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周杰伦英文名[Jay Chou]意思原解 J Jewel 宝石 受珍视的人 一个散发着宝石般光芒的Jay,被我们每个爱Jay的朋友珍视着…… A Angel 天使 A,一个开始;Angel,一个完美的开始。无须置疑,Jay就是我们的天使。 Y yak 牦牛 Jay是不是工作起来很想牦牛呢?他能带给我们每个人快乐。 C Confidence 自信 JAY随时都散发着自信的光芒,JAY的自信源自实力,源自大家的支持。 H Harvest 收获 JAY在没一张专辑中都有不少的收获~除了销量以外,又多了许多人的支持~ O Only 唯一 你是唯一的Jay,你就是我们的唯一。 最后一个字母的解释是最经典的,详进汤生中文贴吧周杰伦吧噢


感觉新的一季除了比伯姐再也找不到新的笑点了,期待下一个基兰的接班人。之前杂志采访的时候其实taran并不知道龙哥解约的目的,而且他自己表示了非常惊讶,但是尊崇龙哥的决定,因为可能龙哥对未来SNL有更长远的打算。另外就是,Jay的离开本身他的sketch要弱许多,但是我觉得他表演的超级搞笑啊,比michle che好太多了,可惜了。《周六夜现场》(Saturday Night Live,缩写SNL,又称周末夜现场)是美国一档于周六深夜时段直播的喜剧小品类综艺节目,由洛恩·迈克尔斯创立,为迪克·埃伯索尔所继承发展。节目以纽约市为拍摄地,于1975年10月11日起在全国广播公司(NBC)首播,截至2016年5月21日第41季完结日已播出808集,是美国电视史上最长寿的节目之一。节目由一系列讽刺恶搞当下政治和文化的喜剧小品组成,每周都有不同的客座主持人与音乐来宾加入,与该节目的固定卡司一同演出。节目在大西洋标准时区、北美东部时区、北美中部时区均以现场直播的方式播出。2020年10月19日,据外媒报道,歌手阿黛尔将在10月24日播出的《周六夜现场》(《SNL》)中担任主持人。

Jason, Jensen, Jevon,Jenkins, Jayvyn, Jean那个作为英文名字好呢? 我名字吉成,请帮我参考啦,多谢!


Jay Sean的《Murder》 歌词

歌曲名:Murder歌手:Jay Sean专辑:My Own WayJay Sean - Murder (Feat. Thara)Heyyy hooo heyyy hooo..M-U-R-DERYou are.Girl you murderBoy you murderThat girl is murderShe"s a one day in sevenHer looks are her weaponay o ay o ayyyy oThat boy is murderHe"s a one eighty sevenNo other man can step to himay o ay o ayyy oo(Jay Sean)Yo, oh theres this girl i knowShe"s so incredibleTalkin bout how to make a man sell his soulTreat her just like a queenMake you give up everythingThis girl is murdering mestep one- Erase all the girls from my phoneTwo- Give up everything that i ownThree- Dont even see my boys no moreno no no no noooooooFour- Got me doing dishes with my apron onFive- Selling mixtapes with my favourite songsSix- Somebody tell me whats going on, man i dont knowThat girl is murderShe"s a one day in sevenHer looks are her weaponay o ay o ayyyy oThat boy is muderHe"s a one eighty sevenNo other man can step to himay o ay o ayyy ooM-U-R-DERyou are.Girl you"re murderBoy you"re murderNo no noooooooo(Thara)He"s the reason that I"m in this placeThat I swore I"d never beAnd the way that I"m actin" round ma girls hittin on me."N" I don"t care wat my daddy says and that"s what"s killing me.Even though they"re just tryna save meBut i dont need it(chorus)That girl is murderShe"s a one day in sevenHer looks are her weaponnay o ay o ayyyy oThat boy is muderHe"s a one eighty sevenNo other man can step to himay o ay o ayyy oo(Thara)Boy i dont know, this is unusualHow you got me chasing youNot even my average but the chemistrys auto-matic.Slow-ly I"m losing myself but I dont wonder howBut we"re meant to be with mudererserrs errs errs..(chorus)That girl is murderShe"s a one day in sevenHer looks are her weaponay o ay o ayyyy oThat boy is muderHe"s a one eighty sevenNo other man can step to himay o ay o ayyy ooM-U-R-DERYou are.Girl you murderBoy you murderBaby don"t you know that you"reM-U-R-DERYou areGirl you murderBoy you murderBut i don"t know why i put up with uCause ur murder babyYou"re murder babyYou"re murder ladyYou"re murder boymurder murder thats what you are.http://music.baidu.com/song/651910




杰森英文名正确有两个:Jason,Jayson。小标题最先开始,也是最正统的是Jason,有y也是正确的,是后来加的。Jason名字寓意:知识丰富的,细心,善于分析,有灵性。名字印象:善于察言观色,有精神追求。敏感,欣赏生活中美好有深度的事物,遇到挫折会半途而废。经历坎坷。喜欢自然界的和平安静。有理想。Jason起源于希腊名字Ιασων(Iason)它源自希腊ιασθαι(iasthai)“到愈合”。在希腊神话中,Jason是Argonauts的领导者。在他的叔叔Pelias推翻他的父亲Aeson作为Iolcos的国王后。Jason去寻找金羊毛,以赢回宝座。在旅途中,他结婚了女仆梅迪亚,帮助他获得羊毛和杀死他的叔叔,但后来他反对他,当他爱上另一个女人。这个名字也出现。扩展资料近代杰森名字1、杰森斯坦森/Jason Statham1967年7月26日出生于英国伦敦,英国影视男演员。1993年-1994年间,在The Shamen乐队的歌曲《Comin" On》MV中和Erasure乐队的歌曲《Run to the Sun》MV中担任舞者。2000年,杰森·斯坦森再次与盖·里奇合作了电影《偷拐抢骗》,饰演一位黑市拳击的经理人,影片票房超过8000万美金。2002年,吕克·贝松为他打造了《玩命快递》系列,他在片中饰演“快递员”弗兰克·马丁,从此杰森确立起年轻一代动作英雄的形象。2、莱昂·杰/Leon Jason1986年6月11日出生于斯卡恩(丹麦),是一名足球运动员,司职后卫,效力于凯泽斯劳滕足球俱乐部。

scrub jay是什么意思

scrub jay的意思介绍如下:灌丛鸦。灌丛鸦(scrub jay)是一种飞行缓慢的鸟类,但它们在地面时活动却相当灵活,用双腿跳跃行进。它们分布于北美地区,是美国特有物种,目前该物种被列入《世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)》的鸟类红色名录易危等级。近日,中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会(简称中国绿发会,绿会)国际部获悉一篇关于德克萨斯州和墨西哥识别新的灌丛鸦物种的研究文章,现将其整理编译如下,供感兴趣的朋友参考。堪萨斯大学(University of Kansas)的研究人员所进行的一项全面的遗传基因和统计研究显示,两组灌丛鸦——一组在墨西哥,一组在德克萨斯——应该被视为独立物种。该研究发表于《系统生物学》,研究人员使用基因组数据勾勒出灌丛鸦的自然历史,展示了数千年来地理变化如何影响这些鸟类种群,从而影响了它们之间的基因流动。该研究的主要作者德文·德拉德(Devon DeRaad)说:“灌丛鸦是冠蓝鸦(blue jay)的近亲,在美国西部,它们经常出现在人们的后院,来到你的喂食器,与你互动。它们的空间记忆力是所有鸟类中最好的,它们能记住成千上万个储存种子的地方。”对灌丛鸦的基因测序显示,在灌丛鸦属中有两个不同的新物种:墨西哥南部特有物种(A. sumichrasti);德克萨斯州特有的保护物种(A. texana)。




本 名: 周杰伦 本 籍: 台湾英文名: Jay Chou生 日: 1979-01-18 出生地: 台湾身 高: 173cm 体 重: 60kg 血 型: O 星 座: 摩羯座 学 历: 淡江中学音乐科 专 长: 写歌、作词、打球 专精乐器:钢琴、大提琴、吉他、爵士鼓 音乐类型:R&B 运 动 :篮球 口头禅:吊不吊 最大优点:词曲创作力强、e世代的新音乐人 最大缺点:害羞、心软 最大心愿:走遍世界每一个角落 最爱物品:鸭舌帽、各类乐器 经 历:淡江中学合唱团钢琴伴奏、公视--百里香煎鱼(单元剧)、街头音乐表演家(角色)、TVBS-G 超级新人王年度亚军 家庭状况: (家中独子)父亲(物理老师),母亲(中学美术老师) 圈中好友: 罗志祥(小猪),刘耕宏 小时侯的梦想:做李小龙 初恋: 国中隔壁班同学 喜欢女孩类型: 长发,瓜子脸,单凤眼(古典美) 最佳创作伙伴: 方文山 最敬爱的人: 外婆,妈妈和爸爸 最喜欢的电影: 宫崎骏任何一部卡通电影 嗜好: 写歌,看电影,打篮球,玩电动 专精乐器: 钢琴,大提琴,吉他,爵士鼓 最爱运动: 篮球,健身,练双截棍 最喜爱的物品: 鸭舌帽,各类乐器,黑人音乐,银器,口香糖 收集嗜好: 球鞋和帽子 最喜爱的音乐: R&B,HIP-HOP (实际上什么种类的歌都喜欢) 最喜爱的衣着: 自然,舒适,HIP-HOP (简单的T-SHIRT上衣加上短裤) 最喜爱的颜色: 蓝色 最喜爱的食物: 炸鸡,鸡排和鸡肉有关的都喜欢 (特别是香港太平馆的瑞士鸡翼),(肯得鸡家乡鸡),另外还喜欢喝甜的饮料。 最喜爱的音乐家: 萧邦,李思特,马友友 最喜爱的演员: 李连杰 最喜爱的篮球明星: MICHEAL JORDAN 最喜爱的歌手: USHER,BABYFACE 最想到的地方: 法国感觉很浪漫,不过有机会想试试上海或北京, 乘坐长途火车到内蒙古或新疆,感受变化多端的风光景色。 回答者:你比如说 - 见习魔法师 三级 11-12 23:23姓 名: 周杰伦 籍 贯: 性 别: 男 出生地: 身 高: 173Cm 体 重: 60Kg 英文名: JayChou 所在地: 血 型: O型 星 座: 山羊座 生 肖: 马 学 历: 淡江中学音乐科 生 日 : 79年1月18日 职 业: 歌手 个人简历 专 长 : 专精乐器:钢琴、大提琴、吉他、爵士鼓 音乐类型:R&B最擅长做的菜:炒蛋 最喜欢被情人吻的部位:脸 最欣赏的音乐创作人:badyface 最想收到情人的礼物:亲手做的菜 最大优点:词曲创作力强、e世代的新音乐人最想经历人生的那一个阶段:国中 最大缺点:害羞、心软 最大心愿:走遍世界每一个角落 最爱物品:鸭舌帽、各类音乐创作作品:歌曲名称 演唱者 收录专辑《到底谁是伊》 江蕙 《红线》 《落雨声》 江蕙 《江蕙专辑》 《两个寂寞》 陶子 《青春》 《刀马旦》 李玟 《promise》 《悲伤的斜对面》 吕方 《dear吕方》 《白色羽毛》 芮恩 《芮恩RuiEn》 《点灯泡》 康康 《圆梦》 《定时炸弹》 康康 《圆梦》 《刀锋边缘》 康康 《圆梦》 《催泪》 康康 《催泪》 《或许你是对的》 康康 《催泪》 《北斗星》 温岚 《有点野》 《动心》 温岚 《有点野》 《眼泪知道》 温岚 《有点野》 《屋顶》 温岚&吴宗宪 《有点野》 《胡同里有只猫》 温岚 《第6感》 《喜欢这样子》 温岚 《第6感》 《不告而别》 温岚 《第6感》 《耳边风》 温岚 《第6感》 《地狱天使》 温岚 《蓝色雨》 《走》 温岚 《蓝色雨》 《发烫》 温岚 《蓝色雨》 《世界末日》 SBDW 《SBDW专辑》 《野孩子》 SBDW 《SBDW专辑》 《哈啦》 SBDW 《SBDW专辑》 《你走》 SBDW 《SBDW专辑》 《不是不想》 SBDW 《Wanna Fly专辑》 《La Mumsica》 SBDW 《完全占有》 《抱一抱》 陈小春 《抱一抱》 《二楞子》 陈小春 《抱一抱》 《我爱的人》 陈小春 《抱一抱》 《你比从前快乐》 吴宗宪 《你比从前快乐》 《屋顶》 吴宗宪 《你比从前快乐》 《平衡点》 吴宗宪 《你比从前快乐》 《耍花样》 吴宗宪 《脱离轨道》 《不爱我的画面》 吴宗宪 《脱离轨道》 《唱歌的人最快乐》 吴宗宪 《吴宗宪的台语歌》 《相思是啥咪》 吴宗宪 《吴宗宪的台语歌》 《大声讲出心内的话》 吴宗宪 《吴宗宪的台语歌》 《容易破碎的心》 吴宗宪 《吴宗宪的台语歌》《瞎了聋了》 吴宗宪 《永保安康》 《三眠三日》 吴宗宪 《吴尽的爱宗于实宪演唱会》 《你怎么连话都说不清楚》 蔡依琳 《lucky number》 《骑士精神》 蔡依琳 《看我72变》《说爱你》 蔡依琳 《看我72变》《布拉格广场》 蔡依琳 《看我72变》 《我就是忘不掉》 梁汉文 《蝴蝶来过这世界》 《找快乐的人》 梁汉文 《蝴蝶来过这世界》 《慢歌》 梁汉文 《music is an answer》 《快过期的草莓》 徐若瑄 《假扮的天使》 《姐你睡了吗》 徐若瑄 《不败的恋人》 《蜗牛》 许茹芸 《真爱无敌》 《一天一天》 许茹芸 《真爱无敌》 《爱情俘虏》 王雪娥 《我是傻瓜》 《谁是白痴》 王雪娥 《滑步向左》 《温柔坏男人》 柯受良 《征服》 《夜空的精灵》 古巨基 《寻宝》 《打开爱》 王力宏 《不可能错过你》 《冤家》 陈奕迅 《反正是我》 《算命》 张学友 《热》 《六壮士》 谷祖琳 《谷祖琳》 《流浪车票》 陈冠希 《BreakThrough》 《一壶乡愁》 刘德华 《天开了》 《站在你这边》 潘玮柏 《壁虎漫步》 《Girl Power》 游艾迪 《ID Power》 《重伤的汗水》 动力火车 《再见我的爱人》 《不会哭的人》 动力火车 《再见我的爱人》 《月光》 锦绣二重唱 《锦绣三温暖》 《黑雨》 莫文蔚 《[X]》《面具》 徐若瑄 《我爱你X4》 《一定要幸福》(献世) 陈小春 《算你狠》 《You will get my heart》 温岚 《第6感》 《摇摆Say Good》 吴宗宪 《吴宗宪的台语歌》 《热带雨林》 S.H.E. 《青春株式会社》 《河滨公园》 S.H.E 《SUPER STAR》 《海盗》 蔡依琳 《城堡》 《倒带》 蔡依琳 《城堡》 《就是爱》 蔡依琳 《城堡》 《情画》 刘畊宏 《战争》 陈冠希 01 TVBS-G超级新人王歌唱比赛 所获奖项:年度亚军-----------------------------------------------时间:2001年 地点:台湾-----------------------------------------------02.第十二届金曲奖颁奖礼 所获奖项:最佳流行演唱专辑奖03.中华音乐人交流协会 所获奖项:年度十大金曲《印地安老斑鸠》04.中国时报十大风云人物评选 所获奖项:十大专辑、年度风云人物、十大超人气偶像05.幽游劲碟排行榜 所获奖项:幽游劲碟排行榜冠军《星晴》、进榜最多周专辑 《JAY》06.第一届MTV封神榜音乐奖 所获奖项:十大人气歌手奖07.第二十四届十大中文金曲颁奖礼 所获奖项:十优歌手、优秀国语歌曲金奖《星晴》、最有前途新人奖金奖08.TVB十大劲歌金曲颁奖礼 所获奖项:最受欢迎国语歌曲奖金奖、最受欢迎唱作歌星金奖、最受欢迎男新人金奖09.四台联颁音乐大奖卓越表现大奖 所获奖项:铜奖10.叱咤903乐坛流行榜颁奖礼 所获奖项:叱咤乐坛生力军男歌手金奖、叱咤乐坛唱作人银奖、我最爱的歌曲大奖《开不了口》11.新城劲爆颁奖礼 所获奖项:劲爆国语歌手、劲爆卡拉OK歌曲龙卷风、劲爆新登场海外歌手奖12.TVB8金曲榜颁奖礼 所获奖项:最佳歌曲监制、最佳男新人金奖、十大金曲《星晴》13.IFPI销量大奖颁奖礼 所获奖项:十大销量国语唱片14.香港电台RTHK年度评选 所获奖项:进步歌手奖-----------------------------------------------时间:2001年 地点:内地-----------------------------------------------15.第一届全球华语歌曲排行榜 所获奖项:最佳新人-----------------------------------------------时间:2001年 地点:海外-----------------------------------------------16.第一届马来西亚红人颁奖礼 所获奖项:十大中文金曲《黑色幽默》、最佳作曲人奖17.新加坡933金曲颁奖礼 所获奖项:全球华语歌曲最佳新人奖银奖-----------------------------------------------时间:2002年 地点:台湾-----------------------------------------------18.第十三届金曲奖颁奖礼 所获奖项:最佳流行音乐专辑奖《范特西》、最佳作曲人奖《爱在西元前》最佳专辑制作人奖《范特西》19.中华音乐人交流协会 所获奖项:十大优良专辑《范特西》、十大优良歌曲《威廉古堡》20.第二届封神榜音乐大奖 所获奖项:二十大人气歌手、年度最佳风云人物-----------------------------------------------时间:2002年 地点:香港-----------------------------------------------21.新城劲爆颁奖礼 所获奖项:劲爆国语歌曲 《回到过去》22.IFPI香港唱片销量大奖 所获奖项:最高销量国语唱片《八度空间》、十大销量国语唱片《范特西EP》十大销量国语唱片《八度空间》23.TVB8金曲颁奖礼 所获奖项:十五首年度金曲《开不了口》、最佳作曲人《开不了口》、全球传媒男歌手24.CASH金帆音乐奖颁奖礼 所获奖项:最佳男歌手演绎《开不了口》、最佳唱片《范特西》25.TVB劲歌金曲第一季季选 所获奖项:最受欢迎国语歌曲奖《开不了口》26.TVB劲歌金曲第三季季选 所获奖项:最受欢迎国语歌曲奖《回到过去》27.新城国语力颁奖礼 所获奖项:歌曲奖《开不了口》、劲爆K歌《开不了口》、亚洲歌手大奖、新城国语力歌王28.903 ALL STARS篮球季后赛 所获奖项:MVP最有价值球员-----------------------------------------------时间:2002年 地点:内地-----------------------------------------------29.第二届全球华语歌曲排行榜颁奖礼 所获奖项:杰出歌手奖、最佳金曲奖《安静》、最佳创作歌手奖、最佳制作人奖最佳专辑奖《范特西》30.第八届CHANNELV全球华语音乐榜中榜 所获奖项:最受欢迎歌曲奖TOP20、最受欢迎男歌手、台湾新生代创作歌手奖特别推荐新浪潮歌手奖31.第二届E视音乐风云榜颁奖礼 所获奖项:十大金曲奖《简单爱》、最佳港台男歌手最佳对唱歌曲《屋顶》港台年度最佳专辑奖《范特西》港台年度最佳杰出新人奖-----------------------------------------------时间:2002年 地点:海外-----------------------------------------------32.新加坡933金曲颁奖礼 所获奖项:最佳专辑制作人奖《范特西》、亚太最受推崇男歌手大奖、年度最畅销男歌手年度最畅销专辑《范特西》顶尖金曲《世界末日》33.第二届马来西亚红人馆颁奖礼 所获奖项:十大金曲奖《爱在西元前》、MTV日本音乐录影带大奖、亚洲最杰出艺人 -----------------------------------------------时间:2003年 地点:台湾-----------------------------------------------34.第二届G-Music音乐风云榜 所获奖项:白金男歌手、白金大碟《八度空间》、白金音乐奖十大金碟35.HITO流行音乐奖 所获奖项:HITO华语歌曲奖《暗号》、HITO长寿歌曲奖《回到过去》、HITO男歌手奖HITO男生最爱K歌奖《回到过去》36.HITO FM百首单曲 《暗号》(第一名)《回到过去》(第五名)《最后的战役》(第四十二名)-----------------------------------------------时间:2003年 地点:香港-----------------------------------------------37.二十五届十大中文金曲颁奖礼 所获奖项:优秀流行歌手大奖、全年最高销量男歌手、最佳作曲人最佳优秀国语歌曲金奖《安静》全国最受欢迎男歌手银奖38.TVB十大劲歌金曲颁奖礼 所获奖项:最受欢迎国语歌曲奖金奖《回到过去》、最佳歌曲监制《安静》39.叱咤903乐坛流行榜颁奖礼 所获奖项:专业推荐叱咤十大歌曲《回到过去》、叱咤乐坛唱作人银奖


参考手机和蓝牙耳机的连接步骤: 1、长按蓝牙耳机开关键或多功能键,直到红蓝灯交替闪烁,进入配对模式。 2、同时手机开启蓝牙搜索,可见任何设备,距离越近越好,配对码0000。 3、手机和蓝牙耳机之前使用距离是10米内,超过会断开连接。





jayjun vita snow essence翻译

jayjun vita snow essence翻译成中文意思是:雪地维塔雪精



jay 周杰伦 medley cover by b.e.c 的歌词(带歌名标注的)




jay z的歌bitch dont kill my vibe 中VIBE什么意思?


JUJU和jay.ed合唱的明日がくるなら 歌词意思翻译成中文

明日がくるなら (明日如果到来) 歌手:JUJU with JAY"ED 我不会再说再见了哦 因为 只要一闭上眼 你就会出现 明日如果到来 我什麼都不要哦 只要你 随时都充满笑颜就好 不要再说了 我还想被你轻抚 如果说出来的话 好像就会幻灭般 只确认被你牵著的手的温度 如果, 停止不了的时间不知何时将我两分离了 我会希望再多看看你 希望一直拥抱你 Time is slipping away 明日如果到来 我什麼都不要哦 只要你 随时都充满笑颜就好 不要哭了哦 因为还可以和你多相处一会儿呀 想告诉你的话 还有 一件 用言语也无法表达的 可是 请stand by me 因为流失的时间总是将我两变得更寂寞 试著微笑看看嘛 因为我再也不想与你分离了呦 Livin" life for today 明日如果到来 我什麼都不要哦 只要你 随时都充满笑颜就好 如果只是为了与你相逢才来到这个人间的话 只想将它烙印在 every moment in my heart 只有一秒也好 让我在你身边多待一会 明日如果到来 我什麼都不要哦 只要你 充满笑颜就好 forever more 明日如果到来 我什麼都不要哦 只要你 随时都充满笑颜就好 我不会再说再见了哦





R. Kelly & Jay Z的《Shorty》 歌词

歌曲名:Shorty歌手:R. Kelly & Jay Z专辑:The Best Of Both WorldsKOKI REALFACE CON SOLO--SHORTY LB:火影翼Let"s Bounce!Do it now and sing!J.O.K.E.R yeah ShortyイニツヤルJ blueahhhh.....get U hands up.thugなRhymeこれ别注Man l-ight.ツヤバ憎分かるか?その目覚まそうJ.O.K.E.Ryeah. Shorty见たかこれがhusler俺のテクでいつしかslaveとmasterShorty エグいBaby はべらすフロア中注目かっさらうフロア摇らせchic ladiesbody shakeしなブーティーツェーカースピーカーの裏come baby甘い蜜とsexyなブレスフロア摇らせchic ladiesbody shakeしなブーティーツェーカースピーカーの裏come baby甘い蜜とsexyなブレスDa dan da dan da da da daMICはlike aダイア はたまたRhymerDa dan da dan da da da daラソニソグポップ跳ねるギソギソRockClap Your Hands,Start Your Foot,PleaseThis is the super show Da dan da dan da da da da引き出すsuper show rap show dance in地下このサビ闻いて见て 皆ほら let"s get a jump夸り持って掴んでlet"s get a jumpShorty 派手なRock MCRAP の意味すら知らず make a sceneShorty 俺はヅェソトルマソ24口径だけで君だけをLock onフロア摇らせchic ladiesbody shakeしなブーティーツェーカースピーカーの裏come baby甘い蜜とsexyなブレスフロア摇らせchic ladiesbody shakeしなブーティーツェーカースピーカーの裏come baby甘い蜜とsexyなブレスDa dan da dan da da da da俺様が切り札a.k.a J chain out.Da dan da dan da da da daEast side.West side.あげてけput your hands upフロア摇らせchic ladiesbody shakeしなブーティーツェーカースピーカーの裏come baby甘い蜜とsexyなブレスフロア摇らせchic ladiesbody shakeしなブーティーツェーカースピーカーの裏come baby甘い蜜と sexy なブレスDa dan da dan da da da daMICはlike aダイア はたまたRhymerDa dan da dan da da da daラソニソグポップ跳ねるギソギソRockフロア摇らせchic ladiesbody shakeしなブーティーツェーカースピーカーの裏come baby甘い蜜とsexyなブレスフロア摇らせchic ladiesbody shakeしなブーティーツェーカースピーカーの裏come baby甘い蜜とsexyなブレスhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9056705



Jay Sean的《Patience》 歌词

歌曲名:Patience歌手:Jay Sean专辑:So HighJay Sean - PatienceLady listenAye listenIf you were a plane, Id be a trainBoth on our way to our loveYou want the sky before I can flyBut tonight I"ll love from the groundSo whatever you don"t haveI will get you thatIf you"d only waitIf you"d only prayBut you don"t understandThat I have a planSo stayYou are the one (the one)Girl, I believe (I believe)But I can"t run to you as fast as you needYou want it all (you want it all)I"ll give you foreverBut I need time to really put it togetherBaby be patientBaby be patientI see the daywhen we"re we at the same placeLike it"s always been arrangedfrom the moment we locked timesWhen I made you promisegirl that ain"t just the talkingAnd girl to be honest, I"ve never liedBut you don"t understandThat I have a planIf you"d only waitSaid if you"d only waitYou are the one (the one)Girl, I believe (I believe)But I can"t run to you as fast as you need(as fast as you need)You want it all (you want it all)I"ll give you foreverBut I need time to really put it togetherBaby be patientBaby be patient(Baby be patient)Girl I ain"t going nowhereI"m right here by your sideAnd I want all the same things as you do but in timeCause it"s a long roadAnd I don"t know where it"s gonna lead us toBut you"re not aloneIm here with you / You are the one (the one)Girl, I believe (I believe)But I can"t run to you as fast as you need(I can"t run.. I said I can"t run to you)You want it all (you want it all)I"ll give you foreverBut I need time to really put it together(I said I need time)Baby be patient(so baby all I"m asking you is to be patient)Baby be patientJust be a little patientPatient ladyAll I need, that"s all I needhttp://music.baidu.com/song/29011326

谁有JAY-Z的Brush Your Bitter Sweet Shoulders Off歌词


Jay Beckenstein的《Monsoon》 歌词

歌名:Monsoon中文译名:季风演唱:Tokio Hotel专辑:Zimmer 483I"m staring at a broken doorthere`s nothin left here anymoremy room is coldit`s makin me insanei"ve been waitin here so longbut now the moment seems to"ve comeI see the dark clouds comin up againrunning through the monsoonbeyond the worldto the end of timewhere the rain won"t hurtfighting the storminto the blueand when i lose myselfi"ll think of youtogether we"ll be running somewhere newthrough the monsoonjust me and youa half moon"s fading from my sightI see your vision in it"s lightbut now it"s gone and left me so aloneI know I have to find you nowcan hear your namei don"t know howwhy can"t we make this darkness feel like homerunning through the monsoonbeyond the worldto the end of timewhere the rain won"t hurtfighting the storminto the blueand when i lose myselfi"ll think of youtogether we"ll be running somewhere newand nothing can hold me back from youthrough the monsoonhey! hey!i"m fighting all it"s powercomin" in my waylet it take me straight to youi"ll be running night and dayi"ll be with you soon,just me and you,we"ll be there soon,so soon.....runnin through the monsoonbeyond the worldto the end of timewhere the rain won"t hurtfighting the storminto the blueand when i lose myselfi"ll think of youtogether we"ll be running somewhere newand nothing can hold me back from youthrough the monsoonthrough the monsoonjust me and youthrough the monsoonjust meand youThe endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7915930


本 名: 周杰伦本 籍: 台湾英文名: Jay Chou生 日: 1979-01-18出生地: 台湾身 高: 173cm体 重: 60kg血 型: O星 座: 摩羯座学 历: 淡江中学音乐科专 长: 写歌、作词、打球专精乐器:钢琴、大提琴、吉他、爵士鼓音乐类型:R&B运 动 :篮球口头禅:屌不屌最大优点:词曲创作力强、e世代的新音乐人最大缺点:害羞、心软最大心愿:走遍世界每一个角落最爱物品:鸭舌帽、各类乐器经 历:淡江中学合唱团钢琴伴奏、公视--百里香煎鱼(单元剧)、街头音乐表演家(角色)、TVBS-G 超级新人王年度亚军家庭状况: (家中独子)父亲(物理老师),母亲(中学美术老师)圈中好友: 罗志祥(小猪),刘耕宏小时侯的梦想:做李小龙初恋: 国中隔壁班同学喜欢女孩类型: 长发,瓜子脸,单凤眼(古典美)最佳创作伙伴: 方文山最敬爱的人: 外婆,妈妈和爸爸最喜欢的电影: 宫崎骏任何一部卡通电影嗜好: 写歌,看电影,打篮球,玩电动专精乐器: 钢琴,大提琴,吉他,爵士鼓最爱运动: 篮球,健身,练双截棍最喜爱的物品: 鸭舌帽,各类乐器,黑人音乐,银器,口香糖收集嗜好: 球鞋和帽子最喜爱的音乐: R&B,HIP-HOP(实际上什么种类的歌都喜欢)最喜爱的衣着: 自然,舒适,HIP-HOP(简单的T-SHIRT上衣加上短裤)最喜爱的颜色: 蓝色最喜爱的食物: 炸鸡,鸡排和鸡肉有关的都喜欢(特别是香港太平馆的瑞士鸡翼),(肯得鸡家乡鸡),另外还喜欢喝甜的饮料。最喜爱的音乐家: 萧邦,李思特,马友友最喜爱的演员: 李连杰最喜爱的篮球明星: MICHEAL JORDAN最喜爱的歌手: USHER,BABYFACE最想到的地方: 法国感觉很浪漫,不过有机会想试试上海或北京,乘坐长途火车到内蒙古或新疆,感受变化多端的风光景色。2005年十大优良专辑及单曲颁奖典礼十大专辑-周杰伦《十一月的萧邦》中华音乐人交流协会年度十大推荐专辑周杰伦《十一月的萧邦》2005 MusicRadio中国TOP排行榜港台年度金曲-《夜曲》年度最畅销男歌手奖第25届香港电影金像奖颁奖典礼最佳新演员第六届百事音乐风云榜港台最受欢迎男歌手三地联颁奖男歌手三地联颁奖最佳专辑-《十一月的萧邦》IFPI香港唱片销量大奖2005《十大销量国语唱片奖》-《十一月的萧邦》《十大销量国语唱片奖》-《周杰伦2004台北演唱会》《最高销量国语唱片》-《周杰伦2004台北演唱会》第一届《华众曲宠-2006TVBS华语金曲榜》最佳专辑:《十一月的萧邦》年度十大专辑:《十一月的萧邦》最佳MV:《发如雪》传媒大奖最佳男歌手现场票选歌手KKBOX线上音乐风云榜年度十大单曲 夜曲 周杰伦年度十大专辑 《11月的萧邦》 周杰伦年度风云男歌手 周杰伦年度十大艺人 周杰伦年度十大K歌 珊瑚海 (vs.梁心颐合唱) 周杰伦发如雪 周杰伦第十二届全球华语音乐榜中榜最佳男歌手奖最佳创作歌手奖最受欢迎男歌手奖最受欢迎音乐录影带奖:《夜曲》年度最佳歌曲:《夜曲》新城劲爆音乐颁奖礼新城全国乐迷投选劲爆歌手大奖新城全球劲爆创作歌手新城全球劲爆歌手新城劲爆创作大碟:《十一月的萧邦》新城劲爆国语歌曲:《夜曲》天地英雄校园行总选颁奖港台最佳男歌手第四十二届金马奖最佳新演员奖新加坡金曲奖2005最受欢迎男歌手新城国语力颁奖礼2005国语力亚洲大碟奖日本封杰伦为‘华流最顶尖STAR"(2005/7/25)中华环保联合会授予“青年环保志愿者”称号(2005/4/22)音乐之声Music Radio2004年度top排行榜港台年度金曲: 七里香港台年度最佳制作人:周杰伦港台年度最佳作词:方文山/七里香年度最畅销唱片:七里香港台最受欢迎男歌手第11届十大电视广告最受欢迎电视广告男明星大奖:One2Free(你Free得起拜师篇)/周杰伦最受年青人欢迎电视广告大奖:One2Free(你Free得起马拉松篇)中华音乐人交流协会20042004年度十大专辑:七里香2004年度十大单曲:将军/七里香上海F1赛车场中国赛车运动推广贡献奖(2005/4/10)中华音乐人年度10大专辑及单曲年度十大专辑:七里香年度十大单曲:将军/七里香IFPI香港唱片销量大奖最高国语唱片销量大奖:七里香国语唱片销量大奖前十名:七里香第五届百事风云榜盛典港台最受欢迎专辑:七里香港台年度最佳男歌手:周杰伦最佳粤语作曲:周杰伦/献世台湾最受欢迎男歌手港台十大金曲:七里香港台最佳作词奖:方文山/七里香第十二届东方风云榜颁奖盛典台湾歌坛最受欢迎歌手奖《蜗牛》获上海中学生爱国主义歌曲推荐目录(2005年3月)ETFM联播网公主与战士票选活动娱乐界最佳战士代表MTV亚洲音乐大奖台湾最受欢迎歌手MTV台10大男女歌手-华人地区第12届中国歌曲排行榜年度最受欢迎港台地区男歌手最受欢迎港台地区歌曲奖:七里香2005/1/27马来西亚政府封为‘模范青年",杰伦常在歌曲里表达对父母与外婆的孝顺,足堪青年表率第二十七届十大中文金曲颁奖典礼十大金曲奖:七里香优秀流行国语歌曲奖:金奖/七里香优秀流行歌手大奖全年最高销量歌手大奖全国最受欢迎男歌生:银奖2005HITO流行音乐奖年度DJ最爱专辑:七里香年度听众最爱歌曲:七里香年度HITO创作歌手:周杰伦年度HITO十大华语歌曲:七里香年度HITO男歌手第十一届全球华语榜中榜最佳创作歌手年度最佳歌曲:七里香港台最佳男歌手港台最受欢迎男歌手Hit Fm 2004百首单曲票选七里香(第1名)借口(第10名)断了的弦/寻找周杰伦EP(第69名)止战之殇(第88名)2004年幽浮劲碟排行榜-华语榜年度销售:周杰伦/七里香年度播歌:周杰伦/七里香UFO华语劲碟排行榜TOP10第一名:周杰伦/七里香2004年12月17日获加州圣盖博市(City of San Gabriel)市长鲍德温(HarryL.Bal dwin)致赠荣誉状,表扬杰伦在歌唱事业方面的成就TVB8金曲榜2004最佳作曲奖:周杰伦/七里香最佳歌曲监制奖:周杰伦/七里香最佳编曲奖:钟兴民/七里香Yahoo!搜寻人气大奖2004国际男歌手奖2004莱卡Channel Young风尚颁奖大典风尚音乐成就奖世界音乐大奖中国地区最畅销艺人奖新加坡金曲奖最受欢迎男歌手(听众票选)最佳唱片制作十大金曲奖第四届全球华语歌曲排行榜最受欢迎金曲奖:叶惠美/睛天年度地区杰出歌手(台湾):周杰伦最受欢迎创作歌手:周杰伦年度最受欢迎男歌手:周杰伦年度最佳专辑:叶惠美新城国语力颁奖典礼2004国语力亚洲创作歌手大奖:周杰伦国语力亚洲大碟奖:周杰伦/叶惠美国语力亚洲歌手大奖:周杰伦国语力歌王:周杰伦国语力歌曲:周杰伦/你听得到第四届华语音乐传媒大奖年度最佳歌曲:叶惠美/东风破十大华语歌曲:叶惠美/东风破年度最佳艺人奖:周杰伦十大华语唱片:叶惠美/叶惠美最佳作曲:叶惠美/东风破2003Music IN中国TOP排行榜港台年度金曲:东风破港台地区年度最佳制作人:周杰伦/布拉格广场第十五届金曲奖颁奖典礼流行音乐最佳流行音乐演唱专辑奖:叶惠美最佳录影带导演奖项:邝盛/三年二班第七届中央电视台音乐电视大赛最佳男歌手港台最受欢迎男歌手港台及海外华语最佳MV作品奖:东风破第十届十大广告颁奖典礼最受欢迎明星电视广告大奖IFPI香港唱片销量大奖2003十大销量国语唱片:叶惠美十大销量国语唱片:寻找周杰伦EP最高销量国语唱片:叶惠美第四届百事音乐风云榜颁奖盛典港台十大金曲: 晴天 、 三年二班 、 东风破台湾最受欢迎男歌手度港台及海外华人最佳专辑:周杰伦 / 叶惠美年度港台及海外华人最佳制作人年度风云大奖年度港台及海外华人最佳作词:方文山 / 东风破年度港台及海外华人最佳编曲:洪敬尧 / 以父之名年度最佳录影带:邝盛 /以父之名2003年十一届中国歌曲排行榜最受欢迎港台地区歌曲:东风破最受欢迎港台地区男歌手2003年第七届中华音乐人交流协会十大优良专辑:周杰伦 / 叶惠美十大优良单曲:周杰伦 / 梯田十大优良单曲:周杰伦 / 东风破2003年全球华人明星人气榜:第一位2004Hito流行音乐奖颁奖典礼HITO流行音乐奖亚洲传媒推荐大奖:周杰伦 / 叶惠美2003年度最佳Hito男歌手HITO十大华语歌曲奖:周杰伦 / 晴天HITO年度票选最受欢迎男歌手奖第十届Channel[V]全球华语榜中榜最佳单曲(港台):周杰伦 / 晴天最佳创作歌手(港台):周杰伦新浪卓越2003年文化风云榜2003年度娱乐人物:周杰伦2003年度个人专辑:叶惠美马来西亚政府旅游局封为‘旅游大使"新城劲爆颁奖典礼2003新城劲爆亚洲男歌手:周杰伦2003年‘幽浮劲碟排行榜"第九名 周杰伦/ 以父之名第二十六届十大中文金曲全年最高销量歌手大奖男歌手:周杰伦全国最受欢迎歌手奖男歌手:周杰伦(铜)第一届SONYNETMD天地英雄榜年度最受欢迎港台歌手奖:周杰伦第3届金曲红人颁奖礼最佳专辑制作人奖:周杰伦-叶惠美年度最受欢迎专辑:周杰伦-叶惠美年度十大红人金曲:周杰伦 / 以父之名华语流行乐传媒大奖2003最佳男艺人:周杰伦十佳专辑:周杰伦 -叶惠美十佳单曲:周杰伦 / 东风破第四届中国金唱片奖引进版类专辑男艺人:周杰伦-八度空间新人奖:周杰伦中国流行歌曲榜2002 2003港台十大金典奖:半岛铁盒最受欢迎台湾男歌手:周杰伦港台年度最佳创作歌手:周杰伦港台最受欢迎年度唱片:周杰伦-八度空间MTV音乐盛典台湾地区最佳男歌手:周杰伦新加坡金曲奖年度畅销男歌手专辑 :周杰伦 -八度空间最受欢迎男歌手: 周杰伦亚太最受推崇男歌手:周杰伦 代表专辑-八度空间新城国语力颁奖典礼2003新城国语力歌曲:回到过去新城国语力年度歌曲大奖 回到过去新城国语力亚洲创作歌手大奖:周杰伦新城国语力亚洲歌手大奖:周杰伦第三届华语流行乐传媒大奖年度之王最佳作曲人十大华语唱片十大华语歌曲年度艺人我最喜爱的华语歌手第九届十大电视广告最受欢迎男明星电视广告大奖最受欢迎电视广告歌曲大奖G-MUSIC风云榜(台北)白金大碟:周杰伦/八度空间白金男歌手:周杰伦白金音乐奖十大金碟:周杰伦/八度空间第三届音乐风云榜(CHINA)港台年度最佳唱作人年度风云大奖港台年度十大金曲:暗号MTV Asia Awards(2003)最受欢迎台湾歌手HITO流行音乐奖2002年度HITO华语歌曲奖:暗号2002年度HITO长寿歌曲奖:回到过去2002年度HITO男生最爱K歌奖:回到过去2002年度HITO男歌手奖:周杰伦新城劲爆颁奖礼新城劲爆国语歌曲:回到过去903 颁奖礼专业推介叱咤十大-第八位 - 回到过去叱咤乐坛唱作人 银奖TVB 劲歌金曲颁奖典礼最受欢迎国语歌曲奖金奖 - 回到过去最佳歌曲监制 - 安静港台颁奖礼港台15优歌手之一全年最高销量大奖国语歌曲金奖----安静全国最受欢迎男歌手银奖IFPI十大最高销量国语唱片 - 八度空间十大最高销量国语唱片 - Fantasy Plus EP + VCD最高销量国语歌手 - 八度空间TVB 8全球传媒男歌手最佳作曲奖 - 开不了口十五首年度金曲 - 开不了口台湾金曲奖出版奖 / 最佳流行音乐演唱专辑奖:周杰伦 / 范特西最佳专辑制作人奖:周杰伦 /周杰伦范特西最佳作曲人奖:周杰伦 / 爱在西元前日本MTV音乐录影带大奖亚洲最杰出艺人奖HitFm百首单曲第1名(八度空间/暗号)第5名(八度空间/回到过去)第42名(八度空间/最后的战役)MTV台 台北流行音乐节台北音乐节二十大人气歌手年度最佳风云人物台湾十三届金曲奖最佳流行音乐演唱专辑奖(FANASTY)最佳专辑制作人奖(FANASTY)最佳作曲人奖(FANASTY/爱在西元前)最佳作词人:方文山(FANASTY/威廉古堡)最佳编曲人奖:钟兴民(FANASTY/双截棍)CHANNEL V 第八届全球华语音乐榜中榜TOP 20 HITS (FANASTY/开不了口)最受欢迎男歌手新生代创作歌手奖(台湾区)台湾音乐人交流协会年度十大专辑:FANASTY香港电台第二十四届十大中文金曲最有前途新人奖(男歌手):金奖优秀国语歌曲奖:金奖(周杰伦/星睛)十大优秀流行歌手大奖IFPI国语专辑十大销售台湾金曲奖最佳流行音乐演唱专辑:开不了口新加坡金曲奖最佳新人:银奖第一届全球华语歌曲排行榜最佳新人奖金曲奖(周杰伦/星睛)TVB8金曲奖(周杰伦/星晴)最佳制作人最佳新人奖香港商业电台叱吒乐坛流行榜最佳歌曲监制叱吒乐坛生力军男歌手:金奖最佳男新人:金奖叱吒乐坛唱作人大奖:银奖劲歌金曲(TVB)十大金曲:星晴最受欢迎男新人:金奖最受欢迎国语歌曲金奖:开不了口最受欢迎唱作歌星:金奖四台联颁卓越表现:铜奖新城电台劲爆金曲新城劲爆国语歌曲(周杰伦/星睛)新城劲爆海外新登场歌手奖新城劲爆卡拉OK歌曲(周杰伦/龙卷风)马来西亚第一届金曲红人颁奖礼十大中文金曲(周杰伦/黑色幽默)最佳作曲人奖(周杰伦/幽默)第一届MTV风神榜音乐奖台北流行音乐节十大人气歌手奖台湾TVBS-G超级新人王节目年度:亚军(1997年参考资料:http://www.jaycn.com/index.asp

JAY 《secret》

中文名称:不能说的秘密 英文名称:Secret 发行时间:2007年08月13日 艺术家:原声大碟(Terdsak Janpan(泰国)、周杰伦)JAY 地区:中国/中国台湾 1-01. Opening 2"26” Compose and arrange : Terdsak Janpan Mixed by : Toysakie 1-02. 脚踏车 2"17” 曲:周杰伦+Terdsak Janpan 编曲:Terdsak Janpan 1-03. 早操 1"34” 曲:周杰伦 Piano:周杰伦 1-04. 淡水海边 1"03” 曲:周杰伦 编曲:Terdsak Janpan 1-05. 斗琴 1"13” Ⅰ萧邦黑键练习曲 改编:周杰伦 Ⅱ萧邦升C小调圆舞曲 改编:周杰伦 Ⅲ曲:詹宇豪 Piano:詹宇豪 1-06. 湘伦小雨四手联弹 0"38” 曲:周杰伦 Piano:陈承麒、黄婉琦 1-07. Ride With Me 1"26” Compose and arrange : Terdsak Janpan Mixed by :Toysakie 1-08. 父与子 2"15” 曲:周杰伦+Terdsak Janpan 编曲:Terdsak Janpan 1-09. 情人的眼泪(演唱:姚苏蓉) 5"57” 曲:杜芬 词:狄薏 1-10. First Kiss 1"29” 曲:周杰伦 编曲:Terdsak Janpan 1-11. 女孩别为我哭泣(演唱:黄俊郎) 1"19” 曲:周杰伦 词:黄俊郎 编曲:林迈可(Michael Lin) 1-12. 晴天娃娃(演唱:江语晨) 2"29” 曲:周杰伦 词:周杰伦 编曲:林迈可(Michael Lin) 1-13. 阿郎与阿宝 2"18” 曲:周杰伦+Terdsak Janpan 编曲:Terdsak Janpan 1-14. 与父共舞 1"23” Compose and arrange : Terdsak Janpan Mixed by : Toysakie 1-15. 路小雨 1"37” 曲:周杰伦 编曲:Terdsak Janpan Piano:周杰伦 1-16. The Swan 2"30” Saint-Sa05ns""s(Transcription by Leopold Godowsky)改编自圣桑(Camille Saint-Sa05ns 1835-1921):动物狂欢节-《天鹅》 Piano:周杰伦 弦乐团:长荣交响乐团 1-17. Flash Back 3"16” Compose and arrange : Terdsak Janpan Mixed by : Toysakie 1-18. Secret(慢板) 1"05” 曲:周杰伦+Terdsak Janpan Piano:黄婉琦 1-19. Angel 1"51” Compose and arrange : Terdsak Janpan Mixed by : Toysakie 1-20. 小雨写立可白Ⅰ 1"13” 曲:周杰伦 编曲:Terdsak Janpan 1-21. 小雨写立可白Ⅱ 1"38” 曲:周杰伦 编曲:Terdsak Janpan 1-22. Secret(加长快板) 1"23” 曲:周杰伦 Piano:詹宇豪 1-23. 琴房 1"39” 曲:周杰伦+Terdsak Janpan 编曲:Terdsak Janpan 1-24. Ending 1"23” 曲:周杰伦 编曲:Terdsak Janpan 1-25. 不能说的秘密 4"56” 曲:周杰伦 词:方文山 编曲:林迈可(Michael Lin

JAY SEAN 中文怎么读?

Hey! Jay Sean 嘿!杰·肖恩Yeah! Sean Paul 耶!肖恩·保罗!Let"s go ahh! 让我们出发!This one right here, is for all the ladies 这首歌献给所有Ladies who want to take it back想挽回过去的女孩们Holler at them Jay 朝她们尖叫吧,JayI"ve been, thinking, about you 我一直在想你And how we used to be then, 以及我们过去的日子Back when we didn"t have to end 回来吧我们不该结束,we could start again 我们可以重新开始There"s nothing left to say 没什么好多说的Don"t waste another day 别再浪费多一天Just you and me tonight 今晚 就你和我Everything will be okay 一切都会很好If it"s alright with you, then it"s alright with me 如果你觉得可以 那么我也没问题Baby let"s take this time, let"s make new memories 宝贝儿这回我们得抓住了 一起开始新的记忆Do you remember, do you remember, do you remember 你还记得吗 你还记得吗 你还记得吗All the fun times we had 所有快乐的日子Do you remember, do you remember, do you remember你还记得吗 你还记得吗 你还记得吗All the fun times we had 所有快乐的日子Let"s bring it back (Bring it back!) 让我们把它找回来!Let"s bring it back (Bring it back!)Let"s bring it back (Bring it back!)Let"s bring it back (Bring it back!)Let"s bring it back(Yo Jay, Sing for these ladies!) 唷JAY,为这些女孩歌唱吧!So long, since you"ve been, missing 你已经消失了那么久It"s good to see you again 能再见到你 真好How you, how you doing 你过得怎么样And how about we, don"t let this happen again还有我们之间呢?别让这一切再次发生。There"s nothing left to say 没什么好多说的Don"t waste another day 别再浪费多一天Just you and me tonight 今晚 就你和我Everything will be okay 一切都会很好If it"s alright with you, then it"s alright with me 如果你觉得可以 那么我也没问题Baby let"s take this time, let"s make new memories 宝贝儿这回我们得抓住了 一起开始新的记忆Do you remember, do you remember, do you remember 你还记得吗 你还记得吗 你还记得吗All the fun times we had 所有快乐的日子Do you remember, do you remember, do you remember你还记得吗 你还记得吗 你还记得吗All the fun times we had 所有快乐的日子Let"s bring it back (Bring it back!) 让我们把它找回来!Let"s bring it back (Bring it back!)Let"s bring it back (Bring it back!)Let"s bring it back (Bring it back!)Yo, ay girl yo, bring it back to the time when you and me had just begun 哟!女孩!让我们回到最初When I was still your number one 当我还是你的第一Well it might seem far-fetched baby girl but it can be done 可能这有点儿牵强宝贝儿 但还是能做到I"ve got this feeling, fire blazing and it"s hot just like the sun 我有这种感觉 被火烧着就像太阳那么炙热Know you feel it too my girl just breathe up may the good vibes run 我知道你也和我一样我的女孩 深呼吸跟着感觉走Girl take a sip of the champagne take a lil trip down my lane my girl 女孩 喝口香槟跟我去兜个风(以下几句听写可能有误 翻译仅供参考)While your out every night I"ll feel alright 和你每晚在一起感觉正好Nigga clearly this girl is all my world 兄弟 这女孩就是我的整个世界Don"t change up now Rearrange it 不必改变什么或者重新安排I"m telling this straight into my world 请直接进入我的世界How many years say you want come kiss me cause you miss this 这么多年了 说你想要吻我 因为你想念这吻That"s what I heard, that"s what I heard, that"s what I heard, girl 这就是我听到的 这就是我听到的,我听到的,女孩(Tonight)There"s nothing left to say (今晚)没什么好多说的Don"t waste another day 别再浪费多一天Just you and me tonight 今晚 就你和我Everything will be okay 一切都会很好If it"s alright with you, then it"s alright with me 如果你觉得可以 那么我也没问题Baby let"s take this time, let"s make new memories 宝贝儿 这次我们得抓住 开始创造新的记忆Do you remember, do you remember, do you remember 你还记得吗 你还记得吗 你还记得吗All the fun times we had 所有快乐的日子Do you remember, do you remember, do you remember你还记得吗 你还记得吗 你还记得吗All the fun times we had 所有快乐的日子Let"s bring it back (Bring it back!) 让我们把它找回来!Let"s bring it back (Bring it back)Let"s bring it back (Let"s bring it back)Let"s bring it back (Oh)Let"s bring it back    SB ~




Jay-Z自从1996年出道以来迅速的就成为了整个东海岸说唱的统帅级人物,他不仅是一位最顶尖的说唱歌手同时还是最出色的音乐制作人之一,在流行音乐界拥有很高的地位。除此以外,Jay-Z所经营的Roc-A-Fella唱片公司,在整个黑人音乐市场中也是商业成绩最突出的厂牌之一,对于整个说唱音乐的市场有着非常重要的影响力。Jay-Z的每一张专辑销量都超过白金,而在进入新世纪以后,随着音乐上不断的取得新成就,以及音乐影响力的增强,Jay-Z的触角也从说唱音乐本身渐渐移向其他音乐上,比如加大与东海岸以外的南方说唱和西海岸说唱之间的合作以及音乐的制作等方面,为推动说唱音乐以及整个流行音乐都做出了不小的贡献。 Jay-Z原名Shawn Carter,又名Sean Carter,于1970年12月4日出生在美国纽约的布鲁克林区,和在这里出生的其他说唱歌星一样,Shawn Carter的父亲在他很小的时候就离开了他和他的母亲Gloria Carter,这段艰苦的岁月是Shawn Carter印象最为深刻的。少年的Shawn Carter独自撑起了他和母亲的生活,不久他就成了街头一名普通的黑人说唱歌手,最初的时候他为自己取了一个源自爵士乐的名字“Jazzy”,不久之后简化为Jay-Z。当一名说唱歌手并不能挣足够的钱,为了生存,Jay-Z还必须和那里其他的年轻人一样从事一些并不光明的行为,不过更多的时候Jay-Z还是靠在一些小录音室自己录制一些磁带然后拿出去卖来赚钱糊口。在Jay-Z的说唱才华渐渐被附近的人所了解之后,Jay-Z开始在当地一些小的说唱组合和一些歌手那里打短工,在这里他有机会接触到说唱音乐的制作等工作,而这些唱片录制工业也激起了Jay-Z的野心,Jay-Z并没有像其他歌手一样和大的唱片公司签约,而是和两个朋友Damon Dash和Kareem "Biggs" Burke一起创办了Roc-A-Fella唱片公司,他把自己的唱片公司依附于Def Jam公司(当时还叫做Priority Records)的旗下,并且开始制作和发行音乐专辑。

JAY-Z既 详细个人资料

更新1: 有冇中文呀~.~ Shawn Corey Carter (born December 4 1969) better known by his stage name Jay-Z is an American rapper and former president and CEO of Def Jam Recordings and Roc-A-Fella Records. In addition he co-owns The 40/40 Club and the New Jersey Nets NBA team. He is one of the most financially successful hip-hop artists and entrepreneurs in America. Known for his flow and blending of street and popular style he can pose lyrics without the use of pen and paper. His critically acclaimed album The Blueprint was allegedly written in only o days. After announcing his retirement from recording music in 2003 he returned in late 2006 with the album Kingdom Come which sold 680 000 copies in its first week Jay-Z's highest-selling album in a one-week period. Along with Damon "Dame" Dash and Kareem "Biggs" Burke Jay-Z was one of the founders of Roc-A-Fella Records a hip hop record label. Jay-Z is the richest hip hop Entertainer (followed by Sean "Puffy" Combs a.k.a. Diddy) having a -worth estimate of $547 million. EARLY YEARS Originally from Marcy Houses housing project in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn in New York City Jay-Z was abandoned by his father Adnes Reeves when he was elve years old Jay-Z attended Eli Whitney High School in Brooklyn along with rapper AZ until it was closed down. After that he attended Gee Westinghouse Information Technology High School in Downtown Brooklyn with fellow rappers The Notorious B.I.G. and Busta Rhymes and Trenton Central High School in Trenton New Jersey but did not graduate. He claims to have been caught up in selling drugs to which he refers in his music. According to his mother Gloria Carter a young Jay-Z used to wake his siblings up at night banging out drum patterns on the kitchen table. Eventually she bought him a boom box for his birthday and thus sparked his interest in music. He began freestyling writing rhymes and followed the music of many artists popular at the time. It is stated that he beat Busta Rhymes in a rap battle but also has lost to DMX. In his neighborhood Carter was known as "Jazzy" a nickname that eventually developed into his stage name "Jay-Z". The moniker is also a homage to his musical mentor Jaz-O (a.k.a. Jaz Big Jaz) as well as to the J/Z subway lines that have a stop at Marcy Avenue in Brooklyn. Jay-Z can be heard on several of Jaz-O's early recordings in the late 80s and early 90s including "The Originators" and "Hawaiian Sophie". He also collaborated with Inglewood California producer Three-1-Zero. His career had a jump start when he battled a rapper by the name of Zai. The battle caught the eye of many record labels as Jay-Z was able to hold his own against Zai. He also made an appearance on a popular song by Big L "Da Graveyard" and on Mic Geronimo's "Time to Build" which also featured early appearances by DMX and Ja Rule and Shazim Hasan in 1995. His first official rap single was called "I Can't Get With That" which he also released a music video for. 2008-01-01 06:27:43 补充: for more detailed infoen. *** /wiki/Jay_zofficial websitejay-z/info about Jay-Z toursthejayztour/ 参考: ***

关于 JAY-Z , R.Kelly, P.diddy 的资料

Jay-Z自从1996年出道以来迅速的就成为了整个东海岸说唱的统帅级人物,他不仅是一位最顶尖的说唱歌手同时还是最出色的音乐制作人之一,在流行音乐界拥有很高的地位。除此以外,Jay-Z所经营的Roc-A-Fella唱片公司,在整个黑人音乐市场中也是商业成绩最突出的厂牌之一,对于整个说唱音乐的市场有着非常重要的影响力。Jay-Z的每一张专辑销量都超过白金,而在进入新世纪以后,随着音乐上不断的取得新成就,以及音乐影响力的增强,Jay-Z的触角也从说唱音乐本身渐渐移向其他音乐上,比如加大与东海岸以外的南方说唱和西海岸说唱之间的合作以及在R&B音乐的制作等方面,为推动说唱音乐以及整个流行音乐都做出了不小的贡献。 Jay-Z原名Shawn Carter,又名Sean Carter,于1970年12月4日出生在美国纽约的布鲁克林区,和在这里出生的其他说唱歌星一样,Shawn Carter的父亲在他很小的时候就离开了他和他的母亲Gloria Carter,这段艰苦的岁月是Shawn Carter印象最为深刻的。少年的Shawn Carter独自撑起了他和母亲的生活,不久他就成了街头一名普通的黑人说唱歌手,最初的时候他为自己取了一个源自爵士乐的名字“Jazzy”,不久之后简化为Jay-Z。当一名说唱歌手并不能挣足够的钱,为了生存,Jay-Z还必须和那里其他的年轻人一样从事一些并不光明的行为,不过更多的时候Jay-Z还是靠在一些小录音室自己录制一些磁带然后拿出去卖来赚钱糊口。在Jay-Z的说唱才华渐渐被附近的人所了解之后,Jay-Z开始在当地一些小的说唱组合和一些歌手那里打短工,在这里他有机会接触到说唱音乐的制作等工作,而这些唱片录制工业也激起了Jay-Z的野心,Jay-Z并没有像其他歌手一样和大的唱片公司签约,而是和两个朋友Damon Dash和Kareem "Biggs" Burke一起创办了Roc-A-Fella唱片公司,他把自己的唱片公司依附于Def Jam公司(当时还叫做Priority Records)的旗下,并且开始制作和发行音乐专辑。 1996年,Jay-Z录制并发行了自己的第一张个人专辑,同时也是Roc-A-Fella唱片公司的第一张专辑《Reasonable Doubt》,这张发行自东西海岸说唱音乐争斗最残酷时期的帮匪说唱专辑非常令人惊奇,多首单曲成为排行榜主打,到了如今他也被公认是Jay-Z在上个世纪最杰出的专辑,同时也成为了帮匪说唱专辑的经典作品。《Reasonable Doubt》的初获成功也为Jay-Z的下一张专辑以及Roc-A-Fella唱片公司的发展开了一个好头。1997年,Jay-Z的第二张专辑《In My Lifetime, Vol. 1》发行,富有商业头脑的Jay-Z在这张专辑中为了吸引更多的听众以及扩大他的知名度和唱片公司的影响力,把专辑的音乐风格从偏激的帮匪说唱转变为了更加易于各方面听众接受的流行说唱,同时在专辑中邀请了包括吹牛老爹Sean "Puffy" Combs在内的多位大牌歌星助阵,而这些措施效果显着,不仅拥有多首单曲打榜,而且这张专辑的销量也迅速超过了《Reasonable Doubt》,杀进了Billboard 200排行榜的前三名,Jay-Z已经成为了一名一流的说唱歌星。 1998年9月29日,Jay-Z的第三张个人专辑《Vol. 2: Hard Knock Life》正式发行,这张纯粹的流行音乐专辑的14首单曲中近半数成为排行榜热门,其中的一些在现在已经成为了Jay-Z的标志性作品,比如《Hard Knock Life (Ghetto Anthem)》,Jay-Z借此更进一步的扩大了自己的领地,同时这张专辑也在发行后成为了Billboard 200排行榜的冠军,这也是Jay-Z第一张冠军专辑,已经完全转变成为了流行说唱歌手的Jay-Z在1998年度第41届格莱美颁奖典礼上获得了到目前为止他个人唯一的一尊格莱美奖杯,专辑《Vol. 2: Hard Knock Life》获得了年度最佳说唱专辑大奖(Best Rap Album),Jay-Z成为了被各方面都认可的最顶尖的说唱明星。 1999年,Jay-Z发行了第四张个人专辑,这张专辑是依旧讲述自己的故事的《Vol. 3: Life and Times of S. Carter》。此时的Jay-Z已经普遍的采用和其他歌星合作演唱的方式来表演歌曲,这张专辑中几乎每一首歌都是由Jay-Z和其他歌星共同演唱的,在商业上也依旧保持着自己的辉煌,而这种大面积和其他歌星合作的做法也使Roc-A-Fella唱片公司渐渐成为了说唱工业的一个重要的组成部分。2000年,Jay-Z发行了第五张个人专辑《Dynasty Roc la Familia》,除了唱片本身依旧保持着很高的商业成绩以外,已经在业界名声鹊起的Roc-A-Fella唱片公司开始在这张专辑中逐渐的推出自己公司的一些新人来和Jay-Z一起演唱歌曲。也许是因为确实缺乏大牌歌星的加盟,因此在销量上比以往出现了一些下降。不过在这张专辑里,Jay-Z开始和一些超级音乐制作人展开合作,比如大名鼎鼎的the Neptunes和Kayne West等,这在一定程度上也为Jay-Z在制作人方向的发展期了一定的推动作用。 2001年9月18日,Jay-Z在新世纪最优秀的专辑《The Blueprint》正式发行,这张专辑中颇有些令人以外的没有邀请大牌的明星参与演唱,只是和Eminem一起演唱了《Renagade》,这张专辑也成为了自首张专辑《Reasonable Doubt》之后,最为Jay-Z个人化的作品,因此也被认为是Jay-Z自《Reasonable Doubt》之后最经典的专辑。巨大的销量和影响以及专辑中的多首优秀单曲使这张专辑更强有力的巩固了Jay-Z在说唱乐坛的地位,Jay-Z与吹牛老爹Sean "Puffy" Combs等人一起成为了说唱工业的代表性人物。但是这张专辑中的一些单曲引起了些麻烦,由于在此前演唱会中Jay-Z利用一些单曲进行了针对其他歌手的讽刺而引起了旷日持久的口水战,并且一直延续到了专辑发行之后的很长时间。但是在这之后Jay-Z又开始了和其他歌手的合作,他首先与the Roots合作在2001年稍晚的时候发行了MTV台的不插电现场专辑《Unplugged》又与另一名说唱歌星R. Kelly在2002年联合发行了专辑《Best of Both Worlds》。 2002年,Jay-Z发行了与其他明星合作的双CD专辑《The Blueprint? The Gift & the Curse》,以及在2003年上半年发行这张专辑的单CD版本《Blueprint 2.1》虽然这两张专辑作为2001年的《The Blueprint》的续集作品在商业上依旧是相当的火爆,并且在其中仍然包括了相当大量的明星,但是在歌迷和评论家眼中他们却都没有达到《The Blueprint》的高度。2003年11月14日,Jay-Z发行了号称是最后一张专辑的第十张专辑《The Black Album》。 说这张专辑是Jay-Z音乐生涯的最后一张个人专辑你信么?可是唱片宣传的时候确实是这么说的,但是不论怎样,这样的噱头让这张专辑在发行短短四天之后就卖出了46万3千张,成为了Jay-Z的第六张冠军专辑,这一销量甚至比他的经典专辑《The Blueprint》在2001年9月份的成绩还要高出一点,不过对于Jay-Z这样的说唱歌手来说,即便没有这样的宣传也照样会卖出这样的成绩出来。 假如这真是Jay-Z的最后一张专辑的话,那么对于歌迷来说也完全没有什么遗憾了,因为这的确是一张非常出色的专辑。在这张专辑中,Jay-Z没有邀请任何其他歌手与他合作,所以,从专辑的制作角度来讲,这张专辑比《The Blueprint》甚至还要能体现出Jay-Z的个人风格。虽然没有大牌歌星合唱,但是却拥有超豪华的制作阵容,单曲的几名制作人分别是Timbaland,Eminem,The Neptunes,Kanye West,Just Blaze这些声名显赫的金牌制作人。 音乐方面,整张专辑都营造出了告别的氛围,《December 4th》是Jay-Z献给他的母亲的歌曲,把这首深情的单曲作为专辑的第一支单曲,不免会让人有所联想,这可能的确是Jay-Z的告别专辑了,而更让人体会深刻的则是在《Moment of Clarity》中,Jay-Z居然回忆了他的父亲,并且在单曲最后还表示出了原谅已经去世的父亲的想法,这足以让人深陷到这张专辑的告别氛围中去,值得一提的是《Moment of Clarity》的制作人和混音是和Jay-Z有着相似经历的Eminem。整张专辑的最后一首歌名字是“My 1st Song(我的第一首歌)”,看到他就会让人莫名的产生出一中离别时的伤感。这张专辑也许不是Jay-Z最经典的专辑,但也绝对是前三位的,以这张专辑作为Jay-Z的谢幕大作也足以答谢歌迷了,不过可能绝大多数的歌迷都在等待Jay-Z的加演曲目。专辑名称:Reasonable Doubt发行时间:1996年6月25日专辑曲目:01. Can"t Knock The Hustle 02. Politics As Usual 03. Brooklyn"s Finest 04. Dead Presidents II 05. Feelin" It 06. D"Evils 07. 22 Two"s 08. Can I Live 09. Ain"t No ***** 10. Friend Or Foe 11. Coming Of Age 12. Cashmere Thoughts 13. Bring It On 14. Regrets 15. Can I Live II 专辑名称:In My Lifetime, Vol. 1发行时间:1997年11月4日专辑曲目:01. Intro/A Million And One Questions/Rhyme No More 02. The City Is Mine 03. I Know What Girls Like 04. Imaginary Player 05. Streets Is Watching 06. Friend Or Foe 98 07. Lucky Me 08. (Always Be My) Sunshine 09. Who You Wit II 10. Face Off 11. Real Niggaz 12. Rap Game/Crack Game 13. Where I"m From 14. You Must Love Me 专辑名称:Vol. 2, Hard Knock Life发行时间:1998年9月29日专辑曲目:01. Intro - Hand It Down 02. Hard Knock Life (Ghetto Anthem) 03. If I Should Die 04. Ride Or Die 05. Nigga What, Nigga Who (Originator 99) 06. Money, Cash, Hoes 07. A Week Ago 08. Coming Of Age (Da Sequel) 09. Can I Get A... 10. Paper Chase 11. Reservoir Dogs 12. It"s Like That 13. It"s Alright 14. Money Ain"t A Thang 专辑名称:Vol. 3... Life & Times Of S. Carter发行时间:1999年12月28日专辑曲目:01. Hova Song - (intro) 02. So Ghetto 03. Do It Again (Put Ya Hands Up) - (featuring Beanie Sigel/Amil) 04. Dope Man 05. Things That U Do - (featuring Mariah Carey) 06. It"s Hot (Some Like It Hot) 07. Snoopy Track - (featuring Juvenile) 08. S. Carter - (featuring Amil) 09. Pop 4 Roc - (featuring Beanie Sigel/Memphis Bleek/Amil) 10. Watch Me - (featuring Dr. Dre) 11. Big Pimpin" - (featuring UGK) 12. There"s Been A Murder 13. Come And Get Me 14. Nymp 15. Hova Song - (outro) 专辑名称:Dynasty: Roc La Familia 2000发行时间:2000年10月31日专辑曲目:01. Intro 02. Change The Game 03. I Just Wanna Love U (Give It 2 Me) 04. Streets Is Talking 05. This Can"t Be Life - (featuring Scarface) 06. Get Your Mind Right Mami - (featuring Snoop Dogg) 07. Stick 2 The Script 08. You, Me, Him And Her 09. Guilty Until Proven Innocent - (featuring R. Kelly) 10. Parking Lot Pimpin" - (featuring Memphis Bleek/Beanie Sigel) 11. Holla 12. 1-900-Hustler 13. R.O.C., The 14. Soon You"ll Understand 15. Squeeze 1st 16. Where Have You Been 专辑名称:The Blueprint发行时间:2001年9月11日专辑曲目:01. Ruler"s Back, The 02. Takeover 03. Izzo (H.O.V.A) 04. Girls, Girls, Girls 05. Jigga That N***a 06. U Don"t Know 07. Hola Hovito 08. Heart Of The City (Ain"t No Love) 09. Never Change 10. Song Cry 11. All I Need 12. Renegade - (featuring Eminem) 13. Blueprint (Momma Loves Me) 专辑名称:Jay-Z Live... MTV Unplugged发行时间:2001年12月18日专辑曲目:01. Izzo (H.O.V.A) 02. Takeover 03. Girls, Girls, Girls 04. Jigga What, Jigga Who 05. Big Pimpin" 06. Heart Of The City (Ain"t No Love) 07. Can I Get A... 08. Hard Knock Life (The Ghetto Anthem) 09. Ain"t No 10. Can"t Knock The Hustle / Family Affair - (featuring Mary J. Blige) 11. Song Cry 12. I Just Wanna Love U (Give It 2 Me) 13. Jigga That N***

Jay-Z的《BBC》 歌词

歌曲名:BBC歌手:Jay-Z专辑:Magna Carta Holy GrailBBCJay-ZLet"s workD boy drug dealer lookBillionaire, billionaireFrom the cocoa leafs to the farmersTo the polo fleece to the bombersR.I.P. to GianniNow we on our wayD boy drug dealer lookBillionaireLet"s workBally shoes, Gucci sneakersPharrell"s a pharaoh, peep the featuresUnlaced AdidasTop of the world like pyramids in GizaFila sweats, 88 I rocked a mock neckCarried a nine in my projectsBucket hat EPMD cassettesNow I"m smoking loud in IbizaMix the D"USSE with the reeferMy whole life is leisureGangsta lean like the PisaEiffel Tower, Hermes towelThe Feds perched like an owlReal niggas all feel the hookLet"s workD boy drug dealer lookBillionaire, billionaireFrom the cocoa leafs to the farmersTo the polo fleece to the bombersR.I.P. to GianniNow we on our wayD boy drug dealer lookBillionaireLet"s workWhat you know about going out, head westMaybach, 3 TV"s all up in the headrestMase niggas at Madison Square Garden20 million sold and we still catching chargesRope chains, Rakim and Eric BBought my sidekicks Suzuki Jeeps and CherokeesHoop earringsCoupes with the rear camerasPut that bitch in a cherry M3I"m not ya average dope dealerSilver Toyotas four runners and four wheelersMe and Teflon Q45 infiniteWindows tintedWhite girl all up in itBritney, bitchMCM seats buck 50 stitchVersace plates got the BasquiatCollab from Versace placeCuban link 5 kiloYou life is illegalWhen your chain can get the RICOReal niggas all feel the hookLet"s workD boy drug dealer lookBillionaire, billionaireFrom the cocoa leafs to the farmersTo the polo fleece to the bombersR.I.P. to GianniNow we on our wayD boy drug dealer lookBillionaireLet"s workBillionaire, billionaireFrom the cocoa leafs to the farmersTo the polo fleece to the bombersR.I.P. to GianniNow we on our wayD boy drug dealer lookBillionaireLet"s workhttp://music.baidu.com/song/64362120

mariah carey 和jay-z合唱的byebye中文歌词

This is for my peoples who just lost somebody 这首歌献给那些刚刚失去某人的人 Ya best friend ya baby 你最好的朋友、你的宝贝 Ya man or ya lady 你的男人或者你的女人 Put ya hand way up high 高高举起你的双手 We will never say bye 我们永远不会说再见 Mamas daddys sisters brothers 妈妈爸爸兄弟姐妹 Friends and cousins 朋友和堂(表)兄弟姐妹 This is for my peoples who lost their grandmothers 这首歌献给那些失去祖母的人 Lift ya head to the sky 抬起头仰望天空 Cause we will never say bye 因为我们永远不会说再见 As a child there were them times 孩提时,有他们相伴的时光 I didn"t get it but you kept me in line 我还不懂事,但你将我紧紧记在脑海里 I didn"t know why you didn"t show up sometimes 我不知道为什么有些时候你不在 On Sunday mornings and I missed you 星期日的早上我十分想念你 But I"m glad we talked through 但我很开心我们谈了许多 All them grown folk things 他们都长成了普通人 Separation brings 带来了分离 You never let me know it 你从不让我知道这些 You never let it show because 你从不让他在我眼前出现 You loved me and obviously 因为你很爱我 There"s so much more left to say 还有好多话想说 If you were with me today 你今天仍和我同在 Face to face 面对面的 Never knew I could hurt like this 从没想过我会如此痛苦 And everyday life goes on I 每天生活都继续着 Wish I could talk to you for a while 我希望我能和你聊一会儿 Miss you but I try not to cry 我好想念你但是我努力不让自己哭泣 As time goes by 时间流逝 And it"s true that you"ve Reached a better place 事实上,你已经到了一个更加美好的地方 Still I"d give the world 然而我来到这个世界上 To see your face (bye) 看见你的脸庞 And be right here next to you (bye) 就在你的身边 But it"s like you"re gone too soon (bye) 但似乎你离开的太快了 Now the hardest thing to do 现在最难受的事情 Is say bye bye 是和你说再见 Bye bye bye bye bye bye Bye bye bye bye bye bye Bye bye bye bye bye bye Bye bye And you never got a chance 你没有机会 To see how good I done 来看我做的有多么棒 And you never got to see me 你从没有看到我 Back at number one 重新成为第一 I wish that you were here 我希望你能在这儿 To celebrate together 和我一起庆祝 I wish that we could spend 我希望我们能一起度过 The holidays together 整个假期 I remember when you used to 我记得你曾经 Tuck me in at night 在夜晚给我塞好被子 With the teddy bear you gave me 你给我的小熊 That I held so tight 我紧紧抱在怀里 I thought you were so strong 我曾以为你很强大 You"d make it through whatever 你克服了很多困难 It"s so hard to accept the fact You"re gone forever 很难接受你永远离开的现实 Never knew I could hurt like this 从没想过我会如此痛苦 And everyday life goes on I 每天生活都继续着 Wish I could talk to you for a while 我希望我能和你聊一会儿 Miss you but I try not to cry 我好想念你但是我努力不让自己哭泣 As time goes by 时间流逝 And it"s true that you"ve Reached a better place 事实上,你已经到了一个更加美好的地方 Still I"d give the world 然而我来到这个世界上 To see your face (bye) 看见你的脸庞 And be right here next to you (bye) 就在你的身边 But it"s like you"re gone too soon (bye) 但似乎你离开的太快了 Now the hardest thing to do 现在最难受的事情 Is say bye bye 是和你说再见 Bye bye bye bye bye bye Bye bye bye bye bye bye Bye bye bye bye bye bye Bye bye This is for my peoples who just lost somebody 这首歌献给那些刚刚失去某人的人 Ya best friend ya baby 你最好的朋友、你的宝贝 Ya man or ya lady 你的男人或者你的女人 Put ya hand way up high 高高举起你的双手 We will never say bye 我们永远不会说再见 Mamas daddys sisters brothers 妈妈爸爸兄弟姐妹 Friends and cousins 朋友和堂(表)兄弟姐妹 This is for my peoples who lost their grandmothers 这首歌献给那些失去祖母的人 Lift ya head to the sky 抬起头仰望天空 Cause we will never say bye 因为我们永远不会说再见 Never knew I could hurt like this 从没想过我会如此痛苦 And everyday life goes on I 每天生活都继续着 Wish I could talk to you for a while 我希望我能和你聊一会儿 Miss you but I try not to cry 我好想念你但是我努力不让自己哭泣 As time goes by 时间流逝 And it"s true that you"ve Reached a better place 事实上,你已经到了一个更加美好的地方 Still I"d give the world 然而我来到这个世界上 To see your face (bye) 看见你的脸庞 And be right here next to you (bye) 就在你的身边 But it"s like you"re gone too soon (bye) 但似乎你离开的太快了 Now the hardest thing to do 现在最难受的事情 Is say bye bye 是和你说再见

求Kanye West的Never let me down(feat.JAY-Z)中文歌词

"Never Let Me Down"从不让我失望(feat. Jay-Z, J-Ivy)[Intro:]Yeah Grandmama是的奶~奶Told you I won"t let you down告诉过你我不会让你失望Told you I won"t let this rap game change me, right?告诉过你这个饶舌的游戏不会让我迷失,对吧?[Chorus:]When it comes to being true, at least true to me当他们成为现实时,最终会证明我是对的One thing I found,one thing I found我从中发现的就是,就是Oh no you"ll neva let me down,oh,不,你从不会让我失望Get up I get (down)我开始认真起来 X6Get up I get(down)Get up I get(down)Get up I get(down)Get up I get(down)Get up I get(down)[Jay-Z:]Yo, yo first I snatched the street then I snatched the charts,yo,yo我第一次占据这个街道后紧接着占据了排行榜First had they ear now I hav they"re heart,我的歌先吸引了他们现在他们成为我的死忠Rappers came and went,不知有多少饶舌歌手出现离开 I"ve been hear from the start,我已经从一开始就听到了Seen them put it togetherWatch them take it apart,看过他们的聚聚散散See the Rovers roll up wit ribbons看见被丝带缠绕的的Rover汽车I"ve seen them re-poed, re-sold and re-driven我已见到了他们的重组,重新出售,被重新推出So when I reload, he holds #1 position所以当我重新出发,他保持着第一的位置When u hot I"m hot你红我也红And when your feet cold, mines is sizzelin当你双足冰凉时我的还火热It"s plain to see而且显而易见Nigga"s can"t f*** wit me那哥们怎么比得上我Cuz ima be that nigga for life因为我就是我This is not an image这不是想象This is God given是毛主席给的This is hard liven Mixed wit crystal sipping生活在珠光宝气中真的很难保持的It"s the most consistent就是始终如一Hov对,就是我(jay-z的别名)Give you the most hits you can fit inside a whole disc and跟着我一起摇摆你也会享受我唱片的魅力Nigga I"m home on these charts, y"all niggaz visitin哥们我可是唱片榜的常客,而你们就是群过客It"s Hov tradition, Jeff Gordan of rap这是jay-z的惯例,Jeff Gordan 为我featI"m back to claim pole position, holla at ya boy现在我回来了,我宣布我就是rap界的中流砥柱,大声跟我喊出来![Chorus][Kanye West:]I get down for my grandfather who took my momma我为养育母亲的外公深深鞠躬Made her sit that seat where white folks ain"t wanna us to eat他让我妈在被白人歧视的的餐馆找到座位坐下At the tender age of 6 she was arrested for the sit in年幼的6岁母亲就因此被逮捕With that in my blood I was born to be different就是这层血缘,我就是一个生来不平凡的人Now niggas can"t make it to ballots to choose leadership现在黑兄弟们不能参与投票选领导But we can make it to Jacob and to the dealership但我们能让Jacob代表我们行使权力That"s why I hear new music所以我才会有新创作And I just don"t be feeling it而我只是不觉得它是Racism still alive they just be concealing it种族偏见始终悄悄存在But I know they don"t want me in the damn club我知道他们觉得我想club里的苍蝇They even made me show I.D to get inside of Sam"s club他们甚至要求我出示身份证才能进Sam"s clubI did dirt and went to church to get my hands scrubbed我心灵纯洁常常去教堂擦洗双手Swear I"ve been baptised at least 3 or 4 times发誓我都受过了3到4次的洗礼But in the land where nigga"s praise Yukons and getting paid但在米国我们称赞下加拿大的育空省都会被罚款It gona take a lot more than coupons to get us saved他会发出很多优惠券来让我们得救Like it take a lot more than do-rags to get your waves就像吸食很多的K粉让你爽Noting sadder than that day my girl father past away没有比我女友父亲去世更伤心的日子了So I promised to Mr Rany I"m gonna marry your daughter所以岳父大人我答应你一定会娶你女儿的And u know I gotta thank u for the way that she was brought up你知道我好感激你培养出了如此佳人And I know that u were smiling when u see that car I bought her我也知道你看见我买给她的车时露出欣慰的微笑And u sent tears from heaven when u seen my car get balled up在天堂看见我出车祸为我担忧,我都知道But I can"t complaint what the accident did to my Left Eye但我不能抱怨这场车祸让我左眼受了多大的伤害Cuz look what a accident did to Left Eye因为看看这场车祸对左眼的伤害First Aaliyah and now romeove must die?Aaliyah飞机失事现在要移除我的左眼难道就要死?I know a got angels watching me from the other side我知道身边一直有天使的保佑[Chorus x2][J.Ivy:]We are all here for a reason on a particular path我们都是这里的道路上的一个特定的原因You don"t need a curriculum to know that you are part of the math你不需要学习才知道你在数学中是哪个部分Cats think I"m delirious, but I"m so damn serious爵士乐演奏者(美国俚语)认为我精神混乱,其实我是很严肃对待音乐(KW之前有很多歌采样的jazz作为rap,引起很多人不满,个人意见)That"s why I expose my soul to the globe, the world所以我才敢将自己的内心向世界展现I"m trying to make it better for these little boys and girls为了支持我的粉丝们我一直努力着I"m not just another individual, my spirit is a part of this我从来不是一个孤体,我的精神和粉丝们长在That"s why I get spiritual, but I get my hymns from Him所以为何我如此充满热情,但我的圣歌来自于“他”So it"s not me, it"s He that"s lyrical所以这不是我,这是“他”的热情I"m not a miracle, I"m a heaven-sent instrument我不是奇迹只是上天派来的乐器My rhythmatic regimen navigates melodic notes for your soul and your mental我的旋律引领你的身心走向正道That"s why I"m instrumental这就是我这个乐器的作用Vibrations is what I"m into让你们和我共鸣Yeah, I need my loot by rent day是的,我需要抢劫赚钱来租用每一天But that is not what gives me the heart of Kunte Kinte但这不是给我Kunte Kinte的思想I"m tryina give us "us free" like Cinque我尝试着像Cinque一样给大家“我们自由”的歌曲I can"t stop, that"s why I"m hot我不能停止创造,所以我一直红着Determination, dedication, motivation决心,奉献精神,积极性一个也不能少I"m talking to you, my many inspirations我在告诉你们,我的精神支柱们When I say I can"t, let you or self down当我说“我不行”,就会让你们和自己失望If I were of the highest cliff, on the highest riff如果我站在最高的悬崖边And you slipped off the side and clinched on to your life in my grip当你不告而别,我也会紧紧抓牢你的人生I would never, ever let you down我不会,绝不让你失望And when these words are found当这些文字被发现时Let it been known that God"s penmanship has been signed with a language called love让大家知道上帝已经同意了爱的语言That"s why my breath is felt by the deaf这就是为什么我的呼吸能被聋子感觉到And why my words are heard and confined to the ears of the blind也是为什么我的文字能被盲人感受到I, too, dream in color and in rhyme我也是,我的梦想是彩色的押韵诗So I guess I"m one of a kind in a full house所以我猜我是浪漫满屋的一员Cuz whenever I open my heart, my soul, or my mouth因为无论何时我敞开心扉,倾诉灵魂,张开嘴A touch of God reigns out能感到上帝的统治[Chorus][Jay-Z (Kanye West)]Who else you know been hot this long,无论谁你知道已经红了很久(Oh Ya, you know we ain"t finished)(是的,你知道咱们是常青树)Started from nothing but he got this strong,刚开始的一无所有但他现在很茁壮(The ROC is in the building)(Roc-A-Fella来了!(jay-z的厂牌))Built the ROC from a pebble, pedalled rock before I met you,将Roc王朝从小卵石,在我遇见你之前将它踏响Pedalled bikes, got my nephews pedal bikes because they special,有踏板的自行车,让我侄子有这自行车因为他们很特别Let you tell that man I"m falling,让我告诉你兄弟我在坠落中Well somebody must"ve caught him,那么肯定有人会抓牢他Cause every fourth quarter, I like to Mike Jordan "em,因为每第四个四分之一,我喜欢MJ他们Number one albums, what I got like four of dem,第一张专辑,我受到4个谴责More of dem on the way,音乐之路受到了更多的谴责The Eight Wonder on the way,这个EW还在路上Clear the way, I"m here to stay,一路清晰,我还呆在这儿Y"all can save the chitter chat, this and that, this and Jay,你们都能节约闲聊时间,这和那,这和jay-zDissin" Jay "ill get you mased,亲爱的jay-z会让你们痴迷的发狂When I start spitting them lyrics, niggas get very religious,让我开始说唱时,兄弟们会变得很认真Six Hail Maries, please Father forgive us,Six Hail Maries(无法翻译),神父请原谅我Young, the Archbishop, the Pope John Paul of y"all niggas,年轻人们,这个大主教,Pope John Paul,都是咱们黑哥们哦~The way y"all all follow Jigga,我们跟着jay-z走(Jigga也是jay-z别名)Hov"s a living legend and I tell you why,jay-z正走向传奇之路,让我告诉你原因Everybody wanna be Hov and Hov still alive.人人都爱jay-z,jay-z万岁![Thanks to freestile_kween@blackplanet.com, ishotjfk19@hotmail.com, urban_girl_1@hotmail.com, tdoyle@clunet.edu for correcting these lyrics] translate by:fy400051尽力了,有地方确实自己都不满意





求courtney jaye 的can you sleep的歌词

"Can You Sleep"Was it that hardTo give me awayAre you that easily persuadedBy a memory that"s fadedLike a cardLeft out in the rainAnd tears will fall like ink right off the pageTell me can you sleep at nightKnowing I"m awakeWhen you turn out the lightDid you think that I was gonna be alrightKicked out of your lifeNow tell me can you sleep at nightDo you think of meWhen you"re with herIs she filling all the blanks inTil the temporary space is empty againJust like you areAnd now you"ll have to smile and just pretendSo tell me can you sleep at nightKnowing I"m awakeWhen you turn out the lightDid you think that I was gona be alrightPushed out of your lifeAnd tell me can you sleepBut all this time we"ve wastedYou were all I thought aboutAnd this bitter pill I"m tastingWell its time to spit it outOh no, no, no

Jay-Jay Johanson的《Medicine》 歌词

歌曲名:Medicine歌手:Jay-Jay Johanson专辑:Self-Portrait「Medicine」作词∶leonn作曲∶Tomomi Narimoto歌∶V6どうして仆达は 出逢えたのかな言叶に出来ずに その手を握ったねえ どんな时もこの温もり感じていたい ずっともう离しはしないよほら You"re medicine 笑颜だけですべてが そう辉くmy life君が隣にいるだけで平凡な未来さえ爱おしいYou"re my holy loveどうしてこんなにも 顽张れるのかなちょっと前の仆じゃ 考えられないねえ あの顷よりほんの少し强くなったよ きっともう一人じゃないからほら You"re medicine 触れるだけで高鸣る胸 无邪気なsweet heart君が隣にいるだけで何だって出来る気がしているよYou"re my holy loveねえ 偶然とか运命とか形のないモノでも今は信じられるよほら You"re medicine 笑颜だけですべてが そう辉くmy life君が隣にいるだけで平凡な未来さえ爱おしいYou"re my holy…You"re medicine 触れるだけで高鸣る胸 无邪気なsweet heart君が隣にいるだけで何だって出来る気がしているよYou"re my holy love【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/2646751

Sajay的《Red Hot》 歌词

歌曲名:Red Hot歌手:Sajay专辑:SledgeRed HotYour flame is burning deep in my soulSaying I was half now I"m wholeI can"t believe it (believe it)I know you see it (see it)I know your love would quench my desireI know your love would light me on fireI feel your heart burning, burningDon"t you know I"m yearning, yearningRed hot, red hotBaby you"re red hot, red hotI need your loveLike a flame needs a fireRed hot, red hotYour love is red hot, red hotBaby your heart fulfills my desireOh baby you"re just radiating to meYour heart just burns right through meOh you can start me gleaming, gleamingFeels just like I"m dreaming, dreamingRed hot, red hotBaby you"re red hot, red hotI need your loveLike a flame needs a fireRed hot, red hotYour love is red hot, red hotBaby your heart fulfills my desireRed hot, red hotBaby you are so (red hot) red hotI need your loveLike a flame needs a fireRed hot, red hotBaby you are so...Baby you"re red hot, red hot (your love)Baby your heart fulfills my desireRed hot, red hotBaby you"re red hot, red hotI need your loveI need your fire(Red hot) red hot(Red hot) red hotBaby your heart fulfills my desire(Red hot, red hot)Ooo baby you"re (red hot) red hotAnd you fulfill my desireDon"t you know you"re so (red hot) red hot(I need your love)(Need your fire)Red hot!edit Morrison Tsaihttp://music.baidu.com/song/7444065

jay-z 的say hello 歌词的中文意思拜托了各位 谢谢

中文大意 抓住 也不适合的手 推开 也赶不走的惋惜 跟随那孤单的脚步冻僵了 眼泪悄悄融化掉 你那冰冻的心 守在我旁边 就算在一起 Say hello I need friends Say hello I need friends Say hello I need friends Hello 雪之女王 OST Say hello, I need friends Say hello, I need friends Say hello, I need friends Say hello, I need friends ~ .. .. Say hello, I need friends Say hello, I need friends Say hello, I need friends Say hello, I need friends Say hello, I need friends Say hello, I need friends

Jay Sean的《One Night》 歌词

歌曲名:One Night歌手:Jay Sean专辑:Me Against MyselfNexx Chapter - One nightQQ : 349777127Step one, what"s ya name baby?*Can I take you out? We can pour some champagne babyThey call me T, no pain babyAnd I see that smile lightin" up, propane baby (so)Sweetie won"t you leave them books alone?Tonight just take a ride with meOn the bed leave your phone,tell "em girls you can"t be reached (uh)See I like the way you walk, hair down when you talk, makin" love in the dark what I want girlAnd I think you feel the same way, never have a plain dateWe could live it up (let"s go)I wanna love you, no I can"t stop babehIt"s bout time that I make this moveIf you"re the sun, then I"m done bein" shadyNo other girls, I"m electin" youAnd you ain"t gotta ask if I would take the bulletNo games, girl I yawn at the bullshitLet"s do it right girl, you and me tonight girlAll we need is one nightAye where you from? Can"t believe your from my cityBut... I need a girl, Usher, DiddyAnything can happen (scratch that), everything will happenYou been reckless eye ballin" and the mood is pretty rickyWhat"s on your mind? Think it"s makin" up for lost timeWell later I"m a serenade you with guitarI... can give you the impossible like a lost-findGuarantee I"ll take you highest, Randy Moss primeAin"t ready to trust me? Well you ought to beNo one else on my bench and I swear you"re like the ball to me...In my possession girl I"ll never turn you over (over)I"m big on trust too, no need to audit meClose your eyes, go ahead and wish your night awayTaste my lips and know the bed is just a bite awayRidin" with me, that"s a right turn onlyDreamt about this night forever but you didn"t know me (you didn"t know me)I wanna love you, no I can"t stop babehIt"s bout time that I make this moveIf you"re the sun, then I"m done bein" shadyNo other girls, I"m electin" youAnd you ain"t gotta ask if I would take the bulletNo games, girl I yawn at the bullshitLet"s do it right girl, you and me tonight girlAll we need is one nightI"ll be gentle when we kissBut we gon" tear each others" clothes offBaleedat, baby girl baleedatBaleedat, baby girl baleedatOoo girl I hope you bite my neckThen maybe I can teach you some shitBaleedat, baby girl baleedatBaleedat, baby girl baleedatI wanna love you, no I can"t stop babehIt"s bout time that I make this moveIf you"re the sun, then I"m done bein" shadyNo other girls, I"m electin" youAnd you ain"t gotta ask if I would take the bulletNo games, girl I yawn at the bullshitLet"s do it right girl, you and me tonight girlAll I need is one nightI wanna love you, no I can"t stop babehAll I need is one nightOoo, with youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2622606



Jay Chan是谁?




jay sean--all of nothing 中文歌词?

Jay Sean-Maybe Beep Beep On It Now There Goes My Phone 哔哔,铃声响起 ,是我的电话 And Once Again Im Just Hoping Its A Text From You 我再一次期望那会是来自你的短信 It Aint Right i read your Messages Twice thrice Four Times A Night Its True 我知道一晚上读你的短信两遍三遍四遍是不对的,但事实上我却这样做了 Everyday I Patiently Wait 每天我都在耐心地等待 Feeling Like A Fool But I Do Anyway 就像一个傻瓜一样,但是无论如何我都愿意这样做 Nothing Can Feel As Sweet And As Real As Now That I Wouldve Waited One Day 没有什么别的事能像这样等待一天让我感觉到既甜蜜又真实 And Maybe Its True (may be its true) Im caught Up On You 也许这是真的(也许这是真的)我会追得上你的脚步 Maybe In A While You"ll Be Stuck On Me Too 也许再过一会你也会被我迷住 So Maybe Im wrong Its All,In My Head 所以也许我错了,一切只是我的空想 Maybe We"ll Await On Words We Both Hadnt Said 也许我们都在等待那些从未说出口说出的承诺 I Always Connected Online 我总是连着网 Watching My Space All The Time 一直浏览着我的空间 Hoping That You"ve Checked My Profile 希望你曾来点击过我的个人信息 Just can"t help wondering why you play it cool but sometimes I just keep falling for you 忍不住地想知道你为什么总是耍酷 但有时我就是情不自禁被你迷住 Every night Im on the phone and I loving you and I know you that you like it girl, now dont keep it inside what"s in the night. 每天晚上我都打着电话,我爱你,我知道你喜欢这样,女孩 现在不要再隐藏夜色中的秘密 Now come say what your trying to hide. 现在就来告诉我你隐瞒了什么 And Maybe Its True (may be its true) Im caught Up On You 也许这是真的(也许这是真的)我会追得上你的脚步 Maybe In A While You"ll Be Stuck On Me Too 也许再过一会你也会被我迷住 So Maybe Im wrong Its All,In My Head 所以也许我错了,一切只是我的空想 Maybe We"ll Await On Words We Both Hadnt Said 也许我们都在等待那些从未说出口说出的承诺 Like I really want you, I think I need you, Maybe I miss you, Im thinking of you 就像我真的渴望着你,我知道我需要你,也许我想念你,我正在思念着你 And Maybe Its True Oh (may be its true) Im caught Up On You 也许这是真的,噢(也许这是真的)我会追得上你的脚步 (Maybe Yeh)Maybe In A While You"ll Be Stuck On Me Too (也许)也许再过一会你也会被我迷住 So Maybe Im wrong (Maybe yeh)Its All,In My Head (oh no) 所以也许我错了,一切只是我的空想(噢,不) Maybe We"ll Await On Words We Both Hadnt Said 也许我们都在等待那些从未说出口说出的承诺 And Maybe Its True (may be its true) Im caught Up On You 也许这是真的(也许这是真的)我会追得上你的脚步 Maybe there"s a chance You"ll Be Stuck On Me Too 也许你也有可能会被我迷住 So Maybe Im wrong Its All,In My Head 所以也许我错了,一切只是我的空想 Maybe We"ll Await On Words We Both Hadnt Said 也许我们都在等待那些从未说出口说出的承诺

Jay sean的All or nothing歌词。

All Or Nothing   I know when he"s been on your mind 我知道你心里有了他   That distant look is in your eyes 你眼中的疏离   I thought with time you"d realize It"s over, over 让我意识到我们之间已经结束   It"s not the way I choose to live 这并非我选择的生活方式   But something, somewhere"s gotta give 但毕竟我有所付出   As sharing this relationship gets older, older 在我们携手共老的同时   You know I"d fight for you 你清楚我为你奋斗过   But how can I fight someone who isn"t even there 你若离开了,你让我为谁而努力呢   If I had the rest of you 我拥有过你   Now I want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你   I don"t care if that"s not fair 不管这对你公平与否   Chorus(合唱):   Cause I want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要 There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择   When you reach the bottom It"s now or never 那是永远的决定   Is it all Or are we just friends 是那样的吗?还是,我们就仅仅是朋友?   Is this how it ends With a simple telephone call 你一个电话就让我们的一切终结?   You leave me here with nothing at all 你孑然一身地离开   There are times it seems to me 有很多时候   I"m sharing you with memories 我在回忆中思念你   I feel it in my heart But I don"t show it, show it 我用我的心去体会,我不会表露出来   Then there"s times you look at me 又有很多时候,你看着我   As though I"m all that you can see 仿佛我是你眼里的唯一   Those times I don"t believe 我虽然不相信   It"s right I know it, know it 但我确实感受到了   Don"t make me promises Baby you never did know how to keep them well 不要轻易对我言诺,因为你根本不知道怎么去遵守   I"ve had the rest of you我拥有过你   Now I want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你   It"s time to show and tell 因此是时候把我的心意表露了   Chorus(合唱)   Cause I want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要   There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择   When you reach the bottom It"s now or never 那是永远的决定   Is it all or are we just friends 是那样的吗?还是,我们就仅仅是朋友?   Is this how it ends With a simple telephone call 你一个电话就让我们的一切终结?   You leave me here with nothing 你孑然一身地离开   Cause you and I Could lose it all 我们可能就这样完了   If you"ve Got no more room No room inside for me in your life 如果你把我永远地逐出你的生命 Cause I want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要   There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择   It"s now or never 那是永远的决定   Chorus(合唱)   Is it all Or nothing at all 是你的全部,还是什么也没有   There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择   When you reach the bottom It"s now or never 那是永远的决定   Is it all Or are we just friends 是那样的吗?还是,我们就仅仅是朋友?   Is this how it ends With a simple telephone call 你一个电话就让我们的一切终结?   You leave me here with nothing at all 你孑然一身地离开

The O Jays的《Lies》 歌词

歌曲名:Lies歌手:The O Jays专辑:Emotionally YoursBlack Keys - :iesBY Kevin Boul & Larry ChengSaid the moon was ours, yeahSaid the moon was ours, the hell with the dayThe sunlight is always gonna take love awayBrings up suspicions and alibiesBut I can see blue, tear-blinded eyesLies, lies, lies, ohh liesI got a stone where my heart should beI got a stone where my heart should beAnd nothing I do will make you love meI"d leave this time, break all my tiesBe no more use for any disguiseLies, lies, lies, ohh liesI wanna die without painI wanna die, oh, without painAll this desception I just can"t maintainThe sun, moon, the stars in the skyIt"d hurt me too bad if you said goodbyeLies, lies, lies, ohh lieshttp://music.baidu.com/song/3487991

求nas-ether中文歌词 据说里面有eminem和jay z 的事!!!

Album:StillmaticTitle:Ether[gunshots][Nas talking](Fuck Jay-Z)What"s up niggas, ay yo, I know you ain"t talkin "bout me dogYou, what?(Fuck Jay-Z)You been on my dick nigga, you love my style, nigga(Fuck Jay-Z)[Chorus](I) Fuck with your soul like ether(Will) Teach you the king you know you(Not) God"s son across the belly(Lose) I prove you lost alreadyBrace yourself for the main eventY"all impatiently waitinIt"s like an AIDS test, what"s the results?Not positive, who"s the best? Pac, Nas and BigAin"t no best, East, West, North, South, flossed out, greedyI embrace y"all with napalmBlows up, no guts, left chest, face goneHow could Nas be garbage?Semi-autos at your cartilegeBurner at the side of your dome, come outta my throneI got this, locked since "9-1I am the truest, name a rapper that I ain"t influencedGave y"all chapters but now I keep my eyes on the JudasWith Hawaiin Sophie fame, kept my name in his musicCheck it[Chorus][talking]Ay yo, pass me the weed, pour my ashes out on these niggas man (no doubt)Ay, y"all faggots, y"all kneel and kiss the fuckin ring[Chorus]I"ve been fucked over, left for dead, dissed and fogottenLuck ran out, they hoped that I"d be gone, stiff and rottenY"all just piss on me, shit on me, spit on my grave (uh)Talk about me, laugh behind my back but in my faceY"all some well wishers, friendly actin, envy hidin snakesWith your hands out for my money, man, how much can I take?When these streets keep callin, heard it when I was sleepThat this Gay-Z and Cockafella Records wanted beefStarted cockin up my weapon, slowly loadin up this ammoTo explode it on a camel, and his soldiers, I can handleThis for dolo and it"s manuscript, just sound stupidWhen KRS already made an album called BlueprintFirst, Biggie"s ya man, then you got the nerve to say that you better than BigDick suckin lips, whyn"t you let the late, great veteran live[talking](I...will...not...lose)God"s son across the belly, I prove you lost alreadyThe king is back, where my crown at?(Ill...will) Ill Will rest in peace, let"s do it niggas[Chorus]Y"all niggas deal with emotions like bitchesWhat"s sad is I love you "cause you"re my brotherYou traded your soul for richesMy child, I"ve watched you grow up to be famousAnd now I smile like a proud dad, watchin his only son that made itYou seem to be only concerned with dissin womenWere you abused as a child, scared to smile, they called you ugly?Well life is hard, hug me, don"t reject meOr make records to disrespect me, blatent or indirectlyIn "88 you was gettin chased through your buildinCallin my crib and I ain"t even give you my numbersAll I did was gave you a style for you to run withSmilin in my face, glad to break bread with the godWearin Jaz chains, no tecs, no cash, no carsNo jail bars Jigga, no pies, no caseJust Hawaiian shirts, hangin with little ChaseYou a fan, a phony, a fake, a pussy, a StanI still whip your ass, you thirty-six in a karate classYou Tae-bo hoe, tryna" work it out, you tryna" get brolic?Ask me if I"m tryna" kick knowledgeNah, I"m tryna" kick the shit you need to learn thoughThat ether, that shit that make your soul burn slowIs he Dame Diddy, Dame Daddy or Dame Dummy?Oh, I get it, you Biggie and he"s PuffyRockafeller died of AIDS, that was the end of his chapterAnd that"s the guy y"all chose to name your company after?Put it together, I rock hoes, y"all rock fellasAnd now y"all try to take my spot, fellas?Philly"s hot rock fellas, put you in a dry spot, fellasIn a pine box with nine shots from my glock, fellasFoxy got you hot "cause you kept your face in her pussWhat you think, you gettin girls now "cause of your looks?Ne-gro pleaseYou no mustache havin, with whiskers like a ratCompared to Beans you wackAnd your man stabbed Un and made you take the blameYou ass, went from Jaz to hangin with Caine, to Herb, to BigAnd, Eminem murdered you on your own shitYou a dick-ridin faggot, you love the attentionQueens niggas run you niggas, ask Russell SimmonsHa, R-O-C get gunned up and clapped quickJ.J. Evans get gunned up and clapped quickYour whole damn record label gunned up and clapped quickShaun Carter to Jay-Z, damn you on Jaz dickSo little shorty"s gettin gunned up and clapped quickHow much of Biggie"s rhymes is gon" come out your fat lips?Wanted to be on every last one of my classicsYou pop shit, apologize, nigga, just ask Kiss

Jay-Z 的《Blue Magic》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Magic歌手:Jay-Z 专辑:Blue MagicJay-Z - Blue Magic (Feat. Pharrel)American GangsterROC-A-Fella records...The Imperial Skateboard P (it"s alive... it"s alive, it"s alive)GREAT HOVA! (it"s alive)Y"all already know what it is!Come on!So What If U Flip A Couple Words, I Could Triple That In BirdsOpen Ya Mind, U See The Circus In The SkyI"m Ringlin Brothers, Barnum And Bailey Wit The PiesNo Matter How U Slice It I"m Ya Muthafuckin GuyAnd Just Like A B-Boy Wit 360 WavesDo The Same Wit The Pot, Still Come Back BeigeWhether Right Or SouthpawWhether Pot Or The JarWhip It Around, It Still Comes Back HardSo Easily Do I... W-H-I-PMy Repetition Wit Riches"ll Bring The Kilo BusinessI Got Creole C-O BitchesFor My Niggas Who Slipped, Became Prisoners, Treats Taped To The VisitorsU Already Know What The Business IsUnnecessary Commissary, Boy We Live This ShitNiggas Wanna Bring The 80s BackThat"s Okay Wit Me, That"s Where They Made Me AtExcept I Don"t Write On The WallI Write My Name In The History Book Hustlin In The HallNaw, I Don"t Spin On My HeadI Spin My Work In The PotSo I Could Spend My BreadAnd I"m Getting It... I"m Getting ItI Ain"t Talkin About It I"m Living ItI"m Getting It... Straight Getting It G-G-G-G-G-G-Get Get It Boy(Pharrell) Don"t Waste Your Time... Fighting The LiesStay Your Course... And You"ll Understand (Get It Boy)This 87 State Of Mind That I"m InIn My Prime, So For That Time I"m RakimIf It Wasn"t For The Crime That I Was InBut I Woudn"t Be The Guy Who Rhymes It Is That I"m In... No Pain, No ProfitPee I Repeat If U Show Me Where The Pot IsCherry M3s With The Top BackRed And Green Gs All On My HatNorth Beach LeathersMatchin Gucci SweatersGucci Sneaks On 2 Keep My Outfit TogetherWhatever... Hundred 4 The Diamond ChainCan"t U Tell That I Came From The Dope GameBlame Reagan For Making Me Into A MonsterBlame Oliver North And Iran ContraI Ran Contraband That They SponsoredBefore This Rhyming Stuff We Was In ConcertAnd I"m Getting It... I"m Getting ItI Ain"t Talkin About It I"m Living ItI"m Getting It... Straight Getting It G-G-G-G-G-G-Get Get It Boy(Pharrell) Don"t Waste Your Time... Fighting The LiesStay Your Course... And You"ll Understand (Get It Boy)Push...Money Ova Broads, U Got It, Fuck BushChef... Guess What I CookedBaked Alot Of Bread And Kept It Off Da BooksRock Star... LookWay B4 The Bars My Picture Was Gettin TookFeds... They Like Wack RappersTry As They May They Couldn"t Get Me On The Hook, UnhD.A. Wanna Indict Me"Cause Fishscales In My Veins Like A PiscesThe Pyrex Pot, Roll Up My SleavesTurn One Into 2 Like A Siamese...Twin, When It End I"m a Stand As A ManNeva Dyin On My Knees, Last Of A Dyin BreedSo Let The Champagne PopI Partied For A While Now I"m Back 2 The BlockAnd I"m Getting It... I"m Getting ItI Ain"t Talkin About It I"m Living ItI"m Getting It... Straight Getting It G-G-G-G-G-G-Get Get It Boy(Pharrell) Don"t Waste Your Time... Fighting The LiesStay Your Course... And You"ll Understand (Get It Boy)(American Gangster Movie Clip: Denzel Washington)Blue Magic... That"s A Brand NameLike Pepsi, That"s A Brand NameI Stand Behind It, I Guarantee ItThey Know That Even If They Don"t Know Me Anymore Than They Know The, The Chairman Of General Mills...(... My man)http://music.baidu.com/song/8176415

求Candee Jay-if i were you 歌词。

  If I was good  I"d tell everyone I know  If I was free  I wouldn"t be so keen to go  If I was wrong  I would take it like a man  If I was smart  I would get out while I can  If I was broken  I would probably let it be  If I was dying  I wouldn"t go out quietly  If I was lost  Well my heart would feel the same  If I was honest  I would probably be ashamed  But if I were you  I would notice me  If I were you  I would wait for me  If I were you  I would easily hold me and say  It"s all gonna be OK  (Music......)  If I was rich  I would spend it on my own  If I was dignified  I"d only smoke at home  If I was dark  I would only dress in black  If I was chosen  I would gladly give it back  It"s not for you to judge  From all this kind of stuff  I"m only half of what you see  Fade out ......

有知道JAY 说好的幸福呢 英文版的歌词

So good that the well-being

p.diddy nas jay-z snoop dogg eminem谁最有钱

我就不回答了 楼主你把分给GGGGGGGGunit吧

比较一下eminem jay-z 和 snoop dogg这三名说唱歌手~~哪位最好??最受FANS欢迎???


Snoop dogg Eminem dr.dre p.diddy jayZ之间发生的一些事?


lip service里那个长的挺帅的男的叫什么?就是,他的女朋友是黑人的那个,在里面好像叫jay!他真实名字?

Emun Elliott

我想要it gets better 的歌和歌词~是关于Obama演讲的那个歌 。作者是Jay Kuo & Blair Shepard

Hey friendWhen you feel like you"re aloneAnd the world throws out a lot of hateIt"s not the endYou"re not out there on your ownThere"s still so much in life to celebrateJust look upCause those skies are going to clearThere so much more than just the hear and nowJust look upCause a better day is hereTomorrow feel the sunlight shining downIt gets better, better, betterThe pain will let up, let up, let upIf you fall just get up, get up, get upOhh, cause there"s another wayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayYeah, live to see that day (that day)Live to see that dayHey friendWe used to feel like youNo end in sightFearing everydayJust defend the part of you that"s trueFind yourself and you will find the wayDon"t give up (Don"t give up)Just take another lookAnd you can shineIt"s time you took the stageDon"t give upCause your life is like a bookAll you got to do is turn the pageThere are friends yet to meet,There are songs to be sungThere are beautiful sunsetsAnd battles are wonThere"s love to be found if you just stick aroundDon"t give up your life has just begunIt gets better, better, betterThe pain will let up, let up, let upIf you fall just get up, get up, get upOhh, cause there"s another wayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayIt gets better, better, betterThe pain will let up, let up, let upIf you fall just get up, get up, get upOhh, cause there"s another wayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayIt gets better, better, betterThe world gets lighter, lighter, lighterSo be a fighter, fighter, fighterOhh, just live to see that dayIt gets better, better, betterIt gets better, better, betterIt gets better, better, betterIt gets better, better, better歌的话网上就能下载。

Jay-Z &Kanye West的《Lift Off》 歌词

歌曲名:Lift Off歌手:Jay-Z &Kanye West专辑:Watch The ThroneJay-Z & Kanye West - Lift Off (feat. Beyoncé)(Beyoncé)Now we gon take it to the moonTake it to the starsHow many people you know can take it this far?I"m super chargedI"m bout to take this whole thing to MarsNow we gon take it to the moonTake it to the starsYou don"t know what we been through to make it this farSo many scarsI"m bout to take this whole thing to Mars(Kanye West)Lift offLift offTaking my coat offShowin" my tattoosI"m such a show offI feel the pain and then roll offI got the whole city, they about to go offHow many people wanna roll with me now?Like you know na na na, you know me by nowKnow me, know me by now(Beyoncé)Now we gon take it to the moonTake it to the starsHow many people you know can take it this far?I"m super chargedI"m bout to take this whole thing to MarsNow we gon take it to the moonTake it to the starsYou don"t know what we been through to make it this farSo many scarsI"m bout to take this whole thing to Mars(Kanye West)Lift offLike you know na na na, you know me by nowKnow me, know me by nowYou know me know me by nowKnow me, know me by now...(Jay-Z)Lift offRappers hear watch the throneThey gon be pissed offEarth is boring to emWhen you Earnhart as me eventually you hit a big wall5-4-3-2 we need fuelLift off(Beyoncé)Now we gon take it to the moonTake it to the starsHow many people you know can take it this far?I"m super chargedI"m bout to take this whole thing to MarsNow we gon take it to the moonTake it to the starsYou don"t know what we been through to make it this farSo many scarsI"m bout to take this whole thing to Mars(Countdown)20 seconds and counting...T minus 15 seconds, guidance is internal12, 11, 10, 9, ignition sequence start6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, all engines runningLift off, we have a lift offLift off(Beyoncé)Now we gonNow we gon take it to the moonNow we gonWe gon take it to the moonTake it to the starsWe gon take it to the moonTake it to the starsHow many people you know can take it this far?Take it to the starsHow many people you know can take it this far?Now we gonNow we gonhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13742697

Jaysun的《Who Am I》 歌词

歌曲名:Who Am I歌手:Jaysun专辑:Hurry Up And WaitWho am I----Casting CrownsFrom GrammyMade by Rock.XuWho am I, that the Lord of all the earthWould care to know my nameWould care to feel my hurtWho am I, that the Bright and Morning StarWould choose to light the wayFor my ever wandering heartNot because of who I amBut because of what You"ve doneNot because of what I"ve doneBut because of who You areI am a flower quickly fadingHere today and gone tomorrowA wave tossed in the oceanA vapor in the windStill You hear me when I"m callingLord, You catch me when I"m fallingAnd You"ve told me who I amI am Yours, I am YoursWho am I, that the eyes that see my sinWould look on me with love and watch me rise againWho am I, that the voice that calmed the seaWould call out through the rainAnd calm the storm in meNot because of who I amBut because of what You"ve doneNot because of what I"ve doneBut because of who You areI am a flower quickly fadingHere today and gone tomorrowA wave tossed in the oceanA vapor in the windStill You hear me when I"m callingLord, You catch me when I"m fallingAnd You"ve told me who I amI am YoursNot because of who I amBut because of what You"ve doneNot because of what I"ve doneBut because of who You areI am a flower quickly fadingHere today and gone tomorrowA wave tossed in the oceanA vapor in the windStill You hear me when I"m callingLord, You catch me when I"m fallingtold me who I amI am YoursI am YoursWhom shall I fearWhom shall I fear"Cause I am YoursI am Yourshttp://music.baidu.com/song/14975071

jay-z 的歌词

[Intro]Halt! Who goes there?It is I sire Tone from Brooklyn.Well, speak up man what is it?News from the East sire! THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS HAS RETURNED![Verse 1: Jay-Z (R. Kelly)]Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the freshest of them all?I love 慹m all but none of yall can fuck with the double suicide doors on that black phantom,Fuck em allWe got hits like a 30 shot clip when we throw one in the air everybody hit the floorHolla atcha boy, boys, when we boys so we bringin out them toysLane to lane on the dana danesWe give you noise man when the year change we change, nigga we right hereWe can go bang for bangWe can go clip for clip nigga chain for chainWe can go bitch for bitch got a pretty young thingThat I keep by my hip like my celly that ring, sing!(Me and Michelle at the hotel while Jay and Tone on the way to the after party got the ladies sayinOH! Best of Both Worlds)Best of Both Worlds and we rock the globeYou knamsayinYa boy H-O wit Kels we not playinLosers lose so when we does what we do we winThen win again like de ja vuThen we win again like MJ doThree-peat then retreat the waters that抯 blueYoung scrappy this what grown men do lets move![Chorus: R. Kelly (2x)]In this arena, arenaAll we wanna see is them hands up, hands upThis is for them hustling boys and girls It抯 the return of Best of Both Worlds(Nothin can hold us now!)[Verse 2: R. Kelly]Now all the ladies love Kels cause Kels is freshAnd plus Kels got 搒uperpimp?庆ross his chestI got a phat gold chain and I drop top LexAnd when im rollin thourhg ya hood I be causin wrecksMan I抦 a gigalo, Air Force Ones and fresh linenI be in the club while my chrome still spinninLadies line up in a single file line just to hit a ?? I抣l sing 慹m a few lines like (Me andMichelle at the hotel while Jay and Tone on the way to the after party got the ladies sayin OH!Best of Both Worlds!)Shuttin it down you knameanKels and Jigga man bacl on the sceneStep up in the club so fresh and so cleanLadies be like damn! BLING! BLING! BLINGHov rap and I SING! SING! SINGH to the O and the R&B King, before we do a show its like CHING! CHING! CHING!So Lodi Dodi, we likes to party, we don抰 start fights we don抰 bother nobodyThe good news is haters we gat a lotta dough, bad news is it抯 the return of Best of Both?[Chorus][Bridge: R. Kelly]We on a world tour wit Jay and my manGoin each and everywhere wit the mic in our handLondon, Paris, New York, D.C., Detroit, From Chi-Town to CaliWe on a world tour wit Kels and ya man Goin each and everywhere wit the mic in our handPhilly, Jersey, Dallas, St. Louis, MiamiBest of Both comin to ya city![Chorus]


天涯 的尽头是风沙红尘 的故事叫牵挂封刀隐没在寻常人家 东篱下闲云 野鹤 古刹快马 在江湖里厮杀无非 是名跟利放不下心中有江山的人岂能快意潇洒我只求与你共 华发剑出鞘 恩怨了 谁笑我只求今朝 拥你入 怀抱红尘客栈风似刀 骤雨落 宿命敲任武林谁领风骚我却 只为你 折腰过荒村野桥 寻世外 古道远离人间尘嚣 柳絮飘执子之手逍遥檐下 窗棂斜映枝桠与你 席地对座饮茶我以工笔画将你牢牢 的记下提笔 不为风雅灯下 叹红颜近晚霞我说缘份 一如参禅不说话你泪如梨花洒满了纸上的天下爱恨如写意 山水画剑出鞘 恩怨了 谁笑我只求今朝 拥你入 怀抱红尘客栈风似刀 骤雨落 宿命敲任武林谁领风骚我却 只为你 折腰过荒村野桥 寻世外 古道远离人间尘嚣 柳絮飘执子之手逍遥任武林谁领风骚我却 只为你 折腰你回眸多娇 我泪中 带笑酒招旗风中萧萧 剑出鞘 恩怨了 还有新歌 明明就 百度就有了

Jay Sean的歌曲《May be》的歌词(中文翻译)

Jay Sean-MaybeBeep Beep On It Now There Goes My Phone哔哔,铃声响起 ,是我的电话And Once Again Im Just Hoping Its A Text From You我再一次期望那会是来自你的短信It Aint Right i read your Messages Twice thrice Four Times A Night Its True我知道一晚上读你的短信两遍三遍四遍是不对的,但事实上我却这样做了Everyday I Patiently Wait每天我都在耐心地等待Feeling Like A Fool But I Do Anyway就像一个傻瓜一样,但是无论如何我都愿意这样做Nothing Can Feel As Sweet And As Real As Now That I Wouldve Waited One Day没有什么别的事能像这样等待一天让我感觉到既甜蜜又真实And Maybe Its True (may be its true) Im caught Up On You也许这是真的(也许这是真的)我会追得上你的脚步Maybe In A While You"ll Be Stuck On Me Too也许再过一会你也会被我迷住So Maybe Im wrong Its All,In My Head所以也许我错了,一切只是我的空想Maybe We"ll Await On Words We Both Hadnt Said也许我们都在等待那些从未说出口说出的承诺I Always Connected Online我总是连着网Watching My Space All The Time一直浏览着我的空间Hoping That You"ve Checked My Profile希望你曾来点击过我的个人信息Just can"t help wondering why you play it cool but sometimes I just keep falling for you忍不住地想知道你为什么总是耍酷 但有时我就是情不自禁被你迷住Every night Im on the phone and I loving you and I know you that you like it girl, now dont keepit inside what"s in the night.每天晚上我都打着电话,我爱你,我知道你喜欢这样,女孩 现在不要再隐藏夜色中的秘密Now come say what your trying to hide.现在就来告诉我你隐瞒了什么And Maybe Its True (may be its true) Im caught Up On You也许这是真的(也许这是真的)我会追得上你的脚步Maybe In A While You"ll Be Stuck On Me Too也许再过一会你也会被我迷住So Maybe Im wrong Its All,In My Head所以也许我错了,一切只是我的空想Maybe We"ll Await On Words We Both Hadnt Said也许我们都在等待那些从未说出口说出的承诺Like I really want you, I think I need you, Maybe I miss you, Im thinking of you就像我真的渴望着你,我知道我需要你,也许我想念你,我正在思念着你And Maybe Its True Oh (may be its true) Im caught Up On You也许这是真的,噢(也许这是真的)我会追得上你的脚步(Maybe Yeh)Maybe In A While You"ll Be Stuck On Me Too(也许)也许再过一会你也会被我迷住So Maybe Im wrong (Maybe yeh)Its All,In My Head (oh no)所以也许我错了,一切只是我的空想(噢,不)Maybe We"ll Await On Words We Both Hadnt Said也许我们都在等待那些从未说出口说出的承诺And Maybe Its True (may be its true) Im caught Up On You也许这是真的(也许这是真的)我会追得上你的脚步Maybe there"s a chance You"ll Be Stuck On Me Too也许你也有可能会被我迷住So Maybe Im wrong Its All,In My Head所以也许我错了,一切只是我的空想Maybe We"ll Await On Words We Both Hadnt Said也许我们都在等待那些从未说出口说出的承诺

求nik&jay的EtSidsteKys 中文歌词

Leave Out All The Rest i dreamed i was missing, you were so scared 我在梦中迷失 你恐惧万分 but no one would listen, cause no one else cared 没有人倾听 因为没有人在意 after my dreaming, i woke with this fear: 梦醒了 恐惧依然没有消散 what am i leaving when i"m done here? 我该怎么面对我所做的一切 so if you"re asking me, i want you to know 当你问我时 我只想让你明白 when my time comes, forget the wrong that i"ve done 我要从头开始 忘记我犯过的错 help me leave behind some reasons to be missed 让我远离那些迷失的理由 and don"t resent me, and when you"re feeling empty 请不要再怨恨我 keep me in your memory, and leave out all the rest 当你觉得寂寞时 leave out all the rest 让我留在你的记忆中 剩下的一切都不用去考虑 don"t be afraid i"ve taken my beating, i"ve shared what i"ve made 不要害怕 i"m strong on the surface, not all the way through 我会面对挫折 我们一起承担 i"ve never been perfect, but neither have you 表面上坚强的我 并没有把一切做好 其实我们永远都不会完美 so if you"re asking me, i want you to know when my time comes, forget the wrong that i"ve done 当你问我时 我只想让你明白 help me leave behind some reasons to be missed 我要从头开始 忘记我犯过的错 don"t resent me, and when you"re feeling empty 让我远离那些迷失的理由 keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest 请不要再怨恨我 leave out all the rest 当你觉得寂寞时 让我留在你的记忆中 forgetting all the hurt inside that you"ve learned to hide so well 剩下的一切都不用去考虑 pretending someone else can come and save me from myself i can be who you are 遗忘你心中深藏的伤痕 当作有人已经把我拯救 when my time comes, forget the wrong that i"ve done 我会为你而改变 help me leave behind some reasons to be missed 我要从头开始 忘记我犯过的错 don"t resent me, and when you"re feeling empty 让我远离那些迷失的理由 keep me in your memory, leave out all the rest 请不要再怨恨我 leave out all the rest 当你觉得寂寞时 让我留在你的记忆中 forgetting all the hurt inside you"ve learned to hide so well 剩下的一切都不用去考虑 pretending someone else can come and save me from myself i can be who you are 遗忘你心中深藏的伤痕 i can be who you are. 当作有人已经把我拯救 我会为你而改变 我会为你而改变 答案补充 love storyWe were both young when I first saw you 当我第一次见到你的时候我们都还很年轻 I close my eyes and the flashback starts我闭上双眼 我们的故事在我脑海里一幕幕回放 I"m standing there on a balcony in summer air 炎炎夏日我站在阳台上 See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns 看着这些灯,派对和舞会礼服 See you make your way through the crowd 看你穿过拥挤的人群 And say hello, little did I know 跟我打招呼 我不知道 That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles 你就是罗密欧 你朝我扔小石子 And my daddy said stay away from Juliet 我爸爸说 离朱丽叶远点 答案补充 And I was crying on the staircase, begging you please don"t go 我在楼梯上哭了 求你不要离开 And I said 我说 Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone罗密欧 带我去一个我们能单独在一起的地方吧 I"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is run 我会等待的 现在能做的只有逃跑了 You"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princess 你会成为王子而我就是公主 It"s a love story 这是个爱情故事 Baby, just say yes 宝贝 你就答应我吧 答案补充 So I sneak out to the garden to see you 我悄悄溜到花园去看你 We keep quiet "cause we"re dead if they knew 我们都很安静 因为如果被他们知道我们就惨了 So close your eyes, escape this town fora little while 所以闭上你的双眼 逃离这个城市一会儿吧 Oh, oh, oh "Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter 因为你是罗密欧 我是红A字 答案补充 And my daddy said stay away from Juliet 我爸爸说 离朱丽叶远点 But you were everything to me, I was begging you please don"t go 但是你就是我的一切 我请求你不要离开 And I said 我说 Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone罗密欧 带我去一个只有我们俩的地方吧 I"ll be waiting, all there"s left to do is run 我会等的 我们所能做的就只有逃跑了 You"ll be the prince and I"ll be the princess 你会成为我的王子而我就是你的公主 It"s a love story 这是个爱情故事 Baby, just say yes 宝贝 答应我吧 Romeo, save me, they"re trying to tell me how to feel 罗密欧 快解救我吧 他们试图告诉我如何去感受 答案补充 This love is difficult, but it"s real 这段爱情困难重重 但是这是真实的爱 Don"t be afraid, we"ll make it out of this mess 不要害怕 我们会摆脱困难的 It"s a love story 这是个爱情故事 Baby, just say yes 宝贝 答应我吧 I got tired of waiting, wondering if youwere ever coming around 我已厌倦了等待 我想知道你究竟还会不会回来 my faith in you was fading 我对你的信心也在减少 When I met you on the outskirts of town 当我在郊区遇到你 And I said 我说 Romeo, save me, I"ve been feeling so alone 罗密欧 快解救我吧 我一直感到很孤独 I keep waiting for you but you never come 我一直都在等你 但是你却没有出现 答案补充 Is this in my head, I don"t know what tothink 我脑海里想的全是这个 我不知道还能想些什么 he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring 他跪在地上 拿出一个戒指 And said 说道 Marry me Juliet you"ll never have to be alone 嫁给我吧 朱丽叶 你不会再感到孤单了 I love you and that"s all I really know 我爱你 这是我所知道的 I talked to your dad you"ll pick out a white dress 我和你的爸爸谈过了 你可以挑一条白色的裙子 It"s a love story 这是个爱情故事 Baby, just say yes 宝贝 答应我吧 Oh, oh, oh We were both young when I first saw you 当我第一次见到你的时候我们都还很年轻

一首英文歌歌词是show me what you got girl you can be my new die 不是jay z的歌

Redfoo - New Thang

关于Jay Chou的《嘻哈空姐》


周杰伦、JAY CHOU 专辑《跨时代》所有歌词



1.跨时代词:黄俊郎 曲:周杰伦 编曲:黄雨勋(梦想之翼)钟 逆时钟而绕 恶物狰狞的倾巢我谦卑安静的于城堡下的晚祷压抑远古流窜的蛮荒暗号而管风琴高傲的说那只是在徒劳我的乐器在环绕 时代无法淘汰我霸气你无法预言 因为我越险翅越艳没有句点 跨时代蔓延翼朝天月下浮凋 魔鬼的浅笑狼迎风嚎 蝠翔似黑潮用孤独去调尊严的色调我跨越过时代 如兽般的姿态 琴声唤醒沉睡的血脉不需要被崇拜 如兽般的悲哀 只为永恒的乐曲存在 醒过来 2.说了再见词:古小力、黄淩嘉 曲:周杰伦 编曲:钟兴民天凉了 雨下了 你走了清楚了 我爱的 遗失了落叶飘在湖面上睡著了想要放 放不掉 泪在飘你看看 你看看不到我假装过去不重要却发现自己办不到说了再见 才发现再也见不到我不能 就这样 失去你的微笑口红待在桌角 而你我找不到若角色对调 你说好不好说了再见 才发现再也见不到能不能 就这样 忍著痛 泪不掉说好陪我到老 永恒往那里找再次拥抱 一分一秒 都好3.烟花易冷(伽蓝雨)词:方文山 曲:周杰伦 编曲:黄雨勋(梦想之翼)繁华声 遁入空门 折煞了世人梦偏冷 辗转一生 情债又几本如你默认 生死枯等枯等一圈 又一圈的年轮浮图塔 断了几层 断了谁的魂痛直奔 一盏残灯 倾塌的山门容我再等 历史转身等酒香醇 等你弹 一曲古筝雨纷纷 旧故里草木深我听闻 你始终一个人斑驳的城门 盘踞著老树根石板上回荡的是 再等雨纷纷 旧故里草木深我听闻 你仍守著孤城城郊牧笛声 落在那座野村那史册 温柔不肯 下笔都太狠烟花易冷 人事易分而你在问我是否还 认真千年后 累世情深 还有谁在等而青史 岂能不真 魏书洛阳城如你在跟 前世过门跟著红尘 跟随我 浪迹一生RAP:雨纷纷 旧故里草木深我听闻 你始终一个人斑驳的城门 盘踞著老树根石板上回荡的是 再等雨纷纷 雨纷纷 旧故里草木深我听闻 我听闻 你仍守著孤城城郊牧笛声 落在那座野村缘份落地生根是 我们缘份落地生根是 我们伽蓝寺听雨声盼 永恒4.免费教学录影带词:黄俊郎 曲:周杰伦 编曲:蔡科俊Again如果你 想要变成一个Rocker你就必须要先有一把Guitar刷和弦的时候尽量不用Pick啊看起来样子会比较随性就算你弹错了大家会以为你是故意(哒哒啦哒)你是不是 啊哈 感觉到了我的和弦 啊哈 在重复著哎呦不错代表你耳朵没有聋Blues就是在重复这几个和弦摇滚的节奏在右手 灵魂在左手心就是宇宙 我弹的叫自由(哒哒啦哒)听我的Blues(Blues) 要学会尖叫(尖叫)比一个Peace(Peace) 是为了拍照(拍照)丢一块Ice(Ice) 叫他不要吵(不要吵)摇滚不是为了把妹是为了梦想当然魅力太强被别人爱上我没办法啊 断了没关系再买一把吉他(吉他)没有钱就借别人的吧(的吧)怎么会有人喜欢摔吉他(吉他)有种你就摔最贵的吉他(吉他)你要好好珍惜它 它才会对你说话手在弹如果脚有点闲再加点舞蹈就太完美了举起你的单手给他个啵!千万别在这时放个屁啵!OhOh美女在哪你就要看到哪你一定以为我接下来要唱副歌OhOh还没 不急我先教你弹再升一格 再升一格 最后退一格 啊再来一次 如果你加几个音就变乡村风味大家听久了都(咩)会很想喝牛奶牛仔很忙没有空帮你挤牛奶(这是羊不是牛□)(是喔)不过不要笨到自己跑去挤牛奶(没有啦)因为临时要在路边找到一头牛真的很难(啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦)再来一次 最后一次 再补一次5.好久不见词:周杰伦 曲:周杰伦 编曲:蔡庭贵好久不见 你还好吗你的小狗 长大了吗我的围巾 还围著吗我的相片 都丢了吧我剪不到后面头发这个藉口还不错吧(哎呦不错)一把剪刀一堆废话还不是想求求你回来吧麦搁一个人咧生气 乎伊烦恼 乎伊操心虽然不关我的代志 谁叫他是我的兄弟 耶拢这么久就唰唰去 想想秋天就马过去 耶冬天来临他会怕冷 你不回来甘讲要我抱伊按呢甘好 是我不好 我没有紧紧抱住你(紧紧抱住你)你说泪留著很危险 如果等雨一起(等雨一起) 流下不让同情发现我对天空这个那个流星 大喊后会不会有奇迹就算做朋友也没关系 为你改变了自己都不认识自己不是我跑去了整形 只是我拿出真心开一瓶这个那个香槟 去我的Mr.J餐厅点蜡烛顺便吃个甜品 庆祝你打死不连络的毅力冷战早已不流行 赶快回来到 我身边6.雨下一整晚词:方文山 曲:周杰伦 编曲:钟兴民街灯下的橱窗 有一种落寞的温暖吐气在玻璃上 画著你的模样开著车漫无目的的转弯不知要去那个地方闹区的电视墙 到底有谁在看白杨木 影子被拉长像我对你的思念走不完原来我从未习惯你已不在我 身旁街道的 铁门被拉上只剩转角霓虹灯还在闪这城市 的小巷 雨下一整晚你撑把小纸伞 叹姻缘太婉转雨落下雾茫茫 问天涯在何方午夜笛笛声残 偷偷透透过窗烛台前我嘛还在想小舢舨 划啊划 小纸伞 遮雨也遮月光7.嘻哈空姐词:方文山 曲:周杰伦 编曲:林迈可起落架离开地上 空姐亲切的讲请我打开遮阳板 将安全带系上接著问是否用餐 需不需要毛毯而我沉睡在客舱 梦在我正上方她没有狐狸脸蛋 竟然可以这么耐看发香 爱爱爱爱上 醒来在飞机上 座位还在晃一半 她放慢脚步想我拼命跑想我去追上我知道 因为 我想她问我 Coffee tea or me(她问我她问我 Coffee tea or me)我深深倒抽一口气(我深深我深深倒抽一口气)她身体摆动的频率(她身体她身体摆动的频率)让我几乎喘不过气(让我几乎让我几乎喘不过气)我点咖啡不加糖 正对著她品尝那免税品的包装 诱人像她一样我决定边走边唱 她的眼神渴望充满暗示与想像 给予人一种挑战梦游的初步阶段 我脑海播放一段(形状)幻幻幻幻想 醒来在走道上 随节奏在晃闪亮 她一路翘臀推著那餐车性感的模样短裙的 弧度 漂亮她问我 Coffee tea or me(她问我她问我 Coffee tea or me)我张大眼睛在怀疑(我深深我深深倒抽一口气)厚嘴唇很有吸引力(她身体她身体摆动的频率)我会不会瞬间麻痹(让我几乎让我几乎喘不过气)8.我落泪.情绪零碎词:方文山 曲:周杰伦 编曲:钟兴民地上 断了翅的蝶雾散之后的 满月原来爱 跟心碎都可以很 细节听夜风绕过 几条街秋天瘦了满地 的落叶于是又一整夜感性的句子 都枯萎 凋谢我不想再写 随手撕下这一页(这一页)原来诗跟离别 可以没有结尾(没有结尾)憔悴后悔等等 这些于是我 把诗摺叠邮寄出感觉 夹一束白玫瑰你将爱退回我不落泪 忍住感觉分手在起风 这个季节哭久了会累 也只是别人的以为冷的咖啡 我清醒著 一再续杯我落泪 情绪零碎你的世界 一幕幕纷飞门外的蔷薇 带刺伤人的很直接过去被翻阅 结局满天的 风雪9.爱的等飞行日记词:方文山 曲:周杰伦 合唱:杨瑞代(Gary) 编曲:蔡科俊Again赤道的边境 万里无云 天很清爱你的事情 说了千遍 有回音岸边的丘陵 崎岖不平 浪入侵我却很专心 分辨得出 你的声音用南极的冰 将爱结晶 我用心永不融化的是 爱你的这个决定透明(透明) 坚硬(坚硬)升空对抗 重力反应逐渐渺小的风景 景景景景景色分明我加速引擎 抛开远方的黎明剩速度回应 向银河逼近我对著流星 祈祷时专心为爱飞行 脱离地心引力的热情找一颗星 只为了你命名我用光年传递爱情为爱飞行 脱离地心引力的热情我在宇宙无重力的环境 为你降临10.自导自演词:周杰伦 曲:周杰伦 编曲:黄雨勋(梦想之翼)巷口甩尾甩开了过去的熟悉 照后镜的你比脑海清晰你我距离就像打滑和那飘移 差很远但看似很接近车灯闪了一下代表我还在意 被我看见你上他的车这么不小心喇叭按了二声代表我会离去 你放心我理解这游戏呼啸而过的引擎声 是你最讨厌的旋律穿梭在城市中 变成一首幻想曲一边疯狂纪录一边璀璨的忘记(忘记忘记忘记忘记)你发脾气甩上车门香味留在车里对不起要走可以关门别太大力用点心你说不是用来吃的点心冰淇淋溶化了谎言在你身边的美丽没有了雨雨刷还是不停左右就像回忆开始对我挥了挥手仪表板转动在猜我会不会懂速度再快也追不回承诺车窗摇下听你听你完美藉口音乐开大让我让我假装感动贴心的你不用自导自演心痛我看不懂我会更难过11.超人不会飞词:周杰伦 曲:周杰伦 编曲:林迈可妈妈说很多事别太计较 只是使命感找到了我我睡不著如果说骂人要有点技巧 我会加点旋律你会觉得 超□我的枪不会装弹药(弹药) 所以放心不会有人倒(人倒)我拍青蜂侠不需要替身 因为自信是我绘画的颜料我做很多事背后的意义远比你们想像拍个电视剧为了友情与十年前的梦想收视率再高也难抗衡我的伟大理想因为我的人生无需再多一笔那奖项我不知道何时变成了社会的那榜样被狗仔拍不能比中指要大器的模样(怎样)我唱的歌词要有点文化 因为随时会被当教材CNN能不能等英文好一点再访 时代杂志封面能不能重拍随时随地注意形象 要控制饮食不然就跟杜莎夫人蜡像的我不像(本来就不像)好莱坞的中国戏院地上有很多手印脚印何时才能看见我的掌喔如果超人会飞 那就让我在空中停一停歇再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些拯救地球好累 虽然有些疲惫但我还是会不要问我哭过了没 因为超人不能流眼泪唱歌要拿最佳男歌手 拍电影也不能只拿个最佳新人你不参加颁奖典礼就是没礼貌 你去参加就是代表你很在乎得奖时你感动落泪(落泪) 人家就会觉得你夸张做作(做作)你没表情别人就会说太嚣张 如果你天生这个表情 那些人甚至会怪你妈妈(妈妈)结果最后是别人在得奖 你也要给予充分的掌声与微笑开的车不能太好 住的楼不能太高我到底是一个创作歌手还是好人好事代表专辑一出就必须是冠军 拍了电影就必须要大卖只能说当超人真的太难如果超人会飞(超人会飞) 那就让我在空中停一停歇(停一停歇)再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些拯救地球好累(拯救地球好累) 虽然有些疲惫但我还是会(我还是会)不要问我哭过了没 因为超人不能流眼泪 12.伽蓝雨 就是 烟花易冷(百科里可以找到原因)

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人名。李嘉欣之子的英文名。杰登 马克斯 Hui粤语许姓。望采纳。



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Corbin Fisher是【美国人】Corbin Fisher is an American film studio with a focus in gay por nography, based in Las Vegas, Nevada.

求冲上云霄2第16集 Jayden和holiday在法国,holiday跳舞的那首歌的名字!!!

Ain"t No Mountain High EnoughDiana Ross & The SupremesAh~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Ah~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Woo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Doo Lu ~ DooIf you need mecall meNo matter where you areNo matter how farJust call my nameI"ll be there in a hurryOn that you can dependand never worryNo wind (No wind) no rain (no rain)Nor winter"s coldCan stop me babe (oh babe) baby (baby)If you"re my goalNo wind no rainCan stop me babeIf you wanna goAh~~~~~~Ah~~~~~~Ah~~~~~~Woo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Doo Lu ~ DooI know I know you must follow the sunWherever it leadsBut rememberIf you should fall short of your desiresRemember life holds for you one guaranteeYou"ll always have meAnd if you should miss my loveOne of these old daysIf you should ever miss the armsThat used to hold you so close or the lipsThat used to touch you so tenderlyJust remember what I told youThe day I set you freeAin"t no mountain high enoughAin"t no valley low enough (Say it again)Ain"t no river wild enoughTo keep me from youAin"t no mountain high enoughAin"t no valley low enough (Say it again)Ain"t no river wild enoughTo keep me from youAin"t no mountain high enoughNothing can keep meTo keep me from youAin"t no mountain high enoughAin"t no valley low enough (One more time)Ain"t no river wild enough (Say it again)To keep me from youAin"t no mountain high enoughNothing can keep meTo keep me from you

jayden jaymes中文意识






冲上云霄2,Jayden何必死缠着Holiday不放呢?我觉得Sam gor更适合Holiday







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