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persist vi 1)坚持,固执 +in/with 2)持续;保留 vt 坚持说 +that insist vi 坚持 +on/upon+doing vt 坚持,坚持认为/主张/要求 +that stick to 坚持,遵守(口语多),粘附,紧跟不偏离其中心思想 stick of 棒状物

insist 虚拟语气的用法


insist 后面什么时候接had done ?什么时候接should do?



insist 1、意思是“坚持要”表示命令、要求,其后之宾语从句要用虚拟式动词原形 或者“should + 动词原形” 例句: I insist that you (should) be present. They insisted that she (should) be invited. I insist that you (should) see a doctor. She insisted that he (should) go. 这种虚拟语气的用法除了“insist”还有:demand,suggest,order,propose. 2、意思是“坚持说,硬说”,其后宾语从句用普通时式,不用虚拟语气的哦。 例句: She insisted that he was wrong. 虚拟语气知识 详见:

the boy insisted that he____ his best and____ praised. A.had tried ;must be D.had tried;be

the boy insisted that he_D___ his best and_D___ praised. A.had tried ;must be D.had tried;be答案解析:前面用陈述语气,过去的过去,用过去完成时态,后面用虚拟语气,should +动词原形,被动语态:should be praised :should 可省略不写,所以答案D

用“insisted that”造句急用



insist 不及物动词

insist 的用法有哪些?在哪些情况下要用虚拟语气,哪些不用呢?

insist1、意思是“坚持要”表示命令、要求,其后之宾语从句要用虚拟式动词原形或者“should + 动词原形”例句:I insist that you (should) be present.They insisted that she (should) be invited.I insist that yo...


insist 用法与suggest 相似。insist作“坚持”说时,要用陈述语气;作“坚决主张;坚决要求”讲时,用虚拟语气。如:When the son suggested that they should go to the park on Sunday, the expression on his father"s face suggested that he agreed with him. 当儿子提议星期天去公园时,父亲用表情表示了默许。They insisted that he (should)be present at the ceremony.他们坚决要求他出席这次典礼。He insisted that he was innocent.=He insisted on his innocence.他坚持说自己是无辜的。 insist[in5sist]vi.坚持; 坚决主张; 坚决认为(on, upon)坚决要求, 定要insist on sb."s innocence坚持认为某人无罪insist on a point强调一点insist on being present坚持要求出席I insisted on his coming with us.我坚持要求他和我们一起来。I insist that you (should) be present.请您务必到场。They insisted that she (should) be invited.他们坚持要邀请她。insist on坚持; 坚决主张; 一定要insist upon支持


你这个单词可能输入错误。应该是insist 坚决要求

请问这句话insisted 后面那个that 可以省略吗?


Li Ming insisted that he _A_______ anything at all

【选 a】李明坚持他根本没偷东西。【解析】insist that 宾语从句中有两种语气。一为陈述语气,即“坚持认为”,特别强调主语干了什么或没有干什么,是事实而非虚拟。二为虚拟语气,也译为“坚持,主张”,但并未发生,宾语从句谓语用 should+ 动词原形结构。据此两点,看题干“李明坚持认为他根本没偷东西”,偷不偷已成事实,事情已发生,故不是虚拟语气,故 b、d 已错。又因为 insisted 坚持为过去时,故后不可以用 c,一般现在时,即“偷”动作发生在 insist 之前,即为“过去的过去” a 答案正确。

she insisted that he was wrong.为什么里面的insisted不用insist?

insisted是insist的过去时 表示过去发生的行为 她过去坚持认为他是错的. 如果用insist现在时,则是 she insists that he was wrong. 但意思就变成:她现在坚持认为他过去是错的.

insisted+to do sth,还是doing sth


insist on和insist in区别

insist on 坚持;强调; insist in 坚持; insist:v.坚决要求;坚持;坚持说;固执己见; 第三人称单数: insists现在分词: insisting过去式: insisted过去分词: insisted 扩展资料   If you insist on leaving now, please go ahead.   你一定要走,那就请便吧。   We"ll insist on discussing this issue.   我们将抓住这个问题不放。   During this process, is there something you always insist in your heart or mind without any change?   在这个过程当中,您心中也会有些什么东西是一直坚持,不曾改变过的吧?   Finally, they should insist in using scientific methods to calculate claims of the work period and expenses.   最后在处理索赔问题时要坚持采用科学的方法来计算工期索赔以及费用索赔。


insist表示坚决要求;坚持,坚持说;固执己见,一般有以下三种用法: 1、固定搭配形式:insistu2002on/uponu2002(sb/one"s)u2002(doing)u2002sth坚持做某事。 2、如果insist翻译为坚持说/坚持认为,即that从句表示已经发生的动作时,则宾语从句使用陈述语气,即从句用什么时态就用什么时态,和主句的时态保持呼应。 3、如果insist翻译为坚持要求/坚持主张,即that从句动作当时尚未发生的话,则宾语从句必须使用虚拟语气,即从句谓语的动词由should+动词构成,且should可省略。

insiste sth. ....后面是加"动词原形"吗??请问一下insiste 的用法。



1、insist on/upon (sb/one"s) (doing) sth如:You should insist on your dream.You should insist upon doing exercise every day.You should insist on her apologizing to you.2、insist + that引导的宾语从句1)如果insist翻译为“坚持说/坚持认为”,即that从句表示已经发生的动作时,则宾语从句使用陈述语气,即从句该用什么时态就用什么时态,当然还要和主句时态保持呼应。如:She insisted that she was right.She insisted (that) she had been to Beijing the year before.2)如果insist翻译为“坚持要求/坚持主张”,即that从句的动作当时尚未发生的话,则宾语从句必须使用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词由“should + 动词原形”构成,且should可以省略。如:He insisted that she (should) say sorry to him frist.

she insisted that he was wrong.为什么里面的insisted不用insist?

was是过去式 主句从句要一致啊。对不?你不能昨天今天的来回说,别人听不懂了

anythinginteresting等于anything thinginsists

是something interesting 像sth,sb,anybody,anything这样的不定代词,形容词要后置

He insists that he ( ) it. A should have done B do C did D had did


His face suggests that he looks worried . He insists he is a student.为什么用一般现在时?与过去时的

其实这里可以用suggested 和insisted, 如果用了一般过去时,那么陈述的这件事发生在过去,只要把后面都改成一般过去时就对了

stick to .hold on to .insist on 都有坚持的意思,怎么区别

insist表示“人”的意志和“一定要”的态度,是不及物动词,后跟on接名词或者动名词,不接不定式。Heinsistedonmygoing。他坚持要我去。1.insiston意思是“demandormaintainpersistently”,“坚决要求”,“坚持认为”。是对要求、看法、意见或主张的“坚持”。“on”是介词,后面接名词也可接动名词作宾语。如:Sheinsistedonheropinionatthemeeting.她在会上坚持自己的意见。Sheinsistedongoingwithus.她坚持要和我们一起去。2.insist接that 从句,有两种情况:(1)表示“坚决认为(主张)”,从句用直陈语气。如:Thoughtallhisfriendscriticizedhim,heinsistedhehaddonenothingwrong.尽管所有的朋友都指责他,但他坚持认为自己没有做错事。(2)表示“坚决要、坚决要求”,这时从句谓语常用虚拟语气。如:Heinsiststhatshe(shall)go.他坚决要她去。Heinsistedthatshe(should)go.他坚决要她去。“stickto”的意思是“persistin,notabandon”,是对“愿望、原则、决定、诺言、意见、理想或某种理论”的坚持不渝。“to”是介词,接名词或动名词作宾语,不能接不定式。如:WeshouldsticktothestudyofMarxism-Leninism.我们应当坚持研究马列主义。Westicktothepointthattheorycomesfrompractice.我们应当坚持理论来源于实践的观点。

insists on是什么意思

insists on的中文翻译insists on坚持双语例句1He"s a first-class dolt who insists on doing things his way.他一意孤行,真是蠢透了。2The guy who insists on ordering a whole case of extra glasses to handle the overflow.我会坚持另外订购一柜子的杯子,防止水满得装不下。

有一句话是she insisted on going there.为什么在这里不用insists on?



篇一:insist用法总结insist在中学阶段,只要掌握以下三种用法即可:1、insist on/upon (sb/one"s) (doing) sth如:You should insist on your dream.You should insist upon doing exercise every day.You should insist on her apologizing to you.2、insist + that引导的宾语从句1)如果insist翻译为“坚持说/坚持认为”,即that从句表示已经发生的动作时,则宾语从句使用陈述语气,即从句该用什么时态就用什么时态,当然还要和主句时态保持呼应。 如:She insisted that she was right.She insisted (that) she had been to Beijing the year before.2)如果insist翻译为“坚持要求/坚持主张”,即that从句的动作当时尚未发生的话,则宾语从句必须使用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词由“should + 动词原形”构成,且should可以省略。 如:He insisted that she (should) say sorry to him frist.篇二:Insist 的用法insist作反复说、一定要、坚决要求解,可以是及物动词,也可以是不及物动词。[解题过程]一、 作不及物动词用时,后跟on或upon引起的短语1) insist on/ upon+名词They insisted on a definite answer.I insisted on a replacement for the broken part on my bike.Our English teacher insists upon the importance of the correct pronunciation.2) insist on / upon +动名词(或动名词的复合结构)She insisted on seeing the manager as soon as possible.He insisted on a second message being sent (不用to be sent) to them.We insisted upon his staying with us for another week.注意: insist on (doing) sth. , stick to (doing) sth. 与persist in (doing) sth.的区别:这三个短语都有坚持的意思,但侧重点不同。insist on (doing) sth.是坚持某种做法、意见、主张。如:They insisted on leaving that day. 他们坚持要在那天走。stick to (doing ) sth. 是坚持原则、计划、诺言、决定、真理、路线等。如:He always sticks to his promise / his plan. 他总是坚守自己的诺言/计划。如果表示继续努力从事于某项工作,stick to后也可接动名词。如:If you stick to practising English, you"ll make great progress. 要是你每天坚持练习英语,就会取得很大进步。 而persist in (doing )sth.指不作任何改变地坚持某事,可能是一件好事,也可能是一件坏事。常包含固执己见的意思,但也可指意志的坚定。如:She persists in her opinion.He persists in his sparetime studies.She persisted in wearing that old-fashioned dress.The old woman persists in taking half an hour"s exercise every day. (表示意志的坚定,不用insist on来代替)二、 insist 作及物动词的用法insist的此种用法只能接从句作宾语。1)insist作坚决要求、一定要,其宾语从句常用与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,其中should可以省略。如:Her father insists that she (should) learn music after she leaves school.2) insist作坚持说、坚持认为时,用陈述语气。如:Alice insisted that she had done nothing wrong.3) insist that...有时与insist on / upon互换。如上面1)、2)中的两个例句可分别改写为:Her father insists on her learning music after she leaves school.Alice insisted on her having done nothing wrong.篇三:insist的用法insist作“坚持说”时,要用陈述语气,从句所指的通常是已经发生的事或已存在的状态,引导词 that 可省略;作“坚决主张,坚决要求”讲时,从句所指的一般是尚未实现的事实,此时谓语通常用虚拟语气(即should+动词原形),而且引导词that 一般不省略(尤其是当已经省略 should 时)。如:He insisted that he was innocent. =He insisted on his innocence.他坚持说自己是无辜的。He still insisted he wasn"t there at the time. 他仍然坚持说他当时不在那儿。John insisted that he heard somebody in the house. 约翰坚持说他听到房子里有人。They insisted that he (should)be present at the ceremony.他们坚决要求他出席这次典礼。The detective insisted that he should have a look. 警探坚持要查看。I insisted that he (should) go with us. 我坚持要他和我们一块儿去。比较下面的句子:He insists that she is careful. 他力言她是小心的。He insists that she should be careful. 他坚持要她小心。He insisted that he was not ill, but the doctor insisted that he should take the medicine. 他坚持说他没有病,但医生却坚持要他服药。他一定要我们收下这些礼物。误:He insisted us to accept these gifts.正:He insisted on us/our accepting these gifts.正:He insisted that we (should) accept these gifts.正:He insisted on it that we (should) accept these gifts.《有关insist的用法整理》¥5百度文库VIP限时优惠现在开通,立享6亿+VIP内容立即获取有关insist的用法整理篇一:insist用法总结insist在中学阶段,只要掌握以下三种用法即可:1、insist on/upon (sb/one"s) (doing) sth如:You should insist on your dream.You should insist upon doing exercise every day.You should insist on her apologizing to you.2、insist + that引导的宾语从句第 1 页1)如果insist翻译为“坚持说/坚持认为”,即that从句表示已经发生的动作时,则宾语从句使用陈述语气,即从句该用什么时态就用什么时态,当然还要和主句时态保持呼应。 如:She insisted that she was right.She insisted (that) she had been to Beijing the year before.2)如果insist翻译为“坚持要求/坚持主张”,即that从句的动作当时尚未发生的话,则宾语从句必须使用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词由“should + 动词原形”构成,且should可以省略。 如:He insisted that she (should) say sorry to him frist.

insist on的用法总结

insist的意思; vt.& vi. 坚持;强调;坚决要求;坚决认为。 扩展资料   insist的常用短语   insist on/upon   1.declare firmly 坚持;坚决认为   Throughout the trial,the prisoner insisted on his lack of guilt.在整个审讯中,犯人坚持认为他没有罪。   2.urge;strongly demand坚决要求   He insisted upon a doctor being sent for.他坚持要去请医生。   I insisted on paying for my share of the meal.我坚持要付我的那份饭钱。   3.make emphatically or repeat an assertion 主张;强调   He insisted on the importance of being punctual.他强调准时的重要性。   There is a gentleman who insists on seeing you.有一位先生坚持要见你。

insist 可以接从句么? (可以insist that……么?)


she insist that readed a news before go out有什么错误


句型公式insist than…do sth有哪些?

回答:类似insist that...的虚拟语气句型有如下几种:1. 表示命令、要求、请求、建议、坚持要、坚决要求的动词后跟that从句时,that从句要用should+动词原形,should可省略。例如:He ordered that the spy (should) be hanged at once.She suggests that we (should) give up the plan.He insists that he ( should) be sent there.但当suggest不表示建议、insist不表示坚决要求或坚持要时,that 从句不用虚拟语气,而用陈述语气。例如:His accent suggests ( 表明)that he is from the South.Jack insists (坚持说,坚持认为)that he is right.2. 表示命令、要求、请求、建议的名词后跟that从句时、或者这些名词作主语后跟作表语的that从句时,that从句也要用should + 动词原形,should可省略。例如:His suggestion is that we (should) start tomorrow.Her suggestion that Tom ( should) be chosen as manager is acceptable.

insist坚持认为的用法 insist表“坚持认为”用虚拟语气吗? 什么情况下用虚拟?

不用 例句:He still insists he wasn"t there at the time.他坚持 他当时不在那个地方 . 坚决要求时: 虚拟语气 I insisted that he(should)go.我一定要他走.


Persist : 坚持 (继续某些行动), 持续He will persist in riding that dreadful bike.他坚持要骑那辆破单车。I will persist till I succeed.我会一直坚持到成功。She persists in swimming.她一直坚持著游泳。(坚持游泳这举动一段时间)Insist : 较强硬的坚持 (多用於意见, 看法)He insisted that the papers should be destroyed.他坚持那些文件必须销毁。I insist on being present.我一定要出席。She insists on going to swim,她坚持要去游泳。(坚持这次去游泳, 例如选择去游泳不去跑步)

insist 可以接从句么?(可以insist that……么?) 最好简述 insist这个单词的用法

可以两种用法:insist on doing sth.坚持做某事例:He insists on studying English very hard.他坚持刻苦学习英语.或:insist that 从句,从句必须用should+do的虚拟语气例:We insist that the Agreement should be sig...

insist 可以接从句么? (可以insist that……么?)


是insist sb doing sth 还是insist on sb doing sth

insistonsbdoingsth才是正确的用法。扩展资料insist(verb)释义1.坚决要求;坚持 todemandthatsthhappensorthatsbagreestodosth[V] Ididn"treallywanttogobutheinsisted.我并不真的想去,但他硬要我去。‘Pleasecomewithus."‘Verywellthen,ifyouinsist."“请和我们一起来吧。”“那也好,你一定要我去,我就去。”(formal) Sheinsistedonhis/himwearingasuit.她坚持要他穿西装。[Vthat] Heinsiststhatshecome.他执意要她来。(BrE also) Heinsiststhatsheshouldcome.他执意要她来。noteat demand2.坚持说;固执己见 tosayfirmlythatsthistrue,especiallywhenotherpeopledonotbelieveyou[V] Heinsistedonhisinnocence.他坚持说他是无辜的。[V(that)] Heinsisted(that)hewasinnocent.他坚持说他是无辜的。[also Vspeech]短语动词insiston/uponsth坚决要求 todemandsthandrefusetobepersuadedtoacceptanythingelseWeinsistedonarefundofthefullamount.我们坚持要求全额退款。[+-ing] Theyinsisteduponbeinggiveneverydetailofthecase.他们坚持要求说明事情的整个来龙去脉。insistondoingsth执意继续做 tocontinuedoingstheventhoughotherpeoplethinkitisannoyingTheyinsistonplayingtheirmusiclateatnight.已是深夜,他们却依然在放音乐。参考资料百度翻译-insist



是insist sb doing sth 还是insist on sb doing sth

insistonsbdoingsth才是正确的用法。扩展资料insist(verb)释义1.坚决要求;坚持 todemandthatsthhappensorthatsbagreestodosth[V] Ididn"treallywanttogobutheinsisted.我并不真的想去,但他硬要我去。‘Pleasecomewithus."‘Verywellthen,ifyouinsist."“请和我们一起来吧。”“那也好,你一定要我去,我就去。”(formal) Sheinsistedonhis/himwearingasuit.她坚持要他穿西装。[Vthat] Heinsiststhatshecome.他执意要她来。(BrE also) Heinsiststhatsheshouldcome.他执意要她来。noteat demand2.坚持说;固执己见 tosayfirmlythatsthistrue,especiallywhenotherpeopledonotbelieveyou[V] Heinsistedonhisinnocence.他坚持说他是无辜的。[V(that)] Heinsisted(that)hewasinnocent.他坚持说他是无辜的。[also Vspeech]短语动词insiston/uponsth坚决要求 todemandsthandrefusetobepersuadedtoacceptanythingelseWeinsistedonarefundofthefullamount.我们坚持要求全额退款。[+-ing] Theyinsisteduponbeinggiveneverydetailofthecase.他们坚持要求说明事情的整个来龙去脉。insistondoingsth执意继续做 tocontinuedoingstheventhoughotherpeoplethinkitisannoyingTheyinsistonplayingtheirmusiclateatnight.已是深夜,他们却依然在放音乐。参考资料百度翻译-insist


Persist : 坚持 (继续某些行动), 持续He will persist in riding that dreadful bike.他坚持要骑那辆破单车。I will persist till I succeed.我会一直坚持到成功。She persists in swimming.她一直坚持著游泳。(坚持游泳这举动一段时间)Insist : 较强硬的坚持 (多用於意见, 看法)He insisted that the papers should be destroyed.他坚持那些文件必须销毁。I insist on being present.我一定要出席。She insists on going to swim,她坚持要去游泳。(坚持这次去游泳, 例如选择去游泳不去跑步)


1、We insisted on a refund of the full amount. 我们坚持要求全额退款。 2、I insist on paying for the damage. 我坚持要赔偿损失。 3、He insists that she should come. 他执意要她来。 扩展资料   They insist on playing their music late at night.   已是深夜,他们却依然在放音乐。   Our buyers insist on high standards of workmanship and materials.   我们的`买主对工艺和材料坚持要高标准。   His family insisted he should be given a proper burial.   他的家人坚持要为他举行适当的葬礼。

insist是不及物动词,为什么后接 doing呢

insist on doing


insist若指尚未发生的动作,从句谓语常用虚拟语气(should+动词原形或直接用动词原形);若表示一个已发生的动作或已存在的状态时,从句谓语多用陈述语气,that有时可以省略。例句:"It"s not that difficult," she insists.“事情并没有像想的那么难,”她坚持说。insist的其他用法:1、insist的基本意思是“坚持”,常用于坚持意见、看法、主张等。2、insist用作不及物动词时,其后常须加介词on〔upon〕,然后接名词、代词或动名词。该动名词前可加物主代词或名词、人称代词的宾格形式作其逻辑主语,该动名词的否定形式是在其前直接加not。3、insist既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。作及物动词时,不能用名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,只能接that引导的从句。

1、He insists that she come.他执意要她来。 2、He insists (


insist 引导同位语从句时,用虚拟语气吗?如No one can shake his insi

这里有问题吧第一是词性:insist只能做动词用吧,所以并不能引导同位语从句,名词的话是insistence,第二是含义:insist翻译成中文是坚持的意思没错,但如果你仔细看英文,它说的坚持是指坚持认为应该做某事,或坚持某种观点、看法的意思,而不是你句中的坚持的意味。所以建议你改成devotion, commitment 还比较合句意。No one can shake his devotion/commitment to playing soccer. 当然,如果你非还要用个从句的话,建议可改成belief都 好过直接用insist.退一步说,如果真的是insist引导宾语从句,或insistence引导同位语从句,也不是非要用虚拟语气的,如:he insists (that) he saw her before. 这里就不用。 insist只有带强烈建议,命令的意味时才需要用虚拟。如:he insists (that) we (should) recheck everything we do just in case

insist, order/ command, suggest, advise, propose, demand什么时候用虚拟语气

insist(坚持)、order/ command(命令)、suggest/ advise/ propose(建议)、demand/ require/ ask/ desire(要求)后面跟虚拟语气。例1:The examination instructor asked that the students(should)not use a calculator.考官要求学生不要使用计算器。例2:The workers demanded that their wages(should)be raised by 10 percent.工人们要求增加百分之十的工资。比较:动词 suggest和insist 后面的宾语从句,应根据不同情况选用陈述语气或虚拟语气。suggest作“建议”解时,用虚拟语气,作“使想起、暗示”解时,用陈述语例:His silence suggested that he agreed with my decision.他的沉默暗示他赞同我的决定。(暗示)例:He suggested that I(should)stick to my decision.他建议我坚持自己的决定。(建议)insist作“坚决要求”解时,用虚拟语气,作“坚持认为”解时,用陈述语气。例:He insists that doing morning exercises does good to people"s health.他坚持认为做早操对健康有益。(强调)例:He insists that he(should)do morming exercises every day.他坚持每天都要做早操。(要求)扩展资料1、名词性从句中要用过去时或should+动词原型构成虚拟语气。如:It is time we went home.2、wouldrather,hadrather后的从句动词用相当于陈述语气的过去时来表示现在或将来发生的动作。如:I would rather you went with her.我宁愿你跟她走。只有当wouldrather后面动作的主体与前面主语一致时才可以用不带to的动词不定式,如:I"d rather take the important letter with me.在这个句子中,rather后面的主语为I,和前面的主语一致,所以用的不是过去式,而是不带to的动词不定式。3、在itisimportant/suggested/necessary/proposed等结构后的主语从句中要用虚拟语气表示应该做什么事情,即用动词原形或should+动词原型,如:It is important that you(should) be here on time.4、词组but for相当于were it not for或had it not been for,表示一种含否定意义的条件,后面一般加名词或名词短语,如:He might have been killed but for the arrival of the police.要不是警察来了他本可能被杀死。5、在某些表示祝愿的句子里需要用虚拟语气,如:May you be happy all your life!

insist on 后面接什么

insist on doing sth,坚持做某事。insist,主要用作及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“坚持,强调”,作不及物动词时意为“坚持,强调”。 insist on双语例句 We insist on the highest standards at all times. 我们始终坚持最高标准。 They insist on playing their music late at night. 已是深夜,他们却依然在放音乐。 Our buyers insist on high standards of workmanship and materials. 我们的买主对工艺和材料坚持要高标准。 They insist on sticking to the letter of the law. 他们坚持严守法律的字面意义。 I insist on paying for the damage. 我坚持要赔偿损失。 insist基本含义 v.坚决要求;坚持;坚持说;固执己见; 例句:My family insisted that I should not give in, but stay and fight 家里人坚持认为我不应让步,而应该留下来继续抗争。 第三人称单数:insists 现在分词:insisting 过去式:insisted 过去分词:insisted


suggest[sE5dVest]vt.建议, 提出(意见、计划等)暗示, 启发, 间接表明使想起, 使联想到It is suggested that ...有人提议...I suggest that ...我觉得[认为]He suggested going out for a walk.他建议出去走走。That girl"s sun-tanned face suggests excellent health .那个姑娘被太阳晒黑了的脸表明她身体非常健康。The thought of summer suggests swimming.想到夏天, 就使人联想到游泳。An idea suggested itself to me [to my mind].我产生了一个念头。insist[in5sist]vi.坚持; 坚决主张; 坚决认为(on, upon)坚决要求, 定要insist on sb."s innocence坚持认为某人无罪insist on a point强调一点insist on being present坚持要求出席I insisted on his coming with us.我坚持要求他和我们一起来。consider[kEn5sidE]vt.考虑, 细想尊重; 体谅; 照顾, 给(赏钱)认为, 视为〔后接that 引导的从句〕把(某人、某事)看作..., 认为(某人、某事)如何(as..., of..., to be...)设想, 假定有凝视, 端详consider the servants给仆役赏钱We must consider the feelings of other people.我们必须顾及他人的感情。You should consider his youth.你应当体谅他年轻。We consider it (to be ) true.=(We consider that it is true.)我们认为这是真实的。I considered him a rascal.我认为他是个流氓。



是insist sb doing sth 还是insist on sb doing sth

都不是。insist 常见的搭配为:insist on (doing) sth. 坚持做某事insist that sb. (should) do 坚持认为某人应做某事

"insist on","persist on","stick to","hold on"的区别?

insist表示“人”的意志和“一定要”的态度,是不及物动词,后跟on接名词或者动名词,不接不定式。  He insisted on my going。他坚持要我去。  persist也表示“坚持”,含义有两点,1,对某种活动坚持不懈。2,对某种意见固执不改。persist是不及物动词,后跟in接名词或者动名词,不接不定式。  He persisted in denying it。他始终否认他。 1. insist on 意思是 “demand or maintain persistently”,“坚决要求”,“坚持认为”。是对要求、看法、意见或主张的“坚持”。“on”是介词,后面接名词也可接动名词作宾语。如:She insisted on her opinion at the meeting.她在会上坚持自己的意见。She insisted on going with us.她坚持要和我们一起去。2. insist 接 that 从句,有两种情况:(1) 表示“坚决认为(主张)”,从句用直陈语气。如:Thought all his friends criticized him, he insisted he had done nothing wrong.尽管所有的朋友都指责他,但他坚持认为自己没有做错事。(2) 表示“坚决要、坚决要求”,这时从句谓语常用虚拟语气。如:He insists that she (shall) go.他坚决要她去。He insisted that she (should) go.他坚决要她去。3. “stick to”的意思是 “persist in, not abandon”, 是对“愿望、原则、决定、诺言、意见、理想或某种理论”的坚持不渝。 “to”是介词,接名词或动名词作宾语,不能接不定式。如:We should stick to the study of Marxism-Leninism.我们应当坚持研究马列主义。We stick to the point that theory comes from practice.我们应当坚持理论来源于实践的观点。4. persist in 后面常接名词或动名词,表示对某种活动坚持不懈或对某种信念固执不改。如:If you persist in breaking the law, you will go to prison.如果你固执要犯法,你将会坐牢的。He persisted in his own belief.他固守自己的信念。

insist 具体怎么用?有时又不用虚拟语气。不明白。

注意:在insist 后的从句中, 如果是坚持某种观点想法, 用陈述语气, 坚持做什么事情, 用虚拟语气.she insists that she is right.陈述语气她坚持说自己是对的。she insisted that I should finish the work at once.虚拟语气她坚持说,我应该马上完成工作。或者说,suggest, insist不表示建议或坚持要某人做某事时,即它们用于其本意暗示、表明、坚持认为时,宾语从句用陈述语气。The guard at gate insisted that everybody obey the rules.门口的保安坚持每个人都应该遵守规则。


insist 用法与suggest 相似。一. insist作“坚持”说时,要用陈述语气;作“坚决主张;坚决要求”讲时,用虚拟语气。如:When the son suggested that they should go to the park on Sunday, the expression on his father"s face suggested that he agreed with him. 当儿子提议星期天去公园时,父亲用表情表示了默许。They insisted that he (should)be present at the ceremony. 他们坚决要求他出席这次典礼。He insisted that he was innocent.=He insisted on his innocence. 他坚持说自己是无辜的同时,我们也可以用insist on sth.或insist on doing sth.来表达上述的两种意思。如:I insisted on my correctness.(=I insisted that I was correct.)我坚持认为自己是对的。He insists on his innocence.(=He insists that he is innocent.)他坚持认为自己无罪。We all insist on not resting until we finish the work.(=We all insist that we〈should〉not rest until we finish the work.)我们都坚决要求不完工就不休息。He insists on my being present at the meeting.(=He insists that I〈should〉be present at the meeting.)他一定要我出席这个会议。二、suggest:A)作“使想起、暗示、表明”解释时,其后面的宾语从句用陈述语气。如:Her expression suggested that she was angry.她的表情显示出她生气了。Are you suggesting that he is too old for the job?你的意思是说他年纪太大了而不能干这工作?B)作“建议”解释时,其后面的宾语从句用虚拟语气,也就是说宾语从句的谓语用(should)do sth. 如:I suggested that she(should)leave early for the airport.我建议她早点儿动身去机场。He suggested that I(should)wear a jacket.他建议我穿一件夹克衫。我们也可以用suggest(one /one"s) doing sth.来表达“建议”。如:I suggested our class holding a meeting to discuss the problem.(=I suggested that our class〈should〉hold a meeting to discuss the problem.)我建议我们班开个班会讨论这个问题。He suggested putting off the sports meet to the next week.(=He suggested that the sports meet〈should〉be put off to the next week.)他建议运动会推迟到下周。


insist on doing


一、 作不及物动词用时,后跟on或upon引起的短语 1) insist on/ upon+名词 They insisted on a definite answer. I insisted on a replacement for the broken part on my bike. Our English teacher insists upon the importance of the correct pronunciation. 2) insist on / upon +动名词(或动名词的复合结构) She insisted on seeing the manager as soon as possible. He insisted on a second message being sent (不用to be sent) to them. We insisted upon his staying with us for another week. 二、 insist 作及物动词的用法 insist的此种用法只能接从句作宾语。 1)insist作坚决要求、一定要,其宾语从句常用与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,其中should可以省略。如: Her father insists that she (should) learn music after she leaves school. 2) insist作坚持说、坚持认为时,用陈述语气。如: Alice insisted that she had done nothing wrong. 如上面1)、2)中的两个例句可分别改写为:

Mike’s uncle insists ________ in this hotel. D whoever 吉林大学英语题?

我可以断定你这个句子有毛病,insists (坚持),后面如果是动词,用insist on doing ..., 如果是句子,那么这个宾语从句里要用虚拟语气,即 should 加原形,should也可以省去。所给四个选项中没有一个是正确的,是符合语法的。




同学,这是固定搭配啊. insist 是不及物动词,它有两个用法,第一,insist on doing sth,(坚持做某事);第二,insist +that 从句,意为“坚持认为...”这两个搭配表示的是不同的意思,而不是你所认为的insist 接从句时省了介词on.例句比较下:He insists on playing basketball everyday.(他坚持每天打篮球)He insists that he should play basketball everyday.(他坚持认为他应该每天打篮球) worry 既是不及物又可作及物.例如:Don"t worry me.(别担心我)是及物动词 I am worrying about failing in the exam.(我正担心考试会不及格) 是不及物动词 = I am worrying that I will fail in the exam. worry about sth 和 worry that 可以换用,意思差不多. 从使用情况来看,一般worry sb ,worry about sth 我能解释的就是这些啦.

[A] consists [B] insists [C] persists [D] resists

【答案】:A动词辨析。consists意为“由……组成”;insists意为“坚持,强调”;persists意为“坚持,持续”;resists意为“抵抗,反抗”。动词主语是A university,是一个具体的事物,不是人,因此排除了[B]。看搭配,动词是不及物动词,而resists为及物动词,不能为正确答案。同时,动词搭配介词of+宾语,而persists不能搭配介词of,不能为正确答案。正确答案只能为[A]。




  insist做动词有坚持;坚决主张等意思,那么你知道insist的第三人称单数是什么吗? 下面我为大家带来insist的第三人称单数和用法例句,供大家参考学习!   insist的第三人称单数:   insists   insist的用法:   insist的用法1:insist的基本意思是“坚持”,常用于坚持意见、看法、主张等。   insist的用法2:insist既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。作及物动词时,不能用名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,只能接that引导的从句。若指尚未发生的动作,从句谓语常用虚拟语气(should+动词原形或直接用动词原形); 若表示一个已发生的动作或已存在的状态时,从句谓语多用陈述语气。that有时可以省略。   insist的用法3:insist用作不及物动词时,其后常须加介词on〔upon〕,然后接名词、代词或动名词。该动名词前可加物主代词或名词、人称代词的宾格形式作其逻辑主语,该动名词的否定形式是在其前直接加not。   insist第三人称单数例句:   1. Brothels, she insists, are the acceptable face of prostitution.   她坚持认为,妓院是卖淫可为人接受的一种形式。   2. The two places, he insists, are as different as chalk and cheese.   他坚持说那两个地方有天壤之别。   3. He insists he has struck no bargains for their release.   他坚称他没有就他们的获释达成过任何交易。   4. The African National Congress insists on a one-man, one-vote system.   非洲国民大会坚持实行一人一票的制度。   5. Germany, however, insists on restrictions on the import of Polish coal.   但是德国坚持对进口波兰煤炭加以限制.   6. He insists any tax cut be matched dollar-for-dollar with cuts in spending.   他坚持每一项减税都要和支出削减一一对应。   7. He insists he will not resign and will weather the storm.   他坚称自己不会辞职,一定渡过难关。   8. She insists on diverting to a village close to the airport.   她坚持改道去机场附近的一个村庄。   9. He insists that the police are acting even-handedly.   他坚称警方的行为不偏不倚。   10. "It"s not that difficult," she insists.   “并没有那么困难,”她坚持说。   11. Western fears, he insists, are greatly exaggerated.   他坚持说,西方的恐惧被过分夸大了。   12. He insists on discipline in the classroom.   他一贯强调课堂纪律.   13. She insists on going to swim.   她执意要去 游泳 .   14. She, in her pig-headed way, insists that she is right and that everyone else is wrong.   她固执地坚持认为自己是对的,别人都是错的。   15. His only fundamental mistake, he insists, is that he was 20 years before his time.   他坚持认为,他仅有的根本性错误是他比时代超前了20年。

电脑开机就显示GIGABYTE. Insist UItra Durable Del:BiosSetupQ-FLASH F9:SYTEMINFORMATIOn


(坚持)insist on ,adhere to,stick to区别?

没那么复杂 insist on 保持立场 adhere to 黏合,遵守 (书面语,比较正式) stick to 粘了个啥啥啥,照办啥啥啥(是不是感觉很口语) 如果是对话中提到,用stick to;说明书上提到,用adhere to;

(坚持)insist on ,adhere to,stick to区别?

adhere属正式用语, 语意比 stick强, 指“自动地或义务地忠于一理想、事业、领导人等insist on强调 坚决认为

adhere to 与insist on ,persisit in ,persevere in的区别

我简单说说吧~都可以理解为坚持,但用法,使用场合等却各不相同. adhere to 强调遵守规程 信条等,有恪守的意味; insist on 强调坚持,主张,但不一定是积极的,有固执的意味; persist in 倾向于持续性的坚持,有执意的意味; persevere in 这个程度最深,有不屈不挠,坚持不懈的意味,多是坚持积极的东西.

persever adhered insisted和upheld的区别

1.persever 坚守Then while we live, in love lets so persever 活在人间我们的爱百折不回2.adhered v. 坚持; 附着; 黏附( adhere的过去式和过去分词 ); 支持 粘附; 依附; 遵守They adhered to the contract. 他们遵守了合同。3.insisted v. 坚决宣称,坚持认为( insist的过去式和过去分词 ); 坚决要求 坚持; 坚持要求; 坚持的I insisted that we should have a look at every car. 我坚持我们每辆车都应该看一下。4.upheld 英 [u028cpu02c8held] 美 [u028cpu02c8hu025bld] v. 维持; 支撑; 支持( uphold的过去式和过去分词 ); 赞成;被支持; 前场; 维护The Court of Appeal upheld the appellants "convictions. 上诉法院维持了对上诉人的原判。


前者一般用于 客观事物 或某种状态的延迟 后者一般用于人的态度的坚持 例如 sb insist to do sth

You are the hero in my heart. Brave,insist,innocend,decent,smart and handsome。怎么翻译?速求


endure resist insist辨析

不要被字典上每个词后面的诸多中文意思所迷惑,在实际英语应用中,这三个词的意思是不同的,主要分别为: endure 忍受 resist 抗拒 insist 坚持 例如: I can not endure the torture 我无法忍受这折磨(不能说“无法抗拒这折磨”) inresistable tempatation 难以抗拒的诱惑(不能说“难以忍受的折磨”) insist和其他两者意思不同,很容易区分

persevere insist persist endure 区别

persist: to continue in existence;last.此题选C persevere强调不屈不挠地坚持 insist强调坚持做某事 endure等于undergo,tolerate 容忍 忍受

sis sist在英文中作为后缀是什么意思 persist insist crisis 谢谢



picky insistence挑剔的坚持过分讲究的坚持.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
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