衣、运动衫,等等。读音:英[u02c8swetu0259r],美[u02c8swetu0259r]。释义:n.毛线衣,运动衫;大量出汗的人,发汗剂。例句:If you don"t want to catch cold, you"d better put on a thick sweater.如果你不想着凉,你最好穿上一件厚针织套衫。变形:复数sweaters。短语搭配:cashmere sweater羊绒衫neck sweater圆领运动衫bolero sweater开胸毛衫acrylic sweater腈纶毛衫sweater coat毛衣外套whose sweater谁的毛衣in sweater穿着毛衣sweater的近义词jumper读音:英[u02c8du0292u028cmpu0259(r)],美[u02c8du0292u028cmpu0259r]。释义:n.跳跃者;跳高运动员;雪橇;[电]跳线;无袖连衣裙;套头衫;连衫裤童装;工作夹克。例句:1、When I was on the track team,I used to be a jumper.过去我在田径队时,我是跳高运动员。2、Her jumper had a darn at the bottom.她的无袖连衣裙下部有一个补丁。其他:复数jumpers。短语:puddle jumper轻型越野汽车jumper stay跨接停留cable jumper连接电缆long jumper跳远运动员jumper bar冲杆




jumper n.工作夹克衫套头衫;厚运动衫sweatern.羊毛衫;厚运动衣针织上衣;运动衫


jumper和sweater的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同jumpern. 跳跃者;跳高运动员;雪橇;[电]跳线。n. 无袖连衣裙;套头衫;连衫裤童装;工作夹克sweatern. 毛衣;出汗者二、用法不同jumperjumper 针织套衫,可能来自jump,跳。引申词义有弹性的,比喻用法。Her jumper had a darn at the bottom.她的无袖连衣裙下部有一个补丁。sweatersweater是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“毛线衣,运动衫;大量出汗的人,发汗剂”。This woolen sweater may keep you warm in winter.这件羊毛衫在冬天可以保暖。三、侧重点不同jumper英式英语中jumper指的是套头毛衣sweater美式英语中sweater指的是毛线衣或者是卫衣

Today you are on duty. You see a man selling sweets in the school.选哪个?为什么?



不管如何还是思念----Sweet Sorrow----翻译 月神天我不管如何还是想念你我不管如何还是想念你闭上眼仿佛就能忘掉你转过身你却没有在那里如果是因为对你太诚实却害怕让你更加的痛苦就这样望着你远去寂寞的眼神里浮现你美丽的笑容到最后我们还是分手了就算是每日都和你告别你还是经常出现我梦里不相信我们真的结束了我多想鼓起一次勇气来却害怕让你更加的痛苦就这样泪湿了眼底即便是靠近你也不忍心注视着你我如果还能有机会再让你留在身边我一定更加努力爱你我如果还能有机会再让我凝望着你仿佛你从没离开过我轻声的安慰臂弯中的你多想再用尽力气抱紧你阳光般温暖的怀抱再次的靠近你守候我就这样还在徘徊就这样泪洒满地幻想着你更加的爱我我如果还能有机会再让我凝望着你我一定紧紧地抓住你我不管如何还是想念你我不管如何还是想念你到最后我们还是分手了就算是每日都和你告别闭上眼仿佛就能忘掉你转过身你却没有在那里你还是经常出现我梦里不相信我们真的结束了

请问谁能发下《sweet but psycho》这首歌,百度网盘,谢谢


sweet but psycho用英语怎么说

《Sweet but Psycho》(甜美而狂野)是由美国流行女歌手艾娃·马克斯演唱的一首歌曲。


sweat shirt[英][swet u0283u0259:t][美][swu025bt u0283u025at]n.绒衣; 运动衫; 网络圆领长袖运动衫; 卫生衣; 双语例句1And the sun comes out, sweat shirt eliminate, wear short covering, knickers, short skirt only.而太阳一出来,便又将绒衣除去,只穿短衣、短裤、短裙。2My shirt was clammy with sweat.我的衬衫汗涔涔的。

请详细解释一下,i know Ai is the answer,but pull into 是不是进站的意思,还是一定要是pull in 呢?

专辑:chaos and disorder I will walk this road I will, I will It"s gonna be hard but I know I will, I will People come and they go


the bread smell so sweet because it is fresh from the oven

歌词里有 kiss kiss kiss ``````sweet sweet sweet`````kiss me kiss me oh oh oh 其他的不知道了 = =

happy ending 艾薇儿

---The education system rather than the teachers is to answer for the overburden on the students.

义┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈hang about 闲荡 闲逛 逗留 徘徊,这里可意译为:即将带来 being carried out (正在实施的)分词短语作后置定语,修饰reform ---The education system rather than the teachers is to answer for the overburden on the students. 该为学生负担过重负责的是教育体制而不是教师。--- I agree. i hope the reform being carried out in our country will hang about the desired results 我同意(您的看法)。希望我国正在进行的改革即将带来理想的结果。


adj 1甜的;2悦耳的,漂亮的,芳香的,美味的;3可爱的;4 和蔼的;可亲的5 (口)惬意的。n 1 糖果 2甜点 3 快乐,乐趣 4芳香


light sweet crude-oil轻甜原油crude oil[英][kru:d u0254il][美][krud u0254u026al]n.原油; 例句:1.Crude oil"s recent rise has been more muted. 原油价格近期的上涨步伐已得到进一步抑制。2.A surge in crude oil prices also helped bullion gain this month. 石油价格的上涨本月也帮助了黄金的上涨。3.Metal and crude oil prices slumped. 金属和原油价格下跌。


肿瘤怎么说?liver tumour谣言=rumourspledge = 信约(名词),承诺(动词)swear = 发誓 (动词)





sorry sorry answer中文 歌词,rap和前面那一小段“无法想象有一天我会忘记你。。。。。。。”都要

sorry sorry answer中文 歌词Hey~WooI will love you till tonight【圭贤】想你想得快要疯掉了 yeah~~【艺声】哪怕是一天没有你我也不行 oh baby【永镇】I hold you in my eyes我只会为那个人心跳【圭贤】我呼吸不上气来 颤抖的快要死掉了一样 I want you baby【KRY】美丽的你的模样 我的魂 我的心 都为你迷恋不已被你眼神迷惑 无法逆转的我 傻瓜般的我【厉旭】心像是燃烧了一样 抓住你的手 亲吻上我的嘴唇的时候【永镇】你的眼泪像是要把我挽留住 I"m a slave for you【ALL】Sorry sorry sorry sorry是我 是我 是我首先被你 被你 被你吸引吸引 吸引 吸引 babyshawty shawty shawty shawty眼睛 闪耀 闪耀 闪耀呼吸 窒息 窒息 窒息我要 疯了 疯了 疯了 babySorry sorry sorry sorry是我 是我 是我首先被你 被你 被你吸引吸引 吸引 吸引 babyshawty shawty shawty shawty眼睛 闪耀 闪耀 闪耀呼吸 窒息 窒息 窒息我要 疯了 疯了 疯了 babynan nana nananana nanana nana nanana nana nanana(lalalala)nan nana nananana nanana nana nanana nana nanana (lalalala)【厉旭】好像是即使做着幸福的傻瓜也是愿意的 yeah~【圭贤】我 NONONO 没关系 自私的希望时间就那样停滞【KRY】美丽的你的模样 我的魂 我的心 都为你迷恋不已被你眼神迷惑 无法逆转的我 傻瓜般的我【艺声】心像是燃烧了一样 抓住你的手 亲吻上我的嘴唇的时候【永镇】你的眼泪像是要把我挽留住 I"m a slave for you【ALL】Sorry sorry sorry sorry是我 是我 是我首先被你 被你 被你吸引吸引 吸引 吸引 babyshawty shawty shawty shawty眼睛 闪耀 闪耀 闪耀呼吸 窒息 窒息 窒息我要 疯了 疯了 疯了 babySorry sorry sorry sorry是我 是我 是我首先被你 被你 被你吸引吸引 吸引 吸引 babyshawty shawty shawty shawty眼睛 闪耀 闪耀 闪耀呼吸 窒息 窒息 窒息我要 疯了 疯了 疯了 baby【庚源敏】我完全无法想象 有天我会忘记你 有天这个世界会没有你【赫澈童】我会记得现在这个瞬间 和你约定好了 我会成为望向你的向日葵【圭贤】只有你 能够拯救我的人【厉旭】在我贫瘠人生中唯一恋上的人【艺声】只要有你就足够 Finally you"re in my life【赫澈特 or ALL】Sorry baby Sorry baby 我爱你 只爱上了你 对不起 真的对不起Shawty baby Shawty baby 只望着你 对不起 我真的情不自禁【ALL】Sorry sorry sorry sorry是我 是我 是我首先被你 被你 被你吸引吸引 吸引 吸引 babyshawty shawty shawty shawty眼睛 闪耀 闪耀 闪耀呼吸 窒息 窒息 窒息我要 疯了 疯了 疯了 babySorry sorry sorry sorry是我 是我 是我首先被你 被你 被你吸引吸引 吸引 吸引 babyshawty shawty shawty shawty眼睛 闪耀 闪耀 闪耀呼吸 窒息 窒息 窒息我要 疯了 疯了 疯了 babyRAP【赫&海】Realize thunder light Baby give me candle light不要出声 让我们感受这个时空绝对不要变心 不要说分手让我们沉浸在相爱的感觉里告诉我 会比我爱你更加爱我千千万万次 on and on precious lovenan nana nananana nanana nana nanana nana nanana(lalalala)nan nana nananana nanana nana nanana nana nanana (lalalala)

哪位亲有SORRY SORRY (Answer)的歌词,就KRY唱的那首

像是疯了一般的想要你,就算只是一天,没有了你也不行的我 Oh babyI hold you in my arms 因为爱情而跳动著的心脏我,渐渐感到窒息,这样下去会死掉 I want you baby* 美丽的你的模样,我的魂,我的心,都为你迷恋不已被你的眼神迷惑,没办法逆转的我,傻瓜般的我心就像是燃烧了一般。当我牵著你的手,当我吻著你的唇只有你,你是我唯一的主人 I"m a slave for you# Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry 是我,是我,是我,首先对你,对你,对你,入迷,入迷,入迷 BabyShawty Shawty Shawty Shawty 耀眼,耀眼,耀眼窒息,窒息,窒息,让我疯狂,疯狂 babyRepeat #nan nan na-na-na-na na-na-na na-nan na-na-na na-nan na-nan-na (la-la-la-la)nan nan na-na-na-na- na-na-na na-nan na-na-na na-nan-na-nan-na na-nan-na我成了幸福的傻瓜也好,感觉到了吗?拥有我的人是你,所以没关系,就算时间停滞,我还是想成为你的唯一Repeat *Repeat # (x2)我完全无法想像,有天我会遗忘你,有天这个世界上会没有你我会记得现在这个瞬间,和你约定了,我会成为只望著你的向日葵只有你,能够拯救我的人,在我贫瘠人生中唯一恋上的人只要有你就足够 Finally you"re in my lifeSorry baby sorry baby 只爱上了你,对不起,真的对不起Shwaty baby shwaty baby 只望著你,对不起,我真的情不自禁Repeat # (x2)Realize the heat the lie Baby give me can"t a lie不要出声,就让我们感觉这个时空,让我们沉浸在相爱的感觉中,绝对不要变心,不要说要分手,告诉我,会比我爱你还要爱我千千万万次的 On&On Precious lovenan nan na-na-na-na na-na-na na-nan na-na-na na-nan na-nan-na (la-la-la-la)nan nan na-na-na-na na-na-na na-nan na-na-na na-nan-na-nan-na (la-la-la-la)[1]韩文미치도록 널 원하고 있어《sorry sorry answer》MV截图단 하루라도 너 없이 안되는 나 Oh babyI hold you in my arms 오직 그 사랑에 심장이 뛰는 걸난 점점 숨이 막혀와 이러다가 죽겠어 I want you baby너무너무 아름다워 네 모습에 넋이 빠져 버린 나 빠져 버린 나그저 네 눈빛에 사로 잡혀 고개조차 돌릴 수도 없는 나 바보 같은나가슴 터져 버릴 것 같아 너의 손을 잡으면 네 입술에 입 맞춤 할 때면그녀만이 나에게 주인일 수 있는 걸 I"m a slave for youSorry Sorry Sorry Sorry 내가 내가 내가 먼저네게 네게 네게 빠져 빠져 빠져 버려 BabyShawty Shawty Shawty Shawty 눈이 부셔 부셔 부셔숨이 막혀 막혀 막혀 내가 미쳐 미쳐 babySorry Sorry Sorry Sorry 내가 내가 내가 먼저네게 네게 네게 빠져 빠져 빠져 버려 BabyShawty Shawty Shawty Shawty 눈이 부셔 부셔 부셔숨이 막혀 막혀 막혀 내가 미쳐 미쳐 baby난 난 나나나나 나나나 나난 나나나 나난 나난나 (라라라라)난 난 나나나나 나나나 나난 나나나 나난나난나 나난나행복한 바보라도 된 기분 느낄 수 있겠니날 가져도 넌 괜찮아 그대로 시간이 멈춰서 하나의 나이길 원해너무너무 아름다워 네 모습에 넋이 빠져 버린 나 빠져 버린 나그저 네 눈빛에 사로잡혀 고개조차 돌릴 수도 없는 나 바보 같은 나가슴 터져 버릴 것 같아 너의 손을 잡으면 네 입술에 입 맞춘다면그녀만이 나에게 주인일 수 있는 걸 I"m a slave for youSorry Sorry Sorry Sorry 내가 내가 내가 먼저 Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry네게 네게 네게 빠져 빠져 빠져 버려 BabyShawty Shawty Shawty Shawty 눈이 부셔 부셔 부셔 Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty숨이 막혀 막혀 막혀 내가 미쳐 미쳐 babySorry Sorry Sorry Sorry 내가 내가 내가 먼저 Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry네게 네게 네게 빠져 빠져 빠져 버려 BabyShawty Shawty Shawty Shawty 눈이 부셔 부셔 부셔 Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty숨이 막혀 막혀 막혀 내가 미쳐 미쳐 baby상상할 수 없어 너를 잃는다는 것 네가 없이 살아가는 삶이란 것이 순간을 기억할께 맹세할께 널 처음처럼 바라보는 해바라기 Boy마치 넌 나를 구원하게 보내진 걸 사랑하는 삶이 내게 허락된 걸그대만으로 나는 충분해 Finally you"re in my life 只有你 对我来说已经足够Sorry baby sorry baby 너만 너를 사랑해서 미안해 정말 미안해Shwaty baby shwaty baby 그대만을 바라봐서 미안해 정말 어쩔 수가 없나 봐Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry 내가 내가 내가 먼저 Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry네게 네게 네게 빠져 빠져 빠져 버려 BabyShawty Shawty Shawty Shawty 눈이 부셔 부셔 부셔 Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty숨이 막혀 막혀 막혀 내가 미쳐 미쳐 babySorry Sorry Sorry Sorry 내가 내가 내가 먼저 Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry네게 네게 네게 빠져 빠져 빠져 버려 BabyShawty Shawty Shawty Shawty 눈이 부셔 부셔 부셔 Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty숨이 막혀 막혀 막혀 내가 미쳐 미쳐 babyRealize the heat the lie Baby give me can"t a lie소리 내지 말고 우린 그저 이 공간을 느껴 깊이 빠져드는 사랑 증후군을 느껴절대 변하지도 말자 헤어지지 말자 나보다 더 사랑해 말을 해주자백 번도 만 번이라도 On&On Precious love[04:41.25]난 난 나나나나 나나나 나난 나나나 나난 나난나 (라라라라)난 난 나나나나 나나나 나난 나나나 나난나난나 (라라라라)音译Hey~Woo~yeah~~  I will love you too tonight  ma ji do log nong wan ha go yi so yeah  den ha lu la do no ob xi an dui nl na o~ oh baby  I hold you in my eyes  wu ji ke sa la mi xi jiang yi dui nen gol  nan teom teom su mi ma kio wa  yi lo da ga tu ke so  I want you baby  no mu no mu a lum da wan ne mo su pe ne xi  ba jiu bo lon na ba jiu bo lon na  ku to ne nun bi te sa lo ja pa hu gae to ta  dol lol su do bo neun na bo ga tun na  ga su to jiu bo lo ge ga ta no ye su lu ja bu mion  nae yi su le yi ma jiu ma dai mion  ku nio ma nl na ya gai chu yi nl su wi nen gol  I pray for you  sorry sorry sorry sorry  nae ga nae ga nae ga meon jeo  ne ge ne ge ne ge bba jyeo  bba jyeo bba jyeo beo ryeo baby  shawty shawty shawty shawty  nun i bu syeo bu syeo bu syeo  sum i mak hyeo mak hyeo mak hyeo  nae ga mi chyeo mi chyeo baby  sorry sorry sorry sorry  nae ga nae ga nae ga meon jeo  ne ge ne ge ne ge bba jyeo  bba jyeo bba jyeo beo ryeo baby  shawty shawty shawty shawty  nun i bu syeo bu syeo bu syeo  sum i mak hyeo mak hyeo mak hyeo  nae ga mi chyeo mi chyeo baby  nan nan na na na na na na na nan na na na na nan  na na na na nan nan nan na na na na nan  na na na na nan na na na na nan na na na nan  hae bo ka pa bo la to tui gi bu ni gi so wi gei ni  yeah  na ga to go non non we cha na gu dae lo  xi ga ni mo cho so ha na ye na yi in wa nae  no mu no mu a lum da wan ne mo su pe ne xi  ba jiu bo lon na ba jiu bo lon na  ku to ne nun bi te sa lo ja pa hu gae to ta  dol lol su do bo neun na bo ga tun na  ga su to jiu bo lo ge ga ta no ye su lu ja bu mion  nae yi su le yi ma jiu ma dai mion  ku nio ma nl na ya gai chu yi nl su wi nen gol  I said for you baby  sorry sorry sorry sorry  nae ga nae ga nae ga meon jeo  ne ge ne ge ne ge bba jyeo  bba jyeo bba jyeo beo ryeo baby  shawty shawty shawty shawty  nun i bu syeo bu syeo bu syeo  sum i mak hyeo mak hyeo mak hyeo  nae ga mi chyeo mi chyeo baby  sorry sorry sorry sorry  nae ga nae ga nae ga meon jeo  ne ge ne ge ne ge bba jyeo  bba jyeo bba jyeo beo ryeo baby  shawty shawty shawty shawty  nun i bu syeo bu syeo bu syeo  sum i mak hyeo mak hyeo mak hyeo  nae ga mi chyeo mi chyeo baby  Nan nan na na na na na na na nan na na na na nan  Na na na na nan nan nan na na na na nan  Na na na na nan na na na na nan na na na nan

pick up等于answer the phone在句子里分别怎么用?

1.pick up用在口语中,可以表示“接电话”。即,pick up (the phone)。例如,I picked up when he called me yesterday.句意:他昨天给我打电话,我接了。pick up还可表示“接收信号,收听节目”等,但都常用在口语中。2.answer the phone是正式用语,phone不可省略。例句,I went into the room to answer the phone.我走进房间接电话。(希望对你有帮助。供参考哈!)




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汉译英Translate the following sentences into English, and put your answers down on the Answer Sheet

1. This issue is noteworthy.2. This trail leads to the school.3. Despite our objections, he made that decision.4. Since we are good friends, you should support me.5. These new equipment will be put into use next month.6. This dictionary is very useful to us, I just can not do without it.7. They maintained the car very well.8. He found it hard to concentrate in class thinking.9. This poem was too difficult, a 9-year-old child of course can not comprehend.10. Our new products, good quality, we are proud of it. These new products have greatly improved the image of our company.11. It is understood that science and technology development of China"s modernization is essential.12. After several failures, he finally succeeded in the invention of a more than any one had been a good bike.13. Mathematics teachers know that if Tom could not is another difficult solution, then the most likely solution is also no other students in the class.14. Scientists have made numerous experiments show that improving the people"s behavior, the praise than criticism much more effective.15. I do know that there are a lot of young people while doing homework while listening to background music habits.


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