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i puzzled over it for hours before it finally 是什么意思

i puzzled over it for hours before it finally我困惑了几个小时才双语对照例句:1.I puzzled over it for a time and eventually I was able to think of another equation whichwould get over the logical difficulties of the negative probabilities. 我为此困惑过一段时间,最终我得以想到另一个方程,这个方程可以克服负概率的逻辑困难。

用英语短语write sth to sb造句

write on Please write on one side of the paper only. 请写在这张纸的一面上. write down I want to write down what you just said. 我想把你方才所说的写下来. write off He wrote off three cars in a year because of his dreadful driving. 因他的可怕的驾车技术,他一年内报废了三辆车. write up Mr.Black wrote up their acting in the play. 布莱克先生写文章,赞扬他们在这个剧中的演技.


writtenadj.write 的过去分词计算机英语翻译write: 写入write off: 注销,取消word write: 字写入, 字组写入write cycle: 写入周期write cache: 写入式高速缓冲存储器write access: 写入存取write buffer: 写入缓冲器write strobe: 写入选通write enabled: 使能写入write per bit: 逐位写入write through: 透写write back cache: 回写式高速缓冲存储器write through cache: 透写式高速缓冲存储器write precompensation: 写入预补偿write through mechanism: 透写式机制write once read many optical disk: 单写多读型光盘相关资料参考:该内存不能为"read" 该内存不能为"written"


write down的同义短语有很多,比如 set down 记下、write off 勾销、put down 镇压。 扩展资料 write down中文意思是“写下;减低帐面价值”,比如Write down your address at the check back please.请在支票背面写下你的`地址,write down的同义短语有很多,比如 set down 记下、write off 勾销、put down 镇压。





write 的反义词是啥


He asks them to write their names on their book对吗


write down和write的用法

write 后面有宾语要加介词如:write with a pen. write to my mother. write down these words.

inventory write-down和inventory write-off 是什么意思

inventory write-down存货跌价inventory write-off存货呆账,(或报废)

Now write about your classroom. 翻译?

Now write about your classroom. 翻译现在写一下你的教室。注祈使句是动词原形开头。

writed 短语都有啥?

Never write what you not sign.[谚]不要写你不敢署名的文章. nothing [something] to write home about 不值得[值得]大书特书的事情,平平常常 What I have written I have written.既已写了就坚决不改. write away[off]for 函购; 写信索取 write down写(记)下来 用文字攻击,贬低,批评 减低帐面价值 把...描述成; 把...看作是 降低(地位或身分) 写通信[普及]文章 write for 撰(投)稿; 为(生活)写文章 写信订购 write home about (因有好处而)值得详述;很精采;值得大书特书 write in 向...提出书面意见[要求] 发信索取(样品); 发信订货 把...写入; 把...补进 [美]在选票上写进(非原定候选人的名字) write off 勾销,注销(债款等); 报废 流畅地写,当场写,提笔就写(文章等) 看不起,认为无价值 毁掉,杀掉,干掉; 结束 函购,发信索取 write off as 把...描写成; 把...看成,把...贬低为 write oneselft off 被击毙 write oneself out (作家等)才华已尽,题材枯竭 write out 写出; 缮写 取消(广播剧或电视剧中的)某一角色 write over 改写,重写 写满 write up 写在高处; 指示 用文字赞扬 一直写到最近事情 详细写,指导写下来 提高帐面价值,[美]开传票传唤 向...提出书面意见


write的读音为/rau026at/,是一个常用的英语动词,意为“写”。除了常规的用法外,write还有一些其他的用法和固定搭配,下面将进行介绍。write down:写下,记录。例如:Please write down your name and address.(请写下你的姓名和地址。)write off:注销,取消。例如:The company decided to write off the bad debts.(公司决定注销坏账。)write up:撰写,写成。例如:He wrote up a report on the project.(他撰写了一份关于该项目的报告。)handwriting:手写,笔迹。例如:Her handwriting is very neat and tidy.(她的笔迹非常整洁。)rewrite:重写,修改。例如:I had to rewrite the essay because it was full of mistakes.(我不得不重写这篇文章,因为它充满了错误。)writer:作家,作者。例如:He is a famous writer who has won many awards.(他是一位获得多项奖项的著名作家。)handwriting analysis:笔迹分析。例如:Handwriting analysis can reveal a lot about a person"s personality.(笔迹分析可以揭示一个人的性格特征。)

write of 和write 区别? 分别什么时候用?

write-offn.[会计]销帐, 勾销, 帐面价值的削减, 不再有任何价值的东西write offv.注销, 勾销, 取消

在商务英语中write off和write-off的区别

1.definition of write-off : To charge an asset amount to expense or loss, in order to reduce the value of that asset and one"s earnings.2.She has written off an account of her trip。流利地写出

Write-Off 是什么意思??

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Write-Off的翻译是销记、注销,您所说的这个词语,是属于CMA核心词汇的一个,这个词的意义如下:将一项资产的价值金额记入开支或损失项下,以减低资产或有关盈利的价值。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

lump-sum write off intangibles是什么意思

lump-sum write off intangibles [经] 无形资产金额一次冲帐 [例句]Households will be helped as banks just write off part of their boomtime lending.随着银行减记繁荣时期的部分贷款,应对家庭有所帮助。


write sb.=write sb. sth.


write 的意思着重写,写字不一是做作业,do homework 才是写作业的意思。


更新1: 如果条款是先落订金, 让供应商安排日后事宜, 但现因环境有变, 我方无法对现订货条款 (问题出自我方), 最后也会是去了 BAD DEBT ? ,最后也会是去了 BAD DEBT ? 答: 这是错误的。 何谓坏帐(BAD DEBT) ? 坏帐: 就是一间公司销售产品或服务给客户时, 对方没有依据合约付款, 在会计上的处理, 把没法收回的款项, 记录在坏帐的帐户里。现在客观的情况 - 如果条款是先落订金, 让供应商安排日后事宜, 但现因环境有变, 我方无法对现订货条款 (问题出自我方)。 由于购买货物和销售, 本身已是两码子的事情, 因此, BAD DEBT是错误的处理。应该如何? 或以一个小例子陈述; 假设, 购置机器的金额是$500,000, 首付2成金额, 8成金额在货物到后付清; 现放弃首付, 有关的记录如下: 首付当日的记录Deposit-Machinery……….$100,000 Cash/Bank………………$100,000放弃首付, 解除购买机器合约Operation Loss…………………$100,000 Deposit-Machinery…………….$100,000 2012-07-22 20:48:23 补充: Operation Loss…………………$100,000 There is no such item in Statement of Comprehensive Ine. Moreover, this is not a good aount name in the Chart of Aounts 看来阁下真的要集思广益了, Operation Loss是under extraordinary item, 如有需要, 请参阅 Review of the Ine Statement。 2012-07-22 23:06:02 补充: 在大学里, 读会计学科的人, 是应该懂得 extraordinary item中的operation loss, 除非, 是那些只为考LCCI的课程。,参考: 小鱼枪手,一般收取按金时候会:Dr. Trade Deposit Paid Cr. Bank当供应商唔肯出货,咁就要睇你订货条款点写:1. 保留追究责任─从第二个供应商攞货然后将差额同埋订金一齐追讨:Dr. Temporary Payment Cr. Trade Deposit Cr. Purchases;2. 唔赶就等出货,同时搞清楚几时出(Dr. Temporary Payment Cr. Trade Deposit);3. 如果唔一定要批货,就商讨赔偿Dr. Temporary Payment Cr. Trade Deposit。在任何情况下都唔会即刻将订金冲销(Dr. Bad Debt Cr. Trade Deposit)─咁即系自动放弃!仅供参考!,If this is recoverable, then trfer this to Trade Deposit Recoverable aount, pending the repayment of the deposit. If no repayment be made thereafter, then charge it to Sundry Expenses aount with full narration. ,


  write表示写; 写信; 写作的意思,那么你知道write的 短语 有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了write的短语搭配,希望能帮到大家。   write的短语   (and) that"s all she wrote   1. (北美,非正式)全都写上了;没有其他要说的   我们正在争论谁该付账,但他掏出了两三张百元大钞,她也就没什么可说的了。   we were arguing about who should pay the bill, but he pulled out a couple of hundreds and that"s all she wrote.   write something down   1. 降低u2026的账面价值   write someone in   1. (主美)在(选票上)加写(非原定候选人)的名字;投(非原定候选人)的票   write something off   1. 把u2026看得无关紧要   他们作为一群没有希望的人而不被重视。   they were written off as a bunch of no-hopers.   2. 勾销(不良债务等);承认损失(资产)   他催促银行勾销穷国所欠的债务。   he urged the banks to write off debt owed by poorer countries.   write something up   1. 详细记叙;正式报道   我太累了,无法详细地记笔记。   I was too tired to write up my notes.   write down   1. 写下:用文字的方式记下   2. 贬低、降价:减低级别、贬低价值或价格   3. 写 文章 贬损   4. 浅显地写:以浅显或谦逊的风格写   感觉到他必须写得浅显学生才能看懂   felt he had to write down to his students.   write in   1. 投票给:通过插入(候选名单上未列出的名字)来投票   2. 加写于正文或文件中   在纸条末尾加上一句道歉的话   wrote in an apology at the end of the note.   3. 以书信联络:与某个组织以邮件通讯的方式交往   写信并附上填好的申请表   write in with a completed entry form.   write off   1. 折价:把(已变得无价值的资产的)帐面价值减低为零   2. 勾销:作为亏损从帐目上勾销   3. 视为损失或失败   假期第一天就下雨真扫兴   wrote off the rainy first day of the vacation.   write out   1. 写出,作曲:以书面表达或创作   写出一项要求   write out a request.   2. 完全写出:写出全称或完整的形式   所有的缩写都要完整地写出来   All abbreviations are to be written out.   write up   1. 报导:如为公布、出版而写 报告 或描写   2. 写日志:把(如,日志)等补写到最近的日期   3. 对资产高估:过高估评(一笔资产)的价值   4. (写传票)告发:写传票告发(某人)违反法规   写传票告他超速   wrote him up for speeding.   write (one"s) own ticket   1. 自订计划,自行决定:按照某人自己的需求或愿望决定做事、行动的步骤和计划   让受领者自行决定的无限额且大笔的奖学金   an open-ended and generous scholarship that lets recipients write their own ticket.   write的网络释义   write   写入; 把正在运行的设置写入内存、网络、或终端; 写入,存入; (写):对文件进行写操作(上传)的权力。;   write down   写下; 记下; 写下,记下; 把u2026描写成;   write out   写出,全部写出; 写出; 写下; 全部写出u2026u2026;   write in   书面要求; 写入; 写入写数存入; 提出书面要求;   write driver   写入驱动器; 释义:写数驱动器;   write的短语例句   1. Today was really a bit of a write-off for me.   今天对我来说真的有点儿白白浪费了。   2. I"m going to write him in on my ballot next year.   明年我要在我的选票上写上他的名字。   3. The car was a write-off, but everyone escaped unharmed.   这辆车报废了,但人员全部安全逃离。   4. Finding a volunteer to write the computer program isn"t a problem.   找个志愿者编这个计算机程序不成问题。   5. That time with him is my qualification to write this book.   我和他曾经相处过一段时间,所以才能写出这本书。   6. The president persuaded the West to write off Polish debts.   总统说通西方免除波兰的债务。   7. The guide book contains a short write-up of each hotel.   指南上有对每个饭店的简评。   8. They can neither read nor write, nor can they comprehend such concepts.   他们不会读,不会写,也理解不了这样的概念。   9. I used to write during my free periods at school.   过去我经常在课余时间写作。   10. His abhorrence of racism led him to write The Algiers Motel Incident.   对种族主义的憎恨促使他写了《阿尔及尔汽车旅馆事件》一书。   11. As I write, a very interesting case has come to my notice.   在我写作过程中,一个非常有趣的案例引起了我的注意。   12. For him, the rest of the decade was a creative write-off.   对他来说,这个十年所余下的时间是一段创作空白。   13. Write your letter and seal it in a blank envelope.   信写好后把它装进空白信封里封好。   14. On the morning before starting the fast, write down your starting weight.   早晨开始禁食前,记下你的体重。   15. I go through phases where everything I write is just dross.   有几段时间我写什么都是垃圾。 猜你喜欢: 1. write的第三人称单数 2. 曾经的英文短语 3. brief的短语 4. 认真的英文短语 5. down的短语

Write 的短语,谢谢

write about:写…的事;写到…;把(某事)作为写作的主题。write down:写下。wirte to somebody:写信给某人write on:写,记述。write off:流利地写下;损失掉;毁掉;结束掉。write up:全部写出write against:写东西反对…。write away:写信(索要);连续写作。write back:回信。write for:为获得(钱或其他报酬)而写(文章等);为…写文章;为(某作品)填词[曲];写信要求提供(货物、消息等)。write home about:(因有好处而) 值得详述,很精采,值得大书特书。write in:入;写信反映;将…插写进去;以书面提出。





会计中 written-off 什么意思?会计中 written-off 什么意思

written off. [注释] write off报废,1. (从帐目上)勾销;(勾销的)呆帐2. 贬值3. 报废的东西;失败的人

财务英语中的offset和write off的通俗一点的解释是什么

write off 就是将那些长期挂在账上的应付账款(没人要了,也付不出去的)转出,offset就是一普通用词

我想问会计上 written off的意思?

Written-off may refer to either an accounting write-off or an ine tax write-off. Accounting: In business accounting the term write-off is used to refer to an investment (such as a purchase of salable goods) for which a return on the investment is now impossible or infeasible. The item"s potential return is thus canceled and removed from ("written off") the business"s balance sheet. Common write-offs in retail include spoiled and damaged goods. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Write_off Written off : 一笔勾销 参考: Yahoo Dictionery


写在英语中可以用"write"来表示。在日常生活和工作中,我们常常需要用写作的方式来表达自己的想法、分享经历或者完成各种任务。下面我来谈一下"write"这个单词的含义及其在不同场合的应用。Write是一个动词,表示用文字形式把思想、观点或信息记录下来。它的过去式是"wrote",过去分词是"written"。我们可以用“write”加上不同的介词来表示不同的写作情景。例如:1、Write about:表示写论文、作文、文章等。在学术或文艺创作中,这种写作方式往往需要一定的思考和研究,以确保内容充实、准确。2、Write down:表示记下某些信息、数值、注意事项等。在工作或学习中,我们需要经常记录一些重要信息并随时回忆,这种写作方式尤其重要。3、Write off:表示讨厌或打发一件事情。如“他不停地说话,让我觉得很无聊,我想马上写下了这个话题”。4、Write up:表示撰写正式的报告、建议书等。这种写作方式通常需要使用华丽的语言、流畅的格式和严谨的逻辑。无论是哪种情况,"write"都是用来表达我们的想法和思想的有效工具。当然,与其他语言一样,写作也需要一定的基础和方法。如何用英语写作才能更流畅、准确?可以多读英语书籍、杂志,积累词汇量;可以结合语法规则来进行写作练习,提高写作技巧;还可以多参加英语写作培训或者国际交流,增强经验和观察力。在日常生活和工作中,写作往往是必不可少的环节。当我们能够灵活运用好"write"这个单词和相关词汇时,就能在所处环境中更加高效地实现自己的价值。




wirte off 报废 一个机器用了好几年不能用了,就报废掉,可能有残值write down 减少相应金额,这叫做write down

会计中 written-off 什么意思?


write off 和 cross out 的区别。求例句谢谢



write的用法和固定搭配如下:1、write的用法write的词性是动词,可以用作及物动词和不及物动词,用作及物动词时的意思是“书写;著述;写;写满;写信给”,用作不及物动词时的意思是“写;写字;写信;写作;作曲”。在用法上要注意的是,write在表示“写作”的意思时,通常是用作及物动词,后面可直接加宾语。另外由write组成的固定搭配write about的意思是“写关于…的事”。2、固定搭配1)write down用文字的方式记下或写下。2)write in写入;写信时加写于正文或文件中。3)write off勾销;取消。4)write out完全写出全称或完整的形式。5)write over改写;重写。6)write for a living靠写作维持生活。7)write to a person写信给某人。8)write one"s own ticket自行决定。注意写字的环境:写字的时候,我们首要做到的就是专注,只有专注了,我们才能用心的体会一笔一划,才能感受我们写过的段落的意思!这样一来,同学们在写字的同时也能积累不少东西!而我们要做到专注,首先就是要保持舒服的环境,不仅外部环境要安静,而且我们的桌椅也要舒服,同时,我们也要保持正确的坐姿,坐姿正确了,那么我们写字的姿势才会是标准的,这样一来我们写出来的字也会自然而然的工整了!

write down,write off,有啥区别?impairment 是什么意思

write-down跌价A write-down becomes a write-off if the entire balance of the asset is eliminated and removed from the books altogether.write-off报废(跌价跌到0元,就成了wite-off)A write-down is performed in accounting to reduce the value of an asset to offset a loss or expense.




write-off英 [raɪt ɒf] 美 [ˈraɪtˌɔf, -ˌɑf]n.(从账目上)勾销; 注销; 贬值; 报废的东西

Write-Off 是什么意思啊啊?

write-off 报废车辆;无所作为的一段时间;(债项的)注销 冲销;销帐;撇帐例句筛选1.Yet it"s going to be tough selling a fickle fan base that this season is just awrite-off before it even begins.然而,这将是艰难的销售薄情的球迷基础,这个赛季仅仅是一个注销之前就开始了。2.Every business can write off the full cost of the new investments theymake this year.各个企业都可以把今年新投资的成本全额冲销。

write off 和write away的区别

write-offn.[会计]销帐, 勾销, 帐面价值的削减, 不再有任何价值的东西write offv.注销, 勾销, 取消

Miracles (Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Miracles (Radio Edit)歌手:Pet Shop Boys专辑:UltimatePet Shop Boys - MiraclesClouds drift awaywhen they see youRain wouldn"t dareto fall near you hereMiracles happenwhen you"re aroundSomehow the grass is much greenerRivers flow faster and cleanerBeing with youno matter wheresunlight breaks throughand suddenly there"sA bluer skywhenever you"re aroundYou always bringa bluer skya brighter dayThunder is silent before youRoses bloom more to adore you tooMiracles happenwhen you"re aroundThe sunset is deeper and longerThe scent of the jasmine is strongerStray dogs don"t biteBirds start to singLightening daren"t strikeYou suddenly bringA bluer skywhenever you"re aroundYou always bringa bluer skya brighter dayBirds flyeven higher in the skySun shinesIt"s a new dayIt"s a new dayBeing with youno matter wheresunlight breaks throughand suddenly there"sA bluer skywhenever you"re aroundYou always bringa bluer skya brighter day(Miracles happen)Birds flyeven higher in the sky(Miracles happen)Sun shinesIt"s a new day(Miracles happen)Sun shinesIt"s a new dayuploaded by EChickeN

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pretty white lies英文歌词

Pretty White Lies《Pretty White Lies》是张杰《未·LIVE》专辑中的一首歌。中文名称Pretty White Lies[1]外文名称Pretty White Lies所属专辑未·LIVE歌曲时长03:22发行时间2018-05-20基本信息Pretty White Lies[1]- 张杰OA(原词):Nick Atki/nson/Edd Holloway/Jake Roche/Danny Wilkin/Charley Bagnall/Lewi MorganOC(原曲): Nick Atki/nson/Edd Holloway/Jake Roche/Danny Wilkin/Charley Bagnall/Lewi MorganArranger(编曲):Nick Atkinson and Edd Holloway on behalf of The Barn ProductionsProducer(制作人):Jason Zhang 张杰/Nick Atkinson and Edd Holloway on behalf of The Barn Productions/Radio Mars 火星电台Presented By(出品) :Planet Culture张杰行星文化音乐厂牌歌曲歌词I"m going out of my mind thinking you gonna leaveSo if there is doubt put me out of my miseryI knowThere is something you"re not telling meAre you falling out of love love love loveLate night taxi rideOn my way to make it rightTell me what I got to doDrunk high starting firesAlways need to compromiseEverybody knows but youSo tell me have I lost my touchIs it fading girlTired of waiting girl on youBaby have you given upWhere you hiding girlSick of trying girl for youI"m going out of my mind thinking you gonna leaveSo if there is doubt put me out of my miseryI know there is something you"re not telling meAre you falling out of love love love loveWhen you go out every night are you thinking of meJust tell me now put me out of my miseryJust show me something that I can believeHave you fallen out of love love love loveMaybe I"m paranoidI should just ignore the voiceScreaming out inside my brainMaybe I think too muchMaybe I self destructI could be the one to blameSo tell me have I lost my touchIs it fading girlTired of waiting girl on youBaby have you given upWhere you hiding girlSick of trying girl for youI"m going out of my mind thinking you gonna leaveSo if there is doubt put me out of my miseryI know there is something you"re not telling meAre you falling out of love love love loveWhen you go out every night are you thinking of meJust tell me nowPut me out of my miseryJust show me something that I can believeHave you fallen out of love love love loveYour pretty white lies just sound like excusesYour pretty white lies are leading me onThat look in you eyes is making me lose itAre you falling out of love love love loveI"m going out of my mind thinking you gonna leaveSo if there is doubt put me out of my miseryI know there is something you"re not telling meAre you falling out of love love love loveWhen you go out every night are you thinking of meJust tell me now put me out of my miseryJust show me something that I can believeHave you fallen out of love love love love[1]我出神想着你将要离开不是这样的话,把我拽出苦海吧我知道你还有些事没有告诉我你要从爱中脱身了吗夜晚的士上我正要做正确的事告诉我应该怎么做酌饮燃起心火总是要妥协每个人都明白,只有你不知情告诉我,我是否已经没有机会女孩,机会流走了吗等你让我很疲惫你已经放弃了吗你藏身何处追求你让我病恹恹我出神想着你将要离开不是这样的话,把我拽出苦海吧我知道你还有些事没有告诉我你要从爱中脱身了吗你每晚外出的时候,会想起我吗告诉我吧,拉我出苦海告诉我一些我可以信以为真的话你难道真的不再爱我了吗可能是我猜疑太多了我或应该屏蔽这些杂音脑中不停叫喊也许是我想的太多了也许是我自己毁掉了这些该责备的人是我那么,告诉我吧,我真的没机会了吗女孩,机会真的流失了吗我等你好累你真的放弃了吗你到底在哪里追求你让我丧气我出神想着你将要离开不是这样的话,把我拽出苦海吧我知道你还有些事没有告诉我你要从爱中脱身了吗你每晚外出的时候,会想起我吗告诉我吧拉我出苦海告诉我一些我可以信以为真的话你难道真的不再爱我了吗你漂亮的善意谎言听起来是借口你完美的小谎言引着我向前你眼中的世界让我迷失你从爱中脱身了吗我出神想着你将要离开不是这样的话,把我拽出苦海吧我知道你还有些事没有告诉我你要从爱中脱身了吗你每晚外出的时候,会想起我吗告诉我吧,拉我出苦海告诉我一些我可以信以为真的话你难道真的不再爱我了吗

emotion spirit mental有啥区别吖?

emotion表情绪spirit表灵魂mental表精神,比如精神病= =

mental activity是什么意思

mental是内心的 , activity是活动连在一起是(内心的活动)

雅思作文:mental attitude 怎么理解?

mental attitude意思是“精神状态”。 一些人认为一个配合默契而又强壮的队员组成的团队在体育比赛中会取得巨大成绩;还有人则认为成绩与一个团队的精神状态有很大关系。讨论两种观点并给出你的看法。

mental arithmetic是什么意思

 mental arithmetic  英 [u02c8mentl u0259u02c8riθmu0259tik] 美 [u02c8mu025bntl u0259u02c8ru026aθmu026atu026ak]  n.心算;  [网络]心算,默算;  [例句]Practise mental arithmetic when you go out shopping.  外出购物的时候练习一下心算。

mental 和spirit有什么区别

都可以翻成精神,但前者mental如精神病,mental diseases...后者主要指精神、意识,比如某个人有学雷锋的精神,这里用spirit

mental health和spiritual health有什不同?

这两个词都有心灵的,精神的意思.但mental更侧重心理,精神上的不好或者中性的观点.例如:mental problom,mental health.而且这个词在生活中常见普通.而spiritual 更侧重精神上的,灵魂上的带有高尚,神圣,不可玷污的层面.例如:spiritual pillar,spiritual civilization.在疾病方面时,也可以用spiritual healing,


mental["mentl] adj.精神的, 思想的, 心理的; 内心的智力的, 脑力的spiritual["spiritjuu0259l] adj.精神(上)的, 心灵的神的, 神圣的, 宗教的, 超世俗的; 高尚的mental心理的、智力的、精神的,它是相对于“体力的”而言;spiritual精神的,它是相对于“物质的”而言。


1、表达内容不同。mental多指“心理上的”,例如:His agony was mental, not physical.他的痛苦是心理上的,不是身体上的。spiritua多l指“心灵上的”,例如:Her spiritual beauty outshone her physical beauty.她的心灵美胜于她的外表美。2、含义不同。spiritual还有“宗教的”,“教会的”意思,而mental没有此义。例如:I am not concerned with man"s spiritual problems.我不关注人们宗教方面的问题。3、侧重点不同。mental,spiritual均有“精神的”意思。mental侧重指某人对周围环境所具有的内心,情绪上及智力方面的反映。spiritual侧重人内心深处的思维对客观事物的反映,而不是人的身体对事物的反应而构成人的精神因素。


1、表达内容不同。mental多指“心理上的”,例如:His agony was mental, not physical.他的痛苦是心理上的,不是身体上的。spiritua多l指“心灵上的”,例如:Her spiritual beauty outshone her physical beauty.她的心灵美胜于她的外表美。2、含义不同。spiritual还有“宗教的”,“教会的”意思,而mental没有此义。例如:I am not concerned with man"s spiritual problems.我不关注人们宗教方面的问题。3、侧重点不同。mental,spiritual均有“精神的”意思。mental侧重指某人对周围环境所具有的内心,情绪上及智力方面的反映。spiritual侧重人内心深处的思维对客观事物的反映,而不是人的身体对事物的反应而构成人的精神因素。


1、表达内容不同。mental多指“心理上的”,例如:His agony was mental, not physical.他的痛苦是心理上的,不是身体上的。spiritua多l指“心灵上的”,例如:Her spiritual beauty outshone her physical beauty.她的心灵美胜于她的外表美。2、含义不同。spiritual还有“宗教的”,“教会的”意思,而mental没有此义。例如:I am not concerned with man"s spiritual problems.我不关注人们宗教方面的问题。3、侧重点不同。mental,spiritual均有“精神的”意思。mental侧重指某人对周围环境所具有的内心,情绪上及智力方面的反映。spiritual侧重人内心深处的思维对客观事物的反映,而不是人的身体对事物的反应而构成人的精神因素。

请问mental,spirit 和mind的区别 请问这三个词在表示精神时的区别?

当三者皆作"精神"时,mental 是形容词,We should pay attention to both mental and physical health.我们应当同时关注身体上和心理上的健康.spirit和mind是名词.spirit专门指人的内在品质、意志和精神或某事物的主要...

单词mental和 spiritual的区别?

mental: 侧重指某人对周围环境所具有的内心,情绪上及智力方面的反映。spiritual: 侧重人内心深处的思维对客观事物的反映,而不是人的身体对事物的反应而构成人的精神因素。



mental,spirit 和mind的区别请问这三个词在表示精神时的区别

当三者皆作"精神"时,mental 是形容词,We should pay attention to both mental and physical health.我们应当同时关注身体上和心理上的健康。spirit和mind是名词。spirit专门指人的内在品质、意志和精神或某事物的主要目的、含义、代表的精神;如:He is in low spirit.他意志消沉。The spirit of Olympics is: swifter, higher and stronger.奥运精神是:更快、更高、更强。mind一般指人的思想、记忆;如:Keep it in mind.把它记在心上。


这两个词都有心灵的,精神的意思.但mental更侧重心理,精神上的不好或者中性的观点.例如:mental problom,mental health.而且这个词在生活中常见普通.而spiritual 更侧重精神上的,灵魂上的带有高尚,神圣,不可玷污的层面.例如:spiritual pillar,spiritual civilization.在疾病方面时,也可以用spiritual healing,

this is my city的中文歌词??

Turning my memories 翻找著过去的回忆Hoping to find out 希望能找出where all the loyalty"s gone 那些忠诚都去了哪里The friends that I had then 旧时的好友Turned into strangers 现已形同陌路Thinking of you all alone 独自一人,想著你If you see me know 如果你现在看到我You won"t see me alone 你不会看到我独自一人的If you see me 如果你看我I"ll be heading home 我会正向家迈进Cos this is my town 因为这是我的小镇This is my city 这是我的城市Through my eyes it looks so pretty 在眼中它是如此美丽This is my town ,this is my city now 因为这是我的小镇,现在这是我的城市 These are my people , this is my song 这是我的人们,这是我的歌Dirty streets where I belong 是我所属的那条肮脏街道This is my town ,this is my city now 因为这是我的小镇,现在这是我的城市This is my city now 属於我的城市 是什么的邮箱,收到这个结尾的邮件自称是我母校的调查问卷,想问下是哪里的??


麻烦各位大神WHITE NCS 0500 是什么颜色?WHITE(白色)但不知道NCS 0500是什么样的。谢谢!


Showtime (Explicit Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲:Showtime(2008年中国棒球联赛主题曲)作词:陈俊仰 李明玺编曲:程振兴演唱:雷茜就是你 微笑看过来就是你 才让我最HIGH全世界为你喝采 花都为你开要放声高喊 这是你的舞台Show time 完美的防守爱是无敌的球谁来都不是对手不管他有多牛 要一个机会都不留Show time 像狂风一样奔跑在我心中乱跳哦爱就是胜利信号爱就是战斗力 在蓝蓝天空中闪耀就是你 微笑看过来就是你 才让我最HIGH全世界为你喝采 花都为你开要放声高喊 这是你的舞台Show time 一秒的呼吸Show time 胜负就要决定Show time 已深深深深爱上你用全部的勇气 在每分每秒不放弃就是你 微笑看过来就是你 才让我最HIGH全世界为你喝采 花都为你开要放声高喊 这是你的舞台Show time 你是阳光下的super star你是每个人的super starShow time 你是全宇宙的super star你是你是我的super starShow time 为了你我要用力唱Show time 为了你我要大声喊Show time 为了你我要用力唱Show time 为了你什么都不管为了你我要用力唱 为了你我要大声喊就是你 微笑看过来就是你 才让我最HIGH全世界为你喝采 花都为你开要放声高喊 这是你的舞台Show time 为了你我要用力唱Show time 拼了命也要大声喊Show time 全世界为你喝采 花都为你开Show time 要放声高喊 这是你的舞台Show time

英语it is only a sprout of radish怎么翻译?

it is only a sprout of radish这只是一根萝卜苗

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求Yung Joc feat.3LW Bout It的歌词

(Chorus)You think you know me but you have no ideaAct like you bout itWell lemme put this in your earIf you really bout itDo like a boss like you don"t careIf you bout itI dont doubt itShow me that you sure bout it (bout it)Yung Joc:Ill get your mind off tiesCause the hustla don"t stopIf your girl don"t chew then my name ain"t JocThe money don"t flip then the block ain"t hotIf she don"t scream your name then your game just shotI gotta couple reasons you can call me the bossIll drop a couple stacks and watch your ass get lostJoc the real shit Shorty bes believe thatIf you ain"t ride till die Bring them car keys backTake your foot off the brakeBaby gon ride outIf them suckas wanna hate Put um in time outI get that cake you"ll soon find outIf you ever cross me you"ll get crossed out3LW:I"ve seen it before in a rhyme and a rollCome and catch up with me baby don"t stopGet to the floor whatchu waiting for Cause we can ride b straight to the topWayy too long and now its the time to show um all that is not a gameCause I dont care what im lookin likeI just wanna show you that im not goin no where(Chorus)You think you know me but you have no ideaAct like you bout itWell lemme put this in your earIf you really bout itDo like a boss like you don"t careIf you bout itI dont doubt itShow me that you sure bout it (bout it)Yung Joc:Imma get rich and imma die tryin"I ain"t 50 Cent but respect my mindRespect my gansgsta respect my shinePut your click in chick if you step outta lineI ain"t Kanye but I been thru the wireCouple more albums before I retireMost of these rappers ain"t nothin but liarsHow are they The Killers when they sing in the choir?Straight from the bottom and im tryin" to get higherToo many strikes, Got too many priorsMessin with us like playin with fireGet your wick split, time to meet your messiah3LW:I"ve seen it before in a rhyme and a rollCome and catch up with me baby don"t stopGet to the floor whatchu waiting for Cause we can ride b straight to the topWayy too long and now its the time to show um all that is not a gameCause I dont care what im lookin likeI just wanna show you that im not goin no where(Chorus)You think you know me but you have no ideaAct like you bout itWell lemme put this in your earIf you really bout itDo like a boss like you don"t careIf you bout itI dont doubt itShow me that you sure bout it (bout it)Now I been walking up this road tryin" to find which way to go Tryin" to pull my faithSometimes it seems like I don"t knowNow I gotta chance to touch what seems beyond my reachAnd the answers right in front of me Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yes it is! Yeah!(Chorus)You think you know me but you have no ideaAct like you bout itWell lemme put this in your earIf you really bout itDo like a boss like you don"t careIf you bout itI dont doubt itShow me that you sure bout it (bout it)(Chorus)You think you know me but you have no idea (No Idea!)Act like you bout itWell lemme put this in your earIf you really bout itDo like a boss like you don"t careIf you bout itI dont doubt itShow me that you sure bout it (bout it)

《waiting till you hear from me》,歌词是什么啊?有人听过吗

This song is about Maria 这首歌是关于玛利亚的 我很亲密的朋友A close friend of mine 我很亲密的朋友Who lost herself in drugs 她死于毒品 She told me to wait for her 她you让我等她But guess what... 但你猜发生了什么...She never came back 她一去不回了And I"m still waiting 我却一直在等She told me 她告诉我Wait "til you hear from me 一直等到我给你消息 Monday, Tuesday it won"t be 星期一星期二我们不可能见面Wednesday, Thursday we will see 星期三星期四?看情况吧If only you can wait baby 如果你愿意,等我宝贝Wait "til you hear from me 一直等到我给你消息 Friday use your fantasy 星期五自己去想吧Saturday you got over me 星期六你可能会忘了我If only you can wait baby 如果你愿意,等我宝贝She was called Maria and she really was a friend 她叫玛利亚是我真正的好朋友I remember when we were walking hand in hand 还记得一起手牵手的日子She was telling me that she understands 她过去一直告诉我All the world and every thrill by taking little pills 毒品让她无所不知,兴奋异常So she was trying everything and more 所以她一直在尝试各种毒品Alcohol and speed, coke and weed and tried to score 酒精,安非他命(兴奋剂),可卡因,大麻,也走私Tragedy: she didn"t feel much better than before 悲剧发生了:她没有以前开心So she got away here quick to find a better kick &nbdo you hear mesp; 因此她离开这里去寻找新的转折点Never let it, wanna find her 从来没有放弃寻找她的念头Can"t forget it to remind her 并要时时提醒她She"s my sister, wanna tell her can you hear me dj; 她是我的好姐妹 想告诉她 How I miss her, she told me 真的很想她 她告诉我Wait, don"t call you"ve got to 等我 别给我打电话Wait "til you hear from me 等我 一直等到我给你消息Wait, that"s all you"ve got to 等我 你要做的就是等 Wait... 等我When she arrived in the city of the stars 她来到众星云集的好莱坞Blinded by the lights, a burning in the heart 被五彩的世界打动 心中燃烧着欲望和***She believed to play what she called her part 她以为自己会是个好演员A member of society to satisfy her dreams me试听; 作为社会的成员来实现她的梦想No one paid attention on her skills 可是没人注意她的技能So she found crack is another way to fill 她发现毒品可以填补内心的空虚The emptiness inside right now she got her thrill 立即又开始吸毒Guess, who gave his life away? She did it every day 猜 是谁夺走了她的生命 是她自己Never let it, wanna find herCan"t forget it to remind herShe"s my sister, wanna tell herHow I miss her, she told meWhy did she throw her life away? 为什么她要放弃生存的机会 Why did she say don"t call just wait? 为什么她不让打电话只是让我等If you wanna go to the city of stars 如果你要去好莱坞 Can you help me to find my girl Maria 你能帮我找到我的玛利亚吗She once was an actress and a beauty queen 她曾经是演员拥有皇后般的美貌Then the drugs took over and made her mean 毒品侵蚀了她 让她变得卑微I tried to stand by her side make her feel alright 我试图支持她让她觉得好过些But she wished to get over to the other side 但她要追逐另一端的生活And since I can"t really get her out of my mind 我真的忘不了她I"m asking you, whear you me歌词on"t you help me to find 我问你 你会帮我找到她么She told me 她告诉我


两个都是使役动词 thrill除了表示使欣喜若狂外,还表示使人毛骨悚然。excite表示使某人兴奋


revivify vt.使苏醒, 使复活; 使恢复精神, 使振作,使复原, 使再生revive vi.苏醒, 复活; 复兴; 再生; 再流行恢复(精神), 振奋(金属)还原 ,再生效revitalize vt. 使恢复元气; 使有新的活力; 使新生

bittoko oro 这是日本牌子的衣服,中文叫什么?


Italy 1916什么意思 是Kappa衣服上的Logo.




谁能用语法讲一下 a temper of the will,a quality of the imaginations

a temper of the will,坚韧的意志,temper是脾气,韧度。will意志,愿望。都是名词。合理搭配意思是一种意志的韧度,通俗就是,坚韧的意志。a quality of the imaginations,丰富的想象,quality质量,特征,imaginations是想象,且复数,故泛指。词面为:一种很多想象的特质,通俗为丰富的想象。参考!

have a little temper这是什么意思?

a little 一点temper 脾气,译文:发点脾气。

owe it to sb什么意思?


owe it to sb 是什么意思?能造两个句子么?

owe表示欠,owe sth. to sb. 表示欠某人某物。own表示拥有、承认,own to having done sth. 承认做过某事。

owe it to ourselves用法?

这是我们自己和彼此的责任owe的意思vt. 欠…债,感激,应归功于,怀有情感变形:过去式: owed; 现在分词:owing; 过去分词:owed;owe可以用作动词owe的基本意思是“精神与物质上的亏欠”,即“欠某人债,应该向(某人)付出”,引申可表示“某人对于他人、国家负有感激义务等或某人把发现、原理、成就等归于他人”,即“感恩”“感激”“归功于”“由于”。owe表示“欠(债)”与介词for连用时,后面只接物; 与介词to连用时,后面可接人,也可接物或事物。owe用作及物动词,其后接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语(两个都是直接宾语)。两个宾语一般说来都可单独出现。owe用作动词的用法例句I gotta get back there, I owe it to them.我要回到那,我欠他们的。Incidentally, I think you still owe me some money.顺便说一句, 我想你还欠我一些钱。I owe you one.我欠你一个人情。

c语言编程 那个void和后面一点花括号的,表示什么意思啊?switch(oper),在用户输入


谁用过timoboll spirit底版?弹性怎样?(乒乓)


兼顾课业与训练没问题 1500公尺德国Timo Benitz 1500公尺摘金

因为热爱、所以毫无窒碍。台北世大运田径男子1500公尺新科金牌得主、德国选手Timo Benitz非常喜欢飞机和跑步,对他来说,兼顾课业和训练,一点都不困难。 25岁的Timo Benitz是德国柏林工业大学高材生,拥有双学士学位、准航太机械工程硕士,未来可望进入飞机制造公司上班。他说从小就喜爱飞机,甚至主动去翻阅飞行力学书籍,一路朝儿时梦想前进。 兼顾课业与训练没问题 1500公尺德国Timo Benitz 1500公尺摘金 「我同样热爱跑步,所以对我来说,课业和运动兼顾很容易,因为我真的很喜欢航太工程学。每天都是一早起来训练,再到学校上课,下午训练调整,晚上再准备课业,一点都不累。但这是因为我对飞机很有兴趣,如果是经济学,我就完全不行了。」他笑说,从事有兴趣的事,一天24小时都不够,「因为打从心底热爱它,做事真的会很容易。」 但Timo Benitz对台湾湿热天气感到苦恼,他感叹在台湾跑步很困难,「天气很潮湿,下雨又很热,对中长距离选手完全是挑战。刚到台湾训练前几天,我遭遇很大挫折,因为太难调整,不论快跑或慢跑,身体都很难受,所以我很开心最后能摘金。」 25日晚间、台北田径场气温超过摄氏30度,炎热天气、考验1500公尺决赛选手。 德国Timo_Benitz表示,台湾的天气闷热潮湿使他状况不佳,所以特别开心能在决赛摘金。 Timo Benitz一开始选择待在集团后段,他表示,自己属于冲刺能力较佳的选手,「所以我不喜欢一开始就卡在前面位置,和大家一起推挤,等到后面大概剩下500公尺,我才开始往前冲,剩下100公尺,我大概落在第二,这对我很有利,所以我相信可以迎头赶上,果然是真的。」 冲过终点瞬间,Timo Benitz很兴奋,但表情带点狐疑,他在男子1500公尺决赛跑出3分43秒45摘金,因为这是他个人第一面国际大赛金牌,他笑说,「一开始很难想像,直到真的颁奖典礼、一小时后,才真的确定,我拿到了这面金牌。」 资料、图片提供/台北世大运组委会 责任编辑/滢滢

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