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kittens n. 小猫(kitten的复数)


kitty有很多意思 名词:1共同凑集的一笔钱 2纸牌游戏中全部堵住 3 小猫 kitten就是小猫的意思 kitten是kitty 的昵称,更口语化~




kitty有很多意思 名词:1共同凑集的一笔钱 2纸牌游戏中全部堵住 3 小猫 kitten就是小猫的意思 kitten是kitty 的昵称,更口语化~




kitten英 ["ku026atn] 美 [u02c8ku026atn]n. 小猫;小动物vi. 产小猫小猫; 猫跟; 小型履带拖拉机; 只小猫 复数:kittens 过去式:kittened 过去分词:kittened 现在分词:kittening 第三人称单数:kittens名词 n.1.小猫We keep a little multicolored kitten in the house.我家有只小花猫。小猫 A kitten is a very young cat1. a little fluffy kitten毛茸茸的小猫2. The cat picked up her kitten by the scruff of its neck.猫咬住幼崽的后颈把它叼了起来。3. We keep a little multicolored kitten in the house.我家有只小花猫。4. Don"t starve the kitten.别饿着小猫。5. The tiny kitten approached the enormous bear and let out a purr and a mew.那猫却走近体大腰圆的灰熊,冲它“喵呜“,“喵呜“地叫着。




"kitten" 的中文翻译是 "小猫咪"。以下是一些关于 "kitten" 的英文例句:1. I adopted a cute little kitten from the shelter.(我从收容所领养了一只可爱的小猫咪。)2. The kittens were playing together in the backyard.(小猫咪们在后院一起玩耍。)3. She named her new kitten Snowball because of its white fur.(她因其白色的毛发给她的新小猫咪取名为“雪球”。)


kitten英语读法是[u02c8ku026atn]有关kitten的例句:1、More precisely,the creature was akitten!(更准确地说,它是一只小猫咪!)2、kitten found the mittens.(小猫找来了手套。)3、Thekitten USES that box as its bed.(小猫把那个盒子当做它的床。)4、From somewhere, thekitten mewed.(从某个地方,这只小猫喵喵地叫着。)5、She nursed herkitten all evening.(整个晚上她一直抱着她的小猫咪。)6、Thekitten had settled comfortably in her arms and was purring enthusiastically.(小猫舒服地卧在她怀里,起劲地打着呼噜。)7、Thiskitten is behind the shelves.(这只小猫在架子后面。)8、The tinykitten was very timid, and too afraid to approach us.(这只小猫非常胆小,不敢靠近我们。)9、A very youngkitten was playing about among the chairs.(有一只小小猫儿在椅子下游戏。)10、Don"t starve thekitten.(别饿着小猫。)11、Mykitten won"t stop talking.(我的猫咪总是不停的说话。)


kitten中tt发音方式是可以先给这个单词划分成两个音节:ki和tten,然后可以拼读出来这个单词应该读作kiten。看一下这个单词的音标是: [_k_tn]也能拼出来。其实背单词最推荐通过自然拼读来记住单词的读音和拼写。意思需要自己再记一下,而且尤其要注意词性,比如说kitten的意思是小猫,它是可数名词,证明它有复数形式。很多小猫就应该是many kittens./t/是爆破音,嘴巴微微张开,舌尖先紧贴上齿龈,憋住气。舌尖迅速下降,使气流冲出口腔,形成爆破音。/t/是清辅音,声带不震动,只能听到气流的声音。如:talk、taxi、tell、kitty、night、ticket、better。小猫; 猫跟; 小型履带拖拉机; 只小猫 复数:kittens 过去式:kittened 过去分词:kittened 现在分词:kittening 第三人称单数:kittens。




kitten 英["ku026atn] 美[u02c8ku026atn] n. 小猫;小动物 vi. 产小猫 第三人称单数:kittens;过去分词:kittened;名词复数:kittens;现在分... [例句]One kitten was stillborn and another died during birth.1只小猫为死胎,另1只出生期间死亡。




kitten[英]["ku026atn] [美][u02c8ku026atn] 生词本简明释义n.小猫;小动物vi.产小猫复数:kittens第三人称单数:kittens过去式:kittened过去分词:kittened现在分词:kittening以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT小猫A kitten is a very young cat.以下结果由 金山词霸 提供例句One kitten was stillborn and another died during birth.1只小猫为死胎,另1只出生期间死亡。


英["ku026atn] 美[u02c8ku026atn] .n. 小猫;小动物 vi. 产小猫 第三人称单数:kittens;过去分词:kittened;名词复数:kittens;现在分... [例句]One kitten was stillborn and another died during birth.1只小猫为死胎,另1只出生期间死亡。


小猫kitten是新生儿或婴儿的猫猫cat是发展和岁的小猫从小猫 kitten/kitty 行为猫 cat/ pussy cat转变是3岁左右满意请采纳,谢谢












kittens英 ["ku026at(u0259)ns]美 ["ku026atns]n. 小猫;小动物n. (Kitten)人名;(法)基滕vi. 产小猫[网络短语]kitten 小猫,猫跟,幼猫组Bonsai Kitten 盆景猫Kitten Sanctuary 猫咪庇护所,小猫庇护所,喵喵安乐窝




不需要大写,a kitten ,the kitten, kittens 如果想做个商标或创造一个品牌,如Kitten Tom, 那么首字母要大写。


kids是儿童、小孩子buck『口语]小伙子,年轻人,(尤指勇敢、活泼、精力旺盛的)男青年,有时蔑称年轻的男黑人或印第安人kitten 小猫小动物,暗指幼齿


n. 小猫;小动物vi. 产小猫n. (Kitten)人名;(法)基滕[网络] 小猫咪;幼猫组










kitten 英["kɪtn] 美[ˈkɪtn] n. 小猫;小动物 vi. 产小猫 第三人称单数:kittens;过去分词:kittened;名词复数:kittens;现在分... [例句]One kitten was stillborn and another died during birth.1只小猫为死胎,另1只出生期间死亡。同学你好有帮助请点采纳或者右上角好评~祝你新的一年学习进步,马到成功!!!






is as cool in Portsmouth as it is in o



意大利语高手请进,“Pitture romane Via Bo”是什么意思?

bo不知道什么意思……用英语翻的话就是Roman Paintings by Bo...什么Bo的罗马绘画绘画啥的……


side边拼 音 biān bian 部 首 辶 笔 画 5 五 行 水 繁 体 边 五 笔 LPV生词本基本释义 详细释义[ biān ]1.几何图形上夹成角的射线或围成多边形的线段。2.边缘:海~。村~。田~。马路~儿。3.镶在或画在边缘上的条状装饰:花~儿。金~儿。裙子下摆加个~儿。4.边界;边境:~疆。~防。戍~。5.界限:~际。一望无~。6.靠近物体的地方:旁~。身~。7.方面:双~会谈。这~那~都说好了。8.用在时间词或数词后,表示接近某个时间或某个数目:冬至~上下了一场大雪。活到六十~上还没有见过这种事。9.两个或几个“边”字分别用在动词前面,表示动作同时进行:~干~学。~收件,~打包,~托运。10.姓。[ bian ](~儿)方位词后缀:前~。里~。东~。左~。

求 pitti polak的silly coincidence的歌词


Alexz Johnson的Voodoo和A Little Bit两首中文歌词

●VoodooI got no clothes for you to borrow我没有衣服可以借给你But I got places you can lay your head但是我有一个可以让你放头(躺着)的地方I don"t read books that I can lend ya我不读我可以借给别人的书(我不读书,但我可以借给你)But I can see your history"s been read但是我能看到你阅读的历史You know that I"ve been looking at ya你知道,我一直看着你And I can see that they have poisoned your head我能看到他们有毒害你的头(思维)I got no place that I can send ya我没有可以寄出去的地方(我没有地方可以寄给你)Got holy water here instead这里反而有圣水It makes me stop and wonder它让我惊讶得停下来What spell have I been under?我被下了什么魔法?Who taught you the voodoo that you do?谁教你下咒语的?But I can see your glory但是我能看到你的狂喜I wanna write your story我想写下你的故事Somebody"s voodoo"s got me binded to you某人的咒语让我捆住你I know you"re looking at your shadow我知道你在看你的影子And getting by by the kindness of strangers由陌生人的温柔You got me wearing my stilettos你让我去穿细高跟鞋And now I"m looking out for any kind of danger现在我在寻找任何类型的危险You got the prowl of a tiger你得到一个老虎在潜行Ya baby I can see your stripes(是的)宝贝,我能看见你的条纹You got me hanging on your wire你让我挂在你的电线At any moment you could strike在任何时刻,你能击倒It makes me stop and wonder他让我惊讶得停下来What spell have I been under?我下了什么魔法?Who taught you the voodoo that you do?谁教你下咒语?But I can see your glory但我可以看到你的狂喜I wanna write your story我想写下你的故事Somebody"s voodoo"s got me binded to you某人的咒语让我捆住你It makes me stop and wonder它让我惊讶得听下来What spell have I been under?我下了什么魔法?Who taught you the voodoo that you do?谁教你下咒语的?But I can see your glory但我能够看到你的狂喜I wanna write your story我想写下你的故事Somebody"s voodoo"s got me binded to you某人的咒语让我捆住你And even when it"s eating me alive甚至它为了活命而吃下我Your power ties my spirit up inside你的力量将我的精神绑在里面There"s nothing I can do to make it right在那里没有任何事情可以让我去把它纠正I"ll follow you forever through the night我关于永远跟随你,穿过黑夜I"m part of you for the rest of my life我的余生是你的一部分The spell upon my heart won"t let me lie这个魔法在我心上不允许我说谎I"ll be here now until the day we die现在,我要在这里直到我们死亡的日期That voodoo is the one that will decideSomebody"s voodoo那个咒语是其中一个决定某人的咒语Can I make it through tonight?我能在今晚使用它吗?Somebody"s voodoo某人的咒语I make it through我能使用它Somebody"s voodoo某人的咒语Can I make it through?我能使用它吗?Somebody"s voodoo某人的咒语Can I make it through?我能使用它吗?It makes me stop and wonder它会让我惊讶得停下来What spell have I been under?(Somebody"s voodoo)我下了什么咒语?(某人的咒语)Who taught you the voodoo that you do?谁教你下这个咒语?But I can see your glory (Somebody"s voodoo)但是我能看到你的狂喜(某人的咒语)I wanna write your story我想写下你的故事Somebody"s voodoo"s got me binded to you某人的咒语让我捆住你It makes me stop and wonder (Somebody"s voodoo)它让我惊讶得停下来(某人的咒语)What spell have I been under? (Somebody"s voodoo)我下了什么魔法?(某人的咒语)Who taught you the voodoo that you do?谁教你下这个魔法的?But I can see your glory但我看到你的狂喜I wanna write your story我想写下你的故事Somebody"s voodoo"s got me binded toyou (Somebody"s voodoo)某人的咒语让我捆住你(某人的咒语)●A Little BitIt‘s only gunna get better这只是准备要变得更好It"s only gunna get right这只是准备变得更对u02dcCause when I borrow your sweater因为当我借你毛衣时It‘s all alright!这都是好好的It"s only gunna get happenines这只是准备变得等开心u02dcCause I got one foot in your door因为我把一只脚踏进你的门口And when you told me you love me当你告诉我你爱我I love you more, I love you more我爱你更多,我爱你更多Cause all I ever needed was a little bit of loving甚至因为我所需要的的是一点点的爱Yeah, a little bit of loving goes a long way是的,有点点爱走着一条很长的路Cause all I ever needed was a little bit of loving甚至因为我所需要的的是一点点的爱Yeah, a little bit of loving goes a long way是的,有点点爱走着一条很长的路Cause all I ever needed was a little bit of love甚至因为我所需要的的是一点点的爱A little bit, a little bit, a little bit of love一点点,一点点,一点点的爱It"s only gunna get crazy它只是准备变得疯狂If you let me give ya away如果你让我给你Cause when you call me your baby, It"s all okay当你打电话叫我“你的宝贝”,这一切都好It"s only gunna get messy这只是有点凌乱If you anit got dirt on your floor如果你和它都把你的地板弄脏And when you told me you want me当你告诉我你需要我I want you more, yeah I want you more我多想想你,是的,我多想想你Cause all I ever needed was a little bit of loving甚至因为我所需要的的是一点点的爱Yeah, a little bit of loving goes a long way是的,有点点爱走着一条很长的路Cause all I ever needed was a little bit of loving甚至因为我所需要的的是一点点的爱Yeah, a little bit of loving goes a long way是的,有点点爱走着一条很长的路Cause all I ever needed was a little bit of love甚至因为我所需要的的是一点点的爱A little bit, a little bit, a little bit of love是的,有点点爱走着一条很长的路All I ever needed was a little bit of love我需要的是一点点的爱A little bit, a little bit, a little bit of love一点点,一点点,一点点的爱You gotta-gotta give me love (gotta-gotta give me love)你必须必须给我爱(必须必须给我爱)You gotta-gotta give me love (gotta-gotta give me love)你必须必须给我爱(必须必须给我爱)You gotta-gotta give me love (gotta-gotta give me love)你必须必须给我爱(必须必须给我爱)You gotta-gotta give me love (Hmmm)你必须必须给我爱(必须必须给我爱)You gotta-gotta give me love你必须必须给我爱(必须必须给我爱)All I ever needed was a little bit of loving我需要的是一点点的爱Yeah, a little bit of loving goes a long way是的,有点点爱走着一条很长的路Cause all I ever needed was a little bit of loving甚至因为我所需要的的是一点点的爱Yeah, a little bit of loving goes a long way是的,有点点爱走着一条很长的路Cause all I ever needed was a little bit of love甚至因为我所需要的的是一点点的爱A little bit, a little bit, a little bit of love是的,有点点爱走着一条很长的路Cause all I ever needed was a little bit of love甚至因为我所需要的的是一点点的爱A little bit, a little bit, a little bit of love是的,有点点爱走着一条很长的路Cause all I ever needed was a little bit of love甚至因为我所需要的的是一点点的爱A little bit, a little bit, a little bit of love一点点,一点点,一点点的爱A little bit, a little bit, a little bit of love一点点,一点点,一点点的爱楼主,我好累啊~~~ ●﹏●

sitting sit sat seat的用法辨析

sitting是sit 的进行时态,表示正在坐. 而sat是sit 的过去时,表示坐过. seat是一个使动词,表示使……坐下,因此如果要以人做动作的发出者的话 ,就要用seated表示坐下 seating 就是seat的进行时态.




1.seating n. 提供座位 Do we have enough seating for the guests? 我们有足够的座位让客人们就座吗? 2.sitting n. 入席,就座,开会,孵卵 adj. 坐着的,就座的,在任期中的,孵卵中的,易击中的 n. 坐席,座位 We were using crates as seats. 我们用大木箱作为座位. 所在地,场所; 中心 席位,职位 She won a seat in Parliament at the election. 她在选举中赢得了议会中的席位. 4.seated adj.就座的,固定的 老兄这些单词多用网上在线词典查查就知道了,自己动手查再对比,更加深记忆

little ringo 中午歌词


写作技能的英语翻译是writing skills 还是written skills

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small和little 的区别是什么?

small是指小,形状小。little 是指少,很少,几乎没有

little 和small的区别



如下:small主要指的是尺寸、重量、体积、程度、数量、价值小,“不重要的,微不足道的”,“幼小的”、“年幼的”,词的本身不带任何感情色彩,只是表示not big, not large。little表示少量的、不足的,小巧的,带有感情色彩,蕴涵“喜欢”或“厌恶”的感情。a small girl 一个矮小的女孩a little girl 小(而可爱的)女孩a small matter 小事情a small boy 一个小(指矮小的)男孩a naughty little boy 一个顽皮的小男孩a little garden 小花园a small town 小镇例句:1. The boy is small for his age. 这个男孩比他的实际年龄显得矮小。2. This hat is too small for me. 这顶帽子我戴太小。3. The little dog followed the boy everywhere. 这条可爱的小狗寸步不离地跟着那个男孩。4. I lived in the country when I was small. 我小时候住在乡下。 5. My little brother is 18. 我的小弟弟18岁。 6. I have very little time for reading. 我没有多少时间看书。


little,small  这一对形容词是同义词,但修辞意味有所不同.  Little 往往带有感情色彩,有指小和可爱的意味,它的对义词是great或big.  Small是中性词,不带感情色彩,它的反义词是large.通过下列词语的比较,我们可以分辨它们的隐含意义:  a little house 含义是小巧玲珑的房子  a small house 含义是面积或容量不大的房子  a little girl 含义是可爱的或可怜的小女孩  a small girl 含义是年龄或身材不大的女孩  a little town 含义是可爱的小镇  a small town 含义是面积不大或人口不多的小镇  值得注意的是,little和small在修饰某些名词时,会产生不同的意思.例如:  little money 是没有多少钱  small money 是面额小的钱币.


small主要指的是尺寸、重量、体积、程度、数量、价值小,“不重要的,微不足道的”,“幼小的”、“年幼的”,词的本身不带任何感情色彩,只是表示not big, not large。little表示少量的、不足的,小巧的,带有感情色彩,蕴涵“喜欢”或“厌恶”的感情。a small girl 一个矮小的女孩a little girl 小(而可爱的)女孩a small matter 小事情a small boy 一个小(指矮小的)男孩a naughty little boy 一个顽皮的小男孩a little garden 小花园a small town 小镇例句:1. The boy is small for his age. 这个男孩比他的实际年龄显得矮小。2. This hat is too small for me. 这顶帽子我戴太小。3. The little dog followed the boy everywhere. 这条可爱的小狗寸步不离地跟着那个男孩。4. I lived in the country when I was small. 我小时候住在乡下。 5. My little brother is 18. 我的小弟弟18岁。 6. I have very little time for reading. 我没有多少时间看书。

small和little 的区别是什么

高斋翻译Joy分享:small,little这些形容词均有“小的”意思。这两个单词在CATTI备考、MTI备考、考研英语备考、经济学人外刊精读、专四专八、四六级、托福雅思里面经常遇到:1. small多指数量、面积、体积、价值、数字、尺寸、声音或意义等的小或少,指略小于正常的大小。例:①This coat is too small for me.这件上衣对我来说太小了。②“I"m scared,”she said in a very small voice.她非常小声地说:“我很害怕。”《柯林斯词典》③He felt the apartment"s only drawback was that it was too small.他觉得这个公寓唯一的缺点就是太小了。《柯林斯词典》2. littleA. 指在体积、数量、距离、年龄、身材等方面比正常的小,多带有主观感情色彩,含有小而可爱或小巧的意味。例:①Yes,I lost my little darling the night.是的,那夜我失去了我娇小的爱人。②This little bed will do for our youngest daughter.这张小床我们最小的女儿睡能行。B. little还表示“少的”意思时,如little money表示的是几乎没钱,为否定陈述;使用a little money时,表示还有一些钱,为肯定陈述。C. Little 还可以表示小时候,如You"ve had chess on the brain since you were little.你从很小的时候就对下棋产生了浓厚兴趣。《柯林斯词典》


small 小little 同时有少的意思


small主要指的是尺寸、重量、体积、程度、数量、价值小,“不重要的,微不足道的”,“幼小的”、“年幼的”,词的本身不带任何感情色彩,只是表示not big, not large。little表示少量的、不足的,小巧的,带有感情色彩,蕴涵“喜欢”或“厌恶”的感情。a small girl 一个矮小的女孩a little girl 小(而可爱的)女孩a small matter 小事情a small boy 一个小(指矮小的)男孩a naughty little boy 一个顽皮的小男孩a little garden 小花园a small town 小镇例句:1. The boy is small for his age. 这个男孩比他的实际年龄显得矮小。2. This hat is too small for me. 这顶帽子我戴太小。3. The little dog followed the boy everywhere. 这条可爱的小狗寸步不离地跟着那个男孩。4. I lived in the country when I was small. 我小时候住在乡下。 5. My little brother is 18. 我的小弟弟18岁。 6. I have very little time for reading. 我没有多少时间看书。

small和little 的区别是什么

高斋翻译Joy分享:small,little这些形容词均有“小的”意思。这两个单词在CATTI备考、MTI备考、考研英语备考、经济学人外刊精读、专四专八、四六级、托福雅思里面经常遇到:1. small多指数量、面积、体积、价值、数字、尺寸、声音或意义等的小或少,指略小于正常的大小。例:①This coat is too small for me.这件上衣对我来说太小了。②“I"m scared,”she said in a very small voice.她非常小声地说:“我很害怕。”《柯林斯词典》③He felt the apartment"s only drawback was that it was too small.他觉得这个公寓唯一的缺点就是太小了。《柯林斯词典》2. littleA. 指在体积、数量、距离、年龄、身材等方面比正常的小,多带有主观感情色彩,含有小而可爱或小巧的意味。例:①Yes,I lost my little darling the night.是的,那夜我失去了我娇小的爱人。②This little bed will do for our youngest daughter.这张小床我们最小的女儿睡能行。B. little还表示“少的”意思时,如little money表示的是几乎没钱,为否定陈述;使用a little money时,表示还有一些钱,为肯定陈述。C. Little 还可以表示小时候,如You"ve had chess on the brain since you were little.你从很小的时候就对下棋产生了浓厚兴趣。《柯林斯词典》


高斋翻译Joy分享:small,little这些形容词均有“小的”意思。这两个单词在CATTI备考、MTI备考、考研英语备考、经济学人外刊精读、专四专八、四六级、托福雅思里面经常遇到:1. small多指数量、面积、体积、价值、数字、尺寸、声音或意义等的小或少,指略小于正常的大小。例:①This coat is too small for me.这件上衣对我来说太小了。②“I"m scared,”she said in a very small voice.她非常小声地说:“我很害怕。”《柯林斯词典》③He felt the apartment"s only drawback was that it was too small.他觉得这个公寓唯一的缺点就是太小了。《柯林斯词典》2. littleA. 指在体积、数量、距离、年龄、身材等方面比正常的小,多带有主观感情色彩,含有小而可爱或小巧的意味。例:①Yes,I lost my little darling the night.是的,那夜我失去了我娇小的爱人。②This little bed will do for our youngest daughter.这张小床我们最小的女儿睡能行。B. little还表示“少的”意思时,如little money表示的是几乎没钱,为否定陈述;使用a little money时,表示还有一些钱,为肯定陈述。C. Little 还可以表示小时候,如You"ve had chess on the brain since you were little.你从很小的时候就对下棋产生了浓厚兴趣。《柯林斯词典》


区别一 两者都可表示面积和体积的“小”,但 small 是作客观地描述,而 little 则通常带有一定的感情色彩(如高兴、满意、同情等)。如: I wouldn"t like to live in such a small house. 我不想住在那样小的房子里面。 I"d like to have a little house of my own. 我想拥有属于自己的小房子。 注:这样用的 little 通常用作定语,很少用作表语,同时也很少用于比较级或受 very, rather, too 等副词的修饰,而 small 则完全无此限制。 区别二 两者都可以表示不重要或无关紧要,small 通常含有“零碎”或“琐碎”等意思,而 little 则主要从重要性方面考虑。如: Don"t worry about such small [little] things. 不要为那样的小事烦恼。 She is always busy with small things. 她总忙于琐事。 区别三 两者都可以表示量少,small 通常只放在某些具有数量意义的名词前(如 sum, number, amount, quantity, income 等),而 little 则直接放在不可数名词前表示量。如: a little money 一点点钱 a small amount of money 一小笔钱

small和little 的区别是什么

高斋翻译Joy分享:small,little这些形容词均有“小的”意思。这两个单词在CATTI备考、MTI备考、考研英语备考、经济学人外刊精读、专四专八、四六级、托福雅思里面经常遇到:1. small多指数量、面积、体积、价值、数字、尺寸、声音或意义等的小或少,指略小于正常的大小。例:①This coat is too small for me.这件上衣对我来说太小了。②“I"m scared,”she said in a very small voice.她非常小声地说:“我很害怕。”《柯林斯词典》③He felt the apartment"s only drawback was that it was too small.他觉得这个公寓唯一的缺点就是太小了。《柯林斯词典》2. littleA. 指在体积、数量、距离、年龄、身材等方面比正常的小,多带有主观感情色彩,含有小而可爱或小巧的意味。例:①Yes,I lost my little darling the night.是的,那夜我失去了我娇小的爱人。②This little bed will do for our youngest daughter.这张小床我们最小的女儿睡能行。B. little还表示“少的”意思时,如little money表示的是几乎没钱,为否定陈述;使用a little money时,表示还有一些钱,为肯定陈述。C. Little 还可以表示小时候,如You"ve had chess on the brain since you were little.你从很小的时候就对下棋产生了浓厚兴趣。《柯林斯词典》


small和little的区别如下:Small(1)实际尺寸、物理上的大小。衣服大小 small、medium、large。(2)形容词,只能修饰可数名词a small car,一辆小汽车(3)比较级+er,最高级+estSmaller cars use less gas.小一点的汽车更省油。Little(1)形容数量少、程度低、带有感情成分。What a lovely little dog.多么可爱的小狗。(2)形容词,修饰不可数名词a little money 一点小钱little trouble 小麻烦例如:Small这个词几乎不带感情,客观的形容女孩个子小或年龄小,Little带有喜欢、讨厌、怜惜等感情,表示女孩小巧可爱,很大感情成分。在生活大爆炸里面常常听到soft kitty,warm kitty,little ball of fur,是用little来形容猫咪是可爱的小毛球。Emma is a small girl.艾玛是小个子的女孩。Emma is a little girl.艾玛是个小巧可爱的女孩。

O Little Town Of Bethlehem 歌词

歌曲名:O Little Town Of Bethlehem歌手:Eileen Farrell专辑:Carols For Christmas - Original Album ClassicsOh, Little Town of BethlehemOh, Little Town of BethlehemHow still we see thee lie;Above thy deep and dreamless sleepThe silent stars go by;Yet in thy dark streets shinethThe everlasting light.The hopes and fears of all the yearsAre met in thee tonight.For Christ is born of Mary,And gathered all above,While mortals sleep the angels keepTheir watch of wondering love.O morning stars, togetherProclaim the holy birth !And praises sing to God the King,And peace to men on earth !How silently, how silentlyThe wondrous gift is given !So God imparts to human heartsThe blessings of His heaven.No ear may hear His coming;But in this world of sin,Where meek souls will receive Him still,The dear Christ enters in.O holy Child of Bethlehem,Descend to us, we pray;Cast out our sin and enter in,Be born in us today.We hear the Christmas angelsThe great glad tidings tell,O come to us, abide with us,Out Lord Emmanuel !O come to us, abide with us,Out Lord Emmanuel !

21世纪大学英语第一册bittersweet memories翻译

bittersweet memories苦乐参半的回忆bittersweet memories苦乐参半的回忆

Bitter & Sweet 歌词

歌曲名:Bitter & Sweet歌手:RYTHEM专辑:Best StoryBitter & Sweet歌:RYTHEM作词:加藤有加利作曲:加藤有加利あなたと出会った粉雪冷たい夜から1年がたって今年も変わらない日々が来ると 漠然と思っていた好きになったら抑えきれないそんな事は分かっていたけどしょうがないなんて片付けられない目の前で仲良くしないでミントガムの私も今は あなたにとってはもう过去の味无理にあがいて困らせてみても 余计にまずくなるブルーベリーガムのような甘さに惹かれないで 置いていかないでだけど甘いあの娘 苦い私答えはもう出てる今さらあなたの喜ぶ事并べてみても 何か安っぽくてこのまま手を引けば楽になれるよ でも负けを认めたくない见た目は违う 同じ名前どちらも选べないあなたを离したくないこの胸の痛みあなたを爱してるしるしミントガムの私はいつも 指をくわえて待つしかないの?あなたと过ごした记忆のせいで 余计寂しくなる一人よがりだと気付いていても あなたのそばにいれたらいいだけど甘いあの娘 苦い私答えはもう出てるまたこの季节が来たら思い出して泣かなくちゃいけない私は悪くない だってそうでしょ? ねぇ…ミントガムの私も今は あなたにとってはもう过去の味无理にあがいて困らせてみても 余计にまずくなるブルーベリーガムのような甘さに惹かれないで 置いていかないでだけど甘いあの娘 苦い私答えはもう出てる答えはもう出てる今年も変わらない日々が来ると思っていたのにねぇ 変わってしまったのは もしかして私なの?おわり


Your arms around me come undone你的武器把我的装甲卸除的一干二净Makes my heart beat like a drum让我的心跳像鼓声一样轰鸣震动See the panic in my eyes看我眼中透露出惊恐Kiss me hold me when I cry当我哭时,拥吻着我Cause you always want what you"re running from因为你总是要逃避着某些事情And you know this is more than you can take而你知道这样才可以得到更多你想要的Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Baby please don"t look away宝贝,请别把目光移开When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Oh your touch, so bittersweet哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Your cheek is softly by the sun晨曦渐渐照亮你的脸庞 让我的心跳像鼓声一样轰鸣震动 我知道这一切伤害并焚毁了你 炎热与酷冷都混在这孤单的旅馆房间内 看着我并告诉我,我要知道你为什么哭了?因为你总是要逃避着某些事情而永远都没变过宝贝,别忘了当凌晨打破我俩的时光宝贝,请别把目光移开当凌晨打破哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织宝贝,别忘了我的当凌晨打破我俩的时光 因为你总是要逃避着某些事情宝贝,别忘了我的名字当凌晨打破我俩的时光宝贝,请别把目光移开当凌晨打破我俩的时光哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织 宝贝,别忘了我的名字当凌晨打破我俩的时光


Your arms around me come undone你的武器把我的装甲卸除的一干二净Makes my heart beat like a drum让我的心跳像鼓声一样轰鸣震动See the panic in my eyes看我眼中透露出惊恐Kiss me hold me when I cry当我哭时,拥吻着我Cause you always want what you"re running from因为你总是要逃避着某些事情And you know this is more than you can take而你知道这样才可以得到更多你想要的Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Baby please don"t look away宝贝,请别把目光移开When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Oh your touch, so bittersweet哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Your cheek is softly by the sun晨曦渐渐照亮你的脸庞Makes my heart beat like a drum让我的心跳像鼓声一样轰鸣震动I know it hurts you, I know it burns you我知道这一切伤害并焚毁了你Hot and cold in a lonely hotel room炎热与酷冷都混在这孤单的旅馆房间内Look into me, tell me why you"re crying I need to know看着我并告诉我,我要知道你为什么哭了?Cause you always want what you"re running from因为你总是要逃避着某些事情It"s always been that way而永远都没变过Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Baby please don"t look away宝贝,请别把目光移开When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Oh your touch, so bittersweet哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Cause you always want what you"re running from因为你总是要逃避着某些事情Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Baby please don"t look away宝贝,请别把目光移开When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光Oh your touch, so bittersweet哦~你的抚摸是如此令人爱恨交织Baby don"t forget my name宝贝,别忘了我的名字When the morning breaks us当凌晨打破我俩的时光

Bittersweet 歌词

歌曲名:Bittersweet歌手:Fuel专辑:The Best Of FuelBitter-SweetThe Venus In FursWell, this is such a sad affairI"ve opened up my heart so many timesBut now it"s closedOh my dearEvery salted tearIt wringsBitter-sweet applauseBut when the show"s in full swingEvery once in a whileHigh stepping chorus linesMean I"m forgettingMein lullaby - liebchenHow rich in contrastLove can beSometimes I"m quite amusedTo see it twist and turnTo taste both sweet and dryThese vintage yearsLovers you consume,my friendAs others their wineNein - das ist nichtDas ende der WeltGestrandet an Leben und KunstUnd das spiel geht weiterWie man weissNoch viele "schoum"....wiedersehenAnd now, as you turn to leaveYou try to force a smileAs if to compensateThen you break down and cry

Bittersweet 歌词

歌曲名:Bittersweet歌手:Olivia Ong专辑:Olivia 同名专辑I woke up one morning to find my love goneMy love is gone for you to beReplaced by something newIt"s not another guy but of a mind"s that been renewed a new feeling revelation of you and IThat we can never be togetherIt seems like we"ll stay that wayHoping that the pain will truly go awayOh, it"s friends we"ll remain till the end of the dayPlatonic doesn"t change a thing for meWhile it lasted it was bittersweet altogetherMy affections haven"t disappearedFalling in love"s easyHead up in the cloudsPut your feet back on the ground first loves are hard to forgetI"ll take my stand now to resolve this situation That it"s intangible, improbable, you and IThat we can never be togetherIt seems like we"ll stay that wayHoping that the pain will truly go awayOh, it"s friends we"ll remain till the end of the dayPlatonic doesn"t change a thing for meWhile it lasted it was bittersweet altogetherMy affections haven"t disappearedCause you already said to her I do to foreverBreaking my heart in two singingYou already said to her I do to foreverBreaking my heart in two singingOh, it"s friends we"ll remain till the end of the dayPlatonic doesn"t change a thing for meWhile it lasted it was bittersweet altogetherMy affections haven"t disappearedOh, it"s friends we"ll remain till the end of the dayPlatonic doesn"t change a thing for meWhile it lasted it was bittersweet altogetherMy affections haven"t disappearedBittersweet, bittersweet


bitter sweet的意思是苦中有甜,可以指情感,指的是又苦又甜的情感。

求坂本真绫bitter sweet的歌词!!!

私(わたし)たちふたり以外(いがい)谁(だれ)も知(し)らない除了我们俩谁都不知道きっとすぐにはバレないところ深(ふか)く埋(う)めてしまえば简単(かんたん)には见(み)つからない马上把(它)深深埋藏在不会被发现的地方的话,一定不会简简单单的就被发现的もう少(すこ)しこのまま内绪(ないしょ)の恋(こい)をしていよう再就这样秘密的恋爱一会吧いつか时(じ)が気(き)づくまで 直到时机成熟时小(ちい)さな声(こえ)で好(す)きとささやいて用细小的声音对我耳语说喜欢彼(かれ)とは违(ちが)うことばで切(せつ)なくさせて和他不一样的话让我痛苦忧伤ねえ今(いま)だけ无邪気(むじゃき)にはしゃがせて孽~那们就这次让我天真的欢跳起来昔(むかし)よくした追(お)いかけっこの游(あそ)びみたいに就像以前经常你追我赶得这种游戏一般どこにでもある话(はなし)と言(い)いながら少(すこ)しこわいの如果说着哪里都能听到的话就会显得有点可怕伪(いつわ)りの正体(しょうたい)がどこにあるのかわからなくなる藏在欺骗后的真面目到底在哪里我越来越不清楚了この恋(こい)は今(いま)だけの优(やさ)しさとわりきっているの?这场恋爱就连当下的温存都要被铲除掉吗それとももうこれ以上(いじょう)伤(きず)つきたくないだけ?还是说仅仅再也不想互相伤害了而已?そっと隠(かく)れてつなぐ手(て)のひらから在那边藏起的紧紧牵着的手掌彼(かれ)とは违(ちが)うあたたかさを感(かん)じさせて让我感受到和他不一样的温暖ねえもし今(いま)私(わたし)がどこか远(とお)く逃(に)げようと言(い)ったら孽~ 如果我说我现在想逃到很远的某个地方あなたはなんて答(こた)えるの你会怎么回答?小(ちい)さな声(こえ)で好(す)きとささやいて用细小的声音对我耳语说喜欢彼(かれ)とは违(ちが)うことばで切(せつ)なくさせて和他不一样的话让我痛苦忧伤ねえ今(いま)だけ无邪気(むじゃき)にはしゃがせて孽~那们就这次让我天真的欢跳起来昔(むかし)よくした追(お)いかけっこの游(あそ)びみたいに就像以前经常你追我赶得这种游戏一般引自:

求岚 Bittersweet的完整的罗马音歌词。。。网上的都少了一段QAQ

Bittersweet作词:100作曲:100歌:岚梦の中で君と笑えるなら ありのままをyume no naka de kimi to waraeru nara ari no mama wo伝えたくて 分からなくて ただ君だけを见つめてたtsutaetakute wakaranakute tada kimi dake wo mitsumeteta离れた场所からでも届くから 今どこかでhanareta basho kara demo todoku kara ima dokoka de幸せを运ぶ 甘く切ない君の歌shiawase wo hakobu amaku setsunai kimi no uta巡り会えた奇迹がほら この胸を叩いたmeguri aeta kiseki ga hora kono mune wo tataita生まれてく世界は ためらいもなく ただ君で染まってゆくumareteku sekai wa tamerai mo naku tada kimi de somatte yuku恋は甘くて苦い 溶けてくような 忘れられない香りばかりkoi wa amakute nigai toketeku youna wasurerarenai kaori bakari叶わないけど爱おしい 仆を强くさせるkanawanai kedo itooshii boku wo tsuyokusaseru知りたい 消えない想い出なら あの日のまま包み込んでshiritai kienai omoide nara ano hi no mama tsutsumi konde君を强く抱き缔めたら 溶けてゆくほど优しくkimi wo tsuyoku daki shimetara tokete yuku hodo yasashiku不思议なほど君が离れないから 憧れでもfushigi na hodo kimi ga hanarenai kara akogare demo届けたくて もどかしくて 柔らかな伤みの中でtodoketakute modokashikute yawaraka na itami no naka deこぼれ落ちた季节に戸惑えば またどこかでkobore ochita kisetsu ni tomadoeba mata dokoka de君を探してる 届くことない仆の歌kimi wo sagashiteru todoku koto nai boku no uta涙色がにじむ空に 想い出を浮かべてnamida iro ga nijimu sora ni omoide wo ukabete忘れたくないから 张り裂けるほど また君で溢れてゆくwasuretakunai kara hari sakeru hodo mata kimi de afurete yukuそして巡り会いたい たったひとつの 思いがけない奇迹ばかりsoshite meguri aitai tatta hitotsu no omoigakenai kiseki bakari君以外 代わりのない 眩しいほどの光kimi igai kawari no nai mabushii hodo no hikari切ない 言えない気持ちはまだ 胸の隙间しみ込んでsetsunai ienai kimochi wa mada mune no sukima shimi konde仆の全て流れるように 君を感じているからboku no subete nagareru youni kimi wo kanjiteiru kara君にもしも出逢わなければ まるで违う世界が见えていたんだkimi ni moshimo deawanakereba maru de chigau sekai ga miete itanda确かなことがあれば 君がいるから ここに仆はいるよ 谁よりも 君をtashika na koto ga areba kimi ga iru kara koko ni boku wa iruyo dare yori mo kimi wo恋は甘くて苦い 溶けてくような 忘れられない香りばかりkoi wa amakute nigai toketeku youna wasurerarenai kaori bakari叶わないけど爱おしい 仆を强くさせるkanawanai kedo itooshii boku wo tsuyokusaseru知りたい 消えない想い出なら あの日のまま包み込んでshiritai kienai omoide nara ano hi no mama tsutsumi konde君を强く抱き缔めたら 溶けてゆくほど优しくkimi wo tsuyoku daki shimetara tokete yuku hodo yasashiku


  04.Bittersweet lyrics  [M]  Yeah, bittersweet, brave sound, ohh no yeah  Rather saying “I love you” telling me you won"t let me go  I won"t forget, I believe in you  Even if the love betrays me  Even if the sweet whispers rings in my ears  my love is bittersweet  my love is bittersweet  my love is bittersweet love  cause you"re my bittersweet love  [Maboose]  That good-for nothing love is So bitter (ha)  Telling me to stop and pushing my back away  I would stop you but I will treasure that feeling ([M] Treasure those feelings)  That"s all I can do for you, that"s best choice for you  [Maboose]  [Even if] we are apart  [M]  My heart remembers you  [Maboose]  You leaving without looking (back) ([M] Leaving without looking back)  [HyunA]  The way your hand felt, that sensation is still on my palm (ho!)  I still have scar on my heart, I have it all (ho!)  I can feel it, but my love (shh) is over  [Maboose]  It"s as if you living on inside of me  It"s as if my heart"s about to be crushed  [HyunA]  You have left me ([Maboose] Yeah) but I am still waiting for you here  [M] Rather than saying “I love you” telling me you won"t let me go  I won"t forget, I believe in you  Even if the love betrays me ([Basic] Oh)  Even if the sweet whispers rings in my ears ([Basic] Oh)  my love is bittersweet  my love is bittersweet  my love is bittersweet love  cause you"re my bittersweet love  [Basic]  Yea yeah yeah  My B A B Y do you remember (whoo!)  When we talked on phone all night  You"re my L A D Y  It"s totally opposite from those rumors (Chyeah!)  After going through the hardship we go crazy for each other  Genuine love, yes I did  Genuine or fake it doesn"t mater, Love is bitter yet so sweet (eye y eye y )  Oh, I wanted to give it all to you  Thinkin" about your body all day  With my mind somewhere else  Your existence which I treasure everyday in my memories (Your existence)  Now even if it"s happenin" still keepin" it real (exsitance)  If the next love is just like yours, then I am fine  [Red]  Sometimes I want to return your lost feelings and  I may look dumb for hating you departing too far  The promise that couldn"t be kept  I can"t even apologize.  But I hope you understand my situation in the future  My unexplainable image, it"s too late  Now nothing has meaning, I will always keep you inside of my heart.  [M]  Oh my lady~  Rather than saying “I love you” telling me you won"t let me go  I won"t forget (oh!), I believe in you (believe in you)  Even if our love betrays me  Even if the sweet whispers rings in my ears  (yeah) my love is bittersweet  (ohh) my love is bittersweet  my love is bittersweet love  cause you"re my bittersweet love  Bittersweet, bittersweet, cause you"re my bittersweet love  Bittersweet, bittersweet, cause you"re my bittersweet love  只有英文的.

谁有superjunior Bittersweet的歌词?

ub2ecucf64ud55c ub124 uadf8 ub9d0 ub0a0 uc8fduc774ub294 ub124 uadf8 ub9d0 uac00ub9ccud788 uae68ubb3cuba74 uc4f0ub514uc4f4 uadf8 ub9d0 uadf8ub9ccud574 ubbf8uc6ccud558uc9c0 ubabbud574 uc0acub791ud558uc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud574 uacb0uad6d ub3c4ub9dduccd0ubc84ub9b0ub2e8 uadf8 ub9d0 uc81cubc1c uadf8ub9cc uadf8ub9ccud574 *uc0bcud0ac uc218 uc5c6uc5c8ub358 ub9d0, uadf8ud1a0ub85d ub728uac81uace0 ub3c5ud588ub358 ub124 uadf8 ub9d0 uadf8 uc794uc778ud55c uc785uc220, ub0a8uc740 ub0b4 ubbf8ub828ub9c8uc800 ucc28uac11uac8c uc790ub974uace0 uac00ub2c8 uc628 uac00uc2b4 uc5bcuc5b4ubd99uc740 ub0b4 uacc1uc5d4 uc0acub77cuc9c0ub294 uac83 ub4e4 ubfd0uc774uc57c ucc28ub77cub9ac uc6b0ub9ac ucc98uc74cubd80ud130 uc544ubb34 uac83ub3c4 uc544ub2c8uc5c8ub2e4uba74 ub2ecucf64ud55c ub124 uadf8 ub9d0 ub0a0 uc6c3uac8c ud588ub358 uadf8 ub9d0 uac00ub9ccud788 uae68ubb3cuba74 uc4f0ub514uc4f4 uadf8 ub9d0 uadf8ub9ccud574 ubbf8uc6ccud558uc9c0 ubabbud574 uc0acub791ud558uc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud574 uc9c0ub098uba74 ub2e4 uc78auc744 uac70ub780 uadf8 ub9d0 uc81cubc1c uadf8ub9cc uadf8ub9ccud574 *uc0bcud0ac uc218 uc5c6uc5c8ub358 ub9d0, uadf8ud1a0ub85d ub728uac81uace0 ub3c5ud588ub358 ub124 uadf8 ub9d0 uadf8 uc794uc778ud55c uc785uc220, ub0a8uc740 ub0b4 ubbf8ub828ub9c8uc800 ucc28uac11uac8c uc790ub974uace0 uac00ub2c8 uc628 uac00uc2b4 uc5bcuc5b4ubd99uc740 ub0b4 uacc1uc5d4 uc0acub77cuc9c0ub294 uac83ub4e4ubfd0uc774uc57c ucc28ub77cub9ac uc6b0ub9ac ucc98uc74cubd80ud130 uc544ubb34 uac83ub3c4 uc544ub2c8uc5c8uae38 ub3ccuc544uac00, ub124uac00 uc788ub358 uc790ub9acub85c ub124uac00 ub0a0 ubaa8ub974ub358 ub354 uc61bub0a0ub85c ub2e4uc2dcub294 uc774ub7f0 uc0acub791 ud558uc9c0ub9d0uc790 *uc0bcud0ac uc218 uc5c6uc5c8ub358 ub9d0, uadf8ud1a0ub85d ub728uac81uace0 ub3c5ud588ub358 ub124 uadf8 ub9d0 uadf8 uc794uc778ud55c uc785uc220 ub0a8uc740 ub0b4 ubbf8ub828ub9c8uc800 ucc28uac11uac8c uc790ub974uace0 uac00ub2c8 uc628 uac00uc2b4 uc5bcuc5b4ubd99uc740 ub0b4 uacc1uc5d4 uc0acub77cuc9c0ub294 uac83 ub4e4 ubfd0uc774uc57c ucc28ub77cub9ac uc6b0ub9ac ucc98uc74cubd80ud130 uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 uc544ub2c8uc5c8ub2e4uba74

Amy diamond 的Bittersweet的中英文对照歌词。

It"s hard to find the thing to say 找不到什么可说I"m vulnerable and frail 我易受伤又太脆弱So I wrap my heart in bubble plastic 所以把心包裹泡沫塑料Just in case it breaks 防止它破碎的说Before you and I go much further now 现在在你和我走下去之前Now I"m asking you to please tell me 我要请求你的回答Do you really want my love? 你真想得到我的爱么Is it really me you"re thinking of? 你想的是不是我When you smile at me 当你对我微笑It"s so bittersweet 那是苦中带甜Let me know 让我晓得Before tomorrow comes along 在黎明到来前Cause baby I"m already in too deep 因为我已深陷Until then I love you bittersweet 从此我爱你苦中带甜I can"t let go 不能释然But this I know 但我知道I won"t let you stay 我不会留你If you"re not sure about the way you feel 如果你迷茫于About the two of us today 今天我们两个Before you and I go much further now 在我们走下去前I"m asking you to please tell me 我请求你快给出答案Do you really want my love? 你真想得到我的爱么Is it really me you"re thinking of? 你想的是不是我When you smile at me 当你对我微笑It"s so bittersweet 那是苦中带甜Let me know 让我晓得Before tomorrow comes along 在黎明到来前Cause baby I"m already in too deep 因为我已深陷Until then I love you bittersweet 从此我爱你苦中带甜It"s heaven when when you say it"s you and me 当你说‘你与我"那就是天堂But hell when you"re gone mysteriously 当你远走高飞我就流放地狱I"d rather be alone than lost and torn 几乎流离颠沛Maybe I must make it on my own 可能我该独自面对I"m feeling incomplete 我没有找到结尾Loving you is so bittersweet 失去你苦中带甜Do you really want my love? 你真想得到我的爱么Is it really me you"re thinking of? 你想的是不是我When you smile at me 当你对我微笑It"s so bittersweet 那是苦中带甜Oh let me know 哦让我明白吧Before tomorrow comes along 在黎明到来前Cause baby I"m already in too deep 因为我已深陷Until then I love you bittersweet从此我爱你苦中带甜

窦靖童 bitter sweet歌词什么意思

Bitter Sweet - 窦靖童词:窦靖童曲:The Invisible Men/Jonathan Christopher Shave/窦靖童Paint me a picture ohYes I know It isn"t realMMMMYou can keep your story goingI won"t tell you how I feelI"ll let it bePretend I don"t seeWhat you"re doing to me to meCome a little closer nowLay your hands on meGive me just enough so its hard to breathePull away and turn aroundLet the music fadeLet me bask in bitter sweet dismayStanding on solid groundI circle in the fatal greyMMMMCarry on carry onWhat"s the price to payLay all out in front of youI sayCome a little closer nowLay your hands on meGive me just enough so its hard to breathePull away and turn aroundLet the music fadeLet me bask in bitter sweet dismayCome a little closer nowLay your hands on meGive me just enough so its hard to breathePull away and turn aroundLet the music fadeLet me bask in bitter sweet dismayLay your hands on meGive me just enough so its hard to breatheLet the music fadeLet me bask in bitter sweet dismay

Kanye West Ft. John Mayer - Bittersweet 歌词的中文意思

Bittersweet, you"re gonna be the death of me. 你让我感到无奈,你将会让我死去. I dont want you, but I need you, 我不愿想念你,但我却需要你. I love you and I hate you at the very same time. 你真是让我又爱又恨. See what I want so much, should never hurt this bad 瞧我拥有的这一切,恐怕从没像现在这样受伤. Never did this before, thats what the virgin said 从没像现在这样,我就像个处女. We"ve been generally warned, thats what the surgeon says 就像医生说的我们警告过你. God talk to me now this is an emergency 这时上帝告诉我这是个特殊时期 And she claim she only with me for the currency, 她还声称她只是为了钱才和我在一起 You cut me deep bitch cut me like surgery 你伤我伤的好深(BITCH)象外科医生一样 And I was to proud to admit that it was hurtin me 我为自己容许你伤害我感到自豪 I"d never do that to you at least purposely 因为我从未有过一丁点故意地伤害你 We breakin up again we makin up again 我们总是分分合合 but we dont loved no more 但我知道我们不再相爱 I guess we fuckin then 我想我们随后会做爱 Have you ever felt like you wanted to kill her 你有过想杀她的想法么 and you mixed them emotions with tequilla 你把感情和龙舌兰酒混在一起 and you mixed that with a little bad advice 你又把它们和一个不妙的小建议混在一起 on one of them bad nights 用在了一个糟糕的夜晚 you have a bad fight 你打了场糟糕的仗 and you talkin about her family her aunts and shit 当你谈到她家人她姑妈和蠢货时 and she sayin muhfucka yo mama"s a bitch 她说(M**F**KA你妈是个*子) you know ======= domestic drama and shit 家庭戏剧和谎言 All the attitude ill never hit a girl but ill shake the shit out of you 所有敌对的态度与苦恼决不会让一个女孩遭受但苦恼会让谎言(蠢货)离开你 but im a be the bigger man 而我会成为更伟大的人 big pimpin like jigga man 大PIMP和JIGGA oh i guess i figure its 哦我想我考虑好了 Bittersweet, you"re gonna be the death of me 你让我感到无奈,你将会让我死去. I dont want you, but I need you, 我不愿想念你,但我却需要你. I love you and I hate you at the very same time 你真是让我又爱又恨. See what I want so much, should never hurt this bad 瞧我拥有的这一切,恐怕从没像现在这样受伤. Never did this before, thats what the virgin said 从没像现在这样,我就像个处女. We"ve been generally warned, thats what the surgeon says 就像医生说的我们警告过你. God talk to me now this is an emergency 这时上帝告诉我这是个特殊时期 And my nigga says I shouldn"t let her worry me 我哥们说我不应该让她担心我 I need to focus on the girls we gettin currently 我需要把精力集中在女孩身上至少我们拥有现在 But I"ve been thinking and it got me back to sinking it 但我考虑过那样会让我再次陷入情网 This relationship, it even got me back to drinking now 可是这样的关系,甚至让我再次酗酒 This Hennessey, is gonna be the death of me 这杯轩尼诗,就快让我死去. And I always thought that you havin my child was our destiny 我总是在想,你有我的孩子等于掌握着我们的命运 But I can"t even vibe wit you sexually 但我甚至不能理智地对待你 Cause every time that I try you will question me 因为我无时无刻地在努力而你却总是质疑我 Say "you fuckin them girls, disrespecting me? 说"你和那些女孩们上床,不尊重我么?" You don"t see how your lies are affecting me? 你根本不明白你在外过夜对我影响有多大 You don"t see how our life was supposed to be? 你根本不知道我们的生活到底应该是什么样的 And you ain"t cracked up to what you was supposed to be! 而你并不是屈服于你所期望的 You always gone! You always be where them hoes would be!" 是因为你总是逃避!你总是投机取巧. And it"s the first time she ever spilled her soul to me! 这是她第一次这样把她的灵魂交给我 I fucked up and I know it G 我完蛋了我知道 I guess it"s bittersweet poetry 我想这是首无奈的诗吧

“a little of”和“a bit of”的区别?

a little of英 [u0259 u02c8litl u0254v]美 [e u02c8lu026atl u028cv]少些, 一点1. He complained a little of a nagging pain between his shoulder blades. 他有几句提到说肩胛骨之间一直在疼。2. I"m sure she won"t mind sparing us a little of her time. 我肯定她不会介意为我们抽点时间。3. Pour a little of the sauce over the chicken. 在鸡肉上浇一点调味汁。4. She laid a little of her pay away each week. 她每周将薪水储蓄一点.5. Add a little of the warmed milk and allow to froth a little. 加一点温牛奶,并让它起点儿沫。

“a little of”和“a bit of”的区别?

“alittleof”和“abitof”的区别有如下几点:abit和alittle在肯定句中修饰动词、形容词、副词和比较级时可以互换,表示"一点儿"的意思.例如:Thespeakerspokeupabit/alittlesoastomakehimselfheardmoreclearly.演讲者把嗓门提高了一点儿,以便使别人听得更清楚.abit和alittle在否定句中的意思恰恰相反,notabit相当于"notatall"(一点儿都不);notalittle相当于"very(much)"或"extremely"(很、非常).例如:Sheisnotabittired.(=Sheisnottiredatall.)她一点都不累.alittle可以直接作定语修饰名词,而abit则要在后面加of构成短语才能作定语,两者都只能修饰不可数名词.例如:Thereisalittle/abitoffoodleftforlunch.午饭只能吃剩下的一点食品了.abitof的另一种形式是bitsof,alittle则没有这种变体.例如:Besidesthis,heusedpartofanoldarmywirelessset,andsomebitsofwood.除此之外,他还利用了一部分旧的军用无线电发报机的一部分零件和一些木片.liile:英[u02c8lu026atl]美[u02c8lu026atl]adj.小的;琐碎的;娇小的;幼小的adv.不多,略微;少许,一点;短时间地n.(表示否定)微少;没有多少;短时间det.(数量上)微少的,少到几乎没有的;(alittle)少量的,一些例句:Ihadlittlemoneyandlittlefreetime我没什么钱,也没多少空闲时间。OntheirwaybacktoMarseilletheyspokeverylittle返回马赛的路上,他们没怎么说话。MrsCaanneedsalittlehelpgettinghergrocerieshome卡安太太需要有人帮把手将食品杂货拿回家。Hewalkedalittlebyhimselfinthegarden.他一个人在花园里散了一会儿步。Hecomplainedalittleofanaggingpainbetweenhisshoulderblades他有几句提到说肩胛骨之间一直在疼。Inthebeginninghehadfeltwell,butlittlebylittlehewasbecomingweake一开始他感觉很好,但慢慢地就变虚弱了。Wesataroundalittletable,eatinganddrinkingwine.我们围坐在一张小桌旁吃吃喝喝。She"sgotthenicestlittlehousenotfarfromthelibrary.她有一幢非常漂亮的小房子,就在离图书馆不远处。I havealittleboyof8.我有一个8岁的小男孩。WheneverDaniel"slittlesisterwasaskedtodosomethingshealwayshadanaughtyreply.每次让丹尼尔的妹妹做什么事,她总是要淘气地回嘴。bit:英[bu026at]美[bu026at]n.一点,一块;少量,少许;一会儿,一转眼;[计]比特(二进位制信息单位)adj.很小的,微不足道的adv.[口语]相当,有点儿,或多或少,多少[abitto的省略]vt.给(马)上嚼子;上衔铁;抑制;制约v.咬,叮(bite的过去式);刺痛;咬饵;有咬(或叮)的习性双语例句:Allitrequiredwasabitofwork.这事儿只需稍费工夫就可以了。Thisgirlwasabitstrange这个女孩有点儿古怪.It"sallabitofamess有点儿乱七八糟。They"reworthquiteabitofmoney它们值不少钱。IstillthinkIhaveabitmoretooffer我还是认为我能再稍微多付出一点儿。Let"swaitabit我们等一会儿吧。That"sthebitofthemeetingthatImissed那就是会议上我错过的那一小段。Onlyabitofstringloopedroundanailinthedoorposthelditshut.仅仅是靠缠在门柱钉子上的一小段细绳把门关紧。Therewasonebitofvitalevidencewhichhelpedwinthecase一个关键的证据帮助打赢了这场官司。BitbybitIbegantounderstandwhattheyweretryingtodo.我逐渐明白了他们想要干什么。

Little strokes fell great oaks. strokes, fell , oaks.在句中啥意思呀

水滴石穿strok是打击fell 滴落oaks是洞

谁知道《a little love 》歌词的中文意思

词:Anders Lee/冯曦妤曲:陈光荣编曲:陈光荣Greatness as youSmallest as meYou show me what is deep as seaA little love, little kissA little hug, little giftAll of little something, these are our memoriesYou make me cryMake me smileMake me feel that love is trueYou always stand by my sideI don"t want to say goodbyeYou make me cryMake me smileMake me feel the joy of loveOh kissing youThank you for all the love you always give to meOh I love youGreatness as youSmallest as meYou show me what is deep as seaA little love, little kissA little hug, little giftAll of little something, these are our memoriesYou make me cryMake me smileMake me feel that love is trueYou always stand by my sideI don"t want to say goodbyeYou make me cryMake me smileMake me feel the joy of loveOh kissing youThank you for all the love you always give to meOh I love youYes I do, I always doMake me cryMake me smileMake me feel that love is trueYou always stand by my sideI don"t want to say goodbyeYou make me cryMake me smileMake me feel the joy of loveOh kissing youThank you for all the love you always give to meOh I love youTo be with you, oh I love you曲编/监制:陈光荣Mixed by Chan Kwong Wing & Helen Tong at Click musicMastered by 舒文 at Zoo musicOP: Music Nation Publishing Co ltd / EEG Music publishing ltdSP: 2008 Click music limited 伟大的你 最小的为我 您能告诉我什么是海深 一点爱,小吻 一个小小的拥抱,小礼物 所有的小事情是我们的记忆 你让我哭 让我的微笑 让我觉得爱情是真正的 你总是站在我身边 我不想说再见 你让我哭 让我的微笑 让我感到喜悦的爱 亲吻你哦 感谢你所有的爱你,总是给我 噢我爱你 伟大的你 最小的为我 您能告诉我什么是海深 一点爱,小吻 一个小小的拥抱,小礼物 所有的小事情是我们的记忆 你让我哭 让我的微笑 让我觉得爱情是真正的 你总是站在我身边 我不想说再见 你让我哭 让我的微笑 让我感到喜悦的爱 亲吻你哦 感谢你所有的爱你,总是给我 噢我爱你 是我 我总是这样 让我哭 让我的微笑 让我觉得爱情是真正的 你总是站在我身边 我不想说再见 你让我哭 让我的微笑 让我感到喜悦的爱 亲吻你哦 感谢你所有的爱你,总是给我 噢我爱你 要与你,噢我爱你

A great man shows his greatness _________ the way he treats little men.


《a little love》的歌词

[ti:a little love][ar:冯曦妤][al:a little love][by:william王子]lrc powered by p.williamalbum:a little love冯曦妤-a little love曲:陈光荣词:anders lee 冯曦妤编:陈光荣监制:陈光荣greatness as you smallest as me you show me what is deep as sea a little love,little kiss a litlle hug,little gift all>little somethingthese are our memories you make me cry make me smile make me feel that love is true you always stand by my side i don"t want to say goodbye you make me cry make me smile make me feel the joy>love oh kissing you thank you for all the love you always give to me >love you yes i do,i always do make me cry make me smile make me feel that love is true you always stand by my side i don"t want to say goodbye repeat#to be with you,>love you


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