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铁塔猫french juicy是什么味

铁塔猫french juicy是一款甜味爆珠香烟,口感舒适,抽起来有淡淡的奶香味,没有添加任何的香精,蕴含着丰富的水果口味,有着茶和烟草本香的韵味。

juicy girl是什么意思?

是服装的品牌Juicy Girl的英文本意就是酒吧里面推销酒或者饮料的女郞类似于中国餐厅里的啤酒妺

Juicy Couture天鹅绒套装的尺码?


那梨是不是也和苹果一样round,juicy,sweet 英文怎么说

A pear is as (round/juicy/sweet)as an apple

juicy fruit什么意思

哼哼哼哼哼哼那要看在什么句子里喽~~e.g.-Baby, you are really a juicy fruit...-en(上升)en(下降)...ah...en...oh...en...



Juicy Couture是什么品牌

来自美国加州的著名品牌Juicy Couture,因狗仔偷拍名人大量曝光而成为瞩目焦点品牌。 Juicy Couture品牌于1994年由Pamela Skaist-Levy及Gela Taylor创立,两人均为顶级设计师,市场推广专家及高尚而性感休闲服的男女装批发商,品牌于全球各地备受肯定,是时尚休闲服的领导品牌。 Juicy Couture品牌一向走甜美女孩的路线,是全美目前女性嘻哈时尚的首席代表,性感甜美的时尚设计,风靡全球中外巨星,小甜甜布兰妮、希尔顿姐妹、玛丹娜、J.LO珍妮弗洛佩兹、卡麦蓉狄亚、林赛罗罕、也都是此品牌的爱好者! 色彩方面,她们选取了极为鲜明的色彩,做出既清新、明艳,同时别具女人味的感觉。既有糖果般甜美的淡黄色、嫩绿色、彩蓝色、粉红色;也有淡逸自然的米色、浅绿色等,无论哪种色彩,都要让你感受到春夏的活力。目前在中国,只有北京,成都和香港有专柜

Juicy and red是什么意思?


juicy and red是什么意思?




情侣手链上choose juicy什么意思

choose juicy 是juicy的一个广告语 是让你选择juicy juicy是美国的一个年轻的人的奢侈品牌 juicy品牌的全称是Juicy Couture 不是很贵 但是国内专柜的售价很高 一个普通的包包都在三千rmb上下 我不知道其他的城市哪里有专柜 但是北京新光天地2层有 美国售价大概在200-350美金左右 衣服上120-500美金不等 当然 中国假货横行 一个包包几十到几百不等 我不发表任何评论

幸田来未的Butterfly juicy someday中文歌词

Butterfly Words: Kumi Koda Music & arrangement: Miki Watanabe Mixed by Naoki Yamada ◆现在就用这双手将我相信的未来 握在掌心所以 说放弃还太早 美化的Burning Heart 要更加更加的绽放光芒 Butterfly 在指甲上涂新亮彩的无聊日子 我希望改变 为你 也为自己 能不能做到都在自己 我要做给你看 就算是浮浮沉沉 反反复复 你不是我的『一切』 但没有你 我的『一切』都完蛋 所以 有些改变 想让你早点发现 ◆Repeat 洗澡时在肥皂泡上 映照着你的笑容 想问你 现在怎么样了? 奇迹会一再发生 没错 正如季节如此 不断反复到来一般 很美好对不对? 因为我愿意相信 手指绕着小小的回忆 拥抱着入眠 醒来的时候 发现这个思念 让我除了你以外 什么都视而不见 闪耀 再闪耀吧 Butterfly ◆Repeat Someday 倘若再次相遇我要与你一同欢笑 我会等待 这一天的到来 因为你是我的宝物... 每一个到来的日子 都有它的意义 无论是与你的相遇 还是之后的事情 将会变成什么模样 相信并不是由任何人来决定 而是自己朝着未来一步步前进 你不经意的一句话 却让我俩 从此分开 但如今我俩依然强烈思念着对方 *你说我红红的鼻子很可爱 可以遇见你我真的觉得很开心 与你之间的一堆相片与Email 都是我珍贵的宝物... 我俩共度的时光虽然不是那么长 但是我俩感情的深度却难以丈量 我无法只把它当成 一段会逐渐褪色的回忆 与你共度的时光不能用任何事物取代 若是某一天在某处 能够与你相遇 为了可以用笑容面对你 我要好好的谈恋爱 等到有一天 让你看见一个崭新的我 尽管我改变了发型你也没有注意 不过能够遇见你我真的觉得很开心 就算我忌妒你也没有生气 只是紧紧将我拥入了怀里 你曾经 这么的温柔... 与你一同听过的歌 你的香味你的习性 与你一同看过的天空 与你一起走过的路 倘若再次相遇我要与你一同欢笑 我会等待 这一天的到来 *Repeat JUICY 用力挤榨 Juice 一口饮尽 Your body 更加 Deep inside of me 走得更远 更加地 游走在极限边缘 好好地 Make it real hot 火热 在火热的今夜 要不要失控看看? Kill me now Ooh 带我前往 越过黑夜 到了天亮依然 Kill me tonight 满满溢出的灼热药剂 现在好想一口咬下 在香味的诱惑下 在火焰的照耀下 Just you and me you and me…and you 只属于我俩的Wonderland 若想数度造访尽管请便 Remember my love 特殊之夜的果实 Ooh 你不想吃吃看吗? 定眼凝视 更加地Play with my mind 如果想一直待在这里 应该有方法吧? 悄悄在耳畔Whisper Don"t tell 要不要在 没有人知道的幽会现场 偷偷玩玩看? Love me now Ooh 燃烧的蜡烛 吹熄 在月夜下 Love me tonight 散发幽香的灼热药剂 被令人目眩的 烟雾所吸引 暴露在星空下 Just you and me you and me…and you you and me 只属于我俩的 Party time 没有任何事物可以阻挡Tonight Remember my love 垂涎欲滴的果实 Ooh 让我们来品尝吧 U know I want it baby I know u want it baby U know I want it baby You make me hot and wet… Love me now Ooh 燃烧的蜡烛 吹熄 在月夜下 Love me tonight 散发幽香的灼热药剂 现在好想一口咬下 在香味的诱惑下 在火焰的照耀下 Just you and me you and me…and you 只属于我俩的Wonderland 若想数度造访尽管请便 Remember my love 特殊之夜的果实 被令人目眩的 烟雾所吸引 暴露在星空下 Just you and me you and me…and you you and me 只属于我俩的 Party time 没有任何事物可以阻挡Tonight Remember my love 垂涎欲滴的果实 Ooh 让我们来品尝吧… …oh juicy! 以上,完毕

juicy 可以做英文名吗


sweet andjuicy什么意思?

sweet and juicy甜美多汁双语对照Raw carrots are naturally sweet and juicy; however, boiling them in water for fewminutes enriches their flavor and enhances the bioavailability of nutrients. 原始的胡萝卜自然甜美多汁,然而,放入水中煮几分钟,提高风味和营养素的生物利用度。如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!



兰蔻juicy tubes一共几种颜色?都是什么味道的?




B.I.G. Juicy歌词

Intro: (Fuck all you hoes) Get a grip motherfucker.Yeah, this album is dedicated to all the teachers that told me I"d never amount to nothin", to all the people that lived above the buildings that I was hustlin" in front of that called the police on me when I was just tryin" to make some money to feed my daughters, and all the niggaz in the struggle, you know what I"m sayin"?Uh-ha, it"s all good baby bay-bee, uhVerse One: It was all a dream I used to read Word Up magazine Salt"n"Pepa and Heavy D up in the limousine Hangin" pictures on my wall Every Saturday Rap Attack, Mr. Magic, Marley Marl I let my tape rock "til my tape poppedSmokin" weed and bamboo, sippin" on private stock Way back, when I had the red and black lumberjack With the hat to match Remember Rappin" Duke, duh-ha, duh-haYou never thought that hip hop would take it this far Now I"m in the limelight "cause I rhyme tight Time to get paid, blow up like the World Trade Born sinner, the opposite of a winner Remember when I used to eat sardines for dinner Peace to Ron G, Brucey B, Kid Capri Funkmaster Flex, Lovebug Starsky I"m blowin" up like you thought I would Call the crib, same number same hood It"s all good Uh, and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga, uhChorus:You know very well who you areDon"t let em hold you down, reach for the starsYou had a goal, but not that many"cause you"re the only one I"ll give you good and plentyVerse Two: I made the change from a common thief To up close and personal with Robin Leach And I"m far from cheap, I smoke skunk with my peeps all day Spread love, it"s the Brooklyn way The Moet and Alize keep me pissyGirls used to diss me Now they write letters "cause they miss me I never thought it could happen, this rappin" stuff I was too used to packin" gats and stuff Now honies play me close like butter played toast From the Mississippi down to the east coast Condos in Queens, indo for weeks Sold out seats to hear Biggie Smalls speak Livin" life without fear Puttin" 5 karats in my baby girl"s ears Lunches, brunches, interviews by the pool Considered a fool "cause I dropped out of high school Stereotypes of a black male misunderstood And it"s still all good Uh...and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga Verse Three: Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis When I was dead broke, man I couldn"t picture this 50 inch screen, money green leather sofa Got two rides, a limousine with a chauffeur Phone bill about two G"s flat No need to worry, my accountant handles that And my whole crew is loungin" Celebratin" every day, no more public housin" Thinkin" back on my one-room shack Now my mom pimps a Ac" with minks on her back And she loves to show me off, of course Smiles every time my face is up in The Source We used to fuss when the landlord dissed us No heat, wonder why Christmas missed us Birthdays was the worst days Now we sip champagne when we thirst-ay Uh, damn right I like the life I live "Cause I went from negative to positive And it"s all... (It"s all good)...and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga, uhUh, uh...and if you don"t know, now you know, niggaUh...and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga, uhRepresentin" B-Town in the house, Junior Mafia, mad flavor, uhUh, yeah, a-ight中文的实在帮不了你,我也只能勉强看看

求The Notorious BIG 《Juicy》完整歌词

Intro: (Fuck all you hoes) Get a grip motherfucker.Yeah, this album is dedicated to all the teachers that told me I"d never amount to nothin", to all the people that lived above the buildings that I was hustlin" in front of that called the police on me when I was just tryin" to make some money to feed my daughters, and all the niggaz in the struggle, you know what I"m sayin"?Uh-ha, it"s all good baby bay-bee, uhVerse One: It was all a dream I used to read Word Up magazine Salt"n"Pepa and Heavy D up in the limousine Hangin" pictures on my wall Every Saturday Rap Attack, Mr. Magic, Marley Marl I let my tape rock "til my tape poppedSmokin" weed and bamboo, sippin" on private stock Way back, when I had the red and black lumberjack With the hat to match Remember Rappin" Duke, duh-ha, duh-haYou never thought that hip hop would take it this far Now I"m in the limelight "cause I rhyme tight Time to get paid, blow up like the World Trade Born sinner, the opposite of a winner Remember when I used to eat sardines for dinner Notorious B.I.G.Peace to Ron G, Brucey B, Kid Capri Funkmaster Flex, Lovebug Starsky I"m blowin" up like you thought I would Call the crib, same number same hood It"s all good Uh, and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga, uhChorus:You know very well who you areDon"t let em hold you down, reach for the starsYou had a goal, but not that many"cause you"re the only one I"ll give you good and plentyVerse Two: I made the change from a common thief To up close and personal with Robin Leach And I"m far from cheap, I smoke skunk with my peeps all day Spread love, it"s the Brooklyn way The Moet and Alize keep me pissyGirls used to diss me Now they write letters "cause they miss me I never thought it could happen, this rappin" stuff I was too used to packin" gats and stuff Now honies play me close like butter played toast From the Mississippi down to the east coast Condos in Queens, indo for weeks Sold out seats to hear Biggie Smalls speak Livin" life without fear Puttin" 5 karats in my baby girl"s ears Lunches, brunches, interviews by the pool Stereotypes of a black male misunderstood And it"s still all good Uh...and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga Verse Three: Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis When I was dead broke, man I couldn"t picture this 50 inch screen, money green leather sofa Got two rides, a limousine with a chauffeur Phone bill about two G"s flat No need to worry, my accountant handles that And my whole crew is loungin" Celebratin" every day, no more public housin" Thinkin" back on my one-room shack Now my mom pimps a Ac" with minks on her back And she loves to show me off, of course Smiles every time my face is up in The Source We used to fuss when the landlord dissed us No heat, wonder why Christmas missed us Birthdays was the worst days Now we sip champagne when we thirst-ay Uh, damn right I like the life I live "Cause I went from negative to positive And it"s all... (It"s all good)...and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga, uhUh, uh...and if you don"t know, now you know, niggaUh...and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga, uhRepresentin" B-Town in the house, Junior Mafia, mad flavor, uhUh, yeah, a-ight

谁知道juicy 作为英文名,有什么特殊含义么?



幸田来未-JUICY 用力挤榨 Juice 一口饮尽 Your body 更加 Deep inside of me 走得更远 更加地 游走在极限边缘 好好地 Make it real hot 火热 在火热的今夜 要不要失控看看? Kill me now Ooh 带我前往 越过黑夜 到了天亮依然 Kill me tonight 满满溢出的灼热药剂 现在好想一口咬下 在香味的诱惑下 在火焰的照耀下 Just you and me you and me…and you 只属于我俩的Wonderland 若想数度造访尽管请便 Remember my love 特殊之夜的果实 Ooh 你不想吃吃看吗? 定眼凝视 更加地Play with my mind 如果想一直待在这里 应该有方法吧? 悄悄在耳畔Whisper Don"t tell 要不要在 没有人知道的幽会现场 偷偷玩玩看? Love me now Ooh 燃烧的蜡烛 吹熄 在月夜下 Love me tonight 散发幽香的灼热药剂 被令人目眩的 烟雾所吸引 暴露在星空下 Just you and me you and me…and you you and me 只属于我俩的 Party time 没有任何事物可以阻挡Tonight Remember my love 垂涎欲滴的果实 Ooh 让我们来品尝吧 U know I want it baby I know u want it baby U know I want it baby You make me hot and wet… Love me now Ooh 燃烧的蜡烛 吹熄 在月夜下 Love me tonight 散发幽香的灼热药剂 现在好想一口咬下 在香味的诱惑下 在火焰的照耀下 Just you and me you and me…and you 只属于我俩的Wonderland 若想数度造访尽管请便 Remember my love 特殊之夜的果实 被令人目眩的 烟雾所吸引 暴露在星空下 Just you and me you and me…and you you and me 只属于我俩的 Party time 没有任何事物可以阻挡Tonight Remember my love 垂涎欲滴的果实 Ooh 让我们来品尝吧… …oh juicy! 罗马音:gyutto shimatta Juice gutto nomihosu Your body motto Deep inside of me tooku e ikou motto girigiri na toko chanto Make it real hot atsui atsui kon"ya ni abareteminai? Kill me now Ooh tsureteitte yoru o koe akete mo sono mama Kill me tonight afuredasu atsui po-shon ima ni mo kajiritsukitai kaori ni sasowarete honoo ni terasareta Just you and me you and me...and you futari dake no Wonderland nando demo otozuretai nara douzo Remember my love tokubetsu na yoru no kajitsu Ooh tabetai deshou? jitto mitsumeta mama motto Play with my mind zutto koko ni itai nara yarikata aru desho? sotto mimimoto de Whisper Don"t tell dare mo shiranai mikkai genbai de chotto asondemitai? Love me now Ooh moeru kyandoru fukitobashi tsuki no shita de Love me tonight kaori tatsu atsui po-shon memai ga suru you na kemuri ni sasowarete hoshizora ni sarashita Just you and me you and me... and you you and me futari dake no Party time saegiru mono wa nani mo nai Tonight Remember my love koboresou na kajitsu Ooh ajiwaimashou U know I want it baby I know u want it baby U know I want it baby I know u want it baby You make me hot and wet... Love me now Ooh moeru kyandoru fukitobashi tsuki no shita de Love me tonight kaori tatsu atsui po-shon ima ni mo kajiritsukitai kaori ni sasowarete honoo ni terasareta Just you and me you and me...and you futari dake no Wonderland nando demo otozuretai nara douzo Remember my love tokubetsu na yoru no kajitsu Ooh tabetai deshou? memai ga suru you na kemuri ni sasowarete hoshizora ni sarashita Just you and me you and me... and you you and me futari dake no Party time saegiru mono wa nani mo nai Tonight Remember my love koboresou na kajitsu Ooh ajiwaimashou... ...oh juicy!

Con Funk Shun的《Juicy》 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Juicy歌手:Con Funk Shun专辑:Spirit Of LoveJUICY呗:幸田来未作词:Yo Taira(Digz/Inc Group)作曲:Sty(Digz/Inc Group)ギュッと绞った Juiceグッと饮み干す Your bodyもっと Deep inside of me远くへ行こうもっと ギリギリなトコちゃんと Make it real hot热い 热い今夜に暴れてみない?Kill me nowOoh 连れて行って夜を越え明けてもそのままKill me tonight溢れ出す热いポーション今にも噛りつきたい香りに诱われて炎に照らされたJust you and meyou and me...and youふたりだけのWonderland何度でも访れたいならどうぞRemember my love特别な夜の果実Ooh 食べたいでしょう?じっと见つめたままもっとPlay with my mindずっとココにいたいならやり方あるでしょ?そっと耳元でWhisperDon"t tell 谁も知らない密会现场でちょっと游んでみない?Love me nowOoh 燃えるキャンドル吹き飞ばし月夜の下でLove me tonight香り立つ热いポーション目眩がするような烟に诱われて星空にさらしたJust you and meyou and me...and youyou and me ふたりだけのParty timeさえぎる物は何も无いTonightRemember my loveこぼれそうな果実Ooh 味わいましょうU know I want it babyI know u want it babyU know I want it babyYou make me hot (and wet)...x4Love me nowOoh 燃えるキャンドル吹き飞ばし月夜の下でLove me tonight香り立つ热いポーション今にも噛りつきたい香りに诱われて炎に照らされたJust you and meyou and me...and youふたりだけのWonderland何度でも访れたいならどうぞRemember my love特别な夜の果実目眩がするような烟に诱われて星空にさらしたJust you and meyou and me...and youyou and me ふたりだけのParty timeさえぎる物は何も无いTonightRemember my loveこぼれそうな果実Ooh 味わいましょう......oh juicy!http://music.b***.com/song/1527437





apple juicy是什么意思



果汁啊 橘汁之类的也有人用来做名字




juicy ["du0292u:si] adj. 多汁的;利润多的;生动的 例句与用法 例句:1. John would ask, biting into a juicy hamburger.约翰一边咬着多汁的汉堡包,一边问。2. Courage is the juicy secret you promised never to tell.勇气,是你知道个大秘密,却答应对谁也不说。3. Little Piggy looks around and sees a lot of juicy strawberries.小猪猪向周围看了看,看到了许多多汁的草莓。

juicy是什么意思中文 juicy中文意思介绍

1、juicy的中文意思是:多汁的;汁液丰富的。juicy,英文单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“多汁的;生动有趣的;添油加醋的,绘声绘色的;有吸引力的;报酬丰厚的;令人满足的”。 2、例句: soft juicy pears.脆生多汁的梨 The meat was tender and juicy.这肉又嫩汁又多 I like tomatoes, juicy and red.我喜欢红色多汁的西红柿。 She like pears, peaches and other juicy fruits.她喜欢梨、 桃和其他多汁的水果。

juicy是什么意思中文 juicy中文意思介绍

1、juicy的中文意思是:多汁的;汁液丰富的。juicy,英文单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“多汁的;生动有趣的;添油加醋的,绘声绘色的;有吸引力的;报酬丰厚的;令人满足的”。 2、例句: soft juicy pears.脆生多汁的梨 The meat was tender and juicy.这肉又嫩汁又多 I like tomatoes, juicy and red.我喜欢红色多汁的西红柿。 She like pears, peaches and other juicy fruits.她喜欢梨、 桃和其他多汁的水果。


juicy 英[u02c8du0292u:si] 美[u02c8du0292usi] adj. 多汁的; 有趣的; 刺激性强的; 报酬多的;


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Flora Purim的《Juicy》 歌词

歌曲名:Juicy歌手:Flora Purim专辑:That"S What She Said"Juicy"Here we goI got with somebody"s dateYou"re like a Soap Opera coverMy lover self-automatesJuicyAw, JuicyYou say a-somebody sayYou"re like a salve for a leperYou"re sweet for somebody"s painJuicyAw, JuicyYeah, you got to live for your ownYou say you got all the sordid detailsCheck-out retailWatch it sellJ-J-J JuicyAw, JuicyI Gotta DelayMothers, children on the streetCan"t get enough to eatOff the recordDishes flyDon"t know the reason whyMeet me in the check out standSee who can be the lover manConscience bleeding in a songGuilty as the day is longGoodbyeYeah, you got to live for your ownYou say you got all the sordid detailsCheck-out retailWatch it sellI got to see that lieYou say what you"re going to sayYou got to know it"s a bitter poisonSapping all of your soul awayYeahAw, JuicyJuicyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8003590


juicy属于高档消费品 真假判断相对来说容易些 因为价格在那摆着呢 附上真假判断标准:一、从产地辨别真假Juicy1. JC的首饰是在中国内地代工的,不需要从“韩国进口”,这个品牌更是美国的舶来品,凡是标有“韩国进口”的JC,就不用看了,全是假货!2. JC首饰在中国内地的代工厂位于中国的山东省青岛, 而不是广东省。众所周知,广东省聚集了大量制造假名牌的生产线(没有地域歧视,就事论事),虽然有些广东的厂家也会号称在做JC的“国外单”,但请注意:”国外单”和“原单”根本就是两个概念!“原单”是指品牌原公司根据设计师的设计而向OEM厂下的单,虽然这个公司也在“国外”,但并不是说“国外”的造假者下的单就也叫原单了!所以,Made in Guangdong的Juicy保险系数非常低,当然,有一些广东卖家经营正品JC,不在批评之列!3. JC的原单代工厂位于山东,但是这并不表明所有山东卖家卖的就都是正单,相反,恰恰正是因为造假者看到制造假JC有丰厚的利润, 所以其实现在正品JC工厂所在地就有不少造假之徒。二、真假JC制造工艺比较1. 正品的JC由原公司下单,提供设计图纸,和用料要求,并根据所下单的数量来采购原料,而这些, 都属于商业机密,不但那些造假者不会掌握, 就算一些替接单大厂制造的小厂也不会掌握核心的工艺。总体说来,正品的JC所有铸件以铜为主,金属材料符合欧美最新“饰品用金属”标准, 不含铅, 这也就是为什么正品不会引起过敏的原因。正品JC多层K金,并且在镀金上非常讲究,在6-12个月内是不会有脱色的状况出现的,当然,氧化状况除外, 就连真金白银也会产生氧化现象,只要注意保养,这个不是大的问题!2. 假货JC在用料上不可能完全按照正品,一来某些技术根本不知道, 二来也是为了降低成本,很多假货的JC戴不长时间就会出现严重的脱色和氧化,并且有些假货里的物质含量会对人体产生严重的危害! 这都是不对的!还有一些假货不采用铜铸件,所以拿在手里,觉得份量很轻,配料的镶钻也与正品不同。这都可以成为JMS辨别的标准!三、从细节辨别真假Juicy1.掂分量:如果很轻的,当然没采用铜铸件。当然, 在网购中,掂分量这一点比较难以做到!2.看镀金:正品即使有些瑕疵,但整体的镀金看来都是光滑的, 而且正品的JC非常非常少会镀那种很亮的金色,一般都是哑金色,如果大家看到一些Juicy金光闪闪,就需要非常小心,不但超级闪亮,而且镀金的颜色很浅!3.看细节:正品的JC即便是稍有瑕疵从工厂打出来的,在细节上一定会与官方网站的图片一致,而仿货则因为没有模具,总是会在一些细节上跟正品有差别.① 驴唇不对马嘴型比如近日很火爆的白色小飞马款,真货是一匹非常俊朗的小马, 而仿货的模具出来的则根本就是一头驴!这样的款式还是比较容易辨别的, 只要不要太粗心就好了!② 细节全部模糊型正品JC的一个特点就是把任何东西都做得特别细致, 小到小麦克风的一根电源线都会做得清清楚楚, 而假货就没有这么好脾气了,总是模糊了事,就以最近也比较盛行的一个小麦克风为例吧,真货可以看到, 麦克风的按钮和电源线都非常清楚。而且麦克风的身体部分是红色的.


英文名不能取juicy原因是单词意思会让人产生不好的想法。juicy的中文意思是用来形容水果多汁的,但是用到人名上是说明此人内涵丰富。如果用这个当英文名去到外国,可能会闹出笑话,在欧美等西方国家的文化中juicy这个词语表达的意思并不是特别好,会令老外往歪处想。老外注重姓氏,名字则很随意,很少有标新立异的情况出现。愿意起小众名字,有寓意名字都属于中式思维。其实越是小众的名字,他人越难以记住,不如起个常见上口的名字,反而能让老外记住。可以起名字的建议1、糖果类的名字别乱起:Candy (糖果),看上去不错,甜甜的,女孩很合适。可这个名字在英文里代表某种特殊职业,类似还有Bunny CherryJuicy——这些糖果类的名字,不要起的好。2、动物和品牌名字不要起:动物名如Puppy,Tiger,品牌名如Burberry,Nike什么就别起了。3、不容易识别的英语名不要起:特别偏,特别小众的名字不要起,如Lelani, Anaya, Thome,这些都不要起。起个小众名字,显得特立独行,这是中国人的思维方式。4、常用名字完全可以使用:Mike, Tom, Dan,Lucy等常见名完全可以使您的首选,不要嫌弃它们太普通,它们正是容易令人记住的好名字。


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形容词^ ^有好几种翻译,多汁的; 有趣的; 刺激性强的; 报酬多的都可以








juicy是美国中高端档次的品牌。juicyjuicy品牌的全称是Juicy Couture,这是美国加州轻奢时尚品牌,经营服装、饰品、腕表、包包、香水等,在美国知名度很高。





juicy 的意思是什么













juicy 英[u02c8du0292u:si] 美[u02c8du0292usi] adj. 多汁的; 有趣的; 刺激性强的; 报酬多的; [例句]It provided some juicy gossip for a few days.这制造了一些非常八卦的流言蜚语,足够说上几天的。[其他] 比较级:juicier 最高级:juiciest




juicy ["du0292u:si] adj. 多汁的;利润多的;生动的 例句与用法 x0dx0ax0dx0a例句:x0dx0a1. John would ask, biting into a juicy hamburger.x0dx0a约翰一边咬着多汁的汉堡包,一边问。x0dx0a2. Courage is the juicy secret you promised never to tell.x0dx0a勇气,是你知道个大秘密,却答应对谁也不说。x0dx0a3. Little Piggy looks around and sees a lot of juicy strawberries.x0dx0a小猪猪向周围看了看,看到了许多多汁的草莓。

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fat juicy ass and big natural tits 什么意思

fat juicy ass and big natural tits 脂肪多汁的屁股和大天然的山雀如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

请问juicy tits 是什么意思?

好残忍啊~, 多汁的山雀肉

Juicy Salif 柠檬榨汁器

长着个柠檬头,三只细细长长的脚,像蜘蛛;银色的外衣使之更像外太空不速之客,尴尬地落在地球一角,“外星人”绰号也缘由于此。折腾半天到处粘嗒嗒,还凑不满一杯饮料,但不得不承认,此榨汁器在一顿宾主双方初次建交的重要晚餐上,还真是有融洽气氛,开胃健脾之功劳。 这是鬼才设计师菲利普·斯塔克(Philips Stark)1990年为阿莱西(ALESS)设计榨汁机,是设计史上的一道丰碑,它一上市便造成轰动,吸引无数人争相收藏,至今为止,销售60余万个,并且数字还在增加。 许多人把拥有the Juicy Salif榨汁机当作选购一件著名设计师款家居用品的头号选择,只要它出现在厨房里就是绝对的话题人物。 仿生的形态展示了菲利普·K·迪克(Phillip K.Dick,美国科幻小说家)和鱿鱼的共同影响。 形态上的对称和统一与抽象性相结合,很容易激发起类比想象。对于那些不熟悉它的人来说,它看起来会更像许多别的东西,反而不像是榨汁器。 它那抛光的铸铝结构产生一种完美无缝的新潮美感,使人联想到早期的太空飞船和外星机器人的概念,不过它看上去也很有机,甚至性感,这种张力也许正是它魅力的主要来源。 这款产品是如此的标新立异,这不仅使它与其他的榨汁器相比迥然不同,也使它在寻常家庭的所有其他产品中显得卓尔不凡。也许设计师本来就没把它当榨汁器来设计,而是作为一件纯粹的雕塑品。它是一个打着功能的幌子,堂而皇之侵入厨房的现代艺术的特洛伊木马。 榨汁器的主体呈倒置的泪滴状,壁上有凹槽。凹槽在顶部汇聚成一点,形成用来榨汁的表面,将汁液向下引导至底部作为出口的尖端,直到流入玻璃杯中。 理论上是如此,然而实际上,光滑的凹槽能起到的作用不大,它需要使用者施加相当大的力量才能榨出果汁。向下施加的力会使得台面的那几条又长又细的腿产生摇晃和移动,因此需要在用一只手榨汁的同时,用另一只手将一条或者更多条腿牢牢抓住。 然而这样就总会导致手妨碍到果汁的流淌,果汁会滴到手上、桌上、地板上,当然如果幸运的话,会滴到接果汁的玻璃杯里。 如果用这样宽泛的标准的话,那么任何东西都可以为榨汁器了,但关键之处在于当不榨汁的时候,没有哪件东西看起来会像它那样有趣。英国设计评论家Terence Conan曾这样评价它:“这是一个如比奇特诡异、今人心动的设计!即使在榨汁的时候会喷得衣服满是果汁,也阻挡不了它浓浓的趣味!” 三条向下方伸展并逐渐变细的腿微微向外弯曲,可以容一个小号果汁杯进出。膝盖部位大概在腰部的位置自躯干处向上突出,这加强了有机形式的外观特点,并减小了对于果汁流淌的妨碍。 由于腿部超长,且横截面很小,它的稳固性备受质疑,一旦跌落就容易折断。然而,这也是使榨汁器具有保艳之美的设计亮点所在。 在弗洛伊德学说的信徒眼里,这款设计像极了一个抽象的性感生物,腿部张开成充满挑逗性的姿势。相反,不信奉弗洛伊德学说的人,或许会把它解读为一个下蹲着的准备在果汁杯里来个方便的外星生物。 这个设计的概念,又有点像中国古代的爵、鼎,就是顶部是实心的一个螺旋槽纺锤形状,远看好像一只大的不锈钢蜘蛛一样。 在“外星人”的百万拥有者中,不把他当榨汁器的绝非少数。说句公道话,他也称得上是榨汁器中的“超模”,气质独特艳压群芳,平时看着怎么看怎么养眼。总之,只要你忘了他是个榨汁器,他就那么地十全十美。“情感设计”的典型之作!

B.I.G. 的Juicy中文歌词


juicy怎么读 juicy的意思

1、juicy的读音:英[u02c8du0292uu02d0si],美[u02c8du0292uu02d0si] 2、adj.多汁的; 汁液丰富的; 生动有趣的; 妙趣横生的; 刺激的; 有吸引力的; 报酬丰厚的; 令人满足的; 3、[例句]She bit into a ripe juicy pear.她咬了一口熟透了的多汁的梨。 4、比较级:juicier 最高级:juiciest

看到女同事的衣服赫然印着英文单词:juicy ware,感觉有很强的性方面的暗示,哪位能准确解读这两个单词的意义

juicy是juice的形容词,juice一般是用做果汁的意思ware的意思就很多了,用在服装上一般是服装成品的意思,jeans ware,tony ware,这类衣服都很多了。其实两个词连一起其实并没什么很强的暗示,反而有点可爱的感觉。楼主你觉得呢?

juicy couture怎么读

["du0292u:si:] [ku"ty:r] 汉语拼音是:zhu si kang tuo(er)注意重音哦,重音在zhu 和 tuo(er)那里

juicy怎么读 juicy的正确发音?

Juicy的音标为 /ˈdʒuːsi/,其中/dʒ/代表的是英语中的浊辅音j,类似于中文中的“j”;/uː/代表的是长音的“u”,发音类似于中文中的“乌”;/s/代表的是清辅音s,类似于中文中的“s”,/i/代表的是短音的“i”,发音类似于中文中的“衣”。根据音标发音,Juicy的正确读音为“dju:si”,其中“d”发音类似于中文中的“d”,而“:”则表示其前面的音节为长音。Juicy怎么读(Juicy的正确发音)Juicy怎么读(Juicy的正确发音)

juicy怎么读 juicy的意思

1、juicy的读音:英[u02c8du0292uu02d0si],美[u02c8du0292uu02d0si] 2、adj.多汁的; 汁液丰富的; 生动有趣的; 妙趣横生的; 刺激的; 有吸引力的; 报酬丰厚的; 令人满足的; 3、[例句]She bit into a ripe juicy pear.她咬了一口熟透了的多汁的梨。 4、比较级:juicier 最高级:juiciest


jiu ci全部第一声


YFFUUHH y guys hugging

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Juicy b.i.g歌词

Intro: (Fuck all you hoes) Get a grip motherfucker. Yeah, this album is dedicated to all the teachers that told me I"d never amount to nothin", to all the people that lived above the buildings that I was hustlin" in front of that called the police on me when I was just tryin" to make some money to feed my daughters, and all the niggaz in the struggle, you know what I"m sayin"? Uh-ha, it"s all good baby bay-bee, uh Verse One: It was all a dream I used to read Word Up magazine Salt"n"Pepa and Heavy D up in the limousine Hangin" pictures on my wall Every Saturday Rap Attack, Mr. Magic, Marley Marl I let my tape rock "til my tape popped Smokin" weed and bamboo, sippin" on private stock Way back, when I had the red and black lumberjack With the hat to match Remember Rappin" Duke, duh-ha, duh-ha You never thought that hip hop would take it this far Now I"m in the limelight "cause I rhyme tight Time to get paid, blow up like the World Trade Born sinner, the opposite of a winner Remember when I used to eat sardines for dinner Peace to Ron G, Brucey B, Kid Capri Funkmaster Flex, Lovebug Starsky I"m blowin" up like you thought I would Call the crib, same number same hood It"s all good Uh, and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga, uh Chorus: You know very well who you are Don"t let em hold you down, reach for the stars You had a goal, but not that many "cause you"re the only one I"ll give you good and plenty Verse Two: I made the change from a common thief To up close and personal with Robin Leach And I"m far from cheap, I smoke skunk with my peeps all day Spread love, it"s the Brooklyn way The Moet and Alize keep me pissy Girls used to diss me Now they write letters "cause they miss me I never thought it could happen, this rappin" stuff I was too used to packin" gats and stuff Now honies play me close like butter played toast From the Mississippi down to the east coast Condos in Queens, indo for weeks Sold out seats to hear Biggie Smalls speak Livin" life without fear Puttin" 5 karats in my baby girl"s ears Lunches, brunches, interviews by the pool Considered a fool "cause I dropped out of high school Stereotypes of a black male misunderstood And it"s still all good Uh...and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga Verse Three: Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis When I was dead broke, man I couldn"t picture this 50 inch screen, money green leather sofa Got two rides, a limousine with a chauffeur Phone bill about two G"s flat No need to worry, my accountant handles that And my whole crew is loungin" Celebratin" every day, no more public housin" Thinkin" back on my one-room shack Now my mom pimps a Ac" with minks on her back And she loves to show me off, of course Smiles every time my face is up in The Source We used to fuss when the landlord dissed us No heat, wonder why Christmas missed us Birthdays was the worst days Now we sip champagne when we thirst-ay Uh, damn right I like the life I live "Cause I went from negative to positive And it"s all... (It"s all good) ...and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga, uh Uh, uh...and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga Uh...and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga, uh Representin" B-Town in the house, Junior Mafia, mad flavor, uh Uh, yeah, a-ight 中文的实在帮不了你,我也只能勉强看看

谁Juicy 女人帮的Milkshake的中文歌词

我的家伙都带来了男孩他们喜欢你,比你的好该死的,比你的好我可以教你,但我要负责我的家伙都带来了男孩他们喜欢你,比你的好该死的,比你的好我可以教你,但我要负责我知道你想要的…这件事让我什么家伙发疯他们失去了他们的头脑,这样我的风我认为它的时间…(La La La La La,,)暖起来(La La La La La,,)孩子们等着呢(La La La La La,,)暖起来(La La La La La,,)孩子们等着呢我的家伙都带来了男孩他们喜欢你,比你的好该死的,比你的好我可以教你,但我要负责我的家伙都带来了男孩他们喜欢你,比你的好该死的,比你的好我可以教你,但我要负责我可以看到你在这…你要我教你技术,让这些孩子它是买不来的只是请不要被抓住看如果你聪明(La La La La La,,)暖起来(La La La La La,,)孩子们等着呢(La La La La La,,)暖起来(La La La La La,,)孩子们等着呢我的家伙都带来了男孩他们喜欢你比你的好该死的,比你的好我可以教你,但我要负责我的家伙都带来了男孩他们喜欢你,比你的好该死的,比你的好我可以教你,但我要负责哦,一旦你参与每个人都会这样,所以你必须保持你的魅力同时保持你的光环刚刚获得的完美融合加上你的然后他的眼睛是方的他拿起你的气味(La La La La La,,)暖起来(La La La La La,,)孩子们等着呢(La La La La La,,)暖起来(La La La La La,,)孩子们等着呢我的家伙都带来了男孩他们喜欢你,比你的好该死的,比你的好我可以教你,但我要负责我的家伙都带来了男孩他们喜欢你,比你的好该死的,比你的好我可以教你,但我要负责



求The Notorious BIG 《Juicy》完整歌词

Intro: (Fuck all you hoes) Get a grip motherfucker.Yeah, this album is dedicated to all the teachers that told me I"d never amount to nothin", to all the people that lived above the buildings that I was hustlin" in front of that called the police on me when I was just tryin" to make some money to feed my daughters, and all the niggaz in the struggle, you know what I"m sayin"?Uh-ha, it"s all good baby bay-bee, uhVerse One: It was all a dream I used to read Word Up magazine Salt"n"Pepa and Heavy D up in the limousine Hangin" pictures on my wall Every Saturday Rap Attack, Mr. Magic, Marley Marl I let my tape rock "til my tape poppedSmokin" weed and bamboo, sippin" on private stock Way back, when I had the red and black lumberjack With the hat to match Remember Rappin" Duke, duh-ha, duh-haYou never thought that hip hop would take it this far Now I"m in the limelight "cause I rhyme tight Time to get paid, blow up like the World Trade Born sinner, the opposite of a winner Remember when I used to eat sardines for dinner Notorious B.I.G.Peace to Ron G, Brucey B, Kid Capri Funkmaster Flex, Lovebug Starsky I"m blowin" up like you thought I would Call the crib, same number same hood It"s all good Uh, and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga, uhChorus:You know very well who you areDon"t let em hold you down, reach for the starsYou had a goal, but not that many"cause you"re the only one I"ll give you good and plentyVerse Two: I made the change from a common thief To up close and personal with Robin Leach And I"m far from cheap, I smoke skunk with my peeps all day Spread love, it"s the Brooklyn way The Moet and Alize keep me pissyGirls used to diss me Now they write letters "cause they miss me I never thought it could happen, this rappin" stuff I was too used to packin" gats and stuff Now honies play me close like butter played toast From the Mississippi down to the east coast Condos in Queens, indo for weeks Sold out seats to hear Biggie Smalls speak Livin" life without fear Puttin" 5 karats in my baby girl"s ears Lunches, brunches, interviews by the pool Stereotypes of a black male misunderstood And it"s still all good Uh...and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga Verse Three: Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis When I was dead broke, man I couldn"t picture this 50 inch screen, money green leather sofa Got two rides, a limousine with a chauffeur Phone bill about two G"s flat No need to worry, my accountant handles that And my whole crew is loungin" Celebratin" every day, no more public housin" Thinkin" back on my one-room shack Now my mom pimps a Ac" with minks on her back And she loves to show me off, of course Smiles every time my face is up in The Source We used to fuss when the landlord dissed us No heat, wonder why Christmas missed us Birthdays was the worst days Now we sip champagne when we thirst-ay Uh, damn right I like the life I live "Cause I went from negative to positive And it"s all... (It"s all good)...and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga, uhUh, uh...and if you don"t know, now you know, niggaUh...and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga, uhRepresentin" B-Town in the house, Junior Mafia, mad flavor, uhUh, yeah, a-ight

notorious b.i.g.的《juicy》 歌词

歌曲名:juicy歌手:notorious b.i.g.专辑:ready to dieIntro:(fuck all you hoes) Get a grip motherfucker.Yeah this album is dedicated to all the teachers that told meI"d never amount to nothin" to all the people that lived above thebuildings that I was hustlin" in front of, when they called the police onme when I was just tryin" to make some money to feed my daughterand all the niggaz in the struggle you know what I"m sayin"?Uh ha it"s all good baby bay-bee, uhIt was all a dreamI used to read Word Up magazineSalt"n"Pepa and Heavy D up in the limousineHangin" pictures on my wallEvery Saturday Rap Attack, Mr. Magic, Marley MarlI let my tape rock "til my tape poppedSmokin" weed and bamboo, sippin" on private stockWay back, when I had the red and black lumberjackWith the hat to matchRemember Rappin" Duke, duh-ha, duh-haYou never thought that hip hop would take it this farNow I"m in the limelight "cause I rhyme tightTime to get paid, blow up like the World TradeBorn sinner, the opposite of a winnerRemember when I used to eat sardines for dinnerPeace to Ron G, Brucey B, Kid CapriFunkmaster Flex, Lovebug StarskyI"m blowin" up like you thought I wouldCall the crib, same number same hoodIt"s all goodUh, and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga, uhChorus:You know very well who you areDon"t let em hold you down, reach for the starsYou had a goal, but not that many"cause you"re the only one I"ll give you good and plentyI made the change from a common thiefTo up close and personal with Robin LeachAnd I"m far from cheap, I smoke skunk with my peeps all daySpread love, it"s the Brooklyn wayThe Moet and Alize keep me pissyGirls used to diss meNow they write letters "cause they miss meI never thought it could happen, this rappin" stuffI was too used to packin" gats and stuffNow honies play me close like butter played toastFrom the Mississippi down to the east coastCondos in Queens, indo for weeksSold out seats to hear Biggie Smalls speakLivin" life without fearPuttin" 5 karats in my baby girl"s earsLunches, brunches, interviews by the poolConsidered a fool "cause I dropped out of high schoolStereotypes of a black male misunderstoodAnd it"s still all goodUh.and if you don"t know, now you know, niggachorus:you know very well who you aredont let em hold you down, reach for the starsyou had a goal, but not that many"cause your the only one i"ll give you good and plentySuper Nintendo, Sega GenesisWhen I was dead broke, man I couldn"t picture this50 inch screen, money green leather sofaGot two rides, a limousine with a chauffeurPhone bill about two G"s flatNo need to worry, my accountant handles thatAnd my whole crew is loungin"Celebratin" every day, no more public housin"Thinkin" back on my one-room shackNow my mom pimps a Ac" with minks on her backAnd she loves to show me off, of courseSmiles every time my face is up in The SourceWe used to fuss when the landlord dissed usNo heat, wonder why Christmas missed usBirthdays was the worst daysNow we sip champagne when we thirst-ayUh, damn right I like the life I live"Cause I went from negative to positiveAnd it"s all.(It"s all good).and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga, uhchorus:you know very well who you aredont let em hold you down, reach for the starsyou had a goal, but not that many"cause your the only one i"ll give you good and plentyUh, uh.and if you don"t know, now you know, niggaUh.and if you don"t know, now you know, nigga, uhRepresentin" B-Town in the house, Junior Mafia, mad flavor, uhUh, yeah, a-ightchorus:you know very well who you aredon"t let em hold you down, reach for the starsyou had a goal, but not that many"cause your the only one i"ll give you good and plenty MUTHA FUCKAhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14131543

juicy girl -JW 歌词

I can say what I want and you gotta listen  You can shout what you want I beg your pardon  You"re so hypnotized x 4  能令世界着迷都要被我指挥  如若你要接近恐怕被控制  You"re so hypnotized x 4  Gonna make some news, I"m the breaking news  Like a DJ  Gonna be a superstar and move my body now  Wanna be a bomb tonight, Gonna be a bomb tonight  You can"t track me down  OH ~WO~A~WO ~A  知不知一举手全人类要仰望  知不知一开口你无力再对抗  似信仰你慢慢任我摆放  快要炸坏你心脏  I can say what I want and you gotta listen  You can shout what you want I beg your pardon  You"re so hypnotized x 4  能令世界着迷都要被我指挥  如若你要接近恐怕被控制  You"re so hypnotized x 4  I know what I want, Just to sing this song  Call me JW  Gonna move in supersonic speed to destiny  Wanna be a bomb tonight, Gonna be a bomb tonight  You can"t track me down  OH ~WO  知不知一举手全人类要仰望  知不知一开口你无力再对抗  说到尾 就是魅力与不羁  我永远是你口味  I can say what I want and you gotta listen  You can shout what you want I beg your pardon  you"re so hypnotized x 4  能令世界着迷都要被我指挥  如若你要接近恐怕被控制  you"re so hypnotized x 4  You gimme love, baby, gimme love  It"s not enough, will you ever gonna make it  It"s so crazy,yeah  记住我 Juicy girl  挂住我 Juicy girl  记住我 Juicy girl  抱住我 Juicy Girl  That"s right  Bring it on  I can say what I want and you gotta listen  You can shout what you want I beg your pardon  You"re so hypnotized x 4  能令世界着迷都要被我指挥  如若你要接近恐怕被控制  You"re so hypnotized x 4  Juicy Girl

crazy kids feat juicy j 歌词

Verse 2: Juicy J]Uh-huh!Let"s get crazy, let"s live it upI get plenty bitches, I ain"t getting enoughWake up on "em, damn, there"s breakfast on bedJust orange juice, no bacon and eggsMy system is loud, my weed is louderAnd the club make it rain, no scattered showersA little bit of that, a whole lot of thisTa-ta-ta-ta-take your pickI got bands, I got bands, bring yo chick, bring yo friendLike they bopping for apples, how they do it with no handsBaby girl, lose your man, let"s disappearJuicy J so fly, I come with landing gearI mailed in a bitch where she"ll fuck freeCause she wanna meet, then that must be trippyIn Miami on the beach with the college girls"Bout to take these freaks to Molly world

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