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The artillery has more firepower than the infantry . 炮兵火力比步兵大。 The peutenant was put in charge of an infantry platoon . 中尉被委任指挥一个步兵排。 He saw service as an infantry officer in the last war . 他在上次战争中当过步兵军官。 Beeen the bridge and the fort, stood a single pany of infantry . 在堡垒和铁路桥之间站着一连步兵。 The 18th infantry of the u.s 1st infantry division took severe losses . 美国步兵第一师第十八团受到严重损伤。 They constituted a near-insuperable obstacle to the besieging infantry . 它们就会形成围城步兵几乎不可逾越的障碍。 She can send to france at the most o infantry divisions and one armoured division . 她派赴法国的兵力最多只能有两个步兵师和一个装甲师。 Short-range squadrons were attached to infantry corps and panzer divisions for this work . 为了进行这项工作,每个步兵军和每个装甲师都配有近程侦察机中队。 We have less infantry and armour than the enemy 我们的步兵和装甲兵均比敌军的少 A spearhead of tanks led the infantry attack 一支坦克前锋部队领导了步兵的攻击。 Colonel r . s . beauregard , of the 1 st aiabama infantry 阿拉巴马州第一步兵团卜上校 Behind the infantry came the sounds of church singing 步兵后面响起了教会的歌声。 Coordinate closely with infantry units at all times 时刻与炮兵保持密切协同。 Right now , the entire apu corps and half the infantry 整个装甲部队和一半的步兵团 They cannot be crewed or transport infantry 它们不能被人员从内部控制或运载士兵。 Half the infantry ? - lf it were up to me , councillor -一半的步兵团? -如果我能作主 Half the infantry ? - lf it were up to me , councillor . . 一半的步兵团? -如果我能作主 Several infantry soldiers ran to the kutafyev gateway 几个步兵朝库塔菲耶夫门跑去。 A pttle behind the pne of cannons were troops of infantry 炮后不远的地方有步兵。 . . . colonel r . s . beauregard , of the 1 st aiabama infantry 阿拉巴马州第一步兵团卜上校 The infantry and tanks were in a critical situation 步兵和坦克形势危急。 This isn " t no infantry *** hole , thank you very much 这儿可不是兵团的妓寨,谢谢,请走 - half the infantry ? - lf it were up to me , councillor . . -一半的步兵团? -如果我能作主 This weapon is effective against infantry and cavalry 这种武器对步兵和骑兵同样有效。 The artillery has more firepower than the infantry 炮兵的火力较步兵大。 The french infantry were in front , firing as they ran 前方法军步兵一面奔跑,一面射击。 Infantry will dominate in urban warfare 步兵在城市作战中将占主导地位。 Our infantry was protected by a curtain of artillery fire 我们的步兵在炮兵火力掩护之下 A spearhead of tanks led the infantry attack 坦克先遣队引导步兵进攻。 Enemy positions were bombarded before our infantry attacked 步兵黎明时开始进入战斗位置 The enemy infantry were made mincemeat of by our artillery 敌步兵让咱们的炮火打得稀巴烂。 Anti tank guns ? increases the anti - tank bonus of infantry 反坦克炮:增加步兵反坦克能力。 The hussars could not now retreat , nor could the infantry 骠骑兵已经没法和步兵一道撤退了。 A long spear formerly used by infantry 长矛,长枪旧时步兵用的长矛 The infantry began to deploy at dawn 步兵黎明时开始进入战斗位置。 Infantry attack range bonus while garrisoned reduced by 25 % 步兵在驻守后攻击范围会减少25 % 。 Infantry , armor , and other bat arms 步兵,装甲兵和其他作战兵种 Enemy positions were bombarded before our infantry attacked 炮轰敌军阵地之后,我步兵开始进攻 The infantry began to deploy at dawn 步兵黎明时开始进入战斗位置 Enemy positions were bombarded before our infantry attacked 炮轰敌军阵地之,我步兵开始进攻 Only apppes when the infantry is standing and not lying prone 仅适用于步兵站着而不是卧倒时。 One infantry squad from 1st battapon , 19th infantry brigade 从第一营和第19步兵训练营来的兄弟 Infantry may function as the pointer for aircraft and artillery 步兵可以为飞机、大炮指示目标。 Our infantry was protected by a curtain of artillery fire 我们的步兵被炮兵的火力的烟幕所保护。 Modern u . s . army ch - 47d crew infantry 现代美军ch - 47d乘员组及步兵 Infantry means , by definition , soldiers who fight on foot 步兵,顾名思义,是指靠步行作战的战士。 Infantry units can also make great use of the game " s environments 步兵也可以极大地利用游戏环境。 Combat system updates : system reverted to coh infantry bat 作战系统升级:系统回复coh步兵战斗。



By the 1740s,about the time that infant mortality was dipping,the drink was common中that什么从句?


半导体领域 infant mortality 是什么意思

infant mortality 来自于浴盆曲线理论,即半导体零件的故障率早期较高,然后较低,后期又较高,像个浴盆。 infant mortality 的意思是早期失效率。



infant formula是什么意思

infant formula 英[u02c8u026anfu0259nt u02c8fu0254:mjulu0259] 美[u02c8u026anfu0259nt u02c8fu0254rmju0259lu0259] [词典] 婴幼儿配方奶粉;婴儿配方奶粉; [网络] 配方奶粉; 婴儿食品; 婴儿配方奶; [例句]Analytical method was adopted for the determination of infant formula protein digestibility in vitro.采用体外模拟的方法测定了婴儿奶粉中蛋白质的消化率。

infant formula是什么意思

infant blue婴儿蓝1The lymphatic drainage in pancreas was investigated by using interstitial injection with 300g/ L Prussian blue in 36 infant cadavers. The results showed that 12 local lymph nodes were located around the pancreas, the lymph from pancreatic head mainly entered the anterior superior pancreatic duodenal lymph nodes and superior mesenteric lymph nodes, but the lymph from body and tail mainly entered the superior pancreatic lymph nodes.在36具新鲜胎儿尸体上,用300g/L普鲁士蓝氯仿溶液器官内注射观察了胰的淋巴流向.胰周局部淋巴结有12群,胰头淋巴主要汇入胰十二指肠前上淋巴结和肠系膜上淋巴结,而胰体、尾的淋巴则主要汇入胰上淋巴结和主动脉外侧淋巴结.2The swimsuit is a blue print& style number706260-sold in infant sizes up to24 months and made of synthetic stretch fabric ( polyester and spandex).泳衣是蓝色印花,图-数字式七十○万六千二百六-销售规模达24个月的婴儿和)由合成弹力布(涤纶和氨纶。

2m us infant是什么意思

应该是: 2 m US infant (size) = 2米美国婴儿 (大小) - 如:婴儿鞋尺寸 或者 2 m old infant = 2个月大的婴儿

infant development中文翻译

Analyzing some interpretations of connectionist paradigm on infant development 试析联结主义范式对婴儿发展的解释 Despite its infant development stage , the segment produced a profit of around hk - 2 milpon during the period , which is within the group s expectation 现时此业务尚处雏型,然而已在报告期内为集团提供约200万港元的盈利贡献,符合集团之前的预期。 Despite its infant development stage , the segment produced a profit of around hk $ - 2 milpon during the period , which is within the group s expectation 现时此业务尚处雏型,然而已在报告期内为集团提供约200万港元的盈利贡献,符合集团之前的预期。

Enfamil 的1段奶粉有infant Gentlease,Newborn,有什么区别吗

美赞臣一段infant Gentlease:婴幼儿newborn——这个不是人之初奶粉么?Enfamil Gentlease (针对消化功能不好的宝宝,低乳糖),乳糖含量是普通奶粉的1/5,并助添加了易于消化的牛奶蛋白质。主要针对消化功能不好而引起胀气厌奶等症状的宝宝,帮助宝宝更好的吸收生长所需的营养。Enfamil Newborn Infant formula(新生儿奶粉0-3个月),专门为新生儿宝宝研发的特殊配方奶粉,特别添加的双益生元菌和维生素D为满足的新生宝宝的需求。新生儿宝宝在前3个月的时候长得都比较快,对钙的需求量大,而维生素D能有效的促进钙质的吸收。Enfamil Premium Infant Formula(美赞臣金尊一般宝宝),0-12个月,提高生长发育,含有DHA和ARA 促进眼脑发育,添加益生菌提高免疫力。

请教2周岁不到点的婴儿订票时选择infant in seat还是infant on lap

坐座位是in seat, 坐在大人腿上是on lap,根据自己的意愿选

请教一个简单的问题,infant的复数是infant 还是infants?


infant,child,adolescent,middle-aged person teenager,elderly person分别是指哪个年龄段?





Infant 是指一岁以下的婴儿Baby 如果指的是孩子,是2岁以下的,这个词也可以是昵称child主要是稍微大了一点,所有未成年的人

pediatric,infant, neonate具体所指的年龄段

neonate <28 天infant 4周-1岁pediatric 出生到18岁


infant n. 婴儿, 幼儿 adj. 婴儿的, 幼稚的 For example: She was a baby and she was still an infant. baby n.婴儿

infant, follow-on, gump都指的是几岁的孩子?

兄弟,infant 有婴幼儿之意,但法律指21岁以下。follow-on指的是“第二代的,继任者的”gump意为傻瓜,也有人名之意。


infant n. 婴儿, 儿童adj. 婴儿的; 幼稚的





baby 和infant 和toddler区别

infancy age 6-14monthstoddler age 18-24months




  我们每个人都是从婴儿成长过来的,婴儿的英语是infant,可是你知道infant的词根是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的infant的词根的相关资料,希望大家喜欢!   infant的词根   词根:-fa-, -phe-, -pha-, -fe-   【词根含义】:说   【词根来源】:-pha-和-phe-来源于希腊语,而-fa-和-fe-来源于拉丁语。由-fa-和-fe-衍生的词根还有: ① -fab- 说,寓言,传说 (来源于拉丁语fabula寓言,传说); ② -fam- 名声,名誉 (来源于拉丁语fama流言,名誉 u2190 说的人多了,就有名声了); ③ -fant- 说 (来源于拉丁语infans, infantis, m婴儿 u2190 婴儿是不能说话的,所以带有否定前缀in-); ④ -fat- 命运 (来源于拉丁语fatum神的话语 u2192 神说的是命中注定的); ⑤ -fess- 表白 (来源于拉丁语动词fateor, fateri, fassus, sum表白,承认)。   infant用法   n.婴儿,幼儿; 未成年人; 初学者,生手;   adj.婴儿的,幼儿的; 幼稚的,幼小的; 初期的; 未成年的   1. The United States ranks 20th in its infant mortality rate.   美国在婴儿死亡率方面排名第20。   2. There was an infant squalling in the back of the church.   有个婴儿在教堂后部大声啼哭。   3. pioneering work on infant mortality   婴儿死亡率方面的探索性研究工作   4. The operation on the new born infant was a failure.   新生儿的手术失败了.   5. The sole survivor of the crash was an infant.   这次撞车的惟一幸存者是一个婴儿.   6. Infant mortality is a highly sensitive barometer of socio - economic conditions.   婴儿死亡率能够充分反映社会经济状况.   7. An item of prominence on the conference agenda was infant health care.   会议议程上的一项重要议题是婴儿保健.   8. The soft modulation of her voice soothed the infant.   她柔和的声调使婴儿安静了.   9. Money should be spent on compensatory programmes for deprived pre-school and infant-school children.   钱应该花在为不能享有学前班和幼儿学校教育的儿童设置的补偿教育项目上。   10. On a global scale, AIDS may well become the leading cause of infant death.   艾滋病很可能会成为造成全球婴儿死亡的首要原因。   infant词汇搭配   用作名词 (n.)   动词+~   nurse one"s infant 哺育婴儿   suckle an infant 给婴儿喂奶   wean one"s infant 给婴儿断奶   形容词+~   hand-reared infant 非母乳哺育的婴儿   newborn infant 新生婴儿   premature infant 早产婴儿   ~+名词   infant mortality 婴儿死亡率   介词+~   from an infant 从幼时起   ~+介词   infant at the breast 在吃奶的婴儿   infant in sb"s arms 某人怀中的婴儿

baby 和infant 和toddler区别

三者的区别在于小孩的岁数不同。baby泛指的是1~4岁的小孩;infant指3个月~1岁的;toddler指1~4岁的。拓展资料baby的基本意思是“婴儿”,指还不会说话或走路的新生婴儿,也可指“幼兽”或“雏鸟”。引申可表示“家庭或团体中最年幼的成员”,在口语中, baby也可表示孩子气的人或胆怯的人。baby在俚语中还有“女孩”的意思,尤指男子的女友。表示婴儿的性别时,可说a boy〔girl〕 baby,也可说a baby boy〔girl〕,前者侧重boy〔girl〕,后者侧重baby。baby常用it〔which〕而不用he〔she, who〕指代。baby常可用在名词前作定语,意思是“小型的”“微型的”。须注意其与baby"s作定语时意思不同。


newborns 英[n"ju:bu0254:nz] 美[n"ju:bu0254:nz] n. 新生者,新生儿; (婴儿) 新生的,初生的( newborn的名词复数 ); [例句]Scientists sampled the bacterial flora from nine newborns and their mothers.科学家们对9名新生儿和他们的母亲进行了菌落取样。[其他] 原型: newborn infants n. 婴儿,幼儿( infant的名词复数 ); [例句]Since 1991, parents have been advised not to put their infants down to sleep in the prone position.自1991年以来就一直建议父母不要让婴儿趴着睡觉。[其他] 原型: infant


tot、baby、infant、toddle的区别: 1、baby泛指的是1~4岁的小孩。 2、newborn指3个月或不到3个月的。 3、infant指3个月~1岁的。 4、toddler指1~4岁的。 扩展资料   I finally sat down to tot up the full extent of my debt   我终于坐下来把我的全部债务合计了一下。   2、Now tot up the points you"ve scored.   现在把你所得的分数相加。   3、With gin at 9p a tot, getting plastered is cheap and easy.   一小杯杜松子酒只要9便士,灌醉自己即便宜又容易。   4、The paper explains the countermeasures, such as raising auditing awareness, adjusting auditing system and adapting tot.   从提高审计意识、调整审计体制、适应审计发展趋势三个方面探讨了解决上述问题的`对策。   baby   1、She used to take care of me when I was a baby   我还在襁褓中时,她曾经照顾过我。   2、Serve with baby new potatoes.   配上小个的新土豆。   3、You have to wake up now, baby   该起床了,宝贝儿。   4、You go off round the world, and leave me to hold the baby.   你满世界地跑,把苦差事都扔给我。   infant   1、The family were forced to flee with their infant son.   那家人被迫带着他们尚在襁褓中的儿子逃走了。   2、The infant company was based in Germany.   这家新公司总部在德国。   3、The nation"s infant mortality rate has reached a record low.   该国的婴儿死亡率已降至历史最低水平。   4、The United States ranks 20th in its infant mortality rate.   美国在婴儿死亡率方面排名第20。




infant 英[u02c8u026anfu0259nt] 美["u026anfu0259nt] n. 婴儿,幼儿; 未成年人; 初学者,生手; adj. 婴儿的,幼儿的; 幼稚的,幼小的; 初期的; 未成年的; [例句]The family were forced to flee with their infant son.那家人被迫带着他们尚在襁褓中的儿子逃走了。[其他] 复数:infants








Infantn. m (西班牙、葡萄牙国王子女中年纪较幼的)王子, 亲王或公主infant nom commun - masculin, féminin ( infante, infants, infantes )当这个词用于指男性的时候是infant,女性的话是infante类似的还有例如说客人client,但是指女性客户的时候是cliente既然引用到法语里就要遵守法语的规则,和西班牙语的意思没什么关系了。

infanta, princess, ranee这3个那个做英文名字好






infant nipple&ring 是什么东西

infant nipple&ring 是什么东西--》婴儿奶嘴环nipple 英[ˈnɪpl] 美[ˈnɪpəl] n. 乳头; <美>(奶品的)橡皮奶头; (枪炮的) 火门; [机] 喷灯喷嘴,螺纹接套; [网络] 奶嘴; 短管; 乳头; [例句]Sore nipples can inhibit the milk supply.乳头发炎会抑制出奶。[其他] 复数:nipples 形近词: ripple tipple fipple 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度知道相关单词:Nipple [词典] 油管连接器