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这支笔完全是我意外发现的,当时本来想去弄一支百乐95回来评测,结果发现了这支百乐Justus95,一下子就被这支可调节笔尖软硬的钢笔吸引住啦,然后日本直接海淘入手,等了大半个月。 先介绍这支钢笔的背景。也是从网上抄的哈。 Pilot Justus推出于昭和55年(公元1979年),这个产品的产期极短,只维持了一年,被日本钢笔玩家评为「失败」的产品。这钢笔的设计主要是为了满足笔尖软硬可调的需求,但因为零件细小,维护不易,推出一年后就停产了。然而,当年被评为失败的产品,由于产期短,数量也不多,今日却成了钢笔收藏家竞相收藏的珍品,不禁令人感叹,此一时、彼一时…也造成许多玩家求之不可得的遗憾。 于是,适逢百乐(Pilot)创厂95周年,百乐推出了Justus的复刻版,称为Justus 95,这就是这支钢笔的缘由。下面我们就简单的看看这支百乐Justus95吧...因为是可调节笔尖呢,所以肯定要两种状态都写写哈... 就写了前两天布置的那篇练字作业吧,模式用的是刚刚美淘回来的鲇鱼永恒黑。前面的两句话是S状态写的,后面两句是H状态写的字。对比下呢,不管是H还是S模式,写字的粗细到没有什么明显的变化,主要是还是书写的感受。这个确实在S模式下,笔尖感觉比较的软弹,H的模式下就比较的硬朗,这个就看个人的喜好问题了。我由于行书写得多,相对而言更喜欢S模式。 日本钢笔F尖对我来说都觉得偏细,MF尖是我觉得日本钢笔最适合日常书写的。这次实际用来,也确实如此,粗细适当,下水流畅,不堵不浪。由于铱粒大小也比较到位,所以下起来的阻尼感也很舒服,不糙不滑,掌握起来游刃有余。 还是老样子,这支评测用钢笔我会挂在微店,如果有需要的,直接查看原文链接,即可下单,现货只有我评测的这支,另外下单就需要两三周的海淘流程了(看了下库存情况,只剩下3支了),笔尖暂时只提供MF尖,其他粗细规格的笔尖暂时不提供...





justus造句 justusの例文 "justus"是什麼意思

Justus doopttle and the opium problem in late qing dynasty 美国传教士卢公明与晚清社会的鸦片问题 Justus - pebig - universit t gie en 尤斯图斯-李比希大学 The western learning translation of justus doopttle american missionary in the late qing dynasty in fuzhou 晚清入闽美国传教士卢公明的西学翻译 Tea , gospel and mission - a case study of justus doopttle from bission to musiness in 19th century " s china 十九世纪来华传教士卢公明弃教从商个案研究 And moving from there , he went into the house of a man named titus justus , a god - fearing man , whose house was very near the synagogue 于是离开那里、到了一个人的家中、这人名叫提多犹士都、是敬拜神的、他的家靠近会堂。 Then he left there and went to the house of a man named titius justus , a worshiper of god , whose house was next to the synagogue 徒18 : 7于是离开那里、到了一个人的家中、这人名叫提多犹士都、是敬拜神的、他的家靠近会堂。 And he departed thence , and entered into a certain man " s house , named justus , one that worshipped god , whose house joined hard to the synagogue 7于是离开那里,到了一个人的家中,这人名叫提多犹士都,是敬拜神的,他的家靠近会堂。 Acts 18 : 7 and he left there and went into the house of one named titius justus , one who worshipped god , whose house was next to the synagogue 徒十八7于是离开那?堙a到了一个人的家中,这人名叫提丢犹士都,是敬拜神的,他的家紧靠著会堂。 And jesus , who is called justus ; these alone of the circumcision are my fellow workers for the kingdom of god , ones who have bee a consolation to me 那称为犹士都的耶数,也问你们安;奉割礼的人中,只有这些人是为神的国作我的同工,他们也成了我的安慰。 And jesus , which is called justus , who are of the circumcision . these only are my fellowworkers unto the kingdom of god , which have been a fort unto me 别号犹士都的耶数,也问候你们。在受过割礼的人中,只有这几位是为神的国与我同工的,他们也成了我的安慰。 It"s difficult to see justus in a sentence. 用 justus 造句挺难的 And jesus , which is called justus , who are of the circumcision . these only are my fellowworkers unto the kingdom of god , which have been a fort unto me 11耶数又称犹士都,也问你们安。奉割里的人中,只有这三个人,是为神的国与我一同作工的。也是叫我心里得安慰的。 And jesus , whose other name is justus ; these are of the circumcision : they are my only brother - workers for the kingdom of god , who have been a fort to me 耶数又称为犹士都、也问你们安奉割礼的人中、只有这三个人、是为神的国与我一同作工的、也是叫我心里得安慰的。 Col . 4 : 11 and jesus , who is called justus ; these alone of the circumcision are my fellow workers for the kingdom of god , ones who have bee a consolation to me 西四11那称为犹士都的耶数,也问你们安;奉割礼的人中,只有这些人是为神的国作我的同工,他们也成了我的安慰。 Jesus , who is called justus , also sends greetings . these are the only jews among my fellow workers for the kingdom of god , and they have proved a fort to me 11耶数又称为犹士都、也问你们安奉割礼的人中、只有这三个人、是为神的国与我一同作工的、也是叫我心里得安慰的。 [ bbe ] and jesus , whose other name is justus ; these are of the circumcision : they are my only brother - workers for the kingdom of god , who have been a fort to me 耶数又称为犹士都、也问你们安奉割礼的人中、只有这三个人、是为神的国与我一同作工的、也是叫我心里得安慰的。 11 jesus , who is called justus , also sends greetings . these are the only jews among my fellow workers for the kingdom of god , and they have proved a fort to me 11耶数又称为犹士都,也问你们安。奉割礼的人中,只有这三个人是为神的国与我一同做工的,也是叫我心里得安慰的。