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所罗门群岛Solomon Islands的国家缩写为啥是SB?


Pacific Islands是什么意思


英语阅读理解 in the sea there are many islands,急!!!!!!

56C 57D 58A 59C

Pacific Islands是什么意思


New Zealand has two islands.One is North Island and (?) is South Island.


Shakira的《Islands》 歌词

歌曲名:Islands歌手:Shakira专辑:The Sun Comes OutShakira - IslandsI don"t have to leave anymoreWhat I have is right hereSpend my nights and days beforeSearching the world for what"s right hereUnderneath and unexploredIslands and cities I have lookedHere I sawSomething I couldn"t over lookI am yours nowSo now I don"t ever have to leaveI"ve been found outSo now I"ll never exploreSee what I"ve doneThat bridge is on fireGoing back to where I"ve beenI"m froze by desireNo need to leaveWhere would I beIF this were to go underIt"s a risk I"d takeI"m froze by desireAs if a choice I"d make?I am yours nowSo now I don"t ever have to leaveI"ve been found outSo now I"ll never exploreI am yours nowSo now I don"t ever have to leaveI"ve been found outSo now I"ll never exploreAaaaSee what I"ve done

british indian ocean territory和british virgin islands是一回事吗

肯定是不一样的 british indian ocean territory 是 英属印度洋领地 british virgin islands、是英属维尔京群岛

China plans to let tourists ______ the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea this year. [&...


nearby are islands.翻译,nearby能做主语吗

是倒装句么?如果不是肯定是省略了一些东西。附近是岛屿 。

British Virgin Islands是什么意思

British Virgin Islands英属维尔京群岛双语对照词典结果:British Virgin Islandsn.英属维京群岛 (BVI); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.British virgin islands sea micro-business communications limited shanghai representative office. 英属维尔京群岛商海微讯有限公司上海代表处。

Northern Nariana Islands是哪个国家

  是北马里亚那群岛,也可以称为Northern Marianas,正式名称为北马里亚纳群岛自由联邦(Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands)。  北马里亚纳群岛位于西太平洋,由15个岛屿组成,其中塞班岛、提尼安岛和罗塔岛是最大的三个岛屿, 原是美国托管地,现属于美国管辖。  15个岛屿分为四个市(municipalities),从北向南依次为:  1、北群岛市(Northern Islands),1号至11号岛屿总称为“北群岛”:帕哈罗斯(Farallonde Pajaros,2平方公里)、毛格群岛(Maug Islands,2.13平方公里,含:东岛、西岛、北岛)、亚松森(Asuncion,7.4平方公里)、阿格里汉岛(Agrigan,40平方公里)、帕甘岛(Pagan,46.6平方公里)、阿拉马甘(Alamagan,11平方公里)、古关(Guguan,4平方公里)、Zealandia Bank(面积极小,词意为西兰蒂亚银行)、萨里甘(Sarigan,4.9平方公里)、阿纳塔汉岛(Anatahan,30.8平方公里)、梅迪尼利亚(Farallon de Medinilla,0.9平方公里,词意为酸脚杆)。  2、塞班市:塞班岛(Saipan,122.9平方公里)。  3、天宁市:天宁岛(Tinian,102平方公里)、奥盖吉(Aguijan,7平方公里) 。  4、罗塔市:罗塔岛(Rota,95.7平方公里)。

China has many islands,____the largest is Taiwan

选 d. of which这是倒装句型,of which the largest is 的原来形式是the largest of which is

cayman islands中文歌词

Through the alleyways穿越小巷to cool off in the shadows,在阴影中凉爽then into the street进入街道following the water.沿着水流There"s a bearded man那有一个长着胡须的男人paddling in his canoe,划着他的独木舟looks as if he has看起来就好像come all the way from the Cayman Islands.他是从开曼群岛远道而来These canals, it seems,这些渠道they all go in circles,看起来像是围成了圈places look the same,景色看上去都一样and we"re the only difference.而我们是唯一的不同The wind is in your hair,风在你的头发中穿行it"s covering my view.遮住了我的视线I"m holding on to you,我拥抱着你on a bike we"ve hired until tomorrow.在可以一直租到明天的自行车上If only they could see,如果他们能看到if only they had been here,如果他们曾去过they would understand,他们就会明白how someone could have chosen to go the length I"ve gone,为什么会有人选择像我一样走过这么远的路,to spend just one day riding.只为了用一天的时间骑自行车Holding on to you,拥抱着你I never thought it would be this clear.我从想过会是如此无忧无虑

sedlabanki islands是什么意思


英语中 "岛屿地名" 加the与不加the,有什么规律可循吗? The philippine Islands. Taiwan Island.

hello~这个没有明确的规律,但是:the Philippine Islandsthe Hawaiian Islands加 the 的这类一般前面是以这种地域形容词决定加the的Long Island 长岛Greenland 格陵兰岛Bali 巴厘岛而这类,你会发现,岛名与地域形容词无关

In the sea there are many islands. In its warm waters there are some little ones. We call them ...

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:D小题4:A小题5:C 小题1:.根据文章内容“In the sea there are many islands. In its warm waters there are some little ones. We call them coral(珊瑚) islands.”可知答案为B小题2:根据文章内容“A coral island is very nice to look at. It looks like a ring of land with trees, grass, and flowers on it.”可知答案为C小题3:根据文章内容“In each of these holes a very small sea animal has lived. These sea animals make the coral.“可知答案为D小题4:根据文章内容“Sometimes the wind brought seeds to this earth.”可知答案为A小题5:根据文章内容可知答案为C

乱谈岛屿 (106) 特克斯和凯科斯群岛(Turks and Caicos Islands)

特克斯和凯科斯群岛(Turks and Caicos Islands,简称TCI)地理上是巴哈马群岛的一部分,位于巴哈马群岛的东南部,海地的正北方。分为特克斯和凯科斯两组群岛,由8个有居民的大岛和约100个小岛、珊瑚礁及岩石组成。面积430平方公里,人口5.5万,相当于中国的一个普通镇。 以下内容是我吃了一个咸蛋后写的,大家随便看看~~ 特克斯和凯科斯的早期 历史 与巴哈马群岛基本相同,英法西三国都曾染指这里,但最后的胜利者是英国人。上期讲过,哥伦布抵达巴哈马群岛后,岛上的原始居民卢卡扬人遭到了灭顶之灾。地理上同属巴哈马群岛的特克斯和凯科斯也不例外。但这两组岛屿最早并没有西方殖民者定居。与巴哈马不同的地方在于,特克斯群岛上面是有矿的,岛屿周围的浅水区是含盐量极高的盐碱地,换言之,遍地的盐用耙子耙起来就是钱。因此,从16世纪到17世纪,英国治下的百慕大人定期来到特克斯群岛中的盐礁(Salt Cay)和大特克岛(Grand Turk) 采盐,后面逐步建立起了一定规模的海盐产业。后面的三百多年里,出口海盐一直是岛上的重要收入来源之一。 面对英国人的扩张,法国人和西班牙人联起手来,1706年(清康熙四十五年),从百慕大人手中抢占了特克斯和凯科斯。这段占领时间不长,短短4年后,英国人又重新夺回了这里。夺回这里的英国人力量不足,再加上法国人和西班牙人的袭扰,一开始也没能建立起有效的殖民统治。特克斯和凯科斯一度成为了巴哈马海盗的巢穴。直到半个多世纪后的1766年(清乾隆三十一年),英国才正式将特克斯和凯科斯并为巴哈马殖民地的一部分,由巴哈马殖民政府管理。这种管理非常松散,特克斯和凯科斯仍然维持了相当程度的自治性与独立性。二者之间的关系有点类似于当时的牙买加与开曼群岛。 当然特克斯和凯科斯除了盐业以外,也曾发展过棉花种植、剑麻种植、磷矿(鸟粪)开采等产业,岛上也有黑人奴隶,但与加勒比海上的其他岛的黑人奴隶来源稍许有点不同。特克斯和凯科斯群岛周围的浅水区虽然容易采盐,但对于航海来说却危险重重,相关海域有记载的遇难船只数量就超过了1000艘。其中部分贩奴船的失事,获救的奴隶就留在了这里,被强迫劳动,也最终形成了目前岛上居民以黑人为主的结构。 本来特克斯和凯科斯在巴哈马总督的统治下不咸不淡的过着日子,但1874年(清同治十三年),一场“大巴哈马飓风”(The Great Bahamas Hurricane)席卷了巴哈马群岛,特克斯和凯科斯更是重灾区,大部分的设施被毁于一旦,财政上直接破产。英国政府经过思量,同年将特克斯和凯科斯划归牙买加殖民地管辖。1962年牙买加独立,又重新划回到巴哈马,但没过几年,巴哈马也要独立,因此,英国人将特克斯和凯科斯重新列为单独的一块殖民地。当然了,特克斯和凯科斯也并非没有闹过独立,只不过独立公投没有通过,因此仍然留在了英国的统治之下。 二战后,由于毫无国际竞争力,特克斯和凯科斯的盐业和农业都衰落了,好在1953年,美国在岛上建立了海空军及海岸警卫队的基地,在经济上帮助英国维持住了这个海外领地。特克斯和凯科斯的位置重要性在哪儿呢,一是这里是可以作为大西洋反潜作战的重要的基地,二是这里控制住了古巴前出大西洋的重要通道。 20世纪80年代,为了实现经济转型,特克斯和凯科斯修建了机场、酒店、度假村,成为了 旅游 目的地。号称世界最美海滩的格雷斯湾海滩(Grace Bay Beach )对游客开放,水晶般清澈的海水、精致的珊瑚礁和白色的沙滩吸引了大量的海外游客。今天的特克斯和凯科斯,经济上主要依靠高端 旅游 业和离岸金融服务,这倒是与巴哈马相当一致。 从英属维尔京群岛、开曼群岛、百慕大到特克斯和凯科斯,不难看出,英国的这些海外领地,最终都走向了依靠金融服务和 旅游 业来发展经济的套路。简单分析一下,个人觉得原因无外乎两点,一是英美为代表的西方世界仍然控制着全球金融霸权,二是对英国数百年间的金融吸血鬼传统的传承,毕竟,英国人在金融和贸易方面数百年的积累也不是吹的。 未来若干年,这种局面还会继续维持,除非打破这种旧的世界金融秩序,重建新的更加公平的新秩序后,依附在上面的金融吸血鬼才会被抑制~~

hainan is one islands

很高兴回答你的问题,正确答案为: D 海南是一个岛,对吗? 这里表示一个,用an

Channel Islands?

Channel Islands [地名] 海峡群岛(英国英吉利海峡中的群岛),5,英伦群岛,2,Channel Islands 海峡群岛 Channel Islands(Jersey,Guernsey,Alderney and Sark) 海峡群岛(泽西、根西、奥尔德尼、萨克等四岛),2,Channel是海峡的意思 Islands是岛的意思,2,Channel Islands: 海峡群岛,1,

cayman islands 歌词

歌曲名:cayman islands歌手:Kings Of Convenience专辑:riot on an empty streetEdited By LeoFrom EWR LyricsKings Of Convenience - Cayman IslandsThrough the alleywaysTo cool off in the shadowsThen into the streetFollowing the waterThere"s a bearded manPaddling in his canoeLooks as if he hasCome all the way from the Cayman IslandsThese canals, it seemsThey all go in circlesPlaces look the sameAnd we"re the only differenceThe wind is in your hairIt"s covering my viewI"m holding on to youOn a bike we"ve hired until tomorrowIf only they could seeIf only they had been hereThey would understandHow someone could have chosenTo go the length I"ve goneTo spend just one day ridingHolding on to youI never thought it would be this clear

南海的西沙、中沙群岛西方分别叫Paracel Islands和Macclesfield Islands,这是否是根据一些人的名字命名的

西方称中国西沙群岛的“帕拉塞尔群岛(Paracel Islands)”一词,源自于葡萄牙语,意为“石礁”,就是由中国古籍所称的“石塘”意译而来的。 Macclesfield(马科斯菲尔德)是一艘英国测量船,曾在南海非法测绘,并以该船号命名中沙群岛

pacific islands是什么意思

太平洋岛屿The rise has been most pronounced in the pacific islands. 糖尿病患者人数上升最明显的区域在太平洋岛屿。Another group of south pacific islands, the cook islands areconsiderably less visited than many of its island neighbors. 作为南太平洋群岛的一份子,库克群岛比起它的邻岛,来访量要少得多。Most of the pacific islands were traditional societies, dependent onsubsistence farming and fishing until the mid-20th century. 直到20世纪中期之前,这些太平洋岛国大部分还都是传统社会,赖以为生的是勉强自足的农业和渔业。That the maori people came from the pacific islands of polynesia. 人们都相信毛利人来自太平洋波利尼西亚岛。The two nations are considering building a permanent joint exercisefacility on american-controlled pacific islands around guam. 日美两国目前正考虑在关岛周围美国控制的太平洋岛屿上建立永久性联合军演设施。



super junior islands 歌词分配

本人是SJ小粉一枚 这是我自己听的 望采纳 谢谢Islands (岛群) - Super Junior东海:uae38uc740 uba40uace0 ubb3cuc740 uae4auc5c8uc5b4 路远水深晟敏:ubc1cuc740 uc5bcuace0 uc800 ubc14ub2e4 ub108uba3c ube5bub0acuc9c0 脚步僵住 这片海那边有光亮圭贤:ud750ub974ub294 uc2dcuac04ub4e4uc774 uc794uc794ud558uc9c0 uc54auc740 ub0a0uc5d0ub3c4 即使在流逝的时间都不平静的日子里强仁:ub0b4 ubaa8ub4e0 uc2dcuac04 ud568uaed8 ud574 uc900 ub108 用所有时间陪着我的你始源:ubd88uc548ud558uac8c ub5a8ub9acub294 ub0b4 uc5b4uae68 uc704uc5d0 放在我不安颤抖着的肩膀上厉旭:uc218uba74 uc704ub85c ube44uce58ub294 ub9d0 uc5c6uc774 uc62cub9acub294 ub450 uc190 安慰我入睡 无言抬起来的双手利特:ub9c8uc74cuacfc ub9c8uc74c uc0acuc774ub97c uc774uc5b4uc8fcub294 全: Unfolding road for me 连接着心和心之间的 为我展开的路全:uc5bcub9c8ub098 ub9ceuc740 uac15uc744 uac74ub108uc57c 要穿过多少滔滔江水 uc5bcub9c8ub098 ub113uc740 ubc14ub2ec ud5e4uccd0uc57c 要战胜多少宽广海洋 uafc8 uafd4uc628 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5uacfc ub9ccub0a0 uc218 uc788ub294uc9c0 才能遇见梦想中我的样子呢 uc6b0ub9acuc758 ub9c8uc74cub4e4ub85c uc774uc5b4uc9c4 用我们的心连接的 ub208ubd80uc2e0 ub2e4ub9ac uc704ub97c uac74ub110 ub54c 绚烂的桥梁 越过上面时 ub530ub73bud55c ubbf8uc18cub85c ub10c uadf8 uae38uc5d0 uc11c uc788uc5b4 温暖的微笑着 你站在那条路上圭贤:ub0b4uc77cub85c uac00ub294 uae38 走向明天的路银赫:ub113uc740 ubc14ub2e4 ud55c uac00uc6b4ub370 ub09c 在宽广海洋当中的我 ud06cuac8c uc678uccd0 ud63cuc790uc11c uacacub514ub294 ubc95uc744 ubb3cuc5b4 独自大声呐喊后 掌握了坚持的方法晟敏:uc720ub9ac ucc3duc5d0 ube44uce58ub294 uc9c0ub09c ucd94uc5b5uc740 ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc18duc5d0 ub0b4ub9acub294 ub178uc744uc774 ub3fc 在玻璃窗上看到回忆的我 心里升起了彩霞全:(You are always there), finding road for me 你一直都在 为我探寻道路 全uc5bcub9c8ub098 ub9ceuc740 uac15uc744 uac74ub108uc57c 要穿过多少滔滔江水 uc5bcub9c8ub098 ub113uc740 ubc14ub2ec ud5e4uccd0uc57c 要战胜多少宽广海洋 uafc8 uafd4uc628 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5uacfc ub9ccub0a0 uc218 uc788ub294uc9c0 才能遇见梦想中我的样子呢 uc6b0ub9acuc758 ub9c8uc74cub4e4ub85c uc774uc5b4uc9c4 用我们的心连接的 ub208ubd80uc2e0 ub2e4ub9ac uc704ub97c uac74ub110 ub54c 绚烂的桥梁 越过上面时 ub530ub73bud55c ubbf8uc18cub85c ub10c uadf8 uae38uc5d0 uc11c uc788uc5b4 温暖的微笑着 你站在那条路上晟敏:uc138uc0c1uc774ub780 ud30cub3c4ub97c ub610 uac04uc2e0ud788 ub118uace0uc11c Yeah 好不容易越过了这被叫做世界的波涛耶圭贤:uc57duc18dud588ub358 uacf3uc73cub85c uc870uae08uc529 Closer 向着约定好的地方又进一步敏、贤、旭:ub108uc5d0uac8c Closer Closer Oh 向着你 靠近 靠近哦厉旭:uc774ub984 uc5c6ub294 uc678ub85cuc6b4 uc12c ud558ub098 ub098uc5d0uac8c ub2e4uc2dc ub108ub97c uc774uc5b4uc918 有一座无名的孤岛 重新为我连接你 uc5bcub9c8ub098 ub9ceuc740 uc6b0ub9b4 ub9ccub098uc57c 要遇见多少的我们全:uc5bcub9c8ub098 ub9ceuc740 ub2e4ub9b4 uac74ub108uc57c (贤:year~~) 要穿越多少的桥梁 ub208ubd80uc2e0 uadf8 ub108uba38uc5d0 ub2ffuc744 uc218 uc788ub294uc9c0 才能接触到绚烂的另一边呢 uc6b0ub9acuac00 uacf5uc720ud55c ubaa8ub4e0 uac8c 我们共有的所有一切 ub9e4uc77c ub354 uac00uc2b4 uac00ub4dd ubb3cub4e4uc5b4 每天更加浸染着心脏 uac19uc740 ube5buc73cub85c uc6b0ub9b0 ud558ub098ub85c 用同一束光 我们向着唯一 uc774uc5b4uc838uc788uc5b4 uc601uc6d0ud788 连接好 永远地旭、敏、贤;uc11cub85c ub9c8uc8fcubcf4uba70 ub9c8uc8fcubcf4uba70 凝望着对方 凝望着银赫:Our bridges forever 我们永远的桥


《Island》申彗星2辑 《The Beginning,New Days》by:神话中国说过仅有相爱的心不能相伴过去的追忆这样的东西是那么的无力我不是说过吗停留在离开你的那个瞬间没有任何表情只留有痕迹挺起胸膛 张开双臂我的心抓不住你只是小小的疼痛小小的练习抱过伤心的你独自活下去的我请稍稍记住十分相似的一天不疲惫 不想你求求你回来也许我们爱的份量一样重只是一点点地不同吧如果相爱的时候唯一需要的就是爱我们会更幸福吧我这样的想法 这样的希望我知道这是毫无意义的妄想在你小小的世界里等待着的我的心你能看到吧只是小小的疼痛小小的练习抱过伤心的你独自活下去的我请稍稍记住十分相似的一天不疲惫 不想你求求你回来只是小小的疼痛小小的练习抱过伤心的你独自活下去的我请稍稍记住十分相似的一天不疲惫 不想你求求你回来只是小小的疼痛小小的练习抱过伤心的你独自活下去的我请稍稍记住十分相似的一天不疲惫 不想你求求你回来


找是找到了 不过转载要标ID啊太麻烦了你在度娘搜“|音译|140829*歌词ΓSuper Junior - Islands”点开那个帖子就是了别抽我 是自己人!满意望采纳^^

one islands 还是an island

正确的是:an island。意思是:一个岛屿。因为i是元音,所以前面用an。重点词汇:island英['au026alu0259nd]释义:n.岛,岛屿;岛状物,孤立体;脑岛,胰岛。v.使成岛(状),使孤立。【名】(Island)(英)艾兰(人名)。[复数:islands;第三人称单数:islands;现在分词:islanding;过去式:islanded;过去分词:islanded]短语:Rhode Island罗得岛州;罗德岛州;罗得岛。词语辨析:island,peninsula。这两个名词都可表示“岛”之意。1、island普通用词,指一般的岛屿,即海里被水环绕、面积比大陆小的陆地,或河、湖中被水环绕的陆地。2、peninsula指三面临水一面连接大陆地,即半岛。

Kajagoogoo的《Islands》 歌词

歌曲名:Islands歌手:Kajagoogoo专辑:IslandsThe XX - IslandsI don"t have to leave anymoreWhat I have is right hereSpend my nights and days beforeSearching the world for what"s right hereUnderneath and unexploredIslands and cities I have lookedHere I sawSomething I couldn"t over lookI am yours nowSo now I don"t ever have to leaveI"ve been found outSo now I"ll never exploreSee what I"ve doneThat bridge is on fireGoing back to where I"ve beenI"m froze by desireNo need to leaveWhere would I beIf this were to go underThat"s a risk I"d takeI"m froze by desireAs if a choice I"d makeI am yours nowSo now I don"t ever have to leaveI"ve been found outSo now I"ll never exploreI am yours nowSo now I don"t ever have to leaveI"ve been found outSo now I"ll never exploreSo now I"ll never explore

太平洋的金丝雀群岛CANARY ISLANDS是以什麼动物命名的 ?


tropical islands是什么意思?Guam是关岛吗?

tropical 是热带的 形容词 islands 是岛屿 名词 复数 直译过来是热带的岛屿吧

guernsey channel islands 是哪里

Bailiwick of Guernsey, Channel Islands 英属海峡群岛根西岛根西岛是英国的海外属地,位于英吉利海峡靠近法国海岸线的海峡群岛之中,同周围一些小岛组成了根西行政区(Bailiwick of Guernsey)。行政区总面积78平方千米,为英国三大皇家属地之一。

Islands的《The Drums》 歌词

歌曲名:The Drums歌手:Islands专辑:VapoursIslands - The DrumsThe drums once loudly resonant don"t resonate in tuneThe drumming feels a little slow yet somehow comes too soonBruised skin I can"t take another hitwithout youThe pockets were one lined in timeThe seams seemed to bare threadEmptying my pockets nowFinds crumbs where there was breadSmooth skin asking only for a hitAnd asking niceThe drums

Treasure Islands 歌词

歌曲名:Treasure Islands歌手:David Lowe专辑:Wild Caribbean - Original Music By David LoweTreasure IslandRunning WildPile of SkullsSquire Trelawny and Dr. Livesay having asked me, Jim Hawkins,特朗尼法官和李弗瑟长官要求我,吉姆·霍金斯,to tell everybody the whole tale about the "Island",把发生在岛上的事情巨细无遗地告诉大家。Flint"s treasure and Mr. Silver.有关弗林特的宝藏,席尔瓦先生(应该是后面‘白银"号船长)Keeping nothing back but its position and that only,带回来的只是它的地点,because the major part of the treasure has not been lifted yet. 宝藏本身现在仍深深沉在海底。I personally think we would never have begun this adventure我真希望自己从未参加and set course with the "Hispaniola", if we had known“西斯帕尼奥拉”号的这次冒险,可惜当初what would happen and that some of us would never return,不知道我们中的一些人永远也回不来,having lost their lives. Sometimes the whole story haunts dreams他们搭上了性命。这件事时常光顾我的梦境,and brings me the worst nightmares I ever had.将我带入前所未有的恐怖梦魇。That"s when I hear the cries of the fallen,梦里充斥着落水者的哭喊,the waves pounding the rocks on the coast and Captain Flint"s海浪拍击着岸上的岩石,以及弗林特船长raw voice screaming: "Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! Hahahah!".冷冰冰的声音在喊叫:‘大卸八块!大卸八块!哈哈哈哈!"。And I tell you, no oxen and wain ropes will ever take me我告诉你们,就算是公牛和战车back to "Treasure Island"!!!也休想把我再拉回‘珍宝岛"!!!Treasure Island珍宝岛Artist(Band):Running Wild编译:jionMr. Bones is fighting "Black Dog"‘骨头"先生跟‘黑犬"打得正欢He want to split him to the chine他要把他扯成两半"Blind Pew" the bringer of the spot‘盲眼裴"带着新目标Horse-hooves trampling his spine快马加鞭赶来We have the map to start our trip我们拿着地图,出发航行The "Squire" has the ship and the sailors‘老爷"号提供船和水手"Long John" is the man with the grip‘长约翰"是掌舵之人(指船长)No one knows he will raid us没人知道他将突袭我们The yell of the slain杀戮的喊叫The waves on the rocks海浪拍击岩石Captain Flint"s raising hell弗林特船长从地狱而来He"s calling my name他喊着我的名字To drive me insane让我陷入疯狂But I"ll never return to而我再也不愿回去Treasure Island珍宝岛Where the brave fell勇者丧命之处A one-legged devil瘸腿的恶魔From the pit of hell来自深渊地狱A greedy demon on his treasury贪婪地守护着他的宝藏Cursed the island, oh, eternally诅咒着那个小岛,哦,永生永世"Long John" is spreading his law‘长约翰"要扩张他的势力Hatching a death bringing plot策划着阴谋带来死亡I show up in a council of war我混进了一场战争议会What I heard in the barrel from this toad躲在木桶里偷听到这诡计The yell of the slain杀戮的喊叫The waves on the rocks海浪拍击岩石Captain Flint"s raising hell弗林特船长从地狱而来He"s calling my name他喊着我的名字To drive me insane让我陷入疯狂But I"ll never return to而我再也不愿回去Treasure Island珍宝岛Where the brave fell勇者丧命之处A one-legged devil瘸腿的恶魔From the pit of hell来自深渊地狱A greedy demon on his treasury贪婪地守护着他的宝藏Cursed the island, oh, eternally诅咒着那个小岛,哦,永生永世We see the land, shining sand我们看见了陆地,闪亮的沙滩But it can be our grave但那是我们的墓地I jump the boat, overload我跳下船,游上岸Trying to be too brave表现太过英勇Burning sun, find "Ben Gunn"烈日如炎,找到‘枪手本"号Assassins claim the ship偷袭者要来夺船I cut the rope, I try to cope我切断绳索,我试图抵抗To free it from "Hand"s" grip不让船被拖走Bulling row, cannon law成排的壮汉,还有加农炮The jolly-boats last trip欢乐的小船赶上它们的最后旅程Killing tried, stockade fight杀戮,围剿"Silver"s" quit‘白银"号上暴徒叛乱Abandonment, to "Silver"s" hand他们将船遗弃A cunning pack is made陷阱已经设好Trick or treat, make scoundrels欺骗讹诈,恶毒无耻Bleed, their dullness will be paid流血吧,他们要为愚蠢付出代价I stumble to the stockade我蹒跚走向栏栅The sweat drips form my brow额头冷汗直冒No one keeps a lockout, oh no!没人被锁在外面,哦不!The rabble owns it now强盗已将它占有"Silver" tries to shield me‘白银"号试着保护我The "Black spot" comes again‘黑斑"号再次出现He throws the map onto the ground那人将地图扔到地面He plays a tricky game他玩着这狡诈的游戏Pickaxe, rope and shovel镐子,绳索和铁锹The dead-man marks the way死尸就是路标No chest, no gold, no silver没有宝箱,没有金子,没有银子2 guineas is their pay两个畿尼〔旧时英国金币,合21先令〕就是酬劳Musket cracks like thunder枪火如同闪电The blood is running red鲜血四处飞溅"Ben Gunn" kept the treasure‘枪手本"号藏着财宝From beginning to end自始至终When we put back to the sea当我们回到海上"Silver"s" chains are doubly tight‘白银"号被死死拴住"Long John" and his counterfeit key‘长约翰"带着他仿制的钥匙Sidle away through the night夜里悄悄溜走The yell of the slain杀戮的喊叫The waves on the rocks海浪拍击岩石Captain Flint"s raising hell弗林特船长从地狱而来He"s calling my name他喊着我的名字To drive me insane让我陷入疯狂But I"ll never return to而我再也不愿回去Treasure Island珍宝岛Where the brave fell勇者丧命之处A one-legged devil瘸腿的恶魔From the pit of hell来自深渊地狱A greedy demon on his treasury贪婪地守护着他的宝藏Cursed the island, oh, eternally诅咒着那个小岛,哦,永生永世Treasure Island珍宝岛Where the brave fell勇者丧命之处A one-legged devil瘸腿的恶魔From the pit of hell来自深渊地狱A greedy demon on his treasury贪婪地守护着他的宝藏Cursed the island, oh, eternally诅咒着那个小岛,哦,永生永世Treasure Island!!!珍宝岛!!!【END】