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May I take some photos with you?


厕纸那种卷纸:toilet paper抽纸:tissue




. 打电话人接通电话后可说:Hello ! 接着说:This is sb.speaking./Could(May)I speak to sb.?/Is sb.in? 但不能问:Whoare you?接电话人可说:Hello!Good morning/afternoon/ evening.紧接着 将自己的电话号码或姓名告诉对方。如:(This is ) 3531968./This is Jim speaking.2. 问对方是谁, 不说:Who are you ? 而应说:Who"s thatspeaking(calling)?/May I have y our name? /Is that sb. (speaking)?3.代人接电话,最好说:What name shall I give?/Who shall Isay is calling? 若要离开去叫人, 须跟对方说:Hold the line,please.I"ll get him/her to phone.(别挂断,我就去找他(她)听电话。 )或Hold on for a moment.(请等一会儿。)反之, 若电话要找的人在身边,代接电话的人可说:It"s for you.或For you. (你的电话。)4. 如果打电话要找的人不在, 代接电话的人可说:Sorry,he/she isn"t in.或I"m afraid he/she is o ut.(他/她不在。)如果问对方是否要留话,说:May I take a message for you? /Can Itake a messag e?/Would you like to leave a message?打电话者若要拜托接电话人转告要找的人某事时, 可问:Couldyou take a message for me?/Please tell him (her)that(sth.)……./Tell him(her)I called./Will you please tell him (her)to c all me back later?5.若对方打错电话,接电话者可说:Sorry,you"ve dialedthe wrong number. 打电话人发现拔错号码, 应说:Sorry,I"vedialed the wrong number.6.若电话的线路忙或有问题,可说:The line is busy. (占线。)The line is dead.(断线。)希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!




http://wh.xhd.cn/newsyyy/150271.htmlNi hao. It is truly a pleasure to be here at the Number Seven School. Thank you so much for your warm welcome.Now, before I get started, on behalf of myself and my husband, I want to say that our hearts go out to all those with loved ones on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. As I said this past weekend when I spoke at Peking University, we are very much keeping all of them in our thoughts and our prayers at this tremendously difficult time.So now, let me start by thanking your Principal, Principal Liu, and your classmate, Ju Chao, for that wonderful introduction. Your English, Ju Chao, is excellent, and you should be very proud. Thank you so much. (Applause.) And I want to thank all of the students here today, both those of you here in person and those of you joining remotely from across the region. I"m thrilled to be visiting your wonderful school.Now, in preparation for this visit, before I left the U.S. I visited the Yu Ying School. It"s a public school near the White House in Washington, D.C., and all of the students at this school study Chinese. And I met with the sixth-grade class, kids who are 11 and 12 years old. They had recently taken a trip here to China, and they were bursting with excitement. They were eager to tell me about everything about what they had seen.But they admitted that before their trip, they had all kinds of misconceptions about China. They thought they would see palaces and temples everywhere they went, but instead they found massive cities filled with skyscrapers. They weren"t sure that they"d like the food here in China, but they actually loved it, and they learned how to use chopsticks. And in the end, one of the students told me –- and this is his quote -- he said, “Coming home was really exciting, but was at the same time sad.”Now, meeting these students reminded me that when we live so far away from each other, it"s easy to develop all kinds of misconceptions and stereotypes. It"s easy to focus on our differences –- how we speak different languages and eat different foods and observe different traditions. But as I travel the world, and I meet young people from so many countries, I"m always struck by how much more we have in common. And that"s been particularly true during my visit here in China.You see, the truth is that I grew up like many of you. My mom, my dad, my brother and I, we lived in a tiny apartment in Chicago, which is one of the largest cities in America. My father worked at the local water plant. And we didn"t have much money, but our little home was bursting with love. Every evening, my family would laugh and share stories over dinner. We"d play card games and have fun for hours. And on summer nights, I remember, when our apartment got too hot, we"d all sleep outside on our back porch.Family meant everything to us, including our extended family. My grandparents lived nearby, and my elderly great aunt and uncle lived in the apartment downstairs from us. And when their health started to decline my parents stepped in, helping my uncle shave and dress each morning, dashing downstairs in the middle of the night to check on my aunt.So in my family, like in so many of your families, we took care of each other. And while we certainly weren"t rich, my parents had big dreams for me and my brother. They had only a high school education themselves, but they were determined to send us both to universities.So they poured all of their love and all of their hope into us, and they worked hard. They saved every penny. And I know that wasn"t easy for them, especially for my father. You see, my father had a serious illness called multiple sclerosis. And as he got sicker, it got harder for him to walk, and it took him longer to get dressed in the morning.But no matter how tired he felt, no matter how much pain he was in, my father hardly ever missed a day of work, because he was determined to give me and my brother a better life. And every day, like so many of you, I felt the weight of my parents" sacrifices on my shoulders. Every day, I wanted to make them proud.So while most American kids attend public schools near their homes, when it was time for me to attend high school, I took an exam and got into a special public high school where I could get a better education. But the school was very far from my home, so I had to get up early every morning and ride a bus for an hour, sometimes an hour and a half if the weather was bad. And every afternoon, I"d ride that same bus back home and then immediately start my homework, often studying late into the night -- and sometimes I would wake up at 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning to study even more.And it wasn"t easy. But whenever I got tired or discouraged, I would just think about how hard my parents were working for me. And I would remember something my mother always told me –- she said: “A good education is something that no one can take away from you.”And when it was time for me to apply to university, I had many options, because in America, there are many kinds of universities. There are four-year universities. There are two-year community colleges which are less expensive. There are universities where you take classes at night while working during the day. So you don"t have to be a top student to attend a university. And even if your parents don"t have much money or you live in a tiny town in a rural area, in America, you can still attend university. And you can get scholarships and government loans to help pay your tuition.So I attended Princeton University for my undergraduate degree, and I went on to Harvard University for my graduate degree in law. And with those degrees I was able to become a lawyer at a large law firm, and then I worked as an executive at a city hospital, and then I was the director of an organization that helped disadvantaged young people.And my story isn"t unusual in America. Some of our most famous athletes, like LeBron James, and artists, like the singer Janelle Monae, came from struggling families like mine, as do many business leaders – like Howard Schultz. He"s the head of a company called Starbucks, which many of you may have heard of. When Mr. Schultz was a boy his father lost his job, leaving their family destitute. But Mr. Schultz worked hard. He got a scholarship to a university, and eventually built the largest coffeehouse company in the world.And then there"s this other guy I know who was raised by a single mother who sometimes struggled to afford food for their family. But like me, this guy got scholarships and loans to attend universities. He became a lawyer and a professor, and then he was a state senator and then a national senator. And then, he became President of the United States. This guy I"m talking about is my husband, Barack Obama. (Applause.)These stories are the stories of so many Americans, and of America itself. Because in America, we believe that no matter where you live or how much money your parents have, or what race or religion or ethnicity you are, if you work hard and believe in yourself, then you should have a chance to succeed. We also believe that everyone is equal, and that we all have the right to say what we think and worship as we choose, even when others don"t like what we say or don"t always agree with what we believe.Now of course, living up to these ideals isn"t always easy. And there have been times in our history where we have fallen short. Many decades ago, there were actually laws in America that allowed discrimination against black people like me, who are a minority in the United States. But over time, ordinary citizens decided that those laws were unfair. So they held peaceful protests and marches. They called on government officials to change those laws, and they voted to elect new officials who shared their views.And slowly but surely, America changed. We got rid of those unjust laws. And today, just 50 years later, my husband and I are President and First Lady of the United States. And that is really the story of America –- how over the course of our short history, through so many trials and struggles, we have become more equal, more inclusive, and more free.And today in America, people of every race, religion and ethnicity live together and work together to build a better life for their children and grandchildren. And in the end, that deep yearning to leave something better for those who come after us, that is something we all truly share. In fact, there"s a Chinese saying that I love that says, “To achieve true happiness, help the next generation.”And like so many of your parents, my parents sacrificed so much so that I could have opportunities they never dreamed of. And today, as a mother myself, I want even more opportunities for my own daughters. But of course, as I always tell my daughters, with opportunities come obligations.


北美主流语言是英语,加拿大部分地区使用法语和墨西哥及以南的北美地区主要使用西班牙语,西班牙后来也讲英语。 大洋洲以前是英国人的殖民地 自然主要使用英语。


问题一:芬兰人都说芬兰语吗?我只会英语,那里英语普及吗? 芬兰语和瑞典语同为芬兰的官方语言。全国92%的人口母语为芬兰语,5.5%的人口母语为瑞典语。大约有1,700人使用萨米语为日常语言。英语在芬兰也是很普遍的,所以不用担心交流问题。 问题二:芬兰说的是英语吗? 欧洲基本都把英语当第二母语的,会有很多人说英语的 问题三:芬兰英语 别担心,芬兰人的平均英语水平很不错,尤其是年轻人.通常到高中毕业的时候英语就比较流利了,就连那些失业的酒鬼,很多也能说很好的英语.而且我觉得相比法国,德国西班牙这些国家的人,芬兰人说英语的口音也不算重,稍微适应一下,没问题的. 问题四:欧洲哪些国家说英语 瑞典,芬兰,丹麦,挪威,荷兰等许多国家都是全民英语教育,他们的母语是本国语言,但是英语通用。 其次,荷兰是除母语是英语的欧洲国家外英语普及率最高的国家,约70%的荷兰人讲英语。 欧洲除了大不列颠岛外很少有以英语为官方语言的国家,但在欧洲只要懂英语基本上就可以通行的了。下面附欧洲各国的语言列表: 马耳他 Malta 官方语言:马耳他语Maltese、英语English 马其顿 Macedonia 塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语Croatian、斯洛文尼亚语Slovenian 、马其顿语Macedonian 丹麦 Denmark 官方语言:丹麦语Danish;其他语言:法罗语 Faroese、格陵兰语 乌克兰 Ukraine 官方语言:俄语;通用语言:乌克兰语、波兰语、罗马尼亚语 比利时 Belgium 官方语言:佛兰芒语、法语 卢森堡 Luxembourg 意大利语、法语French、德语German、卢森堡语 圣马力诺 San Marino 官方语言:意大利语Italian 白俄罗斯 Byelorussia 官方语言:俄语Russian 立陶宛 Lithuania 立陶宛语Lithuanian、波兰语Polish、俄语 冰岛 Iceland 冰岛语Icelandic 列支敦士登 Liechtenstein 官方语言:德语;通用语言:意大利语、法语 匈牙利 Hungary 匈牙利语Hungarian 安道尔 Andorra 官方语言:加泰罗尼亚语Catalan;通用语言:法语、西班牙语、意大利语 西班牙 Spain 官方语言:西班牙语(即卡斯蒂利亚语);其他语言:加利西亚语、巴斯克语 克罗地亚 Croatia 斯洛文尼亚语、塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语 希腊 Greece 官方语言:希腊语;通用语言:法语 芬兰 Finland 官方语言:芬兰语Finnish、瑞典语Swedish;其他语言:拉普兰语、俄语 阿尔巴尼亚 Albania 官方语言:阿尔巴尼亚语;通用语言:希腊语Greek 拉脱维亚 Latvia 拉脱维亚语、立陶宛语、俄语 法国 France 法语、科西嘉方言、加泰罗尼亚语、佛兰芒语、巴斯克语Basque、阿尔萨斯语、普罗旺斯语 法罗群岛(丹) 官方语言:法罗语;通用语言:丹麦语、格陵兰语 波兰 Poland 官方语言:波兰语 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 斯洛文尼亚语、塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语、保加利亚语Bulgarian 罗马尼亚 Romania 官方语言:罗马尼亚语;其他语言:匈牙利语、德语 英国 Britain 官方语言:英语;威尔士北部:凯尔特语;苏格兰西北高地及北爱尔兰:盖尔语 俄罗斯 Russia 俄语 保加利亚 Bulgaria 保加利亚语(斯拉夫语系) 塞尔维亚和黑山共和国 塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语、斯洛文尼亚语、马其顿语 挪威 Norway 官方语言:挪威语;其他语言:拉普兰语、芬兰语 爱尔兰 Ireland 官方语言:爱尔兰语(盖尔语)、英语 爱沙尼亚 Esthonia 爱沙尼亚语、拉脱维亚语、立陶宛语、俄语 荷兰 Holand 官方语言:荷兰语;弗里斯兰省:弗里斯语 捷克 Czech 官方语言:捷克语、斯洛伐克语;其他语言:匈牙利语 梵蒂冈 Vatican 官方语言:意大利语、拉丁语 奥地利 Autria 德语 斯洛文尼亚 Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚语、塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语 斯洛伐克 Slovak Rep. 官方语言:捷克语、斯洛伐克语;其他语言:匈牙......>> 问题五:芬兰人说英文标准吗? 呵呵,芬兰有自己的母语芬兰语,他们说的英语自然不太标准的,无论发音还是语法。当然了,欧洲人说英语有天然的优势,比国内大部分人的英语还是要好很多的。去一趟芬兰,肯定比光待国内强不少了。 加拿大、澳大利亚属于英语为母语的国家,光看英语肯定比芬兰强。但要比其他方面的话,芬兰也有自己的优势。 天气方面绩用担心,能在我国东北生存的人肯定就能在芬兰住。而且芬兰的室内温度基本都在25度,所谓的冷就是在外面那么一会。倒是有极昼极夜可能会有点不习惯,呵呵。 问题六:欧洲每个人都会说英语吗? 瑞典,芬兰,丹麦,挪威,荷兰等许多国家都是全民英语教育,他们的母语是本国语言,但是英语通用。 其次,荷兰是除母语是英语的欧洲国家外英语普及率最高的国家,约70%的荷兰人讲英语。 欧洲除了大不列颠岛外很少有以英语为官方语言的国家,但在欧洲只要懂英语基本上就可以通行的了。下面附欧洲各国的语言列表: 马耳他 Malta 官方语言:马耳他语Maltese、英语English 马其顿 Macedonia 塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语Croatian、斯洛文尼亚语Slovenian 、马其顿语Macedonian 丹麦 Denmark 官方语言:丹麦语Danish;其他语言:法罗语 Faroese、格陵兰语 乌克兰 Ukraine 官方语言:俄语;通用语言:乌克兰语、波兰语、罗马尼亚语 比利时 Belgium 官方语言:佛兰芒语、法语 卢森堡 Luxembourg 意大利语、法语French、德语German、卢森堡语 圣马力诺 San Marino 官方语言:意大利语Italian 白俄罗斯 Byelorussia 官方语言:俄语Russian 立陶宛 Lithuania 立陶宛语Lithuanian、波兰语Polish、俄语 冰岛 Iceland 冰岛语Icelandic 列支敦士登 Liechtenstein 官方语言:德语;通用语言:意大利语、法语 匈牙利 Hungary 匈牙利语Hungarian 安道尔 Andorra 官方语言:加泰罗尼亚语Catalan;通用语言:法语、西班牙语、意大利语 西班牙 Spain 官方语言:西班牙语(即卡斯蒂利亚语);其他语言:加利西亚语、巴斯克语 克罗地亚 Croatia 斯洛文尼亚语、塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语 希腊 Greece 官方语言:希腊语;通用语言:法语 芬兰 Finland 官方语言:芬兰语Finnish、瑞典语Swedish;其他语言:拉普兰语、俄语 阿尔巴尼亚 Albania 官方语言:阿尔巴尼亚语;通用语言:希腊语Greek 拉脱维亚 Latvia 拉脱维亚语、立陶宛语、俄语 法国 France 法语、科西嘉方言、加泰罗尼亚语、佛兰芒语、巴斯克语Basque、阿尔萨斯语、普罗旺斯语 法罗群岛(丹) 官方语言:法罗语;通用语言:丹麦语、格陵兰语 波兰 Poland 官方语言:波兰语 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 斯洛文尼亚语、塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语、保加利亚语Bulgarian 罗马尼亚 Romania 官方语言:罗马尼亚语;其他语言:匈牙利语、德语 英国 Britain 官方语言:英语;威尔士北部:凯尔特语;苏格兰西北高地及北爱尔兰:盖尔语 俄罗斯 Russia 俄语 保加利亚 Bulgaria 保加利亚语(斯拉夫语系) 塞尔维亚和黑山共和国 塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语、斯洛文尼亚语、马其顿语 挪威 Norway 官方语言:挪威语;其他语言:拉普兰语、芬兰语 爱尔兰 Ireland 官方语言:爱尔兰语(盖尔语)、英语 爱沙尼亚 Esthonia 爱沙尼亚语、拉脱维亚语、立陶宛语、俄语 荷兰 Holand 官方语言:荷兰语;弗里斯兰省:弗里斯语 捷克 Czech 官方语言:捷克语、斯洛伐克语;其他语言:匈牙利语 梵蒂冈 Vatican 官方语言:意大利语、拉丁语 奥地利 Autria 德语 斯洛文尼亚 Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚语、塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语 斯洛伐克 Slovak Rep. 官方语言:捷克语、斯洛伐克语;其他语言:匈牙......>> 问题七:芬兰人怎么说,用英文 Finnish (芬兰人) 问题八:芬兰有什么大学本科是英语授课的吗 芬兰的本科用英语授课,目前大部分是不收学费的。芬兰的英语授课硕士,一部分开始收费了。 我是北欧之星的,具体的可以留QQ咨询。 问题九:会说英语能去芬兰旅游吗? 芬兰人的英语在欧洲都算好的,大街上随便拉个人基本都能用英语交流。不过北欧普遍物价偏贵,看好自己的荷包吧。 问题十:芬兰人都说芬兰语吗?我只会英语,那里英语普及吗? 芬兰语和瑞典语同为芬兰的官方语言。全国92%的人口母语为芬兰语,5.5%的人口母语为瑞典语。大约有1,700人使用萨米语为日常语言。英语在芬兰也是很普遍的,所以不用担心交流问题。


美国,加拿大,英国,爱尔兰,澳大利亚,新西兰,南非,印度等.欧洲联盟有25个成员国,包括:法国、德国、意大利、比利时、荷兰、卢森堡、丹麦、爱尔兰、英国、希腊、西班牙、葡萄牙、奥地利、芬兰、瑞典、塞浦路斯, 捷克共和国, 爱沙尼亚,匈牙利,拉脱维亚,立陶宛,马耳他,波兰,斯洛伐克共和国及斯洛文尼亚。 共有4个"申请国":土耳其 罗马尼亚 保加利亚 克罗地亚 罗马尼亚 保加利亚将于2007年1月1日加入欧盟 欧盟国家中马耳他官方语言为马耳他语和英语 塞浦路斯主要语言为希腊语和土耳其语,通用英语 丹麦官方语言为丹麦语,英语为通用语。 爱尔兰官方语言为爱尔兰语和英语 英国官方和通用语均为英语


欧洲联盟有25个成员国,包括:法国、德国、意大利、比利时、荷兰、卢森堡、丹麦、爱尔兰、英国、希腊、西班牙、葡萄牙、奥地利、芬兰、瑞典、塞浦路斯, 捷克共和国, 爱沙尼亚,匈牙利,拉脱维亚,立陶宛,马耳他,波兰,斯洛伐克共和国及斯洛文尼亚。共有4个"申请国":土耳其 罗马尼亚 保加利亚 克罗地亚罗马尼亚 保加利亚将于2007年1月1日加入欧盟 欧盟国家中马耳他官方语言为马耳他语和英语塞浦路斯主要语言为希腊语和土耳其语,通用英语丹麦官方语言为丹麦语,英语为通用语。爱尔兰官方语言为爱尔兰语和英语英国官方和通用语均为英语

讲英语 没问题,英语怎么写,分别写出

speak English ! No problem !


消除年龄歧视的演讲英语:Speech on Eliminating Age Discrimination。年龄歧视,指一种认为老年人是生理或社会方面的弱者,并因此而歧视老年人的观点,源自持有人对老年人的刻板印象。年龄歧视可以是偶然的,也可以是系统性的。这个词最早见于1969年,由美国老人学家Robert N. Butler用来描述对老年人的歧视,与性别歧视、种族歧视归纳在同一模式下。中国式年龄歧视,指一种认为年轻人在知识经验上不如年长者,在职场上,为了保证年长者的利益,利用不科学的管理制度,压制优秀的年轻人。将年龄、经验和专业知识水平的相关错误地看成一种必然,以年龄论能力,为了年长者的利益,压制年纪较轻者。我国,尤其是在人口老龄化、延长退休年龄的大背景下,更应立法消除“年龄歧视”,净化人力资源市场公平竞争的就业环境,让男女老少都有平等的就业机会,不再受就业年龄歧视,真正做到“选人不拘一格,用人各尽其能。”从而提高社会总福利水平,维护社会和谐稳定。就业中的年龄歧视是指在就业职业中基于人的年龄因素而给予的不合理的区别对待。职场中的年龄鄙视链似乎是条循环的“莫比乌斯带”,一老一小都可能成为弱势:年轻人可能因为被认定“缺乏经验”而被迫接受较低的工资,年长的老员工则可能难以得到提拔或找到新的工作。破除年龄歧视新招:1、不得将年龄作为招聘辞退红线。2、建议给聘任一定比例中高龄劳动者单位补贴。3、建议部分岗位向35岁以上群体倾斜。4、探索放开公务员考试35周岁限制。5、劳动用工要准备向适老化调整。


是直接引语和间接引语吧直接引语和间接引语1、 定义:直接引述别人的话,叫直接引语。用自己的话转述别人的话,叫间接引语。2、 陈述句的转换:直接引语如果是一个陈述句,变为间接引语时,用that引导,that 在口语中常省略。间接引语的人称、时代、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等都要做相应的变化。3、 时态的变化:直接引语的时态间接引语的时态一般现在时一般过去时现在进行时过去进行时现在完成时过去完成时一般将来时过去将来时现在完成进行时过去完成进行时一般过去时过去完成时(1) (2)变直接引语表达的是客观真理,变为间接引语时时态不变。4、 代词的变化:直接引语的代词Iweyoumeusthisthese间接引语的代词he/shetheyIhim/herthemthatThose5、 状语的变化:直接引语间接引语nowthenagobeforetodaythat daythis morning/weekthat morning/weekyesterdaythe day beforeyesterday morningthe morning beforetomorrowthe next day, the following daylast week/monththe week/month beforenext week/monththe following/next week/monthherethere6、 疑问句的转述:直接引语如果是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,要用连词whether. If 引导,当引述动词为said时要改为asked.eg: He said: “Are you from Beijing?”→ He asked (me) if I was from Beijing.直接引语如果是特殊疑问句,变为间接引语时,仍用原来的疑问词引导“Why are you late?” he asked me.→He asked me why I was late.7、 祈使句的转换:直接引语如果是祈使句,在变为间接引语时,要将祈使句的动词原形变为带to的不定式,并在不定式的前面根据句子意思加上tell, ask, order等词。构成tell/aske/order sb not to do sth如果祈使句是否定句,那么要在不定式前面加上not构成:tell/aske/order sb not to do sth