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为何已配对的混合型智能手表没有同步? – MYMISFIT guide

这可能是以下原因之一: 如果手表被移到手机的蓝牙范围之外,可能会断开连接。如果手机和手表之间没有门、墙或其他障碍物,蓝牙范围为10米(30英尺)。手机上可能禁用了蓝牙。应用程序将通知您蓝牙未启用,并要求打开它。尝试使用手机的蓝牙设置启用您手机上的蓝牙。如果已启用,请尝试关闭蓝牙后再打开。 如果是在手机的蓝牙范围内,但手表仍然不同步,则手表的电池电量可能不足。按照“如何安装/更换电池”中的步骤更换电池。 如果更换电池后,手表在手机的蓝牙范围内仍然断开连接,尝试将蓝牙关闭然后再打开。 如果这些建议均无效,请点击应用设置中的支持按钮联系我们。

为何无法将我的手表与手机配对? – MYMISFIT guide

这可能是以下原因之一: 您还没有下载并安装此应用。按照“常规设置和应用程序”中的说明进行操作。 您的电池电量不足。按照"如何知道混合型智能手表的电池电量不足、需要更换?" 您的手表和手机的距离可能不够接近。将您的手表移近手机。 手机上可能禁用了蓝牙。应用程序将通知您蓝牙未启用,并要求打开它。尝试使用手机的蓝牙设置启用您手机上的蓝牙。如果已启用,请尝试关闭蓝牙后再打开。 您可能需要解除手表的配对,然后重新与手机连接。 可能需要退出应用再重新进入。

我该如何安装或更换 Shine 的电池? – MYMISFIT guide

你可以自行为 Shine 更换电池。特殊的电池更换工具已包含在 Shine 包装中。如果你丢失了自己的工具,建议使用平头螺丝刀或修眼镜的螺丝刀。请按照下列步骤安装或更换你的电池: 1. 将附带的电池工具推入槽口并撬开后盖至其抬起。 2. 将电池 (+) 极朝下装入后盖。 3. 将指示 12 点位上方的“12”对齐前盖槽口。 4. 用力将两片紧紧按在一起,听到”咔哒“一声即可。 5. 正面亮灯指示电池安装成功。

如何查看订单物流状态? – MYMISFIT guide

当你在我们的网站下单时,你应收到一封确认所购产品的电子邮件。我们的团队将会在 24 小时内(不包括周末和节假日)处理你的信用卡并为你发货。 如果你没收到订单或运单确认,请仔细检查你的收件箱,包括你的垃圾邮件。 美国订单(适用免运费) 你将会在 5-8 个工作日内收到你所订购的产品。 对于 Shine 及其配件这类产品的多数订单,你将收到一封带有 USPS 或 FedEx 运单追踪编号的确认函。对于单个卡环或运动表带这样的小件,我们会使用 USPS First 平邮,你不会收到追踪编号,但应会在 5-8 个工作日内收到包裹。 国际订单(不适用于免运费) 你应在 7-14 个工作日内收到你所订购的产品。但有时海关延迟或可导致运单耗时 3-4 周送达给你。请注意,任何税费或通关费用由买家承担。这类收费不包含在寄送费用中,你将直接缴付。 如果产品已经送至你的国家/目的地,但你拒绝接受订单并联系我们退款,请注意,我们将按产品价格退款,但不负责退还你的运费或税费。



misfit shine怎么用

1、在手机上下载Misfit Shine软件。2、注册之后打开主界面。需要先找到下方的“设备”选项,然后把手环靠近手机,在手机打开蓝牙的前提下,点击“同步”,便可以把自己运动或睡眠的相关数据上传到手机上。3、点击下方“我”选项卡,会显示出自己过往总的运动状态。4、点击下方“社交”选项卡,显示的是全世界所有使用Misfit Shine手环的人们以及他们各自的运动状态。5、点击下方“主页”选项卡,会显示自己的详细活动情况和睡眠情况。



misfit shine2安卓怎么使用

  1,在360 手机软件里下载shine2,下载安装然后打开软件选择登陆(注:安卓系统的无法用用 新浪微博账号登陆)点击电子邮箱注册3,输入电子邮件和密码(注:密码需要6个字母以上才可以登陆成功)4,登陆进去之后填写个人资料,如下图5,然后连接shine 6,开启蓝牙7,主页面可查看自己的进度8,在主页面右上角点击可以查看shine9,在设置里面可以更改自己的资料,还有其他。(这里 sad 就不多说了哈。)三:手环使用: 1.敲击两下: 会显示运动多少 有多少灯亮就是运动多少了,如果只有两个灯亮那么你就要加油了,还有10个小灯才能完成目标哦~~~(看个人设置),显示之后会显示时间(这个要看大家如何设定了,可以优先显示时间。)注意哦~~一定要像戴手表一样把手表12 带正哦不然你就无法看到你的时间了哦~~ 2.敲击三下会记录你的运动如下图的运动都可以记录,操作:先选择你要运动的选项点击打钩,然后同步,然后在敲击shine 三下灯会循坏闪烁,这个时候就是shine 准备记录你的运动了。【注:上面有写游泳的选项, sad 建议大家最好不要把手环用于有水的,表面沾一些可以接受,但是最好不要游泳,洗澡使用,虽然网上说shine 是防水,但是大家想想 shine是装电池的,防水量又有多少呢?,所以建议大家不要用于游泳,洗澡,不然到时候洗澡都是比较麻烦的了哦~~ !!!还有一点哦,shine是金属的,所以也不要用于有化学用品的成分不然shine会像变色龙一样哦~~~】

可穿戴智能设备 Misfit Shine 的实际使用体验如何?

用了两个礼拜。。然后掉了, 说下使用感受吧 先说优点: 主要相比 flex jawbone以及nike fuelband 1、外形漂亮,这个极重要,这个是我每天带他很重要的一个持续理由,并且容易搭衣服,视觉上显得不多余。这个是之前手环都不具备的 2、因为佩戴灵活,在穿戴体验上不显多余,相比下flex 、jawbone实际使用过程中,搁手啊, 排汗,不透气啊,重量啊各种存在感太强了。。到后来就不愿意用了 3、电池,因为不用充电,据说2-4个月,这个非常重要。但是还没验证,但是短期用下来,不用充电,确实省心。 4、里程碑,提醒,每日完成度,数据同步的交互方式。。做的比较用心,算都是小优点。。 5、shine 还支持硬体rom 的更新,这点蛮不错的,功能迭代速度也不错说缺点:1、数据精准度,对跑步以及运动类型的判断,不够精确 2、对骑车、足球、篮球等运功模型,需要app内切换,这个非常麻烦。 3、对睡眠的处理也是,作为一个模式,需要手动切换,这个也不方便。。所以我都没有使用。可以忽略这个功能。 总的来说,是个潮品,体验佳品,对自己身体状态也能有个大概的跟踪,做参考和健身触动也还okay关于掉了======为什么会掉,那天是出门旅游,shine的一个特点,就是可以佩戴在任何地方,看上去都还安全,我掉的那天,神使鬼差的带在了裤子上了,然后去上厕所了,然后压根就没意识到它的存在,一直到上飞机,以及完了,基本断定是洗手间掉了。。 给自己找理由说,可随意佩戴,可能会让你忘记它存在,




deadline咯~ 复合词就是俩词组合在一起的~ 剩下的那些都是前后缀,算不上复合词~

什么是独立功能? – MYMISFIT guide

独立使用是 Misfit 应用程序 2.8.0 及以上版本的全新功能。iOS 和 Android 设备上均可使用。 有了独立使用功能,你现在只需要在 Misfit 应用程序上就可以追踪你的步数和睡眠。只需要前往 Devices > (+) > Don"t have a device yet? > Track My Motion > OK 来启动步数追踪。此后,当你准备睡觉时,前往 Home > Sleep > I"m ready > 按照屏幕上的说明启动睡眠追踪。


我个人感觉 Flash 其实是为了解决表面划伤和同步经常性不成功这两个问题的。我现在已经 Pre-order ,当然我用着 Shine 也已经很开心。如果有机会,到时候做个对比评测。————割一下————今天收到 Flash 了,外形质感真的和 Shine 差得太多,整一超级大塑料,而且说是耐刮,其实盘面上收到时已经有一道凹痕,而且表带配件边缘处理十分粗糙, Made in China 估计,稍后上几张图给大家看看。从这一点上来看,本来 Misfit 最重要的就是 Bigger ,所以你们懂得的,这个 Flash 完全就是为了普及所做的妥协(考虑到各种廉价智能手环的占坑行为), Shine 还是 Misfit 的中坚力量。一周后补充使用体验和对比。—————再割—————来图了,用了一天,感觉外观塑料感非常重,逼格木有了,但是确实同步成功率提升很大,按钮很给力,但是表面的 LED 漏光较为严重,属于牺牲逼格换取实用性的典型例子。Flash 的表带戴在手上会嘎吱作响……应该是塑料件之间相互摩擦的关系……Flash 佩戴相比 Shine 舒适很多。最主要的原因是由于塑料更为轻便,且塑料腕带具有一定的形状固定能力,不像 Shine 的腕带由于是橡胶的缘故,产生紧绷感。有好几次,我都忘了自己还带着 Flash 。另外,此次 Flash 上所配置的按钮也非常优秀,力反馈感非常到位,且处于正中心位置,按钮硬度足够,不宜误触,相比 Shine 的拍击触发时间进度显示,按钮触发的 Flash 能够避免大部分误触和不灵民的问题。不仅如此,此次 Flash 在大部分颜色的产品上都默认配置了红色 LED ,相比 Shine 默认的白色 LED ,解决了强光下不易看清的问题。当然,以上这些改进都是有代价的,最大的代价就是逼格下降了很多,起码我很难想像还会有人误把 Flash 当成一件配饰。由此可见, Flash 确实是一个经过精心设计,考量之后才推出的产品,并不完全是 Shine 廉价化之后的产品。下图从左到右依次是:Sony Smart Watch 2 , Misfit Shine (非原装表带) , Misfit Flash上手效果(均为原装表带):这么一看是不是立马就觉得 Shine 不知道比 Flash 高到哪里去了……当然, Misfit 这下倒是实用性和功能性都兼顾了,可惜不是在同一个产品上。

misfit app连接显示糟糕

原因和解决办法如下。原因分析:Lenovo Vantage软件需要TLS1.2协议支持,但系统默认状态下Internet选项,未启用TLS1.2。解决方案:按如下步骤,启用TLS 1.2协议即可。打开Internet Explorer,依次点击“工具-Internet选项-高级-使用TLS1.2",勾选复选框,点击确定。





misfit flash怎么用


misfit shine怎么用

我也是这个问题 无法连接蓝牙 无法同步 急盼高手回复

amy studt的《Misfit》 歌词

歌曲名:Misfit歌手:amy studt专辑:Miss IndependentSo you think you got it all worked outYou got your hotpants onYou got your arse right out, youThink you"re something new and specialAnd me and my drop-dress, we won"t two at allSpent so long tryin" to fit the prototypeKept a stick in the gears and I never got it rightWhat"s the use?What"s the point?You"ve got the wrong girl, ohSo keep on doin" whatYou"re doin" down thereCos I"ll be flying higherWaste your own timeI don"t careAnything you can do, I can do betterAll you girlsYou look and flip your hairAnd wonder why I"m still here, wellYou"re superficialI"m a misfitBut, baby, that"s okAll you girlsWhen you look into the mirrorTell me how do you appear, wellYou"re superficialI"m a misfitYou"re superficialI"m a misfit(Ah)But that"s okSo you got your little groups and gangsYou got your VIPYour member-only thingsYour happy-clappys and your VC crewAnd if you get in their way, they got 10 on youAnd I don"t wanna be in their gameDon"t wanna follow the leader, no way!What"s the use?What"s the point?You"ve got the wrong girlSo what we don"t look the same?(So what we don"t, so what we don"t?)So what I don"t play your game?(So what I don"t, so what I don"t)Spoken: So what if I don"t?http://music.baidu.com/song/10315808





Elefant的《Misfit》 歌词

歌曲名:Misfit歌手:Elefant专辑:Sunlight Makes Me ParanoidLesley Roy---MisfitYou never close your eyesYou never sleep at nightYou are an emotional nightmareYou are a misfitYou like to hurt yourselfAnd you don"t know whyYou"re trapped inside your own,hell No one else knows your nameSee the misfit in the mirrorSee the freak that lives insideSee the misfit in the mirror crySee the one nobody wanted,Shattered by a world of liesSee the misfit in the mirror dieYou always crash your car,You"re like a permanent scar,You"re just a walking disasterYou are the opposite of moving fasterWhen you"ve pushed around,When all your walls fall downAnd when they call you misfitit"s so hard to stop the rageSee the misfit in the mirrorSee the freak that lives insideSee the misfit in the mirror crySee the one nobody wanted,Shattered by a world of liesSee the misfit in the mirror dieI see you and I see everything that I hateDarkness all around me, makes me suffocateSee the misfit in the mirrorSee the freak that lives insideSee the misfit in the mirror crySee the one nobody wanted,Shattered by a world of liesSee the misfit in the mirror diehttp://music.baidu.com/song/881830







The Misfits的《Attitude》 歌词

歌曲名:Attitude歌手:The Misfits专辑:Static AgeLoyiso - AttitudeThere"s a place I"ll like to call your ownIt"s situated in my heartI see you knocking but you can"t come inYou"re full of mistakes, you make my heart breakAnd all those times you said you were on your wayAnd made me wait, all night and dayI"m getting tired of these silly gamesYou need to give more or else you"re out the doorOut with your attitude,out with you telling me "I love you"If you don"t come around,soon, I"ll be telling you "I hate you"See I love those hanging by your friendsThat seems to break if you don"t endAll those things that you keep on bringing upLike it"s all my fault that we don"t make upIf you think I am stupid, I don"t see your liesYour tears don"t show me, from your eyesI"m getting ready, packing all your bagsYou need to give more or else you"re out the doorOh, oh, yeah, yeah, ohI hate to see you cryingOh, oh, yeah, yeah, ohI hate to see you cryingOh, oh, yeah, yeah, ohI hate to see you cryingOh, oh, yeah, yeah, ohI"ve been complainingOut with your attitude,(out with your attitude),out with you telling me "I love you"(you said you loved me)If you don"t come around,(if you don"t come around)soon, I"ll be telling you "I hate you"(Baby baby)(I hate you)http://music.baidu.com/song/2968001

The Misfits的《Halloween》 歌词

歌曲名:Halloween歌手:The Misfits专辑:Legacy Of BrutalityHalloweenHello?Remember me?Who"s there?I"ve got your numberOh no, noI"m back to haunt youNo, stay awayHa ha ha ha haIt"s Friday nightSo creepy outsideIt"s is thundering and lightningThere"s nobody homeCause I"m all aloneIt"s scary and it"s frighteningThe sound of shoesA shadow that movesSomething odd is tic tac tickingSomeone"s in hereI"m so full of fearThe telephone is ringingNow I can see youOh no, please noNow I can touch youOh god, please goI am right here nowOh please, tell me whereHa ha ha haI"m in a nightmareYou better runI"m back to haunt you downHalloween, in the death of the night, hear me screamI"m coming, I"m comingHalloween, is the fear that I fight, in my dreamKeep running, keep runningJust keep running - oh, keep on running, yeahJust keep runningJust keep running - oh, keep on running, yeahJust keep runningHell broke outOn this Friday nightZombies passing deadlyMy Candyman, from BountylandIs coming here to get meNow I can see youOh no, please noNow I can touch youOh god, please goI am right here nowOh please tell me whereHa ha ha haI"m in a nightmareYou better runI"m back to haunt you downHalloween, in the death of the night, hear me screamI"m coming, I"m comingHalloween, is the fear that I fight, in my dreamKeep running, keep runningJust keep running - oh keep on running, yeahJust keep runningJust keep running - oh keep on running, yeahJust keep runningIt"s squeaking and creakingI move silent in the night, hahahahahaCould be the boy from next-doorYou"ll never guess my disguiseHahahahaha!Kids and children fight and candlelightYou might be the fearsome one at Junior HighTonight!Halloween, in the death of the night, hear me screamI"m coming, I"m comingHalloween, is the fear that I fight, in my dreamKeep running, keep runningHalloween...Just keep running - oh, keep on running, yeahJust keep runningJust keep running - oh, keep on running, yeahJust keep runningAhhhhhhh!!!!!!!http://music.baidu.com/song/2637987


  Misfits(错配)乐队成立于1976年,他们用迅猛的拔弦与鼓击、镲钹音效和雄浑有力的人声开创了一条与布鲁斯先辈关系暧昧的、特立独行的摇滚路线。  1977 年,Misfits推出首只单曲Cough/Cool之后。乐队发行了无数单曲与EP唱片,EP长篇中为出色的十一肯尼迪被刺杀现场照片作封面的 Bullet(子弹)。1982年,乐队推出首张专辑Walk A mong Us(在我们之间行走)。1983年专辑Earth A D/Wolfsblood(地球公元/狼血)出版,Misfits完成了最后一次演出后解散,原因是主唱丹泽(Danzig)过多的个人活动。  Misfits 人员更换频繁,唯一不变的是主唱丹泽(Danzig)和贝斯手杰瑞.欧利(Jerry Only)。但丹泽(Danzig)由于其词曲作者和乐队灵魂人物的身份而日益显出独立发展的预兆。1981年,丹泽(Danzig)与乐队当任鼓手组建了大红大紫的重金属乐队——Danzig(丹泽)乐队的前身Samhain乐队。  1997年,Misfits在没有核心人物丹泽 (Danzig)的情况下由贝斯手杰瑞.欧利(Jerry Only)重组。1997的专辑American Psycho(美国神经病人)除了在歌曲时间与弦速度上与当年的Misfits一至外,歌词已完全蜕变(成为了一只不谈政治的朋克乐队)。1999年,专辑Famous Monster(著名怪兽)出版。2001年,Misfits推出专辑Cut From The Crypt(地穴的伤口),2003年,著名的Ramones(雷蒙斯)的鼓手Marky Ramones和Black Flag(黑旗)的吉他手Dez加入,或许预示着乐队的一个新的开始,同年,推出专辑Project 1950(1950年回放)。  这是一张向Misfits致敬专辑~包含了Pennywise ,Therapy? ,NOFX等乐队的翻唱。  曲目 · · · · · ·  She - Snapcase  Astro Zombies - Pennywise  20 Eyes - Shades Apart  T.V. Casualties - Tanner  Where Eagles Dare - Therapy?  London Dungeon - Prong  Death Comes Ripping - 108  Mommy, Can I Go Out And Kill Tonight - Bouncing Souls  Ghouls Night Out - Goldfinger  Horror Business - Deadguy  All Hell Breaks Loose - Sick Of It All  Last Caress - NOFX  Earth A.D. - Earth Crisis  Return Of The Fly - Farside

The Misfits的《Bullet》 歌词

歌曲名:Bullet歌手:The Misfits专辑:Static AgeMy legs are dangling off the edgeThe bottom of the bottle is my only friendI think I"ll slit my wrists againAnd I"m gone, gone, gone, goneMy legs are dangling off the edgeA stomach full of pills didn"t work againI put a bullet in my headAnd I"m gone, gone, gone, goneGone too far, yeah I"m gone againIt"s gone on too long, tell you how it endsI"m sitting on the edge with my 2 best friendsOne"s a bottle of pills and one"s a bottle of ginI"m 20 stories up, yeah I"m up at the topI"ll polish off this bottle, now it"s pushing me offAsphalt to me has never looked so softI bet my momma found my letter, now she"s calling the copsI gotta take this oppurtunity before I miss it"Cause now I hear the sirens and they"re off in the distanceBelieve me when I tell u that I"ve been persistent"Cuz I"m more scarred, more scarred than my wrist isI"ve been tryin" too long with too dull of a knifeBut tonight I made sure that I sharpened it twiceI never bought a suit before in my lifeBut when you go to meet God, you know u wanna look niceSo if I survive then I"ll see you tomorrowYeah I"ll see you tomorrowMy legs are dangling off the edgeThe bottom of the bottle is my only friendI think I"ll slit my wrists againAnd I"m gone, gone, gone, goneMy legs are dangling off the edgeA stomach full of pills didn"t work againI put a bullet in my headAnd I"m gone, gone, gone, goneWe hit the sky, there goes the lightNo more sun, why"s it always night?When u can"t sleep well, you can"t dreamWhen u can"t dream well, what"s life mean?We feel a little pity but don"t emphathizeThe old are getting older, watch a young man dieA mother and a son and someone ya knowSmile at each other and realize you don"tYou don"t know what happened to that kid u raisedWhat happened to the father, who swore he"d stay?I didn"t know "cuz you didn"t sayNow Momma feels guilt, now Momma feels pain,When you were young, you never thought you"d dieFound that you could but too scared to try,You looked in the mirror and you said goodbye,Climbed up the roof to see if u could flySo if I survive then I"ll see u tomorrowYeah I"ll see u tomorrowMy legs are dangling off the edgeThe bottom of the bottle is my only friendI think I"ll slit my wrists againAnd I"m gone, gone, gone, goneMy legs are dangling off the edgeA stomach full of pills didn"t work againI put a bullet in my headAnd I"m gone, gone, gone, goneI wish that I could flyWay up in the skyLike a bird so highOh I might just tryI wish that I could flyWay up in the skyLike a bird so highOh I might just tryOh I might just tryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2968149