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never hate your enemies.it affects your judgement.什么意思

never hate your enemies. it affects your judgement.永远不要恨你的敌人。它会影响你的判断。双语对照例句:1.Subsequently, it also affects your will to maintain your habits. 随后,它也会影响你保持你的习惯。2.Anxiety comes from your head, but it affects your whole body. “焦虑来自心中,但会影响整个身体

make judgements on还是about

是make judgements about,对... 作出判断。例句:For each of the 192 scenarios, they were asked to make a judgement about the character"s actions on a scale of 1 for "absolutely forbidden" to 7 for "absolutely permissible". 在总共192个场景中,志愿者被要求在每一个场景中根据人物的行为做出一个判断,从代表“绝对禁止”的1到代表“绝对可以”7中选一个数字给分。



acm上的pending judgement什么意思

pending judgement 全部释义和例句>> 未决判决judgement 英[u02c8du0292u028cdu0292mu0259nt]美[u02c8du0292u028cdu0292mu0259nt]n. 判断,鉴定,评价,判断; 审判,裁判,判决; 看法,意见; 判断力,见识;[网络] 看法; 审判; 详判;[例句]He could no longer trust his own judgement.他不再相信自己的判断。[其他] 复数:judgements 形近词: lodgement ledgement

Judgement Day 歌词

歌曲名:Judgement Day歌手:Warrior King专辑:Hold The FaithLynch. - JUDGEMENT作词:叶月作曲:叶月Don"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willNow look straight aheadYou can take back what you givethere is no time to be afraidI"ll show you nowThe truth of how we got this farmake it stay forever in your heartさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myselfI may never know the answer to foreverBut I"m alive and still singing hereAll the scars we have sharedWill become part of our prideThat will change our future still to come―― Open your eyes and see―― The flame surrounding sea―― We"re at the bottom now―― With darkness all around―― HATE will cloud my way―― NOW I"ll sing till death―― FATE this is the song of praiseさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去もJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴えDon"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8231281

Judgement Day 歌词

歌曲名:Judgement Day歌手:nicolette专辑:Let No One Live Rent Free In Your HeadLynch. - JUDGEMENT作词:叶月作曲:叶月Don"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willNow look straight aheadYou can take back what you givethere is no time to be afraidI"ll show you nowThe truth of how we got this farmake it stay forever in your heartさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myselfI may never know the answer to foreverBut I"m alive and still singing hereAll the scars we have sharedWill become part of our prideThat will change our future still to come―― Open your eyes and see―― The flame surrounding sea―― We"re at the bottom now―― With darkness all around―― HATE will cloud my way―― NOW I"ll sing till death―― FATE this is the song of praiseさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去もJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴えDon"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8274700

Judgement Day 歌词

歌曲名:Judgement Day歌手:Rob Rock专辑:Rage Of CreationLynch. - JUDGEMENT作词:叶月作曲:叶月Don"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willNow look straight aheadYou can take back what you givethere is no time to be afraidI"ll show you nowThe truth of how we got this farmake it stay forever in your heartさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myselfI may never know the answer to foreverBut I"m alive and still singing hereAll the scars we have sharedWill become part of our prideThat will change our future still to come―― Open your eyes and see―― The flame surrounding sea―― We"re at the bottom now―― With darkness all around―― HATE will cloud my way―― NOW I"ll sing till death―― FATE this is the song of praiseさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去もJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴えDon"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15069075

Judgement Day 歌词

歌曲名:Judgement Day歌手:Whitesnake专辑:Whitesnake"s Greatest Hits标题:Judgement艺术家:Before the Dawn珞盟广埠坛坛主:のPlacing the events in a rowThat led me to this pointOf no return, no way to goCrossroad without directionsA dead end streetWhat led me to this pointOf no return, no retreatIs this incarcerationAn everlasting stateJustice of my own creationJudgement that sealed my fateFacing reality in a formOf denial i choose not to see what lies in front of meIn motionNo destination, no parole pleaImprisonment for lifeWith no redemption to set me freeIs this incarcerationAn everlasting stateJustice of my own creationJudgement that sealed my fate我来自珞盟发源地——武大三区!Is this incarcerationAn everlasting stateJustice of my own creationJudgement that sealed my fateIs this incarcerationJustice of my own creation珞珈山梦境联盟http://music.baidu.com/song/7957664


十代は 数えきれないくらい落ち込んで そして同じようにメモにでも 书き残せる程喜べる出来事もあったけれどクラスの席顺が少しずれてた様で壁际の隅が似合ってた気がしてたじゃあねと 言ったあとに深呼吸して ありふれた自分を取り戻すには手镜见てまあまあぐらいに思ってたのに荒ぶってからまって泣かずに抱きついていた言叶じゃ 胜てないあなたに 飞び込んで そして思い出した大声で空中に叫んだあなたの名前をとにかく 叫んだSCREAMING IN MY SOUL现実に戻されるLAST JUDGEMENT 会いたい...DEEP INSIDEなんとしてでも会いたいTHAT"S ALL I WANTそれからでも遅くはないMY MIND, MY VAIN, MY PAINIT"S HARD TO FINDTHUNDER IN MY MINDA LIGHT IN MY VAINTOO MUCH TROUBLE TO EASEMY PAINどこでなにをIT"S HARD TO FINDTHUNDER IN MY MINDA LIGHT IN MY VAINLUST JUDGEMENTTO EASE MY PAINじゃあねと 言ったあとに深呼吸して ありふれた自分を取り戻すには手镜见て まだ自惚れなきゃおいしいバイトにも闻き耳たてるだけで踌躇している 私は中途半端猫の様に 立ち振る舞えないあなたの足迹そのままたどってたいした事ない私の现実それでも今夜は 私の成熟をうそなく教える笑颜が信じられたから荒ぶってからまって泣かずに抱きついていた言叶じゃ 胜てないあなたに 飞び込むだけ思い出した大声で空中に叫んだあなたの名前をとにかく叫んだあなたの足迹そのまま たどってたいした事ない私の现実それでも今夜は 私の成熟をうそなく教えた笑颜が信じられたから


一般英语中两个浊辅音之间有元辅音的情况比较多,从这两个单词可以看出g后面都有元辅音 所以judgment后的e不省,而argument后的e省了,因为g和m之间有个u了. 其实没有那么多的技巧可找的,就算自己胡编个理由,只要能记住单词就行.





judgement judgment的区别



judgement和judgment没有区别。judgement的短语有:distributive judgement分配评价。judgement lien判决留置权。judgement payable判定应付款项,判决应付款项。Last Judgement最后审判,末日审判。sound judgement正确的判断力。snap judgement草率的判断。statistical judgement统计判断。the exercise of judgement判断力的应用。judgement by confession根据招供作出的判决。judgement in personal对人的判决。双语例句1、A tide of emotion rose and clouded his judgement.心头涌起一阵强烈的感情,模糊了他的判断力。2、Jake has raised two smashing kids and I trust his judgement.杰克养大了两个了不起的孩子,我相信他的判断。3、I respect his judgement and I"ll follow any advice he gives me.我尊重他的判断能力,会接受他提出的任何建议。4、How can he form any judgement of the matter without the figures?没有这些数字,他怎么能对这件事作出任何评价呢?5、I work very efficiently and am decisive, and accurate in my judgement.我工作非常有效率,处事果断,而且判断准确。

judgment 与judgement的用法 有什么不同

应该只有 judgement 另外一个拼法貌似不对


judgement 英[u02c8du0292u028cdu0292mu0259nt] 美[u02c8du0292u028cdu0292mu0259nt] x0dx0an. 判断,鉴定,评价,判断; 审判,裁判,判决; 看法,意见; 判断力,见识; x0dx0a[例句]That isn"t a value judgement, it"s a fact.x0dx0a那不是一个价值判断,而是一个事实。x0dx0a[其他] 复数:judgements x0dx0ajudgement是可数


"Judgment" and "judgment" are both words with the same meaning.However, they have different forms in English and American English.In English, the forms of "judgment" and "judgment" are interchangeable, although the former is more formal and more common.In American English, however, "judgment" is more commonly used to describe personal judgment, while "judgment" is more commonly used to describe legal or judicial decisions.

sound judgement是什么意思


judgement as a matter of law什么意思

judgement as a matter of law字面的意思是:作为法律的判决。在联邦民事程序规则中 JNOV 被称为 Renewed Motion for Judgment as a Matter of Law ,而将 Direct Verdict ,即法官认为案件事实清楚不需交付陪审团而直接作出的判决称为 Judgment as a Matter of Law。

judgement call是什么意思啊

我认为judgement call翻译成“主观判断”更加准确

making judgement中文翻译

When making judgements about how much to intervene , we always have to keep in mind the goals of the text writer and the needs of the readership 当评价翻译所起作用的程度时,我们要时刻记住原文作者的目的和读者的需要。 Given that both species are very large seabirds and are usually seen " on their own " , making judgements about " size " is pretty much useless 这两种军舰鸟都是大型海鸟,而且常常单独出现,所以要判断体型大小(藉以区别两者)是相当没有用的。 Article 19 . a judge should abide by the time pmit for lawsuit regulated by law and should accept the case , hear the proceeding and make judgement within the time pmit 第十九条法官应当遵守法律规定的诉讼期限,在法定期限内尽快地立案、审理、判决。 Hardboiled detectives frequently make judgements based on their asses *** ent of people " s character , something that would be out of place in the golden age style 硬汉侦探们总是将判断建立在他们对人物性格的评定上,这在黄金时期小说风格中是没有立足之地的。 The abipty to make judgements that are grounded in sopd information , and employ careful *** ysis should be one of the most important goals for any educational endeavour 这种决断的能力植根于真实的信息和细致的分析,它应该是任何教育工作的最重要的目标。 There are obvious difficulties in measuring satisfaction if patients criteria for making judgements about their satisfaction with care change with subsequent knowledge and experience 如果病人判断他们医疗照护的满意度标准,随著知识与经验而改变,则衡量满意度的困难是显而易见的。 Macroeconomics is about o things : ( 1 ) developing positive models that can help us understand the dynamics of key macroeconomic variables ; ( 2 ) using these models to make judgement about what popcies the goverment should , or should not pursue 国内的产业经济学应该就是研究产业组织理论方面的吧,如果真的能学好这方面的知识,可以做产业或政府咨询,研究或教学。 It has been noted in many service sectors that users expectations are sensitive to a whole range of idiosyncratic influences : each person has a unique frame of reference and set of personal norms for making judgements about care 60 , 50 , 12 许多服务部门已经注意到,消费者的期望容易随著不同的影响而改变:每一个人有其独特的参考依据与判断医疗照顾的规范60 , 50 , 12 。 The conclusions to be drawn are that researchers cannot be sure how the attributes of care selected for measurement are related to patients expectations , nor what intervening socio - demographic or personal variables influence the way patients make judgements about the attributes identified as ponents of a multi - dimensional model of satisfaction 因此,归纳的结论是,研究者并不确定所选择的医疗照护特徵是否可以衡量病人的期望,也不确定那一种社会统计或个人的变异数,影响病人判断满意度多面向模型之构成因素。


审判-,通常表达了清晰的判断力受到了阻碍,这可能源自目光短浅失去远大的目标之下的鲁莽行事。(内在或者说灵魂受到了某些意识流的干扰)某些时候它还具备了很少用到的延伸意义:逃过了某个劫难 ……

为什么在有些句子中出现make a judgement,有时候有用到make judgement?

当做可数名词时 可以加a 意思为看法 意见当做不可数名词时 不用加a 意思为判断力 识别力

judge, edge, judgement, 用汉语谐音怎么读?

汉语谐音拼读英语:judge 榨治edge 爱治judgement 榨之门特


您好风纪委员是指二次元中负责管理校园纪律、维护校园治安的角色,出现于日本学校,相当于中国的纪律委员。风纪委员(ふうきいいん,在《魔法禁书目录》和《科学超电磁炮》系列中读作Judgement、夹鸡妹抖、炸鸡馒头)是一种校内的职务和身份,也是ACGN次文化中的萌属性之一。“风纪委员”一词源自日语“风纪委员(ふうきいいん)”,相当于中国学校的纪律委员。有些角色具有风纪委员属性但不是风纪委员,如《妖精的尾巴》中的艾露莎·舒卡勒特。中文名风纪委员作 用管理校园纪律、出现场景二次元动漫别 称纪律委员

20. 审判(Judgement)

审判[20] - Judgement 运用明智判断 象征:复活、回忆 天使吹响金色喇叭,给世界带来了力量和鼓舞,从一个乡镇到另一个乡镇,由一座高山越过另一座高山,传播著福音。清澈的喇叭声到处回荡,叫醒了沉睡在世俗中的灵魂,解放了凡人们的苦恼,甚至在坟场的棺木中回响,使人感到灵魂不灭与生命复苏的奇迹。「审判」牌受基督教中「最后审判」的影响很大,它以宗教性和精神性恩惠为主要的象征意义。 这张牌来自基督教末日审判的传说,天使将吹响她的号角,死者从地下重生。新生命来临之前,是对旧有自我的裁判。只有面对和接受自我的错误,才能获得新的契机。 审判 - 正位 对每个人都能够投注深情,一切等待都到了尽头,开始感受复活的喜悦。感情方面,爱的使者出现,告白的时刻已经来临,不要隐藏自己的恋情。彼此真心相爱,即使吵架仍有和好的希望,相信爱的奇迹。工作上,脱离危机,有复职或者升职的希望。学习上,考试顺利、临阵磨枪上考场能获得成果。金钱方面,钱财失而复得,可获得临时的收入。与多年的老友取得联系,恢复友情。健康方面,病情逐渐好转、恢复健康、痊愈。 审判 - 逆位 遭遇了失败却无法再振作,生活散漫。感情方面,嫉妒心过重、辜负对方的好意、无法敞开心扉、不认真的交往态度、缺乏真心,不好的回忆使感情出现缺陷。工作学习上,无法接受失败的事实,虽然想要振作起来,却心有余而力不足。对考试的期望不能太高、难以考上心目中的学校。金钱上,失去钱财、遗失重要的东西。人际交往上,过去的伤害产生了后遗症,无法与对方和好。健康方面,累积疲劳、过于勉强将会导致疾病、病情拖延无法痊愈。

lynch.的《JUDGEMENT》 歌词

歌曲名:JUDGEMENT歌手:lynch.专辑:judgementLynch. - JUDGEMENT作词:叶月作曲:叶月Don"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willNow look straight aheadYou can take back what you givethere is no time to be afraidI"ll show you nowThe truth of how we got this farmake it stay forever in your heartさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myselfI may never know the answer to foreverBut I"m alive and still singing hereAll the scars we have sharedWill become part of our prideThat will change our future still to come―― Open your eyes and see―― The flame surrounding sea―― We"re at the bottom now―― With darkness all around―― HATE will cloud my way―― NOW I"ll sing till death―― FATE this is the song of praiseさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去もJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴えDon"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willおわりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/28166590

judgement 还是judgment?那个e要不要省啊?这些该怎么区分呢?比如argument就省了e

一般英语中两个浊辅音之间有元辅音的情况比较多,从这两个单词可以看出g后面都有元辅音 所以judgment后的e不省,而argument后的e省了,因为g和m之间有个u了. 其实没有那么多的技巧可找的,就算自己胡编个理由,只要能记住单词就行.


judgement:n. 判断(一般表示个人的判断)verdict是结论,裁定,比后者要更正规一些,一般多用于法庭等的判决,



judgement 与 decision 有什么区别

judgement是判断的意思;而decision 是决定的意思。




judgement 英[u02c8du0292u028cdu0292mu0259nt] 美[u02c8du0292u028cdu0292mu0259nt] n. 判断,鉴定,评价,判断; 审判,裁判,判决; 看法,意见; 判断力,见识; [例句]That isn"t a value judgement, it"s a fact.那不是一个价值判断,而是一个事实。[其他] 复数:judgements judgement是可数


一、详细释义: , n. , 审判;裁判;判决 , 例句: ,Do not wait for the last judgement. It takes place every day.,你不必等最后的审判,因为最后审判每天都在发生。, 例句: ,As soon as we have ascertained the facts and got to the bottom of a case, we should pass judgement on it.,有些案子当断即断,抓住事件的主要问题,查清了就处理。, 判断;鉴定;评价 , 例句: ,Correct decisions stem from correct judgement.,正确的决心来源于正确的判断。, 例句: ,He trusted in his judgement.,他相信他的判断。, 判断力,辨别力 , 例句: ,He shows excellent judgement.,他显示了卓越的判断力。, 例句: ,This figurative habit of his mind crippled his judgement.,他思想上的这种爱好比喻的习惯,削弱了他的判断能力。, 意见,看法 , 例句: ,I"ll act on my own judgement.,我们要根据自己的意见行事。, 例句: ,We allow people to reserve their judgement, but we must try these things out.,我们允许人家保留自己的看法,但我们还是要试一试。, 二、词义辨析: , judgement,discrimination,sense ,这些名词均含“识别力,判断”之意。judgement指经过训练或磨练或凭经历而得到辨别或判断事物的能力或品质。discrimination指辨别精微的能力,甚至平时观察不到的也可识别出来。sense指不带幻想或感情、偏见地观察事物,并能作出明智、公平的选择与决定。, 三、相关短语: ,day of judgement,世界末日, 上帝最后审判日,judgement by default,【经】 因被告不到庭而判原告胜诉,judgement in personam,【法】 对人的判决,judgement in rem,【经】 对物的判决,last judgement,【法】 终审判决, 上帝的最后审判日,value judgement,【经】 价值判断, 四、参考例句: ,Judgement is implied in every apprehensive act.,每一种理解的行为都说明是运用了判断。,Wine and judgement mature with age.,酒陈味香,人老识深。,He passed judgement on the guilty man.,他对那个罪犯做出了裁决。,Do not make judgement too quickly.,不要太早的下判断了。,He passed judgement on the accused man.,他对被告做出了判决。,It is just a lapse of judgement.,这只是判断错误。,In my judgement, we should do it.,按我的看法,我们应该做这件事。,This is a very subjective judgement of her abilities.,这是对她能力的一个非常主观的评价。,A tide of emotion rose and clouded his judgement.,心头涌起一阵强烈的感情,模糊了他的判断力。,In my judgement, we should accept his offer.,依我看,我们应该接受他的建议。


judgement 英[u02c8du0292u028cdu0292mu0259nt] 美[u02c8du0292u028cdu0292mu0259nt] n. 判断,鉴定,评价,判断; 审判,裁判,判决; 看法,意见; 判断力,见识; [例句]That isn"t a value judgement, it"s a fact.那不是一个价值判断,而是一个事实。[其他] 复数:judgements judgement是可数

judgement 还是judgment

judgement是英式;judgment used especially in American English.

They _____ him that the prisoner should be set free, who was wrongly judged.


ACM注册时候的handle是什么意思,要填什么? http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/register.do


Judge aman by his questions rather than his answers这句话有没有主语??

祈使句,主语一般为you.但英语中,有很多短语可以表达完整的意思,比如for everyone to know,人人都知道

The salaries of American judges are rather low _ the allowance

D 第一个in comparison with=compared with; 相比之下,是被比较。第二个offered 是指把the allowance 提供给欧洲当地居民。

don"t judge a book by it"s cover.是什么意思?

Don"t judge people by outward appearance


disturb judgement扰乱判断干扰判断

_______ with the performance by Lily, the judges gave her a high score. A.Impressing B.Bein.

C 试题分析:考查非谓语动词。be impressed with给予……以深刻印象,judges为impress的动作承受者,故用过去分词作状语。故选C。

judge advocate是什么意思

judge advocate[英][dʒʌdʒ ˈædvəkeit][美][dʒʌdʒ ˈædvəˌket]n.军法官,军法检察官; 例句:1.Army as a Captain and member of the Judge Advocate General"s Corps.

don"t judge me是什么意思

don"t judge me不要评判我







soul judge 什么意思


the judge though什么意思

该法官在法律界的地位,虽然因被虚假地指控有不法行为指控而有所动摇,但还是从泥潭中脱身,最后总算没有受到损害. 句子的主干是judge"s standing undamaged.though后面是过去分词短语而非从句,是个插入语,emerged也是.

街舞里judge show是什么意思




LOOK and judge是什么意思

Look and judge看和判断例句We will judge warily, said Bellingham, and look well what we are about to do.我们会做出慎重的判断的,贝灵汉说,而且也会认真考虑我们即将果取的措施的。



Don"t judge是什么意思?

Don"t judge不要评判

into judge什么意思

into judge的意思:到法官例句:1.He looked up into the judge"s face.他举目直视审判官的面孔。2.This part divides trial act into judge act and referee act, according to the different stage and role of trial act.根据审判行为所处的阶段和作用不同,审判行为可分为审理行为和裁判行为。3.Research into the Judge"s Independence of Trial法官审判独立问题研究4.A wild gleam came into the judge"s eye.You are a school teacher, eh? said he. Madam, I shall realize my lifelong ambition.法官眼中闪过一丝狡黠,说道:你是学校的老师,对吗?5.From analysing the value intension of judge"s independent, the article probes into the judge status under our country current system. Furthermore, in order to gurantee the judges "independent, the author explores the court system, judge guarantee and judge本文拟从分析法官独立的价值内涵入手,着力剖析我国现行体制下的法官地位,并从法院体制、法官保障、法官管理等方面对如何保障我国的法官独立地位进行探讨。



judge the following是什么意思


judge show 什么意思?

judge show法庭节目是美国的一种电视节目类型 就相当于我们国内的一些电视节目 那种把社会生活中有纠纷的当事人找到电视台录节目 给他们讲公道啊 再找几个法律相关的人 不过相比较来说 Judge show更专业更有意思 把现实中的法官处理的民事小官司小案子搬到电视上展现


judge1.审判;判决2.裁判;评定;裁决 3.判断;断定;认为应该是判断问题的意思吧。


英文没有 resJudge 这个词。是 re-judge 吗? re-judge 的意思是:重新裁判 或 重新审判

judge a book by its cover是什么意思

judge a book by its cover判断一本书的封面双语对照词典结果:judge a book by its cover[英][dʒʌdʒ ə buk bai its ˈkʌvə][美][dʒʌdʒ e bʊk baɪ ɪts ˈkʌvɚ]以貌取人; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.T judge a book by its cover. 不能凭封面判断一本书。

don"t judge me是什么意思


Who am I to judge和who are you to judge是什么意思

Who am I to judge判断我是谁who are you to judge你认为是谁

magistrate judge是什么意思

magistrate judge [词典] (美) 治安法官; [例句]Magistrate Judge John Rich III scheduled a combined detention and probable cause hearing for next month.地方法官约翰-里奇三世计划于下月就两项纵火罪对凯西进行拘留,并举行可能性事由听证会。

as grave as a judge什么意思?


c 中judge_是什么意思


成为简奥斯汀 写信给judge是什么意思啊,是谁写的啊,内容是?

就是一个叫john warren的人,影片开始和简的弟弟一起坐马车过来的穿黑衣服的人,他也喜欢奥斯汀意思就是把奥斯汀说成寻找有钱人的拜金女,然后法官就很生气,不喜欢她,当然不同意他俩结婚

翻译don"t judge me,什么意思啊




judge ...against ....什么意思,怎么用,against可以用别的介词替代吗

judge 后边常用介词 by /from 。不知你说的这个短语上下文是什么



“dont judge”是什么意思?

don‘t judge可直译为”不用判断“.【例句】Dont judge people by their relatives.不要只通过亲戚来判断一个人。dont impose, criticize, or judge.不要强加、批评或评判。This is a cooler, more complicated way of saying, Dont judge a book by its cover. 下面是一种更酷、更复杂的说法不要以封面来判断一本书的好坏。We only had three things to say in our first interviews: were great, were not an indie band anddont judge us now - judge us in five years time. 我们在最初接受的那些采访里只谈三件事:我们很棒,我们不算独立乐队,还有就是别忙着现在就给我们下结论五年后再说。





judge by是什么意思

judge by 英[dʒʌdʒ bai]美[dʒʌdʒ baɪ]根据[由]…作出判断



judge-made law,什么意思

judge-made law n. 判例法; [例句]Third, an agency can abuse its discretion by breaching certain principles of judge-made law.第三,行政机关会因违反某些法官制定的法律原则而构成滥用自由裁量权。

dont judge是什么意思

不要依照……判断judge 判断

judge 和定义是一个意思吗

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