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Mary wants me to go party with her. The ernment offered to give us financial help. I"ve begun to consider what to do next. He used telephone to keep contact with her girlfriend before. She tried her best to take the gold medal. They take this chance to improve their English. People use their mind to think about everything. 参考: ME He wants his students to read stories. She leaves her kite to swing in the tree. She makes water to boil in the kettle. I make dogs to bark in a cage. You make mouse to jump in a box. Mother reminds you to wear clothes. Father asks you to fix the picture


decide /order / ask / request / support / like / hate / stop / start / remember / forget / be strict to do sth /encourage/ learn/ determine/ struggle / be able to do sth /enough/tell u3001u3001u3001u3001u3001

participle , gerund,infinitive 怎麼知道甚麼时候用哪个??

分词、动名词及不定式,都属于非谓语动词。先来看看三者的词性特征和语法功能:  1.不定式既有动词的一些特征,又具有名词、形容词、和副词的句法功能,因此,不定式在句中作:主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、状语、独立成分。   2.分词即具有动词的一些特征,又具有形容词和副词的句法功能,因此,不定式在句中作:表语、宾语补足语、定语、状语、独立成分。   3.动名词,顾名思义,既有动词的一些特征,又具有名词的句法功能,因此,动名词在句中作:主语、表语、宾语、定语、同位语。 再来看下它们的用法比较:1. 从上面不定式、分词、动名词的词性特征和句法功能中,我们不难看出它们在句子中的作用既有较多的共性,又有稍微的差异:   a.相同的句法功能:①不定式、分词都能作:表语、定语 、宾语补足语、状语、独立成分;②不定式、动名词都能作:主语、表语、宾语 ;③不定式、分词、动名词都能作:表语、定语。   b.不同的句法功能:不定式可作:同位语。如:   That was her desire, to go to America for further study after finishing middle school. 2.正确运用好不定式、分词、动名词   ⑴.不定式、分词、动名词作表语时的比较。请看例句:   ①My job is to teach the students English.   ②My job is teaching the students English.   ③My job is interesting.   ④I am interested in English.   辨析:A. ①不定式与动名词作表语一般可以互换使用,在意义上没有多大差别,且其形式差异较大,很容易把握, 如上面例句的①②;②现在分词和动名词同形,在作表语时,不易识别。分辨方法有三:a)分词作表语说明主语的性质特征,回答how的问题;不定式和动名词作表语则说明主语的内容,回答what 或 doing what 问题, 如: My job is interesting.(=How is my job?) ; My job is teaching ( to teach ) the students English. (=What is my job?); b)动名词具有名词的句法功能,也能做主语,我们不妨把句中的表语转换成主语,如果句子成立,则是动名词作表语,否则是现在分词作表语。如:My job is teaching the students English→Teaching the students English is my job.显然句子是成立的,原句中的teaching是动名词; c)分词具有形容词的句法功能,那么,我们可以在作表语的分词前加very(extremely ,fairly ) 等副词,如果句子成立,则动词—ing 形式作表语的是现在分词。如上面例句:My job is interesting. 可改为:My job is very interesting. 显然句子是成立的,句中的interesting 是现在分词。   B.确定用现在分词还是用过去分词作表语的方法有:现在分词作表语多表示主语所具有的某种特征;过去分词作表语多表示主语所处的状态。情感动词的 v.-ing 形式表示具有某种特征;情感动词的v.-ed形式多表示引起某种情感。一般地说,事物具有某种特征,而人才具有某种情感,因此,分词作表语的句式可归纳为:a) Sb.﹢be ﹢v-ed ; b) Sth. ﹢be﹢v-ing.   如:a. I am very excited ; b. The news is very exciting.   但有一个词例外,那就是missing 。例如“那个男孩不见了”,我们不能说“The boy is missed .”,而是 “The boy is missing.”   ⑵.不定式、分词、动名词作定语时的比较 ⑵.不定式、分词、动名词作定语时的比较   A.作前置定语   现在分词、过去分词、动名词 可以作前置定语,而不定式不能作前置定语。如:   ① a developing country , a developed country ; boiling water,boiled water ; ②building materials , a swimming pool ; the sleeping boy , the coming new year 。   辨异的方法很简单:①现在分词具有主动、进行的特点,而过去分词则具有被动、完成的特点。例如,a developing country=a country which is developing (发展中国家 ); boiling water=water which is boiling(正在滚开的水 ) ; a developed country=a country which has developed(发达国家 ); boiled water=water which has been boiled(已滚开过的水)。②现在分词和动名词同形,但作前置定语时,动名词表示所修饰的名词的用途,例如, .building materials=materials for building; a swimming pool=a pool for swimming ;而现在分词作前置定语时,表示所修饰的名词正在进行的动作,两者是逻辑上的主谓关系。例如,the sleeping boy=the boy who is sleeping ; the coming new year=the new year that is coming 。   B.作后置定语   不定式、现在分词、过去分词都能作作后置定语,而动名词不作后置定语。先看例句:    ① The problem to be discussed at the meeting is very important.   ② The problem discussed discussed at the meeting is very important.   ③ The problem being discussed at the meeting is very important.   辨析:上面例句分别用不定式、现在分词、过去分词作后置定语,是因为它们存在不同的情况:不定式作定语,表示动作正要进行(未发生);现在分词作定语,表示动作正在进行(正在发生);过去分词作定语,表示动作已完成(已发生)。据此,我们可以把上面的例句还原为定语从句作定语的句子,这样学生就更容易理解:   ① The problem to be discussed at the meeting is very important.=The problem ( which is ) to be discussed at the meeting is very important.   ② The problem discussed at the meeting is very important.= The problem (which was ) discussed at the meeting is very important.   ③ The problem being discussed at the meeting is very important.= The problem (which is ) being discussed at the meeting is very important.   ⑶.不定式、动名词做主语、宾语时的比较   A.做主语   例句: ①To read English aloud in the morning is very practical.   ② Reading English aloud in the morning is very practical .   为了保持句子的平衡,可用it作形式主语,所以上面例句可写成为:   →It is practical to read English aloud in the morning .   →It is practical reading English aloud in the morning .   B.作宾语   例句: ①He wanted to help him out with his English.   ②He doesn"t like being laughed at.   ③I enjoy singing English songs .   辨析:①一般说来,不定式与动名词做主语可以互换,其意义没有多大的差别,但认真分析起来,它们之间还是有一些差异的:   a )不定式做主语,一般表示的是具体的情况,而动名词做主语,一般表示一般性的情况。如:   It is no use to ask him. He knows nothing about this matter.   It is no use asking him. He is foolish.   b. 同样,不定式做宾语,一般表示的是具体的情况,而动名词作宾语,一般表示的是习惯性的动作。如:   I like to sing and dance right now .I feel so pleased to know that our football team has won the match.   He has a good voice. He likes singing English songs.   ②不定式作宾语时:   a) 通常用于及物动词want, hope, wish, need, promise, plan, pretend, prepare, fail, determine等之后。如:I want to be proud of you.   Einstein once refused to speak on the radio for $1,000 a minute.   b) 如果作宾语的不定式又有自己的补语,则须用先行词it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语后置。如:   We think it necessary to study English well.   We feel our it our duty to help him.   c) 不定式一般不作介词的宾语,只有少数介词如,but, except等后面才行。此时不定式可以带to,如果介词but, except等的前面有实义动词do, does或did时,不定式不带to. 如:   In very cold winter weather a cold blooded creature has no choice but to lie down and sleep.   Yesterday afternoon he did nothing but lie in bed sleeping.   ③有些及物动词后面只能接动名词作宾语,这样的及物动词不多,主要是:mind, admit, advise void, face, enjoy, finish, excuse, imagine, escape, include, keep, pardon, practice, risk, miss, stand(忍耐,忍受), deny, suggest, give up, put off, can"t help(禁不住), set about, prevent, prevent sb. from, object to(反对),insist on 等。如:   The boy insisted on going to Beijing with his father for a tour.   The girl didn"t mind being left alone at home.   ④有些及物动词的宾语可用不定式,也有可用动名词,可分两种情况:   a)意义基本一样,如like, love, hate, begin, start, continue, cease, attempt, afford, prefer, delay, omit, neglect, propose, 等。如:   Marx started working(=to work) hard to improve his English.   The Einstein"s cold not afford to pay for ( =paying for) the education that young Albert needed.   但是,如果begin与start本身为进行式时,后面要接不定式,不接动名词。如:   He is beginning to see his mistakes.   b)意义明显不同,主要有以下几个动词。   (a) remember(forget, regret )﹢to v. 表示不定式的动作尚未发生。   remember(forget, regret )﹢v.-ing 表示动名词的动作已发生。   试比较:   Please remember to close the door when you leave.   I regret to tell you that he will not come to the party.   I remember meeting her somewhere before.   (b) mean﹢to v. 意为:打算……; 想要……; 有……的意图   mean ﹢v.-ing 意为:意味着……; 意思是 ……; 就是……   试比较:   I didn"t mean to hurt your feeling.   Learning well English does not mean just working hard in a class.   (c) stop ﹢to v. 意为:停下来做谋事 。   stop ﹢v.-ing 意为; 停止做谋事 。   试比较:   They stopped to talk .(= stopped what they were doing in order to talk.)   The students stopped talking when the teacher came into the classroom..   (d) try ﹢to v. 意为: 设法…… ; 想法…… ; 试图……   try ﹢v.-ing 意为:试着…… ; 试试看   试比较:   Ever since he came to this school, he tried to work hard at all his subjects .   She tried reading, but that could not make her forget all her trouble.   (e) sth.want( need, require) ﹢to be v.-ed 意为: 需要…… ; 该……   sth.want( need, require) ﹢v.-ing 意为:需要…… ; 该…… (动名词的主动形式表示被动的含义)   试比较:   My watch needed to be repaired.   The matter wants thinking over.(=to be thought over) .   Those young trees will require looking after(=to be looked after) .   ⑷不定式、现在分词、过去分作宾语补足语时的比较   A.不定式作宾语补足语   不定式作宾补是比较常用的句式,如:   He asked me to help him with his English.   The teacher encouraged us to make greater progress.   但用不定式作宾补要注意下面两种情况:   a)不定式在感觉性动词,如 see, hear, watch, notice, observe, feel, find 等动词和使役动词 make, let, have 之后作宾补时,不定式的小品词to应省去。如:   I saw him go upstairs this morning .   The teacher makes me write a composition a week.   但上面的句子在改为被动语太时,to 不能省去。如:   → He was seen to go upstairs this morning.   → We are made to write a composition a week by the teacher.   b)某些及物动词,如 agree,employ,lead,refuse,decide,promise,excuse,insist,prevent,suggest, arrange等之后不能用不定式作其宾语补足语。例如句子“我爸爸希望我将来当工程师”如果译文是“ My farther hopes me to be an engineer in the future.”,那么就错了。正确的译文应是:“ My farther wishes (expects) me to be an engineer in the future.”;或“ My farther hopes that I will be an engineer in the future.”   B.现在分词、过去分词作宾语补足语   现在分词、过去分词作宾语补足语也是比较常用的句式,如:   I heard him singing English songs.   His English was poor .He could hardly make himself understood.   学习小结:不定式、现在分词、过去分词都能作宾补,正确使用它们的方法是:首先确定它们与逻辑主语即句子的宾语之间的关系,如果逻辑主语是它们动作的执行者,则用不定式或现在分词作宾补。不定式表示动作已完成,侧重工作的全过程,而现在分词表示动作正在进行;如果逻辑主语是它们动作的承受者,则应用过去分词作宾补。如:   I often heard him sing English songs.   I heard him singing English songs.   I often heard English songs sung by him.   ⑸不定式、分词作状语时的比较   A.不定式可修饰动词和形容词,表示原因、目的和结果。   a)作修饰动词的原因状语。如:   The whole nation was in deep sorrow to learn of Premier Zhou Enlai"s death.   He laughed to think of his stupid son.   b)作修饰动词的目的状语。如:   He went to buy an English dictionary in the bookstore.   不定式作目的状语如果放在句子之前,则更为正式一些,语气也较重。如:   To be a teacher of the people, one must first be their pupil.   c)作修饰动词的结果状语。不定式做结果状语,表示一种没有预料到的情况或结果,须放在被修饰动词的后面,如:   He woke up to find that he was lying in the hospital.   有时为了进一步加强预料不到的语气,在表示结果的不定式前还可加only, 如:   He went to see him only to find him out.   d) 作修饰表语形容词的状语。尤其要注意的是,此时作修饰表语形容词状语的不定式常用主动形式,表示被动的含义。如:   My chair is comfortable to sit on.   English is very difficult to learn well.   B.分词可作多种状语,用法比较活跃。   a)作时间状语(相当时间状语从句),如:   Having finished his homework, he went to bed. (=After he had finished his homework, ...)   (When) heated, ice will turn into water. (=When it is heated, ...)   b)作原因状语(相当原因状语从句),如:   Being a Party member, I should take the lead. (=As I am a Party member, ...)   Greatly inspired by the teacher"s words, he made up his mind to work even harder. (=Because he was greatly inspired by the teacher"s words, ...)   c)作方式、伴随或附加说明状语,如:   Filled for the moment with extraordinary strength, he raised himself completely.   He stood there waiting for a bus.   Here for the four very difficult years they worked every moment that they could spare, weighing and boiling and measuring and calculating and thinking.   d)作条件状语(相当条件状语从句),如:   Given some more time, she will do work even better. (= If she is given some more time, ...)   Playing all day, you will waste your valuable time. (=If you play all day, ... )   e) 作结果状语,如:   He dropped the glass, breaking it into pieces.   有时在表示结果的现在分词之前还可加only,表示预料之中的情况,如:   He went to see him last night only finding him studying. He was always working hard!   f) 作程度状语,如:   The wind rose and it became freezing cold.   g)作目的状语,如:   Yesterday she went shopping with his classmates.   h) 作让步状语(相当于让步状语从句),如:   Though warned of the danger, the children went on skating on the thin ice.(=Though they were warned of the danger, ...)   要点提示:分词作状语,其逻辑主语就是句子的主语,如果分词表示的是主动、进行的动作,则用现在分词作状语;如果分词表示的是被动、完成的动作或状态,则用过去分词作状语,如:   Following the old man, he stepped into the room.   Followed by the old man, he stepped into the room.   Greatly interested ,I asked how he played these new works.   ⑹ 不定式、现在分词作独立成分时的比较   A.不定式作独立成分,表示不定式独立于句子的其他成分,是英语表达的一种方式,不常用,如:   To tell you the truth, I am almost freezing.   To be honest, I don"t like being left alone at home.   B.现在分词作独立成分,用来表示说话人的态度或看问题的角度,如:   Generally speaking, boys are physically stronger than girls.   Judging from his accent ,he must be an American.

infinitive, gerund , participle 练习

1. If you can"t make people accept your idea, you should try again.make sth让宾语做某事。属于不定式2. The temple built 500years ago is very famous in Macao.主语是 temple ,后面的built 500years ago 修饰主语。3. Living in Beijing for years, he know the city very well.动名词4. I found my glass broken.过去分词,我发现我的眼镜破碎了。5. The policemen moved the motorcycle knocked down by a car to the roadside.knocked down by a car 修饰 motorcycle 意思是被车子撞倒的摩托车。6. It is joyful to watch the birds sing around the trees.看鸟儿围绕着树唱歌是一件很高兴的事情。感官动词还有hear , feel , watch , notice (注意到)都可以跟do 或doing分别表不同的意思 如:I heard him play the piano. 我听到他弹钢琴了。 I heard him playing the piano. 我听到他正在弹钢琴。7. This computer is not worth buying.动名词

infinitive marker是什么意思

Infinitive marker 不定式标记/符号指表示动词目的和意图的助词,如 to,

英语语法to-infinitives 是什么意思?

infinitives 动词不定式to-infinitives 带to的动词不定式bare infinitives 不带to的动词不定式

gerund or infinitive

更新1: 加错 系to同ing系点解? Remember to close the windows before you leave ok? (记得要去关门窗去离开) I remember closing the windows before I left. (记得自己已关了窗才离开的) I tried to work without a puter but I failed. (attempt 试图去做一件事) The programmer tried logging on and logging off many times to check whether the new programme was reliable. (test 从使用中测试) The airline regrets to announce the cancellation of flight CX234 I still regret not having studied hard for last year"s exam. (近似 remember + to / +ing 的分别) Sorry I didn"t mean to hurt you. (mean to是刻意去做的 didn"t mean to 即无心的) If you want to catch the 7:30 train that will mean leaving home at 6:00. (意味着要如何做...) I"m afraid to *** oke [verb] at school. (怕去做一件事) I"m afraid of the cigarette *** oke [noun]. (怕一种东西) I would be interested to know more about this movie. I would be interested in knowing more about the actor. (yahoo 字典的部分例子和解释有问题) 2006-12-18 11:18:34 补充: Do not fet to close the windows before you leave.I fot telling you how to use this word (so I am typing this sentence now). 2006-12-18 11:36:16 补充: 更正第一句: (记得 要去 关好窗门才可离开) 参考: dictionary.cambridge + Longman Contemporary Dictionary remember to 要做 ing就是正在进行

to infinitive同gerund的用法

to infinitive: 如何用: 大部份情况下: to 之后既verb 都会用所谓"最原始" 即系咩都唔哂加...即系look 就 to look see就to see eat 就 to eat. e.g. 1. I want to eat dinner. 2. I would like to have a piece of cake. 3. I go to the stationary shop to buy a pencil. 但当然有例外,最常为人知既例外情况,就系 I"m looking forward to xxxxing... e.g. I"m looking forward to seeing again next year. e.g. I"m looking forward to hearing your voice in HK. 呢个就要记住既...见到"looking foward to" 都应该用 gerund 何时用就无咩限架bor... 用黎有咩用? 就系讲第一个动作会引致到下一个咩既动作... e.g. I want(想:第一动作) to eat(想---> 去食: 第二动作) dinner ------------------------------- gerund: 如何用: 中文译为动名词 简单d讲就系系动词后面加 ing... e.g. eat > eating drink > drinking watch> watching kill> killing 但要留意,某d verb 要系加ing 变做 "double letter" 先举例 e.g. beg > begging put > putting travel > travelling run> running stop> stopping slam> slamming e 即系将个verb既最后一只字double 左... 你就咁睇..系咪好似vowel 前面既最后一只字,加ing 就要double??? 答案当然唔系 e.g. shout> shouting play> playing. 何时用: 做紧个个动作既时侯 e.g. I "m eating dinner. (我现时在吃晚餐.) I"m watching TV. (我现时在看电视) 总之要系以加做紧既... (唔够位会系"意见"度继续写) 2010-05-28 23:35:02 补充: 用黎有咩用: 就系要表示你自己真系"现在"做紧既~ 2010-05-28 23:38:39 补充: 唔好意思 gerund 其实仲可以用系 动词之后... e.g. I prefer travelling to France. I love eating ice-cream. 呢个用法同"to infinitive" 既意思相同... 意即指我上面举个两例亦可用"to infinitive" 黎代替。 I prefer to travel to France/ I love to eat ice-cream. 意思无改变... 参考: 自己既知识 自己 自己 infinitive 不定词 & gerund 动名词 是non-finite verb.(包括participle分词)=非限定动词 不受 subject 的身和数所限制的动词. q1 :如何用?........因一英文句子中只须用单一的主动词 其它附有动作性的词 通通是 non-finite verb. 它们分别在句内演绎 verb adj adv.(noun as subject/object/plement.). q2 :何时用?........只要一句内有多于一个动作就要出动. eg...I go to swim. .....go是主动词..... to swim是不定词作adv形容go去何处? eg...Have you any things to sell ? sell as adj 你有要卖的东西吗? eg...To *** oke is a bad habit. *** oke as SUBJECT. eg...I wish to be a doctor. be跟其它词构成noun phrase as object. eg...To see is to believe. SUBJECT & OBJECT. 以上是infinitive = to + root form 其动作是迟于主动词彧同时.as:noun adj adv. 以下是gerund = root form + ing 其动作是早于主动词或同时.as:noun with action not the Adj. (past / present participle 才可作adj. / adv and verb.) Gerund跟其它词构成gerund phrase去作subject / object / plement. 及在介词后构成 prep. phrase去形容句前. eg... Hunting tigers is very dangerous. SUBJECT. eg...We enjoy playing table- OBJECT. eg...His bad habit is drinking COMPLEMENT. eg...John has a bad habit of spitting everywhere 作 介词短语. 唔使再讲相信你已明白. 我是否解得好过老师呢? Hh


infinitive英[u026anu02c8fu026anu0259tu026av]美[u026anu02c8fu026anu026atu026av]n. (动词)不定式adj. 不定式的名词复数:infinitives[例句]Maybe it is the errant apostrophe , the splitting of the poor old infinitive , or the use of " like " as a comma.也许装的是用错的撇号、把可怜的老不定式分离、或是把“象”当作逗号用。


n不定式 adj 不定式的

infinitive maker什么意思



更新1: 请用中文解释 因为英文有D乱.. The tenses are reflected by the main verb of the sentence.Gerund and To-infinitive do not bear tenses. 2012-04-06 14:46:06 补充: Gerund 动名词 和 To infinitive 都不表达时态。 Gerund 也可以当名词使用。 时态由句子的主要动词和 ttime of adverb 反影。 例: Jogging is a very good exercise. "Jogging" 是 Gerund 动名词,当名词使用。 动词是 “is” 表达时态是「现在式」。 Tom became strong by lifting weights. "lifting" 是 Gerund 动名词 动词是 “became” 表达时态是「过去式」。 2012-04-06 14:46:27 补充: Sue taught Amy to play badminton yesterday. “to play ”是 to-infinitive 动词是 “taught” 表达时态是「过去式」。 "yesterday" 是 adverb of time,要和动词时态互相配合。 2012-04-06 15:54:29 补充: Hi Raymond Thank you for your ment. I have over looked the auxillary verbs - "have" and "be". 2012-04-06 15:56:11 补充: The auxilliary verbs have (used to form the perfect) and be (used to form the pasive voice and continuous ect). 2012-04-08 13:40:10 补充: In general Infinitive do not have tense ect moods and/or voice or they are limited in the range of tenses ects moods and/or voices that they can use. (In languages where infinitives do not have moods at all they are usually treated as being their own non-finite mood.) 2012-04-08 13:42:39 补充: However the auxiliary verbs have (used to form the perfect) and be (also used to form the passive voice and continuous ect) both monly appear in the infinitive. Examples could be refer to Raymond"s ment 2012-04-08 13:54:07 补充: 如果 “be” 的作用是被动式 (passive voice),时态仍由句子中的主词表达。 例: The games is going to be started. “be started” 是被动式。时态由 is going to 表达(在未来)。 例:Infinitive can be used after the direct objects of many tritive verbs “be”在这句子中的 infinitive. “be used” 组成passive voice。 时态是现在式因为这是“fact”; “can”表达出这句子是现在式。 2012-04-08 13:56:02 补充: 不过我们仍需留意不是出现“have” 或 “be” 便一定带有时态。 例: He is going to be late. “be” 在这句子里是 infinitive ;不带有时态。 They are goint to have dinner together. “have” 在这句子里是 infinitive ;不带有时态。 2012-04-08 13:58:45 补充: 当 “be” 和 “have” 以 infinitive 的形态出现,怎样去分别是否含有时态,就要看这两个字后面是可有其他的动词,和跟着 “be” 和 “have” 后面的动词是 - present participle (例: telling等)或 past participle (例:told等).。 To fghijh Infinitive (gm) is basic form of a verb such as be or swim; an infinitive is used by itself eg swim in:- He can swim or with to (= the to infinitive) as in he likes to swim. Tense bears and depends on auxiliary verb+main verb to infinitive to reflect tense. eg He could have gone to swim yesterday. ---------------He could swim yesterday. Gerund:-a present participle of a verb bears the modal verb+main verb to reflect the tense. eg.He preferred travelling than studying in Old China!.He was fond of swimming when in primary one private school. This gerund form of verb serving as cases of the INFINITIVE in its noun usage. Modal verbs have only one form where they have no -ing hence gerund has -ing.Hence the third singular form:He could speak with 3 friends then. -------------------------------------------------He can speak 2 languages now. He will try and visit London(tomorrow) He could invite Susan years ago but (could) not. Modal verbs are ;-could can---will would---may might---should shall-----must ought to dare need ----have to used to------- Treat gerund infinitive as auxiliary the English main verb determines the TENSE. 小草 How about the following sentences? The girl is believed to have told the truth. The boy seems to be telling the truth.

will为什么能加infinitive 不是动词原型吗 我只知道will +动词原形,怎么会是infinitive 不定式呢?

will 有两个意思, 一个是你说的那个意思,另一个意思是“意志” (是名词)。作为名词的 will 句子结构是 the will 加 infinitive ,比如The will to succeed is present in all of us成功的意志人人都有

gerunds and infinitives的区别和用法


split infinitive是什么意思

split infinitive英[split u026anu02c8fu026anu026atu026av]美[splu026at u026anu02c8fu026anu026atu026av]n. to 与动词之间加进副词的不定式名词复数:split infinitives[例句]In fact , the split infinitive is encountered in the most formal of writing.实际上,大部分的正式写作都会遇到需要分离不定式的情况。

什么是Infinitive Clauses?有关于英语语法的

An infinitive clause is a clause lead by an infinitive.To be, or not to be, that is not a question.

silky ;silver; infinitive ; 这英语用谐音怎么读?



更新1: 我4月14-15日要考试!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 快Please! 请用中文解答! Thx! 一般情况下 to 后是个 infinitive,即是没有 -ing -ed. e.g. I want to eat. She asked him to tell her the story. 你可能见过有些句子 to 后的动词有 -ing,那有 -ing 的字是叫 gerund 动名词,作用是将动词变成名词。 e.g. I am looking forward to seeing you again. I am used to running long distances. We are opposed to increasing the fare of public trportation. 以上例子中的 to 字都要跟动词一齐用,不能分开。 look forward to 期待 某些事情=再见你(名词) am used to 惯于做 某些事情=长跑(名词) are opposed to 反对 某些事情=加价(名词) 以上例子的动词后是需要一个名词,故此要将动作变做名词, see run increase 加上 ing 后便成为名词。 为甚么要将动词变成名词? 因为: I am looking forward to "seeing you again". 是:我正期待「一件事(你我重聚的事)」 I am used to running long distances. 是:我习惯「一件事(长途的跑步)」 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运! 参考: by myself 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝 您好运!

关于 infinitive不定式的问题,我有些迷惑。

palying the piano 是动名词作主语这个语法点forget doing sth finish doing sth都是固定短语背下来就行了

infinitive 及 gerund 的分别

其实一个动词之后,甚么时候用infinitive,甚么时候用gerund,多数是看那个动词的惯用法。当然有时候,一个动词也可以同时用infinitive,和gerund,如like字,用to infinitive和gerund确实意思是有分别,但是否所有动词都是这样分别,也是不可一概而论,所以,甚么时候用gerund或infinitive,就要多看几本字典了。现引古德明先生的【征服英语】以作参考 「 正 在 进 行 」 ? 负 心 、 无 情 He celebrated being voted in as chairman ( 他 庆 祝 获 选 为 主 席 ) 一 语 , 动 词 用 进 行 式 being voted , 是 否 有 「 选 举 正 在 进 行 」 意 思 ? Help 之 后 的 动 词 用 原 形 ( infinitive ) 或 「 to + 原 形 」 , avoid 之 后 的 动 词 必 须 用 ing 形 式 , 是 否 help 之 后 的 动 词 不 可 有 「 正 在 进 行 」 含 义 , avoid 带 出 的 行 动 则 一 定 正 在 进 行 ? 动 词 之 后 接 ing 动 词 或 「 to + 原 形 动 词 」 , 一 般 由 惯 用 法 决 定 , 和 「 行 动 是 否 正 在 进 行 」 无 关 。 Celebrate 和 avoid 作 及 物 动 词 ( tritive verb ) , 其 后 就 必 须 有 受 词 ( object ) , 例 如 to celebrate one"s birthday ( 庆 祝 生 日 ) 、 to avoid confrontation ( 避 免 对 抗 ) 等 。 假 如 没 有 恰 当 名 词 可 用 , 就 用 ing 形 式 动 名 词 ( gerund ) 。 He celebrated being voted in as chairman 是 说 「 已 经 当 选 」 这 回 事 , I want to avoid meeting him ( 我 不 想 碰 到 他 ) 则 是 说 未 发 生 的 事 , 都 不 是 「 正 在 进 行 」 。 至 于 help , 其 后 接 原 形 动 词 , 却 不 等 于 事 情 不 可 「 正 在 进 行 」 , 例 如 : I am helping him ( to ) tidy up the house ( 我 正 在 帮 他 收 拾 房 子 ) 。 又 解 作 「 忍 不 住 」 的 can"t help 之 后 , 须 用 ing 动 词 而 不 是 原 形 动 词 , 例 如 : I can"t help feeling angry ( 我 不 禁 怒 火 中 烧 ) 。 「 负 心 」 、 「 无 情 」 英 文 怎 样 说 ? 「 负 心 」 即 辜 负 别 人 情 意 , 英 文 恐 怕 没 有 同 义 词 , 勉 强 可 译 做 heartless ; 「 无 情 」 则 译 做 heartless 、 hard-hearted 或 unfeeling 都 可 以 , 例 如 : ( 1 ) Her heartless lover has got another woman ( 她 那 个 负 心 郎 有 了 另 一 个 女 人 ) 。 ( 2 ) All capitalists are not unfeeling ( 资 本 家 不 一 定 都 冷 酷 无 情 ) 。 ( 本 栏 转 载 自 《 苹 果 日 报 》 的 「 征 服 英 语 」 专 栏 , 作 者 为 古 德 明 先 生 ) 22-02-2007 喜 欢 、 回 答 I like swimming 和 I like to swim 这 两 句 , 小 女 的 老 师 认 为 都 正 确 ; 我 则 认 为 第 一 句 正 确 , 第 二 句 却 不 能 肯 定 。 假 如 两 句 都 正 确 , 意 思 有 分 别 吗 ? 要 表 示 「 我 喜 欢 游 泳 」 , I like swimming 和 I like to swim 两 个 说 法 都 可 以 。 I like swimming 多 见 于 英 式 英 文 , I like to swim 则 多 见 于 美 式 。 不 过 , 假 如 说 某 一 次 的 赏 心 乐 事 , 而 不 是 一 般 喜 欢 做 的 事 情 , 宜 用 「 like + ing 动 词 」 , 不 用 「 like + to + 原 形 动 词 ( infinitive ) 」 , 例 如 : I liked dancing with her that night ( 那 天 晚 上 和 她 共 舞 , 我 十 分 高 兴 ) 。 又 假 如 要 说 「 想 做 某 事 」 , 应 用 「 like + to + 原 形 动 词 」 , 不 用 「 like + ing 动 词 」 , 例 如 : It is cold today; I don"t like to eat ice cream ( 今 天 很 冷 , 我 不 想 吃 冰 淇 淋 ) 。 以 下 两 句 意 思 不 同 : ( 1 ) I didn"t like punishing him. ( 2 ) I didn"t like to punish him 。 第 一 句 表 示 我 惩 罚 了 他 , 而 这 对 我 来 说 并 非 乐 事 ; 第 二 句 表 示 我 不 想 惩 罚 他 , 也 未 有 惩 罚 他 。 「 我 回 答 他 说 」 英 文 是 I replied him 还 是 I replied to him ? Reply 解 作 「 回 答 」 , 一 般 作 不 及 物 动 词 ( intritive verb ) , 不 可 直 接 带 出 所 回 答 的 人 或 物 , 例 如 不 可 说 I replied him / his letter , 应 说 I replied to him / his letter ( 我 回 答 了 他 / 他 的 信 ) 。 这 和 同 义 的 wer 不 同 : wer 可 直 接 带 出 受 词 , 例 如 I wered him / his letter 。 Please reply me 之 类 说 法 , 是 香 港 英 文 常 见 的 错 误 , 必 须 留 意 。 ( 本 栏 转 载 自 《 苹 果 日 报 》 的 「 征 服 英 语 」 专 栏 , 作 者 为 古 德 明 先 生 ) gerund is used as a verb infinitive is used as a noun 参考: biook

gerund or infinitive英语语法的用法?


gerund or infinitive英语语法的用法?

Gerund在句子中可以作主语、宾语、表语、定语,也可以被副词修饰或者用来支配宾语。Infinitive在句子中作主语,做宾语,构成符合宾语,作定语,作状语、作表语。1、英语语法的解释:英语语法是针对英语语言进行研究后,系统地总结归纳出来的一系列语言规则。语法是组词造句的规则,是把合适的词放进合适位置的语言(句子)规则,语法可以分成为两大部分:分别为词法和句法。词法包括各类词的形态及其变化,句法主要讲句子的种类和类型,句子成分以及遣词造句的规律。语法的精髓在于掌握语言的使用。2、英语的句子成分:一个句子一般皆由两部分组成,即主语部分(subjectgroup)和谓语部分(predicategroup)。主语部分一般由名词或动名词构成,谓语部分一般由动词构成。如:ProfessorWardteachesEnglishtouniversitystudents. 沃德 教授给大学生教英语。句中的ProfessorWard是主语部分,teachesEnglishtouniversitystudents是谓语部分。句子成分(membersofthesentence)是句子中起一定功用的组成部分。句子由各个句子成分所构成。句子的组成部分,包括主语、谓语、宾语、定语、补语、状语、表语七种。每一个句子都有主语、谓语和宾语。


infinitive动词不定式双语对照词典结果:infinitive[英][u026anu02c8fu026anu0259tu026av][美][u026anu02c8fu026anu026atu026av]n.(动词)不定式; adj.不定式的; 复数:infinitives例句:It is wrong to ever split an infinitive. 将不定式分割永远是错误的。


infinitive[英][u026anu02c8fu026anu0259tu026av][美][u026anu02c8fu026anu026atu026av]n.(动词)不定式; adj.不定式的; 复数:infinitives以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Maybe it is the errant apostrophe, the splitting of the poor old infinitive, or the use of "like"as a comma. 也许装的是用错的撇号、把可怜的老不定式分离、或是把“象”当作逗号用。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


in fini tive在专门性


To 如果是做 infinitive 后面的 verb 是用 base form of verb without special ending. The base form of the verb is the simplest form of the verb ~ the one listed in a dictionary. 例子: He wants to go. (不是 goes going went or gone) She decided to apply for the job. (不是 applies applying or applied) 但是 to 除了做 infinitive 之外 还可以做 preposition 后面的 verb 变了用 verb-ing (gerund.) 只有 verb-ing 作 noun 时 才是 gerund. 例子: I am looking forward to seeing you. (to 是 preposition seeing 是 gerund) He is accustomed to driving at night. The Green Party is dedicated to protecting the environment. We may have to resort to using untrained staff. 问题要清楚知道 to 在句子中是做 infinitive 或 preposition. 前置词 (preposition) 后面可用 noun noun phrase gerund 代替. He is accustomed to the dark. 小心: She used to drive in London. (to 是 infinitive) She is used to driving in London. (to 是 preposition) 这两句子意思不同 题外: 因为 to 可以做前置词 有时后面 verb form 变了用 past participle 作 adjective. “A sermon to unconverted sinners” ~ Title (unconverted 是 past participle used as an adjective) TO 后面是不是永远都不变?? ANSWER:是


“to mit resources to settling the doubt about the issue” 呢一句是应使用 settling 不是 settle 因为 "to" 在这一句是 preposition. Sentence pattern: mit something to something (noun/noun phrase) mit someone/something to doing something They mitted more money to the project. He has clearly mitted his ernment to continuing down the path of economic reform. “To” often causes confusion as it can be either A. a part of an infinitive (e.g. to write to do) infinitive with "to" B. a preposition followed for example by a noun .(e.g. I went to a park. I look forward to Christmas.) When “to” is a preposition it can be followed by –ing form of a verb but not normally by the infinitive. Common expressions in which this happens are: look forward to object to be used to prefer doing one thing to doing another) get round to resort to mitted to devoted to confess to resigned to close to admit to oppose to I look forward to hearing from you. Do you object to working on Sunday? I am not used to driving in New York City. I shall get round to doing the washing up sooner or later. We may have to resort to using untrained staff. He would have mitted to spending several thousand dollars. The report remends more resources be devoted to teaching four-year-old kids. He confessed to sleeping through most of the film. She seems resigned to losing the race. We are close to signing a contract after today"s meeting. He admitted to knowing her. The residents opposed to naming the high school after the property tycoon. A good way of finding out whether "to" is a preposition or a part of an infinitive is to see if it is possible to put a noun/pronoun or noun phrase after it. I look forward to Christmas. (Christmas ~ a noun) I look forward to seeing you. (to is a preposition) Be careful not to confuse used to/be used to. I used to drive in Chicago. I am used to driving in Chicago. 2014-02-11 12:05:57 补充: No offence: settling 在这句不是名词 "to mit resources to [noun] the doubt about the issue" ~ 错 settling 是 verb-ing 用来 form the gerund phrase 这 gerund phrase "settling the doubt about the issue" functions as a noun phrase. 2014-02-11 12:10:04 补充: “用 to infinitive 或 participle(ing form)文法都没甚么问题” ~ 这 statement 是错 要清楚知道 to 是 part of an infinitive 还是 preposition. 才选择用什么. I look forward to see you. (to see ~ to-infinitive) ~ 错 I look forward to seeing you. (to 是 preposition) 2014-02-11 12:13:32 补充: 此外 一些 verbs 后用 to infinitive 某些 verbs 后用 verb-ing I want to go. (want + to-infinitive) I won"t mind cleaning the floor. (mind + doing something) 有些 verbs 用什么无分别 I like to swim = I like swimming 有些两者可用 但不同 meaning I stopped to fill the gas tank. I stopped filling the gas tank. 参考: A Practical English Grammar; Longman Dictionary 事实上,用 to infinitive 或 participle(ing form)文法都没甚么问题,但意思上有微小的分别,你不妨可以这样理解: to infinitive:to mit resources ""to do something""(mit resources「以用来做某件事」) participle:to mit resources ""to"" ""doing something""(mit resources「于」「某一东西/方面」) 你的句子中的 settling 属于后者的情况。 这里看来 写的人是把 settling 用作名词 不是用作动词 名词的意思是 : 澄清 沉淀 渣滓 决定 移居 安装固定 简单来说,你是在问为何 "to mit resources to" 之后要用 gerund 或 noun,而不用 to-infinitive。 但网上两者皆有: [noun] jobdig/articles/476/When_should_I_mit_resources_to_new_projects%3F [to-infinitive] bmj/content/346/bmj.f3434



翻译“infinitive” “genius” “inspiration”“perspiration” 这几个词

★ infinitive. 不定式的动词不定式是一种非限定性动词,由to+动词原形构成,但在有些情况下to可以省略。动词不定式在句中可以作主语、宾语、表语、定语和状语,还可用在复合结构中,而且有完成式、进行式、完成进行式和否定形式。不定式的语法功能很多,要时时留心,注意积累。★genius:天才;才能inspiration:灵感;启发;perspiration:勤奋;努力以上几个词还令我想起:(帮助记忆哦)Geniusisonepercentinspirationand99percentperspiration. 天才一分来自灵感,九十九分来自勤奋。

bare infinitive

更新1: 咁下面呢D点做牙?(bare infinitive) 1.The teacher lets her students. . . . . . . . .(write/board) 2.The coach watches them.......................(kick/ball) 更新2: 唔好意思 我都系唔系几明牙? to infinitive即系用infinitive之前加to e.g. I want to eat an apple. bare infinitve则唔洗加to 有d字后面系唔洗用to infinitive 例如 see hear let make e.g. I saw you eat an apple. 2006-12-29 18:14:20 补充: 再讲多少少.. 点解要用infinitive..系因为一句句子只可以有一个main verb(主动词)多过一个 多数都要转后面个d.. 将佢地转做infinitive(基本式)或者gerund( ing)用infinitive既时候 大部分既字要加to除左某d verbs e.g. see hear let make 2006-12-29 18:14:35 补充: 仲有系情态动词(modal verb)eg. can will may should后面都要用bare infinitivee.g. I will go to school.e.g. He should see a doctor. 2006-12-29 18:17:20 补充: 你自己谂下喇wor平时你用左一个动词之后再加动词.. 要系第二个动词前加toe.g. I go to see a concert.而家唔洗加to咋嘛平时你可能会写The teacher lets her students to write on the board. (错ga伊句)而家唔可以加to.. 即系点呢?e.g. The teacher lets her students write..... 我唔教哂你喇~ 打唔到咁多字.. 自己谂埋落去啦 参考: 自己

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INFINITI 这是什么牌子的车?

日产的 高端豪华品牌 英菲尼迪



INFINITI 这是什么牌子的车?

日产的 高端豪华品牌 英菲尼迪

年轻有为 Infiniti英菲尼迪的发展史

Infiniti作为日产旗下的豪华车品牌诞生于1989年,最先在美国上市。自诞生之日起,英菲尼迪便以独特前卫的设计、出色的操控表现和高质量的客户服务著称。如今,英菲尼迪已经拥有双门跑车、轿车、越野车和SUV等全系列车型,使其产品线更丰富和更具竞争力。 Infiniti英菲尼迪的标志为椭圆形标志,椭圆曲线代表无限扩张之意,也象征着全世界;两条直线则代表这通往巅峰的道路。“英菲尼迪”是英文Infiniti的译音,而Infiniti本身的意思是无限的意思,象征着一种永无止境的追求。 从诞生到如今,仅有23年 历史 ,与其他老牌豪华 汽车 相比英菲尼迪的 历史 非常短暂。但是,正因为如此,我们不禁为这个品牌的成长速度感到惊叹。从零开始树立一个豪华 汽车 品牌绝非易事,期间一定经历了很多挫折和失败。但是,我们反观英菲尼迪一路走来,却似乎一路平坦:销售业绩稳步上升,品牌知名度不断提高,在各种评比中也屡获殊荣,但是,这些都是看到的表象而已,而在其背后又是什么魔力在推动着他们不断前进呢? 图:英菲尼迪4S店。 图:Infiniti英菲尼迪1989年诞生的首款车型Q45。 自由的创意空间 一辆 汽车 的诞生必先从 汽车 的设计开始,而 汽车 的设计就像戴着镣铐的舞蹈。因为 汽车 在设计的时候必定会受到来自品牌传统、工艺传统等各方面 历史 传统的束缚,而且大部分豪华轿车还会以自己的 历史 为荣,并要求在设计新车型的时候继承家族的DNA,或者在以往车型里面衍生出新的车型,但这样对于新车型的设计就会带来束缚,而即便拥有满腔热情和无限灵感的设计师们,也不得不在世俗面前低头,只能平淡无味的循规蹈矩。 然而,Infiniti没有这样的 历史 束缚,或者说没有像其他品牌那样引以为荣的 历史 背景,但这反而成为了英菲尼迪树立品牌形象的最大优势,它不用背负着传承 历史 的担子,它可以抛开一切约束、习惯,勇敢的创造独属于自己的品牌。日产公司高级副总裁兼首席创意师中村史郎说:“在品牌的设计理念方面,我们不受任何一款既有车型的影响,这就是我们如此勇敢的原因。”正是这种无限的激情,使得英菲尼迪在一开始就把劣势转变成优势,英菲尼迪的车都凝聚着设计师们敢想敢为、勇于创造的思想和勇气。 图:英菲尼迪FX车型设计图。 集全球文化于一身 即使英菲尼迪的设计师们可以不受任何束缚的进行设计,但要想在不同领域、不同文化的国际市场上得到认可就是几乎不可能完成的任务。 缔造一个征服全球的豪华轿车品牌是英菲尼迪的目标,一开始上市的北美市场只是第一步而已,所以雄心勃勃的设计师们在画第一张草图的时候,集聚全球文化精粹的信念就已经融汇在车型的线条中了。正因为有了这种无比的自信和意志力,使得英菲尼迪在北美市场得到成功,继而为征服全球的计划打下了坚实的基础。 人性化的豪华品牌 在豪华轿车市场上建立属于自己的规则!英菲尼迪这么说的,也是这么做的。高级安全气囊系统(AABS)、指尖触觉按键技术、ICC智能巡航系统等等这些 科技 装备已经不是英菲尼迪重点呈现给人们的内容了。而事实上,英菲尼迪把对于豪华的定义上升到了对细节的精心雕琢和对人性的友好态度高度。手工缝制的真皮方向盘、紫檀木内饰、超质感合金面板、琴键式按键、两侧前车门内的冷光迎宾踏板……这些才是英菲尼迪真正要呈现给人们的东西,务求让车主得到最佳的驾乘感受。 要想在豪华 汽车 市场站稳脚跟,所面对的竞争和压力无比激烈。每一个竞争对手实力雄厚背景深厚,想要在他们手里分得到一块蛋糕除了比他们付出更多的努力没有别的办法。但是,英菲尼迪正是经过这样的千锤百炼之后脱颖而出的。 1989年11月8日,经过数年的研发和周密计划,日产 汽车 公司的豪华品牌英菲尼迪在北美首次面世,它在北美首次开设51个经销店,主要销售两款车型(Q45与M30)。与此同时其也成为了日产 汽车 前进美国的先锋。 英菲尼迪M30: 它是M35/45的前身,M30出现在北美的时间非常短,在1990年问世到退出市场只三年不到,这款以日产 Leopard为基础的双门跑车,同时拥有敞篷车型态,竞争目标是雷克萨斯SC。所搭载的引擎是日产 VG30E SOHC V6 3.0升引擎,最大输出仅162马力,但是达1540公斤的车身所造成的马力重量比,纵使车型优美却被消费者批评。不过M30可是以可调阻尼Sonar悬吊系统为话题,让美国人了解日本车厂的 科技 面,连带影响日后 汽车 科技 的发展。 图:第一代M30,是伴随着Q45而衍生出的一款轿跑车,M30代表着M系列的诞生。 图:1991年,M30追加了一款敞篷车型,这也是英菲尼迪的首款敞篷车型。 英菲尼迪J30: 为了替代M30,英菲尼迪在1992年四月将Leopard的后继车日产Leopard J.Ferie重新设计细部,打造成很有英国车风格的J30,不过这回为传统四门房车,底盘结构与日产Cedric/Gloria相同,为代号Y32平台,动力上则与300ZX共用,为一具V6 DOHC VG30DE的3.0升引擎,经调校后最大马力为211马力,后轮驱动的型态也颇具跑格,当然J30直接锁定雷克萨斯 GS,可惜空间不足备受批评,但日产当时非常自傲的HICAS四轮转向系统可是标准配备,随后地位于1996年便被I30所取代。 图:英菲尼迪J30。 英菲尼迪I30/I35: 诞生于1996年的I30,算是日产针对英菲尼迪品牌所做的反攻,然而此时在北美日产已经拥有Maxima,两者雷同性过大,虽然刻意划清定位却仍不免被消费者比较。动力上初期为一具3.0升V6引擎,227马力可搭配五速手排或四速自排,2000年进行大改款,2001年更大幅提升动力,将255马力的VQ35DE列为心脏。可惜21世纪的消费者讯息取得更快,且同级对手辈出,这也让I35于2004年正式引退,并由M35/45取代市场。 图:英菲尼迪I35。 英菲尼迪G20: 为了强化在入门级高级房车战力,英菲尼迪必须从日产选择一款车当作主力,所以在1991年看上Primera,在更动幅度不大的情况下,摇身成为G20,且一直到2001年才由G35给取代。仅搭载直四2.0升发动机的G20,SR20DE动力心脏拥有140hp马力,后又增加至145马力,而且G20也是英菲尼迪唯一的前驱车。 图:英菲尼迪G20。 英菲尼迪QX4: 从日产 Pathfinder衍生而来的QX4,可称得上都会型LSUV的先驱,1997年在美国推出时,让许多人趋之若鹜,在这时LEXUS的RX都还未诞生,丰田4Runner也无法与之抗衡,等于是90年代LSUV的霸主。在2001年进行升级,强劲的V6 3.5升动力引擎得以输出240马力,且为了让整体升级,HID、全新设计中控台面板、轮圈等均替QX4延长战力。直到FX与QX56问世,QX4完成阶段性任务,至此走入英菲尼迪名车堂中。 图:英菲尼迪QX4。 英菲尼迪Q45: 1989年诞生的Q45有着几分宝马七系的味道,而锁定的对手也主要是宝马7系列,后轮驱动的Q45搭载一具4.1升V8引擎,最大输出马力260马力,0-100km/h仅需7秒多,在90年代可是足以和宝马7系列媲美的日本房车。1997年推出第二代车型,直到2001年才正式大改款,形成现在的型态。 图:英菲尼迪Q45。 除了以上文章提到的车型之外,英菲尼迪旗下还有一款高性能系列IPL(Infiniti Performance Line)车型。IPL是英菲尼迪为对抗奔驰AMG、宝马M系列和奥迪RS等高性能车型而推出的品牌,并于2010年下半年正式发布了首款车型IPL G Coupe;首款车型出炉之后英菲尼迪密锣紧鼓地马上推出第二款IPL G Cabrio概念车型,就其推出新车型的速度来看,英菲尼迪其实对IPL品牌已经酝酿已久了,并且有条不紊的发展着;IPL的品牌知名度也因此被推向了一个更高的位置。



INFINITI 这是什么牌子的车?



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