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谁能说说英国登山运动员Joe Simpson的事迹

1985年,英国登山运动家耶茨(Simon Yates)和辛普森(Joe Simpson)前往南美秘鲁征服高达2万多英尺的安第斯山某峰。在成功登顶后下撤途中,Joe不慎跌下陡坡,摔断右腿。Simon用救生绳拉住他,在暴风雪中一起下降。但下降到3千英尺时,Joe不幸又坠空在一个冰崖动弹不得,无法将自己的重心转移开救生绳。经一段时间的努力,悬系两人生命的绳子不堪重负,随时都有同时跌下山谷的危险,温度已经降至-70℃,严寒已把两人冻僵。Simon已随绳索下降,不得以只好割断绳索,自己攀出陡壁,回到营地。Joe随着割断的绳索跌进深渊,但怀著坚强的生存意志,拖著折断的双腿爬出深渊,历经三天千辛万苦,就在Simon准备撤离时,Joe拖著伤腿出现在他的眼前…… 这是一个真实的故事。根据1988年辛普森的同名回忆录改编,采用真人采访与再现场面结合的手法,由登山亲历者Joe Simpson和Simon Yates讲述,并由演员重现当时情景。本片的情节是极其震撼人心的。这震撼不止是在耶茨割断绳索的那一刻,更在于辛普森绝地求生的毅力。这两位登山者在挑战自然极限的同时,也在挑战着自身的极限,不管是心理上还是生理上。人在绝境下究竟会爆发出多少能量?我想,这是个永远不可能被量化的东西。1985年六月,两个英国登山者Joe Simpson和Simon Yates来到秘鲁,第一次攀登海拨21,000英尺白雪覆盖的Siula Grande山西坡。上山是一趟非常艰难的旅程,但比起后来遇到的困难就只是小儿科了。在下山途中,Simpson摔断了右腿。Yates本来可以扔下Simpson,可是他没有。风雪和寒冷使他们看不清前面的路,Yates想方设法把Simpson带下山去。他们轮流把对方往下放。后来Simpson掉进了一个裂缝里,Yates没有办法,只好割断了绳子。他相信他的朋友是九死一生了。Simpson在他的书《冰峰168小时》里写道:我看着那遥远的冰碛石,我知道我必须至少要试一试。我很可能会在那些巨石中丢了性命。但是这个念头没有让我惊慌,因为它看起来很有道理并切合实际。这就是事实。我可以计划一下,如果我死了,那不足为奇,但我不能在这里等待死亡降临。对死亡的恐惧对我的影响不像在裂缝里时那么大了。我现在能面对它并努力击倒它。死亡不再是无望的阴暗的恐惧,它只是一个事实,就像我的断腿、我冻僵的手指一样的事实。我不能害怕这样的事实。如果我摔倒,我的腿会断,但是如果我不站起来,我会死。Yates自己能活下来也令人难以置信。12个小时后Simpson不知怎么想办法爬出了裂缝,拖着他自己慢慢地爬了六公里回到营地。他爬了三天三夜,没有食物没有水,体重轻了42磅,途中还感染了酮症酸中毒。如果这不是事实的话,那就是英雄式虚构小说的情节了。事实上,经过六场手术,两年后Simpson甚至又开始爬山了。一切只因为,对于种种可能发生的事,他选择了去尝试。资料:《触及巅峰》

Joe的《Metaphor》 歌词

歌曲名:Metaphor歌手:Joe专辑:《Signature》作词:Skinner & Thomas +Thompson 作曲:Skinner & Thomas +Thompson 唱片公司:Kedar Entertainment 发行时间:2009年07月07日 oh baby ahthere"s a chill in this roomand it"s coming from youi feel like a stranger, i need an answertell me what you"re going throughi saw you cry the other nightyou turned your back, turned out the lighthow can i help you if you never tell meexactly what you"re going throughshe said lately you ain"t been spending timelately i ain"t been on your mindbaby you don"t even say i love you anymoreeverything i do, i do for youevery breath i take, i breathe for twoevery word i saymy whole life throughit"s just a metaphor for i love youif i set a boat without the seaor your wedding day but without meeverything i own and all i"ll beit"s just a metaphor for i love youand expressing my feelings i may not be the bestbut that doesn"t mean that i love you any lesscos all i do is think of youthough i may not even notice when you wear a new dressi always treat you with love and respectsee it don"t take them things for me to be impressedcos you"re my booshe said lately you ain"t been spending timelately i ain"t been on your mindbaby you don"t even say i love you anymorebut i do babe..everything i do, i do for youevery breath i take, i breathe for twoevery word i saymy whole life throughit"s just a metaphor for i love youif i set a boat without the seaor your wedding day but without meeverything i own and all i"ll beit"s just a metaphor for i love younow i know, a women needs attention(give it to her, give it to her)and i know sometimes you need to mention(she"s sexy, so sexy)and i know you gotta make her feelshe"s the most beautiful girl in the worldeverything i do, i do for youevery breath i take, i breathe for twoevery word i saymy whole life throughit"s just a metaphor for i love youif i set a boat without the seaor your wedding day but without meeverything i own and all i"ll beit"s just a metaphor for i love youeverything i do, i do for youevery breath i take, i breathe for twoevery word i saymy whole life throughit"s just a metaphor for i love youif i set a boat without the seaor your wedding day but without meeverything i own and all i"ll beit"s just a metaphor for i love youeverything i do, i do for youevery breath i take, i breathe for twoevery word i saymy whole life throughit"s just a metaphor for i love youif i set a boat without the seaor your wedding day but without meeverything i own and all i"ll beit"s just a metaphor for i love you

女英文名乔安是 joan 还是joean



jill[du0292il]Joe英 [du0292u0259u]美 [du0292o]两个不一样望采纳

Jill 的音标和Joe的音标相同吗

完全不同 Jill [du0292u026al] Joe [du0292u0259u028a]


Joe is rowing the boat.



Joe shoe toe三个单词的o发音是否相同

贾元春 抱琴、青芸、琴韵


cap是 帽子 小队 队长天智是 鼻孔君 还有灿妮乔乔是 鸡仔 niel是 北鼻Ricky是宝宝 创造是萌萌

DJ JOE(宋强)的简介或资料,谁那有?

1990年-1993年 北京总政歌舞团 国家专业一级歌唱演员1993年-1997年 留驻北京,进修深造时尚电子音乐DJ和时尚电子音乐创作1997年-2009年 全国各大一级酒吧担任总策划,音乐总监和主场DJ,以及全国时尚音乐派对的特邀嘉宾2000年 "555"杯全国DJ表演邀请赛金奖2001年 获得“新人类”音乐人一等奖,并在同期,创作出了很多令人称赞的高水准的电子混音舞曲的经典作品。被圈内人士评价:“国内电子舞曲创作的首席代表人物。”各年份的(全国舞曲最高播放率的)主要代表作品:1997年 第一首成名处女作《Wonderful 1》很快在全国各大酒吧娱乐界广为流传1998年 《Wonderful 2》;1999年 《Wonderful 3》;2000年 《Wonderful 2000》;2001年 《breason-Wolf》 电子舞曲版;庾澄庆《春泥》 电子舞曲版;2002年 王菲的《闷》电子舞曲版;刀郎《2002年的第一场雪》电子舞曲版;《Wonderful 终极版》;《The moon》(月亮代表我的心)跨时代的电子舞曲代表作;2003年 《Labomba》第一首在国际流行的中国混音电子舞曲,连续一个月在欧洲舞曲排行榜上榜,为中国舞曲走向世界迈出了第一步。同时被国际誉为“国内电子舞曲创作的首席代表人物” 《Labomba》被湖南卫视选为“快乐大本营”的开场曲; 汪峰《在雨中》电子舞曲发行版;2004年 张学友《如果这都不算爱》电子舞曲版;2005年 香香《如意》电子舞曲发行版;王琥《缘来是你》电子舞曲发行版;王琥《情深缘浅》电子舞曲发行版;2006年 王琥《感情线》电子舞曲发行版;2008年 《LOLLIPOP》;《BOOM BOOM POW》;《UN MONDE PARFAIT》;郭浩楠《酒鬼》电子舞曲发行版;郭浩楠《你凭什么说分手》电子舞曲发行版;张迪《透明》电子舞曲发行版;2009年 《UMBRELLA-2009》;《MARE》;《UP&DOWN》;《WORD UP》;《ME AND YOU-2009》;《RIGHT NOW NANANA-2009》;《THE WAY I ARE》;《TROUBIE IS FRIEND-2009》;2010年 《LILIYA-2010》;《MILKSHAKE-2010》; 欢乐中国行开场电子混音编曲;

Joe Henderson的《Milestones》 歌词

歌曲名:Milestones歌手:Joe Henderson专辑:So Near, So Far (Musings For Miles)「milestone」作词∶菜穂作曲∶h-wonder歌∶DEEPてのひらを零れてく 大切なものたち粉々になってしまったカケラを 集めた本当に寂しい时には泣けないんだね无力な子供のように温もり 欲しがるだけ乗り越えてゆく 目の前の壁见上げて 立ちつくしたいつか壊れてゆく儚き人间(ヒト)の未来(あした)その先にまだ この先にまだ何があるのかなんて分からなくてもいいこの手に ひとつ milestone谁かと出会うたび未来(あした)が変わってくそれでいいのさ ヒトは谁でも一人じゃ生きてはゆけない孤独な little star追いかけすぎて 届かない场所见つめて 立ち止まった守り続けるのは微かに揺れる pride of mineその先にまだ この先にまだ何があるのかなんて分からないままでいいこの手で ひとつ抱きしめたココロに 刻む milestone【 おわり 】

Joe exercises regulary.regularly用什么提问?

提问参考如下:How often does John exercise?祝你生活愉快

Joe Walsh的《Shadows》 歌词

歌曲名:Shadows歌手:Joe Walsh专辑:You Bought It - You Name ItRaining and OK - ShadowsI"m an old soul in a complex mindI"m a young heart that"s been compromisedWhen I felt alone in the bitter coldYou were there right by my sideAnd you told meYou are, you are a work of artYou"re a masterpieceYou"re hiding in the dark (Whoa, whoa)Singin"You are, you are a work of artThe shadows cover up and hide your weary heartI"m a caged bird that has lost its voiceI"m a soldier with a paper swordWhen I gave up to the other sideYou were there to rescue meAnd you told meYou are, you are a work of artYou"re a masterpieceYou"re hiding in the dark (Whoa, whoa)Singin"You are, you are a work of artThe shadows cover up and hide your weary heartYou are, you are a work of artYou"re a masterpieceYou"re hiding in the dark (Whoa, whoa)Singin"You are, you are a work of artThe shadows cover up and hide your weary heart(heart)You"re weary heart,(yeah)

Joe Satriani的《Strange》 歌词

歌曲名:Strange歌手:Joe Satriani专辑:Flying In A Blue DreamStrangeWetWetWet10by: chrispdxStart making senseOf everything Ive seen before, well, umSomewhere in my lifeBeen paying the priceBut that aint enough anymore, wellDont get me wrong now babyDont get me wrong babyStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meI dont know if Im coming or going, baby, wellStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doingSomethings getting outta controlCant help myselfTo everything Im looking forNo, no, noSometimes I cant explainWhy I go insaneIt just isnt fun anymore, wellDont get me wrong now babyDont get me wrong babyStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meI dont know if Im coming or going, baby, wellStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doingSomethings getting outta controlOutta controlYeahShame on youDont get me wrong now babyDont get me wrong babyStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meI dont know if Im coming or going, baby, wellStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doing (keep on doing)Somethings getting outta controlYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, wellStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meI dont know if Im coming or going, baby, wellStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doing (keep on doing)Somethings getting outtaSomethings getting outtaSomethings getting outta controlOutta controlYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doingStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meStrange, strange, strangeThings you keep on doingStrange, strange, strangeThings that happen to meTo me, to meYes I willYes I willNo, woooh





Joe Jackson的《Target》 歌词

歌曲名:Target歌手:Joe Jackson专辑:La Legende Des Best SellersTargetEmbraceThis New DayYou flicker like a mile high neon signHot and cold so no one knows your mindI was gonna let you win but I won"t breakFor an hour I held the moon on a stringNow this moment left till the world beginsEverything is possible its beautifulWhen will you wake up see what"s happeningRight before your eyes noIf you must blow hot and cold take a swingYou will hit the target every timeSo I look before I leap and I seeWolves are at the door with my enemiesI was gonna let them in but then you sayWatch the stars defeating my enemyIt"s too far for them to bring you to meAnd everything is possible it"s beautifulWhen will you wake up see whats happeningRight before your eyes noIf you must blow hot and cold take a swingYou will hit the target every timeWhen will you wake up see whats happeningRight before your eyeye Oh…h…h…If you must blow hot and cold take a swingYou will hit the target every timeI reached the waters edgeI wished that I could holdEverybody"s breath untilNo one has any leftYou take me to the edgeYou"re being called to followThe foot prints that I left behindListen up I"ll sing to you how I canOut of luck now time is all that we haveThink about yourself and you"ll kill all you loveI know our makers love all the mess the makeOut of sight behind these eyes you"ll stayWhere everything is possibleIt"s beautifulWhen will you wake up see whats happeningRight before your eyeye noIf you must blow hot and cold take a swingYou will hit the target every timeWhen will you wake up see whats happeningRight before your eyes Oh…h…h…If you must blow hot and cold take a swingYou will hit the target every time



joey moe 的 lullaby 的歌词

LullabyHey now, don"t you cryBaby let me dry your eyesLittle miss pouty lipsHow about a smile?I know what you needGirl I got the therapyIn my bed, you"ll forgetLet me clear your mind(Bridge)When you feel gone (ay)I"ll rock your bone (oh)Baby I want you to knowWhen you want it, you can get itAnytime that you like[Chorus]You can have all mine (if you want it)And if you want it all night (you know I got it)Save your sorrows for tomorrowI"ll be your lullabyAnd if you got a problem (don"t sweat it)Imma put it on you (til you forget it)Save your sorrows for tomorrowI"ll be your lullaby (your lullaby)(Verse Two)Don"t speak, not one wordDarlin" it is so obsurdFor two eyes so beautifulTo ever tear at allGirl I don"t pretendI can"t make your troubles endBut I can take your handAnd catch you when you fallWhen you feel gone (yeah)I"ll rock your bone (oh)Baby I want you to knowWhen you want it, you can get itAnytime that you likeYou can have all mine (if you want it)And if you want it all night (you know I got it)Save your sorrows for tomorrowI"ll be your lullaby (your lullaby)And if you got a problem (don"t sweat it)Imma put it on you (til you forget it)Save your sorrows for tomorrowI"ll be your lullaby(Verse Three)I don"t have all the answersAnd I can"t save the worldBut I will be a companionI"ll stand by you girl (stand by you girl)I"ll give you love and affectionHold you when you crySo let me relieve the tensionI"ll be your lullabyYou can have all mine (if you want it)And if you want it all night (you know I got it)Save your sorrows for tomorrowI"ll be your lullaby (your lullaby)And if you got a problem (don"t sweat it)Imma put it on you (til you forget it)Save your sorrows for tomorrow (baby)I"ll be your lullabyYou can have all mine (if you want it)And if you want it all night (you know I got it)Save your sorrows for tomorrowI"ll be your lullabyAnd if you got a problem (don"t sweat it)Imma put it on you (til you forget it)Save your sorrows for tomorrowI"ll be your lullabyYour lullabyYour lullaby (yeah)Your lullaby (yeah)Oh yeah

Joe Jackson的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:Joe Jackson专辑:Night MusicLull歌:eufonius 作词:riya 作曲:riya宝石のような辉きを探して疲れた时には少しだけ眠ろう暗闇(くらやみ)はいつも寄り添っているけど眼(め)を闭じてもまだこの歌は消えない世界の抜(ぬ)け壳(がら)打ち鸣らしているその手を止(と)めたなら见上げて太阳より远く光降らすようにどこまでも响(ひび)いてゆく聴こえますように…探してるものは変わってゆくけれど永远のようにこの歌は消えない突然の雨は空からの涙心を濡(ぬ)らしたら见上げて太阳より深く语りかけるようにその身体(からだ)包んでゆく聴こえますように震(ふる)えているだけの美しい奇迹をここから解(と)き放(はな)とう见守ってくれるよ ずっと优しさに変わるたくさんの过去はその胸で生き続けていつまでも~Fin~

joey moe的《Lullaby》 歌词

歌曲名:Lullaby歌手:joey moe专辑:LullabyJoey Moe - Lullabyhey now, dont you crybaby let me dry your eyeslittle miss pouty lipshow about a smile?i know what you needgirl i got the therapyin my bed, you"ll forgetlet me clear your mindwhen you feel gone (ay)i"ll rock your bone (oh)baby i want you to know(when you want it, you can get itanytime that you like)you can have all mine (if you want it)and if you want it all night (you know i got it)save your sorrows for tomorrowi"ll be your lullabyand if you got a problem (don"t sweat it)imma put it on you (til you forget it)save your sorrows for tomorrowi"ll be your lullaby (your lullaby)don"t speak, not one worddarlin" it is so obsurdfor two eyes so beautifulto ever tear at allgirl i don"t pretendi can"t make your troubles endbut i can take your handand catch you when you fallwhen you feel gone (yeah)i"ll rock your bone (oh)baby i want you to knowi dont have all the answersand i cant save the worldbut i will be a companioni"ll stand by you girl (stand by you girl)i"ll give you love and affectionhold you when you cryso let me relieve the tensioni"ll be your lullabyyou can have all mine (if you want it)and if you want it all night (you know i got it)save your sorrows for tomorrowi"ll be your lullaby (your lullaby)and if you got a problem (don"t sweat it)imma put it on you (til you forget it)save your sorrows for tomorrow (baby)i"ll be your lullabyyou can have all mine (if you want it)and if you want it all night (you know i got it)save your sorrows for tomorrowi"ll be your lullabyand if you got a problem (don"t sweat it)imma put it on you (til you forget it)save your sorrows for tomorrowi"ll be your lullabyyour lullabyyour lullaby (yeah)your lullaby (yeah)oh~


Wallace and Joe don"t go to school by bus.Do Wallace and Joe go to school by bus?

Joe Budden的《Adrenaline》 歌词

歌曲名:Adrenaline歌手:Joe Budden专辑:Padded RoomJoe Budden - Adrenaline@ @L-look look look look lookI can"t call it,I always seem to take one step backward and five steps forward,nothing to gain, its like everything mortgaged,ya"ll can love me or ya"ll won"t, go ahead talk shit,cautious, report shit, live out of hell,since all my dudes either alive or outta jail,won"t fold, won"t curl, no wonder all this weights on my shoulders,i"m sitting on the bottom of the world,they say, tears are words that your mouth can"t speak,rubber on every arm could fire but cant reach,I say, streets learn you what the schools can"t teach,my job is to get a gospel that the church won"t preach,something like a rock star, keep the live band,just sub my true religions for they"re skin tight pants,ass on my wife, no nice implants,i mean no accessories, the crime"s been an accessory,it"s a thinking man"s world, shit is chess to me,so let the king move mean time, let it be(Chorus)It"s the Junk Yard Gang, Drew Hudson repping Jersey,revers the psyche on life and do the mic dirty,tired, hungry and thirsty, motherfuck fame,matter of fact, when this verse ends forget my name,it"s the message, not the man,the vision, not the plan,no glits, no glam, just pure connection with the fans,half your downloads get deleted with the spam,these dudes keep it so real they come across fake,straight boring, ignore these wack bastards,approaching to forwards(?) as frauds(?) is ass backwards,i just vividly spit it to pick it differently,rip all the vodka, swig it then pissing on negativity,the pen is mightier than the trigger,strike em when I spit,real catchy huh?, I don"t even like that shit,what I like, a rock flow that"s lava, meloticwith a high dose of more(?) fire(?),the fire and the rain, the fire in my veins is hot,can"t be stopped with fire brigades,UUUHHHH!no image, im livin every synonym twisted in this syllable spliff six a them hits ill" leave u liftedall heart and gut,feeling the hunts adrenaline rush, come on,the shits heating up,(Chrous)L-Look lookI wear a K as a weapon,eye in through scope "case my foes at the top of my stair way to heaven,and I, pop a big step, dressed in my fly shit,ipod, headphones on bumping my shit,i never cared, i was careless,fear being afraid, OR maybe im afraid to be fearless,OR fear being fearless but fearful,so even in my carelessness, got to be careful,I"m like, who"s that looking threw my peephole?,when did my alter-ego get a ego?,he wants the rims chrome,me im trying to push the pedal till my foot"s on the ground like a flintstone,bluetooth, my girl on the horn bickering,but even though when she scream, i hear it like whispering,i been around noise all my life,i"ve been poised baby all my life,just let me live my life,live yours, make your own highlight,then, meet me at the top like a butterfly knife,then, learn how to see without eyesight,if, at first you don"t succeed then try twice,see I don"t write it I will it, reel it, real shit,paint a masterpeice then unveil it.come i"m "bout to reveal it,destroy it, rebuild it,conceal it, before another nigga steals it,milk shit, not a pessimist, im a realist,when you think you on, I go and hit the killswitch,Drummer rockin, he"s ill bitch,if they sleep dont wake em just drill shit(?)see i"m something they got to deal with,

joe kaws 是什么意思




Joe Jo 的区别

Joe: [ dʒəu ] 乔(名)Jo: [ dʒəu ] 乔(女名)

Joe Perry的《Ten Years》 歌词

歌曲名:Ten Years歌手:Joe Perry专辑:Joe PerryRev Theory - Ten YearsTen years from nowWhen I turn aroundWill I be satisfiedWhen I look back on lifeDon"t tell me it"s too lateDon"t tell me that I threw it all awayDon"t tell me that I did this all in vainI have my reasonsWhy I walk this lonely roadAnd I never returnWas it worth the life of sacrificeTen years from nowWhen she looks at me (She sees right through me now)All that emptiness in her eyesSo damn hard to speak (Can"t say a word out loud)There"s no words to make this rightShe tells me that I"m lostI know that she will never understandI know that I will do it all againI have my reasonsWhy I walk this lonely roadIf I never returnWas it worth the life of sacrificeTen years from nowYears from now...I have my reasonsWhy I walk this lonely roadIf I never returnWas it worth the life of sacrificeTen years from nowI have my reasonsWhy I walk this lonely road (Ten years from now)And I never returnWas it worth the life of sacrificeTen years from now

On a January morning Joel wit the other three fishermen got on a fishing boat.

39.C(后面一句说“然后有一场可怕的暴风雨” 可见前面就是说海面不平静)40.B(第二段Without their nets没有了网 可见渔网已经丢失了missed)41.D(reach out of伸出;意思是把船开出去,抓海龟)42.A(save储存。后面有说到下雨的时候喝rainwater雨水)43.C(under the roof在屋顶下喝水)44.B(最后一段说ten day past提示这里过了五天 其它的时间不可能吧)45.C(once一旦。一旦没有食物和水,他们认为他们会死了。其它的都不符合语境了)46.C(假设的。他写信的时候还没死,就说如果我死了,我希望…)47.C(他在这个岛上写的信 应该是让妻子知道他会是在哪里死的吧)48.D(He showed it to her himself.他亲自把信拿给妻子。所以说Japanese fishing boat里nobody没有人把信给她)49.B(字面意思。Joel会一直keep保存这封信)50.A(lets him remember让他记得)准确率不是百分百,仅供参考哈哈。


是Jo啦~姓名: Alona Tal出生: 1983-10-20 Herzliya, Israel / 以色列演艺生涯: 2003 - present 配偶: Marcos Ferraez (2007 – present) 简介:ALona的第一语言是希伯来语, 她在07年6月五日与男演员Marcos Ferraez喜结连理, 从07年5月起在CBS连续剧"Cane" 中拿到了一个常规角色.1983年10月22日生于以色列Herzlia,03年开始演出以色利的一些电视节目,之后搬到纽约发展。曾经与Wyclef Jean录制过歌曲,会说流利的希伯来文(人家是正宗犹太人好不?连自己母语都不会说就丑大发了)本来她是被指定热门电视剧《Veronica Mars》女一号的最佳人选,后来还是被Kristen Bell抢走了角色。每次看IMDB上的留言板就会说某个美女像谁谁?她也不例外,被网友说像Mandy Moore,像Poppy Montgomery,像Linda Cardellini,像Jennie Garth,像前美国女子组合Dream里的Melissa Schuman,像Miriam McDonald,像加拿大女演员Megan Follows......像一堆人,个人觉得像Poppy Montgomery,脸型尤其是侧脸看很像。

求 hold you down(spring mix feat.fat joe) 歌词

楼上的回答正确,是JLO的This is R&B专辑里的第三首。

Joe的《Priceless》 歌词

歌曲名:Priceless歌手:Joe专辑:And Then...YeaJoe - PricelessThis feels like one of those songs you knowThis my dedicationTo that shorty from the ghetto.So pricelessYou mean the worldHmmm listenDamn what a lucky man i amI found someone who understands andShe dont care what she gotta do to please her manDamn she makes me wanna raise my handsShout it outspread the wordTelling everyone i canCause she"s my only girl and im her only manDamn you priceless like a rare jewel yeaYou perfect like a dream come true yeaGirl why cant the world be a little bitmore like you yeaAnd who saids you cant find love proper love in the ghettoWell i found it and she works it baby pricelessSo pricelessDamn shopping at the mall 10 grandAnother 20 on her finger and i dont give a damnCause a love like her"s is priceless yeaAnd i know it anit never been a money thingCause she love me even if i didnt have a thingThats the kind of girl you areAnd ohhhAnd she"ll beMy one concernAnd i"ll beThe one for herForeverI gotta learnCause i know just what a girl like that is worthAnit no priceDamn you priceless like a rare jewel yeaYou perfect like a dream come true yeaGirl why cant the world be a little bitmore like you yeaAnd who saids you cant find love proper love in the ghettoWell i found it and she works it baby pricelessSo pricelessI never had anyone that iI wanted to share everything with noTil the day you came aroundI knew you was the one for me soIf its karats on your handsA place to lay your head all it take to make you smileAnd im willing to pay whatever it costCause girl you worth the priceDamn you priceless like a rare jewel yeaYou perfect like a dream come true yeaGirl why cant the world be a little bitmore like you yeaAnd who saids you cant find love proper love in the ghettoWell i found it and she works it baby pricelessSo pricelessSo priceless so priceless so priceless so priceless you"repriceless like a rare jeweSo priceless so priceless so priceless so priceless you"repriceless like a rare jeweSo priceless yea yea yeaSo priceless yea yea yeaSo priceless yea yea yeaSo priceless yea yea yeaSo priceless yea yea yea

Joe的《Priceless》 歌词

歌曲名:Priceless歌手:Joe专辑:And Then....YeaJoe - PricelessThis feels like one of those songs you knowThis my dedicationTo that shorty from the ghetto.So pricelessYou mean the worldHmmm listenDamn what a lucky man i amI found someone who understands andShe dont care what she gotta do to please her manDamn she makes me wanna raise my handsShout it outspread the wordTelling everyone i canCause she"s my only girl and im her only manDamn you priceless like a rare jewel yeaYou perfect like a dream come true yeaGirl why cant the world be a little bitmore like you yeaAnd who saids you cant find love proper love in the ghettoWell i found it and she works it baby pricelessSo pricelessDamn shopping at the mall 10 grandAnother 20 on her finger and i dont give a damnCause a love like her"s is priceless yeaAnd i know it anit never been a money thingCause she love me even if i didnt have a thingThats the kind of girl you areAnd ohhhAnd she"ll beMy one concernAnd i"ll beThe one for herForeverI gotta learnCause i know just what a girl like that is worthAnit no priceDamn you priceless like a rare jewel yeaYou perfect like a dream come true yeaGirl why cant the world be a little bitmore like you yeaAnd who saids you cant find love proper love in the ghettoWell i found it and she works it baby pricelessSo pricelessI never had anyone that iI wanted to share everything with noTil the day you came aroundI knew you was the one for me soIf its karats on your handsA place to lay your head all it take to make you smileAnd im willing to pay whatever it costCause girl you worth the priceDamn you priceless like a rare jewel yeaYou perfect like a dream come true yeaGirl why cant the world be a little bitmore like you yeaAnd who saids you cant find love proper love in the ghettoWell i found it and she works it baby pricelessSo pricelessSo priceless so priceless so priceless so priceless you"repriceless like a rare jeweSo priceless so priceless so priceless so priceless you"repriceless like a rare jeweSo priceless yea yea yeaSo priceless yea yea yeaSo priceless yea yea yeaSo priceless yea yea yeaSo priceless yea yea yea

Fat Joe的《Jealousy》 歌词

歌曲名:Jealousy歌手:Fat Joe专辑:Me, Myself & Idream - JEALOUSYMusic: G. PASQUINIArrangerment: A. CONTINIこんなにせつなくなるはずじゃなかったのに见上げた空には 星のプリズムきみが近くなるたびに ひとつの言叶だけがくちびるから远ざかるよ ためらいの向こうへJealousy jealousy小さなトゲ 热くなる痛みきみが描くその未来でどんな恋に目覚めるの?Jealousy jealousyいつの间にか かけ违えてたボタンすべて とりはずして本当の自分を见せたい jealousyいつから心は きみであふれてたんだろう瞳を闭じても 梦で会うほど私だって谁にでも やさしいわけじゃないきみはまるで误解してる ときめきを见つめてJealousy jealousy见えない伤 ほどけない痛みきみの笑颜 ずっとそばで守り続けてゆきたいJealousy jealousy二人だけで并んで歩く少し照れるこの时间を後悔などしたくないから jealousyきみが近くなるたびに ひとつの言叶だけがくちびるから远ざかるよ ためらいの向こうへJealousy jealousy小さなトゲ 热くなる痛みきみが描くその未来でどんな恋に目覚めるの?Jealousy jealousyいつの间にか かけ违えてたボタンすべて とりはずして本当の自分を见せたい jealousyJealousy

Joe的《Go Hard》 歌词

歌曲名:Go Hard歌手:Joe专辑:Ain"T Nothin" Like MeNicki Minaj (Feat. Lil Wayne) - Go Hard(Nicki Talking)Yo, SB.(Holiday season,nigga) I think it"s my time...You know why? My tears have dried,And I know that no weapon formedAgainst me will prosper. And I trulyBelieve that my haters are my motivators.Young Money.(Chorus)If you could you would get rid of me,Fuck you gone do when a bitch try to go hard?Bet I won"t let you get to me (to me)You should already figure I"ma go hard.If you was as real as me you would neverLet another girl sit in yo throne.I done flipped the trunk on her,They screamin, "Nicki leave me alone!"I am, I"m Still the one to beat.Ain"t in a rush from these streetsI am the streets. I am gettin it in until the endI gotta go, GO, gooo, GO HARD!(Verse 1 - Nicki)Carter called, lemme get the car key, you don"t want it with the Harajuku BarbieKeep a marquis, everything sparkly (man down! ) hit em on a walkie-talkie.Hit em, hit em knock-knock, tell em let me in. my name ring bells bitch buzz me inAnd I only stop for pedestrians, or a real real bad lesbian.Hit em wit the Mac, hit em wit the Tec 9, hit em wit the Ruger by the intersex line.Hit em wit a Tommy so my niggas call me Pammy and I always the jammy in the trunka of the lambyPut my whole burrough on my back and I"m gooda, I don"t wanna hear what you would, what you couldaI represent all the girls that stood up, used to drink water wit a little bit of sugar.Now I"m in the gym with my squats and my sit-ups, doin the scissor-leg on the mat wit my foot up.Young black pin-up, all of my bitches did up, now I"m tellin LA Reid to step his bid up.And I"m tellin President Carter he picked a winner, bitches like nelly and kelly got a dilemmaThese birds all fly south in the winter, fuck I look like chompin on a chicken dinner?You can hate me, but why knock my hustle; I"ma be a queen no matter how they shuffleSkirts with the ruffle, louis on the duffle. I"m a bad bitch no muzzle. (no muzzle).Bitches is softer than Al Dente, cut from a different kentae. tell em I"m the ninja,Weezy is my sensei. so I call him Splinter, faster than a sprinter. gimme my chopsticksI"ll have the rap bitches for dinner.This is for my gentlemen in button-ups and khakisThis is for my nigga 7-up in CastakiThis is for my niggas whellying them KawasakisShout out to the Vackis, South Ishakis.This is to my fans, unless I"m feeling kinda cocky.Winter Wonderland is on my hand, it"s kinda rocky.I am Nicki, Minaj or Lewinski.Pumps on the clutch, right hand on the six-speed.Write my own raps I gotta go, I gotta get me (gotta get me.)OOhhh!(Chorus)If you could you would get rid of me,Fuck you gone do when a bitch try to go hard?Bet I won"t let you get to me (to me)You should already figure I"ma go hard.If you was as real as me you would neverLet another girl sit in yo throne.I done flipped the trunk on her,They screamin, "Nicki leave me alone!"I am, I will, I gots to win.I"m still lookin around for myCom-pe-tition. I am gettin it in until the endI gotta go, GO, gooo, GO HARD!(Verse 2 - Lil Wayne)From slap-and-cry you start to die, so I must go harder.Gotta make these bitches know me just like Bobby know water.Better yet, like Bubba, know shrimp. but he don"t say shitWhen the gun on his lip, and I don"t say shit put the gunOn my hip. so I don"t say shit but the gun on my hip.If you don"t wanna drown don"t come on my shipCheck out how them bitches just run on my dickAnd me, I"m that nasty son of a bitch.I still got that bitch cum on my lipsIt yee ain got money, don"t come on my stripAnd if ya got money, don"t come on my stripI wear that metal, no olympic, but I can stillMake you tumble and flipYou fuckin wit me if you fuckin wit NickThey ain"t fuckin wit me ,they ain"t fuckin wit NickYour girlfriend and she just splitCuz she wanna fuck me and she wanna fuck NickThey wonder if he be fuckin Nick, as long as she be fuckin richThat"s why I keep my luggage cuz, I swear yall"s a fuckin trip.Young Money Dungeon, bitch. my swagger is just punching bitchAnd I shoot like I"m from over-seas, so call my gun, "Gunovic"Weezy F. Baby and the "F" is for a bunch of shitRed drank, blue pill, white dustYes I love my country bitch.(Wayne: yeah!... guitar.)(Chorus)Wish you could get rid of Young Money,Fuck you gone do when a bitch try to go hard?Bet I won"t let you get to me (to me)You should already figure I"ma go hard.If you was as real as me you would neverLet another girl sit in yo throne.I done flipped the trunk on her,They screamin, "Nicki leave me alone!"I am, I will, I gots to win.I"m still lookin around for myCom-pe-tition. I am gettin it in until the endI gotta go, GO, gooo, GO HARD!

joe satriani 用的什么吉他

主要是这款 Ibanez js1200还有些JS其他系列的

如何评价 Green Day 主唱 Billie Joe Armstrong

评价这种东西太主观了,但是脑残粉还是要来啰嗦几句(没有具体去搜集资料,都是根据多年来看的访谈新闻乱七八糟的东西来写的,就不给你具体罗列了)。但是正如BJ所说,大家喜欢Green Day是因为他们很蠢。关于BJ: 这货穿衣服从来没有品位,一件皮衣穿了好几年(但是听他GD的人才不在乎他穿什么);想做得太多,相信音乐能改变世界,但是他自己做到的不多,所以希望自己的音乐至少能改变某一瞬间(所以其实吧,被折叠那个回答一定程度上也没说错);(看上去)他特别好相处,跟 Marc Spitz、 Bob Gruen这样音乐界权威的人士关系良好(当然还有各种摇滚歌手,最近还答应加入美版voice擦妈队,我就不一一细数了),印象最深的是不太有名气的一个乐队有次演出缺吉他手,BJ就去帮忙了;不太会说话,但是很诚实,说过诸如ipad很蠢之类的蠢话,采访回口吃一直重复U know, u know,看他说话会着急,但是演出的时候连走音都能淡定无比;他本身经历的东西不少,想法不少,一直想做好音乐,虽然dookie之后的专辑评价都不太好(因为Dookie实在太成功了,后面的几张专辑多少有点急躁),但是还是写出了AI这种摇滚剧本(<——我是个蠢货= =,不知道怎么表达)——这一点我个人觉得特别成功。总之,他就是小身体大能量的典型,绝对是最(<——他自己评价的)努力地punk一枚。关于G D的影响:Dookie入选滚石100砖(并且随着时间推移排名不断上升),AI和21 century breakdown我就不说了,维基上写的够多了,但是我建议你去看看他们的bullet in a bible演唱会(上面刚好有一段采访是英国人对GD的看法以及他们对自己的成绩神马的叙述)和他们在VH1 story teller上的访谈,多少能让你有点了解,。PS: 过不久G D要出新砖了,写出AI之前大家都觉得他们走不出Dookie的阴影,现在大众又觉得他们走不出AI的影响,虽然我也觉得这3张新砖会特别pop特别蠢,但是还没出谁能肯定呢,我还是会期待。

sloppy joe是什么意思

sloppy joe 英[u02ccslu0252pi u02c8du0292u0259u028a]美[u02ccslɑ:pi u02c8du0292ou028a][释义] 碎牛肉饼;碎牛肉三明治;碎皮胶料压延机;[例句]Also known as a sloppy joe.也称为邋遢乔。

老友记中的Joey的How are you doing是不是How are you doing (it)的意思还只是音调问题?

他说的是:how you doing?

Jimi Hendrix的《Hey Joe》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey Joe歌手:Jimi Hendrix专辑:Wild Blue Angel - Live At The Isle Of Wight Cd2Hey, Joe, uh where you goin" with that gun in your hand?Hey, Joe, I said where you goin" with that gun in your hand? Alright.I"m goin" down to shoot my old lady,you know I caught her messin" "round with another man. Yeah.I"m going down to shoot my old lady,you know I caught her messin" "round with another man. Huh!And that ain"t too cool.Uh, Hey, Joe, I heard you shot your woman down, you shot her down now.Uh, Hey, Joe, I heard you shot your old lady down,you shot her down in the ground. Yeah.Yes, I did, I shot her.You know I caught her messin" round messin" "round town.Uh, yes I did, I shot her.You know I caught my old lady messin" "round town.And I gave her the gun.I shot her.Alright.Shoot her one more time again, baby.Yeah. Ah dig it.Ah! Ah! Alright.Hey, Joe, said now uhwhere you gonna run to now? Where you gonna run to?Yeah. Hey, Joe, I saidwhere you gonna run to now? Where you where you gonna go?Well, dig it,I"m goin" way down south, way down to Mexico way.Alright.I"m going" way down south, way down where I can be free.Ain"t no one gonna find me, babe.Ain"t no hangman gonna. He ain"t gonna put a rope around me.You better believe it right now. I gotta go now.

阿凡达诺曼扮演者乔·大卫·摩尔(Joel David Moore)演过什么美剧

乔·大卫·摩尔演过《躲避球》、《美女与丑姑》乔·大卫·摩尔(Joel David Moore)——诺姆·斯贝尔曼(Norm Spellman)诺姆·斯贝尔曼:生物学家,研究植物和自然生态,也是“阿凡达”计划的科学家。乔·大卫·摩尔演过《躲避球》、《美女与丑姑》、《艺校的秘密》等影片,近年来开始尝试自编自导电影。

为什么美国人都把特种部队叫做GI.JOE?但是军方又叫special force?

GI 的来源是美国军队的装备上打着GI字样,有人认为这两个字代表的是Government Issued,但也有人认为早期是代表用一种特殊的铁制造的。Joe 在美国就是普通的男人的意思。所以GI Joe就是美国大兵的意思,不是专指特种部队,其实这是一种玩具的名字,有陆军、海军、空军和海军陆战队的不同玩具,都叫GI Joe。



Billy Joel的《Leningrad》 歌词

歌曲名:Leningrad歌手:Billy Joel专辑:The Essential Billy Joel 3.0LeningradBilly JoelViktor was born in the spring of "44And never saw his father anymoreA child of sacrifice, a child of warAnother son who never had a father after LeningradWent off to school and learned to serve the stateFollowed the rules and drank his vodka straightThe only way to live was drown the hateA Russian life was very sadAnd such was life in LeningradI was born in "49A cold war kid in McCarthy timeStop "em all at the 38th ParallelBlast those yellow reds to hellAnd cold war kids were hard to killUnder their desks in an air raid drillHaven"t they heard we won the warWhat do they keep on fighting for?Viktor was sent to some Red Army townServed out his time, became a circus clownThe greatest happiness he"d ever foundWas making Russian children gladAnd children lived in LeningradBut children lived in LevittownAnd hid in the shelters undergroundUntil the Soviets turned their ships aroundAnd tore the Cuban missiles downAnd in that bright October sunWe knew our childhood days were doneAnd I watched my friends go off to warWhat do they keep on fighting for?And so my child and I came to this placeTo meet him eye to eye and face to faceHe made my daughter laugh, then we embracedWe never knew what friends we hadUntil we came to Leningrad

Fat Joe的My Lifestyle歌词

歌曲名称:My Lifestyle搜索次数: 276 歌手: Fat Joe专辑:Jealous Ones Still Envy作词:作曲: 歌词: {*background*}(Ya"ll wanna live my lifestyleNever seen a brick, never seen a crackhouseWanna a war with the Don have your techs outBring it on, and I"ma show you gangsta){*lapses over*}Yeah...ughh...right back at you motherfuckers....ughh...yeah..[Verse 1]Yo, Yo, I stand alone in this cold world, could you believe that?I"ve seen some good men get blown over G-packs In the Bronx where it"s known to hear the heat clapAnd live niggaz get it on with the D-techs, SHIT, my life"s legendaryIf I wrote down all in a book it would be very scaryWhat you know 16 be missin" BenzesRope chain down to my dick, the beef looks tremendousMe and my niggaz flip holes in bitchesBack then, when I wouldn"t even pose for bitchesA-YO, you can ask dapadan who was the manBack in 88, every other week tricked 30 grandEven my bitches wore Gucci and LouieMy peeps already in the crowd looking for groupies to screw meExit the club, about to cruise up the block nowwith the taj, stay frontin" with top downSee me in that new thing with my fianceeAss so fat, making you say "Muchos GRANDE"Don"t blame me, blame them, the white folkfor giving me ten mil, for possessin" the tight flowWHOA[Chorus: repeat 2X] Ya"ll wanna live my lifestyleNever seen a brick, never seen a crackhouseWanna a war with the Don have your techs outBring it on, and I"m show you gangsta[Verse 2] {*lapse over chorus*}Yeah, yeah, uh, yo, blow half your head off, leave you with brain damageHe got his shit rocked cause he didn"t pay homageIt"s the Don of this rap shit, go on with that wack shitHeard you walked the dorm in a thong on your last bidJoey Crack is, the most officialToke the pistol for those who appose the issueI hope I convinced you to back up, really you acted up, believe meI could EASILY GET YOUR ASS TOUCHEDAnd that sucks, ain"t nobody could fuck with thisBullet shook could make you take a bucket of pissFor runnin" your lipsGot the fifth stuck in your ribs, don"t make me...splash your lungs right in front of your kidsI"m a basketcase, don"t ever give this bastard spaceor I"ma have your ass erasedI"m from the Bronx amongst corrupt cops, we mothered this rap shitBut still don"t get enough propsAll I hear is "Gangsta" you ain"t build like that Don"t make me have to pull a tool and really tilt your capI"m from crills to crackYou"ve been dealin" with rapYou ain"t never run the streets, now I"m revealing your actWhat the fuck[Chorus: repeat 2X]Ya"ll wanna live my lifestyleNever seen a brick, never seen a crackhouseWanna a war with the Don have your techs outBring it on, and I"m show you gangsta

帮忙翻译Fat Joe的My Lifestyle歌词


Montego Joe的《No Tears》 歌词

歌曲名:No Tears歌手:Montego Joe专辑:Iarriba! Con Montego Joe清春 - note作词:清春作曲:清春记忆をたどり君を探したそれほど深いセピアじゃなかった人からみたら不器用だったね最後じゃなくてもっと前だよ笑ってくれた颜しか浮かばない嬉しかった言叶、例えば…初めて解る曲があったからこれからは歌、ずっと闻いてるよ疲れただろう、一绪に帰ろうって歌い终えた仆はあの日のままだった限られた日々は生まれて生きた事の素晴らしさ幸运にも今日、君と気付いた淡い灰色の空から、始まった一幕が下りる…悲しい事だけれど名前を忘れ、时を忘れ过ぎ去った日々を缀ったノートを仆は読んでたよさあ灰色の空から抜け出して Ah握り返した手は弱くてまた来るからねと离して bye bye人より早い终わりだったけどもっと时间が欲しい、それだけかな…少しは谛めがついてきたよって仆は止めたかった、でも変わらなかった限られた日々は出逢って生きた事の素晴らしさ幸运にも今日、君と歩いた淡い灰色の空から、こぼれ落ちた涙、终わるそして书いた文字は途中で途绝えていたよ、後は仆が…过ぎ去った日々を缀ったノートを仆は読んでたよさあ灰色の空から逃げ出して Ah触れた手のひらは冷たくて次来る时まで侍ってて bye byeおわり

谁推荐些Joe Satriani (老乔)经典好听的曲子


Average Joe 歌词

歌曲名:Average Joe歌手:Ron Sexsmith专辑:Other SongsAverage JoeHey girl, whats up?You know i pulled your bluffAnd i had enoughOf all the fun and gamesYou got me going insaneStop trying to mess with my brainSo are you down or not?Can i hit your spot?I know you want this too BriLSo why you frontin?boo?So lets just make this clearYou know you want this hereShe"s playing hard to getlike her Av doesnt stankSee i just wanna talk to yougirl i wanna know your name(and i say) hey girl why cant you just love me, (aha, aha)I know im just your Average joe, (aha, aha)But if you take some time to get to know me, (aha, aha)So whats your name? hi my name is joe (aha, aha)nanananana..We re hot, y-notSo show me, what you gotStop wasting my timeI gotta make you minecuz you"re one of a kindOh god, give me a signStop playin?hard to getI wanna make you sweatUntill you"re socking wetI day you wont forgetSo just forget the restWhen you can hAve the bestShe"s playing hard to getlike her Av doesnt stank(aha, whats up? why you playing these stupid games?See i just wanna talk to yougirl i wanna know your name(hey girl, stop playing, listen up too what im sayin?(and i say) hey girl why cant you just love me, (aha, aha)I know im just your Average joe, (aha, aha)But if you take some time to get to know me, (aha, aha)So whats your name? hi my name is joe (aha, aha)nanananana..(oh baby dont you stop!Thats when her panties droppedShe had me kinda shockedHer whole world i rockedIt was kinda hard to tellbut now she"s under my spellI see it in her eyes, that she is satisfiedAnd now she doesnt hide, what she"s feeling insideNo reason to fight it girl, you know you like it girlAnd i say?(and i say) hey girl why cant you just love me, (aha, aha)I know im just your Average joe, (aha, aha)But if you take some time to get to know me, (aha, aha)So whats your name? hi my name is joe (aha, aha)nanananana..

Rednex的Cotton Eye Joe 歌词 以及翻译

歌曲欣赏:英文歌词:If it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye Joehey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,heyhey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,heyHe brought disaster wherever he wentThe hearts of the s was to hell broken sentThey all ran away so nobody would knowand left only men cause of Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you gowhere did u come from Cotton-eye joeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeHe brought disaster wherever he wentThe hearts of the girls was to hell broken sentThey all ran away so nobody would knowand left only men cause of Cotton-Eye Joehey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,heyhey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,heyIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye Joehey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,heyhey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,heyhey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,heyhey,hey,hey,hey,hey,hey,heyIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye JoeIf it hadn"t been for Cotton-Eye JoeI"d been married long time agoWhere did you come from where did you goWhere did you come from Cotton-Eye Joe

谁能给我发一下DOTA这类型的游戏里边各个英文缩写是什么意思吗?比如说GANK,JOE 什么的 ,可以追加分

gank是几个人合谋去偷袭对方一人或几人。solo就是双方各一人对线。FB,游戏开始第一次击杀。carry 就是大哥,C位,可以物理系可以法系。DPS就是每秒输出,或者代表输出最高的人。BD偷塔。farm,打钱。push推线进塔乃至推塔或兵营。ro roshan。333,对面人多团不过,提醒队友撤退。stun眩晕技能,slow 减速技能。TP,回城卷。KS抢人头。MMM,秘法CD好了,缺魔的一起加。+++,给队友或队友给你加血加buff技能。buff对使用单位加成的技能或者神符,光环等等,debuff反之。T,请求队友TP救己方,或者TP某点gank或者push。aoe 范围伤害。blink,技能或者道具,闪烁一段距离。暂时只想到这么多

Country Joe McDonald的《Fantasy》 歌词

歌曲名:Fantasy歌手:Country Joe McDonald专辑:Vanguard VisionariesLet me show you boy, hah, are you ready?Fantasy (oh) it could be (oh) couldn"t weI was just thinkin" … about youWildest thing, (you have) ever dreamed (boy)So what will it be?Just lookin" at you shorty lights a flame inside (inside),I"m wonderin if you can come and help put out the fire (fire),That you create in me, baby, tell me what you likeCause I can be your all boy, I can be your love toyIf you ain"t busy baby, I"m all yours tonight (tonight),Let imagination take us for a further than the mindTravellin" in a dream (dream) we can bring something to life,That no ones ever seen yet, can I….Show you what its like beyond your fantasy,It could be (so) good if we....Might just get it hotter than theWildest thang, (you have) ever dreamed boyLet me show you what its like beyond your fantasy,It could be (so) good if we....Might just get it hotter than theWildest thang, (you have) ever dreamed boyCuz think of all the tasty things that we can try (try),The karma you can have will be more than Money can buy(ho ho ho ho)We aint even gotta keep it quiet, boy all my walls are sound proof,I can scream your name through,My entire house, we will not disturb,None of these old neighbors, you"ll get all that you deserve,boy I got it somewhere if you can conjure up the nerve,to come see what if feels like, can I …Show you what its like beyond your fantasy (oh),It could be (so) good if we....Might just get it hotter than theWildest thang, (you have) ever dreamed boyLet me show you what its like beyond your fantasy,It could be (so) good if we....Might just get it hotter than theWildest thang, (you have) ever dreamed boyTouch it, touch it, feel it, Roll around in it, if you like,Taste it, taste it, and Embrace it again a second time,Don"t you waste it, you"ll regret it, Cause I can satisfy,any fantasy that you can come with, can I ….Show you what its like beyond your fantasy (oh),It could be (so) good if we....Might just get it hotter than theWildest thang, (you have) ever dreamed boyLet me show you what its like beyond your fantasy,It could be (so) good if we....Might just get it hotter than theWildest thang, (you have) ever dreamed boyLet me show you what its like beyond your fantasy,It could be (so) good if we....Might just get it hotter than theWildest thang, (you have) ever dreamed boy<End>歌曲:Fantasy (Feat. Money)歌手:Timbaland

Bryan Ferry的《Tokyo Joe》 歌词

歌曲名:Tokyo Joe歌手:Bryan Ferry专辑:Bryan Ferry - The Ultimate CollectionI can"t stop now X 3TOKYO(LRC翻译:Laina 460420587)マバタキせず 空、睨んだ / 呆呆地 注视天空今、もし瞳を闭じれば / 此刻 若闭上眼睛认めたくはないモノが / 不想认同的事物零れ落ちるから / 如泪水洒落谦り、爱想笑い… / 虚伪、谄笑いつか仆らが嫌ってたオトナに / 总有一天我们会成长为なってく …梦、引き换え / 曾被我们讨厌的大人 …梦想、被替换“流されること”に惯れそうだよ / 好像习惯了“随波逐流”渋滞と喧騒を抜け、仆は走りだしてた / 穿过了塞车与喧嚣 我迈步向前此処、TOKYO / 此处 TOKYO梦追って きたことを Never regret / 为追寻梦想而来 Never regret眠らない 街で孤独 误魔化して I keep on dreaming / 在不眠的街道 我消遣着孤独もろ象徴 憧れと挫折とが交差する场所 / 各种象征 憧憬与挫折交错的地点负けないよ、自分に / 我不会 输给自己……此処、TOKYOに / …输给这里、TOKYO马鹿にされることを怖れ / 害怕被人当作傻瓜强がりも着饰った / 以“逞强”装饰自己ショーウインドウ映る仆…どこか不安気で / 橱窗中映照的自己…好像有点惶恐亲、讹り、海、地平线… / 父母、乡音、大海、地平线…疎ましかったすべてが恋しいけど / 好怀念曾经讨厌过的一切帰らない…帰れない / 不回去…也回不去了友达も知り合いも増えた / 结识了朋友、相知すれ违う日々の中、安心をくれるよ / 擦肩而过的每天 给了我安稳此処、TOKYO / 此处是 TOKYO梦追って きたことを Neve regret / 为追寻梦想而来 Never regret出逢うべき人に逢って、自分を知って I keep on dreaming / 与注定相遇的人邂逅、不断了解自己 I keep on dreamingもろ象徴 楽しさと寂しさが交差する场所 / 各种象征 欢乐与寂寞交汇的地方负けないよ、自分に / 我不会 输给自己I can"t stop now……此処、TOKYOに / …输给这里、TOKYOI can"t stop nowYou will find the way…梦一つ、今日谛めたよ / 一个梦想、在今天放弃了でも、まだだ 此処からも星だって见えるんだ / 但、我不会止步 因为从这里连星星也看得到此処、TOKYO / 此处是 TOKYO梦追って きたことを Neve regret / 为追寻梦想而来 Never regret入り组んだ路线図にも もう迷わない I keep on dreaming / 哪怕是错综复杂的路线图 我也不会再迷茫 I keep on dreamingもろ象徴 憧れと挫折とが交差する场所 / 各种象征 憧憬与挫折交错的地点负けないよ、自分に / 我不会 输给自己……此処、TOKYOに / …输给这里、TOKYO

Bryan Ferry的《Tokyo Joe》 歌词

歌曲名:Tokyo Joe歌手:Bryan Ferry专辑:This Is... 1977I can"t stop now X 3TOKYO(LRC翻译:Laina 460420587)マバタキせず 空、睨んだ / 呆呆地 注视天空今、もし瞳を闭じれば / 此刻 若闭上眼睛认めたくはないモノが / 不想认同的事物零れ落ちるから / 如泪水洒落谦り、爱想笑い… / 虚伪、谄笑いつか仆らが嫌ってたオトナに / 总有一天我们会成长为なってく …梦、引き换え / 曾被我们讨厌的大人 …梦想、被替换“流されること”に惯れそうだよ / 好像习惯了“随波逐流”渋滞と喧騒を抜け、仆は走りだしてた / 穿过了塞车与喧嚣 我迈步向前此処、TOKYO / 此处 TOKYO梦追って きたことを Never regret / 为追寻梦想而来 Never regret眠らない 街で孤独 误魔化して I keep on dreaming / 在不眠的街道 我消遣着孤独もろ象徴 憧れと挫折とが交差する场所 / 各种象征 憧憬与挫折交错的地点负けないよ、自分に / 我不会 输给自己……此処、TOKYOに / …输给这里、TOKYO马鹿にされることを怖れ / 害怕被人当作傻瓜强がりも着饰った / 以“逞强”装饰自己ショーウインドウ映る仆…どこか不安気で / 橱窗中映照的自己…好像有点惶恐亲、讹り、海、地平线… / 父母、乡音、大海、地平线…疎ましかったすべてが恋しいけど / 好怀念曾经讨厌过的一切帰らない…帰れない / 不回去…也回不去了友达も知り合いも増えた / 结识了朋友、相知すれ违う日々の中、安心をくれるよ / 擦肩而过的每天 给了我安稳此処、TOKYO / 此处是 TOKYO梦追って きたことを Neve regret / 为追寻梦想而来 Never regret出逢うべき人に逢って、自分を知って I keep on dreaming / 与注定相遇的人邂逅、不断了解自己 I keep on dreamingもろ象徴 楽しさと寂しさが交差する场所 / 各种象征 欢乐与寂寞交汇的地方负けないよ、自分に / 我不会 输给自己I can"t stop now……此処、TOKYOに / …输给这里、TOKYOI can"t stop nowYou will find the way…梦一つ、今日谛めたよ / 一个梦想、在今天放弃了でも、まだだ 此処からも星だって见えるんだ / 但、我不会止步 因为从这里连星星也看得到此処、TOKYO / 此处是 TOKYO梦追って きたことを Neve regret / 为追寻梦想而来 Never regret入り组んだ路线図にも もう迷わない I keep on dreaming / 哪怕是错综复杂的路线图 我也不会再迷茫 I keep on dreamingもろ象徴 憧れと挫折とが交差する场所 / 各种象征 憧憬与挫折交错的地点负けないよ、自分に / 我不会 输给自己……此処、TOKYOに / …输给这里、TOKYO

Goodbye Joe 歌词

歌曲名:Goodbye Joe歌手:Laura Nyro专辑:The First SongsKevin McCall - GoodbyeI wish everything was the way it used to be beforeBefore I got used to youWhy can"t I just let you deuceI already did everything I possibly could doBut it don"t mean a thing to youI just can"t do right by youWhy should I keep on tryingIf you give upGirl I think I"ve had enoughOf your shitSick and tired of arguingAnd I can"t lieI"m ready to leave youAnd can"t because I don"t wanna start overAnd go through it with someone else all over againShould I stay and be contentOr should I look for the girl of my dreamsDo I try to find what"s meant to beOr just say goodbye, goodbyeI know I said I"d never leaveSaid I"d never leaveAnd even though I love youGirl I"m saying goodbye, goodbyeYou said it was overBut now I gotta scream your causeAnd you"re constantly coming overLike we ain"t separate at all (separate at all)You do it too muchMaybe you"re taking it too farMy definition of breaking upIs living our lives apartWhy did I keep letting walk you in and out my lifeWhen I know it only gets worseEvery timeAnd I just can"t live life like I"m blindAnd I can"t lieI"m ready to leave youAnd can"t because I don"t wanna start overAnd go through it with someone else all over againShould I stay and be contentOr should I look for the girl of my dreamsDo I try to find what"s meant to beOr just say goodbye, goodbyeI know I said I"d never leaveSaid I"d never leaveAnd even though I love youGirl I"m saying goodbye, goodbyeShould I stay and be contentOr should I look for the girl of my dreamsDo I try to find what"s meant to beOr just say goodbye, goodbyeI know I said I"d never leaveSaid I"d never leaveAnd even though I love youGirl I"m saying goodbye, goodbye

求lucky that way的歌词,Joe Walsh唱的那个

Have you ever seen a heart as it lays dyin",Or what"s left of it"s life slips away?Well any tears that get shed ain"t worth cryin","Cause I"ve seen plenty: I"m lucky that way.Have you ever heard a voice start to moanin",After despair"s choked its last words away?Well, any worse sound defies your ears even knowin",And, Lord, I"ve heard plenty: I"m lucky that way.So wrap your warm arms around me,And let our weak hands delight love"s sad face.Instrumental break.Then press your soft lips against me,And let the first bets on new love be made.Have you ever watched a couple where a woman stands cryin",While begging the other to please stay?The awful truth is, it ain"t the worth the cryin",Lord, I"ve watched plenty: I"m lucky that way.Lord, I"ve watched plenty: I"m lucky that wa看看对不对

Joe Budden的《Pump It Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Pump It Up歌手:Joe Budden专辑:DJ MAKIDAI MIX CD Treasure MIXPump p p pump pump p p p pumpPump p p pump pump it upPump p p pump pump p pump p pumpPump p p pump pump it upPump p p pump pump it upWe gon do it like (Uuh, uuh, uuh)Look, pump it up if you came to get it krunkWith a dame and shit that"s drunkYou came to get it on, more than 5 O"s in your bankThen get it on, roll up like that stankAnd get it on, slank that fitted onCame to get it onHold up she want work that twork thatThen again let me hurt that murk thatTil you gotta hurt backCan"t spit it out, boo you gotta slurp thatCan"t cuddle after we done, it wasn"t worth thatJoey I"m responsible for bringin Jersey back (And we bad huh)She at the bar stylin" she throwing it upShe drink a little hypno, throwing it upBut I"m only dealing with freaks that wanna cutMa if you agree I want nutCamcorder, get it played late night on BET Uncut (uhh)Fellas - do your thing let me do my thangI mean - do your thing let me do my thangShorties - move that thing, mami move that thingC"mon - move that thing, mami move that thingHustlers - do your thing let me do my thangPlease tell the DJ - pump p p pump pump it up!I see some haters grillingI see some ladies chillingI see dat girlieI been plottin to getSee can hop in the whipAnd we canPump p p pump pump it upOK we was leaving we was doneThen she said can my people"s comeHere we go I see it don"t stopThey wanna ride in something were the rims don"t stopLook baby you fine, but your girlfriends notAnd then she wanna hold out getting cute on the phoneI ain"t gotta be bothered, be cute on your ownMy jump off doesn"t run off at the mouth so muchMy jump off never ask why I go out so muchMy jump off never has me going out of my wayAnd she don"t want nothing on Valentines DayMy jump off don"t argue or get rebelliousAnd she don"t mind hanging out wit da fellasMy jump off"s not insecure or jealous(Uuh, uuh, uuh)chorusx2Y"all dudes keep talking bout your ice and all the shine to itThat"s alright go cross-world find cubicMa wanna fall in love like I"m cupidTelling me she don"t give brain like I"m stupidYou can do anything if you put your mind to it(Get it)Think about it the game is bad playaAin"t it bad playaDon"t worry Joey"ll change it back playaMight of heard me spittin wit Cain and Fab playaI got the set boards to bring it back playaBang and clap playaFront man no longer playin the back playaPlain as that playa808"s pumpin bang the track playaWant my 2nd wind change the rap playaJump off 1 man gang I"m back playaLook, Want you want bump double click pumpRide, ride swamp dump off homie jump offAll these haters on my (huh) won"t jump offWhen all the streets need is J J J Jump offJ J Jump J J J J J Jump offUuh, uuh, uuh

Joe Budden的《Pump It Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Pump It Up歌手:Joe Budden专辑:HipHop Classics CollectionPump p p pump pump p p p pumpPump p p pump pump it upPump p p pump pump p pump p pumpPump p p pump pump it upPump p p pump pump it upWe gon do it like (Uuh, uuh, uuh)Look, pump it up if you came to get it krunkWith a dame and shit that"s drunkYou came to get it on, more than 5 O"s in your bankThen get it on, roll up like that stankAnd get it on, slank that fitted onCame to get it onHold up she want work that twork thatThen again let me hurt that murk thatTil you gotta hurt backCan"t spit it out, boo you gotta slurp thatCan"t cuddle after we done, it wasn"t worth thatJoey I"m responsible for bringin Jersey back (And we bad huh)She at the bar stylin" she throwing it upShe drink a little hypno, throwing it upBut I"m only dealing with freaks that wanna cutMa if you agree I want nutCamcorder, get it played late night on BET Uncut (uhh)Fellas - do your thing let me do my thangI mean - do your thing let me do my thangShorties - move that thing, mami move that thingC"mon - move that thing, mami move that thingHustlers - do your thing let me do my thangPlease tell the DJ - pump p p pump pump it up!I see some haters grillingI see some ladies chillingI see dat girlieI been plottin to getSee can hop in the whipAnd we canPump p p pump pump it upOK we was leaving we was doneThen she said can my people"s comeHere we go I see it don"t stopThey wanna ride in something were the rims don"t stopLook baby you fine, but your girlfriends notAnd then she wanna hold out getting cute on the phoneI ain"t gotta be bothered, be cute on your ownMy jump off doesn"t run off at the mouth so muchMy jump off never ask why I go out so muchMy jump off never has me going out of my wayAnd she don"t want nothing on Valentines DayMy jump off don"t argue or get rebelliousAnd she don"t mind hanging out wit da fellasMy jump off"s not insecure or jealous(Uuh, uuh, uuh)chorusx2Y"all dudes keep talking bout your ice and all the shine to itThat"s alright go cross-world find cubicMa wanna fall in love like I"m cupidTelling me she don"t give brain like I"m stupidYou can do anything if you put your mind to it(Get it)Think about it the game is bad playaAin"t it bad playaDon"t worry Joey"ll change it back playaMight of heard me spittin wit Cain and Fab playaI got the set boards to bring it back playaBang and clap playaFront man no longer playin the back playaPlain as that playa808"s pumpin bang the track playaWant my 2nd wind change the rap playaJump off 1 man gang I"m back playaLook, Want you want bump double click pumpRide, ride swamp dump off homie jump offAll these haters on my (huh) won"t jump offWhen all the streets need is J J J Jump offJ J Jump J J J J J Jump offUuh, uuh, uuh



Ugly Kid Joe的《Madman》 歌词

歌曲名:Madman歌手:Ugly Kid Joe专辑:As Ugly As They Wanna BeHaste the Day - Mad ManYou said it yourselfTo convalesce from empty sorrow,someone had to squealTo drive to the bottomYou said "I know."I know it"s not your faultLike wire around your bonesand you were never numb,I take it I"m a mad man,but I would never squealI never said it was no goodThe innocent will rest in the peace they"ve been givenPaintings will sleep on the floorBuild walls of lonely dreams, as beauty fadesI can"t take this anymore!Lock yourself upLike a bird in a cage, you sing but no one ever listensHow much were you paid to sell out the madman?Like a scientist or a master of designI knew exactly what I was doingAnd I heard of your diseaseAnd shots of penicillin barely kept you aliveThe innocent will rest in the peace they"ve been givenPaintings will sleep on the floorBuild walls of lonely dreams, as beauty fadesI can"t take this anymore!I am the cloneI dwell in silenceI am the cloneI dwell in silenceI am the cloneI dwell in silenceI am the cloneI dwell in silenceThe innocent will rest in the peace they"ve been givenPaintings will sleep on the floorBuild walls of lonely dreams, as beauty fadesI can"t take this anymore!The innocent will rest in the peace they"ve been givenPaintings will sleep on the floorBuild walls of lonely dreams, as beauty fadesI can"t take this anymore!


Joey:Look, I don"t usually ask out women that I meet in coffeehouse...Joey:其实,我通常不约在咖啡馆遇到的女孩出去约会Gunther:Ha!Gunther:呵呵!(类似咳嗽地一声)Joey:(TO Gunther)Gesundheit!Joey:祝君健康!gesundheit[ɡə"zʊndhaɪt]祝您健康;祝福语在对方打喷嚏时使用。

Billy Joel - piano man 的中文歌词. ?

Piano man 钢琴师Billy JoelIt"s nine o"clock on a Saturday The regular crowd shuffles in There"s an old man sitting next to me Making love to his tonic and gin 现在是周末的晚上9点人群蜂拥而来一个老家伙坐在我的旁边正在和他的GIN酒和TONIC 缠绵He says, "Son, can you play me a melody? I"m not really sure how it goes But it"s sad and it"s sweet and I knew it complete When I wore a younger man"s clothes" 他问我“孩子,你能给我弹一首歌么?我不太记得旋律了是首有点悲伤但很甜蜜的歌,当我是年轻人的时候,我能完整的记得它的全部”La la la, de de da La la, de de da da da *Sing us a song, you"re the piano man Sing us a song tonight Well, we"re all in the mood for a melody And you"ve got us feeling alright “为我们唱首歌吧,你是钢琴师为我们今晚唱首歌吧大家的情绪正好,而且你让我们的感觉棒极了”Now John at the bar is a friend of mine He gets me my drinks for free And he"s quick with a joke or to light up your smoke But there"s some place that he"d rather be He says, "Bill, I believe this is killing me" As the smile ran away from his face "Well I"m sure that I could be a movie star If I could get out of this place" 在吧台的JOHN是我的朋友他免费给了我几杯他是个很能和客人开心的家伙,也会适时帮你点烟但是他想有份别的工作他说“BILLY,你知道么,这样下去我就被毁掉了”这时,他的笑容不见了“我确信我一定会成为一个电影明星,只要我离开这鬼地方”Oh, la la la, de de da La la, de de da da da Now Paul is a real estate novelist Who never had time for a wife And he"s talking with Davy who"s still in the navy And probably will be for life PAUL是个写地产题材的小说家所以他一直没有时间娶个老婆他正和DAVY聊天,DAVY在海军服役,也许他会在海军做一辈子And the waitress is practicing politics As the businessmen slowly get stoned Yes, they"re sharing a drink they call loneliness But it"s better than drinking alone (*) 女服务员已经在耍花招慢慢把那些生意人灌醉是的,他们正在喝一种酒,给酒取了名字叫“孤独”不过,这样怎么也好过自斟自饮It"s a pretty good crowd for a Saturday And the manager gives me a smile "Cause he knows that it"s me they"ve been coming to see To forget about life for a while 周末的生意总是不错经理看着我满意的笑了因为他知道很多人是冲着我才来这里的至少,在这里可以短暂的忘掉人生And the piano, it sounds like a carnival And the microphone smells like a beer And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar And say, "Man, what are you doing here?" 钢琴听起来好象狂欢节麦克风闻起来象新鲜啤酒坐在吧台上的人们把小费放到我的罐子里问我“哥们,你这样的人怎么会在这里?”

Billy Joel的《Piano Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Piano Man歌手:Billy Joel专辑:The Essential Billy JoelIt"s nine o"clock on a SaturdayThe regular crowd shuffles inThere"s an old man sitting next to meMakin" love to his tonic and ginHe says, "Son, can you play me a melody?I"m not really sure how it goesBut it"s sad and it"s sweet and I knew it completeWhen I wore a younger man"s clothes"La la la, de de daLa la, de de da da daSing us a song, you"re the piano manSing us a song tonightWell, we"re all in the mood for a melodyAnd you"ve got us feelin" alrightNow John at the bar is a friend of mineHe gets me my drinks for freeAnd he"s quick with a joke or to light up your smokeBut there"s someplace that he"d rather beHe says, "Bill, I believe this is killing me."As the smile ran away from his face"Well I"m sure that I could be a movie starIf I could get out of this place"Oh, la la la, de de daLa la, de de da da daNow Paul is a real estate novelistWho never had time for a wifeAnd he"s talkin" with Davy who"s still in the navyAnd probably will be for lifeAnd the waitress is practicing politicsAs the businessmen slowly get stonedYes, they"re sharing a drink they call lonelinessBut it"s better than drinkin" aloneIt"s a pretty good crowd for a SaturdayAnd the manager gives me a smile"Cause he knows that it"s me they"ve been comin" to seeTo forget about life for a whileAnd the piano, it sounds like a carnivalAnd the microphone smells like a beerAnd they sit at the bar and put bread in my jarAnd say, "Man, what are you doin" here?"Oh, la la la, de de daLa la, de de da da da

Word is Bond 歌词 Joey Bada$$唱的

YeahWord is fuckin born man... myself how I do this shit[Verse 1: Joey Badass]Got the Reggie from the BushGet lifted like a saint off the kushMan all my niggas push so I always got the zipstock in the ZiplockThey know, like Ralph flip stock, hit the Mary, won"t kiss and tellMy lips locked but my grip"s not so I pass it offReal burners, and we ashin" off the furnitureFuck your couch, bitch, hush your mouthShe said she fell in one of them Ls, but let"s don"t countThese chickens don"t love me, they love the accountBut they will never know what"s the amount? I keep the hoes in check"Til they bounce, don"t ever let a chick see you withdrawin"These niggas want to know what I draw withBut won"t respond to what I"ve drawnTetrahedrons, take a dose of PatronMixin" knowledge juicing, deuce "Cuse and MetatronThey wouldn"t hear the tone through a megaphone, let aloneCella phone, but my line stay hella blownHella blown, hella blown[Hook:]Word is bornFuck the world til I"m gone[Verse 2: Joey BAdass]Yo Houston, we got a problem, copyFour, five hotties in the lobbySo they can blow the rockets properly, but blowing spots never stopLike them hockeys, they never get aqui to my prothyKnown around my city like George PatakiYoung Jason for them dollars in the mix like teriyakiAnd round four, I force my large VersaceOver my big head, cause I don"t live here, she getting too cockyWon"t spot me in no closetI ain"t like Kels and themA closet full of arm limbs and a skeleton[Hook x3][Verse 3: Joey Badass]I spray nines on fours, but if you pick five emceesEver, ain"t gone flow like me, nigga I"m too sickI mean too sick, sent to Earth just to shitMommy, come stay, it"s some new stick, I demand, I don"t give two shitsBetter tell that doofus deuces before he catch you whippingIn a minute, Charles Dickens"ll strip him for his Scottie PippensCause it"s all about the big pimpin"Rob him for his Nixon, and then question him about his timingRight here, it gets reckless, best advice isTo tuck your necklace, and put your arms right back into your LexusCause G-Stone crips, they ain"t nothingTo flex when the Billy Gate... the really on some next shitSo if I were you I would probably ride with twoNo fool, not two dudes, two toolsAs in deuce - deuce cause niggas jock you for your soulAnd your new shoes and your jewels tooThere"s something about another nigga having shitThat have a nigga spazzing clips all up in your back and dentCause it"s all about bagging the baddest chickStacking them trays up in Saks FifthBut word is bond, you been onWord is bond, you been on


Jennifer Aniston Pitt (Rachel Karen Green) 出生年月日:1969年2月11日-水瓶座 出生地:加州 身高:168cm 最初试镜演Monica,后来改为Rachel。 Jen有着希腊血统,在孩提时代曾在希腊生活过一年,因为她父亲的演艺事业全家迁到了纽约。11岁时,纽约艺术博物馆就选中过她的一幅画。父母在她9岁的时候就离婚了,她主要是由母亲带大,但后来与母亲不和。没有邀请母亲参加自己100万美元婚礼盛典。 在Matthew Perry(钱德勒扮演者)接到老板华纳兄弟的威胁后,Jen曾任他的私人教练帮他减肥。 据说是长期的梦游症患者。 最喜欢的打发时间的方法:上网 之前可没有这么好的身材,为了能有大突破,她的经理人让她减了30磅。在2000年7月29日嫁给了已经大红大紫的William Bradley Pitt(布拉德.皮特)。在2000年10月25日,她正式的把姓氏改为Pitt,但在电影电视的演员表里仍用娘家姓Aniston。有趣的是,Pitt在Friends中客串的角色是最讨厌瑞秋的高中同学。 禁止老公Brad Pitt和性感的Nicole Kidman(汤姆.克鲁斯前妻)合演新电影Mr. And Mrs. Smith。不知道是否因为这样,史密斯夫妇的女主角换成Angelina Jolie(主要作品:古墓丽影系列),最新的消息是Pitt已经成为前夫并且正和Angelina Jolie打得火热,而Jennifer则终日以泪洗面。 Courteney Bass Cox Arquette(Monica Geller) 出生年月日:1964年6月15日-双子座 出生地:阿拉巴马州伯明翰市 身高:168cm 最初是为演Rachel而试镜。 Courteney Cox是家中四个孩子中最小的,在她10岁的时候父母19年的婚姻结束了,Courteney和兄姐们留在了母亲身边。但和父亲非常亲近。 成名前的遭遇和“Friends”中的Joey颇相似,在多个肥皂剧里演一些小角色。在1985年,她参演了NBC的连续剧Misfits of Science,饰演一固定角色,但节目不受欢迎被迫在四个月后取消。是Friends开播时六人里最著名的人。也是Friends六人里唯一没有被提名过艾美奖的。 从11岁开始就玩击鼓。 喜欢买房子,装修完再卖出去。 拍了一个广告,成为美国电视史上第一个公开说“月经”的人。 练瑜珈保持身材。 她的昵称是CeCe,拥有Cargo旗下自己的品牌唇膏叫“Cece”。 在领到第一份Friends的薪水时,她买了一部崭新的保时捷慰劳自己。 1999年6月,Courteney嫁给了David Arquette,Scream(惊声尖叫)里一起合作的演员。 Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe Buffay) 出生年月日:1963年7月30日-狮子座 出生地:加州 身高:175cm 三围:36C-26-36 鞋子尺寸:9(US) 衣服尺寸:8(US) Lisa是加州的本地人。她出生在一个富裕的家庭,她的父亲是世界闻名的治头疼的专家,她的母亲是个旅行代理人。Lisa的成绩一直都很好,但她一直都对演戏有兴趣,并且很喜欢音乐。 曾因Phoebe一角赢得艾美奖。 在Friends里,Phoebe怀了她弟弟的三胞胎,实际上当时Lisa怀了她自己的孩子Julian。 她原本是深色的头发,是专门为演Phoebe而染成金色的。 Lisa曾多次被美国杂志评为“着装最差”,不过多数都是因为Phoebe,而不是她自己。 拍摄Phoebe和Ursula同时出场时,Lisa的姐姐Helene Sherman演了Phoebe/Ursula的背部。 看完Rachel生Emma那集,Lisa的老公Michel Stern想要给儿子Julian添一个弟弟或妹妹。 Matt LeBlanc (Joey Tribbiani) 出生年月日:1967年7月25日-狮子座 出生地:马萨诸塞州 身高:180cm 和剧中角色一样,Matt有意大利血统,他的妈妈是意大利移民。 在Friends试镜的前一天晚上Matt喝醉摔倒了,所以第二天脸上有两块疤。因为试镜当天他穿着皮裤,所以给David(罗斯扮演者)留下了很不好的印象。 在得到Joey这个角色时,他的口袋里只剩下了11美元。 曾演一番茄酱广告得过奖项。 爱好包括跳伞,赛车和拍摄风景。 有一条从流浪狗收留所花40美金救出来的狗,叫做Lady。 有多国血统:法国,爱尔兰,意大利,德国,英国 直到8岁才第一次见到自己的父亲。 1998年,Matt和模特Melissa McKnight订婚,终于在2003年5月3日于夏威夷正式完婚并成为是两个孩子的继父。 Matthew Perry (Chandler Muriel Bing) 出生年月日:1969年8月19日-狮子座 出生地:马萨诸塞州 身高:185.5cm 和Chandler一样也是独子,在父母离婚后随母亲搬去了加拿大,他的父亲仍留在美国继续从事演艺工作。他的母亲曾是模特,后成为加拿大总理的前新闻秘书。 曾经在“成长的烦恼”中饰演开萝儿因车祸身亡的男友。我记得那几集里面好像正好也有列奥那多·迪卡普里欧(Leonardo Dicaprio,“泰坦尼克”“罗密欧与朱丽叶”“飞行者”)。 一度酗酒酗酒吸毒,身材一度肥胖变形,在“Friends”中多少能看得出来。现在,Matthew得到了重生,他在众多的访问中都提到自己的经历感受以及酒精对自己的毒害。 绯闻女友包括: Julia Roberts -演员; 1995-1996 在Julia客串Friends后开始约会。著名的大嘴茱莉,剧中为报复在洗手间中把Chandler脱光并且抱走了所有衣服。 Jennifer Capriati-职业网球手 卡普里亚蒂是Friends的超级影迷,不曾错过一集,特别喜欢Matthew,一直想见他本人。而Matthew是个网球迷。 在卡普里亚蒂被评为年度最佳女运动员的颁奖会上Matthew作为颁奖嘉宾为她颁奖,从此两人相识。 最让他们惺惺相惜的是两人都有不堪回首的往事,都曾遭受过毒品的毒害,很能体会彼此的感受。 还有很多,不胜枚举,多数是女演员。 David Schwimmer (Ross Geller) 出生年月日:1966年11月2日-天蝎座 出生地:纽约 身高:188cm David出生在纽约,在洛杉矶长大,父母都是律师。几人中家庭最正常的就是他了。从小在优越环境中长大,事业也一帆风顺。 994年,Friends开拍前,制作人为David度身定做了Ross一角,David不用试镜就得到了这个角色。但David是在不情愿的情况下接受了Ross一角,因为他不想再演情景喜剧。 David非常有才华,参加了多部影片的编剧、制片和导演。有几集Friends就是他导演的。 David是犹太人。 David参演、导演和编写了Band of Brothers(兄弟连),并在里面饰演一个反面角色。 曾拒演Men In Black(黑超特警组)里Will Smith所演角色。 几位绯闻女友均是歌手或演员,现任女友是porn star,不过只出现在Playboy和一些soft core web sites。David带她出席了艾美奖颁奖礼。(不知道现在还是不是“现任”)

Joe Satriani的《Lifestyle》 歌词

歌曲名:Lifestyle歌手:Joe Satriani专辑:Is There Love In Space?La La La La La (Lifestyle)La La La La La (I"m singin")どんな形四角 丸そればっかり気にしてたんじゃいつまでたってもたどり着けない场所があるから谁かと比べる必要はないってこと知って欲しいんだだって君の良さは I know行き诘まって空は雨分からなくても Don"t hurryうまくいかないときもあるさそれをバネにするだけ风の吹くまま前へI can change my life そう愿えばどんなに不安でも きっと変えられる无茶な挑戦だと 笑われたってI"ll keep on singin" every day肩の力抜いてだって I wanna try anythingそれが私のLifestyle, It"s my lifestyle私のLifestyle, It"s my lifestyle私のLifestyle, It"s my lifestyleだって I wanna try anything それが私の...始まりはいつだって胸の高鸣り隠せない先の先とか考えすぎてるようじゃきっと不正解なんでダメ ってその訳答えを探してみたいだけもやもやしたままno no梦にもっと近づこうと空回りしてばっかりそんなときは深呼吸をして道はどこ目指す方向ずらさないで行こうよI can change my life そう愿えばどんなに不安でも きっと変えられる无茶な挑戦だと 笑われたってI"ll keep on singin" every day肩の力抜いてだって I wanna try anythingそれが私のLifestyle, It"s my lifestyle私のLifestyle, It"s my lifestyle私のLifestyle, It"s my lifestyleだって I wanna try anythingそれが私の...It"s my feelin" 谛めないって疑わないってもう决めたことなんだ Oh Oh振り向かないで 正直に生きたいがっかりさせないし大丈夫だから信じてよ窓の外远ざかる 住み惯れた街どんな未来にも负けやしない强い意志が私にはあるからどんなに不安でも きっと変えられる无茶な挑戦だと 笑われたってI"ll keep on singin" every day肩の力抜いてだって I wanna try anythingそれが私のLifestyle, It"s my lifestyle私のLifestyle, It"s my lifestyle私のLifestyle, It"s my lifestyleだって I wanna try anythingそれが私の...「Lifestyle」作词∶Nao"ymt作曲:Nao"ymt歌∶Tiara【 おわり 】

the host is now joe是什么意思



李秉宪(Lee Byung Hun)艺名L.JOE,1993年11月23日出生韩国,韩国男歌手,男子演唱团体Teen Top成员之一。2010年初通过选秀进入TOP Media,同年7月以演唱团体Teen Top成员之一的身份出道,在队内担当Rapper。2011年初发行了单曲辑《TRANSFORM》;2011年7月发行了首张迷你专辑《Roman》;2012年2月,发行迷你二辑《It&#39;s》回归并凭借主打歌《要疯了》收获首个一位,三个月后以迷你三辑《aRtisT》再次回归;2013年Teen Top开启了欧洲四国五地巡演;同年携正规一辑《NO.1》回归1。2014年发行迷你五辑《EXITO》,以主打曲《不容易(Missing)》回归乐坛2。2016年Teen Top的新专辑《RED POINT》于1月18日0时正式公开3;出演SBS电视台新水木剧《戏子》4。


HENRY投靠FALCONE 并带领VITO和JOE投入毒品生意在某个时间点,HENRY的线人身份暴露,这导致他最终横尸中心公园,最显眼的地方 不知情的VITO和JOE,准确说应该是JOE,火冒三丈,血洗唐人街酒店 此时FALCONE回到帝国湾得知此事,欲在内部肃清掉VITO。而VINCI家族也借此机会,趁VITO走投无路时拉拢他,要求他杀掉FALCONE。此举毫无疑问将使VINCI在帝国湾取得一家独大的地位VITO完成任务,杀死FALCONE VINCI家族认为使命已经完成,LEO认为VITO有恩于己,并且仍然有利用价值,故保他性命——事实上在监狱中或许就是如此。而JOE由于性冲,成为此事的替罪羊——事实上在排除VITO之后他也已经几乎是唯一有责之人。于是VINCI将他除掉,以绝后患 故事最后的确还有很大的发挥空间, 主角那一个眼神亦留有悬念他到底是想赌一把, 还是只能眼睁睁看着Joe 的车越驶越远, 很多人有不同的意见




【姓名】井上ジョー (inoue joe)[也曾被译为井上乔]【生日】1985年8月30日【昵称】joe【粉丝名称】小咒【出生地】LA,U.S.A【星座】处女座【唱片公司】Ki/oon Records Inc.【唱片】2007年 09月19日 1stE.P.【IN A WAY】出道2008年 07月16日 1st单曲【HELLO】2008年 12月17日 2nd单曲【CLOSER】(火影疾风传OP4)2009年 02月18日 3rd单曲【幻】2009年 04月08日 1st大碟【ME! ME! ME!】2009年 07月22日 4th单曲【GO★】 2010年 08月04日 5th单曲【风のごとく】(よりぬき银魂さんOP)2010年 10月06日 2nd专辑 【DOS ANGELES】●井上ジョー(或者井上Joe)生于美国加利福尼亚洛杉矶,父母是因工作需要移居美国的日本人。●尽管生在美国,Joe却从未放弃过学习日语,通过阅读大量漫画和看日本电视节目,他如今能说一口流利的日语,他在家和父母说日语,和弟弟说英语。顺便说一句他也非常喜欢日本的落语(相声或者滑稽的故事之类)~●总是去离家不远的海滨冲浪,十分喜欢海。●似乎很喜欢熊,在他的MYSPACE里的[JOE"S JAPANESE LESSON]中经常出现各种自绘的BEAR。●Joe生长在充满音乐的环境中,中学时代就开始认真听音乐,有过组BAND的经验,从吉他开始学会了一个又一个的乐器,从那以后触及音乐的时间也不断增加,接触了大量不同风格流派的音乐,那正是他音乐创造力的源泉。逐渐地,Joe在自己的房间开始用一个多轨录音机录制自己的东西,除了歌唱部分,所有的乐器演奏也都由他一人完成,包括吉他、贝斯、鼓等等,同时他也自己作词、作曲、编曲和混音!●2005年,他送了几张自己的DEMO到日本去,并与Ki/oon唱片公司签约,于2007年9月19日发行1stE.P.《IN A WAY》出道。●2006年,第一次在日本长期逗留。●2007年8月开始,往返于LA与东京录制音乐。●受到美国和日本两国文化的影响,他的曲风多变、富有节奏感,歌词写得十分巧妙,其中也经常会使用英语。他的歌全部由他自己作词、作曲、编曲、演奏乐器当然还有演唱~换句话说,他是ONE MAN BAND!~~●在单曲《GO★》中的[WHAT IS YOUR NAME?]里出现了一句中文“小姐你叫什么名字”,发音十分的准~!

Joe 和 john中文意思

Joe 和 john 人名Joe 乔John 约翰


His name is joe.






乔(男子名)[Joseph 的异体]没有过去式




joke 玩笑i am joke 我开玩笑的————用心为你答题,满意请采纳。



Joe (Cotton Eye Joe) 歌词

歌曲名:Joe (Cotton Eye Joe)歌手:Maxim Turbulenc专辑:Sakum Prdum (10 Let Srandy)Joe.lrc中英对照版~埋于心头~制作歌词来源与网上09-10-2004Joe-the cranberriesThere was a time, I was so lonely (away)曾经有段日子,我如此孤独Remember the time, It was a Friday (away)想起那段时光,那是在周五You made me feel fine, We did it my way (away)你使我快乐,用我的方式I sat on your knees, every Friday (away)每一个周五,我坐在你的膝上(We walked in fields of golden hay)我们还在金黄的干草地上漫步I still recall you我仍然在想你(We walked in fields of golden hay)想起我们曾漫步的草地I see you in the summer在夏日,我仿佛看到你Joe, JoeI sat on your chair by the fire. (away)我坐在你那张椅子上,紧靠着炉火Transfixed in a stare taking me higher (away)呆坐凝视,思绪万端Precious years to remember (away)回忆那些宝贵的岁月Childhood fears I surrender (away)孩童的恐惧感,又让我屈服(We walked in fields of golden hay)(我们一起走在金黄的干草原野上)I still recall you我想念你(We walked in fields of golden hay)(我们一起走在金黄的干草原野上)I see you in the summer在夏日我仿佛又看到了你Joe, JoeJoe.lrc歌词来源网上09-10-2004
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